DOE HDBK11402001-Part1 - Human Factor Ergonomics Handbook For The Design For Ease of Maintenance
DOE HDBK11402001-Part1 - Human Factor Ergonomics Handbook For The Design For Ease of Maintenance
DOE HDBK11402001-Part1 - Human Factor Ergonomics Handbook For The Design For Ease of Maintenance
Available to DOE and DOE contractors from ES&H Technical Information Services,
U.S. Department of Energy, (800) 473-4375, fax: (301) 903-9823.
The purpose of this handbook is to provide Department of Energy (DOE) contractors with
information that can be used to design equipment and maintenance programs in order to reduce
human errors and subsequently accidents and injuries due to human errors with maintenance
activities. This handbook provides human factors good practices for design of equipment,
systems, subsystems, and facilities, including support facilities and equipment, as well as,
guidance for maintenance support equipment and procedures, maintenance aids, and
maintenance programs. This handbook is part of a series of guides designed to enhance the
guidelines set forth in DOE Orders 4330.4B, 420.1, and 5480.30 and DOE Guides 200.1,
420.1-1, 421, and 452.2A.
Maintenance design
Maintenance programs
Foreword .......................................................................................................................................iii
Table of contents............................................................................................................................ v
Tables............................................................................................................................................ vii
Figures .........................................................................................................................................viii
Glossary...................................................................................................................................... 215
Figure 2.13.5 Examples of handles for withdrawing printed circuit boards .......................... 110
Figure 2.13.6 Examples of miscellaneous uses for handles ................................................... 111
Figure 3.1.1 Depth of work area........................................................................................... 114
Figure 3.1.2 Mobile workspace dimensions......................................................................... 117
Figure 3.1.3 Fall protection devices ..................................................................................... 120
Figure 3.3.1 Standard design for stand-up benches.............................................................. 127
Figure 3.3.2 Podium type workbench design ....................................................................... 127
Figure 3.3.3 Stand-sit stool................................................................................................... 128
Figure 3.3.4 Sit-only workbench .......................................................................................... 129
Figure 3.3.5 Double-sided workbench design and workbench accessories ......................... 129
Figure 3.6.1 Drawer design features..................................................................................... 137
Figure 3.6.2 Open shelf design feature................................................................................. 138
Figure 4.4.1 Hand-held hoist control box............................................................................. 144
Figure 4.4.2 Example of hoist lug and lock pin.................................................................... 145
Figure 4.6.1 Degrees of freedom of movement for manipulator arm and wrist assembly... 148
Figure 4.6.2 Examples of manipulator hand configurations ................................................ 150
Figure 4.7.1 Screwdriver for small-sized adjustments ......................................................... 154
Figure 4.7.2 Example of clip screwdriver ............................................................................ 154
Figure 4.7.3 Example of push-type tool ............................................................................... 155
Figure 4.7.4 Uses of straight and off-set screwdrivers ......................................................... 156
Figure 4.7.5 Example of clamping device............................................................................ 157
Figure 4.9.1 Preferred and critical angles for ladders, stair ladders, stairs, and ramps ........ 159
Figure 4.9.2 Examples of use of safety screens behind open stairs and landings .............. 1160
Figure 4.9.3 Example of hazard marking on ladder ............................................................. 161
Figure 4.9.4 Portable rung ladder dimensions...................................................................... 162
Figure 4.9.5 Step-ladder dimensions .................................................................................... 163
Figure 4.10.1 Example of a catwalk ....................................................................................... 167
Figure 4.10.2 Critical dimensions for guardrails.................................................................... 168
Figure 4.11.1 Whole body access opening ............................................................................. 169
Figure 4.11.2 Floor-mounted hatch ........................................................................................ 170
Figure 5.2.1 Example of purpose and scope section ............................................................ 178
1.1 Introduction
Maintainability is that characteristic of design and installation that affects the amount of time and cost
necessary to repair, test, calibrate, or adjust an item to a specified condition when using defined
procedures and resources.
