Mikoyan MiG29 Fulcrum
Mikoyan MiG29 Fulcrum
Mikoyan MiG29 Fulcrum
Mikoyan MiG-29
Mikoyan MiG-29
In the USA for information address: HarperCollinsPublishers Inc. 10 East 53rd Street New York NY 10022 In the UK for information address: HarperCollinsPublishers 77-85 Fulham Palace Road Hammersmith London W6 8JB First Published in Great Britain by HarperCollinsPublishers 1997 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 Copyright Jon Lake ISBN 0 00472144 6 Cover photograph: Artur Sarkisyan (MiG-MAPO) Colour illustrations: John Ridyard and Chris Davey (3-view) Editor: Ian Drury Design: Rod Teasdale Production Manager: David Lennox Colour reproduction byColourscan Printed in Italy by Rotolito All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers.
44 MiG-29 IN FOCUS 54
Russia's aviation industry was in an enviable position after World War II. It enjoyed a huge captive market for its products, since the climate and topography of the USSR made reliance on aircraft for defence almost inevitable. With the Cold War raging, the Russian armed forces had a massive requirement for indigenous aircraft types. Furthermore, under a Stalinist command economy, the aviation industry was completely isolated from the disciplines and demands of the free market. When the Russian air forces wanted a new fighter money was no object, and narrow economic competitiveness was an alien concept.
Above right: This flying suit patch was issued to OKB personnel participating in overseas airshows like Farnborough. The MiG winged badge logo is prominent. Below: The MiG-29 prototype after retirement to the Air Forces' museum at Monino, near Moscow.
The aviation industry was, as a result, massively inefficient, overmanned, bureaucratically bloated and with a tremendous duplication of resources. Furthermore, it was subject to a great deal of political interference. The aims of a particular Five Year Plan were often accorded a higher priority than meeting the requirements of the armed forces, which could hardly turn elsewhere. Initiative was suppressed. There was little scope for aircraft designers to press ahead with their own visions, except where these coincided with an officially stated
requirement, or where success might bring a propaganda coup. Despite this stagnant background, the industry managed to produce some truly great combat aircraft. None were more impressive than the succession of jet fighters produced by the Experimental Design Bureau (OKB) named after Artom Mikoyan, and whose aircraft proudly bore a suffix formed from the initial letters of the founders' names, Mikoyan and Gurevich - MiG. The MiG-15 was in many ways superior to the F-86 Sabre, particularly in its armament,
Left: This aircraft (the 910 prototype) typifies production MiG-29s after installation of the overwing chaff/flare dispensers.
and this allowed the Russians to produce the top-scoring aces of the Korean War. The MiG19 was years ahead of its time, as was the MiG-21, whose basic design was so right that large numbers remain in service to this day, and when modernized with contemporary avionics the aircraft still represents a potent threat. The MiG-25 was a superb high speed, high altitude reconnaissance platform, and was the only interceptor capable of countering the mighty SR-71 Blackbird. The MiG-29 has proved to be probably the OKB's most impressive product. When the MiG-29 made its first appearance, intercepted by Swedish fighters over the Baltic, there was a great deal of excitement. It was clearly meant to be a modern agile fighter, in much the same class as the F/A-18 Hornet. But in truth, not much can be gleaned from still photographs or by
simply flying alongside a co-operating target, and experts bickered as to whether or not the MiG-29 was simply an inferior Soviet copy of this or that Western fighter - whether what it was supposed to have copied was the F-14, the F-15, the F/A-1 8 or even the YF-1 7. Intelligence sources suggested that the aircraft had been seen performing manoeuvres which 'no Western fighter could emulate', but this claim was treated with some scepticism. Many suspected that it was an exaggeration (or an outright fiction) intended as a justification for the procurement of more advanced fighters and/or weapons by the US forces. In fact, the MiG-29 was an entirely original design, incorporating many advanced features not seen in its Western counterparts, and actually more aerodynamically advanced than any Western type. There were some broad
Above: Rostislav Belyakov remains at the helm of the Mikoyan Design Bureau despite advancing age and ill health. Greatly admired and respected by those who meet him, Belyakov is a legend in his own lifetime, and was the 'father' of the MiG-29. Below: The old and the new. A Czech air force MiG-29 formates with an example of Mikoyan's previous best-seller, the MiG-21. The Czech Republic no longer operates the MiG-29, having passed its aircraft to Slovakia.
Above: Carrying underwing fuel tanks, one of the Mikoyan OKB's own MiG-29s is seen under escort by Elmendorf-based F-15s during the type's first visit to North America, in 1989. The similar size, wing-sweep and broad configuration of the two aircraft types is apparent.
similarities with each of the latest Western fighters, with LERXes like those on the F/A-18, widely spaced underslung engines and a 'lifting body' fuselage like the F-14, and a wing planform reminiscent of that of the F-15. Twin tailfins were a common feature to the F14, F-1 5, F/A-18 and theYF-17. But in truth, the MiG-29 was no more a copy of the F/A18 (say) than the Hornet was a copy of the F14 or F-15. Common requirements often lead to common solutions, and in designing a highly agile fighter, it would have been more surprising had Mikoyan not produced a design with some features which resembled those on the Western aircraft. Today, a generation of future combat aircraft share a single-finned, canard Delta configuration, yet no-one is seriously suggesting that the Gripen (for instance) is a copy of Rafale or Eurofighter. As the West learned more of the new Soviet superfighter, the truth became clearer, that the MiG-29 was a highly advanced and unique product of a design team who had done their own homework, and who, in some respects, had done it better than had their Western counterparts. Certainly the Russians had created an aircraft which was capable of flight at far higher angles of attack than any Western type, and which could be flown with confidence into areas of the envelope which were normally strictly 'out-of-bounds'. It later transpired that the aircraft's weapons system incorporated some features which were far in
advance of anything fielded by the aircraft's Western contemporaries. But the accusation that Mikoyan had somehow 'cheated' and had simply copied an American fighter proved hard to bury, and even today, there are those who believe that Mikoyan (Russia's foremost fighter design bureau) simply refined a configuration which American know-how had created. Six MiG-29s made a goodwill visit to Finland during 1986, where the type's aerobatic display routine was watched with great interest, and just over two years later, in September 1988, a pair of MiG-29s became the first Soviet fighters to be exhibited at a Western trade show, when they appeared at the SBAC Farnborough show. At Farnborough, the Mikoyan OKB's test pilots put on an even more spectacular show routine, while on the ground, the type's designers proved surprisingly willing to talk openly about the aircraft's characteristics and capabilities. But the controversy continued. Some maintained that the MiG-29's airshow routine, performed by a lightly loaded machine owned by the Bureau, was a 'flashy' irrelevance, which-in contradiction of the evidence offered to the eyes of anyone who saw the display-demonstrated no superiority over the agile F-1 6. Other detractors pointed to the MiG-29's crude finish in certain areas, and airily claimed-with not a scrap of evidence-that the aircraft's radar was a crude copy of the Hornet's AN/APG-65 or the Eagle's AN/APG-63. Other onlookers went the
other way, and seemed to be blinded by the aircraft's undoubted acrobatic prowess. They saw the incredible turn performance, high Alpha and post-stall capabilities of the aircraft, and immediately assumed that it would be unbeatable in air-to-air combat, and believed every word that its designers uttered about the capabilities of the aircraft's avionics. It has taken many years for a more balanced and accurate impression of the aircraft to become accepted. There is now little argument with the fact that the MiG-29 is the most aerodynamically advanced aircraft of its generation, nor with the fact that it is probably the world's best close-in dogfighter. Equally, it is widely recognised that the aircraft's avionics system severely limits its effectiveness in any BVR engagement, and imposes an unhelpful degree of reliance on ground or AWACS control for target sorting, threat prioritization, and other tasks which Western fighter pilots take for granted as automated, onboard functions. Finally, it is generally acknowledged that the aircraft's usefulness is severely constrained by its very limited endurance and payload/range characteristics, effectively limiting it to the point defence role. But while the baseline MiG-29 has its limitations, it is in service in huge numbers with a wide variety of operators, and is among the most common potential threat aircraft likely to be faced by Western fast jet pilots. The aircraft poses a significant threat in the BVR environment (despite the limitations alluded to above) and is a very dangerous threat at WVR (Within Visual Range). WVR engagements may be dictated by circumstance, or by ROE (Rules of Engagement) which can sometimes
necessitate visual identification. Moreover, the MiG-29 has been subject to a wide-ranging programme of upgrades and updates, producing a plethora of advanced variants, some of which are now entering service. Many of the MiG-29's traditional weaknesses have now been addressed, and some of the latest MiGs represent an even more dangerous and deadly threat than their precursors.
Above: After refuelling at Elmendorf, the Mikoyan OKB MiGs transited to Abbotsford, escorted by Canadian CF-188s. One of the Canadians, Major Bob WadeofNo.441 Squadron, subsequently became the first Western pilot to fly the MiG-29
Left: F-16AADFsofthe Minnesota AN G escort a pair of Mikoyan OKB MiG-29s during a tour of North America. The MiG29 and F-16 are often compared, though they are very different. The F16 is used mainly as a tactical 'a\r-lo-mud' fighter bomber while the MiG-29 is pure fighter. In the air-to-air arena, the F-16 pilot enjoys better situational awareness, while the MiG-driver has agility and performance on his side.
Below: A Royal Air Force Tornado F.Mk 3 escorts Anatoly Kvotchur in 'Blue 10' as the MiG-29 (using an Aeroflot callsign) flew into England to make its Western debut. In the background is an RAF VC 10 tanker.
Operational experience seemed to confirm the worst opinions of Soviet or Soviet-trained pilots and their aircraft, though this was sometimes because good PR camouflaged a kill-to-loss ratio which was seldom as disproportionate as was suggested. In a climate of opinion dismissive of Soviet aircraft, many observers failed to take account of the self-evident strengths of some of the best Soviet fighters. The MiG-1 7 proved a difficult opponent over Vietnam and in the Middle East, demonstrating superior low speed agility to the F-4 Phantom, and packing a devastatingly powerful punch with its mix of 37- and 23-mm cannon. The aircraft's relatively small size also made it a difficult opponent - making it hard to visually acquire and track. The MiG-21 enjoyed breathtaking acceleration, rate of climb and outright performance, and was equally
difficult to detect visually, especially from head-on. In the MiG-25, the USSR produced the only fighter-interceptor capable of dealing with the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird spyplane. All of these aircraft had their weaknesses, of course, and these often tended to camouflage their strengths. But however much one acknowledges the superb performance characteristics or ruggedness of particular Soviet combat aircraft, and however much one nit-picks about the exact ratio of F-4:MiG-21 losses over Vietnam or of Israeli and Arab fighters, there can be no doubt that Western fighters and their pilots did enjoy a very significant edge. Nowhere was this recognised more fully than in the USSR itself. Development of the MiG-29 as we know it today began in the early 1970s, to meet a requirement for a new Light Frontal Fighter (Logikii Frontovoi Istrebityel). This would be capable of destroying enemy fighters, attack aircraft, reconnaissance, AEW and ECM aircraft, and would be able to protect friendly aircraft, while also being capable of attacking ground targets close to the frontline. Stated so baldly, this was not very different to the requirements which had produced the MiG-21 or MiG-23. Yet because it implicitely required the new fighter to beat aircraft like the F-16 in aerial combat, and be able to intercept low level attack aircraft like the F-111 or Tornado, it was actually very ambitious.
It was always intended that the new fighter would be able to sell on its own merits in the export market, so it was vital that the MiG-29 would be genuinely competitive with the latest generation of US combat aircraft. The aircraft's timescale was such that its designers were quite heavily influenced by (and could learn valuable lessons from) aircraft like the YF-14, YF-15,YF-16 andYF-17. Soviet tacticians and analysts were quite aware of the need for the aircraft to be able to operate autonomously, and of the need for 'freelance operations' by fighter pilots. The importance of independence of outside control, flexibility and initiative began to be stressed in Soviet air forces training literature. This marked a dramatic shift in philosophy for the Soviet air forces, and especially for Frontal Aviation, the tactical air arm. Thus, by Soviet standards at least, the MiG-29 pilot was given an unparallelled ability to conduct his own mission, though shortcomings in avionics (and in particular a lack of sufficient
processing capability) did mean that he continued to rely on GCI or AWACS control for threat prioritisation and tactical, or risk losing situational awareness if he relied only on onboard sensors and displays.
Below: On overseas sales tours, Mikoyan's singleseater 'Blue W was accompanied by MiG29UB 'Blue 53', later 'Blue 314'.
The initial Soviet response to Vietnam was to design aircraft like the MiG-23 - essentially BVR-capable, longer-range and modernised equivalents to the MiG-21. With the emergence of the US 'Teen Series' fighter prototypes (YF-14 Tomcat, YF-15 Eagle, YF-1 6 Fighting Falcon and YF-1 7 Cobra) it became clear that the US were emphasising close-in 'dogfight' manoeuvring capabilities, as well as BVR (Beyond Visual Range) target detection and engagement. Detailed design work began in 1974, the year that the F-1 5 entered service, and the year that the YF-1 6 and YF-1 7 prototypes first flew. Thus it soon became clear that the MiG-29 would have to carry a long range pulse Doppler fire control radar and BVR missiles, yet would also have to be capable of an extraordinary degree of manoeuvrability. Design of a new Frontal Aviation fighter began in 1 969, as a direct counter to the USAF's F-1 5, which had been launched in 1965. To meet what was initially known as the PFI (Perspektivnii Frontovoi Istrebityel, or prospective frontal fighter) three design
bureaus submitted competing designs. Yakovlev dropped out at an early stage, leaving Sukhoi with theT-10 and Mikoyan with the MiG-29. Unusually, Mikoyan used a service-type designation from the start, rather than the more usual E- (Ye-) number. Both the Sukhoi and the Mikoyan aircraft designs were originally quite similar, loosely based on a common configuration with twin fins, widely spaced raked intakes and prominent extensions to the leading edges of the wing roots (LERXes - leading edge root extensions). Both were also relative heavyweights, similar in size to, or larger than, the F-1 5. But just as the USAF's fighter competition
spawned a cheaper, lightweight complement to the F-15 in the shape of the F-16, Gleb Lozino-Lozinsky submitted a proposal that a smaller version of the MiG-29 should also be procured, as a lower-cost, lighter-weight, force multiplier. This led to the PFI programme being split into two. The Sukhoi OKB were commissioned to produce a heavy fighter, the TPFI (T for Tyazholyi, or heavy) which eventually became the T-10 and then the Su-27. Mikoyan were instructed to proceed with development of their lighter MiG-29 (originally known as the MSG-29D, or Dubler - Double) under the LPFI programme (L for Logikii, or lightweight). The
P was soon dropped from both programme designations. The MiG-29 represented an extremely highrisk project, since it broke new ground in every respect. A radically new aerodynamic configuration was coupled with a new engine, new avionics, new radar, and a new missile armament. Sukhoi did exactly the same with the Su-27, and paid the price, having to revise their aircraft's aerodynamic and structural design and suffering delays to the radar, and to the engines. Mikoyan were luckier; development of the aircraft's disparate elements, and their integration, were to proceed remarkably smoothly.
Above: The MIG-29UB lacks radar, and so is a continuation and conversion trainer only, without full combat capability. The tandem cockpits of the MiG29UB are not as stepped as on many two-seat fighter trainers, and the back-seater is therefore provided with a retractable periscope. The aircraft is seen here taxying at Farnborough during the 1988 SBAC show.
Aerodynamic design began with the forebody, lifting fuselage and wing, which were optimised to maximise the lift/drag ratio, and to be capable of sustaining flight at extremely high angles of attack. The wing blended into the fuselage via long, curving extensions to the wingroots, known as LERXes (Leading Edge Root extensions). These generated powerful vortices across the top of the wing and fuselage, helping to keep flow attached at high angles of attack. This 'perfect' wing/centrebody was then 'compromised' by the addition of the cockpit, twin tailfins (spaced wide apart for effectiveness at high angles of attack), slab tailplanes and widely spaced engines and intake ducts. The wide spacing gave room between the engines for the carriage of external stores, and also allowed the intakes to flow straight back to the compressor face - probably one explanation for the aircraft's superb engine handling at high angles of attack - while the LERXes also tended to channel air back into the intakes. The MiG-29's aerodynamic characteristics are unmatched. With no fly-by-wire control system to prevent departure from controlled flight, the aircraft's design has been carefully
Above: 'Fulcrum-C's lined up at Sarmellek in Hungary prior to their departure (to Minsk) on 4 October 1990. Soviet forces in Hungary included three MiG-29 Regiments at Kiskunlachaza, Sarmellek and Tokol, together with one MiG-23 fighter regiment and MiG-27, Su-17 and Su-24 units.
tailored to 'square the circle' between unparallelled agility and benign departure characteristics. The MiG-29 will stall, of course, and can depart from controlled flight in an energetic manner, but is claimed to be effectively unspinnable, recovering from an incipient or fully developed spin (erect or inverted) as soon as full pro-spin controls are relaxed. The aircraft is designed to operate from rough, semi-prepared runways, and in order to prevent foreign object ingestion by the low-slung intakes, they are fitted with a system which actually closes them during take off and landing when the nosewheel is
Above: This 'fulcrum-C' is seen during the Soviet withdrawal from Hungary, and carries the full three-tank ferry fit. Underwing tanks were originally part of the MIG-29S upgrade. Far right: This colourful 'Fulcrum-C' was used by the Ukrainian air force for an aerobatic demonstration tour of Canada and North America.
on the ground (but based on airspeeds). During start-up, massive solid doors swing down from the intake roof and close off the intake, and the engine then draws air through spring-loaded louvres on the tops of the LERXes. This airflow is sufficient to allow the engines to be run at full afterburning thrust. The first of eleven prototypes made its maiden flight on 6 October 1977. The prototypes were followed by eight preproduction aircraft. The aircraft entered service during 1983, initially with the 234th Guards IAP at Kubinka, then with Regiments at Ros in the Ukraine and Mikha Tskhakaya in Georgia.
Right: This MiG-29 wears the distinctive 'winged star' markings applied to about half of the aircraft (the older 'Fulcrum-A's, with ventral fins) assigned to the 968th IAP at Nbitz. These were almost certainly the aircraft used by the Regiment's second squadron. A typical training mission flown by one of this unit's pilots is described in this book.
