Alumni Report
Alumni Report
Alumni Report
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ADVANTAGES OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM: a) b) c) d) e) f) Keeping information about the alumni Get them know that they are still a part of cpgs Communication between the teacher and students. Friends can stay in touch among themselves forever. Organizing alumni functions and get togethers in an easy way. An official seeking information about any student for any official work will be easy.
ALUMNI INFORMATION SYSTEM OF MCA DEPT. OF CPGS, OUAT 1.1ABOUT ALUMNI The alumni of Centre for postgraduate studies, OUAT are spread all over the India. Many of them have splendid accomplishments to their credit in their personal and professional fields bringing laurels to their Alma Mater. Though there are several local alumni associations, a common forum linking the Alumni directly with their Alma Mater and so also with the governing body of the educational institutions under the cpgs, OUAT. The Centre for post graduate studies had no Alumni Association before. This website will help in keeping a good relationship among the friends .it also help the students to stay in touch with the college and friends. 1.2OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT To keep a roster of all Alumni of MCA department of centre for post graduate studies, ouat, bbsr. Maintaining the updated and current information of all Alumni of MCA department of centre for post graduate studies,ouat,bbsr. To encourage, foster and promote close relations between the centre for post graduate studies and its alumni and among the alumni themselves. To promote a sustained sense of belonging to the Alma Mater among the Alumni by being in regularcontact with them. To promote, in the Alumni Body, an interest in the affairs and well-being of the educational institution.
To provide and disseminate information regarding their Alma Mater, its graduates, Faculties and students to the Alumni. To assist and support the efforts of Association in obtaining funds for development. To guide and assist Alumni who have recently completed their courses of study at the centre for post graduate studies to keep them engaged in productive pursuits useful to the society. To provide a forum for the Alumni for exchange of ideas on academic, cultural and social issues of the day. To organize and coordinate reunion activities of the Alumni To let the alumni acknowledge their gratitude to their Alma Mater. To collect, publish and distribute such information as may be useful to the alumni and their Alma Mater. To provide a forum for the Alumni for interaction with the Management so that the Management can draw upon the knowledge and expertise of Alumni for furthering the cause of CPGS Association as a leading center of Excellence in the field of education. NEED OF THE SYSTEM The need of the system are as follows:official factor: keeping the information about all the students from the starting year of an organization is a hectic work. The alumni website helps in checking whether an individual is an alumni or not. It also facilitates officials to keep and retrieve all the information about the previous students. Social factor: The Alumni website enables the old students keep the memories of the college days and the friends . Since the Internet has become such a regular part of people's lives, a website is the perfect medium to communicate with far-flung alumni
Alumni love to come back and see if their records are still standing. Nothing does more for someone's ego than learning nobody has been able to beat their record in twenty years! To deal with these needs, students commonly seek new modified information of the college. They can communicate with their friends. Alumni functions can also be organized smoothly.
I.Admin registration details. An administrator is the leading personality having an user id and password .He can be the HOD, a faculty or an employee of the institution. He can log on and keep all the basic information of the alumni like registration no, alumni name ,date of birth, gender, address, year of passing, batch and other personal details like uploading mark sheet and certificate. Another function of admin is to upload the events organized by the institution. He can also update and delete above mentioned details regarding the alumni. II.Admin account information. An admin has his own user id & password. He can logged on & access the Admin account. In his account he inserts basic Alumni informations those are available from the student information bureau .He enables the Alumni to get the information about the social ,academic and cultural events of the institution . Encourage, foster and promote close relations between the
III.edit details of the account. This describes the alumni details to be updated by the administrator by giving the details of alumni in case there is any mistake in insertion of the details by the admin.New events can be edited and uploaded. There is only one Admin who handles all the information of the alumni website. 2.Alumini MODULE I.Alumni details. This describes the information about the account of the Alumni and contains account information, professional information, personal information and social information about the alumni. The basic details are filled up by the admin. II. Alumni registration Details. This describes the details of the alumni account. Alumni have to provide a valid registration no. By providing the regd no he can get the basic info filled before by the admin. Then he inserts other details like account info(regd no, name, e mail id, password), prof info(cur-org, desg, fun area, place of posting, cur org etc),personal info(cor_add, loc_area, address, blog, mob no),soc info(home town, home state, interests, social networking sites etc). III.Other functionalities of the Alumni. Besides registration alumni has some other functionalities also, An alumni who has already been registered has an user id and password. Through the user id and password he can access his own account .He updates his account by his updating status. The alumni can view his account. He can view the photos of his friends. The functionalities also include viewing and uploading the events. It facilitates the alumni to view and down load the events.
