CE2202 Mechanics of Fluids

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1. Define fluid? A fluid is a substance having a property to flow easily. Example: liquid, vapour, gas. 2. Define fluid mechanics? Fluid mechanics is a branch of science which deals with property and behavior of fluids at rest and in motion. 3. Define fluid statics? The study of fluids at rest is called fluid statics. 4. Define fluid kinematics? The study of fluids in motion where pressure forces are not considered is called fluid kinematics. 5. What is the SI unit of density? The SI unit of density is kg/m3. Example: Density of water is 1000 kg/m3. 6. Define specific volume? It is the ratio of volume to the mass of a fluid. It is denoted by .Its unit is m3/kg. = volume of fluid Mass of fluid =V/m m3/kg 7. Define specific gravity with respect to density? It is the ratio of density of a fluid to density of a standard fluid. It is denoted by s. i.e., s = density of liquid Density of water s = density of gas Density of air 8. Define viscosity? It is defined as the resisting property of liquid to its flow corresponding to its adjacent layers. 9. Which one of the following has high viscosity, (i) water or (ii) lubricating oil? Lubricating oil has high viscosity.


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10. Define poise ? Poise is the other name of unit of viscosity in CGS system which equals dynesec/cm2. 11.Give the classification of fluids? Classification of fluids are, (i) Ideal fluid (ii) Real fluid (iii) Newtonian fluid (iv) Non Newtonian fluid (v) Ideal plastic fluid. 12. What is real fluid? A fluid which has viscosity is a real fluid. All fluid in practice are real fluids. 13.What is non Newtonian fluid? A real fluid in which shear stress is not proportional to rate of shear strain. .du dy = Shear stress = viscosity of the fluid du = change in velocity dy = change in perpendicular distance. 14.What is compressibility? Compressibility is the property of fluid which undergoes change in volume under various pressure conditions. 15. Define compressible fluid? A liquid is considered to a compressible fluid only when there is a change in volume of liquid that occurs under large pressure variation . 16. Define compressibility? It is also defined of reciprocal of bulk modulus of elasticity (k). i.e, compressibility = 1/k . k= compressive stress / volumetric strain 17.Define capillarity? It is the phenomenon of rise or fall of liquid surface relative to out side liquid surface 18.Give the types of gas laws? The types of gas laws are, (i) Boyles law (ii) Charles law 19. Give the equation for capillarity fall in an glass tube.


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The equation for the capillarity fall is metre. h = 4cos gd 20. Give some properties of fluid? Some properties of fluids are density, specific weight, viscosity, surface tension and capillarity


1) Define forced vertex flow? Give example?

3) Write the equation of motion for vertex flow?

4) Write the equation of forced vortex flow? Z=(2r2)/2g Where -Angular velocity. r-Radius of parabola. z-Height of parabola. g-Acceleration due to gravity. 5) Write the equation of closed cylindrical vessels?

dp=(v2/r)dr-gdz This equation of variation of pressure of a rotating fluid in any plane. Where r-Radius of element. p-Pressure variation. -density of liquid. g-Acceleration due to gravity.


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When no external torque is required to rotate the fluid mass, that type of flow is called free vertex flow. Example. 1.Flow of liquid through a hole provided at the bottom of a container. 2.A whirlpool in a river.


2) Define free vertex flow? Give examples?

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It is defined as that type of vertex flow in which some external torque is required to rotate the fluid mass. Example. 1.A vertical cylinder containing liquid which is rotated about its central axis with a constant angular velocity. 2.Flow of liquid inside the impeller of a centrifugal pump.

Z=(2r2)/2g Volume of air before rotation=Volume of closed vessel-Volume of liquid in vessel. Volume of air after rotation=Volume of paraboloid formed. 6) What are the forces present in a fluid flow? Fg-Gravity force Fp-Pressure force Fv-Force due to viscosity Ft-force due to turbulence. Fc-Force due to compressibility. 7) Give the Eulers equation of motion? (dp/)+gdz+vdv=0

9) What is bernouillies equation for real fluid?

