Family Pension Scheme - 1995 702

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Effective from :16th November, 1995

Presented by Abhay

Purpose of the Family Pension Scheme

To provide pension to Employee On death of employee provide Pension to his family including children Thus Scheme makes provision for : * Old age after retirement * Family after untimely death of employee

Employers contribution - 8.33 % of basic Central Govt.s contribution 1.16 % of basic ---------------------------------------There is no Employees contribution ---------------------------------------(Maximum contribution is made on basic Rs.6500/-)

Eligibility for monthly Pension

Minimum service 10 Years (Except in case of permanent and total disablement) Minimum contribution 1 month

Type of Pension Condition

2 R etirement Pension 4 Permanent & Total D isab lement Pension

Monthly Pension for member

21 Y rs Service + A ge b elow 58 Y rs

1 Superannuation Pension Y rs Service + A ge 58 Y rs 20 3 Short Service Pension 10 Y rs b ut less than 20 y rs Service (irrespective of Pensionab le service)

O ne month's contrib ution to Pension Fund

W ithdrawal b enefit Less than 10 years service

Pension amount
Pensionable salary x Pensionable service Monthly Pension = --------------------------------------------70 *Minimum pension Rs 928/- pm *Permanent & Total Disablement- Min. Pension Rs.250/-pm OPTIONS : Option for commutation Option for Return on Capital

Option for Commutation

In lieu of monthly pension Members can opt to commute maximum upto 1/3rd of his pension so as to receive 100 times the monthy Pension so commuted as commuted value of pension. Balance pension will be paid on monthly basis. Example : Normal Pension is say Rs. 600/-. The pensioner opts to commute 1/3rd of this pension. The commuted value will be equal to 1/3 x 600 x 100= Rs.20,000/- .This will be paid when option for commutation is exercised. The balance of pension will be paid on monthly basis @ Rs. 400/- PM (Rs.600-200=400)


1. Monthly Widow Pension + Monthly Children Pension 2. Monthly Orphan Pension 3. Monthly Nominee Pension

Widow pension
1 I f e m pl o yd ie d i n ee serv i ce

E qu a l to m on th l y pen si on of M em b r e t i r e d o n d t . o f d eRR s .4 5 0 / - p.m . O ath OR A m ou n t i n T a ble C wh i ch ev er i s m o

2 I f e m pl o yd ie d a ft e r E q u a l t o m o n t h l y p e n s i o n o f M e m b ee S e r v i ca n d b e fo r e e r e t i r e d o n d t . o fO e x is .4 5 0 / - pO R . RR t .m a t t a i n i n g a ge o f 5 8 Y e ao u n t i n T a b l e C w h i c h e v e r i s m o am rs 3 I f e m pl o y e e d i e d a ft 5 0 % o f M e m be r 's P e n s i o n er c o m m e n c e m e n t o f (M i n i m u m R s . 4 5 0 / p p m ) m on th ly P en sion

A pplicable P en si on E lig ib ility

S u rv i v i n g ch i ldren of th e deceased m em ber 2 5 % of W idow P en si on ( M i n im u m R s. 15 0 / - pm ) * M a x im u m - 2 c h ild re n * T ill a g e o f 2 5 y e a rs * P erm an en t & T otal di sabled ch i ld w i ll get pen si on i rrespecti v e of age n o. of ch i ldren .

Applicable If widow pension is not payable ( widow or widow remarried and only children are there) 75 % of Widow Pension ( M inimum Rs. 250/ - pm) * Maximum - 2 Orphan Children * Permanent & Total disabled children will get pension irrespective of age and no. of children(Para 16(3)(e).

Pension Eligibility


A p p li c a b leI f n o l i v i n g s p o u s e o r c h i ld P en sio n E q u al to W id o w P en sio n

Option for Return on Capital Return on capital. Members can opt for reduce pension to avail
Sr.No. AL T E R NAT IVE S R E VISE D PE NSION R E T UR N ON C APIT AL 1 a) R evised Pension during lifetim e of original 90 % 10 0 tim es original of . of M em ber + M onthly pension m onthly pension on b) R eturn on C apital on death of death of M em ber to m em ber nom inee 2 a) R evised Pension during lifetim e% of original 90 90 tim es original of of M em ber Andlifetim e of W idowM onthly pension to m onthly pension on M em ber And on his death of widow/ death 80 % of original arriage to nom inee rem m onthly Pension to W idow 3 Pension for fixed period of 2 0 yrs .5 % of m onthly 10 0 tim es original 87 of (W hether m em ber lives or dies pension for 2 0 yrs m onthly pension at he during the said period) ( After 2 0 yrs pension of 2 0 years to end will cease) M em ber if he is alive, otherwise to Nom inee T his is in addition to W idow/ C hildren/ Orphan norm al pension on death of

Remember ..
Types of monthly pension 1. Monthly pension to member on his :
* Superannuation Pensions( 20yrs service + 58 yrs age) * Retirement Pension ( 20 yrs service + Age below 58 yrs). * Short service pension (10yrs but less than 20 yrs service) Options : Option for commutation Option for Return on Capital

2. Monthly pension to Member on Permanent & total disablement. (Minimum Rs.250/- p.m.) 3. Monthly pension to family upon death of member : a) Widow Pension b) Children Pension c) Orphan Pension 4. Pension to nominee If no family or unmarried

Thank you
I welcome your question, if any.

For further details you can contact me on [email protected]

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