Karachi Master Plan 2020

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Master Plan Group of Offices

City District Government Karachi

The Karachi Strategic Development Plan (KSDP) 2020 has been prepared by the
Master Plan Group of Offices (MPGO) - CDGK in line with the vision of City Nazim
for making Karachi “ A world class city and an attractive economic center with a
decent life for Karachiites”. Accordingly the strategic framework setout in the KSDP-
2020 examines the CDGK’s vision against the backdrop of current conditions and
presents a strategy for its realization.
The approach has been consultative and holistic in identifying issues, challenges,
priorities and programs for the city. The main thrust is to develop an integrated
planning process that establishes CDGK as the apex planning institution and ensures
coordination with major land owning agencies operating under federal and provincial
government Acts/Laws.
The successful delivery and implementation of the Plan is a shared responsibility of
all the stake holders in the city and the civil society. However, the CDGK has the lead
responsibility for taking the Plan forward and implementing its recommendations.
The MPGO, CDGK wishes to thank all the professionals, experts, stakeholders, civil
society, electronic and print media, officers, officials, organizations and the local and
political leadership, for their valuable support, positive criticism and useful inputs for
the Plan.
The completion of the Plan was made possible by me with the professional input,
assistance and hard working of Hafiz Muhammad Javed, District Officer, MPGO, Dr.
Ahsanullah, advisor to MPGO and Mr. Naved Zaheer, Team Leader of the
Consultants group of M/S ECIL and PADCO-AECOM.
Special gratitude is due to Dr. Ishratul Ibad Khan, honorable Governor of Sindh for
his guidance. The driving force behind the accomplishment of this Plan was the
extraordinary clarity of vision support and supervision of the worthy City Nazim, Syed
Mustafa Kamal during the plan preparation period. Also, the contribution of Messrs
Fazal-ur-Rehman and Muhammad Jawed Hanif Khan, DCO, Karachi was very useful
with their continued monitoring and timely assistance.

Karachi, August 2007

Iftikhar Ali Kaimkhani

Executive District Officer,


1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ....................................................................................................................1
1.2 The Plan Area .................................................................................................................1
1.3 Land, Planning and Municipal Control ......................................................................2
1.4 The Vision for Karachi ..................................................................................................3
1.5 Plan Objectives ..............................................................................................................4
1.6 The Planning Process...................................................................................................4
1.7 The Status and Role ......................................................................................................5
1.8 Time Span of the Plan...................................................................................................5
2 CURRENT CONDITIONS AND ISSUES ............................................................. 6
2.1 Population .......................................................................................................................6
2.2 Economy .........................................................................................................................6
2.3 Land Use and Urban Growth .......................................................................................7
2.4 Housing .........................................................................................................................10
2.5 Transport.......................................................................................................................11
2.6 Water Supply ................................................................................................................12
2.7 Sewerage and Wastewater Disposal .......................................................................14
2.8 Solid Waste Management .........................................................................................15
2.9 Storm Water Drainage ................................................................................................16
2.10 Electric Power ..............................................................................................................17
2.11 Education ......................................................................................................................19
2.12 Health .............................................................................................................................20
2.13 Sports & Recreation ....................................................................................................20
2.14 Coastal Recreation ......................................................................................................20
2.15 Environment .................................................................................................................21
2.16 Coastal Marine Environment.....................................................................................22
2.17 Coastal Development..................................................................................................22
2.18 Heritage Sites ...............................................................................................................23
2.19 Urban Agriculture ........................................................................................................23
2.20 Natural Hazards and Disasters .................................................................................23
3 STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK FOR DEVELOPMENT ........................................ 25
3.1 Guiding Principles.......................................................................................................25
3.1.1 Sustainable Growth: ..................................................................................................... 25
3.1.2 Creating an Inclusive City: ............................................................................................ 25
3.1.3 Safeguarding the Quality of Life: ................................................................................... 26
3.2 Strategic Context .........................................................................................................26
3.2.1 Drivers of Change......................................................................................................... 26

3.3 Karachi on the Path to a Global Presence ..............................................................28
3.4 An Agenda for Priority Setting..................................................................................28
3.4.1 Karachi needs a pulsing, vibrant heart and have areas of high amenity ......................... 28
3.4.2 Karachi Needs To Provide A High Quality of Life For Their Citizens. ............................. 29
3.4.3 Karachi Needs To Have Clear Strategies for Coping With Growth................................. 29
3.4.4 Karachi Needs To Foster Competitive Industries .......................................................... 29
3.4.5 Karachi Needs To Be Organised On Good Governance................................................ 30
3.5 Summary of current conditions and strategic challenges ..................................31
4.1 Land Use .......................................................................................................................42
4.1.1 Spatial Growth Strategy ................................................................................................ 42
4.1.2 Regenerate the Inner City............................................................................................. 44
4.1.3 Promote mixed use developments ................................................................................ 46
4.1.4 Permit and guide vertical development and densification .............................................. 46
4.1.5 Enable densification vertical development of existing residential areas.......................... 47
4.1.6 Develop New Urban Centers ........................................................................................ 47
4.1.7 A Policy for Urban Renewal: ......................................................................................... 48
4.1.8 Integration of Civil Areas of Cantonment and other Land Owning Agencies:.................. 49
4.1.9 Incorporation of Existing Goths (villages) into Urban Fabric:.......................................... 50
4.1.10 Transport Infrastructure: ........................................................................................... 50
4.1.11 Industrial Zones: ....................................................................................................... 50
4.1.12 Decentralization of Financial District:......................................................................... 51
4.1.13 Additional Site for Karachi International Airport:......................................................... 51
4.1.14 Special Purpose Zone along Karachi Northern Bye-pass: ......................................... 51
4.1.15 Education City: ......................................................................................................... 52
4.1.16 Law Enforcement Agencies - Infrastructure Requirements: ....................................... 52
4.1.17 Allocation of Spaces for Graveyards: ........................................................................ 52
4.1.18 Landfill Sites and Garbage Stations: ......................................................................... 53
4.2 HOUSING.......................................................................................................................55
4.2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 55
4.2.2 Guiding Principles......................................................................................................... 55
4.2.3 Housing Strategy: Principal Constituents ...................................................................... 56
4.3 TRANSPORT.................................................................................................................60
4.3.1 Transportation Policy Objectives - Towards a Comprehensive Strategy ........................ 60
4.3.2 Park-and-Ride .............................................................................................................. 63
4.3.3 Transit Terminals .......................................................................................................... 64
4.3.4 Traffic Management ...................................................................................................... 64
4.3.5 Parking Rationalization ................................................................................................. 65
4.3.6 Roads and Highway Improvements............................................................................... 65
4.3.7 Pedestrian Improvements ............................................................................................. 68
4.3.8 Air Quality Deterioration from Transport Vehicles .......................................................... 68
4.3.9 Energy Conservation .................................................................................................... 69
4.3.10 Transportation and Pedestrianization in the CDB ...................................................... 69
4.3.11 Safety Audit: ............................................................................................................. 71
4.3.12 Traffic Operation Program to Increase Capacity and Safety (TOPICS) ...................... 71
4.3.13 Traffic Management Plan for other Land Owning Agencies ....................................... 71
4.4 Infrastructure Services Component.........................................................................71
4.4.1 Water Supply ................................................................................................................ 71
4.4.2 Sewerage ..................................................................................................................... 76
4.4.3 Solid Waste Management* ........................................................................................... 78
4.4.4 Storm Water Drainage: ................................................................................................. 83
4.5 Electrical Power ...........................................................................................................84
4.5.1 Generation Expansion .................................................................................................. 85
4.5.2 Transmission System Expansion .................................................................................. 85
4.5.3 Distribution System....................................................................................................... 86

4.5.4 Long Term Plan (2011-2020) ........................................................................................ 86
4.5.5 Power Generation......................................................................................................... 87
4.5.6 Transmission System ................................................................................................... 88
4.5.7 Distribution System....................................................................................................... 89
4.6 Social Services Component ......................................................................................89
4.6.1 Health Services ............................................................................................................ 89
4.6.2 Education Facilities Proposals as per Densification Scenario ........................................ 92
4.6.3 Conservation of Heritage Sites ..................................................................................... 92
4.6.4 Sport Culture and Recreation........................................................................................ 94
4.7 Urban Agriculture ........................................................................................................95
4.8 Water Front Development..........................................................................................96
4.9 Disaster Management.................................................................................................99
5 FINANCING THE PLAN .................................................................................. 101
5.1 CDGK’s Local Revenue Base..................................................................................101
5.2 Key financing agencies ............................................................................................103
5.3 Financing Strategy ....................................................................................................105
Table-5.4: Summary: Key priorities for action ................................................................110
6 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION : ORGANISING FOR SUCCESS ......................... 111
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................111
6.2 Planning and Development Control .......................................................................111
6.3 Preparation and approval of Urban Development Plan .....................................112
6.4 CDGK as a Single Agency for Municipal Services..............................................113
6.5 Approval of the Karachi Strategic Development Plan - 2020............................116
6.6 Implementation:.........................................................................................................117
6.7 Building MPGO as an Effective Planning Agency...............................................117
6.8 Integrating Physical Planning with Economic and Fiscal Planning................119
6.9 Land Management and Development Control .....................................................119
6.10 Planning Controls......................................................................................................119
6.11 Urban Land Allotment and Management Policy ..................................................120
6.12 Building Control Regulations..................................................................................121
6.13 Efficient Land and Real Property Taxation...........................................................122
6.14 Positive Controls .......................................................................................................122
7 RECOMMENDATIONS - A RESUME.............................................................. 123
7.1 Land Use: ....................................................................................................................123
7.1.1 Regenerating the Inner City ........................................................................................ 123
7.1.2 Promoting mixed use developments ........................................................................... 123
7.1.3 Permitting and guiding vertical development and densification .................................... 123
7.1.4 Enabling densification and vertical development of existing residential areas .............. 123
7.1.5 Developing new urban centers.................................................................................... 124
7.1.6 A policy of urban renewal............................................................................................ 124
7.1.7 Integration of civil areas of Cantonment and other land-owning agencies .................... 124
7.1.8 Incorporation of existing Goths into urban fabric.......................................................... 124
7.1.9 Transport infrastructure .............................................................................................. 125
7.1.10 Industrial zones ...................................................................................................... 125

7.1.11 Decentralization of financial district ......................................................................... 125
7.1.12 An additional site for Karachi International Airport ................................................... 125
7.1.13 Special purpose zone along Karachi Northern Bypass ............................................ 125
7.1.14 Education city ......................................................................................................... 125
7.1.15 Law enforcement agencies ..................................................................................... 125
7.1.16 Allocation of space for graveyards .......................................................................... 125
7.1.17 Landfill sites and garbage stations .......................................................................... 126
7.2 Housing .......................................................................................................................126
7.2.1 Enhancing supply of institutional finance..................................................................... 126
7.2.2 Enhancing the management capacity ......................................................................... 126
7.3 Transport.....................................................................................................................126
7.3.1 Transit improvements ................................................................................................. 127
7.3.2 Mass transit ................................................................................................................ 127
7.3.3 Park-and-Ride ............................................................................................................ 127
7.3.4 Transit terminals ......................................................................................................... 127
7.3.5 Traffic management .................................................................................................... 127
7.3.6 Parking ....................................................................................................................... 128
7.3.7 Road and highway improvements ............................................................................... 128
7.3.8 Pedestrian improvements. .......................................................................................... 128
7.3.9 Air quality deterioration ............................................................................................... 128
7.3.10 Transportation and pedestrianization in the CBD..................................................... 128
7.4 Water supply ..............................................................................................................129
7.5 Sewerage.....................................................................................................................129
7.6 Solid waste management.........................................................................................129
7.7 Storm water drainage ...............................................................................................130
7.8 Electrical power .........................................................................................................130
7.9 Health services ..........................................................................................................131
7.10 Education ....................................................................................................................131
7.11 Conservation of heritage sites................................................................................131
7.12 Sports and recreation ...............................................................................................132
7.13 Urban agriculture.......................................................................................................132
7.14 Water front development .........................................................................................132
7.15 Disaster management...............................................................................................133
7.16 Financing the Plan ....................................................................................................133
7.17 Plan Implementation .................................................................................................133
7.17.1 Planning and development control .......................................................................... 133
7.17.2 CDGK as a single agency for municipal services..................................................... 134
7.17.3 Implementation of the plan ...................................................................................... 134
7.17.4 Urban land allotment policy ..................................................................................... 135
7.17.5 Land management .................................................................................................. 135
7.17.6 Building control regulations ..................................................................................... 135

List of Tables
Table-2.1: Occupancy Status of New Housing Schemes 11
Table-3.1: Survey of current conditions 31
Table-4.1: Year 2020 Population Targets and Growth Strategies 43
Table 4.2: Proposed Land Use Types 54
Table-4.3: Water Demand Projections, 2005-2020 72
Table-4.4: Water Supply Capital Improvements 75
Table-4.5: Benchmarks for Water Supply System Performance, 2005-2020 75
Table 4.6: Sewerage Capital Improvements 77
Table-4.7: Expected Growth in Peak Demand 84
Table-4.8: ESTIMATED MAXIMUM DEMAND (2011-2015) 86
Table-4.9: ESTIMATED MAXIMUM DEMAND (2015-2020) 86
Table 4.10: Proposed Education Facilities 92
Table 4.11: Estimated Recreational Facilities at Metropolitan Level 95
Table 5.1: Revenue Sources for CDGK, 2002/03 to 2005/06 101
Table 5.2: Existing Sources of Revenue for Local Governments 102
Table 5.3: Capital Funding Sources by Sector 104
Table-5.4: Summary: Key priorities for action 110
Table 6.1: Scope and Proposed Responsibilities for Preparation and Approval 113
List of Figures
Figure-1.1: Karachi City District Jurisdiction 2
Figure-1.2: Land Control in Karachi 3
Figure-2.1: Karachi Urban Sprawl 8
Figure-2.3: Existing Water Supply Network 13
Figure-2.4: Location of Existing Wastewater Treatment Plants 14
Figure-2.5: Existing Landfill Sites 15
Figure-2.6: Storm Water Drainage System 17
Figure-2.7: KESC Service Area and Transmission System 18
Figure-4.1: Spatial Growth Strategy 44
Figure-4.2: Villages & Goths in Karachi 50
Figure-4.3: Karachi Vacant Housing Schemes KSDP-2020 59
Figure-4.4: Mass Transit Corridors identified in 1990 62
Figure-4.5: Major Road Network 66
Figure-4.6: Ring Roads 67
Figure-4.7: Transportation Improvements in the CBD 70

1. Karachi Katchi Abadis
2. Karachi Housing Scheme
3. Existing Road Network
4. On going Road Scheme
5. KESC Existing Network
6. Proposed Land Use Plan-2020
7. Proposed Land Use Category
8. Mass Transit Corridor
9. Proposed Highway Network Plan
10. Proposed Water Reservoirs
11. Proposed Sewage Treatment Plants
12. Proposed Garbage Transfer Stations


Annexure-I: Main Finding & Assessments

Annexure-II Maps
1. Karachi Existing Land Use
2. Spatial Growth Strategy
3. Karachi Existing Goths
4. Proposed Ring Road
5. Karachi Strategic Development Plan (KSDP-2020) Central Ring Road
6. Karachi Strategic Development Plan (KSDP-2020) inner Ring Road
7. Karachi Strategic Development Plan (KSDP-2020) Northern Ring Road
8. Karachi Strategic Development Plan (KSDP-2020) Outer Ring Road

1.1 Background
Karachi is the largest and the fastest growing megacity of Pakistan with a
population of over 16 million (2006), which is expected to reach 27 million mark
by the 2020.
As a revenue generating base, Karachi contributes substantially to the national
exchequer and the provincial revenues (almost to the extent of about 65% of the
total revenues). It is a cosmopolitan city, inhabited by people with culturally
enriched background and a sense of social commitment. Karachi, with its
enormous potential to serve the country, is now emerging as a globalized
complex in competition with other regional centers of similar order.
Since 1923, five master plans were formulated, but none of them was backed
with legal cover, resulting in urban sprawl, wide spread katchi abadis / slums and
gross deficiencies of required infrastructure / utilities, constraining the potential
and opportunities of Karachi.
The local government’s establishment under Sindh Local Government Ordinance
- 2001 (SLGO) has provided unprecedented opportunity to the City District
Government Karachi (CDGK) to steer and guide the growth of country’s
commercial and business capital.
The CDGK has formulated the Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020 (KSDP
2020) under Tameer-e-Karachi Program to set out a strategic framework and
overall development direction and future pattern of the city over the next 13

1.2 The Plan Area

The spatial coverage of the KSDP-2020 extends over the whole City District of
Karachi, consisting of 18 administrative towns, 6 cantonments, and the Federal
and Provincial governments land holding agencies. The towns are territorially
further sub-divided into 178 Union Councils. The area lying north of the Hub
Dam, being part of the Kirthar National Park was excluded from the plan area.
The total land area of the Karachi district is approximately 3600 sq.km, of which
about 1300 sq.km are occupied by the builtup area (with 15 internal towns). The
Karachi metropolitan region, as determined by the commuter zone, spreads over
the parts of the surrounding district, Thatta and Jamshoro of Sindh to the east,
and Lasbella of Balochistan to the west. The coastline in the district is about 135
KM long extending along the Gharo Creek westward beyond Cape Monze to the
estuary of the Hub River. Almost in the centre of the coast sheltered by the island
of Manora, lies the Port of Karachi, with entire Pakistan and Afghanistan forming
its vast hinterland,. The Port Muhammad Bin Qasim at Pipri on the Gharo Creek
serves a complementary role.

Figure-1.1: Karachi City District Jurisdiction

Planned Area: 3600 Sq. KM

Built up Area: 1300 Sq. KM

1.3 Land, Planning and Municipal Control

In the city district, land planning and municipal control is fragmented into about
twenty federal, provincial and local agencies with overlapping powers / functions
and utter lack of coordination. These agencies include: Six Cantonment Boards,
Port Qasim Authority, Karachi Port Trust, Defence Housing Authority, Pakistan
Steel, Pakistan Railways, Export Processing Zone, Sindh Industrial Trading
Estate, Government of Sindh (Board of Revenue), City District Government
Karachi, Lyari Development Authority, Malir Development Authority, cooperative
housing societies and private owners.
The multiplicity of ownership, overlapping functions and fragmented municipal
control have resulted into following problems:
i. Lack of holistic and unified vision for the city, hampering the formulation and
implementation of development plans for the city, in integrated manner
ii. Unplanned and haphazard growth leading to acute civic problems
iii. Environmental degradation and deterioration of living conditions
iv. Wide-spread katchi abadis and slums, promoting un-sustainability

v. Grossly deficient infrastructure / utilities
vi. Lack of unified town planning and building regulations
vii. Inter-organizational conflicts in provision of basic infrastructure, municipal
services and revenue collection
viii. Problems in disaster / crises management
Figure-1.2: Land Control in Karachi


1.4 The Vision for Karachi

The CDGK has a vision of making Karachi a world class city and attractive
economic centre with a decent life for Karachiites. The vision is ambitious and
far - reaching because it challenges the leaders, institutions and citizens of
Karachi to change the way the city works and does business. The vision
recognizes the need to stimulate economic growth and create an inclusive city
that provides opportunity and a better life for all its citizens. Thus, the city would
acquire salient characteristics of world cities.
• World cities have a vibrant heart and have areas of high amenity; they are the
places that people want to live, work, and invest in;
• World cities have clear strategies for coping with growth, and are well
governed, managed, and planned for the future of their citizens;

• World cities foster competitive activities, supported by enabling policy and
regulatory environments and well functioning infrastructure and services;
• World cities are inclusive, with opportunities for all to earn incomes, work and
• World cities are characterized by minimal poverty and slums.

1.5 Plan Objectives

Committed to achieving this vision, the City District Government of Karachi
(CDGK) has prepared the Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020. The KSDP
2020 is not simply about the physical renewal of a city but equally invoking the
spirit and commitment of its leaders and citizens to realize a more prosperous,
secure and sustainable future.
The KSDP 2020 sets out the following objectives:
a) Finding out Karachi’s advantages and potential which could be a driving
force for future development;
b) Promoting a holistic vision which can integrate various development
activities towards sustainable growth;
c) Identifying key issues in social, economic, environment and urban
infrastructure sectors, which constrain the desired development of the
city, since the solution of the issues is a pre-requisite to realize the
d) Setting out strategic framework against the backdrop of current conditions
and formulating strategy for its achievement;
e) Framing out the development plan components or action program;
f) Putting in place an effective, collaborative institutional arrangement
having participation of all stakeholders and citizen’s participation, for
successful delivery of KSDP-2020.