(p1/g)+(v12/2g)+z1=(p2/g)+(v22/2g)+z2+hl where hl is the loss of energy (p/g)-Pressure energy. (v2/2g)=Kinetic energy. z-Datum energy.

A venturimeter is a device used for measuring the rate of flow of a fluid flowing through a pipe.It consists of three parts,They are short converging part ,and throat a diverging part. 12) Write the expression for rate of flow through venturimeter? Discharge through venturimeter is given by Qactual=cda1a2(2gh)^1/2/(a12-a22)^1/2 Where

10) State the application of Bernouillies equation ? It has the application on the following measuring devices. 1.Orifice meter. 2.Venturimeter. 3.Pitot tube. 11) Define venturimeter?


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8) What are the assumptions made in deriving Bernouillies equation? 1.The fluid is ideal 2.The flow is steady. 3.The flow is incompressible. 4.The flow is irrotational.

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cd-Co-efficient of venturimeter a1-area of inlet a2-area of throat. h-difference in pressure heads at the inlet and at the throat. g-acceleration due to gravity. 13) What purpose orifice meter is used? Define it? It is a device used for measuring the rate of flow of a fluid through a pipe.Orificemeter consist of a flat circular plate which has a circular sharp edged hole called orifice meter.

The momentum equation states that net force acting on a fluid mass in equal to the change in momentum per second in direction.This is given as F=d(mv)/dt The impulse momentum equation is given by F.dt=d(mv) 15) State moment of momentukm equation?

16) Define pitot tube and give its working principle? The pitot tube consist of a glass tube bent at right angles.It is based on the principle that if the velocity of flow at a point becomes zero the pressure there is increased due to conversion of kinetic energy into pressure energy. 17) Derive an equation for the resultant force exerted by a flowing fluid on a pipe bend?

Resultant force=(Fx2+Fy2)^1/2 And the angle made by the resultant force with horizontal direction is given by 18) State Bernouillies theorem? It states that in a steady ideal flow of an incompressible fluid the total energy at any point of the fluid is constant. The total energy consists of pressure energy, Kinetic energy and potential energy. 19) Give the expression for actual velocity in pitot tube?


Fx=PQ(v1-v2cos)+P1A2-P2A2cos. Fy=PQ(-v2sin)-P2A2sin.

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The moment of momentum equation states that the resultant torque acting on a rotating fluid is equal to rate of change of moment of the momentum. Mathematically it is given as. T=pq(v2r2-v1r1)


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14) State momentum equation and Impulse momentum equation?

(v1)=cv(2gh)^1/2 cv-Co-efficient of pitot tube. (v1)act-Actual velocity. (2gh)^1/2 -Theoritical velocity. 20) What arrangements should be adopted to find the velocity at any point in a pipe by a pitot tube? The arrangements to be adopted are (1)Pitot tube along with vertical piezometer tube.(2)Pitot tube connected with piezometer.(3)Pitot tube and vertical piezometer connected with a differential U-tube manometer.


1) What are the types of fluid flows? The fluid flow is classified as, (1)Steady and unsteady flow. (2)Uniform and non-uniform flow. (3)Laminar and turbulent flow. (4)Compressible and incompressible flow. (5)Rotational and irrotational flow. (6)One,two and three dimention flow. 2) Differentiate steady and unsteady flow? Steady flow


1.Steady flow is defined as that type of flow in which the fluid characteristics like velocity,pressure etc at a point do not change with time 2. (dv/dt)(0,0,0)=0

3) Differentiate uniform and non-uniform flow? Uniform flow Non-uniform flow. It is defined as that type of flow in which the velocity at any given time changes respect to time. (dv/dt)t=constant=/0

1.It is defined as that type of flow in which the velocity at any given with time does not change with respect to space. 2.(dv/dt)t=constant=0 4) Differentiate laminar and turbulent flow?

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Unsteady flow. Unsteady flow is that type of flow in which the velocity.pressure at a point changes with time. (dv/dt)(0,0,0)=/0

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Laminar flow. 1.Laminar flow is defined as that type of flow in which the fluid particle move along well defined path or streamline and all the streamline are straight and parallel. 2.Reynolds number<2000 5) Define cmpressible flow?

