One Big Leaf

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BOTANICAL ART & ILLUSTRATION PROGRAM One Big Leaf 2012 Instructor: Constance Sayas (email: sayasdesign@earthlink.

net) Note: A $5.00 prep and accessory materials fee will be requested at first class. Materials List Drawing Pencils: Leads HB, 2H, and 2B; sharpener; kneaded eraser Tracing Paper & Sketching Paper Water Containers: two Paper Towels: VIVA brand is good for absorption. Palette: watercolor palette of choice Watercolor Paper: 140# HOTPRESS (or 300# hotpress if you prefer). You will need: 46 small pieces for painting exercises plus one sheet (size dependant on your chosen subject) for final class painting. Paint Brushes: Watercolor brushes "round"; sizes #2 & #4; preferably Kolinsky sable. Here are some good options: 1. Raphael Series #8404. Excellent brush that I use. (Order at Italian Art Store, below. Or, some sizes available locally at *KOZO.) 2. Winsor & Newton Series #7 3. Escoda Series #1212 4. Rosemary & Co #33 In addition, bring a couple of inexpensive brushes for mixing paint. Water Color Paint List: Bring the paints you used in Color Mixing class or select ONE of the four following brands of paint. 1. Da Vinci Permanent Artists' Watercolors: Cadmium Red Medium; Red Rose Deep; Cadmium Yellow Medium; Hansa Yellow Light; Ultramarine Blue; Cerulean Blue; Phthalo Blue (rs); Phthalo Green; Burnt Sienna; Yellow Ochre; Titanium White 2. Michael Wilcox Watercolors: (only available at Cadmium Red Light; Quinacridone Violet; Cadmium Yellow Light; Hansa Yellow Light; Ultramarine Blue; Cerulean Blue; Phthalocyanine Blue; Phthalocyanine Green; Burnt Sienna; Yellow Ochre; Titanium White 3. Winsor & Newton Artists Water Colours (NOT Cotman) : Cadmium Red 094 (OR Scarlet Lake 603); Permanent Rose 502; Cadmium Yellow Pale 118;

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Winsor Lemon 722; French Ultramarine 263; Cerulean Blue 137; Winsor Blue 709 (rs); Viridian 692; Burnt Sienna 074; Yellow Ochre 744; Titanium White 4. Daniel Smith Extra-Fine Water Color: Pyrrol Scarlet 085 (OR Cadmium Red Medium); Quinacridone Red; Hansa Yellow Medium (OR Cadmium Yellow Medium), Hansa Yellow Light; Ultramarine Blue; Cerulean Blue; Phthalo Blue; Phthalo Green (bs); Burnt Sienna; Yellow Ochre; Titanium White CLASS SUPPLIES ARE AVAILABLE LOCALLY AT: *KOZOs, Jerrys Artarama, Guirys, Art Hardware, Meiningers, Hobby Lobby ONLINE ART SUPPLIERS: General: Art Supply Warehouse, 1-800-995-6778 Cheap Joes Art Stuff 1-800-227-2788 Daniel Smith 1-800-426-6740 Dick Blick Art Materials 1-800-828-4548 Italian Art Store 1-800-643-6440 Michael Wilcox *Kozo Fine Art materials (10 E. Ellsworth Ave., Denver) has a 20% discount for Botanical Illustration Program participants with proof of registration. Bring your registration confirmation letter from the Botanic Gardens.

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