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NewsCorp Employee Discounts

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Employee Discounts

United States National Discounts 20th Century Fox Credit Union.3 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Store...3 24 Hour Fitness...3 1-800-flowers.com...3 American Airlines3 American Airlines Vacations..4 Apple..4 AT & T Wireless (formerly Cingular)....4 Ballys Total Fitness..4 BestFlowers.com......4 Citibank....5 Commuter Benefits..5 Corporate Shopping Company.......6 Dell6 DirecTV..6 Fox Affiliate Online Store....6 Fox Studio Art7 Fox Studio Store....7 From You Flowers..7 HarperCollins Publishers/Zondervan7 Helio......7 HP and Compaq..8 Hybrid Vehicle Incentive8 ice.com..8 IGN.com......9 Incredible Gifts.9 Jos A. Bank Clothiers......9 Knowledge Learning Corp. Childcare9 Microsoft.....10 National Car Rental...11 Photobucket.com.....11 ReProduct.11 Shaklee11 Sprint12 Staples.12 Tallgrass Beef....12 Targus....12 TV Guide...12 UPS Store..12 WhatifSports.com..13 wine.com..13 Working Advantage..13

Global Discounts 20th Century Fox Credit Union.3 American Airlines3 American Airlines Vacations..4 Apple..4 Dell.....6 Fox Studio Art..7 HarperCollins Publishers..7 Microsoft.....10 National Car Rental...11

Employee Discounts
Atlanta-Area Discounts Life Time Fitness..14 Chicago-Area Discounts Life Time Fitness..14 Cincinnati-Area Discounts Life Time Fitness..14 Denver-Area Discounts Colorado Athletic Clubs..15 Colorado Avalanche..15 Colorado Rapids (coming soon).15 Denver Broncos...15 Denver Nuggets...15 FORZA Fitness & Performance Club15 Life Time Fitness..16 Detroit-Area Discounts Life Time Fitness..16 Los Angeles-Area Discounts Bank of America..16 Big Bear Lake Alpine Resort Rentals..16 Burke Williams Spa...17 Catalina Express17 Century West Massages.17 The Club at PCT.17 Curves....17 Dian M. Olah, D.M.D...............................17 Dr. LeRoy Perry's Intl Sport Science Institute.17 Employee Screenings17 Escape Spa18 Extreme Boot Camp Santa Monica.18 Family Law Attorney......18 Fetch Pet Care18 Ford Partner Recognition Vehicle Purchase Plan..18 Fox Fitness Center..19 Golds Gym..20 House of Power......20 KZG...20 LeRoy Perry's Athletic Club..20 Los Angeles Dodgers.20 Meridian Sports Club......20 Popcorn Factory.....20 Smoking Cessation Program..21

Sonki Fitness Boot Camp...21 Theme Park Tickets...21 Train Me Right Fitness.21 Vons Grocery Delivery.21 Weight Watchers.21 Westside Rentals.22 Westside Rentals Platinum Relocation22 Your Little Helper......22

New York-Area Discounts American Museum of Natural History.23 Eisenberg & Eisenberg Tuxedos and Formal Wear.23 Estee Lauder Company Store....23 Langans Bar & Restaurant23 Lincoln Center23 Museum of Television & Radio......23 New Jersey Nets.......24 NewsFitness...24 New York Sports Club..24 Plum Benefits...25 Reebok Sports Club (coming soon).25 Rockefeller Center (specific restaurants and stores).25 The Sports Club/LA (coming soon)..25 Whitney Museum25 Palo Alto-Area Discounts San Jose Earthquakes (coming soon).25 Vons Grocery Delivery.25 Phoenix-Area Discounts Life Time Fitness.26 Vons Grocery Delivery.26 San Francisco-Area Discounts Golden State Warriors.26 Oakland Athletics (coming soon).26 San Jose Earthquakes (coming soon).....26 The Sports Club/LA.26 Vons Grocery Delivery....26 Seattle-Area Discounts Seattle Athletic Club.27 Seattle Storm (coming soon)..27 Seattle SuperSonics27 Vons Grocery Delivery.27 Whistler Blackcomb..27

20 Century Fox Federal Credit Union Great financial deals are never far away when youre a me mber of the Twentieth Century Fox Federal Credit Union (TCFFCU). Membership is open to all News Corporation employees and their families. Services and benefits include debit and credit cards with competitive rates, home banking options, home financing, oth er real estate services and more. Members can also use special FAST (Fox Automated Service Teller) cash machines at select office locations. One of their unique mortgage programs allows employees to get back 20% of the real estate commission, include their closing costs into the mortgage and receive 100% financing for a new home. Please see this PDF for more details, or call Michael A. Pynes of TCFFCU Mortgage Services at (888) 559-9058 for more information. For more information on the TCFFCU and to view other offers, please visit them on the web at www.foxcredit.com. 20 Century Fox Home Entertainment Store During the holiday months, the 20th Century FOX Home Entertainment Store is available on the web at www.foxemployeestore.com. This is the one stop shop for a great selection of new and classic Fox movies and TV shows on VHS and DVD. If youve purchased from the store in the past, log in using the last four digits of your social security number as your employee ID. If you receive an erro r message, establish a new account using the la st four digits of your so cial security number as your employee ID. If its your first visit to the Fox Employee Stor e, create a new account using the last four digits of your social security number when asked for your Fox Employee ID. If you have questions or require technical assistance, please email foxemployeestore@4icc.com or call (888) 4693767 (Monday Friday, 8am-5pm PST). 24 Hour Fitness Keep yourself in top condition! Employees of Fox now receive significant discounts from 24 Hours Fitness Gyms. For more information or to enroll, simply go to: 24 Hour Fitness and enter discount code: 96841. Or, simply visit the Club of Choice and tell them your corporate numbers is: 96841CORP 1-800-Flowers.com You dont need a green thumb to save some green. News Corporations US companies enjoy a 15% discount on personal purchases at 1-800-flowers.com. 1-800-flowers.com has something for every sentiment, holiday and occasion and will deliver your gift across the street or around the world. Please be prepared to provide the name, address and telephone number of the recipient. You may pay for your order with any major credit ca rd. To shop online, please visit www.1800flowers.com. To order by phone, please call (800) FLOWERS (800-356-9377), and mention that you are a News Corporation employee. For assistance, or if you have general questions, please email Christina Valjan at CValjan@Bloomnet.net or call her at (516) 237-7926. American Airlines A great deal is now boarding. Employees of News Corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiaries around the globe can receive a 5% discount on personal travel on American Airlines, American Eagle or American Connection. All bookings must be made at www.aa.com to be eligible for this discount, using discount code NCFLIESAA. Certain restrictions apply. Please click here for more details.


American Airlines Vacations Make those vacation days count! American Airlines Vacations is offering all News Corporation employees a 10% discount on air travel and a 5% discount on hotels (called a land discount on the Web site), which will be reflected when you are given a quote for your itinerary. Please visit the link below to take advantage of this special offer. http://www.aavacations.com/default.asp?CORP=NEWS This offer requires that you be a member in the AAdvantage frequent flyer program. If you have not yet enrolled in this free program, please visit the link below to sign up. https://www.aa.com/apps/AAdvantage/InstantEnrollment . Apple This deal is ripe for the picking. As a News Corporation employee, you and your friends and family are entitled to a discount (4-17%) on a huge range of Apple products such as the latest iPods, PowerBooks, iBooks, iMacs, Mac minis, Power Macs and third-party compatible products. To shop and save, you can visit the online store at http://www.apple.com/eppstore/employees or call (800) 6927753. For more information, please contact Dawn Chiarantano at (212) 852 -7051 or via email at dchiarantano@newscorp.com. AT&T (formerly Cingular) Dial up a great deal with AT&T. As an employee of a News Corporation company, you can receive AT&T wireless service and select phones at substantial discounts. Some phones are available at 50% off. You can also save 20% off monthly service charges and 15% off many accessories!

For purchase, enrollment of your existing cell plan for the discount, or upgrades of equipment, you can get started by visiting this link: http://www.wireless.att.com/business/authenticate
If you have any questions, please contact MBaumann@newscorp.com. News Corporations Foundation Account number is 48437. Bally Total Fitness As part of our commitment to the total health and wellness of our employees, News Corporation is offering great membership rates at Bally Total Fitness gyms to all employees and their immediate families. New and existing members can work out at any one of Ballys 400 locations for only $249 for a Premier membership thats less than $5 a week. When you sign up for this offer, you can also purchase memberships for your immediate family for an additional $199 per person. Please click the links below for more information and to sign up today. Click here for more information. Membership agreement. BestFlowers.com Here's a discount you'll grow to love - as a News Corporation employee, you can save 10% on everything offered at BestFlowers.com. With over 875 gift baskets and flowers for every occasion, this is a deal that is always in bloom. To shop online, please visit http://newscorp.bestflowers.com/. To order by phone, please call (877) 711-BEST (877-711-2378).

