Hero Quest Rules
Hero Quest Rules
Hero Quest Rules
Hero Quest is a board game by Milton Bradley was released around 1990, and is sadly no longer available. It is a role-playing game that was simplified to a few simple actions (move, attack, and search) and was played out on a wonderfully illustrated game board divided into a grid. It allowed up to 4 people to play as heroes and 1 person (called Zargon) to control all the monsters, and also incorporated random elements by using cards and dice. The most attractive of its features were its ease of play and some of the best 3-D plastic figures and furniture available at the time, that could be placed anywhere on the board. Hero Quest also spawned 4 quest packs - with additional figures - adding 40 quests to the original 12 (plus 2 more quest packs not available in the U. S.) Unfortunately, Milton Bradley discontinued the line before it could really catch on. Games Workshop, a game company from Great Britain followed with a game called Advanced Hero Quest, bringing more quests, furniture and figures (Games Workshop, in fact, employed the artists who sculpted of the original figures), but that died as well. Games Workshop also made a more advanced game called Warhammer Quest which, although similar to Hero Quest, does not have the sheer simplicity of play that Hero Quest had. The original Hero Quest's simplicity is directly attributable to its special dice, which is also no longer available.
As it is right now, Milton Bradley does NOT authorize this version of Hero Quest. It is not posted as my own idea or for profit of ANY kind. I am looking into the possibility to bring this version to the public but for now this is a private project and items contained are for friends and family only. ALSO: Please do not steal any of the ideas contained here, we've spent far too many hours of planning to get this version to work smoothly. If all goes well, someday this may be made available to the public.
New features include six races, twelve classes, strength and dexterity checks, and a whole new spellcasting system with new spells for the mage (and a new class; The Cleric) as well as new spells for the enemies. There are more items to buy in the shops as well as new artifacts to find in the game. We have also made over 35 new beasts and monsters to fight against, from the simple rat or hobyah, all the way to a lich or a dragon!
The rules and ideas contained here are designed to expand upon the Hero Quest game designed by Milton Bradley, all ideas are used without permission and are for personal use only. Major influences on this version of Hero Quest are Dragon Raid, Dragon Strike, and Warhammer Quest. Other influences: Advanced Hero Quest, Battle Masters, Dark World, DragonFire, Dungeon, DungeonQuest, Key to the Kingdom, Talisman, and of course Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. A special thank-you should also be said to Dr. Pepper Cola.
This instruction booklet assumes that the player is familiar with the idea of role-playing games. It is not necessary for the player to have played this kind of game before, but there may be a few terms used that may confuse the uninitiated. This also assumes that you have played the original Milton Bradley version of Hero Quest and have access to the game and the original rules. If you dont have a copy of the game, get on eBay and find it. Its possible to play without it, but the Combat Dice are so integral to the game that to play without them is very frustrating. The rules written here are in addition to the rules laid out in the Original Hero Quest game. Major differences are the fact that there are more than four different types of Heroes, and there are ability feats that may be performed. If there are any questions on how something is done, first consult the original Hero Quest rulebook for guidelines, then find the appropriate section in these rules for modification.
You will notice that in addition to changing some of the rules, we incorporated some new types of dice. The original Combat Dice (CD) from Hero Quest are still an integral part of the game, but we also use the regular set of gaming dice that can be found at game and hobby stores. This set of dice includes: 4 sided (d4), 6 sided (d6), 8 sided (d8), 10 sided (d10), 12 sided (d12) and 20 sided (d20) dice. Also, you may see reference to a 100 sided die (d100) which, although one does exist, it's practically a ball, so you can substitute two 10 sided dice (2d10) and count one die as tens and one die as ones and get the same count. We also mention a 'Starlot' which is a special clear colored 10 sided die - and can be substituted with any 10 sided die (d10). Other special dice are the Treasure Die, a Trap Die, and a Critical Trap Die. These were found at a local game and hobby store, they may still be there, but it's been awhile since I looked. If you do not have these dice, you can always return to the original method of determining traps and treasure. Models for new creatures can be found at most game and hobby stores. Games Workshop makes some wonderful models.
Occasionally you may encounter hindering terrain (deep water, piles of rubble, etc.,) areas that you can still move through but will slow you down. In these cases, every step in a hindering terrain space counts as two steps, you slow down to half speed until you return to open areas again.
Example: When jumping a pit trap, the rules of movement are still the same, you must have enough movement points to make it over the pit, but instead of rolling a Combat Die, you would have to make a successful Feat of Dexterity roll to make it across.
There are also some actions that a Hero may do at any time that do not count as actions, such as:
Open and Close Doors Listening Talking with the Locals Looking Trading Items Sensing Evil * * As race or class allows Occasionally a player may come up with an action that is not on this list. That's fine - imagination is encouraged when playing this game. However, you should then determine if that new action can be classified as an Action or a Non-Action. In either case, Zargon always is the final judge on such matters. If there is no Zargon, all players should take a vote. No whining is allowed.
4 Scrolls are parchments imbued with power to perform an action. A Mage or Cleric may, if he wishes, add the Mage/WordRune scroll into his repertoire by memorizing it. (This destroys the actual scroll, but the Spell/WordRune is permanently memorized.) If the scroll is already known, or is of another type, a learned Hero may cast a spell using the scroll. It does not cost any Mana, but the scroll is destroyed.
AXE - Event Card or Wandering Monster MAGIC DAGGER - Artifact or Magic Item SCROLL - Scroll, Spell or WordRune GOLD - Coin x 10g or Treasure card GEM - Starlot x 10g SHIELD - Equipment card Hero Actions: Search for Secret Passages & Search for Traps
In games with Zargon, a Hero should declare that he wants to search for secret passages or traps. He may only search for one per turn. He then should roll an ability die as labeled on his character sheet. A roll of 7 or greater means that Zargon should reveal all the passages or traps in the room or corridor where the Hero searched, if any were there, unless Zargon deems otherwise. A roll less than 7 means that the Hero failed to locate any traps. This doesn't mean that there aren't any to find. In a game where there isn't a Zargon, this action gets a little more complicated. A Hero sets off a trap when the result of his movement die is the lowest possible number (2 on two die, 3 on three die, etc. - except when riding a mule). The Hero then has an immediate chance to see if he noticed the trap first by rolling on his Find Traps chart. if he was unsuccessful, he has set off the trap. If he noticed the trap, then he may use his next action to try and disarm the trap. Or, he can avoid the next square that he were heading to, as that was the trapped square. (This has to be done on the honor system.)
SPEAR TRAP - Suffer result of a 1CD, no defense. SCYTHE TRAP - Suffer result of a 2CD, no defense. FALLING BLOCKS - Suffer result of a 3CD, no defense, square is blocked. PIT TRAP - Fall in trap, loose 1 BP. POISON GAS - All Heroes in room or corridor suffer 1BP. BROKEN TRAP - Trap is broken, no damage. Hero still ends turn.
EXPLOSION - Heroes on trap square and all 8 adjacent squares are knocked backward and suffer 4 BP. A successful Dexterity Roll decreases damage by half. DEEP PIT - Hero suffers 2 BP, no way out without a rope, a levitation spell or a successful Dexterity Roll. FIRE TRAP - Hero on square suffers result of 4CD, no defense. ACID - Completely destroys one random weapon or armour. LIGHTNING - Lightning shoots out in all 4 compass directions, hits all Heroes with metal armour with 3CD+1. DEATH - Hero is knocked to 0 Body Points.
