The Role of Investment Banking in India
The Role of Investment Banking in India
The Role of Investment Banking in India
Abstract Investment banking is the process of raising capital for businesses through public floatation and private placement of securities. The investment banking industry plays an important intermediation function in all market economies. This paper discusses the role of investment banking in India. The regulatory framework for initial public offering, competition within the India. An investment banking industry and capabilities of an ideal Investment Banker are also discussed. Investment banking in India is a relatively new phenomenon exhibiting low level of competition. There are presently few registered Licensed Dealing Members (LDMs) engaged in investment banking activities. Most of the capabilities of an ideal investment banker are also lacking. Recommendations are thus made for Indian investment banks to improve on these capabilities in order increase the competition within the investment banking industry and subsequently attract more firms to go public.
A progression is usually a move in a forward or upward direction. In most spheres of life, this connotes a regression. The development of an economy is not an exception to this reasoning. Economic development is not achievable without an improved rate of capital formation. One important way of capital formation for developing economies is through improving their investment banking industries. Investment banking is the process of raising capital for businesses through public floatation and private placement of securities. Investment banks work with companies, governments, institutional investors and wealthy individuals to raise capital and provide investment advice. Originally, investment banking meant the underwriting and distribution of securities. Today investment bankers also invest a lot of effort into helping companies design deals and the securities to finance them, and then use their brokerage arms to sell the securities to the investing public, both retail and institutional. The investment banking industry is central to the market-based economy. By bringing together entities in search of new capital and investors, usually institutional investors, the investment banking industry play an important intermediation function in all market economies. Just like most developing countries, investment banking in India is a relatively new phenomenon. However, if the experience of other counties is indicative of what is likely to happen, then it is likely that in the future, companies will increasingly migrate from bank finance to capital market financing for their long term capital needs. The India Stock Exchange (GSE) for instance started with 3 Licensed Dealing Members (LDMs) in 1990. Currently, it has 14 LDMs. By any standard, this has been a growing industry. Unfortunately, the growth has been uneven. Only a handful of firms have had a significant impact on the market. The Exchange has 26 listings of equities, 4 corporate bonds and 14 LDMs. This implies that there are approximately 1.9 listed companies per LDM. In many cases such as Ashanti Golfields Company, India Commercial Bank and SSB Bank, the Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) involved offloading of shares held by the government with relatively little capital going to the companies involved for real investment. With a less efficient financial market like Indias, plagued with various problems in accessing long-term funds, any company intending to raise capital find itself in a precarious position. It is very crucial then for such a company to select an ideal Investment Bank to guide its efforts in raising long-term capital. Financing of a companys investments is seen as part of its financial planning process. Financial planners need to evaluate every aspect of this decision process in order to come up with the best source and approach to raising long-term funds. An important consideration in taking this decision includes the selection of an Investment Banker to help the business in raising the needed funds. The decision variables in this direction will depend on established standards the company can rely on in order to identify the most qualified Investment Banker (Manaster and Carter, 1990). The paper takes a look at the
role and expertise of the Investment Banker in raising capital in India. The key concern is, are Indian Investment Bankers very instrumental in this process? 2.0 What is Investment Banking?
Principal clients are companies, particularly publicly listed companies, and governments. For companies, these services are primarily directed towards raising shareholder value (that is, ensuring that the share price fully reflects the value of the business); and the actions prescribed are corporate actions (taking over another company, selling a division, returning cash to shareholders by paying them a special dividend, etc). For governments, these services are usually directed at executing government policy, for example by selling off, or privatizing, government-held businesses or industries. Provision of financial advice As noted above, investment banking advice relates to corporate actions rather than product or organizational matters, such as product improvement, market analysis or management of organization. Nonetheless, an investment banker needs to have an understanding of all these things because they, too, will have an impact on shareholder value. Mergers and Acquisitions (or "M&A") The majority of financial advice relates to M&A. The client company seeks to expand by acquiring another business. There are many possible commercial reasons for this, such as:
increasing the range of products increasing the business' geographical footprint complementing existing products integrating vertically (i.e. acquire suppliers, further up the chain, or customers, further down the chain) protecting a position (for example by preventing a competitor from acquiring the business in question).
In practice therefore, Investment Banking divisions tend to be divided into industry sector teams, who can then familiarize themselves with the principal players, economics and dynamics of the sector.
