Somatoform Disorders

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somatoform disorders

300.81 somatization disorder
300.11 conversion disorder
300.7 hypochondriasis
300.7 body dysmorphic disorder
307.xx pain disorder
307.80 associated with psychological factors
307.89 associated with both psychological factors and a general
medical condition
300.82 undifferentiated somatoform disorder
300.82 somatoform disorder nos

somatization refers to all those mechanisms by which anxiety is translated into

physical illness or bodily complaints. the expression of physical symptoms suggests
the presence of physiological disorder, but there are no demonstrable organic
findings/known pathological mechanisms, or the symptoms are not fully explained by
any physical disorder. that is, the symptoms are in excess of what would be expected
from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings. there does exist,
however, positive evidence, or a strong presumption, that the symptoms are linked
to psychological factors or conflicts. these disorders are more common in women
than in men, with somatization disorder rare in men.

this disorder may represent an unconscious transformation of internal conflicts
into physical symptoms that can be explained in terms of the ego’s ability to control
the sensory and motor apparatus, which may have specific meaning for the client.
dependency is common in individuals with somatoform disorders, and fixation in
an earlier level of development may be evident. repression is the primary defense
mechanism, as severe anxiety is repressed and manifested by the presence of
physical symptoms.

although biological and neurophysiological influences in the etiology of anxiety
have been investigated, no relationship has yet been established. however, there
does seem to be a genetic influence with a high family incidence.
the autonomic nervous system discharge that occurs in response to a frightening
impulse and/or emotion is mediated by the limbic system, resulting in the peripheral
effects of the autonomic nervous system seen in the presence of anxiety. these
manifestations of anxiety may be related to physiological abnormalities.

family dynamics
the family contributes to these conditions by initiating, reinforcing, and
perpetuating the behavior patterns. the children learn (overtly or covertly) that
physical complaints are acceptable ways of coping with stress and obtaining
attention, care, and gratification of dependency needs. the client may gain attention
and meet these needs by overdramatization of the symptoms, resulting in
overinvolvement of other family members in enmeshed behavior patterns. in the
beginning, the client may exaggerate minor symptoms to prove she or he is really ill
when others ignore reports of illness.


general weakness

heart rate may be elevated if symptoms mimic those of cardiopulmonary disease
(similar to those experienced during panic attack)

ego integrity
preoccupation with imagined defect in appearance or markedly excessive concern
with slight physical anomaly not better accounted for by another mental disorder
(e.g., dissatisfaction with body shape/size in anorexia nervosa [body dysmorphic
evidence of severe psychological stress preceding onset/exacerbation of the physical
symptoms (e.g., death of a loved one [conversion])
preoccupation with fear of having a serious disease (hypochondriasis)
use of denial; evidence that presence of the symptoms alleviates or promotes
avoidance of the psychological conflict
feelings of anger, helplessness, powerlessness
report of issues suggesting unconscious secondary gain (e.g., attention of others,
financial reimbursement, change in role expectations/responsibilities)

urinary retention
constipation, diarrhea

two or more gi symptoms (e.g., nausea, vomiting, bloating, intolerance of several
different foods, difficulty swallowing [somatization])
changes in eating patterns (loss of appetite/excessive intake)
weight loss/gain

may neglect and/or report inability to perform basic adls
excessive concern/preoccupation with/or more imagined defects in appearance (body
dysmorphic disorder)
mental status exam:
fearfulness; preoccupation with belief of having serious disease; anxiety (symptoms
associated with moderate to severe level) or la belle indifférence (lack of concern
about loss of physical functioning)
depressed mood
communication patterns: ruminating about physical symptoms
may display loss of consciousness other than fainting (somatization)
apparent loss of or alteration in voluntary motor or sensory functioning that suggests
neurological disease (e.g., blindness, double vision, deafness, paralysis, anosmia,
aphonia, episodic seizure activity, and coordination disturbances [especially
common in conversion disorder])