Characters come in one of three types of alignment: good, neutral, and evil. Customarily, this distinction is used to determine how a Hero behaves toward other Heroes. Generally, Heroes are good or neutral. Rarely are there evil Heroes unless they are infiltrating the party. A Paladin will not allow any evil characters join his party, and may refuse aid to any evil characters. An evil Hero is usually controlled by Zargon, but may be used by another player. He may not be trusted by the others, however, and a lone Hero doesn't last long in this game.
Generating Monsters
Useful for times when there isn't a Zargon and monsters are called for, or if Zargon himself wants to randomly generate a group of monsters for his amusement. To do this, roll 1D12 and look up the results on the Basic Monster Chart below. Or, roll 1D100 (or 2 10-sided dice, one for ones and one for tens), then look up the number on the Advanced Monster Chart located elsewhere.
Attack Defend Feats of Strength Find Traps/Secret Doors Classes Allowed Attributes Restrictions Weapon and Armour Restrictions 1 2 Roll D10 Roll D8 Body Points Mind Points Feats of Dexterity Disarm Traps 5 4 Roll D10 Needs Tool Kit
Animal Master, Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Mage, Ranger. Move with 3 dice outdoors, may use hooves for a second attack of 3CD. None Centaurs learn to fight with a halberd and spear. However, they are just as formidable with a bow. Because of their size they can easily carry a claymore and can use it well. Their second weapon is limited to 2CD or less.
Attack Defend Feats of Strength Find Traps/Secret Doors Classes Allowed Attributes Restrictions Weapon and Armour Restrictions 1 2 Roll D10 Roll D10 Body Points Mind Points Feats of Dexterity Disarm Traps 6 3 Roll D8 Roll D8
Assassin, Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Thief. May attack twice with battleaxes or any Runed weapons, can see in almost complete darkness. Are blinded in bright sunshine (-1CD attack, -1CD defend.) A dwarfs weapon of choice is an axe/battle axe and crossbow, but he is not above using a sword when necessary. His second weapon is limited to 2CD or less.
Attack Defend Feats of Strength Find Traps/Secret Doors Classes Allowed Attributes Restrictions Weapon and Armour Restrictions 1 2 Roll D10 Roll D10 Body Points Mind Points Feats of Dexterity Disarm Traps 5 4 Roll D12 Needs Tool Kit
Animal Master, Assassin, Cleric, Fighter, Mage, Ranger, Thief. Know all Elf Spells, add 1CD to bows, may see in almost complete darkness. May not be resurrected. Elves' slight build and heightened agility as well as their fellowship with nature give them an extra advantage with a bow. They prefer the sleek blade of a sword for their attacks. Their second weapon is limited to 2CD or less.
Note: There are four known types of Elves: The High Elves are the masters of the Elves and have the closest resemblance to Humans. The Wood Elves stand one half meter tall and are the caretakers of the woods' flora and fauna. Wood Elves are very unreliable and mischievous, but will obey the words of the High Elves. The True Elves are thought to be extinct. Their direct descendants are the Faeries. Dark Elves are High Elves that have turned to the side of evil. Dark Elves care not for the protection of the land, but instead follow their own selfish motives.
Attack Defend Feats of Strength Find Traps/Secret Doors Classes Allowed Attributes 1 3 Roll D8 Roll D12 Body Points Mind Points Feats of Dexterity Disarm Traps 3 4 Roll D20 Needs Tool Kit
Animal Master, Assassin, Cleric, Fighter, Gypsie, Mage, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief. Will never be surprised by a wandering monster. If a wandering monster appears during their turn, they will have an immediate extra action before the monster attacks (to flee, fight, etc.) May not wear platemail, attacks with one less CD when using melee weapons than the weapon's normal rating (but never less than 1CD), may use a two handed weapon, but never a secondary weapon. (Shields are still allowed.) The Feline, with its petite frame and enhanced dexterity, has a natural increased defense roll, but their size also limits it to chainmail armour or less. Its weapon of choice is the narrow blade of a sword or sabre. Its second weapon is limited to base strength of 2CD or less.
Note: The Feline race, although having been granted its freedom by King William, is still regarded as slave labor by some Humans in the less enlightened areas of Westerland. (Other races have always regarded Felines as equals.) Therefore, Felines are often refused service in some shops and inns. This is, of course, cause for some animosity toward the Humans from an otherwise spirited and carefree race.
Attack Defend Feats of Strength Find Traps/Secret Doors Classes Allowed Attributes Restrictions Weapon and Armour Restrictions 1 2 Roll D8 Roll D8 Body Points Mind Points Feats of Dexterity Disarm Traps 4 4 Roll D10 Needs Tool Kit
Animal Master, Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Mage, Thief. May move through monsters, may hide as an action. May not wear platemail, limited to using a weapon with a base strength of 2CD or less. Halflings, because of their size, are limited to using a weapon strength of 2CD or less. However, their second weapon may be just as strong. Halflings may not wear platemail.
Attack Defend Feats of Strength Find Traps/Secret Doors Classes Allowed Attributes Restrictions Weapon and Armour Restrictions 1 2 Roll D10 Roll D8 Body Points Mind Points Feats of Dexterity Disarm Traps 4 4 Roll D10 Needs Tool Kit
Assassin, Barbarian, Bard, Cavalier, Cleric, Fighter, Gypsie, Mage, Paladin, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief. Humans are the luckiest and most versatile creature in the realm. (They alone are allowed to use Luck.) None Humans are the most versatile, and therefore have the fewest restrictions. Their second weapon is restricted to 2CD or less.
Note: Although Faeries are no longer a race choice for the current version of Hero Quest, it is still provided here as a reference in case the character ever shows up as an NPC. Attack Defend Feats of Strength Find Traps/Secret Doors Classes Allowed Attributes / Restrictions 1 2 Roll D8 Roll D10 Body Points Mind Points Feats of Dexterity Disarm Traps 3 5 Roll D12 Needs Tool Kit
Animal Master in their true form. Faeries can fly, know all Element Spells and may be Animal Masters in their true form. They may not wear armour or attack with metal weapons. They may also change their form to any other race and/or class, but if they remain in that form for more than 5 turns they are stuck forever! Faeries in their true form may not wear armour or attack with metal weapons. When they change their form, they are restricted to the race/class they become.
