Proposal For Outpatient Clinic

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+ projectLrief

Scme cf Ihe mc:I ccmmcn

cuIpcIienI c|inic Iype: cre urgenI
ccre cenIer:, cnc Ihe:e cim to
prov|de o conven|ent ond cheoper
woy to rece|ve core |or m|nor
|||nesses ond |njur|es. /: cppc:ec
Ic u:ing cn emergency rccm fcr
Ihing: |ike c :uccen ecr
infecIicn, pecp|e mighI u:e cn
cuIpcIienI c|inic IhcI
cffer: urgenI ccre in:Iecc. Ihe:e
c|inic: cre :Icffec
Ly cccIcr: cnc nur:e:, in ccciIicn
Ic mcny cIher mecicc| :pecic|i:I:,
cnc ccn uick|y Icke ccre cf mc:I
mincr prcL|em:. brgent c||n|cs vory
|n hours, ond some moy be open
unt|| |ote even|ng, genero||y more
hours thon those o||ered
by doctor's o|||ces. Mcny cf Ihe:e
c|inic: cre cn hc:piIc| ccmpu:e:,
LuI mcy ncI Le |cccIec in Ihe
mcin hc:piIc| Lui|cing cr Lui|cing:.
,.s,sssi a,.si|s E ssw |sts.|s. iss|s sl
ls. HBSP|!A| !A|P|NB st
Braaa |laar,Palcl|a|c Ba|l|ag,Hasp|tal !a|p|ag
1s|ss Ism|s s.|.+|||.Is|,|s.|s.s| |s.a| ||itass. Ms|s,s|s
+ |ntrocucIicn
Ihi: i: cn upgrod|ng & proposed new
|nter|or des|gn o| spec|o|||st outpot|ent
c||n|c |or hosp|to| to|p|ng.Ihe prcjecI i: to
creote ond prov|de better |oc|||t|es ond
new conceptuo| des|gn sty|e by des|gn|ng
the omb|ence |ns|de the outpot|ent oreo
ond surround|ngs.Ihe ce:ign c|:c wi||
inc|uce Ihe fcci|iIie: fcr ci:cL|e pecp|e,
kic: cnc cIher:.
+ ce:ignobject|ve
1. Ic fu||fi|| Ihe ce:igner neec: cnc u:er
neec: e:pecic||y kic:, ci:cL|e pecp|e cnc
2. Ic exp|cre Ihe ce:ign in ccing Ihe
criIeric in G8I cert|||cote.
3. Ic chcnge Ihe c|c percepIicn Ic Ihe
gcvernmenI hc:piIc|iIy e:pecic||y in
hec|Ihccre incu:Iry cnc :ervice:.
+ ex|st|ng:pcce
Mcin enIrcnce
FecepIicn ccunIer
lnfcrmcIicn Lccrc
WciIing crec
IrecImenI rccm
DepcrImenI Cffice
SIcrcgeci:pen:ing, crcering, refi||, :Icrcge,
Feccrc cffice
Supervi:cr rccm
8|ccc Lcnk
SCFD - Surgicc| CuIpcIienI DepcrImenI
+ proposednew
cf fcr vi:iIcr
Lcrger |ifI Ic ec:ier ccce:: Ic 1
Frcper wciIing / |cunge crec
Hi:Icricc| vc|ue
New |ighIing vc|ue
Frcper recepIicn crec
New |iLrcry/ecuccIicn mcIeric| ncI cn|y fcr
kic: c: we|| c: cn ccu|I:
EnIerIcinmenI crec
lnIerccIive exhiLiIicn c: c |ecrning prcce::
cmfcrIcL|e wciIing crec in Ierm:
ccn:icering ci:cL|e pecp|e: cI wciIing Iurn
crec cnc phcrmccy
Frcper :Icrcge fcr cccumenIcIicn
Green mcIeric|:- f|ccring, wc||, cei|ing,
venIi|cIicn, |ighIing,
+ ce:ignprob|ems
+ genero|i::ue
+] Ihe ||ow |ns|de the exst|ng s|te |n to smo||
-cu:e c |cI cf prcL|em e:pecic||y when Ihere c |cI cf pcIienI:
frcm cifferenI rcnge cf cge cnc pricriIy
+] Ihere |s no proper p|oce |or k|ds when the|r porent or
somene thot o|der then them wo|t|ng |or number be|ng co||ed
to rece|ved the treotment.
-Shcu|c hcve c prcper p|cce fcr kic: wiIh c |cI cf ecuccIicn
inIenIicn :uch c: mu:ic, Lcck:, gcme: cnc eIc.
+] Env|ronment
- Ihe envircnmenI in:ice :hcu|c Le chcngec Ic Ihe cmLience
IhcI p:ychc|cgicc||y ccn chcnge Ihe pcIienI: mccc frcm Icc
much Ihinking cLcuI Iheir :ick cnc mecicine Ic Le :cmeIhing
IhcI mcre nicer cnc re|cx.
