Studying in Turkey
Studying in Turkey
Studying in Turkey
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Information concerning the higher education institution has been provided by the respective institutions themselves. Therefore, the institutions may bear the responsibility of the correctness of the information contained.
2010 The Centre for UE Education and Youth Programmes (Turkish National Agency) LLP/Erasmus Programme Address: Mevlana Bulvar No: 181 TR 06520 Balgat/Ankara/TURKEY Phone: +90 312 409 60 00 Fax: +90 312 409 60 09 Design by Danajans Printed in Ankara by Impress
Studying in Turkey y
for erasmus
Studying in Turkey
for erasmus
Prepared by the Centre for EU Education and Youth Programmes (Turkish National Agency); the purpose of this publication is to facilitate mobility of students and staff between the higher education institutions of Turkey and the higher education institutions of other countries participating in the Erasmus programme.
was still related to the State Planning Organization and was named as The Centre for EU Education & Youth Programmes acting as the Turkish National Agency. Beginning from 2002, Turkey entered a preparatory phase for almost 18 months for the well establishment of the programmes. On 1st April 2004, after finishing this phase successfully Turkey became the 31st participating country to the Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci and Youth Programmes -as they were named back then. For each following year Turkeys total budget increased gradually to help the beneficiaries to implement the programmes. However in 2006 -the year of the second phase of the Community Programmes consisting the period 2000-2006 - Turkish National Agency had already managed to spread the words across the country and gathered more applications than the existing yearly budget. Due to this success during the planning of the third phase of the programmes (2007-2013) Turkey managed to its yearly budget to a level of 53 million Euros per year. This size of the budget Turkey became the 7th largest country among the 31 countries participating countries. For the third phase (2007-2013) Turkey 7 % of the total Programme Budget which is holds almost 8 billion Euros in total.
During the preparatory period, the Agency launched a massive promotion campaign throughout Turkey in order to inform potential beneficiaries about the programmes. As soon as Turkey joined the Community programmes in 2004, Turkish HEIs quickly participated in Erasmus Programme in greater extend. Since the start of the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) in 2007, now 129 Turkish higher education institutions possess Erasmus University Charter enabling them to take part in the Erasmus programme. During the full participation period of six consecutive academic years (2004-2010), Turkish HEIs have managed to send approximately 30,000 students abroad and received 9,000 whereas they sent 6,500 teaching staff abroad, receiving 4,300.
ties like Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir are for in excess. As of August 2007, there are around 40 higher education institutions in Istanbul, 14 in Ankara and 7 in Izmir. Majority of the foundation (private) HEIs have been established in these three major cities.
education area. Universities are the principle higher education institutions in Turkey. They enjoy academic autonomy and the status of public legal entity. The universities offer two years pre-bachelors (short cycle); 4 year bachelors (first cycle); 5 year for some disciplines, such as veterinary medicine and dentistry courses (master level) and 6 years medical courses. After completing at least a 4-year bachelor degree, the students are admitted at the accredited universities for a master degree. The minimum period for a student to complete a master programme (second cycle) is two years for master with thesis and a year and half for master without thesis. In the master with thesis programmes students are requested to attend at least a oneyear-course and submit a dissertation. Possession of a master degree is traditionally necessary for admission to a doctoral degree (third cycle). However, there are some universities which accept students to a PhD degree without a master diploma. The minimum period for a PhD degree
is three years. Students are requested to complete a certain number of credits at the beginning of the programme before they write a thesis. In other words Turkish universities already implement Bologna two and three cycle system. Majority of the Turkish universities have already started implementing ECTS in various departments and also many universities have completed their Diploma Supplement work. Although education in most universities is commonly in Turkish, medium of instruction can be partially or totally in a foreign language (generally in English). An act of Parliament is needed to establish an HEI. Academic calendar generally starts in mid- September and ends in mid June with a 2-4 week winter term break in January/February. Some universities also run summer schools during the months of July and August. HEIs have dramatically advanced in terms of both quality and quantity in recent years. Some Turkish universities have had strong links with various universities in other countries, through which, prior to Turkeys participation in the Erasmus programme, they had already achieved a substantial number of student and teaching staff mobility. Some universities are involved in trans-national cooperation projects as well. This publication provides basic information about the HEIs, their major departments, faculties and language of instruction all of which were provided by the HEIs themselves. They alphabetically listed under State Institutions and Foundation (private) Institutions headings. The Turkish National Agency appreciates the cooperation extended and information provided by the HEIs in the preparation of this publication. The Agency plays a coordinating role and the res-
ponsibility for the correctness of the information lies with the HEIs themselves. The Turkish National Agency, in anticipation of this publication to be of assistance to students and teaching staff of universities in other programme countries, sincerely wishes all parties concerned successful outcomes as part of the Erasmus programme.
Types of institutions Public universities Non-profit foundation universities Foundation - post secondary vocational schools Institutes of technologies Other Higher Education Institutions Total
studying in turkey for erasmus s
ACIBADEM UNIVERSITY ...................................... 36 BAHEEHR UNIVERSITY ................................... 37 BALIKESR UNIVERSITY ........................................ 38 BEYKENT UNIVERSITY ......................................... 39 BEYKOZ VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF LOGISTICS .............40 BLECK UNIVERSITY............................................ 41 BOAZ UNIVERSITY ........................................ 42 ANAKKALE ONSEKZ MART UNIVERSITY .....................43 DOU UNIVERSITY ........................................... 44 DZCE UNIVERSITY ............................................ 45 FATH UNIVERSITY .............................................. 46 GALATASARAY UNIVERSITY ............................... 47 GEBZE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY.................... 48 HAL UNIVERSITY.............................................. 49 IIK UNIVERSITY.................................................. 50 STANBUL AREL UNIVERSITY ............................... 51 STANBUL AYDIN UNIVERSITY ............................. 52 STANBUL BLG UNIVERSITY ............................... 53 STANBUL BLM UNIVERSITY............................... 54 STANBUL COMMENCE UNIVERSITY ................... 55 STANBUL KAVRAM VOCATIONAL SCHOOL .................56 STANBUL KLTR UNIVERSITY........................... 57 STANBUL EHR UNIVERSITY .............................. 58 STANBUL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY ..................... 59 STANBUL UNIVERSITY ........................................ 60 KIRKLAREL UNIVERSITY ...................................... 61 KADR HAS UNIVERSITY ...................................... 62 KOCAEL UNIVERSITY ......................................... 63 KO UNIVERSITY ................................................ 64 MALTEPE UNIVERSITY ......................................... 65 MARMARA UNIVERSITY...................................... 66 MMAR SNAN UNIVERSITY ................................. 67 NAMIK KEMAL UNIVERSITY ................................ 68 OKAN UNIVERSITY.............................................. 69 ZYEN UNIVERSITY ......................................... 70 PLATO COLLEGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION ........... 71 PR RES MARITIME UNIVERSITY ......................... 72 SABANCI UNIVERSITY ......................................... 73 SAKARYA UNIVERSITY ........................................ 74 TRAKYA UNIVERSITY .......................................... 75 TURKISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY .......................... 76 ULUDA UNIVERSITY ......................................... 77 YALOVA UNIVERSITY .......................................... 78 YEDTEPE UNIVERSITY ......................................... 79 YENYZYL UNIVERSITY ..................................... 80 YILDIZ TEKNK UNIVERSITY ................................. 81
ADNAN MENDERES UNIVERSITY ......................... 84 AFYON KOCATEPE UNIVERSITY ......................... 85 CELAL BAYAR UNIVERSITY ................................. 86 DOKUZ EYLL UNIVERSITY ................................. 87 DUMLUPINAR UNIVERSITY .................................. 88 EGE UNIVERSITY ................................................. 89 GEDZ UNIVERSITY .............................................. 90 ZMR EKONOM UNIVERSITY .............................. 91 ZMR UNIVERSITY............................................... 92 ZMR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ..................... 93 MULA UNIVERSITY ........................................... 94 PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY ................................... 95 UAK UNIVERSITY .............................................. 96 YAAR UNIVERSITY ............................................ 97
AKDENZ UNIVERSITY ......................................... 100 A UNIVERSITY ................................................ 101 UKUROVA UNIVERSITY..................................... 102 KAHRAMANMARA ST MAM UNIVERSITY.................103 MEHMET AKF ERSOY UNIVERSITY ...................... 104 MERSN UNIVERSITY ........................................... 105
Studying in Turkey
for erasmus
MUSTAFA KEMAL UNIVERSITY............................ 106 OSMANYE KORKUT ATA UNIVERSITY ................ 107 SLEYMAN DEMREL UNIVERSITY ....................... 108
Living in Turkey
Turkey At a Glance
rea: 814,578 square kilometres (3% in Europe called Thrace; 97% in Asia called Anatolia). The length of the land borders of the country is 2,875 kilometres; its coastline is 8,333 kilometres long, while its landmass is approximately 550 kilometres wide and about 1,500 kilometres long. It has a number of high mountains; the highest is Mount Ararat (5,137 meters), famous as a possible site for Noahs Ark. The country is characterized by seven geographical regions each of which has a different landscape. This results in significant variations in climatic conditions from region to region. The population growth rate is about 1.5% and 65% of the population live in urban areas. Population of Turkey is 72 561 312 according to 2009 statistics. There are 81 provinces in Turkey. The three most rapidly growing cities are Istanbul (11,million), Ankara (4,5 million) and Izmir (3.5 million). Turkey is a country with a young population. The 0-14 age group is 30%, the 15-64 age group 64.4% and the 65+ age group 5.6% of the overall population. Turkey is a member of many international organisations such as NATO, World Trade Organisation, Organisation of Islamic Conference, Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organisation, and the Economic Cooperation Organisation. It is also a candidate for full EU membership1.
Historical sites, AEGEAN REGION
Turks started to settle in Anatolia during the period of the Great Seljuk Empire in the early 11th century. Anatolia has been called the "cradle of civilizations". With its four seasons, its flora comprising of thousands of species, its fertile lands, Turkey has been home to some of the earliest civilizations of the world. These include the Hatis, Hittites, Phrygians, Urartians, Lydians, Ionians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks and Ottomans. Traces of these civilizations can still be seen in many remarkable ancient sites located in all regions of the country. Indeed, Turkey can be even regarded as an open museum. Two of the Seven Wonders of the World are in Turkey: The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus and The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. Many of the countrys famous historical sites can be found in the webpages of the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism . After the decline of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, Atatrk founded the Republic of Turkey in 1923. After a series of reforms initiated with the foundation of Republic, the roots for Modern Turkey were established.
ecause Turkey is located in different climate zones, it is possible to enjoy the four seasons and different climates simultaneously in the country. People can go to the sea and see snowy mountains at the same time too. Turkey is also affected by the Mediterranean climate in which summers can be hot and arid. However, thanks to its location in the Eastern Mediterranean basin and its surface roughness, the country has dry subtropical areas as well as regions with abundant precipitation.
ldeniz, Fethiye/MULA
Turkey's cultural fabric is a mosaic of diverse cultures rooted deeply in history. By virtue of its geographical position, Turkey has been at the axis of the cultures of the East, the West, the Middle East, the Mediterranean world and Islam. Anatolia, in fact, is one of the world's oldest human habitats. Anatolia's cultural variety is such that we can see great cultural differences even in areas geographically quite close to each other. This galaxy of cultures can be observed all around the country in its music, food, architecture and traditions. Turkish traditional blue tiles, for instance, are quite famous. One of the most famous mosques in Turkey is the Blue Mosque of Istanbul. Students may wish to visit Miniatrk in Istanbul where they will be able to see many monuments and historical buildings in miniature size. 99 percent of the people of Turkey are Moslem. Orthodox Christians, Jews, Catholics, Protestants and other Christian sects make up the rest. Everyone, however, has freedom of religious belief and is free to practice his or her faith.
Miniatrk, STANBUL
Political Structure
Turkey is a parliamentary democratic state with a single chamber. The Grand National Assembly is comprised of 550 members who are elected directly for five year terms. The Members of the Assembly elect the President of the Republic for a seven year term. Turkey is a secular state and is the only country among Islamic countries to practice secularism.
tudents may wish to go shopping in old traditional markets as well as modern shopping malls. However, they can also find many items in the local markets. Supermarkets and many shops are open until at least 10:00 pm. There are even some 24 hours open shops and restaurants in many cities. Hence, people may no difficultiy in finding their needs. Since Turkey is on bridge between east and west, it has and influence from each culture. Hence, every city has a spice bazaar. In big cities, there is a mobile vegetable and fruit market once in a week where people can buy fresh and cheaper groceries. It is advisable to learn where and when these markets are taking place.
Residence Permit
Students should obtain Acceptance Letter from the host institution before they arrive in Turkey. As can be seen from the table above, students from many countries can obtain their visas at the airport by paying the stated visa fees. Within 15 days of their arrival, they should go to the Foreign Relations Department at the Local Police Headquarters and submit the following documents in order to obtain the residence permit: 1. Student certification (issued by the host university, stating the start and the end of the study period in Turkey) 2. Photocopies of relevant pages of the student passport (showing the validity period of the passport and entrance date stamp at the airport) 3. 4 coloured pictures 4. 70 TRY (equals to approx 38 euro for the residence permit booklet) 5. You need to write a standard letter for residence permit which you can find in model form in the following webpage: along with an application form: (this form should be filled and printed in two copies and in double sided). Note that the requirements listed in the previous documents are not necessary for Erasmus students since the Turkish National Police inform all police departments about the procedures. The residence permit is issued within a day to a week depending on the volume of work at the relevant police department. No additional cost is required from international students.
Clock Tower, ZMR
he Academic year generally starts in mid-September and ends in mid June, with a 2-4 weeks winter term break in January /February. Some universities also run summer schools during the months of July and August.
Turkish universities are in line with the Bologna Process in many aspects: for example, Turkish universities have been using a three-cycle system since early 1970s. A typical bachelor degree can be earned in 4 years. Graduate programs consist of masters and doctoral programs and are coordinated by institutes for graduate studies. Master's programs are specified as "with thesis" and "without thesis". Access to doctoral programs requires a master's degree. However, in certain disciplines, such as medical science, veterinary medicine, and dentistry, a degree can be achieved in either 5 or 6 years minimum. Turkey has adopted the escalation of higher education in terms of both quality and quantity as a major developmental goal. Some Turkish universities have very strong international links. They have been carrying out various international projects and student exchanges for years. After the establishment of the Turkish National Agency in 2003, Turkish Universities have started participating in the EU Erasmus programme. Many Turkish Universities have been actively involved in ECTS work. Since 1 April 2004, Turkey has fully participated in Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci and Youth community programmes. In the last two years, great interest has been evident about activities in Turkish Universities in terms of student and teaching staff mobility [check]. That trend is expected to continue and even increase dramatically in the coming years. The Erasmus mobility figures can be seen in the table below:
Academic Outgoing Incoming Year 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Students 1142 2852 4438 6274 6919
Students Teaching Staff Teaching Staff 299 828 1200 1321 2385 339 581 1378 1693 1052 223 440 666 850 985
any universities provider students with access to high speed internet connections and have up-to-date computer labs while computers are also available in each department. When students register for the semester, they need to sign up for a computer account as well. They then get a password and an e-mail account. Students can register for their courses online at many universities.
Orientation Programmes
Almost all universities organise orientation programmes for incoming students to show them around the campus and the city. They can also take cultural courses as well as benefit from tips offered on how to survive and enjoy themselves in the city. During this programme, local students help incoming ones until they settle down at the university.
Each university has its own library storing relevant books and periodicals. However, many universities subscribe to databanks which provides access to tens of thousands of periodicals. The universities benefit from an inter library-loan system which facilitates lending or borrowing books from other libraries throughout Turkey. Students may wish to search online library catalogues of the university and can reserve books via the internet. In big cities, students may wish to visit other universities and their libraries for study purposes.
Campus universities generally offer all sorts of accommodation facilities. State-owned dormitories are also available in some cases. Many universities have set aside seats for international students in their dormitories. Prices of such forms of accommodations are often cheaper than in many European countries. Students who wish to live off-campus can co-share flats with their friends. Rents vary according to the city and the district. The Office for International Students helps incoming students to find reasonable and suitable accommodation.
he official language of Turkey is Turkish (Trke) which is not an Indo-European language. It belongs to the Altay branch of the Ural-Altay linguistic family. The Turkic languages constitute a language family of some thirty languages; this is the 7th most widely spoken language among the thousands of languages spoken in the world and is spoken across a vast area from Eastern Europe to Siberia and Western China with an estimated 200 million speakers, including native and tens of millions of second- language speakers [check; are you talking about the language or the language system?]. More than 90 percent of all contemporary speakers of Altaic languages speak a Turkish language. The people of this region were nomads and Turks, too, for centuries led nomadic lives and took their language along wherever they moved. The Turkish language family now stretches from the Mongolian lands and China in the East to present-day Turkey. The Turkish language at present is widely spoken in the following countries and regions: Turkey, Northern Cyprus, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Western China. In addition, Turkish is spoken by several million emigrants in the European Union. It is also spoken in Balkan countries such as the Republic of Macedonia, some parts of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Nagorno Karabagh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo etc. A major change in the language took place in 1928 when a Latin- based alphabet was adopted instead of the Arabic script. Now the Turkish alphabet has 29 letters, 8 of which are vowels and 21 are consonants. The Turkish language is written phonetically, that is to say, every letter is pronounced while reading.
A number of Turkish universities have been selected by the Turkish National Agency to organise Erasmus Intensive Language Course where students can learn Turkish to help them in their everyday communication. Interest in learning Turkish is growing rapidly among incoming Erasmus students. For example, during summer 2006, 165 students enrolled in these courses, whereas in the previous year the figure was 107. However, many universities offer courses in foreign languages, chiefly English, partially or completely. Therefore, international students may not find it difficult to get by at the universities. Nevertheless, knowledge of Turkish could prove to be useful to talk to local people and when you go shopping. One must remember though that cities like Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir and other tourist spots will pose no problems to people who do not know Turkish.
urkey is internationally famous for its rich "cuisine". The food served, however, will vary from geographical region to region. One can only conclude that the evolution of the rich and varied cuisine was not an accident. As was the case with other grand cuisines of the world, the delectable and different dishes that can be tasted are the result of the combination of three key elements: a nurturing environment; regional differentiation; and the legacy of an imperial tradition. Hundreds of cooks specializing in different types of dishes, all eager to please the royal palate, no doubt played their part in perfecting the Cuisine that we can savour today. The Palace Kitchen, supported by a complex social structure, a vibrant urban life, specialization of labour, trade, and total control of the Spice Road led to the evolution of a splendid culinary culture in the capital of a mighty Empire. Moreover, since the Turkish State of Anatolia is a millennium old its cuisine, too, is rich historically. Tradition is the key; as Ibn'i Haldun wrote, "the religion of the King, in time, becomes that of the People", an observation which also holds for the King's food. Thus, the reign of the Ottoman Dynasty during 600 years, and a seamless cultural transition into present-day modern Turkey has led to the evolution of a grand Cuisine through differentiation, refinement and perfection of dishes, as well as their sequence and combination of meals. It is only rarely that all the three conditions listed above meet as they do in French, Chinese and Turkish Cuisine. Turkish Cuisine also benefits from being at the cross-roads of Far-East and Mediterranean food habits. All these unique characteristics and history have bestowed upon Turkish Cuisine a rich and varied number of dishes, which can be prepared and combined with other dishes in meals of almost infinite variety, but always in a non-arbitrary way. This has led to development of regional cooking styles. Needless to say, Turkish Cuisine is an integral aspect of the nations culture and part of the rituals of everyday life. It reflects spirituality, in forms that are specific to it, through symbolism and practice .
i Kebap
Yaprak Sarma
In all universities good quality food is available at reasonable prices. Cafes or restaurants around campuses or at the city centres provide options for eating out. Students may also prefer to do their own cooking. They may shop in local markets which offer a variety of healthy, fresh food at very reasonable prices.
li Kfte
n each region and in each city, cultural events take place all year long. They can take part in diverse festivals or in religious or official holiday events and attend shows and concerts. Students also have the opportunity to go to cinemas, theatres, concerts, and can entertain themselves while in the campus by being part of student clubs and attending entertainment events organized for them, including pop concerts. Students may even get the opportunity to participate in traditional Turkish wedding parties.
Turkey has a rich traditional of popular/rock music. Music has always been an important tool to express feelings, happiness, sadness, and reflections etc. of Turkish people. However most of the songs are about love! One of the most internationally popular Turkish singers is Tarkan who sings also in English and who gave concerts throughout Europe in summer 2006. Sezen Aksu is also quite popular among young and middleaged people because of her sentimental songs. Another popular singer Sertab Erener has brought the first-ever Eurovision Song Contest Award to Turkey in 2003 and the song Everyway That I Can became a summer smash across Europe that year. In addition to popular music, Classical Turkish Music and Turkish Folk Music are popular among the young. Music traditions, inevitably, vary in the different geographical regions. Ibrahim Tatlises is one of the most important and popular singers of eastern Turkish Folk Music.
ublic transportation is widely available in the cities and is relatively cheap. Buses or minibuses (dolmu) and underground (in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Bursa) trains provide regular services. Inter-city transportation is also easily accessible and students get discounts from many bus companies. International students may use term breaks or other official holidays to explore the country, to visit internationally popular tourist and cultural sites by making use of special fares. Travelling by coach is quite cheap and comfortable since there are many competitive bus companies available in almost all cities. Recent competitions between airlines companies have resulted in price reduction in local flights. Hence, even air travel is worth considering when travelling across the country.
Cost of Living
Estimated living expenses for international students can be as low as 350 to 500 euro per month. Students should set aside about 100-150 euro for books each semester. However, cost of living will depend on the city. Living cost in major big cities like Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir is inevitably higher than in the smaller cities.
Students are advised to buy a health insurance package which will cover health expenses that they may incur during their study in Turkey. All higher education institutions have medical centres where they treat students for minor illness. Some universities even have medical faculties and hospitals where students are treated free of charge. However, whether an Erasmus incoming student can be treated in these hospitals free of charge has to be ascertained by consulting the rules of partner institutions.
International students from certain countries must obtain a valid student visa from the nearest Turkish Consulate in their country. They should make sure that there is enough time for the Embassy/Consulate staff to issue visas. The passport expiry date should be later than the time that a person intends to stay in Turkey. A full list of Turkish Embassies or Consulates can be found at the end of this booklet. This visa is required for registration at the university and must be obtained before entering Turkey. However if a student wishes to stay longer than the period stated above, they need to apply for a student visa at the Turkish embassies or Consulates in the respected countries prior to departure.
Studying in Turkey y
for erasmus
Studying in Turkey
for erasmus
Marmara Region
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
UNIVERSITY Acbadem University aims to educate professionals who can represent our country and compete in the international arena especially in the health sciences. Meanwhile, our students know the art of communication and acquire a positive perspective, both of which are the pivotal points in the health care. This university targets to educate a modest number of people, who are focusing mostly on research and academic work while providing the best health care. Acbadem University took it upon itself to perform in accordance with the principles of team work, equality and ethical values, to keep the scientific thought in the forefront, to make possible the development of new ideas and concepts, to secure the diffusion of knowledge by systematic education and teaching and to reach a level of professional proficiency and academic recognition in the national and international areas within the framework of current laws concerning educational institutions. CITY The Acbadem University is located in Istanbul, where the continents of Europe and Asia meet. This city is not only one of the most significant developing metropolitan cities but also; it hides a very powerful historical background from the prehistoric times to the Ottoman Empire. In relation with this; the city of Istanbul was the capital city of the two empires, which are Byzantium and Ottoman Empires. Today, with its cheerful and tolerant citizens and with the help of developing technology, Istanbul becomes the center of education, art, culture and businness. In relation with this, Istanbul offers great exhibitions, museums, palaces, historical bazaars, concerts, festivals and indispensable hospitality of the Turkish people to its visitors. ACCOMODATION The construction of the dormitories is going to be finished in the academic year of 2010-2011.
LABORATORIES Acbadem University has three laboratories which are specially desinged for the health sciences students. these are; two multidisciplineary labs and one anatomy laboratory in the Maltepe Campus. all the laboratories provide high technological equipments for the students. Additionally, there are two computer labs which are specially designed for our students and academic staff with over 70PCs. The library of the Acbadem University is categorising and organising its resources by using a catalogue and a grading system which were adopted Anglo American Cataloguing Rules. The library materials are available on an interlibrary system. All materials which can not be found in our library can be accessed through the ILL-Inter-Library-Loan. STUDENT LIFE The university campus is located in Maltepe on the Asian side of Istanbul. The university will move to its new campus, which will be located more centrally in the Kozyata region of Istanbul in 2011. The classrooms and laboratories all are equipped with modern technology. A set menu and an a la carte restaurant are available on the campus and similar restaurants can be found in the neighbourhood of the Maltepe Campus itself. Research laboratories, wireless internet access, and the rich library archieve are at the service of the students. Students can benefit from all facilities of the Maltepe Cultural Center, nearby. Additionally, the new campus of the Acbadem University is still in process of construction which will be completed in the 2010-2011 academic year. The mobility of the students is planned to be started in 2010-2011 academic year. INTERNATIONALISATION The International Office of the Acibadem University has been establihed and it began to work from the beginning of the first academic year. The Erasmus Charter, which is needed to be taken to attend this programme, had been acquired in 2009. For the conduction and improvement of the educated health proffessionals and academic projects, Acbadem University is continuing to sign bilateral agreements with the reputable universities. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The educational language of the School of Medicine is English. The students also have Medical English classes 5 hours per week.The language of the instruction of the Faculty of Health Sciences is Turkish. However, its compulsory that all the students take English and professional English classes.
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Contact: Acbadem University International Office Glsuyu Mah. Fevzi akmak Cad. Divan Sokak No:1 Maltepe/Istanbul +90 (216) 458 08 32 +90 (216) 589 84 88
AREAS OF STUDY Arts & sciences, communication, economics & administrative sciences, engineering, architecture & design, law UNIVERSITY Baheehir University was founded in 1998 as a foundation university by Baheehir Uur Educational Institutions. Baheehir University is aiming to take its place among the leading universities in the world with its strong academic staff, research and educationalinstructional programs on international level, study abroad opportunities and modern technical infrastructure. Baheehir University encourages its students to be productive, investigative and intellectual individuals, who are respectful of human rights and freedoms with social responsibility to serve humanity and who are adorned with creative thinking in line with universal knowledge and values. Campus is located in Beikta at the heart of Istanbul, the city, where Europe meets Asia. CITY Istanbul maintains a distinguished position among the metropolis of the world with its unique geographical location and a cultural heritage of thousands of years. As one of the most energetic cities in the world Istanbul continually gets to be an attraction center. The name of Istanbul will be associated with culture and arts all over the world. Being selected as a European Capital of Culture will give a boost to the citys economic relations with Europe as well as contributing to its cultural relations. ACCOMODATION Our University has five dormotory buildings with an occupancy of 300 students each. Two of the dormotories are located within walking distance from the university and the other three dormotories are located in the downtown area about 10 - 15 minutes away by bus. You can find the detailed information about the dormotories with this link: LABORATORIES Baheehir University has computer labs, smart classrooms, physics lab, chemistry lab, electronics lab, digital design lab, mechatronics lab, microprocessor lab, network lab, three computer labs, two project development labs, software lab, 14 in total, and state-of-the-art communication facilities, which include radio and television broadcasting studios, photography dark rooms, professional editing suites, a fully-equipped live broadcast van, and movie production opportunities.The PCs are all connected to the network and to the Internet with a 24-hour uninterrupted service, which gives users access to electronic mail, as well as to library, academic and business information world wide. STUDENT LIFE The central campus is strategically based on the shore of Europe in Beikta, only minutes from one of another central points of Istanbul. It has the magnificent view of the Bosphorus from the entrance of the Golden Horn too the far beyond the first Bosphorus Bridge, overlooking the Asian shore. All the units (faculties, vocational technical school, institutes, research centers, etc.) are in the Beikta Campus. Mecidiyeky Campus, which is quite close to Beikta, houses the English Preparatory School. INTERNATIONALISATION As family members of Bahcesehir University, we are trying to reach our goal to be the number one international university in Turkey. We are welcoming more and more students each year. It is very crucial for us to allow our international students to have best experience in Istanbul, by giving them the best education possible and by helping them to expand their visions. Welcome to the Heart of Istanbul LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION As a higher education institution integrated into an international community, we aim to educate our students to: extract knowledge from information; be inquisitive and critical; be competent in another foreign language other than English;have initiative and leadership ability.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 1998 : 221853 : TR ISTANBU08 : : : : : : : : : : : : 6 2 6 1 None 960 5.843 2.673 18 111 117 116
Contact: raan Cad. No:4 Beikta stanbul Turkey +90 (212) 381 01 93 +90 (212) 381 00 36
AREAS OF STUDY Medicine, Education, Engineering and Architecture, Arts and Sciences, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Architecture, Fine Arts, Veterinary, Marine Sceinces, Tourism and Hotel Management, Health, Physical Education and Sports, Applied Sceines, Vocational Education. UNIVERSITY The BAU campus is located at 17 km from the city center on approximately 5000 hectares of land on Balkesir-Bigadi highway. Most faculties are located on this campus, however, Necatibey Education Faculty, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, School of Physical Education and Sports are located in the city center. Bandrma campus hauses Bandrma Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Bandrma School of Health, Marine Sciences and Bandrma Vocational School. CITY The city of Balkesir is located on the westen part of Turkey between Bursa and Izmir. The city has some 250.000 population. The climate is typical mediterranean with mild and humid winters and dry summers. The city is one of the major domestic tourist destinations in Tukey with extraordinary natural and cultural resources. The city is located on the center of a triangle comprising three of the most important cities in Turkey, namely Istanbul, Bursa and Izmir. The city has a vibrant cultural life and the university leads the changes to turn the city into an educational capital of the region. ACCOMODATION The students of BAU accommodate at public and private dormitories. They supply comfortable accommodation for students. In the area where dormitories are located, the students can find sports facilities such as football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis and billiards. There are a lot of private dormitories in Balkesir. Also an additional dorm with the capacity of 170 was completed and served the students.
LABORATORIES The Central Library provides 27.434 reference books, 498 periodicals, 979 thesis, 24 e-databases, 14.061 e-thesis, 46.466 e-books, 94.780 e-periodicals and 1.120 multimedias in service of the students and researchers. Students and researchers have the possibility to access the resources from the computers in the library. It is also possible to access the library on the website of the university on The students can use the internet in all the computer labs at each unit of the university. STUDENT LIFE The students of Balkesir University are provided with many facilities, ranging from scholarships to accommodation and research. Banks, post offices, restaurants and canteens are available for student use within most faculties. An extensive program of conferences, lectures, sports meetings and tournaments, musical and theatrical performances, exhibitions, dancing and folklore displays and other events ensure that it is possible to find something going on almost any day of the year. INTERNATIONALISATION The International office is responsible for the coordination and organization of all the international academic activities of our university. With the purpose of mutual research and practise, exchanging academics, students, and publications and sharing knowledge and thechnology, Balkesir University has siter universities in Poland, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Romania, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The education language is Turkish except Bandrma Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. The education language in Bandrma Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is English.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 1992 : 222718 : TRBALIKES01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 9 5 12 16 None 10.931 13.442 532 170 574 155 66
Contact BA Uluslararas likiler Aratrma ve Uygulama Merkezi Rektrlk Binas, 6. Kat, a Kamps, 10145, Balkesir +90 (266) 612 14 00 +90 (266) 612 14 52
AREAS OF STUDY As a private university, Beykent University was established in 1997 and we are celebrating the 10th year of our established in 2006-2007 academic year. The university was first founded in Beylikdz and now we offer courses in our three campuses; bachelors degree programmes in Ayazaga Campus, associate degree programmes in Beylikduzu Campus and Masters Degree programmes in Taksim Campus. Beykent Universitys teaching language is English and its strategy is designed to provide a broad range of language training skills for all students. Beykent University has made a strategic commitment to enable students from various countries and continents to explore and appreciate the global and international dimensions of knowledge and of cultures. Erasmus study period is an integral part of the programme of study at the Beykent University. Beykent University also offers elective language courses; Turkish, English, German, French and Russian to regular and exchange students. CITY Beykent University is located in Istanbul city, which is one of the most beautiful citieis in the world. Istanbul is the only city in the world on two continents and the former capital of three succesfull empires; Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman. Istanbul has 10 million citizens with a wide spectrum of economic, industrial and cultural activities, which makes it an ideal setting for educational and cultural studies. ACCOMODATION There is a well-run International/Erasmus office which can help you with finding accommodation. Private accommodation is also available, and the office can also give you help in finding a suitable room in a family or student house nearby. LABORATORIES There are many interdepartmental or interschool laboratories offering unique opportunities and facilities for research in the university. Our library holds a vast collection of books, magazines, newspapers, CDs, DVDs, video and audio cassettes. The language of the publications is mostly English in our library collection and their contents support the education policy and scientific research of the university. STUDENT LIFE Ayazaa campus lies on the European side of Istanbul, and is very close to Maslak, which is the second largest business district with lots of skyscrapers. Istanbul city is an international center for business, finance, fashion, medicine, entertainment, media, and culture, with an extraordinary collection of museums, galleries, performance venues, media outlets, international corporations, and financial markets. In Istanbul, you will be also surpried to see the harmony of Ottoman and modern architecture. INTERNATIONALISATION Beykent Universitys teaching language is English and its activities aim at developing a European Dimension within the entire range of its academic programmes by adding a European perspective to the courses. Its strategy is designed to provide a broad range of language training skills for all students and it is fundamental to our academic mission that the doors of our University remain wide open and welcoming to students from around the world. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION English
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
102 123
Contact Ayazaga Campus, International/Erasmus Office, Sisli Ayazaa Mah., Hadim Koru Yolu Mevki, 34396, ili, Istanbul, Turkey +90 (212) 289 64 86 / 296 +90 (212) 289 64 90
AREAS OF STUDY Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics has initiated new projects on designing and developing educational programs in the belief that this is a key factor in providing first-class education. In order to determine the most up-to-date programmes in the sector, BVSoL initially carried out research on the Need Analysis of Employee and Employee Abilities. The educational programmes and course contents of Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics have been formed in accordance with the results of this research. Thus, the college will be able to prepare a qualified labour force equipped with the knowledge and skills directly related to the needs of sector. The programmes of Edexcel, which has accredited the professional programmes in the United Emirates, set an example and an application to Edexcel was made to get international accreditation and to be the first School of Vocational Education to be accredited in Turkey. INSTITUTION Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics was established by TURLEV as the first thematic higher education institution in Turkey to meet the ever growing needs of the Turkish logistics sector for a wellqualified labour force with the relevant up-to-date knowledge and related skills. The underlying target was to become in both local and international sense, a respectable and credible higher education institution functioning at global standards to raise the highly qualified work force that will contribute to Turkish economy and global economy at large. A comprehensive research has shown that logistics is amongst the first three strongly emerging new sectors in the world economy, along with Genetics and Information Technology. With the underlying idea of raising the highly qualified work force for the field of logistics, Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics (BVSoL) comprises of the programmes all of which were designed on the basis of the logistics theme. CITY Today, Istanbul is a political and commercial centre for the Balkan, Middle Eastern countries, Black Sea Region countries and the Turkic Republics of Central Asia owing to the deeply rooted and strong connections which are indicators of Turkeys old presence in all these regions due to its Ottoman heritage. Turkish economy, which is listed as the number 17 out of all the world economies, has also
been growing rapidly in the last few decades. In terms of logistics, Turkey, given its geopolitical position in todays globalized world, is expected to become the logistics base for major players of the global trading. The Municipality of Beykoz , which is renowned as the pearl of Istanbul has a historical background that dates back as far as to 700 B.C. It is well documented that Beykoz was one of the Sultans favorite places in the Ottoman Empire. Kavack, on the other hand, has become one of the most popular districts of Beykoz only in the past few years. ACCOMODATION The students residing outside of Istanbul are welcome to apply for accommodation facilities in Istanbul at either state funded or privately owned residential halls. LABORATORIES At Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics there is a computer lab consisting of 85 PCs. STUDENT LIFE Along with developing the professional qualities of the students, it is also amongst the basic values and policies of Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics, to provide the students with possibilities for extracurricular activities to enhance their social intelligence levels, which is a significant factor in becoming a good team worker. There are student clubs at Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics to raise students with social awareness, skills necessary for self-development and to catch up with the latest technical and cultural trends. Student Clubs at Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics Aviation Club, Chess Club, Cinematography Club, Creative Drama Club, Empathy Club, Entrepreneuship and Management Club, Falk-dance Club, Field Sports Club, Foreign Trade Club, History Club, Logistics Club, Media Club, Music Club, New Generation Informatics Club, Outdoor Sport Club, Social Awareness Club, Theatre Club, Travel and Culture Club, Aviation Club. INTERNATIONALISATION Despite being a relatively younger higher education institution, BVSoL is the holder of an European Union Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP)- Erasmus Extended University Charter, on the basis of which it has managed to establish bilateral agreements with various esteemed European universities and higher education institutions. In addition, as being an Edexcel accredited higher education institution, BVSoL has also signed partnership agreements with some Edexcel accredited colleges from the UK. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION At Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics almost 40% of the students attend English Preparatory School which necessitates get accreditation in English Proficiency. Thus, they are able to use their English skills while pursuing thier studies along with their social lives.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Foundation HEI No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 2008 : 251563 : : : : : : : : : : : : 5
1 None 802
38 13
Contact Vatan Cad. No: 69 34805 Kavack, Beykoz-Istanbul/TURKEY +90 (216) 444 25 69 +90 (216) 413 95 20
AREAS OF STUDY Economics and Administrative Sciences: Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration Engineering: Computer Engineering, ElectricElectronics Engineering, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Chemical and Process Engineering Science and Letters: Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics Graduate School of Social Sciences: Business Administration, Economics, Public Administration Graduate School of Applied Sciences: Computer Engineering, Electric-Electronics Engineering, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Vocational Schools: Computer Programming, Electric, Electrical Energy Conduction Power Generation and Distribution, Electronic Communication Technology, Electronic Technology, Food Technology, Construction Technology, Chemical Technology, Automation and Control Technology, Machine Technology, Metallurgy Technology, Automotive Technologies, Landscaping and Ornamental Plants, Quality Control in Manufacturing, Banking and Insurance, International Commerce. UNIVERSITY Bilecik University, founded on 29th May 2007, started its educational activities with the assignation of Prof. Dr. Azmi ZCAN as Rector in December 2007. Bilecik University started its educational activities with three Faculty and six vocational Schools and two Institutes. Today 8.000 students attend whole University. CITY Province of Bilecik is located at the southeast of Marmara Region at the intersection locality of Marmara Region, Black Sea Region, Central Anatolia Region and Aegean Region. The oldest known names of the province are Agrilion and Belekoma. Province of Bilecik is the land where the Ottoman Empire is founded. The province is founded around the Sakarya river and is known with the riches of small ponds and creeks and carries the traces of ancient ages. Bilecik, is a small, green and peaceful province where 45,000 people living in it while experiencing the cultural heritage of the Ottoman Empire. Habitants and visitors can easily travel to Istanbul, which is the biggest city in Turkiye, to Bursa, which is famous for its history and its fabulous mountain Uluda, to Antalya and Bodrum, the coast cities in Mediterranean and Aegean Regions, and to Ankara, the capital with the help of airport in Yeniehir, which is a half an hour far away. ACCOMODATION Accommodation in Bilecik is quite reasonable for incoming visitors. A government dormitory next to the campus is available to visitors while private hostels also provide service. Students also may rent houses. The dormitory of Credit and Dormitories Agency which is located in the central campus in Glmbe has 1,164 bed capacities, of 666 for female students and 498 for male students. There are also private hostels and flats for students in the city centre.
LABORATORIES The university has a central library with a collection of 36.000 books and periodicals provided from public and private institutions. Data base supplied by TBTAK EKUAL with the help of e-library system is put into the service of the users. Besides Technical Laboratories of Vocational Schools an important Central Research Laboratory is being established in campus of Bilecik University. Within the University, incoming students can be placed in this Research Centre under the Erasmus programmes. In almost all the buildings of the campus, computer laboratories are accessible by the students. STUDENT LIFE Social and cultural activities place great importance at Bilecik University besides education and scientific researches. Within this scope, scientific meetings such as conference, seminar, panel, symposium and numerous cultural activities such as demonstrations, exhibitions, theatres and concerts are carried out. There are 34 student clubs established by the students. Student clubs regularly present musical and poem performances, arrange conferences and panels and organize tournaments. Students find the opportunity to express themselves by preparing activities in the clubs in which they are members. Various sportive facilities are also arranged in our University. Students can receive tennis, basketball, football, folk dance and Turkish music trainings from the trainers specialised in their fields in the central campus which has roofed sports hall, tennis court, roofed astro turf, basketball and volleyball courts. INTERNATIONALISATION The international strategy vision of Bilecik University is to be an international university, to provide opportunities for academic staff to work in research projects at the international level by research collaborations thus to enhance its international reputation as a leading research university. The existing plan of internationalization policy is based on the effort to increase the number of student and staff mobility, improving the curriculum, active participation in European research. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction is Turkish yet teaching English plays an essential role. While technical English is taught in technical and engineering departments, vocational English is also taught in other social departments. Establishing School of Foreign Languages is on the agenda.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact Bilecik University 11210 Bilecik / Turkey +90 (228) 216 01 01 +90 (228) 216 02 87
AREAS OF STUDY Social Sciences, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Engineering, Business Studies, Education. UNIVERSITY Boazii University was formally established as a state university in 1971. It has its origins in Robert College, founded in 1863 as one of the first American Colleges outside the United States. Today, Boazii Universitys highest standards in education and research are acknowledged throughout the world. Its excellence and well-deserved academic reputation attracts the best students in the country. It is endorsed by the European Universities Association (EUA) and the Faculty of Engineering is the universitys first ABET-accredited faculty. The flexibility of its academic programs, the wide range of courses offered, and the emphasis on interdisciplinary curricula are significant advantages that characterize and distinguish the institution. Moreover, the universitys academic programs are enhanced by a strong tradition of extra-curricular activities, which play an important role in campus life. Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers : 1971 : 221206 : TR ISTANBU01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 4 6 14 2 None 8732 1638 739 486 371 82 CITY Located on both continents of Asia and Europe which is separated by the Bosphorous Straits, Istanbul has long been a settlement area from prehistorical times. The foundations of Istanbul of our days were laid during the Roman Empire. The city bears the characteristics of being a capital city for two Great Empires; the Byzantium and the Ottoman Empires. In both of these periods, Istanbul has preserved its features of being a political and religious center and has become the religious center of both Christianity and the Islam religions. Therefore, it is one of the few cities in the world which houses diverse cultures rich from the standpoint of historical and religious values. Istanbul is, by nature an international culture center. The city houses many music, film and art festivals throughout the year.
ACCOMODATION There is a specific residence known as Superdorm situated at the Ucaksavar Campus for International students. All the rooms in the Superdorm are equipped with phone and Internet lines. TV lounges, recreational areas, laundry and study halls are among the facilities provided to students living on campus. LABORATORIES The Boazii University Library holds approximately 500.000 volumes in English, Turkish, French, German and other languages. The library subscribes to over 1400 foreign and domestic periodicals and 14 newspapers. The library provides students with access to over 6800 online databases and electronical journals. The Boazii University Computer Center provides computing facilities in support of research, education and administration. There are many computer labs in all the campuses. STUDENT LIFE A wide range of extracurricular activities enables students to develop their abilities and leadership skills. There are 37 student clubs, each serving different interests and talents. Additionally Boazii University provides many sports opportunities. There is a sports complex on Ucaksavar Campus which includes a soccer field, a track and gym with training equipment. There are basketball and tennis courts, outdoor and indoor swimming pools. INTERNATIONALISATION There are about 500 international students enrolled at different departments of Boazii University. Taking advantage of the university wide practice of instruction in English, the university has been actively supporting the expansion of bilateral agreements with European and other international institutions. Every semester Boazii University hosts around 120 exchange students coming from mainly Europe, Japan, U.S.A., Canada and Australia. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Language of instruction at Boazii University is English. All the courses except the Turkish Language courses are offered in English.
Contact: Boazii University, International Relations Office, Boazii University, Bebek, 34342, Istanbul/Turkey +90 (212) 359 74 21 +90 (212) 265 32 48
AREAS OF STUDY Horticulture, Plant Protection, Landscape Architecture, Field Crops, Agricultural Economics ,Agricultural MechanizationFarm Structers And Irrgation, Soil Science, Animal Science, Turkish Language And Literature, Physics, Geography, Western Languages And Literature, History, Archeology, Sociology, Biology, Mathematics, Art History, Chemistry, Business Studies, Economics, Interntional Relations, Public Management, Public Finance, Labour Economics And Industrial Relations, Econometrics, Computer And Instructonal Technologes Educaton, Educatonal Scences, Fne Arts Educaton, Elemantary Educaton, Secondary Scence And Mathematcs Educaton, Secondary Socal Subjects Educaton, Specal Educaton, Turkish Language Educaton, Foreign Language Education , Computer Engineering, Food Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geophysical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Acting, Cinema And Television, Textiles Design, Painting, Ceramics, Traditional Ceramics, Graphic Design. UNIVERSITY anakkale Onsekiz Mart University was founded in 1992 and has expanded rapidly over the last few years and currently has wide variety of programmes. It is an modern university carrying out scholarly research and providing regional, national and international dimensions to training in all its educational programmes, while taking into account the resources of the area in which it is situated. In order to attain the universitys educational, scientific, cultural, and social goals, the university has recently introduced a new marking and assessment system, updated the contents of courses, introduced new programmes, increased facilities for foreign languages and computer training, and modernised and extended the library. anakkale Onsekiz Mart University is a dynamic, progressive, modern university of international standards. CITY The province of anakkale lies in the northwest of Turkey with its shores touch both Europe and Asia. It includes the legendary ancient cities of Troy and Assos and the World War I battlefields of Gallipoli. There are also many Ottoman structures still standing: castles, bridges, mosques, mansions and Turkish baths. anakkale has firmly embraced the new millenium when it comes to the essentials of living. You will have no difficulty finding an internet cafe, fax facilities, cornflakes, cashpoints or a launderette and it as one of the lowest crime rates in Turkey. Those who are enraptured by history will find plenty to slake their thirst in the area. There are also lots of uncrowded corners where the visitor can paddle along the shore, stretch out on the sand, scuba dive, or just sit in the shade, sip something exotic, and gaze out to sea hoping for a glimpse of some playful dolphins. When night falls, most of the socialising takes place on or near the seafront, where there are cafes, bars, tea garden are visited. ACCOMODATION Most common accommodation option is renting a room at private houses, sharing with other students. Rents vary according to location, size and facilities. Private student hostels, under the supervision of Ministry of Education, are a popular second option. They are comfortable and most amenities
are provided. There are more than 20 such hostels in Canakkale. Also, students can stay in a University Guest House for up to one week while they search for suitable accommodation. LABORATORIES The library has a subscription to the data bases and possesses approximately 100,000 books, is capable of accessing scientific journals and many periodicals. The university is connected to the worldwide information retrieval system and computer facilities are offered to students in the various locations. Laboratories : Computer, Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy, Physics, Production, Microbiology, Language, Physiology. An observatory is also within the COMU assets. STUDENT LIFE Students enjoy the academic life and social life and visit many historical places in Canakkale province. They can relax in various cafes located on campuses and have delicious but quite cheap dinners. When night falls, most of the socialising takes place on or near the seafront, where there are cafes, bars, tea gardens and discos to suit everyones taste. Dardanos Campus is a former holiday village situated just a few miles from the city, on a quiet bay overlooking the Dardanelles and the Gallipoli Peninsula. The campus offers excellent opportunities for water sports such as wind surfing, the beach and catering facilities as well. There are sport facilities, tenis courts, basketball courts, football area etc. on many of the campuses. There are several student groups they can join and attend activities. anakkale is a small city and and many students walk or cycle or catch a frequent citybuses. INTERNATIONALISATION anakkale Onsekiz Mart University is aware of the importance of encouraging, developing and supporting educational, cultural and scientific cooperation with overseas higher education institutions and others. The international outlook of the university is based on the concepts of developing a knowledge society and of life-long learning COMU has therefore already made it its purpose to take steps on the path to international cooperation. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION anakkale Onsekiz Mart University has developed an International Programme which includes courses in English, German and French. The contents, ECTS credts and other details of the courses are published on our website.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 1992 : 220030 : TR CANAKKA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 12 2 22 11 Yes 5.319 12.861 917 204 791 258 88
Contact: anakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi Erasmus Ofisi Rektorluk Binasi B Blok Oda:515 Terzioglu Kampusu 17020 anakkale TURKEY +90 (286) 218 00 18 +90 (286) 218 19 49
AREAS OF STUDY Communication, English Language and Literature, Psychology, Physics, Chemistry, Humanities, Public Relations, Management, International Relations, Economics, Finance, International Trade and Management, Computer Engineering, IT Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Control Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Architecture, Graphics, Fine Arts. UNIVERSITY Dou University was founded by the Act of Parliament, 4281, passed by Turkish Grand National Assembly on 9 July 1997. The highly acclaimed academic qualifications, experience, and intellectual background of the academics, combined with their enthusiasm for constant research and self-improvement, result in their valuable contribution to science and hence in the efficiency, high quality, and success of the education offered at Dou University. The research, development and academic publication activities carried out by our academic staff to help students participate in life as much as they can, are fully supported and encouraged by our university. In terms of the quantity of academic publications (as determined by SCI + SSCI + AHCI index), Dou University ranked 14th place among 93 universities, 78 places above other universities. CITY Dou University functions as a city university, and is located in one of the most beautiful neighbourhoods of Istanbul, Acbadem/Kadky, giving the students the opportunity to explore the magnificent city after leaving the school premises. The city, which connects two continents with the charming beauty of the Bosphorus, is an honoured and distinctive metropolis with a high number of palaces, mosques, museums, concert halls, art centres, and a wide range of facilities. In this cradle of civilization, universities roles as leading institutions in teachingthe culture in question attaches importance to their being located in the city centre. During the day, after completing their academic studies at university, students continue to receive education in the city. Consequently, they learn the art of living in a metropolis by indulging in numerous cultural activities held attheatres, cinemas, exhibitions, bookstores, and have the opportunity of joining various sports activities.
ACCOMODATION Like Turkish students foreign students may find accommodation at the dormitories of the institute of Student Loans and Dormitories as well as other privately run dormitories. Flats or rooms for rent, which may easily be found in the University neighborhood, are generally popular with students. The average cost of living in the area is $ 400-500 a month. LABORATORIES In the library, services such as consultation, access to information, use of internet, use of visual and audio information sources and electronic database, lending, supply publications between libraries etc. are provided. As for the Information Technology Center, it provides for students four fully-equipped computer laboratories, a multimedia laboratory especially for multimedia applications, an IT laboratory for advanced computer studies, a Macintosh laboratory for graphic studies, a Labview laboratory for Electronics and Communications experiments and a multimedia classroom for lessons with visual content. STUDENT LIFE Our students explore areas of their own interest in Student Clubs they establish, which are regularly monitored by the Dean of Students. For the effective realization of these activities, the Student Council and its students representatives cooperate with the Student Clubs in coordinated meetings. Since the academic year 2004-2005, Student Job Service Program has also been established to help students gain professional life experience by encouraging them to participate in the work environment at university, to foster their social and cultural development, to familiarize them with the managerial and organizational structures of different units of university, and to provide them with a certain amount of income. INTERNATIONALISATION Since its establishment Dou University has taken concrete steps towards internationalization and Europeanization, thus continuously increasing its good reputation in national and international high level academics circles. The University being conscious of its social responsibility is sharing and will continue to share its cumulative expertise arising from the internalization process with other higher education and civil society institutions in Turkey and abroad. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Those admitted to programs whose medium of instruction is English must study compulsory English Prep Program. Prep school year is not included in the period of the Undergraduate Program of four years. Students who succeed in the English Proficiency Examination or present the successful test score accepted by the university document, of one of the national or international foreign language tests accredited by the University will continue their education starting from the first year.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact: Dou niversitesi - Acbadem, Kadky, 34722 stanbul +90 (216) 544 55 21 +90 (216) 544 55 42
AREAS OF STUDY Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Foerest Industry, Forest Engineering, Lansdscape Architecture, Electronics and Computer Education, Electrics Education, machinery Design and Construction Education, Furniture and Decoration Education, Construction Education, Medicine. UNIVERSITY Dzce University which was established in 2006 consists of 5 faculties, 2 schools, 8 vocational schools, 3 graduate institutes with its several thousand students. CITY Dzce is situated in the middle of Turkeys largest city of stanbul and capital city of Ankara. The history of Dzce dates back to the Hittite civilization during the period between 1390-900 BC. It was conquered by the Ottomans in the 14th century. Various ethnic cultures such as Turks Georgians, Tatars, Lazs, other Caucasian people. The city accommodates several historical places and natural wonders for touristical activities. Among them, Pruias antique city, Samandere and Gzeldere waterfallsEfteni bird sanctuary are most visiting places.
