10 Functions: Main Switch

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10 Functions
The most complex of the programs presented in chapters 6…9 consisted of a single
main() function with some assignment statements that initialized variables, a loop
containing a switch selection statement, and a few final output statements. When your
data processing task grows more complex than this, you must start breaking it down
into separate functions.
We have already made use of functions from the maths library. Functions like Functions that
sin() obviously model the mathematical concept of a function as something that maps compute values
(converts) an input value in some domain into an output value in a specified range (so
sine maps values from the domain (0..2π) into the range (-1.0...1.0)).
We have also used functions from the iostream and related libraries. An output
statement such as:

cout << "Chisquared : " << chisq;

actually involves two function calls. The << "takes from" operator is a disguised way Functions with "side
of calling a function. The calls here are to a "PrintText" function and to a effects"
"PrintDouble" function. Unlike mathematical functions such as sin(), these functions
don't calculate a value from a given input; instead they produce some desired "side
effect" (like digits appearing on the screen). Things like cout.setf(ios::show
point) again involve a function call executed to achieve a side effect; in this case the
side effect is to change the way the numbers would be printed subsequently.
We will be using an increasing number of different functions from various standard
libraries. But now we need more, we need to be able to define our own functions.
If you can point at a group of statements and say "these statements achieve X", then
you have identified a potential function. For example, in the program in section 9.8, the
following statements were used to "get an integer in a given range"

int interest;

cout << "Please specify attribute of interest"

"(1...5) : ";
238 Functions

cin >> interest;

if((interest < 1) ||(interest >5)) {

cout << "Sorry, don't understand, wanted"
" value 1..5" << endl;

"Get an integer in a given range" – that is a specification of a "function". You have

identified a GetInteger() operation. It is going to be a function that has to be given
two items of data, the low limit and the high limit (1 and 5 in this specific case), and
which returns as a result an integer in that range.
Even if, as in the program in section 9.8, this "function" is only needed once, it is
worth composing it as a separate function. "Abstracting" the code out and making it a
separate function makes the code more intelligible. The program now consists of two
parts that can be read, analyzed, and understood in isolation:

function to get integer in specified range


return OK integer

main program
get checked integer data item using function
other initialization

The example in section 8.5.2 (Newton's method for roots of a polynomial) illustrates
another situation where it would be appropriate to invent a special purpose function.
The following expression had to appear at several points in the code where we required
the value of the polynomial at a particular value of x:

13.5*pow(x,4) - 59*pow(x,3)- 28*pow(x,2) + 16.5*x + 30

It is easier to read and understand code like:

fun1 = polyfunction(g1);
fun2 = polyfunction(g2);

than code like:

double x = g1;
fun1 = 13.5*pow(x,4) - 59*pow(x,3)- 28*pow(x,2)
+ 16.5*x + 30;
x = g2;
Functions 239

fun2 = 13.5*pow(x,4) - 59*pow(x,3)- 28*pow(x,2)

+ 16.5*x + 30;

If you are reading the code with the "calls" to polyfunction(), you can see that fun1
and fun2 are being initialized with values depending on the input data values g1, and
g2. The details of how they are being initialized don't appear and so don't disrupt you
chain of thought as you read the code. In addition, the use of a separate function to
evaluate the polynomial would actually save some memory. Code using calls to a
function would require less instructions than the code with repeated copies of the
instructions to evaluate the expression.
A long time ago, function calls were expensive. In the computers of those days, the
instruction sets were different and there were limitations on use of CPU registers;
together these factors meant that both the processes of setting up a call to a function,
and then of getting a result back required many instructions. So, in those days,
functions had to be reasonably long to make the overheads of a function call
worthwhile. But, that was a very long time ago (it was about the time when the
"Beatles", four young men in funny suits, were starting to attract teenagers to the
Cavern club in Liverpool).
The overhead for a function call is rarely going to be of any significance on a
modern computer architecture. Because functions increase understandability of
programs, they should be used extensively. In any case, as explained in 10.6, C++ has a
special construct that allows you to "have your cake and eat it". You can define
functions and so get the benefit of additional clarity in the code, but at the same time
you can tell the compiler to avoid using a function call instruction sequence in the
generated code. The code for the body of the function gets repeated at each place where
the function would have been called.


A function definition will have the following form:

details of data that must be given to the function
statements performing the work of the function
return value of appropriate type ;

For example:

int GetIntegerInRange(int low, int high)

240 Functions

int res;

do {
cout << "Enter an integer in the range " << low
<< " ... " << high << " :";
cin >> res;
} while (! ((res >= low) && (res <= high)));
return res;

The line

int GetIntegerInRange(int low, int high)

defines the name of the function to be "GetIntegerInRange", the return type int, and
specifies that the function requires two integer values that its code will refer to as low
and high. The definition of the local variable res, and the do … while loop make up
the body of the function which ends with the return res statement that returns an
acceptable integer value in the required range. (The code is not quite the same as that in
the example in section 9.8. That code gave up if the data value input was inappropriate;
this version keeps nagging the user until an acceptable value is entered.)
Function names The rules, given in section 6.6, that define names for variables also apply to function
names. Function names must start with a letter or an underscore character (_) and can
contain letters, digits, and underscore characters. Names starting with an underscore
should be avoided; these names are usually meant to be reserved for the compiler which
often has to invent names for extra variables (or even functions) that it defines. Names
should be chosen to summarize the role of a function. Often such names will be built
up from several words, like Get Integer In Range.
When you work for a company, you may find that there is a "house style"; this style
will specify how capitalization of letters, or use of underscores between words, should
be used when choosing such composite names. Different "house styles" might require:
GetIntegerInRange, or Get_integer_in_range, or numerous variants. Even if you are not
required to follow a specified "house style", you should try to be consistent in the way
you compose names for functions.
Argument list After the function name, you get a parenthesised list of "formal parameters" or
argument declarations (the terminology "arguments", "formal parameters" etc comes
from mathematics where similar terms are used when discussing mathematical
functions). You should note that each argument, like the low and high arguments in
the example, requires its own type specification. This differs from variable definitions,
where several variables can be defined together (as in earlier examples where we have
had things like double Obs00, Obs01, Obs10, Obs11;).
Functions with no Sometimes, a function won't require arguments. For example, most IDEs have some
arguments form of "time used" function (the name of this function will vary). This function, let's
call it TimeUsed(), returns the number of milliseconds of CPU time that the program
has already used. This function simply makes a request to the operating system (using
Form of a function definition 241

some special "system call") and interprets the data returned to get a time represented as
a long integer. Of course the function does not require any information from the user's
program so it has no arguments. Such a function can be specified in two ways:

long TimeUsed()

i.e. a pair of parentheses with nothing in between (an empty argument list), or as

long TimeUsed(void)

i.e. a pair of parentheses containing the keyword void. ("Void" means empty.) The
first form is probably more common. The second form, which is now required in
standard C, is slightly better because it make it even more explicit that the function does
not require any arguments.
A call to the TimeUsed() function (or any similar function with a void argument list Trap for the unwary
e.g. int TPSOKTSNW(void)) just has the form: Pascal programmer
(or other careless


// action


In Pascal, and some other languages, a function that takes no arguments is called by just
writing its function name without any () parentheses. People with experience in such
languages sometimes continue with their old style and write things like:

// action


This is perfectly legal C/C++ code. Its meaning is a bit odd – it means check whether
the function TPSOKTNSW() has an address. Now if the program has linked successfully,
TPSOKTNSW() will have an address so the if condition is always true. (The function
TPSOKTNSW() – it was "The_President_Says_OK_To_Start_Nuclear_War()", but
that name exceeded the length limits set by the style guides for the project. Fortunately,
the code was checked before being put into use.)
242 Functions


Like mathematical functions that have a value, most functions in programs return a
value. This value can be one of the standard data types (char, long, double, etc) or may
be a structure type (Chapter 16) or pointer type (introduced in Part IV, Chapter 20).
Default return type of If you don't define a return type, it is assumed that it should be int. This is a left
int over from the early days of C programming. You should always remember to define a
return type and not simply use this default (which may disappear from the C++
language sometime).
The compiler will check that you do return a value of the appropriate type. You will
probably already have had at least one error report from the compiler on some occasion
where you forgot to put a return 0; statement at the end of your int main()
A return statement will normally have an expression; some examples are:

return res;

return n % MAXSIZE;

return 3.5 + x*(6.1 + x*(9.7 + 19.2*x));