+] keg|strot|on t|me
-Un:y:IemcIic prccecure Ic crrcnge Ihe f|cw cf pcIienI frcm
Ihe cuIpcIienI crec Ic :pecific :pecic|i:I :ince Ihey cc ncI
hcve cny ccmpuIer infrcnI Le:ice: ju:I u:ing inIerccm
:y:Iem.lI: Icc c|c cnc cuIccIecl
+] Insu|||c|ent counter's sto||
-FrcL|em ccme: when Ihere i: c |cI cf pcIienI ccme cI Ihe
:cme Iime mcrecver Ihere i: ncI encugh wciIing :ecI: cI
recepIicn cnc ccunIer cn-cuIyl Where i: c|| Ihe F/lD Ly
GCVEFNMENI: :Icff SLEEF cr Icking re:I fcr c|cng IlME
+] Ihere |s not enough |||t |or d|sob|e pot|entJ pregnonce
womonJ o|d peop|e ond etc.
- Ihere i: cn|y cne |ifI cI exi:Iing :iIe.Sc Ihink: when Ihere i: c |cI
ci:cL|e pcIienI/ pregncnce wcmcn/ c|c pecp|e ccme: cI Ihe
:cme Iime cnc hcve Ic ru:h Ic meeI Ihe cccIcrl
+ s|tephcIc:
+ c||entbcckgrcunc
Io|p|ng Hosp|to| cr fcrmer|y kncwn c: Yong Woh
Hosp|to| wos the ||rst hosp|to| estob||shed |n Mo|oys|o.
LcccIec cI Jc|cn Icming Scri {Mcin Fccc) necr Ihe
ccmmercic| Icwn cenIre, iI |s one o| the b|ggest
hosp|to|s |n Mo|oys|o ond |s the b|ggest |n the Stote
o| Ferok. Ihe hc:piIc| i: :IrcIegicc||y :iIucIec in 80km
|rom Ipoh ond 85km |rom Fenong which cL|e Ic :erve
Ihe ncrIhern :IcIe: cf Mc|cy:ic.
1880 - Ihe ||rst hosp|to| kncwn c: Yong Woh Hosp|to| in Ihe
FecercIec Mc|cy SIcIe: wc: estob||shed |n Apr|| 1880 ot Io|p|ng,
Ferck. In December o| the some yeor |t wos took over by the Stote
Government ond nomed os Io|p|ng Genero| Hosp|to| ond sh||ted to
Mo|n kood.
1881 - Ihe hc:piIc| wenI c mcjcr rencvcIicn cnc :u:pen:icn.
1884 - S|r Hugh Low |ev|ed o cop|tot|on |ee o| one do||or |or the
hosp|to| serv|ces. Ihe :y:Iem wc: |cIer cLc|i:hec in Ihe :cme yecr.
180 - Son|tory 8oord wc: e:IcL|i:hec to contro| ond mon|tor the
heo|th ond c|eon||ness o| the town.
187 - Cn 3 Februory, the ||rst koentgen roy opporotus wos |nsto||ed
cI Iciping. Ihe Stro|ts I|mes reported thot th|s wos probob|y the ||rst
country |n the For Eost to use koentgen roys. On 14 Februory, the ||rst
demonstrot|on o| X-roys wos conducted ot the hosp|to|.
10 - Ihe med|co| sto|| extended the serv|ces |or outpot|ents
port|cu|or|y the ruro| oreos |n Ferok.
117 - Cn 12 June, Ihe Iciping p|cnIer:' ccmp|cinI cf |cck cf X-rcy
fcci|iIie: in Ihe |ccc|iIy.
2007 - ln Ihe yecr 2007, Ihe hc:piIc| wc: :epcrcIec inIc Iwc mcjcr
uniI:. Ihe cuIpcIienI: uniI wc: sh||ted to o new bu||d|ng ot Iupo|
kood |n 200. Whi|e, the o|d bu||d|ng serves os emergency un|t ond
spec|o||st outpot|ent un|t cnc reIcin cI iI: fcrmer |cccIicn.
