Unreal Conditionals: Optional Game: Consequences
Unreal Conditionals: Optional Game: Consequences
Unreal Conditionals: Optional Game: Consequences
3 g 17 SB P 147
Pairwork. Before students split into pairs, elicit what kind 4 Pair or groupwork. Students ask and answer the questions
of people Patti, Eric and Lee are and how old the students in 1 and 3 for themselves.
think they are. (Patti is in her late thirties; Eric is in his
seventies; Lee is in his late teens.)
up (p 30)
In pairs, students read the two questions and discuss how
they think the three people would have answered them. Unreal conditionals
Give them time to make a decision before you play the
recording for them to check their answers. Find out if any If students need more information about conditionals, refer
of the pairs guessed correctly. them to the Language reference section on page 31. You might
like to go through this first with the class to remind them of thl
form and use of conditionals.
1 Students match the if-clauses with the main clauses. Check
answers with the class.
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