There are also many possible financial reasons for making an acquisition, such as:
raising profitability, and therefore the share price increasing in size followed and more widely invested in; again, likely to have a positive effect on the share price financing growth improving quality of profits - the market likes predictable profit streams, and will value these more highly shifting the business towards sectors more favourably viewed by the market.
using their knowledge of the industry sector, to help with the identification of potential targets which meet commercial criteria such as those referred to above using their knowledge of the investment market, to advise on valuation, form of consideration (should the sellers be paid in cash - which is likely to involve the buyer borrowing the money - or in the buyer's shares - so that the seller ends up with a stake in the buyer, or a blend of the two?), timing, tactics and structure coordinating the work of the other advisers involved in the transaction - lawyers, who prepare the documentation for the acquisition and help with the "due diligence" to be performed on the business being acquired; accountants, who advise on the financial reporting aspects of the transaction, and tax consequences; brokers, who advise on shareholder aspects (how are the buyer's shareholders likely to view the acquisition?) and how the market as a whole is likely to receive the transaction; and public relations consultants, who ensure that the transaction has a favourable press.
General financial advice Investment Banking also involves providing general financial advice on a range of issues, such as funding structure (perhaps the company is too indebted, and should issue shares to raise more money; or does it have too much cash on its balance sheet, just sitting there not earning interest, so that it should consider paying a large dividend to its shareholders or buying back some of its own shares?). Capital raising If a company is to grow, it has to invest and, often, that capital comes from external sources. This can be in the form of either "equity", when the company issues more shares to investors, who buy them for cash; or debt, either from banks or - more usually nowadays - directly from investors. Investors may be either institutional (pension funds and the like) or retail (individuals). Investment Banks advise on the raising of capital - in what form, how much, from whom, timing - and may also charge a fee for arranging the financing or for "underwriting" (guaranteeing to take up any securities that are unsold in the market, so that the issuer knows for sure how much cash it is going to raise and can plan accordingly). Ways of Raising Capital There are several ways of raising equity capital: These are discussed below: Rights Offerings Most company regulations or charters allow shareholders to have a pre-emptive right in additional stock issues. Thus, anytime the company wants to raise additional equity capital, it must make a formal offer to existing shareholders before it can seek the interest of potential outside investors. Where it sells additional stock issues to existing shareholders, it is called a rights offering. This offer may be renounceable or nonrenounceable. A renounceable rights offering gives the shareholder the option to exercise his right to purchase the new shares at the issue price. A non-renounceable rights offering obligates the shareholder to exercise his rights at the issue price. Public Offerings Where the corporate charter or regulations are silent on pre-emptive rights of existing shareholders, it may decide to sell new shares or stock through a rights offering or a public offering. Private Placements: This method of selling securities is generally used by companies who are interested in reducing their floatation costs and are interested in a specific group of investors. Under private placements, new stocks are sold to one or a few investors, generally institutional investors who invest in large blocks of shares.
Employees Purchase Plans and Employee Share/Stock Ownership Plan In most organizations, the regulations or charter allows employees to purchase the shares of the company usually at predetermined prices based on the financial performance of the entity. This usually affects managerial staff in order to reduce the prevalence of the principal-agency problem. 3.0 The Initial Public Offering and the Regulatory Framework
At this stage we will focus on the Initial Public Offering (IPO) process, the regulatory framework within which the activity is organized and the role of the investment banker. The IPO Process Many writers in corporate finance have given different descriptions of the initial public offering process. A combination of the approaches used will yield the best description of this process. Brigham et al (1999), divides the process into two distinct stages: Stage-one decisions are internal to the company while stage-two involves the company and an investment bank or investment banks. Some writers (Weston and Copeland, 1989; Brealey and Myers, 1994; Grinblatt and Titman, 2002) give a summary of the process by focusing on decisions concerning pre-registration statements to the trading of the securities on stock exchanges. This study describes the process under sections Phase-I and Phase-II IPO decisions. Phase-I IPO Decisions: At Phase-I, IPO decisions usually start with the company making decisions in the following areas: 1. Amount to be raised: The decision variable here is the amount of new capital needed by the firm. 2. Type of Securities to use: This stage of the process will consider the best security to use; the firm would have to choose from basic forms such as shares, bonds or other innovative types, which may include various combinations of securities usually called exotic securities. The choice of security and the method of selling will normally fall within the regulatory framework of the securities industry. 3. Competitive bids versus a Negotiated deal: Should the company offer a block of securities for sale to the highest bidder? Or should it negotiate a deal with an investment banker? Competitive bids normally are used by large well-known firms whiles negotiated deals are used by small firms not known to the investment banking community. 4. Selection of an Investment Banker: the firm must decide on the investment banker to use in raising the needed capital. This stage is very important to the firm, as it tends to have other implications on the success of the IPO process. The intensity of the problem faced by the issuing firm may stem from the fact that there is no model to rely on in selecting an investment banker to make the IPO successful 6