1.6 The Planning Process

The Process of KSDP-2020 preparation included, as a first step, a review and
analysis of the existing conditions, bringing out the multifaceted dimension of the
prevailing urban crisis.
Two basic surveys, (a) a sample socio-economic survey, and (b) a land use
survey, were carried out for analysis of the existing trends. The trends in the
various sectors that impact the urban population, urban economy, land use,
housing, infrastructure, institutional, fiscal and financial arrangements were
focused, and a series of sectoral reports were prepared for the inputs into the
strategic plan.
During the course of planning, consultation and input from the land-owing
agencies, stakeholders, utility agencies, and technical committees comprising
professionals and subject experts were sought through a series of discussions.
Presentation on the plan were made to the honorable President, Prime Minister,
Governor Sindh, Corps Commander, Chief Secretary Sindh, City Nazim and
Town Nazims, and the Coordination Committee on Large Cities headed by the

Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission including development partners from
international donor agencies and organizations such as the World Bank, and the
Asian Development Bank, JBIC, JICA, JETRO etc.
Based on the various inputs, a strategy for achieving the plan objectives was
formulated and translated into specific strategic proposals. The draft plan
prepared by the consultant was reviewed and improved by the MPGO-CDGK
with the assistance of Expert Group engaged through ADB.

1.7 The Status and Role

The KSDP 2020 will have a legal status under Section 40 of the Sindh Local
Government Ordinance 2001 (SLGO), for guiding city’s growth in a planned and
coordinated manner. It will provide an “umbrella” framework for the development
plans of the agencies, stakeholders (Federal, Provincial and Local) in Karachi.
The development plans of the respective agencies will be subservient to the
KSDP-2020. To make the KSDP legally binding in respect of the plans developed
by the various agencies, the existing laws and rules governing the working of the
agencies will call for necessary amendments.

1.8 Time Span of the Plan

The operational time span for the plan extends to the year 2020 within the scope
of Pakistan’s Vision 2030. This period has been assigned in view of the feasibility
of achieving the plan objectives, and making available the required resources in
the foreseeable future. The plan in hand will be further extended to 2030 (under
the Federal Government’s Vision 2030) to cover the city’s region that includes
part of the surrounding districts of Thatta, Jamshoro and Lasbella.

2.1 Population 1
Karachi is now among the ten top ranking largest cities in the world. In 2005, the
population of Karachi was estimated at 15.1 million which is expected to reach
27.5 million mark by 2020. The number of households in 2005 was about 2.1
million and by 2020 it would increase to 3.9 million, which means an increase of
1.77 million households, at an average size of 7 persons per household. Even at
decreasing average annual growth rate (from 4.15 percent in 2005 to 3.5 percent
in 2020), the increase in absolute terms is staggering and will put heavy pressure
on the physical, infrastructure, financial and institutional systems of the city.
A large segment of Karachi’s population, roughly 40 percent, is afflicted with
poverty. The living conditions of the deprived section and its economic well being
are therefore a major concern, as these impact the environment and growth
potential of the city.
Karachi’s population is diversified in terms of ethnicity and economic conditions.
Apart from in-migrants from Pakistan’s provinces, a large number of migrants
from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries have settled in
the city.
With an average monthly household income of Rs.15000 (US$250), there is
considerable variation in income distribution. Roughly 75 percent of the
households fall in the category of poor and low income groups, and 25 percent
constitute the middle and high income groups 2.

2.2 Economy3
The metropolitan economy is fast growing at an impressive rate, probably
somewhat higher than the national GDP growth rate of 6-7 percent per annum.
The main economic sectors contributing to the city’s GDP are: trade and
commerce, manufacturing, transport, including ports, air port and shipping, real
estate, construction, and services.
The economic base is increasingly shifting from manufacturing to services.
Manufacturing growth is slowing due to security problems, inadequate electrical
power supply, and high informal payments required to establish and maintain a
business. As a result, manufacturing’s share of metropolitan output has
decreased from 37 percent in 1985 to 18 percent today. In the meantime, the
service industries have been growing recently at about 8 percent yearly and now
represent a substantial part of gross metropolitan product. Growth has been
particularly strong in trade (wholesale and retail) and banking and financial
services; the latter has witnessed the arrival of a large number of international
banks, the emergence of exchange companies, and a boom in the stock market
and consequently in stock brokering, investment management, and financial
advice. ICT businesses, such as back office support functions and to a lesser

Refer Section 1 Annexure-I for details
Refer Section 2.3 Annexure-I for details
Refer Section 2.1 Annexure-I for details

extent software development, are also growing and have the potential to become
cornerstones of the future economy of Karachi. Strong growth in real estate
development and construction has been driven primarily by increased disposable
income and significant in-flows of investment capital from the Gulf states.
The future of Karachi’s economy lies primarily in the growth of the tertiary
sectors. Serving its own residents and those of much of Pakistan, Karachi will
expand and consolidate its role as the financial, trade, and transport hub of the
country. Knowledge-based industries and real estate and construction sectors
will also play major supporting roles in the future economic growth of the city.

2.3 Land Use and Urban Growth4

The city of Karachi has grown from the old town and the port at the sea outwards
along radial avenues that connect all city segments to the port. There are a few
means of circumferential movements. The CBD of Karachi, located in Saddar,
Jamshed and Keamari towns, represents a huge concentration of retail trade
establishments, wholesale markets, warehouses, business offices, banks,
financial and commercial institutions, transport terminals like truck and bus
stands, etc. More than 50 percent of the city’s jobs or employment are found in
this section of the inner city. Since the CBD is the most preferred location for
most businesses, there is heavy pressure for commercial space. As a result,
congestion, over crowding, and heavy traffic movements, punctuated by regular
traffic jams and air pollution, are prevalent features. De-congestion of the CBD
and a few adjoining parts poses a challenge that wo uld require a well thought out
strategic initiative involving a major regeneration and up-gradation scheme to
ensure convenient access, safe, undisturbed pedestrian movements, and healthy
or pollution-free environment, and increased commercial space through well
designed/regulated densification.
The inner city is manifestly the historic Karachi, containing, as it does, its proud
possession of an array of historic structures, the heritage buildings, protected
and preserved under the Sindh Cultural Heritage Act 1994. Along the Bundar
Road, stand the oldest Mandir, the Mereweather Tower, the KMC Building,
Khaliq Dina Hall, the old Sindh Assembly Building, whereas the Lea Market,
Spencer Eye Hospital, and residential quarters of Napier street and Pakistan
Chowk mark the historic quarters of the city. Conservation of the historic
buildings and building a compatible environment around them must be an
essential component of urban renewal schemes for regeneration of the inner city.
As the Karachi economy is growing; the space requirements/needs of the
growing economic activities will have to be taken care of through appropriate
allocation of land or developed space in suitable locations where these can grow
in an harmonious relationship with the rest of the city. In particular, the demand
for industrial space for manufacturing is increasing despite several adverse
factors, for example, power shortage, or high cost of doing business. To meet the
needs of this important sector new industrial parks or zone will have to be

Refer Section 3 Annexure-I for details

Figure-2.1: Karachi Urban Sprawl

As the city continues to expand, the future economic growth is expected to have
an impact on the morphology and physical pattern of the megacity. The future
appears to hold a promise for transformation of the existing linear/radial pattern
to a form of either a polycentric or a network city. New economic centres with
specialized functions may emerge around the present metropolitan area with or
without the help of planning. In order that the new business centres emerge and
grow in a planned manner with good connectivity to different city sections, it is
appropriate to plan the establishment of a few new centres at the periphery of the
city so that these are allowed to play their potential role in the city’s economic
development and well-being.
With mounting pressures exerted by the population growth over the last two
decades, two basic trends in land use are observed. Recently, commercial
growth has taken place along major arterials. While most residential
neighbourhoods have acquired one or two storey structures, significant
densification has taken places through construction of upper floors and
subdivisions of large plots. In many old and new areas, apartment buildings, 5-6
storeys high, have replaced the low-density bungalow type housing. A severe
constraint for this development has been the outdated and decadent
infrastructure, particularly deficient water supply and sewerage networks. In such
areas i.e. Lyari, Saddar,Jamshed, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Gulberg and North
Nazimabad, extensive replacement of the old lines and redesigning of the
distribution system will be undertaken for essential improvements. Apart from
vigorous commercialization along the arterial roads, high-rise apartment buildings
would help remove housing shortages and improve living conditions.

2.4 Housing 5
Housing needs of the population of the size of Karachi are very large as well as
pressing. The phenomenal growth rate, as shown by the addition of a high
number of households annually, has generated a very high demand for
affordable houses for the middle and low-income groups. The delivery of the
developed land for housing and construction of dwelling units has not kept pace
with continuously rising demand, with the result that not only the housing backlog
increased to intractable proportions but the built up environment was also
subjected to severe congestion by vertical construction with heavy pressure on
the physical infrastructure and the urban management system. The failure of the
formal sector to adequately meet the housing demand and the imbalance it
created between the supply and demand was basically responsible for distortions
and manipulation of land prices in the market which thus tended to completely
block the delivery of housing land to the low-income and lower middle income
groups. The dynamics of the urban land market effectively shut off the poor,
roughly about 40 percent of the city’s population, who were forced to live in
squatter settlements or the Katchi abadis in or around the metropolitan area. The
lack of provision of affordable and liveable shelter for the poor in Karachi is a
major issue of gigantic proportions, and calls for remitting efforts towards creating
enabling environment for redressal of the problem.
Addressing the housing backlog and the challenges it poses, is on a priority -
agenda of the federal and provincial governments. Pakistan’s National Housing
Policy 2001, and the Mid-Term Development Framework (MTDF) 2005-10 refers
to the increasing housing backlog and emphasizes the need to address the issue
of inadequate supply of developed land. It lists poor land administration and
limited supply of housing finance among the main issues identified.
The current housing backlog in Karachi is estimated to be about 90,00 units per
year; accordingly about 100,000 new units will be required to be added per year
to meet the requirements of 3.8 million households/units in the year 2020. In the
year 2005, there were 2.2 million households which are expected to increase to
3.9 million in the year 2020. It mean an addition of 1.7 million households
between 2005 and 2020. Of this, about 50 percent of the increase in housing
provision will be required for the poor and low income households to be formed in
the existing katchi abadis. In addition to provision of new plots to residents of the
informal settlements, improvement of katchi abadis by way of infrastructure
development is an integral part of the CDGK’s housing strategy. Ensuring tenure
security through regularization and grant of land leases to inhabitants of katchi
abadis fulfils a basic condition for the individuals to invest in their housing and
improve living conditions.
A puzzling aspect of the housing sector is current state of the housing schemes
launched during the last 30 yeas to meet the housing shortage in Karachi.
Despite the development work and allotment of plots was completed long ago,
the schemes still remain largely unoccupied and uninhabited.

Refer Section 3.1.1 Annexure-I for details

Table-2.1: Occupancy Status of New Housing Schemes



1 Scheme No.25-A 1980 05%

2 Scheme No.33 1971 20%

3 Scheme No.42 1983 05%

4 Scheme-43 1986 0%

5 Scheme-45 1986 05%

6 New Malir Project-I 1996 00%

The low occupancy status/rate apparently does not encourage the strong
initiatives for developing new housing schemes in order to overcome the housing
shortfall. This whole matter requires study of the reasons, for un-occupancy of
the schemes and evolving strategy and taking corrective measures.

2.5 Transport6
In response to, and in close accompaniment of, the pattern of city growth,
Karachi’s transport system has developed to its present dimensions, which
include road infrastructure, public transport, road traffic conditions and
management as the main system components.
The intra-city road network has a radial pattern, consisting of a series of arterials,
a few circumferential roads with inconsistent links and a disproportionately large
number of local and collector roads. In terms of connectivity, the network is
deficient in secondary roads that provide feeder service to major thoroughfares.
The weakness has basically arisen from the piece-meal development focussed
on residential schemes in the past. Although the maintenance of Karachi’s roads
has been poor and problematic, in recent years substantial improvements have
been effected through construction of flyovers, underpasses, remodelling of
intersections and road rehabilitation. To cater for the heavy traffic to and from the
Karachi port, two logistic by-passes have been completed, and for the same
purpose the Lyari expressway is being constructed. These would well serve an
integrated logistic system.
Of 24.2 million trips taken every day in Karachi, the public transport (buses) is
deemed to provide 50-60 percent of all trips, para-transit (taxis and rickshaws)
and private cars account for about 20 percent of the trips. Pedestrian trips
represent about 20 percent of all the trips.

Refer Section 4 Annexure-I for details

The bus transport is privately owned and is operated on designated routes. The
bus service is poor, inefficient and uncomfortable for the passengers; at peak
hours it is grossly inadequate with intolerable overcrowding and discomfort.
There is exasperating disparity between the number of seats available and the
passengers, as indicated by the current passenger seat ratio of 1:34. The service
is used by most of the low-income and poor people. About 42 percent of the total
private bus fleet is over 15 years old with poor mechanical condition and
contributes significantly to air pollution. The diesel-run buses and two-stroke
engine rickshaws contribute about 86 percent of total air pollution caused by
transport vehicles.
Since the inner city with the CBD constitutes the predominant centre of intense
economic activity and employment, it influences enormously the daily traffic flow
on the city’s road network. On working days in the morning hours traffic from
almost all parts of the city gravitates to this centre, while in the evening the traffic
reverses back to the outlying areas. This characteristic traffic pattern causes
enormous congestion and pressure on the urban transport system.
The congestion on the city roads has been growing from bad to worse and is
attributable to a number of factors. An abrupt rise in private car ownership has
completely transformed the traffic scene as a high number of cars ply and tend to
overcrowd the roads. Wrong parking and lack of parking space further
compounds the problem. Added to this are extensive roadside encroachments by
shops and hawkers. Above all, the poor traffic control is partly responsible as the
erratic behaviour of drivers, particularly of commercial vehicles, goes unchecked.
With the rise of number of vehicles on the roads and resultant congestion the
road safety situation has become alarming as the accident severity index has
risen to 45 percent. Involvement of pedestrians in road accidents is indicative of
lack proper facilities for pedestrian movements both along and across the roads.
The bus service is demand oriented and as such remains confined to inhabited
urban space. One of the reason why the newly developed residential schemes
remain unoccupied for long is the non-availability of bus service to some
threshold locations in the schemes which otherwise would have picked up and
occupied to some extent.
Transport management and regulation is a major issue. The inadequacies in over
all planning, management and finance are chief contributing factors of the
systemic failure to provide a sustainable transport system.

2.6 Water Supply7

Karachi faces a chronic problem of water shortage in supplies to meet the
constantly growing demand. There are some major challenges in the area of
management of services and the supply deficiencies in both quantity and quality
of water.
The current water demand amounts to approximately 752 MGD (2005); against
this demand the capacity of the supply system is 646 MGD, giving rise to a
shortfall of 106 MGD in bulk supply. But the amount of water supplied to the
consumers by the service remains short by about 35 percent due to losses in

Refer Section 5.1 Annexure-I for details

transmission from leakages, friction and large scale unauthorized diversion or
thefts. To meet the current shortages adequately and the demand upto 2020
(when the metropolitan population will increase to 27.5 million), the bulk water
supply from the Indus and other sources will need to be augmented to double the
quantum of the present supply.
Figure-2.3: Existing Water Supply Network

About 60 percent of the households are connected to the supply network. Under
the present conditions, water supply is irregular and inequitable. Water is
supplied only for a few hours, generally four hours daily and that too at a very low
pressure. In-equitable distribution marks the supply system as some areas
receive more water, and some too little to meet their needs. There are some
areas which are not connected to the system and get water on payment through
There is also a serious concern about water quality. The existing filtration
facilities are not enough to subject all supplies to clarifier process; about 60
percent of water is filtered and the rest is only disinfected through chlorination.
Some contamination may also occur in transmission to the end consumers.
Improvements in the system depend on public financing, for the existing tariffs
only generate insufficient revenues to cover operational and maintenance costs.
Enhancement of tariffs is clearly linked to the economic structure of consumer
population besides improvement in service delivery. Efficiency of the delivery
system is intricately tied up with the financial viability and related management

2.7 Sewerage and Wastewater Disposal8
The existing sewerage system serves a large part of the city. There are some
areas including Katchi Abadis and other informal settlements which are not
sewered and lack proper disposal system. The sewered areas of central and
southern Karachi is connected to existing treatment plants, while other sewered
areas discharge wastewater without treatment directly into nallahs, rivers or the
The net sewage flow is estimated at 388 MGD. System performance is marred
by glaring deficiencies. The collection network has a low coverage and lacks
major interceptors and sufficient treatment capacity. Most sewage flows into the
nullahs and rivers which run as open sewers through the urban area, causing
highly obnoxious, insanity conditions with serious health risks and unpleasant
environment for the residents of adjoining neighbourhoods.
There are other problems in the system that are caused by poor maintenance
such as low number of manholes and frequent effluent overflow onto the streets.
Further, most network, laid 25-35 years ago, needs replacement and upgrading
to carry the present sewage load which has increased much above its capacity.
In addition to network improvements, major capital investments are required for
building the wastewater treatment capacity and improve sanitary condition by
eliminating untreated sewage.
Figure-2.4: Location of Existing Wastewater Treatment Plants

Refer Section 5.2 Annexure-I for details

2.8 Solid Waste Management 9
The performance of solid waste management system has always been a major
cause of concern, as this municipal service was traditionally wanting in such
basic aspects as primary collection of garbage and safe transfer to the landfill
Approximately 9,000 tons of solid waste is generated each day (2005).
Households, trade and industrial establishments, construction activity and a
variety of institutions contribute in waste generation. The amount of solid wastes
is expected to substantially increase with the rapid growth of population and
economic activity. By the year 2020, the solid waste generation may approach
16,000 to 18,000 tons each day. The quality of civic life is closely related and
affected by the sanitary conditions in the residential neighbourhoods and other
areas, where efficient collection of garbage is the key to clear and healthy
It is important to effectively organize primary collection of garbage i.e. from the
households (within the Union Councils) and locations of origin/generations such
as market, industrial areas, hospitals and recreational places. The city
conspicuously lacks garbage transfer stations which need to be developed for
better handling of the garbage and transfer to sanitary landfills.
Poor planning, inappropriate technology and poor management are obviously the
main areas of concern needing serious efforts on the part of the local
government and other agencies towards efficient management and modern
technological development of this sector.
Figure-2.5: Existing Landfill Sites

Refer Section 5.3 Annexure-I for details

2.9 Storm Water Drainage
Karachi recorded with annual average monsoon rainfall varying 125-250 mm
whereas winter rainfall is about 25 mm. There are two main non perennial rivers,
the Malir and Lyari rivers, crossing the thickly populated city areas before out
falling into Arabian Sea.
The natural drainage system of Karachi consists of the Lyari and Malir rivers, and
their tributaries or nullahs. Because of urban development and excessive
occupation at the banks of the Lyari River and its tributary nullahs of Gujro and
Orangi, the natural drainage has been destroyed and almost completely
obliterated. As a result, the run-off of storm water is prevented from going into the
natural channels, thus overflowing the streets and parts of the residential areas.
The areas worst affected are North Nazimabad, Liaquatabad, and SITE.
In the inner city, the low-lying areas of Saddar, Chundrigar Road, Bunder Road
and Lyari become heavily inundated during the rainy spells mainly due to
inadequate storm water drainage system.
Extensive flooding occurs in parts of the Gulshan-e-Iqbal along the University
Road, Societies Union area along Shahrah-e-Faisal and Tipu Sultan Road.
Katachi abadis of Mehmoodabad and Manzoor Colony located on the Malir River
bank are also worst affected by excessive flooding and stagnant water.
Heavy rains were recorded in August,2006 resulting in high intensity uncontrolled
gushing flows overtopping medians and other infrastructure features of road
transportation network. Shahra-e-Faisal was among such hard hit areas where
the runoff from catchments of Shahra-e-Qaideen and adjoining areas of Hill Park
and Shaheed-e-Millat resulted in the massive blockade of vehicular traffic which
lasted well over 5 hours in complete choking conditions. The ripple affect was felt
from Gulshan-e-Iqbal to areas of Korangi, landhi and inner city areas such as
Saddar. This situation is resulted due to the following reasons:
i. Due to irregular and illegal land utilization practices in the past, most of
the natural drainage, nalas and low lying areas which were left as open
areas were converted into developed lands notwithstanding to the
requirements of providing alternate and man made disposal channels and
thus disturbing the natural flow conditions and consequently resulting into
uncontrolled storm drainage pattern especially during a high intensity
ii. It is a general observation that due to lack of organized solid waste
disposal system in the city, a substantial percentage of solid waste is
regularly disposed in the open storm drainage channels especially from
adjoining localities which obviously results in complete choking or partially
interrupted flow conditions in the event of storm. This practice is
universally seen along the major drainage channels/nalas such as Gujro
and Orangi where the occupants of the katchi abadis due to the
unavailability of any local waste collection and disposal systems
invariably indulge in such practices. Almost all the residents of North
Nazimabad areas will acknowledge similar practices in the localized
drains mainly being used as dumpsters rather than an interconnecting
interceptor drainage system. The resulting reduced and narrow channel
width does not provide the adequate hydraulic radius and the flow

capacities and in most cases results in localized ponding scenarios with
over flows topping the streets and connecting roads.
Figure-2.6: Storm Water Drainage System

iii. It is also observed that the existing interceptor drains along roads sides
are also not fully functional mainly due to change in local topography and
the slopes conditions. The storm sewers needs major survey in terms of
existing storm sewer network layout, interconnectivity, slopes, inverts and
conveyance assessments.
iv. It is observed that all major intra city drains e.g., in PECHS areas were
overflowed with storm water flowing at full capacities overtopping road
medians and resulting in uncontrolled flow conditions affecting residential
and commercial activities in the area.