Design for maintainability has as a prime objective the design of systems, subsystems, equipment and
facilities capable of being maintained in the least amount of time, at the lowest cost, and with a minimum
expenditure of support resources. Attempts to achieve this objective have evolved into the engineering
discipline of maintainability.
To realize the overall goal of maintainability, that is, to prevent failure or to restore a failed system or
device to operational effectiveness easily and cost effectively, requires that maintainability and the
associated human factors contributions be considered as part of the total design process. Maintainability
must be designed into the system and equipment during the beginning stage of development to ensure that
costly maintenance and/or redesign are avoided. Maintainability should complement operational
requirements of a system. Design for maintainability is an evolutionary process that starts in the
equipment concept stage and ends after the equipment has been built and tested.
This handbook provides design criteria for promoting system maintainability. These criteria are specifically
compiled to assist in incorporating maintainability into new systems or for modification of existing facilities to
increase their maintainability. They are not in themselves grounds for establishing the requirement to modify a
facility. However they may be used to identify discrepancies with existing design criteria that may result in
decreased system and facility maintainability.
This volume is an update and extension of an earlier DOE document, UCRL-15673, Human Factors Design
Guidelines for Maintainability of Department of Energy Nuclear Facilities.
1.1.1 Scope
This standard establishes system maintainability design criteria for DOE systems, subsystems, equipment and
1.1.2 Purpose
This document is intended to ensure that DOE systems, subsystems, equipment, and facilities are
designed to promote their maintainability. These guidelines are concerned with design features of DOE
facilities that can potentially affect preventive and corrective maintenance of systems within DOE
facilities. Maintenance includes inspecting, checking, troubleshooting, adjusting, replacing, repairing, and
servicing activities. This handbook also addresses other factors that influence maintainability, such as
repair and maintenance support facilities including hotshops, maintenance information, and various
aspects of the environment and worker health and safety. This standard is to be applied to the system
design of DOE systems, subsystems, equipment and facilities to:
This standard serves as a reference and may be cited contractually in system specification and requirements to
form a basis for evaluation of the human-machine interface.
1.1.3 Application
These standards should be applied to the design and retrofitting of all facilities, systems, subsystems and
equipment by elements of the DOE. Unless otherwise stated in specific provisions, this standard is applicable for
use by both men and women. Design should accommodate the range from the 5th percentile female to the 95th
percentile male within the user population unless alternate upper and lower limits are specified by the DOE.
1.2 Source documents (for original DOE document, UCRL-15673, Human Factors Design Guidelines for
Maintainability of Department of Energy Nuclear Facilities, of which this document represents an update and
1. Altman, J.W., Marchese, A.C., & Marchiando, B.W., Guide to design of mechanical equipment for
maintainability, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, ASD Technical Report 61-381(NTIS AD-
269332), 1961.
2. Blanchard, B.S., & Lowery, E.E., Maintainability: Principles and practices, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1969.
3. Brynda, W.J., Lobner, P. R., Powell, R.W., & Straker, E.A. Design guide for category I reactors light
and heavy water cooled reactors, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, NTIS BNL-
50831-11, UC-80, 1978.
4. Choate, L.M., & Schmidt, T.R. Sandia Laboratories radiation facilities. Sandia Laboratories,
Albuquerque, 1979.
5. Crawford, B.M., & Altman, J.W. Designing for maintainability, in H.P. Van Cott and R.G. Kinkade,
Human engineering guide to equipment design, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.,
6. Cunningham, C.E., & Cox, W. Applied maintainability engineering, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
7. Designing for man's advances in control room operations, EPRI Journal, July/August 1982, pp. 6-13.
8. Engineering design handbook-maintainability guide for design. U.S. Army Materiel Command,
Washington, D.C., AMC Pamphlet 706-134 (AD-754 202), 1972.
9. Folley, J.D., & Altman, J.W. Guide to design of electronic equipment for maintainability, Wright-
Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, WADC-TR-56-218 (AD-101-729), 1956.
10. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Guidelines for Control Room Design Reviews, Washington, D.C.,
NUREG-0700, 1981.