You will sometimes see code where the style convention is to have an extra pair of
parentheses around the expression:


return(n % MAXSIZE);

return(3.5 + x*(6.1 + x*(9.7 + 19.2*x)));

Don't worry about the extra parentheses; they are redundant (don't go imagining that it
is a call to some strange function called return()).
Functions that don't If you have a function that is used only to produce a side effect, like printing some
return results results, you may not want to return a result value. In the 1970s and early 1980s when
earlier versions of C were being used, there was no provision for functions that didn't
return results. Functions executed to achieve side effects were expected to return an
integer result code reporting their success or failure. You can still see this style if you
get to use the alternate stdio input-output library. The main print function, printf(),
returns an integer; the value of this integer specifies the number of data items
successfully printed. If you look at C code, you will see that very few programmers
ever check the success status code returned by printf(). (Most programmers feel that
if you can't print any results there isn't anything you can do about it; so why bother
void Since the success/failure status codes were so rarely checked, the language designers
gave up on the requirement that all "side effect" functions return an integer success
Result types 243

code. C++ introduced the idea of functions with a void return type (i.e. the return
value slot is empty). This feature was subsequently retrofitted into the older C
For example, suppose you wanted to tidy up the output part the example program
from section 8.5.1 (the example on childrens' heights). The program would be easier to
follow if there was a small separate function that printed the average and standard
deviation. This function would be used purely to achieve the side effect of producing
some printout and so would not have a return value.
It could defined as follows:

void PrintStats(int num, double ave, double std_dev)

cout << "The sample size was " << num << endl;
cout << "Average height " << ave;
cout << "cm, with a standard deviation of " <<
std_dev << endl;

The return; statement at the end can be omitted in a void function.


When you start building larger programs where the code must be organized in separate
files, you will often need to "declare" functions. You will have defined your function in
one file, but code in another file needs a call to that function. The second file will need
to contain a declaration describing the function, its return type, and its argument values.
This is necessary so that the compiler (and linker) can know that the function does exist
and so that they can check that it is being used correctly (getting the right kinds of data
to work with, returning a result that suits the code of the call).
A function declaration is like a function definition – just without the code! A
declaration has the form:

details of data that must be given to the function
) ;

The end of a declaration has to be marked (because otherwise the compiler, having read
the argument list, will be expecting to find a { begin bracket and some code). So,
function declarations end with a semicolon after the closing parenthesis of the argument
list. (Similarly, it is a mistake to put a semicolon after the closing parenthesis and
before the body in a function definition. When the compiler sees the semicolon, it
"knows" that it just read a function declaration and so is expecting to find another
244 Functions

declaration, or the definition of a global variable or constant. The compiler gets very
confused if you then hit it with the { code } parts of a function definition.)
Function Examples of function declarations (also known as function "prototypes") are:
void PrintStats(int num, double ave, double std_dev);
int GetIntegerInRange(int low, int high);

In section 6.5.2, part of the math.h header file was listed; this contained several function
declarations, e.g.:

double sin(double);
double sqrt(double);
double tan(double);
double log10(double);

Most declarations are Most function declarations appear in header files. But, sometimes, a function
in header files declaration appears near the start of a file with the definition appearing later in the same
Unlike languages such as Pascal (which requires the "main program" part to be the
last thing in a file), C and C++ don't have any firm rules about the order in which
functions get defined.
For example, if you were rewriting the heights example (program 8.5.1) to exploit
functions you could organize your code like this:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <math.h>

double Average(double total, int number)

return total/number;

double StandardDev(double sumsquares, double average, int num)

return sqrt(
(sumsquares - num*average*average) /

void PrintStats(int num, double ave, double std_dev)



int main()
int children, boys, girls;
double cSum, bSum, gSum;
Function declarations 245

double cSumSq, bSumSq, gSumSq;

cout << "Overall results all children:" << endl;

average = Average(cSum, children);
standard_dev = StandardDev(cSumSq, average children);
PrintStats(children, average, standard_dev);

cout << endl;

cout << "Results for girls only:" << endl;

return 0;

Alternatively, the code could be arranged like this:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <math.h>
double Average(double total, int number); Forward declarations
double StandardDev(double sumsquares, double average, int num);
void PrintStats(int num, double ave, double std_dev);

int main()
int children, boys, girls;
double cSum, bSum, gSum;
double cSumSq, bSumSq, gSumSq;

cout << "Overall results all children:" << endl;

average = Average(cSum, children);
standard_dev = StandardDev(cSumSq, average children);
PrintStats(children, average, standard_dev);

cout << endl;

cout << "Results for girls only:" << endl;

return 0;

void PrintStats(int num, double ave, double std_dev)


246 Functions

double Average(double total, int number)

return total/number;

double StandardDev(double sumsquares, double average, int num)

return sqrt(
(sumsquares - num*average*average) /

This version requires declarations for functions Average() etc at the start of the file.
These declarations are "forward declarations" – they simply describe the functions that
are defined later in the file.
These forward declarations are needed for the compiler to deal correctly with the
function calls in the main program (average = Average(cSum, children); etc). If
the compiler is to generate appropriate code, it must know that Average() is a function
that returns a double and takes two arguments – a double and an integer. If you didn't
put in the forward declaration, the compiler would give you an error message like
"Function Average has no prototype."
Normally, you should use the first style when you are writing small programs that
consist of main() and a number of auxiliary functions all defined in the one file. Your
programs layout will be vaguely reminiscent of Pascal with main() at the bottom of
the file. There are a few circumstances where the second arrangement is either
necessary or at least more appropriate; examples will appear later.
There is another variation for the code organization:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
Prototypes declared double Average(double total, int number);
in the body of the double StandardDev(double sumsquares,
code of caller double average, int num);
void PrintStats(int num, double ave, double std_dev);

int children, boys, girls;

double cSum, bSum, gSum;

average = Average(cSum, children);
standard_dev = StandardDev(cSumSq, average children);
PrintStats(children, average, standard_dev);

return 0;
Function declarations 247

void PrintStats(int num, double ave, double std_dev)



double Average(double total, int number)

return total/number;

double StandardDev(double sumsquares, double average, int num)



There is no advantage to this style. It introduces an unnecessary distinction between

these functions and those functions, like sqrt(), whose prototypes have appeared in the
header files that have been #included. Of course, as you would realize, a declaration of
a function prototype in the body of another function does not result in that function
being called at the point of declaration!


Some functions need to be given lots of information, and therefore they need lots of
arguments. Sometimes, the arguments may almost always get to be given the same data
For example, if you are writing are real window-based application you will not be
using the iostream output functions, instead you will be using some graphics functions.
One might be DrawString(), a function with the following specification:

void DrawString(char Text[], int TextStyle,

int TextSize, int Hoffset, int Voffset)

This function plots the message Text in the current window.