Turbulant flow. It is defined as that type of flow in which the fluid particle moves ina zig-zag way

Reynolds number>4000.

6) Define incompressible flow? Incompressible flow is that type of flow in which the density is constant for the fluid flow.(eg)Subsonic aerodynamics.

It is that type of flow in which the fluid particle while flowing along streamlines,do not rotate about their own axis. 9) Define one dimensional flow?

11) What is three dimentional flow? A three dimentional flow is that type of flow in which the velocity is a function of time and three mutually perpendicular directions. U=F1(X,Y,X),v=F2(X,Y,Z),w=F3(X,Y,Z). U,v,w are velocity components inX,Y,Z direction respectly. 12) What is total acceleration of three dimensional fluid flow? If ax, ay,az are the total acceleration in x,y,z directions. Then ax=du/dt=u.(u/x)+v.(u/y)+w.(u/z)+u/t. ay=dv/dt=u.(v/x)+v.(v/y)+w.(v/z)+v/t. az=dw/dt=u.(w/x)+v.(w/y)+w.(w/z)+w/t

One dimentional flow is that type of flow in which the flow parameter such aas velocity is a function of time and one space co-ordinate only,say X. U=F(x),V=0,w=0. 10) Define two dimensional flow? It is that type of flow in which the velocity is a function of time and two rectangular space say X and Y. u=F1(X,Y),V=F2(X,Y) and w=0.


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8) Define irrotational flow?


7) Define rotational flow? Rotational flow is that type of flow in which in which the fluid particle flowing along streamlines, also rotate about their own axis.

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Compressible flow is that type of flow in which the density of the fluid changes from point to point.(eg)Flow of gasses through orifice nozzle and gas turbine.

13) Define local acceleration? It is defined as the rate of increace of velocity with respect to time at a given point in a flow field. 14) Define convective acceleration? It is defined as the rate of change of velocity due to the change of position of fluid particle in a fluid flow. 15) Define velocity poyential function? It is defined as a scalar function of space and time such that its negative derivative with respect to any direction gives the fluid velocity in that direction.It is denoted by . U= -/x,v=-/y,w=-/z. U,v,w are the velocity in x,y,z direction. 16) Mention the properties of potential function? 1.If velocity potential exists,The flow should be irrotational. 2.If velocity potential satisfies the laplace equation,It represents the possible steady incompressible irrotational flow. 17) Define stream function It is defined as the scalar function of space and time, such that its partial derivative with respect to any direction gives the velocity component at right angles to that direction.It is denoted by 18) Mention the properties of stream function? 1.If stream function exists,itn is a possible case of fluid flow which may be rotational. 2.If stream function satisfies laplace equation, It is a possible case of an irrotational flow. 19) What is equipotential line? A line along which the velocity potential is constant is called equipotential line. 20) Give the relation between stream function and velocity potential function? u=-/x and v=-/y u=-/y and v=-/x u=-/x=-/y and v=-/y=-/x Hence /x=/y /y=-/x



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1) What do you meant by viscous flow ? A flow is said to be viscous if the Renolds number is less than 2000 (or) the flows in layers ie. Re <2000 . 2) What is Hagen poiseuilles formula ? P1-P2 / g = h f = 32 L / gD2

The expression is known as Hagen poiseuille formula .

P1-P2 / g =

Loss of pressure head

= Average velocity Coefficient of viscosity

= Diameter of pipe

Length of pipe

3) Derive the relation between Umax and ? Umax / = (-p/x ) R2/ (-p/x ) R2 Umax / = 2


6) Give the expression for the loss of head due to friction in viscous flow ? Loss of head due to friction In viscous flow f =16/ Re Where f = Coefficient of friction between pipe and fluid Re = Renolds number 7) Differentiate Laminar & Turbulent Flow : Laminar Flow Turbulent Flow 1) A flow is said to be laminar if 1) A flow is said to be turbulent if Renolds number is greater than 4000 Renolds number is less than 2000 is known as Laminar flow. is known as Turbulent flow . 2) Laminar flow is possible only at 2) Is the flow is possible at both