Citibank at Work Now ther e's another way to save at work. In addition to the 20th Century Fox Federal Credit Union, all United States-based News Corporation employees can save with Citibank. Sign up for Citibank at Work with direct deposit and receive: No monthly checking maintenance fees Mortgage discounts ($500 off closing costs) Free first order of checks Savings on student loans (1% principal No per check charge reduction of Federal Consolidation Loans) and more! No Citibank fee for using non-Citibank ATMs Visit Citibanks exclusive News Corporation site to get started today. Dedicated phone support for employees of News Corporation and its businesses is available 24 hours a day at (866) 422-1484. You can also visit Citibanks mortgage discount page here. Dedicated phone support for Citibank at Work mortgages is available Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm EST at (800) 353 -7989. Commuter Benefits CONTACT: Phone: (800) 473-9595 Website: www.BenefitResource.com INFORMATION: FIM offers commuter benefits to all regular employees who work more than 17 hours a week. The money is deducted from your paycheck before taxes, therefor e reducing your taxable income. The 2007 monthly tax -free limits are $210 for parking expenses and $110 for transit expenses, for a maximum total of $320 per month per participant. Benefit Resource, Inc offers the eTRAC MasterCard. You just use your eTRAC card, exactly as you would a MasterCard card, at your transit vending machine or with your parking vendor. Or you can use the card to go online to your transit authority to buy passes and have them mailed to you. The amount you set aside is automatically deducted from your eTRAC account. If for some reason you have a commuter expense for which you cannot use your eTRAC card, you can always submit a claim form to Benefit Resource, Inc with a receip t and they will reimburse you promptly. Your eTRAC Commute funds can be used to pay for: Transportation to and from work on a subway, bus, train or ferry Parking at or near your workplace Parking at a commuter lot where to transfer to mass transit *For Chicago employees: please note the Metra System does accept the eTRAC card, so a special pass is needed. Please contact Benefit Resources, Inc at 1-800-473-9595 to receive a pass. GETTING STARTED: Go to www.benefitresource.com Calculate your monthly deduction: You can calculate your monthly deduction using our Return-on-Investment (Tax Savings) Calculator. Figure all of your workplace commuting expenses even if they exceed the tax -free $105 in transit and $205 in parking limits. You can use after-tax dollars to make up the difference. Sign up: Signing up is easy. Go to the Participant Sign-in and follow the easy prompts to enroll in eTRAC Commute. Your member ID will be your social security number and your password will be the last 4 digits of your social security number. You can increase or decrease the funds contributed to your eTRAC Account month by month. The enrollment period is from the 1st through the 7th of each month. Your elections will be effective the 1st of the following month. So if you'll be on vacation and need fewer transit dollars, you can decrease your deduction for that month. Plus, any unused dollars roll over into the following month, and even the following year. You can check the status of your funds at any time. All you will need is your member I. D. number.

Corporate Shopping Company Fox employees may now receive discounts on numerous on-line shopping sites and services through the Corporate Shopping Company! This site offers discounts at such stores as Target, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Ann Taylor and many more! To register for this program, just click here. At the sign-in page click on Register to create your own user profile using access code Fox. Dell Heres a megabyte of a deal from Dell. News Corporation employees now have the opportunity to r eceive special discounts and offers not available to the general public with the Dell Employee Purchase Program ( EPP). The EPP offers exclusive benefits such as: 2-12% discounts on Dimension and Inspiron Dell Preferred Account available to qualified customers Award-winning service and support To take advantage of this great offer, visit http://www.dell.com/eppbuy. The Member ID for News Corp is LS13399758. DirecTV DIRECTV has an exclusive offer available only to News Corporation employees. Theres never been a better time to start enjoying the nations best television experience. As an employee of News Corporation, you are eligible for exclusive savings on our best equipment, our best programming and our best service! This is hands down the biggest deal weve offered, and its available exclusively to you. THE NEWS CORPORATION OFFERA $500 VALUE INCLUDES: EQUIPMENT & INSTALLATION FREE VIP Installation of a 4-Room DIRECTVSystem PLUS FREE upgrade on any 2 advanced receivers (after $100 instant rebate):


PROGRAMMING FREE MONTH of our best packageover 250 channels! Just purchase the TOTAL CHOICE PREMIER package. SERVICE FREE YEAR of DIRECTV Service Coverage. An entire year of 24/7 worry-free service. No Equipment to Buy. No Startup Costs Your Favorite Local Channels are Included Crystal-Clear Picture and Sound on Every Channel Customer Service Agents Available, 24/7

Call 1-888-343-5957 now. Mention your company partner code: NEWS The FOX Affiliate On-line Store The all-new FOX Affiliate Promotional Products Online Store is open and filled to the brim with brand new promotional merchandise for the 2006-07 FOX Prime Shows and Sports categories. Weve got all the hottest new merchandise from 24 to Family Guy and NASCAR to the BCS! FOX employees can also take advantage of the great offers in this Program. We offer specials and new products regularly, so book mark the site and check back often. Its easy to order on line! Simply go to: Fox Products

Fox Studio Art Youre sure to be drawn to this deal! Employees of News Corporation companies always save 25% when they shop at the Fox Studio Art store, found online at www.foxstudioart.com. The Fox Studio Art store is the place to find original production and custom limited edition art featuring FAMILY GUY, FUTURAMA, THE SIMPSONS, feature films and more. Simply enter discount code FOXEMP when viewing your shopping cart or checking out to take advantage of this deal. If you have any questions, please email Twentieth Century Foxs Diana Pearson. Fox Studio Store FIM employees are eligible to order Fox DVDs at incredi ble savings! For a current list of available DVDs, an order form, and information on ordering contact Ramona Cruz at ramona.cruz@fox.com. From You Flowers This discount is good to grow! All News Corporation employees save 20% on floral and gift items at From You Flowers. Choose from over 2,000 items with hand-delivered, same day service. From Your Flowers also offers a 100% product and service guarantee. To save now, visit their News Corporation site at www.fromyouflowers.com or call (800) 838-8853 and mention code C84. HarperCollins A good read just became an even better deal. Employees of News Corporation companies enjoy a 50% discount on all books from HarperCollins Publishers and its various imprints. Please fill out the order form and fax it to (800) 822-4090. Employees outside the US should email the completed order form to csinternational@harpercollins.com or call +(570) 941-1557 to place an order. If you have any questions, please email EmployeeSales@harpercollins.com. For Zondervan orders, please fill out their order form and fax it to +(610) 532-9001. To search for books or authors of interest, please visit the following web sites: US-General Books Group (Adult) Canada US-Children's Books UK Australia/New Zealand Zondervan Helio Opportunity doesnt always knock; sometimes it rings. Helio is a wireless provider with cutting edge featur es like: Nationwide 3G coverage to stay connected with more speed and less waiting Innovative devices that are smart and hot MySpace to go for mail, photos, bulletins, alerts and more GPS-Enabled Google Maps and Buddy Beacon that allow you to harness super -advanced satellite technology Entertainment via a 2.0 megapixel camera and camcorder. Plus access to music, videos, games and live feeds. As a Fox Interactive Media employee, you can take advantage of an exclusive deal: 35% discount on devices, waived activation fee, and a discount off monthly service char ges. For more information call your dedicated Helio representative Shari Iwatani at siwatani@helio.com or (818) 8598707.