3.user MODULE I.Product details. This describes the information about general user who can only visit the website. General user can not register because he have to provide a registration no that is authenticated by the administrator. He can get the information about the institution, search an alumni and can see the events of the institution. A general user can grab the contact details of the college that facilitates him to contact with the institution and get the required information. By popular Search he can browse the internet. A general user can be any one like a present student, an employee or he wants some information about the college or their alumni. SYSTEM ANALYSIS System Analysis is a process by which we attribute process or goals to a human activity, determine how well those purpose are being achieved and specify the requirements of the various tools and techniques that are to be used within the system if the system performances are to be achieved. 3.1 FEASIBILITY STUDY Feasibility is the measure of how beneficial the development of information system would be to an organization. Feasibility analysis is the process by which feasibility is measured. The main aim in feasibility study activity is to determine whether it is financially and technically feasible to develop the product. The feasibility study activity involve the analysis of the problem and collecting relevant information relating to the product such as different items which would be required in the processing by the system. The feasibility study is carried out to find out whether the proposed system can be developed and implemented without any problems.
TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY: During this study, it was found that the organization has enough resources to implement the new system. There already exists a computer system with suitable hardware and software in the concerned organization. Technical feasibility includes 2 main aspects: Hardware feasibility Software feasibility Hardware feasibility To implement this project we need different types of hardware configuration for server and client. Software feasibility This system is developed using All the resources used for the development of the project are available. The system can be expanded as required in future and modified with the change of acts and rules. Accuracy, reliability, ease of access and security of the system is maximum. The tools to be used are highly reliable, updated and efficient. Thus the proposed system is technically feasible.
Economical feasibility is the most important study that determines the cost and benefits of the proposed system and compares with the budget. The cost of the new system does not outweigh the budget. The cost of the project includes the cost of hardware, software, development and implementation. The cost of the project includes the cost of hardware, software, development and implementation. The new system also provides benefits that are expected from the proposed system and compare these with costs expected to spent on
development of the system. Benefits are found to be more than costs, thus it is decided to develop new system. The new system provides both tangible and intangible benefits in a formal way . thus the new system is economically feasible.
It was found that the new system is both economically and technically feasible, the next step is to be determine whether it is operationally feasible or not. During operational feasibility study, it was found that the system operates in the way that user wants. There is enough human resources and there are qualified and experienced manpower available for the development and implementation of the system. The new system is acceptable to the people and management. 3.2 REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS & SPECIFICATION
The goal of the requirement gathering activity is to collect all relevant information from the customer regarding the product to be developed with a view to clearly understand the customer requirements and weeding out the incompleteness and inconsistencies in these requirements. An inconsistent requirement is one where some part of the requirement contradicts with some other part. On the other hand, an incomplete requirement is one where some parts of the requirement may have been omitted alltogether.The requirement analysis activity begun by recollecting all relevant data regarding the estates to
be rented or sold by the retailers of the land through interviews and discussions. In this project we interviewed retailers of all estates to ascertain his or her requirements. The data collected from such a group usually contain several contradictions and ambiguities. Therefore, it is necessary to identify all ambiguities and the contradictions in the requirements and resolve them through further discussion with the customer. After all ambiguities, inconsistencies and incompleteness has been resolved and all the requirements properly understood, the requirement specification starts. REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION: The customer requirement identified during the requirement gathering and analysis activity is organized into a SRS document. The important documents of these documents are the functional the requirements, requirement and goals of the
identification of the function to be supported by the system.Each function can be characterized by the input data, the processing required on the input data and the output data to be produced. The non functional requirement identifies the performance requirements, the required standard to be followed etc. 3.3 SOFTWARE REQIREMENTS SPECIFICATION( SRS )
A login box should Login appear when login details is invoked are
administrator Essential
A of
home the
should able to see the home page. RS3 The administrator Essential
should have details is seen by alumni website The administrator Alumni should insert, display able to details the are delete, updated.
information of user RS4 The administrator Essential The administrator Event should able to see details various events user able to update alumni details. to download updated. details are are The alumni should Alumni displayed. are should able to see the event details RS5 The user should able Essential to RS6 see the details The alumni should Essential able events RS7 The general user Desirable
The alumni should Events the events of the college The administrator The
should able to search information the alumni by name are order details displayed. detail
The the
able to search the information wheather he has put displayed. the details or not.
events and
The user should The view the certificate marksheet and marksheet and certificates are displayed
HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: To develop or implement this project we need different types of hardware configuration for server and client.