Faeries are known by a variety of names, depending on where they can be found. It is their magical lifestyle that transforms the faeries into so many forms. Some of the better known forms of faerie are: Asrai - (Nixies) Small, delicate water fairies that live at the bottom of deep lakes. Asrai are beautiful with long green hair and webbed feet. Centuries old and extremely shy, Asrai will only come to the surface to gaze at the moon once every one hundred years, and if they are ever captured, they transform into a pool of water. Brownies - (Menahune) These earth faeries enjoy a reputation of being cheerful and helpful little creatures. They are devoid of mischief and prefer to live in harmony with mortals. Brownies are small and hairy with flat faces and pinhole nostrils, and hardly ever change their appearance. They enjoy playing with children but vanish at the appearance of a disbelieving adult - but this does not discourage them from helping mortals in small ways. The presence of a few brownies is sure protection against the more mischievous of their faerie kin. Banshee - An air spirit of the faerie folk, its natural form is that of a whif of smoke with a vaguely humanlike form but is most often unseen. If a person is talented with the faerie arts (dance, song or art) the banshee would guard him/her in life, however, when such a person nears death, the banshee will cry bitterly for its impending loss, thus is heard the banshee's sorrowful wail. Dryad - A creature of the earth whose natural form actually resembles that of a small tree and will revert to that shape whenever a passerby wanders near. On rare occasions, they have been known to appear to a traveler for whatever reason, in which case they will show themselves in humanlike form, but still retain part of their natural form (leaves for clothing, a nest in their hair, bark like skin, etc.) They have a close relationship with the sylvani but are still shy of the elves. The name dryad is often used for three different types of earth faeries; Oreades are the faeries of mountains and grottoes, Napaeae are the faeries of glens and groves, and Dryads are the faeries of forests and trees. Leprechaun - Tiny inquisitive humanlike faeries with an inherent love of gold, shoes and drink. These tiny cobblers may be found working on a single shoe. It is said that when you capture a leprechaun, you have the right to demand it to reveal its stash of gold. However, beware of their wrath, they will quickly try to trick you into losing it, often at great physical loss. Nymph - The Nymph is perhaps the most dangerous form of faerie because if its appearance and nature. Nymphs can change their appearance to whatever race beholds them, appearing as a flawless specimen of beauty. A nymph longs for the touch of humans and will declare an undying love and eternal devotion toward their victim, and because of their beauty, only the most hardened or wary will keep from being entranced by the captivating faerie. But, after a night of intense pleasure, the faerie will move on, declaring their devotion to yet another victim. Once smitten by a nymph's charms, the victim will pine for the arms of the nymph, rejecting anything else - including food and sleep. Eventually they will die of hunger or go mad. Nymphs live for about 10,000 years, but retain their youthful beauty till the end. Pixie - Pixies are malicious tricksters, their favorite trick is to lead mortals astray. In some cases, they may confuse a mortal so thoroughly that he or she never recovers and wanders aimlessly over the countryside singing songs or talking in mysterious languages. Pixies have the ability to increase their stature at will, but generally resemble small humans about a hand tall. They love to play their flute made of a willow twig and often accompany other faeries during their moonlight dance. Pixies are the protectors of squirrels, rabbits, foxes and other untamed creatures of the woodland. Selkie - This faeries true form bears a striking resemblance to a seal, and often swims with seal schools indistinguishable from their animal friends. The selkie, however, has the ability to shed its seal-skin at will and roam the land in mortal human form (although never going far from their beloved rocky shores.) If someone is fortunate enough to find the shed pelt of a selkie, they control the will of the faerie creature, even to the point of marrying and having children with them. Once the selkie is able to reclaim its skin (often through the help of its own children) it will flee back to its sea life again without looking back. Siren - A faerie bound to the sea, but whose natural form has a semi-birdlike appearance. Dwelling among small islands in dangerous waters, the unmatched sweetness of their singing can be heard a league away, luring unwary sailors to their deaths on the rocky shores. Sirens should not be confused with harpies, although they are described as roughly similar in appearance, a harpy is a wild beast. Sprite - Small glowing people with insect like wings. Sometimes called sidhe (Pronounced "shee") these winged spirits of the forests are known for the tricks they play on mortals or in some cases the magical aid they can give. On midsummer nights it is said they can be seen dancing in the forest clearings. Not to be confused with a Will-o- the-Wisp, which is merely swamp gas. Sylph - An immaterial but visible being whose natural form resembles that of a salamander but can appear in human-like form as well. These faerie creatures don't care much for mortals but are not malevolent, they only wish to be left alone. They inhabit areas surrounded by fire.
Animal Master
An Animal Masters dexterity is increased to the next larger die. He may control up to three animals at one time. On each turn, he and one animal may move and take an action, or he can command two animals to move and take an action each without him. Weapon and Armour Restrictions Animal Masters have no extra restrictions on their weapons or armour.
An Assassin may hide as an action and may pass through spaces occupied by monsters. Her dexterity is increased by two die levels because she will wear no armour. With a successful dexterity roll, she may use her daggers to make a sneak attack (3 attack die - no defense), or throw a dagger (1 attack die - no defense). Once her poison-tipped daggers cut, on each successive turn the victim loses 1 Body Point. When engaged in unarmed hand-to-hand combat with any humanoid creature, an assassin may attempt an instant kill. An instant kill requires a successful hit with one attack die and a successful strength roll. An assassin has an immunity to poisons. Weapon and Armour Restrictions Assassins may not wear any armour heavier than leather, and may only use one-handed edged weapons with a base strength of no more than 2CD.
The mighty Barbarian adds four extra Body Points but loses two mind points. His ability to perform feats of strength is increased by two die levels, but his dexterity is decreased to the next smaller die. He may use any combination of hand-to-hand weapons, but no distance weapons. Full armour will not slow him down. Successfully performing a Feat of Strength will allow him to go Berserk, using two extra Combat Dice. An unsuccessful roll means he's gone temporarily insane and must roll an attack against himself and each adjacent Hero. The Barbarian may not use magical items or cast magic spells. Weapon and Armour Restrictions Note Barbarians may use any combination of weapons without restrictions (but no distance weapons), and may wear full platemail without a reduction in their speed. Some human female Barbarians are also known as Amazons. An Amazon has the same abilities and restrictions as other Barbarians, with the added ability to use a bow and one increased Mind Point. Amazons may not go berserk, nor may they use magical items or cast magic spells.
The Bard is so welcome as a traveling troubadour that he and his whole party never need pay for food and lodging. His vagabond lifestyle and knowledge of song increases his Mind and Body by one point. His repertoire includes WarPaean (all in his party attack with +1CD for 2 turns) and HealHymn (all listening heroes heal 1 B.P.). Without his lyre, however, he is unable to play them. Because a Bard has undergone intense training to learn his art, he is able to understand cryptic runes and is able to read and use Mage Spells and WordRunes. Weapon and Armour Restrictions Bards/Minstrels may not wear platemail, as it interferes with their playing. As a rule, they do not carry any weapon with a base strength stronger than 3CD. Their second weapon is restricted to a base strength of 2CD or less.
Bard Songs
HealHymn WarPaean All listening heroes heal 1 Body Point. All figures in the party attack with +1CD for 2 turns.
The haughty Cavalier is capable of using a longsword or broadsword in each hand, and wields them with masterful skill. Plus, with his heightened agility, each sword increases his defense by one. He is also an expert horseman, attacking with one extra Combat Die for each sword while on horseback. Weapon and Armour Restrictions Cavaliers, being masters of the sword, are capable of using a long sword or broadsword in each hand. They have no armour restrictions.
The devout Cleric has increased her Mind Points by two through prayer and meditation. Her constant communion with God permits the Cleric to Sense Evil and use WordRunes. Clerics can Turn Undead (control 3 skeletons, 2 zombies, or 1 mummy) as an action. Clerics can read and use WordRunes with varying degrees of difficulty. Level-1 WordRunes have an 83% chance of success (5/6), Level-2 have a 67% chance (4/6), Level-3; 50% chance (3/6), Level-4; 33% chance (2/6), Level-5; 17% chance of success (1/6). Her beliefs prevent her from using any sharp edged weapons or studying the arcane magic of a Mage. Weapon and Armour Restrictions WordRunes Clerics/Priests may wear full platemail, and will only use blunt edged weapons. Their second weapon is restricted to a base strength of 2CD or less. A Cleric begins a game with only a maximum of 15 WordRunes in her repertoire. These are determined randomly by rolling two D6, one for the level and one for the number. If a 6 is rolled for the level the Cleric may choose ANY WordRune. But choose carefully, because if a known WordRune is rolled again, that roll is lost and may not be re-rolled.