TextStyle defines the style, 0 Normal, 1 Italic, 2 Bold, 3 Bold Italic.
TextSize defines the size, allowed sizes are 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24,
36, 48.
Hoffset and Voffset are the horizontal offsets for the start of the string
relative to the current pen position

In most programs, the current pen position is set before a call to DrawString() so,
usually, both Hoffset and Voffset are zero. Graphics programs typically have a
default font size for text display, most often this is 12 point. Generally, text is
248 Functions

displayed in the normal ("Roman") font with only limited use of italics and bold fonts.
About the only thing that is different in every call to DrawString() is the message.
So, you tend to get code like:

DrawString("Enter your bet amount", 0, 12, 0, 0);

DrawString("Press Roll button to start game", 0, 12, 0, 0);

DrawString("Lock any columns that you don't want rolled again",
0, 12, 0, 0);

DrawString("Congratulations you won", 3, 24, 0, 0);

DrawString("Double up on your bet?", 3, 12, 0, 0);

C++ permits the definition of default argument values. If these are used, then the
arguments don't have to be given in the calls.
If you have a declaration of DrawString() like the following:

void DrawString(char Text[], int TextStyle = 0,

int TextSize = 12,
int Hoffset = 0, int Voffset = 0);

This declaration would allow you to simplify those function calls:

Omitting trailing …
arguments that have DrawString("Enter your bet amount");
default values …
DrawString("Press Roll button to start game");

DrawString("Lock any columns that you don't want rolled

DrawString("Congratulations you won", 3, 24);

DrawString("Double up on your bet?", 3);

You are permitted to omit the last argument, or last pair of arguments, or last three
arguments or whatever if their values are simply the normal default values. (The
compiler just puts back any omitted values before it goes and generates code.) You are
only allowed to omit trailing arguments, you aren't allowed to do something like the

Can't arbitrarily omit DrawString("Congratulations you won", , 24);

Default argument values 249

Default arguments can appear in function declarations, or in the definition of the

function (but not both). Either way, details of these defaults must be known to the
compiler before the code where a call is made. These requirements affect the layout of



The C++ compiler and its associated linking loader don't use the function names that
the programmer invented!
Before it starts into the real work of generating instructions, the C++ systematically
renames all functions. The names are elaborated so that they include the name provided
by the programmer and details of the arguments. The person who wrote the compiler
can choose how this is done; most use the same general approach. In this approach,
codes describing the types of arguments are appended to the function name invented by
the programmer.
Using this kind of renaming scheme, the functions TimeUsed, Average,
StandardDev, and PrintStats:

void TimeUsed(void);
double Average(double total, int number);
double StandardDev(double sumsquares,
double average, int num);
void PrintStats(int num, double ave, double std_dev);

would be assigned compiler generated (or "mangled") names like: Mangled names


You might well think this behaviour strange. Why should a compiler writer take it
on themselves to rename your functions?
One of the reasons that this is done is this makes it easier for the compiler and Type safe linkage
linking loader to check consistency amongst separate parts of a program built up from
several files. Suppose for instance you had a function defined in one file:

void Process(double delta, int numsteps)



In another file you might have incorrectly declared this function as:
250 Functions

void Process(int numsteps, double delta);

and made calls like:

Process(11, 0.55);

If there were no checks, the program would be compiled and linked together, but it
would (probably) fail at run-time and would certainly produce the wrong results
because the function Process() would be getting the wrong data to work with.
The renaming process prevents such run-time errors. In the first file, the function
gets renamed as:


while in the second file it is:


When the linking loader tried to put these together it would find the mismatch and
complain (the error message would probably say something like "Can't find
__Process_fifd", this is one place where the programmer sometimes gets to see the
"mangled" names).
Suppressing the This renaming occasionally causes problems when you need to use a function that is
name mangling defined in an old C language library. Suppose the C library has a function void
process for C
libraries seed(int), normally if you refer to this in a piece of C++ code the compiler renames
the function making it __seed__fi. Of course, the linking loader can't find this
function in the C library (where the function is still called seed). If you need to call
such a function, you have to warn the C++ compiler not to do name mangling. Such a
warning would look something like:

extern "C" {
void seed(int);

It is unlikely that you will encounter such difficulties when working in your IDE
because it will have modernised all the libraries to suit C++. But if you get to use C
libraries from elsewhere, you may have to watch out for this renaming problem.
Overloaded names Another affect of this renaming is that a C++ compiler would see the following as
distinct functions:

short abs(short);
long abs(long);
double abs(double);
Type safe linkage, overloading, and name mangling 251

after all it sees these as declaring functions called:


This has the advantage that the programmer can use the single function name abs()
(take the absolute value of ...) to describe the same operation for a variety of different
data types. The name abs() has acquired multiple (though related) meanings, but the
compiler is smart enough to keep them distinct. Such a name with multiple meanings is
said to be overloaded.
It isn't hard for the compiler to keep track of what is going on. If it sees code like:

double x;

double v = -3.9 + x*(6.5 +3.9*x);

if(abs(v) > 0.00001)

The compiler reasons that since v is a double the version of abs() defined for doubles
(i.e. its function __abs__fd) is the one that should be called.
This approach, which is more or less unique to C++, is much more attractive than
the mechanisms used in other languages. In most languages, function names must be
distinct. So, if a programmer needs an absolute value function (just checking, you do
know that that simply means you force any ± sign to be + don't you?) for several
different data types, then several separately named functions must be defined. Thus, in
the libraries used by C programs, you have to have:

double fabs(double);
long labs(long);
int abs(int);

Note that because of a desire for compatibility with C, most versions of the maths Note: math library
library do not have the overloaded abs() functions. You still have to use the does NOT have
specialized fabs() for doubles and so forth. C++ will let you use abs() with doubles definitions of abs()
– but it truncates the values to integers so you lose the fraction parts of the numbers.
Function abs() illustrates the use of "overloading" so that a common name is used Overloading for
to describe equivalent operations on different data. There is a second common use for alternative interface
overloading. You will most likely encounter this use in something like a graphics
package. There you might well find a set of overloaded DrawRectangle() functions:

void DrawRectangle(int left, int top, int width, int height);

void DrawRectangle(Rectangle r);
void DrawRectangle(Point topleft, int width, int height);
void DrawRectangle(Point topleft, Point dimension);
252 Functions

There is one basic operation of drawing a rectangle. Sometimes, the data available are
in the form of four integers – it is then convenient to use the first overloaded function.
Sometimes you may have a "Rectangle" data structure (a simple structure, see Chapter
17, that has constituent data elements defining top-left and bottom-right corners); in this
case you want the second variant. Sometimes your data may be in the form of "Point"
data structures (these contain an 'x' integer value, and a 'y' integer value) and either the
third of fourth form of the function would be convenient. Here, overloading is used to
provide multiple interfaces to a common operation.
Should you use overloading and define multiple functions with the same base name?
Probably not. Treat this as a "read only feature" of C++. You need to be able to
read code that uses this feature, but while you are a beginner you shouldn't write such
code. Stick to the KISS principle (remember Keep It Simple Stupid). Fancy styles like
overloaded functions are more likely to get you into trouble than help you in your initial


Section 4.8, on Algol, introduced the idea of a "stack" and showed how this could be
used both to organize allocation of memory for the variables of a function, and to
provide a mechanism for communicating data between a calling function and the
function that it calls. It is worth looking again at these details.
The following code fragment will be used as an example:

#include <iostream.h>

Function definition int GetIntegerInRange(int low, int high)

int res;
do {
cout << "Enter an integer in the range " << low
<< " ... " << high << " :"
cin >> res;
} while (! ((res >= low) && (res <= high)));
⇒ return res;

int main()
const int LOWLIMIT = 1;
int highval;
cout << "Please enter high limit for parameter : ";
cin >> highval;

int val;

How functions work 253

⇒ val = GetIntegerInRange(LOWLIMIT, highval); Function call


Imagine that the program is running, the value 17 has been entered for highval, the
function call (marked ⇒) has been made, and the function has run almost to completion
and is about to return a value 9 for res (it is at the point marked ⇒). The state of the
"stack" at this point in the calculation would be as shown in Figure 10.1.
The operating system will allocate some specific fixed area in memory for a
program to use for its stack. Usually, the program starts using up this space starting at
the highest address and filling down.
Each routine has a "frame" in the stack. The compiler will have sorted this out and
worked out the number of bytes that a routine requires. Figure 10.1 shows most of the
stack frame for the main program, and the frame for the called GetIntegerInRange
Local, "automatic", variables are allocated space on the stack. So the frame for
main() will include the space allocated for variables such as highval; these spaces are
where these data values are stored.
The compiler generates "calling" code that first copies the values of arguments onto
the stack, as shown in Figure 10.1 where the data values 1 and 17 appear at the top of
the "stack frame" for GetIntegerInRange(). The next slot in the stack would be left
blank; this is where the result of the function is to be placed before the function returns.

