Solid Rocket Thrust Vector Contro NASA lsp8114
Solid Rocket Thrust Vector Contro NASA lsp8114
Solid Rocket Thrust Vector Contro NASA lsp8114
NASA experience has indicated a need for uniform criteria for the design of space vehicles.
Accordingly, criteria are being developed in the following areas of technology:
Guidance and Control
Chemical Propulsion
Individual components of this work will be issued as separate monographs as soon as they
are completed. This document, part of the series on Chemical Propulsion, is one such
monograph. A list of all monographs issued prior to this one can be found on the final pages
of this document.
These monographs are to be regarded as guides to design and not as NASA requirements,
except as may be specified in formal project specifications. It is expected, however, that
these documents, revised as experience may indicate to be desirable, eventually will provide
unifqrm design practices for NASA space vehicles.
This monograph, "Solid Rocket Thrust Vector Control," was prepared under the direction
of Howard W. Douglass, Chief, Design Criteria Office, Lewis Research Center; project
management was by M. Murray Bailey. The monograph was written by Robert F. H.
Woodberry and Richard J. Zeamer of Hercules, Inc., and was edited by Russell B. Keller, Jr.
of Lewis. To assure technical accuracy of this document, scientists and engineers throughout
the technical community participated in interviews, consultations, and critical review of the
text. In particular, Thomas S. Clark of United Technology Center, Division of United
Aircraft Corporation; Lionel H. Erickson of Thiokol Chemical Corporation;Myron Morgan
of Aerojet Solid Propulsion Company; and James J. Pelouch, Jr. of the Lewis Research
Center reviewed the monograph in detail.
Comments concerning the technical content of this monograph will be welcomed by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center (Design Criteria
Office), Cleveland, Ohio 44135.
December 1974
For sale by the National Technical Information Service
Springfield, Virginia 22161
Price - $7.00
The purpose of this monograph is to organize and present, for effective use in design, the
significant experience and knowledge accumulated in development and operational
programs to date. It reviews and assesses current design practices, and from them establishes
firm guidance for achieving greater consistency in design, increased reliability in the end
product, and greater efficiency in the design effort. The monograph is organized into two
major sections that are preceded by a brief introduction and complemented by a set of
The State of the Art, section 2, reviews and discusses the total design problem, and
identifies which design elements are involved in successful design. It describes succinctly the
current technology pertaining to these elements. When detailed information is required, the
best available references are cited. This section serves as a survey of the subject that provides
background material and prepares a proper technological base for the Design Criteria and
Recommended Practices.
The Design Criteria, shown in italics in section 3, state clearly and briefly wha.._.__t rule, guide,
limitation, or standard must be imposed on each essential_ design element to assure
successful design. The Design Criteria can serve effectively as a checklist of rules for the
project manager to use in guiding a design or in assessing its adequacy.
The Recommended Practices, also in section 3, state how to satisfy each of the criteria.
Whenever possible, the best procedure is described; when this cannot be done concisely,
appropriate references are provided. The Recommended Practices, in conjunction with the
Design Criteria, provide positive guidance to the practicing designer on how to achieve
successful design.
Both sections have been organized into decimally numbered subsections so that the subjects
within similarly numbered subsections correspond from section to section. The format for
the Contents displays this continuity of subject in such a way that a particular aspect of
design can be followed through both sections as a discrete subject.
. INTRODUCTION ............................
2. STATE OF THE ART ........................
APPENDIX A - Conversion of U. S. Customary Units to SI Units ............
APPENDIX B - Glossary ............................
REFERENCES ................................
NASA Space Vehicle Design Criteria Monographs Issued to Date .............
Figure Title Page
23 Schematic
of typicalliquidinjectionTVCsystemandsideforcephenomena ..... 71
24 Nozzlepressure
distributiondueto injectionof inertinjectant .......... 72
25 Nozzlepressure
distributiondueto injectionof reactive
injectant 73
26 Basicdesignfeatures
in a LITVCsystem ................... 75
27 Schematic
of TitanIII ullageblowdownLITVCsystem ............. 76
28 LITVCsystem
for PolarisA3 secondstage 77
29 Crosssectiondrawingof typicalsingle-orificeinjector
mountedonnozzlewall ......................... 84
3O Crosssectiondrawingof three-orifice
injectormountedonnozzlewall ....... 84
31 CrosssectiondrawingOfanelectromechanical
injectantvalve ............ 85
32 Injectorvalveassembly
actuator 91
33 Servo-controlled
injectors ....... 92
35 Comparisonof small-scale
impulsevsdeflectionangleandsideforce ................... 105
36 Comparison
of performance
of inertandreactive
injectants ............ 106
38 Effectof injectantflowrateandinjectionpressure
onsideforce .......... 108
39 Effectof injectionlocationandorientationonsideforcefor
differentinjectantflowrates ........................
40 Transformation
of dataoninjectionpressure
vsinjectantspecificimpulse ...... 110
41 Effectofnumberof annularorificesonsideforceasa
functionof injectantflowrate 111
Figure Title Page
42 Transformation
of performance data for strontium perchlorate injectant ....... 112
43 Correlation of injectant specific impulse with key nozzle parameters ........ 114
47 Recommended sequence of steps for determining the optimum LITVC system design 143
48 Values of side specific impulse for reactive and inert liquid injectants ........ 145
50 Typical LITVC port configuration showing erosion and char patterns ........ 158
XlI Chief Design Features of Liquid Storage Systems on Operational LITVC Systems 96
XIII Side Force Composition for Inert and Reactive Injectants ............ 103
Most vehicles used for launching spacecraft require some guidance or steering to ensure that
the required flight trajectory will be achieved. In addition, steering is needed to compensate
for flight disturbances (e.g., winds) and for vehicle imperfections (e.g., misalignment of
thrust and center of gravity). To provide this steering, solid propellant rocket vehicles are
equipped with a thrust vector control system. Both mechanical and aerodynamic techniques
have been used to redirect the motor thrust and provide the required steering forces. This
monograph is limited to treatment of thrust vector control systems that superimpose a side
force on the motor thrust, steering being achieved by the side force causing a moment about
the vehicle center of gravity. A brief review of thrust vector control systems is presented,
and two systems, flexible joint and liquid injection, are treated in detail. These two systems
were selected because they are in use on a number of operational vehicles and they are most
likely to be used in future aerospace vehicles. The choice between these two systems
depends upon the particular vehicle performance requirements, system weights, cost,
reliability, development risk, and envelope constraints. However, it i_ possible that a control
system different from the selected systems could result in an optimum vehicle performance
within the restrictions imposed for particular types of missions. Sufficient references are
presented to allow investigation in detail of control systems other than the two selected.
Treatment of the flexible-joint thrust vector control system is limited to the design of the
flexible joint and its insulation against hot motor gases; no evaluation is presented of the
movable nozzle, the actuation system, or the means for attachment of the flexible joint to
the movable nozzle and the fixed structure. Treatment of the liquid-injection thrust vector
control system is limited to discussion of the injectant, valves, piping, storage tanks, and
pressurization system; no evaluation is presented of the nozzle except for (1) the effect of
the injectant and erosion at the injection port and (2) the effect of injection on pressure
distribution within the nozzle.
The design technology for the two selected systems has progressed to the point where the
basic problems have been overcome and efficient and reliable systems can be designed for
any required use. Design problems with flexible joints have been associated with difficulty
in establishing the envelope for the movable nozzle; definition of the actuator power
requirements to vector the movable nozzle; definition of allowable properties for the
elastomerand the reinforcement; adhesivebonding of the elastomerto the reinforcements;
test methodsthat adequatelysimulate the motor operating conditions; and quality control
inspection of the molded joint. Design problems in liquid injection systemshave been
associatedwith definition of the maximum steering-forceduty cycle; determination of the
optimum location and geometry of the injector Valves;andincompatibility of the injectant
with many of the materials used for the nozzle walls, seals,and injectant pressurization
system. Emphasis in the monograph is placed on those areaswhere specific technical
The material herein is organized around the major tasks in thrust vector control:
configuration as related to motor requirements;designparameterscontrolling the response
of the mechanism; material selection; system design; structural and thermal analysis;
manufacturing; testing, both nondestructiveanddestructive;and inspection.Thesetasksare
consideredin the order and manner in which the designermust handle them. Within these
task areas, the critical aspects of the performance, structural, thermal, and physical
boundary requirementsthat the thrust vector control systemmust satisfy arepresented.
The vehicle flight-control system must perform two functions: fly the vehicle along a
commanded trajectory, and maintain vehicle flight stability in the atmosphere. Vehicles
without aerodynamic stabilizing fins normally are unstable, and those with fins may be only
marginally stable. Disturbances that effect vehicle attitude and stability include atmospheric
winds; motor thrust misalignments due to fabrication tolerances and thrust-vector-
control-system offsets such as those that occur with flexible joints; shifts of vehicle center
of gravity; and unbalanced forces during launch and staging. It is desirable that these
disturbances be corrected with proper timing and amplitude so that control energy
requirements, structural loads, and aerodynamic heating are minimized. Control
requirements are a function of interrrelated effects of disturbances, the trajectory required,
and the vehicle aerodynamic and structural dynamics. The determination of flight-control
requirements and the design of the control system are two of the most complex problems in
the development of a space vehicle system.
The control system causes a side force to be applied to the vehicle at some distance from the
vehicle center of gravity, resulting in a control moment and a change in the vehicle attiude.
A number of force-producing mechanisms have been employed or considered as means to
provide attitude and trajectory control of aerospace vehicles. The available systems
considered in this monograph are divided into two main groups: movable-nozzle systems,
and fixed-nozzle systems. A classification of the different force-producing systems
associated with movable and fixed nozzles is shown in figure 1. Other sytems have been
used, and still others have been evaluated to determine feasibility. Systems that have been
used include jet reaction (refs. 1 to 6), movable external rocket motors (refs. 7 to 9), and
aerodynamic fins (refs. 10 and 1 1). Preliminary evaluations have been conducted on
movable pintles (refs. 1, 12, 13, and 14), movable plug (ref. 2), electro gas dynamic (ref.
15), and electric arc discharge (ref. 16).
The correct definition and design of the flight-control system is a complex problem
requiring tradeoff analyses between control requirements and the penalties of the control
system as they relate to vehicle performance. Factors affecting the selection of a thrust
vector control system are the control moment required, the characteristics of vehicle
response, the stability requirements during flight, reliability requirements, cost restrictions,
and the behavior of the candidate systems. Movable-nozzle systems are linear response
systems; i.e., the turning moment is almost directly proportional to the amount of nozzle
vectoring, although the power required to cause that amount of nozzle vectoring may not be
directly proportional. Fixed-nozzle systems generally are nonlinear systems; i.e., twice the
rate of injectant flow in a liquid injection system does not cause twice the turning moment.
TVC systems
Fixed nozzle Movable nozzle
I i ! I
Secondary injection Mechanical Special Low
systems subsonic subsonic
__J _A --_Flexible
i --Flexible L--Hinged
Movable --Rotatable --Fluid bearing/
rolling seal
Warm I Pintle
_Inert i
L--Movable --Gimbal
gas --Jet tab
liquid --Fluid bearing/
rolling seal
--Ball &
Movable nozzles.- The movable-nozzle systems (table I) either are operational (e.g.,
rotatable nozzle and flexible joint) or have been static fired (e.g., gimbal/swivel subsonic
splitline, gimbal/integral low-subsonic splitline, supersonic splitline, and ball and socket). All
of the systems have demonstrated problems or limitations. All movable nozzle systems
require that the actuation hardware for the staging maneuvers be carried throughout the
remainder of the flight. The rotatable nozzle is limited to multinozzle motors because
movement of only one nozzle would cause pitch, yaw, and roll forces to be applied to the
vehicle; effective maneuvering of the vehicle requires movement of at least two nozzles. The
supersonic splitline and ball-and-socket type are not developed systems, and it is unlikely
that further development will be conducted since the other movable nozzle systems have
demonstrated all the advantages of these nozzles but with fewer operational and design
* Parenthetical units here and elsewhere in the monograph are in the International System of Units (SI units). A table of
conversion factors appears in Appendix A. For simplicity and brevity, SI units are not presented in the tables in the
TABLE I. - Advantages, Disndvantal|es, and Current Status of Movable Nozzle System
Status of Technology
Advantages Disadvantages
TABLE I. - Advantages, Dissdvantalles , sad Currant Status of Menmble Noz_ Systems (oaududed)
Gimbal/swivel State of the art Excessive envelope required for Operational system for Minuteman i and
subsonic splitline Flexible duty cycle submerged nozzle 1I first and third stages and Minuteman
(refs. 37 and 38) Negligible thrust loss High erosion and heat flux in 111 tint stage.
(fig. 2) Large deflection capability splitline One fullscale firing, 38-in. throat, single
Low-to-medium blowout load Limited operation time external-gimbal nozzle.
Low entry erosion Inflexible pivot-point locations Two subsonic firings, 15-in. throat, single
external-glmbal nozzle.
One firing, 4.71 -in. throat, single external-
glmbal nozzle.
Gimbal/integral State of the art High blowout load One firing, 24-in. throat, single submerged
low subsonic Minimum splitline erosion High actuation torque nozzle.
splitline and heat flux Large volume required within Two firings, i 5-in. throat, single submerged
(refs. 37-40) Minimum seal problem chamber nozzle.
(t_g.3) Continuity of entry, throat, Medium entry erosion One firing, 9.2-in. throat, single submerged
and exit cone Inflexible pivot-point nozzle.
Flexible duty cycle location One firing, 3.9-in. throat, single submerged
Negligible thrust loss Potentially large vectoring nozzle.
Large deflection capability envelopes Two f'uings, 1.75-in. throat, single submerged
Long burn time durability nozzle" +-14 °, 235 sec operation, 163 sec
actual firing, 20 pulses, 72 sec coast time.
Supersonic Attractive for submerged Sealing and erosion problems Two firings of Minuteman motor, first-stage
splitline nozzle at splitline size: one successful, one failure, single nozzle
(refs. 41-44) Low entry erosion High actuation torque one-plane motion.
(fig. 4) Lightweight potential Limited to small vector angles Several firings, 4.9-in. throat
Fast response capability
Low blowout load
Small deflection envelope
Ball and socket Potentially lightweight High coulomb torque One firing, 9.6-in. throat, single submerged
(ref. 45) Small envelope requirement Unpredictable friction torque nozzle.
(fig.5) Large deflection capability Sealing problem Development discontinued in favor of
Flexible pivot-point Antirotation device required flexible joint.
location High axial thrust loss
Deflection of the seal region
is minimized and seal gap
is maintained by uniformly
distributed load
State of the art Limited thrust deflection Operational system for Polaris A3 second
Liquid injection
(refs. 46-51) Liquid injection thrust adds System weight is high stage;Minuteman III second and third
to motor thrust Careful attention must be given stages; 120-in. motor for Titan IIIC and
(fig. 9)
little prelaunch checkout to selection of liquid and bladder IIID; Sprint first- and second-stage motors;
material for long-term storage Hibex motor; and Lance motor.
Fast response capability A long hold period after the Development static firings on 120-in. Titan
system is energized requires IIIM motor, 156-in. motor, and 260-in.
replenishment of the liquid motor.
and pressurization devices
Lack of flexibility for accom-
modation of changes in control
Must be designed for worst-on-
worst requirements
Jetvane Actuation torques are low High thrust losses Operational system for Sergeant, Talos,
10,63, Small installation envelope Restricted to motors with low- and Pershing and for Algo !I and 111
and 64) around nozzle temperature propellant or motors.
Power requirements are short burn time No current development.
low, and thus actuator Large vane rotation angle
weights are low required for small jet
Fast response capability thrust deflection
Jetevator Side force is linear with Jetevator envelopes nozzle Operational system for Polaris AI
(refs. 65-69) jetevator deflection angle exit, restricting maximum first and second stages and Polaris
available nozzle exit diameter A2 first stage.
Restricted to motors with low- Operational system for BOMARC
temperature propellant or and SUBROC.
short burn time No current development.
Heat shields required to protect
afterdome, nozzle exterior, and
actuation system significantly
',D increase total system envelope
Large thrust loss (half of generated
side force)
Torque varies with time
System is relatively heavy
Limited to multiport systems
for omniaxis vectoring.
Jet tab Side force is directly Restricted to motors with low- Limited to development static firings.
(refs. 70-74) proportional to ratio temperature propellant or short Test results indicate significant design
(fig, 11) of tab area to nozzle burn time. and material problems.
area Caused significant local erosion No current development.
in the nozzle
Large thrust loss (equal to
generated side force)
Jet tabs at the exit plane
increase envelope requirements
Segmented nozzle Major portion of nozzle is (Testing to date insufficient to Limited to experimental static
Movable pintle Can be used as a throttling Side forceis nonlinear with Analytical and experimental
(refs. 1 and 12-14) device pintle cant angle development only.
Small pintle cant angles produce No current development.
negative side forces
Pintle subjected to severe
thermal environment
Subsonic splitline
Movable nozzle
_ Gimbal
Fixed structure
Supersonic splitline
Movable nozzle
ovab le nozzle
Ba 1 i/socket
Antirotation bellows
Rolling bearing
Bolted joint
insulating boot
_ctuator bracket
jointRadiation shield
/ Fixed nozzle
\ _
_, ,,
X / Wrap-around _ _y_
(a) Flexible joints with insulating boot
E la s tome r
Ablative protection
Fixed structure
Movable nozzle
attach r±ng_ \_ i
Aft geometric pivot point
(b) Flexible joint with sacrificial ablative protector.
_--- Act us for bracket
1 '_ Actuator
neoprene bladder
Extended side
.Vector angle
Exit cone
_lild tank_
Gas injectant I _ ._
XIE cone
Hot-gas valve
xit cone
Exit cone
comparison showed that the actuation torque for the fluid bearing/rolling seal was 30
percent of the actuation torque for the flexible joint. Fluid bearing/rolling seals up to 24-in.
(60.96 cm) diameter have been tested in static firings up to vector angles of -+ 6.5 °, at
vectoring rates up to 40 deg/sec, and motor pressures up to 1000 psig (6.89 MN/m 2) (refs.
35 and 36). An 8-in. (20.32 cm)-diameter bearing has been tested in static firings up to
vector angles of + 12 ° at vectoring rates up to 140 deg/sec and motor pressures up to 2700
psia (18.6 MN/m 2) for firing times of 20 seconds (ref. 35). This bearing has also been tested
at vector angles of + 15 °, vectoring rate of 762 deg/sec, and motor pressure of 2100 psia
(14.5 MN/m 2) for a firing time of 5.5 seconds (ref. 35). The fluid bearing/rolling seal has
been selected for use in a large high-performance motor, but as yet has not been
demonstrated or accepted for an operational flight motor and therefore will not be
evaluated further in this monograph.
The flexible joint has demonstrated the capabilities of the gimbal splitline but with fewer
development problems, has been demonstrated in a number of flight motors, and is
operational in the first- and second-stage motors for Poseidon C3; therefore, this joint is
treated in detail in this monograph (secs. 2.1 and 3.1).
Mechanical systems.- The mechanical deflector systems listed on table III either were
operational (e.g., jet vane and jetevator) but have now been replaced by other systems, or
were limited to development static firings (e.g., jet tab and segmented nozzle) and in general
are no longer being considered in the industry. These techniques generally suffer from high
weights and material problems due to exposure to hot exhaust gases. The movable pintle
and plug (table IV) have not advanced beyond limited experimental evaluation and are not
now under development.
The flexible joint is a nonrigid pressure-tight connection between the rocket motor and a
movable nozzle that allows the nozzle to be deflected by as much as 15 ° in a given
direction*. The deflection of the nozzle deflects the motor thrust vector and generates a
moment about the vehicle center of gravity, thereby altering the course of the vehicle.
Two kinds of flexible joints are shown in figure 7. The flexible joint is shown in a neutral
position in figure 12 and in a vectored position in figure 13. These figures also show the
descriptive terms used throughout this monograph. A complete list of symbols and
definitions appears in Appendix B.
2.1.1 Configuration
The flexible joint consists of rings of an elastomeric material alternating with rings of
metallic or composite material. These rings are usually spherical sections with a common
center of radius referred to as the geometric pivot point. A joint wherein the rings were
identically shaped conical sections has been designed and successfully tested (ref. 22). This
design had the advantage of requiring a single set of tooling for all the rings rather than
tooling for each ring as is necessary with spherical rings. Since each ring had the same shape,
the joint was limited to a cylindrical envelope.
One end of the flexible joint is connected to a fixed structure, and the other is connected to
a movable nozzle. Since the joint is symmetrical about its centerline, the nozzle can vector
in any direction. When the nozzle is acted upon by an external actuator force, the
elastomeric components are strained in shear, each reinforcement ring rotates a proportional
part of the total vector angle, and the nozzle rotates about the effective pivot point (fig.
13). Usually the effective pivot point does not coincide with the geometric pivot point
because of different amounts of distortion in each reinforcement. Omniaxis movement of
the nozzle is obtained by using two actuators 90 ° apart. In addition to providing a means
for thrust vectoring, the joint also acts as a pressure seal. Flexible joints are designed so that
the axial compressive pressure imposed on the elastomer is higher than the chamber
An important property of the elastomer in the operation of a joint is that the bulk
compressive modulus is approximately 15 000 times the shear modulus. This relation means
* This amount of motion has been demonstrated, but an upper limit to deflection angle has not been established.
Ro + Ri
Pivot radius Rp =
Geometric pivot
center for all
Joint angle
"oint radii
Inner joint
angle _1
Outer joint angle
as tomer
Reinforc ement
Deflected joint
I, Joint
Deflected joint 0
that a joint can transmit high axial compressive loads with low resulting axial deflections,
but permits high shear deflections at low applied torques.
The reinforcements provide rigidity to the joint against motor pressure and axial loads due
to motor pressure and constrain the joint to vector instead of deflecting sideways as would
an all-elastomer cylinder when an actuator load was applied.
The movable nozzle with a flexible joint consists of four main subsystems: the
movable-nozzle section, the attachment to the fixed structure, the actuation system, and the
flexible joint. The movable-nozzle section and the attachment of the flexible joint to the
fixed structure are treated in reference 75, and actuation systems are treated in reference
76. The effect of the actuation system on the flexible joint when the joint and actuator
characteristics interact is discussed in this monograph.
Flexible-joint design consists of the determination of the joint configuration, the number of
reinforcement rings, the material for the reinforcement rings and elastomeric layers, and the
materials for environmental protection. These elements must be selected and combined to
provide the required spring stiffness, performance, and reliability at minimum weight and
within cost and envelope limitations. Joint design is affected also by the attachment to the
fixed structure and the movable nozzle. In some programs, the basic joint design
requirements including motor pressure, vector angle, and envelope constraints are specified.
In other programs, these design requirements must be determined in studies to define the
optimum tradeoff relationship between the joint design requirements and the stage and
vehicle design requirements (ref. 77).
The joint design is dependent on many geometric variables, and no general solution for joint
design exists. Preliminary design is based on empirical relationships (refs. 17, 23, 78, and
79). A selected design is analyzed by finite-element techniques (refs. 80, 81, and 82), and
the design is modified according to the analytical results. Analysis of a flexible joint is
complicated by nonlinearity of material properties, large deflections and strains,
nonsymmetric loading systems, and nonsymmetric geometries during vectoring. However,
reasonable correlation between joint test results and calculated results has been obtained by
use of an incremental procedure (ref. 80). The load is applied incrementally, and a
finite-element analysis is conducted, using material properties associated with the stress at
the previous increment and a geometry determined from the previous increment. When the •
;_,applied load is axisymmetric, the deflected geometry will be axisymmetric. When the
ai>plied load is asymmetric (e.g., an actuation load applied by one actuator), the deflected
geometry will not be axisymmetric. The deflected geometries at two cross sections 180 °
apart in the plane of actuation have been analyzed by finite-element methods that assume
each cross section is axisymmetric (refs. 22 and 78). Methods of mathematical analyses
other than the finite element have been employed to consider finite joint deformations and
material anisotropy (refs. 83 and 84).
The joint envelope is defined by the pivot radius Rp, the inner and outer joint angles 131 and
/32, and the cone angle _b (fig. 12). The pivot radius is determined primarily by the nozzle
throat diameter, but the inner and outer joint angles and cone angle are selected by the
designer. All joints that have been successfully tested to date have had angle/31 ranging from
40 ° to 45 °, angle t32 ranging from 45 ° to 55 °, and angle ¢ that was not greater than the joint
angle/3 (fig. 12) nor less than 0 °. It has been demonstrated by analysis that joints with an
angle/32 up to 70 ° are feasible; these results suggest that the largest demonstrated value for
/32-55 °- may not be the limit.
The difference between the inner and outer joint angles (/32 -/31 ) is maintained at the
minimum value possible without exceeding the allowable elastomer stresses, so that the joint
spring torque is kept to a minimum. It has been shown analytically (ref. 17) that the cone
angle significantly affects the joint axial deflection and the elastomer and reinforcement
stresses. As the cone angle increases, these values increase, and the effective pivot point
moves farther from the geometric pivot point (fig. 13). However, decreasing the cone angle
has resulted in nozzles with large re-entry sections that increase the weight of the movable
section of the nozzle and require larger clearance envelopes in the motor, thereby reducing
the amount of propellant.
Cost also has been a factor in determining the joint envelope. A large flexible joint (ref. 22)
with conical-shaped reinforcements was manufactured. The joint was designed with a
cylindrical envelope (_b =/3 as shown on fig. 13), and each reinforcement had the same cross
section, thus reducing tooling and fabrication costs.
The requirements affecting the design of a flexible joint are nozzle actuation torque, vector
angle, axial deflection, frequency response, motor pressure, environmental effects, pressure
sealing, cost, and weight.
The actuation torque (sec., is made up of many contributing torques, each of which
must be estimated for preliminary design and subsequently checked in static firings. The
vector angle (sec. required to produce sufficient maneuvering force on the vehicle is
dependent on the position of the pivot point (fig. 13) and the vehicle performance
requirements. Axial deflection (sec. affects the clearance envelope required between
the fixed and movable portions of the nozzle; in addition, the axial deflection controls the
axial spring stiffness of the flexible joint between the fixed and movable nozzle sections.
The natural frequency and frequency responseof the movablesection(sec. depend
upon the axial stiffness and the massproperties of the movable section. The frequency
responseaffects designof the actuator andguidancecontrol system;sufficient stiffnessmust
be designedinto the movablenozzleto avoid dynamic coupling of variousforcing functions.
The motor pressure influences the selection of the joint materials and dimensions and
affects the joint responseto all of the aforementioneddesignrequirements.The joint needs
to be protected against a high-temperature environment on the motor side and the
atmospheric environment on the outside (sec. In addition, the joint must be a
pressuresealbetweenthe motor andthe atmosphere(sec.
In order to define the requirements of the control system and to actuate the nozzle in
accordance with the motor or vehicle requirements, the designer must know the total
actuation torque required. The actuation torque usually is defined about the geometric
pivot point. The total torque is the summation of a number of contributing torques,
including torques due to internal and external aerodynamics. The total torque is made up of
the following component torques:
• Frictional torque
• Offset torque
• Inertial torque
• Gravitational torque
• Insulating boot torque
• Internal aerodynamictorque
The total actuation torque varies from motor to motor and from cycle to cycle during
continuous sinusoidal cycling on the nozzle. The total variability including both items has
been determined to be -+ 20% (refs. 86 and 87). The variability of a new design must be
determined, since prior results may be based on joints that are not_ identical to the new
The flexible-joint spring torque (resistance of the joint to movement) usually is the
maximum torque contributing to the actuation torque. It is dependent on a number of
factors: total thickness of elastomer, pivot radius, joint angles, and motor pressure; it is also
affected by environmental effects on the elastomer mechanical characteristics (sec.
' The resistance of the joint to movement is overcome by the actuator; for
• convenience of analysis, the necessary torque is calculated as the moment arm from the
geometric pivot point to the line of action of the actuator.
The spring torque is dependent on the combined thickness of all the elastomer rings and not
on the thickness of each ring (ref. 17). The spring torque is roughly proportional to the cube
of the pivot radius (i.e., Tq _ Rp 3 ). Therefore, to ensure that the spring torque and envelope
are a minimum, the joint diameter is minimized by placing the joint as close to the throat
plane as possible; the pivot radius is then made as small as possible, but not so small as to
increase the stresses in the joint above the allowable values. The inner and outer joint angles
/31 and/32 (fig. 12) control the joint thickness. As noted, the difference between these angles
is kept to a minimum consistent with the elastomer allowable stresses. The joint spring
torque reduces as the motor pressure increases (refs. 13, 22, 86, and 87). This phenomenon is
attributed to the effect of compression on the elastomer shear modulus properties, the
configuration of the joint, and the change in shape of the joint (refs. 83 and 84). If
sufficient pressure is applied, the spring torque can become zero. Little data are available on
the variation in spring torque. Tests conducted on joints for two different motors that used
a natural-rubber formulation show a variation of + 20% at zero pressure. This torque
variation in absolute units remained approximately constant and independent of motor
pressure (refs. 86 and 87). The variation was correlated with lot-to-lot variation in the shear
modulus of the elastomer (sec. ).
For rapid calculation of the Spring torque for joints with spherical reinforcement rings, a
number of equations have been developed (refs. 17, 21, 23, and 78). Of these, the best
correlation with test results for many different joints is the expression (adptd. from ref. 78)
Tq _ 12Goroari 3 [I(fl2)-I(fl,)] (1)
0 ro 3_ ri 3
fl, deg 10) /3, deg /3, deg t_) /3, deg I Wig)
From test data, the following empirical relationship for calculating the spring torque at
pressure has been developed for joints with steel reinforcements and
natural-rubber-formulation elastomers (adptd. from ref. 78):
= Go + Ao 2 (3)
Pc sin2/32 (4)
O2 =
(sin2/32 - sin2/31) cos 2 q_
For joints with cone angles varying from 15 ° to 50 ° , at high pressure, torques calculated
from equation (2) have agreed within + 8% with torques measured in bench tests.
Friction torque in a conventional movable nozzle arises from sliding surfaces such as
bearings and O-rings. Since there are no sliding surfaces in a flexible-joint nozzle, coulomb
friction theoretically does not exist. Elimination of the joint friction eliminates problems
from three major sources:
(1) Friction varies significantly from unit to unit and cannot be predicted with
Although there is no sliding friction in a flexible joint, the joint doesrespondto actuation in
a manner similar to that of a spring-masssystemwith both viscousfriction and coulomb
friction. The viscousfriction probably is associatedwith the viscoelasticbehavior of soft
elastomeric materials. Viscous damping is an important consideration in determining the
stability characteristicsof the thrust vector control system. No methods are availableto
calculate either coulomb friction or viscous friction. Attempts to calculate the damping
coefficient from the decaying actuator force transient occurring at the end of a step
vector-angle function applied to a nozzle have been unsuccessfulbecauseno correlation
could be obtained with the friction coefficient calculated from actuation data. For
sinusoidal actuation of the nozzle, the viscoustorque component doesnot contribute to the
maximum actuation torque, sincethe viscousfriction torque is a maximum when the nozzle
is at zero position andzero when the nozzle is fully vectored.
The coulomb friction and viscous friction are determined experimentally. A nozzle is
vectored at different frequencies but constant amplitude, and the actuator force is
measured.A typical actuator force responseis shown on figure 14(a); the actuator force at
zero vector angle is the total friction. When the variation in total friction force with
vectoring rate is plotted as shown in figure 14(b), the two friction components can
be determined.
Experimental data have shown that for joints fabricated by the samemanufacturer the
variation in viscous friction is -+30% and for coulomb friction is -+15%(ref. 88). Joints
fabricated by different manufacturers to the same specifications have demonstrated
significantly different friction torque results,although the variability wasapproximately the
same. Test results have indicated that the viscous friction is dependent on vectoring
amplitude in addition to vectoring rate. The coulomb friction has been shown to be
dependent on vectoring amplitude and pressure.The phenomenon of friction is little
understood, and the elastomerproperties anddimensionsinfluencing friction havenot been
Offset torque is the torque resulting from asymmetry in the nozzle due to misalignment and
manufacturing tolerances. Consequently, offset torque can occur in bench tests as well as
during motor firings. The offset torque during a motor firing is an aerodynamic torque
additive to that due to nozzle vectoring° The amount of alignment offset is dependent on
t frequency
Total friction
Vector angle
Total friction
Highest frequency
axial deflection characteristics of the joint and the motor pressure at which the nozzle must
be at zero vector angle (sec. The offset torque for joints up to 22-in. (55.88 cm)
diameter has been small in comparison with the spring torque, and it is ignored in
determining the actuation torque. However, it is possible that for larger joints the offset
torque could be a significant contribution to the actuation torque.
