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Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Second Edition - Alexander/Sadiku

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Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Second Edition - Alexander/Sadiku Chapter 13, Problem 9(8). Find Vx in the network shown in Fig.


Figure 13.78

Chapter 13, Solution 9(8).

Consider the circuit below.









For loop 1, 830 = (2 + j4)I1 jI2 For loop 2, or Substituting (2) into (1), ((j4 + 2 j)I2 jI1 + (j2) = 0 I1 = (3 j2)i2 2 830 + (2 + j4)2 = (14 + j7)I2 I2 = (10.928 + j12)/(14 + j7) = 1.03721.12 Vx = 2I2 = 2.07421.12 (2) (1)

Copyright 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Second Edition - Alexander/Sadiku Chapter 13, Problem 21(14). Find I1 and I2 in the circuit of Fig. 13.90. Calculate the power absorbed by the 4- resistor.

Figure 13.90 Chapter 13, Solution 21(14). For mesh 1, 3630 = (7 + j6)I1 (2 + j)I2
For mesh 2,


0 = (6 + j3 j4)I2 2I1 jI1 = (2 + j)I1 + (6 j)I2

Placing (1) and (2) into matrix form,

3630 7 + j6 2 j I1 0 = 2 j 6 j I 2

= 48 + j35 = 59.4136.1, 1 = (6 j)3630 = 21920.54 2 = (2 + j)3630 = 80.556.56, I1 = 1/ = 3.6915.56, I2 = 2/ = 1.35520.46 Power absorbed fy the 4-ohm resistor, = 0.5(I2)24 = 2(1.355)2 = 3.672 watts

Copyright 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Second Edition - Alexander/Sadiku Chapter 13, Problem 22(15). Find current Io in the circuit of Fig. 13.91.

Figure 13.91 Chapter 13, Solution 22(15). With more complex mutually coupled circuits, it may be easier to show the effects of the coupling as sources in terms of currents that enter or leave the dot side of the coil. Figure 13.91 then becomes,

-j50 Io I3 j20Ic + Ia j40 j10Ib + j30Ic 500 V + I1 Ib + j10Ia j80 I2 100 + + j30Ib j60 Ix + j20Ia

Copyright 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Second Edition - Alexander/Sadiku Note the following, Ia = I 1 I3 Ib = I2 I1 Ic = I3 I2 and Io = I3 Now all we need to do is to write the mesh equations and to solve for Io. Loop # 1,

-50 + j20(I3 I2) j 40(I1 I3) + j10(I2 I1) j30(I3 I2) + j80(I1 I2) j10(I1 I3) = 0 j100I1 j60I2 j40I3 = 50 Multiplying everything by (1/j10) yields 10I1 6I2 4I3 = - j5 Loop # 2, j10(I1 I3) + j80(I2I1) + j30(I3I2) j30(I2 I1) + j60(I2 I3) j20(I1 I3) + 100I2 = 0 Loop # 3, -j60I1 + (100 + j80)I2 j20I3 = 0 (2) (1)

-j50I3 +j20(I1 I3) +j60(I3 I2) +j30(I2 I1) j10(I2 I1) +j40(I3 I1) j20(I3 I2) = 0 -j40I1 j20I2 + j10I3 = 0 Multiplying by (1/j10) yields, -4I1 2I2 + I3 = 0 (3) (4) (5)

Multiplying (2) by (1/j20) yields -3I1 + (4 j5)I2 I3 = 0 Multiplying (3) by (1/4) yields -I1 0.5I2 0.25I3 = 0

Multiplying (4) by (-1/3) yields I1 ((4/3) j(5/3))I2 + (1/3)I3 = -j0.5 (7) Multiplying [(6)+(5)] by 12 yields Multiplying [(5)+(7)] by 20 yields (-22 + j20)I2 + 7I3 = 0 -22I2 3I3 = -j10 (8) (9) (10)

(8) leads to I2 = -7I3/(-22 + j20) = 0.235542.3o = (0.17418+j0.15849)I3 (9) leads to I3 = (j10 22I2)/3, substituting (1) into this equation produces, I3 = j3.333 + (-1.2273 j1.1623)I3 or I3 = Io = 1.304063o amp.

Copyright 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Second Edition - Alexander/Sadiku Chapter 13, Problem 26(19). Find Io in the circuit of Fig. 13.95. Switch the dot on the winding on the right and calculate Io again.