17 highval
"Stack frame" for int

1 Arguments values on stack

"Stack frame" for int 17
GetIntegerInRange() Space left for result
Housekeeping info
9 res

"Stack Frame"
register holds
this address

Figure 10.1 Stack during function call

254 Functions

Following the code that organizes the arguments, the compiler will generate a
subroutine call instruction. When this gets executed at run-time, more "housekeeping
information" gets saved on the stack. This housekeeping information will include the
"return address" (the address of the instruction in the calling program that immediately
follows the subroutine call). There may be other housekeeping information that gets
saved as well.
The first instructions of a function will normally claim additional space on the stack
for local variables. The function GetIntegerInRange() would have to claim
sufficient space to store its res variable.
When a program is running, one of the cpu's address registers is used to hold the
address of the current stack frame (the address will be that of some part of the
housekeeping information). As well as changing the program counter, and saving the
old value of the program counter on the stack, the subroutine call instruction will set
this stack frame register (or "stack frame pointer sfp").
A function can use the address held in this stack frame pointer to find its local
variables and arguments. The compiler determines the arrangement of stack frames and
can generate address specifications that define the locations of variables by their offsets
relative to the stack frame pointer. The res local variable of function GetInteger-
InRange() might be located 8-bytes below the address in the stack frame pointer. The
location for the return value might be 12-bytes above the stack frame pointer. The
argument high might be 16-bytes above the stack frame pointer, and the argument low
would then be 20-bytes above the stack frame pointer ("sfp"). The compiler can work
all of this out and use such information when generating code for the function.
The instruction sequences generated for the function call and the function would be
along the following lines:

Caller // place arguments 1, and highval on stack

copy 1 onto stack
copy highval onto stack
subroutine call
copy result from stack into val
tidy up stack

Called function claim stack space for locals (i.e. res)

code calling the output and input routines,
result of input operation put
in stack location for res
load a CPU register from memory location 8 below sfp (res)
load another CPU register from memory 20 above sfp (low)
compare registers
jump if less to loop // res is too small
load other CPU from memory 16 above sfp (high)
compare registers
jump if greater to loop // res is too large
// res in range
store value from register into location 12 above sfp (slot
How functions work 255

for result)
return from subroutine

As illustrated, a function has space in the stack for its local variables and its
arguments (formal parameters). The spaces on the stack for the arguments are
initialized by copying data from the actual parameters used in the call. But, they are
quite separate. Apart from the fact that they get initialized with the values of the actual
parameters, these argument variables are just like any other local variable. Argument
values can be incremented, changed by assignment or whatever. Changes to such value
parameters don't have any affect outside the function.


A one-line function like:

double Average(double total, int number)

return total/number;

really is quite reasonable. In most circumstances, the overheads involved in calling this
function and getting a result returned will be negligible. The fact that the function is
defined helps make code more intelligible.
But, sometimes it isn't appropriate to pay the overhead costs needed in calling a
function even though the functional abstraction is desired because of the way this
enhances intelligibility of code.
When might you want to avoid function call overheads?
Usually, this will be when you are doing something like coding the "inner loop" of
some calculation where you may have a piece of code that you know will be executed
hundreds of millions of times in a single run of a program, cutting out a few instructions
might save the odd minute of cpu time in runs taking several hours. Another place
where you might want to avoid the extra instructions needed for a function call would
be in a piece of code that must be executed in the minimal time possible (e.g. you are
writing the code of some real time system like the controller in your car which has to
determine when to inflate the air-bags).
C++ has what it calls "inline" functions:

inline double Average(double total, int number)

return total/number;

This presents the same abstraction as any other function definition. Here Average() is
again defined as a function that takes a double and an integer as data and which returns
256 Functions

their quotient as a double. Other functions can use this Average() function as a
primitive operation and so avoid the details of the calculation appearing in the code of
the caller.
The extra part is the inline keyword. This is a hint to the compiler. The
programmer who defined Average() in this way is suggesting to the compiler that it
should try to minimize the number of instructions used to calculate the value.
Consider a typical call to function Average():

double girls_total, boys_total;

int num;

double ave = Average(girls_total + boys_total, num);

The instruction sequence normally generated for the call would be something like the

// Preparing arguments in calling routine

load double value girls_total into a floating point register
add double value boys_total to register
copy double result "onto stack"
copy integer value num "onto stack"
// make call, subroutine call instruction places more info
// in stack
subroutine call
// Calling code executed after return from routine
extract double result from stack and place
in floating point register
clear up stack

The code for Average() would be something like:

copy double value total from place in stack

to floating point register
copy integer value num into integer register
use "float" instruction to get floating point version of num in
second floating point register
use floating point divide instruction to get quotient (left in
first floating point register)
store quotient at appropriate point in stack
return from subroutine

The italicised instructions in those code sequences represent the "overhead" of a

function call.
If you specify that the Average() be an inline function, the compiler will generate
the following code:

load double value girls_total into a floating point register

Inline functions 257

add double value boys_total to register

load num into an integer register
use "float" instruction to get floating point version of num in
second floating point register
use floating point divide instruction to get quotient

This is a rather extreme example in that the inline code does require significantly
fewer instructions.
If things really are going to be time critical, you can request inline expansion for
functions. You should only do this for simple functions. (Compilers interpretations of
"simple" vary a little. Basically, you shouldn't declare a function inline if it has loops,
or if it has complex selection constructs. Compilers are free to ignore your hints and
compile the code using the normal subroutine call sequence; most compilers are polite
enough to tell you that they ignored you inline request.)
Of course, if a compiler is to "expand" out the code for a function inline, then it must
know what the code is! The definition of an inline function must appear in any file
that uses it (either by being defined there, or by being defined in a file that gets
#included). This definition must occur before the point where the function is first used.


The idea of recursion was introduced in section 4.8. Recursion is a very powerful
problem solving strategy. It is appropriate where a problem can be split into two
subproblems, one of which is easy enough to be solved immediately and the second of
which is simply the original problem but now with the data slightly simplified.
Recursive algorithms are common with problems that involve things like finding
ones way through a maze. (Maze walk problem: moving from room where you are to
exit room; solution, move to an adjacent room and solve maze walk for that room.)
Surprisingly, many real programming problems can be transformed into such searches.
Section 4.8 illustrated recursion with a pseudo-code program using a recursive
number printing function. How does recursion help this task? The problem of printing
a number is broken into two parts, printing a digit (easy), and printing a (smaller)
number (which is the original problem in simpler form). The recursive call must be
done first (print the smaller number) then you can print the final digit. Here it is
implemented in C++:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream.h>

void PrintDigit(short d)
switch(d) {
case 0 : cout << '0'; break;
case 1 : cout << '1'; break;
258 Functions

case 2 : cout << '2'; break;

case 3 : cout << '3'; break;
case 4 : cout << '4'; break;
case 5 : cout << '5'; break;
case 6 : cout << '6'; break;
case 7 : cout << '7'; break;
case 8 : cout << '8'; break;
case 9 : cout << '9'; break;

Recursive function void PrintNumber(long n)

if(n < 0) {
cout << "-";
else {
long quotient;
short remainder;
quotient = n / 10;
remainder = n % 10;
if(quotient > 0)
Recursive call in PrintNumber(quotient);
function PrintDigit(remainder);

int main()
PrintNumber(9623589); cout << endl;
PrintNumber(-33); cout << endl;
PrintNumber(0); cout << endl;
return 0;

Enter this program and compile with debugging options on. Before running the
program, use the debugger environment in your IDE to set a breakpoint at the first line
of the PrintDigit() function. Then run the program.
The program will stop and return control to the debugger just before it prints the first
digit (the '9' for the number 9623589). Use the debugger controls to display the "stack
backtrace" showing the sequence of function calls and the values of the arguments.
Figure 10.2 illustrates the display obtained in the Symantec 8 environment.
A recursive function 259

Figure 10.2 A "stack backtrace" for a recursive function.