ACCOMODATION There is a state dormitory which is capable of hosting 1670 students. 3 students share a single room in which toilet and bathroom are private. There are also study rooms and other social facilities available for use of students. LABORATORIES All the applied disciplines have their laboratories used for undergraduate and graduate teaching purposes. STUDENT LIFE The central campus is 8 km far from city center and has 155.000 hectar area. The student life in the campus is fairly well from many aspects such as transportation, food, accomodation etc. INTERNATIONALISATION The university has few international cooperations through the EU projects although it is a young university. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION In most faculties, there is a one-year English foundation class. 80% of taught courses are in Turkish and the rest is in English during 4 year education.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact Dzce niversitesi Erasmus Birimi Konuralp Yerlekesi 81620 Konural Dzce-Turkey +90 (380) 542 10 36 +90 (380) 542 10 37
AREAS OF STUDY Education, American Culture and Literature, Biology, Geography, Modern Turkic Dialects and Literature, Chinese Language and Literature, Philosophy, Physics, English Language and Literature, Spanish Language and Literature, Chemistry, Mathematics, Psychology, Russian Language and Literature, Sociology, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Law, Economics, Management, Political Science and Public Administration, International Relations, Computer Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Genetics and Bioengineering, Faculty of Medicine, The School of Nursing, Accounting and Data Applications, Banking and Insurance, Business Management, Child Development, Computer Programming, Foreign Trade, Public Relations and Promotion, Accounting and Tax Applications, Applied English-Turkish Interpretation, Business Management, Computer Programming, Graphic Design, Marketing, Office Services and Secretarial Training, Public Relations and Promotion, Technology UNIVERSITY Fatih University, founded in 1996, is a high quality, multidisciplinary higher education institution offering education as well as conducting research in Medicine, Engineering, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Bionanotechnology, Nanotechnology, Spectroscopy, and Industrial Automation .
municipalities of Istanbul organize numerous national and international festivals of culture and art. ACCOMODATION There are 8 dormitories with a capacity of 1150 beds at Fatih University. Two of are located in the campus for male freshman students. Out-ofcampus dormitories are located in neighborhood that can be reached in ten to fifteen minutes by shuttle services. Among the facilities included are fitness saloon, movie theater, table tennis, canteen, study halls, free internet, round-the-clock hot water. For further information and virtual tours, please visit; LABORATORIES There are 71 science and engineering laboratories throughout the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Arts & Sciences. Furthermore, Fatih University Bionanotechnology Laboratories, which constitute the first and unique center in Turkey, and Industrial Automation Laboratories are utilized for advanced research activities. The campuses are fully covered with wireless internet access. Students can easily access the web by their laptops and computer labs. In addition to its fine collection of printed books, hand-writings, periodicals, and visual sources, Fatih University Library has many electronic subscriptions which are accessible off the campus. STUDENT LIFE Fatih University students organize a wide range of extracurricular activities via more than seventy student clubs such as Robotics, Politics, IEEE, ACM, and Photography. Fatih University and student clubs organize a marvelous Spring Festival. Besides, International students are welcome to participate in 7 continents, 7 Colors Festival in where students present their cultures, music, clothes, folk dances and foods in an exhibition. Fatih University introduces Turkish Culture to international students by several activities such as visits of historical places and museums, family dinner, traditional henna night and so o As well as social and cultural activities, Fatih University is in favor of sport activities. Fatih University World Cup in which international students form their national soccer teams and compete for symbolic world cup championship. Besides, Fatih University Basketball Team won Blue Cup, Turkish Universities League Championship, in 2006, 2008, and 2010. INTERNATIONALISATION Fatih University, which has over 100 partners from EU countries, USA, Australia, Russia, China and so on, is very keen to enrich its international network. Fatih University with 700 international students and 70 international faculty members, which are from 74 and 40 different countries respectively, provide a rich international atmosphere. Moreover, most of Turkish faculty members received their degrees abroad and they broaden international perspective of Fatih University. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION All PhD programs are offered in English. Departments offering master and bachelor degrees have two parallel curriculums, one is totally in English and the other one is totally in Turkish. Exceptions are Law and Medicine Schools where only %30 of the curriculum is taught in English. Moreover, Russian, Chinese, and Spanish are used as instruction languages in corresponding linguistic departments.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Fatih University envisions finding a place among the leading world universities in scholarship and scientific achievement. We aim to do this by participating in a global framework while remaining attentive to local perspectives and by aiming at theoretical and practical education, research and development. The university has two campuses and three hospitals. The main campus is located in Istanbul, the educational, cultural and commercial centre of Turkey. Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Engineering, Law, Education and Economics & Administrative Sciences are located in the main campus. School of Medicine, the hospitals, and two vocational schools are settled in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. CITY Istanbul, with a cultural, historical, economic, and scientific accumulation of thousands of years since its foundation, has been home to many significant civilizations in the world history, such as East Roman Empire and Ottoman Empire. Being decorated with myriad masterpieces of art belonging to these civilizations, the city is unique and inspiring. It is like an open-air museum sheltering the prominent works of art of both the Turkish culture and civilization and of the other cultures and civilizations of the world. Moreover, the cultural and art events held in Istanbul offers the inhabitants and visitors invaluable facilities such as cinemas, theatres, ballet and concert halls, and shopping centers. The
Contact International Programs Office R 306 Fatih University 34500 Bykekmece Istanbul Turkey +90 (212) 866 33 77 +90 (212) 866 33 78
AREAS OF STUDY April 1992 with the signing of an agreement between the Turkish and French governments creating an integrated educational system, which included a primary school, a secondary school, and the university-level Galatasaray Educational Institution. On 6 June 1994 this institution became Galatasaray University, pursuant to Law Number 3993 and the additional protocol published in the Official Gazette. Galatasaray University is a state university and the first and only institution of higher education in Turkey to be established by international agreement. CITY Istanbul, with a cultural, historical, economic, and scientific accumulation of thousands of years since its foundation, has been home to many significant civilizations in the world history, such as East Roman Empire and Ottoman Empire. Being decorated with myriad masterpieces of art belonging to these civilizations, the city is unique and inspiring. It is like an open-air museum sheltering the prominent works of art of both the Turkish culture and civilization and of the other cultures and civilizations of the world. Moreover, the cultural and art events held in Istanbul offers the inhabitants and visitors invaluable facilities such as cinemas, theatres, ballet and concert halls, and shopping centers. The municipalities of Istanbul organize numerous national and international festivals of culture and art. ACCOMODATION We dont have acoomodation facilities Housing: Galatasaray University does not have a dormitory. On the other hand, on the Admissions Office and Erasmus office boards, there can be small advertisements for apartments to share. LABORATORIES 2 libraries, 3 laboratories, 5 computing services STUDENT LIFE There is an Erasmus Students Club to help the foreign students for their accommodation and with any other problems. Please contact the responsible before your arrival : H. Baran BINGL ( hbbingol@ ) INTERNATIONALISATION Increase the number of students participating in the Erasmus Programme in French universities, Increase the number of students participating in the LLP/Erasmus Programme in European Universities, Carry out exchanges of academic staff, LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION French and Turkish
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact raan Cad. NO: 36 Ortaky 34357 Istanbul TURKEY +90 (212) 227 51 49 +90 (212) 259 20 85
AREAS OF STUDY Gebze Institute of Technology (GIT) was established as a graduate school in 1992 to provide academic studies at graduate level. In 2001 GIT accepted its first group of undergraduate students in Electronics, Computer, Materials Science and Engineering, Physics and Mathematics.GIT gives particular attention to educate future scientists with advanced technological skills. With its state of the art laboratory facilities and academic personnel, GIT addresses the technical problems of the national industry to develop and implement new technologies. CITY GIT is located on the north-eastern shores of the Sea of Marmara, bordering stanbul on the west. Gebze in the Province of Kocaeli, has a population of five hundred thousand, with numerous industries and hosts the largest research and development centre in Turkey. The main campus of GIT (ayrova Campus) is located on the stanbul-Ankara highway, 10 kilometres away from Gebze city centre towards stanbul. Since ancient times, Gebze has been an important crossroad between Anatolia and stanbul. It is situated in proximity to North Africa, Italy and Istanbul. A person (Hannibal of Carthagenian) spent his life to connect these places together. Although he is known to have lived in all of these regions, he spent his final days in Gebze. Hannibals grave is located on top of a hill overlooking to the sea of Marmara. ACCOMODATION Students will be offered to accommodate at student dormitories for 100/month. There is also opportunity to stay with host families or renting apartments for reasonable prices. Rents are about
200-250 Euro per month according to the district and the size of the flat. LABORATORIES The Library has an impressive collection of more than 10000 books, and is subscribed to 8 electronic databases, 9705 on-line periodicals and 33 print-periodicals. Library services are free of charge. GIT has 5 research centres and 37 Research and/or Teaching Laboratories fully equipped with the state of the art technology. Every department has its own computer network and computer laboratories for its students. STUDENT LIFE ayrova Campus houses a sports complex offering many sports opportunities. The Water Sports Club located at the Marmara Seaside Social Complex is open to those interested in activities such as swimming, canoeing and rowing. Medical and dental services are available for students and the academic staff at ayrova Campus. Cafeteria services are available at all campus locations. The lunch menus consist of five-course calorie and nutrition controlled meals. All campus areas are under 24hour security surveillance by security cameras and guards. INTERNATIONALISATION Aware of our precious location at the heart of Eurasia, we conduct scientific cooperation with academies and research centres of various countries from Asia to Western Europe. Exchange programs and joint scientific activities are coordinated by our International Office. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Mainly Turkish, Partially English (up to 30%)
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact stanbul Cad. No:101 41400 ayrova Gebze Kocaeli TURKEY +90 (262) 605 10 00 1527 +90 (262) 653 84 90
AREAS OF STUDY Architecture, business administration, fine arts, health sciences, engineering, nursing, arts and sciences, sport school and conservatory. UNIVERSITY Hali University is a foundation university, which was founded in 1998 by Our-Children Leukemia Foundation, which obtained much love and respect both in Turkey and over the world as a result of the remarkable works it has carried out successfully for 25 years. Our university founded by Prof. Dr. Gndz Gedikolu in accordance with the law number 4324, dated January 14, 1998 and with mission and principles specified in the foundation bill always aims at the beter. Hali Universitys modern republican vision is in the line with globalizing world it embraces Contemporary Quality Principle in Education to educate its students as specialists who know, use and produce science and technology. Our vision is to graduate creative, assertive, inquisitive students with high qualifications who have national and universal moral and ethical values, who are knowledgable in theory and practice; responsible individuals willing to contribute to the peace and welfare of our country and the world. CITY Hali University is located in Istanbul. Istanbul is a unique city at the meeting point of Europe and Asia, and on the edge of two continents. It is a city of synthesis, where the culture, art and religions of both East and West meet in an atmosphere of tolerance. Istanbul is a grand monument to the heydays of Oriental cultures supremacy. Istanbul, with its population of around 13 million, honors and preserves the legacy of its past whilst looking forward to a modern future. Although first settlements in Istanbul were observed in prehistoric periods, continual settlements started in the colonial period. The foundations of Istanbul were laid during recent times as being the former capital city of the three successive empires, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman. It has been a political and religious center for centuries.Istanbul, with its natural beauties and rich history, has high local and international tourism potential, and from this viewpoint one of the most fascinating, glorious and attractive cities of the world ACCOMODATION The university attaches great importance to its students accomodation needs. The dormitory with a 60-student capacity offers service to 54 students who come from cities out of stanbul and as well as International Students; 32 of whom are male and
22 female.The dormitory building, which is planned according to the basic needs of male and female students, offers a clean and cozy family atmosphere with its contemporary infrastructure and modern look. LABORATORIES Our University boast many spacious computer labs and smart classrooms, anatomy lab, biology lab, electronics lab, digital design lab, performing arts lab, network lab, labs for Nursing and Midwifery, software lab, photography dark rooms, professional editing suites, lab. for Conservatory. Also Faculty of Architecture has special workshop areas for planning and constructing the latest techniques in modern architecture design, and there are two physics research labs. STUDENT LIFE Hali University provides a real university life for students. An academic life full of social and cultural activities is the leading educational components granted for the students of Hali University. Our University hosts wealth of drama, music, visual arts and other cultural events each year. The University has Theatre; it keeps Hali at the cutting edge of the arts scene. Hali offers something for everyone, whatever their interests; and on your doorstep, the social, cultural and career opportunities are among the best in the Istanbul. Besides all the opportunities for participating in art shows, theatrical events, and musical entertainment throughout the academic year, Hali University hosts many internationally noted speakers from around the world sharing information on a broad cross-section of topics and interests. These exhibitions and speakers enrich the academic experience for our students and teachers alike, but are also open to the community, free of charge. INTERNATIONALISATION International Office welcomes international students to our programs, as well as those coming for only a 1 or 2 semester exchange.We provide information and gives support to students from other countries, as well as to Hali University students who consider studying abroad at another partner university for Exchange purposes.We also help new students adjust to Hali University as well as Istanbul. Every year Halic hosts 20 exchange students throughout the world. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction at Halic University is both Turkish and English.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact Bykdere cad. no:101 34394 Mecidiyeky-Istanbul +90 (212) 275 20 20 +90 (212) 274 81 22
AREAS OF STUDY Economics, Management (Program: Management, International Trade), International Relations (Program: International Relations, Political Science), Information Technologies (Programs: Information Technologies, Management Information System, Physics, Mathematics (Programs: Mathematics, Mathematical Engineering), Humanities and Social Sciences (Programs: Science, Technology and Society; Art, Culture and Society), Psychology, Computer Science and Engineering, (Programs: Computer Engineering, Software Engineering (SUNY-Brockport), Software Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Visual Arts, Graphic Arts and Graphic Design, Interior Design, Industrial Product Design, Fashion and Textile Design. UNIVERSITY Established in 1996, Ik University is the pride of the 122-year old Feyziye Mektepleri Vakf foundation. The foundation has always had a deeply rooted educational tradition, which under the name of Feyz-i Sbyan Mektebi, on December 14, 1885 in Salonika. Ik Universitys ile campus houses 3 faculties, 2 research centers and institutes. Ik University is located in its own campus near the Black Sea town of ile, in the northeast of Istanbul, situated between a forest and the sea. ile is our main campus with all the facilities included such as student housing, various food services, numerous extracurricular activities and easy commute to the city center with reasonable prices. Its Maslak campus hosts our Fine Arts Faculty and Graduate Programs. Ik University aims to raise individuals with dynamic and flexible minds, prepared to adapt to rapidly changing global demands, capable of critical and creative thinking, with a desire to stand out on international platforms. CITY Istanbul, the cultural and economic capital of Turkey, is considered to be an important crossroads not only for Turkey but also the neighboring countries. It serves as an important meeting point of numerous socio-economic, cultural and academic activities as well as having the influence of various civilizations and cultures. With all this character, Istanbul has become an important reflection of the whole country, and every year it welcomes many more attractions and visitors; all of which contribute to the unique fabric of the city. Istanbul, being the former capital of influential empires such as the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires, preserves the legacy of its past while offering many opportunities. Istanbul is also one of the European Capital of Culture 2010, this shows once again that the unique and international character of the city. Istanbul hosts many archaeological and his-
torical sights, and offers various museums, modern art galleries, theaters, a symphony orchestra, opera and ballet companies. ACCOMODATION On our campus, students enjoy a variety of housing options. Some dormitories have rooms with two and three beds and a private bathroom, while others have three and four beds, where students use common bathroom facilities at each end of their floor. All rooms are fully furnished and include refrigerators, cable and wireless internet access. There are also fully furnished communal meeting areas at each dormitory building where students can relax, socialize, or watch TV. LABORATORIES All students are provided with an e-mail address and internet access. There are network connections indoors and outdoors throughout the campus. There is also wireless connection available. Ik University employs several electronic systems for certain academic services. Campus ONLINE is the web based course registration and student information system providing students, advisors, faculty members, and academic and administrative managers with the necessary systems for course scheduling, course registration, advising, grade entry, transcript production, performance monitoring, and fee payment management. It also provides the registrars office with additional functions specific to the office, including producing graduation lists and reports. STUDENT LIFE Almost all students participate in cultural, artistic and scientific and sports activities and in organizing activities such as panels, open discussions, and conferences.Available facilities include several open basketball and volleyball fields, two tennis courts, a mini football pitch, a fitness center and an indoor basketball/volleyball arena.There are about 33 student clubs.The Health Center is located at the Social Center 7 days a week with a doctor and healthcare personnel in attendance.Psychological Counseling Center is comprised of two part-time psychologists who work on an appointment throughout the week. There are two central cafeterias for students on the ile campus, which offers table dhote lunch and snacks at modest prices. There is also the social hall, offering a la carte lunch and a third restaurant at Genlik Kamp (Youth Camp) overlooks the Black Sea. INTERNATIONALISATION Ik gives great importance to promoting the European dimension, quality culture, enhanced student mobility and related activities towards achieving a real international, multifaceted and transparent learning environment that will satisfy broad spectrum of ideas, ideals and knowledge.The EU Programs Office exists to encourage and support international networking and exchange as well as assisting the restructuring of higher education system in line with the current needs of the Bologna Process. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The Preparatory Program (Hazrlk) is a program designed to prepare students who aspire to enter Isik University for doing their academic work in English. All courses at Ik University are conducted in English.The main objective of the Preparatory Program is to develop students English language skills so they are ready for their degree programs.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Ik Universitesi Universite Sok. N:2 Merutiyet Ky 34980 ile stanbul +90 (216) 528 70 28 +90 (216) 712 14 68
AREAS OF STUDY Psychology, Mathematics and Computer Science, the Turkish Language and Literature Translation and Interpreting in English, Fashion and Textile Design, Graphic Design, Business Administration (Turkish), Business Administration (English), International Relations (Turkish), International Relations (English), Visual Communication Design, Public Relations and Advertisement Radio Television and Cinema, Industrial Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Architecture Industrial Product Design, Nutrition and Dietetics Nursing, Banking and Finance Accounting and Information Systems, Tourism and Hotel Management. UNIVERSITY stanbul Arel University was established May 18, 2007 by the Kemal Gzkara Education and Culture Foundation. Two of the three campuses are in use for educational purposes and the other one is for sportive activities. Tepekent campus established on 470,000 square meters and with a closed area of 77,000 square meters in Bykekmece- stanbul. Tepekent Campus has been designed to provide services for 12.000 students with 300 Smart classrooms, Multipurpose amphi-theaters, Wireless Internet, Engineering labs, 2000 m2 Library, 1500 m2 Conference Hall Theater for 900 persons, cafeterias and indoor and Terrace Dining Halls, Indoor Semi-Olympic swimming pool, Multi-purpose courts for basketball, volleyball, tennis, handball, etc., a Fitness Center and the Squash Halls, and finally, 5000 m2 indoor parking space for 500 cars. Our Vocational School, and the continuing education center are located in the Sefaky campus. CITY Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey. Istanbul is also megacity, as well as cultural, economic and financial centre of Turkey. The expending metropolis of Istanbul spreads along the Bosphorus to the North, and is built on peninsula bounded on the East by the natural harbor town as the Golden Horn, where the Old City stands with its flavor and magnificent sites. There are more than 100 places worth visiting in the Old City of Istanbul, which covers the sights of the neighborhood, ranging from mosques, churches, synagogues, palaces, museums, bazaars, Turkish baths and parks. The Topkap Palace houses a marvelous collection of imperial treasures, including priceless porcelain, jewels, armors, costumes, weapons, miniatures and calligraphy. Another magnificent places; Hagia Sophia (Saint Sophia) Museums, Archeological Museums, The Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art, Sleymaniye Imperial Mosque, Sultanahmet Imperial Mosque (Blue Mosque). ACCOMODATION Students have the chance to live in dormitories built and designed as villas. Each of the villas is fully-furnished; living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms. In every villa, computer rooms, printers, drawing tables, satellite TV and free internet access are available for all students. In addition, there is a swimming pool with sports facilities and common recreation areas. The dormitory
administration, security and medical staff provide 24-hour services. LABORATORIES Our library endeavors to constantly improve its performance as an active supporter and provider for the universitys effective, innovative, and student-centered approach to education, and as an indispensable element in the academic process based on this approach. According to the license agreements between stanbul Arel University Library, ANKOS, EKUAL and the relevant publishers, electronic databases can only be used for the purpose of private study and research. AREL university has 6 laboratories and computer centres. STUDENT LIFE stanbul Arel University offers a variety of activities support services for students. Student clubs much like civil society organizations are sensitive to local and international issues. They aim to solve problems by developing relations and sharing their knowledge and culture. The clubs seek to improve a students academic knowledge and cultural and social experience by stimulating personal development through sharing social values and creating an environment in which young people can freely exhibit their talents. INTERNATIONALISATION The university strongly encourage international cooperation as a means of enriching our curriculum and focusing our academic vision. The intent of increasing cooperation with so many institutions is not only to increase student and staff mobility, but also student placement in the business environment. AREL has been awarded the EUC. The university has facilitated the use of ECTS in all curriculum development and it has established strong partnerships (over 30) under the Erasmus programme. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Some faculties and departments offer courses in English which are shown below: Department of Business Administration , Department of International Relations, Department of Industrial Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering and Department of Translation and Interpreting.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact LLP/Erasmus and International Relations Office Trkoba Mahallesi, Erguvan Sokak No:26/K TepekentBykekmece/stanbul-Turkey +90 (212) 860 04 80 +90 (212) 860 04 81
AREAS OF STUDY stanbul Aydn University has been estabished by Anadolu Educational and Cultural Fuandation (AKEV) in 2007. IAU has 35 departments in 8 faculties (Faculty of Arts and Science, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Facuity of Fine art, Faculty of Communication, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Dentistry), 2 institutes and 2 schools one of which is called Anadolu BIL Professional School of Higher Education (ABMYO) founded by AKEV in 2003. ABMYO offers associates degree in 36 programs. CITY stanbul is Europes most papulous city (the worlds 3rd largest city proper and 20th largest urban area) and Turkeys cultural and financial center. The city covers 27 districts of the stanbul province. It is located on the Bosphoruk Strait and encompasses the natural harbor known as the Golden Horn, in the northwest of the country. It extends both on the European and on the Asian side of the Bosphorus, and is thereby the only metropolis in the world which is situated on two continents. In its long history, stanbul served as the capital city of the Roman Empire (330-395), the East Roman (Byzantine) Empire (395-1204 and 1261-1453), the Latin Empire (1204-1261), and the Otoman Empire (14531922). The city was chosen as joint european Capital of Culture for 2010. The historic areas of stanbul were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985 request. Not provide an on-campus accomodation, incoming students are directed to different alternatived ranging from renting houses to staying in dormitories in the closest environment on request.
LABORATORIES IAU offers a university life with colorful social and cultural activities as well as academic ones. au offers all the opportunities of modern education with modern classrooms, libraries, computer foreign language, food technologies, jewellery designing, fashion, and radio-TV programming labs, conference halls. IAU provides non-stop assistance with modern, technological and information infrastructure. IAU is the member institutions of Microsoft It Academy. IAU also has the technical equipments for online education. IAU library offers an impressive collection of boks, periodicals, visual and sound recording materials. STUDENT LIFE IAU gives special emphasis on its students to develop a socially active personality. Since the first day of their establishments IAU student committee and clubs which play an important role to create this social atmosphere, have taken part in activities. There are 35 student clubs. IAu students have the opportunity to play sports like basketball, volleyball, handball, and football in university s open and close gyms. There are also congresses, meting and negatiation lounges where cultural events like drama, cinema and congress can be performed. INTERNATIONALISATION In 2005, Anadolu BIL Professional School of Higher Education received Erasmus Charter and the charter has been extended to 2013, IAU has been regularly exchanging student and staff with many EU universities. Cooperation agreements have been signed with more than 20 universities in USA and in European countries in regaard with degree completion, master educations, and summer schools as well as joint research programs.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact Beyol Mah. nn cad. No:38 Kkekmece / Sefaky - STANBUL +90 (212) 425 61 51 +90 (212) 424 08 80
AREAS OF STUDY Architecture, Industrial Design, Interior Design, Comparative Literature , Computer Science, English Language Teacher Education, Financial Mathematics, History, Mathematics, Music, Psychology, Sociology, Advertising, Art Management, Cultural Management, Film and Television, Management of Performing Arts, Media and Communication Systems, Photography and Video, Public Relations, Television Reporting and Programming, Visual Communication Design, Business Administration, Business Informatics, Business-Economics, Economics, Economics and Management Honors, European Union Studies, International Finance, International Relations, International Trade and Business, Marketing Management, Mathematics and Economics Honors, Political Economy and Social Philosophy, Political Science, Bioengineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Law. UNIVERSITY Istanbul Bilgi University is a private, non-profit institution and functions under the aegis of the Turkish Higher Education Council. BILGI offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the social sciences, business, law, communications, the arts, architecture and engineering. BILGI is a city university with 3 campuses located in central city neighborhoods, offering easy access to the social and cultural activities in Istanbul. Innovative academic programs and their curricula allow students to take many elective courses and pursue their intellectual interests alongside their major fields of study. Students are encouraged to take part in university governance, participate in student clubs and engage in voluntary work. Numerous community development programs and courses bring students and faculty into direct contact with local communities. CITY Istanbul is a dynamic metropolis of more than 12 million people; the commercial, financial, artistic, cultural and education center of Turkey. Historically, Istanbul was the capital of Byzantine and Ottoman Empires and holds more than 2,000 years of diverse heritage. Istanbul is truly an extraordinary city, the only one in the world built on two continents. The bridges over the Bosphorus that connect the European and Asian sides symbolize its epithet, crossroads of cultures. Today, Istanbul retains its rich cosmopolitan character and is a great place to study as an international student. With its many museums, galleries, concert halls, year around festivals and lively night life, Istanbul has been branded as one of the coolest cities in the world ACCOMODATION Bilgi operates a dormitory for men and women located in the Golden Horn area, offering a variety
of room choices. The dormitory is equipped with computer and study rooms, kitchenettes and laundry facilities. Daily room cleaning, breakfast and shuttle service to campuses are provided. There are also two residence halls with single and double room choices. LABORATORIES Bilgi Library offers an impressive collection of books, periodicals, e-books, e-journals, academic internet resources, music scores, audio-visual and sound-recording collections. Computer laboratories provide spaces where students can do their assignments and undertake research. Film production, post-production, ensemble and recording studios are available. STUDENT LIFE Students at Bilgi participate in numerous extracurricular activities, including various student clubs and sports. They are also engaged in University governance via the Student Union. The University provides emergency medical and psychological counseling services free of charge. INTERNATIONALISATION Istanbul Bilgi University maintains exchange programs with numerous universities in Europe, North America and Asia. It offers double degree master programs with distinguished European universities. In 2006, Bilgi joined the Laureate International Universities Network, which operates 40 campusbased and online universities in North America Latin America, Europe and Asia, and cooperates with these universities for student and faculty exchanges. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction at Bilgi is English, except for the Faculty of Law, which conducts most of its courses in Turkish. Before being admitted to their degree programs, students must demonstrate their proficiency in English. Students whose level of English is not sufficient to begin undergraduate study will have to enroll in Bilgis English Language Preparatory Program.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact International Office Kurtulu Deresi Cad. No: 47 Dolapdere Istanbul 34440 Turkey +90 (212) 311 51 17 +90 (212) 253 47 02
AREAS OF STUDY Medicine, Psychology, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Dietetic, Midwifery, Health Institutes Management, Paramedic, Medical Imaging Techniques, Anaesthesia, Medical Laboratory Techniques, Medical Documentation and Secreterial, Health Business Enterprise UNIVERSITY Istanbul Bilim University (IBU), which was founded by Turkish Cardiology Foundation to provide training and education in health sciences, has been established on 28th March 2006. The Medical Faculty, The Institute of Health Sciences, Florence Nightingale Hospital School of Nursing and Health Services Vocational Schools had been functioning under the Kadir Has University between the years 1998-2006. All of the health related training and educational programs were attached to IBU and after then Faculty of Arts & Science, School of Health (Midwifery, Nutrition and Dietician, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Health Institutes Management), Institute of Social Sciences was established. Avrupa Florence Nightingale Hospital Clinical Research Center is the teaching hospital of IBU. The Florence Nightingale Group Hospitals which are accredited with Joint Commission International, are affiliated with IBU. Qualified health professionals take important roles in students placements. CITY Istanbul is the only city in the world to be sited on two continents; Europe and Asia and the meeting place for many people and cultures. In its long history, Istanbul has served as the capital city of the Roman Empire (330-395), the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire (395-1204 and 1261-1453), the Latin Empire (1204-1261), and the Ottoman Empire (1453-1922). The city was chosen as joint European Capital of Culture for 2010. Istanbul is going to a modern future with preserving magnificence of history with proud.
ACCOMODATION Istanbul Bilim University is supportive of its students in relation to their accomodation problems too, as this of importance for the healthy continuation of their studies. Since the university is located in the centre of the city, the students can accomodate in various dormitories around the university (in walking distance) and the some of the students can accomodate in hospital campuses. LABORATORIES There are Multidisciplinary Laboratories, Molecular Biology and Genetics Laboratory, Histology and Embriology Laboratory, Cell Culture Laboratory and Anatomy Laboratory. There is a computing laboratory that has 100 computers and university library including 1574 books, medical periodicals and medical databases. The university has membership in online academic publishing and research databases that enables access for academic staff and the students. STUDENT LIFE The university is placed in the very center of the city so its very easy for the students to plan their social activities out of the university as well as in the university.There are 9 student clubs which are Chess Club, Theatre Club, Music Club, Photography Club, Environmental Health Education Club, Culture and Literature Club, Dance Club, Tourism and Travel Club and Sports Club INTERNATIONALISATION IBU considers internalisation to be great importance for integration to the European Higher Education Area.The Florence Nightingale Group Hospitals which are accredited with Joint Commission International and their qualified health professionals take important roles in student placement of health sciences departments throughout the practical education.The exchange activities as part of the Bilateral Agreements keep going for 18 programs in different countries. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION English is one of the most important languages in medical sciences and facilitates following up the advancements in health sciences. The university and affiliated hospitals lay stress on foreign languages for creating the international patient care environment and transcultural care. The medical staff and students are encouraged to improve their foreign language proficiency and to use it in the care and to track the medical improvements.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact Bykdere Cad. No:120 34394 Esentepe isli/stanbul +90 (212) 275 75 82 +90 (212) 213 92 07 erasmus-b14.html
AREAS OF STUDY Arts and sciences, statistics, mathematics, psychology, commercial sciences, banking and finance, busness administration tourism management, international relations, international trade, law, communicaton, public relations, media and communication systems, visual communication design, engineering and design, computer engineering, industrial engineering, interior architecture and environmental design , fashion and textile design, Vocational school, Computer technology and programming program, Foreign trade program, International logistics program, Accounting program, Aviation logistics , Ground handling service management in aviation UNIVERSITY Founded in 2001, Istanbul Commerce University is a comprehensive, independent, multi-campus university located in Istanbul. Istanbul Commerce University offers a school in an opportunity-rich, city environment. Students have easy access to both parts of Istanbul and benefit from myriad social, cultural and professional opportunities. Our mission is to educate business leaders who will be an asset to our economy with the principles of Constitution in mind and always follow the global developments in science and technology, to rejoice in discovery and in critical thought and to pursue excellence in a spirit of productive cooperation. We ensure quality and impact of our research and teaching for the business community, promote strong linkages with alumni, industry and the business community and the spirit of enterprise and innovation in everything we do. We guide our students to explore their capabilities and interests and to develop their full intellectual and human potential. CITY Sometimes described as the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Istanbul - formerly Constantinople - is a vast, heaving metropolis with an imperial history that stretches back for more than 1,500 years. It is the cultural heart of the nation and a land bridge spanning two continents. Istanbuls unique position on the Bosphorus Strait with a rich and varied history, Istanbuls architectural inheritance is second to none. Fine examples are visible throughout the city with stunning Ottoman mosques, classical columns, Byzantine structures, ancient city walls and fine Orthodox churches. The city has become increasingly cosmopolitan of late: the arts and music scene is flourishing, and new bars, clubs, private art galleries, restaurants and designer fashion outlets are opening all the time. Istanbul has been applauded loud for its successful hosting of international organizations, such as Formula 1 and the Red Bull Air Race. Istanbul has numerous historic shopping centers, such as the Grand Bazaar. ACCOMODATION Our dormitory is located in Kadkoy, the hub of Istanbul. It has a total accommodation capacity of 75 persons. The rooms have a common kitchen and private bathroom. The dormitory features reading and sitting rooms, TV rooms, laundry rooms. Students can make use of hot water 24 hours a day. Cleanliness and hygiene are the most important characteristics of our dormitory. LABORATORIES All lab rooms are fully wired with high-speed internet access. There are language, computer, physics, electronics, communication, media workshop lab, radio-TV, animation and fashion studio. IT Division
encompasses the use of campus computing, network services and document services. Divisions services include providing computational equipment, their hardware and software maintenance, maintenance of software resources such as language compilers, utilities and application programs. The libraries offer a comprehensive and flexible range of reference services with trained librarians. The libraries hold over 25,000 items all of these books and journals and subscribed various databases. STUDENT LIFE Istanbul Commerce Community is welcomed to Cemile Sultan Koru Tesisleri, a social facility of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce in Kandilli and the students and faculty can benefit from all the activities such as swimming, fitness center and badminton in this facility. Home to more than 20 student clubs, head of departments assist student leaders in any way they can. Istanbul Commerce University views athletics and recreation as an integral part of the educational experience. The 250 square-meter, Fitness and Recreation Center has been a recognizable landmark of the Istanbul Commerce community. Mens intercollegiate varsity sports include basketball, volleyball, tennis, soccer and swimming. Women participate in volleyball, tennis and swimming. Istanbul Commerce University competes at the Turkish University Sports Federations League. INTERNATIONALISATION Our goal with objectives of the Bologna Declarations is to investigate and study legal, political, economic, social and cultural aspects of the European Union ERASMUS Education Coordination in an interdisciplinary approach which aims improvement in Turkey - European Union relationships. ITICU supports incoming and outgoing students and teachers mobility. International Relations Office is responsible for the academic cooperation with the universities in the U.S and other European countries. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Medium of instruction is Turkish, supported by English. Students take the Proficiency Exam. Students who pass the exam continue the freshman year, while failing students continue to the English Prep Classes. English is a compulsory credited course in all undergraduate programs. We have 2 programs that are taught in English: Aviation Logistics and Ground Handling Service Management in Aviation. We offer elective courses such as German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, etc.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
150 45
Contact: Prof. Dr. Bulent Pamukcu Selman- Pak Cad. 34672 skdar/Istanbul/Turkey +90 (216) 553 94 22 +90 (216) 532 55 06
AREAS OF STUDY Banking and Insurance Program, Printing and Publishing Technologies Program, Computer Programming Program, Office Management and Secretarial Program, Child Development Program, Foreign Trade Program, Graphic Design Program, Public Relations and Publicity Program, Business Management (English) Program, Business Management Program, Logistics Program, Stocks and Capital Markets Program, Accounting and Tax Application Program, Marketing Program, Radio and Television Technologies Program,Tourist Guiding Program, Tourism and Hospitality Management Program, Applied English-Turkish Translation Program INSTITUTION Istanbul Kavram Vocational School was founded in 2007 and it is a part of Kavram Education Foundation. With a 35 year education backround Kavram Education Corporation fundamentally make a great conribution to Turkish education system by educating eligible students with Kavram Training Center which give courses from elemantary students to high school students about high school and university entry exam. Istanbul Kavram Vocational School Project considered as a primary project to prepare the infrastructure of Istanbul Kavram University
on the Bosphorus peninsula, with Halic (Golden Horn) in the northwest of the country. It is the only city placed on two continents: European and Asian Regions. With a unique location, between the Balkans and Anatolia, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, Istanbul embraces both western and eastern cultures. The meeting point of European culture and traditional eastern values, Istanbul has been the capital of three magnificient empires in history: Roman Empire (330-395), Byzantine Empire (395-1453), and Ottoman Empire (1453-1922). ACCOMODATION Istanbul Kavram Meslek Yuksekokulu does not own a dormitory, however there are signed agreements between Kavram and several private dormitories which are close to 2 main campuses and other city centers. LABORATORIES There are 2 Computer Labs in both 2 campuses, with a capacity of 50 computers. Library of Kavram is located in the ili Campus. STUDENT LIFE There are 21 active student clubs within the school. There is also a futball team. Students enjoy be-
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation HEI No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
53 0 3
Contact Istanbul Kavram Meslek Yksekokulu, Byk Dere Cad., Esentepe Mah., No:114, isli/Istanbul +90 (212) 216 09 10 +90 (212) 216 09 14
which is thought to be established in the near future by Kavram Education Foundation. stanbul Kavram Vocational School starts education in 20072008 academic year and Istanbul Kavram University establishment starts. There are currently 16 2-year programs in 13 branches of disciplines. Kavram Vocational School has two main campuses. Umraniye Campus is located at the center of Anatolian Side of Istanbul. ili Campus is located in the European Side. CITY The distinguishing features of the city of Istanbul are its geographic location, unique natural beauty, and the great historical and cultural heritage which has come to symbolize the city. Istanbul is located
ing at the center of Istanbul and close to all activities all around the city. INTERNATIONALISATION There are several programs which allow Kavram to internationalise. With Erasmus Exchange programram, Kavram aims to Exchange students in the academic year 2010-2011. Moreover, the YES program allows Kavram graduates to continue their education in several reputable universities in the UK, with distance learning programs. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Medium of Instruction at Kavram is mainly Turkish. There is only one program, namely Business Administration, which all the classes thought in English.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact Istanbul Kltr University, European and International Center, Ataky Campus 34156, Bakrky Istanbul, TURKEY +90 (212) 498 41 41 +90 (212) 498 41 88 European-and-International-Center
sinesses and Entrepreneurship, and Global Political Trends. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction at IKU is English in the Departments of Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electronic Engineering, International Relations and English Language and Literature. In the other departments, it is Turkish, with the exception of certain designated courses. The Foreign Languages Center meets the foreign languages learning requirements of students. German and French can also be chosen to study as a second foreign language, besides English.
AREAS OF STUDY Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural and Engineering Sciences, Communication Sciences, Business and Administrative Sciences. UNIVERSITY Istanbul ehir University (EHR) is a recently founded, non-profit, private higher education institution established by the Foundation for Science and Arts (Bilim ve Sanat Vakf / BSV) in 2008. Its founder BSV is a renowned NGO functioning for more than 20 years in the field of social sciences, organizing many (inter)national academic activities and offering free seminars in related areas. With its young and qualified teaching staff, dynamic interdisciplinary curricula and eclectic programs, the wide range of elective courses, rich library and researchfocused agenda, Istanbul ehir University aims at becoming a distinguished HEI of Turkey and its neighboring regions in higher education and research. CITY With its centuries long tradition of multicultural life Istanbul offers a welcoming and comfortable environment for international students. Also, as Turkeys economic-financial center, Istanbul is the metropolis with highest number of universities in the region. EHR has two campuses in Istanbul. The Altunizade Campus is situated in the centre of Istanbul, close to the famous Bosphorus Bridge, which connects the two continents. The 75 acres (sixty football fields-wide) Dragos Campus is located in Maltepe district with a fascinating view of the Princes Islands in the inland Marmara Sea. ACCOMODATION Dormitories are composed of double and quad rooms which are equipped with 24-hour wireless Internet access and phones. Smart study halls, TV lounges, sports halls, laundries and many other facilities offer a comfortable atmosphere to students. International students are provided with accommodation at the dormitories.
LABORATORIES Engineering and psychology departments have laboratories with the latest technology equipments. EHR Library has a large amount of book collections, e-books, journals and audio/video archive. With open shelf system, EHR Library serves both university students and general public. EHR Library aims to become the largest university library in Turkey targeting one million book collection in near future. In EHR every degree student is provided with an Apple Macbook laptop computer upon enrollment. Smart classrooms facilitate the students experience the flexibility and quality of education. Wireless Internet connection is available in every corner at campuses. STUDENT LIFE A vivid atmosphere in EHRs campuses is waiting for students. Sports-friendly campuses are equipped with sports halls, soccer fields, tennis and basketball courts. Students are encouraged to take part in various activities of student clubs which contribute to further improvement of students abilities and skills. INTERNATIONALISATION As a new HEI, EHR gives priority to internationalization through academic cooperation with universities abroad and exchange programs. It encourages each and every student to acquire a passport. EHR aims to become a center of excellence in Erasmus activities in near future. It has signed mobility contracts with prestigious US universities. International students constitute 10% of all student body at EHR. A high rate of scholarships is available for international degree students at EHR. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Students with insufficient English proficiency go through one year English Preparatory Programme. School of Languages offers many languages courses such as German, French, Arabic, Russian, Persian EHIR Library has a rich book collection in various languages of the world. It has a multimedia unit where students can interactively improve their foreign languages. Last but not least, a multicultural atmosphere created by the international students is very much valued at Istanbul ehir University.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
53 10 23
Contact Istanbul ehir University, International Relations Office, Kubak Cad. No.27, Altunizade-skdar / Istanbul, Turkey. +90 (216) 444 40 34 +90 (216) 474 53 53
AREAS OF STUDY Aircraft Teaching, Architecture, Bioengineering, Boat Construction and Boat Machinery Engineering, Boat Machinery Business Engineering, Chemistry, Chemistry Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Control Engineering, Data System Engineering, Department of City and Regional Planning, Economy, Ecological Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Products Design, Enterprise Engineering, Food Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geophysical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Interior Design, Machine Engineering, Management, Mathematics Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Meteorology Engineering, Mining Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Physics Engineering, Products Engineering, Sea Technology Engineering, Space Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering UNIVERSITY Istanbul Technical University (ITU) is the oldest Technical University in Turkey providing continuous education since 1773. Throughout its history, ITU has established a longstanding tradition of both defining and creating an innovative approach to methods of engineering and architecture in Turkey. With a history stretching back over 236 years, providing technical education within a modern educational environment and strong academic staff, ITU is strongly identified with architectural and engineering education in Turkey. The efforts and expertise of ITU graduates have been major contributors in the planning and construction of Turkeys roads, bridges, dams, factories, buildings, energy plants, communication networks, villages and cities. It provides its students with modern educational facilities while retaining traditional values, as well as using its strong international contacts to mould young, talented individuals who can compete in the global arena. CITY Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey and 5th largest city proper in the world with a population of 12.8 million, also making it the second largest metropolitan area in Europe by population, and the largest metropolitan city proper. Istanbul is also a megacity, as well as the cultural, economic, and financial centre of Turkey. The city was chosen as joint European Capital of Culture for 2010. It is located on the Bosphorus Strait and encompasses the natural harbour known as the Golden Horn, in the northwest of the country. It extends both on the European (Thrace) and on the Asian (Anatolia) sides of the Bosphorus, and is thereby the only metropolis in the world that is situated on two continents. Istanbul has a mild climate, so it is possible to live all four seasons. Apart from its historical and natural beauties the city is quite assertive with its hotels, fair, congress and meetings
halls in European standards; international airport with a passenger capacity of 20 millions annually and its transportation, it stands ona of the most busiest airport in the world. ACCOMODATION ITU has on-campus housing facilities with a capacity of 3000, offering high quality accommodation to its students. ITU dorms are located in convenient locations allowing students to enjoy campus life. LABORATORIES ITU Libraries hold over 1 million items including books, periodicals, electronic resources, digital media collections, musical recordings, and various documents. ITU Music Library has a unique collection of recordings and materials on Turkish, Classical and Contemporary Music. Services include state-of-the art technologies such as campuswide gigabit ethernet, wireless internet, VPN, VOIP and interactive user services. ITU is the national internet access gate for all educational institutions in Istanbul and the Marmara Region. ITU Open-Access Labs have up-to-date computer systems and specific software for student use. ITU Computing Center continuously plans and monitors both software and hardware maintenance for effective and efficient use. STUDENT LIFE With over 100 active student clubs and organizations on campus, plus the varied resources of cosmopolitan Istanbul, student life at ITU is exciting, educational, interactive and fun. Student led activities and organizations include the ITU Solar Car Teams, ITU Solar Boat Team, pSAT Orbital Satellite Team, Annual Rock Festival, ITU Spring Festival, theater performances, ITU polyphonic choir, and dancing troupes. INTERNATIONALISATION ITU has more than 135 international partnership agreements and is the first university to introduce the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in Turkey. ITU has received the Erasmus University Charter and became the leading university in Turkey with its involvement in EU exchange programs. ITU has also initiated Dual Degree Programs with US Universities, and has nearly 1500 full-time enrollment in 12 programs. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Since 1996, %30 of classes are taught in English and full English programs are coming 2010. Foreign Language Education Programs have been restructured with the cooperation of the University of Connecticut. Apart from Turkish instructors, 40 American and British instructors teach at this program. There are also French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Italian classes on offer as elective courses.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 1773 : 220510 : TR ISTANBU04 : : : : : : : : : : : : 13 6 12 1 Yes 798 18.047 5.205 1.929 1.081 828 168
Contact EU Centre Erasmus Office Ayazaa Kamps Otomasyon Binas Kat: 2 Maslak 34469 Istanbul +90 (212) 285 71 83 +90 (212) 285 62 42
AREAS OF STUDY Medicine, Law, Science (mathematics, physics, biology, molecular biology and genetics, astronomy and space sciences) Letters (languages and literature, history, geography, anthropology, archaeology, history of art, philosophy, psychology, sociology, information and documentation management, theatre critique and dramaturgy, protection and restoration of mobile cultural assets) Economics, Forestry, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Business Administration, Political Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Engineering (environmental, mining, mechanical, metalurgical, civil, geological, geophysical, chemistry, computer, maritime tarnsportation, electrical-electronics, industrial) Fisheries, Communication, Divinity, Education (pre-school, classroom, science, mathematics, social sciences, educational sciences, Turkish, foreign languages, special education, computers and teaching Technologies, religion and moral education) Nursing, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Transportation and Logistics, Physical Education and Sports. UNIVERSITY Istanbul University, as one of the oldest educational institutions, has played a guiding and influential role in the social and cultural life of our country. Istanbul University consists of 19 faculties, 3 departments, 13 training and vocational schools, 16 institutes and 31 research and application centers situated in many districts of Istanbul. Main campus is located in Beyazt with rectorate and administrative offices and also law, economics and political sciences faculties. With its highly qualified staff, its experienced administration, its contemporary structure and its scientific contributions in the fields of medicine, science and social sciences, Istanbul University is the center of attraction for both Turkish and international students. Istanbul University, with its universal values, places great importance on international education, experience and flow of knowledge. CITY With its history stretching back approximately 8000 years, Istanbul is an ancient area of habitation. stanbul has a unique position in the world as a city at the crossroads of great civilizations and has hosted communities from a variety of belief systems and traditions. The Istanbul Strait, otherwise known as the Bosporus connects the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea, separates the Asian Continent and the European Continent and divides the city of Istanbul into two. Istanbul is the only city in the world situated on two continents. Istanbul covers 9,7% of the territory of Turkey and is the most important province of Turkey in terms of population and economic growth. stanbul provide you with festivals, exhibitions, thea-
ters, cinemas, concerts and a lively environment in every topic. ACCOMODATION In a large metropolitan area like Istanbul, finding economic and suitable accommodation is one of the biggest problems. Our University is working meticulously to find a solution to this problem by opening new halls of residence. A limited number of students are given accommodation at the guesthouse on the Avclar campuse. In addition to that, private dormitories, boarding houses and flats for rent are further alternatives for the solution of the accommodation problem. LABORATORIES Istanbul University facilitates its students with computer laboratories and wide internet infrastructure installed in every faculty and school. Currently, there are 13 500 computers and 14.000 internet endpoint connections. In addition to comprehensive libraries on all campuses and virtually every faculty; the Central Library and the Rare Books Library containing manuscripts present a unique cultural treasure. The 23 libraries of the university continue to invest in the students by hosting thousands of publications. Students can make use of books and other materials free of charge, either by using them in the library or by borrowing them for a certain period of time. STUDENT LIFE Istanbul University students carry out activities and work in their fields of interest in hundreds of student clubs on cinema, theatre, computers, marbling, mountaineering and such topics. Students organize vents either through their faculties or through the Students Culture Centers at Beyazit and Avclar Campuses. Especially the Student Cultural Center is an unique student establishment with no equivalent in other universities. The Student Cultural Center organizes activities throughout the year with the 16 art and culture clubs it incorporates. Istanbul University presents eating facilities to its students in genuinely economic conditions. 4 different lunch types are served through 17 student restaurants across all campuses. Service in cafeterias at all our faculties and schools complies with service and hygiene standards. INTERNATIONALISATION The International Academic Relations Committee began its activities in 1989 in order to organize and develop international academic activities with all countries of the world. Istanbul University has 464 Erasmus bilateral agreements with 237 european universities at 26 countries between 2003-2014. In 2009/2010 academic year, we have received 156 students and sent about 250 students. For 2010/2011 academic year we are receiving and sending about 300 students. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The language of instruction at Istanbul University is in Turkish. Cerrahpaa Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration have seperate departments in which the language of instruction is English. In foreign language departments of Hasan Ali Ycel Faculty of Education and Faculty of Letters students are also instructed in target language besides Turkish.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 1453 : 221793 : TR ISTANBU03 : : : : : : : : : : : : 19 16 31 13 Yes 8.013 46.729 9.054 3.855 2.581 2.211 332
Contact: Istanbul niversitesi Akademik likiler Kurulu Erasmus Program Koordinatrl Beyazt Kamps 34452 Beyazt, Istanbul Turkey +90 (212) 440 00 51 +90 (212) 440 00 52 english/index.php
AREAS OF STUDY Philosophy , History, Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration, International Relations, Construction Education, Technical Drawing Education of Construction , Nursing, Medical Laboratory Techniques Program, Medical Laboratory Techniques Program (secondary education), Elderly Care Program, Elderly Care Program (evening education, Foreign Trade Program, Foreign Trade Program (e.e.), Management Program, Management Program(e.e.), Finance Program , Finance Program (e.e.), Accounting and Tax Practices Program, Accounting and Tax Practices Program (e.e.), Computer Programming, Computer Programming(e.e.), Office Administration and Secretary Skills Program, Office Administration and Secretary Skills Program(e.e.), Electrics Program, Electrics Program (e.e.), Graphic Design Program, Graphic Design Program (e.e.), Chemistry Technology Program. UNIVERSITY Krklareli University was founded on 29th May 2007 The university has been working today with dedication to fulfill its public service and responsibilities with 4 faculties, the School of Health, 6 Vocational Schools and 2 Institutes in the process of establishment. The founding of all faculties and other academic units is expected to be completed in the coming years. CITY Krklareli, located in the northwest of Turkey, is a fabulous city whose area is 6650 sq km. Because of Derekoy Border Gate which gives access Turkey to Europe (Bulgaria) is situated in Kirklareli and geographic location of city, it became a transition point between Anatolia and Europe. Because of that, different cultures have been located in Krklareli throughout history. ACCOMODATION There are some private and public dormitories for students of Krklareli University in both Kavakl town and Krklareli city center. LABORATORIES Library of Krklareli University is in Kavakl Campus and it works as open shelf system that lead people meet with books directly. There are 6900 pieces of books in our library which opens between 8:30 and 17:30 in weekdays. Students can use the library and barrow book from library by their student id-cards. Also, there are 100 available work places for students.In our gym which has a 300 people capacity, some sports branch can be played such as basketball, volleyball and handball. STUDENT LIFE Academic and socio-cultural activities are held in the Economy Club founded by students from our university. Academical and socio-cultural activities are carried out in the Business Administration Club which was founded by the students of our university. The club has been established for our students to join some activities related with art and to see new places by traveling. In our mess hall there are two meals, lunch and dinner. Meals consist of four different type of food. In every beginning of months a menu is determined and announced in our web address. Beverages, fast-food, different kind of foods can be found in the cafeteria in Kavakl Campus. There are also some activities for fun such as table tennis. Students use cafeteria for their free time. INTERNATIONALISATION We wish to provide education for our students in a European context therefore participation to Life Long Learning programme is of vital importance for us and to the long-term development of education in Turkey. Besides, we want to enhance our students career opportunities and increase their marketability through the acquisition of new skills and competencies by studying in different universities with in the EU. Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers : 2007 : 257230 : TR KIRKLAR01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 4 1 1 7 None 7.500 3.000
121 41 10
Contact: Krklareli University International Relations Office Kavakl/Krklareli +90 (288) 246 17 09 +90 (288) 246 17 71
AREAS OF STUDY Science, Engineering, Management, Economy, International Relations, Law, Literature, Communication and Arts
UNIVERSITY Kadir Has Universitys main purpose is providing a parallel study of research and discussion of the worlds leading universities. The most important targets for our students are interdisciplinary training with equipments, preparing them for the future development of social and cultural areas to sustain their right to make a call to learn while multi-faceted assessment. The essence of the philosophy in Kadir Has University academic life is preparing successful and happy individuals as pioneers in society with the humor of self-confidence, questioning, tolerance and ready to cooperate at all levels. CITY Kadir Has University main campus is located in the heart of Istanbul on Golden Horn/ Halic area (Istanbul Historical Peninsula) The English preparatory school and vocational schools are located at the Bahcelievler and Selimpasa campuses, respectively. The Kadir Has main campus The Tekel Cibali buildings, once used as Tekels tobacco depot and cigarette factory, have been restored according to the way they were originally, and they have been fitted out as the central campus of our university. In a historically very important district of Istanbul, the buildings now carry the mark of history, scientific education and research. The Cibali campus houses classrooms, labs, a central library as well as all faculties, institutes, the rectorate and the deans offices. ACCOMODATION Kadir Has University housing facilities first will begin serving in 2010-2011 academic year.
LABORATORIES Kadir Has University have selected labs such as Physics Lab, Chemistry Lab, Electronics Lab Computer Network Laboratory; Industrial Engineering Laboratory; Software Development Laboratory; Microprocessor Lab; Control and Automation Laboratory; Faculty of Engineering Computer Laboratory (Lab 1 and Lab-2); Faculty of Arts Faculty of Engineering-Computer Science Laboratory (Lab-3); FEAS Computer Laboratory (Lab-4); Computer Lab (Lab-5); Mac Lab Communications Department; Faculty of Fine Arts Mac Lab. Qualified library services provided scientific and intellectual activities within the Kadir Has University of Central Library at Campus Cibali thousand square meter area inwhich at least 225 users are being served at the same time. STUDENT LIFE Kadir Has University is a cultural, social and sport activities center for its students. As the University is situated on the shores of Halic, our students are actively interested in water sports, like rowing. Actually University has 36 active student social clubs. INTERNATIONALISATION The International Office and EU Erasmus Office provides information and gives support to students from other countries, as well as to Kadir Has University students, who consider studying abroad at another institute of higher learning.This involves, among other things, support and feedback to the university management on internationalisation issues, developing agreements for the academic exchange and research co-operation on a central level. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Mainstream English, Occasionally Turkish
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact: Kadir Has Campus Kadir Has Cad. 34083 Cibali Istanbul +90 (212) 533 65 32 +90 (212) 533 65 15 Kadir-Has-Universitesi/131143546902767
AREAS OF STUDY Architecture and Design, Arts and Sciences, Communication, Dentistry, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Education, Fine Arts, Law, Medicine, Technical Education, Engineering. UNIVERSITY Kocaeli University (KOU) is a state university in Kocaeli, Turkey. The first step for KOU was the Academy of Engineering and Architecture of Kocaeli founded in 1976. In 1992, it was founded as Kocaeli University and became an independent institution since then. KOU has 45728 students and 1095 academic staff with 299 short cycle programmes at 19 vocational schools, 121 undergraduate programmes at 11 faculties and 6 colleges, 81 masters and 39 PhD programmes at 3 graduate schools. The academic year of the University is composed of two semesters, the first term generally begins on the last week of September and ends in the middle of January and the second term begins in the middle of February and ends in mid-June. KOU has established International Relations and EU Unit oversees KOUs participation in the LLP mobility schemes. KOU is also a member of EUA and signed the Magna Charta Universitatum in 2006. CITY zmit is a city of 371.725 inhabitants and it is the central administrative unit of Kocaeli province, which inhabits 1.5 million residents. In Turkey, some province centers bear different names than their provinces; hence is the Kocaeli/zmit distinction. The vocational schools and most of the colleges of KOU are located in various districts of the city. However, all the faculties (except for the Faculty of Architecture which lies in zmit city centre, only 20 minutes from Umuttepe campus) are located at KOUs central campus, Umuttepe, which is just outside Izmit, Kocaeli. zmit is the industrial center of Turkey with thousands of factories of various size, including Turkeys greatest factory, the Tupras (an oil refinery), automobile, machinery, and a number of heavy industries. The region generates 13% of national output of manufactured goods, has 13% of national trade and has the highest per capita GDP at USD 7800. With its ancient heritage, zmit also bears cultural and historical significance in the region. ACCOMODATION The halls of residence and dormitories are run by various bodies, namely the HE Credits and Dorms Institution, the KOU Foundation and some private enterprises. The dorms offer central heating, hot water, full-time security, study rooms and laundry for common use. LABORATORIES The main library is located at Umuttepe campus and has about 70,000 books, 1000 periodicals; 600 in Turkish and 400 in foreign languages. The working hours of the main library are: MonFri 08:30 - 21:15; Sat 10:00 -15:45. The university has some more libraries in various other campuses, too. Besides, there are several PC pools and laboratories at the faculties which offer fast and up-todate technology. The largest of them has 120 computers and it is located at the main library. Electronic databases and periodicals can be accessed free of charge from STUDENT LIFE There are 100 active student clubs within KOU. Their interest areas range from environment to philosophy, education technologies, international relations, various kinds of arts (theatre, fine arts, folk dance etc.) and sports (underwater sports, mountaineering etc). Through such clubs, KOU students can enrich their social lives by adding an enjoyable dimension to their studies. At Umuttepe Campus, there is a Social Center with cafes where the students can eat, play games, listen to music and have access to Internet. KOU offers various sports activities to the students via its School of Physical Education and Sports located at Umuttepe Campus. INTERNATIONALISATION KOU is aware of the significance of internationalisation for attaining the objective of high quality education. Erasmus mobility constitute the basis of internationalisation. Further, EILC in Turkish organized by KOU twice a year contributes to the efforts to boost the mobility. The number of students and staff benefiting from the exchange has increased gradually. In addition to Erasmus, academic cooperation with non-European countries have been established. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Medium of instruction in Kocaeli University is Turkish. Howeveri as of 2010 - 2011 academic year, 30% of the courses in some departments will be offered in English. Further, KO also offers some courses in English for exchange students.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 1992 : 219929 : TR KOCAELI02 : : : : : : : : : : : : 11 3 24 19 Yes 19.455 24.792 1.043 438 1.095 717 172
Contact: Kocaeli niversitesi Uluslararas likiler Birimi Umuttepe Kampusu Merkez Ktphane Binas 2. Kat 41380 Umuttepe/ZMT +90 (262) 303 10 45 +90 (262) 303 10 44
AREAS OF STUDY Business Administration, Economics, International Relations, Archeology and Art History, English and Comparative, Literature, History, Media and Visual Arts, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Chemical & Biological Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Law, Medicine, Nursing UNIVERSITY Ko University was founded in 1993 as a nonprofit private university located in Istanbul. The mission of Ko University is to be a center of excellence, one that strives to provide a world-class education to its students, create new knowledge via the research of its faculty, apply the acquired knowledge for the benefit of society, and equip its students with the highest sense of ethics, social responsibility and good citizenship. At Ko University students acquire the intellectual courage to inquire and question while concurrently developing the character necessary to serves custodians of democratic values and freedom. Guided by the highest standards of academic and interpersonal development, the institution collectively imparts the critical thinking necessary to analyze knowledge, the creativity to nurture and surpass this knowledge, and the curiosity for lifelong learning. CITY Although it is not the capital, Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey as the leading industrial, commercial and cultural center. Population of the city is estimated to be more than 15 million. Istanbul sprawls over an enormous area on both banks of the Bosphorus Strait (Boazii). The Bosphorus runs north to south, from the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara, through the middle of Istanbul, splitting the city in half and causing it to straddle two continents: Asia and Europe. Unlike many other European cities, Istanbul does not branch out from a main Town Hall or central square. Instead, Istanbul is a cobbled-together collection of various landmarks and patches of land, all interconnected by twisty alleys. The city is the chief seaport and commercial and financial center of Turkey. A large share of the trade of Turkey passes through Istanbul. Istanbul is also the headquarters of the Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox church and the archdiocese of the Patriarch of the Armenians in Turkey.