pain in 1 or more anatomical sites of at least 6 months’ duration and of sufficient
severity to warrant clinical attention (pain disorder); involving 4 different sites of
function (e.g., head, abdomen, back, joints, chest, during
urination/menstruation/sexual intercourse [somatization])
excessive use of analgesics with minimal relief of pain

respiratory rate may be increased
shortness of breath without exertion

may report suicidal ideations, inability to continue in current situation

social interactions
observed/reported impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning
acute withdrawal from life activities, fear of being seen/scrutinized by others in public
setting (body dysmorphic disorder)

one or more sexual/reproductive symptoms other than pain, e.g., decreased
libido/sexual indifference, irregular menses/excessive menstrual bleeding,
erectile/ejaculatory difficulties, pseudocyesis (false pregnancy), somatization

reports of physical symptoms of several years’ duration beginning before the age of
30 (somatization)
history of a past experience with true serious organic disease, in self or close family
member (hypochondriasis)
history of frequent visits to physicians (doctor shopping) to obtain relief/requests for
surgery despite medical reassurance of absence of organic pathology or need for
plastic surgery (e.g., facelift, liposuction)
failure to improve despite multiple approaches/therapies
expression of anger and frustration toward physicians for “inability to determine
cause of physical symptoms”

virtually any diagnostic procedure (including exploratory surgery) may be
performed as deemed appropriate to rule out organic pathology in light of the
physical symptom(s) presented by the client.
urine and/or serum toxicology screen: determines evidence of substance

1. alleviate or minimize physical symptoms/chronic pain.
2. promote client safety.
3. resolve potentially dysfunctional areas of client/family dynamics.
4. promote independence in self-care activities.
5. provide information and support for lifestyle changes.

1. relief obtained from admitting physical symptom(s).
2. client/family recognizes relationship between psychological stressors and
onset/exacerbation of physical symptoms(s).
3. stress management techniques used appropriately to prevent the
occurrence/exacerbation of the physical symptom(s).
4. level of function/independence increased.
5. plan in place to meet needs after discharge.

nursing diagnosis coping, individual, ineffective

may be related to: severe level of anxiety, repressed; personal
unrealistic perceptions
history of self or loved one having experienced a
serious illness
retarded ego development; fixation in earlier
level of development; unmet dependency needs
inadequate coping skills
possibly evidenced by: verbalized inability to cope/problem-solve
high illness rate, multiple physical complaints
that are not fully explained by a known general
medical condition
decreased functioning in social/occupational
narcissistic tendencies, with total focus on self
and physical symptoms; demanding behaviors
history of “doctor-shopping”
inappropriate use of defense mechanisms (e.g.,
denial of correlation between physical symptoms
and psychologic problems); refusal to attend
therapeutic activities
desired outcomes/evaluation criteria— verbalize need for change within dysfunctional
client will: system.
recognize correlation between physical symptoms
and pyschological problems.
demonstrate adaptive coping strategies in the
face of stressful situations, discontinuing use of
physical symptoms as a response.
report reduction of/relief from physical


review laboratory and diagnostic results with the client has the right to knowledge about own care.

client in simple, easy-to-understand terminology. honest explanation may help client to understand

answer any questions that may have arisen from psychological implications. anxiety is high, so
discussions with the physician. learning is difficult, thus, explanations need to be
kept simple and concrete.
show unconditional positive regard. convey that denial of the client’s feelings is nontherapeutic
you understand the symptom is real to the client, and interfaces with establishment of a trusting
even though no organic pathology can be found. nurse/client relationship.
discuss possibility of and client’s perceptions of limitations imposed by chronic “illness/
behavior(s) as self-destructive. determine suicidaldisabilities” prevent client from full participation
risk as appropriate. in life activities. in conjunction, multiple conflicts
(e.g., medical, financial, family, legal) increase
likelihood of feelings of depression, helplessness,
and hopelessness, which may in turn lead to
substance abuse, dependence on
agents, and/or suicidal ideation necessitating
additional therapeutic interventions.
be available to assist the client with basic to deny client this need at this time would result
dependency needs in the initial stages of the in an increased anxiety level and intensification
relationship. recognize, however, that the client the physical condition to preserve the
may be using maladaptive behaviors role.
gradually decrease response to time and assistance positive reinforcement enhances self-
esteem and
required by the client as the trusting relationship encourages repetition of desirable behaviors.
becomes established. encourage independent doing things for oneself helps to develop
behaviors and respond with positive reinforcement. independence and improves coping
encourage verbalizations of honest feelings, verbalization of feelings in a nonthreatening
including feelings of anger within appropriate limits. environment may help the client come to
with the unresolved issues.
provide safe method of hostility release (e.g., presence of depression and/or suicidal behaviors
pounding pillows). help client to identify true may be viewed as anger turned inward on self.
source of anger and work on adaptive coping skills when this anger is vented in a
for use outside the therapeutic setting. environment, the client may resolve these
regardless of the discomfort involved.
withdraw attention if rumination about physical lack of response to maladaptive behaviors may
symptoms begins. discourage their repetition.
help client identify symbols of hope in own life encourages client to focus on reasons for wanting