HP and Compaq Download a great discount on HP and Compaq desktops, laptops, digital cameras and more. News Corporation employees can save up to 10% on a wide selection of new and refurbished electronics when they register and shop online at www.hpshopping.com/epp using company code EN4117. Alternatively, employees can place an order by calling (866) 433 -2018 (Monday Friday from 7:00am to 2:00am, Saturday Sunday from 10:00am to 7:00pm). When calling, be sure to identify yourself as a News Corporation employee and use company code EN4117. If you have questions or feedback about hpshopping.com services, please call (866) 433 -2018 during the hours listed above. For technical product support please call (800) HP-INVENT for HP products and (800) OK-COMPAQ for Compaq products. Hybrid Vehicle Incentive All eligible employees who purchase or lease a qualifying vehicle after January 1, 2007 will be able to receive a rebate of up to $4,000. Please contact your Human Resources Business Partner for an application and more information on this plan. Regular full-time and regular part-time (more than 17 hours per week) employees are eligible to receive a Hybrid Vehicle Incentive from Fox, subject to state and federal taxes and other required withholdings, upon proof of their purchase or 36-month lease of a new qualified vehicle. Pre-owned vehicles are not eligible for the incentive. Eligible employees may take advantage of the Hybrid Vehicle Incentive after 6 months of continuous employment with the company, and may use this Incentive once ever y five years. Temporary, intermittent, or part-time (less than 17 hours a week) employees are not eligible for this rebate. The qualifying vehicle must be purchased or leased for 36 months by the employee. In order to receive the Hybrid Vehicle Incentive, employees must first complete an application and submit it to their Human Resources Business Partner for approval, prior to their purchase or lease of a qualifying vehicle. Employees are responsible for the payment of any state and/or federal taxes or other required withholdings which occur as a result of this rebate. Employees who purchased a qualifying vehicle after January 1, 2007, and would otherwise have been eligible to receive a qualifying rebate under this policy may apply for a retroactive rebate with their Human Resources Business partner.

ICE.com You dont have to spend a mint to look like a million bucks. News Corporation employees can now save an EXTRA 20% off ICE.coms already low prices. The site offers the latest styles of jewelry includi ng diamonds, pearls, necklaces, earrings, bracelets and more. You can find the perfect gift for someone else, or treat yourself to something special. In addition to saving 20%, as a News Corporation employee you are also entitled to: Free gift-boxing A no-risk 30-day money back guarantee Free shipping on all orders Easy monthly payment options Free return shipping on all orders A certificate of authenticity To take advantage of this discount, please click here. Please note that this discount is not valid with other offers, sale items, clearance and bridal/engagement rings. For customer service or telephone orders, please call the ICE.com customer service team at (800) 539 -3580 and mention News Corporation coupon code ED-NEWSCORP20. The phone line is open Monday-Thursday from 9:00am to 9:00pm, Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm and Sunday from 12:00pm to 6 :00pm. If you have any questions, please contact ICE.coms employee discount team at (866) 393 -9788 x239 or employeediscount@ice.com.

IGN.com IGN is happy to provide FIM employees with a complimentary Insider Annual subscription. To access the upgrade, you will first need an IGN.com account. If you do not yet have an account, click here. Once you have an account, you will need to submit a request by going to the IGN Staff Support Center. Once on the Support Center site, follow these instructions: -Click Request for a New Account. -Create your account. -Once account has been approved, log-in to the Staff Support Center and click Contact Support. -Select FIM Employees Comp Requests from the drop-down menu under Ticket Description - Subject of Your Request. -Type the email address used for you IGN.com account in the Your C omp Email address box.
-Type your IGN.com username in the Other Details box. -C lick the Finish button to subm it your request.

You will receive an email confirmation once your Insider account has been confirmed.

Incredible Gifts Looking for something unusual for the Holidays? Incredible Gifts may have what you are looking for. Visit Incredible Gifts and choose from hundreds of incredible items. Our discount code is fox21, good for 25% off every purchase. For more information or bulk orders, email Steve@incrediblegifts.com. Jos. A. Bank This deal is all about sartorial savings. As a News Corporation employee you are entitled to 20% off all regularly priced merchandise at any Jos. A. Bank clothing store across the nation, as well as orders placed online or via their catalog. Jos. A. Bank has been providing classically styled tailored and casual clothing for over 100 years. To take advantage of this discount, bring proof of employment and apply for a free Jos. A. Bank Corporate Card at any location. Once you have the card, simply present it at the time of purchase and save! For the store nearest you call (800) 285-2265 or visit www.josbank.com. Knowledge Learning Corporation Childcare Centers Employees of Fox Interactive Media are eligible to receive a 10 % discount off of weekly, part-time, or drop-in care rates at participating child care centers operated by Knowledge Learning Corporation, Mulberry Child Care Centers and KinderCare Learning Centers. Standard weekly tuition rates for full -time and part-time care and operating hours vary by center. To find a center in your area for specific program information, space availability or to schedule a tour, please visit www.knowledgelearning.com or call the toll-free number (888) 525-2780 to speak with a Customer Care representative. To take advantage of this offer, employees will need to show proof of employment by Fox Interactive Media by showing a check-stub at the center. Please let the Center Director know that you would like to take advantage of the 10% discount for Fox Entertainment Group. If a problem is encountered when trying to take advantage of the discount, call (888) 525-2780 and ask to speak with National Programs.


E-Learning Applications Official Microsoft E-Learning courses are designed to provide maximum learning in minimal time. These courses offer a visually engaging, guided learning experience with highly interactive features, including user-selected learning style, assessments, ric h simulations, hands-on labs for practice, audio, and multimedia. With the Microsoft Softw are Assurance E-Learning benefit, you get accurate, relevant, and engaging learning on Microsoft technologies dir ect from the source.

1. Go to: https://business.microsoftelearning.com/activate/ 2. Input your multi-use access code: - for applications IWO8B8CCE8 (The code is case sensitive. Be sure to include the dashes and do not enter any spaces.) 3. You will be prompted to sign-in using a valid Windows Live ID (this will be the username and password you will use to access the site each time you log in). If you already have a profile on microsoft.com, use that Windows Live ID. 4. You will receive an email confirming your registration. 5. From the confirmation email, click the link to complete the email confirmation and activate your courses. 6. You will be prompted to sign-in using a valid Windows Live ID, once again. 7. A confirmation page will appear indicating that the access code has been accepted (or you may receive an error message if the code was not accepted). 8. Click the My Learning link to see list of available courses. 9. Click on a course title to launch the offering. You will have 12 months from time of launch to finish that course.

Home Use Program The Home Use Program (HUP) allows FIM employees to get licensed copies of selected Microsoft Office System desktop applications to install and use on a home computer, if they use them on their PC at w ork. Please note that this program cannot be used in some countries due to tax reasons (e.g. geldwerter Vorteil in Germany).

1. Go to https://hup.microsoft.com/ 2. Select the country to which you wish your order to be shipped to and choose the language for viewing the order web site. 3. Enter your corporate email address and insert the following program code 2288AD508F Note: This program code is assigned to our organization for our sole use in accessing this site. You may not share this number with anyone outside your organization.

4. Place your order on-line and it will be shipped to the location you For each product eligible for the Home Use Program for have chosen. Please note that a fulfilment fee will be charged to whic h you are a licensed user w ith activ e Software Assurance cover packaging, shipping and handling costs. coverage, you may order a single copy of that product to install and use on a home computer. You may continue using this HUP software while you are under FIM employment and as long as the softw are you use at work has active Software Assurance coverage. Please note that some product and language versions may not be available at the time you place an order. For up-to-date information on the availability of Home Use Program software, please visit http://microsoft.com/licensing. Em ployee Purchase Program Microsoft Employee Purchase Program (EPP) gives you significant discounts on retail prices for Microsoft's most popular productivity and consumer products. You can order discounted products directly through Microsoft secure ecommerce site. Please note that this program cannot be used in some countries due to tax reasons (e.g. geldwerter Vorteil in Germany). 1. Go to https://epp.microsoft.com/ and insert the following program code 529B99D8CC Note: This program code is assigned to our organization for our sole use in accessing this site. You may not share this number with anyone outside our organization. 2. Choose your preferred country and language. 3. Enter your corporate email address, company name and program code. 4. Place your order on-line and it will be shipped to you.