The stack backtrace shows the sequence of calls: PrintDigit() was called from
PrintNumber() which was called from PrintNumber() … which was called from
main() . The display shows the contents of the stack frames (and, also, the return
addresses) so you can see the local variables and arguments for each level of recursion.
You should find the integrated debugger a very powerful tool for getting to
understand how functions are called; it is particularly useful when dealing with


10.9.1 GetIntegerInRange

A simple version of this function was introduced in 10.1:

int GetIntegerInRange(int low, int high)

int res;
do {
cout << "Enter an integer in the range " << low
<< " ... " << high << " :";
260 Functions

cin >> res;

} while (! ((res >= low) && (res <= high)));
return res;

Well, it is conceptually correct. But if you were really wanting to provide a robust
function that could be used in any program you would have to do better.
What is wrong with the simple function?
First, what will happen if the calling code is mixed up with respect to the order of
the arguments. ("I need that GetIntegerInRange; I've got to give it the top and bottom
limits – count = GetIntegerInRange(100,5).") A user trying to run the program is
going to find it hard to enter an acceptable value; the program will just keep nagging
away for input and will keep rejecting everything that is entered.
There are other problems. Suppose that the function is called correctly ( GetInteger
InRange(5,25)) but the user mistypes a data entry, keying y instead of 7. In this case
the cin >> res statement will fail. Error flags associated with cin will be set and the
value 0 will be put in res. The function doesn't check the error flag. But it does check
the value of res. Is res (0) between 5 and 25? No, so loop back, reprompt and try to
read a value for res.
That is the point where it starts to be "fun". What data are waiting to be read in the
The next input data value is that letter y still there waiting to be read. The last read
routine invoked by the cin >> operation didn't get rid of the y . The input routine
simply saw a y that couldn't be part of a numeric input and left it. So the input
operation fails again. Variable res is still 0. Consequently, the test on res being in
range fails again. The function repeats the loop, prompting for an input value and
attempting to read data.
Try running this version of the function with such input data (you'd best have first
read your IDE manuals to find how to stop an errant program).
Fundamental law of Remember Murphy's law: If something can go wrong it will go wrong. Murphy's
programming law is the fundamental law of programming. (I don't know whether it is true, but I read
somewhere that the infamous Mr. Murphy was the leader of one of IBM's first
programming projects back in the early 1950s.)
You need to learn to program defensively. You need to learn to write code that is
not quite as fragile as the simple GetIntegerInRange().
Verify the data given One defensive tactic that you should always consider is verifying the data given to a
to a function function. If the data are wrong (e.g. high < low) then the function should not
What should a function do under such circumstances?
In Part IV, we will explore the use of "exceptions". Exceptions are a mechanism
that can sometimes be used to warn your caller of problems, leaving it to the caller to
sort out a method of recovery. For the present, we will use the simpler approach of
terminating the program with a warning message.
Examples of simple functions: GetIntegerInRange 261

A mechanism for checking data, and terminating a program when the data are bad, is Using assert
so commonly needed that it has been packaged and provided in one of the standard
libraries. Your IDE will have a library associated with the assert.h header file.
This library provides a "function" known as assert() (it may not be implemented
as a true function, some systems use "macros" instead). Function assert() has to be
given a "Boolean" value (i.e. an expression that evaluates to 0, False, or non-zero True).
If the value given to assert() is False, the function will terminate the program after
printing an error message with the general form "Assertion failed in line … of function
… in file …".
We would do better starting the function GetIntegerInRange() as follows:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <assert.h>

long GetIntegerInRange(long low = LONG_MIN,

long high = LONG_MAX)
assert(low <= high);

The function now starts with the assert() check that low and high are appropriate.
Note the #include <assert.h> needed to read in the declaration for assert(). (Another
change: the function now has default values for low and high; the constants LONG_MAX
etc are taken from limits.h.)
You should always consider using assert() to validate input to your functions.
You can't always use it. For example, you might be writing a function that is supposed
to search for a specific value in some table that contains data "arranged in ascending
order"; checking that the entries in the table really were in ascending order just wouldn't
be worth doing.
But, in this case and many similar cases, validating the arguments is easy. Dealing
with input errors is a little more difficult.
Some errors you can't deal with. If the input has gone "bad", there is nothing you Handling input
can do. (This is going to be pretty rare; it will necessitate something like a hardware errors
failure, e.g. unreadable file on a floppy disk, to make the input go bad.)
If all the data in a file has been read, and the function has been told to read some
more, then once again there is nothing much that can be done.
So, for bad input, or end of file input, the function should simply print a warning
message and terminate the program.
If an input operation has failed but the input stream, cin, is not bad and not at end of Clearing the failure
file, then you should try to tidy up and recover. The first thing that you must do is clear flag
the fail flag on cin. If you don't do this, anything else you try to do to cin is going to
be ignored. So, the first step toward recovery is:

262 Functions

(The clear() operation is another of the special functions associated with streams like
the various format setting setf() functions illustrated in 9.7.)
Next, you have to deal with any erroneous input still waiting to be read (like the
letter y in the discussion above). These characters will be stored in some data area
owned by the cin stream (the "input buffer"). They have to be removed.
We are assuming that input is interactive. (Not much point prompting a file for new
data is there!) If the input is interactive, the user types some data and ends with a
return. So we "know" that there is a return character coming.
We can get rid of any queued up characters in the input buffer if we tell the cin
stream to "ignore" all characters up to the return (coded as ' \n'). An input stream has an
ignore() function, this takes an integer argument saying how many characters
maximum to skip, and a second argument identifying the character that should mark the
end of the sequence that is to be skipped. A call of the form:

cin.ignore(SHRT_MAX, '\n');

should jump over any characters (up to 30000) before the next return.
All of this checking and error handling has to be packaged in a loop that keeps
nagging away at the user until some valid data value is entered. One possible coding
for this loop is:

for(;;) {
Prompting cout << "Enter a number in the range " << low
<< " to " << high << " : ";
int val;
Trying to read cin >> val;

Successful read? if(cin.good())

Return an OK value if((val >= low) && (val <= high)) return val;
else {
Warn on out of range cout << val << " is not in required range."
and loop again << endl;

Look for disasters if(cin.bad()) {

cout << "Input has gone bad, can't read data; "
"quitting." << endl;

if(cin.eof()) {
cout << "Have unexpected end of file; quitting."
<< endl;
Examples of simple functions: GetIntegerInRange 263

cin.clear(); Must just be bad data

cout << "Bad data in input stream, flushing buffer." in input, clear up
<< endl;

cin.ignore(SHRT_MAX, '\n');

This is an example of a "forever" loop. The program is stuck in this loop until either
an acceptable value is entered or something goes wrong causing the program to
terminate. The loop control statement:


has nothing in the termination test part (i.e. nothing terminates this loop).
After the read (cin >> val) , the first check is whether cin is "good". It will be
good if it was able to read an integer value and store this value in variable val . Of
course, the value entered might have been an integer, but not one in the acceptable
range. So, that had better be checked. Note the structure of the nested ifs here. If cin
is good then if the number is in range return else complain and loop.
Here the return statement is in the middle of the body of the loop. This style will
offend many purists (who believe that you should only return from the end point of the
function). However, it fits logically with the sequence of tests and the code in this form
is actually less complex than most variants.
Note also the use of continue. This control statement was introduced in section 7.8
but this is the first example where it was used. If the user has entered an out of range
value, we need to print a warning and then repeat the process of prompting for and
reading data. So, after the warning we want simply to "continue" with the next iteration
of the for loop.
The remaining sections of the loop deal with the various input problems already
noted and the attempt to clean up if inappropriate data have been entered.
Although it won't survive all forms of misuse, this version of
GetIntegerInRange() is a little more robust. If you are writing functions that you
hope to use in many programs, or which you hope to share with coworkers, you should
try to toughen them like this.

10.9.2 Newton's square root algorithm as a function

This second example is a lot simpler! It is merely the program for finding a square root
(7.2.2) recoded to use a function:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
264 Functions

double NewtRoot(double x)
double r;
const double SMALLFRACTION = 1.0E-8;
Sanity check on assert(x > 0.0);
argument value
r = x / 2.0;
while(fabs(x - r*r) > SMALLFRACTION*x) {
cout << r << endl;
r = 0.5 *(x / r + r);

return r;

int main()
double x;
cout << "Enter number : ";
cin >> x;

cout << "Number was : " << x << ", root is "
<< NewtRoot(x) << endl;

Once again, it is worth putting in some checking code in the function. The assert()
makes certain that we haven't been asked to find the root of a negative number.