The fighter is the most basic character available. He is considered to be a character of no class (insert joke here). He has no special attributes or restrictions. A human fighter, however starts out with one luck token. Weapon and Armour Restrictions Fighters have no extra restrictions on their weapons or armour.
The garish Gypsies have been pariahs due to a curse laid on them at the dawn of time. As an action (or upon injury) they may become half man-half beast (bear, wolf, rat, etc.) As humans their Dexterity is increased to the next larger die, and their heartiness increases their Body Points by 1. Weapon and Armour Restrictions Gypsies prefer to wear nothing heavier than chainmail, and may use any weapon in a normal fashion, with their second weapon being no stronger than a base strength of 2CD.
When the Gypsy morphs into its Werefolk form (either as an action or upon injury) they drop all armour and weapons on the spot. When they become beasts, their BPs increase an additional 2 points and their MPs decrease by 2 points. They attack twice with claws (2CD), and once with jaws (3CD). Any successful bite on humans is believed to pass on the curse. A wound from a silver weapon causes double damage. When danger passes, they revert to human form with the same number of wounds. Eventually, it is said, they can no longer become human and must join the ranks of the beastmen. Weapon and Armour Restrictions Werefolk may not wear any armour nor use any weapons, their protection is their agility and tough skin, and their weapons are their claws and fangs.
The mysterious Mage has devoted her life to the study of magic, increasing her Mind Points by two, but a lack of physical training decreased her dexterity and her strength by one die each. In addition she can wear no conventional armour and can only wield one edged weapon at a time. Mages use Mana to cast spells and can have no more than their current Mind Points. Mages may regain 1 Mana Point per turn by resting (as an action). If a Mage uses more Mana than she currently has, the balance is taken from her Mind Points. Human Mages will find that luck is on their side. They begin with one luck token. Weapon and Armour Restrictions Mages/Wizards, in addition to wearing no conventional armour (including shields), may only wield one edged weapon at a time. The weapon may not have a base strength any stronger than 3CD. Mages may not use a second weapon nor any two-handed weapons (other than their staff) as they must always have one hand free for spellcasting. A Mage does not start a game knowing the entire book of Mage Spells, they begin by rolling 2D6 and picking their choice of spells equal to the number of the die roll. Alternately, if you do not want to bother with Mana, Mages know all Element Spells at the beginning of the game however once an Element Spell is cast it is discarded for the rest of the adventure.
Mage Spells
The Holy Paladin has two extra Body Points, two extra Mind Points and can Sense Evil. He may Turn Undead (control 3 skeletons, 2 zombies, or 1 mummy per turn) and Lay on Hands (heal any Hero one Body Point.) as an action. Paladins may use WordRunes, however they may not memorize them like a Cleric. He is immune to plagues or sicknesses. This noble warrior will not allow assassins or evil characters to join his party. Only humans may become Paladins. Weapon and Armour Restrictions Paladins/Templars may wear platemail and may use any normal combination of weapons, with the second weapon having a base strength no stronger than 2CD.
The hearty Ranger has 1 extra Body and Mind Point, and her dexterity is increased by one die, allowing her to use a two handed weapon in one hand and allowing her one extra attack when using a bow. She is immune to confusion spells and never gets lost, her keen eyes increase her ability to find traps and secret doors by one die. A Ranger gains one extra turn if he kills a creature with an edged weapon. A human Ranger begins with a luck token. Weapon and Armour Restrictions Rangers/Scouts have extra training with a bow, and may also use a two handed weapon in one hand. However, their second weapon is still limited to a base strength of 2CD or less.
The devil-may-care Swashbuckler is unique to the Human Race. This adventurer relies on her luck and it serves her well. She begins with two luck tokens. Any completely missed attack or futile defense warrants a re-roll. Her other outstanding ability is that of drinking any monster or hero under the table. Weapon and Armour Restrictions Swashbucklers have no armour restrictions and may use any weapon they desire (but prefer the blade). Their second weapon may not have a base strength stronger than 2CD.
Rogue / Thief
The nimble Rogue believes in creative borrowing. He wears no armour allowing him to move through monsters, hide, and perform much higher feats of dexterity (increased by two die.) His lithe body has one added Body Point. His ability to find secret doors and finding and disarming traps are each increased by two dice. However his feats of strength are decreased by one die. He also has the ability to pick pockets and move stealthily with a successful dexterity roll. A Thief begins with a Tool Kit (increasing their ability to disarm traps by one more die as long as they have it in their possession.) A human Rogue begins with one luck token. Weapon and Armour Restrictions Rogues/Thieves prefer to wear nothing heavier than leather armour (nor will they use a shield), to facilitate silent movement. Weapons with a base strength of 2CD are preferred as anything larger will hinder their stealth, and they will never carry a two-handed weapon (except bows). A second weapon may not have a base strength stronger than 2CD.
Element Spells
Earth Spells Rock Skin
This spell may be cast on any one Hero, including yourself. That Hero, may throw one extra combat die when defending. The spell is broken when the Hero suffers 1 point of Body damage. This spell can be cast on any one Hero, including yourself. That Hero may then move through walls on his next move. He may move through as many walls as his dice roll allows. Caution! There are shaded areas on each Quest Map which indicate solid rock. If a Hero ends his move in one of these areas, he is trapped forever! This spell may be cast on any one Hero, including yourself. Its magical power will immediately restore up to 4 lost Body Points, but does not give a Hero more than his starting number.
This spell may be cast on any one monster, enveloping it in a ball of fire. It will inflict 2 Body Points of damage. The monster then rolls 2D6. For each 5 or 6 rolled, the damage is reduced by 1 point. This spell may be cast on any one monster, blasting it with flames. It will inflict 1 Body Point of damage, unless the monster can immediately roll a 5 or 6 using 1D6. This spell may be cast on any one Hero, including yourself. The next time that Hero attacks, he may roll two extra combat dice. The spell is broken the moment the Hero can no longer "see" a monster.
Fire of Wrath
Swift Wind
Elf Spells
Deep Sleep
This spell may be cast on any monster within your line of sight, as long as the monster has from 1 to 3 Mind Points. The monster falls asleep immediately. It stays asleep until Zargon's next turn. The monster cannot defend against a Hero's attack while it is asleep.
This spell may be cast on the spellcaster or on any one Hero he chooses. The Hero moves unseen as long as he rolls an 8 or lower on his movement dice. If a 9, 10, 11, or 12 is rolled, the spell ends. The Hero can only move and open doors. He cannot attack, search, disarm, Cast spells, spring traps, or be affected by attacks or spells, unless he chooses to cancel the spell.
Double Image
This spell may be cast on the spellcaster or on any one Hero the spellcaster chooses. It causes a life-like image of the Hero, to appear. If an attack against the Hero, is successful, he rolls 1D6. On a 1, 2, or 3, the image was attacked and the Hero suffers no damage. The spell is broken the moment the Hero can no longer see a monster.