National Car Rental National Car Rental can keep you mobile no matter where your travels take you. For a smooth ride, News Corporation employees are entitled a complimenta ry membership in Nationals premier level of service, the Emerald Club. This $50 value will get you on your way in less time with exclusive features to make r enting a car faster, easier and more enjoyable. To enroll, please visit National Car Rental on the Web and click on the "enroll now" link. After your application has been completed, youll have your Emerald Club number in seconds and can use it for travel immediately. For more information, please click the links below. National Car Rental Announcement National Car Rental Summary ** Contract ID#: #5204882 Photobucket.com Photobucket is the webs most popular site for uploading, sharing, linking and finding photos, videos, and graphics. Your free Photobucket account can store thousands of photos and hours of video. Photobucket also offers free tools for making slideshows of photos, videos with music. You can share your photos and videos with friends by email, IM and mobile phone. FIM employees are eligible for a complimentary upgrade to Photobucket Pro. Benefits of Going Pro: 5 GB of storage in your albums 2 MB individual image file sizes Unmetered bandwidth -- unlimited access to your album No ads in your album No ads when you share your album Public/Private settings for your albums Support for SWF uploads

Longer videos -- up to 10 minutes each Longer slideshows -- up to 50 images per slideshow FTP access to your album -- really quick and conveni ent for bulk upload Fast track technical support

To take advantage of your complimentary upgrade to Pro, email Michael Clark with your Photobucket account username. To register for your free Photobucket username, click here. ReProduct Environmentally Friendly Greeting Cards Extend a warm gr eeting to this environmentally-friendly deal. All News Corporation employees can save 20% on ReProduct greeting cards when they order at www.reproduct.net and use product code newscorp07. ReProduct greeting cards and envelopes aim to eliminate waste and preserve resources. How does it work? The card, made from materials healthy for humans and the planet, is sent to the recipient in a two -way envelope (like Netflix). Once the recipient is done enjoying the card, they simply place it in the postage paid return portion of the envelope. When they drop it in the mail it is sent to Shaw Industries, where 100% of the card is reused in the manufacturing of new carpet tiles. If you have any questions, please email Karyn Pless of ReProduct or call her at (484) 595-0289. Shaklee Take advantage of a discount that helps you save green while staying green. Shaklee takes prid e in selling effective yet environmentally sound products for home cleaning, nutrition, weight management and skin care. As a News Corporation employee, you are now able to purchase items at nearly 33% off the r etail price. To get started, visit www.shaklee.net/stavish to browse through the items available for purchase. Please note that the prices listed do not reflect the 33% discount you will receive. When youre ready to order, follow these steps: 1. Complete the Shaklee Order Form. Note: Your price is reflected in the SN column. 11

2. 3. 4.

If the items you wish to purchase arent listed on the main order form, as will occasionally happen with special promotions or seasonal items, fill out the Shaklee Supplemental Order Form. Complete the Shaklee Fax Cover Sheet. Fax the completed cover sheet and forms to name and number indicated on the cover sheet.

After you fax your completed order, our Shaklee distributor Susan Stavish will contact you if there is any issue or question regarding your order. If you have any questions, please call Susan Stavish at (610) 853 -1756. Sprint Fox employees and their families qualify for 15% discount on your current monthly plan, products and devices. To learn more about this great offer, available plans and services visit Sprint. For your convenience, you may contact Kendall Barwick and Fady Kilada at 310-696-9994. When speaking with a repres entative refer to IL Node: 0138236923. Staples This deal will keep you well supplied. All News Corporation employees are now able to make personal purchases at Stapleslink.com at the corporate discount rate. You must register before shopping and certain r estrictions apply. To find out more and to get started, follow the registration instructions found here. Tallgrass Beef All Fox employees receive 20% off their first internet purchase from Tallgrass Beef. To order go to: Tallgrass Beef and use promotion code FOXENT. Targus These savings are in the bag, or sometimes, case. Fox employees always receive a 20 % discount on Targus products when they shop online. Targus is an industry leader in mobile computing cases and accessories, as well as cases for other portable electronics. Simply visit http://www.targus.com/us/epp/fox.aspx and add the product you want to your shopping cart. In the box labeled "Coupon Code Calculator", enter code "TCF1201". Orders for in stock items placed by 4pm EST ship out the same day! TV Guide There is no need to endlessly channel surf as a News Corporation employee, you can order a subscription to TV Guide at a substantial savings off the retail price. For $20, you can get a years worth of issues delivered to your home. Thats $0.36 an issue, or 85% off the newsstand price! For more information, or to order now, please visit the link below. TV Guide Magazine Subscriptions UPS Store If you have document or shipping needs, The UPS Store has solutions you can use at prices you cant beat. News Corporation employees can get a 20% discount on copies, faxing, laminating, binding and office supplies and 15% off mailbox services, packing, packaging supplies and computer timeshares at The UPS Stores 3,800 locations around the country. All you need to start saving is a UPS Store Corporate Card. Simply click on th e following link, complete the order form and your card will be mailed to you within seven to ten business days. To order a card, please visit https://www.ca.mbe.com and enter newscorp when asked for an access code. To review The UPS Store products, services and to locate a store near you, visit The UPS Stor e on the Web at www.theupsstore.com or call (888) 346-3623.


What if Sports Whatifsports.com, a division of Fox Interactive Media, offers online sports simulation and fantasy -style games. SimLeagues allow you build a team of players in MLB, NBA, NHL & NFL history and play an entire season, complete with boxscores, play-by-play, managerial and GM options at your fingertips. Dynasty games put you in charge of a college basketball, college football, racing team, or professional baseball organization. Depending on the game, youll get to recruit players, design game plans, sign free-agents or sponsors, make trades, with decisions carrying over to the next season! All FIM employees are eligible to receive their first season FREE for any of simulation games: -SimLeague Baseball, Basketball, Ho ckey, Football -Gridiron Dynasty, Hoops Dynasty, Hardball Dynasty and Clutch Racing Log on to www.whatifsports.com and enter promo code FIMEMPLOYEE Wine.com Heres a deal we heard through the grapevine employees of News Corporation and its subsidiaries receive a 10% discount on wine and gifts at www.wine.com. Wine.com offers the worlds largest selection of wines, wine clubs, business gifts, gourmet gift baskets and accessories. To take advantage of the discount, visit www.wine.com, and enter promo code newscorp during checkout to receive 10% off. You can also save 15% on wine baskets using this code. To place an order by phone call (800) 592-5870, and give the agent promo code newscorp. For more information, visit www.wine.com/business or call (877) 289-8268 between 9:00pm and 5:00pm, PST. Working Advant age Looking for a deal on a wide range of products and services? Through Working Advantage, Fox Interactive Media employees are entitled to savings of up to 40% on a variety of products and services including entertainment, travel, shopping and more. To start saving, create your free account by following the steps below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Visit http://www.workingadvantage.com Click on "Register" in the orange box at the top of the page Click on "Employees Click Here" Enter the Member ID number 99041408 Create your account on the page that follows, providing your home email address and a password of your choice

Go ahead, take advantage!


Atlanta-Area Discounts Life Time Fitness Introducing your new company break room - Life Time Fitness. Through a partnership between us and Life Time Fitness, we can offer you this exciting new health benefit. Fox employees can enroll at Life Time Fitness and receive at least 20% off the single enrollment! View the club nearest you at www.lifetimefitness.com. Call the club and ask for a Member Advisor for tours, a free workout, and to enroll! In case you dont know, Life Time Fitness offers the finest memberships at a great value all designed around you. To join or find out more contact a Member Advisor at your local Life Time Fitness. Tell them you are a Fox employee. See why - with company-supported savings and extraordinary Life Time Fitness quality youve found your perfect health partners.

Chicago-Area Discounts Life Time Fitness Introducing your new company break room - Life Time Fitness. Through a partnership between us and Life Time Fitness, we can offer you this exciting new health benefit. Fox employees can enroll at Life Time Fitness and receive at least 20% off the single enrollment! View the club nearest you at www.lifetimefitness.com. Call the club and ask for a Member Advisor for tours, a free workout, and to enroll! In case you dont know, Life Time Fitness offers the finest memberships at a great value all designed around you. To join or find out more contact a Member Advisor at your local Life Time Fitness. Tell them you are a Fox employee. See why - with company-supported savings and extraordinary Life Time Fitness quality youve found your perfect health partners.

Cincinnati-Area Discounts Life Time Fitness Introducing your new company break room - Life Time Fitness. Through a partnership between us and Life Time Fitness, we can offer you this exciting new health benefit. Fox employees can enroll at Life Time Fitness and receive at least 20% off the single enrollment! View the club nearest you at www.lifetimefitness.com. Call the club and ask for a Member Advisor for tours, a free workout, and to enroll! In case you dont know, Life Time Fitness offers the finest memberships at a great value all designed around you. To join or find out more contact a Member Advisor at your local Life Time Fitness. Tell them you are a Fox employee. See why - with company-supported savings and extraordinary Life Time Fitness quality youve found your perfect health partners .


