Chromatography theory
Chromatography is a separation method that exploits the differences in partitioning
behavior between a mobile phase and a stationary phase to separate the components in a
mixture. Components of a mixture may be interacting with the stationary phase based on
charge, relative solubility or adsorption. There are two theories of chromatography, the
plate and rate theories.
How it works
In paper and thin-layer chromatography the mobile phase is the solvent. The
stationary phase in paper chromatography is the strip or piece of paper that is placed in
the solvent. In thin-layer chromatography the stationary phase is the thin-layer cell. Both
these kinds of chromatography use capillary action to move the solvent through the
stationary phase.
The retention factor, Rf, is a quantitative indication of how far a particular compound
travels in a particular solvent. The Rf value is a good indicator of whether an unknown
compound and a known compound are similar, if not identical. If the R f value for the
unknown compound is close or the same as the Rf value for the known compound then
the two compounds are most likely similar or identical.
R f = D1 / D 2
Simple Theory of Partition Chromatography
In this chromatography there are two physically distinguishable compounds, a
mobile phase and a stationary phase. Molecular species separate because they differ in
their distribution between these two phases. The relative movement of each molecule is
result of a balance between a driving force (the movement of the mobile phase) and the
retarding forces. The stationary phase is the sorbent. If the sorbent is a liquid held
stationary by a solid, the solid is called the support or matrix. The mobile phases is the
solvent or developer and the components in the mixture to be separated constitute then
The theory of partition chromatography is that, in general, if two phases are in
contact with one another and if one or both phases contain a solute, the solute will
distribute itself between the two phases. This is called partitioning and is described by
the partition coefficient (K), the ratio of the concentrations of the solute in the two
After 20 successive transfers, the situation shown in the graph is achieved. The
distributions of these two kinds of molecules are different and a substantial fraction of the
molecules have separated. As the number of the theoretical plates increased (i.e. if the
column length is increased), greater separation will result.
Partition chromatography can be carried out in columns by using a matrix that
does not adsorb the solutes. Common supporting materials are diatomaceous earth (e.g.
Celite), silica gel, cellulose powder and certain cross – linked dextrans (e.g. Sephadex
LH20). The stationary phase is created by suspending the support or washing the column
with the appropriate sorbent. Typical stationary-phase materials are hydrophobic solvents
such as benzene for the separation of nonpolar materials or hydrophilic solvents such as
an alcohol, for polar materials. Typical mobile phases are alcohols or amides for ye
nonpolar material or water for polar substances. The stationary phase materials are liquid.
1) Paper Chromatography
2) Thin – layer chromatography
3) Gas-liquid chromatography
4) Gel chromatography
1) Liquid chromatography (LC)
2) Hi Performance Liquid chromatography (HPLC)
3) Size exclusion chromatography
4) Column chromatography
This is an older technique which involves placing a small spot of sample solution
onto a strip of chromatography paper. The paper is placed into a jar containing a shallow
layer of solvent and sealed. As the solvent rises through the paper it meets the sample
mixture which starts to travel up the paper with the solvent. Different compounds in the
sample mixture travel different distances according to how strongly they interact with the
paper. This allows the calculation of an Rf value and can be compared to standard
compounds to aid in the identification of an unknown substance.
relative distance traveled by a spot and by the solvent front is called the Rf. Values of Rf
depend on the substance, he paper and the solvent.
A particularly useful variant is two-dimensional paper chromatography. In this
method, after chromatography has carried out in a single direction, the paper is dried and
then rechromatographed at right angles to the original direction of flow, using a different
solvent system. (FIG) In this way substances that fail to separate in he first solvent can
often be separated in the second.
The fingerprint of a mutant protein with a single amino acid change differs from
that of a wild type protein. If the amino acid change does not affect the site of cleavage
by the protease, a single spot in the fingerprint will disappear and one new spot will
appear. If it does not affect the site of cleavage, several spots will be altered. By eluting
the original and mutant spots and determining the amino acid composition of each, the
amino acid change can be determined.
