Glassy Sphere: Stage 01
Glassy Sphere: Stage 01
Glassy Sphere: Stage 01
Glassy Sphere
Skill level: Intermediate
Duration: 10 minutes
Requirements: Photoshop version 5 or higher
Goal: To create a glassy sphere with shadow
Stage 01.
Let’s begin by making a new document 500 x 500 pixels at 72dpi. Make
sure you have your rulers turned on (Press Ctrl & R). Right click on the
top ruler and select Pixels.
Stage 02.
Create a new layer and name it ‘Sphere’.
Select the Circular Marquee Tool and
draw a circle big enough to fill about 50%
of the canvas. Make sure you hold down
the Shift key while drawing the circle. This
will constrain it to be the same hight and
Stage 04.
Change the foreground colour to
Black and choose the Paint
Bucket tool, then fill the circle.
Now press Ctrl & D to deselect.
Stage 05.
Press Ctrl & T and you will be in
Transform mode. Using the Move
tool, squash the circle downwards
my dragging the top resize handle
Stage 06.
Enable the layer called ‘Sphere’ by
clicking the eye icon next to it in
the layers palette. Select the Move
tool, and then use the Down Arrow
key on your keyboard to nudge the
shadow downwards
Stage 07.
Make a new layer above the
‘Sphere’ layer and name it ‘Glare’.
Stage 09.
Change the opacity of the ‘Glare’
layer to about 60%