Left: This view of a 968th IAP MiC-29 was taken as the aircraft approached Alt Lnnewitz (Falkenberg) as the unit transited back to Russia. It seems likely that some of the earliest production MiC-29s were not plumbed for the carriage of external fuel tanks at all. Before the system fell into disuse, the colours of regimental codes and their thin outlines indicated regimental and divisional assignment.
Empire' hell-bent on world domination and the military subjugation of the Free World. Certainly, Warsaw Pact planning in Europe was based on a massive attack against NATO - albeit one which was justified as being a response to the NATO attack which it was expected would accompany Capitalism's dying gasps. Documents which came to light following German reunification have revealed how a war might have been conducted in the 1970s. The conflict would have opened with massive nuclear strikes against NATO installations in Germany.The Dutch border was marked as the limit of strategic and operational nuclear strikes' using some 320 warheads. The USSR presumably hoped that this would keep NATO's nuclear response
similarly geographically limited. Warsaw Pact armies would then have fought through Germany in their NBC protective gear, occupying the whole of Germany in three days, before rolling on to the Channel and the Pyrenees. The Warsaw Pact printed and stored a new occupation currency to replace the Deutschmark, together with ID papers for 300,000 East German administartors who would take over the running of the old West Germany. They even minted thousands of invasion medals! In the 1980s, defensive tactics and conventional weapons were increasingly emphasised, but when an East German officer was questioned by his Bundeswehr opposite number about his defensive plans,
Below: The 33rd IAP at Wittstock applied a badge to some of its aircraft, consisting of an Imperial Russian type roundel, on which were superimposed a red Byelorussian bison, a stylised red shark (or dolphin) and a blue MiG-29. Codes were white, usually with blue outlines.
Above: One of the 787th lAP's 'Fulcrum-C's at Eberswalde. Airfield architecture on the 16th Air Army's bases was a mix of Soviet and wartime Nazi! Right: A group of MiG29 pilots in the now rarely-worn high altitude full pressure suits, carrying pressure helmets. Below: A fully-armed QRA aircraft standing alert at Eberswalde.
the East German succinctly replied "Antwerp!" But the first use of nuclear weapons was effectively abandoned at an early stage, placing more importance on the neutralisation of NATO air power. In 1987 Gorbachev explicitely declared that the Warsaw Pact would never conduct offensive operations unless under armed attack, guaranteed no first use of nuclear weapons and denied or renounced any territorial claims in Europe and elsewhere. Russian forces in East Germany continued to occupy 1,000 barracks, airfields and other facilities, which covered 10% of the area of the German Democratic Republic, and by October 1990 included 363,690 military personnel, 5,880 main battle tanks, 698 combat helicopters and 625 combat aircraft. Fighters always enjoyed a disproportionate importance in the 16th Air Army, since they had the vital peacetime role of preventing overflights or incursions by Western reconnaissance aircraft, and could undertake offensive or defensive operations in wartime. MiG-29s began to replace MiG-23s (and a handful of MiG-25s) from January 1986, reequipping fighter regiments at Wittstock, Ptnitz (Damgarten), Zerbst, Kthen, Merseburg, Nbitz (Altenburg), Alt Lonnewitz, and Eberswalde (Finow) by 1989. One more fighter regiment still retained MiG-23s by the time the Soviets began to withdraw from East Germany. This may have been scheduled to convert to the MiG-29, or
may have been retained for longer-range fighter duties. The multi-role MiG-29M was developed specifically to meet the requirements of the 16th Air Army, and could have replaced Su17s and MiG-27s (overtly hostile fighter bombers), as well as first-generation MiG29s. While nominally appearing to re-equip all fast jet units with a defensive fighter, the 16th Air Army would have dramatically increased its offensive strike, SEAD and close air support capabilities. But plans were thrown into disarray on 7 November 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down. While a Soviet withdrawal was planned and then put into operation, MiG-29 units continued to fly their normal training missions, but the Cold War was effectively over. When the two Germanies re-united on 3 October 1990, the 16th Air Army comprised Northern and Southern Tactical Air Corps. The Northern corps controlled the 16th Guards Fighter Division, headquartered at Ptnitz, and the 125th Fighter Bomber Division headquartered at Rechlin. In turn, these controlled three MiG-29 Regiments at Wittstock, Ptnitz and Eberswalde, and two Su-17 and one MiG-27 fighter-bomber regiment. The Southern corps controlled another fighter bomber division (105th IAD) with three MiG-27 regiments, and two fighter divisions. The 6th Guards Fighter Division at Merseburg controlled MiG-29 regiments at Alt Lonnewitz, Merseburg and Nbitz, while the 126th Guards Fighter Division at Zerbst controlled MiG-29 regiments at Zerbst and Kthen, and a MiG-23 unit at Altes Lager. Direct reporting units included reconnaissance and transport divisions and two Shturmovik regiments. All combat helicopters were army aviation assets.
Left: The 'Fulcrum-C' differed from the baseline MiG-29 in having a distinctively hump-backed spine. This contains a new active jammer and some extra fuel. The aircraft was often known by the nickname Gorbatov (Hunchback). This aircraft is seen taxying at Eberswalde, close to Berlin.
Right: A MiG-29 roars into the air after a short take off. Lightly loaded, the MiG-29 actually qualifies as a STOL aircraft, and even with operational equipment needs remarkably little runway. On Wednesday 26 April 1995, a MiG-29 flown by Roman Taskaev set an FAI-recognised world altitude record of 27460 m (90,092 ft), shattering the record previously set by an SR71.
Under the Luftwaffe the airfield housed a succession of bomber, training and nightfighter units until it fell into Soviet hands in 1945. The Russians extensively rebuilt the airfield, extending the runway and improving the facilities, though they retained many of the Nazi-era buildings for their own use. Some hangars, for instance, still bore safety and no smoking signs in German, and applied in the typically overblown Teutonic script favoured by Hitler's Luftwaffe. The airfield housed a succession of fighter, reconnaissance and fighter-bomber types, though the based 296th APIB's MiG-27s gave way to the MiG29s of the 968th IAP in 1989. Like other Frontal Aviation MiG-29 units the Regiment originally had three squadrons, the first with the best-qualified and most experienced pilots. This squadron was responsible for air combat training of the whole regiment and also had the responsibility for the nuclear strike role. The second squadron had a secondary conventional ground attack capability while the third was the training squadron, with the unit's instructors and its less experienced pilots. By 1990, some Soviet Regiments in East Germany had been reduced to two squadrons, with the training of a muchreduced number of first-tour pilots becoming a secondary responsibility of the second squadron and of a third eskadrilya which had been reduced to flight strength, equipped with the regiment's two-seaters.
Above: Seen at the Akhtubinsk test centre, this MiG-29 carries the rarely seen underwing bomb racks. The basic MiG-29 can carry four 500-kg bombs, while the upgraded MiG-295 can carry as many as eight.
This nuclear capability was exercised fairly frequently, with a nuclear-capable regiment's aircraft being loaded and unloaded at least twice per month. This was always practised under cover, at night, in order to avoid the attention of US satellites. Slightly less frequently, full scale nuclear missions would
Right: Conventional 250kg high explosive bombs loaded onto a MiG-29. The inboard pylons can carry two of these weapons, with one more underwing and (if necesssary) two more on the centreline.
sinister grey and black, six-foot bombs; chocolate-coloured dielectric nose cones covered the radar- and barometric fuses. On exercise, the clock would then be stopped while the weapons were quickly but carefully removed, and replaced by ballasted sheet aluminium replicas. Meanwhile, the regiment's operations chief of staff would retrieve the coded orders and arming codes from their secure safes. The squadron deputy chief of staff obtained the nuclear weapons instructions from a black fibreglass briefcase, and the necessary tools to complete the arming/authentication procedure. When the strike pilots reached their aircraft, they found them accompanied by their crew chief and an officer from the RTB detachment, with the arming/authentication code box already connected to the bomb. Once in the cockpit, with the radio turned on, the pilot would open the arming-code and and arming envelopes, extracting the two cards. He then waited to hear the secret mission code word as printed on the first card repeated over the radio. Without it, the process stopped there and then. After receiving the right code word, though, the pilots would then check in, using special callsigns. Again, if the wrong callsign was used, the tower would halt the procedure. The regimental headquarters would then transmit a sequence of nine numbers, which the pilot had to copy into boxes on the second card. The pilot then had to subtract the newlywritten lower digits from the upper row of printed digits. If any 9s or Os appeared, the procedure would be invalid, and would be halted. The numbers reaching the pilot came directly from Moscow. Meanwhile, the RTB officer went through a similar procedure over a separate landline to the political leadership. The pilot and RTB officer would then compare their calculated digits. With any disparity, the procedure ended. But if they tallied, the crew chief entered the agreed nine digits into the tenkey keypad, and if correct, the bomb would be armed. More than one mistake in entering the numbers, and the bomb would refuse to arm. The procedure ensured that a nuclear mission could only be launched with the full approval of both military and civilian chains of command, preventing any kind of Dr.Strangelove scenario, whether triggered by a renegade general or by a politician. It has been suggested that the Soviet special weapons arming and verification system, used since the 1970s, was based loosely on that
used by the USAF. This may have been compromised by nuclear-trained pilots taken prisoner in Vietnam, presumably tortured then shot, and still posted MIA to this day. Strike missions would have been flown at very high speed and ultra low level, with a correspondingly tiny radius of action. Retarded by parachute, the bomb itself would have been delivered from a LABS-type forward toss as the aircraft reached 120 through the 'loop', having climbed from 600 to 3,600 ft. With dark filters for his visor and the HUD, the pilot was relatively well protected against NBC contamination and flash, but it was accepted that all computers on board would be wiped out by EMP. The pilot would have to navigate home by analogue instruments and magnetic compass.
Above: One of MAPO's colourful MiG-295 demonstrators with an array of some of the weaponry offered with the baseline MiG-29, and used by a number of 'Fulcrum-A' export customers. Nearest the camera are four B8M rocket pods, each containing 20 80-mm rockets, with KMGU dispenser weapons (and fuel tanks) behind. Next are 100-, 250- and 500kg bombs, 30-mm ammunition and air-toair missiles. (Artur Sarkisyan/MiG-MAPO)
Third Class pilot the young officer needs a total of 350 flying hours and 600 sorties, usually achieving the rating within a year of arriving at the frontline. Qualified to fly combat missions by day, in weather conditions which include a 1.5-nm minimum
Right: The bulged spine of the 'Fulcrum-C' is readily apparent in this view of a MiG-29 from the31stGvlAPatAlt Lonnewitz, south-west of Berlin. Red-coded MiG29s were also based at Zerbst and Kthen, and with part of the 968th IAP at Nbitz.
The lead aircraft is today being flown by one of the unit's junior pilots, a real individual now flying Su-27s at Lipetsk, who we shall refer to by his nickname, 'Harry', (used universally) and not by his given name of Dmitri, since he has asked us not to reveal his surname. 'Harry' is entirely representative of the MiG-29 pilots based in East Germany. 'Harry' was then a Lieutenant, on only his second frontline tour, and while he was operational and fully competent on the MiG29, he wore the wings of a Second Class Pilot, with two steps to complete before he gained the coveted wings of the 'Sniper Pilot', and which he now wears. Russian pilots graduate from training with about 230 flying hours and 550 sorties in their log books, and wear wings with a plain blue shield as centrepiece. On a frontline regiment, unrated pilots are of little real use, and are not really capable of flying as productive members of the unit. To become a
visibility and a 750-ft minimum cloudbase, the Third Class pilot can fly in formations of between four and sixteen aircraft (from a zveno, or flight, to a full squadron). Pilots gain the Second Class pilot rating after a further three years, with a minimum of 450 hours and 770 sorties in their log books. Gaining the coveted wings with their red '2' is recognised as being a particularly difficult step, involving written examinations and practical testing of night- and instrumentflying abilities. A Second Class pilot is a fullyrated combat pilot, qualified to fly by day or night, able to stand alert, qualified to fly ground attack and 'manoeuvring combat' missions and fully instrument rated (with the same day minima as a Third Class Pilot and with night minima of 3-nm visibility and a 1,500-ft cloudbase). Second Class pilots received salary bonuses (effectively flying pay) ranging from between 1 5% to 25% of basic pay, paid after one year's qualified service. In days gone by, this was the stage at which Soviet pilots tended to become Communist Party members. Soviet Regiments in East Germany included a much greater
proportion of higher-graded pilots than other Frontal Aviation units. The First Class Pilot rating requires a minimum of 550 flying hours and 1,200 sorties, and is usually achieved after some six years of frontline service. First Class Pilots have weather minima (day and night) of less than a mile visibility and a cloudbase of 450ft. Most frontline pilots can expect to eventually become First Class Pilots, but only a handful get to the next step on the ladder, wearing the coveted wings of the Sniper Pilot.
Above: Although housed in hardened aircraft shelters Russian fighters in East Germany tended to operate from a flightline. This aircraft, from the 787th IAP at Eberswalde, wears an 'Excellence' award on its nose, applied to recognise the excellent technical condition of this particular aircraft.
Top and Below: One of the squadrons of the Kubinka-based 237th GvTsPAT forms the 'Swifts' aerobatic display team. The Regiment has a frontline role, but also functions as a display and demonstration unit.
Alexander Zuyev (the MiG-29 pilot who defected to Turkey) admitted to hearing western rock music pounding in his head during afterburner take offs - specifically the 'Rolling Stones'. Soviet pilots were clearly as conservative in their musical tastes as many of their western counterparts - no hip-hop or Reggae here! At an air show at Eberswalde Finow, a Soviet pilot was heard teasing
Above: Initially operating with six aircraft, the Swifts team now operates as a five ship, with a four aircraft core and a single solo aircraft. This ensures that at least one aircraft is in front of the crowd at all times. The Kubinka-based demonstration unit was originally designated as the 234th GVIAP, redesignating as the 237th SAP (Smeshaninyi Aviatsionnaya Polk, or Mixed Aviation Regiment) in 1989. The unit then became the 237th TsPAT (Tsentr Pozaka, Aviatsionnoi, Techniki - or Centre of Demonstration of Aviation Techniques.
but Soviet pilots tend to keep their drinking for stand-downs, with the harshest possible penalties imposed on anyone who breaches the strict '36 hours between bottle and throttle' rule. This is a considerably longer period of abstinence than is required in NATO air forces. Drinking one beer within a day of flying would lead to a prolonged grounding and harsh disciplinary action. In
some Regiments drinking was banned during whole periods of flight training, which could last up to a month, even on the Friday nights of weekend stand-downs. Air Force doctors did their best to enforce recommended bedtimes and a minimum period of 45 days mandatory leave was strictly enforced. Pilots were even encouraged to abstain from sex during flight training cycles!
Above left: One of the Swifts MiG-29s taxies past a row of Su-24s at Kubinka. The latter aircraft wear the same colour scheme as has been applied to the export aircraft supplied to nations like Iran and Iraq.
Below: This plan view shows off several aspects of the MiG-29's configuration, notably the widely spaced engines. This spacing allows very straight intake ducts, but imposes assymetric handling problems in the event of an engine failure. The widely spaced and slightly canted fins are also clearly visible.
The flying day proper begins with a mass briefing, with the regiment's meteorolgist giving a thorough briefing on the actual and forecast weather conditions at the airfield and in the local area, at the nominated diversion airfields, and more generally over the operational area. A second, updated met brief was given before afternoon flying. The tactical operations officer would then outline the objectives of the day's missions, talking through these in some detail. Often pilots would already have 'flown' the planned mission several times in the simulator,
landed. Pilots will commonly fly on two or even all three of the waves. A mass debrief and individual debriefs will follow after lunch, with less intensive flying activity in the afternoon. The final flight of the day would usually land by 1600. This was always referred to as the Krainiye (ultimate), and never as the posledniye (last) flight, since the Russians remain intensely superstitious. For the same reason the regimental code '13' was usually not assigned. In days gone by pilots would have spent at least two hours per week writing political essays and reading approved Marxist-Leninist texts. By the late 1980s, especially in the 1 6th Air Army, this was replaced by study of flight and tactical manuals, flight safety publications, and intelligence reports. Although regiments still had Zampolits (political officers) their role had generally changed, placing an emphasis on welfare, the teaching of enemy strategy and tactics, or acting as flight safety officers. (When I first met 'Harry' at Altenburg I showed him the latest copy of World Air Power Journal, which I then edited. His reaction left me speechless. "\ have seen. Ver' good!" he said, then pointed out that he'd like me to give him an older issue, which he hadn't seen, in exchange for his pilot's wings.)
Above: Black-ringed white missiles are inevitably dummy or acquisition rounds. This aircraft (a MAPO demonstrator wearing a colour scheme deliberately reminiscent of Indonesian and Malaysian camouflage patterns) carries the standard load of two R27s and four R-73s. (Artur Sarkisyan/MiCMAPO)
Left: The MiG-29's high installed thrust and low weight give it superb performance in the vertical, and the aircraft is generally judged to have delightful handling characteristics. It makes its pilots look good. John Farley, BAe's Harrier Chief Test Pilot compared its ease of handling with that of the let Provost trainer. (Artur Sarkisyan/MiG-MAPO)
Above: Pilot and engineer confer during the pilot's preflight walkaround check. The groundcrew wear black overalls, leading to their 'Black Men' nickname, which also reflects the fact that they supposedly 'work like Ethiopians'. The pilot wears the latest style of helmet, with integral visor. The lack of overwing chaff/flare dispensers identify this aircraft as a very early model 'Fulcrum-A'
We draw our helmets and g-suits and walk out to the flightline at 0845, taking a few minutes to talk to our assigned aircraft's crew chief. Each aircraft was individually looked after by a small groundcrew led by a junior officer. While a Western fighter squadron will have only two or three commissioned engineer officers, with senior NCOs fulfilling positions of great responsibility, a typical Russian fighter squadron might have as many as 20 engineer lieutenants, with captains and majors above them. This was necessary because the non-commissioned groundcrew (overwhelmingly conscripts) were often from outlying Soviet republics, ill-educated and barely literate in Russian.
is to make the first of countless checks of the Master Arm switch. Once the canopy is closed, the pilot quickly completes his pre-start checks and then starts the engines. In wartime, for an emergency scramble, the aircraft could taxy out and take off on one engine, shaving precious seconds if the airfield was about to come under attack. The second engine would then be started after take off. Normally though, the engines would be started in sequence, and the pilot would scan the relevant instruments to check that oil pressure, RPM and jet pipe temperatures were correct and stable before releasing the brakes and easing forward the slide-mounted throttles to taxy forward. To start, buttons on the throttles are depressed to unlock them and move them from cut-off to idle, before selecting 'both' on the start panel on the right hand console. With the battery on, the start switch is then pushed, with the right hand engine starting first to the accompaniment of a loud whoosh of compressed air. The left hand engine starts automatically from air bled from the starboard engine, once the latter had stabilised at 70% RPM. Leaving the flightline, the MiG-29s would usually taxy
faster than fighters in the West - which in any case taxy rather quicker than the 'fast walking pace' officially laid down. The aircraft halts briefly at the maintenance checkpoint, where a non-commissioned (usually enlisted) mechanic checks for leaks, checks the control surfaces, and checks that armament safety pins were removed. With his check complete, the airman salutes, and the MiG-29 may taxy forward.