Hypnotic Blaze
When this spell is cast, an illusion of a huge, animated flame appears. Every figure in the room or corridor (except for the spellcaster) must roll 1D6. A figure that rolls equal to or less than its Mind Points is unaffected by the illusion. Rolling a number greater than its Mind Points means that the figure is paralyzed for 3 turns - unable to move, attack, or defend.
This spell reduces any one monster's movement to 1 square per turn. The monster also rolls 1 less combat die when it attacks or defends. The monster's movement and combat dice cannot be less than 1. These effects last until the monster is killed or is out of your line of sight.
This spell may be cast on the spellcaster or any one Hero the spellcaster chooses. It temporarily stops time for everyone else on the gameboard, enabling the Hero to take another turn immediately after his current turn.
Twist Wood
This spell causes any wooden weapon, such as a staff, bow, or crossbow, to become warped into uselessness.
By casting this spell, the spellcaster or any one Hero the spellcaster chooses can replay his entire turn. All results of the Hero's first turn are canceled. *You can cast this after any Hero's turn. Casting this spell does not count as your action for the turn.
Cleric WordRunes
When a cleric uses WordRunes, they rely on the will of God, not their own abilities. To determine if God grants them their request, roll a combat die. For a level 1 WordRune, the request is granted with any result but a black shield. For level 2; any result but a white shield. Level 3; you need to roll a skull. Level 4; you need a white shield. And, level 5, only a black shield will do.
Level 1 WordRunes
Bless: Level 1: (1 Chronicles 17:25-27) One Weapon attacks with one extra combat die for the next battle. Curse: Level 1: (Genesis 4:11) One Weapon attacks with one less combat die for the next battle. Cure/Cause Wounds: Level 1: (Luke 6:18-19, Prov. 12:21) Heal one adjacent Hero or harm one adjacent monster 1D4 wounds. Protection from Evil: Level 1: (2 Corinthians 4:8-9) One Hero defends with one extra die next battle. Detect Magic: Level 1: (Ezekiel 13:20) Reveals nature of magic items (if any). Slow Poison: Level 1: (Psalms 140:1,3) Slows the effect of poison to -1BP every other turn.
Level 2 WordRunes
Remove Fear: Level 2: (1 John 4:18a) Dispels Fear Spell. Cause Fear: Level 2: (Luke 12:5) Monsters Attack with 1 die. They may break the spell by rolling a 1 on die equal to their Mind Points. Aid: Level 2: (Joshua 1:9) One Hero gains 2 Body Points for the duration of the battle. Hold Person: Level 2: (Isaiah 8:15) Paralyzes any humanoid for one turn. Victim cannot attack, defend, or move. Unlock Door: Level 2: (Matthew 7:7) Opens any locked door, portcullis, or chest (may set off traps!) Ball of Flame: Level 2: (Hebrews 12:28-29) A ball of flame attacks one monster with three attack die. Monster may defend.
Level 3 WordRunes
Silence: Level 3: (Habakkuk 2:20) Creates a 2x2 square of silence for 2 rounds, making spellcasting impossible. Smite: Level 3: (Proverbs 20:30) Harms one adjacent enemy with 6 combat dice. Monster may defend. Dispel Magic: Level 3: (Ezekiel 36:24) Removes any spell or magical properties from a Hero, his equipment, or a trap. Heal: Level 3: (Isaiah 53:5) All Body Points are restored. Restore Intelligence: Level 3: (James 1:5) All Mind Points are restored. Prayer: Level 3: (2 Thessalonians 3:2-3) All Heroes in view attack with one extra die and all monsters in view defend with one less die until the end of the battle.
Level 4 WordRunes
Neutralize Poison: Level 4: (Mark 16:18) All toxins are purged from an adjacent hero. Set Glyph of Warding: Level 4: (Psalms 118:20) Cleric may set an invisible trap of fire electricity, or cold that attacks with 3 combat dice, no defense. Protection from Fire: Level 4: (Malachi 3:2) One Hero can absorb 10 points of fire damage. Spell last 10 rounds. Remove Curse: Level 4: (Galatians 5:1) Dispels Curse from any object, frees all but Gypsies from a WereBeast's bite. Bestow Curse: Level 4: (Malachi 2:2) Curse a weapon (2 less attack die), curse armour (2 less defense die) or curse a monster (2 less Mind Points.) All must be in sight of the Cleric. Eagle's Strength: Level 4: (Isaiah 40:31) Adjacent Hero gains 2 attack and defend dice, strength and dexterity are greatly increased, and he may move with 1 extra die.
Level 5 WordRunes
Ministering Angels: Level 5: (Hebrews 1:13-14) Your entire party is instantly healed, fed, and rested. Spells are memorized. Divine Teleportation: Level 5: (Psalms 91:11-12) All Heroes are instantly transported to a nearby room or plateau of safety. Angel of Death: Level 5: (Exodus 23:22-23, 2 Kings 19:35) The shadow of the Angel of Death falls swiftly on one Dark Creature or Chaos Warlock. Oracle of God: Level 5: (Deuteronomy 18:18) A Cleric will gain the answer to a specific question through prophecy. The question must be Quest-related. Resurrect Hero: Level 5: (John 5:24) One Hero may be revived, including victims of Wights or Vampires, if done within 10 rounds of death. If revived, their Body Points are restored to 1. Elves cannot be revived. Dragon Slayer: Level 5: (Job 41, Isaiah 27:1) The POWER OF GOD will UTTERLY CONSUME an UNCLEAN WYRM.
Mage Spells
Level 1 Spells
Sting: Level 1: (Attack Spell) Pick any monster in the same room or corridor as the Mage and roll 1d6. On a score of 4, 5 or 6 the monster looses 1 Body point with no chance to defend. Cure Small Wounds: Level 1: (Healing Spell) Pick any figure adjacent to the Mage (including the mage) and heal 1 of their Body Points. Each individual figure may only have this spell cast on them once per turn. Open: Level 1: (Special Spell) The Mage may open any one non-magical lock that they are adjacent to. Any traps on the lock are set off as normal. Light: Level 1: (Special Spell) The Mage conjures up a simple sphere of light. The light floats above the Mage and will illuminate the entire room or corridor that the Mage is in. Every turn hereafter, before the Mage performs any actions, roll a Combat Die. If the result is a Black Shield, the light is extinguished.
Level 2 Spells
Strength: Level 2: (Attack Spell) Pick any figure the mage can see (including the Mage.) This round, they can add 1 extra Combat Die to their attack. This spell may not be used in conjunction with any other spells, but may be combined with potions. Nausea: Level 2: (Defensive Spell) Pick any monster the Mage can see. That monster becomes sick on this square and looses it's turn. Any figure (Hero or monster) who steps on this square must roll 1d6. If the score is 1-3 that figure also slips and must loose the rest of it's turn.
Level 3 Spells
Ogre Strength: Level 3: (Attack Spell) Pick any figure the Mage can see (including the Mage.) This round they can ass 2 extra Combat Die to their attack. This spell may not be used in conjunction with any other spells, but may be combined with potions. Speed: Level 3: (Special Spell) This spell may be cast on any one figure including the Mage. It's powerful burst of energy enables that figure to roll twice as many dice as normal the next time they move.
