Project 3 Phthalic Anhydride
Project 3 Phthalic Anhydride
Project 3 Phthalic Anhydride
Phthalic anhydride is used in the manufacture of plasticizers (additives to polymers to give them more flexibility) and polyesters, among other applications. The compounds chemical formula is C6H4(CO)2O and is the acid anhydride of phthalic acid. The most common method for production of phthalic anhydride is by oxidation of o-xylene. In 2002, approximately 4.6 billion kilograms were produced. A suggested process flow diagram is in Figure 1. You should use this as a starting point. However, any change that you can justify that does not violate the laws of nature is allowed. Your job is to analyze a simplified phthalic anhydride production process, to suggest profitable operating conditions, and to write a final report summarizing your findings.
Process Description
The raw materials are air and o-xylene. The o-xylene feed, which contains 5 wt% inert impurities is vaporized in unit V-701. Air, which may be assumed to contain only O2 and N2, is mixed with recycle, if there is any recycle, and heated. The hot air and vaporized o-xylene are mixed and sent to a fluidized bed reactor. The contents of Stream 7 must be below the LFL of oxylene, which is 1 mole%. In this reactor, essentially 100% of the o-xylene is reacted. Most goes to form phthalic anhydride, but some complete and incomplete combustion of o-xylene occurs, some maleic anhydride is formed, and a heavy impurity is also formed. The selectivities are given later. The reactor effluent enters a complex series of devices known as switch condensers. The net result is that all light gases and water leave in Stream 9, with small amounts of both anhydrides, and the phthalic anhydride, maleic anhydride, inerts, and heavy impurity leave in Stream 10. The dirty air in Stream 9 must be treated before it can be vented, and this is an additional expense. It is also possible to recycle some of the dirty air. Any dirty air not recycled must be sent to a scrubber, in which the anhydrides are scrubbed into water. The water is then sent to an on-site waste water treatment plant, and an operating charge is assessed. The contents of Stream 10 are sent to a series of two distillation columns which produce liquid waste (Streams 13 and 16) which is burned for fuel. No economic credit is allowed. The product in Stream 15 must be 99.9 mass % phthalic anhydride. This process must produce 75,000 metric tons/year of phthalic anhydride.
Process Details
Feed Streams Stream 1: air, consisting of 79% N2 and 21% O2 - free Stream 2: o-xylene with 5 wt % inert impurity Equipment Compressor (C-701): increases pressure of air feed from 1 atm to 3 atm Vaporizer (E-701): vaporizes o-xylene feed which is already above 3 atm Fired Heater (H-701): heats air to reaction temperature Reactor (R-701): The reactor feed may be no lower than 300C. The catalyst is only active to produce phthalic anhydride between 300C and 420C. The following reactions occur: C8 H10 + 3O2 C8 H 4O3 + 3H 2O o xylene phthalic anhydride
C8 H10 + 7.5O2 C4 H 2O3 + 4 H 2O + 4CO2 maleic anhydride The complete combustion of o-xylene also occurs. Selectivity data are in Table 1. These data are approximate and are to be used only for the initial mass and energy balance calculations, not for more complex versions to be completed later based on the kinetic data given in the Appendix.
Table 1 Fractional Conversion of o-Xylene into (Yield of) Indicated Product T(C) maleic anhydride CO2 phthalic anhydride 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 1.00 0.536 0.215 0.100 0.0463 0.0215 0.00 0.00 0.0339 0.102 0.200 0.356 0.602 1.00 0.00 0.425 0.683 0.700 0.598 0.377 0.00
5 Switch Condensers (SC-701): These are a complex set of condensers. Phthalic anhydride is first condensed as a solid (desublimated) and then melted. There are three condensers, one in the desublimation mode, one in the melting mode, and one in stand-by mode. The recovery of phthalic anhydride is done using a set of switch condensers that desublimate the phthalic anhydride using cooled oil. This unit operation has been modeled as a component separator with the following fractions leaving in the off gas. o-Xylene Oxygen Nitrogen Water Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Phthalic Anhydride Maleic Anhydride Heavy Impurity 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.010 0.89 0.00
Distillation Column (T-701): Here, 99% of the phthalic anhydride and all of the heavy impurity goes to Stream 14. All of the inert and enough of the maleic anhydride to allow Stream 15 to satisfy its purity requirement go to Stream 13. Distillation Column (T-702): Here, 99.9% of the phthalic anhydride, and any remaining maleic anhydride go to Stream 15, and all of the heavy impurity goes to Stream 16. Molten Salt Loop: Streams 21-24 contain molten salt. Its properties may be found in Reference [1]. The molten salt removes the heat generated by the exothermic heat of reaction in the reactor. Power Cycle Section: The energy removed from the molten salt in E-702 is to be used as the energy source in a power cycle. Steam is to be the fluid in the cycle. The turbine generates electricity which can be sold to the power company for 90% of the price of electricity given below, or it can be used internally in the plant. The heat sink in E-704 may be cooling water or refrigerated water. You must evaluate the economics of the power cycle. Separation Section This section may be simulated on CHEMCAD with a series of component separators. The installed cost of the separation section, in millions of dollars, may be taken as $2.25 + 0.5n where n is the number of separation devices needed, not including the one which removes the dirty air. The utility costs associated with the separation section may be assumed to be 50% of the utility costs associated with the process through Stream 10.