Denver-Area Discounts Colorado Athletic Clubs Fox Interactive Media employees now get a discount on monthly-dues at Colorado Athletic Club! Membership to CAC grants you access to all four of their clubs. Click here for locations. Club amenities include: Full-Amenity Locker Rooms Indoor/outdoor pools Indoor/outdoor tennis Restaurant/Caf Massage Therapy/Spa Nursery Pro Shop Racquetball/Squash courts Sauna/Steam rooms/whirlpools Tanning Summer Camps for kids Group exercise, Yoga/pilates, cycling, Boot camps, 70+ camps per week

You can contact Lyn Ashley at: 303-782-4510 or lashley@wellbridge.com if you have any questions or wish to enroll. Be sure to tell her you are interested in the Fox employee discount. Colorado Avalanche FIM employees receive a discount for Colorado Avalanche hockey! To purchase discounted tickets c ontact Brittany McCormack, Colorado Avalanche Account Executive at 303-405-1157 or email bmccormack@pepsicenter.com. Click here to see the Avalanche schedule. Colorado Rapids Coming soon Stay tuned for a FIM employee discount on Colorado Rapids MLS games. Denver Broncos For great deals on Denver Broncos football premium seats (including Club Level Season Tickets, Single Game, Suites, and Season Suites), contact our Premium Seat Sales and Service Representative Darren O'Donnell at 720258-3310 or Darren.ODonnell@Broncos.NFL.net. Gather a group together for a Single Game Party Suite! Less formal than the Executive Suites, they allow you to entertain your clients, prospects, and employees on a one off basis. Party Suites feature stadium style seating inside a suite setting. Party Suites range in size for 14 - 42 people and include all game tickets as well as parking passes. For more information on suites click here. Go Broncos! Denver Nuggets Weve scored a great deal on Nuggets tickets for FIM employees. Come watch Allen Iverson, Carmelo Anthony, and the rest of the Nuggets play at the Pepsi Center. Click here for the Nuggets 2007-2008 season schedule. To purchase discounted tickets, contact Jason Parker at 303-405-1139, or email JParker@PepsiCenter.com. FORZA Fitness & Performance Club With state-of-the-art equipment like our 30 ramp, Red Rocks simulated stairs and 24 -foot articulated climbing wall, FORZA is designed for serious competitors. Hardcore cyclists and runners, fitness buffs and weekend warriors all these will find the equipment, knowledge and motivation needed to take their performances to the next level at FORZA. And For Those Who Go, Go, Go : sometimes, just juggling the demands of your professional and personal lives requires a few megawatts of energy. With brand-new equipment, rec ently remodeled facilities and a friendly staff,


FORZA is a clean, comfortable place to work out and refuel for the busy days ahead. Weve devoted a substantial area on our third floor to cardio equipment, and we offer multiple studios for Spinning, Pilates, yoga and group exercise classes. So, if youre trying to lose weight or maintain your shape, FORZA is a great place to start. FIM/Photobucket employees now receive reduc ed initiation and monthly dues fees at FORZA! To take advantage of the discount or if you have any questions, call Shannon Gustason at (720) 274-4327 or sgustason@forzadenver.com and tell her you are a Fox employee. Life Time Fitness Introducing your new company break room - Life Time Fitness. Through a partnership between us and Life Time Fitness, we can offer you this exciting new health benefit. Fox employees can enroll at Life Time Fitness and receive at least 20% off the single enrollment! View the club nearest you at www.lifetimefitness.com. Call the club and ask for a Member Advisor for tours, a free workout, and to enroll! In case you dont know, Life Time Fitness offers the finest memberships at a great value all designed around you. To join or find out more contact a Member Advisor at your local Life Time Fitness. Tell them you are a Fox employee. See why - with company-supported savings and extraordinary Life Time Fitness quality youve found your perfect health partners.

Detroit-Area Discounts Life Time Fitness Introducing your new company break room - Life Time Fitness. Through a partnership between us and Life Time Fitness, we can offer you this exciti ng new health benefit. Fox employees can enroll at Life Time Fitness and receive at least 20% off the single enrollment! View the club nearest you at www.lifetimefitness.com. Call the club and ask for a Member Advisor for tours, a free workout, and to enroll! In case you dont know, Life Time Fitness offers the finest memberships at a great value all designed around you. To join or find out more contact a Member Advisor at your local Life Time Fitness. Tell them you are a Fox employee. See why - with company-supported savings and extraordinary Life Time Fitness quality youve found your perfect health partners.

Los Angeles-Area Discounts Bank of America Enjoy a deal that makes cents, or at least saves them! Bank of America offers Fox employees a special banking benefits program called Bank of America at Work. This program offers you savings on a variety of accounts and financial services, such as: Discounted and no monthly fee checking options when your paycheck is direct deposited Interest rate bonuses on CDs and IRAs Great rates on loans and more To find out what specific deals are currently available, or to open an account, please visit the Bank of America at Work website for Fox Entertainmen t Group by clicking here. Big Bear Lake-Alpine Resort Rentals Climb above the June Gloom; take in some fresh air; hike a mountain; splash in the sparkling lake or simply peddle along the bike path and much more. BBLARR is offering the following discounts to all Fox employees: 15% off of a Friday/Saturday night reservation, with a 6:00 p.m. check out on Sunday 20% off of any two night reservation Sunday thru Thursday For more information on rates and availability please call (909) 866 -5711. You must mention Fox in order to enjoy this special offer.


Burke Williams Treat yourself to a decadent discount. Burke Williams Spa is offering all Fox Entertainment Group employees a $69 "Weekday Vacation Card". The first visit, you get a full session pure relaxation massage or a spa style facial ($95 value) for free. If you choose to take advantage of something different, this service is upgradeable. Receive 20% off all services and products for one full year on all other visits. For further information contact Terry Shofron at (866) 239-6635 ext. 2740. Catalina Express Catalina Express: The adventur e begins on board Catalina Express where sitting on an outside upper deck, you can take in ocean breezes or keep your eyes peeled to catch a glimpse of White-sided dolphins. Click here to print the Fox employees discount coupon. For more information and reservations call (800) 422 -9159 or visit: Catalina Express Century West Massages The only thing more soothing than a good deal is a good deal on a great massage. Dr. Scott and Dr. Fox of Century West Chiropractic and Massage offer massages at $45 for a full hour and $65 for 90 minutes. For more information, please visit www.cwcmassage.com, or call Century West at (310) 475-3488. The Club at Pacific Corpor ate Towers Employees who work in El Segundos Pacific Corporate Towers qualify for a special membership rate to The Club at PCT fitness center! The membership includes full use of the facility and all group exercise classes for the following rates: $37 per month (normally $42) $22 per month family-rate (normally $27) Plus $15 initiation fee per person - paid at the time of sign-up (normally $25) For information, please call The Cl ub at PCT at (310) 563-1442 or e-mail info@clubpct.com. Curves Curves Gym for women is offering the ladies of Fox special discounts - a $49 initiation fee and $44 per month membership (based on 12 month contract). Call the Cheviot Hills 310-836-3050 and Beverlywood 310-858-7546 locations for specific information on their trial offers, programs & schedules. Dont forget to mention youre from Fox to get your discount!! Dian M. Olah, D.M.D. Imagine having your dental appointment before work starts, on your lunch break or even on Saturday mornings. Once we gather all your dental and medical information, imagine having your teeth cleaned and then rec eiving a customized whitening kit as our welcome gift. Lets take this one step further imagine sharing your experience with a friend or loved one and in exchange for this grateful act, we will provide whitening supplies to you for life. Fox insurance accepted, of course. Call us at (310) 858-9212 or visit our site at: Dian Olah Dr. LeRoy Perry's International Sport Science Institute Try a deal thats good for your health and your wallet. Fox employees save 20% off all services at Dr. LeRoy Perrys International Sport Science Institute when you present this ad and your employee identification. For the past 25 years, Dr. LeRoy Perry's International Sport Science Institute has provided the enter tainment industry with health care, chiropractic care, acupuncture, podiatric s ervices, physical therapy and massage services. For more information call (310) 559-6900 and ask about the Fox Entertainment Group employee discount. Employee Screenings How do you make a good movie even better? Make the tickets free! All Los Angeles -based Fox Entertainment Group employees are eligible to attend free movie screenings at the Zanuck Theatr e. For a list of this months screenings, check the Inside Fox Today link on Insidefox.com, or call the Screenings Hotline at (310) 369-4674.