11. Department of Defense, Human engineering design criteria for military systems, equipment and
facilities, MIL-STD-1472F, 1998.
12. U.S. Army, Human factors engineering design for Army materiel, MIL-HBK-759C, 1995.
13. Department of Defense, Maintainability program requirements (for systems and equipment), MIL-
STD-470, 1966.
14. McCormick, E.J., & Sanders, M.S., Human factors engineering and design (5th ed.), McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1982.
15. Morgan, C.T., Chapanis, A., Cook, J.S., & Lund, M.W., Human engineering guide to equipment
design, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1963.
16. Parker, J.F., Jr., & West, V.R., Bioastronautics data book (2nd ed.), National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, Washington, D.C., 1973.
17. Pulliam, R., Price, H.E., Bongarra, J.P., Jr., Sawyer, C.R., & Kisner, R.A., A methodology for
allocating nuclear power plant control functions to human or automatic control, Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, D.C., NUREG/CR3331, 1983.
18. Rigby, L.V., & Cooper, J.I., Problems and procedures in maintainability, Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base, Ohio, ASD Technical Note 61-126 (AD-273-108), 1961.
19. Rigby, L.V., Cooper, J.I., & Spickard, W.A. Guide to integrated system design for maintainability
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, ASD Technical Report 61-424, 1961.
20. Seminars, J.L, Human factors methods for assessing and enhancing power plant maintainability,
Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, EPRI-NP-2360, 1982.
21. Seminars, J.L., & Parsons, S. O., Human factors review of power plant maintainability, Electric
Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, EPRI-NP-1567, 1981.
22. Seminars, J.L., Parsons, S. O., Schmidt, W.J., Gonzalez, W.R., & Dove, L.E., Human factors review
of power plant maintainability, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, EPRI-NP-1567SY,
23. Seminars, J.L., Gonzalez, W.R., & Parsons, S. O. Human factors review of nuclear power plant
control room design, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, EPRI-NP-309, 1977.
24. Smith, D.J., & Babb, A.H., Maintainability engineering, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1973.
25. Van Cott, H.P., & Kinkade, R.G,. Human engineering guide to equipment design, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1972.
26. Woodson,W.E., Human factors design handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981.
27. Zahn, H.S. et al. Developing maintainability for fusion power systems, Department of Energy,
Washington, D.C., NTIS COO-4184-8, 1979.
1. Arnold, R.S., Slovin, M., and Wilde, N. Do design records really benefit software maintenance. IEEE
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2. Caldiera, G. Impact of ISO 9000 on software maintenance, IEEE conference on software maintenance, 1993,
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3. Caparetz, M.A. and Munro, M. Configuration management discipline, IEEE Conference on software
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4. Cherinka, C.M. Overstreet, L.M, Sparks, R. Building an integrated software maintenance environment - from
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5. Department of Defense, Human Engineering design criteria for military systems, equipment, and facilities.,
MIL-STD-1472F, 1998.
6. draft Department of Energy, Human factors engineering design criteria: Volume I, general criteria, DOE-
HDBK-XXXX, 1994.
7. Garland, J.K. and Calliss, F.W. Improved change tracking for software maintenance, IEEE conference on
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9. Harjani, D.K. and Queille, J.P. A process model for the maintenance of large space systems software, IEEE
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10. Harrison, W. and Cook, C. Insights on improving the maintenance process through software measurement,
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11. Leung, H.K. and White, L. A study of integration testing and software regression at the integration level,
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13. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Man-System Integration Standards, NASA-STD-3000, Vol.
1., 1987.
14. Pack, R.W. et. al., Human engineering design guidelines for maintainability, Electric Power Research
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software maintenance, 1992, pp. 294 - 298.
16. Pigoski, T.M. and Looney, C.S. Software maintenance training: Transition experiences, IEEE Conference on
software maintenance, 1993, 314 - 318.
17. Van Cott, H.P. and Kinkade, R.G. Human Engineering Guide to Equipment Design, Revised Edition, U.S.
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