ACCOMODATION Ko University dormitories have a capacity of 2,334 students, and the campus includes 102 apartments constructed for faculty housing. There are single, double or quadruple room options available. In every dormitory, there is central heating system, 24h internet connection, cable TV and 24h hot water. In every room, there is a bed, a closet, a drawer, a study table, an armchair, a chair, book shelves, a mini fridge and a night lamp for every student. LABORATORIES With its central location on campus, the SunaKra Library has an exemplary collection of books, journals, newspapers, electronic resources and materials in other media. Coverage is international in scope and comprehensive in subject matter. Publications in Turkish, English, French, German and Italian are routinely acquired. Designed to accommodate the latest electronic and multimedia resources, as well as traditional library materials and services, in an inviting and service-oriented atmosphere. Circulates approximately 6,500 items per month, holds over 280,000 materials in total. Subscribes to roughly 36,000 electronic journals and 45,000 electronic books. Serves around 32,000 visitors per month during the busy period. STUDENT LIFE Ko University is committed to supporting social and cultural activities that contribute to student enrichment. There are more than 60 student clubs and associations. Attracting leading artists in the fine and performing arts, Ko University is home to modern exhibition and performance facilities, including the 370-seat Sevgi Gnl Auditorium and a 310-seat Engineering Auditorium, and offers cultural activities and art events throughout the year. The university also exhibits both permanent and temporary collections that date from ancient times to the present day. Ko University also provides outdoor facilities, including an olympicsize soccer field, a swimming pool, an ice skating rink, tennis courts and a basketball court. Other facilities include cafeterias, canteens, cafes, hair dresser, full service bank, ATM machines, supermarket, dry cleaning, bookstore, post office, Apple Store and 24-hour computer labs. INTERNATIONALISATION Conscious of the increasingly globalized marketplace and inherent value of internationalization, Ko University considers the foundation of a notable international presence to be a necessity in the 21st century. Hence, the university values and actively pursues a diverse campus, where different thoughts, cultures, values and personalities, not only co-exist, but also mutually contribute to the expansion of the individual and the collective. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Language of instruction is 100 percent English.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact: Ko University Rumelifeneri Yolu, 34450 Saryer / Istanbul / Turkey +90 (212) 338 12 80 +90 (212) 338 12 67
AREAS OF STUDY Architecture, Communication, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Law, Medicine, Literature. UNIVERSITY Maltepe University is located at Marmara Eitim Ky (Marmara Education Village). The Campus extends over an area of 10 hectares. It comprises of faculty buildings, indoor/outdoor sports facilities, an Olympic size swimming pool and social-cultural activity centers. The principle of education of Maltepe University can be summarized as Free in Thought, Modern in Science. The medium of instruction is Turkish. However, departments offer a wide variety of elective courses in English both for Erasmus and other students of Maltepe University. There is also a food and beverage lab for the Tourism and Hotel Management students. The computer center provides computing facilities in support of research, education and administration. There is free ambulance service at the 24-hour open health center on the campus. CITY Istanbul, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, is a bridge between Europe and Asia. It is a mixture of the historical and mystical elements of the East-Roman, Byzantium and Ottoman Empires with the modern Turkish Republic. It is the largest and most crowded city in Turkey with more than 15 million inhabitants. Istanbul is a city which never sleeps. It has got the fast moving pace of an international city. It is the heart of most economic deals with its trade, technology and banking activities. It is also a city with a vast historical background. The famous Bosphorus that divides two continents, the mosques and palaces, the remnants of three Empires gives it a special standing among its peers. It is a city of the world representing different cultures blended together, each adding its own aura of richness. ACCOMODATION The student residence halls on the premises of the Marmara Eitim Ky are three storey buildings which can house up to 1000 students. There are
three bedroom flats and studio flats which consist of a bedroom, living room, bathroom, toilet and a kitchen. There is a common recreation room in all residence halls and health center. There is laundry hall, computer hall, dining halls and free wireless Internet service on campus. LABORATORIES The University Library (Information and Documentation Center) is constantly developing its database subscription, taking into consideration the needs of faculties and departments. There are approximately 35,000 books, and about 1000 national and international periodicals in the library. The libraries of Faculty of Architecture and Medicine also contain books and periodicals on related topics. The computer center provides computing facilities in support of research, education and administration. Campus network operator is on duty 24 hours a day. STUDENT LIFE Socal facltes A wide range of extra-curricular activities enables students to develop their abilities and leadership skills. There are 36 student clubs, including the Erasmus Club, each serving different interests and talents. Students are encouraged to take part in these clubs which necessitate cooperative work. The university encourages and supports the clubs and provides activities in accordance with their objectives. Modern cafes provide pleasant settings for chatting, having fun time and watching TV. INTERNATIONALISATION Maltepe University has been involved in several bilateral and multinational cooperation programs. One of the largest cooperation programs is the LLP-Erasmus Program among European Union Programs for Education and Training, Youth, Culture and Citizenship in 2007-2013. The LLP-Erasmus Office has been established to coordinate the exchange programs and joint projects. ECTS system is used as the credit standard. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of teaching is both Turkish and English.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 1997 : 220066 : TR ISTANBU18 : : : : : : : : : : : : 9 3 6 1 None 599 4.168 706 62 348 150 129
Contact: Maltepe University, Marmara Eitim Ky 34857 Maltepe, Istanbul - Turkey +90 (216) 626 11 35 +90 (216) 626 11 34
AREAS OF STUDY Educational Sciences, European Studies, Dentistry (English), Pharmacy, Arts and Sciences, Engineering (English), Fine Arts, Law, Economics and Administrative Sciences (Turkish, English, German and French), Theology, Communication, Health Sciences, Technical Education, Medicine (English), Banking and Insurance, Physical Education and Sports.
further alternatives. There is also a guest house of the University in the Gztepe Campus, for limited number of guests. LABORATORIES The Central Library is located in Goztepe Campus. All students may use this library. Besides, different faculties have their own libraries. Total number of books in these libraries is approximately 490,000. These libraries are subscribed to over 700 periodicals in Turkish, English, German, French and other languages. Marmara University has a high quality IT infrastructure and a large number of computer laboratories at their faculties/departments. International students may get free access to Internet at these laboratories. STUDENT LIFE As Marmara University is located on both, Asia and Europe, sides of Istanbul; students enjoy an active
UNIVERSITY Marmara University with about 3000 distinguished faculty members and a student body reaching 60,000, located in several different campuses scattered throughout the most important city of our country, Istanbul, following a great tradition has been one of the leading institutions of higher education in Turkey for 124 years. The university, with its 13 faculties, 4 schools and 4 vocational schools of higher education, 11 institutes, and 31 research centers, is situated in 13 different locations,
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 1883 : 221719 : TR ISTANBU05 : : : : : : : : : : : : 17 11 31 4 Yes 5.073 39.779 9.431 2.847 2.752 935 153
most of which are on the Anatolian side of Istanbul. Welcoming international students as well as providing education at international standards in almost all fields, Marmara University, with its long and successful history, has rapidly become a modern and international university which hosts and participates in scientific meetings, cultural activities, art and sports along with various other national and international events. CITY Istanbul, situated at the meeting point of Europe and Asia, is known as the Cradle of Civilisations. With its population 13 million, the city is a magnificient metropolis sheltering the cultural and historical heritage of the East and West. The Bosphorus is not just a strait that divides the city into two, but also a wedding ring; matching the two continents. Palaces, castles, mosques, churches, and many other similar structures make up the historical texture of the city. The cultural life of the city is further enriched by festivals, fairs, congresses, concerts and similar activities, most of which are held internationally. Marmara University has some important strategic advantages on which it can build; its bridge function between Asia and Europe, and being the only university located on both sides of the city. The buildings of the University are located in 13 different sites of the two continents. ACCOMODATION Public and private dormitories are available near the campuses. Renting fully furnished rooms and renting flat with other exchange students are
Contact: Marmara University LLP/Erasmus Office Gztepe Campus 34722 Kadky, Istanbul, Turkey +90 (216) 345 21 67 +90 (216) 347 87 14
social and student life. In Marmara University approximately 100 student clubs have been established by students in various fields, such as management, sociology, photography, human resources, sports. There are a large number of different sports activities, organized by the Office of Health, Culture and Sports, and leisure activities in Marmara University. These activities have a wide range from football, basketball, volleyball, chess, tennis, table tennis to climbing. Besides, each year; football, basketball, table tennis, volleyball and chess tournaments are organized. INTERNATIONALISATION Marmara University actively operates the LLP/ Erasmus Programme with its 230 bilateral agreements. Since Marmara University became involved in Erasmus Programme in 2003, it is amongst the first three universities in Turkey, which are widely preferred by the foreign students. The university also has active exchange with universities from the USA and Asia. Our university is a member of the European University Association (EUA). LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Together with the Faculties of Engineering, Medicine and Dentistry where the medium of instruction is in Turkish and English, Marmara University also comprises the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences which provides education in four different languages: Turkish, English, French and German, thus making Marmara University the only multi-lingual university in Turkey.
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Contact: Meclis-i Mebusan Cad. No. 24 34427 Fndkl - ISTANBUL - TURKEY +90 (212) 2521600 538 +90 (212) 2440436
AREAS OF STUDY Agricultural Economics; Agricultural Biotechnology; Animal Science, Biosystem Engineering, Field Crops, Food Engineering, Horticulture, Landscape Architecture, PLant Protection, Soil Science, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Textile Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Medicine, Nursing, Medical Services, French Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, German Language and Literature, Turkish Language and Literature, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Biomedical Device Technology, Food Technology; Automative Technology, Mechanical Illustration and Construction, Machinery, Furniture and Decoration, Textile Technology, Electronical Communication Technology, Fishery Products, Agricultural Tools and Machinery, Computer Programming, AirConditioning and Refrigeration, Mechatronics, Electric, Electronics Technology, Control and Automation. UNIVERSITY Namk Kemal University founded on March 17, 2006. It holds a prestigious place among the recently established Turkish universities. Namk Kemal University is based on a strong background of 28 years. The Faculty of Agriculture opened in 1982 (under Trakya University) and orlu Faculty of Engineering, founded in 1992 (under Trakya University), built up a strong academic foundation with education, research and publications. Today, University is composed of five faculties, eleven vocational schools. University also has school of health, school of foreign languages, the institute of science and engineering, the institute of social sciences and the institute of health sciences. With nearly 15000 students, 578 academic staff and 258 administrative staff, the University provides a powerful, modern and a high quality education. CITY Tekirda is situated on the northern coast of the Sea of Marmara, 135 km west of Istanbul. Tekirda founded in the 7th century B.C. as a Greek settlement called Bisanthe, it was renamed Rhaedestus when it became the capital of Thrace in the 1st century B.C. Afterwards, it took the name RODOSTO. Rodosto was the name the Byzantine gave to it. As soon as the Ottomans conquered the area in 1358, they began to call the city as RODOSUK. After 1732 on, the name TEKFURDAI began to be used. Its known that Byzantine Feudal Lords were called Tekfur at the Ottomans Time; however, the exact reason for this name change is not known. As the period of Turkish Republic began, the name TEKRDA started to be used. The Tekirda area is the site of many holiday homes, as the city is only two hours drive from Istanbul via a new four-lane high-
way. The villages of arky, Mrefte and Kumba are particularly popular with Turkish tourists. The inland areas are fertile farmland, growing crops including wheat, sunflowers, cherries, etc. ACCOMODATION Namk Kemal University provides students in the campus variety of accommodation facilities. State owned dormitories have certain capacity reserved for international students. Prices of these accommodations are relatively cheaper than many EU countries. Students who wish to live off campus may also hire an apartment with a friend or on their own. The rents vary according to the city. International office at the university will help incoming students to find reasonable and suitable accommodation. LABORATORIES As a university having so many technical areas of study, Namk Kemal University offers an applied education in high quality with a lot of laboratories and technical equipments. Namk University Library strives to meet the educational and research needs of its students, faculty and staff. The library resources include not only traditional library materials such as books, journals and newspapers, but also DVDs and music CDs. It has also libraryloan system. Students may wish to search online library catalogues of the university. There are also computer and internet rooms in buildings. STUDENT LIFE Almost all students participate in cultural, artistic, scientific and sports activities and in organizing activities such as panels, open discussions, and conferences.Other activities include intramural sport competitions and a yearly spring festival. Available facilities include several open basketball and football fields, fitness center. There are about 33 students clubs working actively in numerous fields. Students also participate in basketball, football, table tennis, volleyball, skiing and swimming, all under the supervision of professional coaches and trainers. In the city many cultural and regional activities are taking place all year long. Many festivals, religious or official holiday activities, shows, summer concerts, are available for viewers. Student clubs (such as photography, science, culture, music, climbing, water sports, theatre, dance, community volunteers etc.) offer sports, entertainment and community service. INTERNATIONALISATION ERASMUS Programme is being executed at NKU according to bilateral agreements with 37 universities from 14 EU countries. The University also have 14 academic cooperation protocols with institutions from 10 countries around the world. In the framework of these cooperations, many joint projects are being carried out; congresses and symposia are being held; joint academic publications are co-authored; students benefit from possibilities of studying abroad, meeting different people and cultures. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION As the academic language is monolingual, multilingualism is observed only in social interactions. Students try to learn better about other European languages and culture.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact: Namk Kemal niversitesi Deirmenalt Yerlekesi, Rektrlk Binas, D likiler Birimi Erasmus Ofisi 59030 - Deirmenalt Mevkii Merkez - Tekirda / TURKEY +90 (282) 293 38 95 +90 (282) 293 38 95
AREAS OF STUDY Arabic Translation and Interpreting, Chinese Translation and Interpreting, English Translation and Interpreting, German Translation and Interpreting, Russian Translation and Interpreting, Psychology, Sociology, Applied Mathematics, Banking and Finance, Business Administration, Health Management, International Logistics, International Relations, International Trade, Management and Information System, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Architecture, Automotive Engineering, Civil Engineering, Energy Engineering, Food Engineering, Geomatics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, General Law Degree, Arts and Design Management, Fashion Design, Film and Television, Industrial Products Design, Interior Architecture, Photography and New Media, Plastic Arts, Urban Design & Landscape Architecture, Visual Communication Design, Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetic, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Accounting Information Systems, Gastronomy, Information Systems and Technologies UNIVERSITY Okan University has earned a distinct place amongst the Turkish universities since its foundation in 1999. Whilst growing rapidly, it has brought a new spirit to the academic world with its well qualified faculty, small class sizes, applicationoriented, quality education and contemporary programmes. Okan University is an institution closely integrated into business life, which therefore offers solutions for the future concerns of its students by presenting training programmes in their related fields and stable career opportunities after graduation. Our mission is to contribute to the development of our students by raising their consciousness about universal values and social problems, to render them successful and competent within their chosen fields and to prepare them for domestic and international competition. CITY Okan University is located in Istanbul, which is one of the most historical and cultural capitals of the world. Every year, several international festivals take place in Istanbul, the European Capital of Culture for 2010. Istanbul hosts distinguished international artists in its annual International Film, Jazz, Music and Theatre. Situated at the crossroads between the West and the Orient, and with its magical atmosphere, Istanbul offers the best of both worlds and provides a lively social and cultural life for students. Okan University campus, which is located on the outskirts of Istanbul, in Akfrat Kurtkoy, is only 30 minutes away from the centre of Istanbul and is very near to Sabiha Gokcen Airport and to Formula 1 Istanbul Park. Since there are regular bus services between the campus and Istanbul Okan students may benefit both from the quietness of the suburbs and the exciting possibilities of the metropolis. ACCOMODATION Okan University offers accommodation for 1000 students in three fully equipped dormitories on Akfrat Campus. Students can choose to stay in single, double or rooms for four people. Housing Office counsellors also help students find their most
suitable housing options. There are study halls, TV rooms and a round the clock medical centre. Restaurants and cafeterias serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Laundry and cleaning services are provided. LABORATORIES In addition to its library, with more than 25000 books and 150 periodicals, and with access to several online databases, e-books, the university also boasts several computer, electrical and mechanical laboratories and one simultaneous interpretation lab which are open to students for individual study and practice. Film production studios, fashion design workshops and several studios for artistic creation are also available for student use. Wireless internet connection and student e-mails are available for each student. STUDENT LIFE With the aim of providing its students with a rich range of extra-curricular activities that are consistent with the educational aims of the university, students are encouraged from the outset, to set up their own clubs, to participate in artistic, sporting and social activities. In addition to numerous clubs, students have formed various sports teams that take part in competitions. The Okan Spring Festival has already become a tradition. Students also take active part in the governance of the university through student councils and unions. Okan also offers medical care and psychological support to its students. Okan University campus with its facilities, from movie theatres, sports centres, cafs, restaurants to semi-olympic swimming pool, offers its students the charm of the city life on a campus. INTERNATIONALISATION Okan University gives utmost importance to the internationalisation of its programs and its faculty. It has established several protocols and bilateral agreements with universities from Russia, China, the USA and many countries in Europe. The university also participates in international and European projects and offers dual degrees. Moreover, Okan University has been an active participant in the Erasmus program. The number of exchange students and staff increases every year. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Today global markets necessitate knowledge of several languages. Within this perspective, several departments at Okan University not only offer their curricula in two languages, English and Turkish, but also provide its students with the chance of learning German, Russian and Chinese as a second language. These languages are taught by native speakers of the related language in fully equipped classes and language labs.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact: Erasmus Office Okan niversitesi Akfrat Kamps +90 (216) 677 16 30 +90 (216) 677 16 47!/ okanedu
AREAS OF STUDY Business Administration (BA, MBA, EMBA, PhD), Electrical-Electronics Engineering (BSc, MSc, PhD), Industrial Engineering (BSc), Mechanical Engineering (BSc), Computer Engineering (BSc), Hotel Management (BSc). UNIVERSITY zyein University (OzU) is a non-profit, staterecognized higher education institution in Istanbul, Turkey. OzU welcomed its first students in 2008 at its Altunizade city campus, and will grow into Turkeys first green campus university with a LEED certificate. Although OzU is young, our faculty is experienced at what we want to achieve: we produce creative, original, useful and applicable knowledge relevant not only within the context of Turkey, but also on a regional and international scale. OzU is a research university with a publication record of international claim, the highest number of patents per faculty member in Turkey and an unprecedented track record in research grants. With its excellent facilities, high academic standards and active learning method, OzU aspires to educate the most sought-after graduates in Turkey and beyond. Last, but not least, OzU is the choice in Turkey for students who are interested in obtaining university level education in entrepreneurship. CITY Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture is often characterized as the only city in the world to embrace two continents, the bridge that connects East with West. While studying at zyein University, you can explore the city once known as the capital of capital cities, having served as the axis upon which the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires revolved. The city has been home to more than 120 emperors and sultans over a span of 1600 years, and there are still remnants of their former wealth and glory: palaces and villas, churches and mosques, fountains and theaters, private schools and bathhouses. Today, from the depths of this historical Istanbul, a new, modern, dynamic Istanbul has been born, gaining acclaim and popularity among many, especially students. Alongside ancient minarets and Roman city walls have emerged shiny shopping malls and skyscrapers; integrated amongst the narrow streets and cobbled walkways are bars and nightclubs ringing out the latest music sensations. ACCOMODATION zyein University has residence halls to house students in the amlca neighborhood of Istanbul, ten minutes away from our Altunizade campus. The residence halls offer a modern, comfortable living environment and feature facilities and services to ensure an efficient study atmosphere. International students are given priority in housing arrangements. A shuttle bus connects the residence halls to the campus and public transpor-
tation links provide an easy access to the central parts of Istanbul. LABORATORIES Labs are the lifeblood of education at zyein. From freshman to graduation, students are exposed to real life situations in various state-of-theart labs and spaces. The library collection at OzU includes a wide variety of resources in print and electronic format, such as books, journals, databases, and multimedia resources. Most of the electronic resources are available from off campus locations 24/7. Every OzU student receives a portable computer and student account upon enrolment to the university and has full access to the Internet via wireless access points throughout the campus. The student account also provides access to a range of online services such as student email and Moodle, a virtual learning environment. STUDENT LIFE We at OzU believe that student clubs help form the backbone of a lively, colorful university environment while serving to cultivate individuals with multiple interests. Students at OzU are encouraged to start and participate in clubs with the organizational and financial support of the university. Some examples of the existing clubs include: dance club, cinema club, outdoor sports club, social responsibility club, photography club, theater club, debate society, technology and innovation club, and business and economy club. The Student Council, a student organization that represents the entire student body to the university administration, generates proposals and participates in governance of student-related issues. As one of its core values, social responsibility is integrated into the very fabric of OzUs educational program, with the university seeking to increase awareness of social problems and involving both faculty and students in developing real, sustainable solutions. INTERNATIONALISATION The Bologna process has served as an essential framework for the design of all OzU educational programs. To facilitate the mobility of people, transparency, and recognition of qualifications, curriculum development is based on the QF-EHEA and only the ECTS is used for credit allocation. The student mobility ratio of the first graduating class will be over 30%. Of the academic staff 25% are international and degree seeking foreign students are planned to represent 15% of the student body. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction at zyein University is English. In addition, the Hotel Management students are required to obtain a second foreign language, such as Russian, Spanish, Arabic or Chinese. The students in other programs are encouraged to study foreign languages as an elective option.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact International Office zyein University Kubak Cad. No: 2 34662 Altunizade, skdar, stanbul Turkey +90 (216) 559 23 07 +90 (216) 559 24 70
AREAS OF STUDY Architectural Restoration, Child Care, Graphic Design, Photography and Cinematography, Printing and Publishing Technologies, Public Relations, Radio and Television, Visual Communication INSTITUTION Plato College of Higher Education was founded by businessmen and academicians to generate qualified human resource in the fields of art, media and design in 2009. Plato College offers the opportunity to acquire the skills and approach to make a difference in students careers. It also allows students to gain competence in the application of theory and use of technology through interaction with select representatives of the art and business world. The curriculum of Plato College has been designed in line with current needs, potential developments and prioritizing programmes that have market value. The educational atmosphere is enriched by first class facilities, a strong faculty, an international collaboration network and professional contacts. CITY The god and human, nature and art are together in there, they have created such a perfect place that it is valuable to see. Lamartines famous poetic line reveals his love for Istanbul, describing the embracing of two continents, with one arm reaching out to Asia and the other to Europe. Istanbul, once known as the capital of capital cities, has many unique features. It is the only city in the world to straddle two continents, and the only
water running 24 hours a day in Han Hostel. There is a kitchen, living room and TV room on every floor for the use of students. Han has security personnel which are on site 24/7 which are supported with security system and CCTV cameras. Han Caf provides nutritious meals all day which are carefully prepared under the guidance of dieticians. LABORATORIES The Information Resources Centre (IRC) has been established on the basis of supporting Plato Colleges education and research activities by providing the necessary knowledge and literature in the fields of media, art and design. The IRC, which is located in the Balat campus of Plato, is equipped with state of the art equipment to support and quicken the research of its users. The IRC gives service to its users with 1500 books, 22 periodical publications and 13 e-magazine memberships. Alongside a wide range of multimedia collection, the IRC also has an extensive thematic magazine & newspaper archive. There is a Mac lab with 30 Mac computers provided for the use of students and staff along with a PC lab with 60 PCs. STUDENT LIFE A wide range of extracurricular activities enable students to develop their abilities and leadership skills. These activities include: the cinema club, Plato News (the quarterly newspaper which is prepared solely by students), (the website which is updated by students), regular talks with well known speakers from the sector, active part in photograph and video shoots, talks with di-
Date of Foundation EUC Number Foundation HEI No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
30 6
Contact: Ayvansaray Caddesi No.33 Balat 34087 Istanbul/Turkey +90 (212) 444 76 96 +90 (212) 621 45 03
one to have been a capital during two consecutive empires - Christian and Islamic. Once was capital of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul still remains the commercial, historical and cultural pulse of Turkey, and its beauty lies in its ability to embrace its contradictions. Ancient and modern, religious and secular, Asia and Europe, mystical and earthly all co-exist here. The city houses many national and international music, film and art festivals throughout the year. Its variety is one of Istanbuls greatest attractions. ACCOMODATION There are private or shared rooms with free internet access and en-suite bathrooms which have hot
rectors, visits to film and soap sets, attendance to art exhibitions, arrangement of industry based training for students during the summer, sports tournaments (basketball, football, ping pong). INTERNATIONALISATION Plato College is supported by a global education fund, Riva Education Group, which also includes University of Management and Design (UMD) and other forthcoming international HEIs, allowing for ongoing student and faculty exchange. Plato College will take active part Erasmus Exchange Programme. Plato College is an Edexcel approved institute which offers BTEC qualifications to all its students.
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Plato College of Higher Education gives great importance to multilingualism and multiculturalism. With this view Plato College offers programmes both in Turkish and English. It is open to students from all nationalities and backgrounds who wish to study in the fields of art, media and design.
AREAS OF STUDY Fundamental Sciences, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering,Navigation Engineering, Marine Engineering.PUSEM (The continuing education unit of Piri Reis Maritime University) : Students who graduate from two year maritime technology colleges and the students of technical universities may take the necessary complementary courses and certificates, at PUSEM, to qualify to work in the merchant marine industry. PUSEM expects to provide the Professional Education and Training necessary for seamanship skills to the qualified people who want to work on board of ships as seaman, engineer and captain in the maritime industry. The current research activities going on the above departments: Marine internal combustion engines, marine engineering, Maritime Education&Training (MET), strategic planning and optimum usage of MET facilities; Physical meteorology, cloud seeding and statistics; Liquid state physics, condensed matter physics, molten salts, Atomic and Molecular Physics. UNIVERSITY Piri Reis Maritime University (PRMU) has been established by the support and sponsorship of the whole maritime sector of Turkey, approximately 7500 companies in 2008. The Turkish Chamber of Shipping (the highest non-governmental authority of the maritime sector) has played a fundamental role through the Turkish Maritime Education Foundation (TUDEV) in supporting all Maritime Education&Training (MET) institutes. TUDEV established its own Maritime Training Centre (TUDEV MTC) in 1995. Since then, more than 1800 officers for merchant vessels have been trained in compliance with IMO (International Maritime Organization) regulations and it has also been involved in a number of EU LdV projects. However, due to recent developments, TUDEV MTC has transformed into a university status, leading to the establishment of PRMU in 2008. CITY Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey and 5th largest city proper in the world with a population of 12.8 million, also making it the second largest metropolitan area in Europe by population, and the largest metropolitan city proper. Istanbul is also a megacity, as well as the cultural, economic, and financial centre of Turkey. It is located on the Bosphorus Strait and encompasses the natural harbour known as the Golden Horn, in the northwest of the country. It extends both on the European and on the Asian sides of the Bosphorus, and is thereby the
only metropolis in the world that is situated on two continents. In its long history, Istanbul has served as the capital city of the Roman Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire, the Latin Empire, and the Ottoman Empire. The city was chosen as joint European Capital of Culture for 2010. Historic areas of Istanbul were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985. Tuzla is a town of stanbul, which Piri Reis Maritime University is located. ACCOMODATION Currently, there is no accomodation facilities at the university. LABORATORIES Physics, Chemistry, Diesel engine, Workshop, Engine Maintanance Lab.,Refrigeration, Hydraulics and pneumatics, Electricity and electronics Lab. Measurement and instrumentation, Bridge simulator, Engine room simulator, ARPA radar simulator, GMDSS and communication simulator Library and Computing Services: Piri Reis Maritime University Library aims to support education programs, meets the information needs of its academic and administrative staff and students, and cooperates with the other institutions at the national and international level. The Library has a shelving capacity of 15.000 volumes and seating capacity for 15 patrons. There are 8 internet access points within the Library, including a group study room. STUDENT LIFE Music club, maritime club, sail club, basketball, waterpolo, football clubs and folk dance activities are the current social clubs. These activities are planned for technical and social development of students. Students also initiated a chapter of Rotary Club International. Our sick-bay operates during the weekdays with a specialist medical doctor and a nurse. A Student Guidance Service is provided by a specialist psychologist during week days between 09.00-17.00 hours. The messroom serves for all the students, lecturers and personnel. Meals to Turkish Standards Institute standards, in cooperation with the leading companies in the catering sector ensure reliability and quality, meeting Turkish tastes and also achieving EU quality standards. INTERNATIONALISATION PRMU has been involved in a number of EU LdV projects. Also, the present Rector of PRMU is the founding chair of the International Association of Maritime Universities. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION PRMUs teaching is conducted in English. Team teaching and project and problem based teaching are encouraged. PRMU offers the unique opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the English language in a student-centred learning environment. Our vision is to create autonomous learners who will continue to learn independently outside the classroom, thus gaining the confidence to use English in any setting.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 2008 : : : : : : : : : : : : : 4 2
None 370
35 2 19
Contact: Piri Reis niversitesi 34940 Tuzla Istanbul-Turkey +90 (216) 581 00 64 +90 (216) 581 00 51 Zehra.Akdeniz@pirireis.Edu.Tr www.Pirireis.Edu.Tr
AREAS OF STUDY Undergraduate degree programs Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Computer Science and Engineering Cultural Studies, Economics Electronics Engineering, Management Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering Mechatronics, Social and Political Sciences Visual Arts and Visual Communications Design. GRADUATE PROGRAMS Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Computer Science and Engineering Conflict Analysis and Resolution Cultural Studies Economics Electronics Engineering European Studies Executive MBA History Industrial Engineering Information Technology Leaders for Industry Program Management (Ph.D.) Masters in Finance (MIF) Materials Science and Engineering Mathematics MBA Mechatronics Physics Political Science Visual Arts and Visual Communications Design Turkish Studies UNIVERSITY Sabanci University is a private, independent young university with a state-of-the art campus and located in Istanbul. The University seeks to provide its students with an education that uses their creative intelligence as entrepreneurs and researchers in perceiving and constructing knowledge as designers of our information age. Students at Sabanci University have the privilege and freedom to design their own undergraduate programs by choosing courses among a wide range of course pools and with the support of the University Counseling system. Through the implementation of its inventive faculty programs and the establishment of close links with the State, business community, NGOs and other institutions of higher learning, SU has fostered an environment conducive to research. It has the distinction of being the first university in Turkey accepted for membership in the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). CITY Istanbul is Europes third and worlds 21st biggest city. Istanbul is enlisted among the safest cities in the world despite its highly dense population. This gives a sense of peace to citizens and visitors alike as the citys historical heritage carries them through the ages. Coming forward with its unique historical accumulation and splendid natural beauties, as well as successfully undersigning several international events in recent years, Istanbul has been selected as the 2010 European Culture Capital. Istanbul has often harkened to the countrys soul: This city embraces two continents, one arm reaching out to Asia and the other, Europe. The former capital of three successive empires Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman Istanbul today honors and preserves the legacy of its past while creating a vibrant future. Its endless variety never ceases to fascinate visitors and long-time inhabitants alike. Intermingling of
the old with new invigorates the city. Istanbul, being the most crowded and cosmopolitan city of T ACCOMODATION Dorm buildings have been designed to provide the warmth and comfort of a family environment. Dormitories capacity consists of 2421 beds. All foreign students are guaranteed accommodation on campus. Dorm rooms, accommodating 2 or 4 students are equipped with showers, closets, personal telephones and 24 hours unlimited access to the Internet. Students can benefit from free laundry services. Each building has TV, gym and study rooms. LABORATORIES There are more than 88 fully equipped labs dedicated to research and teaching labs as well as special-purpose rooms and studios. The information center( SU library) has 93.610 volumes of books, 37.924 e-book, 37.924 multimedia resources, 40.197journal subscriptions. The University provides a laptop to all full-time students as well as 24-hour unlimited Internet access, over 11.767 connection ports on campus. These modern amenities, offer a comfortable and productive environment for conferences and networking activities supporting its educational and research objectives.Computers / Student:1,11 Internet Connection Points:11.290 Internet Connection Capacity: 116 Mbps Wireless Coverage Area:Indoor: 171.405 m2 Outdoor: 70.596 m2
STUDENT LIFE Students are very active in enriching the campus life by organizing social activities on campus through 50 student clubs. Performing Arts center contributes to the cultural lives of our students and employees in particular, and to the people of IsContact tanbul in general, and brings art to a wide audienSabanc University, International ce. The various sports facilities on campus, open to Relations Office, 34956 Orhanl all university members, consist of a multi-purpose Tuzla Istanbul Turkey sports hall with tennis court and basketball field, +90 (216) 483 96 44 a football field, fitness programs such as aerobic, +90 (216) 483 97 15 step, and jogging, table tennis rooms, a oning room, squash courts, basketball, volleyball fields, handball, bodybuilding as well as cardio exercise and aerobic rooms. anasayfa/anasayfa.phpNA The main dining hall serves 3 meals daily with a varied selection of courses and has a seating capacity of 900. Additionally, there are cafes in the University Center and the dormitories. There is also a dents and 17% of our faculty members are inHealth Center serving the community 24 hours, 7 ternational. days a week. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction at SU is English. AddiINTERNATIONALISATION As one of the leading Turkish universities in edu- tionally, all university communications and servication, research and community outreach SU valu- ces provided at the university are bilingual. Interes the importance of internationalization and aims national students and staff may also atttend Turto enhance its international profile as a world-class kish language courses with credits, which are ofuniversity. Under the framework of European mo- fered both in fall and spring semesters. The School bility programmes, 500 students from 22 countri- of Languages also offers a diverse range of foreign es came to SU and 513 of our students went ab- language courses in line with the preferences of road since 2003; making us one of the most acti- the SU students (i.e., Spanish, Russian, Japanese). ve universities in Turkey. Currently, 6% of our stu- For details visit:
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
AREAS OF STUDY Institutes: Institution of Naturel Sciences, Institution of Social Sciences. Faculties: Engineering, Science and Letters, Fine Arts, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Technical Education, Technology, Education, Theology, Faculty of Medicine. Schools: School of Health,The State Conservatory, School of Physical Education and Sports. UNIVERSITY Our university is in leading position for providing university-industry-community cooperation, respectful for universal values, mindful to studies which intended for solving the problems of especially our province and our region furthermore our country, producing knowledge and technology in the universal natur and respectful university for social values. Our University that completed its academic and technical infrastructure rapidly among the universities that founded after 1990, has been a model for many universities.Our University attracts attention with its more than 50.000 students and student-focused policy that we have 94 active student communities. Our University has proven its quality not only at national level but also at international level as receiving the National Quality Grand Award and ECTS Award given by the European Commission in the framework of the EFQM Excellence Model. CITY Sakarya is in location that can be easily reached from anywhere in Turkey, by road it is 1.5 hours to Istanbul and 4.5 hours away to Ankara. From Istanbul to Anatolia, is located at the crossroads of transition. Its population is approximately 850 thousand and it ranks among the largest cities in Turkey with 4821 km of surface area. Sakarya has hosted several civilizations to the present day, has become the cradle of different cultures. Sakarya is a major tourist center in the Marmara region, along the Black Sea coast beaches, lakes, hot water and drinking water sources, also contains a lot of natural beauty. While growing rapidly with immigration from Caucasus and the Balkans; other hand, is rapidly heading towards the center of commerce and industry; Sakarya is a peaceful and calm Anatolian city on Istanbul-Ankara route.Sakarya province has 10 in the center in total 16 districts. ACCOMODATION Sakarya University Esentepe Dormitory buildings have central heating, heat and sound insulation, and rooms arranged for 2 persons. Rooms with shower, toilet, student bed, wardrobe, bedside table, study desk, chair and bedding. In each block the administration room, study room, TV
room, Chess and Backgammon Tables, laundry, first aid and pay phones available. The Dormitories with 446 person capacity, has ISO 9002 Quality Certificate. LABORATORIES Thanks to the projects that hold in our university, the laboratories are well equipped and there are 98 laboratories.Our University has 111.073 books, 1157 periodicals, 21 thousand periodic printed and electronic publications, 2026 audio-visual materials, 15 thousand e- periodicals, 39 thousand e-books in its library. Sakarya University has a powerful communication infrastructure and data bank. Students can access the weekly programs of courses opens each semester, detailed informations such as test scores and also can provide course registration and communication with academics in this way. STUDENT LIFE Sakarya University is a university that social awareness and human relations are taken in the foreground. In order to assess and develop students extracurricular social, cultural and sporting activities, there are 94 student communities in the field of sporting, cultural, artistic and scientific. These 94 student communities, which are under the supervision of experienced teaching staff from Computer to Environment, Chess to Scouting, Physics to History, Mechanical Engineering to Theater, Tourism to Turcology, provide opportunities for organizing activities that students will be able to develop their knowledge and skills. The activities which were held with other units of the university reached over 1000 events. Our students not only receive education but also provide their personel development in this way. INTERNATIONALISATION We offer our instructors and students the possibility of change in 20 countries with more than 300 universities through our International Academic Cooperation Protocols. Our students are integrated into international system by having opportunity to benefit from the projects of the European Union and also studying abroad under the Erasmus Program. 50 foreign students have been educated at our university in the same frame until the year 2010. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The courses taught mostly in Turkish language and also some of them in English language in our university. English courses especially are given in the framework of Erasmus Exchange Programme. German Language and Literature and German Translation Departments are also available.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 1992 : 219962 : TR SAKARYA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 9 2 14 12 Yes 21.704 24.707 3.719 797 1.342 308 97
Contact: D likiler ube Mdrl Esentepe Kamps 54187 Serdivan / SAKARYA +90 (264) 295 50 83 +90 (264) 346 01 63
AREAS OF STUDY Medical Sciences,Basic sciences, Surgical Sciences, Building Science, History of Architecture, Restoration, Structure, Thermodynamic, Construction and Manufacturing, Energy, Theory of Machine and Dynamics, Mechanic, Computer Software, Computer Hardware, Computer Sciences,Food Engineering, General Biology, Botany, Zoology, Hydrobiology, Molecular Biology, Ecology, Basic And Industrial Microbiology, Analytical Chemistry,Inorganic Chemistry, Physicochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Algebra and Numbers Theory, Geometry, Analysis and Theory of Functions, Basics of Mathematics and Mathematical Logic, Topology, Applied Mathematics, General Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, High Energy and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Physics, History Art, Classical Archaeology, Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Pre-Historic Period, Modern History, Contemporary History, History of Turkish Republic, General Turkish History, Medieval History, Bulgarian, English, German, Greek, Romanian and Russian Translation and Interpretation, Older Turkish Literature UNIVERSITY Trakya University was established on July 20,1982 with a Decree to Article 41.Edirne Medical Faculty,which used to be an affiliation to Istanbul University,the Engineering and Architecture Faculty,which originated from Edirne State Academy of Engineering and Architecture,and Edirne, Krklareli, Tekirda, anakkale Education Higher Schools were incorporated in the structure of Trakya University.Trakya University has units in 4 administrative districts.It consists of 8 faculties,4 institutes, 4 colleges, 1 conservatory, 9 vocational colleges, 15 research and application centers, 1 kindergarten, 5 departments depending on Rectorate and 1 distance education center. A member of BUA, having protocols with 42 Balkan University Libraries,Trakya University was the founding member of The Balkan Countries Librarians Union.Also Balkan Application and Research Center was founded to search the mutual history and cultural values of Balkan countries; to serve the values and culture of Turkey in the Balkans. CITY Edirne is situated in Thrace in Turkeys Marmara Region.The city was founded 5th century BC by Odrysians from Thrace.Murat I, who conquered it in 1361,renamed it Edirne,and made it the second capital of the Ottoman Empire.It remained the capital until Istanbul was captured by Mehmet II in 1453.Edirne has a rich historical heritage due to its location between Europe and Asian Anatolia.Architectural treasures include the walls and towers from the Edirne Castle built by Roman Emperor Hadrianus.Situated on the Greek (7 km) and Bulgarian (20 km) borders,Edirne is famed for its many mosques,the elegant domes and minarets. One of the most important monuments is the Selimiye Mosque,built in the 16th-century by Turkeys greatest architect,Mimar Sinan.It has been a center of education and culture both during the Ottoman period and since the founding of the Republic.Besides,to be mentioned is the Trakya University Sultan Bayezid II Complex and Health Care Museum ACCOMODATION There are student hostels for both girls and boys belonging to the Association of Credit and Hostels in Edirne, Kean. Besides there are private hostels and boarding houses in Edirne. But students often choose to come together in 3 or 4 and rent flats. Incoming Erasmus students are generally accommodated in our university hotel. Upon desire, the students can easily find other means of accommodation such as private dormitories, boarding houses, or share accommodation with other students. LABORATORIES Each unit has its specialized laboratories for the specific purpose where students achieve the training courses. The total number of these laboratories is 125.The number of the computers in the computing labs is 1797.There are 15 research centers. Each unit has its own Library but the Central Library functioning within the Presidency of Library and Documentation Department provides the main library service. Here you have an access to online databases, catalogue search, electronic reviews and periodical editions. Wireless internet connection and student e mails are available for each student. STUDENT LIFE There are various student sports, social and cultural events, and guidance. Students can use several sports centers available on and off campus. Sports branches include judo, tennis, karate, taekwondo, wrestling, swimming, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, chess, handball, rugby, baseball, softball, American football and football. On the campus, there are outdoor courts for tennis and basketball. They make team and these teams take part in some inter-faculties games throughout the University. There are also many other students clubs where students can actively take part in the organized activities of the club. Just to mention some of the clubs is as follows: Photography,Theater,C inema,Modern Dance,Folk Dance, Archeology,Ch ess,Taekwondo,Karate, etc. The Trakya University Spring Festival, which has already become a tradition, is held every May. Moreover, students have an opportunity to learn more about our neighbors, Balkan culture and languages with the help of Balkan excursions. INTERNATIONALISATION Trakya University as a member of EUA, IAU and BUA carries out tasks to conduct studies and provides consulting and coordination services in the international platform. Trakya University has 14 functioning Protocols of Cooperation with 43 countries, which are mostly the Balkan Countries, and 57 Erasmus Bilateral Agreements with 43 uni-
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 1982 : 220634 : TR EDIRNE01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 8 4 15 9 Yes 10.222 12.460 1.239 259 1.352 525 94
Contact Trakya University Rectorate International Relations Department Erasmus Office Edirne - TURKEY +90 (284) 223 33 00 +90 (284) 223 42 03 anasayfa-erasmus.html versities in 15 European Union countries. There are established academic relations and collaboration in teaching and different scientific fields of mutual interests. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION In Trakya University, the language of instruction is Turkish. However, there are English and German Language Teaching departments under the frame of Education Faculty and Bulgarian, German, English, Greek, Romanian and Russian Translation and Interpretation Departments under the frame of Letters Faculty. In the Balkan Languages Center; Bulgarian, Greek, Albanian, Croatian and Bosnian Language and Literature have been taught.
AREAS OF STUDY Aeronautical and Space Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering and Industrial Engineering
Date of Foundation EUC Number Foundation HEI No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
UNIVERSITY Turkish Air Force Academy (TUAFA) was founded in 1951 in Eskiehir. Giving its first graduates on 30 August 1953, the Academy was later moved to Izmir in 1954. On 14 February 1967 The Academy was ultimately moved to Istanbul, to a city of culture and history. Following various four-year academic programs, undergraduate engineering programs have been executed since 1991. Female students had been admitted to the Academy in 1992 after a 32 year break. Today, TUAFA still continues to provide female graduates to the Turkish Air Force. Currently under the Faculty, equivalent to Turkeys most leading universities, Aeronautical, Electronics, Computer, and Industrial Engineering undergraduate programs, and under the Aeronautics and Space Technologies Institute (ASTIN); Aeronautical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Space Studies graduate and post graduate programs are given. CITY TUAFAs campus is located 23 kilometers west of city center in Istanbul, transportation to and from the Academy will be extremely easy for the incoming personnel. Situated at the crossroads between the West and the Orient, and with its magical atmosphere, Istanbul offers the best of both worlds and provides a lively social and cultural life for students. ACCOMODATION At our institution, there are indoor and outdoor sports facilities, cafeterias, a library and internet connection as well as 24-hour infirmary and ambulance services. They receive all their basic needs from the academy. The academy provides cadets with food, clothing, boarding, course materials, cafeteria, sport facilities and such helps complimentarily.
LABORATORIES Specially equipped lecture rooms and laboratories support each academic section. (Lecture rooms, amphitheatre, map classroom, language laboratories, language learning center, physics laboratory, computer laboratories, control laboratory, communication laboratory, electronics laboratory aerodynamics laboratory, aviation laboratory, and materials and products laboratory). Library and Culture Center have more than 50.000 books and documents, reading halls, and internet cafes. STUDENT LIFE In TUAFA life starts with morning assembly. Following breakfast cadets come to the Faculty facilities for their academic courses. After lunch, following all academic courses; military training, social clubs and sports activities are conducted according to the daily schedule. In addition to these activities each cadet also participates in group sports activities specified by the program. After dinner they attend to the study hall. In their leisure time between events, cadets have a chance to use the computer labs, library and student cafeterias. There is roll call every morning. Also on every Wednesday and Friday parades are arranged. Air Force cadets take leave on weekends. In a year they receive eight months academic education and spend one and a half month in military training program. Cadets fly with T 41-D training plane during the academic time so they prepare themselves for future flights. Academic lessons finish in June. Cadets who pass the exams have glider education. INTERNATIONALISATION Students from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Jordan, etc. receive training at our institution since 1992 on the basis of the agreement made between the countries. Foreign students come to study at our institutions for the whole degree courses. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The cadets learn English which is mission oriented and that covers all four skills to be able to accomplish missions/operations effectively. Foreign language is viewed as a tool which leads the way to achieve technological,educational and administrative interests on behalf of the Turkish Air Force. Besides condensed English language teaching, some of the engineering courses are given in English. Other foreign languages like Spanish, Italian, etc. is taught optionally.
Contact Turkish Air Force Academy 34149 Yeilyurt Bakirkoy stanbul/Turkey +90 (212) 663 24 90 +90 (212) 662 85 54
AREAS OF STUDY Medicine, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Engineering and Architecture, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Education, Theology, Arts and Sciences, Law, Fine Arts. UNIVERSITY Uluda University (UU) is a public and non-profit institution located on one of the largest campuses in Turkey. UU is among the major universities with regard to student and academic staff numbers. UU is committed itself to teaching, research, and the enhancement of the learning, and continues to disseminate its knowledge and expertise to the benefit of scientific community and the public. The quality of academic education is of vital importance for the University. UU was selected by European University Association (EUA) as one of the eight universities privileged with the task of implementing the Bologna Declaration in Europe among 137 European universities in 2002. In order to keep up with recent improvements in higher education at the international level, UU collaborates with international educational organizations. UU still continues its success in this manner. CITY Bursa, the fourth biggest city of Turkey, is located on the north-west skirts of Mount Uluda (Olympus) and the south-east of the Marmara Sea. The city was first founded and developed by the Byzantine Empire and then it was captured by the Ottoman Empire and consequently made the capital. The city became more urbanized and the population started to live in settlements around the city centre after Turkey became a republic. Bursa has an important place in automotive, machinery, textile and food industries owing to a strong agricultural background. The export share of the industrial products is 50-60 % and of the agricultural products is 30-40 %. There are projects related to the construction of new seaports, airports and railway connection, which will be of great help for the tourism sector. ACCOMODATION Incoming students are lodged in the campus dorm. Students stay in double rooms, and they share kitchen and bathroom with three other students. Students are provided with bed; kitchen utensils and bed stuff is not available. The dorm costs approximately 150 ? per month. Students who do not choose to stay in the campus dorm can hire a flat or arrange a room at private dormitories in Grkle, a town next to the campus. LABORATORIES UU Library has a collection of over 90.000 printed books, 541 printed periodicals, 23.669 full-text journals, 38.381 e-books, 3 million thesis abstracts, one e-encyclopedia, over 1000 local and international movies and albums as of 2009. There are 5915 printed masters, doctorate and expertise theses in total. The library has subscription to 4 national and 6 local newspapers. The library also has a section for the visually impaired.
The Internet speed at UU is 200 Mbps. Internet connection is provided to 3672 computers on the campus and 1000 off the campus. Wi-fi is available in all buildings for free. There are laboratories in each academic unit and they are constantly being renovated. STUDENT LIFE UU organizes various activities for the students to enhance their cultural and artistic skills. Student societies organize various cultural, sports and arts events like musical performances, exhibitions, competitions, festivals and conferences. Various sports and recreation activities such as aerobics, archery, roller-skating, badminton, fencing, basketball, volleyball, athletics, karate, tae kwon do, judo, body shaping, gymnastics and tennis are available. UU is famous for its Spring Fest in May. Bursa is a popular winter attraction in Turkey. Mount Uluda is located in the city center. Some possible activities are skiing, trekking, sightseeing the historical places in Bursa which are famous for their unique architecture. There are various museums, theatres, restaurants, cafs, bars and nightclubs in the city center, as well. Exhibitions, films, festivals and concerts are also held on a regular basis. The annual International Bursa Festival is held in June-July. INTERNATIONALISATION In 2003, UU was announced to be the best in the Institutional Review Programme in terms of capacity for change and was regarded as a model in Quality Culture Project of EUA. There are 250 bilateral agreements with 23 EU countries under Erasmus Programme. Every year, an average of 270 students go to EU universities and around 45 students come to UU. Likewise, around 20 UU teaching staff go to EU universities to give lectures each year and a similar number of foreign staff come to teach at UU. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION At UU, the medium of instruction is mainly Turkish. The departments of English, German and French Language Teaching conduct classes in the respective languages. English package courses are available for incoming students. Incoming students are also offered Turkish courses.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 1975 : 220820 : TR BURSA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 10 3 18 14 Yes 10.975 27.592 1.541 529 1.268 846 165
Contact: Uluda niversitesi Rektrlk Uluslararas likiler Ofisi, 16059, Grkle/Bursa - TRKYE +90 (224) 294 00 72 +90 (224) 294 00 80
AREAS OF STUDY Economics and Administrative Sciences (, Business Administration (English), Social Work, International Relations (English), Labor Economics and Industrial Rel., Economics, Engineering (, Process Engineering, Polymer Engineering, Computer Engineering Head, Energy Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Law (, Armutlu Community Collage (, Food Processing, Aquaculture Facility, Cinarcik Community Collage (, Child Care and Youth Service (No student will be accepted at 2010 - 2011 term), Private Security and Protection (No student will be accepted at 2010 - 2011 term), Justice, Nursery and Care Services (No student will be accept. UNIVERSITY We are moving ahead with departments which meet the requirement of indutsry and social life of this era.We take the lead by our social sciences departments like social works and international relatinos department and hybrid engineering departments such as Polymer, Energy Systems, Chemical and Process Engineering. Our strength is the young and active academic staff in the faculties and community collage.Besides, Community Collages in Yalova are talking us tho the future. We have rapidly developed. CITY Yalova is a small city that is between three metropolis cities: Istanbul, Kocaeli and Bursa. Yalova is the entrance gate to Anatolia from Istanbul and Trace. Yalova is on the way to Aegean and Mediterranean coasts of Turkey from Europe, Trace and Istanbul. The ferry-boats and sea-buses carry 20,000 people from Istanbul to Yalova and same amount from Yalova to Istanbul. It has long beaches and great mountain which are attacking tourists attention. Yalova is located in the northwest of Turkey and in the southeast of the Marmara Region. Yalova is only 69 km to Bursa, 176 km. to Istanbul, 65 km. to Izmit (Kocaeli) and 102 km. to Sakarya (Adapazar) provinces by highway. By ferry-boat it takes only 40 minutes to Kartal and Pendik (Anatolian / Asian side of Istanbul) and around 60 minutes to Yenikap (European side of Istanbul) from Istanbul. Yalova is only 847 sq. km.s and it is the smallest province of Turkey. Yalova has a coast-line of 105 km. on the Marmara Sea. Population of the Yalova is 168,593.
ACCOMODATION There are public and priviate student hostel opportunities for students. Also, if student wishes they can rent a flat easly. LABORATORIES There is a central library which has update books, magazines and online database. There is a General Chemistry labrotory at the Yalova Community Collage. There are environment, fuel, scanning, materials, nanotechnology, motor test, general physic, general chemistry labrotories at Engineering Faculty.There are microbiology, fisheries technology and analysies, fisheries and catching, chemistry and water analysies labrotories at the Armutlu Community Collage. Also there are 3 units such as ornamental Fish Facility, Aquaculture facility and Algae Culture facility at this community collage. There are 5 computer labrotories:Foreign Languages Department (1);Faculty of Engineering (1);Armutlu Community Collage (1)Yalova Community Collage (2) STUDENT LIFE Student life is an important and dynamic component of an active university experience. Yalova University offers many student organisations, clubs and recreational activities to help students engage in university life and to become active members of the Yalova community. There are 17 student clubs and 4 groups on different topics for the students. Yalova is green, troustic city on coast line. So, there are many public places among natural beauties. Also, Yalova is in the middle of 3 metropols. It is easy to access Istanbul, Bursa and Kocaeli. INTERNATIONALISATION Yalova Universitys main perspective is to arrange international activities and contribute to the global co-operation.Yalova University has good cooperations with universities around the world. Student and academicians exchanges, double diploma programmes, common activities and international projects has been organising actively. Yalova University Foreign Affairs Central Office is serving as a Eurodesk Local Relay. Also, Yalova University is member of Euromed Annual University Forum. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Yalova University teaching english to its all students at the begining of their study life. Foreign Languages Department aims to become one of the best academic foreign language establishments that excels in all aspects of education together with its modern physical structure, intact facilities and competent academic staff. The instructors, who follow the latest innovations in their field, follow a student centered methodology that allows the students to use self-learning strategies.