Fig: A paper chromatogram in which four amino acids have been separated.
replacement. Fingerprints of such proteins allow the identification of the amino acid
inserted by each of he known suppressor tRNAs.
After the solvent front has almost reached the top, the plate is removed from the
chamber and dried. Spots are usually located as in paper chromatography by natural
color, fluorescence or by spraying various reagents that react with the substances in the
spot to produce color. Commonly used sprays are ninhydrin for amino acids, rhodamine
B for lipids, antimony chloride for steroids and terpinoids, H2SO4 plus heating for almost
any organic substance; K2MnO4 in H2SO4 for hydrocarbons, anisaldehyde in H2SO4 for
carbohydrates, bromine vapor for olefins and so forth. Materials can be eluted from he
chromatogram by scraping off the sorbent and eluting the powder with suitable solvent. A
typical thin- layer
chromatogram is shown in
Fig: A typical thin-layer chromatogram
Advantages of TLC:
Thin – layer chromatography is widely used because, compared with paper or column
chromatography, it offers the following advantages:
Caffeine is sometimes added to these formulations to overcome drowsiness. A few
other compounds such as N-cinnamylephedrine (cinnamedrine) and diphenylpyrilene are
included for other therapeutic effects, such as antispasmodic or slight sedative action. In
addition to the active ingredients, the tablets of these drugs contain starch, lactose, and
other substances that act as binders and permit rapid solution, and sometimes also
inorganic bases. The objective of this experiment is to identify an unknown drug tablet by
a TLC comparison with standard compounds.
a. TLC is used to determine the solvent system and quantity of silica required
b. TLC is used to monitor the column fractions
Gas chromatography (GC) is based on a partition equilibrium of analyses between
a solid stationary phase and a mobile gas. The stationary phase is adhered to the inside of
a small-diameter glass tube (a capillary column) or a solid matrix inside a larger metal
tube (a packed column). It is widely used in analytical chemistry; though the high
temperatures used in GC make it unsuitable for high molecular weight biopolymers,
frequently encountered in biochemistry, it is well suited for use in the petrochemical,
environmental monitoring, and industrial chemical fields. It is also used extensively in
chemistry research.
A detector is used to monitor the outlet stream from the column; thus, the time at
which each component reaches the outlet and the amount of that component can be
determined. Generally, substances are identified by the order in which they emerge
(elute) from the column and by the retention time of the analyte in the column.
The method is the collection of conditions in which the GC operates for a given
analysis. Method development is the process of determining what
conditions are adequate and/or ideal for the analysis required. Conditions which can be
varied to accommodate a required analysis include inlet temperature, detector
temperature, column temperature and temperature program, carrier gas and carrier gas
flow rates, the column's stationary phase, diameter and length, inlet type and flow rates,
sample size and injection technique. Depending on the detector(s) (see below) installed
on the GC, there may be a number of detector conditions that can also be varied. Some
GCs also include valves which can change the route of sample and carrier flow, and the
timing of the turning of these valves can be important to method development.
Advantages of Gas-liquid chromatography
The separation in gas-liquid chromatography is excellent. Sensitivity and speed
are extraordinary, with 10-12 gram being detectable for many substances. Because the
rapidity of development of chromatograms depends on the rate of diffusion between the
mobile and stationary phases and because the diffusion rate of gases is much greater than
that of liquids, the gas chromatogram can be run approximately one thousand times as
fast as that produce by liquid column chromatography. Hence separation is frequently
achieved in less then a minute. Furthermore, by using a nondestructive detector and
condensing the samples at the collection end, it is possible to use gas-liquid
chromatography preoperatively. Large preparative instruments can purify gram quantities
of material.
In general, substances that vaporize below ca. 300 °C (and therefore are stable up
to that temperature) can be measured quantitatively. The samples are also required to be
salt-free; they should not contain ions. Very minute amounts of a substance can be
measured, but it is often required that the sample must be measured in comparison to a
sample containing the pure, suspected substance.