Above and below: Final preparations are made to 'Blue 42' before a training mission. The aircraft has been half pulled out of its revetment, and will soon be ready to taxy out to the runway. Aircraft from the first production batches remain active.
Today, as we pass the barriers swung back along the sides of the taxyway (used to block the taxyway to prevent unauthorised take offs or defections) 'Harry' exchanges a cheery wave with the 'Black man' assigned to fire flares for radio silent landing and take off clearances. No-one really thinks about the unusual precautions designed to prevent defection, even though Alexander Zuyev did defect to Turkey, in a MiG-29, as recently as 20 May 1989. Nor were the taxyway barriers the only obstacle to defectors or thieves. After flying, all the MiGs except those maintained on alert had locks fitted to their throttles.
Below: This fully-armed MiG-29 is seen mid-way through the start-up sequence, with the port engine intake still open, and with the canopy still wide. The port intake door will swing down on start-up of that engine, and the pilot will close and lock the canopy before he moves forward. The intake ducts are directly in line with the compressor faces and jetpipes. This 'straightthrough' design may help account for the engines' remarkable ability to keep running in the face of severely disturbed airflow.
As the MiGs come to a halt the 'black man' steps out from under the makeshift umbrellalike structure which shelters him from the worst of the weather and stamps his feet to keep warm. The two MiG-29s pull to a halt opposite him and their pilots run quickly through their take off checks. They confirm that the annunciator panels were clear of red warning lights, that canopies were closed and properly locked, that their harnesses were locked and that the ejection seats were armed and live. Finally the pilots check that the RPM guages are stable and showing 70% RPM at the Gl (Ground Idle) setting. 'Harry' taxies forward onto the runway, taking the right hand side of the huge strip of concrete. In wartime, he could have taken off from the long, arrow-straight taxyway if necessary, or from the invisible auxiliary runway beside the concrete. With full runway
foundations and a turf-covering, this was far more than a simple grass strip. Some Russian airfields in East Germany even had a short taxyway linking them to a nearby motorway or road strip. Soviet airfields were built to stay operational in the face of air attack, though in time of war, MiG-29s would inevitably have dispersed forward, perhaps to a motorway strip, or perhaps to a captured NATO airfield. This ability to desert an airfield was reflected in the fact that radars tended to be truckmounted, and even the consoles in the control tower could quickly be dismantled and moved. Not for nothing was the MiG-29 designed to be compatible with Western ground support equipment. But today we have the luxury of a full-width runway and 'Harry' watches in his mirrors as his wingman swings out onto the runway behind him. 'Harry' waggles his control column so that the flapping ailerons and tailerons attract his wingman's attention. A standard trick in many Soviet regiments is to turn up the nav lights and strobes to full power on the friendly . aircraft, especially useful when engaging similar aircraft types. 'Harry' and his wingman do so now, though without having had a face-to-face brief with the Su-27 pilots who will 'play' the opposition there can be no guarantee that they will not have decided to use the same trick! Before take off, the pilots check that the nosewheel steering is in the low-gain mode, with plus or minus 8 of movement, rather than the more sensitive high-gain option of plus/minus 30.
Right (bottom to top): The MiG-29 enjoys superb take-off performance, with a thrust-to-weight ratio well in excess of unity (1:1) when lightly loaded. The aircraft accelerates very rapidly to its 200 km/h rotate speed, and the large and powerful tailerons rotate the nose positively. Care must be taken to avoid a tailscrape. Once the aircraft is airborne, the pilot cleans up first before pitching up into a steeper climb. In aerobatic display routines, the aircraft can climb straight into a vertical climb and tailslide, or can make an impressive 'Bat turn'.
A deliberate, slow movement of the stick fully forward pitches the tailerons leadingedge down, the signal for the wingman to advance his throttles to 100%, full military power. "Ten, nine, check the brakes, seven, six, brakes holding, four, three, two, one - the mandatory ten seconds are up, the RPM has stabilised", and 'Harry' releases the brake lever on the front of the stick. Sometimes he would engage burner, but not today. We're lightly loaded, and we need the fuel. In air combat training configuration, the MiG-29 would often enjoy a thrust to weight ratio well in excess of unity during an afterburner take-off, which is an unnecessary luxury. "Two, one!" counts the wingman after seeing the lead aircraft start to move. Then he releases his brakes, and the two aircraft thunder down the runway together. "200 km/h, rotate". 'Harry' and his wingman ease back their control columns to raise the nosewheels from the concrete and as the aircraft reach 230 km/h (124 knots) (about a second later) they are lifted off the runway. As the aircraft rotates, the danger of the nosewheel throwing up FOD into the intakes vanishes, and the doors in the intakes cycle open. As the engines start to draw their air from the main intakes there is a slight nosedown pitching moment, but 'Harry' and his wingman are used to this, and trim it out without a second thought. The MiC-29's take off performance is impressive, especially when the aircraft is lightly loaded, and the aircraft has set world records in the STOL class!
'Harry' retracts his undercarriage before he reaches the limiting speed of 500 km/h (270 kts) and then pitches the aircraft into a 50 climb. His wingman sticks close as they climb through the thin layer of sulphurous yellow cloud which is so common on this side of the Iron Curtain. But once we're through, the wingman eases out into a more tactical combat spread. Because many Soviet client states are still using the tactics they were taught when they equipped with MiG-21s, many western forces believe that the Soviet air forces still fly around in a tight, 'welded wing' tactically inflexible formation, in which the wingman has to spend all his time and energy keeping in position. Not so, especially in the 16th Air Army. Since the mid-1970s the Soviet air forces have been aware of the limitations of old-style tactics, and have kept up to date with tactical thinking in the West.
Beiow: One of the last MiG-29s delivered to the Russian air forces, brand new and pristine. Production of the 'Fulcrum-A' continued alongside production of the 'Fulcrum-C'. When funding dried up, production continued, building up a stockpile of unsold aircraft at the Lukhovitsky factory airfield. These aircraft helped allow new customers to take delivery of aircraft very quickly, but prevented development of advanced versions.
The magazines and training pamphlets in the pilots' ready room all stress the vital importance of initiative, autonomous ('freelance') operations, and of tactics which allow the wingman to be fully exploited. Frontal Aviation MiG-29 pilots are openly dismissive of PVO interceptor pilots for their slavish reliance on GCI control, often using the derisive 'robot' nickname. The Soviet pilot's reputation for dogged adherence to regulations and lack of imagination and initiative was recognised sufficiently to be the subject of jokes. In his book 'Fulcrum' (Warner Books), Alexander Zuyev (who defected in his MiG-29 in 1989) recounted one such joke. 'An American pilot jumps into his cockpit and sits on a thumbtack. "Shit! What's this?"
then throws it out and gets on with his checks. Same thing happens to an Israeli fighter pilot. He puts it in his pocket thinking "This may be useful someday". Same thing happens to a Russian pilot. "Blyat! What's this?" He pulls the pin out of his backside but
then re-considers. "What if it's meant to be there?" he thinks, so to be safe, he sticks it back in his ass/ As we climb to the pre-briefed exercise area, 'Harry' makes the necessary switch selections to ready his aircraft for air combat training. After checking the Master Arm is off, he selects the relevant missile (R-27 for a BVR engagement, R-73 for close-in) and then moves to the armament control panel, flipping the lock-on switch from 'Enemy' to 'Friend'. Without making this selection, the IFF would not allow the radar to lock on to a friendly aircraft. Munitions fusing is then selected to 'air'. The next task is to set up the radar for the engagement. The Delta-H switch is turned to its second position, which will scan 6,000 ft above our flight level, since it is our intention to sneak up on the Su-27s from below, giving our radars the relatively easy task of looking up, and complicating life for the enemy by forcing them to look down and pick us out from the ground clutter. Finally we select the forward hemisphere setting, and set the radar mode switch to 'Auto'. When we actually transmit, the computer will automatically track ten targets, analysing speeds, range and
closing angle to assign threat priority order. But initially we leave the radar in the nakal (standby) mode, turned on, warmed up but not transmitting. For now we cannot be detected by the enemy's radar warning receivers. Finally we confirm that the Master Arm switch is off while switching the weapons control system mode switch to 'Radar'. Finally the pilots turn on their SPO-1 5 radar warning receivers. If the aircraft is illuminated by any hostile radar, bleeps will sound in their headsets and various lights on the RWR display will illuminate. Lights along the bottom indicate the threat type, while lights around an aircraft plan view shape indicate range, bearing and type (search, track, or lock-on) of radar signal. Because the engagement will begin at Beyond Visual Range, we will only check the IRST system and helmet-mounted sight, and the associated R-73 missiles, but will not select them for immediate use. Similarly we set up the gunsight for the anticipated wingspan of the target (which will make ranging more accurate) and adjust the HUD brightness to take account of the ambient light. If necessary we will pull up the thick, smoked-glass shield which shades the HUD.
Above: At least two of MAPO's demonstrators (coded 777 and 999) wore a distinctive blue toned camouflage. This echoed the colour scheme worn by Indonesian F-16s, and marked a deliberate move away from the standard Russian camouflage. Soviet-style red stars were replaced by more modern Russian tricolour flags, at least on the tail fins. (Art u r Sarkisyan/MiC-MAPO)
In a typical training sortie pitting pairs of aircraft from the same regiment against each other, another battle control officer may be sitting in the same room, guiding the 'enemy' formation. But today the 'enemy' are Su-27s from a Regiment based in Poland, who will be simulating American F-15s. Other pairs of Altenburg MiG-29s will be targeted against MiG-27s simulating NATO fighter bombers, but for now, that is not our concern. Soviet pilots do not get the same opportunities for dissimilar air combat training as do their NATO counterparts, since their is much more commonality between the Warsaw Treaty member nations. If all your allies are flying the same basic types (principally the MiG-21, MiG-23 and MiG29) that is all you will get to fight against. However, individual pilots, squadrons and even whole regiments do sometimes deploy to combat training centres like Mary in Turkmenistan, where they could fly against fighters being deliberately flown to simulate specific Western types, by specially trained 'Aggressor' pilots, using real-world Western tactics and USAF style AWACS and EW support. But such opportunities were rare, and most ACM training was conducted at
With preparations complete, 'Harry' checks in with the formation's assigned battle control officer in the Ground Control Intercept bunker at the Regimental headquarters. Sitting behind a radar screen the battle control officer will control the initial phase of the engagement, helping the MiG-29s get into the ideal firing position, and giving advice and information about threats and the overall tactical situation. The role of the Soviet GCI controller is still widely misunderstood. He is there to provide information and offer advice, but many Russian fighter pilots feel (with some justification) that they are actually less reliant on GCI control than US pilots are on control from AWACS aircraft.
Above: A Soviet MiG-29 demonstrates its agility at medium altitude. The exact camouflage pattern applied to Soviet MiG29s varied widely, sometimes with the darker shade forward, sometimes with dark spine and wingtips. (Artur Sarkisyan/MiCMAPO)
Right: For BVR combat, the MiG-29 relies on a pair of R-27 semi-active radar homing missiles, carried on the inboard under wing pylons. The initial stages of an engagement will typically be conducted under the control of a GCI or AWACS controller, who gives the MiG-29 pilot guidance, advice and tactical information. (Artur Sarkisyan/MiC-MAPO)
squadron level. Thus even today's Su-27s represent an unfamiliar and exotic opponent. A beep in the headphones and a flash of green and yellow lights in the SPO-15 RWR display indicate that the formation has just been swept by a search radar. The lights tell
us that the enemy fighter is still too far away to get a lock-on, but before he does so, it is time to react. The MiC-29 formation breaks turning perpendicular to the threat radar (a pulse Doppler radar requiring differential speed (overtake or closure) to see a target. By
Above: One of Mikoyan's demonstrator aircraft turns over the factory airfield at Lukhovitsky. At least 26 MiG-29s are visible on the airfield's crowded storage and flight test ramps. The availability of so many unsold 'Fulcrum-A' airframes prompted the factory and OKB to aggressively market upgraded versions of this basic variant, with some success. (Artur Sarkisyan/MiC-MAPO) Left: The MiG-29's superb high Alpha and low speed handling characteristics gave the aircraft a useful edge in any low-speed, close range engagement, while the aircraft's very rapid acceleration made it a useful BVR missile launch platform. (Artur Sarkisyan/MiC-MAPO)
The MiG-29's radius of action varies enormously according to altitude and airspeed. Generally high altitude and lowspeed gives longer range.The standard MiG-29 Tulcrum-A' carries 4,400kg with a centreline fuel tank. It uses 400kg for start-up, taxi, and take-off, 500kg during the engagment (including one minute in afterburner), and usualy requires a 1,000kg reserve on its return to base.
turning across the enemy's track, we become effectively invisible, and disappear from his radar. If the enemy had been working with GCI we might also have dived to the ground, aiming to go below the GCI's radar horizon. But against autonomous 'F-15s' 'Harry' switches the radar from 'standby' to illuminate and turns back in towards the target as soon as the radar has resolved some of the false returns and clutter generated as it began to transmit. A rectangular radar cursor box appeared over one of the blips on the display screen. "Rubege odin" (radar lock on) 'Harry' tells the battle control officer and his wingman. Although the radar contact is still too far away to see, GCI can tell the MiG-29 pilot whether it is friendly or hostile, if this is not apparent from the target's speed, altitude, heading and IFF responses. Lock-on is achieved by clicking a white button on the inner throttle. The IFF then interrogates the target, and the computer works out firing parameters and solutions from target course and speed. "Pusk razrayshon" (Launch is approved) says a friendly female voice in 'Harry's headset. The grating and metallic tones of the factory-programmed female voice can easily be replaced at unit level, and many units have persuaded local sirens to record the various messages used by the voice warning system. In the 968th IAP the messages have been taped by a Soviet GCI controller
Left: Burners ablaze, a MiG-29 thunders into the air, its landing gear just beginning its retraction. (Artur Sarkisyan/MiC-MAPO) Right: The MiG-29 is at its most dangerous in a low-speed turning fight, and especially in the vertical. (Artur Sarkisyan/MiC-MAPO)
renowned for her attractiveness and sensuously husky voice. The MiG-29 normally carries two R-27 (AA10 'Alamo') missiles, either two semi-active radar homing missiles, or one SARH version and one IR homing. If a mixed pair are carried they will often both be fired together, in a ripple, to maximise the probability of achieving a kill. The two missiles home on the target independently, and both require countering in different ways. Even if two SARH versions are carried they may both be fired together, especially if the fight is about to go from being a BVR 'joust' to a close-in 'knife fight'. The reason for this is simple. If only one missile is fired, leaving one 'Alamo' on the launch aircraft, the remaining missile imposes severe limitations on the aircraft. With an assymetric underwing load of that sort, the MiG-29 is limited to 1 5 AoA, instead of 24. The MiG-295 solved this problem by allowing the simultaneous launch of two R-27s against separate targets. Today, Harry simulates the launch of one R27, calling "Range Two" as he does so. Having already calculated the range and missile flight time he simultaneously punches the stopwatch button on the cockpit clock. This is vital and will keep him aware of the missile's flight time left to run. He then turns hard away from the target, so that he is flying down one edge of his radar cone while the semi-active missile flies down the other edge. This complicates the enemy's task in returning the shot. 'Harry' and his GCI controller carefully monitor the target's reaction, and 'Harry' continues to manoeuvre to prevent the target, and his missile, from flying outside the cone generated by the missile illuminator. When the missile reaches its target (and when the stopwatch hand reaches the pre-calculated point, showing the pilot that this has happened) 'Harry' can complete his breakaway manoeuvre, and run away out of range of a return missile shot. With help from the battle control officer he can then set up for a second simulated missile launch opportunity. It will not always be possible or desirable to fire a BVR missile and run away, and the engagement may flow naturally to a closerange encounter using IR-homing missiles.
The primary sensor in the close-in fight is the IRST, which can detect, locate, and track a target from its IR signature, and which can direct the seeker-heads of the IR-homing R-73 missiles towards the target. At short BVR ranges, the IRST can function as a passive target detection system, freeing the pilot from reliance on his radar.
Above: The key to the MiG-29's close-in combat capability lies in the pilot's ability to designate off-boresight targets for his weapons system (using a helmet sight) and in his ability to drag the aircraft's nose off-axis, a capability dubbed 'pointability' by some. This means that the MiG-29 represents a significant threat even when its nose may be pointing some way off from the target. (Artur Sarkisyan/MiC-MAPO)
Even more significantly, the weapons computer can link the missile seekers to the pilots helmet, whose position is measured using tiny IR sensors. This allows the weapons system to 'know' where the pilot is looking. Since the missiles can be slaved to the helmet they can thus follow the direction in which the pilot is looking, and will automatically lock on to any target he sees. Thus the pilot only has to look at the enemy to be able to lock on his IR-homing missiles. In a fastmoving dogfight, many MiG-29 pilots fly with the missile trigger depressed, so that if the HMS or IRST locks onto a target as it flashes past, the missile will lock on and fire automatically. In our training exercise, after the second simulated R-27 shot, 'Harry' continues to close with the Su-27 to engage it at close
range. As soon as the simulated missile reaches its target 'Harry' switches the sensor selector from 'Radar' to 'Close Combat Infra Red'. Immediately two parallel lines appeared in the HUD indicating the limits of the IRST sensor's lock-on zone. 'Harry' manoeuvres hard to place the target between these lines and could squeeze the trigger, committing a missile to launch as soon as the enemy is locked-up. Instead, he waits for the enemy aircraft to enter the IRST 'ladder' and as the lock-on tone growls in his headset, he squeezes the trigger. "Pusk" (launch) he calls. Even in a maximum range head-on shot, the R-73 'Archer' is extremely hard to defeat. It is extremely agile, very fast, and has a long reach, so is almost impossible to outmanoeuvre. Moreover, the missile incorporates sophisticated algorithms which allow it to discriminate between ihe IR signature of its targets, and the IR signature offered by decoy flares. If the opponent survives the first missile, or if the MiG-29 is sucked into a turning fight with enemy survivors, the 'Archer' is even more effective in a turning fight. With the weapons control system selector switched to 'Shlem' (helmet) and the trigger depressed, a missile will fire automatically if either the
helmet or the IRST cues the missile seeker heads onto a target and they achieve a lockon. This allows the pilot to designate a target and achieve lock-on without having to manoeuvre to put that target into his HUD. Essentially, if he can see the target anywhere in the whole windscreen, he can fire a missile. And as if that were not enough, the
pilot can momentarily drag the nose of the MiG-29 up to 90 away from the direction of flight by performing the equivalent to an airshow 'Cobra' manoeuvre. This can be enough to give the MiG-29 pilot a missile snapshot against a target flying directly opposite him on the other side of a circle, or a target flying directly above him.