2.10 Electric Power10

Karachi Electric Supply Corporation (KESC) is a Power Utility Company
responsible to provide the power supply to its Residential, Commercial,
Agricultural, Government owned sector and Industrial consumers in its licensed
area. The jurisdiction of its licensed area is comprised on Karachi, part of Sindh
upto Gharo & part of Balochistan upto Bela.
KESC has it own resources of Power Generation with installed capacity of 1738
MW, 220 & 132 KV Grid Station with 220/132 KV transmission overhead & under
ground network, 11 KV/0.42 sub-station with distribution overhead main & under
ground power cable network.

Refer Section 5.4 Annexure-I for details

KESC has the support of power generation through three IPP’s Tapal Energy,
Gul Ahmed Energy Unood Energy as well as from Kanupp, Pak Steel, KESC has
a link of Power Supply from Hub Power Plant at 220 KV at NTDC-KESC
interconnection and KDA-Scheme-33, 220 KV Grid Station through double circuit
overhead transmission line from Jamshoro Grid Station for import & export power
Figure-2.7: KESC Service Area and Transmission System

Inspite of all above mentioned power generation sources & import supplement
from WAPDA of 600 MW (Hub Link & Jamshoro OHL Transmission Line) KESC
had to faced a shortfall of 200 MW due to the demand and supply gap as
presently the load demand is upto the extent 2400 MW and supply is 2200 MW.
Due to this reason KESC had to resort the load shedding during day & evening
peak hours. This situation more aggravate when any 210 MW or 132 MW units
trips or break down in transmission line network to the extent of 400 MW or more.
This situation forced KESC to resort the load shedding which remains round the
clock in the city as during day & evening peak hours frequency remarks 49.8 H2
and voltage 220 KV drops to 190 KV & 132 KV to 110 KV.
It can be concluded that load shedding will remain continue till the time when
immediate step to be taken by KESC for:
• Any further power generation. It is pertinent to note that there is no addition in
power generation in KESC since after unit no. 6 at BQPS in the year 1997-
• Transmission system which needs expansion and rehabilitation in existing
has not been implemented due to which Power Transformers at grid station

experienced overloading round the clock resulted breakdown in large areas
of the city.
• Distribution system needs expansion & rehabilitation in existing at it is very
old and obsolete due to existing overhead mains, RMU, unbalancing of
system which resulted the rate of failure of pole mounted transformers (PMT)
& localize faults in 11 KV overhead and underground cables due to the
Immediate action is therefore called for augmenting the power generation
capacity and upgrading the distribution system.

2.11 Education 11
Presently Karachi possesses a vastly expanded educational system with a large
number of institutions (schools, colleges and universities) which endow the city
with the status of a prominent education centre in Pakistan. The system serves
not only the needs of the Karachiites but also the people belonging to other parts
of Pakistan, particularly in the areas of higher education.
Despite the above mentioned situation, the present educational facilities,
particularly at school level remain inadequate for the rapidly growing population.
Approximately 75% of all children needing basic education are enrolled in the
primary schools, while about 60-65 percent receives education at the secondary
level. In several areas the number of schools is very low; the socio-economic
status of a vast section of the population such as the people living in the katchi
abadis and other low-income areas, denies them the opportunity of school
education. As for the quality of education, the public sector institutions lag behind
the private sector. However, the public education is much more affordable than
the private schools.
At the college level, the situation seems to be much better than at school level.
College education in the public sector is continuously expanding, but needs
much improvement in quality towards achieving result-oriented performance of
these institutions.
Karachi has played a significant role in advancing higher education in the
country. Currently, the university education has witnessed distinct growth in
specialized professional fields in direct response to increasing needs of the
services sector of the metropolitan economy. But the present dispensation does
not fully meet the requirements and so the private sector has stepped in to fill the
Under the current education policy, the government is facilitating the private
sector to establish institutions of higher education including medicine,
engineering, business management, computer engineering, informatics and
telecommunications. To this end, an educational city is being planned in deh
Chuhar of Karachi as a major education complex for the private sector.

Refer Section 6.2 Annexure-I for details

2.12 Health12
In Karachi, health care is catered for by the public and private sectors. The basic
infrastructure consisting of primary health care units, preventive programs and
general hospitals for the public was established by the government and semi-
government organizations. Though some notable internal improvements were
made from time to time, the infrastructure did not expand spatially in line with the
aerial expansion of the city. Since the public sector facilities remained highly
centralized in a few locations, they became largely inaccessible to population of
most city sectors. This provided the stage to the private sector to establish clinics
and hospitals in the residential neighborhoods.
Although the access to the public sector hospitals is unrestricted and is also
non-discriminatory, the treatment and hospitalization facilities are lacking so that
there is considerable pressure on the present resources. In contrast, the private
hospitals provide better facilities and better service but restrict access on account
of affordability.
The network of tertiary care has to be expanded to respond to the needs of the
localities where such facilities are not currently available, like the areas of North
Karachi, Orangi, Landhi, Korangi and Bin Qsim.

2.13 Sports & Recreation

Presently fairly good recreation opportunities are available to the citizens. For
both passive and active recreations and field sports, developed spaces for parks
and playgrounds and, to a large extent, sports facilities for the city’s youth
generally suffice the present needs, even though their distribution across the
urban space may not seem to be equitable or balanced. But clearly there are
some residential areas, including informal settlements which have little access to
organized sports recreation or to any semblance of parks or open space for
limited sports activities. In order to balance the distribution of sports and other
recreation facilities, more space would need to be allocated in or close to visibly
deficient areas.
There are presently three city stadia , one each for cricket, hockey and football
which appear to be insufficient for the metropolitan sports loving public. With the
passage of time some investments will be required at all levels in creating
additional opportunities, and in further developing suitable sports sites in all

2.14 Coastal Recreation

The sea coast is source of enjoyment and recreation to the people. The beaches
at Clifton, Hawkesbay and Sandspit together with the attractive Paradise Point
are visited by the general public on week-ends and holidays in large numbers.
People generally enjoy walking or wading along the beach fronts. While people
make frequent visits to Clifton, visits to Hawkesbay, Sandspit and Paradise Point
are restricted as these require owned or hired transport. Clifton beach has been
developed into a major recreation and amusement complex, with its historic
promenade, recently renovated hanging gardens (2006), marine drive,

Refer Section 6.1 Annexure-I for details

amusement park and fish aquarium. Along a part of the beach, facilities such as
sitting benches, snack-bars and installation of flood-lights have been provided so
that the visitors can stay and enjoy for longer hours. A picnic spot was developed
by the KDA (now defunct) at Paradise Point in 1986. It attracts a good number of
visitors but the visits are constrained by the distance and lack of access through
public transport.
Sandspit and Hawkesbay remain undeveloped. There are only private huts
spanning the entire crest of the sandbar. The general public visiting the beaches
on week-ends and holidays does not enjoy any essential facility like shade,
public toilets and snack-bars. Swimming is rather dangerous, accidents of
drowning, particularly at Sandspit having sharp sea-side gradient, have occurred
with increasing frequency.
Small scale private hatching and sailing is enjoyed as leisure time sports, mainly
by the affluent section of the population. This activity is organized in the Chinna
creek backwaters, in the harbor channel and the Korangi Creek. Karachi Yatch
Club has its mooring facilities at Manora.
Chinna creek, Boating Basin, and Hawkesbay offer good sites for recreational
development. Hawkesbay and Paradise Point may be found suitable for large-
scale development of parks like Disneyland, sea sports and other recreation.

2.15 Environment 13
Karachi’s urban environment has deteriorated considerably over the past 2-3
decades. With expansion of the built up area and continuous densification the
built environment has been marred by intense congestion, lack of cleanliness,
unsanitary conditions, and poor maintenance of public infrastructure, over-
construction and enormous encroachment of foot-paths, streets, roads and public
amenity open spaces. Environmental problems are more intense and
uncontrollable in poor areas, such as katchi abadis and in low-income or high
density areas. Solid waste collection is also neglected in poor areas where most
garbage is littered around in the streets and lanes.
Water quality and water pollution are important environmental concerns. There
occurs widespread contamination with pathogenic organism in water from the
system supply lines largely due to faulty pipe connections and infiltration of
sewage water during idle hours. Most water available in Karachi does not meet
the water quality standards of WHO.
Air pollution is a serious environmental problem in the Karachi city. Automobile
exhaust, industrial emissions, open burning of garbage, domestic and
commercial fuel sources cause high increase and carbon contents in the air.
Rapid increase in the vehicular traffic have produced high pollution levels along
city roads and road intersections where these far exceed the limits set by the
WHO and National Environment Quality Standards of Pakistan.
Open burning of garbage at the landfill sites causes considerable pollution. Solid
waste from industries (also dumped outside the factory premises) is burnt in

Refer Section 7 Annexure-I for details

incinerators not always designed for hazardous waste disposal, like chemicals,
pesticides and hospital waste.
Open sewerage channels running through the Karachi’s neighborhoods remain
also a major risk, since these expose the residents of nearby areas to many
diseases. The Lyari and Malir rivers, which have been converted into large open
sewers, cause severe marine pollution along the coast and impact the harbor’s
marine environment. Further, solid waste dumping and hazardous industrial
sewage aggravates the contamination of the Lyari River.
Obviously, there is a glaring lack of implementation of environmental measures.
Institutional framework for environmental control is weak and indecisive with
overlapping responsibilities. There is no close coordination between different
agencies for environmental protection. This field needs to be strengthened to
play its assigned role.

2.16 Coastal Marine Environment

The coastline is severely polluted from municipal and industrial waste as well as
the port transportation activities. Ships discharge pollutants directly into the
marine environment of the harbor. Marine life has become contaminated with
lead. Human consumption of such sea-food may cause anemia, kidney failure
and brain damage.
The polluted marine environment has also damaged the ecological balance
maintained by the mangrove ecosystem that provide a natural habitat for
interdependent communities of invertebrates fish, shrimps, crabs, birds and
reptiles. Protection of the mangrove ecosystem and minimizing pollutants
discharge into the sea requires immediate corrective measures to preclude the
fast degradation of the marine environment.

2.17 Coastal Development

The Karachi coastline, with its five beaches, backwaters, mud flats and
mangroves ecosystem, is a natural asset. Its scenic attraction and potential for
recreation activities provide the basis for select urban development that
combines the natural advantages, social and economic growth while promoting
sustainability. There is considerable scope for development of several activities
including commercial-amusement complexes and waterfront architecture. Since
the coastal area is a sensitive zone, in respect of its distinctive ecology and
socio-cultural make-up, planning for coastal development should respect and
protect the natural ecological pattern, and should also promote the social and
economic interests of the fishing communities who inhabit the coast and depend
on it as resource for their livelihood. The beaches frequented by the general
public will have free access as a matter of common rights established and
protected under the beach development byelaws. The marine environments must
be improved by preventing the discharge of untreated sewage and keeping the
sea water swim able and fishable.
Coastal development is a special area requiring a plan carefully integrated with
the overall metropolitan planning and has to be based on we ll defined land use
and urban design principles. The infrastructure requirements of the coastal zone
should be clearly specified along with their impact and linkages with the city.

Therefore the coastal development should be an integral component of the city’s
overall development strategy.

2.18 Heritage Sites

Karachi cultural heritage is tangibly manifest in its historic architecture, the
heritage buildings that link the city to its historic part. There are about 600
heritage buildings, concentrated mainly in the inner city, and are protected sites
under the Sindh Cultural Heritage Act 1994. Many of these buildings have
deteriorated over the years and are in urgent need of repairs. In addition to
regular renovation and preservation of the heritage buildings, development in
areas adjacent to these sites has to be consistent with conservation in
accordance with the criteria and zoning bylaws. Public awareness regarding
these buildings as historic assets is an essential element in promotional activities
targeting conservation and environmental improvements. In case of buildings
under private ownership, offer of various incentives should encourage owners to
protect their historic properties.

2.19 Urban Agriculture

The rural area of Karachi, which forms about 65 percent area of the district,
contains a few rich agricultural belts/zones where cultivation of vegetables, fruits
and fodder has flourished as a truck farming activity to supply some of the needs
of the city. In the Malir valley, Kathore and Shah Mureed-Gadap zone large
cultivated tracts depend on irrigation from tube-wells and shallow dug-wells.
There is considerable potential for development of cultivation and ground water
resources. Culturable land with good soils is generally constrained by shortage of
groundwater supplies. Clearly, harnessing groundwater sources to their
maximum potential is the key to any plans for growth of agriculture in the area. A
comprehensive ground water development program including regulation to avoid
over-use, construction of dams and weirs for recharge of aquifer, and building
storage reservoirs for rain run-off needs to be formulated as a pre-requisite to an
overall agricultural land use plan.
Though cultivation has witnessed some expansion in Kathore and Shah Murad-
Gadap zone, there has occurred much reduction in the cultivated lands of the
Malir River valley, particularly in its lower section due to large-scale conversion to
housing and other urban uses. This development was facilitated by much
increased land demand for houses with rising land prices, proximity and easy
access from the city, and to some extent also induced by extreme shortage of
groundwater supply for irrigation as a result of drastic depletion of aquifer and
increasing salinity.

2.20 Natural Hazards and Disasters

Karachi remains at risk from natural disasters i.e. earthquakes, tsunami waves,
and the cyclonic storms. Karachi and the region around it has been affected by
earthquakes, mostly of low and moderate intensity. Only a few had high intensity,
which also generated tsunami waves in 1819, 1943, 1945 and 1956, causing
much destruction of life and property along the coastal areas of Pakistan. Karachi
is vulnerable to devastating tropical cyclones that originate in the Arabian Sea
and may strike Karachi with ferocity and heavy rainfall. During the period 1946-
2004, about 50 cyclonic storms developed in the northern Arabian Sea, out of

which four hit the coastal belt near Karachi with disastrous consequences of
heavy downpours, flash-floods, loss of life and property.
To minimize the effects of such natural disasters on human population and
property, a disaster preparedness and relief management plan is an obvious
necessity. Such a plan will be concerned with monitoring the natural phenomena
causing disasters, an effective warning system, identification of most vulnerable
zones, and a relief delivery system.

The strategic framework set out in this section examines the vision against the
backdrop of current conditions and presents a strategy for its achievement. The
strategy essentially answers the question “How do we get from here to there” and
will help frame out the components of the KSDP 2020.
The vision recognizes the twin requirements of stimulating economic growth, and
creating an inclusive city that provides opportunity and a better life for all its
citizens. The guiding principles of the vision are:

3.1 Guiding Principles

• Sustainable growth economically feasible, environmentally viable, socially
and culturally acceptable.
• Creating an inclusive city social justice and poverty reduction
• Safeguarding quality of life people are at the centre of the vision
3.1.1 Sustainable Growth:
For Karachi, as any other city, sustainable development ought to be an overriding
concern. The present approach to development has to be turned into one which
is economically self-sustaining and environmentally sound. For any development
to be economically feasible, its benefits should, in a stipulated timeframe, fully
pay off its costs. More importantly, it should not be burdened with debts,
domestic or foreign, which the development or the project returns are incapable
of redeeming. Efficient cost financing and recovery are the key elements in
guiding the choice of sustainable development projects. Urban development
projects are by and large not oriented towards sustainability. Environmental
impact assessments/statements remain more of a ritual rather than imperatives
required to be faithfully implemented. Environmentally sound development will
have to be undertaken to stop further degradation, and improve the
environmental conditions of the city via sustainable schemes on traffic and
transportation, water supply, sewage and drainage, solid waste management,
sanitary infrastructure, and social welfare. Sustainable growth can be secured
through better hygienic conditions, elimination of pollution, affordable housing
and poverty reduction. Lastly, in order to be sustainable, the development must
be compatible with the cultural ethos of the people who are the ultimate
beneficiary of development.

3.1.2 Creating an Inclusive City:

The vision entails the emergence of Karachi as an inclusive, multi-class space
that caters for the essential needs of people without discrimination of caste, color
or creed. To be able to achieve social cohesion, Karachi needs to be transformed
into a melting pot by bringing the people closer socially and culturally. Provisions
of sustainable mobility, better housing, education and health facilities, and
access to employment opportunities for all sections of the city’s population,
including the poor would prove to be instrumental in achieving this objective, if
development is based on equitable distribution, and social justice. The poor
residing in the informal settlements would need to be integrated into the urban
social matrix by way of specially targeted programs for the uplift of the deprived

population. Poverty reduction will be better facilitated through generation of better
employment opportunities and conditions in the urban labor market.

3.1.3 Safeguarding the Quality of Life:

Perhaps Karachi’s greatest challenge is to provide a “decent life for Karachiites”.
Except a limited segment of the middle class and the rich, Karachiites generally
do not enjoy comfortable living conditions as they face severe problems with
respect to decent housing and related facilities such as adequate water supply,
convenient affordable transport, hygienic conditions, education and health. The
prevalent economic condition of a vast majority of the people does not allow
them to improve the quality of life, as financial stringency is an almost permanent
feature of their predicament. The middle class and the rich, while they can often
buy better education and health services, are not immune to the infrastructure-
related problems, many of which are systemic in nature and impact the whole
city. The urban environment, from the viewpoint of pedestrians, commuters on
public transit, shoppers, and also women or children at the park, is unattractive,
unhealthy and a source of stress. Though an urban development plan is an
instrument in organizing and improving urban space, the cardinal purpose is to
enhance the welfare of the people who are at the centre of the vision.

3.2 Strategic Context

Karachi, like all the other major cities, has to operate within a context that is
characterized by change: driven by economic, social and political forces, that are
increasingly responding to global and not just local pressures and considerations.
It can neither afford to ignore them nor expect to totally control them. Its ability to
meet the challenge of providing the needs of the city and the citizens in a way
that meets its aspirations and expectations depends on its ability to understand
and respond to the forces that are driving change.
3.2.1 Drivers of Change
Some of these forces, the drivers of change are :
Economic integration - as capital becomes more international, there is an
increasing shift away from national entities to modes of production that are
international, and therefore the decisions regarding location and production are
less likely to respond to local pressures and incentives. It means that local
control is reduced, but on the other hand local conditions can attract and
influence a much wider audience of players;
• Liberalization - the ability of national and local governments to erect barriers
and artificially control and protect markets and producers is reducing in the
face of liberalization;
• New competitive dynamics - the need for having to respond to a global
audience means that cities have to measure their status and attractiveness in
comparison to a much larger pool - while this has larger potential rewards, it
also means a greater need for awareness of global standards and
expectations and developing the need for a rapid response capacity.

National Policy:
• Growth Performance and Challenges - as Pakistan’s largest driver of the
economy, its largest city and main gateway to the world, Karachi has a
national responsibility to meet the challenges facing the country in terms of
economic growth. The economic and therefore also the socio-political
development of Pakistan and Karachi are closely linked, and the hopes and
expectations for prosperity require the city to position itself accordingly;
• Decentralization to Harness Local Capabilities - the recent changes to local
government legislation have, perhaps for the first time allowed the city to be
able to take a greater and more direct control over its development and
direction. This should enable Karachi to make much more effective and
efficient use of its resources to direct and respond to change;
• Karachi’s Growth
o Constrained Growth - to some extent the success of past development,
without adequate investment, guidance and planning has led to a city that
is choked and often bursting at the seams. Older central areas have
become overcrowded and run-down, many of the economic activities are
now seen to be less than ideally located in relation to their changed
operations and linkages;
o Poverty as a barrier to the vision - the influx of large numbers of workers
from around the country, and indeed the region, that are essential for the
success and development of Karachi, can become a constraint to further
progress if they are not enabled to benefit from the prosperity of the city ;
poverty is an obvious barrier that needs to be lifted if Karachi is to be able
to realize the vision it has set itself;
o Policy and Regulatory Failures - the people of Karachi, whether rich or
poor, have shown that they have the desire, the capacity and the ability to
develop and drive the economy of a thriving metropolis. These efforts
need to be supported by an enabling policy and a facilitating regulatory
o Efficiency First - the strategies and policies that will help underpin the
continued growth and development of Karachi need to be based on
improving and making more efficient and effective the current areas of
development and the systems and infrastructure that support them rather
than opening up new areas further away that will further stretch scarce
and inefficiently operating infrastructure.
These challenges and imperatives for change have to be met with a response
that is based on the realities and demands of the citizens of Karachi and reflect
their aspirations and expectations now, and for the future. It is in the very nature
of a changing environment that it will require a flexible response that takes into
account events and their impact - and that can only be done if the solutions and
the strategies are proposed, managed and implemented by Karachiites, through

3.3 Karachi on the Path to a Global Presence
This Strategic Development Plan for the overall physical strategy of Karachi will
respond to these economic, environmental and social imperatives within the
constraints set by the physical environment of the city by:
• Strengthening the identity of the heart of the city and its high amenity
• Decongesting the area within the inner ring, by more efficient land-use
• Promoting development towards the Town Centres, increasing the access to
employment by disbursing economic activity to the New Economic Centres
• Providing infrastructure to overcome key constraints to the growth of industry
and employment and to provide the poor and middle class with access to the
employment thus generate

3.4 An Agenda for Priority Setting

The drivers of change discussed above provide clear priority areas for
3.4.1 Karachi needs a pulsing, vibrant heart and have areas of high amenity
• The historic centre must be revitalized and linked through to the harbour. The
historic building stock of the CBD must urgently be rehabilitated with
incentives provide by Transferable Development Rights and the footpaths
made accessible. The modern part of the CBD with its high rise office
buildings needs to have much higher levels of amenity (through the
rehabilitation and addition of theatres, museums, art galleries and parks) and
better transit connectivity. The port area nearest the CBD, currently an
industrial monotony, must be made accessible and attractive.
• The seaside areas of the city need to be promoted as ‘lungs’ of the city,
accessible to all, and their linkage to the city’s heart strengthened. The
redevelopment of Clifton Beach and new developments in the bay must
maintain public access to the coast and its amenities, and bus-way linkage to
the CBD fostered. Their proximity to both the richest and poorest areas of
the city makes it imperative that their development is sensitively handled,
using participatory methods, and their planning understands and responds to
their city-wide role and function, rather than being seen as islands of real
estate development.
• Specific areas of interest need to be developed as tourist attractions. Karachi
has a number of areas that have developed around specific economic
activities, often based around communities from one or a few ethnic or
geographic origin ‘ as well as becoming efficient and effective contributors to
the city economy, they also offer the potential for development as areas of
tourism. Areas such as the ‘marble city’ in Golimar, Bohri Bazaar and Saddar,
the ‘Benarsi Silk City’ in Orangi and the ‘Furniture City’ in Liaqatabad, the
fishing Goths (villages) and others must be developed with accessible
footpaths and tourism-friendly shops and products. Where appropriate and

so demanded, their further development and operations may be more
effectively carried on or replicated in new areas in other parts of the city;
• The well thought out transport polities to be formulated ensuring balance
between demand and supply in various areas of transportation system with
particular emphasis on Traffic Impact Assessment of new developments and
the strategy to ensure mitigation measures.
• To introduce Parking Control and Management System, Urban Bus Routes
rationalization, Bus Stations for Inter / Intra City Operations, standardization
and up-gradation of road network development strategy.

