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Cot Curve

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Organization of DNA

DNA reassociation kinetics

Allow DNA for a given species to denature (usually by heat) Time how long it takes for the DNA to renature Repetitive sequences renature faster than nonrepetitive(unique) sequences

Cot Curve

Complexity: increase in unique, single copy DNA


Types of DNA in genomes

Classification based on reassociation kinetics Three classes Highly repetitive: About 10-15% of mammalian DNA Moderately repetitive: Roughly 25-40% of mammalian DNA. Single copy (or very low copy number): This class accounts for 50-60% of mammalian DNA (thought to be regions that encode mRNA and/or protein genes)

Highly Repetitive DNA

Often found as tandem repeats: Three types Satellite DNA: ranges from 100 kb to 1Mb in size; type of repeat found at centromere sequences Minisatellite DNA: ranges from 1 kb to 20 kb; type of repeat used for DNA fingerprinting and is the type of repeat found in telomere sequences Microsatellite DNA: 1 bp to 150 bp; the smallest repeat seen in genomes

Other kinds of repetitive DNA

Interspersed, genome wide:
Retrotransposon (with LTR) Retroposon (no LTR)
LINES-long interspersed nuclear elements SINES-short interspersed nuclear elements (eg. Alu repeats)

DNA transposon

Variation in genome size

Due to differences in amount and kind of repetitive sequences
Yeast Genome size (Mb) # genes % repetitive DNA Drosophila Human

12 5800 3.4

108 3000 13,600 22,000 12 44

The human genome consists of all the DNA present in the cell. It can be divided into the nuclear genome (about 3200 Mbp) and the mitochondrial genome (16.6 kb). We will discuss the mitochondrial genome later. It has long been known that nuclear DNA can be divided into a unique fraction and several classes of repeated sequence DNA. This is based on Cot curve analysis.

Cot Curves
Cot curves are generated by shearing DNA to about 1000 bp length, then melting it, lowering the temp and allowing it to re-anneal, measuring the % still single stranded at various time points. The rate-limiting step is the collision of two complementary molecules, giving second-order reaction kinetics. The rate of collisions is proportional to initial concentration (Co) times time (t), or Cot. Whether a collision results in formation of a double stranded molecule depends on whether the two strands are complementary. Get a sigmoid curve which can be characterized by the Cot1/2 value, the point where 1/2 of the DNA is still single stranded.

Cot Curves and Copy Number

Number of copies of each sequence determines the rate: how many collisions does a given strand have to make before it finds a match. For example, if one stand is all Us (poly U) and the other strand is all As (poly A), on the average only 2 collisions will occur before a strand finds a match. For 50 kb phage DNA cut into 1 kb lengths, only 1 collision in 100 will result in a match: Cot is bigger. For 4 Mbp E. coli genome, one collision in 8000 will be productive.

Complex Cot Curves

For eukaryotic DNA, Cot curves are not simple sigmoid curves. Computer analysis generally resolves them into 3 sections: highly repeated DNA, moderately repeated DNA, and unique DNA. Each component has its own Cot1/2 value and represents a characteristic portion of the genome.
highly repeated DNA: average of 50,000 copies per genome, about 10% of total DNA moderately repeat DNA: average of 500 copies, a total of 30% of the genome unique sequence DNA: up to 10 copies: about 60% of the genome.

What Repeat Classes Represent

Unique DNA:
highly conserved coding regions: 1.5% other highly conserved regions: 3% other non-conserved unique sequences: 44%

Moderately repeated DNA

transposon-based repeats: 45% large gene families

Highly repeated DNA:

constitutive heterochromatin: 6.6% microsatellites: 2% a few highly repeated transposon families (Alu sequences)

Highly Repeated Sequences

Short sequences in long tandem arrays, mostly near centromeres or on the short arms of acrocentric chromosomes. Some are also on other chromosome arms, appearing as secondary constrictions in metaphase chromosomes under the microscope (centromere is the primary constriction). Constitutive heterochromatin is composed of highly repeated DNA. As seen in the microscope, it is densely staining and late replicating chromosomal material. It contains very few genes. These sequences are not normally transcribed. Subclasses of highly repeated sequences: satellite, minisatellites, microsatellites.

Satellite DNA
Satellite DNA: based on DNAs behavior during density gradient (isopycnnic) centrifugation. During centrifugation at 50,000 x g, a CsCl solution settles into a gradient of density: more dense near the bottom of the tube. Objects in the solution float to their neutral buoyancy point. The bulk of human DNA forms a band at a density of 1.55. However, short tandem repeats have a slightly different density because they don't have the same base composition as bulk DNA--they form density "satellites" in the centrifuge tube, bands of slightly different density above or below the main DNA band. Three density satellites for human DNA: I, II, and III. Found in centromere regions on all chromosomes. An example: "alpha" (or alphoid) sequence is 171 bp repeat found at all centromeres in many copies. It apparently binds the kinetochore proteins (which anchor the spindle fibers). Lots of variation between chromosomes, and the variants seem to evolve rapidly.

Mini- and Microsatellite DNA

Minisatellites are other short repeats, mostly 10-30 bp long, mostly found in and near the telomeres. Some of them are hypervariable, meaning that the number of copies of the repeat varies greatly among people. This property makes them useful for DNA fingerprinting: getting a unique DNA profile for individuals using a single probe. These hypervariable minisatellites are also called variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs). Microsatellites (SSRs) are much shorter, 25 bp repeats, and microsatellite arrays are found all over the genome. A source of good genetic maps. (Discussed previously)

Moderately Repeated DNA

Most of the moderately repeated DNA is derived from mobile DNA sequences (transposable elements, or transposons), which can move to new locations on occasion. This is sometimes called selfish DNA"--subject to natural selection partly independent of the rest of the genome, it survives random mutational decay by replicating more frequently than other sequences, but not so frequently as to harm the individual. Two basic classes of transposon: RNA (retrotransposons) and DNA transposons. Retrotransposons replicate through an RNA intermediate: they are transcribed by RNA polymerase. The RNA intermediate is then reverse-transcribed back into DNA, which gets inserted at some random location in the genome.
Note that RNA transposons stay in place: a copy moves to a new location. there are 3 important groups of retrotransposon: LINEs (long interspersed nuclear elements), SINEs (short interspersed nuclear elements), and LTR elements (LTR = long terminal repeat).

DNA transposons move by cutting out the DNA sequence of the element and inserting it in a new location (usually). Another important distinction: autonomous transposons can move independently: they code for the enzymes necessary for transposition. Non-autonomous elements rely on enzymes produced by autonomous elements elsewhere in the genome.

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