Above: The MiG-29's primary WVR missile is the R-73 (NATO AA-11 'Archer') rated by many as being the best closerange AAM in service anywhere in the world. (Artur Sarkisyan/MiCMAPO) Left: Still laden with a full missile load, one of Mikoyan's MIG-29 demonstrators settles on final approach. Because of the lack of clearance between jetpipes and runway, the MiG-29 approaches fast, at a relatively flat angle, and is unable to use any significant amount of aerodynamic braking.
Above: A Mikoyan demonstrator settles onto Zhukhovskii's long runway. MiCMAPO maintains a test complex at the once-secret base. (Artur Sarkisyan/MiG-MAPO)
Below: Clouds of smoke stream from the MiG-29's tyres as it 'arrives'. The brake chute is already fully deployed in this photo, having been actuated well before touchdown.
shot' across the bows of an aircraft which is failing to obey instructions during a short-ofwar intercept. The gun also represents a lowcost method of engaging low-value or unarmed targets, and gives a ground strafe capability. Nothing burns fuel like a manoeuvring dogfight, however, and it is soon time for 'Harry' and his wingman to break off the engagement and return to Nbitz. With 1000 kg of fuel remaining, we will hold between 210 and 215 km/h (113-166 kts) on approach, touching down at 190 km/h (103 kts). 'Harry' sets the throttle to 80% RPM, and deploys the flap to the landing position (the flap limiting speed is 350 km/h (189 kts). The danger of a tailscrape means that the approach has to be long, fast and flat, but to reduce speed for the touchdown, instead of raising the nose further, 'Harry' deploys the brake chute while still airborne. The clover-leaf chute deploys with a loud crack and the aircraft decelerates, dropping gently onto the runway for a soft and gentle touchdown. Behind him, his less experienced wingman gets slightly low on approach, adding power to compensate as the voice warning system gently suggests: "Glissad Opasno!" (Glideslope is dangerous!). Taxying back in, 'Harry' and his wingmen turn wide into the flight line, wagging tail sections out over the grass as they release the brake chutes. This is a helpful gesture for the groundcrew, who don't have so far to walk to retrieve the chutes. The two MiG-29s taxy back to their parking spaces, guided by marshallers, and shut down their engines. As the canopies come up, 'black men' plug in the built-in test equipment and brandish aircraft servicing records for the pilots to sign. An astonishing amount of data is recorded on tape during every flight, and this is downloaded for analysis. Then it's back to the operations building for debriefing and that welldeserved second breakfast.
Below: This MiG-29 is seen landing at Farnborough during its 1988 debut. The fully deployed brake chute is dragging along the runway, and will continue to do so until the nosewheels are lowered.
A Czechoslovakia!! MiG-29 manoeuvres hard during an airshow performance. Major Vaclav 'Wendy' Vasek was one of the leading exponents of the MiG-29 at international airshows, demonstrating that the tailslide and cobra were not the sole preserve of Mikoyan OKB test pilots.
The MiG-29 is a fascinating aircraft from a technical standpoint, aerodynamically more advanced than any Western fighter, yet with systems and avionics which verge on the primitive.
The actual range performance and target discrimination offered by the MiG29 s N-019's radar (known to NATO as 'Slot Back 1') is impressive, and is broadly comparable with the parametric figures of equivalent Western radars. Where the system falls down is in the user-friendliness with which information is presented to the pilot, while lack of onboard processing capacity limits multiple target tracking capability and makes automatic target prioritisation virtually impossible. The pilot therefore has to rely on off-board sensors and control agencies.
DOGFIGHTER With its combination of superb high Alpha handling, an unparallelled ability to point the nose (and thus the weapons) 'off axis' and powerful short-range armament, the MiG29 is a superb close-in fighter aircraft. The MiG-29 pilot has an unmatched ability to pull the nose of his aircraft away from his direction of flight, and then to engage targets throughout most of his forward hemisphere. He does not have to point the nose straight at the enemy (nor even ensure that the enemy aircraft is somewhere in the HUD) in order to be able to take a gun or missile snapshot. The MiG-29's internal gun is a relatively slow-firing but very powerful 30-mm cannon, and a combination of laser ranging and well-written software algorithms make it devastatingly accurate. 150 rounds of ammunition are carried for the gun.
'Harry's MiG-29 is seen here launching a Vympel R-73 IR-homing missile. The R-73 (known to NATO as the AA-11 'Archer') combines tremendous agility with rapid acceleration and a wide-angle seeker capable of seeing targets way-offthe missile's boresight. With a helmet mounted sight, 'Harry can engage almost any aircraft which enters his field of view, without having to manoeuvre to put the enemy on his nose. The R-73 s agility is endowed by fore and aft control surfaces, and a vectoring rocket motor.
This magnificent painting of a 968th IAP MiG-29 was produced by the late Keith Fretwell, who tragically died during the preparation of this book. It is reproduced by kind permission of Aerospace Publishing, who produce the magnificent quarterly magazine World Air Power Journal. Volumes 20 and 21 of the journal contained an in-depth examination of the Soviet air forces in the former East Germany, and other issues contain detailed technical features on a range of modern military aircraft and air power topics.World Air Power Journal is available direct from Aerospace Publishing, full details may be obtained by calling 044-(0) 181 -740-9554 (UK) or 001-203-838-7979/7804 (USA).
The MiG-29 is optimised for operation from semi-prepared strips, and has a unique system to prevent foreign object ingestion by the engines. On the ground (until the nosewheel rotates on take off) the main intakes are shut off by huge solid (but perforated) doors, and the engines draw the necessary flow of air through spring-loaded loeuvres in the top of each wing root. The doors shut again on landing, when the nosewheel hits the runway. Later MiG-29 versions have retractable meshed grids in place of the solid doors, and are thus able to dispense with the auxiliary intake loeuvres, providing extra internal volume for additional fuel.
If unit badges are rare on Russian combat aircraft, individual insignia or 'nose art' is even less common. This aircraft was the one of two MiG-29s at Ptnitz to carry the spectacular leaping tiger motif seen here, though several of the 85th GvIAP MiG-29s at Merseburg wore a 'leaping leopard' badge in much the same position.
The very first production MiG-29s had small auxiliary ventral fins below the tailplanes, providing enhanced directional stability. These were removed when aircraft began to be fitted with the distinctive chafflflare dispenser fairings which ran forward from the finroots, above the wing root. Later MiG-29s also featured extended chord rudders, and vortex generators at the base of the nose-mounted pitot, though these features were applied to earlier aircraft by retrofit. The overwing chafflflare dispensers were not generally applied by retrofit, though at least one Putnitz-based aircraft did have them, and bore obvious signs of having had its ventral fins removed. Early MiG-29s also had a 'Swift Rod' ILS antenna projecting forward from the fairing under the nose.
This early production MiG-29 was assigned to the 773rd Istrebeitelnyi Aviatsionnaya Polk (Fighter Aviation Regiment) at Putnitz on the northern coast of the former East Germany during the late 1980s and early 1990s. The Regiment formed one third of the 16th Gvardesiskiya Istrebeitelnyi Aviatsionnaya Diviziya (Guards Fighter Aviation Division) headquartered at Putnitz on the northern coast, with other MiG-29 regiments at Witstock and at Eberswalde, north-east of Berlin. The Russians had three fighter divisions in East Germany, each with three Regiments of about 36 MiG-29s, though one Division still had one MiG-23 equipped Regiment. Further back from the frontier, East Germany's own air force had two three-Regiment fighter divisions, one with two Regiments of MiG-21s and one of MiG-29s, and one with two of MiG-21s and one of MiG-23s. The 773rd IAP was the second MiG-29 regiment in East Germany, (and the fifth in the Soviet air forces), re-equipping in 1987. By 1990, the 773rd IAP had largely re-equipped with the 'Fulcrum-C, but eight early aircraft remained on charge, two still with ventral fins.
Most MiG-29s wear an air-superiority-type colour scheme, with grey undersides and two-tone grey/grey-blue and grey/blue-green disruptive camouflage on the upper surfaces. In East Germany there were many exceptions, however, with overall white and even two-tone green camouflaged aircraft common. Even the basic camouflage was subject to a great deal of tonal variation. National insignia was carried in the form of the traditional five-pointed Soviet red star, thinly outlined in white and red, on the outer surfaces of the tailfins and above and below each wing. Within the regiment, aircraft were identified by a large twodigit numerical code on the intake sides, this sometimes being repeated in smaller characters on the fin-caps. At Putnitz, most aircraft had white codes, thinly outlined in blue.
The MiG-29 has seven hardpoints for external stores, one on the centreline (usually used for the carriage of an external fuel tank) and three below each wing. On some aircraft (those modified to MiG-295 standards) the inboard underwing pylons are 'plumbed' for the carriage of external fuel tanks, though the underwing hardpoints usually carry the aircraft's weapons. The baseline MiG-29 does have a basic air-toground capability, using B8M rocket pods or 'dumb' 500-kg bombs, but the primary mission is air-to-air, and the standard weapon load consists of two long-range R-27 (AA-10 'Alamo') AAMs (usually both semi-active radar homing) and four R-73 (AA-11 'Archer') short-range IR-homing AAMs. The R-73s were sometimes replaced by older, less effective R-60 (AA-8 'Aphid') missiles, using the same form ofguidnce. The R-73 is believed by many to be the finest short range AAM in service worldwide.
The traditional Western view of the Soviet fighter pilot was that he was an unthinking and inflexible automaton, ill-trained, in irregular Jflying L practise, and with little tactical knowledge. In Jfact, o J o o by the time the MiG-29 entered service, Frontal Aviation was focusing an unparallelled degree of attention on the need for independence, initiative, and tactical flexibility, while training became progressively more realistic and more useful. When the MiG29 first arrived in East Germany, Russian pilots would return from sorties and give impromptu aerobatic displays over the base, giving an indication of their happiness with their new mount, and indicating a sea-change in attitudes. The pilots sent to Regiments stationed in East Germany were the best pilots in the air forces, such was the vital importance of their assignment and the intense competition for what were regarded as 'plum overseas postings. Before the collapse of the Berlin Wall, Soviet forces in East Germany were an economic elite, far wealthier than their comrades back in Mother Russia and with relatively easy access to Western consumer goods.
When the MiG-29 first appeared there was a wave of accusation that the Russians had 'copied' this or that Western aircraft type, based on the fact that its twin engines and twin fins gave the aircraft a passing similarity to the F-14, F15 or F/A-18. The aircraft was closest in configuration to the Hornet, and was designed to a similar concept as the FIA-18'sprecursor, the YF-17. But the MiG29 differs from the US types in many areas, and it is the differences which give the aircraft its unique capabilities. "Just because you may see your neighbour toiling in his field does not mean that you do not work just as hard in your own!" was a common and perhaps typically Russian response to the accusation.
The MiG-29 is powered by a pair ofRD-33 afterburning turbofans, each rated at 81.42kN or 18,300-lb st by the manufacturers, the engine has been referred to under a number of manufacturers designations. Designed by Alexander Sarkisov, General Designer of the Isotov Engine Company, the engine was originally produced under the Isotov 'label', though the company was successively re-named as the Leningrad Scientific Industrial Corporation, and then as the Klimov corporation. To confuse matters further, while designed by the Isotov/LeningradlKlimov concern, the engine was built by V.Chernyshev, formerly known as the Moscow State Machine Building Company. But whatever the engines official name, it is a superb fighter powerplant, light yet producing high thrust, and remarkably tolerant of heavy throttle handling and of disturbed airflow in the intakes. The engines keep running through manoeuvres like the tailslide or Cobra, and neither surge nor stall when the trottles are slammed to and from maximum power or afterburner. The engine is handicapped by a relatively short time between overhauls, a short life and by a strong smoke signature at certain power settings, and when certain types of fuel are used. Engine access is remarkably straightforward, with the lower parts of each nacelle coming off in one piece, and with a built in winch provided. An engine change can be achieved within about 45 minutes by a small team of groundcrew. Some export customers have deliberately de-tuned the engines of their MiG-29s in order to gain longer overhaul intervals and extended engine life. Among these de-rated MiG-29s are those operated by the German Luftwaffe, which have nevertheless impressed most of those they've come up against.
Fuel is stored in tanks in the upper fuselage, and in integral tanks in the wings. The MiG-29 can also carry a centreline drop tank, though with this in place, speed is limited to below Mach 0.9 and on most variants, carriage of the centreline tank means that the gun cannot be fired. For ferry flights some MiG-29s could carry additional tanks underwing, though these were not stressed for combat, and prevented carriage of the primary BVR weapon, since they used the same hardpoint. Although an inflight refuelling probe has now been designed and proved, Soviet MiG-29s have never been equipped for inflight refuelling.
Within the Soviet Group of Forces in Germany, the eight MiG-29 regiments operated in the tactical fighter role, principally giving the 16th Air Army its battlefield air superiority and point air defence capability. Though lack of internal fuel limited the type's range, the MiG-29s would have flown escort and sweep missions in support of Soviet fighter bombers as they punched through sanitised corridors in NATO's air defences, had the Cold War ever turned hot. Highly capable, heavily armed and available in very large numbers, the 16th Air Army's MiG-29s would have presented NATO fighter pilots with a very difficult problem.
The MiG-29 has conventional flying control surfaces, with outboard ailerons, rudders on the trailing edge of each fin, and an all-flying tailplane which can operate symmetrically for pitch control (like an ordinary elevator) or differentially for roll control, augmenting the ailerons. The control surfaces are actuated using a conventional (if long-throw) central control column and conventional rudder pedals. Secondary control surfaces include full-span leading edge flaps and trailing edge flaps inboard of the ailerons. Unusually, the basic MiG-29 does not feature a fly by wire control system, although the pilots control inputs do go to the control surfaces via a sophisticated system of autostabilisers, aileron/rudder interconnects and computers, which help give the aircraft its extremely benign high Alpha handling characteristics. At very high angles of attack, for example, the pilot might feed in a lateral stick movement to demand a roll rate, but the aircraft will respond by feeding in progressively more rudder, and less aileron. Improvements to the basic MiG-29 have resulted in progressively greater permissable control surface deflections, improving agility and broadening the permissable Alpha envelope.
1. Oxygen control panel 2. Automatic flight control system control panel 3. Communication control panel 4. Flaps control panel 5. Throttle control lever 6. Aiming complex control panel 7. Automatic flight control system controller 8. Radar complex control panel 9. Landing gear control valve 10. Canopy manual operating handle I I. Landing-lamp control panel 12. Landing gear emergency extension handle 13. Pilot approach display 14. Altitude indicator 15. Speed indicator 16. Optical and electronic aiming and navigation complex control panel 17. Angle-of-attack and acceleration indicator 18. Emergency braking valve handle 19. Flight director indicator 20. Navigation instrument 21. Heading setting panel for attitude and heading reference 22. Pitot static tube selector switch 23. Voltmeter 24. Cabin air temperature selector 25. Braking system pressure gauge 26. Clock 27. Machmeter 28. Vertical speed, turn-and-slip indicator 29. Nose wheel braking handle 30. Head-up display and its control panel 3 I. Radio altimeter altitude indicator 32. Jamming release system control panel 33. Pilot oxygen supply indicator 34. Hydraulic and pneumatic system pressure indicator 35. Gas temperature indicator 36. Tachometer indicator 37. Direct visibility indicator 38. Fuel quantity and flow meter system indicator 39. Ramp position indicator 40. Illumination warning station indicator 41. Display of system EKRAN 42. Jamming station control panel 43. Aircraft control stick 44. IFF system panel 45. Power plant emergency modes control board 46. Magnetic compass 47. Annuciators 48. Short-range navigation and landing system control panel 49. Cabin, glass, probe heating control panel 50. Canopy emergency jettison handle 51. Internal and external lighting panel 52. Ventilation selector switch CANOPY-PILOT 53. Radio equipment control panel 54. Illumination warning station control panel 55. Radio compass control panel 56. Intercabin lighting panel 57. IFF system panel 58. Guidance system control panel 59. Aircraft power generating system switching board 60. Engines starting control panel 61. Aircraft systems switching board 62. Aircraft systems control panel 63. Combined armamentcontrol system control panel
Below and below right: Zvezda's K-36 seat saved two pilots when their 'Fulcrum-Cs' collided during the International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford. The pilots of the aircraft lost sight of each other during a looping manoeuvre. One aircraft sliced up through the other, almost severing its nose and transforming it into a fireball, from which the shocked pilot ejected. Meanwhile the first aircraft, having lost most of one wing and one tailplane entered a flat spin, the pilot again ejecting safely. Neither pilot was badly injured.
when you fly the MiG-29. The first one is the antiquated avionics, they are totally not user friendly. You have to make a lot of switch changes and so on that we just don't even have to think about in the F-16. By comparison with western jets, the MiG- 29 cockpit was, I thought, somewhat
Left: Iraq lost five of its MiG-29s during the Gulf War, most of them on the ground. Many of those claimed as shot down were actually MiG23s and MiG-25s. More fled to Iran. The survivors were reportedly placed in storage.
thrown together. There didn't seem to be much human engineering put into it. To be fair, though, the Russians do have much greater standardisation between the cockpits of all their fast jets. It's actually remarkable how similar they've made the cockpits of the Su-27, the MiG-29, the Su-25, and even the
Above: USAF F-16 fighter pilots are fascinated by the MiG29, which represents the former USSR's closest equivalent to their own aircraft.