The Client Machines -- Processor Ram Cache Hard disk Speed Keyboard : : : : : : Intel Pentium IV or more 512MB or more 512 KB 80 GB 2.2 GHz Standard
The Server Machines - Processor Ram Cache Hard disk : : : : Intel Pentium IV or more 512 MB or more 512 KB 80 GB
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: This project was developed by using different types of software which have listed below: Operating system Front end Back end : : : WINDOWS 2000/WINDOWS XP or more Advance Java using Jsp Oracle-10g
SELECTED SOFTWARE FRONT END : Advance Java using Jsp DATABASE : Oracle-10g
DATABASE TABLE DESIGN DATA DESIGN: The data design transforms the information domain model created during analysis into data structure that will require implementing the software. Data design is first of the design activities that are conducted during software engineering. The primary activity during data design is to be select logical representation of data objects identified during requirement specification phase. In this phase we are more concerned with database design. This is an activity consisting of identifying that portion of the enterprise for which the data
application is being designed: the entity sets the integrated collection of data is called a Database. In database design, information like table name, key fields, table description, and details of each field in the table is given. Database Systems are designed to manage large bodies of information. data and how they are processed, and the operating system of computer. TABLE DESIGN: Table1: ADMIN_INFO ATTRIBUTE NAME DATATYPE SIZE 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY NOTNULL NOTNULL NOTNULL NOTNULL NOTNULL NOTNULL
This table keeps track of all the basic information about the alumni.
SIZE 50 50
50 50 50 50
50 50 50 50 50 50
This table keeps track social information of Alumni. PROJECT DESIGN The traditional tools of data gathering have limitations. An English narrative description is often vague and difficult for the user to grasp. System flowcharts focus more on physical than on logical implementation of the candidate system. Because of these drawbacks, structured tools were introduced for analysis. Structured analysis is a set of techniques and graphical tools (DFD)
that allow the analyst to develop a new kind of system specifications that are easily understandable to the user. 4.1Entity Relationship Diagram The Entity Relationship Diagram is a logical model that is used database analysis and design as well as in the depiction of information systems. It shows relations between various entities. The relation upon the system is structure through a conceptual ER-Diagram, which not only Specific the existential entities but also the standard relations through which the system exists and the cardinalities that are necessary for the system state to continue. The set of primary components that are identified by the Entity Relationship Diagram are: Data object Relationships Attributes Various types of indicators The primary purpose of the ERD is to represent data objects and their relation.
4.2DATA FLOW DIAGRAM Data Flow Diagram is a diagrammatic representation of data movement through a system manual or automated - from inputs to outputs through processing. The data flow diagrams help in the analysis of the flow of data through a system and thus help in identifying the system requirements. These are of two types Logical Data Flow Diagrams and Physical Data Flow Diagrams. The Data Flow Diagram (DFD) clarifies system requirements and identifies major transformations that will become programs in system design. It is the starting point of system design that decomposes the requirements specifications down to the lowest level of detail. LOGICAL DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS: The Logical Data Flow Diagrams represent the
transformation of the data from input to output through processing logically and independently of the physical components that may be associated with the system. PHYSICAL DATA FLOW DIAGRAM: The Physical Dataflow Diagrams show the actual implementation and movement of data between people, departments, and workstations. Each component of a DFD is labeled with a descriptive name. Process names are further numbered that will be used for identification purposes. The number assigned to a specific process does not correspond to the sequence of processes. It is strictly for identification purposes. A data flow diagram allows parallel activities i.e. a number of data-flows coming out from the source and going into the destination. A DFD concentrates on the data moving through the system and not on the devices or equipments. A DFD may consist of a number of levels. The top-level diagram is called the Context Diagram, which consists of a single process and plays a very important role in
studying the system. It gives the most general and broadest view of the system. Moreover, it gives the pictorial representation of the scope boundaries of the system under study.
NOTATIONS: Data-Flows show the movement of data in a specific direction from the source to the destination. It represents a packet of data.
Processes show the operations performed on the data, which transform it from input to output.
Sources and Destinations of data are the external sources and destinations of data, which may be people, programs, organizations or other entities interacting with the system, but are outside its boundary.
Data Stores are places where data are stored such as files and tables.