Level 4 Spells
Acid Blast: Level 4: (Attack Spell) This spell allows the Mage to create a ball of corrosive acid that travels directly away from the mage in one of the compass directions. The first figure in the path of the acid suffers the result of 4 Attack Die with no chance to defend. If this is sufficient to kill the figure, the acid continues until it hits another, wounding it the same way. This process continues until a target survives, or the acid hits a solid obstacle, such as a wall. Lightning Bolt: Level 4: (Attack Spell) This spell may be cast in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction. The bolt will travel in a straight line until it strikes a wall or closed door. It will inflict 2 Body points of Damage on all Figures that stand in its path. Heal Wounds: Level 4: (Healing Spell) Pick any figure the Mage can see (including the Mage) and heal 1d6 of their Body Points. Dispel Magic: Level 4: (Special Spell) This spell may be cast at any time by the Mage to try to cancel any spell immediately after it is cast. Both the Mage and the spellcaster must roll 1d6 and add the result to their Mind Points. If the mage's total is higher, the spellcaster's spell has been cancelled. Increase Agility: Level 4: (Special Spell) Pick any figure the Mage can see (including the Mage.) For one round, that figure may increase to the next larger die when attempting a Feat of Dexterity. Increase Strength: Level 4: (Special Spell) Pick any figure the Mage can see (including the Mage.) For one round, that figure may increase to the next larger die when attempting a Feat of Strength. Charm: Level 4: (Special Spell) May be cast on any figure with 1-3 Mind Points. If the result of the roll is 1, 2 or 3, the Mage may control the actions of that figure on their next turn. If the result is a 4 or 5, the spell has no effect. If the result is a 6, the figure is outraged with the Mage for the attempt and will attack the mage with twice as much speed and strength as normal.
Level 6 Spells
Shield: Level 6: (Defensive Spell) Pick any figure the Mage can see (including the Mage.) The next time that figure defends, they may add a number of defense dice equal to the number of Mind Points of the Mage. Resurrection: Level 6: (Healing Spell) You may pick any dead character in the game and bring them back to life (except elves.) Place the character next to the Mage. Their Body and Mind Points are restored to full, but any treasures, objects and clothing are left in the place where they died (they may be retrieved by any figure.) Enchant Weapon: Level 6: (Special Spell) Choose any one weapon and roll 1d6. if the result is 2-6, that weapon is enchanted and adds one extra Combat Die to it's attack. If the result is a 1, that weapon is destroyed and must be discarded. A weapon may only be enchanted once, if this spell is cast on an enchanted (or cursed) weapon, that weapon looses it's magical abilities (unless a 1 is rolled, then it is destroyed.) Enchant Armour: Level 6: (Special Spell) Choose any piece of armour and roll 1d6. if the result is 2-6, the armour is enchanted and adds one extra Combat Die to it's defense. If the result is a 1, the armour is destroyed and must be discarded. Armour may only be enchanted once, if this spell is cast on enchanted (or cursed) armour, the armour looses it's magical abilities (unless a 1 is rolled, then it is destroyed.)
Chaos Spells
Ball of Flame
This spell can be cast on any one Hero. It will inflict 2 Body Points of damage. The Hero immediately rolls 2D6. For each 5 or 6 rolled, the damage is reduced by 1 point.
This spell causes 1 Body Point of damage to any one Hero or monster adjacent to the spellcaster (though not diagonally adjacent). The victim cannot defend against the attack.
Cloud of Chaos
This spell paralyzes all Heroes located in the same room or corridor. A paralyzed Hero is unable to move, attack, or defend himself. The spell can be broken at once or on a future turn by each victim rolling 1D6 for each of his Mind Points. By rolling a 6, the Hero frees himself.
This spell puts any one Hero under Zargon's control. The spell can be broken immediately or on a future turn by the Hero rolling 1D6 for each of his Mind Points. If a 6 is rolled, the spell is broken. However, until the spell is broken, Zargon, on his turn, can move the Hero as a monster and attack other Heroes.
This spell allows the spellcaster to disappear and instantly teleport to a secret destination known only to Zargon. This "safe place" is marked on the Quest Map.
This spell causes any one Hero to become so fearful that his attacks are reduced to one combat die. The spell can be broken by the Hero on a future turn by rolling one 1D6 for each of his Mind Points. If a 6 is rolled, the spell is broken.
This spell creates a roomful of fire that inflicts 3 Body Points of damage on all Heroes and monsters in the same room with the spellcaster. The spellcaster is unaffected. All victims immediately roll 2D6. For each 5 or 6 rolled, the damage is reduced by 1 point. Not used in corridors.
Ice Storm
This spell creates a blizzard of ice that affects an area 2 squares wide by 2 squares long. Each monster and Hero in that area is attacked separately by the spellcaster with 3 combat dice. There is no chance to defend. Cannot be used in corridors.
This special spell may be cast by a Chaos spellcaster during a Hero's turn. It is used to try to cancel a spell cast by a Hero. The Dispel is cast immediately after the Hero casts a spell. First the Chaos spellcaster rolls 1D6 and adds the result to his Mind Points. Then the Hero does the same. If the Chaos spellcaster's total is higher, the Hero's spell has been canceled.
Lightning Bolt
Mind Blast
This spell paralyzes one Hero within the spellcaster's line of sight. This Hero cannot move or attack. The Hero defends with 1 combat die. To break free of the spell, the Hero, on his turn, rolls 1D6 for every Mind Point he currently has. If a 6 is rolled on any die, the spell is broken and the Hero can move and attack normally again on future turns. This spell ravages the mind of any Hero. The Hero rolls 1 combat die for every Mind Point he possessed before the attack. If 1 or more white shields are rolled, the Hero has 1 Mind Point left. If no white shields are rolled, the Hero has been reduced to zero Mind Points and goes into "shock." (See the Mind Points section of the Barbarian Quest Book.) This spell may be cast by a Chaos spellcaster during a Hero's turn. This enables the spellcaster to reflect any Hero's spell back to him. Mirror Magic is cast immediately after the Hero casts a spell at the Chaos spellcaster. The Hero then suffers the effect of the spell that was intended for the spellcaster.
Mind Freeze
This spell enables the spellcaster to reanimate all defeated skeletons, zombies, or mummies in the same room as the spellcaster. These monsters rise up from the floor, with all lost Body Points restored, and attack the Heroes again.
Restore Chaos
This spell may be cast only on monsters. It restores up to 6 lost Body Points to either the spellcaster or any monster within the spellcaster's line of sight.
This spell causes any one metal sword or helmet to become so thin, brittle and useless that it can never be used again. Not effective against Artifacts.
This spell enables the spellcaster to move quickly through icy caverns and corridors. The spellcaster may skate for up to 12 squares and may pass through Heroes and monsters during movement. The spell lasts only one turn.
Mirror Magic
The healing coolness of this spell restores up to 3 lost Body Points to the spellcaster or any one monster.
Summon Orcs
This spell conjures up a group of Orcs to surround and protect the spellcaster. Roll one red die: Roll a 1, 2 or 3 = 4 Orcs; Roll a 4 or 5 = 5 Orcs; Roll a 6 = 6 Orcs.