Escape Spa Sumptuous savings await you. The Escape Spa at 206 10th Street in Manhattan Beach offers Fox Entertainment Group employees a 10% discount on all services and a 15% discount on a massage and facial combination. For a detailed list of spa services, please visit http://www.escapemb.com or call (310) 937-8883. When booking your services, let them know you are a Fox Entertainment Group employee. You will need to bring your ID badge with you to your appointment. Extreme Boot Camp Santa Monica FIM employees pay only $395 (regular price $500) for a six-week session at Extreme Boot Camp Santa Monica! Extreme Boot Camp is designed to put you in the best shape of your life in a short amount of time, while having a great time doing it! They were founded with one primary mission: To help you achieve the ultimate positive change in your body, health and spirit. Tha t's why the Wall Street Journal rated them as the most realistic and experienced workout boot camp in Southern California and they wer e featur ed in Shape Magazine. You will be trained by former military personal and expert certified personal trainers. Th ey will lead you through a six-week outdoor military-based fitness program. Dont let the military aspect scare you. Their trainers are compassionate about helping their clients live healthier lives. They motivate but don't intimidate. Extreme Boot Camp offers programs that meet the needs of people from all fitness levels. They offer morning and night classes to fit anyones schedule. Come and join the camp today, build a better body, live a healthier life and make some friends along the way. To sign-up at this great discount please call 310-367-8500 or email santamonica@extremebootcamp.com and let them know you are an employee of Fox Interactive Media. Also, ask about the FIM employee family & frien ds discount! For more information on Extreme Boot Camp Santa Monica, click here. Family L aw Attorney Divorce and Family Law Attorney experienced in representing clients in the film an d television industry in family law matters: pre-nuptial agreements, complex child custody disputes, child and spousal support and division of community property (e.g. division of WGA/DGA pensions, royalties, and intellectual property rights). For free consultation and special rates, please call (310) 247-9913 and visit our web site at L.A. Family Law. Fetch Pet Care Fetch! Pet Care is Los Angeles Countys leading provider of professional pet sittin g and dog walking services. Whether youre at work or traveling, Fetch! Pet Care has your tail covered providing the widest variety of services to meet your every need including private dog walks, group off-leash dog exercise, daily pet visits, in-home overnight sitting, private boarding, day care, evening care, pet taxi, home care and yard pet waste cleanup. Fetch! Pet Care maintains a large staff of reliable, loving pet sitters throughout the gr eater Los Angeles area who have undergone thorough background checks and training, and are fully bonded and insured for your peace of mind. And Fetch! Pet Care guarantees your satisfaction with every service! To learn more and schedule a free in-home consultation, please contact Fetch! Pet Care toll free at 1 -866-FETCHME (1-866-338-2463) or on the web at Fetch Pet Care and, as a special offer, be sure to mention youre a Fox/Newscorp employee to receive a pre-negotiated rate of 10% OFF their retail prices! Ford X-Plan Fox and Ford are pleased to announce that you and your spouse are eligible for discounted pricing from Ford. This plan enables Fox employees to buy a new Ford (Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo, etc.) at a set, hassle-free below market price. All you have to do is get a PIN number and take it with you to any dealership! To obtain a PIN, please visit www.fordpartner.com and enter our Partner Code: WR839. Click on the generate a PIN section and follow the steps; it just takes a minute!! You will be asked for proof of employment at the dealership. When contacting your dealership of choice, ask for the Fleet Manager or the Sales Manager, as they are most familiar with the program.


Fox Fitness Center Powered by Plus One The Fox Fitness Center is an exclusive, state-of-the-art, 7500 square foot facility on the ground floor of Building 103. Exclusively for Fox employees, the facility includes premiere fitness equipment, amenities, and a full staff of professionals. MEMBERSHIPS ARE LIMITED. PLEASE CONTACT US NOW TO LEARN MORE. UPON REACHIN G MEMBERSHIP LIMIT, APPLICANTS MAY BE ADDED TO OUR WAIT LIST. ALL MEMBERSHIPS ARE ENTITLED TO Full use during hours of operation: Hours of Operation MONDAY THRO UGH FRIDAY 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM SATURDAY SUNDAY 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM CLOSED

An optional Smart Start comprehensive fitness evaluation An optional Quick Start instructional demo on the equipment Participate in group fitness classes (available space may be limited) Consult with the staff regarding individualized PlusOneActive.com workout programs (you may ask to have your program modified and updated at any time) Participate in all contests, challenges, and special events Use of the showers and amenities provided in the locker rooms. Store your shoes, toiletries, and clothing in a day-use locker while working out (no overnight storage). Personal Training is available for an additional fee. WEEKLY FEES Dues will be collected via Payroll deduction. Weekly Fees EVPS & PRESIDENTS SVPS & VPS $17.50 $12.50

DIRECTORS AND BELOW $7.50 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS You are eligible to enroll in the Fox Fitness Center (FFC) if you are a regular, full -time employee of a Fox company working at a FIM location within close proximity to the Fitness Center. Temporary employees, part-time employees, loan-out company employees, production employees and employees working at locations other than those listed above are not eligible. Fox reserves the right to amend or revise, at any time in the future, the eligibility requirements concerning the FFC. If you are eligible at the time of the enrollment but are later transferred to a full time position at a location that is ineligible, you will retain the right to keep your membership at the FFC. There is a minimum required Sign Up Term of 6 months and membership is contingent upon usage. Members must achieve 20 visits within the Sign Up Term. For more information contact 310.369.2300 or email foxfitness@plusone.com.


Golds Gym Golds Gym Hollywood with over 40,000 square feet of state of the art workout equipment, half a million dollars of brand new cardio equipment, the number one Golds Gym in the world for group exercise class and some of the best personal trainers in Los Angeles is proud to announce our corporate program for Fox. All employees are eligible for the special Fox corporate membership rate of $39.99/month a savings of $20. To get a free 7 day trial memberships please call Scott Mahoney at (323) 462-7012 or email at smahoney@goldsgymla.com. House of Power Its the place to find solutions to your high performance needs ranging from subtle to extreme. Our experienced staff is able to work on several types of vehicles (including hot rods). Fox employees and their families qualify for 15% off labor when adding high performance products (i.e., headers, supercharges, brake up grades, etc.). $25 off per hour for dyno tuning (this does not include adding software to the vehicle) usual hourly rate is $185. $25 off per hour for dyno runs (i.e. air and fuel ratios, etc.) usual hourly rate is $135. Mention this ad or simply provide a valid Fox ID and begin enjoying these discounts. For more information, please call 714-842-9515 or visit our long awaited Hop Racing website at House of Power. Important: House of Power is not a service and repair facility. KZG Our company helps golfers improve by custom-fitting them with golf clubs unique to their own individual golf swing and stature. We would like to offer all Fox employees a free clubfitting, valued at $100, and 10% off any golf equipment custom built at our North Hollywood Headquarters. To sc hedule a fitting, contact our PGA Professional, Chris Heasley at chrisfit@kzgolf.com or at (800)200-8800. Or to browse our product line, visit KZ GOLF. LeRoy Perry's Athletic Club Pump up the savings! Fox Entertainment Group employees receive $500 off the initiation fee and can enjoy a monthly rate of $100 at LeRoy Perrys Athletic Club. As an additional perk, you can also take advantage of a FREE one-week trial membership to see if the club is right for you. To take care of your whole body, the 10,000 square foot fitness center includes a pool, a Jacuzzi and steam rooms. Personal training and yoga classes are also offered. For more information, call Henry at (310) 702-6280 or email him at goodadvice@henrysiegel.com. Los Angeles Dodgers Root (root root) for the home team! Fox Entertainment Group has teamed up with Ticketmaster for great deals on tickets to Dodgers baseball games. To get scheduling information or to order, please click on the links below. -For "Premium Games" tickets: click here -For "$3.00 off" discount tickets: click here -For "50% off" discount tickets: click here Meridian Sports Club Here's a deal that's worth breaking a sweat over. All Fox Entertainment Group employees are invited to take part in Meridian Sports Clubs Corporate Membership Program. If you make a six month commitment, you can join for only $49 a month and a start up fee of only $75. For more information, please call Walter Rodas at (310) 789 -1111 or e-mail him at wrodas@meridiansportsclubs.com. The Popcorn Factory Take advantage of a good deal that just popped up. Fox Entertainment Group employees receive a 15% discount on popcorn and popcorn related gifts when they shop at the Popcorn Factory. You can also call (888) 216-0235. Whether you call or click, be sure to use discount code NEWSFD.