lnIernc| Mecicine
CL:IeIric: cnc Gynecc|cgy
1be tetm ootpotleot cllolc coo tefet to o oombet of Jlffeteot meJlcol focllltles 1bese coo bove blqbly
speclollzeJ types of cote ot tbey moy offet qeoetol cote llke otqeot cote focllltles 5ocb cllolcs moy be JeslqooteJ
ootpotleot becoose tbey ote ottocbeJ to bospltols bot Jo oot setve tbose tepoltloq ovetolqbt bospltollzotloo
nowevet oo ootpotleot cllolc Joes oot bove to sbote focllltles wltb o bospltol ooJ some ote oot locoteJ oo bospltol
Some of Lhe mosL common ouLpaLlenL cllnlc Lypes are urgenL care cenLers and Lhese alm Lo provlde a
convenlenL and cheaper way Lo recelve care for mlnor lllnesses and ln[urles As opposed Lo uslng an emergency roomfor
Lhlngs llke a sudden ear lnfecLlon people mlghL use an ouLpaLlenL cllnlc LhaL offers urgenL care lnsLead 1hese cllnlcs are
sLaffed by docLors and nurses ln addlLlon Lo many oLher medlcal speclallsLs and can qulckly Lake care of mosL mlnor
problems urgenL cllnlcs vary ln hours and some may be open unLll laLe evenlng generally more hours Lhan Lhose
offered by docLor's offlces Many of Lhese cllnlcs are on hosplLal campuses buL may noL be locaLed ln Lhe maln hosplLal
bulldlng or bulldlngs
lnsLead of pracLlclng general medlclne an ouLpaLlenL cllnlc may be deslgned Lo pracLlce some form of
speclallzed medlclne 1here are loLs of Lhese cllnlcs whlch may or may noL be locaLed ln hosplLals CuLpaLlenL cllnlcs
exlsL Lo work wlLh paLlenLs Laklng blood Lhlnners llke Coumadln and may be called anLlcoagulaLlon cllnlcs CLher
examples lnclude cardlology cllnlcs whlch mlghL offer cardlology LesLlng servlces llke echocardlograms
elecLrocardlograms (LkCs) and sLress LesLlng
SomeLlmes speclallsLs see paLlenLs aL a once a week or once a monLh cllnlc Cn Lhese deslgnaLed days care
ls glven Lo Lhose paLlenLs noL requlrlng lnpaLlenL hosplLal servlces lor lnsLance a pedlaLrlc neurologlsL who has a maln
hosplLal pracLlce would use hls ouLpaLlenL cllnlc Lo follow up on paLlenLs he's LreaLlng Cllnlc hours and days would
depend on degree of need for ouLpaLlenL care and number of paLlenLs 1hough Lhese servlces mlghL Lake place ln a
hosplLal Lhey're sLlll ouLpaLlenL cllnlc servlces
CLher Lypes of ouLpaLlenL cllnlcs can work wlLh cerLaln populaLlons lor lnsLance Lhere are cllnlcs LhaL work
speclflcally wlLh veLerans reLurnlng from Lhe wars ln lraq and AfghanlsLan Slnce Lhls populaLlon may have problems
unlque Lo lL havlng a cllnlc devoLed Lo Lhese lssues can be of greaL help lL provldes a way Lo glve conslsLency of
LreaLmenL Lo all people parLlclpaLlng and Lo collecL lnformaLlon on Lhe needs common Lo LhaL group
1a|p|ng nosp|ta| or formerly known as ong Wah nosp|ta| was Lhe flrsL hosplLal esLabllshed ln Malaysla LocaLed aL !alan 1amlng Sarl
(Maln 8oad) near Lhe commerclal Lown cenLre lL ls one of Lhe blggesL hosplLals ln Malaysla and ls Lhe blggesL ln Lhe SLaLe of erak 1he
hosplLal ls sLraLeglcally slLuaLed ln 80km from lpoh and 83km from enang whlch able Lo serve Lhe norLhern sLaLes of Malaysla
Chrono|ogy of Lvents
W 1880 1he flrsL hosplLal known as ?ong Wah PosplLal ln Lhe lederaLed Malay SLaLes was esLabllshed ln Aprll 1880 aL 1alplng erak ln
uecember of Lhe same year lL was Look over by Lhe SLaLe CovernmenL and named as 1alplng Ceneral PosplLal and shlfLed Lo Maln
W 1881 1he hosplLal wenL a ma[or renovaLlon and suspenslon
W 1884 Slr Pugh Low levled a caplLaLlon fee of one dollar for Lhe hosplLal servlces 1he sysLem was laLer abollshed ln Lhe same year
W 1890 SanlLary 8oard was esLabllshed Lo conLrol and monlLor Lhe healLh and cleanllness of Lhe Lown
W 1897 Cn 3 lebruary Lhe flrsL 8oenLgen ray apparaLus was lnsLalled aL 1alplng 1he SLralLs 1lmes reporLed LhaL Lhls was probably Lhe
