Enee 660 HW #4

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Electrical and Computer Engineering Department University of Maryland College Park ENEE 660 System Theory Fall 2008

Professor John S. Baras Homework Set #4 DUE: Monday, November 24, 2008 Problem 1
This problem has two independent parts. Consider the weighting pattern: T ( t , ) = exp( t 2 + 2 t 2 ) (1) For this weighting pattern is it true or false that T ( t , 0) = T ( t , ) ? (2) Is this weighting pattern realizable by a finite dimensional linear system (time varying or time invariant)? Justify your answer.

Problem 2
Consider the two dimensional linear system in state space form:

b1 ( t ) & x ( t ) = b( t )u( t ) = u( t ) 1 y( t ) = c ( t )x ( t ) = [c 1 ( t ) 1] x ( t )

sin t , t [0, 2 ] sin t , t [ 2 , 0] b1 ( t ) = c 1( t ) = 0, otherwise 0, otherwise

(1) Find the weighting pattern T ( t , ) for the linear time varying system. (2) Is the above state space model a minimal realization of the weighting pattern T ( t , ) you found in (1)? Justify your answer. (3) What is the order of this weighting pattern T ( t , ) you found in (1)?

Problem 3

Problem 4

Problem 5
Let AC be the companion matrix, shown below, with characteristic polynomial A(s) also shown below. Let C be a pxn matrix.

Problem 6

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