Gunahe Kabira, Sins As Per Quran

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Some Gunah-e Kabira as per Quran

1. Associating partners with Allah (Shirk) 2. Making forge statements, concerning Allah or forging Hadith (al-Zumar: 60) 3. Not performing the Prayers (Maryam: 59) 4. Not paying Zakat (Charity) (3: 180) 5. To run away from the pious battle (al-Anfal: 16) 6. Taking or paying interest (2: 275) 7. Committing injustice (al-Shura: 42) 8. Harming others by manipulation one's bequests (4: 12) 9. Being dishonest or deceiving (Fatir: 43) 10. Not measuring the weights properly (al-Mutafafifeen: 1-3) 11. drinking intoxicating, wine beverages (5: 90) 12. Eating carrion, blood or pork meat (al-Anam: 145) 13. Being a permanent liar (3: 61) 14. Disobeying one's parents (al-Isra: 23) 15. Cutting off the ties of relationships (Muhammad: 22) 16. A wife being disobedient to her husband (4: 34) 17. Committing murder: (Furqan; 68) 18. Committing suicide (4: 29) 19. Devouring the wealth of orphans (4:10) 20. Consuming forbidden wealth or taking it by any means (2: 188) 21. Breaching trusts (al-Anfal: 27) 22. Engaging in bribery (2: 188) 23. Committing oppression (al-Shuara: 277) 24. Giving false statement (al-Furqan: 72) 25. Spreading harmful tales (al-Qamar: 10) 26. Committing adultery or Zina (al-Isra: 30) 27. Performing Sorcery ( Black Magic) (2: 102) 28. Stealing (5:38) 29. Gambling (5: 90) 30. becoming arrogant, boastful, and hopeless (al-Nahl: 23) 31. Thinking that one is safe from Allah's planning (al-Araf: 99) 32. Committing adultery or Zina (al-Isra: 30)

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