The stdlib library includes a function called rand(). The documentation for stdlib
describes rand() as a "simple random number generator". It is supposed to return a
random number in the range 0 to 32767.
What is your idea of a "random number" generator? Probably you will think of
something like one of those devices used to pick winners in lotteries. A typical device
for picking lottery winners has a large drum containing balls with the numbers 1 to 99
(or maybe some smaller range); the drum is rotated to mix up the balls and then some
mechanical arrangement draws six or so balls. The order in which the balls are drawn
doesn't matter; you win the lottery if you had submitted a lottery coupon on which you
had chosen the same numbers as were later drawn. The numbers drawn from such a
device are pretty random. You would have won this weeks lottery if you had picked the
numbers 11, 14, 23, 31, 35, and 39; last week you wished that you had picked 4, 7, 17,
23, 24, and 42.
The rand() function don't seem to work quite that way. For example, the program:
Rand() 265

int main()
for(int i = 0;i<20;i++)
cout << rand() << endl;
return 0;

run on my Macintosh produces the numbers:



Exactly the same numbers are produced if I run the program on a Sun workstation
(though I do get a different sequence on a PowerPC).
There is an auxiliary function that comes with rand(). This is srand(). The "Seeding" the
function srand() is used to "seed the random number generator". Function srand() random number
takes an integer as an argument. Calling srand() with the argument 5 before the loop
generating the "random numbers":

for(int i = 0;i<20;i++)
cout << rand() << endl;

and (on a Macintosh with Symantec 7.06) you will get the sequence



Try another value for the "seed" and you will get a different sequence.
For a given seed, the same numbers turn up every time.
266 Functions

Arbitrary numbers? Yes. Random numbers? No. It is the same sequence of

arbitrary numbers every time (and since most versions of stdlib are identical, it is the
same sequence on most computers). A lottery company wouldn't be wise to try to
computerize their selection process by using rand() like this. Smart punters would
soon learn which were the winning numbers because these would be the same every
The term "random number generator" is misleading. The rand function has a more
correct description; "rand() uses a multiplicative congruential random-number
generator with period 2^32 that returns successive pseudo-random numbers in the
range from 0 to (2^15)-1".
What does that mathematical mumbo-jumbo mean? It means that these "pseudo-
random numbers" are generated by an algorithmic (non-random) mathematical process
but that as a set they share some mathematical properties with genuinely randomly
picked numbers in the same range.
Some of these properties are:

• The counts for the frequency of each of the possible last digits, obtained by taking
the number modulo 10 (i.e. rand() % 10), will be approximately equal.
• If you look at pairs of successive pseudo-random numbers, then the number times
that the second is larger will be approximately equal to the number of times that the
first is larger.
• You will get about the same number of even numbers as odd numbers.
• If you consider a group of three successive random numbers, there is a one in eight
chance that all will be odd, a one in eight chance that all are even, a three in eight
chance that you will get two odds and one even. These are the same (random)
chances that you would get if you were tossing three coins and looking for three
heads etc.

Although the generated numbers are not random, the statistical properties that they
share with genuinely random numbers can be exploited.
If you've lost your dice and want a program to roll three dice for some game, then
the following should be (almost) adequate:

int main()
// Roll three dice for game
char ch;

do {
for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
int roll = rand() % 6;
// roll now in range 0..5
roll++; // prefer 1 to 6
cout << roll << " ";
cout << endl;
Rand() 267

cout << "Roll again? ";

cin >> ch;
} while ((ch == 'Y') || (ch == 'y'));
return 0;

About one time in two hundred you will get three sixes; you have the same chance of
getting three twos. So the program does approximate the rolling of three fair dice.
But it is a bit boring. Every time you play your game using the program you get the
same dice rolls and so you get the same sequence of moves.

3 5 4
Roll again? y
2 2 6
Roll again? y
1 4 1
Roll again? y
1 2 6
Roll again? n

You can extend the program so that each time you run it you get a different sequence
of arbitrary numbers. You simply have to arrange to seed the random number generator
with some "random" value that will be different for each run of the program.
Of course, normal usage requires everything to be the same every time you run the Finding a seed
same program on the same data. So you can't have anything in your program that
provides this random seed; but you can always ask the operating system (OS) about
other things going on in the machine. Some of the values you can get through such
queries are likely to be different on different runs of a program.
Most commonly, program's ask the OS for the current time of day, or for some
related time measure like the number of seconds that the machine has been left switched
on. These calls are OS dependent (i.e. you will have to search your IDE documentation
for details of the name of the timing function and its library). Just for example, I'll
assume that your system has a function TickCounter() that returns the number of
seconds that the machine has been switched on. The value returned by this function call
can be used to initialize the random number generator:

int main()
// Roll three dice for game
char ch;
do {
for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
int roll = rand() % 6;

268 Functions

With this extension to "randomize" the number sequence, you have a program that will
generate a different sequence of dice rolls every time you run it.
If "TickCounter()" is random enough to seed the generator, why not just use it to
determine the roll of the dice:

do {
for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
int roll = TickCounter() % 6;
roll++; // prefer 1 to 6

Of course this doesn't work! The three calls to TickCounter() are likely to get exactly
the same value, if not identical then the values will be in increasing order. A single call
to TickCounter() has pretty much random result but inherently there is no
randomness in successive calls; the time value returned is monotonically increasing.
When developing and testing a program, you will often chose to pass a constant
value in the call to srand(). That way you get the same sequence of numbers every
time. This can help debugging because if you find something going wrong in your
program then, after adding trace statements, you can rerun the program on identical
data. When the program has been developed, you arrange either to get the user to enter
the seed or you get a seed value from a system call like TickCounter().


10.11.1 π-Canon

A mathematics professor once approached a colonel of his state's National Guard asking
for the Guards assistance in a new approach to estimating the value of π.
The professor reckoned that if a cannon was fired at a distant target flag, the balls
would fall in a random pattern around the target. After a large number of balls had been
fired, he would be able to get an estimate of π by noting where the balls had fallen. He
used the diagram shown in Figure 10.3, to explain his approach to estimating π:
The colonel refused. He reckoned that his gunners would put every shot within 50
paces of the target flag and that this would lead to the result π = 4 which everyone knew
was wrong.
Write a computer program that will allow the maths. professor to simulate his
The program should let the professor specify the number of shots fired. It should
simulate the experiment printing estimates of π at regular intervals along with a final
estimate when all ammunition has been expended.
Examples: π-canon 269

Area of square 4 x 100 square yards

100 yards Area of circle π x 100 square yards

If the shot fall randomly in the target area,

then the numbers falling within the circle and
the square should be proportionate to their areas..

Hence can estimate π from these ratios:

Number in circle Area of circle π

---------------- = --------------- = ---
Number in square Area of square 4

Fot the shot pattern shown:

33 π
--- = --- so π ≈ 3.219
41 4

A better estimate would be obtained when

additional shot had been fired.

Figure 10.3 Estimating π.


The design process appropriate to problems of this complexity is known as "top-down

functional decomposition". We know the overall function (the "top function" of the
program), it is to run the simulation and calculate π. But obviously, that involves a lot
of work. It is far too much work to be encoded in a single main function. So, we
proceed by iterating through the problem repeatedly, at each iteration we try to refine
our model and abstract out distinct subproblems that can be analyzed separately.
The problem obviously involves random numbers. For each "shot" we will need two
random numbers, one to give the "x" position relative to the flag, the second to give the
"y" position. We can arrange it so that all shots fall in the square by selecting the range
for the random numbers (just have to tell the professor that we are ignoring bad shots
that fall too far from the target). When we have the x, y coordinates of where the shot is
supposed to have landed, we can calculate the distance from the flag. If this distance is
less than 100.0, the shot adds to the count of those falling in the circle. We can get an
estimate of π whenever we need by just doing the calculation using our counts of total
shots fired and shots landing in the circle.
Based on the problem description, we can identify a rough framework for the First iteration
program: through design

//initialization phase
get professor to say how much ammunition he has
get some seed for the random number generator
loop until ammunition exhausted
increment count of shots fired
270 Functions

get x, y coordinates
test position and, if appropriate,
update count of shots in circle
maybe print next estimate of π (not for every shot,
What is frequency of these reports?)
print final estimate of π