Various temperature programs can be used to make the readings more meaningful;
for example to differentiate between substances that behave similarly during the GC
In practical courses at colleges, students sometimes get acquainted to the GC by
studying the contents of Lavender oil or measuring the ethylene that is secreted by
Nicotiana benthamiana plants after artificially injuring their leaves. These GC analyses
are done rather quickly (1 to 15 minutes per sample) and therefore suited for such
One example of the use of gas chromatography is in the study of the selectivity of
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts. The outlet from this process contains a number of
light gases including H2, CO, CO2 and CH4, as well as heavier parafinic and olefinic
hydrocarbons (C2-C40+). In a typical experiment, a packed column is used to separate
the light gases, which are then detected with a TCD. The hydrocarbons are separated
using a capillary column and detected with an FID.
A complication with light gas analyses that include H2 is that He, which is the
most common and most sensitive inert carrier (sensitivity is proportional to molecular
mass) has an almost identical thermal conductivity to hydrogen (it is the difference in
thermal conductivity between two separate filaments in a Wheatstone
Bridge type arrangement that shows when a component has been eluted). For this
reason, dual TCD instruments are used with a separate channel for hydrogen that uses
nitrogen as a carrier are common.
Argon in often used when analysing gas phase chemistry reactions such as F-T
synthesis so that a single carrier gas can be used rather than 2 separate ones. The
sensitivity is less but this is a tradeoff for simplicity in the gas supply.
Gel chromatography (or molecular sieve chromatography) is a special type of
partition chromatography in which separation is based on molecular size.
Dextran is a polysaccharide composed of glucose residues and produced by the
fermentation of sucrose by the microorganism Leuconostoc mesenteroides. It is prepared
with various degrees of cross – linking to control pore size and is supplied in the form of
dry beads of various degrees of fineness that swell when water is added. Swelling is the
process by which the pores become filled with the liquid to be used as eluant. It is
commercially available under the trade name Sephadex.
Obtain from certain seaweeds, is a linear polymer of D – galactose and 3, 6 –
anhydro – 1 – galactose and forms a gel that is held together without cross links by
hydrogen bonds. It is dissolved in boiling water and forms a gel when cooled. The
concentration of the material in the gel determines the size of the pores – which are much
larger than those of Sephadex. This makes it useful for the analysis or separation of large
globular proteins or long, linear molecule such as DNA. Agarose is useless as a solid gel
because the flow rate is too low; so it is supplied as wet beads called Sepharose and Bio –
Polyacrylamide gels are prepared by cross linking acrylamide with N,
N’-methylene-bis-acerylamide. Again, the pore size is determined by the degree of cross
linking. These gels differ from Dextran and Agarose gels in that they contain a polar,
carboxylamide group on alternate carbon atoms, but their separation properties are much
the same as those of the dextrans. Polyacrylamide gels, which are marketed as Bio-gel P,
seem to be as useful as dextrans, although they have used less frequently. They do have
advantages over the dextrans in that they are commercially available in a wider range of
pore sizes.
3. There is less zone spreading than with other chromatographic techniques.
4. The elution volume is related in a simple manner to molecular weight.
3. Similarly there are frequently contaminants of large molecular size in mixtures being
assayed for small molecules. He small – pore dextrans are useful in such cases. Also
protein must often be freed to nucleic acids; this can sometimes be done by using an
Agarose gel, which impedes all proteins and passes nucleic acids in the void volume.
4. The most common use of gel chromatography is in the purification of proteins. To
purify a protein from a cell extract, it is usually necessary to use a sequence of
separation procedures based on such parameters as solubility in certain solutions,
chare, molecular weight, and so forth. The step in which size separation takes place
almost invariably uses gel chromatography.
smallest pore size is used, the macromolecule comes through rapidly in the void
volume or shortly thereafter.
4. Gel chromatography can be used to study biding between proteins and small
molecules either by separating the product and he reactants or by passing protein
through a column equilibrated with the small molecule. A simple calculation allows
the determination of binding constants. The great value of gel chromatography in
studies of chemical equilibrium is that a gel column can be operated over a wide
range of concentrations, pH, ionic strength, and temperature e because the pore size
of the el is unaffected by the factors.
