Collection Letter - Third Notice Letter in A Standard Series
Collection Letter - Third Notice Letter in A Standard Series
Collection Letter - Third Notice Letter in A Standard Series
Mr. Dylan Macdonald
150 Armstrong Ave.
Georgetown, ON
L7G 5S4
Hand Delivered By Courier
Dear Mr. Macdonald:
Final Notice: Invoice 27904 May 10, 2005 $1,755.68
You have repeatedly ignored our written requests for payment of the abovenoted invoice and you have
not contacted us with any explanation.
Consequently, unless we receive payment in full by the end of the business day, August 30, 2005 we
will have to take the unpleasant step of turning your account over to a professional collection agency.
We would rather not be forced do this since it will result in damage to your personal credit rating.
To prevent us from taking the final step of turning this matter over to a collection agency, could you
please make payment in full by the end of the business day, Friday August 30, 2005.
We urge you to please give this matter your full attention now, before it's too late, and send your
payment to us immediately.
B. R. Egan
Accounts Receivable
cc: M.S. Brandon, Credit Manager