Date of Foundation EUC Number State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
Contact: Yalova niversitesi Rektrl ehit mer Faydal Cad. No:254 Arboretum ici 77100 Yalova Turkiye +90 (226) 814 30 00 +90 (226) 813 09 42
AREAS OF STUDY Arts & Sciences Anthropology, Philosophy, History, Turkish Language and Literature Psychology, Mathematics, English Language - Literature Sociology, Physics, Translation & Interpreting Studies Faculty of Commerce International Finance, Information Systems & Technologies International Business & Trade, International Logistics & Transportation Tourism and Hospitality Management, Management Informations Faculty of Communication Advertising Design and Communication, Journalism Visual Communication & Design, Radio TV Cinema Studies Public Relations & Publicity Dentistry, Economics & Administrative Sciences Economics Economics, Business Administration, International Management Business Administration (German), Business Informatics (German) Political Science & International Relations, Public Administration Political Science & International Relations (French) Faculty of Education Computer Education & Instruction, English Language. UNIVERSITY Yeditepe University was established in 1996 by the Istanbul Education and Culture Foundation (ISTEK). Yeditepe refers to the legendary Seven Hills of Istanbul, since the city was established. In its early years Yeditepe University offered educational programs in various campuses on the Asian side of Istanbul. Since the summer of 2000, the University is located in a new purpose built campus at Kaysdagi, also on the Asian side. With is highly distinguished academic and administrative personnel, many of whom have made outstanding contributions to Turkish society, the University has deservedly earned a leading position in the echelons of the Higher Educational System in Turkey. The Universitys aim is to educate the youth as enlightened individuals, fully capable of dealing with the demands of the contemporary modern world, versed in cultural fields, equipped with technological skills and dedicated to the ideals of secularism, process and creativity inspired by Ataturks principles. CITY Modern Turkey has a history dating back to the arrival of Turks into Anatolia (Asia Minor) in the 10th century from Central Asia. Present day Turkey spans two continents and 900 years of history, rich in cultural expansion, conquests and defeats, historical sites and treasures, culminating in a vibrant kaleidoscope of civilizations and cultural influences. Istanbul has always been and continues to be a booming commercial centre and the largest city in Europe. The War of Independence began in 1919 which united Turkey within its current borders. A National Assembly was established in 1920 during the war. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk founded the Republic of Turkey in 1923. Modernization and secular reforms modeled on western European democracies, social and legal systems were giant steps toward the westernization of Turkey. Studying in the cradle of civilization and at the crossroads of the modern world, Istanbul offers a unique experience. ACCOMODATION The lodgings on campus can accommodate 4400 students with separate residence halls for men and women conveniently located on the main campus. All rooms are double occupancy and provide private bathrooms, internet access, in-house snack bars, TV rooms, laundry facilities, visitor salons, and study lounges LABORATORIES The Central Library was first established in 1996 and is situated in the Rectors Building with access to 3,255 electronic journals, 786 journal subscriptions, and 45 online databases. These databases offer seamless access to more than 18 million fulltext and full-image articles. The Library of Congress cataloguing system is used with on-line catalogue and contains presently over 200,000 books. Photocopy and printing services are available; private reading areas are equipped with internet access computers so students are linked to the rest of the world from the hilltops of Anatolia. There are 147 professional laboratories and 34 computer labs. University provides 24 hour unlimited internet access to all full- time students. STUDENT LIFE At Yeditepe University campus, various cultural and art events are planned throughout the year. The campus has both indoor and outdoor sports facilities. The indoor sports complex has volleyball, basketball, tennis courts, squash and fitness center, two half-Olympic swimming pools, table tennis area, etc. The outdoor sports complex has the same facilities as well as a carpet and mini soccer field. There are four main restaurants in the Student Social Centre and a classy pastry caf. Nine cafeterias and snack bars are located in the surrounding faculty buildings. Within the Social Centre students will find the campus bookstore, banking services, a travel agency, coiffures, market and a general accessory store. The large spacious lobbies on all levels are multi-purpose areas where students promote university and club sponsored activities, such as tournaments, travel excursions, international fairs, semester- break events, spring festivals and concerts. INTERNATIONALISATION Presently, Yeditepe University has exchange agre-
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 1996 : 220854 : TR ISTANBU21 : : : : : : : : : : : : 12 9 9 None 14.500 2.800 780 1.210 120 332
Contact: Yeditepe University 26 Austos Yerleimi nn Mahallesi Kayda Caddesi 34755 Ataehir stanbul +90 (216) 578 05 31 +90 (216) 578 06 14
ements with universities in the USA, Canada and over 270 bilateral agreements within the framework of LLP/Erasmus. There are also over 30 partner institutions from the Asian continent and nonErasmus countries. Each academic year new and different exchange programs are offered to partner schools. More than 200 undergraduate and graduate exchange students join to a significant number of foreign students per semester. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION English,German,Italian,French
AREAS OF STUDY Yeni Yzyl University offers higher education with ten faculties, four graduate schools, and two vocational schools. The faculties include, School of Dentistry, School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, Health Sciences, Engineering and Architecture, Law School, Economics and Administration, Arts and Sciences, School of Fine Arts, and Communication. The graduate schools are: Graduate School of Social Sciences; Graduate School of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Life Sciences, and the Institute for Ataturks Principles and Revolutions. The Vocational School of Health Services offer programs in Operating Theatre Services, Anesthesia, Child Development, Emergency Aid, Medical Screening Techniques, Medical Laboratory Technologies, Elderly Care, Dental Health, Dental Prosthesis Technology, Pharmacy Services, Audiometry, Orthopedic Prosthesis, Paramedic, Pathology Laboratory, Health Services Management, Medical Documentation and Secretarial Work. UNIVERSITY Yeni Yzyl is a newly established private university with a distinguished body of scholars. The university has been founded after nearly fifty years experience in the field of health, and has the unique advantage of receiving support from the Universal Hospitals Group, which provides health services in Turkey and abroad. All curricula and course programs of the university are being set up in harmony with those that are currently offered at European institutions of higher education. Accordingly, a student-based educational approach is adopted, creating a manageable per semester credit load, and solely using ECTS for all departments and centers. In the near future, Yeni Yuzyil will be Turkeys first ecological campus, which will enable our students to receive top-notch higher education in a green environment that breeds clean air producing its own energy and recycling its own waste. CITY Located at the heart of Istanbul, Yeni Yzyil is designed as a city university. With its innovative campus and easy access to the social and cultural life of Istanbul, Yeni Yzyl has a lot to offer vis-vis the students extra curricular needs. Istanbul is the commercial, cultural and educational center of Turkey. The capital of Byzantine and Ottoman Empires and home to countless cultures, Istanbul still retains its rich cosmopolitan character and is a great place to study as an international student. ACCOMODATION Aside from private and state-sponsored dormitories around the campus, Yeni Yuzyil provides housing for international students through partnering student hotels with single, double and triple occupancy rooms, cafeteria and recreational services as well as study rooms. LABORATORIES Yeni Yzyls Ofluoglu Topkap campus provides fully equipped medical laboratories for students of medical school, dentistry and pharmacy. The university has state-of-the-art science laboratories for students of science as well as various computer labs for all students regardless of their majors. The library has access to academic journals and monographs. STUDENT LIFE Yeni Yzyl Universitys Topkap Ofluolu Campus generates a social and cultural environment that provides the students with a unique opportunity for personal development. Various social clubs and organizations will offer a wide range of possibilities for students to pursue their hobbies during the academic year. Since a substantial portion of the students will be commuting from different parts of the city, we established partnerships with various sports facilities around our campus, that are built in international standards. These facilities will give the students a chance to sweat off the days stress. We also plan to organize different art exhibitions and social events at our food court, which will bring together our students from different faculties and create a diverse environment. INTERNATIONALISATION Our university has quotas for international students who wish to enroll in our undergraduate programs. We have applied to receive Erasmus Charter as well. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction in the English and Translation-Interpretation Departments is English. German and Italian courses are offered in the Language School.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 2009 : 0 : : : : : : : : : : : : 10 4 2 None
137 3
Contact: Yeni Yzyl niversitesi Topkap Azmi Ofluolu Yerlekesi Ylanl Ayazma Caddesi No: 26 Cevizliba Topkap / STANBUL +90 (212) 444 50 01 +90 (212) 293 47 54
AREAS OF STUDY Undergraduate programmes are offered in ten faculties: Faculty of Architecture: Architecture, City and Regional Planning. Faculty of Arts and Design: Art (Including Combined Arts, Art Management, Photography and Video Programmes), Communication Desing (Including Interactive Media Design Programme), Music and Performing Arts (Including Music, Audio Design and Modern Dance Programmes). Faculty of Arts and Sciences: Western Languages and Literature, Turkish Language and Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology. Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering: Chemical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mathematical Engineering, Bioengineering. Civil Engineering: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering. Economic and Administrative Sciences: Business Administration, Economics, Political Science and International Relations. UNIVERSITY Yldz Technical University (YTU) is a major public university with high aspirations, in engineering and social science. YTU was founded in 1911 as The Conductors (Technicians) School of Higher Education, in order to meet the science officer (conductor or technician) requirement for technical services. Today, it is one of the four technical universities in Turkey. 35 undergraduate programmes, most of which are based on engineering education, provided in ten faculties. Besides, graduate programmes are performed by two institutes, Institute of Science and Technology and Institute of Social Science. There are three vocational schools School of Vocational Studies, School of Foreign Languages, 15 vocational programmes in total. YTU has devoted itself to a leading role through international partnerships in order to make scientific, socio-cultural and socio-economic developments. Currently YTU has 438 international students excluding Erasmus incoming students. CITY stanbul is one of the most enchanting and lively metropolises in the world. The Bopshorus, the strait connecting the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea, is an important passage between Europe and Asia. This is the only city stretching over two continents. With a population of nearly 13 million, Istanbul is the most populated city of Turkish Republic, and is the center of commercial, educational and cultural activities across the country. Founded over 2500 years ago, it soon became an important commercial center owing to its strategic location where lands and seas meet. The city of Istanbul is encircled with fortifications built in the 5th century CE and stretches over 7 hills, each of which was crowned with a sultans mosque, adorned with Turkish monuments. Under the shadow of the Roman, Byzantine and Turkish historical monuments deliberately preserved the city has a very vivid and colorful daily life. For more information: ACCOMODATION YTU offers accommodation in two dormitories in Maslak and Davutpaa Campuses. The dormitory in Maslak Dormitory has a capacity of 544, Davutpaa Dormitory has a capacity of 1000 students in total. For breakfast and dinner, optional menu is offered to the students. Laundry, sports hall, TV room, computer rooms for personal computers are available.
LABORATORIES YTU has two main libraries in Beikta and Davutpaa campuses. Besides, there are sprecialized libraries in the Faculty of Architecture, Arts and Design, Education, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Institute of Social Science and in Vocational Schools. YTU Main Library collection includes approximately 35.000 printed materials and has subscriptions with 596 periodicals. 59 online databases are available at the moment. Our library is a member of ANKOS (Anatolian University Libraries Consortium), besides Inter Library Loan System (ILL) is available. YTU has 97 laboratories in total, 18 of which are computer laboratiories. 55 laboratories for different fields of study are in Beikta, 31 in Davutpaa and 11 in Maslak Campus. STUDENT LIFE YTU has numerous canteens and 5 dining halls available for students in each campus. The students are offered a variety of menus for lunch and dinner which are also appropriate for their budget. There is a variety of sports activities in service for students, including basketball, football, tennis, judo, karate, taek-wando and fitness. Sports activities are mostly available in Davutpaa Campus which comprises two football grounds, two gymnasiums, one football ground, one fitness saloon, two tennis courts, three basketball grounds and one swimming pool. Besides, there is a basketball ground at Beikta Campus, two gymnasiums and one football ground in Maslak Campus. Student activities are mostly organised by 35 student clubs, including cinema, theater, music, dance, maritime, mountain climbing, ecology, ethics, philosophy and so on. Medical Center, Cinema, Post-Office, Bank, Bookstore are located at the campuses and are at service. INTERNATIONALISATION International activities at Yldz Technical University are organised by three offices: European Union Office (LLP/ERASMUS Student Mobility), International Relations Office (Foreign Students from Non-European countries), Foreign Student Office (Foreign Students from neighbouring countries who study in Turkey within the frame of intergovernmental agreements). YTU is a member numerous university associations such as; EUA, EAIE and Black Sea Universities Association. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Department course plans offered at YTU are 70% Turkish and 30% in English. One year preparatory class in English is compulsory for whole departments. In addition to this, there are a couple of departments, such as Foreign Languages Education and Western Languages and Literatures, that have course plans completely in English. For Erasmus Exchange students, courses in English could be given in case required by at least three undergraduate or one graduate student.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student Academic Staff Research Assistant No. of Lecturers
: 1911 : 222221 : TR ISTANBU07 : : : : : : : : : : : : 10 2 11 3 None 2.087 17.742 2.082 779 946 542 91
Contact: Yldz Teknik niversitesi AB Ofisi Koordinatrl Rektrlk Binas, 34349 Yldz, Beikta/STANBUL +90 (212) 383 20 69 +90 (212) 236 71 92
Aegean Region
AREAS OF STUDY The departments on Bachelor Degree include Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Education (Science Education, Music Science Education, Pre-school Education, Art Science Education, Primary School Science Education, Social Sciences Education; Science and Arts (Archeology, Biology, Philosopsy, Physics, French Language and Literature, Chemistry, Mathematics, History of Art, Sociology, History, Turkish Language and Literature; Economics and Administrative Sciences (Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration, Finance, Social Work, International Relations; and Agricultyure (Horticulture, Plant Protection, Agricultural Machinery, Field Crops, Farm Structures and Irrigation, Solid Science and Plant Feeding, Zootechnology); School of Health (Nursing and Midwifery); School of Physical Education (Coaching Education and Physical Education and Sports Teaching) UNIVERSITY Adnan Menderes University was founded in Aydn in 1992. The main aim of Adnan Menderes University is to bring up young individuals who have fully adopted secular and democratic values in line with Atatrks principles and Kemalist reforms; who can do research, ask questions, and discuss; who can create solutions stipulated by reason and science; who assume a rational approach in all areas from production to administration; who safeguard national values; who can contribute to Turkish civilization and who are highly qualified people of the information age. CITY The city of Aydn is located in the western part of Turkey, in the south of Izmir. 30% of the population in Aydn is engaged in business while 28% of it works in construction sector and 9% of it works in manufacturing industry; 8% of the population works for the state and 13% of it works in different sectors. Aydn is rich in mineral and water resources with an area of 8007 square kilometres. Mediterranean climate provides an important potential for cultivation of all types of plants. 47,5% of Aydns land is suitable for agricultural production. Tourism is the second important means of income in Aydn. The city has a coastal strip of 150 kilometres and the enterprises that have tourism
management certificates have a capacity of approximately 150,000 beds. Around 1 to 1,5 million tourists visit Aydn every year. ACCOMODATION Adnan Menderes University students have various accommodation opportunities. Students can also stay at private hostels and guesthouses in Aydn (821) and in Nazilli (375), Sultanhisar (108), Kuadas (82), and Koarl (72) with different capacities. Beside the dormitories and hostels students can stay at flats or apartments they rent with their friends. LABARATORIES Central Library provides service to students and academic staff as an excellent information centre that meets all information demands and gives the services expected from a modern library and contributes to the development of the university. In addition, there are various other libraries within the faculties and higher education schools. STUDENT LIFE Adnan Menderes University encourages students to take part in sports activities. There is a multipurpose Sports and Cultural Activities Hall for student use in Aydn city. The university has various student clubs. While enriching the social life of students, these clubs also enable them to acquire new perspectives and develop a sense of social sensitivity and service and team spirit. ADU students have the right to join student clubs and maintain active work or found new clubs. There are 40 student clubs in our university at the moment. In addition to the sports activities including basketball, volleyball, soccer, table tennis, athletics and chess competitions that take place during the annual Sports Festival. Hiking tours and camping in the nature are also organized. INTERNATIONALISATION The main focus of the Office of International Affairs is the Lifelong Learning - Erasmus Program. As of July 2010, the University has 107 Bilateral Agreements in total from all over Europe within the scope of Erasmus Programme. Every year, more than 100 students attend foreign partner institutions as Erasmus students, and around 50 to 60 foreign students come to Adnan Menderes University for one or two academic semesters. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The language of instruction is Turkish at Adnan Menderes University. The foreign students need to attend classes with Turkish students, but the professors always help the students with the language and course materials in English.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1992 : 221252 : TR AYDIN01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 7 3 12 14 Yes 12.097 11.611 509 204 677 335 136
Contact : Adnan Menderes University D likiler Ofisi Rektrlk Kat:1 09010 AYDIN/TURKEY +90 (256) 218 20 37 +90 (256) 218 20 37
Contact : Afyon Kocatepe University International Relations Office Ahmet Necdet Sezer Campus Gazligol Yolu Rektorluk E Blok 03200 Afyonkarahisar/TURKEY +90 (272) 444 03 03 +90 (272) 228 13 51
cooperating with not only with European but also with Asian and American universities. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction is Turkish in Afyon Kocatepe University. English is taught in most departments to improve students abilities of using English and give them terminologies of their branches. Our university also have a management department in which language of instruction is English.
AREAS OF STUDY Economics and Administrative Sciences, Medicine,Sciences and Arts, Education, Engineering, School of Applied Sciences, Manisa School of Health, School of Tobacco Expertise,
rade is held in Manisa. Mesir Paste (Mesir Macunu in Turkish) traditional delicacy. ACCOMODATION Students are welcome to stay at state dormitories that are only 5 minutes in walking distance to the school and private dormitories. Students pay only about 100 TRY. per semester for state dormitories (2-5 students in each room). Private dormitories offer single or double rooms about 150-200 (including heat and electricity). LABORATORIES The university has several libraries (over 65000 books) and computer labs at campuses (Uncubozky and Muradiye Campuses). STUDENT LIFE Every spring we have annual spring festival on the campus for two weeks. Students perform various shows and games during the festival. Many conferences, symposiums, meetings in special topics are held at Sleyman Demirel (Uncubozky campus) and Sinema (Main Campus) Convention Centers. Fall semester and spring semester usually begin in mid September and February, respectively. INTERNATIONALISATION CBU has developed mandatory English language preparation courses (one year) for students who are accepted to the College of Business Administration and Economics and School of Applied Sciences. Although CBU is in the infant period, it has a reasonable number of academic staff that had their higher education abroad and that are already familiar with the student and staff mobility programmes. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction at Celal Bayar University is Turkish and English.
UNIVERSITY Celal Bayar University (CBU) is currently ranked in the top three Turkish universities located in the western part of Turkey in terms of teaching and research. CBU is located in one of the major industrial cities of Turkey, Manisa. The University is a relatively new university, founded in 1992. However, it is dynamic and eager to develop itself both domestically and internationally. There are 23.000 students and 27 academic programs. Our university with 5 faculties, 4 colleges, 15 occupational colleges, 3 institutes, 6 research and practice centers and 1 research and practice hospital exists in total of 34 departments. The University considers itself very strong in the areas of Economics, Business Administration, Arts and Sciences Programs, Applied Sciences (particularly International Trade), Engineering and Medicine. CITY CBU is located in one of the major industrial cities of Turkey, Manisa. Manisa is on the main route which links stanbul to zmir. It is 30 km from zmir. Manisa is a city full of historical and natural beauties. It is a developed and an ideal educational city for those who wish to study in a university without the chaos of a big city and to take advantage of social events such as cinemas, theaters, part-time job opportunities. In addition, it is only 30 kms away from zmir and the surrounding towns such as eme, Foa and Kuadas, are attractive centers, Sites of the University of Celal Bayar are located on different campuses. There are public buses in the town which travel to all of these sites. There are transport services for students studying at the Manisa Muradiye campus. In every March, Manisa International Mesir Festival, a pa-
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1992 : 224011 : TR MANISA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 5 4 10 15 None 9.782 12.140 558 206 667 481 71
Contact : Office of International Relations Rektrlk Binas stasyon Mevkii, 45040 MANSA +90 (236) 237 28 86 +90 (236) 237 24 42
86 86
w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1982 : 220715 : TR IZMIR01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 12 70 36 6 Yes 6.754 28.284 3.494 4.741 1.268 1.087 370
Contact : Dokuz Eylul University, Cumhuriyet Bulvar No: 144 TR-35210 Alsancak, zmir - Turkey +90 (232) 412 10 45 +90 (232) 412 10 45
AREAS OF STUDY Arts and Sciences, Economics and Administrative Scences, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Technical Education, Medicine, Physical Training and Sport Sciences, Health Sciences, Applied Sciences. UNIVERSITY Founded in 1992, Dumlupnar University (DPU) offers high quality standards in education within the framework of Bologna process with its modern campuses, up-to-date curriculum, and experienced and motivated teaching staff, most of whom received their education in prestigious international higher education institutions. DPU ensures high quality in education and mobility activities, and promotes the integration within EU. To reach the recognized world quality in education and training systems, keep high quality, and support sustainable development, DPU takes specific measures with the contributions of Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), bilateral and multilateral partnerships and projects, and the joint activities with European institutions by welcoming students and academicians of all backgrounds without any discrimination based on national origin, ethnicity, gender, religion, age or disability. CITY Located among the multiplicity of industrial facilities including mining, ceramics industries and geothermal tourism, Ktahya is a rapidly developing city in the western part of Anatolia which has easy access to the large metropolitans of Turkey, namely stanbul, zmir and Ankara through a web of both rail and highways. Ktahya, a city of earth, water and fire, has a history of 700 years. The traces of numerous civilizations, which are carefully protected, can still be visited. The Ancient Roman city of Aizanoi with the Zeus Temple and the first stock exchange office, fairy-chimneys, the rock tombs and chapels in Phrygian valley, and Ktahya Castle are just a few examples of them. Apart from these valuable ancient remains, Ktahya also fascinates people all over the world with its world-famous tiles and porcelains, thermal baths and spa centers, handicrafts, diamond and silver embroidery, traditional houses, clothes, bazaars and lastly with its national tourism.
ACCOMODATION There is a wide range of accommodation options for students: staying in public or private dormitories with their modern buildings including catering facilities, bathrooms in each room; and in hostels, furnished rooms or shared-flats with other students. At main campus there are dormitories which offer a warm and friendly service to more than 1500 students. The dormitory is newly constructed; it has wireless internet facility and offers breakfast and dinner for students. LABORATORIES With its new library that is constructed on a large territory on main campus and equipped up to the highest standards, DPU provides its students, teaching staff and researchers with a comfortable environment to conduct their studies. It offers easy access to a wide collection of selected publications, periodicals and regularly updated electronic sources with the interlibrary Loan System and the comprehensive online databases. Moreover, DPU offers competitive opportunities of research in various fields with all the required labs holding the latest technology. Besides the labs, our university provides its students with computing services offering Internet access in several computer laboratories throughout the campus. STUDENT LIFE DPU is well aware of the fact that the academic success of students goes in hand with the social, artistic and the athletic skills. Students are, thus, encouraged to participate in leisure and recreational activities, and also persuaded to be a member of student clubs and organizations on campus. Students may spend their spare time on campus either benefitting from the modern facilities providing indoor and outdoor activities such as full-sized Olympic swimming pool and thermal facilities, or enjoying the natural beauties of the city offering extensive alternatives. INTERNATIONALISATION Since its foundation, DPU has made internationalisation one of its primary goals. With the EUC, the mission of the university to internationalise its education has gained a new dimension and a more solid ground. DPU has now more than 200 agreements with 47 universities in Europe in line with the policies of Bologna Process and LLP. While there is a regular rise in the demand of our students to be an Erasmus student, DPU increasingly attracts a considerable number of incoming Erasmus students. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish, English (at the Department of Western Languages)
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1992 : 224662 : TR KUTAHYA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 7 3 13 12 None 12.698 15.601 1.392 124 805 257 60
Contact: Dumlupnar niversitesi Rektrl Uluslararas likiler Birimi Merkez Kamps Tavanl Yolu 10. Km 43100 KTAHYA +90 (274) 265 20 14 +90 (274) 265 21 33
AREAS OF STUDY Medical Sciences Natural, Sciences Engineering Sciences, Agricultural Sciences Social, Sciences UNIVERSITY Ege University is one of Turkeys leading campus universities with a major commitment to education, research, cultural and social activities.It aims to achieve excellence and highest quality in undergraduate and graduate education, in research and in public service. Ege University is the University of Choice for intelligent, motivated students who are willing to learn and accept responsibility and wish to receive high quality education in an atmosphere where ideas are freely exchanged. Being a university with an international perspective, the educational system is based on the principle of creative teaching and participatory learning. The University embraces many diverse fields and disciplines of study. The educational process is enriched by a number of other activities, parallel to the core studies, such as seminars, lectures by invited scholars, educational visits, as well as summer schools and conferences that are organized by the Universitys Departments. CITY Izmir is the third largest city in Turkey and one of its principal industrial, commercial, cultural and tourist centers. The city is situated in the Aegean Region near the seacoast and hence is a very accessible city with excellent road and rail links and an airport to national and international destinations. The climate is mild and in the summer the constant and refreshing sea provides breeze to its beneficiaries. Located on the bay of the same name, zmir is a modern city brimming with life. For many years Izmir has enjoyed a reputation as a cosmopolitan city culture. With its natural beauties, historical and cultural values, Izmir where various civilizations flourished and people have lived together in tolerance and brotherhood acquire her name from an Amazon queen called Smyrna. ACCOMODATION Accommodation is available in Student Village for 1000 students.There are separate buildings for male and female students.In all rooms furnish, bedding and internet connection is available. There are canteens where students can have breakfast and other meals for a nominal cost. Shop it is located on campus area where students can and can find sports facilities as well as the places for outdoor sports activities. LABORATORIES Central Library is located on Campus and has a collection of 300.000 books and 450 periodicals. There are 66 databases. Online resources afford instant access to 31060 e-journals and 41220 e-books are accessible through INTERNET. It has a firm commitment to provide a wide range of computational services and a comprehensive computer education. There are multimedia labs with full accessed with audiovisual devices. Ege University provides Internet connections throughout the Campus 24 hours a day. Ege University has 730 modern and full-fledge laboratories offering extensive opportunities for training and research. The students learn to put into practice the skills and theory studied in their courses. STUDENT LIFE Social and cultural activities are designed for the enjoyment of students and staff and to develop new and existing interests. Ege University offers opportunities for personal, cultural, social and professional development that complement the richly complex and challenging academic life. Ege University ensures that students with special needs have access to the same quality of educational provision by providing alternative teaching and learning approaches. Additionally curricular materials are provided. Believing that physical fitness aids mental alertness, University strives to provide its students with facilities for a variety of sports. There are 56 student associations, which are active in many diverse fields of interest. INTERNATIONALISATION International and European cooperation plays an important role in the strategic development of Ege University. It has developed 73 collaborative and 270 LLP/Erasmus bilateral agreements with many European and Unions with other countries. It upholds its commitment to coordinate and implement European Unions new Life Long Learning (LLP) Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers : 1955 : 221398 : TR IZMIR02 : : : : : : : : : : : : 11 8 27 7 Yes 11.541 29.014 2.621 2.136 3.179 1.148 182
Contact : Ege University Rectorate, International Office, Genclik Cad. No:12 35040 Bornova / IZMIR +90 (232) 339 90 91 +90 (232) 311 43 55
and Youth Programs. Ege Un. carries out dual diploma program with several European Universities. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Ege University aims to increase the number of curricula taught in a foreign language.
AREAS OF STUDY Gediz University includes the following faculties and departments: School of Economics and Administrative Sciences: Management, Economics, International Relations, Political Science & Public Administration, International Trade & Marketing. School of Engineering and Architecture: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Enginering, Architecture School of Law Vocational School: Child Development, Bussiness Adminstration, Mechatronics, Electronic Intercommunication Technologies, Public Relations, Logistics, Foreign Trade, Banking and Insurance, and Graphic Design UNIVERSITY Gediz University was founded by Sipahi Education, Health and Sports Foundation in 2008 and welcomed its first students on September 2009. Gediz University is carrying education on ankaya campus temporarily and plan to move its new campus by 2010/2011 academic year. Our new campus is now under construction in Seyrek and after its completion it will have modern labs, classes, conference halls, social facilities, library, cinema hall, cafeteria, food court, fitness center and a bookshop. As a fourth foundation university in Izmir, Gediz University has the largest campus in Izmir. The mission of Gediz University is the creation, dissemination, preservation, and application of knowledge for the betterment of our global society. To fulfill this mission, Gediz University is committed to academic freedom in its fullest terms: we value open access to information, free and lively debate conducted with mutual respect for individuals. CITY Gediz University is located on the west coast of Turkey, Izmir. Turkeys third largest city and second most important port, Izmir is the center of tourism in the region. The total population of the city was 3,795,978 by the end of 2008. Its origins go back to the third millennium B.C.E., and it maintained its prominence during Hittite, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine domination. During the fourteenth century, Izmir became an Ottoman city and then it became part of the Republic of Turkey in 1923.
The city hosts an international arts festival during June and July, and the Izmir International Fair, is held in the beginning of September every year. Izmir is served by national and international flights through the Adnan Menderes International Airport and there is a modern metro line running from the southwest to the northeast. Izmir called as the pearl of the Aegan due to its natural and historical places. Izmir incorporates the nearby ancient cities of Ephesus, Pergamum, Sardis and Klazomenai. ACCOMODATION Gediz University does not only provide accommodation for students but International Office help international students to find suitable accommodations. Public and private dormitories and rental houses are available nearby campus area. Students need to indicate their accommodation preferences in the application form. LABORATORIES Gediz University Library support the academic programs of Gediz through instruction, collections, technology and services that enable students and faculty to access recorded knowledge and information resources. Library is constructed on 1350 m2 area and has a capacity to meet requirements of all our students and academic staff. School of engineering and architecture has a number of modern laboratory facilities which is equipped with best equipments. Gediz University provides campus-wide wireless internet access. Students can use this service free of charge with their laptops. STUDENT LIFE The Center for Student Involvement serves as an advocate for students in all areas of campus life, supports extracurricular activities, and maintains the community living standards for all national and international students. Gediz University is home to several student organizations that represent academic, cultural, political, professional, social, spiritual, and recreational interests. Students can easily start their own student organization or suggest a new event idea. INTERNATIONALISATION When Gediz University was established in 2008, it was decided that internationalization is the main priority of our university. Based on this aim, the current strategy plan focuses on the following issues: student and academic staff mobility, international cooperation, implementation of ECTS in all field of studies and issuing Diploma Supplement (DS), and the establishment of a qualification framework for all study fields on the basis of learning outcomes. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION To facilitate the study of international students, the language of instruction is English in most of Gediz Universitys academic departments . Almost all of Gediz Universitys academic staff have received their Ph.D.s abroad and/or had an experience in international exchange programs.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
113 14 28
Contact: Hrriyet Blv. No:16/1 ankaya, zmir +90 (232) 484 34 34 +90 (232) 425 68 13
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : zmir University Of Economics office of international affairs Sakarya Cd. No:156 35330 Balova/zmir/Turkey +90 (232) 488 83 50 +90 (232) 488 82 71
rees (with State University of New York-SUNY), and for master degrees (with University of Abertay Dundee). LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction at IUE is English for all programs. Moreover, each student has to choose a second foreign language out of 8 alternatives (German, Italian, Spanish, French, Greek, Portuguese, Japanese, and Russian) to study during their undergraduate degree. With this advantage, both IUE students and incoming students get the chance of accessing international education opportunities, which help them develop their personal skills and competencies.
AREAS OF STUDY Arts and Sciences, American Culture and Literature, English Language Teaching, Mathematics and Computer, Science, Psychology, Law, Economics and Administrative Sciences,Business Administration (English), Business Administration, International Relations (English), International Relations, Tourism Management (English), International Trade and Finance (English), Engineering, Computer Engineering (English), Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (English), Industrial Engineering (English), Software Engineering (English), Vocational School, Program of Tourism and Hotel Management, Program of Computer Programming, Program of Electronics and Communication , Technology, Program of Accountancy and Taxation, School of Health, Nursing (Turkish) UNIVERSITY Izmir University (IZU) was founded in 2007 as an extention to Doanata Education and Culture Foundation and began providing education in the academic year 2008/2009 as the third foundation university in Izmir. Being a city university, IZU serves in the city center and is situated in a 15,000 m2 area consisting of 3 blocks connected to each other. IZU aims at becoming a research-oriented university with an international focus, emphasizing graduate studies and life-long learning as well as short-cycle and first cycle degrees. To fulfill its social responsibilities and serve the community better, IZU provides life-long learning and instrumental programs in its continuing education centre. IZU also provides financial and volunteer support to several educational NGOs. Social Responsibility Centre enhances social and economic cohesion. The campus is handicapped-friendly and the Disabled Unit helps those with special needs. CITY Izmir is the third most populous city of Turkey and has the countrys largest port after Istanbul. It lies on the coast of the Aegean Sea. Once the ancient city of Smyrna, it is now a modern, developed, and busy commercial center, set around a huge bay which is surrounded by mountains The city center has a population of approximately 3,500,000. Izmir has outstanding features in terms of industry, trade, culture, health, tourism and transportation. Consequently, the city plays a vital role in the countrys economy. The city hosts an international arts festival during June and July and the Izmir International Fair, in which various fair and exhibition events take place, opens its doors to visitors in September every year. Adnan Menderes Airport, located 16 km south of Izmir, serves as an international
airport. Visitors can also travel around the city by means of buses, subway, ferries and taxis. Izmir is famous for not only its industry but also its touristic places within a few hours of reach. ACCOMODATION Students can get detailed information about accommodation facilities during application and registration stages. Izmir University students have the advantage of living in the city center; either in rental apartments near the campus or in private and state dormitories, most of which are in close proximity to our university. Moreover, the dormitory of Fatih College, the high school owned by the founders of the university, provides a limited capacity of accommodation to our students. LABORATORIES At IZU, education is supported by comprehensive laboratories such as the engineering lab, nursing skills lab, analog and digital electronics lab, communications lab, and computer assisted language learning laboratories. The library serves in an area of 330 m2. MITOS open access system is used and electronic databases such as EBSCOhost, IEEE/ IEE Electronic Library, Elsevier ScienceDirect, Taylor & Francis, WOS (Art & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index) are available. Library of Congress classification system is used in our library and medical books are classified according to the National Library of Medicine classification system. The campus allows wireless internet access. STUDENT LIFE In order to encourage students to participate in social, cultural, artistic and sportive activities in their spare time and to contribute to their social and individual development, various student clubs are founded with the support of administrative/academic advisors. By carrying out various performances, debates and concerts in accordance with the annual plan, these clubs have an active role in making the institutional identity of Izmir University come into prominence and helping it to be recognized by the public. Students have the opportunity to use the semi-olympic swimming pool and gymnastics halls (basketball, volleyball, tennis, step-aerobic) in Fatih College, the high school that is owned by Doanata Education and Culture Foundation. INTERNATIONALISATION As a young university founded in 2007, IZU is in the process of forming strong international links. IZU has initiated cooperation processes with several universities in Europe for the Erasmus program and elsewhere to attract full time/exchange students and staff. Internationalization is part of IZUs founding strategy and great importance is IZUs to the promotion of the Erasmus Program, implementation of the Bologna Process and enhancement of European Education and Research Areas. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction at IZU is English and Turkish. Foreign language education which is provided during the first year at the faculties is completely English to support professional training. The English preparatory year provided by the School of Foreign Languages and elective second foreign language courses provide students with strong foreign language skills to prepare them for mobility.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact: Izmir University International Relations Office Gursel Aksel Bulvari No: 14 35350 kuyular-Izmir TURKEY +90 (232) 246 49 49 +90 (232) 224 09 09
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Izmir Institute of Technology Office of International Relations Glbahe Ky TR-35430 Urla/ZMR +90 (232) 750 78 93 +90 (232) 750 78 95 jsp?pageName=main.htm re are nearly 100 research projects supported by EU Framework Programmes, DPT, TBTAK and 300 project supported by IZTECH research funds. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction in all our programmes is English. In order to attend the programmes, students should prove their knowledge of English. They should get a minimum test score required by the university from the proficiency exam held by Department of Foreign Languages or from one of the international exams such as TOEFL, IELTS or CPE. Students who cannot get the required test score attend the Department of Foreign Languages for one academic year as English Prep School.
AREAS OF STUDY Archaeology, Biology, Chemistry, History, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Sociology, Statistics, Translation Studies, Turkish Language and Literature, Turkic Dialects and Literate, Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration, Labour Economics, Hospitality Management, Travel Management, Educational Sciences, Elementary Education, Science Education, Arts Education, English Language Education, German Language Education, Turkish Language Education, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Fisheries Engineering, Wood Industries Engineering, Fine Arts, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Physical Education and Sports Teaching, Recreation, Sports Management UNIVERSITY Mula University is a large, progressive, multi disciplinary university situated in Mula Province, one of the most distinguished regions of the country. Students of the University receive education and training surrounded with modern facilities and from a young and dynamic team of academics with international backgrounds and approaches. Mula University currently provides 61 undergraduate degree programmes in 8 faculties and 4 schools, 83 vocational programmes and 42 postgraduate degree programmes. Students of Mula University enjoy a very pleasant campus environment with pleasingly equipped buildings, sufficient laboratories, many dining facilities, and centers for socio-cultural activities, sports facilities and modern dormitories. CITY The province of Mula, located in the southwest of Turkey where the Aegean Sea meets the Mediterranean, is a vital center for Turkish and world tourism with its legendary bays and beaches; magnificent landscapes; impressive cultural heritage and popular holiday destinations like Bodrum, Marmaris and Fethiye. Mula, the provinces capital, is a steadily developing, modern and peaceful town famous for its unique architecture. There are two international airports in the province, Dalaman and Bodrum. Mula province, which accommodates 19 marinas and slips, has the longest coast in Turkey, 1124 kilometres. Mula has a Mediterranean climate, hot and dry in summer
and warm and rainy in winter. The world of entertainment virtually moves from big cities to the region as soon as summer begins and many festivals, performances and concerts take place. Mugla today, is not only a city of natural/historical resources but a university city moving towards becoming a centre for education and culture. ACCOMODATION Mula University offers modern student housing on campus with all facilities. State run student halls have a capacity of nearly 3500 students and the remaining students can stay at private student accommodation facilities surrounding the campus. They may also rent and share flats in the city. LABORATORIES Central Library built on a 7000 m2 closed area on campus, serves to support research and education activities. It holds around 97,000 printed books, 110,000 e-books, 48,000 e-journals and 75 data bases. Campus computing environment offers fast Internet connection, web mail service and many PC rooms. There are modern laboratories especially for basic sciences and vocational education besides many workshops and other purpose-built research facilities. STUDENT LIFE Mula University provides plenty of opportunities for students to participate in social, cultural, artistic and scientific activities. Throughout the year, the University and student societies carry out miscellaneous activities including live performances, film days, exhibitions, concerts, sales, artistic pursuits, panels and conferences. There are fully equipped sports halls, sports fields and many activity centers within the campus. Every year the University holds the Traditional Spring Festival where different social and cultural activities take place. Number of activities organized by/for students reaches 300-350 each year. INTERNATIONALISATION International Office coordinates EU programmes, exchanges, international projects and activities, and international promotion of the University. The University has over 80 active bilateral agreements and participates eagerly in Erasmus student mobility, outgoing and incoming alike. Since the mobility activities started in 2004, 400 outgoing students and 80 staff have benefited from the programme whereas Mugla University has hosted around 100 exchange students and over 50 visiting staff. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Although main language of instruction is Turkish, some departments offer courses in English. Entire degree programmes in the Faculty of Engineering are conducted fully in English.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1992 : 219953 : TR MUGLA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 12 2 15 9 None 9.136 13.943 712 125 640 225 119
Contact: Mula niversitesi Rektrl Uluslararas likiler Koordinatrl Ktekli Yerlekesi 48000 MULA +90 (252) 211 19 60 +90 (252) 211 10 51
AREAS OF STUDY Architecture and Design, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Educational Sciences, Engineering, Fine Arts, Fundamental Sciences, Medicine, Social Sciences, Technical Education UNIVERSITY Pamukkale University is located in the center of a region which includes industry, natural wonders and cultural heritage all together. Aware of the local, national, international needs and and responsibilities, the university serves as an important educational, scientific and cultural center. Because of its commitments to maintain the highest possible standards in teaching and research, it is becoming one of the attractive institutions for students, academicians and researchers. CITY With its historical, economic, cultural and touristic values, the province of Denizli is the second active and fast developing city after zmir in the Aegean Region. With its unique nature wonder travertens, natural beauties, rich water sources, historical richness Pamukkale Denizlis has an important place in the world tourism. Denizlis historic origin dates back to about 300BC. Since then it is the center of various civilizations in different time periods. The ancient city of Laodikeia is here, within the borders of Denizli, with its ruins awaiting for sightseers. Hieropolis is another ancient city, being a historical treasure, also offers a real wonder astonishingly beautiful and unique in the world with its white travertine offering marvelous scenery. With its population more than 900.000, the city today is also centers in Turkey. ACCOMODATION Students accommodation requirements are met by student dormitories located next to the main campus with a total capacity of 4.150 students. Baths and toilets are available in students rooms and hot water is available for 24 hours. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served in these dormitories everyday. Also there are private apartments and dormitories with high quality facilities around the campus. LABORATORIES Pamukkale University provides laboratories at different faculties. The printed collection at the Central Library can be reached at any time of the day via automated system. Access to the online database is available through the website of the library continuously. Approximately 38.000 library catalogues worldwide can be searched with the aid of online catalogue. Wireless internet service is also available without any charge. STUDENT LIFE More than 55 student clubs with approximately 3000 registered members are active at the University. The clubs sponsors conferences, concerts, displays, excursions, scientific activities and the Spring Festival which is the highlight of the year. INTERNATIONALISATION Pamukkale University aims to achieve the greatest level of internalization as much as possible by organising international activities and and participating at EU programmes such as 7th Framework Programme and Lifelong Learning Programme. Furthermore Bilateral Agreements are put into practice to realise exchange of students and academic staff together with joint research activities with non-European countries including USA, Australia, Japan and South Korea. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Primary medium of instruction at Pamukkale University is Turkish. Some departments and/or Faculties offer courses in English.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1992 : 221519 : TR DENIZLI01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 7 3 13 11 None 8.125 16.362 1.217 173 722 545 243
Contact : Kinikli Campus, TR- 20070, Denizli, Turkey +90 (258) 296 29 73 +90 (258) 296 23 30
AREAS OF STUDY Undergraduate (Bachelors) Degrees - (First Cycle) Education:Computer and Educational Technology, Educational Sciences (Educational Programmes and Teaching Educational Management, Planning and Economy Psychological Counseling), Primary (Elementary) Education, (Primary School Teacher Education Elementary Social Sciences Teacher Education, Mathematics Education, Social Sciences Education), Turkish Language Education, Secondary Education Arts and Sciences: Biology, Mathematics, Statistics, History, Geography, Turkish Language and Literature, Eastern Languages and Literature, Western Languages and Literature, Modern Turkish Dialects and Literatures, Sociology, Antropology, Philosophy, Archeology, Art History, Physics. UNIVERSITY Uak University is a dynamic State University, newly established in 2006. Uak University was founded in Uak which many civilizations emerged, has a rich cultural heritage and whose cultural wealth is famous around the world. Thanks to its geographical position, Uak University provides students with a lot of facilities and it is always premier in the scientific and social fields among the new universities. With both its student clubs facilities and young, energetic academic staff, Uak University is the students attraction. Uak University has young and dynamic instructors who improve themselves, do considerable research in their field of specialization and serve for our countrys economy as well as industry. Uak University, as a state university, provides modern education by giving importance to student - investments centered with financial donations received from education volunteers - at first Halil Kaya Gedik as well as financial support taken from the government. CITY Uak is a relatively small-sized city located in the Interior Aegean Region of Turkey. The city has a population of almost 150.000. Uak is situated at a distance of 210 km from the regions principal metropolitan center and the port city of Izmir. Benefiting from its location at the crossroads of Central Anatolian plateau and the coastal Aegean Region, and a climate and an agricultural production which comports elements determined by both of these spheres, Uak traditionally had a strong industrial base. Usak was the first city in Turkey to have an urban electricity network, the first city where a collective labour relations agreement was signed, during the Ottoman era, between leather industry employees and workers, and the first fac-
tory of Republican Turkey, a sugar refinery, was set up here through a private sector initiative among local businessmen. It is found that the first settlement in the region had begun after 4000 B.C. ACCOMODATION Uak University offers plenty of housing opportunities for its students including furnished state dormitories, private dormitories, flats, apartments and houses especially planned and furnished for temporary student residence. University dormitories have a capacity of housing approximately 900 students. All rooms are furnished. The dormitories have PC rooms equipped with internet connections. Also they offer breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday including weekends with reduced price. LABORATORIES Usak University has its own library located in Halit Ziya Uaklgil Campus offering 17,048 books, 1240 periodicals. The library has 756 MA/ MS and Ph.D. programme thesis/dissertations. The students can also benefit from city library which offers 15,850 books, and 1150 periodicals under 98 headlines. In order to provide better facilities for researchers, the Library also offers access to several Online databases containing academic journals. In addition, within the inter-libraries cooperation, the books or photocopies of publications can be obtained from other libraries.There are 10 laboratories located in the university for scientific research, analysis and practices. There are three main computer labs on campus. STUDENT LIFE Uak University has its main campus, the 1 Eyll Campus, located at outskirts of Uak and one additional campus and six branches located around the city. The university offers quality education and training in its departments. Uak Universitys personalised style of teaching offers plenty of opportunity to work closely with faculties to expand students knowledge and skills. With its green lawns, our main campus houses cultural activities for student life. Uak Universitys programs and services extend the universitys academic mission beyond the classroom by providing opportunities through which students can participate in a broad range of human endeavors. The university fosters in students a sense of social and civic responsibility, ethical conduct, and an appreciation of diversity and cultural richness including the activities such as seminars, panels and workshops offered for students, plenty of social activities such as sports competitions, theatre and traditional dance groups. INTERNATIONALISATION Since its foundation in 2006, Uak University has considerably accelerated its efforts in terms of establishing strong international relations with universities and organisations in other countries on scientific, academic, social, and cultural levels. Our Institution has been awarded the Extended University Charter (Standard Charter and Student Placements) by the European Commission (The Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency) on 20/05/2008.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact: Uak Universitesi 1 Eyll kampusu MA1 Akademik Blok AB & Uluslararas likiler Ofisi UAK 64200 +90 (276) 221 21 78 +90 (276) 221 21 79
AREAS OF STUDY Sciences and Letters: Mathematics, Statistics, English Language and Literature, Translation and Interpretation, Actuarial Sciences Economics and Administrative Sciences Economics: Business Administration, International Trade and Finance, Tourism and Hotel Management, International Logistics Management, International Relations Engineering: Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Software Engineering Architecture: Interior Architecture, Architecture, Communication: Visual Communication Design, Public Relations and Advertising, Radio, Cinema and Television Fine Arts: Industrial Design, Graphic Design Film Design, Music Law Vocational School: Computer Programming, Office Services and Executive Assistance, Foreign Trade, Food Technology, Graphic Design, Public Relations and Publicity, Logistics, Hospitality Management, Marketing, Securities and Capital Market. UNIVERSITY Yaar University was established in 2001 by one of Turkeys leading corporate groups, Yaar Holding as a foundation university, located in Izmir on the western coast of Turkey. The links with the business sector and global universities makes Yaar University an ideal environment for personal development and learning with an international dimension. The medium of instruction is English at Yaar University. The university operates the ECTS credit system. There is a wide range of courses to choose from, as well as the flexibility to compile your course options from different university departments. Yaar University, provides international opportunities for the students by participating actively in Life Long Learning/Erasmus, YOUTH, Jean Monnet, Marie Curie, and other EU Education Programmes. Yaar University has been awarded as to be included in the Erasmus Success Story Brochure 2010 by the European Commission. CITY Yaar University is located in Izmir, where is Turkeys third largest city and located in the mid-western part of the Aegean region. It is known as the pearl of the Aegean. Izmir is a city where you can experience all the advantages of living in a big, modern city, and have easy access to all the small touristic resorts of the Aegean on your doorstep. It has unique cosmopolitan atmosphere with the gleaming buildings, sophisticated shopping districts, picturesque old quarters, magnificent agora and citadel, all overlook the blue waters of the Aegean Sea. Izmir includes all fatures of a student city with a large number of youth population and a wide range of cultural, educational and social facilities. Yaar University is located in the hearth of the Izmir with its easily accessible
campus and situated on various local transport routes. You can reach the campus by metro in 15 minutes from the city centre. ACCOMODATION Yaar University Student Dormitory provides a comfortable life style with its fully equipped services. Dormitory has the capacity to host 450 students and have central heating -cooling system, private bathrooms, room for 1, 2 or 3 students to share. Facilities: Caf, shop, laundry, study rooms, infirmary, tv room, 7/24 heat water and internet access, security service.It is located at walking distance to campus metro and very close to the hospital and shopping centers. LABORATORIES Yaar University has 7 laboratories with a capacity of 350 computers available for students. Electronic Information and Documentation Center supports the education and research programs and assists to cover the information and documentation needs of the students at national and international scale. It includes two libraries and a Research-Development Center. The library is 1400 m2 with a capacity of hosting 500 people and includes a wide range of resources. STUDENT LIFE Yaar University provides a truly unique experience with its art, cultural and social facilities. Students are actively encouraged to join social and cultural activities, both for recreation and also for their own personal development. The Selcuk Yaar Campus has a cinema, an art exhibition centre, a conference hall and a theatre. The conference and concerts hall hosts many events during the year, including concerts, conferences of prominent artists, films and theatre performances. There are a number of clubs that are administered by the Health, Culture and Sports Department of the university. Student clubs support development of students. University has a sport center, gym, dance studio and health center on the campus. Tournaments of basketball, volleyball, tennis, ping pong, badminton, chess, GO game and pin ball, are all being organized throughout the year. INTERNATIONALISATION Yaar University, supports the promotion and intensive use of international cooperation and accreditation as an integral part of its university vision. Internationalization is mainly being pursued by student and staff exchanges, developing new diploma and certificate programmes, participation to new projects and EU Programmes. Bologna Process is directly incorporated to the universitys international strategy with a special focus on transferring and recognizing all learning process of students.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : European Union Center Universite Cad. No:35-37 35100 Bornova IZMIR +90 (232) 411 50 14 +90 (232) 411 50 22
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction is English at Yasar University. Beyond providing their students the opportunity of acquiring English language competency, Yasar University serves a wide range of language course options (German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese) that students may follow according to their interests, areas of specialization or future career plans. Yasar University with its multicultural environment encourages multi-lingualism among its students and staff.
AREAS OF STUDY Medicine, Agriculture, Arts and Sciences, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Engineering, Education, Fine Arts, Law, Communication, Aquaculture, Business Administration, Tourism and Hotel Management, Physical Education and Sports. UNIVERSITY Akdeniz University, a campus university to the west of Antalya city centre, is an institution which is dedicated to bringing illumination and enlightenment to society. It was founded in 1982 and has steadily progressed to its present position as one of the nations leading education institutions. The university, after 28 years of development, now provides a modern standard of education in 15 faculties and 12 vocational schools, as well as post-graduate and doctorate programs in 4 graduate schools. The primary goal of Akdeniz University is to produce graduates who are well-qualified, modern and democratic in outlook. We help them to be at peace with the community, able to see the national and universal perspective while maintaining respect for the highest cultural values and an appreciation of Atatrks principles and reforms. They will have a purpose for the future, and be able to solve problems and use the knowledge they have gained in their professional and personal development. CITY Akdeniz University is located in Antalya, a city on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Situated on coastal cliffs and surrounded by mountains, Antalya is one of the tourism capitals of Turkey and the world, and a modern city with broad boulevards decorated with palm trees, an international award-winning port, and a mixture of fine vernacular architecture and modern shopping malls. The natural environment of Antalya is extraordinarily generous. Spring water gushes out from between the rocks, and the sweet perfume of orange blossom pervades the city in the springtime. From the sea cliffs, you cannot gaze long enough at the deep translucent blue of the Mediterranean, and the purple silhouettes of the surrounding mountains spread before the evening sun. Antalya region, known as Pamphilia in ancient times, has also witnessed many civilizations since the era of the primitive men in the Karain Cave, starting as Psidia and Lykia, and passing through the centuries with the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Selchuk and
ACCOMODATION Akdeniz University presents several choices of accommodation for incoming Erasmus students. Students can stay at the University dormitory or apartment hotels. There is the option of renting a flat with students from Akdeniz University, or with other Erasmus students. Akdeniz University also has a Guest House which is located in the campus, and which is suitable for short term visits, for which an early reservation should be made. LABORATORIES With an area of 4,505 square meters, the library has an infrastructure capable of serving 450 people simultaneously. By making available its special collections, fifteen individual study rooms, computers with uninterrupted internet connections, and facilities for free photocopying of periodicals, the library is successfully fulfilling its role of highlighting the scientific studies conducted at the university. It contains 45,000 volumes of published books, subscriptions to 296 published periodicals, and 2,184 pieces of written research. The library also provides 24-hour access to 53,000 periodicals and 48,000 e-books from 65 databases all over the world. Wireless internet connections are also provided throughout the campus. STUDENTLIFE Akdeniz University offers a wide range of facilities for social, cultural and sporting activities where students can develop their own skills and talents. There are 58 student clubs in which students can gain experience of group tasks, and where they can meet as members and share their ideas and work together. The campus facilities include football pitches and tennis courts, a climbing wall, an indoor swimming pool and indoor sports stadiums, as well as playing areas for basketball, volleyball, handball, badminton, and beach volleyball. The campus is close to the city centre, and public transport links the campus to every part of the city. The buildings in the campus area are all within walking distance of each other. With the aim of preventing the loss of our rich cultural heritage, Akdeniz University organizes the International Mediterranean Youth Festival in May every year. We are happy to welcome students from all over the world to this great annual event. INTERNATIONALISATION Akdeniz University attaches the greatest importance to internationalisation. Our involvement in the Erasmus programme has made our university into an international institution which has been selected twice by the Turkish National Agency as the university applying best practice in the implementation of the Erasmus programme. Akdeniz University was also placed third among the universities from 23 countries when it was awarded the Erasmus Lifelong Learning Prize by the European Commission. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Mainly Turkish, English course package is provided.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1982 : 220189 : TR ANTALYA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 15 4 34 12 Yes 10.478 13.262 1.101 714 1.155 799 120
Contact : International Relations Office (Erasmus Office)Dumlupnar Boulvard Rectorate 6th Floor Campus 07058 Antalya / TURKEY +90 (242) 310 15 75 +90 (242) 310 66 29
AREAS OF STUDY International Relations, International Finance, Public Relations, International Trade, Management (Business Administration), Tourism and Hotel Management, English Language Teaching, English Language Literature, Mathematics and Computer, Law UNIVERSITY a University is an foundation university, nonprofit institution founded by the Bayboan Education Foundation in 1997. It is the first Foundation University in the Mediterranean of Turkey. At present there are 2,300 students studying at a University. There are 175 academic staffs. This stimulates flexibility and efficient use of resources and promotes good fellowship between the staff and the students. The university provides varied opportunities for education, which are not limited to within the campus walls. Faculty members share their knowledge and experience with students, in an atmosphere of warmth and friendship, enabling them to gain selfconfidence and become equipped for a career of further study. a University, situated on 330.000 m2 of parkland was founded with the aim of providing modern higher education at a global standard. At ag University the medium of instruction is English. CITY a University is located between two major cities, Adana and Mersin. The locality of Mersin is one of the most ancient regions of Anatolia, but Mersin is one of the newest cities of Turkey with a population of 1.000.000. The Mediterranean climate, coupled with rich agricultural lands and the use of the latest techniques in greenhouse production, provides for several harvests of farm products each year. Mersin is Turkeys third largest sea port and a free trade zone, and is at the center of a busy transportation network. It is possible to take a ferry from Mersin to Magusa in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and from Taucu to Kyrenia. One can fly to every major city in the country and abroad from Adana Airport, 60 km to the Northeast. Adana is now inhabitating about 1.400.000 (including the immediate suburbs receiving municipal services), whereas the Provincial Population is about 1.950.000.