Liquid chromatography (LC) is an analytical chromatographic technique that is
useful for separating ions or molecules that are dissolved in a solvent. If the sample
solution is in contact with a second solid or liquid phase, the different solutes will interact
with the other phase to differing degrees due to differences in adsorption, ion-exchange,
partitioning, or size. These differences allow the mixture components to be separated
from each other by using these differences to determine the transit time of the solutes
through a column.
Conventional LC is most commonly used in preparative scale work to purify and
isolate some components of a mixture. It is also used in ultra trace separations where
small disposable columns are used once and then discarded. Analytical separations of
solutions for detection or quantification typically use more sophisticated high-
performance liquid chromatography instruments.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a form of column
chromatography used frequently in biochemistry and analytical chemistry. The analyte is
forced through a column (stationary phase) by a liquid (mobile phase) at high pressure,
which decreases the time the separated components remain on the stationary phase and
thus the time they have to diffuse within the column. Specific techniques which come
under this broad heading are listed below. It should also be noted that the following
techniques can also be considered fast protein liquid chromatography if no pressure is
used to drive the mobile phase through the stationary phase.
HPLC Instrumentation
Solvents must be degassed to eliminate formation of bubbles. The pumps provide
a steady high pressure with no pulsating, and can be programmed to vary the composition
of the solvent during the course of the separation. The liquid sample is introduced into a
sample loop of an injector with a syringe. When the loop is filled, the injector can be
injecting the sample into the stream by placing the sample loop in line with the mobile
phase tubing. The different types of HPLC columns are described below. The presence of
analytes in the column effluent is recorded by detecting a change in refractive index, UV-
VIS absorption at a set wavelength, fluorescence after excitation with a suitable
wavelength, or electrochemical response.
Fig: Picture of an HPLC column
Liquid phase samples (mixtures) are injected onto an LC column usually using a
syringe and specially devised injection valve. The sample is swept onto the
chromatographic column by the flowing mobile phase and chromatographic separation
occurs as the mixture travels down the column. Normal HPLC detectors detect the elution
of a compound from the end of the column based on some physical characteristic such as
ultraviolet light absorption, ability to fluoresce, or the difference in index of refraction
between the analyte and the mobile phase itself. The majority of HPLC systems work this
The use of chemiluminescence detection for HPLC comes from the need to detect
compounds either very sensitively (at very low concentrations) or very selectively, that is,
a target compound that must be determined in the presence of co-eluting compounds that
just can not be successfully separated from the analyte.
Since chemiluminescence derives from the generation of light cause by a
chemical reaction, there is no source lamp light that must be filtered out (as in the case of
fluorescence detection) in order to detect the analyte emission. This means that the
photons coming from the de-exciting analyte molecule are detected against a black
background, and this detection can be accomplished by a photomultiplier which can
detect a large percentage of the emitted photons.
Methods of HPLC Post Column Chemiluminescence Detection
In this case one reagent pump would send a solution containing a dissolved metal
ion like copper(II) or iron(III) to the mixer at the end of the LC column, while the other
reagent pump would send a solution containing the oxidant such as H 2O2 or hypochlorite
(another oxidant) and a base.
Depending on the catalyst used (which basically controls the time necessary for
maximum light emission to develop and the decay profile of that emission) the distance
from the mixer to the detection cell is carefully determined to allow for the most sensitive
detection-in this case the detection of luminol arriving from the LC column where it
could have been separated from interfering compounds.
Detection based on luminol suppression
With the LC column output fed into the mixer, the amount of light detected will
decrease when an organic analyte (which can complex with the metal ion) elutes from the
The amount of light decrease depends directly on the amount of the analyte. This
is true as long as the amount of metal cation is not completely complexed. At this point
the light decrease will no longer be linearly related to the amount of organic analyte.
Basically the same schematic seen above is seen here with the metal catalyst
coming from the first reagent pump and feeding into a second mixer placed upstream of
the first mixer.