The inertial torque is the torque about the pivot point resulting from accelerations produced
on the nozzle by the actuator and is dependent on the vectoring acceleration. The inertial
torque is determined by assuming that the mass of the nozzle acts at the center of gravity of
the movable section of the nozzle and that the movable section vectors about the geometric
pivot point. One end of the joint is connected to a fixed structure, and in the determination
of section mass and center of gravity of the movable nozzle it is usually assumed that half
the mass of the joint acts with the movable section. For joints designed to demonstrate
maximum vector angles at zero motor pressure, the inertial torque usually is small compared
with the spring torque even at high vectoring rates up to 500 deg/sec for sinusoidal
actuation cycles, and is much less than the variability in actuation torque from motor to
The gravitational torque is the torque produced about the geometric pivot point by the
movable nozzle mass as a result of accelerations imposed by the vehicle. As the vehicle
maneuvers, pitch, yaw, and axial and lateral accelerations occur at the vehicle center of
gravity, causing axial and lateral accelerations at the center of gravity of the movable nozzle.
As before in the determination of net mass and center of gravity, half of the joint mass is
assumed to act with the movable section. For large booster vehicles, the gravitational torque
usually is small compared with the spring torque.
A flexible joint often is protected against hot motor gases by use of an insulating boot (fig.
7). Either this insulating boot is wrapped directly around the joint, or a dead air space
separates the joint and the boot.
The wrap-around boot adds significantly to the nozzle vectoring torque. For example, use of
a wrap-around boot fabricated of silica-filled butadiene acrylonitrile rubber (GTR V-45) on
a 13-in. (33 cm)-diameter joint increased the actuation torque from 1000 in.-lbf/deg (113
m-N/deg) to 2100 in.-lbf/deg (237 m-N/deg) (ref. 13). When the design of the boot was
changed to a bellows type (fig. 7), the actuation torque increased from 1000 in.-lbf/deg to
1600 in.-lbf/deg (180 m-N/deg) (ref. 14). A wrap-around boot design (fig. 7(a))
incorporating DC 1255 silicone rubber resulted in a 20% increase in actuation torque for a
joint 22 in. (55.88 cm) in diameter. This increase was not uniform from joint to joint and
was found to be dependent on whether the boot was bonded to the reinforcements: the
i_ct_ase 'was greater when the boot was bonded to the reinforcements. In general, as the
ratio of joint diameter to insulating boot thickness increases, the proportionate increase in
actuation torque due to the boot will be less. For example, the increase in torque
attributable to the insulating boot for a joint 112 in. (2.84 m) in diameter was 11 to 15
.... _ '"_Th_ :internal aerodynamic torque acting on a submerged nozzle is the result of unsymmetric
flow between the propellant grain and the movable nozzle. Pressure variations that occur
around the vectored nozzle cause side forces and a resultant torque.
If the pivot point is forward of the nozzle throat, the aerodyl_amic torque is a restoring
torque and hence is an increment to the actuation torque and needs to be calculated. If the
pivot point is aft of the nozzle throat, the aerodynamic torque is sustaining and reduces the
actuation torque (ref. 23). For an aft pivot point, the aerodynamic torque usually is ignored
in calculating the actuation torque, thus ensuring a conservative estimate for actuation
torque. However, if a system were designed to be vectored only at pressures that result in a
low spring torque, the aerodynamic torque with an aft pivot point could overcome the
spring torque and produce a negative actuation torque. A negative actuation torque can be
tolerated in a closed-loop system.
The aerodynamic torque is calculated by summing the moments about the geometric pivot
point produced by the pressure forces acting on the nozzle wall. This procedure requires a
knowledge of the wall static pressure and the pressure differentials existing in the nozzle.
Two procedures are available for developing the internal wall pressure in a vectored nozzle:
airflow simulation tests (ref. 89), and a two-dimensional method-of-characteristics solution
(ref. 90). When the aerodynamic torque is calculated from the results of a_rflow simulation
tests, the calculated value generally is within + 20% of the measured value. When the
aerodynamic torque is calculated from the results of a two-dimensional
method-of-characteristics analysis, the result generally is within + 50% of measured value.
As the grain burns and the clearances between the nozzle and the grain increase, the pressure
distribution becomes more symmetrical, so that the aerodynamic torque becomes of little
significance near the end of propellant burn.
During flight, the external air stream impinges on the nozzle exit cone and creates a torque
component, especially in the high dynamic pressure region when large vector angles are
required. In specific cases, this effect perhaps could be utilized to increase the
maneuverability of the vehicle in this flight region or to provide vehicle control after motor
burnout. The external aerodynamictorque could be calculated from the pressureacting on
the nozzle exterior surface in the same manner as the internal aerodynamic torque is
calculated(sec. However, in most boosterapplications, the exit coneis shrouded
by a motor caseskirt that preventssignificant air impingementthat would causean external
The amount of nozzle vector angle is determined by the vehicle control requirements. When
the nozzle is vectored, the resultant side force acts approximately through the pivot point.
The pivot point can be forward or aft of the nozzle throat (fig. 15).The position of the
/ Envelope for
Envelope for
forward pivot
aft pivot
point point
Envelope for
forward pivot
Envelope for
1 ,._ _SS _
_ |
Nozzle in neutral
geometric pivot point is selected from a tradeoff study that considers the effect of position
on the exterior clearance envelope between the fixed and movable parts, the actuator force
and stroke to fulfill vehicle guidance requirements, and the spatial envelope available for the
movable nozzle A summary of the comparative effects of a forward or aft pivot point is
presented in table VI.
TABLE VI. - Comparative Effects of Forward and Aft Geometric Pivot Point
Comlmmtive effect
Forward pivot Aft pivot
Increased Reduced
Vector angle to produce a
particular vehicle movement
As shown, a forward pivot point will reduce the moment arm to the vehicle center of gravity
and thus require a large vectoring angle to generate the necessary turning moment. Similarly,
an aft pivot point will reduce the required vectoring angle. A forward pivot point will
require less envelope for movement of the nozzle nose cap region but more envelope for the
exit cone (fig. 15). The moment arm from the pivot point to the actuator is greater with a
forward pivot point, and therefore less actuator force is required; however, because the exit
cone movement is increased, the actuator stroke is increased.
Because of the recluced nose-cap movement, forward pivot points generally are used for
nozzles having little or no submergence into the motor chamber. Aft pivot points generally
are used for nozzles having deep submergence, because the envelope for exit cone movement
is critical. However, the increased nose-cap movement reduces the envelope available for
propellant (fig. 15). Regardless of whether a forward or aft pivot is selected, the joint angle
t3 on joints tested to date has been between 45 ° and 50 °.
The position of the effective pivot point is dependent upon the applied loads and joint
configuration. The actuator force, in addition to vectoring the joint, causes a movement of
the joint in the radial and axial direction, so that the effective pivot point is offset from the
geometric pivot point (fig. 13). Vectoring of the joint causes each reinforcement to deflect
differently, strongly influencing the position of the effective pivot point. At zero motor
pressure, only the actuator force causes pivot point movement. At motor pressure, an axial
compressive load is applied to the joint and causes additional pivot point movement. Figure
16 shows the measured pivot point movement for three different joints varying from 21
inches (53.3 cm) diameter to 112 inches (2.84 m) diameter, vectored at zero motor pressure
and at maximum expected operating pressure. The pivot point movement can be decreased
by decreasing the cone angle. Analytical studies (ref. 17) have indicated that the
reinforcement stresses decrease as the cone angle decreases (sec., because the
reinforcement deflection decreases. Reduced reinforcement deflection results in reduced
pivot point movement. As shown in figure 16, pressure acting on the joint also reduces the
lateral movement of the pivot point due to vectoring.
Although the flexible joint is relatively stiff in compression in comparison with its vectoring
stiffness, a measurable amount of axial compression occurs when the motor is pressurized. It
is necessary to know the axial compression to determine nozzle envelope requirements, the
axial compressive spring stiffness, and the nozzle misalignment requirements. The axial
compression acts to reduce some clearances between the fixed and movable nozzle
components, increases the vectoring clearance around the exit cone, and influences the
position of the pivot point. The spring stiffness is required in the design of the guidance
control system. The fixed-length actuator causes vectoring of the nozzle by motor pressure,
and the nozzle is misaligned at zero pressure so that it is aligned at some required pressure.
The axial compression is dependent on the elastomer stiffness, the reinforcement stiffness,
and the cone angle. The axial compression involves an interaction among elastomer
properties in compression, deformation of the elastomer, reinforcement stiffness, joint
envelope, and the ratio of the dimensions of the elastomer rings to the reinforcement rings.
eosition of effective pivot
Force system st
Joint description
geometric pivot point with respect to geometric
pivot point
Effective plane
pivot point
(b) At motor pressure
3.97 cm)
49 000 Ibf (2.180 x 105 N)
_--- _ Aft
I000 Ibfi(4448 N) Aft_
(5.71in. cm)
210 000
. 0.02 in.
ibf 835 ibf(3714 N) Geometric (0.5 *mu)
pivot _Int
000 in.-ibf
(5197 m-N) Geometric pivot point
785 Ibf(3491 N)
(5.08 cm)
(4.893 x
I mm)
Figure 16. - Movement of pivot point for three different flexible-joint nozzles.
Test results have shown that these interactions result in a nonlinear response to applied axial
compressive loads (refs. 22, 86, and 87).
The loading conditions for a flexible joint consist of an external radial pressure and an axial
compression load due to the motor pressure acting on the movable section of the nozzle.
The axial compression load due to motor pressure is calculated by integrating the pressures
acting on the movable section. Solutions in the form of equations to predict axial
compression have not been satisfactory. Measured deflections have been as much as four
times the calculated deflection. Most success in predicting axial compression has been
obtained with computerized finite-element methods of analysis (refs. 78, 81, and 82).
Reasonable correlations between calculated and measured axial deflections have been made
with the use of a sequential-loading finite-element method. The geometry of the joint for
each loading increment is changed to the deflected geometry due to previous loading
increments. For each loading increment, the elastomer shear modulus is assumed constant at
the secant shear modulus at 50 psi (0.345 MN/m 2 ) shear stress (sec. 2. i .7.1), and all other
elastomer properties are determined assuming isotropy and incompressibility (i.e., Poisson's
ratio = 0.5).
An approximate estimate of the position of the effective pivot point when the joint is
loaded by motor pressure is made by considering the movement of the geometric pivot
point for each reinforcement. When loaded by motor pressure, each reinforcement rotates
but undergoes negligible change in cross-sectional shape. Consequently, the geometric pivot
point for each reinforcement can be defined. Each reinforcement rotates a different
amount, and the effective pivot point is approximately at a mean of all the geometric pivot
Axial deflection causes a vectoring misalignment of the nozzle. When the actuator
attachment points are a fixed distance apart, as in the case just after booster launch before
the guidance system begins to control the vehicle, the nozzle is not free to translate aft as
the motor pressure increases. An actuator length that holds the movable components aligned
to the fixed components at zero motor pressure would be too short at operating pressure.
The nozzle at pressure would vector as though the actuators were retracted (fig. 17). Since
alignment of the exit cone to the fixed components is less important in an unpressurized
condition than in the pressurized condition, the actuator length at zero pressure is set to
minimize the angle between the movable and the fixed components at some nominally
pressurized condition. At zero pressure, this actuator length is too great, and the nozzle is
vectored as though the actuators were extended. As the motor pressure increases, the
misalignment decreases.
._Fixed-length actuator
Effective pivot point "'-.
Figure 17. - Effect of axial deflection (due to motor pressure)on nozzle alignment.
The actuator bracket (fig. 7(a)) usually is connected to the motor case; hence the actuator
bracket deflects as the motor is pressurized. The effect of actuator-bracket deflection has to
be included in determining misalignment. If the actuator bracket is connected to the aft
adapter of a glass-filament-wound motor case, the misalignment due to act,6-ator bracket
deflection is much larger than that due to axial deflection of the joint. This difference arises
because the rotation of the aft adapter can be as much as 3 ° at maximum expected
operating pressure MEOP.
The_ movable nozzle section and the flexible joint form a spring-mass system. The fixed
-_ructure forms an additional spring in the guidance control system. If a strong natural
frequency of the control system applied through the actuators is near the frequency of a
natural mode of nozzle oscillation, the nozzle oscillations will be reinforced. An instance has
occurred where the hydraulic actuator stiffness was low enough to be the primary stiffness
determining the nozzle natural frequency. All of the nozzle subsystems are designed to have
enough stiffness so that their individual natural frequencies are high when compared with
the driving frequencies transmitted through the control system. Preliminary estimates of the
stiffness of each subsystem can be made, but mathematical models of the nozzle and
actuation system are difficult to build without test data. Consequently, tests to determine
frequency response, closed-loop damping, and open-loop damping are conducted early in a
development program.
Flexible joints are protected against exposure to hot motor gases, warm atmospheres, and
atmospheres that could cause rapid aging of the elastomer. The effect of temperature has
been demonstrated on a natural-rubber formulation (ref. 91), the results showing that
increasing temperature decreases the shear modulus, the allowable stresses and strains, and
the strength of the bonds to the reinforcement. Atmospheric aging of specimens of
natural-rubber formulations show increased shear modulus and reduced allowable stresses
and strains (ref, 92). Other studies have shown that silicone rubber is much less sensitive to
aging (refs. 93 and 94).
Limited studies (ref. 85) with laboratory specimens have been conducted on formulations of
(1) neoprene, (2) neoprene/polybutadiene, (3) ethylene propylene terpolymer (EPDM), (4)
butyl, and (5) silicone, for use in joints over a temperature range from -40 ° F (233 K) to
165 ° F (347 K). The results showed that for all formulations (1) tensile strength is little
affected from -40 ° F (233 K) to 70 ° F (294 K) and decreases up to 165 ° F (347 K), and (2)
tensile elongation is a maximum at 70 ° F (294 K). Shear studies of the
neoprene/polybutadiene and silicone formulations showed that (1) the shear strength
increases with decreasing temperature, and (2) shear elongation is a maximum at 70 ° F (294
K). The secant shear modulus at 50 psi (0.345 MN/m 2) shear stress for
neoprene/polybutadiene is little affected from 70 ° F (294 K) to 165 ° F (347 K) but
increases significantly at -40 ° F (233 K), whereas the silicone formulation is little affected
from -40 ° F (233 K) to 165 ° F (347 K). The neoprene/polybutadiene formulation was
bench tested in a joint at -40 ° F (233 K), 70 ° F (294 K), and 165 ° F (347 K); the results
showed that (1) axial compression increased with increasing temperature, (2)the actuation
torque did not change from 20 ° F (266 K) to 120 ° F (322 K), and (3) with the value at 70 °
F (294 K) as a reference, the actuation torque increased 18 percent at -40 ° F (233 K) and
decreased 18 percent at 165 ° F (347 K). '_ _ _ _ .... _
In most cases, the flexible joint is protected against exposure to warm or cold atmospheres
by controlling the atmosphere surrounding the joint prior to firing. Most joint testing is
conducted with the joint at temperatures from 65 ° F (291 K) to 85 ° F (302 K). Limited
bench testing has been conducted on joints at conditions from -40° F (233 K) to 165 ° F
(347 K) (ref. 85).
The joint is protected from hot motor gases either by use of an insulating boot (fig. 7(a)), or
by use of sacrificial ablative protectors (fig. 7(b)). As noted earlier, either the insulating
boot has been wrapped directly around the joint or a dead air space has separated the joint
and the boot. The wrap-around boot provides less heat-transfer barrier for the same
thickness, because there is no dead air space to act as an additional insulation between the
boot and the joint. For the bellows-type designs, pressure relief holes through the boot are
required to balance the pressure across the boot. The vent holes need to be sufficient to
allow the gas pressure to equalize during high rates of change of pressure occurring at
ignition, so that tearing of the boot is prevented. This design requires more envelope than
the wrap-around design.
The design of the insulating boot requires decisions whether to use a wrap-around or a
bellows design, and whether to expose the boot to the chamber environment of radiant heat
transfer from the high-temperature motor gas stream or to minimize this heating by
providing a radiation shield mounted on either the fixed or movable nozzle components.
Both the exposed boot (refs. 13, 14, and 23) and the protected boot (refs. 95 and 96) have
been used. Motor designs using an exposed boot require an ablative plastic material for the
boot,making it necessary to know the char and erosion behavior as a function of strain in
addition to gas composition, pressure, temperature, and velocity. When a radiation shield is
provided, the boot material is a silicone rubber. The boot and radiation shield are designed
so that the gap between the movable and fixed sections (fig. 7(a)) occurs in a stagnant
region. Even when the joint is actuated and the shape of the annular cavity around the
circumference is altered, there is little circumferential flow in the annulus. One such design,
22 in. (55.88 cm) in diameter and using a silicone rubber boot, showed only slight charring
with no erosion. Consequently, the boot needed to be thick enough to withstand only the
radiant heating through the gap between the boot and the protection shield. For the
exposed boot, the required insulating material is stiffer, and thus the increase in actuation
torque is greater than that of the protected boot. However, the protected boot requires
more envelope.
The sacrificial ablative protectors extend outboard of the elastomer rings a distance
sufficient to provide a heat-transfer barrier between the hot motor gases and the elastomer.
To minimize heating in the cavity between protectors, the protectors are cross sectioned so
that the gap between protectors is less than the elastomer thickness (fig. 7(b)). The gap
between protectors must be wide enough to prevent contact during vectoring or motor
pressurization. Because there is a possible path from the hot motor gases to the elastomer, it
is necessary to determine the environment in the region of the protectors and to relate this
environment to the char and erosion characteristics of the protector material. Slag
accumulation in the gaps after static firing has been noted, but this buildup did not cause
anomalies in the vectoring response of the nozzle during firing. This result was attributed to
the lack of adherencebetween the slagandthe carbon-fiber/phenolic--resincompositeused
for the protectors. The sacrificial ablative protector doesnot causean increasein actuation
torque and requireslessenvelopethan the insulating boot with a radiation shield.
Tests of flexible joints using a natural-rubber formulation (GTR 44125) with the rubber
surfaces protected from the environment have demonstrated that, with aging, performance
changes, axial compression is reduced, and spring torque is increased. The performance
change has been attributed to continued reaction of the components of the elastomer. The
spring torque increased by approximately six percent per year for 31/2 years (ref. 97) and
remained constant thereafter (ref. 26). The joints in this program were stored in an
atmosphere at 80 ° F (300 K) and approximately 50% humidity. This is the only program
where joints have been stored for a sufficiently long period and in sufficient quantity for
data to be available. Similar results have been obtained in quadruple-lap shear and uniaxial
tensile testing of specimens of the same rubber formulation; however, accelerated aging at
110 ° F (317 K) and 90% relative humidity for 9 months resulted in an increase in shear
modulus from 24 psi (0.165 MN/m 2 ) to 30 psi (0.207 MN/m 2 ) (ref. 22).
The decrease in axial deflection that accompanies increased spring torque due to aging
affects the nozzle misalignment (sec., since it will change the zero alignment at the
nominally selected operating pressure to some misalignment at that pressure. Currently,
changes in joint performance are monitored, and projections of future performance are
made. The future performance is compared with the motor requirements to evaluate
probable joint life (ref. 26).
Elastomers less susceptible to aging are under development, but the rigorous requirements of
shear modulus and shear strength make it difficult to develop a satisfactory elastomer.
Further, the long time periods necessary to evaluate an elastomer make it difficult to assess
property degradation with age for a new elastomer formulation. Accelerated aging tests at
high relative humidity have indicated possible degrees of aging that have subsequently been
found to be more severe than aging under normal service conditions (ref. 22).
Silicone-rubber formulations are less susceptible to aging but have a shear modulus
approximately 50% greater than that of natural-rubber formulations and a shear stress at
failure approximately 50% less than natural-rubber formulations; in addition, silicones are
more difficult to bond to metals.
A possibleadditional problem that hasbeen consideredis oxidation of the elastomer at its
surface by either ozone or oxygen. Such oxidation has been prevented by ensuring that all
possible exposed elastomer surfaces are coated with an impervious material such as
chlorobutyl rubber or Hypalon rubber.
If the axial compressive force due to motor pressure is sufficiently high, the geometry of a
flexible joint assures that the joint will seal against leakage without the need for any special
precautions. The dimensions of the movable nozzle and joint are such that a compressive
axial load is applied to the joint, the result being a compressive stress in the flexible joint
that is greater than the motor pressure. Consequently, small unbonded spots and voids are
tolerated. When joints are manufactured by injection molding or compression molding (sec., unbonding can be controlled only on a sample basis, because unbonded areas
cannot be detected. For joints that are manufactured by secondary bonding (sec.,
each bond line can be inspected for unbonding by ultrasonic techniques as the joint is being
assembled. Regardless of the manufacturing method, there is no quantitative definition of
the amount of unbonding that will result in a leak.
For fabrication of a flexible joint and its environmental protection, materials need to be
selected for the elastomer, reinforcement, bonding system between the reinforcement and
elastomer, insulating boot, and protection from the external atmosphere. The choice of
material for a given use depends on the motor operating requirements (e.g., motor pressure,
vector angle), the environmental operating conditions (e.g., propellant gas temperature,
propellant gas velocity, atmospheric ozone content), and the envelope available. Each of
these variables in turn is evaluated in a tradeoff study involving range, payload, reliability,
and cost that seeks to optimize vehicle and motor performance.
The important properties in the elastomer selection are the shear modulus, shear stress,
reproducibility of these properties from lot to lot, and the ease of bonding the elastomer to
the selected reinforcement material. Since it has been demonstrated that the joint spring
torque could become zero because of axial compression, efforts are being made to
determine shear properties with superimposed compression (ref. 78).
The joint spring torque is directly proportional to the elastomer shear modulus (sec. In the selection of an elastomeric material, the aim is to use an elastomer with as
low a shear modulus as possible and with a minimum of continued feaction of the
components (sec., which will increase shear modulus. Natural-rubber formulations
have been developed with secant shear moduli (sec. ranging from 20 psi (0.138
MN/m 2) to 35 psi (0.241 MN/m 2) at 50 psi (0.345 MN/m 2) shear stress. The low required
shear modulus has presented difficulties to the elastomer formulators in preparing
formulations that fulfilled the chemical stability requirement.
The shear stress in the elastomer is caused by vectoring and motor pressure. Of these, motor
pressure usually is the more significant. Successful joints using elastomers having a minimum
specified quadruple-lap shear stress (sec. of 500 psi (3.45 MN/m 2) have been
designed, manufactured, and tested, and all failures were cohesive.
To meet the requirements of shear modulus and shear stress, most joints have been
fabricated of natural rubber or polyisoprene formulations. The joints of both stages of the
Poseidon motors are natural-rubber formulations, either GTR 44125 or TR 3005 (refs. 98
and 99). The joint for the 260-in. (6.604 m) motor (ref. 22) and a joint designedto operate
at 3000 psi (20.7 MN/m 2) to + 15 ° at 300 deg/sec (ref. 14) used GTR 44125 elastomer.
Required properties for these elastomers are minimum shear stress of 500 psi (3.45 MN/m 2)
and secant shear modulus (at 50 psi (0.345 MN/m 2) shear stress) of 22 psi (0.152 MN/m 2)
to 26 psi (0.179 MN/m 2) for GTR 44125 and 18.5 psi (0.128 MN/m 2) to 24 psi (0.166
MN/m 2) for TR 3005. Actual shear strengths for these elastomers are greater than 1000 psi
(6.9 MN/m 2 ) (ref. 100) for GTR 44125 and 660 psi (4.55 MN/m 2 ) for TR 3005, all failures
being cohesive. Polyisoprene elastomers have been used for the joints of the 156-in. (3.962
m) motor (ref. 23), the 100-in. (2.54 m) motor (ref. 19), and an advanced dual-chamber
motor (ref. 18). The polyisoprene elastomers demonstrate shear properties that are equal to
those of the natural-rubber formulations but the shear modulus is greater, being
approximately 27 psi (0.186 MN/m 2) minimum. Natural-rubber formulations have been
used for joints when the minimum expected operating temperature was not less than 50 ° F
(283 K). Because of the difficulty in making an elastomer with a low shear modulus, close
process controls are maintained to ensure a lot-to-lot variation in shear modulus not greater
than 10 psi (0.070 MN/m 2 ).
(17.6 MN/m 2) to + 17.5 ° at 360 deg/sec (ref. 85). Required properties of the rubber were a
secant shear modulus (at 50 psi (0.345 MN/m z) shear stress) of not more than 50 psi (0.345
MN/m 2 ) when the shear strength was greater than 600 psi (4.14 MN/m 2 ), and a secant shear
modulus that could decrease linearly to 25 psi (0.172 MN/m 2) at 300 psi (2.07 MN/m 2)
shear stress; these values apply over the required temperature range. The required values
were achieved over most of the temperature range except at -40 ° F (233 K), where the
secant shear modulus was 72 psi (0.496 MN/m 2).
Silicone elastomer formulations that are satisfactory for use in flexible joints from -40 ° F
(233 K) to 165 ° F (347 K) have been developed (ref. 85), but these elastomers are difficult
to bond to metals. The best bonds have been achieved with steel, but even these bonds
demonstrated adhesive failures. The failure adhesive shear strength for silicone elastomers
varied from 250 psi (1.72 MN/m 2 ) to 560 psi (3.86 MN/m 2 ); the shear modulus varied from
25 psi (0.172 MN/m 2) to 40 psi (0.276 MN/m2), the higher modulus generally being
associated with the higher strength. These elastomers have been used for low-temperature
applications (dimethyl silicone formulations have a glass transition temperature at -85 ° F
(208 K), and methyl-phenol silicone formulations, at -160 ° F (166 K). The induced shear
stress due to motor pressure is directly dependent upon elastomer ring thickness, and
because the allowable shear strengths are less for silicone formulations, joints using these
formulations require thinner elastomer layers. The shear stress is minimized by designing the
joint to have an envelope with a cone angle of approximately zero degrees (ref. 17). REINFORCEMENTS
Joints have been fabricated with steel reinforcements and with composite reinforcements.
The composite reinforcements have been formed with S-glass filaments and epoxy resin
(refs. 27, 28, and 29) and S-glass filaments and phenolic resin (refs. 24 and 25).
The important properties in the selection of the reinforcement material are compressive
yield stress, ultimate and yield tensile stress, modulus of elasticity, ease of fabrication, ease
with which elastomers can be bonded to the material, and cost' of the material. For
composite reinforcements, the interlaminar shear stress is also an important property. In
addition the selection of material depends on the joint envelope. For joints with a large cone
angle, the mechanical properties have been the dominant factor in selecting materials. For
conical envelope joints, the reinforcement stresses are relatively low (ref. 17), and factors
such as ease of fabrication and cost became important.
The stresses in a reinforcement are a tensile hoop stress on the outer radius and a
compressive hoop stress on the inner radius (sec. due to motor pressure and
vectoring. Failures in the reinforcements have always occurred at the inner radius, where the
stress is compressive. For joints with steel reinforcements, the failure appears as a local
wrinkling with unbonding between the elastomer and the reinforcement, so that the joint is
no longer a pressure seal. The wrinkling proceeds circumferentially around the
reinforcement in a high-frequency wavepattern. For joints with compositereinforcements,
the failure has appearedas rupture acrossa reinforcement thickness(ref. 27), interlaminar
shear failure between different types of lamina in the laminate (ref. 28), or compressive
failure (ref. 25).
Correlation of test data for metal reinforcementswith calculatedresults(ref. 17, pp. 14-48,
and sec. indicates that the stressat failure is the compressiveyield stress.However,
buckling as a possible failure mode cannot be discounted. The failure buckling stressis
dependent on the reinforcement dimensions,compressiveyield stress,and the modulus of
elasticity (sec.
The joints of the motors on both stagesof Poseidoncontain 4130 steel heat treated to
180000 psi (1241 MN/m2) ultimate tensile stress,and the 260-in. motor (6.6 m) (ref. 22)
incorporates4130 normalized steel. The joints of the 100-in. (2.54 m) motor (ref. 19) and
156-in. (3.96 m) motor (ref. 23) used304 Condition-A stainlesssteel,and the joint for the
advanceddual-chambermotor (ref. 18) used 17-7PHannealedstainlesssteel. All of these
joints have been bench tested successfully to pressuresin excess of ultimate design
The first joints with composite reinforcements used continuous hoop-wound S-glass
filaments with ERL 2256/Tonox 6040 epoxy resin to provide hoop strength and stiffness
(ref. 27). During bench testing, these reinforcementsfailed transverseto the windings, thus
showing a need for transversestrength. The transversestrength was provided by S-glass
filament mats laid up between the continuouslywound S-glassfilaments (ref. 34), the mat
filaments being oriented at an angle acrossthe hoop windings (refs. 27, 28, and 29). Joints
with these configurations exhibited a changein the reinforcement failure mode and an
improvement in joint strength when bench tested. To reduce the fabrication costs of
composite reinforcements and to improve processcontrol, joints were fabricated with
closed-die compression-molded reinforcements consisting of FM 4030-190
(phenolic-preimpregnatedS-glassroving) chopped into one-inch lengths (ref. 24). These
joints were bench tested and static fired. Early joints for all three stagesof the Trident I
(C4) engineeringdevelopmentmotors were fabricated with reinforcements of S-glasscloth
preimpregnatedwith phenolic resin (ref. 25). Thesejoints were successfullybench tested,
and static firings with vectored nozzles were conducted successfully on second-and
third-stage motors. However, in the motor development program structural problems
occurred in the reinforcements in flightweight joints. The resin systemwas changed from
phenolic to an epoxy resin, and no further problems occurred. Fundamental strength and
stiffness data have not been generated for the composite materials used in reinforcements.
For test joints with either steel or composite reinforcement and a natural-rubber
formulation intended for operation between 65 ° F (291 K) and 85 ° F (303 K), fabricated
by injection molding or compression molding, the adhesive system has consisted of Chemlok
205 primer and Chemlok 220 adhesive. The bond failed at low strength levels in steel test
specimens even though the surfaces of the steel were carefully prepared. This problem was
overcome by ensuring that the material lots were of sufficient quality and that the adhesive
layer thickness was controlled (sec. Applying the same controls to composite
reinforcements resulted in joints in which failures always occurred in the reinforcement.
The adhesive system for the joint with secondary bonding consisted of a primer system for
the reinforcements, FMC 47 epoxy resin, and Chemlok 305 adhesive (ref. 22). The primer
system is a high-temperature system. After the primer was applied to the reinforcements,
the reinforcements were cured at 300 ° F (422 K). The adhesive, an ambient-cure adhesive,
was cured during joint molding.
The adhesive systefh for test specimens with steel plates and neoprene/polybutadiene-rubber
formulation for operation between -40 ° F (233 K) and 165 ° F (347 K), fabricated by
compression molding, was Chemlok 205 primer and Chemlok 231 adhesive. Shear failures
with this system were cohesive (ref. 85). The adhesive system for test specimens with a
silicone rubber formulation for the same environment was 75 percent Chemlok 608
dissolved in methanol. Shear failures with this system were adhesive at 165 ° F (347 K) and
cohesive at 70 ° F (294 K) and -40 ° F (233 K).
The joint thermal protection has been effected either by insulating boots or by sacrificial
thermal protectors (sec. The important properties for the joint
thermal-protection materials are a low thermal diffusivity, high heat of ablation under strain
levels anticipated in service, and mechanical flexibility with minimum char fracture at
temperatures expected in service.
The choice of insulating boot material depends on whether the boot is protected by a
radiation shield (fig. 7(a)). For insulating boots protected by a radiation shield, K1255
silicone rubber has been used. For joints with exposed insulating boots, materials have been
DC 1255 reinforced with chopped asbestosfiller to reinforce the char layer (reL 18) and
silica-filled butadiene acrylonitrile rubber (refs. 13, 14, 19, and20). All of thesematerials
have performed successfully,but they haveincreasedthe joint spring torque (sec.