flrsL counLry ln Lhe lar LasL Lo use 8oenLgen rays Cn 14 lebruary Lhe flrsL demonsLraLlon of xrays was conducLed aL Lhe hosplLal
W 1906 1he medlcal sLaff exLended Lhe servlces for ouLpaLlenLs parLlcularly Lhe rural areas ln erak
W 1917 Cn 12 !une Lhe 1alplng planLers complalnL of lack of xray faclllLles ln Lhe locallLy
W 007 ln Lhe year 2007 Lhe hosplLal was separaLed lnLo Lwo ma[or unlLs 1he ouLpaLlenLs unlL was shlfLed Lo a new bulldlng aL 1upal
8oad Whlle Lhe old bulldlng serves as emergency unlL and reLaln aL lLs former locaLlon
Med|ca| Spec|a|t|es and Serv|ces
W AnesLheslology
W uermaLology
W Lmergency
W lnLernal Medlclne
W CbsLeLrlcs and Cynecology
W CphLhalmology
W CrLhopedlc
W aLhology
W edlaLrlc
W harmacy
W hysloLherapy
W sychlaLry
Cpen vent||at|on for
sky||ghtL|ght sav|ng
W Surrey Cutpat|ent Iac|||ty LhaL locaLed ln Surrey Canada was deslgned
by kaslan ArchlLecLure lnLerlor ueslgn lannlng LLd Lauded as Lhe flrsL faclllLy of
lLs klnd ln 8rlLlsh Columbla Canada Lhe CAu 100 mllllon Surrey CuLpaLlenL laclllLy
comblnes ouLpaLlenL surgery and dlagnosLlc procedures wlLh speclallsed cllnlcs and
communlLy programs all lnslde one bulldlng 1he faclllLy wlll be a model of besL
pracLlces dedlcaLed Lo paLlenLcenLered care
W LocaLed on a slLe aL Lhe edge of Lhe Creen 1lmbers urban loresL Lhe new Surrey
faclllLy wlll Lake on all of Lhe ouLpaLlenL care currenLly provlded by lLs slsLer faclllLy
Surrey Memorlal PosplLal when Lhe pro[ecL ls compleLed ln Aprll 2011 CuLpaLlenL
care lncludes any medlcal LreaLmenL or surgery LhaL does noL requlre an overnlghL
sLay ln a hosplLal kaslan ArchlLecLure lnLerlor ueslgn and lannlng LLd as parL of
Lhe 8C PealLhcare SoluLlons consorLlum ls provldlng boLh deslgn and pro[ecL
managemenL servlces on Lhe developmenL 8y8lrd a [olnL venLure beLween
8ouygues ConsLrucLlon lnLernaLlonal (headquarLered ln SLCuenLlnen?vellnes
lrance) and 8lrd ConsLrucLlon (headquarLered ln 1oronLo Canada) ls bulldlng Lhe
W 8y embraclng Lhe laLesL advances ln Lechnology and healLhcare dellvery Lhe Surrey
CuLpaLlenL laclllLy wlll enhance Lhe way ouLpaLlenL servlces such as dlagnosLlc
lmaglng chronlc dlsease Lherapy sameday surgery rehablllLaLlon and perlnaLal
asslsLance are provlded 1ransferrlng ouLpaLlenL servlces Lo a dedlcaLed faclllLy
wlll also lmprove access Lo care and make lL easler Lo manage fuLure demand for
healLhcare aL a lower cosL Lhan LreaLmenLs provlded ln a hosplLal
W 1he faclllLy ls deslgned Lo be adapLable Lhe dlmenslons and layouL of cllnlcal rooms
can be modlfled as space needs change whlch lmproves paLlenL flow and resource
allocaLlon 8ased on a recLangular floor plan Lhe paLlenL / vlslLor zone ls orlenLaLed
Lo Lhe souLh overlooklng Lhe urban foresL whlle Lhe 'off sLage' sLaff zone ls
orlenLaLed Lo Lhe norLh faclng Lhe clLy 1hls unlque arrangemenL creaLes a seamless
'on sLage' LranslLlon area beLween zones where paLlenL servlces wlll be dellvered
W Culdlng prlnclples for Lhe pro[ecL lnclude dellverlng lnLegraLed care Lransferrlng
knowledge uslng resources efflclenLly and adherlng Lo hlgh envlronmenLal
sLandards ln deslgn and operaLlon 1he faclllLy ls belng bullL Lo meeL LLLD Go|d
cert|f|cat|on standards
Fhormocy +
gorden oreo
Wo|t|ng ||st
L|brory &
k|ds oreo
Fothwoy to entronce Fothwoy to entronce
1. C|c Iciping: mcrkeI
2. Iciping: Ie:cc cuI|eI
3. Iciping: Lu: Ierminc|
4. Iciping: fire:IcIicn
5. Iciping: pcpu|cr Lcck:Icre
. Iciping: :cfcri zcc
7. Mcxwe|| hi||
C|c :hcp: crcunc hc:piIc|
SpcrI: cenIre
cmmuniIy cenIre
Jo|on Iom|ng Sor|
O|d 8u||d|ngs
Ihe on|y co|
|or sto|| &
Mo|n prob|ems
here |s there |s
no roo||ng
th|nk || the o|d
peop|e hove to
see doctors ot

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