Summon Undead
This spell conjures up a group of undead to surround and protect the spellcaster. Roll 1D6: Roll a 1 or 2 = 4 Skeletons; Roll a 3 or 4 = 3 Skeletons, 2 Zombies; Roll a 5 or 6 = 2 Zombies, 2 Mummies.
Summon Wolves
This spell conjures up a number of Giant Wolves to attack the spellcaster's enemies. (Place the Giant Wolves adjacent to the spellcaster.) To see how many Giant Wolves appear, roll 1D6 and check the result: 1 or 2 = 1 Giant Wolf; 3 or 4 = 2 Giant Wolves; 5 or 6 = 3 Giant Wolves.
This spell creates a small whirlwind that envelops one Hero of your choice. That Hero will then miss his next turn.
Werewolf Curse
This spell may be cast on any Hero. The Hero rolls 1D6. A roll of 6 means the spell has no effect. Any other result means the Hero is now afflicted with the Werewolf Curse. See the "Turning Heroes into Werewolves" section of the Elf Quest Book for more information.
Druid Spells
Blinding Fog: Use this spell to call magic fog into a room lest anybody in this room either move, make a wide range attack or use magic until the beginning of the wizard's next turn. Attack and defense are only possible between neighboring characters. Discard after use. Earthquake: By this spell, the evil wizard causes 6 squares in a straight line to tumble in. Use the earthquake tile to determine the characters concerned. Any character in this line loses a Body Point as from falling into a pit trap. Discard after use. Hurricane: This spell may be hurled against a character in direct line of sight. The character will be blown in this direction until stopped by either wall, another character or triggering a trap. Discard after use. Icewall: The wizard calls into existence an impenetrable icy wall (Defense: 6 dice; Strength: 1), blocking two adjacent squares. Keep this card until the wall is demolished, then discard it. Lightning Stroke: This spell reaches out for 6 squares in direct line, beginning adjacent to the evil wizard. Use the lightning tile to determine the characters concerned. Any character in this line is attacked by 3 dice and may defend normally. each attack is resolved separately. Discard after use. Wind of Theft: This spell is aimed against a particular character on the board. This character must forfeit a randomly chosen piece of equipment, which is put back into the equipment-deck. Discard after use.
Highpriest Spells
Anti-Spell: The evil wizard may use this spell against any other magic user and force them to discard any unused spell card. This spell is lost for the entire quest. Discard after use. Conflagration: This spell calls up an impassable wall of flames (Defense: 6 dice, Strength: 1), blocking two squares. Keep this card until the firewall is quenched, then discard it. Corrosion: By this spell the evil wizard may choose any piece of the Heroes' equipment to rust and be useless. The character has to discard the item. Discard after use. Escape: This spell enables the evil wizard to escape to any unoccupied square on the board. Discard after use. Madness: Whoever is struck by this spell will be mentally deranged temporary. The Gamesmaster may move this character in his next turn, but may not attack or use spells. Discard after use. Magic Bondage: The evil wizard throws, from the tips of his fingers, magic threads engulfing any character. This character may neither move nor attack (but may defend normally) until the threads are destroyed. The Magic Bondage uses 4 dice to defend and has 1 Body Point. Discard after use.
Necromancer Spells
Arrow of Death: This spell hurled against a character in line of sight causes the loss of 1 Body Point. Discard after use. Call Mummy: This spell calls a mummy to a square adjacent to the evil wizard. The mummy may move and attack immediately. Discard after use. Call Skeletons: This spell calls into existence 2 Skeletons anywhere in the evil wizard's line of sight. They may move and attack immediately. Discard after use. Chaos-Skull: The evil wizard flings a skull against any opponent in line of sight. The magic skull bursts into flames and attacks with 2 dice (defend normally). Discard after use. Panic: Whoever is struck by this spell may move and defend but neither attack nor defend in their next turn. Discard after use. Resurrection: Use this spell when a Hero has just slain a monster. The monster is then replaced by a skeleton that may move and attack immediately. Discard after use.
Orc-Shaman Spells
Call Goblins: The evil wizard may take 4 Goblins and place them anywhere in line of sight immediately. The Goblins may now move and attack, provided they have not done so in the same turn. Discard after use. Call Orcs: The evil wizard may take 2 Orcs and place them anywhere in line of sight immediately. The Orcs may now move and attack, provided they have not done so in the same turn. Discard after use. Ghost of Vengeance: This spell sends an invisible ghost to any character on the board. The ghost attacks immediately using 4 dice, the character may defend normally. Afterwards the ghost dissolves and cannot be attacked. Discard after use. Orc Berserk: The evil wizard may choose an Orc in line of sight and equip him with huge strength and aggression. The Orc may move and attack twice, but only in that turn. Discard after use. Sharpen Weapons: The evil wizard can sharpen the weapons of all Orcs in the same room. These Orcs may attack with an extra die, but only during this turn. May only be used in a room. Discard after use. Shield of Protection: This spell enables the evil Wizard and every Orc in the same room to defend with an extra die, but only until the wizard's next turn. May only be used in a room. Discard after use.
Skaven Magik
Choke: One Hero in sight of the spellcaster suddenly clutches at his throat as his lungs fill with poisonous gas. The target may only stagger one space as he gasps for air. Unless the caster is kills within the next 3 turns, the hero dies of asphyxiation. Fireball: A ball of black fire with yellow and blue flames leaps from the caster's hand to any target in sight, scorching up to a 3x3 square. All Heroes and monsters must suffer 5 Combat Dice of damage with no chance to defend. Flaming Skull of Terror: As he finishes this incantation, the caster seems to grow horns, fangs and huge talons. With a bestial roar, the Shaman becomes the likeness of the Great Horned Rat, gaining 3 to his attack, defense, and Body Points. Plague Censer Bearer: This smoking ball of noxious fumes affects a 3x3 square. All figures in the area or who pass through the area must roll under their mind points to remember to hold their breath, otherwise they die horribly. Smoke lasts until all the monsters are gone. Poisoned Wind Globadiers: This crystal sphere of poisonous gas affects a 3x3 square. All figures in the area or who pass through the area must roll under their mind points to remember to hold their breath, otherwise they die horribly. Smoke lasts until all the monsters are gone. Summon Rats: With a piercing cry, the Skaven Shaman summons 1D6+6 rats. each rat carries an infectious disease that, once a Hero is wounded, continues to spread and cause 1 Body Point of damage each turn until healed or until death. Warpfire: The Skaven Shaman that hurtles this magical flame must have the help of an adjacent skaven, and they must not move during their turn. The warpfire affects up to a 3x3 square with the same 5 Combat Dice roll. If it is a miss, however, the two Skaven die in an explosion that wounds all adjacent squares with 5CD. WarpScroll: It takes two consecutive turns to read this scroll. On the second turn, the Skaven must roll under his Mind Points to cast it. If cast, however, all Heroes on the board must roll under their Mind Points or their flesh withers quickly and death finds them.
