FTP Client Library For C#
FTP Client Library For C#
FTP Client Library For C#
I started out wrapping fully the WinInet API, but it was sucha labourous task that it made sense to just to the FTP,
sinse Microsoft has great support for HTTP, I could skip that, and later work on SMTP.
● Upload
● Recursive Upload
● Download
● Resume
● Delete
● Rename
● Create Directory
● Asynchronous operation
Asynchronous operation
A little more advanced, the asynchronous operation is for when you need the job to fork while your code continues over
the method. All asynchronous method start with Begin.
Using it is simple. You need a couple of things, an AsyncCallback object and a method which it handles, like so:
When the upload finishes (or throws an exception), the CloseConnection method will be called.
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