through exploration and discussion. to change life.

explore past experiences with client and correlateuntil denial defense is eliminated, change
appearance of physical symptoms with times of for improvement will not occur.
discuss possible alternative coping behaviors client because of high level of anxiety, client
may require
may use in response to stress (e.g., relaxation assistance in problem-solving and the ability to
techniques, deep breathing; physical activities, such recognize available alternatives. positive
as jogging, aerobics, brisk walks, housekeeping reinforcement enhances self-esteem and
chores, sex). offer positive reinforcement for use of encourages repetition of desirable coping
these alternatives. behaviors. note: stimulating
should be avoided in late evening hours to
increasing level of anxiety, which could interfere
with sleep.

discourage excessive sleep during the day, and daytime sleep may be used as a defense to deal
encourage establishment of a routine pattern of with pain/stressors. ritualistic patterns and a
sleep and activity with inclusion of customary realistic balance of activity and rest induce
bedtime rituals (e.g., warm baths, massage, warm/ relaxation, promote inducement of sleep
nonstimulating drinks or reduction of fluid intake, appropriate times, and decrease interruptions of
light snacks). sleep. obtaining quality sleep enhances client’s
ability to deal with pain and develop new coping

report/investigate any new physical complaints. although physical symptoms have been used as a

way of coping by the client, the possibility of

organic pathology must always be considered to
prevent jeopardizing client safety/well-being.

provide information and recommendations understanding the client’s psychological needs
regarding condition to other healthcare providers.and symptoms may promote a team approach for

avoid suggesting that “the problem is all in the healthcare. research suggests a regular schedule
client’s mind.” brief medical appointments/examinations every
4–6 weeks at preset times (not on demand), with
the avoidance of laboratory tests, surgeries, and
hospitalizations (unless absolutely necessary) can

enhance the client’s sense of well-being and

actually reduce annual medical costs.

administer medications, if indicated: psychopharmacological treatment is usually not

indicated unless anxiety/depression is prominent.
antianxiety agents, e.g., diazepam (valium), antianxiety medications have a calming effect
chlordiazepoxide (librium), alprazolam the client, masking the feelings of anxiety,
(xanax); may minimize physical response. careful
monitoring of use of antianxiety agents is
important because of high addiction potential.

note: sedative side effects may induce sleep

during day, thereby interfering with client’s

at night.
antidepressants, e.g., amitriptyline (elavil), antidepressant medication may elevate the
imipramine (tofranil), fluoxetine (prozac), as it increases level of energy and decreases
sertraline (zoloft). feelings of fatigue. note: potential for suicide
increases as energy level improves.

nursing diagnosis pain, chronic

may be related to: severe level of anxiety, repressed
low-self-esteem; unmet dependency needs
history of self or loved one having experienced a
serious illness
possibly evidenced by: multiple reports of severe/prolonged pain
guarded movement/protective behaviors; facial
mask of pain; fear of reinjury
altered ability to continue previous activities;
social withdrawal
changes in weight, sleep patterns
history of seeking assistance from numerous
healthcare professionals; demands for
desired outcomes/evaluation criteria— acknowledge relationship between psychological
client will: problems and onset/exacerbation of pain.
demonstrate techniques to interrupt escalating
verbalize noticeable reduction/relief of pain.