Right: Yugoslavia was another customer for the MiG-29, though its aircraft have so far not been used against Croatia or Bosnia.
Above: Two F-16s from the Aviano based 510th Fighter Squadrons fly back from the range with a Luftwaffe MiG-29. Simulated combats between the two types revealed that each aircraft had relative strengths and relative weaknesses. Within visual range generally, and especially at low speed, the MiG-29 enjoyed a decisive edge.
older jets. Maybe the human factor in MiG-29 cockpit design was to make it as close as possible to the MiG-21 and MiG-23 cockpit. But they do not have a HOTAS (Hands on Throttle and Stick) philosophy in the same way that we do in the F-1 6. In the F-1 6 I can select missiles and fire the gun and drop bombs all with my fingers on the stick and throttle. In the MiG-29 just launching a missile requires so many switch changes where they have to take their hand off the throttle, change the switches, look down inside the cockpit, and then look back up. Whereas in my F-1 6 I can switch radar modes, launch missiles and never have to take my hands off the controls or look down inside the cockpit. I can look outside the whole time and that's a great advantage. It's pretty difficult to focus up close and then refocus your eyes out to ten miles. If the MiG-29 pilot is trying to lock us up with his radar, he's not looking outside, he's looking at the radar scope. He may be looking at the radar picture in the HUD, but he's still not going to be able to see us outside beyond 10 miles. So we like to do a
rope-a-dope kind of thing, whereby I get to about 50 nautical miles and get a radar lock on this guy (there's no reason for me to look into the radar scope anymore) and now I'm looking out there, at where I know he'll appear. My eyes are focused at about 10 miles and I'm just waiting to see a wing flash or smoke or something and then it's 'OK, I can see him, I can break radar lock'. Now I can flow to an engagement on this guy, where he doesn't get any situational awareness of where I'm coming from. If he's got a RHAWS scope, (a radar warning scope), he'll get the clock position of where I'm coming into the fight but if I can see him, I can break lock, there's no need for me to lock him up on the radar anymore. And if he doesn't get me with an 'Alamo' before the merge, his life gets very difficult. Once I get inside about 10 nautical miles, he can't shoot me with a radar missile, so he's going to have to shoot me with a heat seeking missile. But now in the cockpit the MiG-29 pilot's got to throw the switch from radar to helmet sight, he's got to activate the IRSTS and arm up the 'Archers'. So while he's doing
all that, if I blow past him before he can take a shot on me, he's got to go back into the cockpit, go back to radar mode to select his radar missiles and deactivate the 'Archers' and meanwhile I'm going by at high Mach, trying to get away. If he can't get me with an 'Archer' as I blow past him, he has to go back to the 'Alamo'. But his ability to actually do that is very very difficult in terms of his radar. He'll have lost lock on me as I pass, and if he breaks lock, his radar display, and scan automatically jump back out to the 70 nautical mile range settings. He can't change that, till he gets an actual radar lock on me. So as I blow past him and he turns round to try to lock me up, he's going to have to have GCI tell him where to lock, because he's not going to be able to see me at that short range with his radar at that setting. By the time he can lock me up, I'm already outside his weapons parameters so the chances of him shooting a missile at me are slim. I talked to the western-trained MiG-29 pilots, who admitted that 'yeah, our chances of locking you guys up as you flew past us in a merge were slim-to-none because of the way the system is set up'. So you can see that he's hampered quite a bit just by the systems that he has. Here in the western world we give the pilot a lot of autonomy and so consequently we have built systems in the aeroplane that give him more situational awareness. In the eastern block the guy who had ultimate control was the ground controller. When they first started using MiG-29s in the integrated Luftwaffe, they were still actually using the ground control people. That's what the East German
pilots were used to (although the MiG-29 pilots had more capacity for autonomous decision making than those flying earlier Russian-built airplanes). Too a large degree they're still quite dependant on that, even with western-trained pilots. Just because the onboard systems were not designed in the Western way they don't have the situational awareness that they would like to have in the cockpit. They don't have the level of on board automatic threat prioritisation that a western guy can take for granted".
Above: The Luftwaffe took over four MiG29UBs from the East German air force, together with 20 singleseaters. While the singleseaters were originally green and brown, the twin-stickers initially wore this two-tone grey disruptive camouflage. All Luftwaffe MiG-29s are now grey overall Left: The cockpit of the MiG-29 is simple almost to the point of crudeness, with a plethora of analogue instruments and conventional switch gear.
Below: Tucking up its landing gear, a MiG-29 of IG 73 takes off. The definitive Luftwaffe colour scheme is shown to advantage, while the heavily weathered nose radome is also noteworthy
One thing you notice straight away on going from the F-1 6 to the MiG-29 is the flight controls. The movement of the 'Fulcrum' itself is sluggish compared to the F-16 and that was noticeable the first time you take the stick and try to do a turn. It just seems like there is a second or two delay and you don't get the crisp, clean quick movements that you get in the Viper, at least in roll". (Note: This is a common misconception among pilots who have flown only one frontline type, especially where that type has a very sensitive, limited travel stick. The F-16 stick was originally designed not to move at all, but only to sense pressure. The MiG-29 stick is designed to move, and to move a long way. While you do need more stick deflection and displacement to manoeuvre than you do in, say, the F/A-18, the aircraft responds just as readily, unless you are timid in your control column inputs). "It takes a lot more work and a lot more control input to effect the same manoeuvre. The position of the controls - the positioning of the rudder pedals, the length of the stick, it was all very different. It was an environment that it would take me a few hundred hours to get used to. But if your flying background
was the L-39 or the MiG-21 it would all be very familiar. The aeroplane is very good in pitch, so when you're in a turn, it turns very well but its ability to change direction is less impressive. I didn't think it rolled as fast as the F-16 did, in an aileron roll. MiG-29 pilots who flew the F-16 were really surprised at how fast it rolled, they could almost bang their heads off the canopy and that's real nice because it means that we can change direction in a heartbeat. Once you get into the turn the 'Fulcrum' is highly manoeuvrable and I was surprised that at low airspeeds, with the nose down, it could transition to a nose up pitch authority remarkably quickly. I thought wow, this jet can really pitch its nose around in a slow
speed fight and could really cause us a lot of problems. It certainly did cause problems with the guys who got slow with it and we kind of purposely stayed out of that regime. Some people's plan was to get in close and have a 'knife fight' while others used their turn capability and energy to give them sustainability, taking care to fight a two circle fight, staying out of the slow speed fights which single-circle fights inevitably degenerate into. A lot of people are very impressed by the MiG-29's ability to point the nose away from the axis of flight, which is obviously most relevant in the slow speed regime. The aircraft's nose authority is pretty significant, especially when it's tied into the missile. If you can point the missile seeker heads away
Above: Two Canadian Hornets escort a MiG-29. The Hornet is the West's closest analogue to the MiG-29, with genuine BVR capability, and a close-in dogfight capability based on high Alpha performance. The F/A-18 enjoys a considerably greater radius of action and endurance than the MiG29, however, and has genuine multi-role potential. As such, the F/A-18 is more closely equivalent to the later MIG-29M.
from the direction you're flying that gives you an impressive off-boresight capability. That's the one capability that we've all sweat over! Some of the differences in slow speed manoeuvrability between the MiG-29 and the F-16 were down to the totally different design philosophy. We have a limiter, which ensures that we cannot exceed the airplane's g and alpha limits, period. You can pull as hard as you like and the black boxes will not let the airplane exceed 9 g, and will not less us rake the nose too much. The airplane won't let the pilot get himself in that much trouble! In the MiG-29 when you pull on the g, you start feeling a limit on the stick, but by applying
hard as I can in the F-1 6, but once I reach the limit the computer goes 'Uh-oh I'm not going to let you have any more than that, you can have that much and that's it'. Sometimes I would really love to have just a little bit more, I may depart the aircraft, but it may get me out of a situation that I need to get out of. Because the MiG-29 pilot does have the ability to do that, now he does have an ability to really raise his nose at low air speed, he can exceed 26 AOA and that's nice to have. Even if he can only do so momentarily. That gives them the ability to do a tailslide or to do the cobra manoeuvre. The cobra manoeuvre can only be done at certain times,
it has to be done at low air speed and is normally done from straight level flight, but it's a hell of a manoeuvre. Suddenly the MiG-29 can decelerate to almost zero forward speed, while simultaneously raking the nose back to 90 from the direction of flight. Awesome! And if the MiG-29 pilot does 'over-cook' it, departing from controlled flight is not necessarily that big a deal. When I flew the MiG-29 I pulled the nose up to do a loop and I guess I pulled too much g at first, to the top of the loop. Once inverted the jet started to depart, the nose slicing back and forth. I actually did depart at the top of the loop and there I was still in afterburner trying to do this loop, but it was just sort of slicing back and forth. So I released the stick and the MiG flew itself out, real nice and stable, that was really very nice. I was kind of surprised and very impressed by that. And if that benign handling was not enough, there is actually a button on the stick, which returns you to wings level, slight nose up, if you get really disorientated. Of course you can get into trouble in the MiG-29, especially when differential, assymetric engine thrust enters the equation. If the afterburners don't light up together, there can be a powerful yawing moment, and to avoid problems, the established procedure is to plug in burner before rolling in to a tight, heavily banked turn at low level. That was amazing to me because I fly single engined
jets, so I never had to really deal with that, but because they are flying twin-engined jets, (and because it's such a high performance jet) they can experience problems, but probably no more than the pilots of any twin-jet. In conclusion I was pleasantly surprised to see that the F-16 actually outmanoeuvred the Fulcrum, at least outside the low-speed, high alpha end of the envelope. I never got slow enough myself to give the MiG-29 that advantage, I tried not to and so I personally never got into a slow speed flight. Obviously that's the one we want to avoid. I would probably give the MiG-29 a slight advantage at lower airspeeds (certainly anything below 200 knots), but at higher speeds (above 325 knots) I was pleasantly surprised that we could turn and burn a little better than the 'Fulcrum'. However, it's worth noting our configuration, we had no wing tanks, no centre line tanks and even had the LAUs removed off the wing, so we were as clean and as light as we were going to get. It probably would have been a little closer competition had we had a centre line tank and if we'd had the LAUs fitted, let alone loaded-up." Interestingly, this pilot, and his colleagues were careful not to have claimed to have beaten the MiG-29s in the majority of closein dogfight engagements, while the German MiG-29 pilots remained sanguine that 'inside ten miles' they could beat 'anybody'.
Above: A Royal Air Force BAe Hawk leads a pair of Czech MiC-29s. Czechoslovakia took delivery of a small number of MiG-29s, which were equally divided when the country divided into separate Czech and Slovak states. The Czechs felt that their nine remaining MiG-29s were too few to represent a viable force, and the aircraft were later passed to Poland.
"While we were flying lightweight and clean, the MiG-29s were flying with a centreline tank so that obviously imposed limitations on them. We'd have to do some exercises out in the area in order to get his centre line tank empty before we could really start manoeuvring. Their tanks were empty, and the status of that tank makes a big difference to the g limits that they can use, but even empty, they were flying with limitations which were not typical of the aircraft in its operational configuration.
Above: A rear view of a MiG-29 'Fulcrum-A'. The broad flat fairing between the jetpipes consists of upper and lower airbrake 'petals', and these close around the brake parachute container. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiG-MAPO)
Far right: A fully-armed MiG-29 cavorts over a layer of broken cloud. Maintaining adequate situational awareness is the MiG-29 pilot's biggest headache. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiG-MAPO)
Also we were flying against German MiG29s, which have had their engines de-tuned to make them last that little bit longer. They've also noticed a small decrease in thrust moving from JP-4 to NATO standard JP-8 fuel. I remember the detuning of F-15 engines when we were having problems, so I can't help but believe that detuning the MiG-29's engines has had a huge effect. We noticed it tremendously when they did that to the F-15. I think any time you detune a motor that's going to have a significant effect in BFM. You don't usually notice it too much in the beyond visual range arena, but you do significantly notice it in the manoeuvring fight, because as you get less thrust, your sustained turn rate goes down and you lose that advantage. It's difficult to guage exactly how much
difference that 10% thrust reduction makes, however. From the pilot's perspective I personally would say it can make a very significant difference. Its going to depend on the scenario obviously, but I did talk to one of the German pilots, and he said that it really bothered him that they did it. Obviously he understands why, you know, they've got to save their own engines, but that bit of thrust can make all the difference in some scenarios. We flew a number of comparative acceleration runs against the MiG-29. We both slowed down to about 150 knots and then went into afterburner. The first guy to 400 knots called terminate. The MiG-29 was able to out accelerate me initially, but by the time I got to 400 knots, he was still only at 360 knots. So he initially beat me off the starting block, but then I passed him. The F16's General Electric engine is a self tuning engine, and so its will tune itself in the airflow according to airspeed. Of course, the fact that they had tuned their engines down by about 10% could also account for the way I was able to out accelerate the MiG. I think if his engines were 100%, we would be pretty much equal. He might then be able to beat me to the 400 knot point. Certainly it felt like the airplane had a lot of thrust, and it was nice to have two engines that kicked in quickly and reliably, giving you and lots of manoeuverability.
the way the intake is designed. The MiG-29 is real nice at low speeds and high angles of attack because he has the dorsal vents for the engine over the wingroots. They open at low air speed and high AOA so that the engines can draw air from the top side of the aircraft even if the main intakes can't feed the engines. That prevents the engines from stalling or surging".
Above: The F-16's key advantage over the MiG29 lies in its pilot friendly avionics, which minimise cockpit workload, and help the F-16 pilot to remain fully aware of the tactical situation.
"The view from the cockpit is not as good as we enjoy from the F-16, either. They obviously came to a different judgement when coming to the inevitable compromise between drag, birdstrike resistance, and absolute unimpeded all-round vision. If you fly in close formation with an F-16 and a MiG-29 you would then be able just to see the necks and maybe the tops of the shoulders of the MiG-29 pilot, and then only if he sat really high. In the F-16, we sit so high that we can put our arms on top of the canopy rail and so we have, pretty much from our elbows up above the cockpit sides, so visibility is much, much better. But having said that, the F-16 is atypical even in the West, and to be fair, the MiG-29 cockpit isn't so very different from an F-15 or Tornado cockpit. the ergonomics of it was pretty surprising. In the F-1 6 everything you really need is built into the centre console so your instrument cross check is very simple, it's more of a vertical cross check. When we're in an instrument flying environment, wanting to cross check between instruments it's a closely-spaced pattern, a left to right narrow U-shape, down and up, down and up, down and up. So you look at the main altitude indicator versus the compass, then of course the tacometer's on the right side. The human
Above: A formation of four Czechoslovakia!* MiG-29s in a tight (and decidedly non-tactical) 'finger four' formation. As the Cold War came to a close, the MiG-29 was entering service with Warsaw Pact air forces in large numbers, though most of the USSR's allies had received only the first squadron or two of MiG-29s, and expected further deliveries.
And once you're in the cockpit, it's pretty tight and constrained. You're wearing the helmet and then they hook up the oxygen hose, the communication cord and everything and you're having to weave your arm around all this crap so you don't get tangled up in it. Our system is real nice, our oxygen hose is out of our way, strapped to our chest and it goes up underneath our arm so it doesn't cause conflict in the cockpit at all. But in the MiG-29 you have the communication cord and the oxygen hose and the g-suit hose, all individual, and all just flapping around down by your left side and
factor is very friendly, your cross check is very simple, and in any case you can go all the way up to the HUD and that has everything you need, so you don't actually need to scan round the panel. In the MiG-29 there are instruments all over the place, so the cross check is more of a Z or a zig zag They have to look left for the ADI (the attitude indicator, and that's your primary instrument in instrument flying), then they have to look back to the right side for the engine instrument to set the engines. And then back to the centre to monitor their compass, navigation and then back to the
right side again, for their vertical velocity indicators etc. etc. So the cross check is more left and right, left and right. That's pretty difficult moving your head left and right or moving your eyeballs left and right versus moving your eyeballs up and down, especially when you're in the weather. When you bank the jet, you really don't want to be moving your head that much, and especially not from side to side. You can get vertigo very easily due to the inner ear fluids really getting going and so its real nice to keep your head nice and still, just flicking your eyeballs down and across and up, not too far".
Above: The MiG-29 is capable, available and cheap, making it the most dangerous of the threat aircraft likely to be faced by Western fighter pilots. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiG-MAPO) Left: Two Luftwaffe MiG-29s high over the Mediterranean. The East German MiGs taken over by West Germany, were quickly repainted.
"The MiG-29's HUD is not as useful or as sophisticated as ours. It's pretty much an 'iron sight'. They do get a funnel type of sight for the gun, but it doesn't really do anything, it's not tied to the radar. It moves left and right to show you the effect of g, showing you that if you fire the gun the bullets will go down the flight path to the left or to the right, but it's basically similar to the gunsight of an A-10, with no F-16 type 'level 5 pipper'.
Right: This MiG-29 is fully armed for the air defence mission, with two R-27 and four R-73 AAMs. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiG-MAPO) Below: A rack of live R-73 missiles on the flightline at Kubinka, in front of an Su-27 'Flanker'. The missile is rugged, reliable and very maintainable.