3.4.2 Karachi Needs To Provide A High Quality of Life For Their Citizens.
Based on an efficient land use pattern supported by needed transport, water
and sanitation infrastructure, and by the provision of pleasant sidewalks and
• To enhance the amenity and accessibility for the majority, within the area of
the ‘inner ring’ growth in private car use will be discouraged through the
provision of dedicated bus lanes with an effective mass-transit bus-way
system, restriction of parking, and the diversion of commuter traffic around
the centre by the completion of the southern section of the ring (southern
bypass) and the reconstruction of the circular railway.
• Amenities and shops need to be accessible to citizens rather than clustered
into far flung specialist districts and to this end clusters of commercial activity
are suggested at the intersections of major radials with the inner ring.
3.4.3 Karachi Needs To Have Clear Strategies for Coping With Growth
• Beyond the inner ring, future development will be encouraged to cluster
around high capacity corridors, the three most important of which will lead to
three New Economic Centers (NEC) on or near the intersection of these
radial corridors and the Northern Bypass. These Centers will focus on
education, government services and logistics, and will be triggered by the
relocation of some of these activities (such as wholesale markets,
warehousing and bus and transport terminals) currently being carried out in
constrained and unsuitable locations in the inner city.
• To facilitate such development the outer ring road will be progressively
developed together with appropriate feeder road, water, sanitation and
transport infrastructure and development controls to encourage appropriate
development and to ensure the City District captures some of the
development gain from the infrastructure provided.
3.4.4 Karachi Needs To Foster Competitive Industries
• The SITE industrial estate is undergoing a transition to, and the western-most
parts of the Korangi industrial estate is developing, an industrial base focused
on high-value added light industry and space intensive commercial activity.
This development must be fostered through appropriate incentives for ‘sick’
or inappropriate industry to move out of SITE, and to discourage
inappropriate industry, such as chemical plants or heavy industry from
moving into Korangi. As exports of such industry are usually through airports

or through high speed container ships, the Karachi port, easily accessible
from these areas, should be encouraged to focus on such traffic. The linkage
of these areas, particularly Korangi through the southern bypass, to the port
should be strengthened. Other activities, with the exception of cruise liner
facilities, should be encouraged to relocate from the Karachi Port to Port
Qasim. The proposed western logistics ‘NEC’ should also focus on
supporting industries based in the SITE and Korangi areas.
• The eastern industrial areas to the north of Port Qasim are focusing on
textiles, chemicals and heavy industry and thus the port infrastructure should
cater to these activities. As this port has potentially better access both to the
National Highway and the Superhighway, this port should also focus on
goods which are likely to be transported north along the National Trade
corridor through to Islamabad and on to Central Asia and China. This would
imply construction of the link road from the national highway to the
superhighway as a priority. Further, it should imply that one of the key areas
of focus of the developing ‘Education City’, immediately north of the port and
industrial estate, be on applied sciences, research and business in support of
3.4.5 Karachi Needs To Be Organised On Good Governance
• To ensure the participation of all its citizens in the development effort, the
planning and management of the city has to be based on principles of good
governance that ensure open-ness and transparency. The Development
Plan and its detailing has to be based on dialogue between the government,
the public and the private sectors and the community on a regular basis.
• No government has the resources or the capability to undertake all the
development work required for the transformation and uplift of the city ‘ and,
for efficiency and effectiveness, needs to engage in partnership with the
private and community sectors in appropriate ways and levels.
• For effective and efficient development, it is imperative that there be a level
playing field to encourage and facilitate the entry and involvement of a variety
of participants; that development and other rights and regulations be easily
known and fairly applied; and that arbitrary and autocratic decisions are
resisted and replaced by more considered and democratic decision-making.
This requires the establishment of an open-access information and feedback
system, backed by an effective research programme that can monitor
performance and measure success.
• The development initiatives in transport sector can only produced desired
results unless supplemented with effective enforcement and monitoring
system with unity of command.
• In order to ensure development activities on uniform standards, practices and
procedures, adoption of uniform laws and regulations being practiced by the
City District Government Karachi may be mandatory to be followed by all civic
agencies throughout the Karachi City District limits irrespective of their
physical boundaries.

3.5 Summary of current conditions and strategic challenges
The strategic challenges in an effective development of Karachi will require to be
assiduously addressed on various levels of government, CDGK, the provincial
and federal governments, development agencies, the international funding
agencies, and the private sector enterprises as partners in progress. A summary
of current conditions acting as constraints, and the strategic challenges is given
Table-3.1: Survey of current conditions

Land use and Housing

Current Conditions Strategic Challenges Development Partners

1. Concentration of Correcting land use, CDGK, Cantonment Boards, BOR,

employment, transportation Private owners, Land-Owning
activities in inner
and housing relations. Agencies, Pakistan Railways,
Regeneration plans, KCCI, State Bank of Pakistan,
integrated transport and Financial & Trade Associations,
increased amenities Transport Department, Hawkers
Association, Transport
Associations , NOGOs,
Professionals and Academia .

2. Coastal zone pollution Protection and conservation CDGK, LDA, KPT, PQA, DHA,
and damaged of coastal zone and its PAF, PN, BOR, ABAD, KBCA,
ecological system; ecosystem; elimination of Transport Deptt, EPA, Residents,
lack of facilities for marine pollution from Villagers, Funding Agency, NGOs
visitors to beaches, municipal and industrial Professionals & Academia.
sources; development of
and sea-side
recreation beaches and coastal areas
for affordable recreation and
entertainment; integration of
beach and shore-line
development with ‘waterfront
development’ in designated

CDGK, KBCA, Land owning

3. Undiversified land use Creating a diversified mix of Agency, Residents, ABAD, NGOs,
mix at neighbourhood land uses in designated Funding Agencies, Professionals
areas in neighbourhoods, and Academia,
scale and in new areas proposed
for development; promoting
pedestrian - related
developments; creating
efficient economic centres in

4. Excessive horizontal Encouraging vertical CDGK, BOR, Land owning
growth, low density development consistent with agencies, KBCA, SKAA,
spread and increasing needs for Cantonment Board, ABAD,
unbalanced space additional space; Funding Agencies, LDA, MDA.
use development to maximise
space use for trade,
business offices and decent
5. Concentration of Development of new CDGK, KCCI, SBP, Trade
economic activity in economic centres and Buisnness and Financial
the CBD, and functional areas to divert Associations, Transport
hierarchical system growth to periphery of Associations, Funding Agencies.
of commercial metropolitan area; creation
centres. of specialized activity centre
to promote the envisioned
role of the city.

6. Fragmentation of CDGK, cantonment Board, KPT,

Integration through unified PQA, DHA, BOR, GoS, LDA,
city development
under multiple land- planning, uniformity in MDA, federal Government,
owning agencies zoning regulations, land use Ministry of Defence, MD Ports and
control, environmental Shipping.
with disparate
planning standards protection and
and regulations enhancement; an arching
role for the CDGK to
regulate growth across the
7. Social and cultural entire district.
isolation of old areas Conserving the traditional CDGK, LG Deptt, GoS, BOR,
or the urban Goths village settlements within the Goth Abad, Communities and
city, and preventing their Villagers, Ministry of Culture,
disfigurement under NGOs.
development pressures.


8. Huge housing Step change in housing Katchi Abadies Authority(SKAA),
backlog, with provision; facilitating HBFC, Commercial Banks,
housing supply occupancy rate in newly Communities, Civic Society,
lagging behind developed schemes not yet Professionals and Academia.
growth occupied; providing
affordable housing including
rentals through densification
and high rise construction.

9. Large areas of Regularization and up- SKAA,KMC(Defunct),Communities
informal settlements gradation of all notified
and under-serviced katchi abadis, no dislocation Transport department, KWSB,
housing of residents; producing KESC, SSGC, HBFC, Health &

development models of Education Departments.
public-private partnership.

Political Leadership, BOR, GoS,

10. Inefficient land
Fundamental reforms in the CDGK, ABAD, Funding Agencies,
allotment policy
planning and land market HBFC, SKAA, Transport Deptt,
system; balance between Cantonment Boards, LDA,MDA,
demand and supply for Communities and Villagers,
housing for all income


Current Conditions Strategic Development Partners


1. Inefficient , unsafe and Sustainable mobility; CDGK Transport Department,

efficient and safe transport Federal & Provincial
unsustainable transport
system; a policy, regulatory Governments, funding
system and delivery framework that agencies, Communities and
places economically Civil Societies, Professionals
efficient solutions, public and academia, Transporters
transport and safety at the Association.

2. Predominantly radial
network with a few Road and highway
CDGK, BOR, GoS, Land
improvements; upgrading of
circumferential roads Owning Agencies, Private
the road system; facilitating
Owners, Works Department,
having inconsistent access to all parts of the utility Agencies.
city, and freight movements
links to and from the ports as
well as intra-city economic

3. Poor, inefficient bus CDGK, Transport Deptt, GoS,

service, overcrowded Affordable, efficient public Transport Owner Associations,
and uncomfortable transport; service providing EPA, Funding Agencies,
especially at peak hours safe and comfortable travel Communities & Civil Society,
at all times Professionals and Academia.

4. Limited or no service Hawkers Association, BOR,

integration Multi-model integration Governments, Land owning
agencies, Traffic Police,
Cantonment Boards, Media.

Federal Govt, Provincial
5. Congestion on roads, Decongestion and smooth Government, CDGK, Banks and
particularly in the inner traffic flow; improved traffic Funding agencies,
city and the CBD management; removal of Professionals and academia,
encroachments; minimizing media etc.
parking problems by
providing parking

6. Limited facility for More pedestrian amenities

across the entire system; CDGK, LDA, MDA, Transport
pedestrianization of Deptt, BOR, GoS, Transport
selected CBD locations. Associations, Banks and
Funding agencies, Utility
7. No mass transit Mass transit to expand
capacity along high volume Federal & Provincial
corridors. Governments, land owners,
CDGK, LDA, MDA, funding
agencies, Private sectors,
transport associations, civil
Extending bus service to
8. Lack of access/bus the schemes and providing
transport service to new suitable facilities.

housing schemes at the

city periphery

Water Supply

Current Conditions Strategic Development Partners


1. Gross supply Adequate water supply to CDGK, KWSB, Provincial

meet the current and future Govts, Banks, Funding agencies
deficiencies, and
needs; improvement in , Professionals and Academia,
inefficient technical, financial and Users and Civil Society.
management administrative efficiency.
of delivery service

2. Economically unviable Measures to enhance Federal Govt, provincial Govt,

operational and revenues through CDGK, KW&SB, Professionals,
rationalization of tariffs to

management system make KW&SB an civil Society.
economically self sustaining
enforcement agencies.

3. Substantial short-fall in
Augmentation of bulk
bulk supply Federal & Provincial
supply to overcome current Governments, CDGK, KW&SB.
shortage and meet the
future demand.

4. High water losses in Improvement and CDGK,KW&SB, Enforcement

renovation of transmission Agencies, users
transmission network
system to prevent
leakages, losses by friction.

Increase in duration of
supply, and also making its CDGK, KW&SB.
5. Irregular and unreliable
supply distribution equitable.

CDGK, KW&SB, Provincial

6. Insufficient filtration Construction of more filter Government.
capacity affecting the plants to cover the entire
water quality supply

Substantial increase in Development authorities ,

7. Short coverage of number of households allottees, civil society, media.
households for under delivery system.
domestic supply


Current Conditions Strategic Challenges Development Partners

1. Sewage treatment Full wastewater connection CDGK, KW&SB, Govt of Sindh ,

far below generation, and treatment; to prevent land owning agencies,
discharge of untreated Presidents Civil Society,
causing unsanitary wastewater with nullahs, Professionals, Law enforcing
conditions rives and the sea. Agency, media, industrialists,
businessmen community, BOR,
GoS, Banks and Funding

2. Low or inadequate More areas to be sewered
coverage of collection and connected to treatment
network plants

3. Poorly maintained and Improvement in

overloaded sewerage maintenance and network
capacity to carry current
and future load.

Solid Waste Disposal

Current Conditions Strategic Challenges Development Partners

1. Poor and inefficient An effective and efficient CDGK, Cantonment Boards,

solid waste solid waste management Land owning agencies, civil
and substantial increase in Society and Residents, Banks
management capacity, technical and and Funding agencies.

2. Insufficient primary Full coverage of all solid

Transports and workers, Town
collection waste generated from
administration, Police,
various sources, domestic,
media,CCBs, NGOs.
industrial and commercial

3. Inefficient garbage Provision of garbage Provincial Government, CDGK,

transfer to landfill sites transfer stations in all
towns, and improved TMAs , informal sectors, users ,
transfer system. media.

4. Inadequate and poorly

developed landfills Efficient management of
landfill sites involving
appropriate disposal


Current Conditions Strategic Challenges Development Partners

1. Utterly inadequate – Quantum increase in CDGK, KESC, IPPS, Federal
power supply causing generation capacity, and & Provincial Governments,
untold hardship to general improvements in distribution Banks, Funding agencies,
public and constraining system. KCCI, Civil Society, media.
economic growth Industries, businessmen
community, Policing , media

KESC, Private Sector, KCCI,

Fast growing industrial power
2. Considerable shortfall in needs to be catered for on users
supply to industrial priority basis.
establishment impacting
out put and cost-

3. Pressures on supply and Adoption of measures to

management system streamline organizational
working and cost effective
delivery to general consumers.


Current Conditions Strategic Challenges Development Partners

1. Educational facilities Provisions of educational CDGK, Education Deptt,
lagging behind the needs facilities at all levels; in GoS, Federal Government,
of a fast growing particular sizeable expansion BOR, Civil Society, LDA,
population of primary schools to MDA, Private sector, Civil
comprehensively meet the Society, Professionals ,
growing needs of school - Academia, media , Banks and
going population. funding agencies.

2. Substandard infrastructure Establishing more schools and CDGK, Private Sector, Civil
and unbalanced spread of colleges in areas/towns not Socieity, Academia
educational institutions. adequately served by the
educational institutions, under
public and private

Enforcing regulatory rules and Provincial Government,

measures to remove
3. Marked disparities of CDGK, Professionals,
standard and quality deficiencies of faculty and academia.
management; provision of
faculty development and

4. Inadequacy of university Expanding the university level Federal Government, HEC,

level education with
education with high-grade Provincial Government,
limited professional,
technical and science professional Private Sector, Banks and
diversity and marked institutes/departments and funding
absence of research. agencies,
focussed research linked to professionals and academia
requirements of economic


Current Conditions Strategic Challenges Development Partners

1. Inadequate health care Increase in the network of CDGK, Federal & Provincial
facilities with much gap primary health care units in the Go9vts. Health Deptt,
between needs and public and private sectors, Education Deptt, Land
delivery with measures to owning agencies,
combat/prevent communicable Professionals and academia,
diseases civil Society and media
communities and NGOs,
banks and Founding agencies.
Pharmaceutical companies,
Katchi abadis, Political
Leadership, media.

2. Lack of tertiary care Establishing more tertiary care
hospitals with standard hospitals/treatment centres
Federal & Provincial
facilities across the city to adequately
Governments, Private Sector,
serve the needy.

An expanded network for

3. Lack of institutional
training of para-medical staff;
network for training of
expanding horizon of Provincial Government,
para-medical staff and CDGK, Private Sector.
specialized training.
advanced specialized
training of medical

4. Lack of health service for Improvements in health care

the poor and the low-
income population, and hospital facilities in the Provincial Government,
CDGK, Funding agencies,
particularly the public public sectors to provide Civil Society, NGOs,
sector hospitals
satisfactory treatment to Professional, academia.
patient, belonging to low
income group and the poor.

Sports and Recreation

Current Conditions Strategic Challenges Development Partners

1. Shortage of developed Space for active recreation
space for sports and other CDGK, Sports Deptt, GoS,
playgrounds and sports fields
active recreation to be increased in all towns. Land owning agencies, BOR,
Katchi Abadies,
Communities, NGOs, media,
Federal Government , Private
2. Insufficient, restricted Provision of more
stadium and gymnasium gymnasiums and stadiums of
various categories at the
metropolitan level.


Current Conditions Strategic Challenges Development Partners

1. Increasing environmental Effective solid waste Provincial government,
degradation; Lack of management. CDGK, KCCI, Transporters.

Provisions of full wastewater Civil Society, Enforcement

2. Unsanitary conditions treatment. agencies, media,
professionals, media.
3. Water Contamination Controlling water
contamination in supply

Eliminating toxic emissions

4. Air Pollution from vehicles and factories.

Preventing discharge of Federal Government ,

5. Marine Pollution untreated sewage into rivers Provincial government, KPT,
and seas; protection of coastal
ecological system. PQA, DHA, LDA, CDGK,
Professionals, Industrialists,
Media, Civil society, Funding

6. Deterioration in built
Improving built environment
through effective enforcement
of building regulations;
renewal of degraded areas.

7. Desertification and Protection of green belts, &

depletion of ground water
resources natural vegetation; promotion
of tree plantation, judicious,
groundwater use &

Urban Agriculture

Current Conditions Strategic Challenges Development Partners

1. Accelerated reduction in Protection of the Malir green
Provincial Government, CDGK,
cultivation/cultivated belt through groundwater
conservation & management. LDA, MDA, Agriculture
area in the Malir valley
Department, aBAD, Civil
Society, Enforcement agencies,
Professionals, media.

2. Inefficient agricultural Profitability of agricultural

land use with low lands to be promoted through an
input- output ratio efficient land use based on
combination of truck farming,
dairy and poultry farming, and
salinity-resistant crop

4.1 Land Use
The vision and the strategy, as described in the foregoing chapters, anticipate a
range of spatial changes, as the Karachi’s population grows (15.2 million in 2005
to 27.55 million by 2020), and the metropolitan economy gains momentum, along
with sizeable growth in commercial and industrial activity. The spatial needs for
commerce, industry, housing and infrastructure development will be provided
through a set of policies and programs.

4.1.1 Spatial Growth Strategy

Spatial changes will occur across the metropolitan area through a development
process based on the following spatial growth strategies.
i. Densification: Through floor addition, high-rise development in
designated areas, walkup apartments and subdivision of large plots,
densification will result in considerable increase in space use for housing,
and business, offices and other uses. Tough the process will occur in all
town in varying degree; it will be increasingly prevalent in six towns,
namely Saddar, Jamshed,North Nazimabad Gulberg , SITE and Shah
ii. Densification and Infill: A combination of densification and infill process
(occupation of vacant land for various land uses) will intensify to
accommodate future growth. Changes will take place more through
densification than infill. The process will occur particularly in six areas
i.e.,Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Landhi, Korangi, New Karachi Towns, DHA and
iii. Infill and Expansion: Infill along with expansion will proceed to achieve
growth in varying degrees, Growth will be higher in Baldia, Malir and
Orangi Towns, expansion will occur in Gadap Town through development
of new schemes in the public and private sectors.
iv. Status-Quo : Population density is already higher in Lyari and Liaqatabad
Towns. The recommended strategy is therefore to maintain status-quo
and also no increase in the existing density should be allowed.

