Throughout the video editing process we wanted to experiment with all different types of fonts so that it would look unique, different and also for it to match our chosen thriller sub supernatural genre. First title
This shows our groups roles on who did what job. For this we use the Calibri font, as it was clear enough to be seen and read. Our production logo
For our production logo, we used the font Gill sans ultra bold.
Directors title
For the directors title we used the font Bookman Old Style, as we wanted it to look different from the rest of the text that would come after. We used the colour red and white because these are common colours within a thriller movie. Other titles
For the other titles such as, the Cameraman, Actor and editors titles we used the same font for each. We used Arial Black for the persons role, for example FILMED BY and for the name we used optima, for example, Ian Bukenya.
Film title
For the film title at the end of the opening scene we used blairmditc because it looked unique and bold so the audience would see it clearly. For the blog, we constantly used the Arial font so that everything would look neat and the same on every post. And we also justified each post so that it would look neater.