note and record duration and intensity of pain. the correlation of these factors provides client
assess factors that precipitate onset of pain. observe with information to become aware of
and report any new or different pattern of pain relationship and to gain control of outcome.
behavior to physician. changes in pain necessitate evaluation to rule out

development of organic pathology.

convey to client your belief that the pain is indeed denying or belittling the client’s feelings is

real, even though no organic pathology can be found. nontherapeutic and interferes with the
development of a trusting relationship.
provide nursing comfort measures with a matter-of- may serve to provide some temporary
relief of
fact approach that does not provide added attention pain for the client. secondary gains from
to the pain behavior (e.g., back rub, warm bath, behavior may provide positive reinforcement and
heating pad). can actually prolong use of maladaptive
assist client with activities that distract from focus helps the client to focus on adaptive
on self and pain. patterns and serves as a transition to higher
of therapy.
use distractors to facilitate initiation of discussion of unresolved psychological issues must be
unresolved psychological issues (e.g., open with before maladaptive patterns can be
expression of feelings such as guilt, fear about life eliminated.
help client connect times of onset/exacerbation ofclient’s ability to connect pain to times of
pain with times of increased anxiety. increased anxiety helps to decrease denial and is
the first step in resolution of the problem.
identify specific situations that cause anxiety to rise, use of techniques described may help to
and demonstrate techniques to interrupt the pain anxiety at manageable level and prevent the pain

response (e.g., visual or auditory distractions, from becoming disabling.

guided imagery, breathing exercises, massage,
application of heat or cold, relaxation techniques).
provide positive reinforcement when client is not positive reinforcement, in the form of the nurse’s
focusing on pain. presence and attention, may encourage a
continuation of these more adaptive behaviors by

the client.

review ongoing assessments by physician and the possibility of organic pathology needs to be
laboratory/other diagnostic studies. ruled out.
administer medications as indicated, e.g.:
aspirin, ibuprofen (motrin, advil); asa and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
agents have minimal side effects and low
addiction potential and are useful in treating
episodic exacerbations of chronic pain.
low-dose antidepressants, e.g., amitriptyline helps combat depression, may enhance sleep,
(elavil), doxepin (sinequan), phenelzine reduce level of fatigue, and promote feelings of
(nardil); well-being.
anticonvulsants, e.g., phenytoin (dilantin), studies suggest short-term use may be of some
carbamazepine (tegretol), clonazepam benefit in treating neuropathic and neuralgic pain
(klonopin); while other therapeutic interventions are initiated.
sedative medications at bedtime, e.g., triazolam level of repressed anxiety/physical symptoms

(halcion). may interfere with obtaining quality sleep, which

has a negative impact on energy level and coping
ability. sedatives should not be used for longer
than a 3-week period, as they eventually interfere
with, rather than promote, sleep.
refer to chronic pain clinic. may be helpful to learn ways to manage residual
pain on a long-term basis.

nursing diagnosis body image disturbance

may be related to: severe level of anxiety, repressed
low self-esteem; unmet dependency needs
possibly evidenced by: preoccupation with real or imagined change in
bodily structure and/or function that is out of
proportion to any actual abnormality that may
negative feelings about body/self
fear of negative reaction or rejection by others;
change in social involvement
desired outcomes/evaluation criteria— verbalize realistic perception of bodily condition.
client will: express positive feelings about body.
function independently and interact socially
without experiencing discomfort.


ascertain client’s perception of own body image. information about the way in which the individual
acknowledge that disability is real to the client, views self aids in choosing appropriate
even in the absence of evidence of organic interventions. denial of client’s feelings is
pathology. nontherapeutic and impedes the development of
help client to see that image is distorted and out of recognition that a misperception/distortion
proportion to reality of actual change in structure is necessary before client can accept reality and
and/or function. correct inaccurate perceptions in reduce significance of impairment.
a matter-of-fact, nonthreatening manner.
encourage verbalization of fears and anxieties verbalization of feelings with a trusted individual
associated with identified stressful life situations. may help the client come to terms with
discuss ways in which client may respond more issues. a plan of action formulated with
adaptively in the future. and at a time when anxiety is low may prevent
later dysfunctional response by client.
encourage and give positive feedback for lack of attention to maladaptive behaviors
independent self-care behaviors, while gradually discourages their repetition. positive
withdrawing attention from dependent behaviors. reinforcement enhances self-esteem and
repetition of desirable behaviors.