Smoking Cessation Program by New Choice By using this discount, you save twice: when you sign up for the program and then again by not smoking! New Choice offers all Fox Entertainment Group employees a one-on-one program to help you stop smoking for good. Employees can receive free consultation and a 30% discount on all services. For more information, please call Carol Willard at New Choice at (310) 253-9990, and mention that you are a Fox Entertainment Group employee. You can also visit New Choice on the web at www.newchoiceprograms.com. Sonki Fitness Boot Camp Sonki Fitness Boot Camp is a fun outdoor fitness training program designed to condition the entire body and mind. It's a boot camp style training that uses a gentle, positive approac h (no yelling or screaming). Its 5-weeks long (1 hour per class) and designed for all ages and levels. Two things you can expect from our Boot Camp are results and fun! All Fox employees get the "returnee discount," which means only $220 for Unlimited Tng ($30 off), $200 for Basic Tng ($25 off), and $70 for Weekend Warrior Tng ($5 off). Class size is limited, so reserve your spot early! TO SIGN UP, or if you have any questions, please email Sonki Fitness or call (310) 260-2518. Theme Park Tickets If youre seeking thrills, chills or gills, heres a deal for you. The Fox Studio Store sells discount amusement park tickets to some of Southern California's most popular attractions, including: Disneyland Six Flags Magic Mountain LEGOLAND San Diego Zoo San Diego Wild Animal Park Universal Studios Tours Long Beach Aquarium

All tickets must be purchased at the Studio Store. For further information, please call the Studio Store at (310) 369 3087. Train Me Right Fitness Personal Training and Boxing FIM employees can take advantage of a 40% discount on personal training and boxing coaching from Marcelo Crudele of Train Me Right Fitness. Here are some examples of the discounted rates: 1 session per week = $80.00/a session 2 sessions per week = $70.00/a session 3 sessions per week = $60.00/a session To take advantage of this offer, please contact Marcelo at (310) 210-0848 or marcelo@trainmerightfitness.com and let him know that you are a Fox Interactive Media employee. For more information on Marcelo and Trai n Me Right Fitness, click here. Vons Grocery Delivery Fox has partnered with Vons.com for online grocery delivery right to your door. Fox employees save on delivery fees and are entitled to an additional $10 savings on each of their first three purchases. The same prices and specials as local stores are available. Please visit Shop Safeway to place your order today! Our code is FOXSAVE. Weight Watchers This time around, when you lose, you save! Weight Watchers can help Fox Interactive Media employees lose weight at a discounted rate. Classes are regularly held in a supportive, friendly environment designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals. For more information on current and upcoming classes, please email Brenda Boulton at BoultonB@weightwatchers.com or call her at (310) 202-1504.


Westside Rentals Tired of the long commute? Looking for a new place to live? Sign up for WestsideRentals.com today for only $45.00, that's a 25% discount from the standard membership rate of $60! Westside Rentals is the leading apartment and home r ental finding service throughout Southern California, with ten years of experience connecting landlords with quality tenants. You must sign up using your FIM email address to be eligible for the discount. Click on the following link to start your membership today: Westside Rentals Westside Rentals Platinum Relocation FIM employees save 10% on WestsideRentals.com Platinum Relocation Services . Not familiar with the neighborhood? In town for a limited number of days? Don't have time to call Landlords, set-up viewing times, or attend open -houses? Need personal attention and one-on-one relocation help? The W estsideRentals.com Platinum Relocation Services Package is for renters that are in need of a high-level of personal assistance to find a rental property. Maximize your time by letting us do the work! The Platinum Relocation Services Package includes: One-on-one r ental and vacancy wish-list consultations. Scheduling 4 to 6 rental viewings around your schedul e in one day. Personal driver assigned to take you on visits to properties of interest on a particular day. Email corpsales@westsiderentals.com or call 310-576-1444 to secure your discount! Your Little Helper So you work in Beverly Hills but you dont have a personal assistant? You think you cant afford one? Well now you can. Affordable and reliable help is available to everyone thanks to Your Little Helper. Your Little Helper is the ONE-STOP shop for your everyday errands, projects around the house, and taking care of your pets. It is your errand runner, on-call personal assistant, dog walker, and handyman all rolled into one because everyone should have their own entourage. Little helpers can be employed for an hour, a week, or on a regular schedule. All the helpers are well screened and the company is insured and bonded, so you know youre in good hands. And because there is someone always available, its like having your own full -time personal assistant that you only pay when you use them. We are here to help, so YOU can have a life! Some of the tasks Your Little Helper can help you with: Waiting for the cable guy Gift shopping, wrapping, and shipping Home laundry Grocery shopping Closet, garage, storage space, and office organization/de-cluttering (including dropping your items off at donation centers or selling for you on Craigslist) Car washing or gassing up Postal ad banking services House sitting And so much more! For more information, go to www.yourlittlehelper.net. Fox Interactive Media employees receive discounts off the hourly rates. Call 310-497-8875 for rates and to order services today!


New York-Area Discounts American Museum of N atural History It's one of the best deals in history! News Corporation is a Corporate Patron at the American Museum of Natural History, and this entitles all employees of our companies to unlimited, fre e admission to the museum. Each employee can bring up to five guests per visit, and employees also receive discounts on Space Shows, IMAX films and special exhibitions, as well as in museum shops and restaurants. You must present your employee ID at a Museum Membership Desk to receive your complimentary admission and discounts. Employee IDs are non-transferable and copies of IDs will not be accepted. The American Museum of Natural History is located at 79th Street and Central Park West. If you have any questions, please contact Meggan Whiteman in News Corporation Corporate Affairs. Eisenberg & Eisenberg Tuxedos and Formal We ar This is one sharp-looking deal. All employees of News Corporation companies can save 15% on the purchase or rental of tuxedos, formal wear and accessories when they shop at Eisenberg & Eisenberg. Simply visit their shop at 16 West 17th Street (between 5th and 6th Aves) and show your company ID to receive the discount. If you have any questions, please email fineduds@aol.com, call the store directly at (212) 627-1290 or visit their website. Estee Lauder Company Store Savings are always in style. News Corporation employees are entitled to a discount on all products at the Este Lauder company store. All you need to start saving on products from Aveda to Tommy Hilfiger is an Este Lauder pass. To collect yours, please contact Maria Lopez in News Corporation Human Resources. The Este Lauder company store is located on the concourse level of the Pa ine Weber - UBS Building at 1285 Avenue of the Americas (between 51st and 52nd Sts). Langans Bar and Re staurant A toast to the deal with the most! Every Friday night, all News Corporation employees can enjoy a 20% discount on food and beverages at Langan's restaurant and bar. To take advantage of this offer, show your employee ID to the bartender or waitress prior to ordering. Langan's is located at 150 West 47th Street (between 6th and 7th Aves). For mor e information, please call Langan's at (212) 869-5482. Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Enjoy a priceless deal on the fine arts. News Corporation is a proud corporate sponsor of Lincoln Center, and our employees are entitled to discounted tickets to a variety of concerts, panels and performances. To find out whats available in the coming weeks, please contact Lincoln Centers Alexandra Olin at (212) 875 -5431 or at aolin@lincolncenter.org. For more information on Lincoln Center, please visit them on the web. Museum of Television and Radio Tune in for a great deal. The Museum of Television and Radio offers free admission to News Corporation employees and their families. Employees also enjoy free private screenings, discounts at the museums gift shop, admission to the museum library and invitations to special events. Please bring your employee ID to take advantage of these discounts. The Museum of Television and Radio is located at 25 West 52nd Street (between 5 th and 6th Aves). If you have any questions, please contact Meggan Whiteman in News Corporation Corporate Affairs. 23