Define momentum correction factor : It is defined as the ratio of momentum of the flow per sec based on actual velocity to the momentum of the flow per sec based on average velocity across the section . It is denoted by () = Momentum per sec based on actual velocity Momentum Per sec based on average velocity

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4) Define kinetic energy correction factor? Kinetic energy factor is defined as the ratio of the kinetic energy of the flow per sec based on actual velocity across a section to the kinetic energy of the flow per sec based on average velocity across the same section. It is denoted by (). K. E factor () = K.E per sec based on actual velocity / K.E per sec based on Average velocity .


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low velocities and high viscous fluids . 3) In such type of flow fluid particle moves in laminas or layers gliding smoothly over the adjacent layer . 8)

velocities and low viscous fluid . 3) In that type of flow fluid particle move in a zig zag manner .

What is the expression for head loss due to friction in Darcy formula ? hf = 4fLV2 / 2gD Where f = Coefficient of friction in pipe L = Length of the pipe D = Diameter of pipe V = velocity of the fluid

i. ii. iii. iv. 11)

Velocity distribution across the section . Ratio of maximum velocity to the average velocity . Shear stress distribution . Drop of pressure for a given length .

12) Give the formula for velocity distribution: The formula for velocity distribution is given as U = (-p/x ) (R2-r2) Where R = Radius of the pipe r = Radius of the fluid element 13) What do you understand by the terms a) major energy losses , b) minor energy losses Major energy losses : -

Give the equation for average velocity : The equation for average velocity is given as = (-p/x ) R2 Where R = Radius of the pipe


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10) What are the factors to the determined when viscous fluid flows through the circular pipe ? The factors to the determined as


9) What are the factors influencing the frictional loss in pipe flow ? Frictional resistance for the turbulent flow is i. Proportional to vn where v varies from 1.5 to 2.0 . ii. Proportional to the density of fluid . iii. Proportional to the area of surface in contact . iv. Independent of pressure . v. Depend on the nature of the surface in contact .

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This loss due to friction and it is calculated by Darcy weis bach formula and chezys formula . Minor energy losses :This is due to i. Sudden expansion in pipe . ii. Sudden contraction in pipe . iii. Bend in pipe . iv. Due to obstruction in pipe . 14) How will you determine the loss of head due to friction in pipes? Darcy weis-bach hf = 4fLV2 / 2gD Where hf = Loss of head due to friction . f = Coefficient of friction in pipe . D = Diameter of pipe . L = Length of the pipe V = Mean velocity of flow . Chezys formula V = C mi Where i = hf / l

15) Give an expression for loss of head due to sudden enlargement of the pipe :he = (V1-V2)2 /2g

he = Loss of head due to sudden enlargement of pipe . V1 = Velocity of flow at section 1-1 V2 = Velocity of flow at section 2-2 16) Give an expression for loss of head due to sudden contraction : hc =0.5 V2/2g

17) Give an expression for loss of head at the entrance of the pipe : hi =0.5V2/2g

18) Derive the expression for drop of pressure for a given length of a pipe :P1-P2 = 32 L / gD2


hc = Loss of head due to sudden contraction . V = Velocity at outlet of pipe.

hi = Loss of head at entrance of pipe . V = Velocity of liquid at inlet and outlet of the pipe .

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Where P1-P2 is drop of pressure . 19) Give expression for co efficient of friction in terms of shear stress :f = 2 0 / v2 Where 0 = Shear stress v = volume of pipes f = coefficient of friction 20) Give an expression for loss of head due to an obstruction in pipe Loss of head due to an obstruction = V2 / 2g ( A/ Cc (A-a ) -1 )2 Where A = area of pipe a = Max area of obstruction V = Velocity of liquid in pipe A-a = Area of flow of liquid at section 1-1


4.What is linear deformation? It is defined as the deformation of a fluid element in linear direction when the element moves the axes of the element in the deformation position and undeformation position are parallel but their lengths changes. 5.Define angular deformation? It is defined as the average change in the angle contained by two adjacent sides. Let s & s is the change in angle between two adjacent sides of a fluid element . The angular deformation=1/2*(S1 +S 2). 6.Define rotation of fluid element?