administer medications as indicated, e.g.:
antidepressants, e.g., clomipramine (anafranil), these psychoactive drugs increase the
amount of
or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, e.g., serotonin available for uptake by brain cells,
fluoxetine (prozac). tends to lessen the individual’s bodily
preoccupations and lifts their spirits.
nursing diagnosis self care deficit (specify)
may be related to: paralysis of body part
inability to see, hear, speak
pain, discomfort
possibly evidenced by: inability to bring food from a receptable to the
mouth; obtain or get to water sources; wash body
or body parts; regulate temperature or flow of
impaired ability to put on or take off necessary
items of clothing, obtain or replace articles of
clothing, fasten clothing, maintain appearance at
a satisfactory level
inability to get to toilet or commode (impaired
mobility); manipulate clothing for toileting; flush
toilet or empty commode; sit on or rise from toilet
or commode; carry out proper toilet hygiene
desired outcomes/evaluation criteria— display willingness to participate in adls.
client will: demonstrate techniques/lifestyle changes to
meet self-care needs.
perform self-care activities independently within
level of ability.


assess degree of impairment; note level of disability establishes client needs and identifies
as well as areas of strength. potentials.
encourage client to perform adls to own level of loss of function may be related to unfulfilled
ability. intervene only when client is unable to dependency needs. intervening when client is
perform. capable of performing independently serves to
foster dependency in the client.
convey a nonjudgmental attitude as nursing a judgmental attitude interferes with the nurse’s
assistance with self-care activities is provided. ability to provide therapeutic care for the client,
remember that the physical symptom is real to the provoking defensiveness that blocks
client and is not within the client’s conscious control. willingness to look at own
provide positive reinforcement for adls performed enhances self-esteem and encourages repetition
independently. desirable behaviors.
encourage client to discuss feelings regarding the self-disclosure and exploration of feelings with a
disability and the need for dependency it creates. trusted individual may help client fulfill unmet
help the client to see the purpose this disability is needs and come to terms with unresolved issues,
serving. thus eliminating the need for maladaptive
involve family members in care at level of their feelings of anger toward the client may interfere
ability/willingness. with ability to provide care in a therapeutic/
nonjudgmental manner.

refer to occupational/physical therapy, community involvement with these programs provides
resources/supports. models, enhances client’s self-esteem, promoting

ability to care for self.

nursing diagnosis sensory/perceptual alterations (specify)

may be related to: psychological stress (narrowed perceptual fields
caused by anxiety, expression of stress as
physical problems/deficits)
poor quality of sleep
presence of chronic pain
possibly evidenced by: reported change in voluntary motor or sensory
function (e.g., paralysis, anosmia, aphonia,
deafness, blindness, loss of touch or pain sensation)
la belle indifférence (lack of concern over
functional loss)
desired outcomes/evaluation criteria— verbalize understanding of emotional problems
client will: a contributing factor to alteration in physical

identify adaptive ways of coping with stress and

community support systems to whom she or he
may go for help.

demonstrate recovery of lost function.


identify gains that the physical symptom is helps provide focus on “actual” problem,
providing for the client (e.g., increased dependency, enhancing appropriateness of
interventions and
attention, distraction from other problems). problem resolution.

assist client with adls with which the physical promotes general well-being, meets comfort and
symptom is interfering. safety needs without undue attention.

allow client to be as independent as possible without encourages client to begin to assume

focusing on the disability. intervene only when client for self. giving attention to the use of the
requires assistance. maladaptive response reinforces secondary gain,
such as dependency.

