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Outlook 2007: Configuring & Using

This document contains the following sections: Introduction Configuring (http://www.cmu.edu/computing/doc/email/outlook/2007/configuring.html) Address Expansion Creating a Shortcut Viewing Your Inbox Mail Format & Reply Options Signatures Delete / Purge Messages Disable AutoPreview Blocked Extensions & Graphics Toolbar & Favorites Creating & Searching Folders Subscribing to Folders, Bboards & RSS Feeds Address Books Multiple Identities Send/Receive Options Configuring Sent Mail Disconnected Mode Backing Up or Archiving Outlook Data (http://www.cmu.edu/computing/doc/email/outlook/2007/backup.html)

For information related to this topic refer to: Shared Mailboxes: Outlook and Entourage (http://www.cmu.edu/computing/doc/email/shared-mailbox/index.html) FAQ Cyrus (http://www.cmu.edu/computing/doc/email/faq-cyrus.html) Support Statement - Outlook and Entourage (http://www.cmu.edu/computing/doc/email/support-outlook.html)



Computing Services offers support for Outlook 2007 (bundled with MS Office 2007) on Windows computers. We do not support any version of Outlook Express. You can purchase the Microsoft Office 2007 CD which includes Outlook 2007 from the Computer Store (http://www.cmu.edu/stores/computer/) for a minimal media fee.

Calendar Notes and Tasks

Although Outlook offers functionality for creating and managing calendar notes and tasks, these features are NOT supported. Computing Services supports and recommends that you use the Andrew Calendar system and the Oracle Calendar client for these functions. Oracle Calendar can be downloaded at no charge from the My Accounts tab of the Carnegie Mellon Web Portal (http://my.cmu.edu/) . Last Updated: 8/21/07



Configure through Autodiscover

Follow the steps below to have Outook 2007 automatically configure your profile through Autodiscover. 1. Select Start > All Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. 2. If this is your first time configuring Outlook, you may see a New Account Wizard window. If so, complete the steps in the window, then continue on to the next step. Other users should see a New Profile window. In the New Profile window, enter the name by which you want to refer to this account (This could be your first/last name or whatever makes senses to you.) and then click OK. 3. The Add New E-mail Account window is displayed. Enter Your Name and your full email address (e.g., juser@andrew.cmu.edu, juser@cmu.edu). DO NOT enter your password. 4. Click Next. 5. Outlook will begin configuring your profile. Note: If the Autodiscover is unavailable, the message "Problem Connecting to Server" will display. Click Retry. If it fails again, check the Manually configure server settings checkbox and, depending on which email server you plan to use, follow the appropriate manual configuration steps below: Exchange server - manual configuration steps Cyrus server - manual configuration steps From email - need to document steps to configure Outlook for Cyrus. Autodiscover should get most users, however its possible it might fail. But, the main reason to do it:Once someone switches to Exchange, Autodiscover will only configure Outlook for Exchange. But, these users might need to set up Outlook with Cyrus too, so that they could read BBoards. Theyll have to do this manually. 1. The Internet E-mail window is displayed. The User Name field will contain your Andrew user ID in all lower-case letters (e.g., juser). Type your password in the Password field and click OK. DO NOT check the Remember Password check box. 2. When the configuration is complete the following will display: 3. Click Finish. You will be prompted to log in. Note: During this initial log in, Outlook may pause for a few moments as it acquires necessary bboard information from the server. This delay only occurs during the initial log in. 4. If you are prompted to synchronize RSS feeds, click the option you want. 5. If you are prompted to set Privacy Options, check the option(s) you want and click OK.


6. By default, Outlook displays a To-Do Bar on the right side of the screen display. Although Outlook offers this functionality it is NOT supported by Computing Services. Click the X to close the To-Do Bar, or right-click the bar and select Off from the shortcut menu.