Additional Constraints
The LFL of benzene may not be exceeded in any stream No excess steam can be exported from the plant. Therefore, any steam generated within the process must be used within the process. The following specifications for products must be met if a product is to be sold: Maleic Anhydride purity > 99.8 mass% Quinone purity > 99 mass% Maleic Acid purity > 99.8 mass% Any liquid organic stream may be burned in a fired heater as fuel, and a credit may be taken for the fuel value (LHV) of the stream. All distillation columns must be simulated using rigorous unit operations (e.g. RADFRAC in Aspen Plus)
Economic Analysis
When evaluating alternative cases, you should carry out an economic evaluation and profitability analysis based on a number of economic criteria such as payback period, internal rate of return, and cash flow analysis. In addition, the following objective function should be used. It is the equivalent annual operating cost (EAOC), and is defined as EAOC = (product value feed cost other operating costs capital cost annuity) A negative value of EAOC means there is a profit. It is desirable to minimize EAOC; i.e., a large negative value of EAOC is very desirable. Utility costs are those for steam, cooling water, boiler-feed water, natural gas, and electricity. The capital cost annuity is an annual cost (like a car payment) associated with the one-time, fixed capital cost of plant construction and installation. A list of fixed capital costs on an installed basis (installed cost) for all pieces of equipment will be provided by mid-March. The capital cost annuity is defined as follows:
i (1 + i ) n (1 + i) n 1
where FCI is the installed cost of all equipment; i is the interest rate; and n is the plant life, in [y]. For accounting purposes, take i = 0.15 and n = 10. For detailed sizing, costing, and economic evaluation including profitability analysis, you may use the Aspen Process Economic Analyzer (formerly Aspen Icarus Process Evaluator) in Aspen Plus Version 7. However, it is also a good idea to independently verify the final numbers based on other sources such as cost data given below.
Other Information
You should assume that a year equals 8,000 hours. This is about 330 days, which allows for periodic shut-down and maintenance.
Final Comments
As with any open-ended problem; i.e., a problem with no single correct answer, the problem statement above is deliberately vague. You may need to fill in some missing data by doing a literature search, Internets search, or making assumptions. The possibility exists that as you work on this problem, your questions will require revisions and/or clarifications of the problem statement. You should be aware that these revisions/clarifications may be forthcoming. Moreover, in some areas (e.g. sizing/costing) you are given more data and information than what is needed. You must exercise engineering judgment and decide what data to use. Also you should also seek additional data from the literature or Internet to verify some of the data, e.g. the prices of products and raw materials.
Utility Costs
Low-Pressure Steam (446 kPa, saturated) $3.00/1000 kg
Medium-Pressure Steam (1135 kPa, saturated) $6.50/1000 kg High-Pressure Steam (4237 kPa, saturated) Natural Gas (446 kPa, 25C) Electricity Boiler Feed Water (at 549 kPa, 90C) $8.00/1000 kg $3.00/106 kJ $0.05/kW hr $300.00/1000 m3
Cooling Water $20.00/1000 m3 available at 516 kPa and 30C return pressure 308 kPa return temperature should be no more than 15C above the inlet temperature, otherwise there is an additional cost of $0.35/106 kJ Refrigerated Water $200.00/1000 m3 available at 516 kPa and 10C return pressure 308 kPa return temperature is no higher than 20C if return temperature is above 20C, there is an additional cost of $7.00/106 kJ
Heat Exchangers $1030 (area, m2)0.6 If extended surfaces are used, area is that for same size tubing without fins. Then add a 25% surcharge for fins. Compressors Steam Turbine $770 (power, kW)0.96 + 400 (power, kW)0.6 $2.18105 (power output, MW)0.67 assume 75% efficiency $635 (duty, kW)0.8
Fired Heater
Other Data
Pressure drops for heat exchangers other than E-703 may be estimated as 30 kPa for the tube side and 20 kPa for the shell side. Individual heat transfer coefficients for all heat exchange devices other than E-703 may be estimated as follows: situation condensing steam condensing organic boiling water boiling organic flowing liquid flowing gas h (W/m2C) 6000 1000 7500 1000 600 60
Air treatment is accomplished by absorption of the organic matter into water, with the light gases vented to the atmosphere. The water is then sent to a waste-water treatment plant. The annual cost is based upon the volume of vapor sent to the treatment plant and the mole fraction of organic matter (phthalic and maleic anhydrides) in Stream 11 or 15. The cost is: $ / h air treated = 104Vtot (0.5 + 1000 xor ) Vtot = total volume of dirty air to be treated, m3 xor = mole fraction of organics (CO2 is not an organic!) in dirty air stream
Appendix 3
Reactor Design Data The catalysis and reaction engineering group has obtained kinetic information regarding the oxylene to phthalic anhydride reaction. In addition, the complete combustion reaction for each organic component occurs. The reaction network is given below. As you can see, a major advantage of our catalyst is that CO formation is essentially eliminated and no heavy impurity is made.