This is to allow the eluting organic molecules (e.g., analytes like amino acids) to
have time to tie up the metal catalyst before they are mixed with the other reagents.
The second reagent pump adds luminol, base and oxidant. When that
metal/organic complex gets to the second mixer and ultimately to the detection cell, the
baseline light intensity will drop off. Voila! An "antisignal"-proportional to the amount of
the (analyte) organic molecules eluting from the column.
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) is also known as gel permeation
chromatography or gel filtration chromatography and separates particles on the basis
of size.
Smaller molecules enter a porous media and take longer to exit the column,
whereas larger particles leave the column earlier. It is generally a low resolution
chromatography and thus it is often reserved for the final, "polishing" step of purification.
It is also useful for determining the tertiary structure and quaternary structure of purified
proteins, especially since it can be carried out under native solution conditions.
Separation principle:
Mild, non-denaturing conditions - very suitable for separating proteins of different
molecular masses.
Quaternary structure usually remains intact.
In 1978, W. C. Still introduced a modified version of column chromatography
called flash column chromatography (flash). The technique is very similar to the
traditional column chromatography, except for that the solvent is driven through the
column by applying positive pressure. This allowed most separations to be performed in
less than 20 minutes, with improved separations compared to the old method.
The chromatography column is the heart of the separation process. For protein
separations the column usually contains porous beads of a hydrophilic polymer, such as
cellulose or some other type of carbohydrate polymer. The surface of the polymer beads
is chemically modified to give it properties that would make it suitable for various types
of chromatography: ion exchange, molecular exclusion, hydrophobic interaction or
affinity. The appropriate stationary phase is suspended in the desired mobile phase and
poured into the chromatography column.
Once the stationary phase has been fully equilibrated with the mobile phase, the
protein sample can be introduced onto the column. The separation then occurs based on
the attraction between the protein, the stationary phase and the mobile phase. For
example, a positively charged protein would bind to a negatively charged stationary
phase when the mobile phase has a low ionic strength (see Salts). An increase in the salt
concentration may displace the protein from the stationary phase when positive ions in
the mobile phase compete with the protein for binding sites on the stationary phase.
application of air pressure. An equilibrium is established between the solute adsorbed on
the adsorbent and the eluting solvent flowing down through the column. Because the
different components in the mixture have different interactions with the stationary and
mobile phases, they will be carried along with the mobile phase to varying degrees and a
separation will be achieved. The individual components, or eluant, are collected as the
solvent drips from the bottom of the column.
Column chromatography is separated into two categories, depending on how the solvent
flows down the column. If the solvent is allowed to flow down the column by gravity, or
percolation, it is called gravity column chromatography. If the solvent is forced down
the column by positive air pressure, it is called flash chromatography, a "state of the
art" method currently used in organic chemistry research laboratories The term "flash
chromatography" was coined by Professor W. Clark Still because it can be done in a
The Adsorbent
Silica gel (SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3) are two adsorbents commonly used by the
organic chemist for column chromatography. These adsorbents are sold in different mesh
sizes, as indicated by a number on the bottle label: “silica gel 60” or “silica gel 230-400”
are a couple examples. This number refers to the mesh of the sieve used to size the silica,
specifically, the number of holes in the mesh or sieve through which the crude silica
particle mixture is passed in the manufacturing process. If there are more holes per unit
area, those holes are smaller, thus allowing only smaller silica particles go through the
sieve. The relationship is: the larger the mesh size, the smaller the adsorbent particles.
Adsorbent particle size affects how the solvent flows through the column. Smaller
particles (higher mesh values) are used for flash chromatography; larger particles (lower
mesh values) are used for gravity chromatography. For example, 70–230 silica gel is used
for gravity columns and 230–400 mesh for flash columns.
Silica gel and alumina are the only column chromatography adsorbents used in
the CU organic chemistry teaching labs; please refer to the references for information on
other column chromatography adsorbents.
