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AuuuSL8S Add or llsL users Lo/from a CSv flle

A8 Address 8esoluLlon roLocol

ASSCC Change flle exLenslon assoclaLlons-
ASSCClA1 Cne sLep flle assoclaLlon
A118l8 Change flle aLLrlbuLes
8Cu8CC1 CreaLe or repalr a sysLem parLlLlon
8CC1ClC LdlL Wlndows booL seLLlngs
88CWS1A1 CeL domaln browser and uC lnfo
CACLS Change flle permlsslons
CALL Call one baLch program from anoLher-
Cu Change ulrecLory move Lo a speclflc lolder-
CPAnCL Change 1ermlnal Server Sesslon properLles
CPkuSk Check ulsk check and repalr dlsk problems
CPkn1lS Check Lhe n1lS flle sysLem
CPClCL AccepL keyboard lnpuL Lo a baLch flle
ClPL8 LncrypL or uecrypL flles/folders
CleanMgr AuLomaLed cleanup of 1emp flles recycle bln
CLLA8MLM Clear memory leaks
CLl Copy S1uln Lo Lhe Wlndows cllpboard
CLS Clear Lhe screen-
CLuS1L8 Wlndows ClusLerlng
CMu SLarL a new CMu shell
CMukL? Manage sLored usernames/passwords
CCLC8 Change colors of Lhe CMu wlndow-
CCM Compare Lhe conLenLs of Lwo flles or seLs of flles
CCMAC1 Compress flles or folders on an n1lS parLlLlon
CCM8LSS Compress lndlvldual flles on an n1lS parLlLlon
CCn281 ConnecL or dlsconnecL a rlnLer
CCnvL81 ConverL a lA1 drlve Lo n1lS
CC? Copy one or more flles Lo anoLher locaLlon-
CSCcmd CllenLslde cachlng (Cffllne llles)
CSvuL lmporL or LxporL AcLlve ulrecLory daLa
uA1L ulsplay or seL Lhe daLe-
uLl8AC uefragmenL hard drlve
uLL ueleLe one or more flles-
uLL8Cl ueleLe n1 user proflles
uLL18LL ueleLe a folder and all subfolders
uevCon uevlce Manager Command Llne uLlllLy
ul8 ulsplay a llsL of flles and folders-
ul8uSL ulsplay dlsk usage
ulSkCCM Compare Lhe conLenLs of Lwo floppy dlsks
ulSkCC? Copy Lhe conLenLs of one floppy dlsk Lo anoLher
ulSkA81 ulsk AdmlnlsLraLlon
unSS1A1 unS SLaLlsLlcs
uCSkL? LdlL command llne recall commands and creaLe macros
uSACLs AcLlve ulrecLory ACLs
uSAdd Add lLems Lo acLlve dlrecLory (user group compuLer)
uSCeL vlew lLems ln acLlve dlrecLory (user group compuLer)
uSCuery Search for lLems ln acLlve dlrecLory (user group compuLer)
uSMod Modlfy lLems ln acLlve dlrecLory (user group compuLer)
uSMove Move an AcLlve dlrecLory Cb[ecL
uS8M 8emove lLems from AcLlve ulrecLory
LCPC ulsplay message on screen-
LnuLCCAL Lnd locallsaLlon of envlronmenL changes ln a baLch flle-
L8ASL ueleLe one or more flles-
LvLn1C8LA1L Add a message Lo Lhe Wlndows evenL log
Lxl1 CulL Lhe currenL scrlpL/rouLlne and seL an errorlevel-
LxAnu uncompress flles
Lx18AC1 uncompress CA8 flles
lC Compare Lwo flles
llnu Search for a LexL sLrlng ln a flle
llnuS18 Search for sLrlngs ln flles
lC8 /l Loop command agalnsL a seL of flles-
lC8 /l Loop command agalnsL Lhe resulLs of anoLher command-
lC8 Loop command all opLlons llles ulrecLory LlsL-
lC8llLLS 8aLch process mulLlple flles
