Private Presley is leading box office attraction and has been paying $5'.)0,000 per yr in income taxes. To exempt Private Presley froll further military service on the basis of his box office attraction would be unCur to the many thousands who do not enjoy a sil'lli.1ar distinction. ''the Congress further declares PShat in IIO"'d obllg4t.ions and prl. ---vileges
Private Presley is leading box office attraction and has been paying $5'.)0,000 per yr in income taxes. To exempt Private Presley froll further military service on the basis of his box office attraction would be unCur to the many thousands who do not enjoy a sil'lli.1ar distinction. ''the Congress further declares PShat in IIO"'d obllg4t.ions and prl. ---vileges
Private Presley is leading box office attraction and has been paying $5'.)0,000 per yr in income taxes. To exempt Private Presley froll further military service on the basis of his box office attraction would be unCur to the many thousands who do not enjoy a sil'lli.1ar distinction. ''the Congress further declares PShat in IIO"'d obllg4t.ions and prl. ---vileges
Private Presley is leading box office attraction and has been paying $5'.)0,000 per yr in income taxes. To exempt Private Presley froll further military service on the basis of his box office attraction would be unCur to the many thousands who do not enjoy a sil'lli.1ar distinction. ''the Congress further declares PShat in IIO"'d obllg4t.ions and prl. ---vileges