Note: If Outlook does not connect to the server (e.g., new messages do not display), see the Troubleshooting (http://www.cmu.edu/computing/doc/email/outlook/2007/troubleshooting.html) section of this document. Now that Outlook is configured, refer to the following sections to personalize your settings: Adding Address Expansion Configuring Sent Mail Viewing Your Inbox Address Books

Last Updated:9/1/10



Adding Address Expansion

If you want to use the address expansion feature to look up e-mail addresses in the Carnegie Mellon campus directory, follow these steps to add the CMU LDAP/Directory server: 1. Select Tools > Account Settings. The Account Settings window is displayed. 2. Select the Address Books tab, and then select New. 3. The Directory or Address Book Type dialog box is displayed. Click the radio button for Internet Directory Service (LDAP) and click Next. 4. The Add New E-mail Account window is displayed. Under Server Information, enter the Server Name as ldap.andrew.cmu.edu, then click More Settings. Note: You may receive a warning message, "The E-mail Account you have just added will not start until you choose Exit from the File menu, and then restart Microsoft Office Outlook." Click OK to proceed. 5. The Microsoft LDAP Directory dialog box is displayed. On the Connection tab under Display Name, enter the Display Name as CMU Person Search. 6. Select the Search tab. Under Search Base, select Custom. In the Custom field, enter the following: ou=person,dc=cmu,dc=edu. Click OK. 7. Click Next and Finish to complete the setup. 8. Close and re-launch Outlook for the changes to take affect. Last Updated: 8/21/07 Last Reviewed: 1/30/09



Creating a Shortcut
If you want to create a shortcut so that you can launch Outlook from your desktop, follow these steps: 1. Select Start > All Programs > Microsoft Office. 2. Right-click on Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 and while holding down the right-mouse button, drag the icon to your desktop. 3. When you release, you'll be prompted copy, move or create shortcut here. Select Copy here. Last Updated: 8/21/07 Last Reviewed: 1/30/09



Viewing your Inbox

To view your mail in Outlook, follow these steps: 1. On the Outlook screen display, be sure that the option to view Mail is selected. 2. Double-click the folder with your email address (or whatever you named your email account) to expand it, and then select INBOX. When you relaunch Outlook, this setting will default to what it was originally. To configure Outlook so that it ALWAYS opens to your Inbox, follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Select Tools > Options. The Options dialog box appears. Select the Other tab. Click Advanced Options... In the Startup in this folder section, click Browse...

5. The Select Folder dialog box appears. Click the folder with your email address (or whatever you named your email account) to expand it, then select the Inbox that appears under it. 6. Click OK three times to close the dialog boxes. Note: By default, Outlook is configured to check for new mail messages every 30 minutes. To modify this schedule, see Send/Receive Options. To force a check for new messages, click the Send/Receive icon in the Toolbar. a. Select View > Arrange by and de-select the Show in Groups option. Be sure that the Date option is selected. a. Select View > Reading Pane. b. From the drop down menu, select where you want the reading pane to appear: Right, Bottom or Off. a. Select View > Current View >Customize Current View. b. The Customize View dialog box appears. Select Other settings. c. The Other Settings dialog box appears. Under Other Options, uncheck the checkbox for Use compact layout in widths smaller than and select the check box for Always use single-line layout. d. Click OK twice to close the open dialog boxes. 7. Outlook arranges your email in groups, by default. If you would prefer to list your email strictly by date, follow these steps: By default, Outlook is configured to display the reading pane on the right side of the screen display. Follow these steps to alter the reading pane: To configure Outlook to display only one line per header, follow these steps: For more advanced features related to viewing Inbox items, see Send/Receive Options. Last Updated: 2/3/09


Setting your Mail Format

Outlook's default installation enables MS Word as your mail editor. Using Word as a mail editor may cause harmless, random characters to appear in some mail clients; it also drastically changes the way your menus appear (making it difficult to follow this documentation). Follow these steps to disable this feature: 1. Select Tools > Options. 2. Select the Mail Format tab. 3. Under Message format, select Plain Text from the pull down menu. Using plain text messages assures that your mail text won't display oddly to your recipients. Follow these steps to use plain text as often as possible as opposed to HTML or rich text format: 1. Select Internet Format. 2. Under the Outlook Rich Text options, select Convert to Plain Text format from the drop-down list. 3. Click OK.