In the F-1 6 the radar will take a lock on the target aircraft and it will show you where you need to put the pipper to put bullets into him. It's constantly computing impact points and once you learn the system, it improves your accuracy quite a bit. It gives you the ability to fire at a target outside of 4,000 feet away. But I don't think the Soviets designed it thinking that they would ever get into a gun fight. They can't even fire the gun unless the centreline tank is gone. And they can't fire if the speed brakes are out. So it's not really designed to
be employed, it's there as a token weapon or for emergencies. Or maybe for use against a transport or a helicopter. But you've only got 1 50 rounds and the rate of fire is very slow: boom, boom, boom, rather than b-b-b-b-b! But if the MiG-29 pilot can get his nose onto you at close range, if he uses his low speed capability and 'portability' to force you to blow through past him, then a few rounds of 30-mm could spoil your entire day. And because their gun is a 30-mm cannon, if a shell does hit you it really does cause damage. It's totally the opposite philosophy to the US 20-mm, which is fast firing and which has a high velocity. One hit from a 20-mm s>hull neeUn'i be ihai big a deal, plenty of guys have come home after one or two hits. Anyway, each approach has its adherents, and who's to say who's right? But what they do need is a more accurate, more user-friendly sight. The MiG-29 won't be winning any gunnery meets without one, that's for sure. Even more impressive is the MiG-29's primary air-to-air weapon, the R-73 missile, allocated the reporting name AA-11 'Archer'
by NATO. Many people have claimed that the 'Archer' is actually the best close-in dogfight missile in service, anywhere in the world. The Israeli Python 4 has its admirers, and the new British ASRAAM is also much admired, but at the end of the day, the 'Archer' is superior to anything in the US inventory. There are those who say that we had designed a similar type of missile long ago, and that this (fictional?) missile was compromised to the Russians and that's how they developed the 'Archer'. But we still don't have anything like 'Archer', and they do, so can you really believe they copied it? I guess that story originated when we in the West couldn't believe they could produce anything worthwhile, unless they copied it straight from us. But personally I think the Russians learned the lessons of Vietnam and the Middle East wars, then just went out and spent more money on the technology. We really were quite impressed by the 'Archer', whose envelope is extremely lethal with a very high g capability. The missile can turn very well, using forward-mounted control
surfaces, 'ruddervon' control surfaces on the fixed rear fins, and a vectored-thrust rocket motor. The seeker has also got a very wide look-angle. Obviously it's better to fire your missile straight at a target and make its job easy - the more it manoeuvres, the more energy it will lose. But it's a useful capability for the missile to be able to turn hard, either
Above: The key to the R73's extraordinary agility lies in its rear 'elevons' and thrust-vectoring rocket nozzle, which augment the usual forward control fins.
they could show us, they don't have any VTR machines in their 'Fulcrums', you know and there's no way to validate their BVR shots during peacetime training. A lot of the times we flew, we'd come back and it was just a big grey area, whether they could have shot us, whether it would have been valid, they can't tell exactly what they're locked onto anyhow with their avionics. So, you know, like I said, we have a healthy respect for the missile, but because of the unknown aspects, we really just don't know exactly how good it is. However, we expect that it's very good indeed and that it could make a huge difference in a BFM-type engagement. And Vympel are about to start production of a enhanced version of 'Archer' with an even
Despite not having a fly-by-wire control system, the MiG-29 is capable of many 'edge of the envelope* manoeuvres. The Cobra was developed as a flight test point by Mikoyan's then Chief Test Pilot, Valery Menirsky, was stolen for airshow use by Sukhoi's Victor Pugachev, and has since become a combat manoeuvre.
From balanced flight (with no yaw), the MiG-29 pilot closes the throttles to reduce airspeed.
The pilot'breaks' dynamically into the manoeuvre with a hard, snatched pull back on the stick, overriding the limiters. The elevator travels fully nose down, pitching the aircraft nose up.
As the nose rotates rapidly upwards, the pilot has already returned the stick to a neutral position, but the nose continues to rotate.
The pilot has a limited amount of control, even with the wing fully stored, with aileron and throttle affecting nose position. With the nose rotated, the pilot may take a missile 'snapshot'.
The pilot slams the stick forward to lower the nose, simultaneously opening up the power to accelerate away, aiming to acheive minimum height loss in the manoeuvre.
"The MiG-29 pilot has a formidable ability to point the nose of his airplane away from where he's flying, and obviously where he can point the nose, he can fire a weapon. That's very significant, since it means he doesn't have to manoeuvre around the sky trying to get his airplane stabilised, flying along a 'route' where its pointing at the target - following it along in a tailchase, for example. If he can get so that the target is somewhere out in his forward hemisphere, out to the left, perhaps, he can pull the nose round to briefly point his weapons at the enemy. Briefly, but long enough to take a snapshot. In essence, the MiG-29 pilot can use his pitch authority and high alpha capability to briefly point the nose away from the direction of flight ('off boresight') and towards his enemy.
Below: Even without a helmet-mounted sight the MiG-29 is a superb dogfighter, thanks to the pilot's ability to point the nose of his aircraft away from the direction of flight. With the new R-77 missile (available on new-build aircraft and some MiG-29 upgrades), the aircraft also has a superb BVR combat capability. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiG-MAPO)
As if that's not bad enough, his primary closein weapon has a wide angle seeker, meaning that it doesn't actually need to be pointed right at the target, but just within about 45 of it. To fully exploit this capability the MiG-29 pilot uses a simple helmet-mounted cueing system, sometimes known (probably erroneously, if you want to get picky) as a helmet-mounted sight, to which the missile seekers could be slaved. The difference between what the MiG-29 pilots have had since that airplane entered service and the helmet-mounted sighting systems now in development or entering service is significant. Their system simply tells the missile seekers where to look, by using head position sensors to 'tell' where the pilot is looking. There may be a simple symbology to confirm lock-on, but that's about as far as it goes. Whereas some of the systems being developed for the next generation of Western fighters are very much more sophicticated and complex, able to display complex symbology and weapons aiming information to the pilot's helmet visor, and often with laser eye protection and who-knows-what-else. But they will be bulky and heavy, and we're still waiting for them, while the MiG-29 pilots have had their simple, cheap, and lightweight system operational for years. It may be inferior, but its useful, and they've got it. To activate the helmet sight and to slave the missile seekers, the MiG-29 pilot toggles a switch in the cockpit labelled 'Helmet' in Russian, with Cyrillic letters which could be pronounced as schlemm. Appropriately enough, 'Schlemm' means 'Grand Slam' in German, and naturally, the German MiGdrivers tend to call 'Schlemm' rather than 'Fox 2' when simulating the launch of an 'Archer' using the helmet sight. During the
engagements between our F-16s and the MiG-29s, we got to hear the radio call alltoo-often, usually when the MiG-29 appeared to present no real danger, with his nose pointing nowhere near you. There are a lot of different opinions about the helmet-mounted sight, even among the guys who use them. But fighting against someone wearing the helmet sight and able to use it to its fullest advantage I was surprised at the very large off boresight angles at which they could shoot you. I think that was impressive. What that meant in practice was that the MiG-29 pilot could be in lag, with his nose quite far away from being pointed at you, and yet he could look up (usually laterally, but also up through the top of the canopy) and still be able to shoot the missile. Normally
Above and below: India is a major operator of the first-generation MiG29, with three frontline squadrons. Remarkably, the Indian Air Force has since purchased Su30MKIs for the ground attack role, rather than the probably superior MIG-29M, which would have had greater commonality with the country's existing aircraft.
you're accustomed to reacting to an aeroplane that has to point at you or almost at you in order to present a threat. Normally your opponent has to get his nose close enough to you to get his radar looking at you. The visual cues that you have to use in a dogfight now with the MiG-29 are very different. You have just got to assume that this guy can shoot you even without pointing his nose at you, so he appears to be able to threaten you much more often than other aeroplanes can. A two-circle fight was his worst-case scenario, giving him the hardest time trying to employ the sight, because of
the higher g and higher speed, and the higher relative airspeeds. I was in a Lufbery with a MiG-29, a sort of two-circle vertical fight, and every time he would bring his nose up close to me, like 30, I would have to be putting out flares because of the helmet sight. It was neat because I'm coming down hill and the guy is coming up hill to meet me, I'm popping flares and he's calling shlemm (their codename for a simulated AA-11 firing) on the radio. And even though I'm going to be passing him in just a second at high speed in this two-circle fight, that's a real firing opportunity for him. That's a significant capability. In a one circle fight he was much more able to use the helmet sight, because whether I was in a neutral stack with him or whether I was reversing, we're both in the same plane, and while he tries to get on my tail he is able to look over and let the system settle out, let the IRSTS and the helmet sight settle out and then he will get a nice lock, without having to get his nose pointing at me. Some pilots refuse to wear the helmet sight because they find they can lose sight of a guy even when he's right in front of them. They feel that the sight gets in their way and restricts their visibility. In the dogfight arena, while it provides good off boresight capability, it is a heavier, bulkier type of system and so there's some complaints about that. But other guys have got used to it and
Above: India's MiG-29s wear much the same camouflage as Russian aircraft, but roundels, RAFstyle serials and names and ranks on canopy frames strike a sometimes amusing contrast. India has relied on the USSR and Russia to supply combat aircraft for many years.
like it a lot. Certainly, when used properly by a pilot whose trained with it quite a bit, it can be a highly effective weapon. If you know somebody's wearing the helmet sight, which you'll never know, you'd really want to stay further behind him than you would normally. But it's very difficult to actually quantify what difference the helmet sight makes. With noVTR it's hard enough to scientifically debrief a normal missile firing, to state with certainty whether it would have hit its target. We come back from a training mission and look at each other's tapes and can validate shots and everything like that, but the MiG-29's pilots couldn't do any of that. They have even less of a clue when they're wearing the helmet mounted sight if a shot was going to be good or not. But it's another element of uncertainty to dial into your calculations. And if helmet sights weren't useful, you've got to ask yourself if every air force in the world is desperately hurrying to get them into service. It pains me to say it, but that's another area where the Russians led the way".
"The MiG-29's BVR (Beyond Visual Range) missile, the 'Alamo' is probably less of a threat than the 'Archer', though it is an effective enough weapon. The ranges of the 'Alamo' missile are impressive and we respect it. Like any missile if you don't do anything about it, you've got a chance of getting whacked, so, naturally we train against it. Quite honestly if the MiG-29 pilot can find you and lock you up on radar and you're in his parameters, you are in serious danger. Therefore we work hard at not being seen and if we are seen, we try to defeat the radar and make him not see us anymore. The last part is, if he can still see us and launches against us, then obviously we'll try to defeat the missile. But we respect it, it's a good missile.
Above: Aircraft from India's No.28 Squadron, some of them with coloured ACM tail markings, put up a neat formation for the camera. India has two MiG-29 units at Poona, with a third (No.223) at Ambala.
I can't talk too much about the systems that we have to counter 'Alamo', but in general it would be fair to say that we respect the 'Archer' more than the 'Alamo'. And so do the pilots who fly it. Overall, their BVR capability represents a Sparrow level of threat. That's not necessarily the fault of the missile though. There are other problems that they have to contend with. One such problem is that the display of the MiG-29 radar contacts is not anything like what we in the west put in our cockpits for pilots. Thus they don't get
anywhere as much situational awareness, even though they've got a fairly good detection capability. The radar is powerful and flexible, but they don't have the on-board processing to give the pilot a decent, clear picture with the threats analysed and prioritised, stuff that we take for granted. The pilot has a very hard time knowing who he's locked on to and what the situation is, so not only do we enjoy a significant advantage with our long range Amram missile, but crucially we also enjoy a significant situational awareness advantage. This means that we could qujte often get somebody into the fight unseen, just because their system would not permit them to see the whole engagement. That's the key reason why they are so reliant on GC1 or AWACS control. The Germans can overcome the radar deficiencies by operating mixed formations of F-4 Phantoms and MiG29s, while other MiG-29 operators may also have fighters which could operate mixed fighter force tactics with their 'Fulcrums'. A nightmare scenario could be Iranian MiG-29s operating alongside Iranian F-14 Tomcats, for instance, or Malaysian MiG-29s with F/A18Ds or British Hawk 200s. Even the firing procedure is much more
Above: Poona is the home of No.s 28 and 47 Squadrons with the MiG-29. No.47 Squadron's aircraft wear an Archer badge, while No.28 wore a smaller blue oval insignia.
Above: Indian MiG-29s frequently wear coloured tails for differentiation during air combat training. This striking machine flew with No.47 Squadron 'The Archers'.
'labour-intensive' in the MiG-29 than it is in the F-16. If we shoot a BVR missile we get everything we need in the HUD. We can have a line showing our radar scan limits, telling us how far we can turn away and still provide the missile with guidance. The computer works out the time the missile will be in flight, and a countdown clock automatically winds down in the HUD so that we know when we can break away completely. We don't have to think about it. He doesn't have that. Well, one of the things that dominates the MiG-29 panel is a clock. It's a huge instrument, but it's just a clock. When he fires a BVR missile he has to work out the missile's flight time himself - 'if the missile flies ten miles in one minute, and I'm launching at twelve miles, then I'll need to illuminate the target for one minute twelve seconds' and he has to hack the stopwatch button on the clock as he fires. He then has to watch until the hand in the small dial gets right round and back to the twelve, ignoring the big second hand. This is hardly high-tech stuff. That same basic clock came out of the MiG-23, that same basic clock is in the MiG21. It's an old fashioned mechanical wind-up clock (you'd better make sure that the ground crew remembered to wind it this morning!). Of course when they get an active-homing missile, a genuinely fire-and-forget weapon, all of that will be history. But at the moment, when a MiG-29 pilot enters a BVR engagement he relies on the 'Alamo'. All he knows is range and he gets a little tick on his radar scope showing that his target is within missile range parameters. He can then lock
Below: An interesting head-on view of an Indian MiG-29. India's MiG-29s were initially handicapped by poor serviceability, but is now a valued part of the inventory.
up the target and and push the consent button. He then waits, and as soon as the radar says OK, the missile's in consent range, it will launch. Then off the missiles goes and he's got to support that missile until impact. If he breaks lock at any time before impact, that missile goes stupid and misses the target".
Above: The distinctive twist-cassegrain antenna of the MiC-29's N-019 radar looks extremely strange to Western eyes. Discovery of the fact that the N-019 had such an antenna finally discredited rumours that the radar was simply a copy of the F/A-18's AN/APG-65 radar. The antenna is seen here stripped of its usual fabric cover, and folded back from the radar LRUs. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiC-MAPO)
"I should point out that there is such a big difference in philosophy that the F-16 pilot will be bound to hate certain things about the MiG-29 for their unfamiliarity, even though they might be just as effective, it's just that he's not conditioned (and certainly not trained) to deal with them. They can put the radar display up their in the HUD, and for guys used to dealing with that, or for guys new to the game, that could be useful. You don't have to look down into the cockpit to look at the radar.
When the Israelis got their hands on a very late MiG-23 they were very impressed by the ability to do that - and you have to respect what the Israelis think about fighter airplanes! But personally, as an indoctrinated F-16 pilot I think that is a waste. They're not giving me anything in the HUD that's any sort of situational awareness news. They put the radar projection into the HUD and if the pilot's got a lock on the radar, he looks in the HUD and he sees the same thing, but he can't really tell the position of what he's locked onto in space. It's not like the radar display is presented in a three dimensional way, with contacts appearing in the bit of sky where they would actually appear. It's like sticking a transparent map up in front of the HUD. But in the F-16 all the HUD gives us is updated information of airspeed, altitude, heading and weapons status. If we get a radar lock, we have a bore site cross on the top of
the HUD, and that will give us a locator line. If I've got a guy radar locked 50 left, I look in the HUD and the locator line will tell me that my radar lock is 50 left and that I need to go up to get to it. He doesn't really get that, all he gets is a radar image saying you've got a lock here and he's got to look to the scale on the left side to say where it is. So in the F-16, we can't see a radar picture in the HUD, but we can have the position of a locked-up target displayed to us in space, and that's much more useful. In addition, the MiG-29 radar can look with the scan centred straight ahead at 12 o'clock or at 30 left or 30 right. Yet if he looks in the HUD he can't tell if the radar's looking straight ahead, or 30 left or 30 right unless he remembers (or checks) where he set the switch. So he might be flying along straight ahead, and the radar picture shows a contact straight ahead at 12 o'clock, but the radar's
looking 30 to the right, so the target isn't straight ahead, it's out to the right. That's just too much maths to do in the cockpit. Even flying along straight and level, at 1g, it's hard enough to understand, but manoeuvring, pulling g... But I'm sure that if you went out and trained and trained and trained with it, you would get good at it - you know, it's a video game and you would get good at playing it. But at the end of the day, all the radar and BVR stuff is a bit of a distraction anyway that's not really what the MiG-29's about. Chances are, if we are worrying about the MiG-29 in a BVR scenario it will be operating with GCI or AWACS, or other fighters, and its weaknesses will be compensated for by those other platforms, and by jamming, etc. The MiG-29 will just bring more missiles to the fight. Where the MiG-29's own independent capabilities are relevant to us is in the close-
in dogfight arena, and any BVR engagement is likely to become a close-in furball within seconds anyway. To paraphrase, the threat posed by the 'Fulcrum' is very much a close-in BFM kind of threat and we're not that worried about it in the BVR environment. But you can't entirely discount that aspect of the threat you know it only takes one BVR missile to ruin your day so, I wouldn't disregard it. And at the end of the day, like me, the MiG-29 pilot will want to whack his opponent in the teeth before he can be detected. The ideal situation we hope for is that you never see the target before you destroy it, that's why we've got these long sticks. I want to kill my enemy while he's still got his head down in the cockpit, looking at his radar display, preferably before he even suspects I'm there. He does also have some advantages - it would be over-simplistic to regard him as
Above: During the Cold War, any of the MiG-29's weaknesses would have been compensated for by weight of numbers and by the co-ordinated use of ECM platforms, AWACS, other fighters, GCI and SAMs. Even operating outside the traditional Soviet-style infrastructure, the MiG29 should not be underestimated. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiG-MAPO)
Above: A formation of Russian MiG-29s fly past the setting sun for the camera of MiG-MAPO's talented photographer, himself a former MiG-23 pilot. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiG-MAPO)
being crude and basic in all respects. Every MiG-29 has RHAWS, every MiG-29 has a data link, most Soviet MiG-29s had an internal built-in active jammer, all MiG-29s have a generous load of chaff/flare expendables - and after Afghanistan, there's at least a possibility that their's might be better than ours. I think its important to point out that the MiG-29 and the F-1 6 are very evenly matched. Each has advantages and disadvantages. In the end it comes down to the pilot. What we say in America is that it doesn't matter what wrapper you wrap your hamburger in, no matter how nicely you package it up, the bottom line is that it's still a hamburger. So if you put a good pilot in a great aeroplane he is going to do well, but a great pilot in a great aeroplane is going to do extremely well. The better pilot will come out on top. I have to say that the edge I think we have is dependant mainly on personal
training skills. The MiG-29 pilots would probably admit that they are still progressing. The former East German pilots have still got a long way to go from coming out of the previous Eastern Bloc training in which things were more scripted and more programmed, and they're still not fully used to the freeflowing western BFM type of arena. The western pilots, the former West German pilots, are very different. They maximise that aeroplane in kind of an eye watering way. Straight away you tended to know who you were fighting. That was very evident, although it's just a matter of differences in training background. The eastern pilots, prior to the reunification, got very very few hours actually flying the jet and so their whole training mindset was different. The outcome is that they're not nearly as capable as their western counterparts. The western pilots are more aggressive and are used to having a whole lot
more progressive thinking. For example, in the debrief, the former eastern pilots tended to accept whatever they were told was the outcome of the mission and leave it at that. The western pilots liked to really get at why they got hammered, and were genuinely upset if it didn't go exactly right. They wanted to win the debrief, as well as the fight. The eastern-trained guys were more phlegmatic. Flying against the German MiG-29s (and perhaps even more so flying against their Soviet-trained pilots) taught us quite a bit about an old adversary. The MiG-29 is still a very valid adversary. Some guys started off thinking that had NATO ever found itself at war with the Warsaw pact, air-to-air we would have just kicked their asses, and some guys still think that, but all of us learned new respect for the MiG-29, and many realise that while we might have won the air war, it would have been close."