Table-4.1: Year 2020 Population Targets and Growth Strategies
2005 Projected Increase In Population for 2020 Total Projections for 2020
Town Name
No. %
Pop Acre in Acr Density Densification Densification-Inf Inf+Exp St. Quo Pop Density

1 Saddar 935,566 5,967 157 187,113 - - - 1,122,679 188 20

2 Jamshed 1,114,235 5,790 192 445,694 - - - 1,559,929 269 40

3 North Nazimabad 753,423 4,127 183 226,027 - - - 979,450 237 30

4 Gulburg 688,580 3,417 202 206,574 - - - 895,154 262 30

5 SITE 709,944 6,286 113 184,585 - - - 894,529 142 26

6 Shah Faisal 509,915 2,901 176 101,983 - - - 611,898 211 20

7 Gulshan-e-Iqbal 949,351 13,260 72 - 1,424,027 - - 2,373,378 179 150

8 Landhi 1,012,391 9,670 105 - 809,913 - - 1,822,304 188 80

9 Korangi 829,813 10,247 81 - 995,776 - - 1,825,589 178 120

10 New Karachi 1,038,865 5,058 205 - 207,773 - - 1,246,638 246 20

11 Cantonment 464,882 31,336 15 - 464,882 - - 929,761 30 100

12 DHA 379,596 9,454 40 - 303,677 - - 683,273 72 80

13 Baldia 616,722 7,217 85 - - 493,378 - 1,110,100 154 80

14 Malir 604,763 4,395 138 - - 302,382 - 907,145 206 50

15 Orangi 1,098,859 5,803 189 - - 330,066 - 1,428,925 246 30

16 Bin Qasim 480,854 137,961 3 - - 1,672,699 - 2,153,553 16 348
17 Keamari 583,640 106,217 5 - - 1,340,272 - 1,923,912 18 230
18 Gadap 439,674 355,798 1 - - 2,638,044 - 3,077,718 9 600
19 Lyari 923,176 1,977 467 - - - 46,159 969,335 490 5
20 Liaquatabad 985,581 2,685 367 - - - 49,279 1,034,860 385 5
G.TOTAL 15,119,830 729,566 - 1,351,976 4,206,048 6,776,841 95,438 27,550,130 - -

Note:Pop: Population Density: Persons / Acre

Dens: Densification * Excluding Kirther National Park Area
Dens+Inf: Densification+Infill
Inf+Exp: Infill+Expansion
St.Quo: Status Quo

a. Accommodating New Household:

About 1.776 million household would be increased by the year 2020, which
would be accommodated as per the spatial growth strategy given in above table
covering 18 towns. In three towns namely Gadap, Bin Qasin and Keamari 0.81
million household (45%) where as the remaining 0.96 million household (55%)
would be accommodated in other 15 towns through densification and infill
strategy. The already notified but vacant scheme such as Shah Latif Town, MDA
Project No. 1, Taiser Town, Scheme-33 & 43, Halkani Town, Hawksbay can
accommodate the 0.81 million household in Gadap., Bin Qasim and Keamari
Town as shown in Figure 4.1.
Figure-4.1: Spatial Growth Strategy

4.1.2 Regenerate the Inner City

Karachi’s current urban centre, focused primarily around Karachi Port, in Saddar,
part of Keamari Town and Jamshed Town, is extremely dense and congested.
Most activities associated with the flow of commerce through the port are
concentrated here. This area also accommodates most local and provincial

government functions. However, these areas, that form the heart of Karachi,
have become run down and showing signs of neglect and are in urgent need of
i) A Programme of Local Area Regeneration Plans: The inner city of
Karachi is made up of a number of distinct areas with their own functions
and identities. These should be used to demarcate areas for which
regeneration plans should be developed through consultation and
dialogue with local stakeholders. The plans should facilitate the economy
by improving local transport and infrastructure as well as creating new
room for expansion through consolidation and more efficient land use.
ii) A Program for transferable development rights: In the inner city a complex
situation has arisen with respect to tenure rights involving owners, tenants
or renters and the covert operation of the pugri system. The tenure
system in the area has made the tenants defacto owners under the ‘pugri’
system. The owners have ceased to invest in maintenance of their
buildings, and wait for the buildings to degenerate, when they can sell off
the building or in partnership with builders reconstruct and sell off. The
city government must evolve some strategy for redevelopment of such
properties/area so that the issue of complex tenure is resolved.
iii) A Programme for Progressive Pedestrianization: In many of the areas for
regeneration, the restriction or curtailment of vehicular movement,
particularly through-movement, and the facilitation of pedestrian
movement, will provide an additional asset and assistance to the process.
It will help increase the attraction of the area and open up the possibility
of additional economic activity. A way to do this is to start off by
identifying two or three streets or small sub-areas of areas that could be
closed to vehicular traffic. The lessons from these learning-experiments
could then be replicated on a larger and wider, and more permanent
iv) A Programme of Integrated Transport: The current transport system is
based on private cars and motorcycles, buses and rickshaws operated by
individual or small-scale operators. Transport in the inner city areas could
be considerably improved if public transport were more efficient. One
way to do this would be through the introduction of comfortable bus
service and pre-paid, rechargeable swipe-cards that would allow
passengers to undertake multi-route and multi-mode journeys. The
transfer away from private motor cars could be achieved by the
introduction of a higher-priced, more comfortable midi-bus system linked
to GPS-enabled 6-passenger rickshaws for onward transportation from
bus-stop to door-stop for an inclusive charge. This higher-priced service
could be operated by public private partnership, with easy entry for
private operators.
v) Decongesting the inner city: The inner city is much congested due to
heavy concentration of commercial establishments and associated
functions, such as warehouses, godowns, wholesale market, transport
terminals i.e truck stands, bus terminals and the like. As the congestion
has reached intolerable limits causing considerable inconvenience to the
residents as well as the people who visit for shopping or work,

decentralization of activities is a necessary measure to decongest the
area. By shifting some of the main markets, that is iron market, timber
market and grain marked and also truck stand and warehouses to
locations outside the inner city, the prevailing congestion will not only be
reduced to appreciable extent, but will also allow some measure for
redesign and redevelopment in the area.

4.1.3 Promote mixed use developments

Promote mixed use developments in designated Areas and in new development
areas: Encourage mix of uses, especially offices, neighborhood-scale retail and
residences in new development areas in Korangi, Malir, North Karachi Bin
Qasim, Gadap, Orangi and Keamari Towns, so that people can live and shop
near where they work. As the trend of increasing car ownership continues,
especially amongst the middle and high income populations, promoting
pedestrian-oriented developments would help to reduce some of vehicular
movements that would otherwise be generated if one had to drive everywhere.
Each of Karachi’s 18 Towns has a designated Town centre, but except for the
older, established town centers, the growth of the others has been uneven.
There should be an effort to encourage the concentration of local economic and
commercial activities to create more efficient town centers, leaving more room for
the location of urban amenities.
4.1.4 Permit and guide vertical development and densification
To accommodate anticipated growth in Karachi’s population, encourage vertical
development in specific areas such as declared commercial roads / areas. In
addition, promote densification of existing towns through vertical and infill
development. This would help to alleviate some of the need for additional space
that would otherwise push the horizontal spread of the city. The following policies
are aimed at promoting vertical development in existing neighborhoods/and new
i) Promote high-rise development within designated locations and in
specific new urban centers. Karachi is predominantly a horizontal city with
very few areas where buildings exceed five or six stories. Promote taller
buildings in specific areas, and in selected new urban centers, and restrict
them from being built in a sporadic manner all across the city. These
high-rise developments should be designed in a coordinated manner with
a mix of uses, including a variety of housing types, good connectivity to
public transit, and well planned vehicular, pedestrian and open space
systems to ensure that they become desirable places to live and work.
ii) Promote mid-rise development: This pattern of development is already
visible along existing corridors. The Town/Local Area Plans should
determine exact land use mix, where some corridors could become
primarily retail in nature, others dominated by offices, while others would
remain primarily residential. The allowed heights should be dependent on
the width of the road right-of-way and also identified in Town/Local Area
Plans. The future traffic patterns, parking needs, as well as utility needs of
future uses should be taken into consideration for designation of allowed
mix of uses.

4.1.5 Enable densification vertical development of existing residential areas
Existing neighborhoods throughout Karachi are mostly restricted to G+1 in
height. As per densification scenario, increase building height limits to G+2 to
encourage required densities. This would require the city to plan and execute
infrastructure system upgrades to accommodate additional people in existing
4.1.6 Develop New Urban Centers
Karachi’s current urban centre, focused primarily around Karachi Port, in Saddar,
part of Keamari Town and Jamshed Town, is extremely dense and congested.
Most activities associated with the flow of commerce through the port are
concentrated here. This area also accommodates most local and provincial
government functions.
Developing additional urban centers in existing built up areas will help
decentralize the existing economic activity and public services from the centre,
as well as spur growth in areas that could be planned for new development. The
mix of uses within these centers could vary where some could be predominantly
commercial with office and trade-related uses, while others could include a mix of
light industries, offices and shops. The type of mix use should be dependent on
the existing natural and built conditions, environmental considerations,
infrastructure capacity and characteristics of the surrounding areas. There are
three primary locations where new growth centers should be planned (see Land
Use 2020 map). The development of these new urban centers should be closely
coordinated with new or improved radial and concentric roads and improved
public transport services to ensure that they don’t become isolated islands of
i) New high-density trade and warehousing centre at interchange of RCD
Highway and Northern Bypass: This centre will provide space for growth
of trade and commerce sectors and help decongest the port area. A new
inter/intra bus terminal will be located along the RCD Highway and
Northern Bypass. A new warehousing area, adjacent to a new wholesale
market serving the western half of the city, a retail centre and low income
housing will complete the complex. Much of the land in this area is public
owned, with irregular plot shapes that are not suitable for the proposed
uses. Given the lucrative nature of the proposed commercial investment,
private sector wholesalers, retailers and truckers can be expected to
cover most of the costs of the investment. CDGK can enter into
negotiations with landowners and business associations (first separately,
and then together) and form a public-private partnership for the
development of the trade and warehousing centre. Contributions of the
three parties can be:
§ GoS/Private landowners: land, in return for which they get an
equity stake in the project or corporation formed to develop and
manage it
§ CDGK: trunk infrastructure, including roads (already built), water
supply, sewerage and power
§ Wholesalers/truckers: on-site infrastructure and buildings

ii) A new ICT centre in Bin Qasim): With the development and advancement
in ICT Businesses that compete in a global market often seek to locate
offices close to education centres for R&D purposes. The ICT centre will
be located near Education City to take advantage of synergies between
research and commercial development activities. The centre will focus on
business process outsourcing, knowledge-base services, and software
development. New housing areas for employees of the centre will be
developed to the northeast and south. A site on south east of Education
City has been inspected and found suitable for the development.
iii) A new government centre at the intersection of the Northern Bypass and
Super Highway: Currently, most of Karachi’s and Sindh’s government
functions are housed in the city centre. Relocating some of these
functions to a new centre at the intersection of the Northern Bypass and
Super Highway would help distribute the functions and reduce associated
congestion in the city centre. Further, a new centre would provide an
opportunity to the city and provincial governments to upgrade some of
their facilities which are from the pre-Independence era. Since the area
immediately adjacent to the intersection has already been allotted
(although not built upon), the government centre can be located just to
the east of the intersection next to the proposed greenbelt. GoS/CDGK
will enter into negotiations with existing landowners to ascertain the
possibility of acquiring the land.
4.1.7 A Policy for Urban Renewal:
The key consideration should be the sustainable use of land resources to
improve the existing land use in a holistic manner as mentioned below:
i. Redevelopment: To redevelop dilapidated buildings/areas with
unsatisfactory and substandard living conditions by facilitating the
owners, infrastructure providers and private sector.
ii. Preservation : To preserve buildings of heritage value and carryout
comprehensive re-planning and restructuring for the priority projects
which will, at the same time, enhance the provision of local open spaces
and community/welfare facilities,
iii. Rehabilitation: To arrest urban decay of building / area by proper
maintenance. The rehabilitation, the active participation of private owners
in the maintenance and renovation may play a vital role.
Following are the areas to be taken as projects on priority basis in
accordance with the above mentioned policy:
a. Up-gradation of Federal and Sindh Government Secretariat Blocks:
One of the areas requiring renewal and up-gradation is the barrack blocks
of the federal/Provincial government offices which are in advanced state
of decay. The built environment characterized by lowly structure in
deteriorated state is in utter disharmony with the surroundings. The area
needs to be redesigned and developed in such a way that in addition to
providing decent accommodation to offices in high rise buildings,
sufficient space is made available for appropriate public amenities
including parking and parkland.

b. Renewal and up-gradation of government servant quarters:
The government employees residential quarters at Jehangir Road
Quarters, Martin Quarters, Police Lines, Pakistan Quarters, Central
Prison and F.C.Area are in deteriorated state with substandard, decayed
houses due to lack of proper maintenance or improvement of
infrastructure and the living environment. They are invariably marked by
overcrowding, congestion, encroachments, and unsanitary conditions.
These areas need to be up-graded, rebuild and provided with adequate
facilities and amenities. While the residents are accommodated in walkup
apartments or high-rise buildings, exiting commercial activities can be
housed in building-fronts at ground floors. Enough space will be available
for amenities at much higher level for the residents and others living in the
neighboring areas. Land for special projects to be undertaken by the
private sector or for publics uses such as hospitals, educational
institutions transport infrastructure for BRT / Mass Transit or municipal
offices, can also be earmarked in the plans. Up-gradation can be
undertaken on case by case basis in accordance with locational
preferences or priorities.
4.1.8 Integration of Civil Areas of Cantonment and other Land Owning Agencies:
Since, major land use changes through planned development are expected
across the metropolitan area, it is logical as well as imperative to integrate land
use planning and control and infrastructure development through unconditional
implementation of the land use proposals and unified Town Planning and
Building Regulations. It will be essential to adopt a unified, coordinated approach
to inter-agency development issues, development of future plans and
environmental control in complete unison with the CDGK, who should have a
coordinating and unifying role. The plans for the areas under different land
owning agencies must be guided and regulated through a city vide
comprehensive land use plan prepared under KSDP-2020.
The Karachi Cantonment, Clifton and Faisal Cantonments form parts of either
the inner city or the central city. Their large areas are civil in nature consisting of
mainly residential areas/uses. These schemes have low density and are grossly
under-utilized with vast chunks of vacant spaces. So far these areas have grown
in isolation from the development of the city, causing bottlenecks and acting as
constraints to balanced and harmonious growth. Not only the potential of these
areas should be fully realized, there should also be some reorganization of land
uses for city or town level amenities and transport infrastructure. Higher density
residential, commercial uses and high amenity component should be achieved to
optimize the land use in the area. Likewise, the area under the KPT, PQA and
Pakistan Railways occupying important locations should undertake appropriate
land use reorganization so that these also develope to their optimum capacity. A
part of railway land around the city station is proposed to be utilized for the
transport infrastructure for the upcoming BRT/Light Rail Transit.
The cantonment land along MA Jinnah Road and in Saddar currently under low-
density residential uses is proposed to be utilized with high-density uses, with
parts allocated to commercial / office uses and also reserving appropriate land
for multi model transport terminal and neighborhood amenities. Looking into
possibility of modus operandi of giving incentives for vertical expansion in

exchange of surrounding part of land for public amenities for making inner city
pedestrian friendly.
In Faisal Cantonment the residential areas around the T-Junction of Shahrah-e-
Faisal and Rashid Minhas Road is in low-density area having vast tracts of
vacant lands, and the COD. Efficient and rational use is required to be
compatible with its accessible central location. Accordingly, the area needs to be
utilized as city’s another financial/business district. In view of the proximity of the
Karachi International Airport and the PAF Base, the building heights will be
prescribed and strictly adhered to.

4.1.9 Incorporation of Existing Goths (villages) into Urban Fabric:

A large number of Goths occupy a significant proportion of land within the
Karachi City District. Theses villages lie within the built up area of city and in
rural area. They house a large segment or low-income population. These villages
need to be provided with necessary facilities and amenities together with
reconsideration of land uses to make them efficient settlements.
Figure-4.2: Villages & Goths in Karachi

4.1.10 Transport Infrastructure:

Inter / Intra-city bus terminal facilities, based on the catchments have been
earmarked in various potential zones. Multimodal transport facility is proposed in
the CBD, on Northern Bye-pass, on the Super Highway near the Link Road
junction, and on the National Highway north east of the Textile City. Likewise,
provision of multi-level car parking garages in various areas and close to the
transit stations to ensure park & ride facilities, cargo village etc., have been
envisaged in the land use planning process. It is mandatory for all civic/ land
owning agencies to make adequate provision for transport infrastructure facilities
in conformity with the CDGK’s land use plan.
4.1.11 Industrial Zones:
Karachi possesses an appreciable potential as a profitable and efficient industrial
location with attractive site for a variety of manufacturing industries. There is

considerable scope for expansion of high-tech, high value-added manufacturing
for which suitable efficient locations are needed alongwith necessary
infrastructure and efficient logistic connectivity. Full utilization of developed
industrial spaces in Bin Qasim Industrial Zone, Export Processing Zone, Surjani,
SITE-II and Korangi Industrial Area must be accelerated by providing incentives
and industry-specific facilities. In addition to existing industrial areas, three more
location / zones have been proposed with a view to providing employment
opportunities to the population of surrounding areas. These are located in
Dhabeji along the National Highway, in Deh Gandpass near intersection of RCD
Highway and Northern Bye-pass, in Deh Mahyo north of Surjani Town. To realize
the early development of these industrial zones the requisite infrastructure is also

Further more, cottage industrial zones announced in 1990’s in Landhi, Baldia and
Orangi Town have not yet been developed, though the plots were allotted to
small entrepreneurs in mid 90’s. The development of the scheme was impeded
as a result of unresolved issues of land encroachments and consequent delay in
providing required infrastructures. The constraining issues need to be resolved
on urgent/ priority basis so that this scheme takes-off, boosting the small and
cottage industrial sector. Government of Sindh sponsored Textile City project on
the National Highway, and the Sindh Small Industrial State along Northern Bye-
pass, which are partially developed, would require immediate provision of
infrastructure, utility services and transport facilities.
4.1.12 Decentralization of Financial District:
As a result of phenomenal growth and expansion of the economy, the financial
district of Karachi is growing and has considerable potential for expansion. It is
proposed that a number of sub-centers to cater for the needs of the financial
center should be developed, for which sites on Mai Kolanchi Road at Sindh
Government land, in the Korangi Industrial Area at Government of Sindh land,
Faisal Cantt area at T-Junction of Shahr-e-Faisal and Rashid Minhas Road,
Shaheed-e-Millat Road, and at Hawksbay Road (K-28) are proposed.
4.1.13 Additional Site for Karachi International Airport:
To meet the needs of vastly expanded International and Domestic Air Traffic
growing concurrently with the enhanced role of Karachi as regional hub; it is
proposed to allocate an additional site for an International Airport for future use.
Suitable site having an area about 3500 acres has been proposed in Deh Nara
Thar or Deh Shah Murid for allotment the Civil Aviation Authority for this purpose.
Since Federal Government has already undertaken the project of M9 converting
Super highway (N5) to Motorway classification, the proposed site will serve larger
catchment area for International Airport including Hyderabad.
4.1.14 Special Purpose Zone along Karachi Northern Bye-pass:
An urban corridor is planned for special purposes along the Northern Bypass
within 300-meter reservation on both sides with a length of 38 Km between the
Super Highway and the R.C.D Highway. The proposed land use may include
housing, commercial, institutional and public uses. Planning for the corridor
development will be based on a comprehensive study on its impact on the
bypass functions.

4.1.15 Education City:
The vision envisages bringing together various institutions in the education and
health sectors under the umbrella of ‘Education City’ by maximizing both the
intellectual and physical investments in Karachi involving the private sector.
The government of Sindh has already notified Deh Chohar spreading over about
9000 acres as Education City. About 2000 acres of land has already been
allotted to the educational and health institutions. However, these allotments
were made without any planning of the area.
In order to realize the idea of education city, following actions are recommended:
i) Conducting physical survey and preparing Master Plan of education city by
involving the allotttees/stakeholders
ii) Provision of all utilities and services
iii) Establishment of a well defined governance structure at government level
with participation of stakeholders to solve their problems pertaining to land
consolidation, planning, internal and external development.
iv) External development to be carried out by the CDGK and utility agencies by
charging development charges and the internal development by the
v) The existing link road, passing through education city should be widened to
240 feet. Also an alternate 300 feet wide road should be planned to carry the
heavy traffic away from the education city. The possible alignment could be
the extension of 300 feet Port Qasim main road passing along oil terminal
Zulfiqarabad, Memon Goth and linking Super Highway at east of Dumba
vi) Consideration of a link road by passing education city at eastern side and
linking Super Highway.
4.1.16 Law Enforcement Agencies - Infrastructure Requirements:
The law enforcement agencies have important role in handling law & order
situation, protection of sensitive installations, important establishments etc. With
a view to ensuring adequate provision for present and future needs to house the
associated facilities, the land has to be earmarked in accordance with the
strategic plan of the agencies. These primarily include allocation of land along
RCD Highway, National Highway, Korangi and Super Highway.