Fig. 13.95. Chapter 13, Solution (26)19. M = k L1L 2 M = k L1L 2 = 0.6 20x 40 = 17 The frequency-domain equivalent circuit is shown below.










For mesh 1, 20060 = (50 j30 + j20)I1 + j17I2 = (50 j10)I1 + j17I2 For mesh 2, 0 = (10 + j40)I2 + j17I1 j17 I1 20060 50 j10 In matrix form, = j17 0 10 + j40 I 2

(1) (2)

= 900 + j100, 1 = 200060(1 + j4) = 8246.2136, 2 = 340030 I2 = 2/ = 3.75536.34 Io = I2 = 3.75536.34 A Switching the dot on the winding on the right only reverses the direction of Io. This can be seen by looking at the resulting value of 2 which now becomes 3400150. Thus, Io = 3.755143.66 A
Copyright 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Second Edition - Alexander/Sadiku Chapter 13, Problem 43(30). Obtain V1 and V2 in the ideal transformer circuit of Fig. 13.107.

Chapter 13, Solution 43(30). Transform the two current sources to voltage sources, as shown below. 10 +
20 V

1:4 + v2 v1





Using mesh analysis,

20 + 10I1 + v1 = 0 20 = v1 + 10I1 (1) (2) (3) (4)

12 + 12I2 v2 = 0 or 12 = v2 12I2 At the transformer terminal, v2 = nv1 = 4v1 I1 = nI2 = 4I2 Substituting (3) and (4) into (1) and (2), we get, 20 = v1 + 40I2 12 = 4v1 12I2 Solving (5) and (6) gives v2 = 4v = 16.744 V v1 = 4.186 V and

(5) (6)

Copyright 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Second Edition - Alexander/Sadiku Chapter 13, Problem 44(31). In the ideal transformer circuit of Fig. 13.108, find i1(t) and i2(t).

Chapter 13, Solution 44(31). We can apply the superposition theorem. Let i1 = i1 + i1 and i2 = i2 + i2 where the single prime (i1, i2) is due to the DC source and the double prime (i1, i2) is due to the AC source. Since we are looking for the steady-state values of i1 and i2, i1 =V0/R i2 = 0. (No induction on the secondary at DC)

For the AC source, consider the circuit below. R + i1 v1 1:n + v2 i2



V2/V1 = n,

I2/I1 = +1/n

But V2 = Vm, V1 = Vm/n I1 = - V1/R= Vm/(Rn) I2 = I1/n = Vm/(Rn2) Hence,

i1(t) = V0/R+ (Vm/Rn)cost A, (DC and AC together) i2(t) = (Vm/(n2R))cost A (Only AC)

Copyright 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Second Edition - Alexander/Sadiku Chapter 13, Problem 56(40). Find the power absorbed by the 10- resistor in the ideal transformer circuit of Fig. 13.120.

Chapter 13, Solution 56(40). We apply mesh analysis to the circuit as shown below. 2 + v1

1:2 + v2 I2 10


For mesh 1, For mesh 2,

46 = 7I1 5I2 + v1 v2 = 15I2 5I1

(1) (2) (3) (4)

At the terminals of the transformer, v2 = nv1 = 2v1 I1 = nI2 = 2I2 Substituting (3) and (4) into (1) and (2), 46 = 9I2 + v1 v1 = 2.5I2 Combining (5) and (6), 46 = 11.5I2 or I2 = 4 P10 = 0.5I22(10) = 80 watts.

(5) (6)

Copyright 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Second Edition - Alexander/Sadiku Chapter 13, Problem 61(45). For the circuit in Fig. 13.125 below, find I1, I2, and Vo.

Chapter 13, Solution 61(45). We reflect the 160-ohm load to the middle circuit. ZR = ZL/n2 = 160/(4/3)2 = 90 ohms, where n = 4/3 2 I1 +

1:5 + vo



Io 60 90


14 + 60||90 = 14 + 36 = 50 ohms We reflect this to the primary side. ZR = ZL/(n)2 = 50/52 = 2 ohms when n = 5 I1 = 24/(2 + 2) = 6A 24= 2I1 + v1 or v1 = 24 2I1 = 12 V vo = nv1 = 60 V, Io = I1 /n1 = 6/5 = 1.2 Io = [60/(60 + 90)]Io = 0.48A I2 = Io/n = 0.48/(4/3) = 0.36 A

Copyright 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.

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