DATA FLOW DIAGRAM: The top level of DFD is known as context level. It is the first step in requirement determination, which aims at learning the general characteristics of the business process and defines the system that will be studied in the sense that it determines the boundaries. Anything that is not inside the process identified in the context diagram will not part of the system.
SYSTEM TESTING System testing is the process in which the system undergoes experimental testing so as to check that the system does not fail i.e. to check whether the required system is running according to specification and user expectation. System testing also tests to find discrepancies between the system and its original objective, current specification and systems documentation. Hence most useful and practical approach is with the understanding that testing is the process of executing a program with the explicit intention of finding errors that is making the program fail. Testing performs a very critical role for quality assurance and ensuring the reliability of the software. During testing, the program to be tested is executed with a set of test cases and output of the program for the test cases and output of the program for the test case is evaluated to determine if the program is performing as it is expected to. Hence Testing is the process of executing a program with the intention of finding errors. A good test case is the one that has a high probability of finding as yet undiscovered error. A successful test is one yet uncovers as yet undiscovered errors.
Testing is performed according to two different strategies: 1. Code testing 2. Specification testing
7.1 CODE TESTING The code testing strategy examines the logic of program i.e. the analyst develops test cases that results in executing every instruction in the program. Basically during code testing every path through the program is tested. 7.2 SPECIFICATION TESTING To perform specification testing, analyst examines the specification stating what the program should do and how it should perform under various conditions. Then test cases are developed for each. In order to find which strategies to follow, levels of testing should be followed.
LEVELS OF TESTING The basic levels are unit testing, integration testing, system testing and acceptance testing. These different levels of testing attempt to detect different types of faults. The different levels of testing are as follows: Unit testing: In this testing different modules are tested against specification produced during design of the modules. Unit testing is essential for verification of code produced during the coding phase and hence its main goal is to test internal logic modules. Integration testing: In this testing tested modules are combined into subsystems which are then tested. The goal here is to see if the modules can be indicated properly and emphasis is being on testing interfaces between modules.
System testing: In this testing the entire software system is tested. The reference document for this process is the requirements document and the goal is to see if the system meets its requirements. This is normally performing on realistic data of the client to demonstrate for the software is working satisfactorily. Testing here focus on external behavior of the system. Black box testing: In Black box testing, test cases are designed from an examination of the I/O values only and no knowledge of design or code is required. In this strategy some test cases are generated as input conditions that fully execute all functional requirements for the program. This testing has been used to find errors in the following categories: Incorrect or missing functions Interface errors Errors in data structure or external database access Performance errors Initialization and termination errors White box testing: One white box testing is said to be stronger than another strategy, if all types of errors detected by the first strategy are also detected by the second testing and the second strategy additionally detects some more types of errors. When two testing strategies detect errors that are different at atleast with respect to some types of errors, they are called complementary.
MAINTENANCE Maintenance is necessary to eliminate errors in the working system during its working life and to tune the system to many variations in its working environment. Often small system deficiencies are found as a system is brought into operation and changes are made to remove them. System planners must always plan for resource availability to carry out these maintenance functions. The importance of maintenance is to continue to bring the new system to standards. The maintenance can be classified into three types such as: Maintenance to repair software faults; coding errors are usually relatively cheaper to correct, design errors are more expensive as they may involve the rewriting of several components. Requirement errors are the most expensive to repair because of the extensive system design which may be necessary. Maintenance to adopt the software to different operating environment; this type of maintenance is required when some aspects of system environments such as hardware, the platform operating system or the other support software changes. The application system must be modified to adopt it to cooperate with these environmental changes. Maintenance to add or modify the system functionality; this type maintenance is necessary when the system requirements change in response to organizational change or business change. The scale of changes required to software is often much greater than that for the other type of maintenance.
The project has made the standards required to work on window based ALUMNI WEBSITE .This will fascilitate the old students to stay in touch with their friends .This website will enable them to refresh their memories and make them feel that they are still remembered and are a part of our MCA family. Different institutions also can use the website for keeping their alumni information.It can also have some other additional functional area like raising funds by the old students . By shifting the project to the Web based environment through Microsoft.Net compact framework, the project can be made into a wider range by which the restrictions of the software and hardware requirements can be scaled down.
The project ALUMNI WEBSITE OF CPGS has been developed as per the requirement specification .It has been developed in Advance Java and ORACLE 10g , the complete system is thoroughly tested with the availability of data and throughput reports which are prepared manually. These are found to be more accurate because of availability of information from various levels. Design procedure and output reports are presented in this project report. This design is so flexible that any new modules can be incorporated easily.