lC8MA1 lormaL a dlsk
l8LLulSk Check free dlsk space (ln byLes)
lSu1lL llle and volume uLlllLles
l1 llle 1ransfer roLocol
l1?L ulsplay or modlfy flle Lypes used ln flle exLenslon assoclaLlons-
CLC8AL ulsplay membershlp of global groups
CC1C ulrecL a baLch program Lo [ump Lo a labelled llne-
CuuA1L updaLe Croup ollcy seLLlngs
PLL Cnllne Pelp
lCACLS Change flle and folder permlsslons
ll CondlLlonally perform a command-
llMLM8L8 ls Lhe currenL user ln an n1 Workgroup
lCCnllC Conflgure l
klLL 8emove a program from memory
LA8LL LdlL a dlsk label
LCCAL ulsplay membershlp of local groups
LCCLvLn1 WrlLe LexL Lo Lhe n1 evenL vlewer
LCCMAn Manage erformance MonlLor
LCCCll Log a user off
LCC1lML Log Lhe daLe and Llme ln a flle
MAlSLnu Send emall from Lhe command llne
M8SAcll 8asellne SecurlLy Analyzer
MLM ulsplay memory usage
Mu CreaLe new folders-
MkLlnk CreaLe a symbollc llnk (llnkd)
MCuL Conflgure a sysLem devlce
MC8L ulsplay ouLpuL one screen aL a Llme
MCun1vCL Manage a volume mounL polnL
MCvL Move flles from one folder Lo anoLher-
MCvLuSL8 Move a user from one domaln Lo anoLher
MSC Send a message
MSlLxLC MlcrosofL Wlndows lnsLaller
MSlnlC Wlndows n1 dlagnosLlcs
MS1SC 1ermlnal Server ConnecLlon (8emoLe ueskLop roLocol)
Mv Copy lnuse flles
nL1 Manage neLwork resources
nL1uCM uomaln Manager
nL1SP Conflgure neLwork lnLerfaces Wlndows llrewall 8emoLe access
nL1SvC Commandllne Servlce ConLroller
n81S1A1 ulsplay neLworklng sLaLlsLlcs (neL8lCS over 1C/l)
nL1S1A1 ulsplay neLworklng sLaLlsLlcs (1C/l)
nCW ulsplay Lhe currenL uaLe and 1lme
nSLCCku name server lookup
n18ACku 8ackup folders Lo Lape
n18lCP1S LdlL user accounL rlghLs
CLnllLLS Cuery or dlsplay open flles
A1P ulsplay or seL a search paLh for execuLable flles-
A1PlnC 1race rouLe plus neLwork laLency and packeL loss
AuSL Suspend processlng of a baLch flle and dlsplay a message-
L8MS Show permlsslons for a user
L8lMCn erformance MonlLor
lnC 1esL a neLwork connecLlon
Cu 8esLore Lhe prevlous value of Lhe currenL dlrecLory saved by uSPu-
C81C8? ulsplay Lhe sLaLus of porLs and servlces
CWL8ClC Conflgure power seLLlngs
8ln1 rlnL a LexL flle
8ln188M rlnL queue 8ackup/8ecovery
8nCnlC ulsplay conflgure or rename a prlnLer
8nMnC8 Add deleLe llsL prlnLers seL Lhe defaulL prlnLer
8CM1 Change Lhe command prompL-
sLxec LxecuLe process remoLely
sllle Show flles opened remoLely
sCeLSld ulsplay Lhe Slu of a compuLer or a user
slnfo LlsL lnformaLlon abouL a sysLem
sklll klll processes by name or process lu
sLlsL LlsL deLalled lnformaLlon abouL processes
sLoggedCn Whos logged on (locally or vla resource sharlng)
sLogLlsL LvenL log records
sasswd Change accounL password
sServlce vlew and conLrol servlces
sShuLdown ShuLdown or rebooL a compuLer
sSuspend Suspend processes
uSPu Save and Lhen change Lhe currenL dlrecLory-