(Manaster and Carter, 1990). Reputable investment banks target more established firms whiles other investment banks are good at speculative issues or new firms going public. Phase-II IPO Decisions: At Phase-II, decisions include the input of the firms selected investment banker. Components of Phase-II decisions generally include the following: 1. Re-evaluating the initial decisions: at this stage, the firm and its investment banker will have to re-evaluate regarding issues such as size of the issue and type of securities to use etc. These decision processes are organised under preunderwriting conferences as espoused by Weston and Copeland (1989). The main aim of the re-evaluation processes is to fine-tune the internal decisions of the company under Phase-I. This is to ensure the success of the issue. 2. Filing of Registration: The investment banker, after taking an inventory of all the relevant information, it has to file an application with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the stock exchange if it wants the shares to be publicly traded. In India, the securities industry laws (SIL) however allow applications to be filed with the GSE before it is filed with the SEC. Without the examination and approval by these regulatory bodies, public sale of the security can never begin. 3. Pricing of the Security: Another important decision at this phase is the pricing of the security. This depends on a plethora of issues, usually resolved through the research or experience of the investment banker. The important issues considered here include, the risk profile of the issuer, the capacity of the market to accommodate the issue, the reputation of the investment banker etc. The pricing of the issue has been identified as one of the sources of controversy between the issuer and the investment banker (Weston and Copeland, 1989; Brigham et al, 1999; Grinblatt and Titman, 2002). 4. Forming the Underwriting Syndicate: In underwriting of security issues, the managing/selected investment banker may or may not be in the position to underwrite the whole issue. Where it is unable to underwrite the issue, it may have to form an underwriting syndicate. This will ensure the diversification of underwriting risk to the managing investment banker and permits economy of selling effort and expense and encourages nationwide distribution. 5. Forming of the Selling Group: The selling group is formed to facilitate the distribution of the issue for a commission. The managing investment bank through the selling group agreement, which usually covers the description of the issue, concession, handling of purchased securities and duration of the selling group, is able to control the selling group. 6. Offering and Sale: The last important step in this process is the formal sale of the securities after the approval by the regulatory authorities. This is usually preceded 7
by a series of publicity campaigns. The date on which the selling of the issue will begin is made public before or during the publicity campaign in order to avoid unfavourable events or circumstances. The process in India is very much the same as what pertains in other economies. Differences may be found in the regulatory framework within which it is organised. Important requirement in India for a company going public is the appointment of an investment banker to guide it through the process. The Regulatory Framework for IPOs The securities industry is under the watchful eyes of the SEC. This regulatory body derives its powers from the Securities Industry Law (PNDCL 333, as amended by Act 590). This piece of legislation empowers the SEC to oversee all matters relating to the issue securities within the broad framework of existing laws. Its authority also extends to the supervision of the activities of major players in the industry including investment banks. Another recognised authority in this market is the GSE through its regulations aimed at safeguarding the interest of investors. It is also considered as a self-regulatory organisation since its rules and regulations guide its members with regards to transactions conducted on and off the exchange. It however derives its source of existence from the provisions in the Stock Exchange Act and PNDC Law 333. The GSE also relies heavily on other legislative instruments such as LI 1509 (Regulations Membership) and Listing Regulations (LI 1510) to effectively regulate transactions on the exchange. The membership regulations are clear the basic requirements to satisfy if an individual or corporate body desires to become a member of the exchange. However, the listing regulations provide the fundamental requirements a corporate entity must satisfy if it desires to list its securities on the exchange. Further to the above, the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179), is another important source of regulation that affects the market for equity and debt capital. It contains various provisions, which guide numerous activities of registered corporate entities. The Role of the Investment Banker in the IPO Process It is clear from the above discussion that, the activities or roles of the investment banker in the IPO process cannot be discounted. The success of the IPO will to a large extent depend on the capabilities of the investment banker selected (Ellis, 1989). However, in the absence of a model to guide issuers of securities in selecting investment banks, how does a company come up with the right investment banker to manage its IPO? Despite the numerous efforts made by academics to investigate into issues concerning the market for IPOs, not much has been done on the capabilities of investment banks. However by examining critically the roles and responsibilities of investment banks in the IPO process, we can glean some qualities or capabilities an investment banker must possess in order to