It is defined as the movement of a fluid element in such a way that it moves bodily from one position to represents in new position by ab&cd are parallel.


2.What are the types of motion of fluid particle? i. Linear translation or pure translation. ii. Linear Deformation. iii. Angular Deformation iv. Rotation. 3.What are linear translation?

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1.What is flow net? A grid obtained by drawing a series of equipment lines and steam lines is called a flow net. The flow net is an important tool is analysis two dimensional. irrotational flow problems.


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It is defined as the movement of a fluid element in such a way that both of rotate in same direction. It is equal to1/2( v/x-u/y) for a two_dimensional element x, y plane. z=1/2(u/x-u/y) x=1/2(w/y-v/z) y=1/2(u/z-w/x) 7.Define vortex flow mention its types? Vortex flow is defined as the flow of a fluid along a curved path or the flow Of a rotating mass of fluid is known as votex flow. i. Forced vortex flow. ii. Free vortex flow.

8.Define free vortex flow? When no external torque is required to rotate the fluid mass that type of flow Is called free vortex flow. 9.Define forced vortex flow? Forced vortex flow is defined as that type of vortex flow in which some externa Torque is required to rotate the fluid mass.The fluid mass in the type of flow rotates at constant Angular velocity w.The tangential velocity of any fluid particle is given by v=cosr.

10.Give the equation of motion for vortex flow?

Pressure acting PSA on the face AB. Pressure force(P+ p/rr )SA on the face cd. centrifugal force mv2/r acting in the direction away.

From center O Now the mass of the element= mass density*volume =*A* r Centrifugal force=*A*r*v2 /r Equal the forces in the radial direction we get (P+ p/ rr)A-pA=pArv2/r p/rrA=pArv2/r Cancelling A,r on both sides we get p/r=pv2/r


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11.What are the forces present in the fluid flow? a) Gravity force (Fg) b) Pressure force (Fp) c) Force due to viscosity(Fv) d) Force due to turbulence(Ft) e) Force due to compressibility(Fo) 12.What are the assumptions made in the deviation of Bernoullis eqn? i The fluid is ideal ie,viscosity is zero ii The flow is steady. iii The flow is incompressible. iv The flow is irrotational. 13.State Bernoullis theorem? It states that in a steady,ideal flow of an incompressible fluid,the total energy at any point of the fluid is constant. It is written as, P/w+v2/2g+z=constant. 14.What is Venturimeter?Mention its parts? Venturimeter is a device used for measuring the rate of flow of a fluid flowing through a pipe. Parts: i A short convergant part. ii Throat. iii Divergant part. ] 15 .What is Orifice meter? Orifice meter is a device used for measuring the rate of flow of fluid through a Pipe.It is a cheaper device as compared to Venturimeter.It works on the same principle of Venturimeter.

17. What is momentum equation It is based on the law of conservation of momentum or on the momentum principle It states that,the net force acting on a fluid mass is equal to the change in momentum of flow per unit time in that direction. Expression: The force acting on the fluid mass m is given by F=m*a Where F=force

16 .What is pitot tube? Pitot tube is a device used for measuring the velocity of flow at any point in a pipe Or a channel.


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19.State momentum of momentum equation?

20.Give the expression for Bernoullis equation of real fluid? P1 /g+V1 2/2g+Z1=P2/g +V22/2g+Z2+h2

re head at section 2

1. 2. 3. 4.

Unit -I DEFINITIONS AND FLUID PROPERTIES What are the methods and instruments available for the measurement of pressure? Define compressibility and prove that it is reciprocal of bulk modulus of elasticity. Derive the continuity equation for three dimensional flow in X,Y and Z coordinate system. Explain with neat sketch Surface tension and capillarity ad obtain necessary expressions.