4.1.17 Allocation of Spaces for Graveyards:

The old graveyards in and around the city have become saturated and therefore
new sites for graveyards should be identified and allocated.
Three major sites are identified ; (a) in Deh Joreji behind Dewan Cement Factory
in the eastern part of the city, (b) in Deh Mahyo in the northern part, and (c) in
Deh Mochko in the western part. The area of these sites ranges from 500 to 600
acres. Schemes currently being planned or under development such as Taiser
Town, Scheme 33, Hawkesbay and Halkani etc, should be provided graveyard
sites on the available vacant land or by re-adjusting the various land uses. In the
built up areas, such as Korangi, Gulishtan-e-Johar, Malir Cantt and Orangi sites
have been identified and are under 30- year lease for different purposes.

4.1.18 Landfill Sites and Garbage Stations:
Since the existing landfill sites have already been used to their capacity, new
landfill sites should be identified and developed. Appropriate space for garbage
station in each Town should be provided so that sorting and compacting is done
before transfer to landfill sites. Further the garbage, ‘scavengers’ who play an
important role in garbage sorting and supplying to the recycling industry should
be inducted in to the sorting process to be undertaken at garbage station.

Table 4.2: Proposed Land Use Types
Land Use
Code Description
MU1 High-Density • Commercial, institutional, and/or residential development
Mixed Use • Hotels & high-rise
• In selected zones, high-rise permitted.
• Heights and setbacks specified in local plans
• Improved public transport services and traffic management.
• Parking provided in separate multi-story structures, preferably
located in middle of block
• Sidewalks and pedestrian amenities provided
MU2 Medium-Density • Commercial, institutional, and/or residential development
Mixed Use • Mid-risealong development corridors with improved public
transport services and traffic management. Predominant use of
corridors (residential, retail, office) to be specified in local plans
• Buildings heights along development corridors less than or equal
to 0.75 times width of street right-of-way
• Parking in development corridors provided separate multi-story
structures, preferably located in middle of block
• Sidewalks and pedestrian amenities provided along development
• Detached or semi-detached housing on local streets
RE1 High -Density • Predominantly residential, with commercial and institutional also
Residential permitted
• Plot sizes 80-240 square yards
• medium rise on selected main roads to be specified in local plans
RE2 Medium-Density • Predominantly residential, with commercial also permitted
Residential • Plot sizes 120-500 square yards
• medium rise on selected main roads to be specified in local plans
RE3 Low-Density • Predominantly residential, with commercial and institutional also
Residential permitted
• Plot sizes 600-2000 square yards (>600 sq yds plots not allowed
in new schemes / developments)
• G+1height limit
• High-rise luxury apartments also permitted
RE4 Farm Houses • Very low density farm houses with a minimum plot size of 12
acres. No RCC construction.
RE5 High -Density • Predominantly residential, with commercial, institutional and
Residential Plus cottage-industrial also permitted
• Plot sizes 80-240 square yards
• medium rise on selected main roads to be specified in local plans
KA Katchi abadis • Existing Katchi abadis. squatter settlement, detail mapping
required and freezing of existing katchi abadis at cut-off date.
CO1 Commercial • Predominantly commercial, retail, offices, institutions
CO2 Warehouses • Predominantly godowns, storage, container terminals.
CO3 Wholesale • Wholesale and transport permitted
SP1 Special purpose • Please refer specific rules
OP1 Operational • Specific operational area of a concern agency / authority
RC1 Recreational • Parks, Them Parks, Beach, Retail, Hotels, Entertainment,
Residential (Where applicable port activities also allowed)
IN1 Government / • Government / Institutional Authorities, Agencies, Sports etc.
IN2 Educational, • Universities and higher education
IN3 Healthcare • Tertiary level health care
IS1 Industry • Light and Heavy Industry
CA1 Conservation • Special protection area under international treaties,
Area environmentally sensitive area, wild life reserve.
PK1 Parks • City and regional parks
RV1 River • River Buffer
AG1 Agriculture • Agriculture, animal husbandry, green reserves, open area
reserves, poultry farming
GR1 Grazing • Animal husbandry, poultry farming, grazing, open spaces
VI1 Villages • Goths, villages
TR1 Transport • Vehicles Transport
TR2 Transport • Air, Railway, Sea Transport
4.2.1 Introduction
To keep pace with the housing demand over the Plan period, CDGK and Sindh
Provincial Government will create an enabling environment and adopt policies
that address housing demand at all income levels. Focus will be on housing
needs of middle and low-income groups including katchi abadis with an
emphasis on formulation of a pro-poor housing program. CDGK will develop an
action program to address the housing backlog in the plan period. It will build its
institutional capability in the immediate future to plan and execute the housing

4.2.2 Guiding Principles

The strategy for the housing sector is based on the following principles:
• An inclusive approach : Under the national housing policy ‘housing for all’ and
the Mid-term Development Framework, the CDGK need to adopt an inclusive
housing policy that addresses housing demand at all income levels including
the poor in the informal settlements (katchi abadis), who form a large
segment of the city population.
• A pro-poor policy: While serving the demand of middle and higher income
groups having financial capability to acquire developed plots, the CDGK will
follow a pro poor policy that creates an enabling environment of the low-
income groups, including the poor to acquire affordable and livable housing
and be able to invest in improving their dwellings. Some key aspects of the
policy will focus on subsides on up-gradation of infrastructure and access to
loans from commercial banks, microfinance institutions, and the House
Building Finance Corporation.
• Appropriate plot allocations in housing projects: To meet the higher demand
of the low-income groups, the ratio of small plots in all housing schemes will
be set at a much higher level, say, 75 percent plots to address the demand
adequately. This in accord with the MTDF proposals and would be an
appropriate response to the growing needs of the low-income people.
• Improving the efficiency of land market: The land market is highly competitive
and overridden by speculation which is responsible for price distortions and
escalation. Under such market conditions a large section of the needy are
increasingly prevented from acquiring suitable housing. A mechanism is
therefore called for eradicating speculative practices and improving access to
developed land by the low and middle income groups. Further measures will
have to be put in place to improve the efficiency of the land market such as
amendments in land transfer procedures, appropriate land use, building
standards and regulations. Besides, a system of information to public on land
market would be helpful.
• Building capacity of land administration: In order to be able to cater for large
demand for land for housing and other purposes, the existing capacity of land
administration will require compatible expansion at all levels, along with
appropriate reforms in legal and regulatory framework. The emphasis on

regularization and up-gradation of katchi abadis, and low-income housing,
would place considerable burden on the existing capacity that may well
become a constraint in quick and efficient delivery, if not expanded

4.2.3 Housing Strategy: Principal Constituents

i. Adopting national policy guidelines:
Reiterating Vision 2030 for Pakistan, the MTDF 2005-10, delineates the
national policy guidelines, identifying issues and mass housing strategy in
the national context. It recognizes housing as basic necessity and
emphasizes the need to quickly bridge the gap between housing demand
and the housing supply. Inadequate supply of developed land, limited
availability of housing finance and poor land administration identifies,
among others, as the major issues. The housing strategy seeks (a) to
increase the availability of developed land in terms of enhancing
preparation of small size plots for low-income groups and undertaking
high-rise condominium development, (b) enhanced supply of institutional
finance and long-term fixed rate of financing option, (c) building the
capacity of land administration, (d) discouraging speculation in land, and
(c) developing an appropriate legal and regulatory framework. The MTDF
calls for adoption of a pro-poor policy, and improvement in the housing
conditions of the informal settlements. For regularization and up-gradation
of katchi abadis, it favors the Sindh Katchi Abadis Authority (SKAA)
model wherein the land title is tied to payment for land and development
Pursuant to the national housing policy and the MTDF guidelines, the
CDGK will formulate a housing policy that recognizes the demand for new
housing plots for all the income groups and the need to address the
housing backlog through high rise development, densification and in-fill in
the existing metropolitan area, and actuate the occupancy of the
developed but so far unoccupied schemes. The policy will adequately
address the issue of sprawling katchi abadis in consonance with the
emphasis laid by the national housing policy.
ii. Addressing the housing backlog
A major issue in housing delivery is the vast scale of the current backlog
which is estimated to be around 100,000 new units per year, based on
the difference between new households formed and the number of the
new housing units supplied during a reference period from 1981-98.
Given the pace of households and housing formation between 1998 and
2005, it is estimated that there is a backlog of 90,000 units per year.
In addition, the population in informal settlements growing at twice the
rate is estimated to have grown from 50% of the number of households to
61% of the total households (1.2 million households). It is expected that
by the year 2010, the backlog will be180,000 and new households living
in the informal settlements since 1998 will be 941,968. At this rate by the
year 2010, the backlog would have accumulated to 330,000 units.
Accordingly it is estimated that about 100,000 new units will be required
to be added annually.

Apparently there is a marked dichotomy in terms of strategy required to
address the backlog in the formal housing and the informal settlements as
separate or disparate areas of action.
In the formal sector, the backlog delivery will be effected through a range
of measures designed to substantially augment the housing supply.
The required measures are:
b) Densification through consolidation and infill
c) Accelerating the occupancy in new developed yet unoccupied
housing schemes
d) Waterfront development with high-rise in designated areas along
the coast starching from Bin Qasim Port to Cape Monze
e) Providing mixed land uses and high density growth in suitable
location of the metropolitan area
f) Promoting new economic centers together with affordable housing
sectors for all income-groups
g) Appropriate land use and infrastructure improvements in the inner
city including the CBD, and area up-gradation program including
the public servant housing in government-owned housing estates.
iii. Promoting the role of private sector developers and public and private
In providing affordable housing and maintaining a consistent supply of
houses, the private developers have had an important role, some of the
performance shortcomings apart. The role of the private developers in the
formal sector and to some extent in the informal sector needs to be
further promoted by ways of unstunted cooperation between the public
sector agencies and the private developers, and building partnership in a
sustained manner so that the housing development issues are
appropriately resolved as a shared responsibility. In the informal sector,
the private sector roles will be crucial to the success of improvement and
up-gradation programs for katchi abadis where models and modes of
partnership would be successfully forged.
iv. Meeting the needs of the informal sector, the katchi abadis.
Committed as the CDGK is to amelioration of the housing conditions of
the katchi abadi residents, the housing program assigns priority to
regularization and up-gradation of the notified katchi abadis which task
will be accelerated with urgency to obtain the goals. The program will
move forward with the involvement of the community, the private
developers, financial institutions and the assistance of the international
funding agencies. While the government will make substantial
investments in trunk infrastructure, the residents will be encouraged to
improve their living conditions. Experience has shown that where properly
supported; housing can be improved in an incremental manner.
Involvement of the community and civil society involvement can help
create an enabling environment for the poor and loc-income groups to
acquire acceptable standards with respect to housing quality,

infrastructure facilities, basic amenities and the development of their
neighborhoods Assistance from the housing finance institutions and
commercial banks would be an important factor for obtaining the desired
pace in movement forward.
v. Enhancing supply of institutional finance
Housing finance is a key towards achieving adequate progress in housing
program, particularly improvements required in the katchi abadis and low-
income housing. The House Building Finance Corporation will be required
to make more finance available to all income groups, and make
necessary modifications in loan payment and recovery modes so as to
facilitate access to housing finance for larger clientele including the low-
income groups. Small loan packages introduced by the HBFC would still
need to improve and widen the coverage. Special finance packages for
the poor in the katchi abadis, and appropriate instrument should be
devised to increase access to institutional finance for acquisition of
serviced plots and house-building. Commercial banks are also expected
to increase financial loans for housing but requirements of appropriate
collateral would be a hindrance in case of the low-income or the katchi
abadi residents.
vi. Enhancing the management capacity.
In order to implement the housing program laid down by the KSDP-2020,
immediate steps will be required to be taken to augment the management
capacity, especially in the areas of planning and designing and
development of housing schemes and service delivery at the city
government level.
The current housing demands emanate in different proportions from the
three income categories, for which the estimates of their shares are:
High-income group 5 to 7 percent
Middle income group 15 to 20 percent
Low-income & the poor 75 percent
The housing issue in effect pertains to the middle income, low-income
and the poor groups. Currently the middle income housing demand is
mainly met by the private sector developers and builders in town houses,
apartments, and high-rise buildings. The public sector role has
continuously declined in respect of middle-income housing. In the new
housing schemes, increased prevision for low-income housing has been
The low-income housing is divisible into (a) Public sector low-income
housing and (b) informal sector housing - the katchi abadis, mainly the
poor people housing. Each is faced with different issues which block
Formal sector issues and corrective measures.
The new housing schemes are located in the distant periphery which is
not served by the public bus system, and as a result remain inaccessible
to the plot holders. The schemes still remain to be occupied, with very low

occupancy rate which has failed to pick up for a number of reasons.
Some parts of the schemes remain as yet undeveloped and lack
infrastructure facilities/amenities. In addition, allotment policy failed to
reach the target group because of inappropriate allotment system and
resultant speculation. There is active speculation on a large scale, since
the NUF/Tax is low, and not raised to levels enough to discourage or stop
speculative practices. These schemes also lack the provisions of built
housing which would otherwise have helped in occupancy by the
needy/targeted groups.
Figure-4.3: Karachi Vacant Housing Schemes

To correct the situation, it will be appropriate not to develop new housing

schemes until the currently unoccupied schemes have reached maturity.
It will be essential to attach sunset clauses to force the allottees to
construct houses within a specified period. To further facilitate the
allottees, specific measures including accelerated supply of housing
finance, proper transport facilities with convenient access, will have to be
provided. Strong measures such as stringent allotment conditions and
raising the NUF/Tax will need to be applied. Built housing must be an
integral part of all schemes so that the development and occupation of
the schemes in reasonable time span is ensured. Stopping approval of
new lay-out plans in the private sector will be instrumental in directing the
resources to early maturity of the schemes.
The issue of katachi abadis implies addressing the informal sector posing
challenges in the area of housing improvement and checking undesirable
growth. Expansion of the katchi abadis has proceeded unchecked since
the public sector program for low-income housing was never designed to
cover housing for the poor who could only squat on the government land

adjacent to the developed areas. Insecurity associated with absence of
title giving rise to dislocation fear coupled with lack of resources needed
for house-building were responsible for appalling substandard housing
and much degraded living environments. Improvements in houses are
made by and large in incremental manner, since the poor have no access
to institutional finance. Also the katchi abadis show a lack of physical
order, besides a marked lack of essential facilities of water supply, gas
supply , sewerage and solid waste disposal. Additionally there are hardly
any parks and play grounds; very few schools exist for education of
Regularization, which addresses the recognition of rights for land title,
and up-gradation based on sufficient provision of trunk infrastructure
constitute a basic strategy for improvement of housing conditions in the
katchi abadis. The residents, the community and the private developers
need to be involved to speed up the program. Housing finance facilities
specially targeting the poor will serve to realise better housing.
Dislocation from non-regularizable katchi abadis will require resettlement
schemes for those affected.
Success improvement models for improvement should be adopted by
involving private developers or CBOs and making the scheme a self-
financing venture. At least two katchi abadis should be selected for pilot
projects. One of the pilot projects should be designed to target the
infrastructure and housing, while the other should aim at complete
redesigning of the entire settlement and land sharing with the private
developers as a source of finance.
A full assessment of the magnitude of Katchi Abadies in Karachi is also
called for. It is essential that, a survey / census of all the Katchi Abadies is
undertaken on priority basis to provide information and data for future
sectoral priorities / programs and projects.

4.3.1 Transportation Policy Objectives - Towards a Comprehensive Strategy
In order to increase accessibility, Karachi must increase the mobility alternatives
available to the public. The city needs to place importance upon safe and
efficient movement of vehicle and pedestrian traffic, improved associated
amenities, and to provide affordable, safer, faster, more comfortable and
efficient transportation alternatives, and to relieve congestion, especially in the
central business district and the ports where freight traffic is heavy.
Following are the policy objectives for development of the transport sector plan.
• Provide safe and efficient mobility for people and goods.
• Improve public mass transportation system, targeting affordability and
• Traffic engineering improvement measures and traffic management

• Integration of traffic police and enforcement with city traffic planning and
management with rationalization of related fundamental structure under a
central transport authority.
• Strengthen existing transportation infrastructure and services by considering
various alternatives.
• Analyze thoroughly any road building program if it would remove congestion
and would not induce more traffic
• Minimize single-occupancy vehicle use
• Improve pedestrian safety and facilities.
• Development of transport related GIS data-base.
• Development and adoption of standard and manuals for Traffic &
Transportation Engineering Works & Service.
• Development of comprehensive transportation plan development and
modeling to address vehicular traffic, public mass transportation (bus line and
rails based), parking to provide for development of roadway and public
transport/mass transit infrastructure development programme priorities for
long range.
• Reduce congestion in the CBD areas through a combination of rationalized
parking, traffic management, pedestrianization, land use control and transit
• Develop transport infrastructure to support planned land use changes,
especially strengthening links between CBD and polycentric commercial
centre nodes.
• Improve safety, energy efficiency and air quality.
• Seek improvements through strong private sector participation.
• Formulate strategy for management and operation of local bus terminals.
Transit Improvements
The KSDP 2020 public transportation proposals comprise many improvements to
rationalize, modernize and expand the capacity of the city’s many privately-
operated bus services, Para transit, and possibly rail service. There is a need for
plan refinement and setting priorities amongst alternatives. These include:
a) Bus Transport
Bus proposals include the following measures:
§ Rationalize bus routes
§ Reserve major/high-volume routes for large buses.
§ Reserve secondary /low-volume routes for mini buses and small
§ Provide bus stops with lay-by, transit terminals and other physical
§ Replace existing bus stock with environment friendly fleet.

§ Rationalize fare structure.
b) Para transit
The Plan foresees the need to create regulatory and administrative
functions to facilitate minibus, taxi and rickshaw services and provide
parking and garage facilities so that they continue to provide a valuable
service to the public while reducing overall congestion. Coordination with
buses at transfer points would be useful.
Mass Transit
The Mass Transit progremme will follow the following principles:
i) It should have maximum coverage with minimum input and maximum
ii) It should be built with minimum investment and shall have a short
completion period.
iii) It should also have maximum out reach and be compatible with bus travel
A city of the size of Karachi with a congested centre needs some form of
segregated transit so as to increase transport capacity serving the CBD,
industrial areas and work centers. Such an alternative is necessary to expand
The 1990 Karachi Mass Transit Plan identified seven high-volume transit
corridors. These corridors are adequate enough to support bus rapid transit, if
not LRT. The largest-volume corridors are Sohraib Goth to Tower; and Orangi
Town to Cantonment Station, and preliminary analysis indicates patronage would
be high enough to support light rail or a large-volume bus rapid transit system.
There are many different options to consider. The following highlights the main
features of the mass transit options. A thorough study is required to analyse the
feasibility for the best alternative and thereafter plan and design the exact
Figure-4.4: Mass Transit Corridors identified in 1990

Over the longer term, development of corridors linking the CBD and newer
polycentric nodes will represent more opportunities to expand the mass transit
services to the larger public.
a. Karachi Circular Railway
The analysis of mass transit alternatives should pay attention to the possibility of
reviving and extending the Karachi Circular Railway. This 50-km railway line links
the downtown with other dense central parts of Karachi with 16 stations. The
KCR system should be extended to cover sub urban areas to acquire maximum
coverage and utility.
b. Bus Rapid Transit
It may be possible to develop bus service approaching the capacity of light rail
service. Bus Rapid Transit can operate on normal roads, have stations just like a
rail service, be just as fast, and carry high volume passengers as light rail.
However, earlier attempts to develop a Bus Transitway System could not
c. Light Rail
Two mass transit lines appear possible in some alignments. This will likely take
the form of underground / elevated light-rail (i.e. transit) service. Priority I & II
corridors are initially intended for implementation.
There should be further study of the likely alignments of such mass transit
systems , evaluate the advantages and implications of underground, elevated
and at-grade services in different areas, and determine the role of bus and
paratransit services and private vehicles (at transit terminals and in park-and-ride
stations) to support high demand corridors. This also requires an evaluation of
the disruption to traffic the excavation method might entail. Underground rail lines
are expensive, but may have merits in the historical districts of Karachi. Corridors
1 and 2 show particular high patronage and are thought suitable for light rail.
d. Choice amongst Mass Transit Design Alternatives
Each of the mass transit alternatives must be studied in terms of its likely
ridership, placement with existing roads, integration amongst other transit modes
and ability to attract owners of private vehicles, speed, and many other factors.
Meanwhile, CDGK is currently revising its list of designated likely transit corridors
that will provide useful inputs to the evaluation of alternatives.
4.3.2 Park-and-Ride
There exist possibilities to introduce park-and-ride service. People living in the
north or east of town might drive to a park and ride, and then take a bus to
Saddar. Other variations are possible. A parking lot plus superior buses (air
conditioning, guaranteed seats) are necessary if such a program is to coax
residents out of their personal vehicles. The KSDP-2020 envisions such a
service on Lyari Expressway.

