Plantsafety EL4 of 5
Plantsafety EL4 of 5
Plantsafety EL4 of 5
Process Upset
Management Control
Human Error
Some External Event
Propagating Factors
• Ignition Sources
• Human Error
• Adverse Weather Conditions
Hazard Analysis
is the most effective
Project Phase Information Needs
Material Safety Data Sheets
Research and
Process Chemistry
Development Chemical Interactions
Design safety opportunities
Pilot Plant Hazardous operations interfaces
Waste reduction and pollution prevention
Comparison of sites
Facility Siting and Layout Employee and community risk
Transportation and storage of hazardous materials
Safety systems specifications
Detailed Design Materials of construction
Inventory, process and spill control
Inspection and testing of equiptment
Construction Safety systems verification
Anticipate problem situations
Start-up Provide training
Verify operating and safety parameters
Develop operating manual and procedures
Operation Integrity of equipment
Maintenance of safety systems
Identify safety Compromises
Expansion, modification,
Provide training
change Revalidate hazard analysis
Sources of Information:
2.Material Data Sheets
3.Consensus standards of the
Chemical 1
Chemical 2
Condition 1
Hazard Lists
Hazard Analysis Technique