encourage client to participate in therapeutic gently confronting reality of client’s abilities while

activities to the best of ability. do not allow client to minimizing attention to problem helps
client begin
use disability as an excuse for nonparticipation. to accept own responsibility.
withdraw attention if client continues to focus on
physical limitation. reinforce reality as required
while ensuring maintenance of a nonthreatening

encourage client to verbalize fears and anxieties. may be unaware of relationship between physical

help client recognize that physical symptom appears symptom and emotional stress.
at times of extreme stress and is a way of coping with
that stress.

help client identify positive coping mechanisms that client has been accustomed to using
can be used when faced with stressful situations. coping to retreat from reality and needs to begin
change to more realistic ways of dealing with

explain/review assertiveness techniques and use enhances self-esteem and minimizes anxiety in
role-play to practice use. interpersonal relationships.

identify so(s), other support systems that can satisfactory supports can help client cope with
provide assistance to the client. overwhelming stress.

monitor ongoing assessments, laboratory findings, assures client that possibility of organic
and other data. is clearly ruled out. failure to do so may
client safety.

nursing diagnosis social interaction, impaired

may be related to: inability to engage in satisfying personal
preoccupation with self and physical symptoms;
altered state of wellness, chronic pain
rejection by others due to focus on self/physical
possibly evidenced by: preoccupation with own thoughts; repetitive
verbalization about self/physical symptoms
seeking to be alone; uncommunicative,
withdrawn; no eye contact; sad, dull affect
absence of supportive significant others(s)—
family, friends, social contacts
desired outcomes/evaluation criteria— spend time voluntarily with others in group
client will: activities.
interact with others without apparent discomfort.
demonstrate interest in others, while
discontinuing use of statements that focus on
self/physical symptoms.


spend time with client after setting limits on the nurse’s presence conveys a sense of
attention-seeking behaviors. withdraw presence ifworthwhileness to the client. lack of
ruminations about physical symptoms begin. reinforcement of maladaptive behaviors may help

to decrease their repetition.

increase amount of time/attention given during this separates the person from the behavior and
times when client is not focusing on physical increases feelings of self-worth as unconditional
symptoms. acceptance is experienced by the client without
need for the physical symptoms.
describe client’s interpersonal behaviors objectively. client may not realize how own behavior is

emphasize how the focus on self/physical perceived by others/results in alienation.

symptoms discourages relationships with others.
assist client in learning assertiveness techniques, use of these techniques enhances self-esteem
especially the ability to recognize the difference facilitates communication and mutual acceptance

between passive, assertive, and aggressive behaviors in interpersonal relationships.

and the importance of respecting the human rights
of others while protecting one’s own basic rights.
encourage attendance in group activities after client as a trusted individual, the nurse provides
is interacting appropriately in the 1:1 relationship. objective feedback about client’s behavior
in the
accompany the client the first few times. group. subsequent discussion and role-play on a
1:1 basis may help prepare client for future group

encounters and may promote success with this

provide positive feedback for any attempts at social positive feedback enhances self-esteem
interaction in which the client’s focus is on others encourages repetition of desirable behaviors.
rather than self/physical symptoms.

nursing diagnosis knowledge deficit [learning need] regarding

condition, prognosis, and treatment needs
may be related to: strong denial defense system
severe level of repressed anxiety
preoccupation with self and pain
lack of interest in learning
possibly evidenced by: verbalization of denial statements, such as, “i
don’t know why the doctor put me on the
psychiatric unit, i have a physical problem.”
history of “doctor shopping” for evidence of
organic pathology to substantiate physical
lack of follow-through with psychiatric treatment
desired outcomes/evaluation criteria— verbalize understanding of psychological
client will: implications of physical symptoms.
report relief from physical symptoms.
demonstrate more appropriate coping
mechanisms to employ in response to stress.