ACCOMODATION Our international office arranges the accomodation of exchange students. In addition, the accomodation is provided for the exchange students for free by a University. Currently, the University offers accomodation to its students at Soli Apart Hotel in Mersin. There is free transportation from Soli Apart Hotel to a University for the students, which is provided by the university. LABORATORIES In order for students to effectively benefit from the research and self-development activities that are a necessity in modern education, our library has many texts and resource books and provides a comfortable and modern atmosphere for students and academic staff. As well as domestic and foreign daily newspapers and magazines, all types of periodicals, bulletins and other publications required by the academic departments are available. a University Library is working to offer thehighest possible quality service by providing all the resources students need to successfully complete their studies at the University. Currently, there 300 computers are available to our students at campus. STUDENTLIFE As a University, one of our basic aims is to educate our students in such a way that they could become sophisticated individuals equipped with varied social features. For that reason, we give a special importance to social, cultural and sports activities. There are over 20 clubs in which students can participate, and compete in national events. INTERNATIONALISATION a University is a member of European Universities Association (EUA) and has already signed many cooperation agreements with universities in Europe and USA. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION English
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Erasmus Office, a University, Adana Mersin Karayolu zeri, 33800, Yenice, Mersin, Turkey +90 (324) 651 48 00 +90 (324) 651 48 11
also one of the 16 state universities that provide MA and PhD programs for students coming from other universities throughout the country, ukurova University takes its place among the ten top universities in Turkey. The university has one of the largest and best equipped teaching hospitals of South and South-East Turkey, and is a leading institution for agricultural studies with its research farm and about 3000 acres land on campus. ukurova University was one of the universities listed in the Worlds Top 500 Universities ranked by the Times Higher Education supplement in 2007-2008 academic year. CITY With a history dating back to 6000 BC, Adana is one of the oldest settlements in Anatolia and is the fifth-largest city in Turkey. Stretching over an area of 14.030 square kilometers, Adana has been undergoing a rapid development in an attempt to become a metropolitan city. It is situated in the most fertile agricultural area of the whole country that is fed by the life-giving waters of the Seyhan River. Adanas prosperity has long come from the fertile valleys behind it and its position as a bridgehead on the Anatolian-Arabian trade routes. Also its population boom can be attributed to its fertile plains, rivers and highlands. Additionally, besides having created a major textile industry, the city is also an importing trading center for gold. Due to its being in the heart of that fertile land, Adana has been an important city for many civilizations for centuries dating back to the Hittites, one of the most important Anatolian civilizations. The precious River Seyhan is spanned by the ancient Takpr Ston Bridge. Center carries out various activities to train academic staff and students, to organize seminars and courses, to support scientific and technical research and practices, and to provide solutions to the computer-related problems of the public and private institutions. The library also acts as the European Union Documentation Center. The center is a part of the wide network of EDCs in Europe and world wide, under competence of the Education and Culture Directorate General of the European Commission in Brussels. STUDENT LIFE The university has a powerful infrastructure supplying opportunities in various branches of sports such as athletics, basketball, handball, football, volleyball, cycling, swimming, tennis, table tennis, judo, karate, wrestling, gymnastics, dancing, cross country, water polo. There are different alternatives for eating at the campus, appealing every taste. The Central Cafeteria, furnished with modern and hygienic kitchen facilities, offers lunch for students and the university employees. Besides, there are also cafes, various buffets and canteens serving for lunch and fast food. Spending time joyfully at ukurova University is not difficult, thanks to various student clubs, centers, and courses that can be joined. A mini cinema on the campus offers all students the chance to watch movies for a minimum fee. Furthermore, theater, dance, and concert performances are presented throughout the year. INTERNATIONALISATION ukurova University is a member of EUA and IAUP and is Takpr Stone Bridgein collaboration with over 70 foreign universities. The cooperation protocols are carried out in the areas of the exchange of invitations to scholars for lectures, sharing of experience, exchange of faculty members, researchers and students, and conduct mutual research projects. ukurova University is also one of the 141 members of EMUNI University. The University participates in the European Union Programmes since 2003. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Electrics and Electronics Engineering offer courses only in English whereas some of the departments of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences offer courses partly in English. The courses of the departments of French, English and German Language Teaching are offered in the related languages.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1973 : 221382 : TR ADANA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 60 3 24 9 None 7.725 22.347 3.677 919 1.228 645 133
Contact : ukurova Unversty, Internatonal Offce, 01330, Saram, Adana, Turkey +90 (322) 338 64 11 +90 (322) 338 64 11 Erasmus@Cu.Edu.Tr Http://nternational.Cu.Edu.Tr/En Www.Cu.Edu.Tr
ACCOMODATION An individual student hall on campus is available for the limited numbers of Erasmus participants. At the halls, each room is fully equipped and has a kitchen, a bath, air-conditioning and internet connection. The halls also have a laundry room. There are on and off campus dormitories well equipped with amenities to meet students requirements such as food, communication, health, UNIVERSITY Situated on the fertile land of the ukurova Re- library, sports and safety and security precautions. gion, ukurova University has become the symbol of contemporary education of knowledgeable LABORATORIES students with its academic structure. The Univer- There are many central and departmental research, sity has great contributions to society in qualitati- training and application laboratories at ukurova ve sense, both on national and international levels University. Each department has its own computer through its excellent programs in the field of soci- application laboratory. al sciences, applied sciences and medicine. Being The Computer Sciences Research and Application AREAS OF STUDY Agriculture, Dentistry, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Engineering and Architecture, Education, Fine Arts, Fisheries, Medicine, Science and Letters, Theology, Tourism, Conservatory, Law, and Communication
AREAS OF STUDY The university is located on four campuses: Forestry and the College of Physical Education are located on Bahcelievler area in downtown; Medicine and Kahramanmaras College of Helath Services are on the Medical Campus; Theology, Higher Vocational Schools, student dormitories and social facilities are located on Karacasu campus site; Rectorate, Sciences and Letters, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Engineering and Architecture, Education, Fine Arts and Agriculture are situated on Avsar campus with modern buildings and infrastructures. UNIVERSITY Our vision is to reach international standards on education and training, research, publication and application, to have its place among all other universities having the best reputation in the world; to teach students the access to knowledge by means of modern technology instead of loading them with information; to contribute to the scientific, technological and cultural life of our country and region by integrating the university with all the segments of the society, and to strengthen the collaboration among the university, industry and society; to become a modern university that possesses universal values, fits globalizing world conditions, utilizes existing physical structures, machinery, equipments, intelligence and knowledge accumulation by using initiating ideas, creates additional financial sources, and applies developed and modern management techniques and methods. CITY The univeristy is located in Kahramanmara in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey is one of the most important pieces in Anatolias rich cultural mosaic with a civilized past going back thousands of years. Besides its traditions, its culinary culture and its flora and fauna, which are richer than those of many an entire European country, it is also one of the worlds major water basins. Its fertile soil and highly defensible geographical situation made Mara an attractive target of new conquerors in every period of history. One of the tastes that is equated with the name of city is beated ice cream. Sahlep which is specially harvested and ground is used to
harden the milk. Sahlep gets the milk harden and process of beating the ice cream provide it to become solid. At high plateaus in Kahramanmara where there is transhumance, butter, cheese and yoghurt are the main food both in summer and winter. Meat and pounded wheat are also important in the local cuisine. The main traditional meat meals are: sac ACCOMODATION The university provides dormitories for 1550 students on Karacasu Campus in addition to that, dormitory in Goksun Higher Vocational School is available. Students requiring accomodation should fill in the Housing Application Form enclosed to the Exchange Student Application Form. Erasmus incoming students are also offered accomodation in the university residence. There are dormitories in Kahramanmaras which are managed privately. LABORATORIES Around 1,500 personal computer, more than a dozen of notebooks, 8 servers and hundreads of printers are in service in various units at KSU. Additionally, BAUM with 2 computer laboratories and more than 50 computers serves to the staff and students. The number of publications in the university librarytotals up to 29,207. The number of books transferred as electronic data in to the computer system is 47,000. Moreover, about 23,500 electronic journals are available. STUDENT LIFE Atatrk Culture and Sports Centre covering an area of approx 4,200 m2 consists of Fine Arts, Exhibition Hall, Staff and Student Cafeteries, Fitness Hall, Tennis Courts, Football and Volleyball grounds. The centre is open to staff and students during weekdays; however, tennis courts and football areas can be used at weekends. INTERNATIONALISATION The university has been performing studentexchange, cooperative education programs with many foreign universities and institutions. Within Erasmus content, we have around 50 agreements
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1992 : 221773 : TR KARAMA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 9 3 15 8 None 6.781 7.035 1.033 113 530 200 66
Contact : Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Rectorate Avsar Campus 46100 Kahramanmaras +90 (344) 219 11 25 +90 (344) 219 14 11
which are actively used fro student and staff exchanges. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Although native language is basicly used as for teaching language, english is accepted as second language for incomin students. MSc and PhD students are normally follow the classes in english.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
AREAS OF STUDY Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, founded in 2006, is located in the Mediterranean Region in the south of Turkey. The campus area covers a land of approximately 6000 acres which is located 9 km to the south of Burdur. The University has got State Student Hostels which can accommodate 4000 students. CITY Burdur is a small province in the hinterland of the region. Although it lacks the turquoise coast, it is of interest with its natural beauties and historical remains dating as far as 6000 BC. The thermal resorts also are attractive for those who like spas. The most appealing feature of Burdur is insuyu the second largest cave of the world. It is 12 kms from Burdur. There are millions of stalactites and stalagmites as well as nine pools in the cave which is 597 m long and it is good for wandering in little boats. Since the water in the cave is curing for diabetes it is widely visited by diabetics. For naturelovers and worshippers of swimming and beaches there are plenty of opportunities.The Centik beach is by the side of Lake Burdur,
8 kms from the city; the Salda Lake is a rarely visited camping area with forested surrounding and a delightful beach. This a must to see. For fishing, Golhisar Lake is excellent. All of these lakes provide a rare beauty of nature. ACCOMODATION State hostels, Private hostels, Hotels LABORATORIES University Labs, University Library, Public Library STUDENT LIFE Students can take sports such as tracking, football, tennis, swimming. The university has got clubs such as Latin Dances, Chess, Tracking, Bird Observation and other youth clubs. INTERNATIONALISATION Full time internet access is available to all of the students. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish
261 8
Contact : 15100- Burdur - TURKEY +90 (248) 2122700 +90 (248) 2122718
AREAS OF STUDY Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Medicine Fine Arts, Business Administration and Economics, Architecture, Communication, Aquaculture, Technical Education, Health, Jewelry Design And Technology, Physical Education And Sports, Tourism And Hotel Management, Education, Pharmacy. UNIVERSITY Mersin University was founded in 1992 and started education programs in 1993-1994. The University began with 4 faculties, 1 college, 4 vocational schools and 2 Institutes. Currently with its 11 faculties, 6 schools, aims to fulfill the needs and expectations of the society by providing high quality education and training in almost every discipline. The University has had about 10 thousand graduates, has broadened its current acaedic staff to more than 1.000 academiicans, and enrolls 20.000 students. The main campus of The University is located in iftlikky, with branches in Tece and Yeniehir. All these campuses are modern with their comfortable and healthy atmosphere. In addition, the university has sports and reserach centers, situated in the city center and other towns, which serve the students and academic staff. CITY The City of Mersin is the center of the Mersin Region, which covers an area of 15.859 square kilometers, roughly corresponding to two percent of Turkeys total land. Located in the land of ancient `Clicia, the population of the city is 500.000, with 1.500.000 in the province. The name of the province was changed from el to Mersin in June, 2002. The Mediterranean climate, coupled with rich agricultural lands and the use of latest techniques im greenhouse production, provide for several harvests of farm products ecah year. Industrial developments in the formation of fertilizer and food processing plants, as well as an important oil rafinery complex have increased employement oppurtunities. Mersin is Turkeys third largest sea port and a free trade zone, and is at the center of a busy transportation network. In recent years along the western coast, many new tourist complexes and summer villages have emerged. The coastal area is also very rich in archeological sites, including Uzuncabur, Kanldivane. ACCOMODATION Information concerning accommodation in the state and/or private dormitories as well as rental properties in the summer houses of residents who live in the areas can be obtained from the Student Affairs Office. At present, the state dormitories in Mersin house 558 female students and 650 male students for the total of 1.208 people. At iftlikky near the campus private dormitories with a capacity of more than one thousand have been opened. LABORATORIES In schools, faculties and research centers there are many labs, used for conducting research. General English and Vocational English classes are also offered in language labs.
Libraries The Central Library uses the U.S. Library of Congress-Categorization System and the BritishAmerican Catalogue Regulations. The library services offered our students and academic staff are information and guidance borrowing, cataloging, classifying, and scanning and electronic information network. Computing Services iftlikky and Yeniehir Campuses and the Medical School Hospital have internet connections and all students can use the computer laboratories. STUDENT LIFE The sport facilities at the university include an artificial football field/pitch two tennis courts, two basketball volleyball and handball courts, one miniature golf and a temporary gymnasium and swimming pool. There are 56 scientific, sports, social and cultural student clubs. The annual cultural and sports festival is held in the months of April and May. Students from other universities are invited to join in the festivities. The festival include such thing as sports competitions, conferences and panels, drama presentations, concerts, films and slide shows-all prepared by students clubs. There is also smart class and university radio. INTERNATIONALISATION The overall objective of the Universitys strategy is to prepare students for life in a multicultural community and to facilitate their future employment. The long term goals of the University of Mersin is to become an integrated, high quality higher education institution with an international and intercultural curriculum, mobile academic staff and students, recognizing study achievements in accordance with the principles of ECTS and Lisbon Convention. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION At School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Department of Architecture the language of instruction is %30 English. Other departments will give instruction %30 English in the coming days. In addition of this Mersin University Department of Translation (German and French) Department of English Language and Literature, and also at Department of English Language Teaching Education instruction is in one these English, German and French languages.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1992 : 220970 : TR MERSIN01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 11 3 14 11 None 13.509 12.424 737 166 744 477 130
Contact : Mersin University, D likiler ube Mdrl, iftlikky Kampusu, 33343 Mezitli/Mersin/Trkiye +90 (324) 361 00 01 +90 (324) 361 05 73
Contact : Mustafa Kemal University Rectorate Building, Foreign Affairs Department, Urgenpasa Str. 31040 Antakya-Hatay/TURKEY +90 (326) 221 58 15 +90 (326) 221 58 15 AREAS OF STUDY Food Engineering, Horticulture, Field Crops, Plant Protection, Soil Science, Zootechnics, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Machinery, Agricultural Structures&Irrigation, Business Administration, Public Administration, Economics, Landscape Architecture, Primary Education, Computer Technologies Education, Educational Sciences, Science Education, Turkish Language Education, English Language Education, Arts and Crafts Education, Special Education, Chemistry Education, Biology Education, History Education, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical&Electronics Engineering, Geophysics Engineering, Mechatronics En-
AREAS OF STUDY Energy Systems Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Food Engineering, Geodesic and Photogrammetry Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Calculus, Turkish Language and Literature, Econometrics, Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration, Public Finances, International Relations, Management Information Systems. UNIVERSITY Higher education in Osmaniye started in 1976. Osmaniye Vocational School established under the Ministry of National Education, merged with ukurova University in 1982. The university includes the following units, Faculties (Engineering, Science and Literature, Economics and Administrative Sciences), Institutes (Science, Social Sciences), Administration affiliated units (Atatrk Principles and Revolution History Section, Physical Education and Sports Department, Fine Arts Department, Turkish Language Department, Foreign Languages Department) CITY Osmaniye cannot boast of its antiquity, as it is one of the contemporary towns of Turkey. It is situated at the southern most part of the country, just north of the Gulf of Iskenderun in the Mediterranean Sea. Quite recently, Osmaniye was a district of Adana but in 1996 it attained the status of a province. The approximate population of Osmaniye is 190,000 and is still expanding. Osmaniye experiences a Mediterranean type of climate and thus can surely boast of rich and fertile vegetation. Osmaniye`s economy mainly rests upon agriculture and forestry. In days gone by the financial position of Osmaniye was basically guarded and supported by woodworking and carpentry. In recent years, the town has been exceedingly noted for its ample agricultural production of cotton, wheat, corn, soybeans and pistachios. Recently in several districts of Osmaniye, Kilim weaving is gaining a favourable economical momentum. Some of the major constituencies of Osmaniye include Bahe, Duzii, Kadirli, Hasanbeyli, Sumbas and Toprak. ACCOMODATION The dormitory consisting of 3 main buildings (two for male and one for female students) is 500 meters away from OKU. Each building consists of five floors with 18 rooms and two hallways.
Four students share a dorm room which is furnished with four beds, a study desk with two chairs, two lamps, and a night light. Having only one entrance, the dormitory has a central cafeteria, a dining hall and an internet cafe. Student Affairs Offices and study rooms are also available in each building. LABORATORIES Indoor training service area including a hall with a capacity of 500 people at the central campus, 57 classes, 13 computer labs located in the vocational schools, 8 vocational training and the workshop labs for education is available at the university. STUDENT LIFE The University has a total of twelve outdoor sports facilities for football, volleyball, and basketball and tennis courts in Kadirli, Bahce and Dzii Vocational Schools. There are 12 scientific, sports, social and cultural student clubs: Atatrks Thought Club, History Club, Technology and Thought Club, Conversation Club, Renewable Energy Club, EU Club, Chess Club, Sports Club, Music Club, Theatre Club, Media Communications Club and Young Business Administration Club. The annual cultural and sports festival is held in May. During the festival in concern, facilities such as sports competitions, drama presentations and concerts are held at the central campus. INTERNATIONALISATION OKU aspires to produce ethical, well-educated, responsible, sophisticated, and competent citizens who will contribute to society in a variety of professional fields. In this respect, the university endeavours to become an international institution hosting students and academic staff from various countries. It has signed bilateral agreements within the framework of the LLP / Erasmus Programme and it will accept its first exchange students in Academic Year 2011-2012. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Courses which are currently offered in Turkish will be offered through the medium of English with the participation of international students in classes.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
64 36 17
Contact : Osmaniye Korkut Ata University International Affairs Office Fakiusagi Campus 80000 OSMANIYE / TURKEY +90 (328) 825 18 18 +90 (328) 825 00 97
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1992 : 220540 : TR ISPARTA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 14 5 34 17 None 19.757 20.289 1.986 779 994 545 152
Contact : Sleyman Demirel University International Relations and Erasmus Office nr / Isparta / Turkey +90 (246) 211 11 19 +90 (246) 211 17 10
AREAS OF STUDY Aculty of Arts and Science, Anthropology, Archaeology, Biology, Geography, Philisophy, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Economics, Management, Public Management, Finance, Inter Relations, Agriculture, Agriculturel Biotechnology, School of Higher Education, School of Physical Education and Sports, Physical Education and Sports Teaching Trainer Education, Sports Menagement, School of Health, Nursing, Midwifery, School of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, School of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Vocational School of Higher Education, Vocational education UNIVERSITY Ahi Evran University (AEU) is a very new, small size but a deep-rooted university in the center of Kirsehir. It was first established in 1961 as a Male Primary Teacher Institution. The University was formally established in 2006 including two faculties (Faculty of Education and Faculty of Arts and Sciences), two schools (School of Health and School of Physical Education and Sports) and four vocational schools. The University extended our study areas by activating Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and School of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. Today, the University has approximately 11000 students from different parts of the country and three different campuses at the center of the city. In 2007, AEU handed Standard Erasmus University Charter for exchanging of students and teaching staff in the mobility programs. Exchange potential of our institution has been increasing day by day. CITY Krehir city, which is a scene for various civilizations for thousands of years is not only drawing attention with various historical pieces of art, underground cities, but also with its rich thermal sources, Seyfe Lake (Bird Paradise) like natural beauties. Total population of the city is 253239. The city is located between the Cappadocia region and the capital city Ankara. Terrestrial climate is dominant in Kirehir. While winters are passing cold and hard, it is not con-
tinuous like Eastern Anatolia Region. Summers are hot and dry, spring is precipitating and autumn is less rainy. Studies performed in Krehir and its environs, show that background of the city reaches till Ancient Bronze Age (3000 - 2000 B. C.). Then Hittites, Frigs, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantium, Seljukian and Ottomans are reigned in the region. Ahilik, which had a great role on economical and commercial life of Anatolia for centuries, had been established in Krehir during the 13th century. ACCOMODATION Accommodation problems of our students are solved with dormitories affiliated to the Directorate of Higher Education Scholarship and Accommodation Institution and also with private apart hotels and dormitories. The capacities of these dormitories are shown below. The total student quota of the dormitories is approximately 3200. Incoming students will be supported by the International Relation of the University to solve their accommodation needs. LABORATORIES The Central Laboratory of the University is being constructed now. It was planned the construction studies will be finished in 2011. The University has computer laboratories and libraries in each educational units. STUDENT LIFE Krehir has many visiting areas and touristic places. Students can visit around the Capadocia region. In addition, Krehir has the most modern spa-centers of the central Anatolia. Furthermore, students can go to the different cafes and pubs in their spare times. Finally, the University has many different student clubs which sometimes arrange student activities such as competition and visitings. Students have a chance to learn the Turkish Folk Dances by joining these clubs. INTERNATIONALISATION The University handled Erasmus Standard University Charter in 2007. Students of the Ahi Evran University is benefiting from Erasmus Exchange activities. The University has also partnerships in Erasmus Multilatarel Projects. In addition to this, our students has also been participating in Youth projects. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Medium of instruction is only Turkish in the University. However, students can benefit from the Erasmus Intensive Language Courses arrange in neighbour cities of Krehir to learn English.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Ahi Evran niversitesi Rektrl, D likiler Ofisi, 40100, Krehir/Trkiye +90 (386) 211 40 78 +90 (386) 211 40 79 english/index.php
AREAS OF STUDY Economics And Administarive Sciences (Business Administration, Public Administration), Engineering (Mechnanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering, Civil Engineering, Cartographic Engineering), Science And Letters (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, History), Education (Elementary Science Education, Elementary Education, Elementary Social Sciences Education, Elementary Mathematics Education, Guidance And Psychological Counselling), Vocational School (Electrics, Automotive, Mechanics, Dairy Science, Mushroom Science, Horticulture, Tourism And Hotel Management, Office Management And Assistance, Accounting, Computer Technology And Programming, Animal Science And Helath, Environmental Protection And Control, Natural Gas And Infrastructure, Public Rellations, Landscaping And Gardening, Security Services), Health Servces (Medical Documentation Assistance, Medical Laboratory, Medical Assistance) UNIVERSITY Aksaray University is founded on March 17th, 2006. The University has a young and dynamic teaching faculty profile having post-graduate degrees from different national universities, as well as from the universities in Europe and in tthe United States. Internationalization has been a major objective of Aksaray University since its establishment. Aksaray University recognizes that educational establishments play a vital role in the process of international understanding and cooperation. Therefore, it is dedicated to provide its students an enriched education with an international dimension and is constantly striving to expand and improve its already prominent reputation for international involvement. CITY Aksaray is a city in the Central Anatolian region of Turkey. Its adjacent provinces are Konya along the west and south, Nide to the southeast, Nevehir to the east, and Krehir to the north. It covers an area of 7,626 km2. Aksaray is one of the four provinces in the much-visited area of Cappadocia, along with Nevehir, Nide and kayseri. Also the 3,268 m inactive volcano Mt. Hasan (Hasan Da) stands between Aksaray and Nide. The 2400 km2 salt lake, Tuz Gl, lies within the boundaries of Aksaray, a large area of sline marsh with a maximum depth of 1 meter. According to the address-based census in 2008, population of Aksaray has been accounted as 370.528. The district covers an area of 4,589 km2, and the average elevation is 980 m, with the highest point being Mt. Hasan at 3,268 m.
LABORATORIES In each department where applied studies are conducted, there are well-equipped laboratories. The construction of a central laboratory building is under way to be completed by the end of 2010. Our library is temporarily located at the third floor of the Faculty of Science and Letters. In addition to a humble collection, which is expanding daily, our university library offers access to several online databases in various disciplines. Information Technology (IT) services for educational and research activities at our University are Provided by the Administrative Office of Information Technology. There are several computer labs on campus which provide access to the Internet. STUDENT LIFE Special emphasis is put on extra-curricular activities in Aksaray University. Therefore, several social and cultural activities are organized on and off campus throughout the year both by university administration and by student organizations, as well as an annual spring festival. There are both indoor and outdoor sports facilities on campus. Various sports courses are offered to students and tournaments are organized during the academic year. Our students represent our University at national and international sports competitions with great success, and with their performances at international events, they contribute to the promotion of our country abroad. With its catering facilities offering meals from a wide selection of the rich and delicious cuisine of Central Anatolia, Aksaray University is self-sufficient in addressing the needs of students and faculty members. INTERNATIONALISATION Aksaray University pays much attention to reach and to maintain high standards in higher education and supports international cooperation. Thus, the vision of Aksaray University is to become a pioneering institution in national and international platforms. Apart from EU, Aksaray University has collaboration with universities in Central Asian Turkish Republics like Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan and in Eastern Europe such as Albania. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish is the medium of instruction in Aksaray University however, instructors have concerns related to the English-medium instruction such as the resources provided in English as they are aware of the fact that English has been a concern of the educational field in Turkey.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Contact : Aksaray Universitesi, Dis liskiler Ofisi, ktisadi ve dari Bilimler Fakltesi, Zemin kat, F Blok, 68100, Aksaray +90 (382) 280 16 30 +90 (382) 280 16 30
ACCOMODATION Most students live in the dorms of the Higher Education Credits and Dormitories Institution, as well as in privately-owned student residences located near the campus area. Breakfast and dinner are served in the cafeteria located in the dorm building. The rooms at the dorm are shared by maximum 5 students and have the followinng utilities included in the monthly fee: hot water 24 hours a day, wireless internet connection, study rooms.
UNIVERSITY Anadolu University is one of the biggest universities of Turkey. It has two campuses servingmany facilities; such as swimming pool, sportcenters, computer laboratories and internetcafes, movie theatres, concert halls, private airport,cafeterias and restaurants, and a hospital. Students, whoprefer Anadolu University will benefit from a welldeveloped technological infrastructure, qualified teachingstaff and enjoy a congenial academic atmospherededicated to prepare them to be the best in the 21st century, in a very friendly environment. CITY It is possible to follow the values of the culture of the region, and development in Eskiehir which is one of the important cities of Turkey. There are various monuments and works worth seeing in Eskiehir Centrum, an area popular with young people. Eskiehir has received immigrants from different regions of the world: The Caucasus, the Balkans, and Macedonia - and from different cities of Anatolia itself. Consequently, the city enjoys a cultural diversity that may only exist in few other places in Turkey. Today, Eskiehir fascinates its inhabitants with its shopping centers, sports facilities, entertaining places, schools, theatre and cinemas, historical places and museums which are all in easy reach on its well-developed transportation facilities. There are two universities more than 40.000 students in total which means five percent of the city population. ACCOMODATION There are several available accommodation options for Erasmus Students; staying in a private dormitory or in a hostel and sharing an apartment with Turkish students. Erasmus students choosing this option will easily solve their accommodation problem because there are lots of Turkish students willing very much to host foreign students. LABORATORIES Anadolu University Library and Documentation Center is spread on a 12 thousand square meters. It has a 700 study seat capacity, 10 reading and study halls and 25 carrels. Around 10 thousand books are added each year to already existing printed volumes. The database enables students and
faculty members to reach thousand of on-line journals and research tools. One of the strengths of AU is the highly developed communication technologies and the computer network as result of the distance learning programs. There are all the necessary labs in engineering departments with the latest technologies. STUDENT LIFE There are a variety of shops and a market located on Yunusemre Campus for the convenience of Anadolu University students and staff. These shops include bookstores, mail and parcel services, banks, ATMs, hairdressers, and intercity bus ticket services. Each year, University holds a Spring Festival during which different social and cultural activities are held. Also International Day is organized annually by exchange students. All students can participate in different sports activities. University has Indoor Swimming Pool, Football Field, Tennis Courts, Sports Center, Yunusemre Campus Sports Hall, Open-air Sports Facilities, ki Eyll Sports Facilities and Porsuk Sports Hall. ESN is an international student organization with the aim of helping exchange students to integrate in their environment and culture. Various cultural and historical trips, such as stanbul, Cappadocia, ancient Phrygian City Yazlkaya, are organized by ESN. INTERNATIONALISATION After the EUC, AU has become an Erasmus Partner with 330 European Universities and 582 agreements in different areas. Before then, AU had already many protocols with very well known universities of the world and Europe to exchange students & teaching staff besides of being partners in several scientific projects. Under the framework of Erasmus Program, AU has most 363 outgoing, 165 incoming students and 76 outgoing, 90 incoming teaching staff for the Academic year 2009-2010. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Anadolu University is aware that the language is a crucial component, fostering communication in a fruitful educational setting. For that reason, The University offers a good number of courses offered in foreign languages in a wide variety of fields, for exchange students. Most of the Departments offer courses in foreign languages ranging from %30 to %70, while some of the Departments are totally in English such as Business Administration, Economics and Faculty of Architecture and Engineering.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1958 : 220126 : TR ESKSEH01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 12 9 38 3 Yes 3.233 17.953 1.043 752 1.746 376 184
Contact : Anadolu University Yunus Emre Campus, Student Center, Office for International Affairs 26470, Eskiehir TURKIYE +90 (222) 330 74 37 +90 (222) 335 36 16
AREAS OF STUDY Anthropology, Western Languages and Literature, Information and Document Management, Geography, Modern Turkish Dialect and Literature, Linguistics, Eastern Languages and Literature, Ancient Languages and Cultures, Philosophy, Folklore, Psychology, Sociology, History of Art, History, Theatre, Turkish Language and Literature, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Educational Sciences, Computer Education and Instructional Technologies, Elementary Education, Special Education, Mental Retardation, Culture of Religion and Ethics Education, Astronomy and Space Sciences, Biology, Statistics, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Law, Divinity, Radio, TV and Cinema, Journalism, Public Relations, Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Physical Engineering, Food Engineering, Geophysical Engineering, Geological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Nutrition and Dietetics, Health Education, Health Administration, Business Administration, Economics, International Relations, Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, Public Administratio UNIVERSITY Ankara University was founded by Atatrk himself in order to set foundation for his teachings and revolutions on which those would get stronger and spread wider, and for those principles that are the expressions of a modern society, science and enlightenment are hold dear and protected. Ankara University is a comprehensive public university, located in the capital of the country. Being the first higher education institute of the Republic, it has established a reputable image both within the country and in the international arena, with its vast experience for 66 years, its highly qualified academic staff and students, and its well - established teaching, learning and research facilities. The University takes great pride not only in its graduates but also in their contributions in serving the nation. CITY The history of Ankara and its surroundings stretches back to the Hatti civilisation of the Bronze Age. Two thousand years before the Jesus, the Hittites become the dominant power of the region, and were then followed by the Phyrgians, Lydians and Persians. In the 3rd Century BC, a Celtic race known as the Galatians made Ankara their capital city. The name Ankara comes from the word Ancyra, which means anchor. As the capital city and as the second largest city in the country with the population of 5 million, Ankara is an ideal environment with its cultural and historical richness as well as social opportunities for those who will spend and academic life. In Ankara, there are different opportunities for students to improve themselves. Several universities give Ankara a large student population. The city has much to offer in terms of concerts, operas, theatrical performances and has many historical areas. ACCOMODATION Yldrm Beyazt Dormitory for International Students Location: Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Campus, 06110, Dkap/ANKARA Features: 3 people rooms, each room includes beds, working tables, wardrobes, fridge, TV, telephone Common usage: Shared bathrooms WCs are in each floor (specific times in a day) Internet room, fitness, TV room, laundry, table tennis
LABORATORIES Ankara University, because of the unique conditions of its history, operates in a multi-campus system, like many established universities in other metropolises. As a result of this, each Faculty has its own specialized library instead of a central one. The total number of books in the Faculty libraries is approximately 660.000. The number of subscriptions to international scientific journals is 721. Total number of volumes amounts to 66.100. All libraries offer adequate reading and study rooms. There are also over 30.000 graduate theses as well as 17.000 volumes of manuscripts, 15.000 of which are at the Faculty of Letters. STUDENT LIFE Sport Facilities for students in Ankara University are planned, managed, and organised by Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports. There are 5 covered Gymnasium and 1 Olympic swimming pool in Ankara University. In addition, there are open football fields, volleyball courts, basketball fields and tennis courts in each faculty. Indoor Activities Gymnasium of Cebeci Campus Gymnasium of Faculty of Political Sciences Gymnasium of Physical Education and Sports Gymnasium of Veterinary Medicine Gymnasium of Faculty of Health Education The Olympic Pool comprises of a 50-metre heated pool, sauna, fitness center, cafeteria and terrace for sunbathe. Here you will also find products with Ankara Universtiy logo in a Gift Shop. The pool is open 7 days in a week. Additionally there are recreational centers in Manavgat/olakl (a summer vacation resort at the Mediterranean) and Ilgaz (winter sports center) where the students and academicians can enjoy themselves. INTERNATIONALISATION Ankara University holds a number of successful partnerships with number of prestigious universities across the globe. These partnerships vary from students and staff exchanges and research collaboration to partnership models. Ankara University stated in its strategic plan that further development of partnership and exchange with universities in other countries should increase. In this regard, new connections have been established in recent years with Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The language of instruction at Ankara University is Turkish. Nevertheless, supportive language courses and seminars are offered for international students.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1946 : 222193 : TR ANKARA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 14 12 32 10 Yes 2.647 28.775 4.088 3.275 3.412 1.098 285
Contact : Ankara niversitesi AB Eitim Programlar Koordinatrl Tandoan Kampusu evket Aziz Kansu Binas 1.Kat 06100 Beevler Ankara +90 (312) 215 90 01 +90 (312) 212 60 54
AREAS OF STUDY Engineering, Law, Management, Economics, International Relations, Public Relations, Tourism Management, International Logistics and Transportation, Political Science, Arts&Sciences, Art, Design and Architecture, MSc and PhD programs in Social and Natural Sciences, Associate degree programs in Computer Technologies and Programming, Tourism and Hospitality Management, e-MBA UNIVERSITY Atlm University was founded by the Atlm Foundation on 15 July 1997 as a campus university in ncek, one of the fastest developing residential areas of Ankara. Since its establishment, the university has been following the path of innovation and improvement. Atlm University currently offers 33 undergraduate programs in 5 faculties, 23 master and 4 PhD programs in 2 graduate schools, 2 online associate degree and e-MBA programs in its vocational school. By spending your university days at Atlm you will get the opportunity to; pursue your university education in a foreign language, participate in education programs at international standards, attend lectures in small classes and modern laboratories equipped with the latest technology, communicate with faculty members on a one-toone basis and have a real education and discussion atmosphere supported by a variety of social activities. CITY The capital city Ankara, in which the Turkish Parliament, the ministries, foreign embassies are located is a center of cultural activities like opera, ballet, theatres, concerts. Long ago, in the 3rd century BC, the Galatians were the first to make Ancyra of those times, their capital. Much later on, in 1923, M. Kemal Ataturk chose the same district to be the capital of newly founded Turkey, and Ankara thereafter held to be the strategic heart of the country. Todays modern city, situated at the core of Anatolia, hides an ancient site behind, dating back even to prehistorical times. The remains from Urartian, Phrygian, and Hittite periods have beautified the area here, now fascinating the visitors by enlivening the respective periods. Ankara today, is a center of history, culture, and also nature the Ethnographical Museum and the Sculpture and Painting Museum are noteworthy for their wide collections of artifacts from the area. ACCOMODATION Since Atlm University does not have a dormitory or student hotel within the campus yet, university has conducted extensive research to identify the
student dormitories offering the best service. For only female students, Atlm made an agreement with a dormitory which only serves for Atlm students in the city center. The Public Relations Office directs the students to the dormitories that are on the service routes.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
LABORATORIES Atlm is one of the leading universities in terms of technological facilities offered to the students with 46 laboratories belonging to different departments for scientific research and the recently established Metal Forming Center of Excellence aiming internationally coordinated research and development facilities in metal forming technologies. There are also 7 general computer laboratories. There is a contemporary library providing a wide range of information with the book collection that is shelved in accordance with the Library of Congress Classification System. The collection contains 49360 books, 47047 E-books, 15900 E- journals, and 1593 periodicals. STUDENT LIFE According to the interests and abilities of the students, social, cultural and sports activities are organised at the university campus. There are clubs and societies that students can participate in to spend their time efficiently. The Atlm University campus is located 20 kilometres away from the city centre. The campus is conveniently served by free buses. There are also minibuses following the UlusGlba-ncek route. Atlm has 3 cafeterias and 2 canteens, accommodating up to 1000 people at a time. In addition, special ceremonies and organizations are held upon request in Atlm Garden during summer with its pool and restaurant areas within the campus. INTERNATIONALISATION Atlm University exchanges students and academic staff within the LLP/Erasmus Programme and Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window Lot12 Programme and has 56 Bilateral Agreements with different countries in both Europe and Asia. Atlm aims at developing the existing collaborations with different countries and finding new partners. The university was awarded Extended Erasmus University Charter in 2007. Besides, Atlm has a sister university in U.S.A, University of Incarnate Word. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION English; except for Faculty of Law and Art, Faculty of Design and Architecture (Turkish)
Contact : International Relations Office, Atlm University, Kzlcasar Mah, 06836, ncek, Ankara +90 (312) 586 82 28 +90 (312) 586 80 91
AREAS OF STUDY American Culture and Literature, Statistics and Computer Sciences, Turkish Language and Literature, Accounting and Financial Management, Banking, Insurance and Risk Management, Management Information Systems, International Trade Tourism and Guidance, Tourism and Hotel Services, Communication Design, Information Management, Public Relations, Radio, Cinema and Television, Dentistry, Economics, Management, Political Science and International Relations, Computer Education and Instructional Technology Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Mathematics Education, English Language Education, Secondary Education Science and Mathematics Fields Education, Secondary Education Social Fields Education, Turkish Language Education, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Art History and Museology, Fine Arts, Interior Architecture. UNIVERSITY Bakent University is the first Foundation University of Turkey generating science and service in health. Although the roots of the university relies on health institutions, it acquired an outstanding characteristic in a period of over a decade, enclosing numerous science fields with 11 Faculties, 7 Institutes, 11 Research Centers, a State Conservatory, 3 Vocational Schools and 138 associate, bachelor?s and master?s and PhD programs. Playing an operative role in scientific and technological progress, educating students donated with the features of leadership, offering a high quality of education have always took place among the fundamental objectives of the university. Bakent University, which designates scientific production, perfecting learning and responding to requirements of the community as its essence strategies, aims to be leader within the higher education system with its various practices in national and international arena. CITY Bakent University campus, located 20 km west of the Turkeys capital city Ankara centre, on the main highway to Eskiehir, is built on 681 acres of land 148 acres of which is used for construction purposes. Ankara is the capital of Turkey and the countrys second largest city after Istanbul. The city has a mean elevation of 850 meters (2,790 ft), and as of 2007 the city had a population of 5 million, which includes eight districts under the citys administration. Ankara is an important commercial and industrial city. It is the center of the Turkish Govern-
ment, and houses all foreign embassies. Ankara and its surroundings stretch back to the Hatti civilization of The Bronze Age to the Hittites, Phyrgians, Lydions and Persians. Ankara has a vibrant cultural and artistic life with many select ballet, theatre, opera and folk dance performances. The mausoleum of the Atatrk, Ankara Castle, Augustus Temple, Caracalla (Roman) Baths, Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, State Art and Sculpture Museum, Ethnography Museum. ACCOMODATION Bakent University provides campus dormitory for Bakent University students, with a capacity of 500 beds, eight of which are for disabled students. Single and double rooms are available. Dormitory accommodation is guaranteed for international students according to their preferences. In order to facilitate lives of the students a bunk bed, a wardrobe, a study table, a bookcase and a bathroom are available in rooms. There are also rooms for laundry, TV and study in each floor. LABORATORIES Bakent University Library collections are housed at the center of the campus. The library aims to support Bakent Universitys education programs, as well as to meet needs of its students. The library has three sections for periodicals, references and books which are arranged in respect of subject and placed open shelves. The aim of the Computer Center is to make our students benefit from all the advantages of computer technology. The centre provides a high quality service to the all units of the university, using gigabyte Ethernet technology. STUDENT LIFE Within the dynamic Campus life of Bakent University, which actually promotes an ideal atmosphere designed to meet students needs not only on academic activities but also social and cultural events, sports facilities and guidance activities take place. Due to the location of Campus, outdoor facilities (walking, jogging, training) table tennis, billiards, chess, handball and outdoor soccer are presented. Outdoor tennis courts, basketball and football fields and fully equipped sports center are located to practice the above mentioned activities INTERNATIONALISATION Bakent University has been awarded Extended Erasmus University Charter in 2007 with which the opportunity to participate in the European Union Youth and Education Programs right along with the LLP including Student and Teaching Staff Mobility and student placement activities. The International Relations Coordination Office is in charge of the
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1993 : 221037 : TR ANKARA06 : : : : : : : : : : : : 11 7 12 6 Yes 756 6.076 248 91 1.463 456 150
Contact : International Relations Coordination Office Balica Kampusu Eskiehir Yolu 20. Km. 06810 Ankara +90 (312) 234 10 10 +90 (312) 234 10 43
implementation of European and trans-national university agreements and projects. It promotes the mobility activities within the framework of LLP. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION In Bakent University medium of instruction is in Turkish. However, all students have to attend the English Prep School or pass the exam given by the Prep School. In most of the lectures English text books are used in English and exams, projects and term papers are required to prepare in English. Also, in all departments academic English courses are compulsory. We offer different module programs for exchanges students to cover their needs
AREAS OF STUDY Archaeology and History of Art, American Culture and Literature, English Language and Literature, Philosophy, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Economics, International Relations, Political Science, Psychology, History, Management, Communication and Design, Finet Arts, Graphic Design, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Law, Chemistry, Mathematics, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Physics, Banking and Finance, Accounting and Information Systems, Translation and Interpretation, Tourism and Hotel Management, Computer Technology and Information Systems, Business Information Management, Computer and Instructional Technology Teacher Education UNIVERSITY Each year, more than 1,600,000 high-school graduates take the national university placement examination. Bilkent gets many of the very best of these students. The faculty is comprised of academic staff from 43 different countries. Most of them were working in prominent universities in North America and Europe when they received offers from Bilkent University. CITY Bilkents large, modern, residential campus is situated within Turkeys young and vibrant capital city, Ankara. The city, located on the high Anatolian plain, id the hub of governmental activities for all of Turkey and, as host to embassies and variety of international organisations, is a gateway to the rest of the world. Ankara is a modern city with a population of over 5 million, maintaining the traces of civilizations dating back to Bronze Age to the Hittites, Phrygians, Lydians, and Persians. The Romans and the Byzantines have also left their marks in the region. Ankara is a center for opera, ballet, jazz and modern dance as
well as the home of the Turkish Parliament and 13 Universities. ACCOMODATION More than 4200 students live in dormitories on campus. Single, double, triple and fourperson rooms are available. Dormitory space is guaranteed for international students. Almost all facilities are provided with network connections, laundramats, kitchenettes, TV lounges, study halls, recreational areas, art studios, pay phones, linen and dry cleaners. LABORATORIES Bilkents modern, fully networked library branches have a rich collection of books and over three thousand periodicals. Students have access to numerous on-line database and electronic journals, microfilms, CD ROMs. audio and videocassettes, private istening/viewing rooms. Librarys European Commission publications. Computer Center maintains high performance file and computation serves, around 100 UNIX workstations and more than 20 generalpurpose labs equipped with personal computers. STUDENT LIFE A fundamental objective of Bilkent University is to ensure the academic development of students while providing a campus environment in which students are given the tools to enhance the social, artistic and athletic skills. Students are encouraged to participate in a wide range of clubs and activities. There are two fully equipped sports halls, tennis and soccer fields and number of restaurants, cafeterias and coffee shops on the campus. Bilkent Symphony Orchestra (BSO) performs regularly at the University Concert Hall. INTERNATIONALISATION Bilkent University has exchange agreements with over 170 major Universities in Europe, USA and Canada. In 2009-2010, 208 Bilkent students have spent their semesters at different universities in the US and Europe. 177 international exchange students have been hosted at Bilkent. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION English
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1986 : 220844 : TR ANKARA07 : : : : : : : : : : : : 9 6 17 5 Yes 667 10.402 843 487 1.000 250 550
Contact : Office of International Exchange Programs, Registrars Office, 06800 Bilkent / Ankara / Turkey +90 (312) 290 24 35 +90 (312) 266 47 87
AREAS OF STUDY First Cycle Departments: Biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, history, Turkish language and literature, economics, business administration, nursery, civil engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, geological engineering, mechanical engineering, architecture, city and regional planning, medicine. Short Cycle Departments: Tourism and travel services, agricultural machinery, furniture decoration, machinery, electronics technology, textile technology, computer programming, air conditioning and cooling technologies, office services and assistance of administrator, marketing, traditional hand arts, bus driver, accounting and tax applications, banking and insurance, carpeting UNIVERSITY Bozok University is a state university founded on 1 May 2006 in Yozgat. Bozok University has more than 7000 students and 400 academic and administrative personnel. The mission of Bozok University is to represent an education suitable for the country to reach developed countries, to educate idealist individuals equipped with globally valid information and skills, to create usable information and technology which contributes science worldwide, to represent high quality health services in the city, to organize activities which contributes social, economical and sporty development of members of corporations and institutes in the city by making collaborations with them. The vision of Bozok University is to become a university which has got students and academic personnel leader in his research field and respectful worldwide who are qualified in scientific, cultural, social, sporty, artistic fields and in production of information and technology; using communication tools in growing society. CITY Area: 13.597 sq km; Population: 804.979 (2000) Central population: 80.233 Districts: Yozgat (center), Akdamadeni, Aydnck, Boazlyan, andr, ayralan, ekerek, Kadehri, Saraykent, Sarkaya, Sorgun, efaatli, Yenifakl, Yerky. The province of Yozgat provides a transition point between Central Anatolian Region and the Black Sea Region. The province of Yozgat is one of the oldest settlement areas of Anatolia and accommodates rich products of Anatolian Folk Literature. The dominant climate
in Yozgat province is the terrestrial climate of the Central Anatolian Region. The temperature differences between the summer and winter seasons and the day and night times are high. This severe climate conditions a little bit soften at the ekerek Valley which is inside the river basin area of Yeilrmak river. Partial Black sea Region climate characteristics are encountered at these sections. The province of Yozgat is one of the oldest settlement areas of Anatolia. ACCOMODATION The General Directorate of Students Credits and Dormitories have 2 dormitories located nearby the campus areas. The one located nearby Vocational School is for girls and has a capacity of 882 beds. The one for boys is located nearby Erdoan Akda Campus area and has a capacity of 554 beds. There is also one more dormitory which has just come into service has a capacity of 1000 beds. There are also private dormitories for boys and girls in the city centre. LABORATORIES Central Library serves in its own 5751 m2 building. It has reading hall, periodicals hall, visual and audio materials hall, internet and newspaper hall, 60 person capacity conference hall. Every faculty and school has also their own libraries. There are totally 15 computer laboratories and 550 computers all connected to internet all over the university. There is the central laboratory in engineering and architecture faculty which is 200 m2 and equipped with IT equipments and technical tools and machines. There are Physics, Biology and Chemistry Laboratories in Science and Art Faculty. STUDENT LIFE The campus offers extensive social and cultural facilities. Cultural activities such as symposium, panel, conference, concert and film shows are performed. The Sport Centre, and the outdoor sport areas, hosts every kind of sports activity. Cultural activities are organized by students during the Spring Festivities for a week. Transportation is provided by public and private buses. Lunch is served regularly under control of dieticians for an economical charge. There are also cafeterias and canteens in the campus area and faculties. INTERNATIONALISATION Bozok University gives great importance to interna-
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Bozok niversitesi Rektrl Medrese Mah. Adnan Menderes Bulvar No:1 66200 Yozgat TRKYE +90 (354) 217 55 69 +90 (354) 212 11 93 php?lang=eng tionalisation. Bozok University International Office was qualified to get Erasmus Extended Charter in 2008. Modular Mobile Education: Science Experiments, Informatics Technologies Education for Graduates, Occupational Compatibility Workshop for EU Countries Heating Systems and Technologies are EU projects done. Besides Bozok University also has several protocols with universities all over the world. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Instruction language is Turkish but English courses can be given on demand.
AREAS OF STUDY Medicine, Dentistry, Health Sciences, Engineering, Science And Letters, Education, Fine Arts, Theology, Technical Education, Economics And Administrative, Sciences, Communication UNIVERSITY The University is located at the eastern part of the Central Anatolian Region and is a state-owned, multipurpose university of approximately 24.000 enrolled students, Cumhuriyet University operates in several locations serving in many fields of scientific disciplines. As a team, we strive to shape the Universitys programs and activities to achieve the highest standards of excellence in teaching, in research and in public service. Erasmus projects are viable force to expand the programs for this purpose. The university has several programs that may be pursued in connection with foregin institution undergraduate degrees which makes the University an excellent place for Erasmus programs. Cumhuriyet University offers associate, graduate and postgraduate degrees in different fields from arts to medicine. The University strives to create an acedemic environment where the faculties are committed to mentor students and inspire them to learn. CITY Sivas is one of the important cities, which has been the cradle of prominent civilization and the centre of science and cultere with its famous historical sites. Sivas, being at the junction of the Persia and Baghdad caravan routes, was once a busy commercial center. Sivas is the geometric centre of Anatolia and is known as the place where the Turkish Republic was founded. Besides its historical treasures, the city posseses several other specialities, one of which is an interesting, natural SPA of the town of Kangal. It is a thermal spring, filled with tiny fishes (doctor fish) living in the hot waters, which provides a different type of cure for some skin disorders. It is the only cure center in the world for psoriasis. Lakes are the interesting places for picnicking, boating and fishing. Another important characterisics of this town which is located 68 kms South of Sivas, is the renowned Kangal Dog. These sheep dogs have proven their loyalty and success and are confidently used in the area by the police force. ACCOMODATION Since Cumhuriyet University values the exchange programs, our International Office will do all the necessary arrangements for our exchange students and researches. There are several options for exchange students, such as a couple of youth hostels, a new student hotel located all in the campus In addition, there are close-by hotels, and
available short term leasing option apartments in reasonable prices at the downtown. LABORATORIES The University Library offers many facilities to students. It is possible to have an access to many catalogue databases and other information ressources through the libraray web pages. The computer centre provides central computing and IT services to support the all faculties. Every faculties has at least one computer hall which provide students access to internet and a wide range of applications and utility software. All science departments have a research laboratories with a various facilities. STUDENT LIFE During the academic year, Cumhuriyet University offers many symposiums, conferences, panels. Since our university appreciates the students opinions, we support students to establish students clubs and organizations. There are more than 30 different student clubs and organizations from chess club to bird watchers club. These clubs or-
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1974 : 220713 : TR SIVAS01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 11 3 10 14 None 8.856 14.238 816 187 848 535 57
ganize different activities. One can easly acces to many sport facilies (swimming pool, tennis courts, minigolf, basketball and football fields etc.) INTERNATIONALISATION The internaliasation in both education and research is established by several alliances. Cumhuriyet University has international partnership agreement with more than 50 universities across Europe. ECTS credit system has also been established and in operation. University sends more than 150 students abroad per year within the framework of Erasmus mobility and vocational programme LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Educational language at the Cumhuriyet University is Turkish. However, Faculty of Science and Letter has French, English and German Laguage and Literature Departments.
Contact : Cumhuriyet University International Relations Office Rektrlk 58140 Sivas - TURKEY +90 (346) 219 10 10 +90 (346) 219 12 70
AREAS OF STUDY Art and Sciences, English Language and Literature, Mathematics and Computer, Translation and Interpreting Studies (English), Law, Engineering and Architecture, Computer Engineering, Electronic and Communication Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Interior Architecture, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Economics, Management, Political Science and International Relations, International Trade, Vocational Training School, International Trade Management, Graduate School of Natural and Applied, Sciences, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Preparatory School, Office of Basic and Elective Courses. UNIVERSITY The mission of ankaya University is to achieve world standards in basic sciences and applied research; and to improve its high quality education and training. ankaya University is devoted to provide an education which enables students to learn how to produce, transmit, distribute and use knowledge. The fundamental principles of ankaya University are interdisciplinary and scientific approach; academic freedom; and equal treatment of all individuals without discrimination based on gender, religion, language, race and nationality. To provide excellence in the field of higher education, ankaya University attracts outstanding faculty, staff and students; and provides excellent library, laboratory and computer facilities. CITY The city lies in the heart of Anatolia, a historical treasure at an altitude of 850 meters. It is a modern city with population of over 5 million. On an imposing hill in the center of Ankara, stands the mausoleum (Antkabir) of Kemal Atatrk, a fusion of ancient and modern architectural ideas. The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations houses a unique collection of treasures dating back to 2000 B.C. Ankara is the center for opera, bale, jazz and modern dance as well as the home of Turkish Parliament, ministries, foreign embassies and eleven universities. Shopping in Ankara can be exciting in the old part of the town for buying old copper, jewelry, carpets and kilims, antiques and embroidery. Modern shopping malls are scattered in and around the city selling various new items. Small shopping areas, local markets
an restaurants are other attractive sights one should not miss. Ankaras location makes it very convenient for Weekend Escapes to reach to skiing resorts, cultural and historical sites, and the seaside ACCOMODATION There is a female dorm with modern facilities on campus Petek Kz renci Yurdu The dormitory offers single and double rooms, and special suit. LABORATORIES ankaya University has well equipped education and research laboratories, such as computer, electronics, microprocessor and research and development laboratories. Specifically, ankaya Univeristy has Flexible Production Systems Laboratory, Ergonomics Laboratory, Simulation and Modeling Laboratory, and Human Factors Laboratory. All the computers in the computer labs and in the university are connected with each other trough the local network and have internet access. ankaya University has a library with 31788 books, 178 periodical and 10 online data base. STUDENT LIFE ankaya University has 36 student clubs which are actively working in various fields from arts to sports. The Spring Festival takes place in May and provides a platform for the university members to enjoy open air concerts and other cultural and artistic activities. ankaya University has a Physical Training and Sports Center. INTERNATIONALISATION ankaya University attaches much importance to Erasmus programme and encourages students and staff to utilise Lifelong Learning Programme. International students are most welcome to join us both in regular and exchange programs. Our education and accommodation facilities are designed to provide maximum convenience to international students. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The language of instruction at ankaya University is English except for the Faculty of Law.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : International Relations Office ankaya University, retmenler Cad. No: 14 100.Yl, 06530, Ankara, Trkiye +90 (312) 284 45 00 +90 (312) 285 18 49
AREAS OF STUDY Economics, Business Administration, Political Sciences & Public Administration, International Relations, Graphic Design, Painting, Ceramic, Philosophy, Sociology, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Forestry Engineering, Nursery UNIVERSITY ankr Karatekin University (CKU) is a newly established university founded upon the institutional experience and capacity of the Ankara University dating back to 1976.The main strategic objectives of CKU are development and assurance of high quality research and teaching, promotion of student and staff mobility, promotion of international ties with partner institutions, involvement in European trends (ERA, EHEA), and contribution to social, cultural and economic life of the region. CKU gives utmost importance to all kinds of international cooperations with the aim to improve students understanding of other cultures and education systems, providing them with a multicultural learning environment. A specific emphasis is placed on EU Education and Training Programs, especially Erasmus that is seen as a main tool to promote student and academic mobility and to strengthen European ties towards inclusion in EHEA CITY ankr Province is located on the northern edge of Turkeys central Anatolia Region, on the border of the Western Black Sea Region. It is bordered by Ankara and Krkkale to the south, by Bolu to the west, by Kastamonu and Karabk to the north and by orum to the east. Although ankr has been continuously inhabited since Neolithic times, numerous earthquakes have inflicted heavy damage on historical remnants. However, ankr is a beautiful place in which to enjoy nature, away from distressing city life. ankrs majestic, snowy mountains have been the subjects of poems, and its forests cover nearly one third of its area. Its plateaus are suitable for camping, caravaning, walking, horse back riding, bike riding, photographing and hunting. It also has thermal mineral springs, centuries - old culture and warm hospitable people.
ACCOMODATION Our university has 2 girls dormitories which hold 540 students. There are also dormitories which can hold 432 male and 432 female students belonging to Credit and Dormitories Institution, There are some other dormitories and hostels run by private sector in the city. LABORATORIES Our library has 20.000 volume printed publications. Our library has subscribed to more than 20 different e-magazines and e-publications in various contents. We let our users to access to the electronic resources within and out of the campus.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : ANKIRI KARATEKN NVERSTES Yeni Mahalle .H. Karaday Cad. No:10 Kat 4 18200 ankr - TURKEY +90 (376) 213 34 48 +90 (376) 212 92 19
STUDENT LIFE At ankr Karatekin University, what happens outside the classroom is just as important as what happens in the classroom. The Student Life programs at CKU complete the educational experience by providing opportunities for you to grow spiritually, to develop lasting relationships, and to take on leadership roles that enhance the skills and knowledge youre gaining in the classroom. Were here to serve you, thats why each student has a personal advisor who guides them through an academic and life planning process. The whole idea is to become part of a CKU community that is learning together, growing together, and, of course, having a blast together. INTERNATIONALISATION ankr Karatekin University has strong ties with the world.We have a student exchange program with universities in the USA.We have 1+1 dual degree program with Waiariki Technology Institute, New Zealand.We have also made Erasmus contracts with universities in Europe.We will start student exchange this year as we received grant for that. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The official education language at CKU is Turkish. In Dual Degree Programs the education language is English. We are also planning to receive foreign students to teach Turkish to study at our university.
AREAS OF STUDY Erciyes University (EU) is named after Mount Erciyes. Although the University s main campus and Smer Campus are located in the city-center, there is also a campus in nearby town named Develi. The University has a highly-developed research hospital as well as three specialized hospitals, namely cardiology, nephrology/transplantation, and oncology. This year there are 20,261 under-graduate students, 350 of whom are from the Central Asian Turkic Republics and other foreign countries. Our post-graduate study programs are becoming more and more popular. As of fall 2007 semester there were 1,501 Master students and 493 Doctorate students. EU is an active member of European University Association (EUA) and participated in their Instituonal Review Program of EUA in 2004. Results from this can be seen on our web-site: Eu continues to be in the top 5 among Turkish universities in terms of the number of internatinally cited articles and research. UNIVERSITY Kayseri, with a population of over a million people; is an industrial and trade center located in the middle of Turkey. Kayseri is situated in the heart of Central Anatolia and 320km from Ankara (the capital of Turkey). The city is located on a plain between the large curves of the Kzlrmak River and the wide skirts of Erciyes Mountain. The climate is typically continental; the summers are long and pleasantly hot with cool nights; there is little rainfall or humidity. The winters are cold with some rain and snow. Kayseri is a popular tourist haven for skiing and winter sports. Mt. Erciyes (3916 m) is an ideal place for climbing and winter sports, located approximately 25km to the South of Kayseri. Mt. Erciyes ski center has a chairlift, baby lifts and there are modern hotels and EU Ski center located in a close proximity to the center. In the kayseri area there are many natural wonders such as Ala National Park, Kapuzba Waterfalls and Sultan Sazl. In nearby Greme, a popular tourist area and soanl Valley, famous for its handmade dolls and historical churches is 80km from Kayseri. ACCOMODATION Kayseri, with a population of over a million people; is an industrial and trade center located in the middle of Turkey. Kayseri is situated in the heart of central Anatolia and 320 km from Ankara (the capital of Turkey). The city is located on a plain between
the large curves of the Kzlrmak River and the wide skirts of Erciyes Mountain. The climate is typically continental; the summers are long and pleasantly hot with cool nights; there is little rainfall or humidity. The winters are cold with some rain and snow. Kayseri is a popular tourist haven for skiing and winter sports. Mt. Erciyes (3916 m) is an ideal place for climbing and winter sports, located approximately 25 km to the South of Kayseri. Mt. Erciyes ski center has a chairlift, baby lifts and there are modern hotels and EU Ski Center located in a close proximity to the center. In the kayseri area there are many natural wonders such as Ala National Park, Kapuzba Waterfalls and Sultan Sazl. In nearby Greme, a popular tourist area and Soanl Valley, famous for its handmade dolls and historical churches, is 80km from Kayseri. LABORATORIES There are several accommodation options availeble for Exchange students; staying in a private dormitory close to campus or sharing an apartment with Turkish students. For those students that choose private accomodation near campus, it is just a short bus ride or within walking distance. No matter where students stay, they can easily commute to and from campus by using public transportation. STUDENT LIFE Kadir Has Library, located on the main campus, is both a library and documentation center. It contains a large and rich facility of books, journals, electrical journas. Many faculties and colleges have their own libraries. Wireless internet service are available at tha Faculity of Engineering, Kadir Has Library and Sabanci Cultural Center. EU Computer Services provides each students and staff member with an invidual e-mail account. There are various INTERNATIONALISATION Computer rooms are located on-campus where students have access to the Internet and workstations equipped with IBM compatibles running with the lastest Microsoft operating systems. EU aims at providing its students with a rich campus environment. Music concerts, theatres,sports, festivals, broadcast (Campus FM), publication (Campus Newspaper) and other cultural activities are available on campus. Students have the opportunity to use sports facilities for playing basketball, volleyball, badminton and handball. There are outdoor courts, mini football fields and an indoor semi-Olimpic size
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1978 : 221354 : TR KAYSERI01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 16 7 19 6 None 5.503 19.278 2.070 683 1.915 748 147
Contact : Erciyes niversitesi, Uluslararas Ofis 38039 Kayseri / Trkiye +90 (352) 437 68 75 +90 (352) 437 38 74 swimming pool with a work-out center. On the main campus thera are postal, banking, laundry, hairdresser and cafeteria services. EU International Office (IO) coordinates activities regarding LLP including Erasmus, Youth, FP7 and AEGEE. EU has sent and received students and academics staff from varrious European Countries. EU welcomed USA, Assian and European contries ambassadors/ educational attachs, research directors and scholars. Since 2004, EU has been an active EUA member and continues to be an active participant in EUA activities. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Most courses are in Turkish but some in English.