The catalyst must operate between 300C and 400C, and at pressures between 1 atm and 3 atm. -1 In this range, the kinetics are as follows: (partial pressures in atmospheres, ri in kmole hr (kg -1 catalyst) , k0 = 1 kmole hr-1(kg catalyst)-1atm-2, R = 1.987 cal/K mole, and T is in K)
r1 = k1 p xy po2
k1 27,000 = + 19.837 k0 RT
r2 = k 2 p pa po2
k2 31,000 = + 20.86 k0 RT
r3 = k 3 p xy po2
k3 28,600 = + 18.97 k0 RT
r4 = k 4 p xy po2
k4 27,900 = + 19.23 k0 RT
r5 = k 5 pma po2
k5 30,400 = + 20.47 k0 RT
12 The lower flammability limit of o-xylene in air is 1 mole %, and the upper flammability limit is 6 mole%. For safety reasons, it is necessary that process conditions not be within these limits. It is also necessary that the o-xylene content of the reactor never exceed 10 mole %, because, if that limit is exceeded, the catalyst no longer operates at the desired selectivity, the reaction could become oxygen starved, forming significant amounts of CO and other undesired byproducts. At this time, we are unsure as to whether a packed bed reactor (shell and tube type -- modeled as PFR) or a fluidized bed reactor (modeled as an isothermal packed bed) is the better choice. Please address this in your preliminary design. For the shell and tube packed bed, the catalyst would be in the tubes. We do believe, however, that tube diameters exceeding one inch in a shell and tube configuration would not allow for rapid enough heat removal, causing significant hot spots, and subsequent catalyst damage. For a fluidized bed, the following data may be assumed: spherical catalyst particle, diameter dp = 300 m catalyst particle density cat = 1600 kg/m3 void fraction at minimum fluidization mf = 0.50 heat transfer coefficient from fluidized bed to tube wall h = 300 W/m2C reactor should operate between 2umf and 5umf for umf, use the correlation of Wen & Yu:
Re mf = where Ar = d pumf g
d 3 g s g g p
where g is the density of the gas in the fluidized bed (at average conditions) and_s is the solid catalyst particle density (called cat above). For a shell and tube packed bed, the following data may be assumed: catalyst particle diameter dp = 3 mm catalyst particle density cat = 1600 kg/m3 void fraction = 0.50 heat transfer coefficient from packed bed to tube wall h = 60 W/m2C use standard tube sheet layouts as for a heat exchanger shell diameter is a function of heat transfer characteristics and frictional losses The cost of catalyst (for any particle size) is $1.00/kg. It is anticipated that a heat transfer fluid will be used in a closed loop to remove the highly exothermic heat of reaction from either type of reactor. We anticipate that all surplus high pressure steam made can be sold elsewhere in the plant, for a credit of $5.00/1000 kg.
Appendix 4
& m in kg/h
& & & P (kPa) = 196.2 + 0.2972m 2.692 10 4 m 2 + 4.899 108 m3 & for m < 670 Mg/h P (kPa) = 289.0
& m in Mg/h
for 3500 rpm & & & Pout /Pin = 5.201 + 2.662m 1.358 10 4 m 2 + 4.506 108 m3 for 2200 rpm & & Pout /Pin = 4.015 + 5.263 103 m 1.838 10 4 m 2 & m in Mg/h & m in Mg/h
Appendix 5
Costs of Raw Materials Composition
Temp 25C
Price/Cost $ 0.35/kg
Feed O-Xylene
Cost of Utilities
~100 %
Available Pressure Natural Gas Low Pressure Steam Med. Pressure Steam High Pressure Steam Electricity Boiler Feed Water Condensate Return (credit) Cooling Water* Cooling Water Return Refrig. Water* Refrig. Water Return
Available Temperature 25oC sat vap sat vap sat vap 100oC 30oC 40oC 5oC 15oC
Price/Cost $ 0.085/ std m3 $ 6.62/ 1000 kg $ 7.31/ 1000 kg $ 8.65/ 1000 kg $ 0.06/ kWh $ 2.54/ m3 $ 2.54/ m3 $ 6.70/ 1000 m3 $10.00/ 100 m3
Cooling water and refrigerated water costs reflect the fact that a 10oC temperature rise is assumed for the stream. The following example illustrates the use of these costs: example : what is the yearly operating cost for a heat exchanger with a duty of 50 kW using cooling water? mass of cooling water reqd = Q/Cp/T = 50000/4200/10 = 1.19 kg/s volume of cooling water = M/ = 1.19/1000 = 1.1910-3 m3/s cost for cooling water = (1.1910-3)(3600)(24)(350)(6.70)/(1000) = $ 241 per year
$/m3 air treated = 10-4(0.5 + 1000xor) xor = mole fraction of organics in dirty air stream
Maleic Anhydride (99.5 wt%) Steam produced in excess of internal requirements (4 and 11 bar) (41 bar) $ 0.95/kg $ 3.00/1000k $ 5.00/1000kg $ 1.50/109J
1. Perry, R.H. and D. Green, eds., Perrys Chemical Engineering Handbook (6th ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984, p. 9-74.