Dagger Broadsword Short sword Long sword Claymore Hand Axe Battle Axe Mace or Flail Warhammer Quarterstaff Spear Halberd Whip Short Bow Longbow Crossbow Arrows/Bolts Fire Arrows Throwing Stars Sling
25g 250g 150g 350g 600g 50g 450g 250g 400g 100g 200g 250g 275g 200g 350g 350g 50g 100g 100g 20g
Special Rules
Can be thrown or used hand-to-hand, may be concealed inside Hero's boot. Basic attack weapon. Good weapon for second hand. Length allows for diagonal attacks. Requires two hands, may make diagonal attacks. Balanced for throwing. Requires two hands. Blunt edged weapons. Blunt weapon, may be thrown, requires two hands. Requires two hands, may attack diagonally, is a blunt edge weapon. May be thrown, requires two hands, may attack diagonally. Requires two hands, may attack 2 spaces away. May attack up to 2 spaces away, with a successful dexterity roll it may also hook onto an object up to two spaces away. Comes with one set of arrows, requires two hands. Comes with one set of arrows, requires two hands. Comes with one set of bolts, requires two hands. Extra quiver, enough to last one dungeon. Roll 1D6 to see how many, if arrow hits there is a 50% chance of setting the target on fire (causing 1CD on each subsequent turn), requires flint. Full bag, with a successful dexterity roll there is no defense, may only be used by rogues and assassins. Rocks can be found anywhere, is considered a blunt weapon.
Note: The Weaponsmith will also buy back items at one half their normal cost.
Cloak Leather Armour Helmet Chainmail Platemail Shield Great Shield
50g 75g 125g 500g 850g 150g 400g
+1CD +1CD +2CD +1CD +1CD
Special Rules
Conceals identity, protection from cold, may be worn over armour. Lightest and least restricting of armour, may be worn by Mages, Thieves, and Assassins. Essential protection for the head. Moderate protection from death. Heaviest armour, -1D6 Movement, -1D Dexterity. May be worn on the arm and used when necessary. May protect a neighboring Hero.
Note: The Armoury will also buy back items at one half their normal cost.
General Store
Boots Flint Belt Rope Grappling Hook Net Backpack Provisions Torches Lamp Oil Casks of Ale Fine Robes Tool Kit
20g 15g 25g 25g 30g 20g 50g 50g 5g 50g 10g 50g 50g 250g
Special Rules
Protection for those tender warriors feet. Used to start fires, needs steel to spark. Puts items in handy places. Sturdy hemp, good for various uses. Used with rope, helps in climbing those hard-to-scale walls. For catching fish, or trapping monsters - makes a handy hammock! Needed for carrying extra equipment. Heals 2 body points, at the end of each adventure, unused provisions must be discarded or they will spoil. Bundle contains (1D4) torches, keeps wild animals at bay, burns webs, lasts for one dungeon level. Light for dark dungeons, lasts the entire adventure. Fuel for lamp, may also be used for squeaky doors. -1D Dexterity, barbarians, swashbucklers and all dwarves get an extra attack at 1CD until adversaries flee or are killed. Silken cloth from the east, comfy after a hard day's battle. Increases chance of disarming traps by one die.
Note: The General Store will also buy back items at one half their normal cost.
Mule Horse Warhorse Cart 200g 500g 1000g 300g Costs 1g to stable when entering a village. May be stubborn, if a 1 is rolled on any movement dice then the mule refuses to move. Costs 2g to stable when entering a village. Adds 1D6 to movement in open spaces. Costs 3g to stable when entering a village. Adds 1D6 to movement in open spaces. Increases any attack and defense die by 1CD when mounted. Can be pulled by a mule or horse, may carry any or all members of an injured party without movement restrictions.
Note: The Stables will also buy back items at one half their normal cost.
Special Rules
Healing Potion Magic Healing Potion Venom Antidote Heroic Brew Potion of Strength Potion of Defense Potion of Restoration
200g 500g 300g 250g 300g 200g 500g
Special Rules
Heals up to 4 body points. Heals 1D6 of body points, magic is tricky. Cures poisons and cures up to 2 body points caused by poisons. Allows two attacks instead of one. +2CD to next attack, also increases strength roll by 1D. +2CD to next defense. Restores 1 body point and 1 mind point.
Note: The Apothecary will also buy back items at one half their normal cost.
The Temple is open to anyone, no matter what Race or Class. However the Clerics do ask that patrons respect everyone and everything within its' most holy walls.
Healing Cure Poison Cure Disease Meditation Remove Curse Blessing Holy Water Resurrect Hero
Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation
Special Rules
Heals Hero of all lost Body Points. Removes all toxins from a Hero's body. Removes all forms of disease from a Hero's Body (takes 1D4 days). Restores all lost Mind Points (takes 1D6 days). Removes a curse from any item. Allows a Hero to re-roll any one unfavorable roll of the dice. This vial, when thrown at an undead creature, will cause 6CD of damage which may not be defended. If a Hero has died during the course of an adventure, their body must be brought to a temple within ten rounds to have the clerics attempt to resurrect them. This is not an instant effect, nor is it always successful. Time and prayer are required.
There is no price for the services of God but donations are accepted. It should be noted that the quantity of the donation has a direct influence on the quality of the service. Clerics may attempt to learn one new WordRune per day. This process involves studying the Word of God, reflecting on what it means to them, and rolling 2D6 for the level and number of the WordRune that they are to receive. If the WordRune is already known to them, then they must wait and meditate the next day.
Mages Guild
The Mages' Guild has a library and research centre for all to use, however their primary clientele are those who practice Magik and usually like to be left alone. With this in mind, they price their services to keep the commoners at bay.
Study Identify Buy Spells Magik Potion Restore MP Engrave Rune Buy Mage Staff Font of Power
25g 10g - 100g 100g x Level 1D4 x 100g 10g 1D6 x 100g 500g 1D6 x 100g
Special Rules
Allows Heroes to browse the books, you never know what's there! Identifies nature of magic items (if any). Draw scroll randomly, one choice per visit. Pay first, buy later - Roll 1D6 on 'Magik Potions Chart. "Go see a Cleric." Only on swords or axes - Roll 1D6 on 'Rune Chart.' Attacks with 1CD diagonally. 50% availability. Only one Staff per Mage. Contains 1D6 Mana Points. Recharges Mage's Staff with 1D6 Mana Points.
Rune Result
1 2 3
Magic Rune Rune of Smashing Rune of Restoration
The rune glows dully, and keeps the blade sharp. From now on this weapon is treated as being magical. The weapon may now attack with one extra CD. The bearer of this weapon automatically gets one BP back per turn, however if the Hero is knocked unconscious the weapon ceases to work until they are healed and back on their feet again. Whenever welded by a Dwarf, he may re-roll the weaker of the two rolls. This rune has no effect for other races. Allows the welder to double their attacks once per adventure. Once during each adventure, you may attack with an extra 2CD.
4 5 6
Magik Potions Chart - Magik Potions Chart - Magik Potions Chart Result
1 2 3 4 5
Potion of Strength Potion of Toughness Potion of Battle Potion of Swiftness Potion of Instability
Allows Hero to attack with one extra CD for one turn. Allows Hero to defend with one extra CD for one turn. Allows Hero one extra attack for one turn. Allows Hero to roll an extra 1D6 for movement, and may not be blocked by enemies. This potion shifts the dimensional position of your Hero, making them temporarily ethereal and insubstantial. They cannot be blocked, cast magic, make an attack or be attacked for one turn. This potion allow the Hero to fly for one turn. While airborne, the Hero moves at +1D6, can fly over all obstacles, and cannot be blocked. If he is in contact with a Monster at the end of his flight, he may attack it.
Potion of Flight