Setting Your Reply Options

Through Outlook preferences you can choose from several different reply options. These options dictate if the original message will be included when you reply or forward the message. Follow these steps: 1. Select Tools > Options. The Options dialog box appears. 2. Select the Preferences tab, and then select Email Options. 3. In the On replies and forwards section, select the option you want to use when replying to or forwarding a message. 4. Click OK twice to close open dialog boxes. Last Updated: 8/21/07



Creating a New Signature

Follow these steps to enter a new signature for your mail messages in Outlook: 1. On the Mail Format tab, click Signatures. 2. The Signatures and Stationery window appears. To create a new signature, click New... The New Signature dialog box appears. 3. Enter an appropriate name for your signature so you can easily recognize it later, then click OK. Enter your signature text. 4. Click OK twice to close the open dialog boxes.

Creating and Using Multiple Signature Files

Outlook allows you to set one default signature for new messages and another, different default signature for replies and forwards. You may also create as many other signature files as you want and select them when composing a new message. To set different signatures to be used for new messages or replies, follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. First, follow steps to create multiple mail signature(s). Select Tools > Options. The Options dialog box appears. Select the Mail Format tab. Click Signatures... The Signatures and Stationery dialog box appears. In New Messages or Replies/forwards, select the signature you want to use for each of these actions from the pull down menus.

If you'd like to set a different signature while writing a new message: 1. Select File > New > Mail Message. Note: If the "From" field on the message is not already displayed, select Options> Show From. 2. Select Insert > Signature and select the signature you'd like to use for this message. Last Updated: 8/21/07



Delete / Purge Messages

Follow these steps to delete and permanently remove old mail messages in Outlook: 1. Select the mail message(s) that you want to delete, and do one of the following: click the Delete icon in the toolbar select Edit > Delete right-click on the message and choose Delete from the pull-down menu. 2. To permanently remove the message(s), select the message(s) then select Edit > Purge > Purge Marked Items in "Inbox". If you want to add a Purge Deleted Messages button to your toolbar, follow these steps: 1. Select Tools > Customize. The Customize dialog box appears. 2. Select the Commands tab. On the left side, select the Edit menu; on the right side select Purge Marked Items in "Inbox" . 3. With Purge Marked Items in "Inbox" selected, drag it where you want it to appear on your toolbar. To shorten the button name, right-click the button while the Customize dialog box is open. From the menu, type a shorter name (e.g., Purge) in the Name text box. Last Updated: 8/21/07 Last Reviewed: 1/30/09

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Disable AutoPreview
Computing Services recommends that you disable Outlook's AutoPreview feature. AutoPreview displays the first few lines of the actual message text in your Inbox window. Disabling this feature helps to protect your computer from opening a message that could infect your computer. Follow these steps: 1. When AutoPreview is enabled, your messages appear with the first few lines of the actual message displayed as shown in this example. To disable AutoPreview, select View > AutoPreview to deselect and disable the option. 2. Your Inbox messages should now appear with only the subject line displayed. Last Updated: 8/21/07 Last Reviewed: 1/30/09

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Blocked Extensions and Graphics

Outlook BLOCKS certain file attachments that have the potential to carry a virus to your computer. For more information and to work around this security feature, see the following: Some file extensions that Outlook blocks are: exe, bat, cmd, com, hlp, inf, isp. For a complete list see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/assistance/HP030850041033.aspx (http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/assistance/HP030850041033.aspx) Outlook DOES NOT block documents such as .xls, .doc, .ppt, and .txt files. If you need to receive a message that contains a blocked file (or send one to an Outlook user) rename the blocked file to include a temporary file type that is not blocked. For example, rename "program.exe" to "program.exe_ok" and then attach the file to the e-mail message. You can include instructions in the message for the recipient to save the file with the correct name "program.exe". Use a zip program to package your file(s) before you attach them to your e-mail message. Andrew Webmail does not block any file extensions. Use Andrew Webmail (https://webmail.andrew.cmu.edu) to extract the attachment; but NEVER open any file attachment that you are NOT expecting. To help protect you, Outlook is configured to block pictures and other Internet content until you determine that it is safe to view. For example, the following message would normally contain graphics; instead they are displayed with a placeholder until you right-click to view them. Last Updated: 8/21/07 Last Reviewed: 1/30/09

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Setting Your Toolbar

Outlook features can be easier to access when the toolbars are displayed properly. Follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Select Tools > Customize. The Customize dialog box appears. Select the Options tab. Be sure that the Always show full menus checkboxes are selected. Click Close.