AREAS OF STUDY Education, Business And Management, Engineering, Architecture, Agricultural Sciences, Turkish Language And Literature, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Medicine, Social Sciences
dergraduate and graduate students of ESOGU as the most convenient and the cheapest option. LABORATORIES A number of research centres and computer laboratories are located within the campus. The main library of the University comprises thousands bound volumes and research materials. Collection of leading research databases is accessible through on-line ESOGU Library Systems Catalogue. The Library has also special resources and instructional media and technology services. For the medical students, additional libraries and computing rooms are conveniently located at the hospital building. All students receive a University e-mail account, and may access it via web-mail. Wireless internet access is provided in the central library
UNIVERSITY Eskiehir Osmangazi University (ESOGU) was originally founded as the Medical and Engineering Faculties in 1970 and now it has become one of the leading universities in the Central Anatolia. Admission to Universitys 35 different undergraduate programs in 9 faculties and 2 schools, and 12 associate degree programs in 3 vocational schools is granted to the qualified applicants as determined by a selective admission policy of the Higher Education Council of Turkey. In addition, ESOGU offers a number of graduate programs coordinated by Graduate School of Social Sciences, Graduate School of Applied Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences and Graduate School of Metallurgy. ESOGU has a well-qualified and dynamic teaching and research staff educated in the respected universities of Turkey and all over the world. CITY Eskiehir is located in the west part of Anatolia. The city was founded in the 1st millennium BC by the Phrygians along the banks of the Porsuk River. Therefore, it is one of the oldest settlements in this region, and it has magnificent historical places. Besides the Archaeological Museum and the Ottoman House Museum, the city has the Meerschaum Museum in which the best meerschaum stone works including many examples of smoking pipes are displayed. There are also three significant tombs around Eskisehir including the Sheik Edibali Tomb, the Kumbet Baba Tomb, and the Cupola of Alemsah. Other historical sites include the Phrygian Valley, the Falcon Fortress, the Unfinished Monument, and the Gerdek Rock. The city, owing to the railway and highway intersections, developments in agriculture and industry, as well as the abundant mining resources, has now become one of the leading and important economic centres of the region and Turkey. ACCOMODATION There are two types of accommodation: Student Dormitories supervised and administered by the Turkish Governments Office of Dormitories and private accommodation options in town (student flats). Adjacent to Universitys main campus, Dumlupnar Dormitory is preferred by both un-
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1993 : 224175 : TR ESKISEH02 : : : : : : : : : : : : 9 4 12 3 None 753 15.011 1.248 268 609 496 67
Contact : Eskiehir Osmangazi University, International Relations Office, 26480 Meelik, Eskiehir/Trkiye +90 (222) 229 04 33 +90 (222) 229 03 14
STUDENT LIFE There is an outstanding sports complex offering indoor and outdoor sporting activities. A radio channel broadcasts on the net and a news magazine is published by students in order to give information on social and cultural activities in the campus. For all students, psychological consultancy and guidance services are provided. In the main campus, post office, banking, laundry, drycleaning, hair-dressing, cafeterias, promenade and art gallery are available INTERNATIONALISATION ESOGU has strong links with higher education institutions all around the world. ESOGU obtained the Erasmus University Charter in 2004, and the Extended University Charter in 2007. For now, ESOGU has 45 Erasmus Partners through bilateral agreements. ECTS credits of all courses are determined. Through international academic and cultural information exchange, ESOGU has the opportunity to revise its quality criteria in a broader perspective LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction at ESOGU is Turkish. In the Departments of Electrical-Electronics Engineering and Computer Engineering, all courses are offered in English. In many departments, compulsory and elective courses are also offered in both Turkish and English.
AREAS OF STUDY Medicine, pharmacy, industrial arts and education, science and letter, education, fine arts, law, economics and administrative sciences, communication, vocational education, engineering, architecture, technical education, commerce and tourism
that since it is in the center of Turkey transportation to different places in Turkey is considerably easy and cost of living in Ankara is much cheaper when comparing with other big cities in Turkey. ACCOMODATION Gazi University provides assistance to incoming students in accomodation. Besides, there are so many state or privately owned dormitories or student hostels in its close vicinity. LABORATORIES Gazi University produces and provides modern computers, network equipment and software for academicians and students in order to let them use the internet sources, study, research and profit from at the highest level. There are 72 computer laboratories in Gazi University. Sixty-one of these laboratories, computer courses and the internet service are provided for all the students of the university. Gazi University has a Central Library which is one the biggest university libraries in Turkey with a seating capacity of 1.500 people, 200 computers, cable and wireless internet system for national and international paper surveys. STUDENT LIFE Gazi University provides a wide spectrum of cultural and social activities to its students. The university organizes various activities throughout the year in order to enable its students to utilize their spare times effectively. There are many student clubs ranging from american football to climbing, from tennis to robotics club. INTERNATIONALISATION Gazi University aims at developing the existing collaborations with European countries and finding new partners within the framework of Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci and Youth programmes. Gazi University has determined a strong mission upon implementing Erasmus program. The university has appr. 120 bilateral agreements through which it aims to welcome many students and staff from European countries. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction is Turkish. However, some of the faculties have courses in English such as Engineering and Architecture, Education, Business and Economics.
UNIVERSITY Gazi University is one of the oldest and leading universities in Turkey. The university dates back to the establishment of the Turkish Republic. Gazi University has its roots to 1926 with the name of Gazi Education Institute. In 1982 with the formation of technical education, engineering, economics and science, the Institute becomes Gazi University. Gazi University aims to keep up with contemporary scientific and technological developments and contribute to the development of national culture. Gazi University is centrally situated in Ankara and geographically it is at a suitable place in terms of transportation. CITY Since it became the capital of the Turkish Republic back in 1923, Ankara has grew into a bustling and large city which is a wonderful blend of old and new. It is a large capital city with a population of 3 million people. Ankara is a very rich place in terms of its cinemas, theaters, museums and restaurants. Restaurants in Ankara serve up innovative and traditional Turkish cuisine. Ankara does have a limited night life in the more sophisticated parts of the city and for those who enjoy opera. The museums in Ankara are among the citys best places of interest and the museum of Anatolian Civilizations is well worth a visit. The most important thing about Ankara is
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1982 : 221208 : TR ANKARA02 : : : : : : : : : : : : 15 5 37 7 None 5.994 41.146 7.088 2.655 3.741 1.173 187
Contact : International Relations Office 06500 Beevler Teknikokullar/Ankara +90 (312) 202 20 83 +90 (312) 202 20 86 en/index.html
AREAS OF STUDY Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Dental Medicine, Rehabilitation and Care, Biomedical and Clinical Engineering, detailed knowledge on Nuclear Biologic Chemical Weapons, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Aerospace Medicine, Sea and Undersea Medicine and related sciences. INSTITUTION Gulhane Military Medical Academy (GMMA) is composed of School of Medicine, School of Nursing, Noncommissioned Officer Health College, Institution of Health Sciences, Centre of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering, Centre of Rehabilitation and Care, and two Training Hospitals located in Ankara and Istanbul. GMMA is a unique military institution with scientific autonomy and trains military physicians and other health personnel for Turkish Armed Forces (TAF). It carries out scientific research and publications, gives vocational, undergraduate, and postgraduate training and education, and whose training hospitals serve as the tertiary reference centres for the 43 military hospitals of TAF. It was the only health institution in Turkey to celebrate its centennial in 1998. GMMA also has residency and fellowship programs in all medical branches for physicians of the TAF and foreign countries in the training hospitals located in Ankara and stanbul. CITY Ankara is situated 860 meters above sea level in the centre of the Anatolian region, which is the heartland of Turkey. This region is flanked by mountains to the north. Running parallel to the Black Sea Coast, and to the south lie Toros Mountains, which continue to the Mediterranean Coast. Ankara gained prominence under the leadership of Ataturk during the national resistance which followed World War I. It was declared the capital of the new Turkish Republic on October 13th 1923 when the National War of Independence freed Turkey from foreign occupation. Ankara has developed into a lively and modern metropolis offering most of the cultural and social amenities available in capitals elsewhere across Europe. Ankaras modern facade belies its historic origins which are thought to date back to around 1200 BC. Occupying one of the most prominent parts of the city is Anitkabir, the magnificent mausoleum constructed to commemorate Ataturk. ACCOMODATION GMMA provides various safe, secure and mana-
ged accommodation facilities. The dormitories in school of medicine have rooms for four students. There are studio flats for visiting students and other visiting academic staff. Their rental prices are about 100-150 EU per month. There are also flats or studios for rent around the campus, their rental prices are between 150-250 Euro per month. LABORATORIES GMMA has one of the richest libraries in Ankara. The GMMA library has a capacity for 300 readers.
Date of Foundation EUC Number State HEI No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
It is incorporated in computer network of libraries at home and abroad. There are PC facilities for students in school of medicine, vocational schools and in departments of hospitals and in dor mitories. Students have full free access to the internet. Students have also free access to many online books and journals by way of library. There are many fully eguipment laboratories for pre-clinical sciences and computer laboratories. STUDENT LIFE In GMMA there exist a gymnasium, football fields, tennis courts, basketball courts, cafeteria and library equipped with computers all have internet connection. Many students clubs are active supporting conferences, concerts, displays, excursions and scientific activities. Students may join, at their own will, various social activities including drama, music, arts, photography, literature, folklore, not only ball sports also mountain climbing, diving, parachute jumping, environmentalism and scientific research. INTERNATIONALISATION Foreign students from a wide range of countries including Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Pakistan, Israel, Tunisia, Jordan, BosniaHerzegovina and Macedonia. are being admitted to GMMA for a long time for both undegraduate and postgraduate education. With the onset of Erasmus University Charter, a bilateral teaching staff mobility agreement has been signed with Ulm University in Germany. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish is the only language used in all of the educational areas in our institution.
Contact : Prof.Tbp.Tuamiral Hayati BLG Gulhane Military Medical Academy Erasmus Institutional Coordinator Glhane Askeri Tp Akademisi Gs Hastalklar AD 06018 Etlik/Ankara/Turkey +90 (312) 304 44 01 +90 (312) 304 20 10
AREAS OF STUDY Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, Letters, Education, Science, Fine Arts, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Communications, Engineering, Music (percussion, woodwins, brass and strings), Theatre Arts
ACCOMODATION Hacettepe University has two main campuses. There is a wide range of accommodation choices for students on both campuses as well as special students halls at Beytepe Campus. These dormitories and halls provide facilities for about 5500 students. There are common rooms and kitchen, TV, laundry facilities and study halls. LABORATORIES All faculties / institutions have their own education/ research laboratories. The university library system is composed of the Beytepe Campus, Medical Center, and State Conservatoire and Department of Social Work library. The library holds over 400,000 volumes of books, periodicals, audio-visual and electronic publications. The university provides students, faculty/staff with access to diverse computing capabilities through various pc sites for general use in libraries and faculty laboratories. The departmental pcs can also be used for internet based research.
UNIVERSITY Hacettepe University is a state university. Over 105 undergraduate and 263 post-graduate programmes are offered. The university has about 26000 students enrolled in undergraduate programmes and about 4000 students in postgraduate programmes.Hacettepe University enjoys a high profile and is reputed to be a good university for its work in a range of disciplines both nationally and internationally. The university has a well-deserved reputation in both teaching and research. Moreover, the university ranks as the Turkish university with the highest number of national and international research publications in indexed journals.Hacettepe University is not only devoted to high standards in teaching and research as reflected in its motto Advancement for Excellence but also is a forward looking university in that it shapes its policies according to the demands of the new millennium. CITY Hacettepe University is located in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. At present it is a flourishing city with a population of over 4,5 million bursting at the seams. The capital is basically the administrative center of the country and it is a student city in that it hosts 4 state university and 7 private universities. As a students city, Ankara is big enough to feel cosmopolitan.
STUDENT LIFE Physical training/ sport facilities are available on both main campuses. There are group health activities for students/staff. The university has many outdoor facilities like basketball, soccer, swimming pool, tennis courts etc. There are around 60 student clubs and societies. INTERNATIONALISATION Hacettepe University is a full member of the European University Association and International Association of Universities as well as the other educational and research oriented organizations. Hacettepe University is an Erasmus Partner with more than 300 European Universities and has 447 Bilateral Agreements. Different from Erasmus, HU have academic cooperation agreements with about 35 universities in abroad. Every year, over 300 students come to study at HU from all over the world. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Hacettepe University offer students English, German and French courses according to objectives of the programmes. Thus medium of instruction plays an important role in a fast developing world.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1967 : 221495 : TR ANKARA03 : : : : : : : : : : : : 13 12 35 9 Yes 3.038 24.103 3.281 1.578 1.444 1.481 210
Contact : Hacettepe niversitesi Avrupa Birlii Ofisi Rektrlk Binas Aly Kat Shhye/Ankara +90 (312) 305 41 05 +90 (312) 305 43 62
AREAS OF STUDY Business Management, Public Administration, Economics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Turkish Language and Literarure, History, Sociolgy, Nursing, Physical Education and Sports, Food Technology, Organic Farming, Pets and Experimental, Animals Husbandry, Mechanics, Outomotive Technology, Carpets and Kilims, Decorative Arts, Computer Programming, Banking and Insurance, Accountaing and Taxing Applications, Local Administrations, Childcare UNIVERSITY Karamanolu Mehmetbey University (KMU), located in Karaman, Turkey, was officially founded in 2007; yet it roots back to the 1980s as the Karaman Campus of Selcuk University. KMU consists currently of five faculties/colleges, two graduate schools and four vocational schools with more than 6000 students and 250 teaching and administrative staff. As a higher education and research institution, KMU is dedicated to the education and training of students as the entrepreneurs and leaders of the future and to the advancement of basic and applied sciences for the benefits of humanity. Internationalization in education and research through such programmes as Erasmus is one of the spearheads of KMU as outlined in the strategy of the University. The teaching and research members of KMU are of broad international experience as their great majority received MS and/or PhD degrees from universities of the EU or USA, which stands for a promising potential for KMU. CITY Karaman (formerly Larende) is a town in south central Turkey, located north of the Taurus Mountains, ca 100 km south of Konya. The town owes its name to Karaman Bey, who was one of the rulers of the Karamanids. Karaman has retained ruins of a Karamanid castle and some walls, two mosques and a Koran school (madrasah) from that age. The poet Yunus Emre resided in Karaman and is believed to lie buried beside the Yunus Emre Mosque. The mother of world- famous Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi was also buried, along with other family members, in the Aktekke Mosque in Karaman. The Karaman Museum is one of the major sights. Some other sites of interest and history are; Gokce forest recreation area, Maraspoli
Cave, Kraman, Ermenek (Firan) and Mennan castles, Binbirkilise, Hatuniye, Emir Musa, Ibrahim Bey old theological schools (medrese) for alms and Tol Medrese, Gaferyad (Ermenek, Kazimkarabekir) and Yollarbasi (Ilisra) village Grand Mosques, Haci Beyler, Aktekke (Valide Sultan), Arapzade, Pasha, Dikbasan (Fasih), Akcasehir, ACCOMODATION KMU and private entrepreneurs in Karaman offer a vast range of accommodation choices for both undergraduate, postgraduate students and teaching staff. Some of the accommodation has
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
self-catering facilities. Apart from those who live in state-owned dormitories, some other students choose to live in private accommodation in the vicinity, which is only a short bus ride or within walking distance to the campus. LABORATORIES KMU currently operates more than 10 laboratories for research and student practical training. A new research and development center with more than 20 laboratories in the fields of agriculture, biotechnology, food science, physics and chemistry has been under construction with the DPT funding. KMU owns a central library and several departmental libraries. Each department at KMU has its own computer facility. STUDENT LIFE According to the interests of the students, social, cultural and sports activities are organised at the university campus.There are clubs and societies that students can participate in for spending time efficiently. Students can easily visit historical places of Karaman and enjoy the natural buity of the surrounding araes. INTERNATIONALISATION KMU considers internationalization as the cornerstone of its education and research. The exchange of knowlodge and recognition of diversity in cultural and social values are thus supported by any means available. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Mainly Turkish, some courses are taught in English.
Contact : Karamanolu Mehmetbey niversitesi Uluslararas likiler Birimi Erasmus Ofisi Rektrlk, 70100 Karaman / Turkey +90 (338) 226 20 89 +90 (338) 226 20 80
AREAS OF STUDY Veterinary Medicine, Business, International Relations, Law, Education, Physics, Maths, Western Languages and Literatures, Eastern Languages and Literatures, Chemistry, History, Sociolgy, Engineering, Medicine, Music, Art UNIVERSITY Standing on the banks of the river Kzlrmak, Krkkale University is situated at a place that is far from the hustle and bustle of the city and yet, it is a place where one can quickly and easily reach the cultural and social facilities of the urban life. Founded in 1992, Krkkale University contributes a lot to our country with its highly-skilled academic staff and modern technical equipment. It ranks among the best universities in our country in terms of the number of students per lecturer. Its closeness to Ankara, the capital, makes it an attractive place for many students. As of today, education in Krkkale University is carried on in 10 Faculties, 1 School of Physical Education and Sports, 5 Vocational Schools and 3 Graduate Schools. CITY AREA: 4.365 km2 POPULATION: 383.5008 (2000) DISTRICTS: Krkkale (center), Delice, Keskin, Sulakyurt. SITES OF INTEREST: Baleyh, Hasandede, ar and Kk amil mosques, Hasandede, Koubaba, eyh Mustafa Karababa, Kazancbaba,eyh Sadreddin and eyh mausoleums. Festivals:Watermelon Festival Hasandede Town last Monday of September , Culture and Art Festival City Center 21-27 June. Krkkale, lying on the banks of the river Kzlrmak, is a rapidly growing town in mid-Anatolia, located close to Ankara, the capital. This bridge-like town, joining the east and west of the country is also wellknown for its weapon and petrochemical industries. ACCOMODATION Krkkale University has adequate accommodation facilities. There are state and private dormitories in and around the campus as well as apartments in the city center.
LABORATORIES Our libraries possess over 63.000 books in total, 50.000 of which are in Turkish and 13.000 of which are in foreign languages. Our Central Library, with its many computers with internet access, currently subscribes to approximately 87 periodicals published in Turkish. Our University also subscribes to over 50 data-bases containing electronic journals and books which all academic staff and students can access via Onelog Remote Access Program. Krkkale University is unique in Turkey with its MSSBAUER laboratory and electron microscopy lab as well as a general chemistry laboratory, a general physics and nuclear physics laboratory, and a single crystal diffractometer laboratory. STUDENT LIFE There are refectories, canteens, a central cafeteria big enough to serve 3000 students and a central kitchen on the main campus. The university offers health service to all university employees and students. Students can engage in countless indoor and outdoor activities organized by 40 student clubs dealing with sports, arts, environment, literature, etc. such as Mountaineering and Skiing Sports Club, Environment Club, Theatre Club and Turkish Folk Dances Club. Students are encouraged to form new clubs or participate in the existing ones. There is one football pitch in standard size, apart from 2 carpet football pitches, 3 volleyball and 2 basketball fields, an athletics field, a tennis court and an indoor gym. We have also a heated swimming pool and a shock pool along with the necessary equipment for weight lifting workouts and wrestling. INTERNATIONALISATION We have bilateral agreements with various universities in Europe within the scope of Erasmus programme.The EU office supports projects and programmes in order to provide the participitation and contribution of our academic staff to diffrent research areas. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION We have a language centre which organizes language courses for university students as well as incoming Erasmus students.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Krkkale University International Relations and EU Coordination Office 71450 Yahihan-Krkkale/Turkey +90 (318) 357 37 43 +90 (318) 357 37 43
AREAS OF STUDY Electrical - Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Business Administration, International Trade, Law. UNIVERSITY Konya Chamber of Commerce has founded KTO Karatay University (KU) in 2009 with the mission of serving as a center of excellence in higher education for quality teaching and intensive research toward educational, commercial and industrial communities. KU is focused on educating the future leaders and professionals of Turkey. KU employs teaching staff many of whom received their graduate and doctoral degrees in the US and Europe In line with developments of the Bologna Process, KUs main objective is to become integrated into the European Higher Education Area. Placement activities are obligatory for the Faculties of Engineering and Economics, Business and Administrative Sciences. These faculties require obligatory placement schemes prior to graduation, other faculties are also involved in placement activities in order to provide students with practiceoriented knowledge, as well as to strengthen the theoretical background they obtain throughout their education. CITY Konya is one of the first inhabited cities in the history of mankind, and still contains traces of many ancient civilisations which gives it the atmosphere of an open museum city. Due to its strategic location in the middle of Anatolia, it used to be one of the most important trading centres on the Silk Road. The fertile land around the city places Konya at the heart of Turkeys grain industry. Moreover, the city is a key center for both national and international trade and industry and it has a highly-developed infrastructure. Steeped in tradition, it is one of the most conservative and religious places in the country, and best known as the adopted home of Celaleddin Rumi, the Sufic mystic who founded the Whirling Dervishes sect. The city has a wide range of social and cultural attractions that address the everyday needs and interest of students and academics. ACCOMODATION There are various choices of accommodation for students such as dormitories and student apartments in Konya. The university offers to help housing to its students by giving information and guidance. Also, students may choose to stay at hostels run by the Higher Education Credit and Hostels Instutition.
LABORATORIES KTO Karatay University (KU) has founded the first nano-technology laboratory that was ever set in the region. In addition, there is a state-of-the-art Technology Centre established on campus. Furthermore, KU has established a Continuous Education Center that serves the school and the surrounding community. There are also libraries with a lot of academic and social sources.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 2009 : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3 1 1
24 7 15
STUDENT LIFE KU aims to provide logistic and financial support to promote multilateral teaching and research projects which will contribute to the development of students and increase the universitys visibility in International Area. At KU, all students benefit from all university services such as sports facilities, library, technology center and others. They are also advised to take some special courses like dancing, theatre, languages, or sports. Also, the school campus is very close to the center of the city and attractions like museums, theatres, movies, shopping centers, and sports clubs. Students can easily visit historical places of Karaman and enjoy the natural buity of the surrounding araes. INTERNATIONALISATION KTO Karatay University is a newly founded university with a global perspective. KU employs staff and admits students regardless of gender, race, color, disability, national or ethic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities. In its first year, KU hosted the19th of the prestigious Annual World Business Congress. KU is in the process of founding an International Relations Office that will promote the international activities at the university. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION At KU, the medium of instruction at the Faculty of Engineering is English. As with the Faculty of Business and Administrative Sciences, all newlyenrolled students are required to attend one-year intensive English preparatory program. In addition to English as a foreign language, we offer additional foreign language courses at this faculty. As for the Faculty of Law, the medium of instruction is Turkish. However, we offer various English courses throughout the course of study at this faculty.
Contact : Akabe Mahallesi Adalet Saray Yan Cemil iek Caddesi 42020 Karatay-KONYA +90 (332) 351 29 29 +90 (332) 351 29 79
1 680
42 5
Contact : niversite Meydan Mustafapaa-rgp 50420 NEVEHR +90 (384) 353 50 09 +90 (384) 353 51 25
of Russian International Academy of Tourism (RMAT) .The International Relations Unit of the school has been coordinating EU programs and Erasmus workplacements. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction in Turkish. However, some programs have 30% English courses. A second foreign language-French,Japanese or Russian is compulsory in these programs with prep classes.
AREAS OF STUDY Engineering and Architecture, Computer Engineering, Electric/Electronic Engineering, Industrial Product Design, Arts and Sciences, English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business administration, International Trade and Business, Economics, Law UNIVERSITY Our university was established Kayseri on 19/08/2008. It is a Foundation University . first student was accepted in 2009. Currently, we have four faculties with 12 departments such as
dustry, and has impressive monuments that reflect its history. Kayseri has always been a popular option as a base to trade. Kayseri is a modern city and offers many different
possibilities to the students such as Shopping malls, modern hospitals, libraries, parks, ski resorts, sports fields . Also Kayseri is an important educational and training centre with available four universities . ACCOMODATION Both male and female students are provided dormitories in the city centre in which they can live peacefully, safely, hygenically and happily during their education. Dorm rooms are furnished for between 2-4 students. Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Economics and Administrative , Sciences and the Law to English language course is provided. Which has a modern campus in the city center to the upper level of our university students are offered opportunities. The aim of Meliksah University is to train and educate students to question,research be empathetic towards environment and life, be able to think analyticall and be promote ideals in our country. CITY Kayseri has been one of the most important trade centre in Anatolia over the history. Located in the right centre of the country, it has the feel of a modern, busy city but also has a strong traditional atmosphere. The setting is spectacular, with the mountains of Erciyes and Kara Dagi in the background, a snow-capped volcano and green fields, and the nearby Sultansazligi bird sanctuary. The city is also well known for its textile and carpet inLABORATORIES Our universities has laboratories and central library. We are giving every student a laptop computer. Internet access is unlimited. STUDENT LIFE In each faculty,there are cafeterias and canteens prepared for our students Indoor leisure and outdoor sports fields have been prepared for our students.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
51 4 20
Contact : internatinal office Melikah university Talas / KAYSER +90 (352) 207 73 00 +90 (352) 207 73 49
INTERNATIONALISATION Our universities has signed double degree and students exchange agreements with American and Europian University s. Such as University of Leeds Metropolitan ,University of East London. Our university accepts about 50 foreign students in 2010 to 2011. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Our university is committed to English language education. For this purpose native English teachers are employed.
AREAS OF STUDY Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, English Language Teaching, Teaching Primary School , Mathematics, Turkish Language Teaching , Psychological Counseling and Guidance UNIVERSITY Our vision: To be a university where theoretical and practical education goes hand in hand, research and development are taken as basis, academic freedom is exercised, opinions and thoughts are respected, and innovative insights based on international values are developed. Our mission: To educate the dynamic work force that can think scientifically, use knowledge based on humanity and environment, find scientific solutions to social problems, have universal moral values, and will be the leaders of the future. CITY As the trade and accommodation center of the ancient Silk Road, cultivated with history and culture, and having hosted many civilizations throughout the history, Konya is the most important SME center and the granary of our country. Konya, one of the leading cities in Turkey according to socio-economic development indicators, has taken its place among the chief cities of Turkey with its roads, bridges, renovated urbanization and architecture, vital contribution to agriculture, developing industrial and commercial activities and recent modern outlook. Serving as a value of our country in the middle of Anatolia with arms wide open to world, being reached easily from all cities of Turkey and entitled as the city of history, culture and arts, Konya, is now opening its arms to the whole world with Mevlana University, the new face of education. Our university takes its name from the prominent emissary of universal humanitarian values, Hazrat Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi. Rumi, the greatest Anatolian philosopher and ACCOMODATION DORMITORY In order to provide students with an accommodation opportunity in a comfortable and peaceful environment, Mevlana University offers a dormitory with a modern and technical infrastructure. The dormitory is within 15 minutes walking distance from the campus.
LABORATORIES For the practical issues, undergraduate students will be provided with three Intel-based, networked laboratories; a Windows-based lab, a Linux-based lab and a research lab. In addition to these, special laboratories are being set up for the hardware courses. A modern library has been built up at Mevlana University with the intention of supporting education and research activities and the required information and documents. The library has individual study cabinets, group study rooms, journal and newspaper reading halls, general reading and study halls, access to computers and internet, and photocopy units. The computing services integrated with several databasis make it possible to access other national and international libraries. STUDENT LIFE The modern sports complex includes various mechanical and electronic sports equipments, two fitness centers, changing rooms, a sauna, showers and a cafeteria. In addition to these, open air tennis courts, basketball courts, volleyball courts, walk and bike tracks offer sports and recreation activities to the students. Mevlana University Campus has a gymnasium with a seating capacity of 1500. STUDENT CLUB ACTIVITIES With the support of the units working in cooperation with the Office of Health, Culture and Sports, Mevlana University organizes club and group activities according to the students? interests. Student clubs arrange concerts, sightseeing, charity sales or exhibitions, the publication of newspapers, journals or bulletins and they organize conferences and panel discussions where famous politicians, artists, writers and academicians of our country are invited. INTERNATIONALISATION International Relations Office of MU has been set up with the purpose of coordinating the international relations / external affairs of the university. IRO deals with conducting joint scientific studies together with the institutions abroad, carries out activities towards membership to international academic societies, performs activities to attract students from abroad, organizes scientific and educational undertakings of the academics and students, and seeks grants for overall improvement. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The vision of the University about medium of ins-
Date of Foundation EUC Number Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
20 4 2
Contact : Ardl Mah. Yeni stanbul Cad. No: 235 420003 Seluklu / KONYA +90 (332) 241 06 06 +90 (332) 241 30 30
truction is to prepare students to become global citizens in a multicultural, multilingual world by providing the opportunity for all students to graduate with full appreciation of their home language, high levels of proficiency in standard academic English.
AREAS OF STUDY Engineering, Natural and Applied Sciences, Architecture, Design, Regional Planning, Teacher Education, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Political Science and International Relations, Humanities.
up-to-date computing and networking resources. Students benefit the use of software available on central servers, dial-up connections outside the campus, the FTP service, etc.
UNIVERSITY Middle East Technical University (METU) currently has 5 faculties, and 5 graduate schools. METU is the leading technical university in Turkey in terms of the number of publications in international journals, and the amount of funds generated from international research projects. Almost all of faculty members have international experience, and the majority with PhD degrees received from prestigious universities abroad. METU has the largest volume in contract research sponsored by public and private organizations on the national scene. The Universitys science park, METU-Technopolis as the first operational science park in Turkey, that hosts around 259 high tech R&D companies has been a major undertaking to foster strong links with industry and support entrepreneurial activity. CITY Ankara is the capital city of Turkey, located in the Central Anatolian Region, and at the heart of Turkey.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1956 : 220496 : TR ANKARA04 : : : : : : : : : : : : 5 5 42 1 None 15.793 4.337 2.804 1.210 1.362 111
STUDENT LIFE There are various sports and recreational activities in METU and the students can choose from a wide array of challenges for all skill levels. Places for Sports Activities: Outdoor and Indoor (Olympic) Pool, 3 Gymnasia (fitness, squash, sauna), Football Stadium (12,000 seats for spectators and a running track with 6 lanes), Tennis Courts, Outdoor Basketball & Volleyball Grounds, Ping pong Tables, Artificial Football Field. Amateur Student Clubs: 82 student clubs ranging from Aeronautica to Bird Watching Club. INTERNATIONALISATION As attested by 350 active exchange or cooperation programs with universities and research institutions, METU leads the national universities in terms of depth and breadth of international ties. Moreover, the University is a member of many networks and associations to include EAU, EAIE, SEFI, EMUNI, CEASAR, UNESCO-International Association of Universities, Digital Education Network, and Black Sea Universities Network.
ACCOMODATION There are 18 dormitories and resident facilities for students on campus, which can accommodate nearly 7,000 students. LABORATORIES METU library has one of the largest collections (predominantly in English) in Turkey, it contains 412.000 books and 173.767 bound periodicals and subscribes to 56.158 electronic and 1441 print journal subscriptions, 133 online databases, over 510 books CDs, 1400 doctoral dissertations and 15.000 masters theses. The METU Computer Center offers all its students and faculty access to
Contact : Uluslararas birlii Ofisi Ktphane Binas, Solmaz zdemir Salonu Orta Dou Teknik niversitesi 06531 Ankara, Trkiye +90 (312) 210 22 98 +90 (312) 210 71 76
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION English as the language of instruction in all its degree programs has greatly facilitated METUs efforts to accommodate international students and researchers. METU hosts over 1500 international students from nearly 80 different countries studying toward myriad of academic degrees.
AREAS OF STUDY Science and Arts:Biology, Archeology, Physic, Modern Turkish Dialects, Chemistry, Sociology, Japanese Language and Literature, Educational Sciences, History, Turkish Language and Literature. Economics and Administrative Sciences:business, economics, international relations, tourism management and motel, tourist guiding and public administration.Tourism:Tourism Management, Tourism Guidance, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Recreation Management.Semra and Vefa Kk Health High School:Nursing.Nevsehir Vocational School:Front Office and Secretary Services, Marketing and Foreign Trades, Hotel-Restaurant and Catering Services, Travel-Tourism and Entertainment Services, Accounting and Tax, Computer Technology, Electrics and Energy, Automation and Design. UNIVERSITY Being the birthplace of innumerable civilizations throughout history and located in the Cappadocia Region where nature and history meet, Nevehir University was founded on 17th May, 2007. Certain units were founded much earlier than the foundation date of the university since they were subordinate to some other higher education institutions then.It has more than 5000 students and 300 academic and administrative staff altogether. There are many facilities on our campus for social and cultural activities.There is a main library at the rectorate building along with the others at our faculties.There are cafeterias and resting areas near each faculty.Students will also freely spare times in the fitness center in our rectorate building.Our university has a practice hotel where meetings, congresses and workshops are held. In the vicinity of the university there are such social facilities as a bazaar, an indoor sports centre, libraries, cafeterias and medical establishments etc.
raphical forms of the region. Hattians and then in order Hittites, Frigs, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks and Ottomans were attracted by the charm of this region. In course of time, these cave houses became underground cities that included water sources, food stores, wineries and places of worship owing to they would need to live underground for a long time. Nevehir is the most important centre of the Cappadocia Region which is a unique natural beauty at the hearth of Anatolia. The region has been appreciated by the international associations too. ACCOMODATION Students to come can accommodate in the governmental student hostels nearby the university campus, in addition to several guesthouses and private hostels in the vicinity. LABORATORIES ADU Our university uses innovative technology for education. The interactive, technology-based classroom has the capacity to proceed lessons with video conferences, document cameras, interactive board, high-technology projectors. There are 2 libraries and various labratories in the Faculty of Science and Arts. STUDENT LIFE Students can use the fitness center in the university. Football, volleyball, basketball are available in the campus. Also, students will have the chance to enjoy trekking, horse riding and hot-air balloon tours in the region. Region is famous with pottery-making, will be a place for students for trying to produce potteries. In shopping malls, besides fast food courts, students may shop or go to cinema. There is also a bowling centre in the city. For cultural activities, University and Student Club organizations at university, Cultural CantersMunicipal and Private Establishments in Nevehir are also available. INTERNATIONALISATION Nevehir University aims to provide coordination and cooperation on informational and educational terms at international level. Within this scope, it aims to facilitate the coordination of all the departments of the university with the related institutions, such as the National Agency subordinate to the State Planning Organization, other international agencies, organizations and universities.Our university has several bilateral agreements from all over the world. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Nevehir niversitesi Uluslararas likiler Ofisi, Rektrlk Merkezi, 2000 Evler Mah. Zbeyde Hanm Cad. 50300 NEVEHR +90 (384) 228 10 74 +90 (384) 228 10 86
CITY Cappadocia region is one of the finest places on earth where you can enjoy both natural and historical beauties together. The volcanic explosions had been continuing for centuries on Cappadocia-which means the land of elegant horses in Persian language- have constituted a wide plateau made up of lavas. The tufa layer on the plateau was washed away by the floods for long years and this geographical act built up the fairy chimneys that are the characteristic geog-
AREAS OF STUDY Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Geological, mining), Natural Science(Chemistry, Physics, Biology), Mathematics, Letters (Turkish language and literature, History, Sociology), Economics and Business administration, Public administration. UNIVERSITY Nide University has a young and dynamic teaching staff having post-graduate degrees from the big universities in Turkey, Europe, the USA and elsewhere. The young and dynamic staff that is communicative and willing to make close and sincere friends with students is beneficial for students career and individual developments. On the other hand, students have the chance to find parttime works within the university if they wish. Nide University is also one of the important universities of in Turkey on account of scientific researches. Many research projects of the university are being supported by Scientific Research Projects Unit, European Union FP7, State Planning Organization and The Scientific & Technical Research Council of Turkey. Nide University consists of two institutes, four faculties, two colleges, five vocational high schools, and four departmental headships directly attached to the rectorate, two applied research centers and one conservatory of music. CITY Nide, geographically in the middle of big cities that are developed on various fields, is located very convenient on account of highway and railway arrival. Nide is regarded as a part of Cappadocia which is a well-known touristic place with its historical and natural wonders. It is an important touristic town famous for its Kemerhisar, an ancient site of the Roman city of Tyana, Roman aqueducts, Gumusler Monastery, Kavlaktepe underground city, ruins from the time of ancient Christianity, monuments of the Seljucks and other Anatolian civilizations, Mount Demirkazk that has a worldwide fame for mountaineering & climbing, Aladaglar National Park, the Bolkars and also Ciftehan Thermal Springs. Nigde, turning into a university town in parallel with the foundation and development of Nide University, is an attractive city for university students on account of economic life conditions, cheap and easy transportation, and adequate accommodation, hospitability of town people, low crime rate.
ACCOMODATION Milli Piyango Dormitory accommodates a total of 700 students. In the city centre, there are two more dormitories, which are Sabanci Girls Dormitory, accommodating 480 female, and the HECDI dormitory, accommodating 648 male and 1.498 female students. Students attending Vocational Schools are also provided with dormitories.Besides there are private dormitories and hostels available in the town center Nigde and Bor. LABORATORIES The library, provides modern services and accommodates 200 readers. The library collection consists of 20000 books. 10.000 periodicals, a total of 400 theses and 300 manuscripts. In addition, the library has adequate number of PC and CD-ROM databases. Beyond that, on line access to other databases around the world. The computer laboratories have equipped with the up-dated technology. There are 33 laboratories at the university, each one specifized for a different subjects, from Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Laboratory to Computer Software Laboratory and from Microprocessor Laboratory to Energy System Laboratories. STUDENT LIFE Students can use several sports centers available on and off campus. They may choose one of such sports branches like football, basketball, volleyball, judo, tennis, karate, taekwondo, wrestling, swimming etc. to be trained and then they make team and these teams take part in some inter-faculties games throughout the University. They can join a number of student clubs like theather, folk dance, chess, aviation, etc.Students can test cultural foods during the academic year and also in the spring festival which takes place every May. INTERNATIONALISATION Nide University has been involved in European exchange programmes since 2005. It has established strong relationships with several universities in Europe. The university also developed partnerships with some East Asian and the USA universities. Some of our scientific researchers have been carrying out projects within the European research schemes. University sports teams have been joining international sports activities since 1998. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish (English in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering)
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Nide niversitesi Uluslararas likiler Ofisi, Merkez Yerleke, Bor Yolu zeri, Nide, 51240 +90 (388) 225 21 48 +90 (388) 225 23 85
AREAS OF STUDY International Relations, Political Science, European Studies, Economics, Business Administration, Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering, History, Education, Teacher Training, Veterinary Science, Communications, Social Sciences, Theology, Chemistry, Physics, Agriculture, Technical and Vocational Education UNIVERSITY As the largest University in Turkey, Seluk University offers a wide range of opportunities to its students and staff in terms of a home like environment both physically and emotionally. Rapid developments in infrastructure and research facilities make the University an attractive institution. Besides, tremendous social and sport facilities are also worth mentioning in this regard. Through mobilizing its TV channel and radio station, the University applies professional managerial techniques and methods in education and training. The University has the real potential to establish national and international ties with other educational establishments. The University is an international institution, dedicated to the concept of widening international co-operation as a fundamental basis for high quality teaching, research and learning. The vision of the University is that technical support, combined with social attractions, helps create a home for them.
dents are placed in modern flats and halls of residences. Students can also live in private accommodation, cheap and modern buildings near the campus. A special arrangement for accommodation can be available for Erasmus students. Academic staff are offered places in Universitys Guest House with no charge, with provides the comfort of a four star hotel. LABORATORIES Students and researchers have free access to internet via computer labs around the campus. The University has put more than 10.000 computers into service of its students in all programs. Therefore, the University invests in labs and technical equipment quite a substantial amount of its resources. Science laboratories, farms, greenhouse and other R&D facilities imply that Seluk University has the real capacity to foster an excellent academic culture and necessarily success. A new information and Communication Centre with additional 2000 new computers also provides fulltime support to universitys students and research community. STUDENT LIFE Shopping centers and social facilities in and around the campuses pose a good indicator of socialization among students. Olympic swimming pool, sport halls, football pitches, horse riding centre and walking paths are provided for students. The subsidized student meal and other scholarships and supports are a part of the regular student-caring policy of the university. Concerts, bale and theatres are also social side of the University. State Conservatory, the TV channel and the radio station play an important role to enrich student life. INTERNATIONALISATION The University has already had a good reputation in its co-operation with international educational institutions. Co-operations and bilateral agreements with different universities all over the world are as follows: over 150 agreements with universities in the EU, Russia, Ukraine, USA, South Korea, Egypt, Central Asian Republics. The University has exchanged a good number of students and academics with European and American universities. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish, English, German, Arabic
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1975 : 220554 : TR KONYA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 21 5 20 27 28.140 42.265 2.719 1.266 3.272 1.270 143
CITY The city, where the University established, has got marvellous historical and natural resources. As was the capital city of the Anatolian Seljuk Empire. Konya is famous for its Whirling Dervishes and Sufi Orders. Besides, the first known human one of the most populated settlement, atalhyk, is within the boundaries of city. The city has a wide range of social and cultural attractions to keep busy everyday life of students and academics. Its international airport, railway and motorway connections make sure that the city is accessible from the major airports and Mediterranean costs. The beach is only three hours by bus. The reception of the local people is quite warm. Therefore, Erasmus students and academics would certainly feel at home during their study program in Konya. ACCOMODATION The University has the determination to provide accommodation to its students. Exchange stu-
Contact : Seluk University LLP/Erasmus Coordination Office Rectore Building K:2 Campus 42003 Seluklu Konya/Turkey +90 (332) 223 25 51 +90 (332) 241 40 82
AREAS OF STUDY Arts and Sciences: Mathematics, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Fine Arts: Art and Design, Visual Communication Design, Industrial Design, Interior Architecture Law Economics and Adminisrative Sciences: Economics, Business Administration, International Relations, International Business, Engineering:Computer Engineering, Electric and Electronical Engineering, Industrial Enginering,Mechanical Engineering UNIVERSITY TOBB ETU was founded through a generous endowment provided by a powerful union of 1.2 million members spread around the country named the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). Our university admitted its first class in the academic year 2004-2005 with three faculties (Engineering, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Arts and Sciences) The number of faculties has risen to 5 and the number of students has risen to 2558 in 2009-2010 academic years. ETU students including Erasmus students are given a free laptop computer when they enroll the university. Our university is ranked in the first five top universities in Turkey in the Central University Entrance Exam. According to the statistics published by the Higher Education Council, ETU is ranked first among Turkish universities for having consecutively the highest number of Science Citation Index - Expanded publications per faculty member in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 since its second year of establisment. CITY Ankara is the capital of Turkey and the countrys second largest city after Istanbul. Ankara is an important commercial and industrial city. It is the center of the Turkish Government, and houses all foreign embassies. The city was famous for its long-haired Angora goat and its prized wool (mohair), a unique breed of cat (Angora cat), white rabbits and their prized wool (Angora wool), pears, honey, and the regions muscat grapes. Ankara serves as a center for opera, ballet, theatres, and concert halls. Ankaras central location makes it very convenient for weekend trips to resorts, cultural and historical sites and the seaside. Ankara is also a university town with more than
10 universities. Streets are filled with students of all ages. Shopping centers with movie theatres, food courts, restaurants, and many activities are conveniently located all around the city. Transportation in the city is very easy with many bus routes and an expanding subway system. ACCOMODATION TOBB ETU offers accommodation for1032 students in four fully equipped dormitories on the campus. Students can choose to stay in single or double room. Dormitory rooms are equipped with showers, closets, personal telephones and 24 hours unlimited access to internet.There are study halls, TV rooms, sport center, restaurants , kitchenettes,laundry and cleaning services in the dormitory. LABORATORIES University has research and teaching labs in the areas of physics, chemistry, electronics, digital electronics, microprocessor/microcontroller, heat and thermodynamics, digital circuits and systems, materials testing, metalograpy, manufacturing, logical circuit design, communication systems, computer networks, circuit analysis, and several computer labs. University library has an initial collection of 50 thousands books, 300 periodical, and many multimedia materials. Our library subscribed to more than 50 electronic data bases including 47.000 e-book, 28.400 e-magazine, and millions of documents. STUDENT LIFE A number of student organizations, such as movie, music, technology, computer, outdoor activities clubs, are established by ETU students and actively work throughout the year. School campus is very close to the center of the city, and museums, theaters, movie theaters, shopping centers, sport clubs welcome all students. A radio channel broadcast on the net and for all students, psychological consultancy and guidance are provided. Sport Center contains a state-of-the-art fitness club, swimming pool, sauna, volleyball, and basketball courts. INTERNATIONALISATION Our aim is to become a well known, respected and competitive university across the world. To achieve these aims, our university will get its place in the global world by co-operating with the international institutions. Most of the ETU academics have degrees from American and European universities and we have exchange programs with numerous universities in North America, South Korea, China, and Europe, in particular with Erasmus programs LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish and English. One year English prep school is mandatory.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji niversitesi Stz Cad. No: 43 Stz/Ankara +90 (312) 292 43 09 +90 (312) 292 43 11
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State HEI No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Turkish National Police Academy Dilikiler ube Mdrl 06384 Glba/Ankara/TURKEY +90 (312) 412 52 68 +90 (312) 499 70 17
AREAS OF STUDY Management, Economics, Political Science and International Relations UNIVERSITY Entrepreneur, respectful to the people Guided by the Independent and free thought, freedom of religion and conscience, free enterprise principle of Turgut Ozal who has significantly contributed to the leap of Turkey to the developed countries level, Turgut Ozal University; has a mission to activate innovative, entrepreneurial and responsible, equipped with ethical values and global knowledge, constantly improving by continuous learning students, faculty members, researchers, alumni and stakeholders, institutions and individuals that will generate knowledge and utilize this knowledge in practice to add value to the society. Our vision is to become a globally known university involved in continuous development, aligned with the universal university criteria in terms of higher education quality, productive scientific activities, stakeholder interaction, cooperation and satisfaction-oriented services it provides. CITY Advantages of Studying in Ankara Date of Foundation EUC Number Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers : 2009 : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3 3 2 Easily accessible from anywhere in Ankara. Fiveminute walk away from the largest shopping and living center of the city. Offering a healthy living with the olympic swimming pool and sports facilities next to the university. Opportunities for benefiting from politicians, bureaucrats, diplomats, and businessmen of administrative center of Turkey, Ankara in academic, scientific, cultural activities, and career opportunities. ACCOMODATION The university offers housing opportunities for the students in two dormitories located in central locations of Ankara. LABORATORIES The University Library strives to provide the necessary resources to support undergraduate and graduate education, and to provide sufficient human resources to help undergraduate and graduate students utilize these resources. The library with an active update system to keep pace with rapid changes in the world; makes a difference with the world-class infrastructure to support researchers. The library created at international standards, offers a user-oriented, continuously updated, com-
fortable service. The university provides a laptop for every student along with access to the wireless internet throughout the campus, in addition to the computer and research labs where the students can easily conduct their studies. STUDENT LIFE Listed below are some examples of communities supported with specialists in social, artistic and cultural fields: Politics, Management, Economy, Scientific Research, Computer, Movie, Photography, Mountaineering, Traveling, Swimming, Music, Folk Dance. Among the cultural activities programmed for the students are: Monthly Conferences, Career Interviews, Panel and Interviews on Actuality, Culture-Art Interviews, On-campus Presentations and Discussions, National and International Students Conferences. The students are also provided with the opportunity to benefit from the sports education supported by the licensed experts in the fields of: Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, Squash, Dart, Swimming, Tennis, Billiard, Bowling.
15 2 4
Contact : Lutfu Sagbansua, Turgut zal University No:7 Etlik Kecioren/Ankara 06010 +90 (312) 551 53 17 +90 (312) 551 50 19
INTERNATIONALISATION Turgut zal University International Office aims to develop and maintain a multi-national and multicultural environment in the university for students and faculty members to help making your educational dreams come true. The students are offered opportunities for participating in exchange programs both in Europe and USA. With an every-day increasing network of universities and organizations, Turgut zal University is on its way to become a prestigious global university. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Programs in the university are offered both in English and Turkish. Western and Eastern languages are also offered for the interested students participating in Turgut zal University. Among these, Spanish, German, French, Russian, and Chinese are the most demanded.
AREAS OF STUDY The Academy which gave a BS degree in Machine, Civil, Electric-Electronic Engineering and Management between the years 1974 and 1991 was rearranged to give a BS degree in Systems Engineering after 1991. Systems Engineering Program graduated its first officers in 1994. INSTITUTION TMA was founded in stanbul in 1834. The Military Academy graduated its first officers in 1841. In 1845, after the establishment of military high schools and as a result of studies made to improve the education system the same year, the Military Academy acquired the quality of having a four year education period. On September 25, 1936 the Military Academy was transferred to its newly built building (ATATURK Hall) in Ankara and started education. The Academys two-year education period was arranged to be three-year education period in 1948, two years in 1963, three years in 1971, and finally four years in 1974. CITY The capital of the Turkish Republic, Ankara, was founded almost in the middle of Central Anatolia. Ankara gained prominence under the leadership of Ataturk during the national resistance which followed World War I. During the War of Independence between 1919 and 1922, Ankara was chosen as a military base and was declared the capital the new Turkish Republic on October 13th 1923 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and Turkish Grand National Assembly, due to its geographic, strategic and political importance as well as its role in the War of Independence. The foundations of the modern city were then laid, by bringing in city planners from Europe. Occupying one of the most prominent parts of the city is Anitkabir, the magnificent mausoleum constructed to commemorate Ataturk. This structure, which was completed in 1953, is a synthesis of antique and modern architectural themes, and proves the elegance and strength of Turkish architecture. Ankara has a vibrant cultural and artistic life with many distinguished ballet, theatre, opera and folk dance performances. The citys Philharmonic Orchestra, which always plays to a packed house, is especially famous.
ACCOMODATION Since TMA is a boarding school, accommodation for prospective incoming students will be completely free of charge. Incoming students will be hosted in the new dormitories the rooms of which are with private bathrooms for 3 students most. For the incoming teaching staff, the accommodation be provided but TMA will make very best of its efforts to help the incoming personnel to solve the accommodation problem. LABORATORIES By having an individual account within the educational network, cadets can have access to the academic contents and information regarding their four-year courses with the help of Computer Assisted Education Center and computer laboratories located in cadets; battalions. The library holds a great number of books and publications. Furthermore, through the Ebscohost database, 4,130 periodicals are accessible. Cadets can borrow books from the library as well as benefit from the electronic library, and audio-visual materials like CDs and videotapes, and have their notes photocopied. STUDENT LIFE Prospective incoming students will be provided with the same conditions with TMA cadets. The cadets are given 3 free meals every day. Besides the meals provided by TMA, cadets can also eat at any of the social facilities and cafeterias situated in different locations of the campus. The prices of the drinks and foods are quite cheap and reasonable if compared to prices in civilian facilities. Our campus also provides sports opportunities on almost every branch. INTERNATIONALISATION There are close relations between TMA and other military academies. Continuous visits are paid to and from TMA. Guests from other academies come to Ankara for short periods of time and the cadets are hosted at TMA and the officers in officers; clubs downtown Ankara. Every year, several visits to foreign countries are planned and executed. TMA cadets visit these military academies in order to improve their interpersonal relations. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
None 3.322 87
183 45
Contact : 06654 Bakanlklar ANKARA - TURKEY +90 (312) 4175190 +90 (312) 4183226
AREAS OF STUDY The history of Ufuk University is based on the fact that it is located in the capital of Turkey so that it can target a wide range of students throughout Turkey. It was based upon the foundation of Turkish Traffic Accidents Assistance Foundation acoording to the 130th article of Turkish Constitution. Ufuk University is founded on 18 December 1999. The date of initial education is the 20022003 Academic Year. Approximately 20% of the registered students receive scholarship which are covered from the Do. Dr. Ufuk Ege Fund. The education in Ufuk University continues in five Faculties, four Institutes and four Vocational Schools. In addition to that Ufuk University funds two Research Centers. CITY Ufuk University is located in the Capital of Turkey, Ankara. The central campus is on EskiehirKonya-Samsun public highway and in the Balgat district which is a very central area in the city. It is 1 km away from the city center and 500mt away from central bus station and subway. ACCOMODATION Ufuk University includes two cafeterias that could serve for up to 400 persons. In addition to that a food court that could serve up to 200 persons is also available. There are no dormitories for Ufuk University, however for the fact that it is located in the very center of the city, students are eligible to benefit from approximately 30 private dormitories. LABORATORIES There are ten laboratories of certain purposes. There are three libraries (central campus, faculty of medicine and prep school). Also there is a computer lab that consists of 200 computers.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
STUDENT LIFE A medical center that two doctors are constantly working is available for students. Also students are eligible to benefit from the Medical School Hospital facilities. Besides, a Phycological Consultaion Unit operated by an Academic Staff is also established for the students. There are three libraries for students from various faculties. There are many student communuties that serve a variety of purposes. There are also many symposiums and congresses that elaborate diffrerent topics. INTERNATIONALISATION At the moment there are no international agreements with foreign universities. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish is the official language of instruction.
107 60
Contact : Mevlana Bulvar No. 88-86, 06520 Balgat-Ankara/Turkey +90 (312) 2044400 +90 (312) 2872390
AREAS OF STUDY Art and Sciences, Education, Economics, Management, International Relations, Engineering, Medicine, Language, Sport Sciences, Nursing, Poultry and Gastronomy
primarily in the service of master students. Dormitory rooms are for maximum 8 people. There are canteens, hairdresser and barber services, and laundry service. In the main campus, there are also modern state dormitories holding 600 girls and 600 boys. LABORATORIES Equipped with the state-of-the art technology laboratories and workshops are on zzet Baysal Campus. Having thousands of books in different fields, the main library serves with a collection of electronic database which include electronic master journals. Also, there are theses and a series of audio and visual materials. Publication scanning is possible both inside and outside the library through a computer system consisting of sufficient number of terminals. Computers are available in the faculties and laboratories with internet connection.