4.3.3 Transit Terminals
There is a need to construct at least two additional terminals for inter-city buses
so that these buses can stop without interfering with traffic; and passengers can
board and alight safely. Such an amenity should increase access to Saddar. Use
of Ex-KTC Terminals has been proposed earlier. The private sector should be
able to develop such terminals, charging a small fee from buses and also renting
space for retailers supplying goods to daily commuters. Nearby parking facilities
might provide automobile owners a useful link to downtown BRT or longer-
distance luxury bus services.
Transit terminals will be useful in the more detailed planning for polycentric
nodes. Provisions for new urban bus Terminals are to be part of integrated
development of new schemes.

4.3.4 Traffic Management

Karachi needs to manage its traffic system better to improve the flow of vehicles,
buses, and Para transit for obtaining greater efficiency from existing facilities.
Traffic management represents ‘soft’ improvements designed to operate existing
facilities more rationally; but may also include minor or major physical
improvements in cases where simple management is not sufficient.
Quick, low-cost ‘soft’ improvements include implementation of regulations, rules
and market instruments to encourage drivers to operate rationally. Typical
examples of soft traffic management improvements found worldwide include lane
reserves, one-way traffic and other direction to users; turn restrictions and other
movement controls; improved signaling, signage, driver education, and
pedestrian improvements to control their movements in a safe fashion while
ensuring predictable vehicle flows. These require coordination with the traffic
Minor physical improvements (intersection design improvements, road
resurfacing, new signals, and street lights etc.) will require small investments to
correct localized bottlenecks.
Major traffic system management improvements (intersection reconstruction,
grade separations (i.e. flyovers, underpasses), road widening, and through-
streets with limited access from side streets) in a local area may be necessary to
improve traffic movements.
Specific traffic management improvements in the Plan include driver training
under license renewals, high-occupancy vehicle lanes, designated truck routes
and times, intersection improvements, traffic signals, car and van pool programs,
shuttle buses, motor vehicle inspection, vehicle emissions testing, fuel quality
improvements, an emergency readiness program, pedestrian improvements, the
construction of bus shelters, spaces for parking and loading/unloading of goods,
through traffic road lanes, the removal of street hawkers and other
encroachments blocking the movement of traffic. Traffic demand management
envisions formation of carpool and van pool programms. Area licensing could be
considered after the operation of mass transit corridor.
Transportation Planning, Traffic Engineering, Traffic Management and Traffic
Police are currently divided in to CDGK and provincial Government. These
functions shall be grouped together and placed under the umbrella of CDGK to

have an efficient and effective transportation and management system in

4.3.5 Parking Rationalization

An element of traffic management deserving special attention is rationalizing the
parking in the CBD/and other commercial/business areas. The irrational use of
road space for parking purposes severely restricts traffic and transit options, and
must be corrected. The solution lies in providing alternatives to street parking.
Traffic demand management envisions formation of carpool and vanpool
programs. Area licensing could be considered after the operation of Mass Transit
The proposed parking policy includes the following:
• Regulate and meter curb-side parking
• Strict implementation of within building parking as mandated by KB&TPR
• Plan for alternative parking facilities: parking lots and parking garages
• Provide spaces for loading/unloading of goods in commercial buildings
• Constructing parking garages, in private and public sector especially multi-
story parking garages in congested areas, providing security while facilitating
access to land and finance
• The improvements should be a part of larger and comprehensive urban
design programme incorporating social, environmental and heritage
conservation considerations.
Saddar, Tariq Road, I. I. Chundrigarh Road, and Clifton are the most obvious
places to develop such initiatives, to be replicated in other commercial centers,
including the proposed polycentric nodes.
A parking study would be instrumental for determining the plan according to land
use, availability of public properties to lease to private sector parking garage
operators, and curb space that can accommodate limited and regulated parking
without disturbing flows on the road.
4.3.6 Roads and Highway Improvements
To reiterate concepts expressed in the strategic framework and the
transportation policy, there is a great need to reduce congestion and improve the
efficiency of Karachi’s roads and highways, especially as it effects the central
business district in Saddar and freight movement in and out of the nearby port,
and as it strengthens the transit process.
The road network improvement program is based upon the following:
• Continue strengthening existing networks.
• Provide for the completion of missing links.
• Add capacity at critical intersections.
• Widen roads where volumes are growing most rapidly

• Separation of local and through traffic
• Widen bridges on heavy-volume arteries.
• Rehabilitate choke points.
• Upgrade roads according to a system of functional classification and all
associated improvements in each classification.
• Develop ring roads to relieve check points
• Improving storm water drainage capability of roads.
a. Radial Road Improvements
Improvement to radial roads network entails rehabilitation of choke/congestion
points with intersection improvements, grade separation, road and bridge
widening (especially for exclusive/segregated bus lanes, BRT lanes, or light-
rail/tram tracks), road up-grading and connection of missing links. Detailed
studies will identify the order of priorities for these rehabilitation measures.
The technical sector report on transportation provides recommendations to build
fifty interchange flyovers and underpasses, in addition to 11 already under
construction, creating more ‘signal-free’ roads. These grade separations whereby
one arterials passes over / under another will improve through-flows on both
roads, and channel those vehicles passing from one to another more effectively.
Longer-term area-wide transportation recommendations include expansion of
expressways, the construction of a coastal highway with links to national
highways, as well as more road upgrading, interchange construction and bridges.
This includes extending the Northern Bypass further south to the Malir River.
Reserves for exclusive / segregated bus lanes, BRT lanes, or light rail tracks on
radial roads will be particularly useful for the development of improved transit,
mass transit, and reduced congestion on the remaining roads.
The KSDP-2020 provides a standard classification compatible with AAHSTO
guidelines for functionally classified roadways to guide development of the
roadway network.
Figure-4.5: Major Road Network

b. Local Improvements
Improvements to the road network also include upgrading of roads in under
served areas such as Orangi, which has only one collector road in a large,
densely populated slum. A program to reconstruct, resurface, renovate and
refurbish all roads that are used by public transport in the 18 Towns of Karachi,
small missing links rationalizing flow among select roads are required.
c. Ring Roads and By-passes
An important road and highway initiative is the creation of ring roads. These are
to relieve congestion on principal radial arterials emanating from the centre;
create mobility alternatives near the port and the central business district; create
a bypass on the north, east and west allowing freight traffic and thus reduce
congestions on radial roads; and help to define the boundary of peripheral
Figure-4.6: Ring Roads

Central Ring Road (R1) is a loop approximately 32 Km long with grade

separation all along it, and will utilize the alignments of Lyari Expressway, Jail
Road, Shaheed-e-Millat Road, Koangi Road, Khayaban-e-Romi, Mai Kalachi by
pass, and the Mauripur Road.
Inner Ring Road (2) is 32.5 long; shares its alignment with R1 in the south-
western part, has separate northern & eastern alignment. It begins at the Lyari
Expressway intersection with Mauripur Road, proceeds upto Gulbai; intersects
the RCD Highway and Manghopir Road; and uses Nazimabad, Liaquatabad
Road, Sir Shah Suleman Road, Habib Ibrahim Rehmatullah Road and joins with
Northern Ring Road (R3) on the northern bypass is 65 KMs long. It will
incorporate the existing northern by-pass road and will be extended southward

on east and west ends. On the east side it will proceed just west of the Malir
Cantonment to Shahrah-e-Faisal. On the west side it is linked to the RCD
Outer Ring Road (R4) is conceived as long-term development beyond the time
horizon of the KSDP-2020. The southern sections are partly in place. The
western extension will begin at the RCD Highway, then continue west and end
near Hawkesbay. The eastern portion will provide accessibility to the eastern part
of the city, running through Korangi, Landhi and Bin Qasim, further linking the
existing Link Road up to ‘Education City’.

4.3.7 Pedestrian Improvements

Pedestrianism is essential to all Karachiites’ mobility. Low-income groups are
particularly reliant upon it. Accidents involving pedestrians lend a particular
urgency on the subject. The following actions are central to improving pedestrian
• Greatly expand the number of pedestrian bridges crossing the principal and
minor arteries. The transportation sectoral report lists 100 suitable projects,
and suggests a review process to expand the number of foot bridges
according to data on pedestrian accidents.
• Expand sidewalks where required in commercial districts, including the CBD
area and other commercial/business areas..
• Require developers in mixed-use and large commercial developments
include sidewalks, foot bridges, underpasses and other pedestrian amenities
in their projects.
4.3.8 Air Quality Deterioration from Transport Vehicles
§ Karachi city’s air quality is one of the poorest in the world, with levels
exceeding WHO guidelines. A major contributor to this pollution and
generation of green-house gases (GHG) is the transportation sector,
especially from an aging fleet of vehicles in poor mechanical condition and
low levels of fuel efficiency. The high levels of sulphur in a automotive diesel
(0.5% - 1%) is seen as a major contributor to sulphur dioxide (SO2) and
particular matter (PM 10) in ambient air.
§ According to the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (PEPA), a major
share of the emission load from motor vehicles in urban areas, although not
quantified, can be attributed to a relatively small number of smoky diesel and
2-stroke (rickshaws) vehicles.
§ Traffic congestion affects average speed of vehicles and consequently fuel
consumption --- and pollution/greenhouse gases.
§ The health coast associated with air pollution are equivalent to 1% of GDP
§ Particularly at health risk are those living within a quarter of a mile of high-
volume roads (those carrying 10,000 – 20,000 vehicles per day) and those
living near roads with a large amount of truck traffic.

§ Measures to be taken include:
o Launching of effective awareness campaign against smoke-emitting
o Creation of public awareness and education
o Setting up of continuous monitoring stations to record pollution levels in
ambient air
o Improvement of energy efficiency in vehicles
o Introduction of low-sulphur diesel and promotion of alternative fuels
such as CNG, LPG and mixed fuels.
o Review Motor Vehicle Ordinance for inspection of private vehicles
o Restrict conversion of vehicles from gasoline to second-hand diesel
o Stop import and manufacturing of 2-stroke vehicles
o Establish public/rapid transit systems
o Give tariff preference to CNG buses
Noise Pollution from Transportation
§ Noise pollution from vehicles, especially in residential areas, is above
recommended levels.
§ Major contributors to the noise pollution are frequent and indiscriminate use
of vehicle horns, removal of silencers on rickshaws and other 2-stroke
vehicles, high volumes of traffic especially heavy vehicles.
4.3.9 Energy Conservation
Measures need to be taken to conserve energy and prevent waste of fuel by
introduction of alternate fuel such as CNG, LPG, Electric, Hybrid and Bio Diesel
and other alternate low impact and emission fuels. Also through better
management of the traffic achieve reduction in travel time.
4.3.10 Transportation and Pedestrianization in the CDB
Transportation improvements are necessary to overcome the serious circulation
problems in the central business district (CBD) and preserve its role as a
convenient location in which to pursue commerce.
It will be essential to review plans for creating pedestrian malls in Saddar/Tower
CBD area with considerations for one-way streets, bus lanes, mass transit
service and transit terminals.
Many improvements to the CBD have been alluded to above. The inner ring road
is partly designed to overcome congestion by diverting through-traffic out of CBD.
The missing links in Saddar Area need to be constructed to ease traffic
congestion particularly the Preedy Street Extension.
An plan is needed to improve traffic and transit services, pedestrian flows and
pedestrianization of congested sections. Such improvements should include:

• Parking reform and enforcement
• Sidewalk improvements to aid and improve the pedestrian flow
• Creation of pedestrian mall
• Establishment of hawkers zone
• Removal of encroachments
• Bus Ways, contra flow bus lanes, and bus lurn lanes
• Establishment of shuttle bus service
• Mass transit options, KCR revitalization, light rail lines, BRT
• Downtown Transit and parking terminals on the periphery
• Intersection improvements and turn restrictions
• Installation/removal of traffic signals
• Changes in directional flows of streets and changes from two-way to one-way
• Improved links to radial and ring roads
• Road widening
• Restriction on animal driven cart
The Transportation technical report explains immediate, short and medium term
options in more detail, and propers two alternative programms worth conndering.
The following map attempts to provide an amalgamation of different roads and
transit improvements.
Figure-4.7: Transportation Improvements in the CBD

Saddar Area : Pedestrianization Plan
In order to decongest the Saddar, reduce air and noise pollution and preserve the
architectural heritage of this 150 years old historic part of the city, a pedestrianization
plan will be developed to specifically include the following:
• Creation of a pedestrian mall
• Establishment of Hawker Zone
• Shuttle bus service
This plan may be undertaken on a priority basis as part of overall CBD Transportation
Plan outlined above.
Special Topic: Safety During Road Construction - Diversion & Management
Construction projects can pose direct hazards to motor vehicles. More important,
changes in traffic patterns cause driver confusion and lead to road accidents and
pedestrian injuries. Karachi’s construction work is not normally coordinated with the
city’s traffic control efforts.
All road construction projects should have a Traffic Control Plan to be approved by the
Transport & Communication Group of Offices, CDGK.
4.3.11 Safety Audit:
Safety Audit be made mandatory for all the projects irrespective of their scope /
§ Review plans for creating a pedestrian mall in Saddar / Tower CBD area, with
considerations for one-way streets, bus lanes, mass transit service and
transit terminals.
4.3.12 Traffic Operation Program to Increase Capacity and Safety (TOPICS)
This is a program whereby traffic studies in all 18 towns are required to be
undertaken. The studies will identify localized problems and recommend actions
that are to lead to improved safety and capacity.
4.3.13 Traffic Management Plan for other Land Owning Agencies
The traffic management issues related to the areas under the jurisdiction of other
land owning agencies need to be effectively addressed with particular reference
to the Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020.
Although the jurisdiction of these agencies are fragmented, the city being a
unified entity, needs an integrated plan hence all the development plans of the
land owning agencies must be an integral component of the development
strategy of the city and in consonance with the KSDP-2020.
Their plan should be supported by traffic impact studies in holistic manner.

4.4 Infrastructure Services Component

4.4.1 Water Supply
Meeting the water supply challenges of Karachi city district over the next 13
years will require a combination of enhance water supply, demand management,
enhanced water utility management, and capital investment.

71 Demand Management
The foremost aspect is demand management. Karachi’s water supply system is
inefficient and wasteful. Pumping more water into it will proportionally amplify the
technical and financial losses, increasing waste in absolute terms. The top
priority is therefore strengthening / replacement of affected pipelines (without
reducing consumption) in order to reduce losses, energy use, and bulk water
supply requirements.
It is recommended that KW&SB simultaneously implement a series of different
measures designed to reduce water consumption by end users:
i. Progressively meter all water supply customers. The utility will create
incentives for decreased water consumption through mandatory, phased
installation of water meters at all customer connections: domestic,
industrial, government, commercial, etc. The cost of the metering
investment will be built into the water tariff and spread out over a 3-5 year
period. Pakistani firms will be encouraged to produce water meters that
meet government standards for flow measurement accuracy and
reliability. Review and revise block tariffs to ensure appropriate incentives
to limit water consumption.
ii. Educate the public on the need to conserve water. Prepare and
implement primary school teaching modules to teach young children
about the value of water and the need to conserve it in a dry southern
Pakistan. Prepare and implement education campaigns for the general
public through radio, newspapers, and/or television to raise awareness of
the need to be more conservative in water use in order to preserve
existing supplies and improve service levels and coverage in Karachi. (‘If
each of us uses less, existing supplies will go farther.’)
iii. Develop (as required), make mandatory, and market the use of plumbing
fitting and fixtures that will reduce water consumption, especially for
domestic users.
Provide alternatives to piped water for uses that do not require drinking
water quality. Re-use treated grey water for irrigation. Re-use treated
wastewater for watering plants.
Table-4.3: Water Demand Projections, 2005-2020

2005 2010 2015 2020

Population 15.12 18.93 23.13 27.55

Domestic Water Demand (MGD) 414.0 518.0 633.0 752.0

Other User Water Demand (MGD) 33.8 423.0 518.0 616.0

Total Water Demand (MGD) 752.0 941.0 1151.0 1368.0

72 Utility Management and Water System Operation
KW&SB can undertake a range of management improvements to increase the
technical, financial and administrative efficiency. The driving principle behind
these improvements is the operation of the utility like a business. KW&SB
should operate on a commercial basis, become attuned and responsive to
customer demand, seek to improve relations with customers and satisfy their
needs, and operate increasingly on a cost recovery basis. Operational efficiency and cost reduction:
To reduce costs, KW&SB should reduce technical losses by reducing the
leakages of water through system. This involves water conservation measures,
including customer metre installation, as described above. The utility should
also create water pressure zones to regulate pressure on a zone-by-zone
basis, thereby reducing very high pressure in some mains that increases
leakage and the likelihood of pipe breakages. At the same time, KW&SB should
implement a strategic pipe replacement program.
The Board should also reduce energy consumption by switch over upon gravity
flow and also replacing or fine-tuning energy inefficient equipment, which
consume more energy in deplorable condition. In particular, replace pumps and
motors in pump stations. Refine the operation of water treatment facilities,
where energy savings can be achieved.
KW&SB should strive to achieve 24/7 water supply service both to satisfy
customer preferences and to reduce contamination of the water supply and
associated public health risks. Service pricing:
A detailed study of expenditure made on providing service on no loss and profit,
should be carried out to determine how much tariffs could be raised and still be
affordable to different income groups. Then Karachi Water and Sewerage
Board should carry out public education and customer outreach activities to
educate the public about the need to rationalize the tariffs in order to improve
service coverage and quality. Tariff change options should be based upon
expenditure made on service to equalize with the revenue / tariff. Customer relations:
Service pricing and tariff collection initiatives must be carried out in a
participatory fashion in order to secure customer buy-in, reduce public
opposition, and increase willingness-to-pay. This is part of a larger effort to be
responsive to customers’ preferences and priorities, as would any private sector
business in order to increase sales, raise customer satisfaction, and expand its
customer base. Admittedly, there are limits to the comparison between a private
firm selling a ‘substitutable’ product (like a cell phone) and a publicly owned
utility enjoying a monopoly over provision of a networked public service; but the
more KW&SB acts like a business and treats its customers as if it could lose
them, the better its technical and financial performance is likely to be. Billing and Collection:
KW&SB loses a huge amount of revenue through non-payment of bills. This
greatly impacts the ability of the utility to maintain and expand the system. The
Board should move to increase its collection rate by (i) improving relations with

customers, (ii) raising public awareness of the need to collect fees in order to
provide services on a sustainable basis, (iii) simplify and streamline payment
procedures (iv) intensify direct contact with the highest debtors, including but
not limited to public sector institutions (v) study to put the bulk metre as well as
reservoir in each town and (vi) introduce modern system and techniques of
improving collection and efficient and error free billing system.
Billing recovery should be facilitated by the town administration, while the
recovery from the consumer should be the responsibility of the town
administration. Incentives should be given in shape of water improvement
works. Capital Investment:
In addition to the higher priority water supply proposals above (demand
management, enhanced utility management), substantial investment in the
water supply system will be required to support the envisioned growth of
Karachi city district over the next 15 years. This section identifies the major
capital investments required to increase bulk water supply, expand storage.
Capital investment proposals set out here should be reviewed and validated by
the JICA team developing Karachi water supply and sanitation Master plan, as
their data collection and analysis activities are being conducted in greater detail
than the preparation of this overall (strategic) development plan will allow.
While other local sources can be exploited more fully, the Indus represents the
only surface water supplies that can meet the bulk of future demands of
Karachi. The main solution to the city district’s bulk water supply needs is
therefore to implement the Bulk Water project to double the amount of water
that the Indus supplies to the metropolitan area. It is therefore, essential that
allocation of water from the Indus source must be enhanced to sufficiently cover
the need/ demand up to the year 2020 which is estimated to be 1368 MGD and
reservoir capacity for the same should be expended. Due consideration should
be given to the proposal to bring a new water transmission line along Super
Highway in order to (more cost-effectively) serve new expansion areas north
and northeast through gravity flow.
New water storage and filtration facilities should be built and evenly distributed
throughout the existing and new urban fabric to improve water quality and
security of water provision (see Map 5.4). Rain water harvesting should also be
carried out in the vicinity of storage reservoirs in selected low-density areas.
A pipe replacement program should be prepared and implemented to reduce
technical losses. Prioritization of investments should be done on a financial rate
of return basis, taking into account investment cost and reduction of leakage.
Corrosion-resistant pipe to be laid at shallow depths and equipped required
accessories, valves, and chambers. New water disinfection stations should be
increased at intermediate levels in distribution for efficient monitoring and
redress contamination problems.

Table-4.4: Water Supply Capital Improvements

S. No. Water supply proposal

KWSB may be declared single agency with jurisdiction upon all the agencies and
1 constituent bodies including civil areas of cantonment boards and other land owning
agencies except their operational areas.

2 Minimizing construction of new pumping station to save energy expenditure.

Launching any new scheme (residential, commercial, industrial) by development

3 authorities, cantonment boards constituent bodies (KPT, PQA etc.) shall be subject to
prior commitment/incorporating the requirement of water & sewerage by KW&SB

Improve recharging measures and exploring avenues for establishing check dams /
small dams on Malir, Hub and Lyari Rivers in rural areas for rainwater storage.