survive in its market. Weston and Copeland (1989) identified three main functions or roles investment banks play in the IPO process and these include: Underwriting, Distribution and, Advice and Counsel. Underwriting: This is the insurance function of bearing the risk of adverse price fluctuations during the period in which a new issue of securities is being distributed. There are two fundamental ways of doing this, and they are the firm commitment and best efforts underwriting agreements. The firm commitment agreement obligates the investment banker to assume all the risks inherent in the issue. On the other hand, the best efforts agreement absolves the investment banker from any risks in the issue. Under this underwriting agreement, the investment banker undertakes to help sell at least a minimum amount of the issue with any unsold amounts returned to the issuing firm. Where the investment banker is not able to sell the minimum quantity agreed upon, the whole issue is cancelled and reissued when the market is ready to accommodate the issue. Distribution: Another related function to the one described above is the ability of the issuing firm to reach as many investors as possible with its security. According to Weston and Copeland (1989), investment banks play a very crucial role here, because of their expertise in doing this relative to the issuing firm assuming this responsibility when issuing securities. Advice and Counsel: This involves the investment banker making valuable inputs into decisions concerning its client ability to succeed in the capital market with an IPO. Its ability to make valuable inputs in this direction may largely depend on its experience in origination and selling of securities. In addition, Ellis (1989), identified two categories of factors critical to evaluating and choosing an investment bank. In his assessment, the most important factors include. 1. Understand our company 2. Earn credibility with our senior management 3. Make useful recommendations to our company The least important are: 1. Expertise in Eurobond market 2. Expertise in equity underwriting Ellis (1989), again identified six (6) reasons why investment banks gain importance with their corporate clients. These are: 1. Credibility with the client corporations senior management-earned over several years. 2. Understanding the client companys needs for service and its financial goals and policies. 3. Making useful recommendations to the company over a period of time. 4. Innovating with new financing techniques.
5. Having special expertise in a specific service. 6. Recommending a specific transaction. Credibility with Senior Management His postulation on the role of an investment banker goes beyond the IPO process to include other activities or capabilities of the investment banker, which tends to impact on choice of an investment banker by senior management who are interested in strategic issues of the organisations they are responsible for. Thus if an investment bankers capabilities fit well with financial strategies of the organisation, it is made an integral part of implementing the financial strategy. Understand Client Company Another reason he finds important to corporate executives is the investment bankers knowledge of their companies and their operations. More conservative corporate executives rated this as a critical success factor in dealing with investment banks, especially when the investment banking industry in US has over the years survived, by maintaining a relationship with their clients. In his study, 3 of the 4 different industries he studied ranked this variable as the most important of all in dealing with an investment banker. Making Useful Recommendations A more IPO related factor is the ability of the investment banker to make valuable recommendations to the issuing firm over time. This is because it reinforces the reliability and consistency of the investment banks capabilities to its corporate clients. In this light an investment banker that is able to consistently make valuable inputs into the financial decisions of a client strengthens the relationship between itself and its client. Expertise in Equity Underwriting Another important IPO related capability is the ability of the investment banker to underwrite securities. In the absence of any model to determine the overall capabilities of an investment banker, this has been one of the criteria for ranking the performance of investment banks. Having Expertise in a Specific Service The competitive wave sweeping the US investment banking industry has caused most investment banks to concentrate on their capabilities where they can gain a competitive advantage. The era where one investment banker was at the centre of a corporate entitys financial strategy is over. Corporate entities are shopping for specific capital market capabilities of investment banks. This has eventually changed the structure of the investment banking industry where size used to be a competitive factor. Supplementing Capabilities Other capabilities such as Euro market capabilities, recommending specific transactions and innovating with new financing techniques are all additives to the more generic functions described above. These capabilities, though not really taken to be very important then are now making very important inputs into the choice of firms by
corporate clients. Grinblatt and Titman (2002), point out that investment banks have been motivated in various ways to develop capabilities in these areas to expand their clientbase beyond their domestic financial markets. 4.0 Competition in the Indian Investment Banking Industry
There are presently only 4 representing 29% active investment banks out of the 14 legally recognized investment banks in India. The four are NTHC, Databank Limited (DBL), Merbank Brokerage Limited (MBL) and Consolidated Discount House Securities (CDH). Although, there is fierce competition among these four investment banks, to a large extent the industry is not very competitive.