UNIVERSITY Abant zzet Baysal University was founded in Bolu 1992. It is a unique university model in Turkey for not being a purely state university nor a foundation university but instead;a foundationsupported state university. This status enables our university to receive funds from both the Turkish Government and the zzet Baysal Foundation. Academic Units of AIBU are spread out to a large area. zzet Baysal Campus is the central one and is only 8 kms to the city centre. The University accepts unreservedly that creating an academic ground for social, cultural, scientific, economic and technological development in an international context is essential for its mission. Thus, AIBU aims to be a dynamic institution focusing at excellence, which will bring the development of our society and mankind to the highest universal standards. Excellent educational infrastructure, including a modern library and computer facilities with internet connection, creates a unique research environment. CITY Bolu is an impressive Anatolian city where the blue sky encloses the green forests that are listening to the whisper of the wind on the misty peaks of gorgeous mountains. The city, which is located between the roads from the capital city Ankara to the world famous metropolitan stanbul, has been the host of many civilizations for centuries. From glorious lakes like Abant, Yedigller, Glck and fascinating creeks to picturesque villages and stunning sunsets... Bolu bursts with beauty. Together with the Turkish hospitality, the region welcomes large numbers of tourists from all around the world every year. Combined with outdoor sports like rafting, trekking, hiking, parachuting, the natural beauties provide various tastes and excitement. Kartalkaya, which is one of the most famous ski-centres of Turkey, offers first-class service and is only 25 kilometres to the centre as well. ACCOMODATION Boys and girls dormitories holding 1360 people are located on zzet Baysal Campus. The applications are made during the registrations. There are private dormitories holding 80 people which are
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1992 : 221362 : TR BOLU01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 7 3 8 9 None 3.518 9.620 615 149 869 273 57
Contact : Abant zzet Baysal University Golkoy Kampus 14280 Bolu, TURKEY +90 (374) 254 10 94 +90 (374) 253 46 77
STUDENT LIFE The campuses offer extensive social and cultural facilities. Cultural activities such as symposium, panel, conference, concert and film shows are performed in the Culture Centre. The Sport Centre, consisting of a twin-dome hall with its indooroutdoor sport areas, hosts every kind of sports activity. Cultural activities are organized by students during the Spring Festivities for a week. Transportation is provided by public and private buses. Lunch is served regularly under control of dieticians for an economical charge INTERNATIONALISATION The AIBU has also been providing undergraduate education for students from the recently established republics of the former Soviet Russia under some fields since 1995. There are also cooperative studies with some German universities in the field of education. In addition, Having the Erasmus University Charter, Abant Izzet Baysal University is a member of European University Association since 2006. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish; Biology, Maths, Chemistry and Physics in English
AREAS OF STUDY Education Primary Education, Elementary Mathematics Education, Elementary Science Education, Classroom Education, Early Childhood Education, Social Knowledges Education, Educational Science, Guidance and Psychological Consultancy, Computer and Instructional Technologies, Computer and Instructional Technologies Education, Physical Education and Sports, Physical Education and Sports Education, Turkish Education, Turkish Education Science and Literature; Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English Prep-School Architecture; Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning Technology Higher Education School, of Health Sciences; Nursing, Midwifery Higher Education School; Construction Technologies Program, Electricity Program, Electronic Technology Program, Survey and Cadastre Program, Technology of Electronic Communication Program. UNIVERSITY Amasya University is one of the state universities of the Further and Higher Education of Republic of Trkiye. The first educational institution of Amasya University was Amasya Teachers Training College established in 1974. Today there are four Faculties, two Institutes and three Vocational Higher Schools within the University. Moreover, we hope that the first graduate programs at the field of Science Education and Primary School Education are going to begin in the next academic year. The University has strong leadership, academicians and well-educated students to open it further cooperations with European Higher Education Institutions. CITY Located in the region of Middle Black Sea, Amasya is founded on the slopes of Mt. Harena in Yeilrmak Valley. The city was hosted to Hittite, Frig, Kimmer, Lydia, Persia, Rome, Byzantine, Danismend, Selcuklu, Ilhanli and Otoman Civilizations in history from the Antic Ages to present. With its over 7000 year historical background it became a capital of a kingdom, trained scientists, artists, poets, and became a training city for sultans sons. The first step of the Independence War of Turkey also took place in Amasya. Along with these historical and cultural riches, Amasya especially attracts attention with Yalboyu houses build along the both sides Yeilrmak. If you want to see a fascinating antic city where history and nature mingles and where you can see the best marble, apples, cherries, peaches and okras of the world, Amasya is waiting for you with its cosy and hospitable people. ACCOMODATION Besides some private dormitories The General Directorate of Students Credits and Dormitories has 5 public dormitories in Amasya. 1068 female and 618 male for a total of 1686 students can stay in the public dormitories. In these dormitories students have facilities such as restaurant, cafe, laundry, reading room, internet, billiards. Around the dormitories, there are basketball, volleyball grounds. LABORATORIES In addition to its Central Library with more than 15000 books and several periodicals Amasya University subscribes some online academic databases. Almost all academic and administrative units of Amasya University are equipped with computers and internet connections. Also there are some computer laboratories for students to reach internet in the University. STUDENT LIFE The University supports all student culbs in various arias such as sports, culture, art and science. These clubs contrubite students to enlarge their social and culturel abilities. Some of these clubs are: Mountaineering and Winter Sports, Poetry and Folk Dance. Our student clubs organize several activities within Amasya and participate other festivals and competitions in other cities of Turkey and abroad. INTERNATIONALISATION The internationalism is a major concept of the University to improve the quality of education, researh and innovation. All of the academic staff and administrative units of the University are aware of the importance of the concept. The students of the University are prepared to be familiar with other European cultures and to have international carrier by mobility. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The education language of the University is mainly in Turkish. However, there are some selective
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
134 11 8
Contact : Eitim Fakltesi eyh Cui Mh. Muhsin Yazcolu Cd. No:5 05189 Merkez/AMASYA +90 (358) 252 71 91 +90 (358) 252 71 91 uid/uib.asp
courses about foreign languages within the curriculum of the several departments and the Faculty of Science and Art has preparatory classes in English.
AREAS OF STUDY Forest Engineering, Forest Industrial Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Nursing, Elementary Science Education, Elementary Education, Joint Programme in Science and Literature, Computer Programming, Marketing, Machinery, Electricity, Business Management, Accountancy and Tax Implementation, Mapping and Land Surveying, Office Services and Executive Assistance, Forestry and Forestry Products, Crafts, International Trade UNIVERSITY Artvin oruh University is a state university with more than 2500 students. It has undergraduate, graduate and doctorate programmes (in some programmes). Both Faculty of Forestry and Faculty of Education are old units of the University and have more than fifteen years of teaching and research experiences. Established in 1993, Faculty of Forestry has three departments. These are: Department of Forestry, Wood Science and Landscape Architecture. Founded in 2003, Faculty of Education has two departments. These are Elementary Education and Elementary Science Science Education Faculty of Arts and Sciences was founded in 2007 and has five departments. These are: chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics and philosophy. The university has three vocational schools and one School of Health. Institutes of Social Sciences and Natural Sciences have been established and Natural Sciences is actively getting students into both graduate and doctorate levels. CITY Surrounded by Ardahan, Erzurum, Rize, and the Republic of Georgia, Artvin is located in the Eastern Black Sea Part of the Black Sea Region. Artvin is of great importance in terms of natural tourism thanks to its wide range of natural values such as snowy peaks of mountains, interesting style of wood architecture, green plateaus, intact and natural forests, crater lakes at the peaks of high mountains, oruh Valley and canyons. Climbing to Kakar and Karal Mountains, trekking in the scenic beauties of several vicinities of the region, rafting and canoe sports on the oruh River and Barhal Stream reveal the potential tourist industry of the region. Several festivals are organized in Artvin and surrounding area. In these organizations, natural beauties, historical artifacts and alternati-
ve tourism areas of Artvin are introduced to the participants. Artvin is one of the places of which the best patterns of wood and stone architecture are found, local music and dance are appreciated by the audience, cuisine is va ACCOMODATION Artvin oruh University does not have its own dormitory for now. However, it has a guest house which offers accomodation for especially the university staff. In the city Artvin there are two dormitories which are funded by the Turkish government with a capacity of 200 mixed students and 120 female students. In addition to this, a dormitory with a capacity of 500 students is being built near Seyitler Campus. There are also private dormitories which are active in the city. LABORATORIES Artvin oruh University has a main library offering over 5000 books in many different areas. It is open from 8:00 to 17:00 and provides a quiet and peaceful place for the students to study. The university has 6 computer laboratories with about 200 computers which are used for educational purposes. We have both wireless and funicular internet connection in the building. The university buildng includes a distance education classwith a capacity of 40 students. Furthermore, the university has lots of laboratories for different academic units such as; chemistry, physics, biology, soil ecology etc. We also have art and music rooms inside the main building, too. STUDENT LIFE Artvin oruh University supports students activities in social, cultural and sports events. The Directorate of Health Culture and Sports is in charge of organizing cultural activities and helping students establish new student clubs. The university offers several opportunities for the students to spend their leisure time. The students can take part in fine-arts activities like drawing and they exhibit their pieces at the university. Artvin oruh University hosts many organizations like seminars, conferences and panels in which students can take part. Being in a city with natural beauties, students often go trekking in spring months and skiing in winter months with lots of other activities. Like the citizens in Artvin, the students like the folk dance and the university has championships in dancing. INTERNATIONALISATION Artvin oruh University attaches great importance to internalization knowing that being a good university means being good both nationally and internationally. We have many Erasmus bilateral agreements with European Universities together with Cooperation Protocols with non-European Universities such as the ones in America and Georgia. We aim to be one of the best ranking universities in Caucasia and we have strong relationship with Caucasian Universities. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Medium of instruction at Artvin Coruh University is mainly Turkish.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Seyitler Campus 08000, ARTVN +90 (466) 215 10 00 +90 (466) 215 10 23
AREAS OF STUDY Economics & Administrative Sciences, Economics, Business Administration, Political Science and Public, Administration, Management Information Systems, Forestry, Forest Engineering, Forest Industrial Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Engineering, Enviromental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Civil Engineering. UNIVERSITY Bartn University, a state university officially established in 2008, has been in pursuit of quality education and research to contribute to the socio-cultural, scientific and technological development by internationalization and continued its educational activities successfully since it has been operational as part of Zonguldak Karaelmas University as well as an independent institution. As a part of this university, it successfully collaborated internationally to conduct educational and research activities for over 16 years. The University has strong policies in place to support involvement in international, especially European programmes via Forestry and Engineering Faculties. The University also has a strategy to contributing the presence and influence of academic world in Europe in order to achieve the Lisbon Goal of making the EU the most competitive knowledge-based economy, with sustainable and economic, more and beter jobs, and greater social cohesion. CITY Bartn province is located in 80 kilometers east of Zonguldak on the Black Sea coast of Turkey, the calm city of timbered houses. Its one of the newest provinces of Turkey. The history of the city dates back to 1200 BC, when Gasgas tribe inhabited in the environs. In the following years, the region had entered under the dominance of Hittites, Frigs, Kringens, Kokons, Enets, Kimmers, Lydians, Persians and Macedonians. The wooden Bartin houses display the architectural characteristics of the art movements after the Tanzimat Fermani (Reforms Decree). Temperate Black Sea naval climate is experienced in Bartin. Summer seasons are hot while winter seasons are chilly, and lots of rain of course which gives all of its green vegetation of the region. The Bartin River passing through the city gives way to boat trips in the city to catch a glimpse of perfect landscape. A boat tour on the Bartn Stream displays the beauties of the surroundings. This lovely city hosts strawberry festivals in springs. The city also has b ACCOMODATION The dormitory consists of 3 blocks ; 1 management and social complex building and 1 conselling building. Two of the blocks are in high standart status, the other one is in general standart status. Our dormitory is able to serve 470 female and 390 male students with 860 beds. In the high- standart status blocks , the rooms have restrooms and showers inside. Our dormitory has a restaurant, an internet cafe, a laundry and a hairdresser. Also, the rooms have warm water 24 hours a day. LABORATORIES According to August 2010 data there are 10500 books and 16 online data bases. The library provides 100 person capacity and 15 computers with internet access in a 286 square meter area. The university has also computer center in all faculties with access to electronic libraries. STUDENT LIFE Our university organizes activities to keep the students physical and mental condition well and aims to fulfill their needs such as housing, studying, sports activities , social needs and making them have great times. To reach these goals; concerts, short-play theatres, folk dances and exhibitions are held in Bartn University every year. In addition , contributing to develop the quality of the students lives is our one of the most vital duties. For that , our university has some student clubs such as sports,cu lture,environment,science and technology,arts and tourism clubs. Furthermore ,our university has some music bands consisting of students. They perform great music in every spring. Also some special activities are organized for disabled students. Volunteer students help them in many ways to ease their lives. As conclusion, Bartn University offers qualified education to its candidates to make them ready for the future and lead a successful life. INTERNATIONALISATION Bartn University International Relations Office serves coordination in international platform through coordinating with academic and administrative units of the university. To introduce European Union Education and Youth Programmes to university, to organize informative conferences about these programmes, to perform necessary organization
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Bartn University International Relations Office 74100 Bartn/Turkey +90 (378) 223 50 87 +90 (378) 223 50 42 preparations in participation process and to inform administrative and academic units and students. To build data base of foreign affairs of the university. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction is mostly in Turkish however some occupational foreign language terminology is given in english in lecture notes and powerpoint presentations.
AREAS OF STUDY Natural Sciences: Molecular Biology and Genetics Chemistry, Engineering: Architecture, Computer Engineering, Electrical And Electronics Engineering Business Studies: Economy, Management, International Trade and Business Education: Preschool Education, Psychological Counseling and Guidance, UNIVERSITY Canik Baar University is established in April 2010 which is the first Foundation University of the Black Sea region. The main campus of the university is situated in 400 acres on the top of a small hill not far away coastal area where you can see Samsun city and have amazing Black Sea view. The university is planned to accept their students in 2012-2013 academic year. Main buildings and facilities are under construction and will be finished in 2011. When it is finished there will be many facilities besides academic units such as sport center with a swimming pool, tennis courts and other sport activities. Academic programs in the university will also be enhanced by a several extra-curricular activities, which will play an important role in campus life. CITY The central campus of CBUN is located in east of Samsun, a city with an international harbour in the North of Turkey on the coast of the Black Sea. Historically known as Amissos, Samsun is the biggest city on the Black Sea coast with a population of approximately 1,500,000. Samsun is a major commercial port, an industrial and agricultural city which is also connected to rest of the country by sea, railway and airway. The city is situated between two river deltas jutting out into the Back Sea, in the counties of Bafra in the west and aramba in the east. In the west of the city lies the Kzlrmak (Halys), one of the longest rivers of Anatolia and in the east lies the Yeilrmak (Iris), a river that passes some remarkable towns on its way to the sea. In the past, people were always attracted by the combination of fertile ground and shallow waters for a harbour, due to this Samsun has a long history and its myths go back even longer. The delta of Kzlrmak is consid ACCOMMODATION The university will have four halls of residence to accommodate up to 600 students on campus.
There will be a small hotel on the campus where exchange students and visiting academics can stay in very reasonable rate. There are also many private accommodations within easy reach of the main campus. These are all shared accommodation and include all kinds of cooking facilities. LABORATORIES The library is situated on the main campus and will include subscriptions to all major on-line data bases and on-line books and thesis in related fields. All foreign students are given full access to the library and all the facilities. All students will enjoy free internet access in computer laboratories. Wireless internet connection will also provided throughout the campus including all accommodations offered. There will be many well organized academic laboratories for related departments where students will receive chance of having up to date instruments and facilities.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 2010 : : : : : : : : : : : : : 4 2
3 1 1
Contact : Gurgenyatak Koyu SAMSUN - TURKEY +90 (362) 435 05 35 +90 (362) 435 05 35
STUDENT LIFE Students will take advantage of a dining hall with a capacity of 300 seats on the main campus, and numerous snack bars and cafeterias serving a range of snacks, and hot and cold beverages. They can benefit from sport facilities of all kind, from football to swimming. They can also find ways of entertainment to suit their needs by joining one of many student clubs with activities such as climbing, diving, slope parachute jumping etc. INTERNATIONALISATION Globalization of academic life through the facilitation and expansion of cooperation with national and international academic, economic and scientific institutions is one of the main objectives of CBUN As such, the mobility of students and academics are considered as an important tool for realizing this. Students of CBUN will benefit from its involvement in EU and other exchange program and will receive full support from the departments where internationalization is one of the main objectives LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Languages of instruction in CBUN are Turkish and English. All the courses are offered in two languages.
AREAS OF STUDY Gaziosmanpasa University, a state university in Tokat founded in 1992, offers high quality education in five faculties (Agriculture, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Art and Sciences, Education, and Medicine), three graduate schools, 14 vocational schools and three research centers. Although the official teaching language of the University is Turkish the university has a School of Foreign Language serving the English language needs of students by offering one-year preparatory course. The university has approximately 13,000 undergraduate and graduate students.
way line between Sivas and Samsun passes through the Artova, Zile and Turhal districts of the province. ACCOMODATION Dormitory at the campus. LABORATORIES n order to make knowledge accesible, Gaziosmanpasa University continually updates its labirary system. Gaziosmanpasa University collections are haused in a four story beulding at the campus. Computer terminals are available at the library. The library alsohas a significant electronics journal collectio STUDENT LIFE Social events and campus activities are as much a part of college life as academics Gaziosmanpasa University supports extracurricular activitiesthat enable the enhancement of social, cultural, artistic and individual skills of the students. Twenty three students clubs are already established. INTERNATIONALISATION In our university, on agriculture, health, educational, and basic sciences; national and international studies have been planed. Our university organizes the resarch projects acording to local area and developments on international sciences. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers Contact :
Taliftlik Campus, Rectoral Office, EU Education and Youth Programmes office, 60240 Tokat +90 (356) 252 11 32 +90 (356) 252 16 26
608 250
CITY Tokat, a city of 828.027 people, (according to 2000 census), is the capital of the Tokat Province of Turkey. The province lies in the mid Black Sea region of Anatolia but Tokat city occupies a more inland site. Tokat produces tobacco, cereals and sugar beets and specializes in horticulture. It mines minerals like lignite, antimony and marble and its industries include manufacture of copper utensils, tanning and calico printing. The city and the province have a rich past. Roaming the city, you get a feel of the times gone by. Two more historically important cities of Tokat are Niksar, once the capital of the Danishmend Turks, and Zile, 67 kilometers west of Tokat. It is in Zile that Julius Caesar is said to have uttered his famous words; veni, vidi,vici. By road you can reach Tokat from every province of the country. Air Transportation is available at Tokat Airport, 17 kilometers from Tokat. There are regular flights from Istanbul . Tokat has good rail connections also. The Rail-
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers Contact :
es, Supervision of Buildings, Health Institutions Administration, Child Development. UNIVERSITY Hitit University, characterised by its high standards in education, internationally competitive research and entrepreneurial approach began education on 17th March 2006. Universality of science and freedom of thought are the academic principles of Hitit University, with the motto of The Sun of Knowledge Enlightening Civilization. Hitit University is an open, student-oriented, democratic and pluralistic university. The mission of Hitit University is to raise individuals devoted to the principles of Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, The Founder of Turkish Republic. Hitit University wants to be a knowledge-centre for conducting pioneering and innovative research that passes the quality test of the national and international scientific and academic world, Hitit University wants to offer everybody with the appropriate competences the opportunity to acquire scientific knowledge, attitudes and skills to realise his or her role in society. CITY orum is a province in the Black Sea region of Turkey, but lying inland and having more characteristics of Central Anatolia than the Black Sea coast. The town today is generally tidy and pleasant, with a locally popular countryside. With its important archaeological sites going back 5,000 years and a unique natural beauty, orum is attractive to the students. Within the city, there is a good range of shops, cafs and restaurants, with a cuisine that includes a variety of pastries. orum is a landlocked northern Anatolian city that is the capital of the orum Province of Turkey. orum is located inland in the central Black Sea Region of Turkey, and is approximately 244 km (152 mi) from Ankara and 608 km (378 mi) from Istanbul. orum is primarily known for its Phrygian and Hittite archaeological sites, its thermal springs, and its native dried chick-pea snacks known nationally as leblebi. As well as the archeological and other historic sites, the countryside surrounding orum offers many places to escape for p ACCOMODATION University students are placed in the dormitory for 1000 people by The Institution of Loans and Dormitories. Another option for housing is private dormitories. orum is a convenient city to live in for students. Some students choose to stay at rental apartments with their friends. There are also apart houses which serve as alternative accommodations for the students to stay in. These apart houses that are prevalent throughout the
whole city centre are so safe and comfortable for the students. LABORATORIES Our universitys library which started to service in 2006, provides different kinds of research opportunities principally through books and various audiovisual materials. In Central Library where specialized staff services to the library users, students can reach every kind of sources they want as soon as possible. Central Library offers an opportunity to benefit from library services to the academic and administrative staff and students. There are 5 library units under The Department of Library and Documentation. The number of resources of these units is: Faculty of Theology 18854, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences-1550, Faculty of Engineering-1179, Vocational School-3309, Health School-1615. STUDENT LIFE In every field of life, cultural and artistic activities are organized at Hitit University. As part of student festivals held every year, spring festivals and various entertainment programmes, the students get the opportunity to have fun as much as they can. Moreover, at different times of year, the cultural visits to Turkeys historical and touristic areas are organized. Our university, which participates in both national and international fairs, arranged many scientific organizations such as conferences, speeches, symposiums in the academic years of 2009-2009. The student clubs such as European Students Forum Club, Nature Club, and Hitit Social Youth Club also hold various scientific, cultural and artistic activities. The exhibitions prepared by different departments are organized for the students. The students can open an exhibition if they have artistic works. For the students of our university, there are some course programmes. INTERNATIONALISATION Since the academic year of 2007 - 2008 our students have had the opportunity to study in different countries within the frame of Erasmus Programme as well as international students have been coming to Hitit University. Erasmus Program enables student and teaching staff mobility between European countries and thus encourages the intercultural interaction. Every academic year, our university has approximately 15 international students. ECTS is used to evaluate the grades of Erasmus students. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION English language courses and vocational English are taught at Hitit University.
epni mah. Fen Lisesi cad. No:56 ORUM - TRKYE +90 (364) 219 19 37 +90 (364) 219 20 13
AREAS OF STUDY Biology, Turkish Language and Literature, Physics, Chemistry, History, Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration, Public Finance, Basic Islamic Sciences, Philosophy and Religion Sciences, Islamic Arts and History, Industrial Engineering, Food Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Medicine, Coaching Education, Recreation, Sports Management, Nursing, Leather Technology, Control and Automation Systems, Crafts, Accommodation Services, Computer Programming, Office Management and Secretarial Training, Electrics, Technology of Electrics, Traditional Crafts, Map and Cadastre, Construction Technologies, Machinery, Furniture and Decoration, Accounting and Taxing Applications, Automotive Technologies, Marketing, Ceramics and Glass Work, Textile Technologi-
AREAS OF STUDY Technical Education, Science and Letters, Engineering, Business and Administrative Sciences, Fine Arts and Design, Technology, Medicine, Management, Health Care, Physical Education and Sports, Tourism, Restoration, Radio and Tv, Textile, Music, Architecture and Painting. UNIVERSITY Among the recently established state universities, located on the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey, Karabk University has 8 faculties (Technical Education, Technology, Science & Letters, Fine Arts & Design, Engineering, Medical, Management, Economics and Administrative Sciences), 1 School of Health Technology, 1 School of Pysical Education and Sport, 2 Higher Schools of Vocational Education, 1 Institute of Natural & Applied Sciences and 1 Institute of Social Sciences and offers a wide range of graduate and undergraduate programs. One of the aims of Karabk University is to increase participation of population in workforce and its education level as well as provide opportunities to working individuals to enable them to improve their capacities related to accessing knowledge about their jobs.
is relatively cheaper than many EU countries. The dormitory has its laundry and dining hall. Besides, students have the chance to live in Students Houses which are quite near to the campus. They share the rooms with a roommate and each room includes private bathroom, kitchen, personal desks and wardrobes. There are also some facilities for students such as laundry, dining hall and TV rooms. LABORATORIES The faculties and the vocational schools have their own libraries and computer laboratories. In these laboratories, computer courses and thinternet service are provided for all the students of the university. In the main library students are able to get 128.000 e-books and about 35.000 books. STUDENT LIFE Students at Karabk University participate in the various activities such as recreational sport clubs, cultural clubs, chess club, folk dances club, drama clubs, dancing clubs, photograph club, table tennis additionally in-door sports (basketball, volleyball). Students can find ways of entertainment to meet their needs by joining one of these clubs. The university has a very active Student Council. Throughout the year students make activities including exhibitions, concerts, etc. INTERNATIONALISATION Karabk Universitys International Relations office was established to manage and develop international institutional connections, staff and student exchanges and research programs. It is crucial that KBU involve in cooperative activities with universities having EUC to improve and innovate the quality of education. Major objective of the university is to become an integrated institution with the international curriculum in accordance with the principles of ECTS.
CITY Karabk Province is in the Black Sea region of Turkey. The population is 100,749. As a result of the revolution decision of the Great Leader Atatrk on the manner of industrialization, Karabk province was chosen for the foundation of the first integrated iron - steel facility namely Kardemir (Karabk Iron and Steel Works), of Turkey. As the 60 % of the Karabk Province is covered with forests, the city has a suitable medium for hunting sport. It hosts numerous natural trekking areas. The canyons hold a peculiar place among the natural beauties of Karabk. Mencilis Cave is located at the Bulak village. With its 6,5 km length, it is the 4th largest cave of our country Safranbolu is the focus of interest not for Turkey, but also for the whole world with its historical values. Safranbolu is a sample city which reflects all the qualities of the traditional Turkish social life and which preserves the cultural legacy created through its long historical past, within its environmental texture.
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION In most of the departments medium of instruction is Turkish but in Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering medium of instruction is English. And in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Automative Engineering 30% is English.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : 100. Yl Mahallesi International Relations Office 78050 Karabk/TURKEY +90 (370) 433 66 87 +90 (370) 433 66 97
ACCOMODATION There is a public dormitory on campus which can accommodate nearly 1000 students and its price
AREAS OF STUDY Architecture, Interior Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Communication, Public Relations and Advertising, Dentistry, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, Econometrics, Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration, Public Finance, International Relations, Education, Computer and Instructional Technologies Education, Fundamentals of Guidance, Music Education, Arts Education, Elementary, Science Education, Elemenary Mathematics Education, Early Childhood Education, Classroom Education, Social Sciences Education, Biology Education, Physics Education, Chemistry Education, Mathmematics Education, Secondary Social Science Education, Hearing with Obstacles Education, Mental with Obstacles Education, Turkish Education, Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Civil Engineering. UNIVERSITY The university is one of the largest state universities in Turkey with one of the best campus settings. The main campus is situated along the Black Sea coast, covers and area of 400 acres, and can be identified from its surroundings by its atmosphere. The university is in a very easy reach by road, sea, and air. It is only five minutes away from the international airport which receives tens of daily domestic and international flights. Firms of many inter-city coaches bring the students directly into the campus which has all the facilities a student may be in need of. The health centre is equipped with basic facilities, and the university research hospital is in five minutes walk. CITY Trabzon, historically and socio-culturally, is the most important centre of Eastern Black Sea Region, and has a history of approximately 5000 year. Due to this still-ongoing significance, the city is easily accessible by all means of transport. Trabzon airport connects the town to major cities both in Turkey, and in Europe. There are frequent coach services from Trabzon to almost any parts of the country. The city is located in an area where green and blue embrace each other, and has got a rich culture in various aspects. The local features are dominant even today, and most of the traditions have been kept alive. This is especially reflected in its own traditional handcrafted works, the folk dances, original architectural structure and the clothing style. The sea and fish are the two major aspects of life in Trabzon, where spending a free day means a lot with a variety of
both historical and natural places of interest to suit everyone taste. ACCOMODATION Karadeniz Technical University has seven halls of residence on its campusses. Besides these, there are also many private accommodations within easy reach of the main campus. These are all shared accommodation. In addition, there are fully furnished self-contained rooms built for the international students and staff, both on the main campus and on the Fatih campus. The university has recently built a very high standard-conference hotel which will also serve as a hostel for incoming students. LABORATORIES The main library is equipped with all facilities a student may need. It has subscriptions to major on-line data bases with hundreds of periodicals, as well as on-line books and thesis. All students, after enrolling in the University, area given full access to the library where services of surfing on internet, computing, catalogue-search and photocopying are provided. The library is open from eight- in the morning to nine oclock in the evening during weekdays, and from nine- to five oaclock during the weekends. Students are provided computing facilities in modern computer labs. Wireless internet connection is provided throughout the main campus for those who have notebook computers. STUDENT LIFE Students can take advantage of a dining hall with a capacity of 800 seats on the main campus, and numerous snack bars and cafeterias serving a range of snacks, and hot and cold beverages. The university is one of the richest not in the country, but in the world, in the provision of social and sports facilities to its students. They can benefit from sport facilities of all kind, from football to swimming. They can also find ways of entertainment to suit their needs by joining one of many student clubs with activities such as climbing, chess, and aviation. INTERNATIONALISATION KTU is one of the first universities in Turkey to join the Erasmus program. Over the past few years, it has realised an enormous increase in international activities with universities around the globe. The numbers of bilateral agreements and outgoing and incoming exchange students have increased steadily. To enhance such exchanges we have taken all the measures required, which helped the university receive diploma supplement and ECTS labels. KTU is one of the two ECTS holders in the country. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Teaching language at KTU is mainly Turkish, but there are also departments with 30% of the courses being taught in English. Currently the students of 22 first cycle degree programmes, and all of the second and third cycle programmes must show the required qualifications in English to be able to start the degree courses. A complete list of the courses and their teaching media is given in the information packages of each department to be found at http://
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1955 : 221082 : TR TRABZON01 : 15 :4 : 15 :8 : Yes : 7.086 : 29.383 : 2.510 : 764 : 974 : 811 : 61
Contact : D likiler Birimi, Rektrlk 61080 Trabzon, Turkey +90 (462) 377 33 48 +90 (462) 325 32 32
AREAS OF STUDY Froresty, Nursing, Education, Pyhsical Education &Sport, Bussiness Managment, Biology, Pyhsics, Philisophy,History, UNIVERSITY Kastamonu University was founded on the basis of the law no 5467 which was enacted on 1st March, 2006 , and the university is composed of Faculty of Science and Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Forestry, School of Health, School of Physical Education and Sports and Vocational School of Higher Education. Today, the University is proud to employ 178 faculty instructors (professors, associates professors etc.), and 159 administrative personnel. It is a great pleasure to offer education to 7.092 students. Kastamonu University, whose foundation and construction works are still ongoing, pursues its educational activities with 4 faculties, 2 schools, 4 vocational school, 2 institutes.
ACCOMODATION There are two dormitories belonging to Credit and Dormitories Institution, one near the Kuzeykent Campus and the other in the city centre. The capacity of the former is 312 male and 400 female students and the capacity of the latter is 244 female students. Apart from these dormitories there are many private dormitories with several facilities, especially in the city centre and near the campus. LABORATORIES Kastamonu University library is a collection of sources, resources, and services,Central Library of Kastamonu University in order that the teaching staff and scholars of Kastamonu Univesity reach the latest and accurate information in the course of their studies. STUDENT LIFE Social and cultural activities in Kastamonu University are performed both in university and in the faculties and school of higher education. In order for the students to spend their spare time in the best way, artistic activities are exhibited and amateur works are promoted and supervised. Works prepared and exhibited by the students are open to public. Spring festival and the Newroz festival are regularly celebrated in our university. During these festivals, students stand for sales and presentation, sports activities, movies and theatre shows, various contests, panels, conferences, symposiums, fashion shows and concerts attract many visitors. In addition, Kastamonu University hosts entertainment programmes, concerts, exhibitions, movies, productions and other cultural activities throughout the year.
CITY It is not definitely known when Kastamonu was first founded. However, some sources dating back to the Early Middle Ages refer to the province. There are also some archeological findings dating back to about 100,000[citation needed] years that suggest the region was inhabited then. There are theories that the word Kastamonu derives from Castra Comnenus, the Latin name of the Byzantine castle built by the Comnenus dynasty. During the Ottoman reign, the province boundaries were expanded up to reach Istanbul. The sultans heirs were often sent to rule the province as governors to gain experience. After the First World War, during the battles of the Turkish War of Independence, Kastamonu played an important role in the supply of ammunition and troops to the nebolu-Ankara front, transporting the war machines that would arrive to nebolu by sea from Istanbul and the Soviets. When the Greeks noticed this activity, the nebolu port was bombarded from the sea on June 9, 1921. Ilgaz Mountain (highest peak 2587 m.
INTERNATIONALISATION Kastamonu University serves coordination and consultancy in international platform through coordinating with academic and administrative units of the university. We have a high opinion of educating our students as individuals who are knowledgeable and well-equipped in his/her field, devoted to social and universal values, sensitive to and interested in cultural and artistic acquisitions and beneficial to his/her country in particularly and humanity in general. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Cumhuriyet Meydan 37200 Kastamonu - Turkey +90 (366) 280 10 26 +90 (366) 280 10 38 LLP,Disiliskiler_Spot.html
AREAS OF STUDY Short Cycle Tourism and Hotel Management, Accounting and Tax Implementations, Secretarial Studies, Agricultural Machinery, Printing Technologies, Computer Programming, Child Development, Electrics, Electronics, Handcrafts, Electronics Technology, Graphic Design, Machinery, Decorative Arts, Automotive Technology, Greenhousing, Industrial Electronics, Organic Agriculture, Medical and Aromatic Plants, Tobacco Growing and Processing, Physiotherapy, Construction Technology, Mapping and Cadastre, Construction, Food Technology, Marketing, Furniture and Decoration, Anaesthetics, Opticianary, Paramedics, Medical Documentation, Medical Laboratory, Medical Visualisation First Cycle Medicine, Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Electronical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Surveying Engineering, Computer Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Food Engineering, Theology, Computer and Instructional Technologies Education, Early Childhood Education, Social Scie UNIVERSITY With the vision of reaching the ultimate in scientific and technological innovations, quality in training, education and stakeholder satisfaction, Ondokuz Mays University (OMU aims to contribute to the economic and cultural development of the region and raising questioning and analytically oriented students; our mission is to provide scientific, educational and health services to its stakeholders, using the developing technologies while remaining dedicated to the universal ethical values with an innovative, quality seeking, leader mentality. Our university is a modern local university with faculties and schools spread across seven counties of Samsun. The Universitys first and largest faculty, the Faculty of Medicine, is also a university hospital. Similarly, the Faculty of Dentistry is a Dental Hospital. Serving the inhabitants of the entire Black Sea Region, both faculties provide treatment in all areas of health and dental care. CITY The central campus of OMU is located in Samsun, a city with an international harbour in the North of Turkey on the coast of the Black Sea. Historically known as Amissos, Samsun is the largest city on the Black Sea coast with a population of approximately 1.3 million. It is a major commercial port, an industrial and agricultural city. Samsun is situated between two river deltas jutting out into the Back Sea, in the counties of Bafra and aramba. In the west of the city lies the Kzlrmak (Halys), one of the longest rivers of Anatolia and in the east lies the Yeilrmak (Iris), a river that passes some remarkable towns on its way to the sea. In the past, people were always attracted by the combination of fertile ground and shallow waters for a harbour, due
to this Samsun has a long history and its myths go back even longer. The delta of Kzlrmak is considered as one of the most important wildlife habitat in the world. ACCOMODATION Incoming Erasmus students are accommodated in our university hotel Omtel Tepe with a special discount. Upon desire, the students can easily find other means of accommodation such as private dormitories, boarding houses, or share accommodation with other native or foreign students. LABORATORIES Almost all departments at OMU are equipped with computers. There are a total of 5469 computers (desktop and laptop) and 1850 printers for the use of students, academic and administrative staff. The main University Library has a shelving capacity of 120,000 volumes and seating capacity for 400 readers. It has 60000 volumes of printed and 50000 volumes of electronic books, 700 multimedia resources, 43000 print and electronic journals and 40 online databases. There is also a voice library equipped with 500 voice books for visually impaired students and staff. The library has a chess room and wireless internet connection. The university has an internet centre, which students and staff can use free of charge. STUDENT LIFE There are 45 Student Clubs actively involved in various areas of sport, music, dance, theatre, environment and science. Some of our student clubs are: Astronomy, Ecological Living, Photography and Travelling, Bird Watching, Aviation and Mountaineering, Winter Sports, Search and Rescue Club. The International Relations Student Club is one of the most active clubs. Besides assisting our incoming international students for their easy and harmonious adaptation to campus life, the club also organises social and cultural activities, such as, campus and city tours, sightseeing trips, visits to neighbouring cities, etc. Students can participate in 10 different branches of sport in the indoor and outdoor complexes situated in the various campuses. The University has 6 football fields, 5 gymnasiums, 10 basketball, 10 volleyball and 4 tennis courts and a swimming pool of Olympic standards. Every year, traditional sport activities, competitions and excursions are organised by the University. INTERNATIONALISATION OMU gives great importance to the improvement of the quality of education and research and accepts the demands of the students in preparing them for an international career. Since the mobility of students is considered as an important tool for realising this, we give our students the opportunity to become familiar with other European and non-European cultures and educational systems through Erasmus and other international mobility. OMU is an accredited European Voluntary Service institution. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Our language of instruction is Turkish. However, we have a special arrangement for incoming Erasmus students. Some departments offer courses in English and these courses can vary each year. Furthermore, the Department of Foreign Languages in the Faculty of Education offers programs in French, German and English.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1975 : 220260 : TR SAMSUN01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 12 4 16 9 Yes 5.494 18.250 1.279 504 836 920 222
Contact : International Relations Office 55139 Kurupelit Samsun-TURKEY +90 (362) 312 19 19 +90 (362) 457 60 25
AREAS OF STUDY Horticulture, Field Crops, Soil Science, Plant Protection, Agricultural Engineering and Vegetative Production, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, History, Turkish Language and Literature,Nursing, Fisheries Technology Engineering, Economics, Business, History, Turkish Language and Literature , Music, Textile ,Computer Technologies and Programming Industrial automation, Public relations, Industrial electronics, Ship machinery, Construction Accounting, Tourism and Hotel management, Handcrafts, Electronics and Communication, Automotive Furnishing and Decoration, Traditional Handcrafts, Greenhouse cultivation, Accounting and Tax Applications, Automotive technology, Machinery, Electric Technology, Public relations and Advertising, Construction technology, Control and Automation technology,Electronics and Communication technology, Electrics, Computer programming, Garden agriculture, Hospitality services, Mechanical construction and Technical drawing, Ship Deck, Ship machineries and Management, UNIVERSITY Ordu University abbreviated as OD was found in 2006 by the Council of Ministers decision no of 5467. Ordu University as one of the fast growing universities of the country, carries on its activities with 8 faculties, 3 schools, and 6 vocational schools, 1 state conservatory, 2 research centers and 3 institutes. Some faculties were founded as part of Karadeniz Teknik University and 19 Mays University. At present OD has the enrollment of 7811 students. Apart from Erasmus Program, Ordu University has accepted students through Farabi Exchange Program signing agreements with 54 different universities. Ordu University has following faculties,Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Fatsa Faculty of Marine sciences, nye Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Conservatory, Institute of Social Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences and Institute of Science. CITY Ordu is one of worth-seeing cities in Turkey.It is a coastal city promising with its historical assets and marvelous nature where the blue and green meets. A port city Ordu is situated on the Black Sea coast of Turkey.Ordu is famous for with its hazelnut.It is one of the largest hazelnut producing, processing and exporting industries of the country.Turkey as a whole produces about 70 percent of the worlds hazelnuts, and over 50 percent of those come from Ordu.Various kinds of hazelnut aromized chocolates are sold to four courners of the country.What shouldnt be missed while visiting Ordu, Paaolu Mansion,Boztepe Hill, Jason Church, Perembe Plateau, amba Plateau, Yeilce-Topam Plateaus, Taba Culture Center, Eskipazar, nye Castle, Ulugl Lake.Ordu with its rich flora, numerous plateaus, bays, beaches, plants and forests has an icreasing potential both in tourism and agricultural sector. Despite its medium size, its a busy and dynamic city. It offers Blue Cruise, sightseeing tours and paraglid ACOMMODATION There are several housing options for the students. Most of the students live in hostels belonging to the Higher Education Credit and Hostels institution. It hosts more than 1000 students and used as Ordu University student residence. There are also private dormitories as well as hostels at the center. Another opportunity is renting apartment flats. The city is so safe and the public transportation is easy. LABORATORIES AND LIBRARIES In Ordu University students take the advantage of studying in laboratories. The number of laboratories and the number of computers per student will increase in line with ODs growth.Ordu University tries its best to provide students with all kinds of documents, books, journals and magazines. STUDENT LIFE Ordu University offers various activities and initiates mainly transhuman tradition, plateau facilities, scuba diving, fishing, tracking, paragliding, mountaineering, photographing, folk dancing, music making and handcrafting. The students involved in those activites and they take part in decision making process through student clubs. Ordu university offers opportunities for sportfans and for nature lovers as well. Competitions held both in summer and winter time. In this way the students come together and enjoy friendly atmosphere.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Cumhuriyet Kamps Cumhuriyet Mahallesi Merkez / ORDU +90 (452) 234 50 10 +90 (452) 234 66 32
INTERNATIONALISATION Ordu University has managed to grow its capacity in settling joint activities with different universities abroad. Ordu university generally tends to make collaborations on spesific scientific studies promoting the student and academic staff exchange. Ordu university signed bilateral agreements with Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark, Georgia, Tbilisi, Morocco, Thailand, Germany, Romania, Portugal, Greece, Hungary in different fields. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Medium of Instruction is Turkish.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
AREAS OF STUDY Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Turkish Language and Literature, History, Mathematics, Sociology, Primary Teaching, Educational Sciences, Fine Arts, Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge, Computer and Teaching Technologies, Turkish Teaching, Physical Education and Sports, Basic Islamic Knowledge, Philosophy and Religious Sciences, Islamic History and Its Art, Economics, Enterprise, Finance, Medical Sciences, Fisheries. UNIVERSITY Rize University that has a nine years past as a part of Karadeniz Technical University, was established in 2006. Although being a new university, it has more than 8000 students. As a young university. It has aimed to provide contemporary and qualified education. There are 3 institutes, 6 faculties, 6 vocational schools. CITY Rize is the favor and the name of the Turkish Tea is located in the North east coast of Turkey and settled between the hills covered with tea fields and Blacksea. As a result of its strategic location, it hosted several empires in history and contributed a lot to this city. This land witnessed several empires like Pontus, Byzantine, Seljuk and the Ottomans which were the sources for the rich and authentic culture of Rize. The Kackar summit, the fourth highest point in Turkey, is 3937 meters high and houses several places which gained worldwide significance like the Valley
of Frtna River, classified as the first class area where structural development is prohibited, has the phenomenal view of the Glacial Lakes, besides those of ancient forests that host several sources as well as endemic species. If you want the excitement of the adventures you experience to stay with you for a lifetime, you must pay a visit to Rize. ACCOMODATION There are dormitories directed by Higher Education Credits and Hostels Institution both for males and females. Moreover, we offer the guest house of our university located in the main campus for incoming students.
LABORATORIES We have a main library and computer laboratories (free internet) for student use. All departments and vocational schools have their own laboratories where students can study or do research. Zoology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Organic-Inorganic Chemistry, Water Quality, Fish Nutrition, Fish Diseases laboratories were other available ones. STUDENT LIFE Students are encouraged to have their own clubs of their interests like theatre, cinema, mountaineering, bird watching, diving Currently, there are 24 students clubs. In the main campus, a closed sports center is at the service of staff of the university and students. Football, basketball, volleyball, handball, table tennis, chess and folklore are among the sports activities students take part in. The region is rich in natural beauties and it is very convenient for sports activities like heliski, mountain climbing, and paragliding or rafting. INTERNATIONALISATION Rize University has bilateral agreements with universities abroad for students and academic staff to benefit from the advantage of Exchange programs. Besides, the university has joint projects with European universities and its vision is to be among the leading universities of the world. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The main language of instruction is in Turkish and to a lesser extent in English.
Contact : International Office, Rize University, 53100 Rize TURKEY +90 (464) 223 61 26 +90 (464) 223 53 76
AREAS OF STUDY Educational Sciences, Pre-School Teacher Training, Primary School Teacher Training, Elementary Science Teacher Training, Biology, Statistics, Mathematics, Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Nursing, Accounting, Computer Technology and Programming, Electricity, Machinery, Industrial Electronics, Textile, Construction, Map and Cadastral Survey, Tourism and Hotel Management UNIVERSITY Sinop University is a state university the origin of which dates back to the foundation of Faculty of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences in 1982. This pioneering Faculty together with Faculty of Sciences and Letters, Faculty of Education, School of Health Studies, Vocational Schools, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences and Institute of Social Sciences have formed Sinop University in 2007. Sinop University applied to European Commission for Erasmus University Charter in November 2007 and thus, Erasmus student and staff exchange program at our university has been carried out since then. Our University dedicates itself not only for quality education supported by the technological advances but also social life of students providing a vision for their future. It is also ready to embrace international students with their educational and cultural belongings to mix with Turkish hospitality.
The Forest Camp, Tatlca Waterfalls containing 28 stunning cascades) are only some of the countless beauties. ACCOMODATION There are two state owned dormitories with the capacity of 650 students and there are several private dormitories as well. Such dormitories include rooms shared by 2 to 4 students, and are aimed at housing students who cannot afford to pay for better accommodation. Students who do not want to stay in dormitories can select to stay in private accommodation in apartment blocks. LABORATORIES All the faculties and vocational schools have their own science and computer laboratories and departmental libraries. In addition, there is one central library in the Rectorate Building. Online access to many databases around the world is provided along with a loan service actively bringing all your needs to you. All the science and computer laboratories have equipped with the up-to-date technology. STUDENT LIFE There are various recreational, social and sport clubs at Sinop University. Many concerts, exhibitions, contests and competitions are arranged by the University. Several sport centers are available for students on and off campus. They may choose one of such sports branches like football, basketball, volleyball, judo and diving. The diving club is one of the most preferred by students. INTERNATIONALISATION Sinop University International Relations Office actively manages and develops international connections since the foundation of the University. It has undertaken student and staff exchange programs in many European countries. On the other hand, Sinop University involves in several cooperative activities with some universities and scientific bodies in European and Non-European countries. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION A selection of ordinary courses are offered in English for International Students.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
CITY Sinop is located at the extreme northern point of the Black Sea Region and is unique with its narrowest feature of the Boztepe Peninsula in Turkey. The province is also one of the most beautiful natural seaports, one of the oldest cities of the Black Sea Region and is the birth place of the philosopher Diogenes. The city provides unbelievable beauties to its visitors with the beaches which lie one each other. There are many places to see; Sinop Castle, Old Sinop Prison, Archeological Museum, Ethnographic Museum (Aslan Torun Bey Konak), Beaches and the Promenade places (i.e. Hamsilos Bay, Natural protection site of Sarkum, Akliman Locality with its long beaches, Karakum Locality,
Contact : Erasmus Kurum Koordinatrl, Sinop niversitesi Rektrl, 57000 Sinop, Turkey +90 (368) 271 57 57 +90 (368) 271 57 63
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Uluslararas likiler Ofisi, Rektrlk Binas Kat 6. 67100 ncivez/Zonguldak +90 (372) 257 40 10 +90 (372) 257 62 15
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
AREAS OF STUDY Social sciences and humanities, Azerbaijan Turkish and Literature, Modern Turkish Dialects &Literatures, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Archaeology, Western Languages and Literatures, Information Management, Geography, Science of Translation, Eastern Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, Caucasian Language and Literature, Psychology, History of Art, Sociology, Economics & Admnstratve Sciences, Business Administration, Economics, Political Science and Public Administration, Engneerng, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering. UNIVERSITY Ardahan University has already taken the first step for becoming an international university worldwide with its foundation under the 5765 law that is accepted in 22th May 2008 by the Turkish National Assembly. The aim of Ardahan University is to serve our country and its people with its democratic and modern structure in this informative age. There are already 96 academicians, totally 2150 students including 1100 students of bachelor degrees, 1050 students of associate degrees and 120 administrative personals. In our university, at present, there are three faculties: One graduate school, two vocational schools, two institutes and also a research institute of Central Asia and Caucasu Ardahan University aspires to educate students who have a broad vision taking science as a guide, being reverent to humanity and labor, accepting diversity as richness in favor of our country, region and all humanity. CITY Ardahan is a province founded in 27 May 1992. It is placed in the northeast of Turkey. ACCOMODATION Ardahan University takes great care about stu-
dents for their nutrition to eat cheap, healthy and qualified food. Our university holds the capacity of giving food to approximately 1000 students every day. Food menus are prepared by taking into consideration the energy and food requirement of the students in fully hygienic conditions. Ardahan University has dormitories for 500 boys and 300 girls providing them to be able to continue their lives in a comfortable environment. LABORATORIES Within the campus, there is an equipped health center concerning our students health problems and there is a modern library supported by Project of the European Union which contains 20.000 books and also online subscriptions. STUDENT LIFE Ardahan University, a transition point opening to Cenral Asia and Caucasus, organizes collective scientific, social, cultural and sportive activities by the agreements made with the countries in the region and tries to bring an international perspective to our students. In Ardahan University, the basic needs required for the activities of the Student Council and Student Clubs whose members are chosen by students, are fulfilled by our university. We invite you to see Ardahans magnificent nature just as an unspoken tale and its cultural richness. INTERNATIONALISATION Bilateral Agreements with different countries within the context of Erasmus and Bologna LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION In the department of Azerbaijan Turkish and Literature Azerbaijani Language is used as an education language. As for English, it is also taught in different departments. Turkish is mother tongue. Assistant Prof. Zeki UYANIK, International Office Coordinator.
Contact : Rectorship of Ardahan University, International Office, 75000 Ardahan, TURKEY +90 (506) 546 68 25 +90 (478) 211 29 73
AREAS OF STUDY Accommodation Management, Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural Buildings & Irrigation, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Machinery, Animal Science, Aquaculture, Archaeology, Basic Art Education, Biology, Business Administration, Ceramics, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Cinema TV, Civil Engineering, Computer Education & Instructional Technology, Computer Engineering, Econometrics, Economics, Educational Sciences, ElectricalElectronics Engineering, English Language & Literature, English Language Teaching, Environmental Engineering, Fashion Design & Textile, Field Crops, Fine Arts Teaching, Food & Beverage Management, Food Engineering, French Language & Literature, French Language Teaching, Geography, Geology Engineering, German Language & Literature, German Language Teaching, Graphic Design, History, History of Art, Horticulture, Industrial Engineering, Information & Documentation Management, International Relations, Journalism, Labor Economics & Industrial Relations. UNIVERSITY Founded in 1957, Atatrk University is one of the citys most significant resources. Since its establishment, it has served as a hub of educational and cultural excellence for the region. As its very name suggests, it was Mustafa Kemal Atatrk who first openly declared in 1937 the necessity to establish a university in Eastern Anatolia in the form of a regional university. Immediately after its establishment, Atatrk University was twinned with the University of Nebraska. Great strides have been made since the establishment of the university with the initial enrolment of 135 students to over 39.000 at present. Atatrk University has over 160 thousand graduates as of 2009. In addition, the university currently has approximately 13.000 students in distant learning. An institution of higher education for over half a century, our university continues to serve the region with 50 academic units. Our university also provided the foundations of many universities in Turkey. CITY Atatrk, the founder of modern Turkey, was hosted in Erzurum at the beginning of the Turkish independence movement on 23 July 1919. It is the city in which the foundations of the Turkish Republic were first laid, thus making it one of the most significant cities of the Eastern Anatolia. Erzurum has for many centuries played a significant role as a crossroad where many civilizations converged as one. You may see markings all around the city from many ancient civilizations, such as Urartians, Persians, Romans, Arabs and Byzantines. The city is characterized by many historical sites, which provide a unique appearance to the surroundings. One of these is the Double Minaret Medrese, dating back to the 13th century. Erzurum is also a globallyknown center for winter sports. Palandken Mountain, on the edge of the city, offers some of the best winter recreational activities in all of Turkey, where skiing is possible until mid April. ACCOMODATION Atatrk University offers a vast range of accommodation choices for students and teaching staff. Apart from those who live in on-campus dormitories, some choose to live in private accommodation, which is only a short bus ride distance to the campus. The dormitories have a total accommodation capacity of 9642 beds. Female and male dormitories are provided for students in the main campus, Oltu, Pasinler, spir and Akale. There are also
private dorms and student guesthouses around the campuses. LABORATORIES The university boasts a well designed library in the main campus with over 300.000 volumes with audio visual, and electronic publications, and 550 seats for readers. The library is one of the richest in the country in terms of its entries, historical books and collections. There are 345 laboratories established within academic units, provided for the use of the students as well as for teaching and research. These laboratories are equipped with the latest technologies. Computer Sciences Application and Research Center provides computer education, related written and electronic material and consultancy services for the academics, students, and public. In addition to those in faculties, the center has 3 labs with a total of 260 computers. STUDENT LIFE One of the priorities of Atatrk University is to make students active participants in social, cultural, and artistic events, rather than mere spectators. Free courses open every year in order to give all students the opportunity to improve their skills in Turkish folk dances, Turkish folk music, western music, traditional musical instruments and theater. Moreover, there are free cinema shows, concerts, cultural carnivals, music and folk dance shows, cinema days, street carnivals, celebrations and commemorations, exhibitions, panels and symposiums presented for students. Traditionally, intramural sports competitions are held every spring during the Spring Festival in many branches between the faculties and schools. In addition to those located in the city, there are on-campus canteens, cafes, resting halls, a patisserie, restaurants, sports halls, tennis courts, a bowling alley, a movie theatre, an art gallery, barbers and hairdressers which provide services for the students INTERNATIONALISATION Right after its foundation, Ataturk University was twinned with the University of Nebraska. Since then, the University has been expanding its collaboration with many partner universities in the US, Europe and Asia. Since the awarding of EUC in 2006, volume of Erasmus mobility has been growing every year. The University organizes international winter and summer schools each year and has been sending and receiving students from all over the world through other bilateral cooperation agreements. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The language of instruction is Turkish, however, there are courses designed for Erasmus students and taught in English, French and German. Courses in language and literature departments are also instructed in English, French, German or in other respective languages.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1957 : 227810 : TR ERZURUM01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 17 7 18 10 None 6.795 26.657 2.956 1.435 1.355 878 133
Contact : Atatrk niversitesi D likiler Ofisi Rektrlk Binas No:415 25240 Palandken/ERZURUM- TURKEY +90 (442) 231 10 58 +90 (442) 231 10 39
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : brahim een University of Ar International Relations Unit Rektrlk Binas, 04100 Ar +90 (472) 215 16 70 +90 (472) 215 11 82
AREAS OF STUDY Elementary Education, Turkish Language Education, Fine Arts Education, Physical Training, Educational Sciences, Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Turkish Language and Literature, History, Eastern Languages and Literatures, Sociology, Russian Language and Literature, Chinese Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, Departments
AREAS OF STUDY Letters and Science, Economics, Administrative Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Architecture, Engineering including departments of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Turkish Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, Eastern Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Mathematics, History, Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration, Food Engineering, Agricultural Constructions, Agricultural Irrigation, Horticulture
Kalatepe peak (3,250 m) on the Bingl Mountains, near the town of Karliova is a great place to watch the magnificent sunrise, especially between the 15th of July and the 15th of August. The history of the city begins with the Urartians, and continues under the hegemony of the Persians, the Seljuks and then the Ottomans. ACCOMODATION Available
UNIVERSITY Bingol University is a new and rapidly developing university in the eastern part of Turkey. Although founded in 2007, the University has a history of more than 20 years as an affiliated body under the Firat University, Elazig, Turkey. The University has around 1246 students and all of which are full time learners. CITY The University is located in Bingol city center, although bordered by high mountains reaching heights of 3,000 m, sited on a plateau through which a river, Murat, flows. The city containes many glacier lakes giving the city its name of a thousand lakes.
LABORATORIES The university has several laboratories, a library and computer rooms. STUDENT LIFE Student groups and communities are active INTERNATIONALISATION In progress LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish
Date of Foundation EUC Number State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Muharrem Ergun, Bingol University Ziraat Fakltesi Bingl TURKEY +90 (426) 215 41 16 +90 (426) 125 10 20 In progress
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
her School, Program Of Computer Programming, Program Of Office Management And Secretarial, Program Of Accounting And Tax Application, Program Of Hospitality Services, Program Of Automotive Technology UNIVERSITY Beginning its education in 2007 the core of the university is constituted by the higher schools administered by Yznc Yl University afore. Education at the University is carried out at the campuses in Bitlis city center, Tatvan, Ahlat and Adilcevaz. Bitlis, which on the international trade routes, is a unique location with its nature and authentic culture. The University provides education with its higher schools at Bitlis VHS, Bitlis MSVHS, Tatvan VHS, Hizan VHS, Ahlat VHS and Adilcevaz VHS. There are special laboratories for academicals and industrial applications in which software and hardware design and development research is done. Especially, with its high rated calculation system for algorithm design applications, it is among high ranked universities in Turkey. CITY Bitlis, in the South part of the Eastern Anatolian Region, in the west of the Lake Van with 1550 altitude from sea level is one of the oldest settlements in the region. Bitlis is located on a rough area in the valley. According to last population census in 2000, the population of the city is 388.678. It has six districts, eight towns, 334 villages and 294 hamlets. Bitlis, having a rather old history, with its standing cultural and natural assets that belong to civilizations it has hosted is virtually like a treasure waiting to be discovered in the East. Little is known about pre-historic Bitlis. The cihef reason of this is that there are few antiques and little archeological study has been done in the region. It is thought that the first settlements in the area had started with Urartians. The obsidian sources in the Suphan and Nemrut mountains within the borders of Bitlis city indicate that the history of the region might have started in the Neolithic Age.