For joints with steel reinforcements, the initial component dimensions are established from
the preliminary-analysis relationships. An improved analysis is then conducted with
finite-element methods of analyses (refs. 17, 79 through 82, and sec., and the joint
design modified according to the results of the finite-element analysis. If necessary, the
modified joint is analyzed again.
To establish a joint design with composite reinforcements, a different method has been used
because the properties of the composite were unknown. A joint is designed and fabricated at
the expected joint dimensions. The elastomer layer thickness and number of elastomer
layers are calculated according to proceduresin section The reinforcements are
designed according to procedures in section, maximum strength at failure being
assumedto be 60 000 psi (414 MN/m 2). To establish the allowable composite strength, the
joint is pressure tested to failure without vectoring and the results correlated with the
preliminary analysis of section and a detailed finite-element analysis of the joint.
The allowable composite strength is defined as the calculated reinforcement stress at failure
regardless of the joint mode of failure. The joint design is modified in accordance with this
allowable composite strength at ultimate load conditions and analyzed by finite-element
The design of a flexible joint usually is established and then defined on the basis of the
relationship between the loading conditions that will be imposed on the joint and the
capacity of the joint to withstand these loads. Limit load, design factor of safety, design
load, allowable load, and margin of safety are joint design terms that are used with respect
to this relationship between joint loading and joint loading capacity. These terms, as they
are used in this monograph, are defined in the following paragraphs.
Limit load. - The limit load is the maximum specified or calculated value of a service load
or service pressure that can be expected to occur under (1) the maximum
3-standard-deviation operating limits of the motor or vehicle including all environmental and
physical variables that influence loads, (2) the specified maximum operating limits of the
motor or vehicle, or (3) the maximum motor or vehicle operating limits defined by a
combination of 3-standard-deviation limits and specified operating limits.
Design safety factor. -The design safety factor is an arbitrary multiplier greater thart 1
applied in design to account for design contingencies (e.g., variations in material properties,
fabrication quality, and load distributions within the structure).
Design load (or pressure). - The design load (or pressure) is the product of the limit load (or
pressure) and the design factor of safety.
Design stress. - The design stress is the stress, in any structural element, resulting from the
application of the design load or combination of design loads, whichever condition results in
the highest stress.
Allowable load (or stress). - The allowable load (or stress) is the load that, if exceeded in
the slightest, produces joint failure. Joint failure may be defined as yielding or ultimate
failure, whichever condition prevents the joint from performing its intended function.
Allowable load is sometimes referred to as criterion load or stress.
Margin of safety. - The margin of safety (MS) is the fraction by which the allowable load or
stress exceeds the design load or stress. The margin of safety is defined as
MS 1 1 (5)
where R is the ratio of the design load or stress to the allowable load or stress.
Ideally, the design safety factor would be calculated from a knowledge of the randomness of
the design variables and the required reliability and confidence levels. Unfortunately, there
is insufficient understanding of the relationship of the assumed failure criteria to the
complex stress distributions in a joint, and the methods of analysis are not sufficiently
accurate. At present, a safety factor is established largely on the basis of engineering
judgement combined with experience. As an example, if the motor specification requires an
overall safety factor of 1.25, the joint is designed to a safety factor of 1.5.
All flexible-joint loads used in the flexible-joint structural analysis (sec. 2.1.5) are design
loads as defined above. The loads on the flexible joint are those that result from
• Motor pressure
• Vectoring
The motor pressure acts as a crushing pressure and also causes an axial compression on the
joint. Significant tensile and compressive hoop stresses are developed in the reinforcement
rings. In general, the compressive hoop stress in the reinforcements is more critical than the
tensile stresses ....
Vectoring of the joint increases the reinforcement hoop stresses on one side of the joint and
reduces these stresses on the other. Shear stresses induced in the elastomer rings increase
with motor pressure. Vectoring rate affects the elastomer shear stresses since the shear
modulus is dependent on strain rate.
As a result of vehicle accelerations during launch, flight, or staging,the mass of the movable
section of the nozzle imposes loads on the joint. These loads can cause all the stresses
induced by motor pressureor vectoring and, in addition, can causean axial tensileload on
the joint. Usually the stressesdue to vehicle accelerationsare not critical conditions.
Handling and storage conditions cause all the stresses induced by the previous conditions.
During handling and storage care is taken that no axial tensile loads are imposed on the
joint, since such loads can cause debonding of the elastomer from the reinforcement.
The structural analysis consists of the determination of the elastomer thickness, the
reinforcement thickness, and the finite-element analysis. All structural analyses consist of
two parts: a stress analysis to determine internal stresses, and a strength analysis comparing
internal stresses to allowable stresses.
The stresses in the elastomer are caused by vectoring and motor pressure. The shear stress
due to vectoring is approximately constant in the elastomer and depends on the total
thickness of elastomer (i.e., number of elastomer rings x thickness of each layer) and not the
thickness of each ring.: The induced stress due to vectoring is dependent on the joint spring
torque, decreasing as the joint spring torque is reduced. The shear stress due to vectoring is
given by the expression (ref. 23)
0.01745Go Rp 0
rv = (6)
The shearstressdue to pressureis dependentupon the thicknessof eachelastomerlayer and
is givenby the expression(ref. 79)
te Pc Ke Rp 2
re = (7)
Calculated results have shown that the shear stress increases as the cone angle increases (ref.
17). The correction factor Ke has been derived from the results of reference 17 and is shown
in figure 18.
1°0 n
q4 0.6
0 I0 20 30 40 50
Figure 18. - Shear-stress correction factors related to cone angle (ref. 17).
The resultant shear stress Zr in the elastomer is the sum of the stresses due to vectoring and
pressure, i.e.,
r_ = r_ + rp (8)
The allowable shear stress has been considered to be the minimum measured shear stress
from a quadruple-lap shear specimen (sec. All successful joints designed to date
have ignored the increase in failure shear stress due to superimposed pressure. The state of
stress in an elastomer is a complex three-dimensional field, and the associated failure
criterion is not known. Until the failure criterion is known, it is not known whether ignoring
the increase in failure shear stress due to pressure is conservative.
(1) Calculate the net radial thickness of elastomer required for spring torque (sec.
(3) Calculate the shear stress due to the maximum expected operating pressure rp for
various elastomer layer thicknesses.
(4) Calculate the net shear stress rr at various elastomer layer thicknesses.
(5) Determine the design ultimate shear stress: ru_t = rr X design safety factor
(6) Plot the design ultimate shear stress as a function of elastomer layer thickness and
compare it with the allowable shear stress to determine the maximum allowable
elastomer layer thickness.
The stresses in the reinforcements are caused by motor pressure and vectoring. For both of
these loading conditions, each reinforcement cross section rotates but does not significantly
change shape. Such rotation causes a bending stress distribution radially across the
reinforcement with tension at the outer radius and comPression on the inner radius. The
compressive stress on the 'inner radius has always been greater than the tensile stress on the
outer surface, so that it is 0nly necessary to determine the compressive stress (refs. 17, 22,
13, 14, 24, 27 to 29, 101, and 102). For motors that will be operated a number of times,
fatigue charactei_istics and fracture mechanics are considerations that make the tensile
stresses of equal concern.
The compressive hoop, stress due to pressure depends on the number and dimensions of the
reinforcements (ref. 79):
4087 Pc
ap - Kr _2 (9)
Rp 2-4 cos /3
43950 0
Ov - K_ £Z (10)
Equations (9) and (10) are empirical relationships derived from results of tests of joints that
varied in diameter from 8 in. (20.3 cm) to 22 in. (55.9 cm). Corresponding empirical
relationships have not been developed for tensile stresses. When the cone angle is large, the
/3,/31, and _2 are expressed numerically in degrees, not radians, in equation (9) and (10).
tensile stressesare only slightly less than the compressivestresses,but as the cone angle
becomes smaller, the tensile stressdiminishes until the reinforcement is in a completely
compressivestate (ref. 17).
The resultant hoop compressivestressor in the reinforcement is the sum of the compressive
stresses due to vectoring and pressure, i.e.,
Or = av -k O'p (1 1)
Failure modes for steel reinforcements are buckling in high-frequency circumferential waves
and bulk compression. The failure mode for composite reinforcements fabricated with hoop
windings only is rupture across the reinforcement thickness. The failure modes for
reinforcements fabricated with mats and continuous windings are interlaminar shear and
bulk compression.
The allowable compressive stress for metal reinforcements depends upon the failure mode
(buckling or bulk compression) and consequently is a function of the reinforcement
material modulus of elasticity, reinforcement dimensions, and the thickness of the elastomer
layers. The buckling stress for metal reinforcements has been established from a test
program conducted on specimens representing the inside surface of a joint. The
reinforcements were slightly curved across the width, and the column was long enough so
that edge effects were negligible. The ratio of reinforcement thickness to elastomer
thickness was varied, and different reinforcement materials were used: 301 CRES half-hard
stainless steel, 304 CRES annealed stainless steel, 17-7PH CRES annealed stainless steel,
6061-T6 aluminum, and 7075-T6 aluminum. Results of the tests correlated with
reinforcement material properties and dimensions are shown in figure 19. The bulk
compression stress has been established as the compressive yield stress (ref. 17). Tests were
conducted on two joints with stainless steel reinforcements; the joints were identical except
that the steel was heat treated to different yield compression stress levels. The failure
pressures for the joints were different, and the stress in the failed reinforcement of each
joint, calculated by finite-element methods, was approximately equal to the compressive
yield stresses for the reinforcement materials.
The allowable compressive stress for composite reinforcements is often established from
test joints with composite reinforcements that approximate the desired joint design.
(2) Calculate the compressive hoop stress due to pressure (Or) for various
reinforcement thicknesses (eq. (9)).
l_/m 2 ksi
828 120
690 i00
552 80--
= 414 60
GO • 304 CRES
276 40 0 17-7
17 3ol c_s
0 7075 T6
138 20 A 6061 T6
oV I I I I
in.-ibf units I 2 3 4 5 x 103
E 1/2 t 3/4
Figure 19. - Buckling stress for metal reinforcements as a function of the properties and dimensions of the reinforcement.
(3) Calculate the compressive hoop stress due to vectoring (Ov) for various
reinforcement thicknesses (eq. (10)).
(4) Calculate the net compressive hoop stress (or) for various reinforcement
thicknesses (eq. (11)).
(5) Determine the design ultimate compressive hoop stress for various reinforcement
thicknesses: oult = or X design safety factor
(6) Determine the buckling compressive stress for various reinforcement thicknesses
up to the reinforcement material compressive yield stress.
(7) Plot the design ultimate compressive hoop stress and the buckling stress as a
function of reinforcement thickness. The intersection of these plots is the
minimum allowable reinforcement thickness.
It has been the practice to make the reinforcements thick enough to ensure that the failure
mode will be bulk compression. However, this approach probably results in over-strength
The limitations of the finite-element method are that (1) it is basically small-deflection
theory modified to account for large-deformation effects; (2) material properties are elastic
properties, although refinements have been introduced (ref. 103) to include nonlinear
properties; and (3) for continuum structures such as a flexible joint, the structure must be
axisymmetric during loading. Each of these limitations affect the analysis of a flexible joint.
The strains in the elastomer are large strains; the elastomer material properties are not elastic
but depend upon the local stresses in the elastomer; and, although motor pressure imposes
an axisymmetric loading condition, vectoring is an asymmetric condition.
For the motor pressure condition, good correlation with axial deflection and reinforcement
hoop strains has been obtained with the use of an incremental loading and deformation
technique (ref. 80). A load is applied to the initial geometry; the stress and strain
distribution for that load are determined, and the shape for the next increment is
established by algebraically adding the deflections to. the initial geometry. The final
deflected shape is determined when the last load increment is applied; the final stressand
strain distributions are obtained by summing the stressesand strains for each load
increment. In generalin this analysisfour load incrementsgivea reasonablecorrelation with
test results. Although the shear modulus of the elastomer is dependent upon the local
stresses,a constant secantshearmodulus at 50 psi (0.345 MN/m2) shearstress(sec.
is used for all loading increments. Other required properties are calculated on the
assumptionthat the material is isotropic and hasa value for Poisson'sratio as closeto 0.5 as
the computer can accept. Efforts to usean effective shearmodulus (sec. been
For the vectoring condition, the joint cross section changes,extending on one side and
compressingon the other. An analysistechnique similar to that for the motor pressureis
used.Componentsof the actuator load are applied to the moving surfaceof the joint as a
uniformly distributed axial loading, sinusoidally distributed shearloading, and a linearly
varying bending distribution acrossthe joint diameter.An increment of loading is applied as
before to determine the geometry for the next increment. The stresseson one sidewill add
to the stressesdue to motor pressureand subtract on the other. Only the geometry for that
sidewhere the vectoring stressesadd is usedin the next increment. The geometry for that
sideis assumedto be axisymmetric, andthe loadsare applied incrementally. Final geometry
and stress distribution are determined as described in the preceding paragraph;material
properties aspreviouslydescribedare used.
Net stressesdue to motor pressureand vectoring are obtained by algebraically adding the
stressesdue to eachload condition. The strength analysisfor the elastomeris conductedby
comparing the maximum principal shear stress to the minimum measuredshear stress
measuredfrom a quadruple-lap shear(QLS) specimen(sec. The strength analysis
for the reinforcementscomparesthe maximum compressivehoop stresson the inner radius
to the allowable compressivestress(sec.
2.1.6 Manufacture
The sequence of steps for fabrication of a flexible joint involves manufacture of the
reinforcements, development of the adhesive system between the reinforcement_and_.the
elastomer, and molding of the joint. REINFORCEMENTS
The joint reinforcements have been fabricated by a number of methods; dimensional details,
reinforcement material, and fabrication method are summarized in table VII.
TABLE VII. - Details of Reinforcements Used in Flexible Joints on Operational and Development Motors
phenolic resin
The reinforcements for the 156-in, (3.96 m) motor (ref. 23) were formed by spinning. To
reduce costs, all the reinforcements were spun from a standard conical preform, welded
from three standard patterns that were cut from only one standard template. After welding,
the conical preforms were stress relieved and pressed onto a mandrel in a horizontal shear
spinning machine. Spinning was conducted in each direction from the center. The center of
the reinforcement received the least amount of cold working and remained the thickest
section. After spinning was completed, the reinforcement inner and outer diameters were
finish machined. Reinforcement thickness was controlled by measuring the thickness of the
conical preform prior to installation on the mandrel, and estimating the amount of thinning
required. Thinning was accomplished by belt sanding for a predetermined time after the
reinforcement was formed. This method assured that each reinforcement received the same
amount of cold working by shear spinning and resulted in a uniform strength level for each
In the 260-in. (6.6 m) motor (ref. 22), although the reinforcements were 0.7 in. (17.8 mm)
thick, the large diameter resulted in flexible sections. The reinforcements were not spherical
sections as in all previous joints but were conical sections. Since the joint envelope was
cylindrical, each reinforcement was identical and only a single set of tooling was required
for all reinforcements. This design resulted in cost savings in comparison with a joint with
spherical reinforcements of progressively increasing radii. The reinforcements were
machined from roll ring forgings. Any distortion occurring in the finished reinforcements
either due to machining or handling was easily corrected in the joint mold as a result of the
flexibility of the large-diameter reinforcements.
Reinforcements for the Poseidon motors were fabricated by stamping washer-shaped disks
into the required section; this process required a die for each reinforcement. At stamping,
the steel was in a normalized condition. After stamping, the reinforcements were rough
machined, heat treated to the required properties, and then final machined. This method
results in distortion of the reinforcements, but this distortion has little effect on joint
performance if each individual reinforcement is aligned in the joint molding fixture (sec. The thinner reinforcements formed by hydroforming, spinning, or explosive
forming have not exhibited this distortion.
The reinforcements for the dual-chamber motor were explosively formed from a circular
blank of material. The blank was clamped over a die that had the required contour of the
reinforcement, making it necessary to have a die for each reinforcement in the joint. Due to
forming, the thickness of the reinforcement was 4 percent to 5 percentlessthan the blank
thickness.The reinforcement was final machinedfrom the formed section.
The reinforcements for the NAVORD TMC/TVC joint (refs. 13 and 14) were machined
from plate material. Only a few joints wereto be fabricated, andthis method eliminated the
need for expensivetooling. The plate material was in a normalized condition and the
reinforcements were rough machined. After machining, the reinforcements were heat
treated andfinish machined.
In the engineering development program, for the second stage of Trident I (C4) the joint
reinforcements were fabricated from S-904 glass-fiber broadgoods and carbon-fiber
broadgoods, each preimpregnated with phenolic resin (ref. 25). In the motor development
program, however, to overcome structural problems, the S-904 glass-fiber broadgoods were
preimpregnated with epoxy resin. The two types of broadgoods were sewn together, cut
into specific patterns, assembled in a matched metal mold, and cured at 325 ° F (436 K).
The glass broadgoods formed the reinforcement, and the carbon broadgoods formed the
joint thermal protection. Each reinforcement had a different spherical radius, requiring a
different mold for each reinforcement.
The joint adhesive system may be formed during the molding process for joints fabricated
by compression or injection molding, or it may be obtained by secondary bonding, as in the
260-in. (6.6 m) motor joint (ref. 22).
( _
Rubber-to-metal adhesive bonds are sensitive to small process changes. In a flexible joint,
high stresses are imposed on these bonds, and the bulk of the fabrication problems involve
the adhesive system. To ensure increased reliability, the adhesive system is required to
develop a bond strength greater than the elastomer strength, so that failures are cohesive
failures. Systems designed to satisfy this requirement have consisted of a primer and an
adhesive (sec.
The strength of the bonds in this kind of system has been affected by bond layer thickness.
When the bond layer was too thick and an injection molding process was used to fabricate
the joint, the flowing rubber wiped the adhesive system off the reinforcement, the result
being unacceptable unbonded conditions. When a compression molding process was used,
the unbonding problem was not as acute but unbonding did occur. When the bond layer was
too thin, the resulting bond strength was below acceptable levels, and adhesive failures
occurred. During bench testing of joints (sec., failures that were attributed to too
thin a bond layer have occurred.
Failures have also occurred in the adhesive bond when the adhesive layer thickness was as
required. These failures resulted from lot-to-lot variations in the adhesive system materials.
For example, peel test specimens failed at values varying from 3 lbf per linear inch (5.25
N/cm) to 35 lbf per linear inch (61.25 N/cm).
A satisfactory adhesive system has been obtained by controlling the thickness of the
adhesive layer, requiring acceptance tests of each lot of material to be used in joint
fabrication, and maintaining close liaison with the adhesive suppliers. Thickness control has
been obtained by monitoring the viscosity of the primer and adhesive, the rate at which
these materials are sprayed on the reinforcements, and the time for spraying. The material
lots to be used have been selected by conducting quadruple-lap shear tests (sec. and
peel tests, all lots that do not have sufficient strength being rejected.
Flexible joints have been fabricated by three different methods: compression or layup
molding (refs. 17, 23, 25, and 27), injection or transfer molding (refs. 13, 14, 24, 28, and
29), or secondary bonding of precured elastomer (ref. 22). A summary of the advantages
and disadvantages of these methods is presented in table VIII.
The compression technique involves physically placing strips of partially cured elastomer
between the reinforcements as the joint is assembled in the mold. The resulting assembly of
parts is then compressed by closing the mold and providing molding pressure. During
compression, the thickness of the elastomer layers has been controlled by inserting steel
balls between the reinforcements. In early joints, the balls were positioned at the center of
the reinforcements. As the joint was vectored, the balls gouged the reinforcement and cut
TABLE VIII. - Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Fabrication Processes
Compression molding Demonstrated production technique used to Spacers are required. The spacers sometimes
fabricate joints for nozzles on Poseidon first- move as a result of rubber flow, and uneven
stage and second-stage motors. rubber-pad thicknesses can result. Furthermore,
small local defects in the rubber-pad layers are
Low-cost manufacturing process and simple created when spacers are removed.
low-cost tooling. Joints produced by this
method are approximately 30 percent lower Some difficulty with bonding and porosity attrib-
in cost than those produced by the injection utable to the tolerance variation on calendered
process. rubber.
When natural rubber or polyisoprene rubbers Some difficulty in bonding silicone elastomer.
are used, excellent bonding between the rub-
ber and the reinforcements and between the
rubber and end rings in achieved.
Produces joints with very uniform pad thick- Process has inherent bonding problems.
Secondary bonding
The rubber pads have good compaction and Production experience limited. To date only
can be inspected prior to assembly. a few joints have been fabricated by this
Tooling costs are low.
holes in the elastomer. In later joints where the width of the reinforcements was greater
than that of the elastomer, the balls were positioned at the inner and outer edges of the
joint and were removed after molding.
The injection molding technique consists simply of stacking the reinforcements in a mold
that holds them in position and then injecting rubber from a reservoir into the gaps between
the reinforcements.
The molding method selected depends on the preference of the fabricator; both techniques
have been used for the same joint design and produced similar results. Major problems that
occurred have been common to compression molding and injection molding. The three
major problems have been porosity in the elastomer, variation in the thickness of each
elastomer ring, and variation in the thickness between elastomer rings. Porosity in the
elastomer occurred because the elastomer could flow .easily out of the mold or into large
voids in the mold. This problem was eliminated by designing a mold without voids and
minimizing clearances between metal parts to avoid elastomer expansion out of the mold.
Variation in the thickness of elastomer rings has been due to a number of causes. Excessive
clearances in the mold to accommodate parts with excessive tolerances has caused thickness
variations. Thickness variations have also occurred because of movement and deflection of
the joint under the high pressures of molding. Tolerance problems are avoided if the pad
thickness is controlled directly by the two metal surfaces involved; this procedure minimizes
the number of tolerances involved in a worst-on-worst situation. The deflection of parts can
be reduced only by stiffening the parts, but stiffening may be impossible because of design
specifications. In such a situation, the deflection must be tolerated and allowed for.
Movement of the parts in the mold, however, has been controlled by indexing parts from
surfaces that are self-centering, i.e., conical or spherical surfaces. To avoid thickness
variations in an elastomer layer for a joint with thick reinforcements, the reinforcements are
inspected for flatness and spherical radius variations and are aligned in the mold to give
uniform elastomer layer thickness.
The secondary bonding technique has had limited application. It was used on a large joint
because of a lack of sufficiently large facilities to cure at high temperature and because it
was cheaper (ref. 22). As each reinforcement was laid in the mold, the elastomer was
bonded to the reinforcement. Care was taken during the layup of the reinforcements to
ensure correct alignment. An ambient cure adhesive was used (sec. and the joint was
loaded at 5 psi (0.0345 MN/m 2) axial pressure by mechanical actuators during cure. The
axial pressure was used to ensure good adherence between the elastomer and metal
Two important diagnostic aids exist in joint manufacture. These aids have assisted in the
discovery of manufacturing problems and the determination of the effectiveness of
corrective actions. The first diagnostic aid is molding of a joint without applying the
adhesive system to the metal parts; with this exception, the molding process is carried out
normally. After molding, the rubber is easily removed from between the metal parts and
examined for thicknessand porosity. The secondaid is simply the dissection of a normal,
production joint by cutting through the rubber between metal parts; the resulting pieces
reveal any areaswhere the rubber-to-metal bond was unsatisfactory. This technique also
showsporosity andgeneralcondition of the rubber.
2.1.7 Testing •
The subscale test program is conducted to measure mechanical properties of the elastomer
and of the bond between elastomer and reinforcement and to evaluate aging characteristics
of the elastomer. In the preparation of test specimens, the surfaces of the test plates must be
prepared in the same manner as the surfaces of the reinforcements in the joint; if possible,
the test specimen is fabricated in the manner used for manufacture of the joint.
The most important properties of the elastomer used in the flexible joint are the shear
modulus, the shear stress at failure, and the bond strength of the elastomer to the metal
reinforcements. These properties are measured over the range of temperature in the
elastomer expected during operation, with the quadruple-lap shear (QLS) specimen (fig. 20).
The properties are defined in terms of the test as follows:
applied load
Shear stress r =
2 × length × width of pad
(7.62 cm)
3 in_
118 in. i/8 in.
(2.54 cm) (2.54 cm)
(3.2 nun)
I I I II (3.2 n-_)
•v I.!.
' J i II I
---- f I:
Ii N"////A l I/I-
///A,_ IlI
l l-----
I I"_Elastomeric material
for test
I in.
Even though the elastomer in a joint is subjected to compression and shear if vectored at
sufficient motor pressure, and to tension and shear if vectored at zero motor pressure, the
properties have been determined only for applied shear loads. To improve the understanding
of the physical characteristics of flexible joints (the reduction in actuation torque with
pressure, overall joint instability, and nonlinearity of axial compression), limited efforts to
determine elastomer shear properties when subjected to superimposed compression and
tension have been conducted (refs. 22 and 78).
The Shear modulus controls the joint spring torque, axial deflection, and pivot-point
movement. The stress-strain response is nonlinear, but most analyses assume linearity at a
reference secant shear modulus at 50 psi (0.345 MN/m 2 ) shear stress; this value is also used
for quality control. The elastomer varies from lot to lot, and close quality control is
necessary to ensure a modulus acceptance range of 10 psi (0.069 MN/m 2). In a production
program, the testing of each lot can indicate a relaxation of manufacturing quality control
or a change in the manufacturing process. The QLS is used as a quality control tool aS well
as a means to qualify new elastomers and new adhesive systems.
If the aging characteristics of the elastomer are not known, a subscale test program is
initiated early in the program. This program includes testing not only the aging
characteristics of the cured elastomer but also the effect of aging of the uncured elastomer
on the resulting cured elastomer. When such effects are not determined and controlled early
in a program, the results of joint tests are subject to misinterpretation.
' 63
In evaluating the aging of uncured elastomer, the uncured elastomer is stored in the usual
material storage environment and, at intervals, test specimens are prepared and cured. Tests
are conducted, and the shelf life of the uncured elastomer is determined from the results.
The selected shelf life is the time during which no change occurs in the secant shear modulus
of the cured elastomer.
To evaluate aging characteristics of cured material, cured elastomer from several lots is
stored in the motor environment and, at intervals, a subscale test program conducted. The
elastomer properties are plotted against time, and the results are extrapolated to predict
service life of the elastomer. Properties obtained at zero time provide a basis for compariso/_.
Service life testing is conducted at monthly intervals up to 6 months and annually
thereafter. Results have shown that natural-rubber formulations increase in secant shear
modulus up to 3½ years and then remain constant.
When a joint is injection molded, the test specimen cannot be fabricated in similar fashion;
therefore the measured elastomer aging characteristics may differ from those of the
elastomer in the full-scale joint. The aging characteristics of injection-molded joints usually
are assessed by testing full-scale joints.
The joint bench test program is conducted to determine axial compression due to pressure,
spring torque, offset torque, sealing capability of the joint, and the location of the effective
pivot point; to verify calculations; and to demonstrate structural integrity of the joint. Thus
data must be obtained as early as possible in a program to confirm clearance envelopes in
the nozzle design. When a program is in the production phase, the bench test program is
continued for quality control.
The axial compression is required to determine the axial spring stiffness and to check
clearance envelopes. The bench testing is conducted at the same pressure and axial load as
the joint is expected to transmit during actual motor operation. This condition requires a
special test fixture, as shown in figure 21, that contains provisions for adjusting the axial
load on the joint. An unloading piston is used for this purpose. The unloading piston is sized
such that the net axial load on the joint at pressure while undergoing test is equal to the
load that will be imposed on the joint during actual motor operation. The net gas-pressure
load acting on the joint during motor operation is calculated as described in section
During the development tests, hoop strains at the edges of the reinforcements as well as the
axial compression are measured. These data are of value in checking the validity of the
The quality of joints in a production program varies considerably from joint to joint. In one
program, to eliminate possible low-quality joints and ensure the reliability of the motor, a
Unloading piston
Flexible joint
Unloading- piston
A cross bar
Un loadi_- pis ton
J_ cross bar
pressure vessel
| (pressure acting on
unloading piston
reacted by post)
stringent tensile-pressure leak test was imposed. This test was an axial tensile test conducted
after the axial compression and vectoring tests. The joint was sealed with end plates and
pressurized internally, the pressure causing axial extension. The test fixture limited the /
extension of the joint, b_t pressure was still applied at maximum extension to check for any ,/
leakage. In the motor program, leaky joints were rejected after this test but, for those joints
successfully passing this_ _, no failures attributed to joint failure occurred in the motors
tested. 'J_
A typical join t_iest arrangement is shown in figure 22. One end o£ the joint, is sealed _into the
test bucket and the other end is sealed into a flat-plate closure that is connected to an
actuator arm. In this type of test, however, at test pressure more axial load is applied to the
joint than occurs in a motor. Therefore, joints are tested only up to a pressure simulating
the maximum axial load that will be applied to a joint in the motor. Consequently, the test
pressure is less than the motor pressure. The reduced pressure affects the position Of the
effective pivot point. Attempts to design an unloading-piston test arrangement that vectors
7 .......
Hydraulic actuator
Pressure chamber
with the joint have been unsuccessful, because the test arrangement must not control the
pivot point but must allow the joint to vector freely about its effective pivot point.
Proper location of the test actuator is important. It should be positioned in the test with
respect to the joint as it will in the motor. Although joint spring torque is used as a design
concept, the joint is not in fact subjected to pure torque. It has been shown that when the
actuator was not oriented correctly to the joint, the vectoring response in the test was
different from that in the motor.
A flexible joint deflects linearly in addition to rotating; thus, it is difficult to locate the
effective pivot point. Attempts have been made to locate the pivot point by digitally
tracking one or two points on the joint or joint test fixture and using a rotational
mathematical model to determine the instantaneous pivot point. Because the mathematical
model does not include linear motion, the results are inaccurate to some unknown degree
that depends on the joint design. A more direct photographic method of measurement has
been developed (ref. 91). This method shows the position of the effective pivot point
directly on a photograph, thus eliminating the need to calculate the position from deflection
measurements and avoiding the dependence of each calculated position on previous
instantaneous positions.
Most bench tests of joints are conducted at approximately 75 ° F (297 K), because the
environmental temperature requirements usually are limited to the range 60 ° F (289 K) to
85 ° F (303 K). The test temperature is recorded, and joint response at the temperature
extremes is predicted from the elastomeric-material characterization described in section
During the static firing tests, measurements are taken to check the overall design and to
obtain data needed to design other components that interact with the nozzle design.
Measurements taken include axial compression, vectoring capability, nozzle misalignment
requirements, friction characteristics, natural frequency, and damping coefficient.
The axial compression is required to check the envelope requirements when the motor must
interact with another stage or equipment. During a firing, the nozzle'is vectored to various
angles up to the maximum required angle in order to check clearances between the fixed
and movable portions and to check the movable nozzle envelope requirements. During this
vectoring, actuator force is measured. For comparison of static firing and bench testing
results, the nozzles are vectored at the same frequency.
Sizing of the correct actuator length for nozzle misalignment (sec. determined
from the static firing. During a firing, at several times selected to give as wide a pressure
range as possible, the actuators are held at the trial length for at least one-half second. Prior
to the firing, the nozzle is actuated in the motor, sufficient measurements being made to
enable calculation of the vector angle per inch of actuator stroke. From a comparison of
firing and pre-firing data, the amount of zero-pressure misalignment is calculated and the
actuator length for null nozzle position at pressure is determined.
The friction characteristics of the nozzle (i.e., the flexible joint) are required for the design
of the guidance control system. As noted earlier, friction consists of viscous friction due to
the viscoelastic characteristics of the elastomer (a rate-dependent component) and coulomb
friction (a rate-independent component). During static firing tests, a nozzle is vectored at
different rates but at constant amplitude, and the actuator force is measured. The data are
plotted as shown in figure 14. Both total friction and the two components are thus
Frequency-responsetests are madeduring a static firing by imparting to the nozzle a duty
cycle that cdnsistsof a successionof sinusoidalactuations, eachof short duration andlow
amplitude. These actuations are made at different frequencies established from
considerationsof the control system response.Attempts havebeen made to calculate the
damping coefficient from the decaying force transient that occurs at the end of a step
function applied to a nozzle;however,the attemptswerewithout success,sincethe damping
coefficient could not be correlated with the viscous friction coefficient calculated from
actuation data.