Some "functions" appear immediately in this description, for example, "estimate π",
"test position", "get coordinate". All of these tasks involve several calculation steps that
clearly belong together, can be thought about in isolation, and should be therefore
separate functions. Even something like "initialization phase" could probably be a
function because it groups related operations.
Second iteration We should now start to identify some of these functions:
through design
get ammunition
prompts professor for inputs like amount of ammunition,
and seed for random number generator
use seed to seed the random number generator
return amount of ammunition

π-estimator function
must be given total shot count and circle shot count
calculates π from professor's formula
returns π estimate

get-coordinate function
use random number generator, converts 0..32767 result
into a value in range -100.0 to +100.0 inclusive
returns calculated value

print π-estimate
produce some reasonably formatted output,
probably should show π and the number of shots used to
get this estimate, so both these values will
be needed as arguments

test in circle
given an x and y coordinate pair test whether they
represent a point within 100.0 of origin
return 0 (false) 1 (true) result

main function
get ammunition
loop until ammunition exhausted (How checked?)
increment count of shots fired
(Where did this get initialized?)
x = get-coordinate
y = get-coordinateget x,y coordinates
if test in circle (x, y)
increment circle count
Examples: π-canon 271

maybe print next estimate of π (not for every shot,

What is frequency of these reports?)
call print π estimate

There are some queries. These represent issues that have to be resolved as we proceed
into more detailed design.
This problem is still fairly simple so we have already reached the point where we Third iteration
can start thinking about coding. At this point, we compose function prototypes for each through design
of the functions. These identify the data values that must be given to the function and
the type of any result:

long GetAmmunition(void); Composing the

function prototypes
double PiEstimate(long squareshot, long circleshot);

double GetCoordinate(void);

void PrintPIEstimate(double pi, long shotsused);

int TestInCircle(double x, double y);

int main();

Final stage design and implementation

Next, we have to consider the design of each individual function. The process here is
identical to that in Part II where we designed the implementations of the little programs.
We have to expand out our english text outline for the function into a sequence of
variable definitions, assignment statements, loop statements, selection statements etc.
Most of the functions that we need here are straightforward:

long GetAmmunition(void)
long munition;
long seed;
cout << "Please Professor, how many shots should we fire?";
// Read shots, maybe we should use that GetIntegerInRange
// to make certain that the prof enters a sensible value
// Risk it, hope he can type a number
cin >> munition;
// Need seed for random number generator,
// Get prof to enter it (that way he has chance of
// getting same results twice). Don't confuse him
// with random number stuff, just get a number.
cout << "Please Professor, which gunner should lay the
272 Functions

<< endl;
cout << "Please enter a gunner identifier number 1..1000
cin >> seed;
return munition;

int TestInCircle(double x, double y)

// Use the sqrt() function from math.h
// rather than NewtRoot()!
// Remember to #include <math.h>
double distance = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
return distance < 100.0;

double PiEstimate(long squareshot, long circleshot)

return 4.0*double(circleshot)/squareshot;

The GetCoordinate() function is slightly trickier; we want a range -100.0 to

+100.0. The following should suffice:

double GetCoordinate(void)
int n = rand();
// Take n modulo 201, i.e. remainder on dividing by 201
// That should be a number in range 0 to 200
// deduct 100
n = n % 201;
return double(n-100);

The main() function is where we have to consider what data values are needed for
the program as a whole. We appear to need the following data elements:

long counter for total shots

long counter for shots in circle
long counter for available munitions

double for π estimate

within the loop part of main() we also require:

double x coordinate
double y coordinate
Examples: π-canon 273

We have to decide how often to generate intermediate printouts of π estimates. If

professor is firing 1000 shots, he would probably like a report after every 100; if he can
only afford to pay for 100 shots, he would probably like a report after every 10. So it
seems we can base report frequency on total of shots to be fired. We will need a couple
of variables to record this information; one to say frequency, the other to note how
many shots fired since last report. So, main() will need two more variables.

long counter for report frequency

long counter for shots since last report

We can now complete a draft for main():

int main()
long fired = 0, ontarget = 0, ammunition;
double pi = 4.0; // Use the colonel's estimate!
long freq, count;

ammunition = GetAmmunition();

freq = ammunition / 10;

count = 0;

for(; ammunition > 0; ammunition--) {

double x, y;
x = GetCoordinate();
y = GetCoordinate();
if(TestInCircle(x, y))

if(count == freq) {
// Time for another estimate
pi = PiEstimate(fired, ontarget);
PrintPIEstimate(pi, fired);
// reset count to start over
count = 0;

cout << "We've used all the ammunition." << endl;

cout << "Our final result:" << endl;
pi = PiEstimate(fired, ontarget);
PrintPIEstimate(pi, fired);
return 0;
274 Functions

Complete the implementation of the program (you need to provide

PrintPIEstimate()) and run it on your system.
The results I got suggest that the prof. would have to apply for, and win, a major
research grant before he could afford sufficient ammunition to get an accurate result:

Estimate for pi, based on results of 1000 shots, is 3.24800000

Estimate for pi, based on results of 10000 shots, is 3.12160000

10.11.2 Function plotter


When doing introductory engineering and science subjects, you often need plots of
functions, functions such as

f(x) = a*cos(b*x + c)*exp(-d*x)

This function represents an exponentially decaying cosine wave. Such functions turn
up in things like monitoring a radio signal that starts with a pulse of energy and then
decays away. The parameters a, b, c, and d determine the particular characteristics of
the system under study.
It is sometimes useful to be able to get rough plots that just indicate the forms of
such functions. These plots can be produced using standard iostream functions to print
characters. The width of the screen (or of a printer page) can be used to represent the
function range; successive lines of output display the function at successive increasing
values of x. Figure 10.4 illustrates such a plot.


Write a program that will plot function values using character based output following
the style illustrated in Figure 10.4. The program is to plot values of a fixed function
f(x) (this function can only be changed by editing and recompilation). The program is
to take as input a parameter R that defines the range of the function, the page (screen)
width is to be used to represent the range -R to +R. Values of the function are to be
plotted for x values, starting at x = 0.0, up to some maximum value X. The maximum,
and the increments for the x-axis, are to be entered by the user when the program runs.


"Plotting a function" – the "top function" of this program is again simple and serves as
the starting point for breaking the problem down.
Examples: function plotter 275

| *
| *
| *
| *
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
| *
| *
| *
| *
| *
| *
| *
| *
| *
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |

Figure 10.4 Character based plotting of a function.

A rough framework for the program would be: First iteration

through design
//initialization phase
range data, maximum x value, and x increment
initialize current x to 0.0
Plot axis
// main loop
loop until x exceeds maximum
work out function value
plot current value (and x-axis marker)
increment x

The obvious functions are: "work out function value", "plot current value", and "plot
276 Functions

Second iteration These functions can start to be elaborated:

through design
Given current x value as data, works out value of
returns this value as a double
(expression will probably contain parameters like a, b,
but these can be defined as constants as they aren't to be
changed by user input)

prints a horizontal rule (made from '-' characters) with a
centre marker representing the zero point of the
probably should also print labels, -R and +R, above the
so the value for the range should be given as an
(? width of screen ? will need this defined as a constant
that could be adjusted later to suit different
screen/page sizes)

plot function
given a value for f(x), and details of the range,
this function must first work out where on line
a mark should appear
a line should then be output made up from spaces, a |
character to mark the axis, and a * in the
appropriate position

Functions main(), plotaxis(), and fun() look fairly simple. You wouldn't need
to iterate further through the design process for these; just have to specify the
prototypes and then start on coding the function bodies.