Setting Favorites
Outlook allows you to create a list of folder "favorites." These can be mail folders that you use frequently. Follow these steps to add folders to your list of Favorites: 1. In the Mail pane, right-click the folder that you want to move to your list of Favorites, and then do one of the following: From the pull-down menu, select Add to Favorite Folders. While holding down the right mouse button, drag the folder to your list of favorites. 2. The folder now appears in your Favorites list. To hide Favorite Folders, click the Folder List button at the bottom of the Navigation pane. To display Favorite Folders, click the Mail button at the bottom of the Navigation pane.

Last Updated: 8/21/07 Last Reviewed: 1/30/09

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Creating Personal Folders

To create a NEW personal folder, follow these steps: 1. Under your email address (or whatever you named your email account) , select your Inbox folder. 2. Select File > New Folder. The Create a New Folder dialog box appears. 3. In the Name field, enter a name for the folder (e.g., Sent Mail) and then click OK.

Searching Folders
If you previously used another email client and recently converted to Outlook, you will notice that Outlook does not display the detail of messages that were received prior to your conversion. This makes it difficult to search through old messages. Follow these steps to index those messages and make them searchable: 1. In Outlook, select Tools > Rules and Alerts. The Rules and Alerts window appears. 2. Click New Rule... The Rules Wizard appears. 3. Under Stay up to date, select Display mail from someone in the New Item Alert Window; click Next. 4. De-select the checkbox next to from people or distribution list, and click Next. A message appears, "This rule will be applied to every message you receive. Is this correct?" Click Yes. 5. On the next dialog box, de-select the checkbox next to "display a specific message in the New Item Alert window", and then click Next. A message appears, "This rule does not specify an action to be taken. Continue anyway? Click Yes. 6. Click Next through the exceptions dialog box. 7. The Finish Rule Setup dialog box appears. Enter a name for this rule; you may want to call it Index. Then, select the checkboxes for Run this rule now for messages already in "current folder name" and Turn on this rule. Click Finish to save and run the rule on the folder that you have open. Note: This runs the rule on the folder you have open ONLY. To run the rule on your other folders, follow the steps below. 8. To run this rule on your other Outlook folders, open the folder and then select Tools > Rules and Alerts. 9. With the rule (e.g., Index, or whatever you named it) selected, click Run Rules Now. 10. The Run Rules Now dialog box appears. Select the checkbox next to the rule. You may also want to select the checkbox for Include subfolders, and then select Run Now. 11. If you use multiple computers, you will need to create and apply this rule to each computer that you use. Last Updated: 1/30/09
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Subscribing to Folders, Bboards & RSS Feeds

Folders & Bboards
By default, Outlook only displays folders or bulletin boards that you are subscribed to. Follow these steps to subscribe to a folder or bulletin board: 1. In Outlook, select Tools > IMAP Folders... The IMAP Folders dialog box appears. 2. Do one of the following: To display all of your Inbox folders, in the "Display folders whose names contain" field, enter Inbox, then click Query. A list of your folders appears. If you want to subscribe to a specific bulletin board and if you know the exact name, enter the name in the Display folders whose names contain text field. If you want to subscribe to a specific bulletin board and if you aren't sure of the name of the bulletin board, click Query and then scroll through and select the bulletin board from the list. 3. Select the folder(s) or bulletin board that you want to subscribe to then click Subscribe. 4. Click OK.

RSS Feeds
Follow the steps below to subscribe to an RSS feed: 1. In Outlook, select Tools > Account Settings. 2. On the RSS Feeds tab, click New. 3. In the New RSS Feed dialog box, type or paste the address of the RSS feed to which you wish to subscribe. 4. Click Add. Last Updated: 3/3/09

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Address Books
Outlook offers functionality for creating and searching your address book. To set up your address book, refer to the following: Check Order - You can configure Outlook to check your address books in a certain order. Searching or Completing Addresses - Check an address in your address book and add an address to you Contact List. Auto Complete - Turn on / off the auto-complete feature for "guessing" the name of frequently used mail recipients. Adding an Address - Add a new single person to your address book. Adding a Group - Create and add members to a distribution list. Import/Export Address Books (http://www.cmu.edu/computing/doc/email/outlook/2007/address-book/importexport.html) - Transfer Address Book information