The failure strength of a flexible joint is determined by destructive testing. Joint failure
occurs as a result of motor pressure and vectoring. Currently, failure strength of a joint for
combined conditions cannot be defined. A test is conducted in which pressure is increased
incrementally, the joint being actuated to the maximum applied vector angle during motor
operation at each pressure until failure of a component occurs. If the joint has not failed at
the design ultimate pressure, and sufficient clearance envelope remains, the vector angle is
increased until failure occurs. The failure test is conducted as an adjunct to the bench
testing program.
In addition to the subscale aging program described in section, an aging program for
the joints is conducted. Joints are stored in the service environment; at intervals, joint spring
torque and axial deflection (sec. are measured. These tests are conducted at zero
time (for reference), at 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, and annually thereafter. Most changes
occur in the first year. The measured values for spring torque and axial deflection are
plotted against time; the results are extrapolated to determine joint life. This extrapolated
life is compared with required motor life to demonstrate probability of satisfactory service
2.1.8 Inspection
For joints fabricated by secondary bonding, it is possible to check the pre-molded
elastomeric pads for internal defects such as voids, inclusions and delaminations,and the
bond between the reinforcement andelastomerby C-scanultrasonic techniques(ref. 22). In
addition, joint quality is assuredby control of the quality of all materialsused,dimensional
control of the reinforcements,and alignmentof the reinforcementsduring joint layup.
To ensure reliability of the joint, a detailed and comprehensive program of material and
fabrication process control in conjunction with a nondestructive and destructive test
program is conducted. This program permits detection of potential causes of failure and the
timely repair and correction of these areas. Proper inspection processes are the key factors
resulting in satisfactory joints. Development of a successful inspection plan involves the
following steps:
(2) Evaluation of existing inspection techniques for sufficient sensitivity and accuracy
and development of new acceptable or adequate techniques when necessary.
(3) Verification that the inspection techniques obtain a valid indication or description
of the actual defects.
(4) Establishment of accept-reject standards for each type of defect and each
inspection technique.
Current practice is to inspect the joint dimensions and performance. The dimensions
inspected are those that affect joint molding, joint performance, and joint assembly in the
nozzle. In performance inspection, the operational integrity of the joint is demonstrated.
Reinforcement dimensions such as inner and outer diameter and flatness affect the joint
molding. The spherical radius, thickness, and concentricity affect the joint performance.
The elastomer thickness and porosity can be inspected only by molding a joint without
adhesive on the reinforcement surfaces. After molding, the joint is disassembled to check
elastomer thickness and porosity. The frequency of this inspection depends upon the
variation that is noted in the thickness.Radiographicinspectionhasbeentried, but the large
amount of metal in the joint preventsdefinition of the bond line or elastomerthickness
being defined to the required accuracy.
The operational integrity of the joint is demonstratedby bench testing (sec. The
significanceof thesetests is basedon the premisethat joints successfullypassingthesetests
aresuitablefor assemblyin a nozzle.
Thrust' vectoring by LITVC is accomplished by injecting a liquid into the supersonic exhaust
of a rocket motor through holes in the wall of the nozzle exit cone. The injection produces
side thrust by a combination of effects that include the thrust of the injectant jet itself,
pressures on the nozzle wall from shock waves, and pressures on the nozzle wall resulting
from addition of mass and energy to the exhaust flow. These effects are illustrated in figures
23, 24, and 25.
Liquid injection TVC has provided thrust vector deflections as large as 10 °, equivalent to
side forces of 17.6 percent of axial force (ref. 46). However, efficiency as measured by
injectant specific impulse drops to about 30% of maximum at the high flowrates required
for such large deflections. The low efficiency at high flowrates is due largely to the
spreading of the LITVC pressures around the nozzle circumference, where local LITVC
forces act in directions different from that of the desired thrust deflection. Serious losses in
efficiency can occur if the higher pressures induced by LITVC reach the opposite side of the
nozzle. This condition can be caused by very high injectant flowrates, by the injector being
located too near the nozzle throat, or by a combination of both. Inefficiency due to
incomplete mixing and reacting of the injectant with the gas may result from injecting too
close to the nozzle exit or from using large concentrated injectant streams that do not
disperse and mix easily (refs. 105, 106, and 107).
As the injectant flow is increased, the side force increases and usually reaches a maximum.
Then as the flowrate is increased further, the side force decreases. This decrease occurs
because the added flow is creating forces on the opposite side of the nozzle that cancel out
the gain in side force on the injector side. Thus, maximum side force can be obtained at
less-than-maximum flowrates (ref. 108).
The maximum practical thrust deflection angle is limited to about 6 ° because of the
efficiency penalties that must be accepted if the system is designed to produce larger
Discharge angle
positive When
injecting upstream
Separation shock
Figure 23. - Schematic of typical liquid injection TVC system and side force phenomena.
Nozzle exit
Shock area
Sheltered area
(pressures 0 to
A __Pressure along A-A
Nozzle exit
,-4 Injector
Pressure along C-C
Figure 24. - Nozzle pressure distribution due to injection of inert injectant (ref. 104).
?2 ¸
kN/m2 psi
10° 105o _9
2 75° i
621 90 0.15
_k--_30 ° _ _:_: __ I
552 80 _/_1 _._._/\ __! __o_
483 7O
e = 21.81
e= 2.86 70°_ i . • 0.o5
207 3O
Injection __ _ Centerline
138 20
69 I0
.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Expansion ratio e
Liquid injection has a number of desirable features, some of which are unique, as follows:
• During vectoring, the main motor thrust is increased by the axial component of
the increased pressures on the nozzle wall. This axial component makes it doubly
advantageous to lighten the LITVC system during flight by jettisoning surplus
fluid through the injectors; as weight is removed from the vehicle, extra thrust is
also obtained.
• Liquid injection TVC is inherently very rapid and can produce a signal-to-force
time less than 20 msec without difficulty. This speed is the result of the fact that
all moving parts-the valve pintle and drive parts, the liquid injectant, and the
tank bladder-have low inertia and move with little friction, and the reaction of
the fluid with the exhaust gas is almost instantaneous.
A typical LITVC system consists of a tank of injectant, a source of compressed gas, tubing,
and injector valves. The liquid injectant, under pressure from the gas, flows through tubing
to the injectors. The valves controlling flow operate on receipt of electric signals from the
vehicle flight-control subsystem. Basic design features are illustrated in figure 26. Two
different LITVC systems are shown in figures 27 and 28.
The objectives of an LrI'VC system-design effort are to establish the number and type of
injectors, type of injectant, injector location and injection angle, the type and shape of the
liquid injectant storage tank, and the method of pressurizing the liquid injectant. These
parameters are established in the system-design analyses such that required vectoring
performance is achieved at minimum weight without violating imposed constraints (e.g.,
Gas generator
igniter wiring
w ve
Liquid injectant
r,_Compressed nitrogen
'...%' ,
, TVC electrical
_ distribution box
_ switch
"_'_"_ In j ec tant
i _Nozzle
__ _Manifo _
ld drain manifold
_ . Hot-gas pressure
| .or-gas relief valve _
I I _r aft skirt
i generator I I
No Toroidal tank
for liquid
Manifold for
liquid distribution
Injector orifice seals
(These "sticks" are blown
out of the nozzle at motor
ector valve
liquid injectant
Freon pressure
Heat shield
Hot-gas relief va
Gas generator
envelope, response). The system-design analyses consist of an optimization study and an
evaluation of the performance of injectants, injectors, and related parameters such as
injection pressure and location in the nozzle.
To optimize an LITVC system for a particular design, the usual procedure is to compile
weight, bulk, and performance data from known LITVC components and from selected
designs provided by manufacturers. These data then are generalized in empirical equations
or curves. Schematic designs representing the design alternates (e.g., type of fluid, number
of injectors, and injection location) then are prepared to serve as a basis for optimization
calculations. These alternates are evaluated for performance, weight, and compliance to the
vehicle space envelope. For each design concept, an overall vehicle performance parameter is
calculated for use in numerical evaluation; this parameter depends on the vehicle mission
and typically has been either the payload or the vehicle final velocity at the end of motor
burn. The results of the early optimization give preliminary determinations of the injectant
choice, injectant amount, number of injectors, approximate system pressure, and so forth.
This initial optimization reduces significantly the number of design possibilities to be
considered and simplifies the detailed studies for injection pressure, orifice size and spacing,
injector location and discharge angle, amount of injectant, and the system pressurization gas
required. As the detailed studies of these items proceed, the empirical equations and curves
are improved and the optimization is repeated as necessary to improve the preliminary
Minor corrections, in particular redesign of pintle shape to provide better linearity and jet
formation at lower flowrates and to reduce the amount of injectant carried in the tank, are
changes that often are made late in the development period because they do not necessitate
major.redesign and additional tests. However, the items that most influence system weight
and operating efficiency (sizes of tanks, brackets, tubing, injector valves, and the location
and angle of the injector valves on the nozzle wall) are difficult and expensive to redesign
after the initial design phase and therefore usually are left unchanged.
Oversizingis minimized by repeating the optimization procedureas late as possiblebefore
the systemdesignconcept is frozen. Corrected designand performance data are used, and
the flight-control vectoring requirement is reviseddownward, if possible,usually by better
definition of trajectory events. Thus, the more realistic the inputs in the optimization
: procedure,the more nearly correct and usually lighter weight is the final systemdesign.
The chief factors considered in the selection of the liquid injectant are its side specific
impulse, density, storability, and toxicity. Prime candidates for the injectant are nitrogen
tetroxide and an aqueous solution of strontium perchlorate; other candidates are hydrazine,
Freon 114-B2, and hydrogen peroxide. The basic properties and characteristics of major
operational injectants are presented in table IX and discussed below.
Side specific impulse. Side specific impulse is a measure of the vectoring power of the
injectant and is defined as the side force, lbf (N), divided by the injectant flow rate, lbm/sec
(kg/s). Reactive injectants have larger side specific impulses than inert injectants. Inert
injectants such as Freon 114-B2 deliver side specific impulses of 70 to 160 lbf-sec/lbm (686
to 1569 N-sec/kg), while chemically reactive injectants such as strontium perchl0rate
solution or nitrogen tetroxide (N204) are significantly more effective, delivering side
specific impulses of 180 to 300 lbf-sec/lbm (1765 to 2942 N-sec/kg) or more. At TVC
angles less than 0.5 ° in Titan III configurations, side specific impulse values for N204
greater than 400 lbf-sec/lbm (3923 N-sec/kg) have been recorded. The actual delivered
specific impulse depends on how well the design is optimized with respect to the injector
location, size and spacing of injector orifices, injection angle, injection pressure, and
injectant-stream characteristics.
Density. - Injectant density is a major influence on the volume and weight of tanks, piping,
and injectors required. Storage space on some vehicles has been sufficiently limited to
preclude use of a low-density injectant. Even when storage space was available, the required
larger tanks, piping, and injectors imposed a weight penalty that eliminated low-density
injectants from optimization studies. For this reason, the densities of injectants used usually
have been approximately twice that of water. The high density has made it possible to store
the injectant in compact tanks and permitted use of relatively small tubing, valves, and
injectors. Thus, both weight and space on board the vehicle have been saved.
, ?
Storability.- Storability of a liquid depends both on the stability of the fluid under
expected storage temperatures and pressures and on its compatibility with the tank
materials it contacts. It is the measure of the capability of an injectant to be stored in the
LITVC system in a state of readiness over long periods of time. This condition usually is
achieved by controlling the purity of the injectant and by providing a tank material that will
not react with the injectant and that contains no trace elements that could catalyze
TABLE IX. - Basic Properties and Characteristics of Main Operational Liquid Injectants
Property or Strontium perchlorate
characteristic Freon 114-B2 (solution in water) Nitrogen tetroxide
Side specific impulse, (t) 70 to 160 ,' 150 to 260 180 to 400
Stability in storage Very stable; Solution is stable in Stable if dry and without
nonflammable. sealed storage impurities.
Reactivity with Penetrates and deterio- Almost no effect on Most elastomers are incompatible
polymers rates polymers. elastomers and most with N 204 for long-term storage;
other polymers (ref. 110). some disintegrate in hours, others
in days. Only nitroso compound
AFE-110 and Parker compound
B-591-8 are acceptable for 90-day
storage (ref. 112).
Toxicity Harmless on contact. Solution has low toxicity. Severely burns skin and eyes on
Fumes harmless in No problem with good contact. Inhalation of fumes can
moderate amounts. housekeeping. Dry per- be fatal.
chlorate is moderately
toxic and irritating to the
Vehicle on ,which Polaris A3 second stage; Minuteman ili third stage Titan I11
injectant is used Minuteman II second (66% solution)
stage; Sprint first stage.
(I) Basedon test data for which injection location in the nozzle and injector geometry wereclose to optimum.
Studies have been conducted to determine the compatibility of liquid injectants with
various materials (refs. 111 through 119). The results of one such study are summarized in
table X (ref. 120). As shown, Freon 114-B2 is almost completely inert with metals;
however, it should not be stored in metallic materials subject to corrosion, since any water
contamination causes hydrolysis and subsequent corrosion. Freon 114-B2 does not affect
Teflon materials but does permeate various elastomers, thermosets, and thermoplastics; it
leaches plasticizer from the plastics, making them hard and brittle. Both N204 and
Sr(C104)2 are reactive. Strontium perchlorate must be contained in stainless steel or
titanium storage tanks. It is stable and safe at 350 ° F (450 K), but at higher temperatures it
decomposes and becomes a strong oxidizer. Within the range to 900 to 1000 ° F (755 K to
811 K), strontium perchlorate combines so readily with rubber that an almost explosive
reaction occurs. This reaction has occurred near the end of the duty cycle in systems with
gas-generator pressurization and is a potential problem for all reactive liquids. At normal
storage temperatures, decomposition is not a problem for any of the liquids mentioned here.
Nitrogen tetroxide .gives the highest side specific impulse of the injectants that are
operational;its reactivity, however, makes it difficult to handle. It can be stored successfully
only if strict requirements for purity and container inertness are met; otherwise,
decomposition and degradation will occur. Elastomeric materials cannot be used for
long-term seals. Handling precautions and storage requirements are well established in the
industry and do not present significant problems. The current practical storability of N2 04
has been demonstrated in Titan III operational practice, where the LITVC system has been
approved to remain loaded for up to 75 days and in readiness at operational pressure
through a 30-day hold (refs. 47 and 114). Nitrogen tetroxide has been selected for use in the
rocket engine for the Minuteman III post-boost control system.
The freezing or crystallizing temperature is the limiting low temperature for storage.
Crystallization or separation does not occur either in Freon or nitrogen tetroxide. Freon
114-B2 freezes at -31 ° F (238 K) and N2Oa freezes at 12 ° F (262 K). Strontium
percholorate in a 62% solution with water crystallizes out of the solution at 32 ° F (273 K).
Toxicity. - Nitrogen tetroxide burns on contact, and inhalation of fumes can be fatal,
whereas Freon 114-B2 is harmless on contact and its fumes are harmless in moderate
amounts. In comparison with Freon 114-B2, strontium perchlorate delivers 50% more
specific impulse, costs half as much, and involves fewer compatibility and storage problems.
However, strontium perchlorate is moderately toxic and irritating to the skin. Care must be
exercised to prevent the perchlorate salt or solution from saturating clothing or wood, since
these saturated materials would burn rapidly if ignited.
In a typical LITVC system, the liquiffis injected into the nozzle through an annular orifice
formed by a convergent round outlet with a central pintle, as shown in the injector cross
TABLE X. - Compatibility of Selected Metals and Nonmetals with Freon 114-B2
and Aqueous Strontium Perehlurate (ref. 120)
Materials Tested
Metals Nonmetals
Metals No visible effect on any metal. 4130 and 4340 steels showed
some rust; other metals showed
no visible effect.
Nonmetals All specimens except the Teflons Polyvinyl alcohol and Thiokol ST
showed signs of permeation and showed signs of chemical reaction
deterioration. Significant pickup and deterioration; other specimens
of liquid indicates permeability showed no visible effect. Pickup of
problems. liquid was negligible.
sections in figures 29, 30, and 31. The central pintle acts as the gate of the injector valve.
Thus, the full system pressure is applied to the liquid up to the point of discharge through
the orifice. The injection pressure, orifice size, and orifice spacing have a significant
influence on side-thrust efficiency and system compexity.
Injection system pressure is important because it provides the force that drives the liquid
through the orifice with the high momentum needed to obtain best side-thrust efficiency.
System pressures in use range from 450 to 1500 psi (3.10 to 10.34 MN/m 2 ). Analysis of test
data from small-scale motor firings with LITVC indicates that for maximum side-thrust
efficiency the injection pressure should be set at about twice the chamber pressure of the
rocket motor (ref. 121). Such high pressures may not be optimum for the entire system
because these pressures also influence the weight of tanks, tubing, and injectors. If lower
pressures are used, the probable loss in side-thrust efficiency can be estimated (refs. 108,
121, and 122).
Efficient development of side force by fluid injection depends mainly on rapid mixing and
chemical reaction of the injectant with the hot exhaust gas close to the wall This complex
process involves droplet shattering, evaporation, and nonequilibrium chemistry. It should be
noted that practically all injectants decompose and react chemically, including the so-called
inert injectants, although for these liquids the energy released is small. Analytic models of
this process and the effects that compose it are found in references 105, 106, 110, and 123.
For most efficient development of side force, the injectant should be thoroughly mixed and
fully reacted with exhaust gas in the immediate neighborhood of the wall. For thorough
mixing, the liquid jets should have the highest possible momentum and therefore velocity.
However, to prevent the high-velocity jets from passing out of the immediate neighborhood
of the wall and penetrating too far into the gas stream, where their effects would be lost, the
individual jets must be made so small that in spite of their high momentum they will have
broken up and become mixed with the gas while still close to the wall. At all flowrates, the
momentum per unit mass of liquid discharged remains about the same, since it is dependent
on the pressure of the injectant in the system. This momentum contributes to the LITVC
effect by delivering a force against the supersonic stream that produces the initial shock and
partially diverts the direction of flow. The balance of the LITVC effort results from the
injectant and its reactions producing higher flow pressures acting against the wall.
For a well-designed pintle-type injector (figs. 29 and 30) having a given orifice size, the
greatest side-thrust efficiency is obtained at low flowrates (ref. 108). This effect occurs
because at low injector openings the jet maintains the usual high momentum per unit mass
discharged but the annular jet stream has a thin section, so that it mixes efficiently and
penetrates only into the gas that is closest to the wall. At high flowrates, however, the
annular jet increases in thickness, so that it penetrates much more deeply into the nozzle gas
stream, thereby carrying the injectant farther from the wall to which the pressure effects
must be applied to be useful.
valve body
and hydraulic
Figure 29. - Cross section drawing of typical single-orifice injector mounted on nozzle wall.
Nozzle wall
Figure 30. - Cross section drawing of three-orifice injector mounted on nozzle wall.
Ball screw
helical bearing
IX: electric
torque motor
Pintle position
Injector mount
Side-specific-impulse efficiencies have an upper limit at very small orifice sizes and valve
openings (ref. 108) because increasing orifice friction reduces jet momentum per unit mass.
The drop in efficiency that occurs with large flow from a single orifice makes it
advantageous to use a large number of small orifices. The flow is divided among individual
jets, ,so that in spite of the great flow momentum the liquid does not penetrate deeply into
the main stream; instead, the jets break up close to the wall, where the injectant mixes with
the gas, vaporizes, and reacts to release energy that produces higher pressure on the wall.
The large number of injectors, however, add to the complexity and the cost.
Increasing the number of injection ports increases the injection efficiency, provided that
overlap losses and cosine losses are not excessive. Overlap losses result from the overlap of
regions of shock pressure, mixing, and reacting. In these regions the local pressure increase is
not the sum of influences from two separate orifices but a lesser amount, greater however
than that for one orifice alone (refs. 108 and 124). Cosine losses result from the spreading
of the LITVC wall pressures around the nozzle; this spreading causes a portion of the
potential side force to be lost because opposing force components cancel. These losses are
called cosinelossesbecausethe local LITVC force is diminished, for TVC purposes,by the
cosineof the anglebetweenits direction andthe desiredside-forcedirection.
The basic liquid injection configuration has four or more injectors spaced equally around
the rocket nozzle for positive and negative pitch and yaw control. Needed control forces
acting between the pitch and yaw planes require that several adjacent injectors flow
simultaneously, and the resultant force is obtained by vector addition of the control forces
from these injectors. The use of more than four injectors (e.g., six, twelve, or twenty-four
injectors equally spaced around the nozzle) decreases the amount of fluid required, because
the injectors that must provide a given control force will more likely be located closer to the
direction of the required force; with more injectors flowing simultaneously, each injector
will deliver less flow and therefore will have higher side-thrust efficiency.
The predicted response of the system to changes in injection pressure or in orifice size,
number, and spacing is reduced to curves and equations for use as inputs in the system
optimization calculations (sec. Examples of such curves and equations are
contained in references 47, 121, 125, and 126.
The injector is positioned on the nozzle wall (fig. 23) at a location and a discharge angle that
is optimum for the expected schedule of vectoring for a typical flight. The optimum
location for injection is a compromise of two opposing tendencies that add to or subtract
from the side force. If the injection point is as far upstream in the nozzle exit cone as
possible, the nozzle wall area over which the pressures are augmented by injection is
increased. However, as the injection point is moved upstream, the shock wave of the
injectant-augmented portion of the flow spreads out around and across the nozzle until it
produces a pressure on the opposite half of the nozzle that subtracts from the desired side
force. This cross-interference tendency increases with rise in the ratio of injection flowrate
to motor flowrate. For a very low injection flowrate, the optimum injector position on the
nozzle wall is upstream and relatively close to the throat, but for larger injection flowrates
the optimum position is downstream from the throat nearer the nozzle exit (refs. 107 and
126). The most favorable injection point for a particular motor is an intermediate location
at which the total required program of thrust vectoring is accomplished with least
expenditure of liquid.
:The injector discharge (fig. 23) usually is directed upstream at angles ranging from 0 ° to
25 °. The 25 ° angle has been found to be optimum in subscale tests (refs. 108 and 109).
Pointing the liquid jets upstream produces several effects. The greater relative velocity
between the exhaust gas and the liquid jet shatters the droplets to a smaller size, thus aiding
evaporation and mixing. The injectant is delivered slightly upstream of the injection point,
an effect equivalent to moving the injection upstream by that amount. Directing the fluid
jet upstream along the wall reduces the depth of penetration of the jet and keeps the
injectant mixture and its higher pressures nearer the wall, where they will produce more side
force. If the jet is directed too close to the wall, at angles appreciably greater than +25 ° , the
beneficial effect of better mixing and improved positioning of the resulting higher pressure
region is more than cancelled out by losses (ref. 125). These losses probably result from a
reduction in the useful component of the injectant jet reaction force, loss in momentum of
the main gas stream due to more direct opposition by the fluid jet, and greater loss of fluid
momentum in the injector due to the larger diagonal passage through the nozzle wall.
The optimum injection location usually is closer to the throat than to the exit, with a value
of optimum X/L _ 0.3 being typical (X = distance from throat to the plane of the injector
ports, and L -- distance from throat to exit plane). Motors with submerged nozzles do not
permit injection at the optimum location, and a performance penalty is thus imposed. For
the Poseidon C3 motors, the penalty was so large that LITVC was eliminated from
consideration as a TVC system, and the flexible-joint TVC system was adopted.
The injection location parameter X/L, while simple and convenient for specifying injection
location, can be misleading when used in design, because it is only indirectly related to the
phenomena that cause the side force. Other parameters including the expansion ratio,
divergence angle, shock angle, and mixing-path dimensions are more directly related to the
LITVC effect.
Since the location and angle of injection strongly influence the LITVC side-force efficiency,
their effect is included in the system optimization calculations (sec. Examples of
curves presenting the effects of injector location and angle on side-force efficiency are
contained in references 108, 122, and 125.
In the system optimization calculations, the amount of liquid required is the parameter that
usually indicates the relative efficiency of each design concept considered. Not only is the
amount of liquid the largest item of weight that must be carried, but it determines, through
its equvalent volume, the size and weight of the tubing, injectors, and tankage. The latter is
usually the heaviest item of inert weight. Thus, the system design conceptJthat requires the
smallest amount of injectant liquid usually is the one shown to be gtOst desirable by the
optimization calculations. JJ
The amount of liquid required depends on the required vectoring program. A simple but
very conservative method for calculating the amount of liquid uses the worst combination
of maximum expected vectoring requirements. Statistically, such a combination is
extremely unlikely, since it provides for the most unfavorable type of event at every stage of
the flight including the most irregular launch or separation, the most severe weather and
wind shearsat all altitudes, the most eccentricpossiblealignment of vehicleweights,andthe
greatestnozzle misalignment.The statistical oddsfor this worst combination usually is very
small, typically lessthan 1 in 100000. This "worst-on-worst" method generallyhasresulted
in overestimatesof the total side impulse required and in design of systemsthat carry
grosslyexcessiveamountsof liquid. Sometimes,after flight experiencehad revealedthis fact
asin the Polaris A3 program,the amount of liquid loaded in the tank hasbeenreduced,but
useof an oversizedtank continued.
A better method of determining the amount of side impulse and therefore the amount of
liquid required for vectoring employs statistical techniquessuchasthe Monte Carlo method
(refs. 47, 127, and 128). By this method, the amount of liquid required is determinedasa
function of the probability that the vehicle will not run out of liquid before the vehicle
operation is completed. The calculation considersa random probable requirementfor each
separatepart of the vectoring program and sums eachpart to obtain the total amount of
injectant required. The calculation is repeatedmany times to develop a statistical basisfor
the amount of liquid to be carried. Preliminary estimatesof total sideimpulse required for
vectoring have been obtained by assuminga side force of 0.02 of total axial impulse for
first-stage motors, 0.01 of total axial impulse for second-stagemotors, and 0.006 of total
axial impulse for third-stagemotors.
In addition to the liquid that is neededfor vectoring, liquid is carried for ullage, filling of
pipes andvalves,andvalveoperation; someinjectant is lost when valvesoperate,becausethe
valves cannot open and close instantaneously. This unusable liquid is minimized by
designingthe tank, bladder, piping, and valvesto avoid trapping liquid and to haveonly the
flow volume required. Also, some valvesleak becauseof imperfect contact between the
pintle and the valveseat.This leakagecanbe minimized and with good designshould be too
smallto be included in establishingthe amount of liquid.
The total required storage tank capacity thus includes'the liquid for vectoring plus the
"unusable" liquid required for ullage, systemfill, valve operation, and possibly leakage.A
typical procedurefor determining the total amount of liquid is asfollows:
(2) Curves of estimated side specific impulse versus deflection angle are developed by
scaling and replotting available data (refs. 46, 108, 109, 121, 124, 125, and 129).
(3) The liquid needed for vectoring each specified deflection angleis calculatedby
dividing the side impulse required by the side specific impulse indicated on the
curve developed in (2). The amounts of liquid thus determined for the various
required anglesarethen summed.
(4) The amount of additional liquid required for ullage,filling of piping, leakage, and
similar needs is estimated and added to the above usable amount. For preliminary
calculations, this amount is sometimes estimated at 10 percent of the total usable
The liquid injectant in the system is kept under high pressures by gas that acts on the liquid
in the tank either through a bladder (fig. 23) or piston or directly (fig. 27). The supply of
compressed gas is made large enough so that when the liquid is expelled from the tank at the
largest expected flowrate, its displaced volume is filled by fresh gas at a flowrate and
pressure sufficient to ensure that the system pressure does not fall below its required level.
The amount of gas that must be supplied to pressurize the LITVC system 'during its
operation usually is determined in the final evaluation of a system concept, the pressure of
the system and the amount of liquid to be injected having already been established.
If the LITVC system is to be pressurized by inert gas, only the exact amount of gas needed
to expand into the volume occupied by the displaced injectant must be provided. The final
pressure should, of course, not be less than the required injection pressure level (sec. If pressurization gas is to be generated by burning solid propellant, more gas will be
required than that needed for liquid displacement. The amount of gas required is the
maximum expected gas demand rate integrated over the operating time. This demand rate is
determined from the maximum expected injectant flowrate, which in turn is obtained from
the "worst-on-worst" severe vectoring requirements taken at all times through the motor
operating time.
If a vectoring program requires only occasional side forces of short duration but large
magnitude and if these can occur over a wide time span, the required amount of generated
gas can be very much greater than that required to displace the ejected injectant. In some
cases, this excessive required amount has been reduced by taking advantage of excess tank
volume to act as a gas accumulator. In other cases, it has been found to be better to use
compressed inert gas.
The design of the components of the LITVC system is begun after the optimum LITVC
system concept has been developed; i.e., after the injectant has been selected; the injection
location, angle,maximum flowrate, orifice size and spacing,and systempressurehavebeen
determined;the amounts of injectant and pressurizationgashavebeen calculated; and the
approximate envelopeavailablefor the componentshasbeen checkedandbeenfound to be
reasonablyadequate.Component design,asconsideredin the following section,includesthe
detailed design of the LITVC systemas well as adaptation of the rocket motor for LITVC.
The componentsof a typical LITVC systemarethe injectors, fittings and piping, tanks with
or without bladders, gas supply for pressurization,meters to equalize tank drainage,and
provisions for disposal of surplus injectant. The complete LITVC assembly usually is
mounted around the nozzle on brackets that attach to the nozzle or the aft end of the
motor. Erosion may be moderate or severeat the injectant holesin the nozzle wall, and this
area may require special insulation and structure. Also, some form of heat barrier or
insulation usually is required to protect the LITVC components from the heat of the
exhaustplume. INJECTORS
The injectors are automatically operated valves in which the valve closure is located in a
streamlined discharge port, so that full injection system pressure is effective close to the
point of release; thus high discharge velocity is imparted to the liquid injected into the
hot-gas flow in the nozzle exit cone. The design of the injector critically affects LITVC
efficiency. A good injector injects liquid in a linear, nondiverging jet at the highest possible
velocity in order to impart high momentum to the fluid jet so that it interacts forcefully on
the supersonic gas stream, thereby causing a shock wave and maximum droplet breakup,
dispersion, and mixing (fig. 23).
A range of sizes and types of injectors is available from control-valve suppliers. These
injectors have been designed for use on various rocket motors for which LITVC was chosen
or considered as the means of vectoring.
Variable-orifice injectors. - The variable-orifice injector (figs. 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33) has
become the most widely used because of its operating flexibility and consequent ease of
adaptation to vehicle flight-control systems. Design features of this injector in various
applications are summarized in table XI.
This injector has a pintle gate that moves axially in the port to throttle the flow. The pintle
is approximately cone-shaped, so that when moved into the exit throat it reduces or closes
the ahnular orifice. Injector discharge can be modulated from almost zero flow to full flow.
Supply piping and passages usually are sized large enough to avoid pressure losses due to
flow resistance, so that even at high flowrates full system pressure reaches the liquid in the
injector valve and drives the jet through the orifice and into the nozzle. The orifice approach
and pintle of the injector are designed with streamlined contours so that the flow is
efficiently accelerated into a narrow, high-velocity stream. The injector pintle is controlled
_o 6) _I_ _ _ _ _ \ Electrical
L__pSri!!!ye_ line
I ..... Control
Control pressure
valve line
valve Nozzle not shown
! actuator t ransducer
;. "
• t Injector 2
Electric feedback
i;:| • i/_J
1 Servo torque motor )ply
_:,1 Hydraulic
control valve Control
L .....
Note: The first five systems listed are operational; the last was tested in a development program.
by a mechanism that provides variable control of the injector flow on command of electrical
signals from the vehicle flight control. The control signals may be analog (variable voltage)
or digital. The valve motor may 'be electric, hydraulic, or both. Usually it is electro-hydraulic
(table XI). In this case, the valve operation is controlled by a servo mechanism in which an
electrically operated pilot valve is used to admit pressurized hydraulic fluid to move the
valve closure or pintle and thus to modulate the flow (figs. 29 and 30). The servo-operated
injectors usually have three orifices and pintles (figs. 30, 32, and 33). Injectors with five
orifices and pintles have been designed and presumably could be fabricated. In some
electro-hydraulic systems, the pressurized injectant is used to provide hydraulic power to
operate the injectors (figs. 32 and 33).
In the Titan III and NASA 260-in. (6.6 m) systems, the injectors are operated by
electro-mechanical actuators (fig. 31). Adc electric motor moves the pintle axially. The
pintle position is sensed by a linear potentiometer connected to an electronic controller that
adjusts the dc current so that the pintle position matches the command from the flight
control system (ref. 47).
