Earth Science Syllabus SY 11-12

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Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences San Beda College

SYLLABUS First Semester, A.Y. 2011-2012

SAN BEDA COLLEGE VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT San Beda College envisions a community that is fully human, wholly Christian, truly Filipino, and globally competitive. It aims to form its members in faith (fides), knowledge (scientia), virtue (virtes) and inculcate in them the Benidictine core values of prayer and work (ora et labora) that include study, community, and pursuit of peace. COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE COURSE CREDIT PREREQUISITE PROFESSOR E-MAIL CONSULTATION HOURS/VENUE : : : : : : : ERTSC Earth Science and the Environment Three (3) Units None Gerard Mark C. Santos [email protected] MWF 1030-1230; TTH 0830-1030 / CAS Faculty Room

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Earth Science and the Environment is a 3-unit course intended for college students who are taking a portion of their college general requirements. The course will cover basic topics in geology (major minerals and rock types, rock-forming processes, time scales; temperatures, pressures, compositions, structure of the Earth, and measurement techniques; geologic structures and relationships observable in the field; sediment movement and landform development by moving water, wind, and ice; crustal processes and planetary evolution in terms of global plate tectonics) and astronomy (stars, solar system, interstellar medium, the galaxy, and the universe). The course will also cover various environmental issues such as global warming, climate change, geological hazards, pollution, and renewable energies. COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1. Interpret natural phenomena by critical thinking and systematic analysis of facts and observations; 2. Comprehend and analyze the basic concept of physical science; 3. Relate the concept learned to practical application as well as integrate his science know how to other fields of study to uplift his personal, economic and social status; 4. Conceptualize ways and means to have a cleaner and greener Earth; 5. Appreciate the uniqueness of our planet and inculcate in their minds that the Earth is our only home and therefore should be given proper care; 6. To raise awareness on the different environmental issues and problems; and 7. To mold responsible individuals who would be stewards of the environment.

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Duration Week 1-2 Orientation



Expected Outcomes The students should be able to:

Objectives Syllabus Course Requirements Grading System Classroom Policies

Discussion of syllabus, classroom policies, expectations from the course

Get acquainted with the objectives, coverage, grading system, and requirements of the course


Introduction Science and Technology Scientific Inquiry Branches of Science Concept Mapping Lecture Discussion Graded Recitation Quiz Be familiar science and their relevance to man and the environment Recognize the diversity of science and technology to man and its environment

Weeks 3


History of Astronomy and the Universe

Film Showing Lecture Discussion Graded Recitation Quiz

Explain the various theories about the origin of the universe Discuss the relevance of the cosmic background in the study of the universe Trace the changes that happen from birth to the death of a star Discuss the different theories regarding the origin of the earth Describe the various methods used in studying the Earth Explain the motions of the Earth Describe the geophysical characteristics the Earth

Week 4


The Planet Earth Origin Basic Principles

Film Showing Lecture Discussion Graded Recitation Quiz

Week 5-6


Lithosphere Layers of the Earth Rocks and Minerals Lecture Discussion Graded Recitation Quiz Describe the layers of the Earth Explain how rocks are formed and the physical composition of the Earth Discuss the importance of rocks and minerals

Week 7-8


The Earths Internal Processes

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Diastrophism Plate Tectonics Seismology Volcanology Weathering and Erosion

Lecture Discussion Graded Recitation Quiz

Discuss the various internal process within the earth Describe plate tectonics and explain how it is related to the various earth processes Explain the causes and effects of weathering and erosion

Week 9 Week 10-11

MIDTERM EXAMINATION VI. Atmosphere Composition Structure Weather and Climate Lecture Discussion Graded Recitation Quiz Discuss the origin of the atmosphere Describe the different layers of the atmosphere Differentiate weather from climate Explain the various factors that affect the weather

Week 12-13


Hydrosphere Composition Water Cycle Water Systems Lecture Discussion Graded Recitation Quiz Film Showing Lecture Discussion Workshop Explain the water cycle Differentiate the various water systems

Week 14


Global Warming and Climate Change

Describe global warming Identify the various causes of climate change Discuss the effects of climate change to man and his environment

Week 15-16


Pollution Land Pollution Water Pollution Air Pollution Lecture Discussion Workshop Discuss the various sources of land, water and air pollution Describe the effects of pollution to man and the environment Develop an environmental health plan based on identified environmental risks and hazards

Week 17


Sustainable Development Biodiversity and conservation Renewable energy Environmental ethics and policy

Lecture Discussion Workshop

Describe sustainable development Identify the status of the various ecosystems Site the various sources of renewable energies Identify the pros and cons of using renewable energy Describe strategies to achieve sustainable development

Week 18

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COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Regular Attendance Class Participation/Recitation Group Activity/Workshop Output Worksheets Quizzes Midterm Examination Final Examination

TEACHING STRATEGIES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lecture/Discussions Group Activities/Workshops Reporting Film Showing Computer Aided Instruction

GRADING SYSTEM: Mid-Term: Class Standing Mid-term Exam Total Equivalent 60% 40% _____ 100% Final Term: Class Standing Mid-term Exam Final Exam 50% 20% 30% 100%

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RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOK: Madriaga, E. and Tuiy, F. 2011. A Textbook in Earth Science and the Environment (With Learning Activities).

REFERENCES: Lianko, A. 2001. Introduction to Earth Science. Katha Publishing. Company Inc. Quezon, City, Philippines. Mc. Connell, The Good Earth. Introduction to Earth Science. Mc. Graw Hill International. NY. USA Monroe, J. 2009. The Changing Earth. Exploring Geology & Evolution. Brooks/ Cole. Belmont CA. USA Pipkin et al.,.2008..Geology and the Environment. 5th edition. Thomson Higher Education. Belmont. USA Sen, G. 2001. Earths Materials. Minerals & Rocks. Prentice Hall. New Jersey. Skinner, B. and Porter, S. 1995. The Blue Planet: An Introduction to Earth Science. Wiley and Sons. Tarbuck, E. and Lutgens, F. 2004. Earth Science. 10th Ed. Pearson Education South Asia PJE Thompson, G. and Turk, J. 2007. Earth Science and the Environment. 4th Ed. Thomson/Brooks/Cole.


Prepared by:

Gerard Mark C. Santos, MPH Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Recommended by:

Approved by:

Prof. Francisco A. Febre, Jr. Chair Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Dr. Christian Bryan S. Bustamante Vice Dean College of Arts and Sciences

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