The Solvent
The polarity of the solvent which is passed through the column affects the relative
rates at which compounds move through the column. Polar solvents can more effectively
compete with the polar molecules of a mixture for the polar sites on the adsorbent surface
and will also better solvate the polar constituents. Consequently, a highly polar solvent
will move even highly polar molecules rapidly through the column. If a solvent is too
polar, movement becomes too rapid, and little or no separation of the components of a
mixture will result. If a solvent is not polar enough, no compounds will elute from the
column. Proper choice of an eluting solvent is thus crucial to the successful application of
column chromatography as a separation technique. TLC is generally used to determine
the system for a column chromatography separation. The choice of a solvent for the
elution of compounds by column chromatography is covered in the Chromatography
Overview section.
Often a series of increasingly polar solvent systems are used to elute a column. A
non-polar solvent is first used to elute a less-polar compound. Once the less-polar
compound is off the column, a more-polar solvent is added to the column to elute the
more-polar compound.
each fraction is analyzed by thin layer chromatography. (Other methods of analysis are
available; this is the most common method and the one used in the organic chemistry
teaching labs.)
Adsorption chromatography is probably one of the oldest types of
chromatography around. It utilizes a mobile liquid or gaseous phase that is adsorbed onto
the surface of a stationary solid phase. The equilibration between the mobile and
stationary phase accounts for the separation of different solutes.
If a given concentration of a molecule is applied to the surface and solvent is
allowed to flow across the surface, a fixed amount will bind ad the remainder will move
along. The advancing material will bind with two differences: (1) the retarding force is
binding or adsorption and (2) the fraction bound is not a constant fraction but decreases
with decreasing concentration.
The rate at which the substance moves is related to the strength of binding – that
is, the tighter the binding, the slower the movement. Clearly then, molecules can be
separated if they have different adsorption isotherms.
Solute in liquid (or gas) phase interacts with adsorption sites on solid surface
(finely divided particles for maximum surface area).
Polar groups on solid form dipolar interactions (e.g. hydrogen bonds) with sample
dissolved (usually) in organic solvent. Elute by increasing polarity of the solvent (e.g. if
using acetonitrile CH3CN, add methanol (CH3OH)) --> competing bonds with adsorption
sites. Gradient elution useful (also for ion-exchange and partition chromatography).
Types of Adsorption
Adsorption chromatography uses a mobile liquid phase and a solid stationary
phase. Separation is either in columns or on thin layers.
Fig : A simple fraction collector
Operation of columns
The chromatogram is developed by flowing a solvent (the mobile phase) through
the column. The process is called eluting the column. As different substances move
through the column, they separate and appear in the effluent when particulars volume of
material, both solid and liquid in the column is called the bed volume. The volume of the
mobile phase is the void, retention or hold up volume.
Fig: Operation of a column showing the loading of the column and various stages of
The liquid leaving the column (the eluent) is usually collected as discrete
fractions, using an automatic collector. The separated components are then found and
identified by testing aliquots of each fraction – for example, spectral measurements,
chemical tests, radioactivity and so forth. In cases in which analysis is by the absorption
of light, an automatic, continuously recording spectrophotometer is used.
Ion exchange chromatography (IEC) is applicable to the separation of almost any
type of charged molecule, from large proteins to small nucleotides and amino acids. It is
very frequently used for proteins and peptides, under widely varying conditions.
However, for amino acids standardized conditions are used. In protein structural work the
consecutive use of gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and IEC is quite common.
ionic properties of both DEAE and CM are dependent on pH, but both are sufficiently
charged to work well as ion exchangers within the pH range 4 to 8 where most protein
separations take place.
Proteins are made up of twenty common amino acids. Some of these amino acids
possess side groups ("R" groups) which are either positively or negatively charged.
A comparison of the overall number of positive and negative charges will give a
clue as to the nature of the protein. If the protein has more positive charges than negative
charges, it is said to be a basic protein. If the negative charges are greater than the
positive charges, the protein is acidic.
When the protein contains a predominance of ionic charges, it can be bound to a
support that carries the opposite charge. A basic protein, which is positively charged, will
bind to a support which is negatively charged.