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Check Address Book Order

You can configure Outlook to check your address books in a certain order. For example, if you have established (or imported) a personal address book in Outlook, you may want to check that list FIRST before checking the campus directory (see Exporting an Address Book to Outlook (http://www.cmu.edu/computing/doc/email/outlook/2003/export-address/index.html) ). Follow these steps to establish the order in which Outlook will check address books: 1. Select Tools > Address Book. The Address Book dialog box appears. 2. Select Tools > Options. The Addressing dialog box appears. 3. In the "When sending mail, check names using these address lists in the following order": field, use the arrow keys to move the address book that you want Outlook to check FIRST to the top of the list. In the example above, Outlook will check personal Contacts first; then it will check the CMU Person Search (LDAP directory). 4. Click OK and the Close to exit. Last Updated: 8/21/07 Last Updated: 1/30/09

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Searching or Completing Addresses

Follow these steps to complete an address in the "To" field: 1. Select File > New > Mail Message. 2. The New Message dialog box appears. Enter the first or last name of the person you want to send email to, then do any of the following: click the Check Names icon on the New Message toolbar press Ctrl + K 3. If more than one name fits the search criteria (e.g., more than one "joe"), the Check Names dialog box appears. Select the name of the person you want to send email to, then click OK. Follow these steps to search for a person in the campus LDAP directory and add them to your Contacts list: 1. In Outlook, select Tools > Address Book... The Address Book dialog box appears. 2. From the Address Book pull down menu, select CMU Person Search. 3. In the Search field, enter the last name or Andrew userID of the person you want to find, and then click Go. 4. A list of people who meet that criteria appear. Do one of the following: To send this person an e-mail message, select their name from the list and then select File > New Message. The new message dialog box appears with the person's name in the To field. To add this person to your list of Contacts, double-click on their name, complete any additional information and then click Add to Contacts. 5. The Contacts window appears. Make any changes or additions that you want to. Click Save & Close. 6. Click OK and Close to exit. Last Updated: 1/28/09

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By default, Outlook enables an auto-complete feature for "guessing" the name of frequently used mail recipients based on the first few letters of the name that you type. Follow these steps if you want to turn off Auto-complete in address books: 1. Select Tools > Options. Select the Preferences tab. 2. Click E-mail Options. 3. Click Advanced E-mail Options. 4. Under When sending a message: Deselect Automatic name checking Deselect Suggest names while completing To, Cc, and Bcc fields 5. Click OK three times to exit the dialog boxes. Last Updated: 8/21/07 Last Reviewed: 1/30/09

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Creating a New Single Person Address

Follow these steps to add a new single person to your Outlook address book. Note: Because your Outlook address book (Contacts list) is stored locally, your address book on one computer will not automatically match your Outlook address book on another computer. However, you can export the list and import it to another computer; for help see Exporting an Address Book to Outlook (http://www.cmu.edu/computing/doc/email/outlook/2003/export-address/index.html) . 1. Select Tools > Address Book. 2. Select File > New Entry. 3. Select New Contact and click OK. 4. The Contact dialog box is displayed. Note: You may need to click and drag out the lower right corner of the Contact dialog box to view all options. 5. Enter the full name as you'd like the name to appear when you are using this address book entry. Enter the appropriate e-mail address. 6. Select the Details tab. Use the nickname field to enter a memory device to be used when composing a new mail message to this person. Enter other information as needed. 7. Click Save and Close. Last Updated: 1/28/09

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Creating a New Group Address List

Follow these instructions to create and add members to a distribution list: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select Tools > Address Book. Select File > New Entry... Select New Distribution List and click OK. In the Name field, enter a name for the group address book. To add a member who already exists in a current listing (e.g., Contacts), click Select Members; to add a member who is not already included on a current list, click Add New. If you clicked, Select Members, the Select Members dialog box appears. In the Address Book pull down menu, select the listing you want to choose your member from (e.g., Outlook Address Book, Contacts or CMU Person Search). Click Members to add that person to this distribution list. Repeat these steps to select and add additional people. If you clicked, Add New: The Add New Member dialog box appears. Enter the name, email address, and select the Add to Contacts checkbox if you want to automatically add this person to your Contacts listing. 6. When you have finished adding members to your list, click Save and Close. Last Updated: 1/28/09

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Using Multiple Identities

If you have a need to change your "From" or "Reply-to" information when sending email, you may have used an "identity" feature in another mail client. Outlook offers a few different methods to handle this type of email. Option 1 - This method can be used to easily send a message from another identity if you don't mind the message header reading, "...on behalf of" and including your name. Option 2 - This method requires that you change information in your e-mail account, send the message, then change your e-mail account back again. Option 3 - In this option, you can establish additional profiles for your messages.