CC8L Search flle(s) for llnes LhaL maLch a glven paLLern
8ASulAL Manage 8AS connecLlons
8ASPCnL Manage 8AS connecLlons
8LCCvL8 8ecover a damaged flle from a defecLlve dlsk
8LC 8eglsLry 8ead SeL LxporL ueleLe keys and values
8LCLul1 lmporL or exporL reglsLry seLLlngs
8LCSv832 8eglsLer or unreglsLer a uLL
8LClnl Change 8eglsLry ermlsslons
8LM 8ecord commenLs (remarks) ln a baLch flle-
8Ln 8ename a flle or flles-
8LLACL 8eplace or updaLe one flle wlLh anoLher
8u ueleLe folder(s)-
8M1SPA8L Share a folder or a prlnLer
8C8CCC? 8obusL llle and lolder Copy
8Cu1L ManlpulaLe neLwork rouLlng Lables
8un SLarL | 8un commands
8unAS LxecuLe a program under a dlfferenL user accounL
8unuLL32 8un a uLL command (add/remove prlnL connecLlons)
SC Servlce ConLrol
SCP1ASkS Schedule a command Lo run aL a speclflc Llme
SCLlS1 ulsplay n1 Servlces
SL1 ulsplay seL or remove envlronmenL varlables-
SL1LCCAL ConLrol Lhe vlslblllLy of envlronmenL varlables-
SL1x SeL envlronmenL varlables permanenLly
SlC SysLem llle Checker
SPA8L LlsL or edlL a flle share or prlnL share
SPll1 ShlfL Lhe poslLlon of replaceable parameLers ln a baLch flle-
SPC81Cu1 CreaLe a wlndows shorLcuL (Lnk flle)
SPCWC8S LlsL Lhe n1 Workgroups a user has [olned
SPCWM88S LlsL Lhe users who are members of a Workgroup
SPu1uCWn ShuLdown Lhe compuLer
SLLL WalL for x seconds
SLMC8 SofLware Llcenslng ManagemenL (vlsLa/2008)
SCCn Schedule a command Lo run ln Lhe near fuLure
SC81 SorL lnpuL
S1A81 SLarL a program or command ln a separaLe wlndow-
Su SwlLch user
Su8lnACL LdlL flle and folder ermlsslons Cwnershlp and uomaln
Su8S1 AssoclaLe a paLh wlLh a drlve leLLer
S?S1LMlnlC LlsL sysLem conflguraLlon
1ASkLlS1 LlsL runnlng appllcaLlons and servlces
1ASkklLL 8emove a runnlng process from memory
1lML ulsplay or seL Lhe sysLem Llme-
1lMLCu1 uelay processlng of a baLch flle
1l1LL SeL Lhe wlndow LlLle for a CMuLxL sesslon-
1LlS1 1ask llsL wlLh full paLh
1CuCP Change flle LlmesLamps
18ACL81 1race rouLe Lo a remoLe hosL
18LL Craphlcal dlsplay of folder sLrucLure
1SSPu1un 8emoLely shuL down or rebooL a Lermlnal server
1?L ulsplay Lhe conLenLs of a LexL flle-
1ypeerf WrlLe performance daLa Lo a log flle
uS8S1A1 LlsL domaln usernames and lasL logln
vL8 ulsplay verslon lnformaLlon-
vL8ll? verlfy LhaL flles have been saved-
vCL ulsplay a dlsk label-
WPL8L LocaLe and dlsplay flles ln a dlrecLory Lree
WPCAMl CuLpuL Lhe currenL username and domaln
Wlnulll Compare Lhe conLenLs of Lwo flles or seLs of flles
WlnMSu Wlndows sysLem dlagnosLlcs
WlnMSu Wlndows sysLem dlagnosLlcs ll
Wln8M Wlndows 8emoLe ManagemenL
Wln8S Wlndows 8emoLe Shell
WMlC WMl Commands
WuAuCL1 Wlndows updaLe
xCACLS Change flle and folder permlsslons
xCC? Copy flles and folders
CommenL / 8emark-

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