Fixed-orifice injector. -On-off fixed-orifice injectors have been tested in various LITVC
development programs and have been proposed for use, but to date no on-off system has
been developed to operational status for any solid propellant motor and only one for a
liquid propellant engine (Lance). The two potential advantages of the on-off injector are
high efficiency and light weight. The high efficiency is obtained if the valve gate or pintle is
withdrawn fully from a countoured orifice so that the flow of liquid is not obstructed by
the pintle but is accelerated and interacts with the gas with maximum force. The size of the
orifices must be made sufficiently small so that the jets break up and disperse close to the
wall where mixing and reacting produces greatest wall pressure. The light weight results
from the simple two-position actuation that requires no feedback for flowrate
modulation. (The Lance injector weighs 1.1 lbm (0.50 kg) and has a flow rate of 5.7 lbm/sec
(2.59 kg/sec) of hydrazine at 900 psi (6.21 MN/m 2).
Response time. - LITVC system response can be made very rapid. The four events included
in response are the electric vector signal, the actuator pintle movement,, the movement of
liquid through the injector into the nozzle, and the mixing and reacting of injectant with gas
in the. nozzle. The electric signal is almost instantaneous. The time for the actuator drive to
move the injector pintle takes the most time, typically 15 to 200 milliseconds. The liquid
flow begins when the pintle first opens and accelerates as the pintle completes its motion.
Time for the liquid to accelerate to full flow varies from 1 to 10 msec. The mixing and
reacting of the injectant with the nozzle gas is very rapid, ranging from less than 1 msec for
average-sizemotors to 2.5 msec for large motors such as the Titan III. The total response
time is the approximate sum of these times (note that injectant flow and pintle movement
times overlap) and can be as little as 22 msec (ref. 139 and table XI). A shorter response
time can be obtained by reducing the mass of the pintle, increasing the pintle drive force,
and increasing the injectant pressure.
Supplemental injector hardware. - Screens usually are installed in the liquid-supply piping
just upstream of the injector to catch any pieces of solid matter that might cause the valve
to malfunction.
In some cases, closures are used at the injection orifices to prevent loss of liquid during
storage or after system activation but before motor ignition. For example, the Titan III
LITVC system is designed to be capable of being held at launch readiness for up to 75 days.
The stored liquid is allowed to fill the entire system and is sealed from leakage loss at
injector outlets by pyroseals (fig. 27). Pyroseals are fluid-tight plugs that burn off about 1/4
sec after ignition (ref. 47).
The chief design features of liquid storage systems for operational LITVC systems are
summarized in table XII.
The liquid injectant is stored in one or more spherical, cylindrical, or toroidal tanks
typically made of stainless steel, titanium, or aluminum. Each tank usually is connected: to a
system supplying compressed gas to pressurize the liquid. The gas may be cold and inert,
usually nitrogen, or hot and reactive if generated by burning solid propellant.
A membrane or bladder usually is used in each tank to keep the gas separated from the
liquid and prevent the gas from mixing with, exchanging heat with, reacting with, or
bypassing the fluid. It is advantageous to eliminate the bladder if possible to reduce weight
and eliminate a development problem. The bladder can be eliminated if the pressurizing gas
and the liquid injectant are compatible and if the liquid is positively positioned over the
tank outlet as in the LITVC system of the Minuteman III third stage. This system uses
compressed helium to pressurize strontium perchlorate solution in a spherical tank. The
gravity and acceleration forces apparently are sufficient to hold the liquid over the tank
outlet. The bladder usually is a laminate of strong flexible plastic and fiber materials coated
with an injectant-resistant material. Typically the internal fiber web has provided the needed
mechanical strength and the facing plastic layers have provided thermal insulation on the gas
side and an inert permeable seal on the liquid side. Much effort has been expended on
bladder development, because the dependable separation of liquid and pressurizing gas has
been critical to the success of most systems. A ruptured bladder may allow pressurizing gas
to blow by the liquid and enter the piping to the injectors, thus causing loss of control
TABLE XH. - Chief Design Features of Liquid Storage Systems on Operational LITVC Systems-
NA Yes 139
134.5 200 Aluminum Toroidal Bladder(Viton Gas generator
Polaris A3 Freon 114-B2
reinforced with
second stage
NA Yes 228
134.5 259 Steel Toroidal Bladder (Viton Gas generator
Minuteman !i Freon 114-B2
(17-7PH) AVH reinforced
second stage
with Dacron)
3320 No 42
124.5 49.3 Ti-6AI-4V None Composed
Minuteman 111 Sr(Cl04)2 Spherical
helium gas
third stage (62% solution
in H20 )
NA No 221
134.5 160 Stainless Cylindrical Piston Gas generator
Freon 114-B2
55O0 No 8808
90.0 8170 Stainless Cylindrical Bladder (stain- Compressed
156-Inch N204
Notes: Status of systems and references for data are indicated in Table XI.
NA = not applicable
effectiveness and system pressure. The consequence of bladder failure also may be sudden
combustion of a reactive injectant. For example, in an LITVC test using lead perchlorate
injectant in a system in which the bladder was eliminated, an explosion resulted. A less
serious result has been the reduction of the pressurizing capacity of hot gas by loss of heat
directly to the fluid and consequent contraction of the gas. In bladder development work,
some of the best results have been obtained with laminated plastic and metal foil (refs. 115,
117, and 118).
A burst diaphragm at the tank outlet usually is used to seal the fluid in the tank during
storage. On system activation, the rise of pressure in the fluid tank breaks the diaphragm,
and fluid flows through the tubing and manifold and into the injectors.
A simpler alternate arrangement having neither a bladder nor a burst diaphragm stores the
liquid and the pressurizing gas in the same tank and relies only on gravity and acceleration
forces to position the fluid over the outlet. The Titan III system uses this system (fig. 27).
The supply tubing, the injectors, and about 2/5ths of the tank are filled with nitrogen
tetroxide fluid and then pressurized by addition of compressed nitrogen gas into the
remaining tank volume. Leakage from the injectors is prevented by pyroseals (ref. 47).
High-pressure gas required to pressurize the fluid is provided either by a tank of compressed
gas such as nitrogen or helium or by a solid-propellant gas generator (table XII). In some
systems, the same gas generator is used as a source of gas for roll-control jets.
The compressed gas system, if independent of the liquid tank, consists of a metal gas tank or
bottle of any convenient shape, a squib valve, and a pressure regulator valve. The initial
pressure of the gas is from two to seven times the liquid system operating pressure (tables X
and XI), so that after the gas tank has discharged the full amount needed, the tank pressure
is still greater than the required minimum system operating pressure. During motor
operation, the high gas pressure usually is reduced to the liquid system pressure by a
pressure-reducing valve in order to obtain reproducible valve operation and to avoid an
injection pressure so high that it will degrade side-thrust efficiency (ref. 116). If a common
liquid/gas tank is used (fig. 27), the initial gas pressure is made high enough so that after the
bulk of the liquid has been used, sufficient pressure still remains for effective operation.
With this _rangement, the initial injectant pressure is the same as the initial gas supply
pressure but becomes successively less during the TVC duty cycle. This reduced pressure will
cause a certain amount of wasted injectant due to off-peak LITVC efficiency (ref. 133);
also, in the case of electro-hydraulic valves operated by pressurized injectant, it will cause
variation in injector response time.
Usually the high-pressure tank is left empty during storage and handling of the motor and is
filled remotely just before launch. Otherwise, for the safety of personnel working near
pressurevessels,the tank must be madeheavyweight with a factor of safety ranging from
four to six. An advantageof pressurizingwith compressedinert gasis that no bladder or
other separationis needed,provided gravity or accelerationforces constantly hold the liquid
over the tank outlets for positive expulsion. The mixing of injectant vapor into inert
pressurization gas and the dissolving of pressurizing gas into injectant liquid are minor
problemsfor which allowancecanbe made(ref. 47).
Since adequategas flow must occur at all times whether gasis usedor not, significantly
more gasmust be produced than is neededto displacethe total storedliquid. Whenexcess
tank volume is provided to act as an accumulator, the total amount of gasrequiredcanbe
reduced becausegas produced at times of low liquid flow demand will be retained for a
limited time for useat times of largedemand.
The TVC pressurization system typically is activated either by firing a squib valveat the
compressedgas tank outlet or, if a gas generator is used, by igniting the gas-generator
propellant. In either casethe releasedpressureactsto break the tank outlet membraneseals
(if the tank is so sealed) to fill the lines and injectors rapidly and then provide high
momentum to the fluid jets dischargedinto the nozzleexhaustflow.
An LITVC systemis not activated until about a secondbefore motor ignition; however,if
the systemis activated but not launched,then the fluid and pressurizationdevicesmust be
replenishedbefore another launch can be attempted. An exception is the Titan III LITVC
system,which is filled with the fluid and pressurizedin the standbystate andrequiresonly
electrical activation and the burning off of sealsat the injector port opening(ref. 114).
When the system has two or more tanks, it is sometimes necessary to keep the weight of
liquid distributed evenly between the tanks to prevent the vehicle center of gravity from
shifting excessively. A device such as an interlocked flow-drive positive-displacement pump
is used to equalize the discharge from the tanks.
LITVC systems almost always use liquid at a rate lower than that provided for in the design.
This difference occurs because enough liquid must be carried for the worst possible flight
control situation. Actual flight thrust vectoring requirements vary from vehicle to vehicle
according to the mission requirements. Some flights needing little vectoring would be
penalized by having to carry the excess weight of the liquid and not benefiting from the
added thrust resulting from liquid injection. To prevent this unneeded liquid from
penalizing the vehicle performance as additional inert weight, provision is made to jettision
this liquid and obtain thrust from it during its disposal. Flow meters are installed in the
liquid lines to measure the amount of liquid used and an integrator sums the total amount
of liquid used. Flight control repeatedly compares the total used with the programmed use
and signals the injectors to expend the excess liquid uniformly around the nozzle so that the
motor thrust will be augmented without thrust deflection. The vehicle is lightened by
expenditure of the excess liquid and axial thrust is gained as the liquid leaves through the
injectors and the rocket exhaust.
Important advantages of LITVC are that it requires only light protection from the hot
exhaust jet and usually does not complicate the structural design of the motor or the gas
dynamic design of the nozzle. The design effort required to adapt the motor for LITVC is
simple and is limited to providing for (1) erosion in the nozzle around the injection ports,
(2) shielding of LITVC system components from exhaust plume heating, and (3) possible
structural reinforcement of the nozzle and motor aft end to accommodate the fixed loads of
the LITVC system and the dynamic loads due to vectoring. The non-axisymmetric pressure
in the nozzle due to injection must be provided for in the nozzle design. This pressure
creates circumferential bending of the nozzle in a direction in which the nozzle typically has
low stiffness. The exit cone diameter will increase in the direction of injection and decrease
in the direction at right angles to injection. In large nozzles of lightweight construction, the
exit-cone structure may have to be increased.
Provisions for erosion. - The injection ports are the holes in the nozzle liner through which
the liquid jets are injected into the exhaust-gas flow. The injector orifices are safely recessed
within the injection ports in the wall of the nozzle (figs. 29, 30, and 31). The interface
between the injector and the nozzle structure usually contains a gas-tight sealsuch as an
The wall of the nozzle around and downstream of the injection ports erodes abnormally to
produce a characteristic pattern of grooves and ridges (fig. 34). Typically, there are two
deep grooves that begin on each side of an injector port and extend aft (sometimes
spreading out in a V-pattern), a crescent of moderate erosion around the leading edge of the
port, and a ridge of almost uneroded surface extending directly aft from the port. The
chemical and gas dynamic effects that produce these effects have been studied by analysis
and test (ref. 119).
The amount of erosion depends on the reactivity of the injectant and the type of ablative
material. If a reactive injectant such as strontium perchlorate is used, the entire wall area
over which the exhaust-gas/injectant mixture passes usually has greater than normal erosion;
typically, this erosion will be twice normal or more. Low-cost materials were considered for
the 260-in. (6.6 m) motor, but subscale tests showed that these materials would be severely
eroded (ref. 119).
An inert injectant such as Freon will produce a cooling effect, and erosion will be less than
if there were no injection from the hole at all. However, at the outer edge of the mixture
region where the shock wave contacts the wall, the erosion is increased slightly over normal.
The edges of holes through which the injectant enters the nozzle can be subject to very
severe erosion by the hot exhaust gas; this erosion usually is concentrated on the
downstream edges of the holes. If erosion is allowed to degrade the geometry of the
injection port and the adjacent nozzle wall, LITVC performance may be reduced (ref. 47).
The holes usually are tapered conically and are just large enough to accommodate the liquid
jet so that gas circulation and consequent heating in the hole will be minimized. Holes that
are relatively small, having diameters less than about six times the boundary layer thickness,
erode only moderately, because the supersonic gas stream tends to skip over the hole.
However, large holes erode severely and are subject to a high rate of heat transfer on their
downstream edge, because the high-velocity gas impinges against the downstream edge as if
against an obstacle (refs. 134 and 135). This hole-size effect has provided a reason for using
a large number of small orifices in addition to that of obtaining greater side-specific-impulse
efficiency. The problem of erosion in the immediate region of the injection ports has been
overcome by making the holes as small as possible, and by use of inserts of erosion-resistant
material such as graphite/phenolic. This method was used in the A3 Polaris second-stage and
Minuteman III third-stage motors. Data on erosion of nozzle liners due to LITVC are given
in reference 119.
Thermal protection of LITVC system. - The LITVC system must be protected from heating
by radiation and sometimes by gas circulation from the rocket jet plume. In some instances,
this heating has been sufficiently great that liquid in unprotected tanks and tubing boiled,
! _ _iiiiii ii i iii_i_!ii¸¸ i i i_ i ii!ii i!i¸¸_¸ii¸_i_i¸ii ii_ii!i_i
il_ i i iiii_i ii_ • _iiiiiii_i_
¸_¸i i_iii! ! i_i_%_i_i_i
control circuitry burned and malfunctioned, and bracketry and pressure vessels failed.
However, the problem is easily solved, since the heating is passive and accompanied by only
weak or negligible gas flow. Adequate protection has been obtained by light insulation such
as a thin layer of sheet cork or rubber. Sometimes a panel is installed between the exhaust
plume and the LITVC components (fig. 28(b)).
The dynamic loads caused by LITVC are the direct result of injection of liquid into the
nozzle. The liquid jet produces a reaction thrust like a small rocket motor. This reaction
amounts to a significant fraction of the total side force. It is withstood by the injector
mounts to which the injectors are bolted and the adjacent nozzle structure.The emerging jet
both blocks and mixes with the flow to produce a pattern of local loads on the nozzle wall
(figs. 23, 24, and 25).
The character of this load can be best understood by considering the nature of the liquid
injection effect in detail. Close to the hole, the jet acts like a solid object in blocking the
main flow. A detached bow shock forms upstream of each jet and causes a large and abrupt
increase in wall pressure upstream and along the sides of each injection port. Fluid dynamic
shear breaks the drops of liquid into tiny droplets that rapidly evaporate and mix with the
exhaust gas. This mass, thus added and mixed, increases the density and pressure in the local
gas flow. If the liquid is chemically reactive, it adds thermal energy to the local portion of
the main flow, which further increases its pressure. In either case, this portion of the
exhaust flow that has been augmented by liquid injection expands and accelerates in a
manner similar to, but more energetically than, the rest of the exhaust flow. It thus
undergoes a greater change in local momentum than do normal (unaugmented) portions of
the exhaust flow, and this change is transmitted to the nozzle wall as increased pressure. The
increase of wall pressure due to addition of injectant mass and energy to the gas stream
travels with the flow all the way to the nozzle exit, spreading out in a broad fan-shaped area
(fig. 24). , ;
The forces described combine to produce the total thrust vector control force caused by
liquid injection. If the liquid is reactive, the total side force is 11/2 to 3 times greater than
that produced with an inert injectant. The increase is due to higher pressures resulting from
reaction of the injectant with the gas. Comparative breakdowns of these effects are shown in
table XIII.
A method that has been used for estimating these forces and their distribution on the nozzle
wall is presented in reference 136. LITVC operation produces asymmetric pressure loads on
Table XIII. - Side Force Composition for Inert and Reactive Injectants
(refs. 124 and 127)
the nozzle equal to the vectoring side force. These loads usually are widely distributed and
cause stresses that are not significant increases to the stresses due to symmetric gas flow.
Other load conditions, including handling and assembly, ground level thrust, altitude thrust,
vibration, and thermal loads, result in exit-cone designs that are more than adequate to
withstand asymmetric LITVC loads. However, as mentioned previously, the asymmetric
loads due to LITVC are usually the primary loads for large-expansion-ratio nozzles with thin-
wall exit cones designed for minimum weight.
It is general practice to predict the heating, erosion, and load conditions by calculation.
Pertinent test data are then used to check the accuracy of the calculated results, particularly
those for erosion, and sometimes to evaluate the validity of empirical constants used in the
calculations. The results of the analyses are used to modify the design, if necessary, to
ensure operating integrity.
Use of test data dominates all phases of LITVC performance analysis from the early
conceptual design to full-scale operation, because the technology of the LITVC effect is still
basically empirical. Early in a development effort, data are obtained from the literature.
These data are generalized by nondimensionalizing, cross-related by plotting, and then are
transformed to the new operating conditions by use of relationships based on physical laws.
This method results in some unavoidable errors. Later, subscale tests are conducted to
provide data under conditions that are similar to those of the particular design problem.
Finally, the full-scale rocket motor is tested with its LITVC system, and its vectoring
capability is demonstrated. Operating-capability tests are routine procedures to ensure that
the LITVC system operates as designed.
In the early stages of the development period when optimization and tradeoff studies are
being made to determine the general configuration of the motor system, the only LITVC
performance data usually available are those generated in previous LITVC development
programs. Data from at least ten LITVC development efforts are available (refs. 46, 48, 50,
51,107, 109, 121, 122, 124, through 127, 129, 133, and 137 through 142). These data usually
are reduced to standard plots and correlations (sec. for comparison with the
particular motor being designed and for generating performance estimates for new systems.
The methods of plotting and correlating LITVC data generally involve converting the data
and parameters to dimensionless ratios that eliminate factors of secondary importance for
LITVC (e.g., the parameters of the main rocket motor). Thus, thrust vector capability is
expressed as side-force specific impulse, the thrust vector deflection is the ratio Fs/Fa, and
the injection rate becomes the ratio of injectant flowrate to nozzle exhaust flowrate.
Similarly, the location of the injection port in the nozzle is expressed as the ratio of its
distance from the throat to the distance from the throat to the exit (X/L). In the resulting
plots (figs. 35 through 42), different sets of data appear as different curves and represent
different basic efficiencies; the upper curve invariably indicates the more efficient injectant
or condition.
The most popular and generally useful plot is that of side specific impulse versus the ratio of
side force to axial force or deflection angle (figs. 35, 37, and 42). The data are presented in
a form that is ready for use in estimating the fluid required and the maximum flowrates
The next most common plot presents the ratio of side force to axial force (or deflection
angle) versus the ratio of injectant flowrate to exhaust-gas flowrate (figs. 36 and 38). This
plot is not as convenient for use by the designer of analyst, but has the redeeming feature
that it reduces the scatter in data from motors that have varying chamber pressures and
weight flowrates and, consequently, is useful for comparing data from diverse sources or
160 i
O_ I
O Freon I14-B2 injectant
! \
_o i
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Fs/F a
L I I I I I 0
0o I° 2° 3° 4°
0 Fs/Fa
Constant pressure,variable
area injection Pc = 728 Ibf/in. 2 (5.019 MN/m 2)
Six orifices
50 _
Motor parameters (except for N_O 4)
O P = 375 Ibf/in.2( 2.586 MN/m_)
/ Freon I14-B2
e = I0
a = 17.5 °
2° --
jo j F a = 1080 Ibf (4804.1 N)
Wa = 4.0 Ibm/sec (1.814 kg/sec)
LOX/RP-I propellant
10 --
Injection parameters
_nj = 2.45
X/L = 0.3
00 _
@ = 0°
0 0.04 0.08 O. 12 0.16 Triple orifice
OLo.5 in.
Injectant flowrate i(1.27 cm)
Exhaust-gas flowrate
Figure 36. - Comparison of performance of inert and reactive injectants (data from refs. 121 and 142).
300 !
-j I
cO % i
' 260
_ _ 24o
"_ x 220
L -I
_ 2oo
¢ = 25 °
¢= 0o
Figure 37. - Effects of injection location and angle on injectant specific impulse (ref. 108).
0 Fs/F a
I 1 1 I
Sr (Cl 04) 2 injectant
4 ° _
// f
3o_ b
/ 0 Pinj
= 1500
2 (10.34
2 (5.516 MN/m2)
/_ Pinj
2° -
0 O_
0 0.I 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 i .0
Injectant flowrate
Exhaust-gas flowrate
a = 20 ° = 25 °
Figure 38. - Effect of injectant flowrate and injection pressure on side force (ref. 108).
0 Fs/F a
Freon i13 injectant
4 °-
2 ° --
i o --
00 -- i
do/d t = 0.073
A _s/_a = 0.2
Single orifice injection
e = i0
_s/_a = 0.3
Pc = 375 Ibf/ino 2 (2.586 MN/m 2)
_= 0° <> _s/X_a = 0.4
Figure 39. - Effect of injection location and orientation on side force for different injectant flowrates
(adptd. from ref. 109).
140 ! !
Constant injectant flowrate,Ws/W a : 0.05
I e = l0 Original data '
m /
Transformed data
0 400 800 1200 1600 2OO0
_e : 7 _me : I0
einj: 2.1 ein j: 2.4
_: 25 ° _ = 0°
Pc = 800 ibf/in. 2 P = 375 ibf/in.
(5.516 MN/m 2) c (2.586 MN/m 2)
900 I I
Freon I14-B2 injectant
I 3 annular
o _One ann_u
lar orifice
4OO /
Note: Orifices located on a
circumferential line on nozzle wall
/ 2 4 6 8 I0 12
(kg/sec x 2.2046)
X i
_ = 290' 2 = 16°
Design cur
0 Pc = 400 ibf/in. 2 _2.758 MN/m 2)
_Q Pinj = 800 ibf/in. (5.516 MN/m 2)
I I ; i I e
0o io 2° 3° 4°
The LITVC performance data accumulated from previous LITVC development programs
represent motor configurations and operating conditions that are different from those of the
motor and LITVC system being designed and, therefore, cannot be applied without
modification. The data is transformed from the original test conditions to the new design
conditions by applying one or more physical laws that appear to be dominant.
For inert liquids the momentum of the injected flow relative to the total nozzle gas flow has
been shown to be the factor that could be used to predict the changes in side specific
impulse due to changes in flowrate, pressure, or density (ref. 107). An example of the
momentum principle used to transform data through a change in nozzle expansion ratio is
shown in figure 40.
For reactive injectants, energy release is the dominant effect. Accordingly, the most
successful data-transformation methods are based on the relative enthalpies and the fraction
of the nozzle occupied by the energized flow (refs. 143 through 146). Figure 43 illustrates
this method for transforming data collected for one reactive injectant. Side specific impulse
is correlated with a parameter representing nozzle pressure and thermal energy and the
residence time available for injectant mixing and reacting.
The effects of changes in nozzle geometry such as divergence angle, contour, and expansion
ratio have been transformed by use of geometric, gas dynamic, and oblique shock wave
relationships. Some of the changes in nozzle geometry and injection geometry and spacing
can be transformed by simple geometric or vector summation methods (ref. 107).
For changes in injector location or nozzle length, the coefficient of thrust relationship,
separated into portions that are in or out of the injection region, can be used. The injection
effect can then be assumed to change in proportion to the fraction of the motor thrust that
originates in the injection region. This approach tends to favor injection at upstream
locations in the nozzle, making it necessary to include a calculation of the degrading effect
on the side force of the shock wave caused by injection when the shock wave reaches the
other side of the nozzle (refs. 107, 126, and 147).
A variety of computer programs for predicting the LITVC effect exist, but not one of them
has adequately predicted the side force effect, because these programs are limited in the
range of phenomena that they represent and the realism of their results. Some of the
assumptions on which they are based are linearized supersonic flow with mass, bulk, or
energy addition; displacement without mixing; boundary-layer separation and induced
shock; droplet breakup, vaporization, and bulk formation; mixing, vaporization, and
reaction with momentum interchange; and liquid breakup, mixing, vaporization,
thermochemistry, and shock generation. Use of these computer programs has been inhibited
Sr(Cl04) 2 injectant
Nozzle parameters
Note: The correlation shown should be considered valid only within the range of
Figure 43. - Correlation of injectant specific impulse with key nozzle parameters
by lack of correlation with test data. Therefore, the general practice has been to use
empirical correlations for transforming data (ref. 51).
Early in the development period, the designer needs only approximate parametric
information on which to define optimization studies and preliminary designs. Existing
LITVC data are employed as far as possible, transformation-correlating methods being used
to transform the data to the current design problem. The transformed data are approximate
at best and contain errors that are in proportion to the differences between the motors from
which the data came and the motor being designed. As the design proceeds, better data are
needed; these data usually are obtained from tests of scale models of the motor nozzle with
a variety of LITVC arrangements that are in the range of design interest. There is little
scaling problem involved in translating small-scale model data to a full-scale counterpart.
Figure 35 shows LITVC data obtained from small-scale tests compared with data from a
full-scale motor.
A small-scale test series includes ranges of variation in the test conditions that will provide
sufficient data for construction of the plots and correlations needed to establish the
pertinent design parameters (sec. Also, the small-scale motor is designed with
features that represent its larger counterpart in propellant gas properties, nozzle geometry,
injection geometry, and ambient pressures.
A full-scale test of a LITVC system is conducted at the first opportunity, usually the first
static test of the full-scale rocket motor. In the full-scale tests, errors of data transformation
and scaling are eliminated and possible LITVC design changes are detected and defined by
high-confidence data at the earliest time. Static tests are usually conducted with the motor
in the horizontal or vertical position. The orientation of the motor is considered in selecting
the orientation of the LITVC tank and plumbing for the static test to allow for the change
in direction of gravity force on the liquid.
The operating capability of the parts and components of the LITVC system are regularly
determined at various stages of manufacture, assembly, storage, and launch preparation. The
tank and bladder, tubing, fittings, flow meters, and check valves have been shown to be
relatively insensitive to malfunction after they have been tested to demonstrate specified
quality and operability.
The most critical components are the injector valves and the pressurization system because
they are sensitive to malfunction. Surveillance tests to monitor the operating capability of
these components have been developed (ref. 46). The injectors are evaluated in bench tests
with an inert liquid (e.g., Freon) that evaporates and leaves the components clean. While this
evaluation is not fully representative of actual conditions, it is sufficient because it provides
an effective functional test of the components without degrading them. If a reactive or
nonevaporating injectant is used in bench testing, thorough cleaning after testing is
necessary. After assembly and installation of the injector valves and pressurization system
on the motor, these components are tested by actuating the injector valves and checking the
response through the electric feedback loop. These tests are repeated when desired during
storage or launch readiness.
When a gas generator is used to pressurize the injectant, the igniter squib is checked at low
voltage for continuity and resistance. If a tank of inert gas at high pressure is used, the gas
pressure is monitored by pressure gages. The squib valve at the outlet of the inert-gas tank is
checked for electrical continuity and resistance.
A complete check of injector valves sometimes is conducted while the system is on the
rocket motor; this check is accomplished by connecting an auxiliary supply of pressurized
liquid into the LITVC system, actuating the injectors, and noting the response. The liquid
used is inert and evaporative to avoid contaminating the system.
By the means discussed above, it is possible to check the function of all critical LITVC
components after the system has been installed and charged with injectant and gas but
without activating it or disturbing its launch readiness.
Recommended Practices
3.1.1 Configuration
The basic motor and vehicle joint design parameters (motor pressure, vector anglel actuation
rate, actuation acceleration, flight inertia loads, envelope constraints, mass properties,
environmental conditions) should form the basis for the initial joint design. Whenever
possible, the joint design parameters should be provided as explicit design points to the joint
designer. Otherwise, these interdependent design points must be established on the basis of
optimization analyses. The following procedure is recommended for establishing the
optimum joint design (i.e., the least expensive joint that satisfies all mission objectives
without violating any imposed restraints):
(1) Calculate the required nozzle vector angle that will produce a side force at some
reference position consistent with the vehicle performance requirements.
(3) Vary the independent design parameters - motor pressure, joint actuation torque,
pivot point, and cone angle- and determine their influence on joint design,
nozzle design, motor performance, and cost if considered. Continue to perform
tradeoff and optimization analyses to obtain the near-optimum values of the
independent parameters for use in the final design.
Since no parametric weight-scalingequationsare availablefor flexible joints, the
basic joint design should be varied geometrically for pivot position, joint
diameter, and cone angle; and the effect of these parameters on weight at
different motor pressures and spring torques should be calculated. Conduct
structural analyses,using the empirical relationships of section 2.1.5 to establish
joint component thicknesses.Layout drawings of the nozzle andjoints should be
prepared and compared with envelope constraints to establish limits for joint
geometry as a function of pressureand spring torque. The joint weights as a
function of motor pressure, spring torque, and geometric limits should be
included in motor andvehicleoptimization computerprograms.
(4) Make new layout drawings basedon the near-optimum values of the operating
parameters and check to ensure that computer-predicted weights, lengths and
volumes,and performancesarevalid. To ensurethe validity of the design,perform
necessary calculations external to the generalized computer program; e.g.,
structural analysis(sec.2.1.5), detailed weight calculations,and grain design.
The dependent design parameters considered in sections and, the
independent design parametersconsidered in section, the material properties (sec.
3.1.3), and other important parametersincluding internal pressure,axial load on the joint,
flight loads, and loads resulting from the particular motor or vehicle configuration (sec.
3.1.4) should be included in the optimization analysis to the extent required by the
particular application.
The values for the inner and outer joint angles _1 and {32 shall ensure that the
joint can operate as required.
It is recommended that the flexible joint be designed so that angle/3_ is not less than 40 °
nor greater than 45 °, and angle _2 is not less than 45 ° nor greater than 55 °. (All successful
joints to date have operatedbetweentheselimits, but joints with largervaluesfor/31 and t32
may be possible). To reduce spring torque, the difference (/32 -t31) should be a minimum
consistent with the allowable stresses in the elastomer and reinforcements and any axial
compression requirements.
The total actuation torque -consisting of foint spring torque, frictional torque,
offset torque, inertial and gravitational torques, and aerodynamic torques - shall
be less than the torque available from the actuator.
The total actuation torque is the summation of all the contributing torques, each of which is
dependent on the specific design of both nozzle and motor. It is recommended that each
contributing torque, including the variability of the torque constituents, be calculated for
the full range of motor service life. The service life consists of (1) vectoring for checkout at
zero motor pressure and (2) vectoring over the entire range of motor operating pressures.
Use the maximum actuation torques (nominal plus maximum variability) thus obtained to
determine total required actuation torque, and compare this value with the capability of the
actuation system. A valid statistical analysis is not possible at this point of design, since the
necessary statistical data will not be available until a joint is designed, built, and tested.
The ]oint spring torque shall be the minimum required to fulfill motor operating
The joint spring torque should be calculated by the methods of section; use
material properties obtained in a subscale test program (sec. To establish the range
of probable variability in spring torque, calculate the joint spring stiffness at zero motor
pressure for the maximum and minimum elastomer shear modulus. This range should be
assumed to exist at all motor operating pressures.
The spring torque at the maximum value of shear modulus is used in the design of the
actuator. The spring torque at the minimum value of shear modulus affects design of the
control system. If the joint is to be vectored to different angles during motor operation,
take advantage of the reduction in spring torque due to motor pressure to reduce the
actuation power requirements. Calculations using the average elastomer shear modulus must
be made of the joint spring torque during motor firing. The expected variability calculated
at zero motor pressure must be superimposed on the average values to establish the
maximum and minimum spring torques. It is desirablethat the minimum spring torque be
sufficiently large to prevent a negative joint spring stiffness due to pressure.If a joint
designedto be vectored at pressureis to be vectoredat zero pressureduring motor preflight
checkout, the vector angle at checkout must not result in a joint spring torque greaterthan
that occurring during motor operation.
