VBSW 2011 Statement
VBSW 2011 Statement
VBSW 2011 Statement
2. 2. We do not absolutely believe the divide and rule moves which they named as dialogue which has no exact issues and exact timeline and is doing without ceasing the attacks in Ethnic areas.
3. 3. We, warriors, will be strongly against any talks and actions, which betray the people and revolution by following the wish of the enemy, of some political organizations and persons from inside and outside of the country.
4. 4. We will fight against the regime with the Blood Storm Mission to have genuine countrywide dialogue which include all the stake holders, to release all the political prisoners unconditionally and to release all the people who were accused that they had the relation with our warriors and unfairly imprisoned with the several acts as soon as possible.
Military regime, which oppresses the people, must be failed. Our revolution must win.