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Option 1
This method can be used to easily send a message from another identity if you don't mind the message header reading, "...on behalf of" and including your name. Follow these steps: 1. Select File > New > Mail Message. The New Message dialog box appears. 2. If the From field isn't already displayed, select Options > Show From. 3. In the New Message dialog box, enter the alternate e-mail address that you want to appear in the From field. 4. Complete the remaining fields as you normally would, then click Send. 5. In this example, the "From" field will read as follows to the message recipient: "From: Dot Foote [dfoote@andrew.cmu.edu] on behalf of Homecoming Committee [home@andrew.cmu.edu]. Last Updated: 8/21/07 Last Reviewed: 1/30/09

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Option 2
This method requires that you change information in your e-mail account, send the message, then change your e-mail account back again. Important! Exercise caution when using this option. It's easy to forget which account you are signed on to use. Follow these steps: 1. Select Tools > Account Settings... The Account Settings dialog box appears. 2. Select the Email tab. 3. Highlight your email account and then click Change... The Change E-mail Account dialog box appears. 4. In the User Information section, enter the name and e-mail address you wish to use as your "From" information. 5. Click Next. 6. Click Finish. Note: This will change your reply to address globally. You'll need to re-step through this process to change the reply to name and e-mail address back. Last Updated: 1/28/09

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Option 3
In this option, you can establish additional profiles for your messages. Follow these steps: 1. Quit Outlook (File > Quit). 2. Select Start > Control Panel. 3. Double-click on Mail. Note: If you don't see the Mail option, click Classic View on the left side of the display window. 4. The Mail Setup dialog box appears. Click Show Profiles... 5. The Mail dialog box appears. Click Add. 6. The New Profile dialog box appears. Enter the name you want to assign to this Profile and click OK. 7. The Add New E-mail Account dialog box appears. Enter the alternate identity name and email address you want to appear when using the profile. DO NOT enter a password. 8. Click Next. 9. Outlook will begin configuring your profile. Note: If the Autodiscover is unavailable, the message "Problem Connecting to Server" will display. Click Retry. If it fails again, check the Manually configure server settings checkbox and follow the instructions for Configuring Outlook Manually (http://www.cmu.edu/computing/doc/email/outlook/2007/configuring.html) . In the User Information area, enter the alternate identity information you want to appear when using the profile. 10. The Internet E-mail dialog box is displayed. 11. Enter your Andrew UserID and password. DO NOT check the Remember Password check box. 12. Click OK. 13. When the configuration is complete the following will display: 14. Click Finish. 15. The following dialog box appears confirming the profiles on the computer. Select the radio button for Prompt for a profile to be used and then click Apply. 16. Click OK. 17. Re-launch Outlook. When you log in, you will be prompted for which Profile you wish to use. Note: When using a different profile, your personal address book and some of your settings will not be accessible. If you need to use these while signed on to Outlook use your new profile to add these settings:
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See the section Adding Address Expansion and Configuring Sent Mail. See the section Viewing Your Inbox and Address Books. Note: If Outlook does not connect to the server (e.g., new messages do not display), see the Troubleshooting (http://www.cmu.edu/computing/doc/email/outlook/2007/troubleshooting.html) section of this document. Last Updated: 3/29/11

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Change the Send/Receive Schedule

By default, Outlook checks for new mail every 30 minutes. To change the send/receive mail schedule: 1. Select Tools > Send/Receive > Send/Receive Settings > Define Send/Receive Groups. 2. The Send/Receive Groups dialog box appears. 3. Choose the number of minutes from the Schedule an automatic send/receive every drop-down that you prefer. 4. Click Close.