The joint shall demonstrate coulomb and viscous friction consistent with the
stability of the flight control system.
Neither the coulomb friction nor the viscous friction can be estimated for preliminary
design. Both frictions should be measured during a static firing. It is recommended that a
time of relatively constant motor pressure be selected and that the nozzle be actuated at
three or four different rates. The wave form should be sinusoidal and run for at least IIA
cycles at each rate to avoid the force transients that occur at the start and stop points. Plot
actuator force variation with either vector angle or actuator stroke for one cycle at each
actuation rate, and determine the average actuator force at zero-degrees vector angle (fig.
14(a)). The test data should be smoothed and the actual instantaneous actuation rate at
zero-degrees vector angle determined either by calculation or by use of a plot of vector angle
Variation with time. The variation of actuator force at zero vector angle with actuation rate
should be plotted; record the zero intercept as the coulomb friction and the slope as viscous
friction (fig. 14(b)).
A value for offset torque cannot be calculated unless air cold-flow tests are conducted to
determine pressure distributions around the movable nozzle. For joints up to 22 in. (55.88
cm), the offset torque is small compared with the joint spring torque, and it is
recommended that it be ignored in estimating actuation torque. For larger joints, an
assessment should be made of the offset torque, pivot-point movement (sec. being
considered and worst-on-worst tolerances being assumed. The offset torque should also be
measured during the bench test program. It is recommended that the offset torque be kept
at a minimum by maintaining minimum tolerances consistent with design practice, cost
requirements, and motor requirements.
The actuator torque shall provide for the maximum torque due to the inertia of
the moving nozzle.
The inertial torque should be estimatedfrom the massof the movablenozzle assumedto be
rotating about the geometric pivot point. It is recommendedthat half of the weight of the
flexible joint be included with the movable section in calculating movable nozzle weight,
center of gravity, and dynamic moment of inertia. It is recommendedthat the maximum
inertial torque be included in the actuation torque.
The actuator torque shall provide for the maximum torque due to vehicle
Calculate the axial and lateral accelerations at the nozzle center of gravity that result from
vehicle pitch and yaw. The torques acting at the geometric pivot point due to these
accelerations should be calculated in the same manner as for inertial torque. It is
recommended that the maximum gravitational torque be included in the actuation torque.
The insulating boot must be fabricated such that it has a minimum stiffness (product of
modulus of elasticity and thickness) and yet is thick enough to satisfy insulation
requirements. If a material such as silica-filled butadiene acrylonitrile rubber is used, the
insulating boot must be the bellows type, whereas if a silicone rubber such as DC 1255 is
used, a wrap-around insulating boot (fig. 7) will result in low boot torques. However, it is
recommended that even with this material a bellows-type boot be used when the envelope
It is difficult to estimate the insulating-boot torque. For joints up to 30 in. (76.2 cm) in
diameter, with a bellows fabricated of silica-filled butadiene acrylonitrile rubber, it is
recommended that the insulating-boot torque be assumed to be 35 percent of the joint
spring torque. With the same insulating-boot material for joints approximately 90 in. (2.29
m) in diameter, it is recommended that the insulating-boot torque be assumed to be 15
percent of the joint spring torque. For designs using low modulus silicone rubber, it is
recommended that the insulating-boot torque be assumed to be 25 percent of the joint
spring torque.
The aerodynamic torque must be estimated as a function of vector angle, motor pressure,
and propellant grain/nozzle configuration for the maximum expected vector angles during
motor operation. The torque should be determined from a knowledge of the pressure
distribution along the nozzlesurfaces,using the methods outlined in section2. (i.e.,
air cold-flow testsor two-dimensionalmethod of characteristics).
When a joint has a forward pivot point, the total aerodynamictorque must be addedto the
actuation torque, so that the actuator can be sized properly. When a joint has an aft pivot
point, the aerodynamictorque should be ignored.
The external aerodynamic torque shall not cause a negative actuation torque
during flight.
For all motors in which the nozzle is not shrouded by a motor case skirt, the external
aerodynamic torque in the high dynamic pressure region that occurs during flight must be
estimated. This torque should be determined from a knowledge of the pressure distribution
along the nozzle external surfaces and should be calculated in the same manner as the
internal aerodynamic torque. The total aerodynamic torque stiffness in the high dynamic
pressure region must be less than the joint spring stiffness to ensure positive actuation.
The vector angle shall be large enough to cause sufficient side force for vehicle
The vector angle required for steering either must be given in the motor requirements or
calculated from a trajectory analysis that considers pitching requirements and worst-case
winds. A method for calculating the required vector angle is given in reference 149.
If the vector angle is given in the motor requirements, the control-force moment arm
(normal distance from the line of action of the motor thrust for a vectored nozzle to the
vehicle center of gravity) or the required steering moment must be stated as a requirement.
It is assumed that the side force causing a steering moment acts through the effective pivot
point, and the effective pivot point should be calculated; from this location, the geometric
pivot point should be determined. The geometric pivot point should be as far aft as possible
consistent with optimum vehicle performance. However, envelope restrictions on actuators
and exit cone movement must be considered. It is recommended that a forward pivot point
be used for nozzles with little or no submergence, and an aft pivot point be used for
submerged nozzles because the exit cone movement requires less envelope.
Clearances between the movable and fixed nozzle components shall allow for the
effects of axial deflection.
Joint axial deflection is the compressive response of the flexible joint that occurs when the
motor is pressurized. The clearances between the movable and fixed nozzle components
must be sized to allow for this movement as well as for rotational movement of the nozzle.
The required clearances should be studied through the use of two layouts overlaid to show
the nozzle as it deflects axially and in the vectored position.
The axial deflection should be calculated with a finite-element analysis (sec. that
considers the geometric changes of the joint during loading in at least four increments of
loading. As soon as possible in the program, a joint should be bench tested to measure the
axial-deflection characteristics and obtain the axial compressive spring stiffness. The axial
spring stiffness must be known for the design of the guidance control system.
The nozzle shall have a vectoring misalignment at zero pressure that results in
alignment at a selected motor pressure.
The nozzle must be assembled in the motor at some vector angle such that the vectoring
caused by motor pressure and fixed length actuators will result in alignment at a selected
motor pressure. It is recommended that the pressure at which alignment occurs be the
average pressure during which nozzle vectoring occurs.
Efforts should be made during the joint design to estimate the amount of misalignment that
occurs in a nozzle, since the orientation of the actuator to the nozzle could result in
excessive misalignment angles. A recommended procedure for estimating misalignment is as
(1) Estimate the axial compression of the joint (sec. and the approximate
effective pivot point (sec. during motor pressurization.
(2) Estimate the joint spring torque stiffness (sec. during motor
(3) Assuming that the nozzle is aligned at zero pressure, determine graphically the
nozzle vectoring misalignment as the motor is pressurized to maximum expected
operating pressure.
(4) Assume that the nozzle misalignment required at zero motor pressure is the same
as the misalignment that occurs at the selected zero-misalignment pressure, and
calculate the actuator null length.
The actuator null length must be checked during the static firing test program. The
recommendedprocedureto determinethe actuator null length is asfollows:
(1) Estimate the effective pivot point at the motor pressureat which the nozzle and
motor center lines are to be aligned (sec.
(2) Align the nozzle to the motor at the pressurefrom item (1), and calculate the
vector angleand actuator length at zero motor pressure,consideringthat the pivot
point movesfrom the effective pivot to the geometricpivot point.
(3) Prior to the firing, actuatethe nozzle in the motor and determine the vector angle
: per inch of actuator stroke.
(4) For the static firing, set the actuator length as determined in item (2) and measure
the vector angle change of the nozzle at various motor pressures during the firing,
the pressures being selected to give as wide a range as possible with the actuators
held at the trial length from item (2) for at least one half-second.
(5) Compare the pre-firing and firing data to calculate the amount of zero-pressure
The nozzle shall not be subject to excitation at its natural frequency of vibration.
The stiffnesses of all parts of the nozzle should be designed so that their natural frequencies
are higher than the natural frequency of the hydraulic actuator system. If the nozzle natural
frequency is almost equal to the natural frequency of the actuator system, coupling of the
nozzle and the actuator system will occur and will produce instability. If the nozzle natural
frequency is less than the natural frequency of the actuator, coupling with the guidance
system will occur. Further, the nozzle natural frequency must be greater than the natural
mechanical frequencies of the motor and vehicle to ensure that no coupling that could cause
destructive failure of the nozzle results.
The natural frequency of the nozzle and motor assembly should be measured prior to static
firing. The assembly should be subjected to a frequency range determined from
consideration of the control system response, but if this is not known, it is recommended
that a frequency range from 2 to 100 Hz be tested. If the motor is too large for practical
frequency response tests, the natural frequency must be calculated. When the natural
frequency is known, a notch filter should be incorporated into the control system to
suppress vectoring commands at or near the natural frequency.
Protect the joint with an insulating boot or with sacrificial ablative protectors (fig. 7). The
insulation material must be sufficiently thick to withstand the erosion by the flow of the
hot motor gases and maintain the joint at allowable temperature. An insulating boot must
be sufficiently thin to minimize the additional torque component due to the boot. If the
motor envelope allows space, it is recommended that a radiation shield (fig. 7(a)) be used to
shade the insulation boot from the hot motor gas. This practice allows use of thinner, more
pliant boot materials that reduce the boot torque. Provide a clearance gap between the
radiation shield and the fixed nozzle component to allow for joint axial deflection and
vectoring. For the radiation shield to be effective, the gap must be located in a stagnant
region in order to minimize circumferential flow of the motor gas as the joint is vectored.
The gap between sacrificial thermal protectors (fig. 7(b)) must be sufficient to prevent
contact of adjacent protectors as a result of vectoring or motor pressure; otherwise,
additional torque is generated. It is recommended that the joint protectors be located in a
stagnant region in order to reduce the size of the protectors and to minimize circumferential
flow of the motor gas as the joint is vectored.
The joint elastomeric material shall not be subject to adverse effects of aging and
oxidation during pre-fabrication and post-fabrication storage.
To minimize changes in joint performance, select elastomeric materials for which long-term
aging data are available. To protect the joint against changes in the elastomer properties at
surfaces exposed to ozone or oxygen, it is recommended that the joint be covered by an
impervious coating such as chlorobutyl rubber or Hypalon.
The 'joint shall not leak when subjected to either a pressure load or a combined
pressure and vectoring load.
Quantitative criteria for the debonded area have not been established. It is recommended
that the photographs presented in figures 44 and 45 be used as a guide. Figure 44(a) shows
an acceptable joint, figure 44(b) shows a marginally acceptable joint, and figure 45 shows
two examples of unacceptable joints. ELASTOMERS
The elastomeric material shall possess at least the minimum mechanical properties
needed for structural loading at the critical motor pressure, vector angle,
actuation rate, and joint temperature, as imposed by design factors of safety.
The important mechanical properties to consider in the selection of the elastomeric material
are secant shear modulus at 50 psi (0.345 MN/m 2 ), shear strength, and bonding to the metal
reinforcements - all measured in a quadruple-lap shear specimen tested at the appropriate
shear strain rate and operating temperature (sec. The effect of compression on the
shear properties should be determined if joint instability due to motor pressure is a potential
problem (ref. 78 and sec. The materials should be selected on the basis that the
minimum values for these mechanical properties at the critical motor pressure, vector angle,
actuation rate, and joint temperature are not less than those required to withstand the
maximum joint loading as evaluated by appropriate structural analyses (sec. 2.1.5).
The specific material mechanical properties should be established from pre-existing test data
on the selected elastomer material, or these properties should be established from specimen
tests (sec. Materials that have been used in successful joint programs are given in
The specific material mechanical properties should be established from existing data that are
representative of the selected material, or these properties should be established by
evaluation of specimen tests. Steel or composite materials are recommended as
reinforcements. Aluminum alloys should also be considered for reinforcements but only if
composite reinforcements are impractical.
The adhesive bond system shall possess at least the minimum mechanical
properties needed for structural loading at the critical motor pressure and vector
angle; as imposed by design factors of safety.
To ensure that the adhesive bond system is stronger than the elast0mer material, all failures
in a specimen test program (sec. must be cohesive. The processing of the specimen
must be as nearly identical to that of the joint as possible. To maintain the quality of the
adhesive bond system, controls on the system materials must be established. Systems
recommended for use with injection-molded joints, compression-molded joints, and
secondary-bonded joints are described in section
The joint thermal-protection materials shall possess at least the minimum thermal
properties needed to maintain joint temperatures at or below allowable limits.
The important thermal properties for the joint thermal-protection materials are low thermal
diffusivity, high heat of ablation at strain levels anticipated in service, and mechanical
flexibility with minimum char fracture at temperatures expected in service. Materials that
have been used in previous programs are recommended; these are presented in section
The flexible joint shall possess the combination of weight and structural strength
that contributes most to optimum motor and vehicle performance.
The flexible joint should be designed to have the required structural capability while
subjected to the critical design loads of motor pressure and vectoring and the effects of
accompanying environmental conditions. Analytical verification of the joint structural
integrity should be made; the recommended practices for structural analysis are given in
section 3.1.5.
If axial compressive deflection is a requirement that cannot be met by a joint sufficient for
structural strength, the thickness of the elastomer layers should be reduced, the result being
an increased number of elastomer layers. The number of reinforcements will be increased,
and these should be designed for structural capability according to practices recommended
in section Compliance with the axial compressive deflection requirement must be
demonstrated by test.
Because the joint has little axial stiffness in tension, the design .must incorporate limiters oia
the amount of tensile axial deflection that can occur as a ,result o;f ground handling. The
limiters must also ensure that the nozzle cannot over-vector the joint during horizontal
storage or transportation.
The joint design should be established to obtain positive margins of safety (sec. as
close to zero as possible. However, since the joint design is interdependent with design of
the guidance control system and optimum motor performance, it is possible that
less-than-optimum joint design will result in optimum motor design.
The joint shall have at least the minimum factor of safety required to obtain the
specified joint reliability.
A design factor of safety should be used in the design of flexible joints to account for
contingencies (e.g., approximation in estimation of joint stresses, undetected variations in
material properties, and undetected manufacturing deviations). The factor of safety could
be established from a statistical study of all variables contributing to joint performance
correlated to the required reliability (ref. 150). Unfortunately, there is insufficient
understanding of how these variables affect joint performance, and a single factor of safety
is recommended. Usually design factors of safety are specified in a design for specific classes
of loading conditions (i.e., operational or handling); these factors of safety have been
developed through a history of successful designs and a knowledge and understanding of the
variables involved. Since in the design of flexible joints this history is not available, it is
recommended that a greater factor of safety be applied to the joint design than is applied to
the overall motor design. For example, if the overall motor design factor of safety is 1.25,
then a factor of 1.5 should be applied to the joint. The factor should be applied to the
motor pressure and to the vector angle. It must not be applied redundantly to the
parameters that define the joint structural capability (e.g., material mechanical properties,
elastomer ring thickness, and joint geometric tolerances).
The joint reliability cannot be demonstrated explicitly because of the prohibitive number of
tests and joints involved. It is recommended that the reliability be demonstrated by the
convergence of the curves for upper and lower reliability levels. The upper reliability level is
based upon the number of failures allowed during the development and production
programs and must be greater than the required reliability; the lower reliability level is based
upon the calculated reliability from test results during the development and production
programs. After each test, the reliability from all test results is plotted and extrapolated to
show the probabifity of achieving the required reliability. A test program to establish the
upper and lower reliability levels should be set up before development program is begun.
The joint stress profile shall include all individual design loads or the worst
combination of design loads.
All design loads (see. should be used to determine the critical design stresses. The
critical joint loading condition, or worst critical combination loading, should be defined by
summation of a load/time history of the joint. This profile should be prepared by tabulating
all design loads, temperature exposure, and vectoring conditions encountered. The
critical-loading condition for each structural element of the joint should be used in the joint
structural analysis(sec.3.1.5) to determine that margins of safety for the joint are not less
than zero.
The joint design stresses shall not exceed the allowable stresses.
The theories necessary to analyze a flexible joint have not been formulated. The joint
should be analyzed with the use of empirical relationships (refs. 17 and 79) to obtain
preliminary dimensions and reanalyzed with nonlinear finite-element methods (refs. 80, 81,
and 82).
The following factors should be included in the requirements for the structural analysis:
• Loads used should be design loads (i.e., limit loads times appropriate factor of
The maximum permissible shear stress in the elastomer should be limited to the
minimum 3-standard-deviation values of the failure shear stress measured from a
quadruple-lap shear specimen (sec. at the appropriate temperature and
shear strain rate.
The elastomer thickness shall not be greater than the thickness that provides
adequate shear strength.
The shear stress in the elastomer due to combined motor pressure and vectoring must be
calculated at ultimate conditions. The empirical method and procedure given in section
132 are recommended.When calculating the shearstressdue to vectoring,allow for the
reduction in joint springtorque due to motor pressure(sec.
: The compressive stress on the inner surface of the reinforcement due to combined motor
' pressure and vectoring must be calculated at ultimate conditions. The empirical method and
procedure given in section are recommended. When calculating the compressive
stress due to vectoring, allow for the reduction in joint spring torque due to motor pressure
The allowable compressive stress at ultimate loads for metal reinforcements should be the
lesser of the 0.2 percent compressive stress and the buckling stress calculated as shown in
section The allowable compressive stress for composite reinforcements must be
determined from bench tests of joints to failure.
If a joint is to be used a number of times, the tensile stresses are important. The allowable
, tensile stresses must be based on the fatigue and fracture mechanics properties of the
reinforcement material.
The finite-element method of analysis must involve a sufficiently refined grid of nodes and
panels to provide an accurate description of the internal stress distribution. It is
recommended that each elastomer be divided into a minimum of four layers across the
thickness, each reinforcement be divided into a minimum of three layers across the
thickness, and both elastomer and reinforcements be divided into a minimum of t 2 radial
layers. It is recommended that the analysis include various nonlinear effects and that the
methods outlined in section be used.
The calculated stresses for combined motor pressure and vectoring should be compared with
the allowable stresses as described in sections and The applied stresses in this
comparison should be the average calculated stress at the centroid of each panel.
3.1.6 Manufacture
The joint fabrication process shall be the most cost effective for the particular
joint and program needs.
The behavior of the material when it is exposed to various fabrication processes should be
included as a tradeoff parameter when alternative structural materials are evaluated. REINFORCEMENTS
The reinforcement fabrication processes shall be those most suitable for the
particular joint needs.
Metal reinforcements are either thin or thick, the difference having an influence on the
possible method of fabrication. Thin reinforcements are defined as reinforcements that can
be fabricated by hydroforming or spinning (sec. and will be used in joints with a
limiting axial compression requirement (sec. Hydroformed reinforcements are
recommended for research or small development programs. Spun reinforcements are
recommended for production programs. For both types, the forming should be made with
the material in a normalized condition, and the material should be heat treated to the
required properties prior to final machining.
Thick reinforcements should be machined from plates for research or small development
programs. The plate should be normalized for rough machining and heat treated to the
required properties prior to final machining. For production programs, thick reinforcements
should be stamped to the required shape with the material in the normalized condition, and
then heat treated to the required properties prior to final machining.
Heat treatment will cause some distortion of the reinforcements. This distortion should be
considered in the assembly of a joint by inspecting the reinforcements for high and low
spots and then assembling the reinforcements so that all the high spots are aligned and the
elastomer thickness will be circumferentially uniform. "
Although composite reinforcements have been fabricated by winding and molding, lay-up
and molding, and molding with a mixture of chopped fiber and resin, it is recommended for
all production programs that composite reinforcements be fabricated by laying resin
impregnated cloth cut into specific patterns into a matchedmetal mold and curing under
pressure at a temperature and time suitable for the resin. However, in research or
development programs, consideration should be given to compression molding with a
compound of choppedfiber andresin.The sacrificial ablativeprotector (sec. should
be fabricated asan integral part of the reinforcement.
The joint adhesive system shall not fail before the elastomer material.
The joint adhesive system must be evaluated prior to joint fabrication by use of
quadruple-lap shear specimens (sec.; an acceptable system must fail cohesively. The
specimens must duplicate the thickness and cure condition of the elastomer and bond
system in the joint. Fabricated joints should be bench tested at least to ultimate pressure
and vectoring conditions to demonstrate the structural capability of the adhesive bond
Failures can occur when the bond system is either too thick or too thin. To control the
thickness, the viscosity of the primer and the adhesive, the rate at which these materials are
sprayed on the reinforcements, and the time for spraying should be monitored; limits on
these items should be included in the joint fabrication specification.
Each lot of adhesive system materials should be tested prior to use in a joint by peel tests
and quadruple-lap shear tests to ensure quality and to maintain a record of lot-to-lot
The joint fabrication process shall be consistent with the needs and characteristics
of the particular joint.
The molding process selected must depend primarily upon the dimensions of the joint, the
number of elastomer layers, and the thickness of the elastomer layers and reinforcements
rather than on the scope of the joint program. Joints with thin elastomer layers (layers that
cannot be fabricated by injection molding) should be fabricated by compression molding in
order to improve the bond to the reinforcements. Compression molding has been successful
on joints up to 60 in. (1.52 m) in diameter with thick and thin reinforcements, and this
method is recommended for research and development programs as well as for production
programs. Injection molding is a proven production technique and should be evaluated as a
molding method. Secondary bonding is a proven process and should be evaluated as a
molding method, particularly for large joints where significant cost savingshave been
Prior to molding by the injection or compression processes, the effect of the molding
process on elastomer thickness and porosity should be evaluated (sec. After
molding, the first development joints should be cut open to show the joint cross section.
This practice allows examination of the elastomer layer thicknesses, and if molding has been
done by the injection process, determination of the effectiveness of the elastomer injection.
Advantages and disadvantages of the joint fabrication processes are listed in table VIII.
3.1.7 Testing
The subscale specimen test program shall provide values for the elastomer
mechanical properties used in design.
The important mechanical properties for the elastomer are the shear modulus, shear stress at
failure, and the strength of the bond between the elastomer and the reinforcement material.
QLS specimens should be tested at the strain rate and over the temperature range expected
in the joint. The bond between the elastomer and reinforcement should be cohesive, and the
QLS specimen should be used to develop a satisfactory adhesive and bonding system.
Joints have been designed and tested successfully without including the effects of
superimposed compression and shear. However, if a joint is to be designed to operate at
pressure to take advantage of the reduction in spring torque due to pressure, the change in
shear modulus due to pressure must be measured. The reduced shear modulus is used to
predict spring torque and the motor pressure at which the spring torque is unstable (sec. A method that has been used to measure the changed shear modulus is given in
reference 78.
If aging data are not available, a subscale test program to evaluate aging characteristics must
be initiated as soon as possible in the motor program. This program should evaluate the
aging characteristics of (1) several lots of the cured elastomer to enable prediction of service
life and (2) several lots of the uncured elastomer in order to define uncured elastomer
storage life. For the cured elastomer, the recommended test intervals are monthly up to six
months and annually thereafter. For the uncured elastomer, the recommended test intervals
are weekly until the shelf life has been established.
A subscale test program should be used to evaluate lot-to-lot variation of elastomer material
and to establish acceptance criteria.
A joint bench test program must be set up during the motor development program to
establish axial deflection characteristics, vectoring characteristics, and joint pressure sealing.
The test for compressive axial deflection should be conducted in a test fixture with an
unloading piston (fig. 21) so that the joint is subjected to the motor pressure and associated
axial load. The vectoring test should be conducted in a test fixture that allows the joint to
rotate freely about its effective pivot point while oriented as it would be in the motor. Prior
to conducting the vectoring tests, a pressure test should be conducted in the same fixture to
measure the actuator force and hence the offset torque necessary to maintain the joint in a
null position. The vectoring tests should be conducted with and without the joint ihermal
protection to determine the effect of the protection on actuation torque. In addition to
axial deflection, vector angle, and actuator force, the hoop strain on the inner surface of
each reinforcement should be measured. To ensure that only reliable joints are used in a
motor, a stringent tensile-pressure leak test (sec. is recommended; this test should
be conducted after the axial compression and vectoring tests.
The same tests should be conducted during the motor production program as acceptance
criteria for the joints. If a joint fails an acceptance test in the elastomer, the elastomer
should be removed, and the reinforcements used again.
It is necessary that the position of the effective pivot be determined for each joint. A test
should be made at zero pressure, average motor operating pressure, and maximum expected
operating pressure. The recommended procedure to find the effective pivot point is as
(l) Mount a cross-hair-shaped target on a part of the test arrangement that is rigidly
connected to the movable end ring and is near the theoretical pivot point. The
axial target leg is to be aligned coincident with the center line of the fixed joint
end ring.
(2) Pressurize the test arrangement and actuate the joint to an angle at least as large as
the nozzle vectoring requirement. Illuminate the cross-hair target with a strobe
light, and open the Camera shutter for one complete actuation cycie.
(3) Interpret the photograph as indicated in the sketch in figure 46 to find the pivot
It is recommended that acceptable limits on pivot-point location be based on the clearances
between fixed and movable nozzle components, rather than on clearances tailored to fit the
Reference line
pivot point
_ Axial pivot-
point coordinate
Reference line
measured pivot point. The clearance past the radiation shield should be fixed in accordance
with the purpose of providing radiation protection, and the pivot-point acceptance limits
then should be established to be compatible with the required clearances.
The recommended design practice to study the effect of pivot-point location is to prepare a
set of layouts of the nozzle. The movable components are drawn on one sheet and the fixed
components on another sheet. Superimpose the two sheets with an axial deflection
appropriate to the pressure being considered, and successively pin the two sheets together at
a series of pivot points. The limiting pivot point should be one that just permits the movable
component to rotate to the required nozzle vector angle.
The static-firing program shall demonstrate that the joint design fulfills the motor
requirements and shall provide the data needed to design other components that
interact with the nozzle.
Measurements should be made during the static firing program to determine nozzle
misalignment requirements, friction characteristics, natural frequency, and damping
coefficient of the nozzle, axial deflection, and vectoring capability. Sufficient data to
develop a statistical variation should be obtained. Compare measured results and motor
requirements. The final design of the guidance control system should be in accordance with
the results of the static firing tests.
The actuation power requirements should be established during the static firing. Certain
increments to the actuation torque-friction and insulating-boot torque--cannot be
calculated. With a bellows-type design (fig. 7(a)), the boot torque has been as much as 50
percent of the spring torque for joints up to 30 in. (76.2 cm) diameter (ref. 13). Therefore,
when a bellows-type insulating boot is exposed to the motor environment, it is
recommended that the actuator be capable of developing 50 percent more torque than the
sum of the calculated increments to the actuation torque (sec. When an exposed
wrap-around insulating boot is used with joints up to 30 in. (76.2 cm) diameter, the
actuator should be capable of developing 75 percent more torque than calculated. For an
insulating boot protected by a radiation shield (fig. 7(a)), the insulating material usually is a
soft silicone rubber (e.g., DC 1255), and for joints up to 30-in. (76.2 cm) diameter the
recommended actuator should be capable of developing 25 percent more torque than
The joint can fail in the elastomer layers or in the reinforcements (sec. 2.1.5). Each failure
mode can be demonstrated in an actuation bench test. The joint without the insulating boot
should be mounted in an actuation bench test fixture and actuated to the maximum vector
angle at various pressures up to the maximum expected operating pressure MEOP. At
pressures in excess of the MEOP, the vector angle should be increased in the ratio of the test
pressure to the MEOP. Pressurization and vectoring should be increased at least up to the
design ultimate pressure to demonstrate minimum compliance to motor requirements, and
up to pressure producing joint failure if the failure characteristics are required. Failure is
usually identified by failure of the joint to maintain a pressure seal.
The joint aging program shall demonstrate that joints possess acceptable storage
Bench tests should be conducted on joints that have been stored in the service environment,
since changes in joint spring torque have been noted for joints using a natural-rubber
formulation (sec. It is recommended that stored joints be vectored at selected
intervals and the spring torque measured. The changes in spring torque should be plotted
versus time, and the results extrapolated to demonstrate that the joint will remain within
motor specifications for the required joint life.
3.1.8 Inspection
The inspection master plan shall incorporate inspection processes for use from
initial ,material procurement through final joint acceptance to the extent
necessary to assure conformance to design requirements.
Inspection processes should be used throughout the joint program beginning with material
procurement and continuing through fabrication, process control, and final acceptance.
Each phase :can use different inspection techniques with different acceptance or rejection
standards. For this reason, an overall master plan for the use and management of the
quality-control program should be established prior to the start of fabrication. The scope of
the master plan should be established on the basis of the required reliability level, the type
and orientation of defects encountered, and the process sensitivity required. Also, the
master plan should require the periodic evaluation of the equipment and of the skill and
alertness of the operators; it should also provide for random checks on the execution of the
planned requirements and procedures.
Particular caution should be usedin planning the inspection requirements and in applying
the inspection program so that material characteristicsand fabrication processesthat can
affect the integrity of the inspection are identified. As an example, an inspection of
elastomer thicknessthat is too infrequent could result in joints that weremarginalbecause
of elastomerlayersthat varied in thickness.
The inspection processes shall have the capability of detecting all critical defects.
• Concentricity.
• Flatness.
For the elastomer, the minimum inspection should cover thickness and porosity. Mold a
joint without adhesive on the reinforcement su_faces, then disassemble it. Measure elastomer
thicknesses and evaluate porosity visually.
The recommended minimum dimensional inspection for the joint is overall length, the
concentricity between the end attachment rings, and flange-to-flange parallelism. The
minimum performance inspections recommended are the bench tests for compressive axial
deflection, actuation, and tensile-pressure seal test (sec. The data from the
performance tests should be used to verify clearance envelopes. At intervals, production
joints should be taken apart and the elastomer-to-reinforcement bond and elastomer
porosity inspected to ensure that quality is being maintained.
The design of the liquid injection system shall be based on a vehicle optimization
study (including vehicle performance parameters, reliability, external envelope
constraints, and cost) that results in optimum vehicle performance.
The recommended sequence of steps for determining the optimum LITVC system design is
presented in chart form in figure 47.
The design requirement should be defined as the maximum required vectoring capability
based on a statistical analysis of the operation of the vehicle on its various missions with
allowance for the expected variation in the environments. This requirement should be
determined correctly at an early date and the use of inflated initial estimates should be
avoided, because the vectoring requirement strongly affects the design. The system weight
increases almost linearly with the required side-thrust impulse.
The likely LITVC-system design options should be laid out without detail but should
include basic design parameters such as type of injectant, injection pressure, source of
pressurizing gas, number and spacing of orifices, injection location and angle, and tank type
and shape.
General design information (including motor data, candidate injectant specific impulses,
injector weight variation with flowrate, and tank weight variation with volume and pressure)
should be assembled. Each possible design choice must be evaluated in terms of its effect on
the desired vehicle performance (e.g., range, payload, final velocity), reliability, and cost.
The results of these evaluations should be used as the basis for selecting the injectant, the
injection configuration, the tank shape, and the pressurization method.
Initial design of a system should be based on performance data from previous programs. A
large amount of data for LITVC systems is available (sec. and should be used to
provide an empirical basis for design analysis. The available data, however, will always
represent motor geometry and operating conditions different from those of the motor for
which the new LITVC system is to be developed. Therefore, those data must be transformed
or scaled to the geometry and operating conditions of the present motor as described in
section 3.2.3.
The thrust deflection angle can be as much as l0 °, but it is recommended that the thrust
deflection angle be limited to 6 °, because the efficiency as measured by injectant specific
Define design requirements (required
vectoring capability, motor para-
meters, space envelope, and design
constraints) .
to the
i component
Figure 47. - Recommended sequence of steps for determining the optimum LITVC system design.
=. _
impulse drops to low values at the high injectant flowrates required for larger deflections
(refs. 46, 108, and 122).
The in]ectant shall deliver maximum side specific impulse and have the highest
density consistent with material compatibilities, storage requirements, and
allowable toxicity.
The selection of the injectant must consider the efficiency of the injectant in delivering side
specific impulse. The relative efficiency of a candidate injectant may be known from
existing data (secs. and; if not, it should be checked by small-scale tests.
Data on the relative efficiencies of various injectants are given in references 109, 121, and
141; figure 48 presents Isp(s) values for a number of inert and reactive liquids. The relative
efficiency of a new injectant should be estimated from chemical-equilibrium calculations;
various approaches and typical results are described in references 144, 145, and 146.