Below: The new grey paint applied to Luftwaffe MiG-29s does not adhere well to the aircraft's radomes, which frequently look very badly worn and weathered.
Every fighter pilot in the world will always put the best possible gloss on the performance and capabilities of the aircraft he flies. Few will ever admit that their aircraft may be inferior to a similar rival fighter type, especially in the close-in arena, where macho pride is at stake. The comments of USAF F-16 pilots about the MiG-29's close in dogfighting capabilities should be seen in this light. One would normally expect MiG-29 pilots to be similarly upbeat about their aircraft's strengths, and to be evasive or misleading about its weaknesses.
Above: A row of flying suit badges marking the transition of the East German MiG-29s into Luftwaffe service. )G 3 and its two constituent Staffeln were East German units, though the identity was briefly retained after absorption by the West German Luftwaffe. The team who evaluated the 'Fulcrum' to decide whether it would be retained were from the Luftwaffe's ETD.61 and from ]G3. Right: When East Germany took delivery of its MiG29s, it was enormously proud of the new aircraft, which marked a step change from the MiG-21s and MiG-23s then in use.
But not so Oberstleutnant Johann Koeck, a West German F-4 pilot with many years of experience flying and fighting Western types who has recently transferred to the Luftwaffe's new MiG-29s. As the MiG-29 squadron commander he is as much administrator and tactician as 'line pilot' and so has a more realistic view of the MiG-29's limitations, since these have a very direct impact on his job.
"The East German JG3 took delivery of its first MiG-29 in 1988, and by 4 October 1990 had 24 on strength, equipping two squadrons. A follow-on batch were on order, but were never delivered. With the reunification JG3 became Evaluation Wing 29 on 1 April 1991. On 25 July 1991 the decision was taken to keep the aircraft and integrate them into the NATO air defence structure. JG73 was activated in June 1993, and the MiG-29s assumed a National (Day Only) QRA(I) commitment over the former East Germany. The MiG-29s moved to Laage in December 1993 and on 1 February 1994 the unit gained a NATO QRA(I) commitment.
The two aircraft on QRA were assigned to NATO, while the rest were assigned to national tasking. All will be NATO assigned when the F-4s move to Laage to complete the wing. "The employment of the MiG-29 suffers from severe inherent constraints. The most obvious limitation is the aircraft's limited internal fuel capacity of 3500-kg (4400 kg with a centreline tank). We have no air-to-air refuelling capability, and our external tank is both speed and manoeuvre limited. We also have only a limited number of tanks. "But if we start a mission with 4400-kg of fuel, start-up, taxy and take off takes 400-kg,
Above: When East German MiG-29s flew for propaganda photos, their three-digit codes were usually quickly camouflaged. The aircraft were delivered in the three-tone green/brown camouflage worn by the NVA's other combat aircraft. Below: An East German MiG-29 gets smartly airborne during a visit to Marxwalde.
Above: When the Luftwaffe took over the East German MiG-29s, the only change made initially was to remove the national insignia and add new codes and Wester-style 'Iron Crosses'.
we need to allow 1000-kg for diversion to an alternate airfield 50-nm away, and 500-kg for the engagement, including one minute in afterburner. That leaves 2500-kg. If we need 15 minutes on station at 420 kts that requires another 1000-kg, leaving 1500-kg for transit. At FL200 (20,000 ft) that gives us a radius of 1 50-nm, and at FL1 00 (10,000 ft) we have a radius of only 100-nm.
Above: A range of flying suit badges worn by West German MiG-29 pilots, the first two by the evaluation team, the second two by frontline unit, JG 73. The 'Fighting Fulcrum' patch deliberately apes the patch worn by USAF F16 pilots.
"Our navigation system is unreliable without TACAN updates and is not very accurate (I'd prefer to call it an estimation system). It relies on triangulation from three TACAN stations, and if you lose one, you effectively lose the system. We can only enter three fixed waypoints, which is inadequate. We also can't display our 'Bullseye' (known navigation datum, selected randomly for security). For communications we have only oneVHF/UHF radio. "The radar is at least a generation behind the AN/APG-65, and is not line-repairable. If we have a radar problem, the aircraft goes back into the hangar. The radar has a poor display, giving poor situational awareness, and this is compunded by the cockpit
face in tactical scenarios. We suffer from poor presentation of the radar information (which leads to poor situational awareness and identification problems), short BVR weapons range, a bad navigation system and short onstation times. "But when all that is said and done, the MiG-29 is a superb fighter for close-in combat, even compared with aircraft like the F-15, F-16 and F/A-18. This is due to the aircraft's superb aerodynamics and helmet mounted sight. Inside ten nautical miles I'm hard to defeat, and with the IRST, helmet sight and 'Archer' I can't be beaten. Period. Even against the latest Block 50 F-16s the MiG-29 is virtually invulnerable in the closein scenario. On one occasion I remember the
improvement - even a two nautical mile boost in range is still ten more seconds to shoot someone else! We won't get many of those improvements, though we are getting a new IFF, manually selectable radio channels, and improvements to the navigation system, including the integration of GPS. Most of our aircraft will be able to carry two underwing fuel tanks, which will also help."
Above: The MiG-29s were the only East German fast jets retained by the Luftwaffe following the unification of the two Germanics. Below: Luftwaffe MiG29s (like this two-seater) were quickly re-painted.
Despite its capabilities the baseline MiG-29 is not the fighter of choice for every air force in the world. Crucial weaknesses have prevented greater success in the market place, limiting the aircraft's sales mainly to traditional customers for Soviet aircraft, with a couple of notable exceptions.
Above: After the merger of the Mikoyan Design Bureau with MAPO, the new company began aggressively marketing a number of upgraded MiG-29 versions, which tackled head-on some of the perceived weaknesses of the original aircraft. This aircraft appeared at Farnborough as a demonstrator for the MiG-295, and had previously been the 9-14 prototype.
The baseline MiG-29 (the 9-12, known to NATO as 'Fulcrum-A') suffers from having a very limited range and endurance. One of the aircraft's own designers once described it as an aircraft which was optimised for the air defence of its own airfield - an exaggeration, but perhaps only a slight one. From 1 982, production aircraft for the Soviet air forces (but not for export) were to 9-13 ('Fulcrum-C') standards, with an enlarged and distinctively 'humped' dorsal spine. This housed a small increase (185 litres) in fuel capacity, together with a new L203BE active ECM jammer. This was not enough to really address the aircraft's range and endurance problems. The original versions were also handicapped by a fire control system that was
unsuited to autonomous operations without friendly GCI or AWACS support. Radar performance was excellent (with superb range and target discrimination) but onboard processing was inadequate to give automatic threat prioritisation, while the display was not capable of giving a clear enough picture in a multi-bogey environment. After the Cold War exports became a matter of free choice on the open market, and of spending hard currency rather than involving the subsidised (or free) supply to political allies. It soon became clear that the sales potential of the MiG-29 was hindered by its relative inflexibility. While capable of dropping a range of dumb-bombs, and of firing unguided rocket projectiles, the MiG29's multi-role capability was limited by its inability to provide target designation for laser-, radar-, or TV-guided missiles or PGMs. Greater multi-role capability, versatility and adaptability would clearly make the aircraft more attractive to potential customers. It is easy to over-state the weaknesses of the original MiG-29. To the Soviet Union, its lack of all-weather precision ground attack capability was not a serious problem - since its air forces had plenty of dedicated attack
aircraft and bombers. Similarly, the type's short range did not significantly prevent the aircraft from carrying out its intended battlefield air superiority role. Finally, the shortcomings of the avionics were sidestepped through the use of AWACS and GCI radar stations. Nevertheless, Mikoyan saw the shortcomings of their aircraft and determined to produce a MiG-29 derivative in which these would be remedied. The resulting MiG-29M was developed as a private venture, with a redesigned airframe accomodating increased fuel tankage (5,810 litres - 1,300 litres or 3,300-lb more than even the 'Fulcrum-C'). This was broadly equivalent to the fuel load of the F/A-1 8C (greater than that of the Rafale) and was augmented by the use of new external fuel tanks. The new airframe was lighter and stronger, incorporating greater use of advanced materials, including aluminium lithium alloys and composites. Heavier fuel and weapon loads were compensated for by an uprated engine. Relatively minor aerodynamic improvements and a new analogue fly by wire control system finetuned the aircraft's handling characteristics and high Alpha capabilities. The avionics system of the MiG-29M was entirely redesigned, with a new N-010 radar,
with a 25% increase in detection range, and a wider range of more flexible operating modes. A 400% increase in onboard processing capacity freed the pilot from dependence on GCI radar for target prioritisation and other functions. The electrooptical complex was redesigned, incorporating a laser designator and TV as well as the original IRST and laser rangefinder. This gave the aircraft compatability with an enormous range of new weapons. Finally the MJG-29M had a muchimproved defensive EW system, and a redesigned cockpit, dominated by a pair of large CRT display screens.
Above: Malaysian MiG29s partly disassembled for transport to their new owners. Built to MIG-29SD standards, the aircraft are undergoing a rolling upgrade in service. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiG-MAPO)
Left: One of the most significant improvements to the MiG-29 is this neat, bolt-on retractable inflight refuelling package. The Iranians couldn't wait, and designed and fitted a much cruder fixed probe to some of their MiG29s. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiG-MAPO)
The M1G-29M was probably a better allround multi-role tactical fighter than its competitors, cheaper and yet more versatile than the Sukhoi Su-27M, and better suited for operations in the post Cold War world. It was certainly more attractive to potential export customers, including nations used to Western fighters and the Western approach to cockpit ergonomics. The MiG-29M formed the basis of a naval version, the carriercapable MJG-29K. This genuinely multi-role strike fighter enjoyed a degree of superiority over the rival Su-27K. As a derivative of the second generation M1G-29M, the MiG-29K had an advanced radar, and enjoyed full compatability with radar, laser and TV-guided air-to-surface precision guided weapons, whereas the Su-27K was no more than a carrier-capable first-generation 'Flanker'. Despite this the aircraft failed to win a production order. Following the end of the Cold War, with the unleashing of the forces of Perestroika (restructuring) and Clasnost (openness), the aircraft industry entered a period of massive change. With the war over, the armed forces declined in size and importance, and expenditure cuts began to be imposed. The air forces suddenly found themselves unable to fund many of their new aircraft programmes, and orders for existing aircraft types were cut back. The MJG-29K was one of the first casualties. MiG-29K development was officially terminated when it was decided to acquire only the single-role Su27K for the carrier Kuznetsov. This was seen by many as the wrong choice, since the Su27K's large size and high cost severely curtailed the number of aircraft which could be shipped aboard the carrier. Again, the suspicion was that Sukhoi's political preeminence had more influence on the decision than the aircraft's capabilities and military preferences. There is still a chance that the MiG-29K will be procured for the AV-MF, and perhaps by India, Thailand, or one of the other carrier-operating nations. President Boris Yeltsin signed a Memorandum of Understanding outlining an initial order for 30 MiG-29Ms for the VVS, with the assumption that the original MiG29s would eventually be replaced by MiG29Ms on a one-for-one basis. A,similar MoU was signed for the supply of 30 more MiG29Ms to India on 28 January 1993. But while Yeltsin occasionally supported the MiG-29M, under his regime Mikoyan's once pre-eminent position as the main designer and builder of fighter aircraft was usurped by
Above and right: Roman Taskaev (who took over as Chief Test Pilot following the retirements of Valery Menitsky and Anatoly Kvotchur) flew most of the clearance trials of the new inflight refuelling probe. Essentially this involved flying a hastily modified 'Fulcrum-A' from Lukhovitskii's stockpile in a number of configurations, with various underwing stores, refuelling from all three points of an 11-78 tanker. The trials aircraft was unpainted, and may have been one of the newlybuilt MiG-29SDs for Malaysia, to whom the variant is the MIG-29N. The trials proved to be an excellent photoopportunity for the MAPO photographer, Artur Sarkisyan. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiG-MAPO)
Left: Roman Jaskaev eases the trials aircraft up towards one of the ill's civil-registered 11-78 'Midas' three-point inflight refuelling tankers. This carries UPAZ refuelling pods under the outer wings and scabbed on to the port rear fuselage side. Inflight refuelling has long been a feature of Soviet and Russian bomber and recce operations, but the addition of probes to tactical aircraft is a much more recent phenomenon. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiC-MAPO)
the Sukhoi OKB. As orders declined, some of Russia's aircraft companies were encouraged to explore conversion to civilian production as a political rather than an economic imperative. Some were pushed into the production of unsuitable low-tech consumer goods, for which there was often no market. In the new environment, those rival Russian design bureaus and factories which remained in the business of producing aircraft began to compete with each other for orders, producing competing designs to meet the same requirements. In this situation, political clout became an important factor in determining who would receive orders. Under the new post Communist regime, Mikoyan were bound to lose out. Mikoyan's senior figures were regarded as being oldfashioned adherents of communism, men who had been in positions of power and influence as long ago as the last days of the Stalinist era. By contrast, leadership of the Sukhoi had passed to younger men, regarded as being economically liberal, and whose political links were with men like Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Mikhail P. Simonov, General Designer at Sukhoi was a modern and highly charismatic figure, and sat on the committee of the Supreme Soviet which oversaw the Military Industrial Complex. This put the Sukhoi OKB in an excellent position for winning new orders and contracts, and for testing new forms of working and new economic organisation within the Bureau, with closer links with its associated factories, and with greater autonomy for conducting its own marketing operations. As defence spending declined, Sukhoi were able to retain a higher proportion of the available funding than were
its rivals. Thus while Frontal Aviation MiG-29 deliveries were cut to the bone, many Regiments expecting to re-equip with MiG29s found themselves receiving less-thansuitable Su-27s, and where two similar aircraft had been planned for procurement, it was usually the Sukhoi contender which emerged as the survivor. Development of the advanced, longer-
Below: With his probe still firmly retracted, Jaskaev approaches the refuelling basket, assessing the correct 'sight picture' before the first 'prod'. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiC-MAPO)
range, multi-role M1G-29M (now known as the MiG-33 in its export form) was halted, then re-started, and then halted again. There are persistent reports that development will be completed, and even that the Russian air force may still order the aircraft, though there is, as yet, little sign of this happening. The MJG-29M is the ideal post Cold War fighter, small, cheap to buy and to operate, yet versatile and extremely capable. Reports that the rival Su-27M has run into funding difficulties at one time lent credence to rumours that the Russian air forces had The company could not complete development of the aircraft under its own auspices, yet was never energetic enough in marketing the aircraft to potential partner nations who could have provided the necessary funding. The short-term priority was always to sell the stockpile of completed MiG-29s at the Lukhovitsky factory airfield. These had been built to meet Soviet requirements, but had never been paid for. Instead of offering MiG-29Ms to India (who might have ordered enough aircraft to complete development) MiG sold India more baseline 'Fulcrum-As' from the stockpile. This helped shift the 'unsold stock' but did nothing to secure MiG-MAPO's long-term future. Consequently Indian interest turned to the (probably inferior) Su-30. The export MiG29ME (or MiG-33) remains a figment of MiGMAPOs marketing department's collective imagination, although MiG-29Ms have sometimes sat behind appropriate sign-boards at various international air shows. Even today, Mikoyan and MAPO (now part of the integrated VPK-MAPO or MiG-MAPO) have failed to grasp the nettle. Instead of completing M1G-29M/ME development using the profits from recent sales to Malaysia, Slovakia and India, and re-tooling to put the MJG-29M into production, MiG-MAPO has continued to tinker with the basic 'Fulcrum-A' and 'Fulcrum-C'. The organisation has offered upgraded and modernised export versions of these aircraft, which can initially be produced from the Lukhovitsky stockpile, and which can then be built without re-tooling. But such an aircraft will never have much customer appeal, and MiG-MAPO might have been better advised to produce the best possible MiG-29 variant - which would be based on the airframe of the MJG-29M. This might have been able to compete with the latest Western fighters on equal terms. Less ambitious upgraded MiG-29s probably cannot. Mikoyan already claim to be working on the 'ultimate MiG-29' in the shape of the MiG-35. Work on this version began following the effective cancellation of Mikoyan's new generation fighter, the MiG1.42 (one or both of the prototypes of which may yet fly as technology demonstrators or testbeds). The 'Modernised MiG-29' made its first appearance in a 1994 brochure, when the configuration included notched canard foreplanes, as well as a slightly lengthened fuselage, in which the engines were shifted aft. This aircraft was also fitted with a widerspan wing of modified plan view, apparently based on that of the MiG-29K, but with an
Above: The addition of a simple inflight refuelling probe has done much to solve the basic MiG-29's most serious weakness, and should ensure further export sales. (Artur Sarkisyan, MiGMAPO)
changed their minds, intending to acquire the cheaper MJG-29M, which could have won export orders, further reducing unit price. The Su-27 now seems to be favourite again, however. The MiG-29M reportedly completed its initial State Acceptance Tests before the money ran out, but a production order never materialised and final certification tests remain unfulfilled. In the end, the MJG-29M was perceived as being cheap and lightweight, and suffered the major disadvantage of not having been proposed by Sukhoi, the government's new favourite. The dominance of the Su-27 became selfperpetuating, as to procure any other type came to represent a deliberate move away from commonality. Yet the 'Flanker' variants which have supplanted the advanced MiG29s are in many ways inferior, are more costly, and are less well suited to the post Cold War environment. Selection of the advanced MiG-29s would have given the Russian air forces improved capability and greater aircraft numbers, at lower cost. The failure of the Russian government to fund the completion of development of the MiG-29M has had an immeasurable effect on Mikoyan and on the MiG-29's export sales.
inboard section whose trailing edge was of decreased sweep. It later transpired that the engines were moved back to provide extra internal volume for increased fuel capacity and to further destabilise the aircraft in pitch. The new variant may use some equipment and systems from the MiG-1.42, the OKB's MFI (Mnogofunktsionalnii FrontovoiIstrebeitel). By 1996, the MiG-35 featured a Phazatron RP-35 radar, based on the Zhuk but with an electronically-scanned phased array antenna. The aircraft will also feature thrust-vectoring engines, though the use of canards is no longer definitely to be included. It now seems likely that the MiG-35 will probably be no more than a one-off prototype (if it appears at all, or if it is not a demonstrator converted from an existing MiG-29 or MJG-29M airframe). Further enhancing the 'Fulcrum's already impressive low speed agility should probably not be a priority. Potential customers would probably be more than happy with the aircraft's current manoeuvrability, but its lack of range, primitive cockpit and inadequate weapons system are real disincentives to potential purchasers. There is a need for a new MiG-29 export variant, but it needs a modern
western-style cockpit and modern avionics more than it needs thrust vectoring and aerodynamic refinements. Many doubt that Mikoyan have the vision to offer such a version, and expect that MiG-MAPO will continue to watch its market share dwindle as it offers 'warmed over' derivatives of the 'Fulcrum-A' and 'Fulcrum-C to potential customers. With little experience beyond the design and production of fighters, diversification is difficult for MiG-MAPO, yet most of its key future projects have been cancelled or put on hold. In today's economic climate it was inevitable that some of the Russian air forces' future programmes would be axed, but thanks to the political influence enjoyed by rival fighter-builder Sukhoi, VPK-MAPO has borne the brunt of the cuts. For the distant future, Russia's economic situation has effectively halted advanced aircraft programmes like the MiG 1.42. The air force does not have the resources to fund next-generation replacement aircraft, but the less ambitious interim replacements for existing in-service types are almost all based on versions of the Su-27, and the future for the MiG-29 in its own land is uncertain.