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Where P1/g=Pressure head at section 1 V12/2g=Velocity head at section 1 V22/2g=Velocity head at section 2 Z2=datum head at section 2 hL=loss of energy between sections 1&2



It states that the resulting torque acting on a rotating fluid is equal to the rate of change of moment of momentum.

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m=mass of fluid a =acc 18.What is impulse momentum equation? F=m*a But a=dv/dt F=m*dv/dt =d/dt(mv) F=d(mv)/dt F.dt=d(mv) This is implse momentum equation. Statement: It states that the impulse of a force F acting ona fluid mass m in a fhort interval of time dt is equal to the change of momentum d(mv) in the direction of force.

5. Differentiate between absolute pressure and gauge pressure and give suitable sample conversion. Unit II FLUID STATICS & KINEMATICS 1. (a) Define stream line, path line, and streak line. (b) The velocity potential function () is given by an expression = xy2 /3 x3y /3 +x2 - y2. Find the velocity component in x and y direction, also check for a possible case of flow. 2. Derive continuity equation from principle of conservation of mass. 3. The velocity component for a two dimensional incompressible flow are given by u = 3x 2y and v = -3y 2x Show that the velocity potential exists. Determine the velocity potential function and stream function. 4. Derive the continuity equation for a three dimensional incompressible flow. 5. The water level in a canal is regulated by a flat tipper gate inclined at a 60o to the bed. The tipper takes place about a fulcrum placed at a height of 1m from the bed when the water level in the canal reaches a maximum value H. Determine H. 1. Unit III FLUID DYNAMICS Derive from the basic principle the Eulers Equation of motion in Cartesian co-ordinate system and deduce the equation to Bernoullis theorem for steady irrotational flow. Derive Darcy-Weisbach formula for frictional loss in a pipe. What power is required per kilometer of an 8.0 cm pipe line to maintain a flow of 5.0 lps of castor oil having a dynamic viscosity of 9.8 Poise? Assume flow in laminar. Derive Eulers Equation of motion along a stream line and hence derive the Bernoullis theorem. Derive the Hagen-Poiseuille equation and state the assumptions made.

2. 3.

4. 5.

Unit IV BOUNDARY LAYER AND FLOW THROUGH PIPES 1. A compound piping system consists of 1800m length with 0.5m diameter, 1200m length with of 0.40m diameter ad 600m length with of 0.3m diameter


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2. 3. 4.




4. 5.


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Unit V SIMILITUDE AND MODEL STUDY Using Buckinghams theorem, show that the drag force FD = L2V2 (Re,M) I which Re =VL/ ;M = V/C ; = fluid mass density ; L = chord length ; V = velocity of aircraft ; = fluid viscosity ; C = sonic velocity = (K/) where K = bulk modulus of elasticity. The resistance R experienced by a partially, submerged body depends upon the velocity V, length of the body l, viscosity of fluid , density of the fluid and gravitational acceleration g ; Obtain expression for R. State the reasons for construction distorted model of rivers and discuss the various types of distortion in models. What are the merits and demerits of distorted models as compared to undistorted model? Derive the relation using Buckinghams theorem F = U2D2f (/ (UD), ND/U). In an aero plane model of size 1/10 of its prototype the pressure drop is 7.5kN/m3. The model is tested in water. Find the corresponding pressure drop in the prototype. Take density of air is 1.4 kg/m3, density of water is 1000 kg/m3, viscosity of air is 0.00018 poise and viscosity of water is 0.01poise.


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.pipe connected in series. Convert the system to (i) an equivalent length of 0.4m diameter pipe and (ii) an equivalent size of pipe of 3600m length. Derive Von Karman Momentum integral equation. If the velocity profile in a laminar boundary is given by u/v = 2(y/ ) - (y/ ) 2 A pipe system consist of three pipes arranged in series, the length of the pipe are 1200m, 750m, and 600m. Diameters are 750mm, 600mm, and 450mm respectively. Transform the system to an equivalent 450mm diameter pipe; also determine an equivalent diameter for the pipe 2550m long. What is the separation of boundary layer? When it occurs? Discuss the method for the control of boundary layer separation.

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