Judgement must be used in interpreting the results of equilibrium calculations, since they
make no allowance for the variation in evaporation rate and reaction time of different
injectants. Excessive time delay in energy release reduces the potential effectiveness of an
injectant. It is recommended that calculations be used only to screen injectant candidates
and that the final evaluation be made by test firing.
The injectant should be selected for highest density, so that the fluid tanks, valves, and
tubing can be made as small as possible to save both space and system weight. A preliminary
estimate should be made of the volume required for the liquid injectant, and the storage
tank that will contain this volume should be designed and fitted around the nozzle so that
the envelope constraint can be evaluated.
The liquid selected must not chemically decompose, evaporate, or crystalize during
long-term storage when kept within the temperature and pressure limits specified for storage
of the Vehicle. As examples of typical limiting conditions, a 62% solution of strontium
perchlorate in water crystalizes at temperatures approaching 32 ° F (273 K), and hydrazine
boils at 70 ° F (294 K) at a pressure of one atmosphere (ref. 115). The latter limitation
should not be important with sealed systems under pressure.
The compatibility of the candidate injectants with the motor, propellant, and other
neighboring systems should be checked, because certain reactive injectants ignite some solid
propellants on contact. Danger to personnel may be important, especially in confined
places. If positive safeguards against inadvertent spillage of an effective but highly reactive
injectant cannot be provided, then the injectant will have to be eliminated from
The Isp(s ) listed is for typical booster stages (Pc _ 800 psia, e _12)
for the following conditions: single orifice injection;'Pin j = 1800 psia;
120-- FREON 12, FREON 113 (INERT)
FREON I14-B2 (INERT) --l--- UDMH + N2H 4
FREON 114-12 (INERT)
Isp(s ), lbf-sec/lbm
Figure 48. - Values of side specific impulse for reactive and inert liquid injectants
consideration. For example, a toxic fluid such as nitrogen tetroxide or bromine shouldnot
be selectedunless it is practical to provide protection to personnel and the environment
during loading, checkout, ground testing, launch, and possibleother releasedue to mishap.
The liquid must be compatible with every tank or bladder material with which it comesin
contact. The tank or bladder materials must neither react with the liquid nor catalyzethe
liquid's decomposition. The materials should resist decompositionby the liquid and remain
impermeable,becauseliquid that has permeateda material is not available for injection.
Resultsof investigationsof the permeability of variousbladdermaterialsgiven in references
115 through 118 should be consulted.
The injection pressure, the orifice size, and the number, spacing, and grouping of
the orifices shall maximize the side thrust efficiency.
The most efficient pattern for injection is obtained from many circular orifices located in a
circumferential line on the nozzle wall (figs. 29 and 31 and refs. 109, 121, 124, and 125).
For greatest efficiency, these orifices should have omniaxis control rather than pitch-yaw
control (ref. 142). Minimum spacing to avoid overlap losses should be 7 to 14 times the
orifice diameter, but the available data should be studied and transformed to the system
being designed (sec. If this is not possible, the spacing effect should be evaluated in
tests. It is recommended that cosine losses due to spreading the orifices around the
circumference be estimated by vector addition of the estimated side-force effects.
The injection pressure should be about twice the rocket chamber pressure to achieve highest
side-thrust specific impulse (figs. 38 and 40 and refs. 108 and 121). However, hardware
system weight should be compared with loss in side-thrust efficiency for lower injection
pressures, and the overall optimum pressure should be used.
The simplest LITVC injector arrangement has four injectors 90 ° apart. However, thrust
deflection may be required in any plane, not just the pitch and yaw planes. In this event, the
side force is the vector sum of the forces produced by the two injectors. Two such injectors
operating simultaneously will use injector liquid at a rate approximately _/_'times that of a
single injector to produce the same side thrust.
As noted previously, injection is more efficient at low flowrates per orifice. If, for a given
flowrate or side-force level, the number of injectors is increased, then the side-thrust
efficiency is increased.The efficiency of a number of injectors usedto produce a singleside
force is estimated by vector addition of their side-force contributions. Each injector is
considered to produce a side force at its location independent of the adjacentinjectors.
Therefore,the efficiency of multiple-injector LITVC can be estimatedfrom the equation
Cosineefficiency = (12)
n inj
I_/i = angle between total side force and the side force produced by the i TM
Equation (12) does not include the efficiency increase due to reduced flowrate per injector
or efficiency decrease due to overlapping of adjacent mixing and shock areas.
The injector location and discharge angle shall maximize side-thrust efficiency.
For highest side-thrust efficiency, locate the injection orifices as far upstream in the rocket
nozzle as is possible without incurring significant corss-nozzle effects at maximum thrust
vector deflection. (Cross-nozzle effects are pressure increases on the wall of the opposite
side of the nozzle caused by shocks and injectant that cross over.) One or more of the
following three methods should be used to estimate the optimum location of the injector on
the nozzle exit-cone wall:
(1) Use the empirical ratios for X/L listed below (refs. 108 and 125)"
Optimum X/L
divergence Small thrust deflection Large thrust deflection
half-angle (about I °) (about 6° )
(2) Estimate the optimum injector location by use of empirical curves (fig. 49).
Generate a straight line from the nozzle rim opposite the proposed injection point
such that the line crosses the nozzle centerline at the angle X obtained from the
curves for _ in figure 49. The point at which the line reaches the nozzle wall is the
probable optimum injection site (refs. 107 and 147).
(3) Use the methods of fluid mechanics and gas dynamics to estimate the path of the
shock and injectant-mixture disturbance in the nozzle from various possible
injection points; however, check the method selected against known test results
before it is applied to the design problem. One such method utilizes the Boeing
computer program (ref. 151); however, in its present form the program is
formulated only for inert injectants.
The optimum discharge angle (figs. 23 and 37) results in the greatest collision effect and
mixing of the motor gas and injectant. From various studies (refs. 107, 108, and 125), the
discharge angle should be 25 ° . However, as the discharge angle influences the location of the
injectors and their plumbing, envelope considerations should be a factor in the selection of
the discharge angle. For systems that must be an optimum, the discharge angle should be
evaluated by test.
The amount of liquid in]ectant shall be the minimum amount necessary for the
maximum vehicle flight duty cycle.
The weight of liquid injectant required must be calculated from the maximum required
vectoring capability of the motor, the injectors and their location having been selected as
described in section The vectoring requirements will be given explicitly as thrust
deflection angle 0 for pitch and yaw and required side thrust Fs, each as a function of time.
The following procedure is recommended for calculating the weight of injectant required:
(1) For each candidate liquid injectant, determine the side specific impulse Isp (s) as a
function of deflection angle, and plot the results. Examples of such plots are given
in figure 42.
(3) Noting the motor side force requirements F_ as a function of time, calculate the
injectant weight flowrate _¢_ as a function of time.
: 148
60 °
=25 °
50 °
_ v
30 ° --
20 °
10 c __
0° i° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6°
Figure 49. - Relation of thrust deflection angle to injector location (refs. 107 and 147).
(4) Integrate the injectant flowrate _Vs from motor ignition to the end of firing to
estimate the amount of liquid injectant required, or use statistical methods to
determine the amount of side impulse for the various deflection angles required to
achieve the specified probability of flight success.
(5) The amount of injectant not available for vectoring, including that for tank ullage,
for filling piping and valves, and for valve operation and valve leakage, must be
calculated and added to the amount needed for vectoring. For preliminary
estimates, add 10% for these purposes.
The side specific impulse of the injectant should be carefully estimated for the motor being
designed and, for the injector configuration and location selected by use of available test
data, correlated and transformed for application to the current design problem (sec. 3.2.3).
The gas flow into the liquid tank shall expel the liquid at a rate that will produce
the required side impulse within the specified response time.
The gas flow into the tank of liquid should be from a tank of compressed inert gas or from a
solid-propellant warm-gas generator, or the gas can be contained with the liquid in a
common tank.
If a tank of cold gas under high pressure is the source of the gas used to pressurize the
liquid, the gas should have a volume at LITVC operating pressure equal to the total of its
own stored volume, the volume of the piping and the manifold, and volume of liquid to be
expelled. Because the specified injectant pressure must be delivered to the fluid at the
injection point and be sustained during sudden demands for large flows, the effects of liquid
acceleration and flow friction should be evaluated. The pressure applied to the liquid
injectant in the tank may have, to be significantly higher than the minimum required
injectant pressure at the injector valve. The piping sizes, the gas supply rate, and pressure
should be sufficient to respond to the worst conditions.
The ......... of the gas delivered to the liquid tank should be reduced by a pressure
regulator so that liquid is not injeCted at pressures excessively above the pressure level set by
the design.
The weight of gas so required should be calculated from one of the equations of state of a
real gas, such as the Beattie-Bridgeman equation or the equation of state with
compressibility factor (ref. 152). An example of such a calculation for a LITVC system is
contained in reference 153. An estimate of the weight of the gas required, usually with an
error < 10%, can be obtained from the ideal-gas equation of state:
p - (13)
If a warm-gas generator is used in place of cold compressed inert gas, a larger total quantity
of gas will be required than that calculated above. This condition arises because the supply
of gas must be maintained at the maximum expected demand level through all periods of
firing time, even though the actual demand for pressurization gas usually will be much lower
than the maximum. The propellant grain in the warm-gas generator must be designed to
produce sufficient pressurizing gas to cause the injectant to comply with the motor
vectoring requirements (ref. 154). The gas that is produced, but not used, should be released
overboard through a pressure relief valve.
If a common liquid/gas tank with no separation between the liquid and the gas is used,
allowance should be made for the dissolving of part of the gas in the liquid and for
evaporation of some of the liquid into the gas. The latter phenomenon usually is negligible;
for example, in the Titan III system at 70 ° F (294 K), the pressurizing N2 contains 1.5%
N204 vapor (ref. 47). These effects of dissolving and evaporating should be calculated by
the methods of the thermodynamics of mixtures (ref. 152). Care should be taken to use the
real and not the ideal properties of the gases in order to avoid substantial errors at high
The size of LITVC components shall be based on verified empirical curves that
represent the LITVC system to be designed.
The empirical curvesmust provide adequatedata of sufficient accuracyfor selectionof type
of injectant fluid, injector location, number of orifices, injection angle, and injection
pressure.Any additional data required must be generatedfrom subscaletests (sec.
These curves must be based on test data, becauseavailable analytical methods do not
reliably predict LITVC performance.
Data for these curvesshould be obtained from earlier developmentprograms and subscale
tests.These data should be plotted and correlated, then transformed for usein the current
After the first complete set of LITVC components has been designed, it should be
fabricated, assembled,and evaluated in a full-scale test (sec. at the earliest
opportunity to confirm the design and to verify performancedata for usein further design
improvementor performanceprediction. INJECTORS
Injectors shall deliver injectant to the exhaust flow in columnar jets at maximum
velocity within the required response time. •
The injector valves should be sized no larger than necessary for the maximum required
flowrate as determined by methods described in sections and; use data of
satisfactory accuracy for design. The injectors must contain flow passages and orifices that
are specially contoured and streamlined to accelerate the fluid to the maximum possible
velocity on discharge. The pintles or gates must likewise be contoured and streamlined to
achieve maximum acceleration of the fluid, so that on discharge the fluid is travelling at the
highest obtainable speed in jets that diverge as little as possible. In this way, the system
pressure will be most efficiently converted to injection momentum.
The use of center-pintle type injectors with servo or electro-mechanical control for
variable-flowrate capability is recommended, because these injectors can provide high
side-thrust efficiency and versatile control with minimal shock loading.
Off-on injectors may be preferred in certain cases because of their low weight and
simplicity. These injectors should be of the center-pintle type designed for maximum flow
momentum when fully open. To avoid vibration problems, their operating frequency should
be set in a range different from the natural frequencies of the structures of the vehicle.
The method of actuating the injector valves must be determined from the required speed of
vectoring response, the inert weight penalty, cost constraints, and flight control limitations
(ref. 76).
Screensshould be installed in the liquid supply entranceto eachinjector valveto catchand
hold any debris that might causetrouble in the injector valve. Measuresfor the control of
contamination of fluid, components, and system may suffice in lieu of active screensor
The liquid in]ectant tank shall preserve the liquid without degradation or loss
during vehicle storage and provide positive expulsion of the liquid during motor
The shape of the tank should be selected to result in minimum weight. The required amount
of injectant to be carried should be determined as described in section It is
recommended that, if the amount of liquid required is relatively small, one or more
spherical tanks be used, because the sphere is the most efficient shape; but, if a large amount
of liquid must be carried, the tank should be toroidal, since this is the shape with the largest
volume that fits around a nozzle. In intermediate cases, cylindrical tanks are suitable. The
tank should be designed according to the recommended practices of reference 155,
fabricated from a lightweight or high-strength alloy such as aluminum or stainless steel, and
be compatible with the liquid. If the tank is to be left pressurized during storage or standby
conditions when personnel may be near, the tank must be designed to meet the prevailing
pressure-vessel safety code. To avoid this requirement so that a low factor of safety can be
used, provision should be made to pressurize the tank when the vehicle is prepared for
launch and after personnel have been cleared from the vicinity.
If a cool inert gas is used for pressurizing and if gravity or acceleration forces can be
depended upon to keep the liquid puddled over the outlet, it is recommended that the gas
be allowed to contact the liquid directly.
A bladder to separate the gas from the liquid is recommended if the liquid is pressurized by
warm gas, because the gas loses heat to the liquid rapidly, contracts, and must be
replenished by more warm gas. With reactive injectants and warm gas, the bladder must
provide a positive seal because contact between liquid and gas could result in failure through
combustion or explosion in the tank. The bladder should be fabricated from laminated fiber
and plastic.
Special means should be provided to completely seal the injectant liquid in the tank. The
filling and trapped-gas vent fittings should be designed with provision for positive closure
(e.g., crimped or soldered metal closures). The tank outlet should be sealed with a metal
diaphragm scored to break open without loose fragments when the liquid is pressurized (ref.
The pressurization system shall, within the prescribed time, pressurize the
injectant to a level within the design pressure range for injection into the nozzle.
When the LITVC system is activated, the injectant must be brought up to operating pressure
in time for the first vector-control signal. The pressurization system can be either a
high-pressure inert-gas system or a warm-gas generator. The choice should be based on an
optimization study that considers pressurization system performance and weight and LITVC
performance. The capacity of the pressurized-gas storage volume should be determined
according to practices given in section
If a high-pressure tank system is used, the tank outlet should be sealed by a squib valve that
is opened by an electric signal or system activation. The gas flow from the high-pressure
tank should be stepped down to the design injectant pressure level by a pressure-control
valve. If there is any possibility that harmful debris might come from the tank, valve, or line,
screens should be installed ahead of the controller. An inert gas such as nitrogen should be
used in a high-pressure tank system to minimize corrosion and compatibility problems. If
weight is important, helium should be used, but special attention should be given to the
unusual ability of helium to diffuse through materials (ref. 118).
Warm-gas generator systems usually employ solid propellants and are designed like miniature
solid rocket motors. The warm-gas generator should be designed to deliver the
gas-flowrate/time profile that is calculated as described in section and reference 157.
The propellant grain shape should be adjusted to cause the flowrate to vary to fit the desired
curve (ref. 154). Usually a high rate is needed initially to provide for launch or staging
pertubrations; this condition is followed by a period of low demand during the rest of flight
when only vector trim and course corrections are needed. The propellant for the warm-gas
generator should be a clean-burning low-flame-temperature (2000 ° F to 3000 ° F (1367 K to
1922 K)) propellant that does not produce deposits and that is not too hot to use with
alloy-steel tubing and valves. Propellants that burn at temperatures above 2500 ° F (1644 K)
will be usable only if the operating period is short enough to limit heating of steel parts to
safe levels. Otherwise insulation or high-temperature metals will have to be used.
The gas flow from the generator should pass through a screen to catch debris and into a
pressure regulator designed to step down the pressure to the design injection pressure level
(ref. 156). Since the production of gas by the generator is predetermined and independent
of actual gas demand, the surplus gas must be diverted through a pressure relief valve for
disposalto the environment. If possible,this unneededgasshould be releasedfrom a small
nozzle pointed aft, so that a small increment of thrust canbe recoveredthrough its release.
However, if the vehicle has a coast period and if the gasgenerator bums after the rocket
motor has burned out, the small exhaust jet could cause unwanted changesin vehicle
attitude. This condition should be preventedby exhaustingthe unneededgasthrough two
equal orifices that areoriented in opposite directions.
If the main vehicle system requiresa supply of gasfor roll control, the possibility of using
the samegasgeneratorfor this purposeand for LITVC pressurizationshould be considered.
Flow from and sloshing in multiple tanks and large lateral tanks shall not change
vehicle inertial properties.
If there is more than one tank, provision must be made to drain the tanks at equal rates to
prevent offsetting the vehicle center of gravity. Uniform expulsion of liquid from a toroidal
tank is dependent on the ability of the bladder to deflect and fold uniformly around the
circumference of the toroid during expulsion. The bladder should not be allowed to buckle
so that one sector freely collapses on the liquid while other sectors are restrained. If vehicle
movement could generate undesirable sloshing, the sloshing should be inhibited by baffles.
Injection system destgn shall provide for disposal of surplus injectant to reduce
flight weight and to obtain additional thrust.
The injectant flow rate should be measured and integrated over time, so that at any instant
of flight time the total amount of liquid actually used will be known. A computer or control
device should continuously compare the amount of liquid used with the maximum that
could be used up to that time without jeopardizing the completion of the mission. Flight
control should then signal the injectors to expend the excess liquid equally around the
nozzle so that the motor thrust will be augmented but there will be no thrust deflection.
The axial thrust added by jettisoning the surplus liquid can be estimated with the following
aFa = lsp(s ) (o = o*) Ws tan a inj (14)
Odlnj = the equivalent half angle of the nozzle from the injection point to the
exit, determined as the angle between the nozzle centerline and a line
from the injection point to the exit rim, deg
This equation is applicable to both conical and contoured nozzles (ref. 126). The Isp(s )
extrapolated to 0 ° deflection angle is used because it best represents the LITVC effects that
augment axial thrust. These effects are the increased pressures on the exit cone caused by
injectant energy and mass and by injection shocks. I_p (s) values obtained at larger deflection
angles should not be used in equation (14) because these Isp (_) values have been reduced by
losses in measured side forces due to the circumferential spreading of the side forces around
the nozzle. Such losses detract from side thrust but not from axial thrust. Correlation with
the data in reference 121 shows an accuracy within -+ 10% for nozzles with expansion ratios
up to 10.
Equation (14) may underestimate the added thrust when applied to long contoured nozzles
having expansion ratios greater than 20 with injection far upstream from the exit. This
result occurs because the wall angle at the center of this region of added pressure usually is
significantly larger than the equivalent half-angle OLin j. The center of the region of added
pressure generally is located a short distance downstream of the injection orifices. For such
nozzles, then, the value for the half-angle used in equation (14) will be less than the local
wall angle at the injection point but greater than _inj as defined above; this effective
half-angle is estimated from experience. The added thrust due to expending injectant in the
nozzle is more accurately estimated by the use of data from subscale tests or, if an adequate
mathematical model exists (sec. 2.2.3), by integrating the product of the added pressure and
the tangent of the wall angle over the nozzle wall area affected.
The motor design shall provide injector mounts and ports and external brackets
for system support.
The nozzle design should make provision for holes and mounts for the injectors. The metal
orifice ends of the injectors should be recessed sufficiently inside the injection port (fig. 29)
that they will not be damaged by heat flux. The heat flux at the inside end of the injection
port should be estimated (refs. 134 and 135). The port hole should be made conical to fit
the shape of the liquid jet and only large enough to permit the jet to be discharged without
momentum losses due to wall friction. Small port hole size will minimize heat transfer into
the hole and will minimize the erosion at the hole edges that results from impingement of
the exhaust-gas flow.
Provide a gas-tight seal such as an O-ring at the interface between the injector and the nozzle
The injector mount, to which the injector will be bolted, and its attachment to the nozzle
wail should have sufficient strength to withstand the full injector reaction thrust in addition
to other loads. If possible, the entire LITVC system should be mounted on the nozzle to
avoid any problems of differential motion between the nozzle and the motor aft dome or
skirt. If this mounting is not possible, provide flexible lines or expansion joints.
Mechanical and thermal analyses (i.e., stress, gas flow, heat transfer, and erosion) should be
made of the nozzle and related portions of the motor. Loads due to the weight of the
LITVC system and to the intermittent TVC Pressures on the exit cone walls that produce
the major part of the vectoring force must be included in these analyses. The distribution of
these vectoring pressures on the exit-cone wall can be estimated (ref. 136).
The only thermal problem of consequence due to LITVC is the severe heating and erosion
that occurs around and immediately downstream of the injection port holes (fig. 34). The
amount of erosion depends on the exhaust flow properties, the reactivity of the injectant,
and the type of ablative material used. To predict this erosion, use methods for predicting
erosion that include the capability for treating the effects of chemically reactive injectant
and exhaust-gas mixtures (refs. 158 and 159). The analysis should be cross checked by
scaling known LITVC hole erosion to the design condition, appropriate heat-transfer
relationships being used as the scaling factors. A design of an injector mounting pad with
typical heating and erosion patterns is shown in figure 50.
Injector mounting-pad
Eroded surface
Graphite cloth/phenolic
Figure 50. - Typical LITVC port configuration showing erosion and char patterns.
Test data shall support the LITVC system development and demonstrate
operational capability.
Test data from other LITVC systems transformed and correlated by analysis to the LITVC
being designed should be used for conceptual design and motor tradeoff studies to
determine the general configuration of the motor system. As soon as possible, these data
should be supported by data from subscale tests conducted under test conditions that
simulate actual motor conditions. The full-scale motor operating capability must be
demonstrated at test conditions simulating actual flight conditions.
Existing LITVC data that canbe transformedto the required LITVC systemshouldbe used
for motor optimization studies,tradeoff studies,and preliminary conceptual design.These
studiesmust be conducted early in the program to determinethe adequacyof the data and
to define neededadditional data so that a test programcan be commenced.
The data obtained from various sourcesmust representthe variation of side-force specific
impulse with injectant flowrate, injector location, injection angle,injection pressure,orifice
size, and orifice spacing.The available test data should be transformed to dimensionless
form except for the side-force specific impulse, which is retained in units of lbf-sec/lbm
(N-sec/kg). Each of the designvariablesshould be presentedas a family of curves,wherein
all other parameters are constant at one or more arbitrary configurations. These
configurations should be selectedto representarange that includesthe optimum design.An
example of this practice is shown in figure42 for an evaluationof injection pressure.Other
plotting formats as illustrated in figures 36 through 40 should be used if they are more
convenient. Data that have originated from rocket motors that were significantly different
from the designmotor should be transformed; use the dominant physical lawsasdescribed
in section2.2.3.1 to make them applicable.
The suitability of the transformed data to the design motor must be evaluated for
consistencyand agreementby using data from different sourcesplotted on the samegraph.
If the results form a continuous plot with little scatter, the results can be usedwith
confidence. If the scatter is larger than can be tolerated within designspecifications,a test
program must be initiated to generatedata in the expecteddesignrange.Awaiting test data
could result in a delay in a program, and in such a period the transformeddata will be the
only availabledata. Thesedata must be usedfor initial optimization studiesandpreliminary
design;useengineeringjudgement to allow for an amount of error defined by data scatter.
The results obtained with such data must be reevaluatedwhen test data in the expected
Small-scale tests using system parameters in the expected design range shall
provide design data not otherwise available.
Small-scale tests should be conducted to obtain data that are not available from
transformation of other test data. The test motors should use rocket nozzles and LITVC
injection geometries that are scale models of the expected full-scale design configuration;
the test motor chamber pressure should be the same as that of the design motor; and the
test propellant exhaust gas should be similar to that of the full size motor in temperature
and in oxidizing species that are free to react. To obtain valid data, the test motor need not
be a solid-propellant motor but can be a liquid propellant motor, a change that usually
results in cost savings and test convenience (ref. 121).
An evaluation of the full-scale LITVC system should be conducted on the first static test
firing of the motor, so that design changes can be incorporated without causing significant
program delays or increased costs. Measurements must be made of all parameters affecting
design of the LITVC system and the results used to reevaluate the injector valves, injectant
requirements, and injectant tank size. If the motor is to operate at high altitude, the test
should be conducted at the corresponding ambient pressure. The final LITVC design must
be evaluated in static test firings, so that its actual performance and characteristics can be
known for flight-control use. Vertical orientation of the motor or at least of the liquid tanks
may be necessary for such-tests.
The functional capability of all components of the LITVC system should be determined by
test before assembly. These tests should employ pressurized gas and liquid supplies and
control connections as necessary to simulate operating conditions. The bench testing should
be performed with an inert liquid (e.g., Freon) that will evaporate and leave the components
clean. If a reactive or nonevaporating injectant is used in bench testing, components must be
thoroughly cleaned after testing.
After the system has been assembled and installed on the motor, the critical components
should be checked during storage or launch readiness as often as necessary to ensure
satisfactory operating capability. Procedures for these check operations should be
documented. The critical components are the gas pressurization subsystem and the injectors.
The other components including the meters, check valves, injectant tank and bladder,
piping, and fittings are important but they are not nearly as sensitive to malfunction. Also,
procedures for correct installation, filling, operation, and unloading of the LITVC system on
the rocket motor should be documented.
If a gas generator is used, the igniter squib should be checked at low voltage for continuity
and resistance. If a tank of inert gas under high pressure is used, its pressure, sensed by
pressure gage, should be monitored, and the squib valve at its outlet should be electrically
checked for continuity and resistance.
The more sensitive electric portions of the injectors should be actuated and their movements
monitored by feedback signals.
radian 1.745x10 -2
Angle degree
ft m 0.3048
Temperature oF K
K:-_9(°F + 459.67)
oR K
K= 5(°R)
oR K K = 95---(°R)
aMultiply value given in U. S. customary unit by conversion factor to obtain equivalet_t value in
SI unit. For a complete listing of conversion factors, see Mechtly, E. A.: The International System
of Units. Physical Constants and Conversion Factors. Second Revision, NASA SP-7012, 1973.
F a axial component of the rocket motor thrust, figs. 35, 36, 37,
lbf(N) 38, 39, 40, and 42
and eq. (14)
G o
elastomer secant shear modulus at 50 psi eqs. (1), (3), and
(3.45 x 10 s N/m 2) shear stress and no (6)
externally applied pressure, at the temper-
atures expected in operation, psi (N/m 2)
Divided into three sections: Symbols, Material Designations, and Organization Abbreviations
Def'mition Appears In
lsp(s) side specific impulse, ratio of side force table VIII, figs.40
produced by injectant to injectant flowrate and 48, and eq. (14)
causing side force, lbf-sec/lbm (N-sec/kg)
table V :
i@ integral values for calculation of fiex-
ible-joint spring torque
L distance from nozzle throat to nozzle exit figs. 35, 36, 37, 38,
plane, in. (cm) 39, and 42
MS - 1 1
Definition Appears In
Rp- 2
• A
Symbol Definition AppearsIn _ '_ i :
weight flowrate of the exhaust gas from figs. 36, 38, 39,40,
the rocket motor, lbm/sec (kg/sec) and 42
weight flowrate of the injectant from the figs. 39, 40, and 41
injector into the rocket nozzle, lbm/sec and eq. (14)
O/ divergence half-angle of nozzle exit cone, deg figs. 36, 38, and 49
inner and outer joint angles defining fig. 12 and eqs. O),
flexible joint geometry, deg (2), (4), (9), and (10)
Symbol Definition Appears In
Symbol Definition Appears In
angle between side force resultant and the side eq. (12) :
force vector of the ith injector
Material Identification
Chemlok 205,305, trade names of Hughson Chemical Co. for primer and adhesive epoxy
220,231,and 608 systems
Dacron trade name of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. for a polyester
fiber (polyethylene terephthalate)
: ERL 2256 trade designation of Union Carbide Corp. for bisphenol-A epoxy resin
with viscosity modifier
:,_ERR4205 trade designation of Union Carbide Corp. for epoxy resin viscosity
Freon trade name of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. for a series of
GTR 44125 trade designation of General Tire and Rubber Co. for natural rubber
compound (now available only from B. F. Goodrich Co. as BFG
Material Identification
GTR V-45 trade designation of General Tire and Rubber Co. for silica-filled
butadiene/acrylonitrile compound (now produced by HiU-Gard Rubber
IRFNA inhibited red fuming nitric acid, propellant grade per MIL-P-7254
Neoprene CN trade name of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. for general purpose
_ _ and Neoprene W synthetic rubber (polychloroprene)
Parker B-591-8 now Parker B-591-80; a butyl rubber compound used for O-rings;
manufactured by Parker-Hannifin Corporation
_':: S-901 trade designation of Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp. for S-glass fiber
with aging surface finish
Material Identification
TCC TR 3005 trade designation of Thiokol Corp. for natural rubber formulation
Teflon trade name of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. for a series of
tetrafluoroethylene polymers
Tonox 6040 trade name of Uniroyal, Inc. for a blend of aromatic amines used as a
curing agent for epoxy and urethane resins _
Viton A trade name of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. for a copolymer of
vinylidene fluoride and hexafluoropropylene
2. Schaefer, R. L.; and Wilson, K. C.: The Isentropic Spike Nozzle for Trajectory Control of Solid
Propellant Rockets. Bulletin of 16th JANAF Solid Propellant Group, Vol. 2 (AD-317113), CPIA,
June 1960, pp. 203-225.
3. Amick, J. L.; Stubbleium, W.; and Chan, P. C. Y.: Experimental Interaction Effects of Forward
Located Side Jets on a Body of Revolution. WTM 276, University of Michigan, March 1963.
4. Strike, W. T.; Schuelez, C. J.; and Deitering, J. S.: Interactions Produced by Sonic Lateral Jets
Located on Surfaces in a Supersonic Stream. AEDC TDR-63-22 (AD-401911), VonKarman Gas
Dynamics Facility, ARO Inc., April 1963.
5. Kardon, S.; Lippert, T. E., Lease, P. F.; and Drewry, D. G.: A Unique Unitized Thrust Vector Control
System. ABL/Z-66 (AD-349158L), Hercules Inc., December 1963.
6. Podell, H. L.: The Shillelagh Missile Propulsion Subsystem (U). CPIA Publ. 18, Vol. 1, CPIA, June
1963, pp. 113-134. (CONFIDENTIAL)
7. Anon.: Rocket Velocity and Attitude Control System. LMSC A120083, Lockheed Missiles and Space
Co., May 1962.
8. Fuller, G. M.: Phase II Study of Head-End Steering for a Simplified Manned Space Vehicle. NASA
CR-66173, March 1966.
9. Fuller, G. M.: A Feasibility Study of Head-End Steering for a Simplified Manned Space Vehicle. DAC
SM-48152 (N66-16017), McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft Co., December 1964.
10. Mitchell, C. M.; and Jones, A. T.: Pershing Propulsion System. Bulletin of 16th JANAF Solid
Propellant Group, Vol. 1 (AD-317112), CPIA, June 1960, pp. 85-109.
11. Graves, W. F.: The Nike-Zeus Propulsion System. Bulletin of 16th JANAF Solid Propellant Group,
Vol. 1 (AD-317112), CPIA, June 1960, pp. 111-127.
12. Hickey, D. P.: Correlation of Certain Thrust Vector Control Systems. DAC SM-27957, Douglas
Aircraft Co., October 1961.
13. McNeer, J. E.; Miltenberger, L. E.; Murray, J. A.; _icario, A. A.; and Tulpinski, J. E.: Thrust
Magnitude, Thrust Vector Control for Advanced Systems (U). ABL-TR-69-26 (AD-507149), Annual
Supporting Research Report - 1969, Vol. 2, Hercules Inc., December 1969. (CONFIDENTIAL)
14. McNeer, J. E.; and Murray, J. A.: Thrust Magnitude, Thrust Vector Control for Advanced Systems
(U). DCN-N-5-14 (AD-513921), Annual Exploratory Development Report - 1970, Vol. 2, Hercules
Inc./ABL, December 1970, pp. 1-59. (CONFIDENTIAL)
15. Anon.:PropulsionDevelopment
Review.NOTSTP4100-6Part 1 (AD-382851L), Naval
Ordnance Test Station, June 1967.
