Binary Trees: //defining A Binary Tree

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//Defining a binary tree

struct BinaryTree { int data; BinaryTree* left; BinaryTree* right; };

//Creating a new node

BinaryTree* newTreeNode(int data) { BinaryTree* newNode = new BinaryTree; newNode->data = data; newNode->left = NULL; newNode->right = NULL; return newNode; }

//Tree Traversals
void printPreOrder(BinaryTree *root) { if(NULL == root) return; cout << root->data << " "; printPreOrder(root->left); printPreOrder(root->right); } void printPostOrder(BinaryTree *root) { if(NULL == root) return; printPostOrder(root->left); printPostOrder(root->right); cout << root->data << " "; } void printInOrder(BinaryTree *root) { if(NULL == root) return; printInOrder(root->left); cout << root->data << " "; printInOrder(root->right); }

1. Construct a binary tree, given pre-order and in-order tree traversals.

int getIndex(int* arr, int val, int size) { for(int i=0; i<size;i++) { if(arr[i] == val) return i; } return -1; }

BinaryTree* create_bintree(int* parray, int* iarray, int size) { if(size == 0) return NULL; int rootVal = parray[0]; BinaryTree* root = newTreeNode(rootVal); int newIdx = getIndex(iarray, rootVal, size); root->left = create_bintree(parray+1, iarray, newIdx); root->right = create_bintree(parray+newIdx+1, iarray+newIdx+1, sizenewIdx-1); return root; }

2. Find the depth of a binary tree

int depth(BinaryTree *root) { if(NULL == root) return 0; int left = depth(root->left); int right = depth(root->right); if(left > right) return (left + 1); else return (right + 1); }

3. Print the nodes of a tree in level order traversal

void printGivenLevel(BinaryTree *root, int level) { if(NULL == root) return; if(1 == level) cout << root->data << " "; else if (level > 1) { printGivenLevel(root->left, level-1); printGivenLevel(root->right, level-1); } }

void printLevelOrder(BinaryTree *root) void printLevelOrder(BinaryTree *root, int level) { for(int i = 0; i <= depth(root); i++) { printGivenLevel(root, i); } }

4. Print maximum width of a tree. Also print the nodes of the level with the maximum width.
int getWidth(BinaryTree *root, int level) { if(NULL == root) return 0; if(1 == level) return 1; else if (level > 1) return getWidth(root->left, level-1) + getWidth(root->right, level-1); } int treeWidth(BinaryTree *root) { int width = 0; int level = 0; for(int i = 0; i <= depth(root); i++) { if(width < getWidth(root, i)) { width = getWidth(root, i); level = i; } } cout << "Level " << level << "nodes: " ; printGivenLevel(root, level); return width; }

5. Write functions to print pre-order, post-order and in-order tree traversal of nodes, using stack (without recursion)
//In-Order Tree Traversal Using Stack void InOrderWithStack(BinaryTree *root) {

Utility Functions For Stacks

Stack *S = createStack();; BinaryTree* node = root; while(node != NULL || !isEmpty(S)) { while(node != NULL) { struct Stack { int top; BinaryTree** stack; };

push(S, node); node = node->left; } if(!isEmpty(S)) node = pop(S); cout << node->data << " "; node = node->right; } } //In-Order Tree Traversal Using Stack void PreOrderWithStack(BinaryTree *root) { Stack *S = createStack(); BinaryTree *node = root;

Stack* createStack() { Stack *S = (Stack*)malloc(sizeof(Stack *)); S->stack = (BinaryTree **)malloc(sizeof(BinaryTree *)*STACKSIZE); S->top = -1; return S; } ____________________________ void push(Stack *S, BinaryTree *node) { S->top++; S->stack[S->top] = node;

while(node!=NULL || !isEmpty(S)) { while(node != NULL) } { if(node->right) push(S, node->right); ____________________________ cout << node->data << " "; BinaryTree* pop(Stack *S) node = node->left; { } S->top--; if(!isEmpty(S)) return S->stack[S->top node = pop(S); + 1]; } } ____________________________ } //In-Order Tree Traversal Using Stack void PostOrderWithStack(BinaryTree *root) { Stack *S = createStack(); BinaryTree *node = root; while(node != NULL) { push(S, node); if(node->right) push(S, node->right); if(node->left) node = node->left; } while(!isEmpty(S)) { node = pop(S); cout << node->data << " "; } } bool isEmpty(Stack *S) { if(-1 == S->top) return true; else return false; }

6. Print level order tree traversal using queue.

void printLevelOrderUsingQue(BinaryTree *root) { int rear, front; BinaryTree** que = createQue(&front, &rear); BinaryTree* temp_node = root; while(temp_node) { cout << temp_node->data << " "; if(temp_node->left) enQue(que, &rear, temp_node->left); if(temp_node->right) enQue(que, &rear, temp_node->right); temp_node = deQue(que, &front); } }

struct BinaryTree** createQue(int *front, int *rear) { struct BinaryTree** que = (struct BinaryTree **)malloc(sizeof(struct BinaryTree*)*QUESIZE); *front = *rear = 0; return que; } ____________________________ void enQue(BinaryTree **que, int *rear, BinaryTree *node) { que[*rear] = node; (*rear)++; } ____________________________

BinaryTree *deQue(BinaryTree **que, int *front) int size(BinaryTree *root) { { (*front)++; if(root == NULL) return 0; return que[*front 1]; else } return (1 + (size(root->left)) + (size(root->right))); }

7. Print size of a binary tree

8. Write a function that returns true if any if the paths from root ->leaf equals a given value.
bool pathSum(BinaryTree *root, int sum) { if(NULL == root) return(sum == 0); else { return (pathSum(root->left, sum - root->data) || pathSum(root>right, sum - root->data)); } }

9. Given a binary tree, construct its mirror

void mirror(BinaryTree *root) { if(root == NULL) return; BinaryTree *temp = NULL; mirror(root->left);

mirror(root->right); temp = root->right; root->right = root->left; root->left = temp; }

10. Write a function to determine if two trees are identical

bool sameTree(BinaryTree *root1, BinaryTree *root2) { if(NULL == root1 && NULL == root2) return true; else if(root1 != NULL && root2 != NULL) { return ((root1->data == root2->data) && sameTree(root1->left, root2->left) && sameTree(root1->right, root2->right)); } else return false; }


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