Drivers of Competition Two main change factors have been identified to bring about competition within the industry in the not too distant future: African Project Development Facility The African Project Development Facility (APDF) in collaboration with the India Stock Exchange is looking for ways to encourage small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) to access equity capital by encouraging them to go public. Under this scheme, APDF will finance up to about 30% of cost of going public whiles the company finances the remainder. The arrangement also involves the GSE streamlining the listing procedure to make provision for provisional listing of securities for 6 months. The GSE also gives a discount to the issuing firm depending on how long it takes for the firm to graduate to any of the official lists of the Exchange (APDF, 2002). Reduced Cost of Floatation The implication of the above is that neither the issuing firm nor the investment banker will have to experience any cash drain in order to undertake an IPO exercise. The impact on competition is estimated to be positive because other inactive investment banks will be forced to build capabilities to be able to compete with the four active investment banks in the market. This move, all things being equal, will change the face of competition in the industry. Capabilities of an Ideal Investment Banker These capabilities can be identified in the services mostly offered by the investment banks. They include the following: Investment Management/Fund Management
The ideal investment bank in India should possess strong skills in investment management. This generates income for it as well as help in the distribution of new issues In depth Knowledge of Corporate Finance Issues It must have a team of professionals who are well versed in the issues of corporate finance to enable it make valuable inputs into the financial decisions of their clients. It also gives it a competitive advantage when the investment banker is bidding for IPO projects. Pricing of Services The ideal investment banker should be able to deliver its services at a lower cost in order to woo capable businesses interested in going public. One peculiar problem preventing SMEs in India from going public is the cost involved in going public.
Pre-Financing of IPOs In India, IPOs have been identified as very costly for the issuing firms. In order for an investment banker to woo clients, it should be capable of pre-financing the IPO in order to gain a competitive advantage in its market. This has been one of the strategies adopted by NTHC Ltd. over the years in order to gain dominance in the IPO market. Performing Ancillary Services Other augmenting capabilities include the ability to support the trading of the securities floated. This primarily involves supporting transactions in the security on the secondary market. Registrar and Custodial services are key to the competitive strategies of an investment banker. Out of four active investment banks, only NTHC and MBL have built capabilities over the years to perform this function. An advantage of these supplementary services is the future cash streams in fees charged to the issuing firms. This is bundled together with other services when investment banks are pricing their fees. Thus it is cheaper for the issuing firm to outsource the registrar services to the investment banker rather than employ another investment banker to undertake this function. These activities, although may not seem necessary to the performance of the investment banking function, could create competitive advantage for the investment banker possessing them. 5.0 Conclusion
Investment banking is the process of raising capital for businesses through public flotation and private placement of securities. Investment banking is thus critical to the existence of businesses intending to grow by employing external capital. Investment banks therefore play crucial role in the IPOs and capital raising process. IPOs generally involve the issue of equity securities by business for the first time and generally involve the use of investment banks in achieving this goal. In the absence of
any model to guide businesses in choosing the capable investment banker (Manaster and Carter, 1990), it might fail in achieving this objective. Capabilities of investment banks, which are critical to the IPO process, have been found to lead to the development of competitive advantages for the investment banks. These capabilities include, competitive pricing of services, knowledgebase developed by the investment banker, provision of ancillary services, experience of the investment banker in its area of business and the integrity of its stakeholders. The Indian investment banking industry exhibits low level of competition with only 4 active out of the 14 registered investment banks (LDMs). Most of the capabilities of an ideal investment banker are also lacking. It is recommended that Indian investment banks must improve on these capabilities. This would lead to increased competition within the investment banking industry and subsequently attract more firms to go public.