16. Wu, Jain-Ming; and Lee, Shen Ching: Electric Air Discharge in Supersonic Flow for Thrust veetor
Control. AFRPL TR-67-202 (AD-822593), University of Tennessee, September 1967.
"17. Wilson, J. W.: Final Report, Poseidon C3 Joint Venture Joint. Rep. TWR-2486, Thiokol Chemical
Corp./Hercules Inc. (A Joint Venture), July 1967.
18. Nance, B.: Advanced Dual Chamber Propulsion System Component Design Report (If). AFRPL
TR,70:52 (AD-509374), Thiokol Chemical Corp./Wasatch Div., May 1970. (CONFIDENTIAL)'
19. Marugg, H. C.; and Bratton, C. R.: 100-Inch Motor Demonstration Program, Book 1 (13).
TMC-68-4-9-Bkl (AD-502026L), Thiokol Chemical Corp./Wasatch Div., May 1969.
20. Marugg, H. C.; and Bratton, C. R.: 100-Inch Motor Demonstration Program, Book 2 (U).
TMC-68-4-9-Bk2 (AD-502027L), Thiokol Chemical Corp./Wasatch Div., May 1969.
21. Anon.: Development of an Elastomeric Seal for Omniaxial Movable Nozzles (Lockseal). AFRPL
TR-66-11:2 (AD-373032), Lockheed Propulsion Co., April 1966.
22. Wong, E. O.: Design, Fabrication and Test of Omnidirectional Flexible Seals for Thrust Vector
Control of Large Solid Rocket Motors. NASA CR-72889, June 1971.
23. Anon.: Final Report- Development and Demonstration of an Omniaxial Flexible Seal Movable
Nozzle for Thrust Vector Control. AFRPL TR-67-196, (AD-385084), Thiokol Chemical
Corp./Wasatch Div., October 1967.
24. Miltenberger, L. E., McNeer, J. E.; and Murray, J. A.: Integral Rocket Ramjet Booster Thrust Vector
Control 'and Nozzle Eject System Demonstration (U). DCN-N-37-23, Annual Research and
Exploratory Development Report-1973, Hercules Inc./ABL, January 1974, pp. 115-199.
25. Sherard, H.: Development of Advanced Flex Joint Technology. AIAA Paper 73-1262, AIAA/SAE 9th
Propulsion Conference (Las Vegas, NV), Nov. 5-7, 1973.
26. Anon.: Poseidon Propulsion TES Technical Review Report- 1 July through 30 September 1973.
SE083-A2AC3HTJ-2, Hercules Inc./Thiokol Chemical Corp. (A Joint Venture), October 1973.
27. Wilson, W. G.: Poseidon Second Stage Elastocomposite Joint, Final Report Task II A-5. Poseidon
Investigation Mill Order 74475, Hercules Inc./ABL, February 1971.
*Dossier,f0r design criteria monograph "Solid Rocket Thrust Vector Control." Unpublished. Collected source material
available for inspection at NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio.
28. White,T. C.:ThrustVectorControl- Elastocomposite
Joint(U).DCN-N-17-6, AnnualExploratory
ResearchReport- 1971,Vol.2, Hercules
Inc./ABL,February1972,pp. 1-68.(CONFIDENTIAL)
34. Sinclair, C. A.: Development of a High Performance Third Stage Motor for the Trident I (C4) (U).
CPIA Publ. 242, Vol. I, CPIA, November 1973, pp. 117-145. (CONFIDENTIAL)
35. Goddard, S. G.: Demonstration of Advanced ICBM Components Program, Phase I. AFRPL-TR-73-37,
Vol. I, Thiokol Chemical Corp./Wasatch Div., January 1974.
36. Schoen, c_. L.; Bahnsen, E. B.; Conner, G. E.; and Grimsley, J. L.: Exploratory Development for the
Techroll "_" Seal Movable Nozzle System. AFRPL-TR-73-47, Vol. I, United Technology Center, June
37. Crooks, J. R.: Skybolt Propulsion System. Bulletin of 18th JANAF-ARPA-NASA Solid Propellant
Group, Vol. I (AD-330129), CPIA, June 1962, pp. 113-122. (CONFIDENTIAL)
38. Anon.: 156 Inch Diameter Motor Movable Nozzle Program. AFRPL-TR-65-4 (5 vols: AD-365660,
AD-365661, AD-365662, AD-365663, and AD470452), Thiokol Chemical Corp./Wasatch Div.,
August 1965.
39. Nance, P. D.: Final Report, Submerged Gimbal Nozzle Development, Appendix D. BSD-TR-66-31/C
(AD-376999), Thiokol Chemical Corp./Wasatch Div., June 1966.
40. Hirsch, N, A.; Slegers, L.; and Thrasher, D. I.: Gimballed Integral Nozzle. AFRPL-TR-64-172
(AD-371800), Air Force Systems Command, (Edwards Air Force Base, CA), December 1965.
41. Waldeck, G. H.; Hensley, R. V.; Deslauriers, E. J.; and McVey, F. D.: Flexible Skirt Nozzle Program.
Rep. 6602-1, Pneumodynamics Corp., (Washington, D.C.), September 1959. (CONFIDENTIAL)
42.: Waldecki_G.
H.: Flexible Skirt Nozzle Program (U). Rep. 6602-i, Pneumodynamics Corp., July 1960.
43. Waldeck, G. H.: Flexible Skirt Nozzle Program (U). Rep. 6602-k, Pneumodynamics Corp., November
44. Spann, R. E.: Reinforced Grain Advanced Development Program. AFRPL-TR-66-239 (AD-377073),
• : . Rocketdyne Div., North American Aviation, Inc.,•October 1966.
45. Hoover, G. H.: An Omnivector Nozzle for Thrust Vector Control (U). CPIA Publ. 111, Vol. 2
.., _./._.: k(AD7373908), CPIA , June 1966, pp. 813-842. (CONFIDENTIAL) • ....
46. Rains, D. A.: Solid Propellant Motor Thrust Vector Control System for Titan III (U). Bulletin of 20th
Interagency Solid Propulsion Meeting, Vol. 1 (AD-352176), CPIA, May 1964, pp. 225-262.
y_.; : i.i .
47. Anon.: TVC Systems Analysis, Parts I and II. UTC 4404-70-330, United Technology Center
(Sunnyvale, CA), April 1971.
"48. Huff, W. G.: Theoretical Analysis and Functional Description of the Polaris A3 Thrust Vector
Control System (LO. LMSC 806591, Lockheed Missiles and Space Corp., May 1967.
49. Collis, D. R.; and Rimington, D. A.: Thrust Vector Control of the Minuteman Stage II Motor by
_ _ .;Liquid Injection (U). Bulletin of 20th Interageney Solid Propulsion Meeting, CPIA, VoL 1
:, : :_(AD-352176), May 1964, pp. 263-281. (CONFIDENTIAL)
50. Conklin, C. L.: The Sprint Thrust Vector Control System (U). CPIA Publ. 167, Vol. 1, (AD-389918),
.... CPIA, June 1968, pp. 219-232. (CONFIDENTIAL)
51. Anon.: Thrust Vector Control System Study Program, Final Report and Final Report Summary.
, NASA CR-72727,Thiokol Chemical Corp., June 1 1970.
52. Kennedy, C. G.: Development and Demonstration of a Chamber Bleed Hot Gas Thrust Vector
.. , Control System for LSRM - Final Report (U). AFRPL-TR-68-166, Vols. I, II, and III (AD-395219,
AD-847113, and AD-847114), Thiokol Chemical Corp./Wasatch Div., October 1967. (VOL. I
53.? Benj0ck, G,' F.: Design of Propellant Gas Secondary Injection Thrust Vector Control (U). ABL X!02
(AD-350933), Hercules Inc., February 1964. (CONFIDENTIAL)
54. Ar_on.: Development of a Hot Gas Valve for Secondary Injection Thrust Vector Control.
AFRPL-TDR-64-33 (AD-348778), Lockheed Propulsion Co., March 1964.
,*Dossier for design_ Criteria monograph "Solid Rocket Thrust Vector Control." Unpublished. Collected source material
available for inspection at NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio.
55. Brownson, H.: Feasibility Demonstration for Direct Chamber Bleed Hot Gas Secondary Injection
Thrust Vector Control - Final Report. AFRPL-66-224 (Vol. 1, Bk 1: AD-800937; Vol. 1, Bk2:
AD-800938; Vol. 2: AD-800939), Lockheed Propulsion Co., September 1966.
56. Anon.: Proportional Solid Propellant Secondary Injection Thrust Vector Control Study. NASA
CR-637, November 1966.
57. Bonin, J.; Fitzgerald, J. E.; and Miller, E.: Hybrid Thrust Vector Control Systems (U). Rep. LPC
572-F (AD-330226), Lockheed Propulsion Co., June 1962. (CONFIDENTIAL)
58. Drewry, D. G.; and Newman; R. M.: Methods for Thrust Vector Control of Solid Propellant Rockets.
Bulletin of 16th JANAF Solid Propellant Group, Vol. 2 (AD-317113), CPIA, June 1960, pp.
59. Anon.: Stage I Minuteman (M55A1) Production Support -Final Report, Appendix C, Submerged
Hot Gas Valve Development. BSD-TR-66-31 (AD-373063L), Thiokol Chemical Corp./Wasatch Div.,
May 1966.
Anon.: Development and Demonstration of Flightweight Thrust Vector Control Hardware, Interim
Progress Report No. 2 (U). AFRPL-TR-67-92 (AD-380241), Thiokol Chemical Corp./Wasatch: Div.,
March 1967. (CONFIDENTIAL)
Anon.: NASA Propellant Gas Valve Scale-Up Program Final Report. NASA CR-78004, March 1966.
Shipley, J. D.; and Drewry, D. G.: Application of Propellant Gas Valves for Thrust Vector Control of
High Pressure, High Acceleration Solid Propellant Rocket Motors. Rep. ABL[Z.72 (AD-353317),
Hercules Inc., May 1964.
63. Robinson, D. J.; and Montgomery, L. C.: Sergeant Motor Jet Vanes (U). Rep. JPL 20-136
(AD-321938), Jet Propulsion Lab., Calif. Inst. Tech., June 1960. (CONFIDENTIAL)
Skirmer, E. H.; 504, and Werner, C. T.: X SAM-N-66 Talos Weapon Jet Vane AerodynamieReport,
X230-A5 Booster Unit. Rep. BPD 4330, Bendix Corp., February 1955.
• 65: Davis; R. E.; O'Callaghan, T.; and Selbert, J. R.: The Jetevator as a Vector Control Deyice,
Development of the Polaris Jetevator. CPIA Publ. 18A, Vol. 4 (AD-346945), CPIA July 1963, pp.
••66. Gowen; L. F.: Subroc Propulsion System. Bulletin of 16th JANAF Solid Propellant Group, Vol. 1,
CPIA, June 1960, pp. 63-83.
67. Edwards, S. S.; and •Parker, G. H.: An Investigation of the Jetevator as a Means of Thrust Vector
Control. Rep. LMSD,2630, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., February 1958.
68. Huizinga, J.: Jetevator Effectiveness and Base Pressure Measurements for FTV-1 and AX Polaris
Missiles Tested at NASA - Lewis Laboratory. Rep. LMSC 462055, Lockheed Missiles andSpace Co.,
November 1958.
69. Anon.: XM-38 Solid Propellant Rocket Motor, Vol. I (U). Rep. TU-68-5-59, Thiokol Chemical
Corp./Wasatch Div., June 1959. (CONFIDENTIAL)
70. Anon.: Jet Tab Thrust Vector Control. Rep. LMSC 800917, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co.,
December 1961.
71. Hollstein, H. J.: Jet Tab Thrust Vector Control. J. Spacecraft Rockets, vol. 2, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1965,
pp. 927-930.
72. Anon.: Cooled Probe TVC Systems for Full Scale Rocket Motor Firing Evaluation (U). Rep.
BPAD-863-14544, Bendix Corp., September 1962. (CONFIDENTIAL)
73. Auble, C. M.; and Spielberger, L, J.: Jet Tab Thrust Vector Control for Large Solid Rocket Motors.
CPIA Publ. 18, Vol. 3 (AD-338667L), CPIA, June 1963. pp. 241-286.
74. Anon.: 156-Inch Diameter Motor Jet Tab Program- Final Report. AFRPL-TR-64-167 (Vol. 1:
AD-357024, Vol. 2: AD-357025, Vol. 3: AD-357026, Vol. 4: AD-357027, Vol. 5: AD-357028),
Lockheed Propulsion Co., January 1965.
75. Anon.: Solid Rocket Motor Nozzles. NASA Space Vehicle Design Criteria Monograph, NASA
SP-8115 (to be published).
76. Anon.: Liquid Rocket Actuators and Operators. NASA Space Vehicle Design Criteria Monograph,
NASA SP-8090, May 1973.
77. Harrison, T.; Colbert, L.; Dykstra, H.; Sullivan, P.; and McCorkle, J.: Design Study and CostEstimate
for Application of Lockseal to 260-Inch Solid Rocket Motor- Final Report. NASA CR-83073,
December 1966.
*78. Galford, J. E.: Unstable Joint Analysis- Poseidon Investigation Task II-A. Hercules Inc./Magna,
February 1971.
*79. Woodberry, R. F. H.: Rapid Design Equations for Elastometallic Joints. Memo to J. E. McNeer, Ref.
No. Misc/6/50-1113, Hercules Inc./Bacchus, Nov. 30, 1973.
80. Matthews, F. W.: Application of Large Deformation Theory to Chamber Analysis and Design.
Chemical Propulsion Structural Integrity Survey 1972, CPIA Publ. 229, CPIA, September 1972.
81. Wilson, E. L.: Structural Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids. AIAA J., vol. 3, no. 12, December 1965,
pp. 2269-2274.
82. Dunham, R. S.; and NickeU, R. E.: Finite Element Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids with Arbitrary
Loadings. Rep. SEL-67-6 (AD-655253), University of California (Berkeley, CA), June 1967.
*Dossier for design criteria monograph "Solid Rocket Thrust Vector Control." Unpublished. Collected source material
available for inspection at NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio.
83. Eringen, A. C.: Small Twist Superimposed on a Finite Compression of a Thick Anisotropic Spherical
Shell. Tech. Rep. 12-3, General Technology Corp. (Lawrenceville, N. J.), December 1970.
84. Kafadar, C. B.; and Eringen, A. C.: An Anisotropic, Elastic, Solid Spherical Annular Ring Subject to
Hydrostatic Pressure and Prescribed Bending. Tech. Rep. 12-2, General Technology Corp.
(Lawrenceville, N. J.), December 1970.
851 Danninger, G. A.; Pignoli, C. R.; and White, A. R.: Project Quick Turn Movalbe Nozzle Thrust Vector
Control Demonstration Program (U). Rep. NWC-TP-4794, Lockheed Propulsion Co. for the
Propulsion Development Department, Naval Weapons Center, August 1971. (CONFIDENTIAL)
*86. Cronkrite, W. R.: Analysis of Second Stage Poseidon Machined Flexible Joint Axial Deflection and
Actuation Torque Tests. Rep. 17-10203/6/40-475 (HA-05960), Hercules Inc./Magna, October 1967.
*87. Cronkrite, W. R.: Analysis of First Stage Poseidon Flexible Joint Axial Deflection and Actuation
Torque Tests. Rep. 17-10203/6/40-455 (HA-04006), Hercules Inc./Magna, October 1967.
88. Allen, M. J.: Poseidon C3 Second Stage Phase II Design Compliance Report (U). Data Item
SE048-A2A01HTJ, Rep. 9, Hercules Inc., March 1971. (CONFIDENTIAL)
89. Lund, R. K.: Final Report - Cold Flow Tests Poseidon C3 First and Second Stage. Rep. TWR-2320,
Thiokol Chemical Corp./Hercules Inc. (A Joint Venture), February 1967.
90. Shapiro, A. H.: The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow. Vol. 1, Ch. 15. The
Ronald Press Co., 1953.
"91. Anon.: Nozzle Joint, Method for Actuation, Axial Deflection, and Leak Tests. OD 43336C,
Department of the Navy, Naval Ordnance Systems Command, March 1971.
*92. Briggs, W.; and Greenleaf, G.: Lockseal Subscale Test Report Results of Test Series No. 4, 8, and 15.
Rep. LPC 754-STR-3, Lockheed Propulsion Co., Feb. 1968.
93. Anon.: Silicone Rubber for Design Engineers. General Electric Technical Data Book S-1D, General
Electric Co. (Waterford, N.Y.), no date.
*94. Wells, R. D.: Final Report Task I and II- Synthetic Elastomer Development Program. Rep. LPC
893-F, Lockheed Propulsion Co., February 1969.
95. Anon.: Poseidon C3 First Stage Phase II Design Compliance Report, Fleet Ballistic Missile Weapon
System (U). Hercules Inc./Thiokol Chemical Corp., Mar. 16, 1971. (CONFIDENTIAL)
96. Anon.: Poseidon C3 Second Stage Phase II Design Compliance Report, Fleet Ballistic Missile Weapon
System (U). Hercules Inc./Thiokol Chemical Corp., Mar. 24, 1971. (CONFIDENTIAL)
*Dossier for design criteria monograph "Solid Rocket Thrust Vector Control." Unpublished. Collected source material
available for inspection at NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio.
i \
*97. Peterson, M. R.: Poseidon Phase II- Quarterly Reliability Status Report (U)._Data Item No.
SF002-A2A01HTJ, Submittal No. 20A, Hercules Inc./Thiokol Chemical Corp. (A Joint Venture),
March 1971. (CONFIDENTIAL)
*98. Anon.: Natural Rubber Compound, Weapons Specification. WS 8008E, Department of Navy, Naval
Ordnance Systems Command, August 1970.
*99. Anon.: Natural Rubber Compound, Weapons Specification. WS 12006B, Department of the Navy,
Naval Ordnance Systems Command, September 1969.
*100. AnOn.: Memorandum - Elastomer Material 44125, Lots 14, 15, and 16. Ref. No. GA 15729,'General
Tire and Rubber Co., November 1968.
*101. Anon.: Special Test Report, First Stage Buckle Test Unit DO08 (D010). Ref. No. OML 77223,
Lockheed Propulsion Co., Aug. 4, 1967.
• 102. _ Anon.: Special Test Report, Second Stage Buckle Test Unit D005/D008. Ref. No. OML 77222,
Lockheed Propulsion Co., Aug. 4, 1967.
103. Isakson, G.; Armen, H.; and Pipko, A.: Discrete Element Methods for the Plastic Analysis of
Structures. NASA CR-803, October 1967.
104. Newton, J. F.; and Spaid, F. W.: Interaction of Secondary Injectants and Rocket Exlaaust for Thrust
Vector Control. ARS J., vol. 32, August 1962, pp. 1203-1211.
103. Povinelli, F. P.: Displacement of Disintegrating Liquid Jets in Crossflow. NASA TN D-4334, i_ebruary
106. Kurzins, S. C.; and Raab, F. H.: Measurement of Droplet Sizes in Liquid Jets Atomized in Low
Density Supersonic Streams (U). NASA CR-1242, December 1968. (CONFIDENTIAL)
*10"I. Zeamer, R. J.: Principles of Rocket Thrust Vector Control by Fluid Injection. Memorandum,
Hercules Inc./ABL, July 1961.
"108. Grunwald, G. J.: Polaris B3 First and Second Stage Secondary Injection Thrust Vector Control Data
Report (U). LMSC 804506, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., October 1964. (CONFIDENTIAL)
"109. Huizlnga, J.: Liquid Injection Thrust Vector Control Effectiveness (U). Rep. LMSC 800877,
Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., August 1961. (CONFIDENTIAL)
*110. Anon.: Chemical Aspects of Fluid Injection (U). Rep. Nos. R-l, R-2, and R-3 of P-27, Dynamic
Science Corp. (Sunnyvale, CA), May 1961, July 1961, and August 1961. (CONFIDENTIAL)
111. Anon.: Stress Corrosion Test Evaluation, Final Report (Titan III). UTC-4802-67-181, United
Technology Center (Sunnyvale, CA), July 10, 1969.
*Dossier for design criteria monograph "Solid Rocket Thrust Vector Control." Unpublished. CoUeeted source material
available for inspection at NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio.
112. Anon.: Titala III-M TVC System Seal Material Compatibility and Pyroseal Development Test Report.
'UTC-4802-68-i04, United Technology Center (Sunnyvale, CA), April 22, 1968.
113. Childress, H. E.; and Mastrolia, E. J.: System Support Studies Under ProductiOn Support Program.
Rep. 0162-06 TDR-9, Vol. 2 (Part 1, AD-479227; Part 2, AD-479205), Aerojet General Corp.,
September i9B5. = _
114. AnÙn.: Static Test Report TVC 50-Cycle/75-Day Hold and Recycle. UTC 4404-70-230. United
Technology center (Sunnyvale, CA), September 1970.
115. H0nma, J.: Research Study, Strontium Perchlorate Water Solutions. Rep. IDC 52-30, Lockheed
Missiles and Space Co., September 1963. ' .... '_ ' _ ....
116. Hess, F. D.: Diffusion of Perchlorate Solutions Through Elastomer Membranes. BSD-TR-66-93,
TOR-669(6855-20)-I (AD-482982), Aerospace Corp., February 1966.
117. Anon.: Freon Compatibility Studies. Monthly Progress Reports 1-10, LMSC Subcontract 18-10703,
Atlantic Research Corp., 1961-1962.
118. Anon.: An Evaluation of Composite Teflon-Aluminum Foil Bladders for the Surveyor Vernier
Propulsion System. NASA CR-84663, March 1967.
119. Ross, L. G.; and LeFebvre, C. A.: Determination of the Effects of Liquid Injectants on Nozzle
Ablative Performance. NASA CR-72792, DeCember 1970.
*120._ Hi'rsch, R. L.: Physical Properties and Compatibility of Strontium Perchlorate. Interoffice Memo,
Aetojet-General Corp., June 24, 1963.
"121. LeC0unt, R. L;: Fluid Injection TVC Research (U). Report to Rocket and Nozzles Jet Effects Panel
(BOWACA),Lockheed Missiles and SpaCe Co., July 1963. (CONFIDENTIAL)
• 122. Grunwald, G. J.; and LeCount, R. L.: Fluid Injection TVC Research (U). TM 53-42-4, LMSC 803311,
Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., October 1963. (CONFIDENTIAL)
123. Wu, Jain,Ming; Chapkis, R. L.; Ai, D. K.; and Rao, G. V. R.: Liquid Injection Thrust Vector Control.
National Engineering Science Co. (Pasadena, CA), July 1961.
"124. Grunwald, G_J.; and Anderson, R. G.: Preliminary Results of P-29 Fluid Injection Thrust Vector
_'Cotitr01 _Fests_ Re pl IDC-57-11-356, Lockheed Missile s and Space cO., November 196i. _
"125. LeCounL R. L.; et al.: Preliminary Data Release of Fluid Injection Thrust Vector Control Tests.
LMSC DP/M-431, DP/M-557, and DP/M-722, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., 1960.
"126. Zeamer, R. J.: The Effect of Some Nozzle and TVC Parameters on TVC Effectiveness and Motor
Thrust. Memorandum, Hercules Inc./Magna, September 1965.
*Dossier for design criteria monograph "Solid Rocket Thrust Vector Control." Unpublished. Collected source material
available for inspection at NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio.
'i27, Anon.: PolarisB3 Fluid InjectionTVC (U). LMSC804632,LockheedMissilesand SpaceCo.,
"128. Anon.: Titan III Thrust Vector Control Fluid RequirementUtilizing UBS. Tech. Memo.
Corp.(Denver,CO) January1968.
"129. LeCount, R. L.: Fluid Injection Thrust Vector Control Test P-10. Rep. IDC-57-11-59, Lockheed
Missiles and Space Co., May 1961.
130. Anon.: Weapons System 133B, Second Stage/Minuteman Wing VI Motor Data Book (U).
..... GM-TR-0165-00478, Aerojet-General Corp., Revised March 21, 1969. (CONFIDENTIAL).
131. Anon.: Item Detailed Specification No. S-133-1003-0-4, Motor, Solid Propellant Model SR-73-AJ-I
(U). Figure A6658, Thiokol Corp., Jan. 6, 1972. (CONFIDENTIAL)
132. Anon.: TVC System Analysis (Titan III C/D). UTC 4404-70-330, United Technology Center,
December 1970.
133. Anon.: 156-Inch Diameter Motor Liquid Injection TVC Program Final Report, Test Results, Motor
156-5. AFRPL-TR-66-109, Vol. 2, Lockheed Propulsion Co., July 1966.
134. Charwat, A. F.; Roos, J. N.; Dewey, F. C.; and Hitz, J. A.: An Investigation of Separated
Flows - Part I - The Pressure Field. J. Aerospace Sci., vol. 28, no. 6, June 1961, pp. 457-470.
135. Charwat, A. F.; Roos, J. N.; Dewey, F. C.; and Hitz, J. A.: An Investigation of Separated
Flows- Part II- Flow in the Cavity and Heat Transfer. J. Aerospace Sci., vol. 28, no. 7, July 1961,
pp. 513-527.
"136. Zeamer, R. J.: Fluid Injection Thrust Vector Control, Distribution of Loads Due to Vectoring.
Memorandum, Hercules Inc./ABL, August 1963.
137. Anon.: 156-Inch Fiberglass LITVC Motor Program. AFRPL-TR-65-192, Thiokol Chemical Corp.,
October 1965.
138. Anon.: Hibex. Rep. D2-99600-1 (AD-371266L), The Boeing Co., March 1966.
"139. McQueen, J. E.: Thrust Vector Control System Operation Report (U). Rep. ZM-656-401D, Hercules
Inc./ABL, October 1965. (CONFIDENTIAL)
140. Starrett, D.: Final Report - Sprint Missile Control Study (U). Rep. LMSC 665480, Lockheed Missiles
and Space Co., October 1964. (CONFIDENTIAL)
141. Anon.: Polaris Fluid Injection Thrust Vector :Control. Rep. LMSC 800550, Lockheed Missiles and
Space Co., March 1961.
142. Speisman, C.; and Kallis, J.: Preliminary Results, Quadrant Interaction Analytical Study Effort. Rep.
63-1942.27-28, Aerospace Corp., (San Bernadino, CA), June 3, 1963.
*Dossier for design criteria monograph "Solid Rocket Thrust Vector Control." Unpublished. CoUeeted source material
available for inspection at NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio.
143. Hair,L. M.; andBaumgartner,
A. T.: An EmpiricalPerformance
Modelof Secondary
Injection for
Thrust Vector Control (U). Rep. LMSC 4-64-014, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., October 1964.
"144. ! Green, C. J.i Desired Properties of the Injectant. Rep. 4511-196, U. S, Naval Ordnance Test Station,
August 1960.
145. Green, C. J.: Effects of Additives on Propellant Performance and Motor Operating Conditions.
Preliminary Summary Report 1DP1210, U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, December 1960.
146. Walker, R. E.; and Shandor, M.: Influence of Injectant Properties for Fluid Injection Thrust Vector
Control. Preprint No. 64-112, AIAA Solid Propellant Rocket Conference (Palo Alto, CA), Jan.
29-31, 1964.
147. Anon.: Secondary Injection Scaling Effects. Rep_ 4511-195, U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station,
August 1960.
148. Large, J. P.: Concepts and Procedures of Cost Analysis. Rep. RM-3589-PR (AD 411554), RAND
Corp., June 1963.
149. Daniels, C. J.; et al.: Thrust VeCtor Control Requirements for Launch Vehicles Using a 260-Inch Solid
Rocket First Stage. NASA TM X-1906, December 1969.
150. Lloyd, D. K.; and Lipow, M.: Reliability: Management, Methods and Mathematics. Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
151. Lee, R. S. N.: A Computer Program for Conducting Parametric Studies of Liquid Injection Thrust
Vector Control Systems. Rep. BOAC D2-30873 (AD-812413L), The Boeing Company, 1964.
152. Obert, E. F.: Concepts of Thermodynamics. McGraw-Hill Book Co. (New York), 1960.
153. Anon.: Ullage Blowdown System Fluid Expulsion Performance. UTC 440A-70-310, Rev. A., United
Technology Center, March 11, 1971.
154. Anon.: Solid Propellant Grain Design and Internal Ballistics. NASA Space Vehicle Design Criteria
Monograph, NASA SP-8076, March 1972.
155. Anon.: Liquid Rocket Metal Tanks and Tank Components. NASA Space Vehicle Design Criteria
Monograph, NASA SP-8088, May 1974.
156, Anon.: Liquid Rocket Pressure Regulator, Relief Valves, Check •Valves, Burst Disks, and Explosive
Valves. NASA Space Vehicle Design Criteria Monograph, NASA SP-8080, March 1973.
157. Anon.: Solid Rocket Motor Performance Analysis and Prediction. NASA Space Vehicle Design
Criteria Monograph, NASA SP-8039, May 1971.
*Dossier for design criteria monograph "Solid Rocket Thrust Vector Control." Unpublished. Collected source material
available for inspection at NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio.
"158. Anon.:StructuralandThermalAnalysisFinalReport,Poseidon
FirstStageMotor. Vol. III - Nozzle.
Data Item No. SEO25-A2A00HTJ, Rep. 1, Hercules Inc./Thiokol Chemical Corp. (A Joint Venture),
October 1970.
159. Heaton, H. S.; and Daines, W. L.: Flow Field Analysis of Rocket Motors (U). AFRPL-TR-70-98
(AD-510749), Hercules Inc./Magna, September 1970. (CONFIDENTIAL)
*Dossier for design criteria monograph "Solid Rocket Thrust Vector Control." Unpublished. Collected source material
available for inspection at NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio.
Meteoroid Environment Model-1969 (Near Earth to Lunar Surface),
March 1969
SP-8021 Models of Earth's Atmosphere (90 to 2500 km), Revised March 1973
SP-8103 ThePlanets
SP-8105 Spacecraft
SP-8111 Assessment
andControlof Electrostatic
SP-8001 BuffetingDuringAtmospheric
SP-8002 Flight-Loads
DuringLaunchandExit, December
SP-8003 Flutter,Buzz,andDivergence,
July 1964
SP-8004 PanelFlutter,Revised
SP-8006 LocalSteadyAerodynamic
LoadsDuringLaunchandExit, May 1965
SP-8008 Prelaunch
SP-8009 Propellant
SP-8012 NaturalVibrationModalAnalysis,September
SP-8014 EntryThermal
SP-8022 Staging
SP-8029 Aerodynamic
SP-8030 Transient
SP-8031 SloshSuppression,
SP-8035 WindLoadsDuringAscent,June1970
SP-8042 MeteoroidDamage
SP-8043 Design-Development
SP_044 Qualification
SP-8045 Acceptance
Testing,April 1970
SP-8050 StructuralVibrationPrediction,
SP-8053 NuclearandSpace
SP-8054 Space
SP-8055 Prevention
of CoupledStructure-Propulsion
SP-8056 FlightSeparation
SP-8057 StructuralDesignCriteriaApplicable
to a Space
SP-8060 Compartment
SP-8062 EntryGasdynamic
SP-8063 Lubrication,Friction,andWear,June1971
SP-8066 Deployable
SP-8072 AcousticLoadsGenerated
by thePropulsion
SP-8077 Transportation
SP-8079 StructuralInteraction
with ControlSystems,
SP-8082 Stress-Corrosion
in Metals,August1971
SP-8099 Combining
AscentLoads,May1972 _...
SP-8104 Struc,
tural InteractionWith Transportationand Hand!ingSystems,
SP-8015 Guidance
for EntryVehicles,November
1968 "
SP-8086 Space Vehicle Displays Design Criteria, March 1972
SP-8088 Liquid Rocket Metal Tanks and Tank Components, May 1974
SP-8080 Liquid Rocket Pressure Regulators, Relief Valves, Check Valves, Burst
Disks, and Explosive Valves, March 1973
SP-8064 SolidPropellant
SP-8075 SolidPropellantProcessing
Factorsin RocketMotorDesign,October
SP-8076 SolidPropellant
SP-8073 SolidPropellant
SP-8039 SolidRocketMotorPerformance
SP-8051 SolidRocketMotorIgniters,March1971
SP-8025 SolidRocketMotorMetalCases,
April 1970
SP-8041 Captive-Fired
Testingof SolidRocketMotors,March1971