Families of molecules (acidic, basics and neutrals) can be easily separated by this
technique. This is perhaps the most frequently used chromatographic technique used for
protein purification.
Retention by attraction between groups on stationary phase with opposite charge to
sample molecules. Stationary phase = insoluble, but solvent permeable polymer matrix
(e.g. cellulose) chemically modified to introduce ionizable groups (e.g. -COOH).
Elute by
Note DEAE-cellulose and CM-cellulose popular for chromatographic separation of
proteins - mild, non-denaturing procedure.
ions will compete with the protein and more of the sample components will be partially
desorbed and start moving down the column. Increasing the ionic strength even more
causes a larger number of the sample components to be desorbed, and the speed of the
movement down the column will increase. The higher the net charge of the protein, the
higher the ionic strength needed to bring about desorption. At a certain high level of ionic
strength, all the sample components are fully desorbed and move down the column with
the same speed as the mobile phase. Somewhere in between total adsorption and total
desorption one will find the optimal selectivity for a given pH value of the mobile phase.
Thus, to optimize selectivity in ion exchange chromatography, a pH value is chosen that
creates sufficiently large net charge differences among the sample components. Then, an
ionic strength is selected that fully utilizes these charge differences by partially desorbing
the components. The respective speed of each component down the column will be
proportional to that fraction of the component which is found in the mobile phase.
Gradient Elution
Very often the sample components vary so much in their adsorption to the ion
exchanger that a single value of the ionic strength cannot make the slow ones pass
through the column in a reasonable time. In such cases, a salt gradient is applied. This
will bring about a continuous increase of ionic strength in the mobile phase. Such a
gradient will gradually desorbs the sample components in the order of increasing net
charge, until all the components are fully desorbed. At this point, though, we have already
separated the components of the sample. Thus a salt gradient compresses a chromatogram
so as to elute components with widely different adsorptive properties within a reasonable
time. In fact, most IEC experiments utilize a salt gradient. If it is necessary to selectively
increase resolution somewhere within the gradient, but still to elute the slow components
within a reasonable time, a section of lower gradient slope is built into the gradient so
that it covers that part of the chromatogram where increased resolution is desired. This is
called the adapted gradient technique and requires an advanced programmable gradient
The most useful matrix material is Agarose because it exhibits minimal
adsorption, maintains good flow properties after coupling, and tolerates the extremes of
pH and ionic strength as well as 7.0 M guanidium chloride and urea, which are often
needed for successful elution. It is possible to purchase Agarose to which are covalently
coupled either reagents for coupling proteins, membranes and steroids or concanavalin A,
a ready-to-use adsorbent for polysaccharides and glycoprotein containing α-D-mannosyl
and α-D-glucosyl residues (e.g. cell membranes and whole cells), is an additional benefit.
The major use of affinity chromatography to date has been the purification of
proteins, membranes and polysaccharides. Examples of its use are as follows:
Purification of Proteins
This is usually done with Sepharose to which the substance that is being
transported is coupled (e.g. thyroxin binding globulins, estradiol-binding proteins and
hormone and drug receptors).
Figure 2. Proteins sieve through Figure 3. Proteins interact with
affinity ligand with some binding
matrix of affinity beads.
loosely and others tightly.
Figure 5. Wash off proteins that bind loosely.
Figure 6. Elute proteins that bind tightly to ligand and collect purified protein
of interest.
Purification of enzymes:
The substrate, a tight binding inhibitor, or a cofactor can be coupled to the matrix.
If a mixture of proteins or even a crude cell extract is passed through the column, only
materials that bid remain on the column. In some cases, enzymes can be substantially
purified directly from very complex mixtures.
Purification of Antibodies
This has been accomplished mainly with cyanogens bromide Sepharose to which
has been coupled various antigens such as proteins, viruses or bovine serum albumin
coupled with haptens; it is the method of choice for antibody purification.
Purification of Glycoprotein
This is efficiently done with concanavalin A-Sepharose.
the "scientifically interesting" state to that of a full-fledged drug to be used in
treating a specific disease. This discussion will focus on the work and tools of the