New Jersey Nets News Corporation and the New Jersey Nets are bringing you a slam dunk of an offer. Employees of News Corporation companies can save big on tickets to select New Jersey Nets games. Games are generally offered at a discount every month of the regular season. To see what tickets are currently available at a discount, please email New Jersey Jets Account Manager Michael Winkler. For general info on the New Jersey Nets, or for a schedule of games, go to www.njnets.com. NewsFitness WE ARE COMMITTED TO YOUR HEALTH AND WELL-BEING! NEWSFITNESS IS LOCATED ON THE THIRD FLOOR AT 1211 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS. We have teamed up with Plus One Fitness, who will manage the Fitness Center. Our goal is to provide you with an array of programs and services to help you reach your fitness goals. Terms NewsFitness is for use by full -time employees from the fa mily of News Corporation companies only. Membership in the NewsFitness is based on a three-month commitment with automatic renewal. You acknowledge and agree that the opportunity to use the center is for your personal benefit. Membership Fees will be collected on a weekly basis by your Companys payroll deduction system. Your weekly membership fee is: $5.00 per week If you have further questions about NewsFitness, or to get an enrollment for m, please email newsfitness@plusone.com or call (212) 852-7665, or contact Maryann Neff at mneff@newscorp.com or (212) 8527199. New York Sports Clubs Fox employees now have a discount at New York Sports Clubs! The corporate rate includes $100 off initiation, and a discount on monthly membership fees. Membership Includes: ACCESS TO OVER 140 LOCATIONS (convenience in seven states!) Click here for locations. Cardiovascular Equipment Strength-Training Equipment- - -Fr ee W eights, Hammer Str ength, Circuit XPRESSLINE 22 Minute Workout ( Trainer Supervised, Eight-Station, Total-Body Circuit Workout) Group Classes (Boxing, Yoga, Pilates, Dance, etc.) Daily-Use Lockers Towel Services & Other Basic Ammenities Sauna and Steam Room (most locations) Individual Flat-Screen TVS on all Cardio Equipment COMPLIMENTARY FITNESS ASSESSMENT- - - 1 HR SESSION WITH A TRAINER PREFERED GUESTLIST (BRING UP TO 5 OF YOUR FRIENDS TO WORK O UT WITH YOU FOR A WEEK Corporate Rates for everyone! Special Features: Personal Training Massage Therapy Group Exclusives Baby-Sitting

Laundry Service Sports Clubs for Kids Pro Shop Racquet Sports

For trials or to enroll contact Carol Burgos 212.682.4440 or carolina.burgos@town-sports.com. 24

Plum Benefits This discount is so good you'll want an encore. Plum Benefits provides News Corporation employees with savings of up to 50% off premier Broadway and Off-Broadway shows. Browsing the available discounts and ordering tickets is easy. Simply choose the event on the Discount Entertainment Guide that you would like to attend. The description for the show that you select will contain a phone number and code. To receive the discount, simply call the number and mention the corresponding code. To view the Discount Entertainment Guide for this month, click here. Reebok Sports Club More info rmation coming soon. Rockefeller Center You don't have to go far to find a great deal. The Rockefeller Center Privilege Card offers employees of News Corporation companies discounts of up to 10% at a wide variety of shops and eateries located in and aro und Rockefeller Center. To pick up your card, please contact your HR department. Any other questions may be directed to Heather Williams at News Corporation Human Resources. For more information, please visit http://www.rockefellercenter.com. You can view a list of current discounts by clicking on "Shop" or "Eat" and then clicking on the "Privilege Card" link. Sports Club/LA More info rmation coming soon. Whitney Museum Experience the art of the deal. The Whitney Museum of American Art is offering News Corporation employees free museum admission. Simply bring and present your News Corporation company ID. If you have any questions, please contact Meggan Whiteman in News Corporation Corporate Affairs. The Whitney Museum of American Art is located at 945 Madison Avenue (at 75th Street).

Palo Alto-Area Discounts San Jose Earthquakes Coming soon Stay tuned for a FIM employee discount on San Jose Earthquakes MLS tickets. Vons Grocery Delivery Fox has partnered with Vons.com for online grocery delivery right to your door. Fox employees save on delivery fees and are entitled to an additional $10 savings on each of their first three purchases. The same prices and specials as local stores are available. Please visit Shop Safeway to place your order today! Our code is FOXSAVE.


Phoenix-Area Discounts Life Time Fitness Introducing your new company break room - Life Time Fitness. Through a partnership between us and Life Time Fitness, we can offer you this exciting new health benefit. Fox employees can enroll at Life Time Fitness and receive at least 20% off the single enrollment! View the club nearest you at www.lifetimefitness.com. Call your Member Advisor Mike Wilker at 480-558-5411 for tours, a free workout, and to enroll! In case you dont know, Life Time Fitness offers the finest memberships at a great value all designed around you. To join or find out more contact Mike Wilker at 480-558-5411 or mwilker@lifetimefitness.com, and tell him you are a Fox employee. See why - with company-supported savings and extraordinary Life Time Fitness quality youve found your perfect health partners. Vons Grocery Delivery Fox has partnered with Vons.com for online grocery delivery right to your door. Fox employees save on delivery fees and are entitled to an additional $10 savings on each of their first three purchases. The same prices and specials as local stores are available. Please visit Shop Safeway to place your order today! Our code is FOXSAVE.

San Fr ancisco-Area Discounts Golden St ate Warriors As an employee of Fox Interactive Media, you have the opportunity to rec eive an exclusive Golden State Warriors offer with great savings. This special offer is only available to preferred buyers by clicking here. First time users will have to create an account using their work e-mail address. As a courtesy we will send you a monthly e-mail with great offers, but you can also save the link below to your favorites. For any additional questions or tickets to games not shown her e, please call Kristin Cantlin at (510) 986-5403 or email kscantlin@gs-warriors.com. We look forward to seeing you out at ORACLE Arena for A Gr eat Time Out! Save this link in your Favorites and check back often as offers will change! Oakland Athletics Coming soon Stay tuned for a FIM empl oyee discount on Oakland As games. San Jose Earthquakes Coming soon Stay tuned for a FIM employee discount on San Jose Earthquakes MLS tickets. Sports Club/LA The Sports Club/LA in San Francisco is a 100,000 square foot luxury sports and fitness complex designed to fulfill your every fitness need. Recognized as the finest sports and fitness complex in the world, The Sports Club/LA features over 40 different sports and fitness options under one roof, offering the most popular and progressive facilities, services and programming combined with personalized service in an atmosphere of unprecedented comfort and convenience. A total fitness environment like nothing that has ever come befor e. San Francisco-Area FIM employees are eligible for a special corporate rate at The Sports Club/LA! As a preferred corporate partner, our employees receive drastically reduced initiation fees as well as a discount off of monthly dues. To take advantage of this offer, contact our rep Chad White at (415) 633-3919 or CWhite@mp-sportsclub.com. Ask him about a complimentary one-week membership for you and your spouse/significant other! Vons Grocery Delivery Fox has partnered with Vons.com for online grocery delivery right to your door. Fox employees save on delivery fees and are entitled to an additional $10 savings on each of their first three purchases. The same prices and specials as local stores are available. Please visit Shop Safeway to place your order today! Our code is FOXSAVE.


Seattle-Area Discounts Seattle Athletic Club Seattle Athletic Club is a world-class sport and fitness Club that is extremely proud of thei r quarter century tradition in providing their corporate wellness partners with the finest health and fitness professionals in the Pacific Northwest. As corporate partners, Seattle Scout, MySpace, and Fox employees qualify for discounted initiation fees and monthly rates at the Seattle Athletic Club Downtown and Club Northwest (SACs premier membership, which includes full access to Seattle Athletic Club Downtown and Seattle Athletic Club Northgate). For information or to join, please make an appointment with one of our representatives by calling 206.838 .1827 and asking for Laurie Leonetti or Everett Lightcap. Seattle Storm Coming soon Stay tuned for a FIM employee discount on Seattle Storm W NBA game tickets. Seattle SuperSonics Seattle FIM employees are eligible for a discount on Sonics tickets! CLICK HERE to take advantage of this exclusive offer! ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS: Step 1: Click on the link above to order tickets Step 2: Choose the game/games you would li ke to attend Step 3: At this time you will be asked for your e-mail address and password (you will need to use your @scout.com or @myspace.com email address and first time users must create a new account/password to access the offer) Step 4: Proceed with your ticket order - your tickets will be e-mailed to you Step 5: Print your tickets from your desktop There are no taxes or service charges. To order, employee must use their work email address . For questions or to order 10+ tickets, please contact Kati Wescott at 206-272-2742 or kwescott@sonics-storm.com. Vons Grocery Delivery Fox has partnered with Vons.com for online grocery delivery right to your door. Fox employees save on delivery fees and are entitled to an additional $10 savings on each of their first three purchases. The same prices and specials as local stores are available. Please visit Shop Safeway to place your order today! Our code is FOXSAVE. Whistler Blackcomb Lift Tickets Seattle-Area FIM employees are eligible to receive DISCOUNTED WHISTLER BLACKCOMB LIFT TICKETS! Here are the discounted rates: Corporate Ticket Pricing (USD with tax) $66.78 Adult $56.18 Youth $56.18 Senior $37.10 Child Regular window price: $87 USD with tax. Tickets are valid until June 8, 2008. NO Blackout dates. Must be purchased at evo to receive this discount. You must tell them that you are an employee of Fox Interactive Media to get the corporate discounted price. Tickets are on sale at evo in Fremont: 122 NW 36th St., Seattle, WA 98107, Phone: 206.973.4470. www.evoseattle.com


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