ACCOMODATION It was put into service in 2001; it has capacity of 576 male and female students. It serves accommodation, food, social, cultural and sportive activities to the students of Bitlis Eren University. In addition, in the new campus the construction of a dorm with capacity of 500 students, in which there are suit rooms with three rooms has been continuing and it will be in service in 2011-2012 education-teaching term. LABORATORIES The building plan of the central laboratory is envisaged to be constructed according to Bilim Eli Model (Model of a Scientific Hand). Each finger represents one structure. At the structure where the fingers unite, the management of central laboratory, presidency of scientific research Project and directories of Institutes. In 2010, the construction of the central laboratory will be started. For this aim we are planning to establish the biology, the chemistry, the Physics, the engineering and information technology laboratories. STUDENT LIFE Bitlis was on the silk road in the past, today it is on the Nato road which connects West-East and Iran-Iraq. The city which is on the crossroad of Van-Ar in the East, Southern and Western cities is accessible through railways, airways and land routes. At same time Our University has beautiful places for some sports and cultural activities such as water sports, Nemrut Ski Center, and Folk dances community of the Bitlis Eren University. There is no airport in the city, but in our neighbors Van, Mu, Batman there are regular flights. In our university there are 4 cafeterias serving to our students and staff in a hygienic environment. Food and service is provided through tender bid method from third parties. The menus are prepared monthly and attention is paid on the fact that the calories should be between 1200-1800. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish except foreign language departments.
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Contact : Assist Prof. Dr. Ayhan YILMAZ Hsrevpaa Mah. 213 Sk. Sosyal Konutlar PK: 13000 +90 (434) 228 51 70 +90 (434) 228 51 71 www. AREAS OF STUDY Bitlis Medical Higher School, Nursing, Nutrition And Dietetic, Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation, Tocology, Radiology, Laboratory Technology, Anaesthesia, Child Development, Bitlis Vocational Higher School, Program Of Accounting and Tax Applcations, Program Of Business Management, Program Of Construction Technology, Program Of Machinery, Program Of Automotive Technology, Computer Technology and Programming, Electric, Food Technology, Topography And Cadastre, Construction, Program Of Accounting, Laboratory, Ahlat Vocational Hig-
AREAS OF STUDY Physical Education and Sports Teaching, Computer and Educational Technologies Teaching, Educational Sciences, Fine Arts Educatio,Music Education, Primary Education, Elementary Science Teaching, Elementary Mathematics Teaching, Social Sciences Teaching, French Language Teaching, Turkish Language Teaching, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Turkish Language and Literature, Geography, History, Law, Economics, Business Administration, Public Management, Medicine, Nursing, Civil Aviation Management, Tourism and Hotel Management, Electrics, Rail System Management &Technologies, Postal Services, Office Management, Aquaculture & Fishery, Architectural Restoration, Logistics, Automotive Technologies UNIVERSITY Erzincan University, having the vision of being a world university in Anatolia, is founded in 2006. It comprises 4 faculties, 8 vocational school of higher education, 2 schools of higher education and 3 institutions. Erzincan University with its 264 academic and 218 administrative staff serves to 10.000 students. Additionally Erzincan University has University Techno-Polis; Center for Biological Variety Research, Development and Application; East Anatolia Research and Information Center for Eartquakes; Center for Strategic Research; Center for International and EU project training; Turkish Folk Sciences Research and Application Center. CITY Erzincan, with a population of 314.000, is situated on Erzincan Plateu surrounded by Munzur and Keshish Mountains Range, in Eastern part of Turkey. Its positioned on the motorway of Ankara-YozgatSivas-Erzincan-Erzurum. Though it is located between Sivas and Erzurum, having rather cold climate, with its 1200m altitude Erzincan has a warm climate. Therefore, various kinds of fruits and vegetables are grown in Erzincan. The history of Erzincan dates back to 4000BC. Excavations around the city suggest that many ancient civilizations existed such as Urartians, Meds, Persians, Romans, Arabs and Byzantians. In Erzincan you have the chance to involve in social
activities such as mountain sports, slope parachuting etc., skiing, rafting, trekking, so on. Besides, Erzincan is famous for black Cimin Grape, Erzincan Tulum cheese and Cooper handcrafts. As for transportation, Erzincan is positioned on the motorway of Ankara-Yozgat-Sivas-Erzincan-Erzurum. There is a coach station available in the city center. ACCOMODATION There are seven dormitories (five of them fivestoreyed, two of them four-storeyed). They have 2520 bed capacity in total. The rooms are for three or four. There are cafeteria, stationary, hair dresser, internet cafe etc. within dormitory area. The close proximity of the dormitories to the academic departments and social facilities is also an advantage for students. LABORATORIES There are 45.000 books within the libraries of Erzincan University. One main Library has been formed in the campus of Rectorate Building. There are computer laboratories enabling students have access to internet and various libraries in almost all faculties. There exist laboratories in the departments of natural and applied sciences, nursing and medicine. STUDENT LIFE New but experienced Erzincan University does its best to offer a broad variety of activities to its students. There is one gym next to Building of Rectorate and one in students residence campus in which any kind of sports can be played. There exist various student clubs & societies. These societies organize various kinds of activities during a year. At the end of each academic year, a youth fest is held at the campus. INTERNATIONALISATION Having the vision of a world university in Anatolia, Erzincan University emphasizes internationalization since its foundation. To this aim, Erzincan University became a member of EUA, Magna Charta Universitatum, and BSUN. Besides, in Erzincan University Ld Vinci and Erasmus are also applied. Erzincan University awarded Extended EUC in 2008.Beginning
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 2006 : 247689 : TR ERZINCA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 145 10 4 11 None 3.694 3.841 404 4 224 111 30
Contact : Uluslararasi Iliskiler Koordinatorlugu Erzincan Universitesi Rektorluk Binas Kat:3 No:302 Fatih Mah. 24100 Erzincan /TURKEY +90 (446) 226 66 66 +90 (446) 226 66 57
from that year on, the university has many bilateral agreements with European universities. The number of Erasmus mobility increases each year. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Medium of instruction is Turkish; however, there are some course offerings held in English& French, specially for incoming students according to the student(s wish and academicians capability.
UNIVERSITY Firat University is one of the biggest academical institutions in the East of Turkey who was established in 1975 in Elazig. Since then our university has followed her mission which is to have an education and training in all the sectors available in human life in order to educate individuals who fulfill their tasks successfuly, who admit the superiority of mind and science. Counting 12 faculties, 3 institutes, 2 highschools, 1 state conservatory and 6 vocational highschools and over 20100 students, 1470 academicians and 1130 administrative staff, the university enjoys a high prestige at national and international level. In 2009, our university serves 1473 academician and 1134 administrative staff, and 20176 undergraduate, graduate and post graduate students. CITY City in eastern Turkey, capital of the Elazig Province, Elaz is situated on an elevation of 1,020 metres above sea level, near the Keban Dam, a large reservoir for the Euphrates. The main product of Elaz and its surrounding region is wine, but a wide variety of other agricultural products are cultivated here as well. Modern Elazig is also a trading centre for crops and livestock.Elaz is connected by both rail and road to Malatya and Diyarbakir. Elaz is taking attractions of many tourists especially with its Historic Harput City as for the culture tourism field of the country. Elaz is also famous and popular with its natural beauties as much as with its historic and cultural background, and some of the most important of these natural highlights are Keban Lake, Hazar Lake, Buzluk Cave and the thermal and ski centers available for winter sports therefore having a various types of rich cultural and historical arts to serve to its guests. Among places to visit in Elaz we can mention: Elaz Arc ACCOMODATION The majority of accommodation is within walking distance of the campus and students find that the cheap living costs in Elaz are a great financial bonus. There are state dormitories in the campus and over 2000 students live in these dormitories. There are also a lot of private dormitories in which students could stay. LABORATORIES Frat University Library and Documentation Center was established to provide necessary library materials and services for students, instructors and staff in the faculties, institutes and schools within the body of the university for teaching, instruction, investigation and research and spending their spare time. The library has 1265 manuscripts in Ottoman Turkish, Arabian and Persian in various fields. n addition, the library is subscribed to 12 newspapers 6 of which are national, and 6 are local. Firat University has libraries with IT access, online archives and group work areas and is equipped with nearly 3000 computers with healty Internet access rate seted at 70 MB. Our students also can make use of 16 laboratories in campus. STUDENT LIFE Frat University serves its students with Youth and Sports Club, Aviation Club, Theatre Branch, Folk Dances Group, Mountaineering Branch, and the following is a list of available clubs established in order to provide active participation of students in all social, cultural, scientific and sportive activities: Paintball, Basketball, Chess, Bridge, Billiards, Football, Surface and Underwater Sports, Table Tennis, Tennis, Wrestling and Wrist Wrestling, Taekvvondo-Karate, Boxing, Gymnastics-AerobicsStep, Volleyball, Handball, Badminton, Ski, Athletics, Bicycle, Music, Theatre and Cinema, Photography, lllumination and Turkish Handicrafts, Literatre, Media, Art and Graphic Arts, Ataturkist Ideology, Biology, Frat History, Science and Technology, Environment, Training, Geography, Sociology Ideology, Physics, International Electric and Electronic, Civil Society and European Studies, Travel, FU Beautification and Nature, Karaaal Children, Tourism, Medical Research and Science, Health. INTERNATIONALISATION The development of international links is one of the Firat Universitys objectives. International links at research level, or those involving student or staff exchanges will help to achieve this aim. Firat University takes account of global developments as they affect the economic, political and social structures of the country and the aspiration of the individuals and raises awareness amongst student and staff of the significance of the internationalisation. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION For Frat University it is very important to be a international University. In this parallel, each department of Frat University is able to held courses in English for incoming Erasmus students for first, second and third cycles.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1975 : 220518 : TR ELAZIG01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 12 3 20 7 Yes 4.102 15.442 1.805 696 841 593 71
Contact : Frat Unversity International Relations Department 23119 Elazg/TURKIYE +90 (424) 237 00 62 +90 (424) 237 00 61 WebPortal/?BirimID=210&Dil=ENG
AREAS OF STUDY Education, Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Educational Sciences, Fine Arts, Elementary Education, Secondary Science and Mathematics Education, Secondary social Fields Education, Turkish Education, Religion and Culture and Moral Knowledge, Arts and Sciences, Western Languages and Literatures, Biology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Sociology, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Statistics, Divinity, Communication, Engineering, Computer Engineering, Bioengineering, Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Electronics , Engineering, Industrial Engineering
AREAS OF STUDY Students and academic staff may undertake research studies through any of the disciplines as Arts and Sciences, Business Studies, Management Science; Law, Engineering, Geology, Humanities, Mathematics, Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences. UNIVERSITY nn University, named after the second President of Turkish Republic, smet nn, is one of the leading Institutions in the country. Due to both natural and industrial potential of the region, this University has been among those that are given priority by the government and private sector. CITY Malatya, where our University is located, is a leader for its world-famous apricot fruit. Of the World dryapricot production, 90 % originates from this region. The city is located at the Upper Firat river basin area of the Eastern Anatolian Region. The area had been inhabited since the Neolithic ages, mainly because of its geographic position at the crossroads of major trade routes; the famous Route of Kings and the Silk Road. It is a busy modern city in a huge fertile region with a major agricultural industry due to its rich water sources. It is a popular base from which Nemrut Dagi, one of the most famous touristic sites in Turkey, is within one day trip. Another interesting day trip is to Eski Malatya (Old Malatya), 12-km north of the modern city, which is a ruined Roman town with remains of some old city walls, mosques and caravanserais.
all classrooms are designed to provide state of art interactive presentations and data shows. The Internet Center provides free, fast and anonymous access with more than 500 dialups at the same time, the biggest in Turkey. All academic and administrative staff has free Internet connections from their offices. STUDENT LIFE Our unique Campus is in complete green and provides a friendly environment for those enjoying jogging, walking or just resting. There are 7 tennis courts, 4 football fields (turf), an all facility gymnasium, and 3 volleyball-basketball courts all designed for day and night sport activities. There are 35 student activity organizations from Slope Parachuting to English Language Club. INTERNATIONALISATION Inonu University is a devoted institution for EU Programmes such as Erasmus, Comenius and LdV. Inonu University is committed to principles of respect, equity and tolerance. We preserve the confidentiality of personal information related to students, staff and participants in research studies. Our policy is to ensure that activities within the University and relations with those outside are conducted in ways that are sensitive to the ethnic, religious and social backgrounds of students and staff. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Our students who will be Erasmus grantee will have to know English. On the other side, although our language of tuition still entirely Turkish, our Teac-
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1975 : 220466 : TR MALATYA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 14 4 12 9 Yes 8.696 11.853 1.064 598 478 430 132
Contact : Inonu University International Office, Main Campus, Malatya +90 (422) 341 00 41 +90 (422) 341 10 71
ACCOMODATION The University recognizes the special accommodation needs of international students. Here you find a place to call your own while you are in Eastern Anatolia. Students normally choose from one of two types of student housing: On-Campus Accommodation and Off-Campus Rental Accommodation where students have access to catered accommodation or self-catered accommodation, respectively. LABORATORIES The university houses beautiful buildings with classrooms and laboratories that provide state of art presentations for teaching and quality research. Almost
hing Staff can give the courses English for the incoming students. They can specify and give the courses to the incoming students.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
AREAS OF STUDY It was founded in 1992. There was only one Faculty and a Vocational Schoold during the first years of the University but now thare are 7 Faculties and 7 Vocational Schools. The students are having undergratuate studies as well as post-graduate studies through the institutes. CITY Kars Privince is located in the Eastearn Anatolian Region of Turkey. ACCOMODATION The students have the opportunuties of benefiting from State dormitories as well as from Private ones.
LABORATORIES Every Faculty and Vocational school has its own library and computer laboratories. And there is a central library. STUDENT LIFE The students have the opportunities of social activities in the campus as well as in the city center. INTERNATIONALISATION Our university has the objective of improving relationship with European countries as well as with other ones. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish, English, French, Georgian, Russian
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Contact : Paaayr Campus 36000 Kars, TURKEY +90 (474) 242 68 00 - 72 +90 (474) 242 68 47
AREAS OF STUDY Arts and Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics, History, Education, Elementary Education Programs, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Mathematics Education, Elementary Science Education, Elementary Education, Social Studies Education, Turkish Education, Religious Culture and Ethics Education, Economic and Administrative Sciences, Communication, Institutes, Institute of Social Sciences, Institute of Natural Sciences, Electronics and Automation, Electronics Technology Program, Electric and Energy, Electric Program, Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies, Automotive Technology Program, Mechanical and Metal Technologies, Mechanics Program, Construction UNIVERSITY MSU is one of the 17 new universities which were established in 2007. The mission of MSU is to train individuals who think scientifically, use technology, search and produce, who are sensitive to problems in society, respectful of human and moral values and who possess adequate professional knowledge and skills.The vision of MSU is to become a leading university at national and international arena with its high quality education and professionally trained, well-equipped individuals. It aims to foster university- society cooperation by being integrated to all sectors of society, to contribute to the technological and cultural life in the region and the country and to become a modern university possessing universal values. Our university is making steady progress with its mission and vision summarized above. CITY Mu is a province in Eastern Turkey. It is 8196 km2 in area, and has a population of 488,997. It is divided into six districts -Bulank, Hasky, Malazgirt, Varto, Korkut and the capital Mu, located on Mu Plain. As dating back to the 6th AD, it has been a cradle for many civilizations such as Armenian, Byzantine and Seljuk. Hence, it shelter various historical structures. It represents a cultural mixture not only with its past but also with its present. People of several different origins live in Mu which means that one can face different cultures and languages here. As for the economy of the city, it is mainly based on agriculture, and the city is developing day in day out in every aspect. The city has many attractive fetures. Tulips growing themselves on Mu Plain, delicious traditional food and hospitability of people are only some of those features making it worth visiting.
which are administered and run by Turkey Higher Education Credit and Hostel Institution. One is for our female students and the other one is for male students. Each has a 288 bed capacity. There is also a 100 bed capacity public hostel for our female students in Malazgirt. Besides, there are many private hostels in the city centre. Another accommodation alternative for our students is to rent houses for reasonable prices. LABORATORIES We have a central library and an Internet House which a open for 24 hours .There are libraries and laboratories at each faculty and vocational school. There is a library and a physics, a chemistry, a biology and an optics laboratory at the Faculty of Education. At the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, we have a library, a computer laboratory, two chemistry laboratories, two biology laboratories and a joint laboratory (physics and chemistry). A health laboratory is used at the Health College. A computer and a food laboratory, a mechanics workshop, an electric, an automative, an industrial electronics and a construction workshop serve our students at our Vocational School. There is a computer laboratory at Malazgirt Vocational School. STUDENT LIFE There are a great deal of student clubs varying from music to folklore, football to art. Each club performs the mission within the scope of its means and approach by organizing regular activities. These activities contribute significantly to student life here. As for sports facilities, there is a basketball field, a football field and a tennis court at Vocational School, and there is a sports hall at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Our students currently enjoy themselves this way. However, we plan to move to our campus soon which means providing our students with more opportunities and facilities for various activities. INTERNATIONALISATION We have been running LLP programmes since 2008. We carried out Erasmus student and staff mobility activities in the academic year 2009-2010. We have partnerships with different higher educations from Spain, Germany, Austria, Poland, Lithuania and Bulgaria.We are in the effort of making Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Comenius and Transversal Program projects with probable partners from Austria and Lithuania. Besides, we are planning to get involved in some other types of European projects soon. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
50 71 51
Contact : Mu Alparslan University International Relations Office stasyon Cad. 49100 Mu +90 (436) 213 00 13 +90 (436) 213 00 28
AREAS OF STUDY Engineering, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Fisheries, History, Literature, Sociology, Vocational & Technical Education
students for their accommodation and with any other problems. In the city centre, there are dormitories of State Scholarships and Dormitories Institution for male and female students. Another opportunity for the students is renting apartment flat. LABORATORIES The main library of our University is giving services and has a total of 5,000 books, various CDs, 50,000 e-books. All departments of the university are equipped with computers. The computer system provides access to the major online databases. In the main Library Center, the computers connected to the internet are being used. Students can benefit from the internet service free of charge as well. STUDENT LIFE Students will find almost all kind of sport activities in Tunceli. Tunceli province has a unique natu-
UNIVERSITY Tunceli University aims to educate young people who are independent, contemporary, receptive to scientific way of thinking, respectful to human rights, sensitive to local, national and world problems, productive, peacekeeping, self-satisfied and adaptive. Tunceli University, which consisted of 5 faculties, 1 vocational school and 2 institutes was established based on the Act 5765 issued in 22.05.2008 CITY Various civilizations had lived in Tunceli region, which is Upper Frat division of the Eastern Anatolian Region, since first ages. Pertek Castle, which re-
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Atatrk Mah. Muhlis Akarsu Cad. Tunceli niversitesi Rektrlk Merkez/Tunceli +90 (428) 213 17 94 +90 (428) 213 18 61 rasmus/erasmus.htm
mained from Medieval Age and still in good condition, and especially Munzur Valley National Park should be seen. ACCOMODATION There are some available accommodation options for Erasmus students in the Tunceli university guesthouse. International relation Office helps the foreign
ral environment and there is no industrial pollution. You will always find fresh air, clean water and organic and delicious foods. For a better communication between the students and giving them the opportunity to amuse themselves social and sports activities are organized. There is a students committee dealing with the problems of the students and bringing forward suggestions to the university administrative board. INTERNATIONALISATION Our University has links with many European universities as well as bilateral agreement between eight universities in USA. We have students and teaching staff exchanges as well as participating transnational projects. Our University has started exchanging students with the LLP/Erasmus Program and also accepting international students. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Some of lectures will be given in English. Based on necessity extra lectures can be given in English.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1982 : 224060 : TR VAN01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 11 3 16 10 None 5.122 8.620 1.402 185 552 634 216
Contact : Yurtii-Yurtd Eitim Brosu, Rektrlk Ek Bina 2. Kat, 65080 Zeve Kamps-Van +90 (432) 225 10 35 +90 (432) 225 10 35
AREAS OF STUDY Architecture, Agriculture, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Educational Sciences, Engineering, Fine Arts, Health Sciences, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Tourism, Vocational Schools.
172 male students can accomodate in the borders of the campus at Adyaman University. A new dormitory for 1000 students are being constructed and it will be available for 2011. Besides, downtown there is also a dormitory, being well equipped with amenities to meet students requirements. LABORATORIES The Adyaman university provide central research laboratory to students on basic and applied sciences. Beside this, each department has wellequiped laboratory facilities. The Central Library of Adyaman University aims to be an important information center that provides all sorts of information sources that would be actively beneficial for improving education and research activities of our university personnel and students. The university offers an Internet Center on the campus, available during every weekdays. The endeavors for better service for students in both qualitative and quantative sense has been continuing. Also, each faculty and vocational school has its own computer laboratories.
UNIVERSITY The Adyaman University was founded in 2006. Currently, with its 7 Faculties, 3 Schools of Higher Education, 5 vocational schools and 2 Institutes, Adyaman University is shown as a model for newly-founded universities by Higher Education Council. It aims to educate qualified individuals with its excellent programs in social, applied and medical disciplines. Apart from equipping its students with necessary knowledge in related fields, it also strives to train individuals who are tuned to all global, social and technological changes. In that sense, with a goal of teaching them how to learn, students keep the pace with the world around them and adjust themselves to all kinds of changes. Although it is considered to be a new university, Adyaman University has grown considerably with newly-founded faculties and various facilities. 355 academic and 202 administrative staffs are currently working for the Adyaman University. CITY Adyaman is one of the oldest settlements in Anatolia with its history dating back to 40.000 B.C. Historical findings indicate that between 7.000 and 3000 B.C. Paleolithic, Neolithic and Chalcolithic Ages reigned in the area. It has been the host of many civilizations, including Hittite, Persian Kommagene, Roman and Byzantine. Founded at its present place, in the 7 th century by the Ummayyads, Adyaman later housed several empires and states, including Anatolian Seljuks and finally the Ottomans. The region between the Taurus Mountains and the Euphrates was named as Commagene during the Hellenistic and Roman times. The Commagene became an independent kingdom in 1st B.C. In Adyaman, there are also historical sites belonging to that time such as Mount Nemrut. With its gorgeous statues, Mount Nemrut is added to the World Culture Heritage list by UNESCO. Cendere Bridge that was constructed by 92 great hewn stones and on two main rocks is another gorgeous Roman artifact in the region. ACCOMODATION There is a big dormitory where 468 female and
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Altnehir Mh. Atatrk Bulvar No:1 02040 ADIYAMAN +90 (416) 223 38 37 +90 (416) 223 38 39
STUDENT LIFE Various panel discussions, conferences, seminars, forums and symposiums are held at the universty. Every year, spring festivals and graduation ceremonies are held and concerts are carried out. There are many student groups which are formed according to their interests. These student groups carry out some concerts, theatres or such kind of cultural activities. Student Clubs and Societies share their activities among themselves each day and weeks as well as they represent our university in related areas. Also, in our campus area, there exist football fields, basketball, volleyball and tennis courts for our student sports activities. The Adyaman University Student Council is a democratic organization formed for and by the students to contribute to the development of the University, to solve problems, convey opinions, and bring forth suggestions to the relevant units in accordance with their level of priority. INTERNATIONALISATION International Office was founded in 2006. It has been organizing bilateral agreements in Erasmus, Comenius, Leonardo, and Grundtvig programs for our staff and students with various universities in Europe. With the spirit it has raised among students and staff in Adyaman University, it works as the window for Adyaman University opening to cross-border cultures and people. With its highly-motivated staff, it works as a liason between European Institutions and Adyaman University.
AREAS OF STUDY SCIENCE AND LETTERS: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets, History, Mathematics. - ENGINIRING FACULTY: Geological Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, - TECHICAL EDUCATION FACULTY: Mechanical Education, Automotive Education - ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES: None Department. - FINE ARTS: None Department - TECHNOLOGY: None Department INSTUTIONS: Institute of Science, Institute of Social Science - VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS: 1-BATMAN VOCATONAL COLLEGE Banking and Insurance, Office Management and Administrative Assistant, Child development, Electricity, Technology of Electronically Communication, Technology of Electronic, Industrial Electronic, Installation of Gas Technology, Public Relation and Publicity, Mapping and Cadastre, Confection, Air Conditioning Technology, Construction Technology, Machine Program, Accounting, Accounting and Tax Applications, Automotive Technology, Refining and Petro Chemical Technology. UNIVERSITY Batman University, established on 28 May 2007, is located on fertile lands of Mesopotamia, the cradle for ancient civilizations. With its young and energetic academic staff, it is candidate to be the world university. To catch up fast developing century, it makes use of cutting-edge technologies and teaching materials. The board of the university has set their goals to be the motor of universities in the Middle East with its modern physical facilities at new campus. By being one of the members of EDUROAM, our university supports its students in the field of international education. Since one of the most important cultural heritage, HASANKEYF, lies very close to the university, our rector gives a lot of importance to rescue as many findings and monuments as possible. Like Batman University, Batman is a new and modern city and owns very successful, eager and entrepreneur people to whom university will have great contribution to set right path for trade, industry and economy. CITY The city of Batman is located on the bank of the Batman River. It is surrounded by the RAMAN Mountains, in which first oil reserves of TURKEY were found. With its approximately 400.000 population Batman is a shining star in the south eastern part of Anatolia. The original village, LUH, of which background goes back prehistoric times is the first settlement place of the city. After petroleum was found, the destiny of Batman changed and this trend has been going on with non-stop speed. Fast growing city centre is receiving so many immigrants that it has become one of the biggest cities of the region. Now modern city possesses such parks and recreational centres that one can enjoy every minute of his spare time. Along the Turgut Ozal Bulverde, you can see the latest clothes shops, multi purposed markets and technology stores where you can buy whatever you like. Along the river Tigris you can enjoy many caves, carved into the rocks of on both side of the river. ACCOMODATION Although Batman University does not provide any private accommodation facilities for the students, YURTKUR (University Students Dormitory and Accommodation Providing Association) has 2 blocks of dormitories, for male and female students. They are clean, quiet and present many opportunities and enough for students. However a great many students can find student houses and flats in private sector close to the university campus. The university supplies lunch for the students with economic prices. LABORATORIES Foreign Language, Basic Science, Drafting Drawing Room, Basic Electronics, Power Systems, Electrical Machines, Electrical Installation and Control Workshop, Computerized Drawing and Design, Soil Mechanics, Construction Materials, General Chemistry, Petrochemical Analytical instruments Laboratories. The library of which area is 127 m2 with three computers by which students can reach one of the 7350 books online on different scientific subjects they look for is cool. With 5 computer labs for IT Services having Thin-Client type computers supported by Linux and Windows operating systems are designed to serve physically, visually and audible disabled. 5 clever classes support syncron/asyncron education nationally/internationally. STUDENT LIFE Our University has nearly three thousand students from different cities of Turkey who share very good relations with each other in a peaceful and friendly atmosphere. The university provides not only day teaching but night school education as well. The students are arm in arm on the walking path, and are having warm conversations under the shadowy trees in the garden. When they are thirsty, they can enjoy all kinds of local and national soft drinks in the airy canteen where they can discuss their difficulties in some courses and find solutions. All around the year, there are many social activities some of which presented by them. We must mention that students live many unforgettable memories during spring festivals and graduation ceremonies when both parents and students and academicians are very excited. There is beach volley court where the students feel on the coast while playing. In their free time, the students do not miss the films shown at modern cinemas in the town centre. INTERNATIONALISATION Within the context of international office and Erasmus coordinator-ship newly established departments, we toil to start students and academicians exchange between the universities. Since the bureau commenced its work in January 2010, it has sig-
Date of Foundation EUC Number State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
21 69 52
Contact : Kltr Mahallesi, Trkiye Petrolleri A.O. Bulvar, 72100 Batman, Trkiye +90 (488) 217 36 99 +90 (488) 215 72 01
ned agreements to nearly 25 European Universities, mutual trend of which seems to be increasing every other day, yet we haven?t succeeded in sending or receiving any students or academicians within this context. Foreign Language will be given as a support. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION At the University of Batman, the students are very enthusiastic about learning a second foreign language, especially English. They are lucky since they have four experienced, energetic and skilful English lecturers the only goal of whom is to teach English in the best way. Also they have a language lab where they can learn the language in interactive way. All are aware that Language is a must for a successful life; therefore university is subsidizing the cost of English courses for everybody.
AREAS OF STUDY Archaeology, Anthropology, Contemporary Turkish Languages, Eastern Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Law, Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration, Finance, Social Services, Tourism Management, Theology, Architecture, Interior Design, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology Teaching, Chemistry Teaching, Mathematics Teaching, Physics Teaching, Turkish Language and Literature Teaching, Geography Teaching, History Teaching, Educational Sciences, German Language and Literature Education, French Language and Literature Education, English Language and Literature Education, Fine Arts, Turkish Education, Computer and Technology Education, Primary Education, Physical Education and Sports Education, Religious Culture and Ethics Education UNIVERSITY As one of the most predominant universities in the South Eastern region of Turkey, D with 11 faculties, 3 institutes, 10 research centers, and 9 vocational schools, offers degrees in quite various areas from engineering to medicine and education. D is a state university with approximately 20.000 students. D is located in Diyarbakr and founded in 1974. With its schools spread across several towns, it makes vital contributions to the needs of the region. D has entered into a rapid development process for education-teaching, health and research,for social and cultural activities aimed for the region. All faculties and research centres have great roles in collaborating with the community to increase the regions overall higher educational level, enhance its qualities of life and support its economic development. As part of Bologna process,D has been restructuring its programs and adapting flexible and student centered curriculums to make exchange programs more effective and possible. CITY Diyarbakir is located on a transition zone connecting the mountainous northern areas and the plains of Mesopotamia, with a population over a million people. Located in the south-east of Turkey, it is one of the largest and modern cities with its churches, mosques, inns, ancient bridges and
city walls of black basalt forming a 5.5 km circle around the old city.The history of the city goes back to as far as 3000BC. It has always been regarded as the cradle of 26 different civilizations. One can feel the past in the present in this historical city. The name of the University comes from Dicle(Tigris) River on the banks of which is Diyarbakr is located. As a city of culture, business and education, a great many international meetings, organizations and fairs are held in Diyarbakr. ACCOMODATION D with its experience in LLP including Erasmus provides affordable and safe housing for its exchange staff and students. D not only provides accommodation at its student dormitories but also discount rates at its guest house for international students. If incoming students prefer, our international office helps them to find individual housing on their own. Another opportunity for the students is staying at private dormitories which are controlled by the Ministry of Education in the city. LABORATORIES All faculties, schools and institutes have their own education and research laboratories and all classrooms are designed to provide state of art interactive presentations and data shows. The main library of D is giving service on the campus for the students and academic staff. The main library has a total of 60.000 books 11.000 volumes of periodicals, 1500 theses, 210 various CDs and 30.000 e-books. Besides the main library, most of the faculties have their own computer laboratories where student can access internet to do their school work and research. STUDENT LIFE The students of D have the opportunity to pursue their sporting or recreational interests on the campus. Students can benefit from recreational and sports areas such as basketball, football, volleyball fields, tennis courts, swimming pools, fitness centre and 2 sports halls during their leisure time. The teams of tennis, boxing, basketball, football, volleyball, wrestling, athleticism, pingpong and hand-ball teams join sports competitions held between universities every year. There are many student clubs in various areas which have opportunity to organize concerts, parties and recreational trips. INTERNATIONALISATION We recognize that active participation to LLP/Erasmus Program is integral part of our universitys efforts to comply with the requirements of European Higher Education Area. The University ensures that curricula is up to date and transparent with regard to the labor market needs, monitors the use of ECTS, provides Erasmus students with transcripts with accurate information. D is active in Erasmus Program since 2004 and has Extended Erasmus University Charter in 2009. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkish
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1974 : 221767 : TR DIYARBA01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 11 3 10 9 Yes 4.153 11.987 1.227 191 1.509 601 74
Contact : Dicle niversitesi Kamps Yabanc Diller Yksekokulu Kat:4 21280 Diyarbakr, Turkey +90 (412) 28 84 52 +90 (412) 248 82 98
AREAS OF STUDY Architecture, Arts and Sciences, Conservatory Dentistry, Economics, Engineering, Medicine, Physical Education, Social Sciences. UNIVERSITY University of Gaziantep is a state university institution subject to the same laws as those governing other universities in Turkey. University of Gaziantep is committed to high quality teaching and research. In addition to its undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields, UG has several research centers aiming to promote multidisciplinary perspective and research. CITY University of Gaziantep is located in the city of Gaziantep located in southeast Turkey. Gaziantep has been important commercial and cultural center throughout history. The city museum owns a great collection of mosaic from Roman Era. It is the second largest mosaic museum in the world. Gaziantep, with its commercial and cultural ties with the Middle East, is industrially the most developed city in the region. ACCOMODATION Most of our students have the chance to stay in the state run dormitories in campus. There are studios and flats nearby campus where the students can stay at a reasonable rent. There is also a new Erasmus students guest house for exchange students and staff. LABORATORIES In campus, students have access to computer labs and central library. In library webpage, student can access a large number of online journals, Periodicals, books and other online resources.
STUDENT LIFE In campus there are several cafetaries, sport facilities and 31 student clubs. The annual spring festival is carried out in campus. Students, staff and the entire city enjoy cultural, art and sport activities, concerts, and much more. INTERNATIONALISATION University of Gaziantep is strongly committed to international collaboration and cooperation. University administration promotes and fully supports Lifelong Learning (Erasmus, Leonardo Da Vinci, Grundtvig, Comenius) and Youth in Action programmes supported by European Comission. The university has also strong relations and cooperation with universities also in USA, Canada, Russia and Syria. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction is English in all departments of Faculty of Engineering and in the Department of English Language and Literature. In Faculty of Medicine, there is one class with full English instruction. The medium of instruction is Turkish in other departments.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
: 1987 : 221468 : TR GAZIANT01 : : : : : : : : : : : : 11 3 15 8 Yes 5.607 8.478 903 120 581 441 90
Contact : 27310 ehitkamil, Gaziantep, Turkey +90 (342) 317 15 46 +90 (342) 360 93 78 erasmus_eng/
AREAS OF STUDY Education, Arts and Sciences, Fine Arts, Economic and Administrative Sciences, Theology, Engineering, Medicine, Agriculture, Veterinary Science.
UNIVERSITY Harran University receives its name from the historical town of Harran, southeast of the city anlurfa. University of Harran is known to be one of the first universities of the world and of the most important centers in history where many worldfamous scholars had studied. In 1992, University of Harran was re-established. Its activities are pursued at three campuses. The Yeniehir Campus with its 48 000 sqm. of land, encompassing the Rectorate, Faculty of Medicine, the Polyclinics of Research and Training Hospital and Sport Center. The Eyyubiye Campus with 982 000 sqm. land, where the Faculty of Veterinary, Vacational High School, Cafeteria, Animal Hospital are situated. The Osmanbey Campus, 18 kilometers away from the city, is still under construction on a land of about 27km2. the Faculties of Engineering, Economic & Administrative Sciences,Theology, Agriculture, Education, Arts and Science, Fine Arts have been functioning on this campus. CITY anlurfa, where the university is located, is one of the oldest cities in Turkey with its history, dated back to 9000 years B.C. Located at the centre of so called the Fertile Crescent in archaeological and biblical literature.It has an immense cultural background, as it is on the cross-road of the rich Anatolian and Mesopotamian Cultures. Another feature of anlurfa is that it is just at the centre of GAP (South East Anatolian Project) which is one of the largest integrated agriculture and rural programs of the World. Important development have taken place in anlurfa since the commencement of the project. ACCOMMODATION The accomodation problem of Harran University students has been solved to a greater extend. For male students there are two state dormitories at the main campus. There are also two other dormitories for our female students. In all dormitories dining areas, cafeterias, breakfast and dinner services are provided. LABORATORIES Library services at our university are carried out by the Male Library and Documentation Center. The central library of our university is located at the
Osmanbey Campus. The library provides students and staff a comfortable and modern atmosphere with computer and internet facilities. There are twenty computer laboratories and three internet cafes at our university. Computer laboratory and the internet services of all the faculties and schools are open all day long. Our university is keeping up withe the modern age with its capacity of approximately two thousands computers in use. STUDENT LIFE There are dining halls that have six thousands people capacity, both for students and the staff in Osmanbey, Yenisehir and Eyyubiye Campuses. There are laboratories general and dental policlinic in the Medical Center. Folk Dances, Turkish Folk Music, Art, Handcraft, Photography, Chess, Poetry and theater clubs display their work at the national level. Various panel discussions, forums, conferences, concerts and festivals are held in every academic year.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : 63300 anlurfa / TURKEY +90 (414) 313 55 13 +90 (414) 313 55 13
INTERNATIONALISATION Our University aims at internationalization through various contacts. Some contacts and bilateral agreements have already been established with the following Universities, Cologe University, Durham University, Newcastle University,Universitat de Leida, Universidad Del Pais Vasco, Technological Educational Institute of Kalamata, Universita degli Studi di Sassari, Uniwersytet Technologiczno Przyrodniczy, Technical University of Lodz , Bialystok University of Technology. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The Department of Foreign Languages has always aimed to provide a good level of education for the first year students at basic level since its foundation in 1995.English, French and German are given as basic curriculum lessons.This Department is responsible for coordinating these lessons in different departments of Harran University.The main purpose of these courses is to teach and develop an understanding of basic English principles and concepts.
AREAS OF STUDY Education, Arts and Sciences, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Architecture and Engineering, Nursing, Health Services, Vocational Education. UNIVERSITY Kilis 7 Aralk University was formally established as a state university in 2007. It has its origins in Gaziantep University, founded in 1987 as a branch of Middle East Technical University. Kilis 7 Aralk University is a new and rapidly developing university in the southern edge of Turkey. Today Kilis 7 Aralk University has two campuses with modern buildings and facilities. Karatas campus is at the city center and the Central campus is only 10 minutes from the Centrum by public transportation. There is an hourly working shuttle bus between the two campuses enabling the students to have easy access to dorms, library and other frequently used facilities. CITY The University is located in Kilis, an area of outstanding natural beauty, and yet is only 50 km from the city of Gaziantep with its international airport. Gaziantep is one of the oldest cultural centers of Southeastern Anatolia region with a population over 1 million and offers many modern facilities like city malls with cinema centers and a bus terminal where one can find transportation to all the regions of the country. Kilis is about 60 km to Aleppo, another big city which is in Syria. Although Kilis is a small city near the country border line, it keeps its original way of life and cultural structure. City economy is trade and agriculture based besides still-developing industrial production facilities located out of the city. There are branches of most of the local banks in the Centrum and all of them are capable of international money transfer. There are many natural beauties around Kilis for short trips and weekend activities. In the city center, there are some antique buildings and very old mosques to visit. ACCOMODATION In and around the campus are located a number of state and private dorms which consider all types of requirements of students in terms of accommodation. The dorms serve separately for girls and boys. Each dorm has its own laundry, dining hall and library. Most of the dorms are at walking distance.
LABORATORIES The university library which has a database access via the Internet site of the university serves to our academic staff and students with a fully equipped computer laboratory and periodicals sections besides study hall. Each department those which needs a laboratory has a proper laboratory in Kilis 7 Aralik University, and there is a central laboratory under construction. Computing service operates for all buildings of the campuses of Kilis 7 Aralik University. There are modern and up-to-date computer laboratories open for students and academic staff in each building. Wireless Internet access is also available in the two campuses for those who has proper device to capture the signal. STUDENT LIFE Kilis offers many opportunities for university students in every aspect. For agriculture is one of the major sources of income in Kilis, catering is very cheap when compared to big cities. Another advantage for students in Kilis is there are many places to be lived in like dormitories, hostels, private houses and apartments, all inexpensive. In both campuses there are social facilities like areas for various sports activities, canteen and caf grounds, conference and concert halls, a music room with many musical instruments, a gym, and open air places for exhibitions and activities. Annual May-Fest is held with many activities like concerts, theater and recreation shows, panels and conferences in May, every year. There are plenty of student clubs for those who want to explore some experiences of life with some peers. INTERNATIONALISATION The international office coordinates and organizes all the international academic and student activities in our university. Our university has Erasmus Extended Charter acquired from The European Commission to ensure the best mobility organization for both students and academic staff. Leicester University of United Kingdom has a cooperation protocol with our university. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Teaching language is Turkish.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Mehmet anl Mah. Doan Gre Paa Bulvar No: 134 79000 KLS +90 (348) 814 26 66 +90 (348) 813 93 24
AREAS OF STUDY Classroom Teaching, Primary Math Teaching, Science, Social Sciences, Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Turkish Teaching, Arts and Science, Math, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering and Architecture, Chemical Engineering, Siirt Vocational School, Computer Programming, Child Development, Electrics, Traditional Hand Crafts, Food Technology, Business Management, Chemistry Technologies, Machinery, Machinery Painting Construction, Furniture and Decoration, Tax Accounting Practices, Health, Nursing, Siirt Health Vocational School, Paramedics, Medical Documentation UNIVERSITY Siirt University was founded as educational department as a part of Dicle university in 1976. It becomes an educational faculty of Dicle University in 1992. Siirt University was established by act number 5662 on 29th May 2007. Siirt University carries on its activities with 3 faculties, 5 vocational schools and 2 institutions.
ACCOMODATION Our university has a dormitory with 900 students capacity for boys and girls in the centrum. Also, we have a dormitory for Eruh vocational school with a capacity of 350 for boys and 100 for girls. And, 60 students at Kurtalan Vocational school. A new dormitory, capacity of which is 750, is under construction now and will be finished in 2 years. LABORATORIES We have a rich library that includes myriad books. We have access to connect to libraries of other universities by internet. We have student laborataries for BA students and some research laboratories, especially for chemistry. We have 2 large computer laboratories and a language laboratory.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
CITY Located at the crossroads of Mesopotamia and Anatolia, Siirt has felt the impact of many great civilizations.One active archeological excavation at Trbe Hyk, which reveals traces of a 5000-year-old culture. Stone tools found around Eruh suggest that the region was settled even before this. Siirt is known to have been established by the Hurrians, the first rulers of the region, who held sway from 3000- 260 BC.With the division of the Roman Empire, Siirt and its environs came under Byzantine rule, and suffered frequent attacks by the Sassanids. The entire province is located in the Tigris river basin, and serves as an important catchment area for the river.Siirt is a valuable place to be seen with its highlands, caves, climate, cuisine, hand made products, natural beauties, historical creations, Islamic saints died in city. Thermal springs, tombs, historical Mosques, Castles and bridges are take important place in historical and touristic values of Siirt city. STUDENT LIFE There are 2 sport halls and conference halls. There are many active student clubs. Sport tournaments have been realized in spring. We have spring festivals. Also, there are coffee houses, cinemas, swimming pools and many other facilities for our students. INTERNATIONALISATION We have newly included in Erasmus Exchange Programme so We do not have any incoming or outgoing students. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Medium of instruction is Turkish.
Contact : Siirt niversitesi, AB ofisi Siirt / Merkez +90 (484) 223 25 60 +90 (484) 223 19 98
AREAS OF STUDY Economics and Administrative Sciences, Theology, Engineering, 2 Vocational schools UNIVERSITY rnak University is a Turkish university located in rnak in south-eastern Turkey next to Cudi Mountain . It was founded in 2008. The main campus will be built 2011 in rnak province. It is the first State University was founded in rnak borders. It has students from every part of Turkey who were registered as a result of the YGS-LYS Turkish university entrance examinations. The Faculty of Engineering will start education in 2011. rnak University has 152 faculty members employed, including 3 professors, 2 associate professors, 98 assistant professors, 6 lecturers, 43 research assistants and a student body reaching up to 454. rnak University also comprises the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and the Faculty of Theology which provides education in Turkish and partly Arabic. CITY rnak is a town in southeastern Turkey. Surrounded by high mountains, rnak is a new and small province of Turkey in Eastern Anatolia, and was once a town of Hakkari province. The Habur border gate with Iraq is here on the road which is one of Turkeys main links to Middle Eastern countries. It is believed that the settlement was originally called Sehr-i Nuh (the city of Noah) since it was near Cudi Mountain where Noahs Ark finally landed after the Flood (see Ararat). The population of rnak province is 430,424 (2009 census) living in an area extending over 7,172 square kilometers. Beytebap, Cizre, Guclukonak, Idil, Silopi and Uludere are the administrative districts of rnak. (The population of the rnak city is about 70,000. ACCOMODATION rnak University provides accommodation for students, its capacity about 300. the building consists of 8 floor and 30 flats. Rooms have central heating system and internet connection. LABORATORIES rnak University Library holds nearly 10,000 volumes in its collection. It has subscription 10 jour-
nals and international university libraries and data systems. Materials held by the Library are accessible via the library catalog. The Library includes social sciences, statistics, economics, commerce, finance, sociology, political science, law, general works, philosophy, psychology, religion, history, geography, anthropology, recreation & sports, education, fine arts, language & literature, and the like. STUDENT LIFE rnak is a medium-sized city which is home to a total student population 500 consisting of every part of Turkey. As a result, you will find a youthful and cosmopolitan atmosphere and plenty of things to see and do. You can find sport facilities, coffee shops and restaurants. INTERNATIONALISATION We have already got Erasmus Charter document and we have already done an agreement with Dahok University and as soon as we have Erasmus budget from our National Agency for the next year (2011) we would like to cooperate with schools, which have similar programmes as we do. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION At rnak University basically education language is Turkish, however English and Arabic are thought as well, particularly in Theology faculty in foundation classes, Arabic is extensively used and %30 of lessons is in Arabic.
Date of Foundation EUC Number State University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : rnak niversitesi Rektrl 73000 rnak +90 (486) 216 82 41 +90 (486) 21 63 28
AREAS OF STUDY Engineering, Law, Economics and Administrative Sciences, English Language, Education, Communication, Marine Engineering, Nanotechnology, Middle East Studies, International Relations, Economic Development UNIVERSITY Zirve University is a foundation university and it is founded in 2009. Since then it has constantly expanded its intellectual capacity and maintained its commitment to provide high quality university education by focusing on the fundamental academic disciplines. Zirve University offers 25 academic programs in its five faculties, two institutes, one education center, English Preparatory Program, and one Vocational School. CITY Zirve University is located in Gaziantep, southern Turkey. Gaziantep is probably the site of the Hellenistic city of Antiochia ad Taurum (Antiochia in the Taurus Mountains). A few km on the north are the ruins of Greek and Roman Doliche (Turkish:Dlk). Gaziantep is one of the most developed provinces of the region and is also one of the oldest, its history reaching as far back as the Hittites. The surroundings of the city are also full of valuable Hittite remains. Some of the other historical remains are the Belkis (Zeugma), and Kargam Ruins. Dlk, which is close to the city center, has camping facilities in a natural setting. Gaziantep is the sixth largest city in Turkey. The city is a busy commercial and industrial center. Textile and food industries are the leading industries of the city. Tourism is also becoming an emerging economic activity in the city and throughout the region. In other words, the city has a wide range of social and cultural attractions to enrich the daily lives of students. ACCOMODATION Zirve University provides its students with female and male dormitories that are modern and have high standards are single, double and quadruple room options. Rooms are equipped with all kinds of conveniences to meet any accommodation need. They are free and limitless internet access and telephones with extension line. Cafes and restaurants at the university serve the students. Our international office will help the exchange students arrange their accommodation.
LABORATORIES Zirve University offers to all students and academic staff a solid information technology infrastructure with internet connection. On the day of registration an e-mail address is given to each student. Zirve University library gives all students access to on-line academic databases. Library has over 6000 sources including books and periodicals. Also Zirve University has modern laboratories prepared according to the latest technological developments.
Date of Foundation EUC Number Erasmus ID Foundation University No. of Faculties No. of Institutes No. of Research Centers No. of Vocational Schools Conservatory No of Short Cycle Student No of 1st Cycle Student No of 2nd Cycle Student No of 3rd Cycle Student No. of Academic Staff No. of Research Assistans No. of Lecturers
Contact : Kzlhisar Campus 27260 Gaziantep / Turkey +90.342 444 4 978 (444 4 ZRV) +90 (342) 211 66 66 +90 (342) 211 66 77
STUDENT LIFE Zirve University gives importance to the enrichment of academic programs with cultural, artistic, and sportive activities. For this reason, students at Zirve University participate in numerous extracurricular activities, including various student clubs and sports. Concerts, art exhibitions, festivals, conferences, and chess tournaments are organized on a regular basis. As for sports activities, students have the opportunity to join all kinds of sports, organized by professional trainers. Other recreational facilities include a very large and modern student cafeteria, smokers corner, ATM, tennis courts, basketball and volleyball fields etc. In addition to all, at weekends, students will have a chance to join to the tours such as, AleppoSyria, St.Pierre Church-Hatay, Nemrut-Adyaman, Balklgl-anlurfa, Zeugma (Ancient Mosaic City)-Gaziantep. INTERNATIONALISATION Zirve University offers joint degrees and maintains Exchange programs with numerous universities in North America and Europe, particularly with the Erasmus Program. Zirve University offers a wide array of courses in English during the academic year and organizes summer programs and internships for international students. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION English, except in the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Communication.
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Information about the following institutions had not been obtained by the time this publication was sent for printing:
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ABANT ZZET BAYSAL UNIVERSITY ...................... 146 ACIBADEM UNIVERSITY ...................................... 36 ADIYAMAN UNIVERSITY ..................................... 178 ADNAN MENDERES UNIVERSITY ......................... 84 AFYON KOCATEPE UNIVERSITY ......................... 85 ARI BRAHM EEN UNIVERSITY .................................166 AH EVRAN UNIVERSITY ...................................... 112 AKDENZ UNIVERSITY ......................................... 100 AKSARAY UNIVERSITY ........................................ 113 AMASYA UNIVERSITY ......................................... 147 ANADOLU UNIVERSITY ...................................... 114 ANKARA UNIVERSITY ......................................... 115 ARDAHAN UNIVERSITY ....................................... 164 ARTVN ORUH UNIVERSITY ............................... 148 ATATRK UNIVERSITY ........................................ 165 ATILIM UNIVERSITY............................................. 116 BAHEEHR UNIVERSITY ................................... 37 BALIKESR UNIVERSITY ........................................ 38 BARTIN UNIVERSITY ............................................ 149 BAKENT UNIVERSITY ......................................... 117 BATMAN UNIVERSITY ........................................ 179 BEYKENT UNIVERSITY ......................................... 39 BEYKOZ VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF LOGISTICS .............40 BLECK UNIVERSITY............................................ 41 BLKENT UNIVERSITY........................................... 118 BNGL UNIVERSITY ........................................... 167 BTLS EREN UNIVERSITY ..................................... 168 BOAZ UNIVERSITY ........................................ 42 BOZOK UNIVERSITY ............................................ 119 CANK BAARI UNIVERSITY................................. 150 CELAL BAYAR UNIVERSITY ................................. 86 CUMHURYET UNIVERSITY .................................. 120 A UNIVERSITY ................................................ 101 ANAKKALE ONSEKZ MART UNIVERSITY .....................43 ANKAYA UNIVERSITY ....................................... 121 ANKIRI KARATEKN UNIVERSITY ....................... 122 UKUROVA UNIVERSITY..................................... 102 DCLE UNIVERSITY .............................................. 180 DOU UNIVERSITY ........................................... 44 DOKUZ EYLL UNIVERSITY ................................. 87 DUMLUPINAR UNIVERSITY .................................. 88 DZCE UNIVERSITY ............................................ 45 EGE UNIVERSITY ................................................. 89 ERCYES UNIVERSITY .......................................... 123 ERZNCAN UNIVERSITY ....................................... 169 ESKEHR OSMANGAZ UNIVERSITY ................... 124 FATH UNIVERSITY .............................................. 46 FIRAT UNIVERSITY............................................... 170 GALATASARAY UNIVERSITY ............................... 47 GAZANTEP UNIVERSITY ..................................... 181 GAZOSMANPAA UNIVERSITY ........................... 151 GAZ UNIVERSITY................................................ 125 GEBZE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY.................... 48 GEDZ UNIVERSITY .............................................. 90 GLHANE MILITARY MEDICAL ACADEMY .......... 126 HAL UNIVERSITY.............................................. 49 HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY ..................................... 127 HARRAN UNIVERSITY.......................................... 182 HTT UNIVERSITY................................................ 152 IIK UNIVERSITY.................................................. 50 STANBUL AREL UNIVERSITY ............................... 51 STANBUL AYDIN UNIVERSITY ............................. 52 STANBUL BLG UNIVERSITY ............................... 53 STANBUL BLM UNIVERSITY............................... 54 STANBUL COMMENCE UNIVERSITY ................... 55 STANBUL KAVRAM VOCATIONAL SCHOOL .................56 STANBUL KLTR UNIVERSITY........................... 57 STANBUL EHR UNIVERSITY .............................. 58
Studying in Turkey
for erasmus
STANBUL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY ..................... 59 STANBUL UNIVERSITY ........................................ 60 ZMR EKONOM UNIVERSITY .............................. 91 ZMR UNIVERSITY............................................... 92 ZMR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ..................... 93 NN UNIVERSITY............................................. 171 KADR HAS UNIVERSITY ...................................... 62 KAFKAS UNIVERSITY........................................... 172 KAHRAMANMARA ST MAM UNIVERSITY.................103 KAPADOKYA VOCATIONAL COLLEGE ................ 131 KARAMANOLU MEHMETBEY UNIVERSITY..................128 KARABK UNIVERSITY........................................ 153 KARADENZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY .................. 154 KASTAMONU UNIVERSITY .................................. 155 KIRIKKALE UNIVERSITY ....................................... 129 KIRKLAREL UNIVERSITY ...................................... 61 KLS 7 ARALIK UNIVERSITY................................. 183 KOCAEL UNIVERSITY ......................................... 63 KO UNIVERSITY ................................................ 64 KTO KARATAY UNIVERSITY ................................ 130 MALTEPE UNIVERSITY ......................................... 65 MARMARA UNIVERSITY...................................... 66 MEHMET AKF ERSOY UNIVERSITY ...................... 104 MELKAH UNIVERSITY ....................................... 132 MERSN UNIVERSITY ........................................... 105 MEVLANA UNIVERSITY ....................................... 133 MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY ............... 134 MMAR SNAN UNIVERSITY ................................. 67 MULA UNIVERSITY ........................................... 94 MUSTAFA KEMAL UNIVERSITY............................ 106 MU ALPARSLAN UNIVERSITY ............................ 173 NAMIK KEMAL UNIVERSITY ................................ 68 NEVEHR UNIVERSITY ........................................ 135 NDE UNIVERSITY ............................................. 136
OKAN UNIVERSITY.............................................. 69 ONDOKUZ MAYIS UNIVERSITY ........................... 156 ORDU UNIVERSITY .............................................. 157 OSMANYE KORKUT ATA UNIVERSITY ................ 107 ZYEN UNIVERSITY ......................................... 70 PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY ................................... 95 PLATO COLLEGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION ........... 71 PR RES MARITIME UNIVERSITY ......................... 72 RZE UNIVERSITY ................................................. 158 SABANCI UNIVERSITY ......................................... 73 SAKARYA UNIVERSITY ........................................ 74 SELUK UNIVERSITY ........................................... 137 SRT UNIVERSITY ................................................ 184 SNOP UNIVERSITY .............................................. 159 SLEYMAN DEMREL UNIVERSITY ....................... 108 IRNAK UNIVERSITY............................................ 185 TOBB UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND TECHNOLOGY...138 TRAKYA UNIVERSITY .......................................... 75 TUNCEL UNIVERSITY .......................................... 174 TURGUT ZAL UNIVERSITY ................................. 140 TURKISH AIR FORCE ACADEMY .......................... 76 TURKISH MILITARY ACADEMY ........................... 141 TURKISH NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY .............. 139 UFUK UNIVERSITY............................................... 142 ULUDA UNIVERSITY ......................................... 77 UAK UNIVERSITY .............................................. 96 YALOVA UNIVERSITY .......................................... 78 YAAR UNIVERSITY ............................................ 97 YEDTEPE UNIVERSITY ......................................... 79 YENYZYL UNIVERSITY ..................................... 80 YILDIZ TEKNK UNIVERSITY ................................. 81 YZNC YIL UNIVERSITY .................................. 175 ZRVE UNIVERSITY............................................... 186 ZONGULDAK KARAELMAS UNIVERSITY .........................160