Function prototypes int main();

void PlotAxis(double range);
double fun(double x);
void PlotFunctionValue(double value, double range);

However, the description of PlotFunctionValue() seems a bit complex. So, it is

too soon to start thinking about coding. The various steps in PlotFunctionValue()
must be made more explicit.
Third iteration The width of the screen is meant to represent the range -R to R with R the user
through design specified range. A value v for f(x) has to be scaled; the following formula defines a
suitable scaling:

position relative to centre = v/R*half_width

Examples: function plotter 277

Example, screen width 60 places, range represented -2.0 to +2.0, value to be plotted 0.8:

position relative to centre = 0.8/2.0*30

= 12 places right of centre

Example, screen width 60 places, range represented -2.0 to +2.0, value to be plotted

position relative to centre = -1.5/2.0*30

= -22.5
i.e. 22.5 places left of centre

A C++ statement defining the actual character position on the line is:

int where = floor((value/range*HALF) + 0.5) + HALF;

The constant HALF represents half the screen width. Its value will depend on the
environment used.
Since we now know how to find where to plot the '*' character we need only work
out how to do the correct character output.
There are a number of special cases that may occur:

• The value of where is outside of the range 1..WIDTH (where WIDTH is the screen
width). This will happen if the user specified range is insufficient. If the value is
out of range, we should simply print the '|' vertical bar character marking the x-axis

• where's value is HALF, i.e. the function value was 0.0. We don't print the usual '|'
vertical bar axis marker, we simply plot the '*' in the middle of the page.

• where is less than HALF. We need to output the right number of spaces, print the
'*', output more spaces until half way across the page, print the axis marker.

• where is greater than HALF. We need to output spaces until half way across page,
print the axis marker, then output additional spaces until at point where can print
the '*' symbol.

There are smarter ways to deal with the printout, but breaking it down into these
possibilities is about the simplest.
The problem has now been simplified to a point where coding can start.


There isn't much to the coding of this example and the complete code is given below.
278 Functions

Conditional The code is used to provide a first illustration of the idea of "conditional
compilation directives compilation". You can include in the text of your program various "directives" that
instruct the compiler to take special actions, such as including or omitting a particular
piece of code.
Conditional There are two common reasons for having conditionally compiled code. The first is
compilation for that you want extra "tracing" code in your program while you are developing and
debugging and
customisation debugging it. In this case, you will have conditionally compiled sections that have extra
output statements ("trace" output); examples will be shown later. This code provides a
rather simple instance of the second situation where conditional compilation is required;
we have a program that we want run on different platforms – Symantec, Borland-
compiled DOS application, and Borland-compiled EasyWin application. These
different environments require slightly different code; but rather than have three
versions of the code, we can have a single file with conditionally compiled
The differences are very small. The default font in an EasyWin window is rather
large so, when measured in terms of characters, the window is smaller. If you compile
and run the program as a DOS-standard program it runs, and exits back to the Borland
IDE environment so quickly that you can't see the graph it has drawn! The DOS
version needs an extra statement telling it to slow down.
The directives for conditional compilation, like most other compiler directives, occur
on lines starting with a # character. (The only other directives we've used so far has
been the #include directive that loads a header file, and the #define directive that
defines a constant.) Here we use the #if, #elif ("else if"), #else, and #endif directives
and use #define in a slightly different way. These directives are highlighted in bold in
the code shown below; the italicised statements are either included or omitted according
to the directives.

#include <math.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SYMANTEC

#if defined(SYMANTEC)
const int WIDTH = 71;
#elif defined(EASYWIN)
const int WIDTH = 61;
const int WIDTH = 81;

#if defined(DOS)
#include <dos.h>
Examples: function plotter 279

The line #define SYMANTEC "defines" SYMANTEC as a compile time symbol (it
doesn't get a value, it just exists); this line is specifying that this version of the code is to
be compiled for the Symantec environment. The line would be changed to #define
EASYWIN or #define DOS if we were compiling for one of the other platforms.
The #if defined() … #elif defined() … #else … #endif statements select
the WIDTH value to be used depending on the environment. The other #if … #endif
adds an extra header file if we are compiling for DOS. The DOS version uses the
standard sleep() function to delay return from the program. Function sleep() is
defined in most environments; it takes an integer argument specifying a delay period for
a program. Although it is widely available, it is declared in different header files and is
included in different libraries on different systems.

const int HALF = 1 + (WIDTH/2);

const double a = 1.0;

const double b = 1.0;
const double c = 0.5;
const double d = 0.2;

The definition of constant HALF illustrates compile time arithmetic; the compiler will
have a value for WIDTH and so can work out the value for HALF. The other constants
define the parameters that affect the function that is being plotted.

void PlotAxis(double range)

cout << -range;
for(int i=0;i<WIDTH-10;i++)
cout << ' ';
cout << range << endl;
cout << '-';
cout << '+';
cout << '-';
cout << endl;

The code for PlotAxis() is simple; it prints the range values, using the loop
printing spaces to position the second output near the right of the window. Note that
variable i is defined in the first for statement; as previously explained, its scope extends
to the end of the block where it is defined. So, the other two loops can also use i as
their control variables. (Each of the cases is coded as a separate compound statement
enclosing a for loop. Each for loop defines int i. Each of these 'i's has scope that is
limited to just its own compound statement.)

void PlotFunctionValue(double value, double range)

280 Functions

Determine position int where = floor(value/range*HALF) + HALF;

on line
Special case 1, out of if((where < 1) || (where > WIDTH)) {
range for(int i=1; i<HALF;i++)
cout<< ' ';
cout << '|' << endl;

Special case 2, on if(where == HALF) {

axis for(int i=1; i<HALF;i++)
cout<< ' ';
cout << '*' << endl;

Special case 3, left of if(where < HALF) {

axis for(int i=1; i<where;i++)
cout<< ' ';
cout << '*';
cout << ' ';
cout << '|' << endl;

Last case, right of for(int i=1; i<HALF;i++)

axis cout<< ' ';
cout << '|';
cout << ' ';
cout << '*';
cout << endl;


Your instructor may dislike the coding style used in this version of PlotFunction
Value(); multiple returns are often considered poor style. The usual recommended
style would be as follows:

void PlotFunctionValue(double value, double range)

int where = floor(value/range*HALF) + HALF;

if((where < 1) || (where > WIDTH)) {

for(int i=0; i<HALF;i++)
cout<< ' ';
cout << '|' << endl;
Examples: function plotter 281

if(where == HALF) {

if(where < HALF) {

else {


Personally, I find long sequences of if … else if … else if … else constructs

less easy to follow. When reading these you have to remember too much. I prefer the
first style which regards each case as a filter that deals with some subset of the data and
finishes. You need to be familiar with both styles; use the coding style that your
instructor prefers.

double fun(double x)
double val;
val = a*cos(b*x+c)*exp(-d*x);
return val;

int main()
double r;
double xinc;
double xmax;

cout << "Range on 'y-axis' is to be -R to R" << endl;

cout << "Please enter value for R : ";
cin >> r;

cout << "Range on 'x-axis' is 0 to X" << endl;

cout << "Please enter value for X : ";
cin >> xmax;

cout << "Please enter increment for X-axis : ";

cin >> xinc;


double x = 0.0;
while(x<=xmax) {
double f = fun(x);
PlotFunctionValue(f, r);
x += xinc;
282 Functions

#if defined(DOS)
// delay return from DOS to Borland IDE for
// a minute so user can admire plotted function

return 0;

There are no checks on input values, no assertions. Maybe there should be. But
there isn't that much that can go seriously wrong here. The only problem case would be
the user specifying a range of zero; that would cause an error when the function value is
scaled. You can't put any limit on the range value; it doesn't matter if the range is given
as negative (that flips the horizontal axis but does no real harm). A negative limit for
xmax does no harm, nothing gets plotted but no harm done.


1 Write a program that will roll the dice for a "Dungeons and Dragons" (DD) game.

DD games typically use several dice for each roll, anything from 1 to 5. There are many
different DD dice 1…4, 1…6, 1…8, 1…10, 1…12, 1…20. All the dice used for a particular
roll will be of the same type. So, on one roll you may need three six sided dice; on the next
you might need one four sided dice.

The program is to ask how many dice are to be rolled and the dice type. It should print
details of the points on the individual dice as well as a total score.

2 Write a "Chinese fortune cookie" program.

The program is to loop printing a cookie message (a joke, a proverb, cliche, adage). After
each message, the program is to ask the user for a Y(es) or N(o) response that will determine
whether an additional cookie is required.

Use functions to select and print a random cookie message, and to get the Y/N response.

You can start with the standard fortunes – "A new love will come into your life.", "Stick with
your wife.", "Too much MSG, stomach pains tomorrow.", "This cookie was poisoned.". If
you need others, buy a packet of cookies and plagiarise their ideas.

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