Above left: The principal aircraft used in inflight refuelling trials was unpainted and unmarked, and may have been one of those destined for Malaysia.
Above: Watched by the crewofaMiG-29UB, Taskaev approaches the basket, this time in an aircraft weighed down with external underwing fuel tanks.
Since the end of the Cold War it has been difficult for the former Soviet aircraft industry to compete on the international market. There was little experience of such areas as marketing, or public relations, while many of the industry's products had been produced to an entirely different operating philosophy to that which prevailed in the Western world. Most were, like the MiG-29, extremely rugged, tolerant to battle damage, and were easy and quick to service. Soviet requirements placed great emphasis on operability from austere airfields with minimal maintenance, but placed little importance on life cycle costs, longevity, and long TBO figures.
Above: The first prototype MIG-29K (a carrierborne derivative of the definitive MiG29M) landing aboard the carrier 'Tbilisi', later renamed 'Kuznetsov'. A vastly superior aircraft to the rival Su-27K (Su-33) with genuine multi-role capability, the MIG-29K fell victim to Sukhoi's greater political influence, to the evident disappointment of the customer.
The MiG-29 is typical of Soviet aircraft of its generation, in that it has a relatively low airframe life and very short intervals between major overhauls and rebuilds. The MiG-29 was optimised for the requirements of war, and not for peacetime training. Fighters like the MiG-29 were designed to be one part of an overall air defence system, with unmatched performance, but with limited potential for autonomous action, and with little all-weather or precision attack capability. But to win new customers the MiG-29 had to compete for orders with more versatile western types, in areas where the standard Soviet air defence infrastructure was
absent, and where Soviet operating philosophies were alien. Aircraft like the MiG-29 cannot be said to be inferior to their Western equivalents, but they are certainly very different in concept. Winning new customers was never going to be easy, but it was even difficult to hang on to traditional customers. Foreign recipients of older Russian combat aircraft began looking elsewhere for new equipment. Russian aircraft lost their attractiveness to foreign customers as prices rose, and as subsidies disappeared. Aircraft were no longer supplied as part of complex government-to-government aid packages, and were forced to stand on their merits in the marketplace. Meanwhile, to procure Western aircraft types often represented a useful political indicator of political change within former Soviet client states, many of whom were keen to establish closer links with the West (and especially the USA) and for whom turning away from Russia as an arms supplier was a useful political gesture. For both established and potential new customers, the MiG-29 has a number of drawbacks in the 1990s. Even the latest MiG29 variants lack truly modern avionics and sensors, and so will continue to struggle on
the export market, despite their excellent handling and performance characteristics. Russian avionics, cockpit displays, sensors, computers and processors need to catch up with those already in service in the West, let alone those under development, and until they do, the MiG-29 will continue to suffer a credibility gap which will minimise its broader appeal. Steps have been taken by the industry to meet the new situation, with a number of organisational changes aimed at improving competitiveness and winning new markets overseas. For most companies, the 'umbrella' organisations looking after marketing and sales have been refined and reconstructed, with Aviaexport continuing to oversee civil aircraft sales (but transferring from the Ministry of Foreign Trade to the Ministry of the Aviation Industry in 1988), and with military sales passing from Aviaexport to Oboronexport and then to Rosvoorouzhenie, the State Corporation for the Export and Import of Armaments and Military Equipment. Joint ventures with Western companies have been sought in a number of areas, and especially where such operations can correct known deficiencies. Crucially, there have been attempts to group the hitherto independent design bureaus with their primary production plants, and with their key component suppliers, and to allow some of these to conduct their own marketing operations and sales negotiations. One such combine is the Military Industrial Group-Moscow Aircraft Production Organisation which combines the Mikoyan OKB, the old GAZ-1 (Znamaya Truda) factory and a number of associated key suppliers, including engine-makers Klimov, Chernyashev, and Soyuz, the radar company Leninets, and equipment suppliers Ryazan (instruments and test equipment), Elektroavtomatika and Kursk, together with Aviabank and MAPO Bank. MAPO and ANPK MiG (the old MiG OKB) merged into the single state company MAPO-MiG in 1995, before becoming an even larger complex as VPK-MAPO. The name MiG continues in the organisation's title, though as an English language abbreviation for VPK (Military Industrial Group). VPK MAPO took US $205 m of orders in 1995, representing almost 8% of the Russian total, and signed contracts worth more than US $1 bn in 1996. The MAPO group's position was considerably strengthened by the incorporation of the Kamov OKB and its associated Progress helicopter factory at
Arseneyev. But organisational changes did nothing to change the way the MiG-29 was marketed to export customers. There is some confusion as to whether MiG-29 production is continuing, since large numbers of unsold aircraft (from cancelled VVS orders) are in storage at the Lukhovitsky factory airfield. It seems that recent orders are being fulfilled by using these airframes, sometimes modified with new customerspecified equipment, avionics or instruments. Export versions of the MiG-29 bear a bewildering assortment of designations, confusing their exact origin.
Above: Although designed as a carrierborne fighter, the MiG-29K's wing-folding, double-slotted flaps and robust undercarriage give the aircraft capabilities that are useful for landbased operations as well. Many believe that the MIC-29K is what the MiG-29 should be, and should be the main export model.
Left: This plan view of the MIG-29K clearly shows the increased span, increased area wing, with the increased span ailerons and the increased chord doubleslotted flaps, as well as the wing fold, the dogtooth tailplane and the arrester hook. The wing of the MIG-29K may be used on the proposed MiG-35.
Above: One of the MiG29M prototypes gets smartly airborne in front of Farnborough's famous 'Black Sheds'. Like the MiG-29K, the MIG-29M has full multi-role capability. Below: A new Zhuk radar lies at the heart of the MiG-29M's revamped weapons system.
Exports hold the key to VPK-MAPO's survival, yet these are being jeopardised by the need to sell the stock of unsold MiG-29s at Lukhovitsky. Unfortunately there is a limit to what can be done to an existing MiG-29 airframe, and a new-build variant might represent a better long term prospect for MiG. A number of the Lukhovitsky MiG-29s have been exported to a number of customers relatively recently, including Malaysia, Slovakia and India. Complacency would be dangerous, however, since the momentum is
definitely faltering, and a number of potential customers (including some existing MiG-29 operators) are busy evaluating Western fighter types. The MiG-29 variants currently on offer are basically modernised (or 'warmed over') 'Fulcrum-As' and 'Fulcrum-Cs'. The first upgraded MiG-29 variant was the MiG-29S (9-13S). The MiG-29S designation was applied to a phased multi-stage improvement, which was initially applied to some two squadrons of Frontal Aviation 'Fulcrum-Cs', and involving little more than minor radar updates (to N-019M standards) and provision for the carriage of 1150 litre underwing external fuel tanks. Inboard pylons were uprated to allow the aircraft to carry a maximum warload of 4000-kg (double the present limit) with tandem side-by-side pairs of 500-kg bombs. The full MiG-29S configuration included a modified flight control system with small computers improving stability and controllability, allowing greater control surface deflection angles and permitting higher g and alpha limits. The aircraft could also be offered with Western navigation and radio equipment, and with instruments and
displays calibrated in English language and Imperial units and with a Western IFF transponder. A second phase of the upgrade (originally to have been offered from 1995) included provision of a bolt-on retractable inflight refuelling probe, a ground mapping radar mode for the N-019 radar, provision for the R-77 (AA-12 'Adder') AAM and the various modifications now associated with the MJG-29SM designation. The designation MJG-29SE is applied to export versions of the MiG-295 which differed only in being fitted with the downgraded N-019ME Topaz radar. The same package of improvements could be applied to the original 'Fulcrum-A', and the designation M1G-29SD is applied to these upgraded 'small-spined' MiG-29s. The MiG-29SM prototype first flew in 1995, and represents the present upgrade 'production' standard. The SM adds compatability with TV-guided air-to-ground weapons like the Kh-29T (AS-14 'Kedge') ASM and the KAB-500KR LGB. The MiG29SM is also the first upgraded MiG-29 to actually incorporate simultaneous dual target engagement capability against beyond visual range airborne targets, though this capability was offered as a future phase of the MiG29S/SD/SE upgrades. The MiG-29s delivered to Malaysia were effectively built to basic MiG-29SD standards, and were delivered with the promise that they would undergo further modifications at 800 flying hours (including provision for a bolt-on retractable inflight refuelling probe, a heavier weapon load, Cossor IFF, English language cockpit placards, instruments calibrated in Imperial measurements, and Western ILS, TACAN and GPS. According to some reports the aircraft will eventually receive further updates (including compatability with TVguided ASMs). This will bring them up to the same standards as the MJG-29SM. The Malaysian aircraft are known locally as MiG29Ns (with the two-seaters using the designation MJG-29NUB). All of these sub-types mark an improvement over the baseline MiG-29. but none come close to offering the kind of 'quantum leap' demonstrated by the MiG-29M, since none offer a sufficient increase in internal fuel capacity, nor the new mult-role weapons system of the second generation MiG-29. At this year's Moscow Aeroshow, Mikoyan showed a new MiG-29 derivative, albeit statically and in mock-up form. The MiG29SMT showed at Zhukhovskii was reportedly based on the time-expired and grounded
airframe of the last pre-production MiG-29, but nevertheless reportedly represents a genuine project. Based on the MiG-29SM, the SMT incorporates a revised spine (perhaps based on that of the MJG-29M) and has revised engine intakes, based on those of the MiG29K and MiG-29M. These have anti-FOD grills in place of the solid anti-FOD doors of the standard MiG-29, and these allow the overwing auxiliary intakes and their ducts to be removed to make way for more fuel in the LERXes. The aircraft can also carry heavier 1800-litre underwing fuel tanks. The MiG29SMT appears to represent a genuine attempt to incorporate some of the features of
Above: While retaining basic analogue flight instruments, the MiC29M also has two monochrome multifunction displays in its cockpit. This represents a significant improvement in the cockpit environment, giving the pilot much-improved situational awareness. The new MiG-29SMT has larger, Western-sourced, colour displays.
will be fitted with a dual-redundant MIL STD 1553B digital databus to give compatability with the widest possible range of smart weapons. The new variant also has an entirely redesigned cockpit, dominated by two large colour LCD displays, with two additional smaller LCDs on the side consoles for weapons system and navigation/ECM/communications systems status and selection. This cockpit appears to be more advanced than the two-CRT monochrome cockpit of the MiG-29M. The MiG-29SMT might have one further advantage over a MiG-29M-based aircraft, in that it would appear to be possible to convert an existing MiG-29 to the SMT configuration, whereas the MJG-29M incorporates such major differences that it can only be produced as a new-build aircraft. This would make the MJG-29SMT a potentially superb upgrade/retrofit configuration for existing MiG-29 operators, and if correctly marketed (and if accompanied by improvements to support and after-sales infrastructure) could be extremely lucrative for MiG-MAPO. There are several obstacles in the way of the MiG-29SMT's success, however. There is a widespread perception that Russian companies are unable to offer adequate spares and after-sales support for their products, and that this impacts on in-service aircraft availability and reliability. A new logistics support service was set up to service the Luftwaffe's MiG-29s, and this has proved fairly successful, but poor availability continues to be a concern expressed by some other operators.
Above: The MiG-29M's airframe makes extensive use of composites and advanced aluminiumlithium alloys, reducing the number of conventional bolts and fasteners, reducing weight, and providing increased volume for fuel and avionics. The aircraft also has increased thrust engines, which more than compensate for the increased weight of fuel and avionics black boxes.
the M1C-29M in a new-build export version of the basic 'Fulcrum' airframe. All of these changes (without the lightweight MiG-29M airframe and uprated undercarriage) give the MiG-29SMT a maximum take off weight of 21000-kg (46,296-lb), a figure that is within 1000-kg of the MIG-29M's MTOW. This makes it essential that the MiG-21SMT be offered with an uprated engine, but since the RD-33K is installationally interchangeable with the original engine, this should not present an insoluble problem. Mikoyan claim that the MiG-29SMT will have a new multi-mode fire control radar (presumably based on the N-010 of the MiG29M or the related Zhuk) and that the aircraft
Perhaps more crucially, there is a growing perception that Russian/Soviet avionics lag far behind those offered by leading Western companies, both in terms of their capability, and in terms of their supportability. The mocked-up cockpit of the MiG-29SMT is undeniably impressively modern in appearance, and is probably a very wellthought out man-machine interface. The displays are probably entirely driven by HOTAS controls, for example, like those of the MiG-29M. But one cannot help but wonder whether the incorporation of Western radar, displays and Western avionics black boxes (Terrain Reference Navigation System, GPS/INS, computers, stores management system, MIL STD 1553B and -1760 databuses, etc.) would not be a powerful sales point especially if such items were integrated by a proven Western partner (eg Elbit or GECMarconi). A glance at what IAI have achieved with F-5 and MiG-21 upgrades, or at the South African Mirage Ill-based Cheetah C shows what is possible. A MiG-29 with a similar avionics fit would have enormous appeal to existing MiG-29 users, offering high performance, commonality, economy and unbeatable combat capability. Existing 'Fulcrum-A's awaiting sale could be leased to customers as a stop-gap or sold for training use and for use by reserve units, backing up the definitive MiG-29 export model. Without such a development, the existing MiG-29s poor radar/weapons system integration and reliance on GCI will come to be seen as an increasingly serious handicap, as will the
aircraft's lack of range and endurance, and many potential customers will switch to aircraft like the F-16 and F/A-18. There is plenty of life left in the 'old dog' yet, but to push the adage further, MiGMAPO might be well advised to let a Western company help integrate and market the animal with a new, Western-made lead!
Top and above: The MIC-29M has eight underwing pylons, and has been cleared to carry the widest range of weapons. Many regard it as the best multi-role fighter in the world.
My obsession with the MiG-29 dates back to the aircraft's first appearance, and is well-known, and I'd like to thank anyone who has tolerated my often single-minded quest for information and photos. I hope that I've done the aircraft justice, while honestly exposing its weaknesses (no military aircraft will ever be perfect).
The MiG-29's story is a fascinating one, far too labyrinthine to be told properly in a book of this size. Perhaps one day In the meantime, I owe a debt of gratitude to Rostislav Belyakov, the aircraft's designer, and to his deputies, Mikhail Waldenberg, Valerii Novikov, and Anatoli! Belosvet. All have been generous with their time and reminiscences, and have answered my many questions, over the years, with patience, good humour and tact. I would also like to thank Roman Taskaev (Mikoyan Chief Test Pilot), and his predecessors Valerii Menitsky and Anatoly Kvotchur, as well as OKB test pilots Pavel Vlasov and Marat Alykov. Thanks also go to a huge number of friends at MAPO-MiG, but especially to Nikolai Buntin, FedorTimofeyev, Alexander Dmitriyev and Victor Trifonov. I should also thank all of those who offered a less partisan contribution, and helped me gain a more balanced and objective view of the aircraft. I would particularly like to thank Major Bob Wade (the first Westerner to fly the MiG-29), late of the Canadian Armed Forces, Mr John Farley, and Mr Ben Lambeth. 'Swapper' and 'Bones' cannot be thanked by name, nor can 'Harry', late of the 968th IAP. I can name Piotr Butowski, Martin Baumann, Hendrik van Broekhuizen, Tieme Festner, Marcus Flber, Werner Greppmeier, Jan Jrgensen, Frank Rozendaal, Jelle Sjoerdsma, Frank Vetter, Rene van Woezik, and do so with grateful thanks, and admiration for their work, which has been inspirational.
There is not room to thank all of those who helped give me a broader understanding of the Russian forces in East Germany, or who supplied information and photographs, but my gratitude is genuine and heartfelt. You guys know who you are! I can thank Russian colleagues and friends Artur Sarkisyan, Boris Rybak, 'Sasha' Velovich, Segei Skrynnikov, and Yefim Gordon. Penultimately I would like to tip my hat to Dave Donald and Grant Race who shared a Land Rover around the 16th Air Army's bases, and also shared the discomfort of having pistols thrust in our faces by the Volkspolizei. I'd also like to thank 'Ozzie' (Austen J.) Brown for his noble attempt to kill me during a long drive back from Altenburg, and to Rob Hewson, whose songwriting skills were conclusively demonstrated on the same trip. Finally, of course, I'd like to thank my wife, Jilly, for her continuing support and forebearance of my obsession and untidiness! She was also completely unruffled as we drove into a Soviet military airfield on the very morning of the Moscow coup!
The publishers would like to thank the following organisations and individuals for their help in supplying photographs. Artur Sarkisyan (MiG-MAPO)