Change Message Download Options

You can configure Outlook to download the email message header only or to download the complete mail message including attachments. There are benefits and drawbacks to both settings. For example, if you are using a slow Internet connection (e.g., dialup), Outlook will load faster if you configure it to download the headers only. However, while in this mode, you will lose the ability to perform an advanced keyword search on your Inbox to look for text in the body of a message. Follow these steps to configure this setting: 1. Select Tools > Send/Receive > Send/Receive Settings > Define Send/Receive Groups. 2. The Send/Receive Groups dialog box appears. Click Edit. 3. The "Send/Receive Settings - All Accounts" dialog box appears. On the left panel, be sure that your cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu account is highlighted, and then select the radio button to Use the custom behavior defined below. 4. Select the Inbox (or whatever folder your want to set the behavior for), and then select the radio button for either: Download headers only OR Download complete item including attachments Note: Downloading complete messages for any other folder(s) that you are subscribed to (e.g., CMU News) is NOT recommended. 5. Click OK and then Close to close the open dialog boxes. 6. Select the Send/Receive button to have Outlook process the change. Last Updated: 2/3/09

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Configuring Sent Mail

By default, Outlook stores your sent mail in a folder called, "Sent Items". Also by default, these items are stored locally (i.e., on your local computer, not on the server). Because of this, these mail messages will not be accessible from any other machine. If you want to store your sent mail on the server, follow these steps: 1. Select Tools > Account Settings... 2. On the Email tab, double-click your email address (or whatever you named your email account). 3. The Change E-mail Account dialog box appears. Click More Settings... 4. Select the Folders tab and complete the fields as follows: Select the radio button for "Choose an existing folder or create a new folder to save your sent items for this account in" Click the plus sign to expand your email address, and then click the plus sign to expand the Inbox folder. Scroll until you find your Sent Mail folder, select it and then click OK. Note: If you don't already have a folder called "Sent Mail", follow steps to Create a Personal Folder. Note: If you use other email clients, we recommend that you name your Outlook sent mail folder the same as the sent mail folder you use in your other mail clients. 5. Click Next and then click Finish to exit the E-mail account wizard. Click Close. Last Updated: 1/28/09

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Using Outlook for Disconnected Mode

Messages in remote mailboxes can be stored on your computer's hard disk so that you may access these messages when your computer is not connected to a network (when traveling, etc.). These messages can be read and otherwise manipulated in the normal manner, and any changes made to messages while in disconnected mode will be reflected in their online counterparts the next time a network connection is made. This is known as disconnected mode operation.

Configuring Outlook for Disconnected Mode

In order to use disconnected mode, some preparation is necessary. Follow these steps: 1. Select Tools > Options. 2. Select the Mail Setup tab and then click Send/Receive. 3. If it isn't already highlighted, highlight the group All Accounts and click Edit. 4. The "Send/Receive Settings-All Accounts" dialog box appears. Be sure that your email account is selected on the left hand side. 5. Follow these steps for each mailbox that you want to be able to access while offline: Select the radio button for Use the custom behavior defined below. Under Folder Options, if it's not already expanded, double-click your email address (or whatever you named your email account) to expand it. Select the mailbox that you want to be able to access while offline (e.g., Inbox). Select the appropriate radio button for the download method you prefer: Download headers only OR Download complete item including attachments. If you want all sub-folders within this mailbox to be available in disconnected mode, right-click on the same mailbox and select Check All Subfolders. Right-click on the same mailbox again and select Apply Options to All Checked Folders 6. Repeat step 6 for all mailboxes that you want to be able to access while offline. When finished, click OK to close the Send/Receive settings window. 7. Click Close to close the Send/Receive group window. 8. Click OK to close the Options window.

Disconnecting Outlook
Outlook automatically knows if you do not have a network connection. Once you have followed the steps in Using Outlook in Disconnected Mode, no other preparation is necessary to work offline. Follow these steps to disconnect: 1. Select File >Work Offline. Note: "Offline" is indicated in the lower right corner of the window. While offline you can compose new messages, read local copies of your mail, or reply to your mail.
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Reconnecting Outlook
Follow these steps to reconnect Outlook: 1. Select File > Work Offline to disable the work offline feature. 2. After you reconnect, any outgoing mail you composed while disconnected from the network will be sent upon the next Send/Receive schedule or when you select Send/Receive. Last Updated: 1/28/09

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