ascertain client’s level of knowledge regarding knowing what information the individual already
effects of psychological problems on the body. be has provides a base that is necessary to develop
aware of degree to which denial defense controls effective teaching plan for the client. strong
client’s behavior. system needs to be penetrated before learning
assess client’s level of anxiety and readiness to learn. effective learning does not take place
when level
of anxiety is moderate to severe. client’s
focus precludes attending to external cues.
explain purpose and review results of laboratory/ client has basic right to knowledge about care.
diagnostic testing, as well as aspects of the physical objective knowledge about physical
examination. may help to break through the strong denial
have client keep 2 separate records: (1) a diary ofcomparison of these records may provide
the appearance, duration, and intensity of physical objective data from which to observe the
symptoms and (2) a journal of situations that the relationship between physical symptoms and
client finds especially stressful. stress. guided therapeutic writing is also a useful
tool for monitoring the client’s safety and
to interventions.
help client identify needs that are being met through client usually does not realize that the
the sick role (e.g., dependency needs, attention symptoms are fulfilling unmet needs. recognition
seeking, or cover-up for painful conflicts in life needs to be achieved before change can occur.
situation). role-play can relieve anxiety by helping client
anticipate responses to stressful situations.
help client recognize and accept more adaptive these techniques may be employed in an attempt

means for fulfilling these needs. practice through to relieve anxiety and discourage the use of
role-playing. demonstrate/encourage use of physical symptoms as a maladaptive response.
adaptive methods of stress management (e.g., additionally, exercise therapy need not be
relaxation techniques, physical exercises, or intensive to stimulate release of endorphins
meditation, breathing exercises, autogenics). enhance client’s sense of general well-being.
incorporate occupational/recreational therapy daily activities can provide opportunities to
activities in treatment plan to help client learn learn/practice specialized techniques for coping
adaptive coping mechanisms. with stress (e.g., decision-making, problem-
solving, housekeeping, art/plant therapy,
bowling, volleyball, weight lifting).
encourage participation in outdoor education involvement in activities that challenge physical
program, e.g., wall/rock climbing, hiking, caving. and psychological abilities can help the client
to become more self-aware and confident and
increase self-esteem.
include family/so(s) in learning opportunities, having understanding support from significant
assisting them to understand underlying reasons other(s) can help client to accept reality of
for client’s behavior. and make required changes.

nursing diagnosis sexual dysfunction, actual/risk for

may be related to: perceived or actual loss of bodily structure or
preoccupation with physical symptoms; total
focus on self/chronic pain response
fear of contracting a serious disease
possibly evidenced by (actual): alterations in relationship with so
actual/perceived limitation imposed by condition
change in interest in self/others; sexual
lack of pleasure/pain [dyspareunia] during
inability to achieve or maintain erection
desire to achieve greater satisfaction in sexual
desired outcomes/evaluation criteria— identify underlying stressors that contribute to
client will: dysfunction.
discuss concerns/perceptions with partner.
demonstrate techniques to control stressors.
verbalize achievement of sexual functioning at a
mutually desired level.


obtain sexual history, including previous pattern of identifies individual need(s) in order to
functioning and client’s perception of current therapeutic interventions
determine pattern of drug use, including type, certain types of drugs can interfere with sexual
amount, and frequency of use. functioning, e.g., alcohol, tranquilizers, narcotics,
antihypertensives, antidepressants.
identify stressors in client’s life. explore correlation recognition and acceptance of
of stressful situations to onset of sexual dysfunction. implications (progression beyond the
defense) need to occur before positive change
be effected.
be aware of pathophysiology that could negatively organic pathology as an etiological factor
needs to
affect sexual functioning, e.g., hypertension, diabetes. be considered in problem-solving when
goals and identifying appropriate interventions.
provide education regarding sexual functioning and client may have misinformation about
alternative methods of fulfillment, as client indicates bodily functioning that may interfere with
need and desire for this type of information. fulfillment. alternative methods may help to meet

a need until desired level of functioning is

include so in sessions as appropriate. input from client’s sexual partner will have a

significant influence on client’s progress. the

couple should be treated as a unit. an absence of
mutual trust and unwillingness to discuss each
other’s needs interferes with the goals of

refer to appropriate resources, such as clinical may require individuals with a greater degree of
specialist, professional sex therapist, or family knowledge and expertise in this specialty area to
counselor. achieve resolution of persistent problem(s).

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