5 Leakage and loss reduction program

6 Development of new big reservoir upon hills introducing 24/7 hrs supply on gravity

Water supply system shall be laid in all Katchi Abadis and private societies which are
7 yet un-served. Overhead tanks in new societies to be mandatory provision to ensure
24/7 hrs. supply and proper pressure.

8 Zoning meters for Union Council and Towns

9 Upgradation of Water Supply System in 18 Towns

10 Rehabilitation / upgradation of dumlottee wells.

Coastal oriented land owning agencies (bulk consumers) to switch over to desalination
11 water and conserve existing water quantity for supplying to surrounding poor areas.
KW&SB should be given authority for implementation.

The benchmarks for service improvement in the water sector, by which progress
will be measured, are set out in the following table.
Table-4.5: Benchmarks for Water Supply System Performance, 2005-2020

Indicator 2010 Target 2015 Target 2020 Target
% households 60% 85% 100% 100%
connected to water
supply network
Hours of water 4 hours 6 24 24
service per day
Tariff 60% 70% 80% 85%
Non-revenue water 35% 30% 25% 20%

4.4.2 Sewerage
The proposals for increasing the capacity and performance of the sewerage
system can be broken down into capital and non-capital measures. Capital Investment
Capital investment proposals set out here should be reviewed and validated by
the JICA team developing Karachi water supply and sanitation Master plan, as
their data collection and analysis activities are being conducted in greater detail
than the preparation of this overall (strategic) development plan will allow.
i. Build more interceptors to link collection areas to treatment facilities. It is
proposed to construct trunk sewers on both sides of the Lyari River and
Malir River. These large sewer pipes will carry most of the city’s
wastewater to WWTPs; the rivers will be rehabilitated as public
greenways. A new expressway is under construction in the Lyari River
right-of-way and another is under discussion along the Malir River.
ii. Construct a network of new small/medium wastewater treatment plants.
New interceptors will transport wastewater to a series of small and
medium-sized WWTPs that serve a town or other urban area. The plants
will be fed to the extent possible through gravity mains, with pumping
required only from depressions. A larger network of more smaller plants
(average capacity 25 MGD) will reduce wastewater transmission
requirements and costs, thereby resulting in greater overall economic
efficiency than small set of very large treatment plants. The risk of service
interruption will also decrease, since it is spread over more facilities.
iii. Rehabilitate existing plants to improve their operational efficiency and
allow them to function at or near their capacity.
iv. Prepare and implement a pipe replacement program to reduce
wastewater leakage. Prioritization of investments should be done on a
financial rate of return basis, taking into account investment cost and
reduction of leakage.
v. Industrial park managers and/or industrial firms to construct new industrial
waste pre-treatment facilities (see ‘trade waste policy’ below).

Table 4.6: Sewerage Capital Improvements

S. NO Sewerage system proposal

1 Development of new sewerage treatment plants
Establishment of CET (Combined Effluent Treatment) Plants in
industrial zones of City before disposal of effluent into rivers.
Proposed Sewerage improvement Plan for Lyari and Malir River
4 Bitumen coated R.C.C pipe should be used in sewerage network
5 Pre cast manholes should be used in the sewerage network
Improvement of sewerage Treatment Plant for its efficient
6 functioning Desludging Sludge digestion and dry sludge bed need
Thirty years old TrunkSewer should replaced by new Trunk Sewer
because design life of the system has been expired
8 Upgradation of Sewerage System in 18 Towns
Additional Sewage flow improvement works to increase influent
STP-I, STP-II, STP-III & STP-IV (proposed)
10 KW&SB may be declared Single Agency in City District.
Sewerage System shall be laid in un-served areas of Katchi Abadis
& Private Socities.
Desilting of pipe sewers and drains shall be made to restore
original capacity of system. Non-Capital Measures

i. Formulate and implement a trade waste policy on the ‘user pays’
principle. Generators of industrial wastewater should be required to pre-
treat before introducing their waste into the municipal system.
Construction of pre-treatment facilities should be organised where
possible at the level of the industrial zone in order to take advantage of
economies of scale and reduce costs per industrial unit and per unit
volume of wastewater. For example a 30 MGD wastewater treatment
plant could treat approximately 70 percent of industrial waste at SITE.
SITE administration is already planning to construct one such effluent
treatment plant incoming years.
ii. Make available treated wastewater for industry, car washing, watering
lawns and public green areas, and recharging the aquifer.
iii. Increase a sewerage tariff in the water bill to 50% to meet expenditures
upon Sewerage System.
iv. Undertake maintenance and repair of the existing wastewater network to
eliminate sewerage overflows from (i) streets, public spaces and other
inhabited areas, (ii) avoid pollution of ground water, and (iii) to avoid
contamination the water supply network.

v. As noted for water supply above, given the difficulty of separating the
wastewater collection network along TMA administrative boundaries, it is
not recommended to decentralize responsibility for O&M of the network to
the TMAs.

4.4.3 Solid Waste Management* Principles
In order to progressively improve sector performance, achieve intended out
comes, the program takes into consideration all aspects of the existing systems
and its stake-holders, including the various levels of Government and the private
sector. The program for SWM is based on the following principles:
i) waste is considered a resource;
ii) all individuals must assume responsibility for the waste they generate;
iii) source segregation is key to any sustainable solution;
iv) the informal sector plays a critical role in the management of solid waste;
v) prevention, reduction and recover for recycling and reuse should be
priority focus;
vi) active public participation is essential;
vii) private sector participation should be encouraged and an enabling
environment created;
viii) economic incentives need to be established; and
ix) all sectors and various levels of government have different roles and
responsibilities in ensuring an effective solid waste management system,
and these should be effectively integrated. Goals and objectives
SWM services in Karachi can be significantly improved by building on the
strengths of the existing system and moving toward an integrated, transparent
and efficient system which meets internationally recognized standards and
practices. The objectives of the program are:
i) Concrete steps ensuring access of the people to sanitation and better
environment as pledged in the national government’s Vision-2030.
* Adopted from ADB’s KMCDP

An effective regulatory framework for the environmentally safe and healthy
management of all municipal and hazardous solid wastes generated in Karachi.
ii) Efficient, coordinated, integrated and transparent institutions at the city,
town, and union level, able to effectively manage the city’s waste over the
long term.
iii) A sustainable and equitable primary collection system serving all areas of
Karachi, with the gradual expansion of direct house-to-house collection.
iv) An efficient and expanding municipal waste collection service covering all
the communities of Karachi, with regularized collection and the efficient
and environmentally safe transfer, treatment and disposal of wastes.
v) Proper collection, storage, treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes
generated in Karachi from industrial, medical and other sources, and
vi) Creating an enabling environment and supporting private sector
involvement in the segregation, recycling, collection, transfer, treatment
and disposal of wastes, and prioritizing the involvement of lower income
recycler groups wherever possible. Program Strategies
The strategies for SWM directly address the challenge and will provide the
intended service delivery improvements.
Strategy 1: Strengthening the Legal Policy Framework
Although a national SWM framework is in place, a policy framework at the city
level is urgently needed in order to provide specific guidance and regulation of
SWM sector development for Karachi. The policy framework should define; (i)
city goals, policies, standards and phasing to improve the SWM system; (ii)
further delineate the roles of the national agencies, the city, the towns, the UCs,
and the other administrative bodies such as the cantonments; (iii) clearly
establish technical standards, reporting, and compliance mechanisms; (iv)
identify modalities to expand private sector participation including the setting of
performance standards; (v) pricing mechanisms for solid waste management
services and recycling; and, (vi) provide incentive and penalty mechanisms. Such
a policy framework can then guide detailed action planning at the city, town and
UC level.
1. Review existing laws, rules and regulations on SWM within the city to
identify gaps, constraints and areas for improvement.

2. Convene a regulatory working committee comprising a wide range of

stakeholder representatives in SWM in order to guide the regulatory
evaluation process and formulation of the city level regulatory policy

3. Prepare a policy framework that sets out the working principles for the
SWM policy and improvement program. Working with the committee and

ensuring the involvement of all stakeholder groups, formulate a policy
document that is workable and acceptable to all stakeholders.

4. Prepare necessary policy framework legislation in order to effectively

regulate SWM at the city level, and enact the legislation through a process
of consultation and review.

5. Implement a city-wide public information campaign following adoption of the


6. Implement a similar regulatory development process for the HWM sector,

including, (a) establishing a HWM working committee, (b) preparing a HWM
policy framework, (c) preparing and enacting necessary legislation to
regulate HWM, and (d) public information initiatives.
Strategy 2: Rebuilding and Strengthening the SWM Institutions
Unlike other infrastructure sectors, each level of government (at the city, town
and UC level) are intensely involved in SWM, and each has an important role to
play in ensuring the sustainability of the SWM system. In this context, and given
the current status of the sector, it is necessary to strengthen each of these levels
of government to be able to adequately perform the functions required of them,
and also to ensure the coordination and integration of their functions to the
benefit of the complete system.
1. Provide long-term capacity building support to the SWM Division of the group
of offices of CDGK in order to build sufficient capacity to manage the city’s solid
waste system and improve performance, accountability and transparency.
Strengthening should be provided in; (a) technical areas relating to the planning
and management of waste collection, recycling, transfer, disposal and the future
integration of emerging technologies; (b) waste reduction and recycling; (c)
regulation, enforcement and compliance monitoring; (d) SWM financing; (e)
private sector participation, including procurement processes, contracting and
contract management; and (f) public awareness, community involvement, media
and customer relations.

2. Strengthen the capacity of the SWM administrations in the 18 towns of

Karachi, who are responsible for municipal waste collection services within their
jurisdictions, and which are to be outsourced to the private sector. Support
should be targeted at building capacity to adequately manage these outsourced
contracts, and also to rationalize their current staffing levels (especially ‘sweeper’
numbers and allocations) and build capacity within these units.

3. Capacity building at the UC level including; (a) rapid urban assessment of each
of the 178 UCs to assess institutional and regulatory capacity, existing status and
deficiencies of primary collection systems (including magnitude of illicit dumping),

level of support by informal groups, status of informal recycling initiatives and
current recycling efficiencies; (b) establishing a working group of all stakeholder
representatives involved at the community level; (c) in conjunction with the
working group and involving a wide range of stakeholders, devising a series of
improvement options and pilot testing of the options; (d) progressively replicate
successful options throughout all 178 UCs of Karachi; and (e) provide focused
capacity building to UC Nazims, UC Council members and staff in the successful
operation of their individualized SWM systems.

4. Perform an institutional needs assessment for regulatory agencies involved in

the regulation of HWM, and develop and implement targeted capacity building
and institutional strengthening programs in order to improve the regulation of
Strategy 3: Replacing Municipal Infrastructure
Improving SWM service delivery in Karachi hinges on the establishment of a
completely new physical system, as virtually all of the existing physical assets,
such as the communal collection point infrastructure, collection trucks and
dumpsites are wholly unsuitable for continued use. The entire infrastructure
system needs to be replaced, and a new system developed which is specifically
designed to accommodate city solid waste demands for the planning period and
beyond, and which meets internationally recognized standards of environmental
and public health protection. The new system must utilize ‘tried and tested’
technologies which are appropriate and affordable for Karachi, recognizing the
need for a phased ‘transition’ from the existing system to the new.
The following municipal infrastructure is recommended.
1. Basic infrastructure for the primary collection systems in each UC, including
collection carts, communal collection bins and where appropriate, community
recycling centers.
2. Specially designed road collection vehicles to support an efficient, transparent
and reliable town municipal waste collection service for each of the 18 towns.
Specialized container vehicles will be used for transportation from GTS to landfill
3. Six strategically located regional garbage transfer station systems (GTSs) in
the first phase at Mewa Shah, Mahmud Abad, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Korangi, Orangi
and one site in the north western part of the city to be determined in due time.
More GTSs may come up in the second phase after a few years keeping in view
the waste generation projections up to year 2020.
4. Material Recovery Facility (MRF) at all these GTSs for effective recycling of
valuables in the garbage. A pilot MRF will be constructed at one GTS and further
action will depend on the success of this project.
5. Three major regional sanitary landfill (SLF) facilities. The fourth land fill site will
also be identified, reserved for future consumption of next 50 to 100 years but will
not be started. It may be for the time being converted into green zone till it is
used for the purpose.

6. A comprehensive HWM system to provide for the proper management of the
city’s hazardous wastes from industrial, medical and other sources.
7. Although programmatic in nature, a dumpsite remediation will also be required
in Karachi in order to mitigate the environmental and public health damage
caused by the presence of existing dumpsites and waste piles.
Strategy 4: Improving Primary Waste Collection and Integrating the
Informal Sector
The informal sector plays a critical role in the entire SWM system of Karachi,
although currently, their role is not fully recognized or supported. Initiatives to
integrate the informal sector into the formal SWM system of the CDGK wherever
possible will be strongly supported. Recognizing the vital role of the informal
sector in contributing solutions to the current SWM problems of Karachi will allow
the city to mobilize these valuable human, financial and other logistical resources
to augment its own limited resources. This will also contribute substantially to
raising the status and self esteem of these “illegal players”, potentially allowing
tens of thousands of disadvantaged members of Karachi society to earn a
sustainable income from providing much-needed services in a decent manner
(and thus be part of the solution).
Strategy 5: Optimizing Private Sector Involvement
It is recommended that the private sector be involved at every level of SWM, and
essentially operate the entire system under the direction and control of various
government departments.
Strategy 6: Engaging the Public
An effective solution to the SWM problems of Karachi can only succeed if there is
full public participation. To do this, extensive city-wide information, education and
communication (IEC) campaign should be launched using the tri-media as well
as more interpersonal means. This is necessary to achieve the short and
medium term objectives of maximizing the recovery of recyclable materials in
order conserve valuable resources, and reduce collection, transfer and disposal
costs. People have to realize that they are the source of the problem and, more
importantly, that they can be part of the solution by segregating the waste at
source so that most of these materials can remain useful. The practice of
segregating waste at source needs to be understood, internalized and practiced
by everyone. This will demonstrate that each individual is assuming responsibility
for the waste he or she generates, and is the key to solving the present solid
waste problem.
Waste to energy options
Various technologies like pyrolysis, gasification, methane to energy, biogas etc.
are used world over, but we need to adopt a combination of technologies that suit
our ground realities and requirements.
CDGK is at this moment in the process of evaluating a number of proposals
which suggest different technologies for generation of electricity from solid
The most important proposal is on Plasma Gasification of 1000 tons of garbage
and production of 37 MW of electricity. Other important and the time tested one is

collection of methane gas from the landfill site and then combusting it to generate
Recently a joint venture project with a New Zealand firm on Biogas, composting
and electricity production from cow dung in Landhi Cattle Colony has been
started. Such projects will be encouraged for other cattle colonies in the city.
All these technologies will also help CDGK in earning Carbon Credits and using
these funds to subsidize the expenditure on SWM sector.

4.4.4 Storm Water Drainage:

In order to alleviate the situation, urgent corrective measures are necessary for
rehabilitation of the storm water drainage system.
i. Development of Digital Drainage Network : The CDGK needs to
immediately develop a comprehensive database on GIS platform to
identify and develop existing drainage network layers with associated
databases informing the available flow capacities. Data needs to be
provided by KWSB offices and survey and verification to be carried out in
coordination with the KWSB and TMA offices.
ii. Registration of Trouble Spots: Immediate attention is required at all major
problem areas such Teen Talwar, Nursery - Post Office main Shahra-e-
Faisal and FTC intersection, Johar Mor Bridge leading to Johar
Chowrangi both sides in Gulsitan Johar, I.I. Chundrigar Road and all
major intersections, underpasses and bridges. The requirement is to
immediately conduct topographic survey of such low lying areas/locations
and evaluate and analyze the existing drainage in terms of its efficiency
and carrying capacities for last 50-100 years storm recurrence interval.
The volumetric runoff should be calculated based on the selected storm
events and a computer model should be generated identifying the flow
patterns in these identified localized positions.
iii. Identification of Catchments Areas: The catchments area need to be
redefined and existing drainage should be examined in the light of local
topography of the area.
iv. Identification of Local Services Area- Catchments and watersheds: In
secondary phase of study delineation of catchments and watersheds in
the 18 towns will be required to assess the drainage pattern in localized
environment. This will require coordination and input at each Union
Council and TMA level. The Layout of the existing and proposed
drainage system is to be superimposed on the topographic map of the
area and the points of inlet of runoff to the system identified.
v. Hydraulic Survey of All Major Channels: All major disposal channels and
nalas are to be examined for hydraulic carrying capacities and necessary
suggestive measures and geometrical redesigning option to be proposed
and evaluated for a comprehensive solution to the drainage problems.
vi. Future Development: In estimating the future rainfall runoff rate, it may
also be necessary to estimate the future development within the tributary
areas. The present development patterns will serve as a guide and
predicting future development but such factors such as zoning regulation
and other city or area planning documents must be evaluated

vii. Installation of Gauging Station Network: It is proposed to install gauging
stations on town basis to monitor precipitation and flooding in local areas.
The city of Bangkok, Thailand has developed a fully functional application
which provides GPRS based information on mobile phones the runoff and
flooding situation in the event of storm and provides safe passages and
directions to vehicular traffic users. It is highly recommended that CDGK
evaluate the existing flood protection and disaster mitigation measures
and procedures of the city of Bangkok which in addition to monsoons also
faces tropical storms from South China Sea
viii. Acquisition of Existing Topographic Data: It is suggested that the CDGK,
Works & Services Group of Offices should acquire the digital topographic
data from the consultants and contractors of all the ongoing and previous
infrastructure developments works. This exercise would provide
immediate availability of the localized topographic contours and would
assist the technical experts to identifying the existing drainage problems
and suggest measures.
ix. Infrastructure Monitoring Cell: A Cell consisting of experts should be
established for the evaluation of ongoing development works and assess
projects from the overall perspective of road/ transportation, water supply
/ sewerage and drainage schemes. Individual departments and
compartment studies preclude the possibility of analyzing on the basis of
integrated and holistic approach.

4.5 Electrical Power

To address the perennial shortfall of electrical power in Karachi and its negative
impact on economic growth, it is proposed to undertake a two-phased power
system development program as described below.
1. Immediate action plan (2006-2011)
2. Long-term plan (2011-2020)
Immediate Action Plan (2006-2011)
The objective is to close the 1628 MW gap between electrical power supply and
demand as given below.
Table-4.7: Expected Growth in Peak Demand

Year Peak Load (MW)

2004-2005 2197
2005-06 2442
2006-07 2666
2007-08 2900
2008-09 3161
2009-10 3539
2010-11 3825

Increase in demand in (5 years period) 1628

Growth rate 9.6%

In order to achieve the supply and demand gap of 1628 MW, the following fast-
track approach to generation expansion is unavoidable.

4.5.1 Generation Expansion

• 1000 MW direct power source from Hubco Power Plant. A 500 kV / 220 kV
grid station was recently commissioned near Baldia for linking Hubco-
Jamshoro 500 kV transmission lines to this completed grid station which will
have a capacity of about 1000 MW as against present arrangement of 500
MW. Therefore import from WAPDA through Hubco-Jamshoro line, up to
1000 MW, can be expected, provided that WAPDA’s own power requirement
allows it.
• 80 MW, DHA Co-Generation Power Plant is under construction and is
expected to be commissioned in 2007 and shall feed KESC network. A
further extension of this plant by 80 MW is under consideration.
• 350 MW combined Cycle Power Plant by KESC is in planning stage for
commissioning in 2007 and another 350 MW plant in 2008 further an
additional (350 MW) plant is expected in 2011-12.
• 150 MW Western Electric Power Plant in North Karachi, in private sector, is
under consideration / negotiation.
• 150 MW Fauji Foundation Power Plant, in private sector, is under
consideration / negotiation.
• 240MW Abu-Dhabi Gas Turbine is expected in 2008.
• On conservation side, all hoardings / bill boards, should be powered by solar
power. This conservation will save 20 MW of energy in Karachi.
From the above it is clear that there would be shortage of power in years 2006
and 2007 if quantum of power as required by KESC is not made available by
NTDC (WAPDA). Shortage of power may be aggravated in case construction of
new power generation plants by KESC itself or by IPPs is not started

4.5.2 Transmission System Expansion

The on-going transmission system projects includes establishment of the
following grid stations in the existing system which will enable KESC to meet the
above demand successfully:
• 220 kV - Surjani Town, Gulshan, Landhi
• 220 / 132 kV - Mauripur
• * 132 kV West Wharf, Old Town, Korangi South, Gulshan-e-Maymar near
PRL, Memon Goth, Azizabad, Tipu Sultan Road, Jail Road, FTC and in DHA
(2 Nos.)

4.5.3 Distribution System
In order to meet the load demand growth during 2006-2011, KESC will have to
increase by about 350 to 400 the number of 11 kV primary distribution feeders
and will have to establish about 4,000 11kV distribution substations.
A distribution system improvement and loss reduction program is already under
implementation by KESC. With the implementation of system improvement plan,
the existing system losses of 34 percent are expected to be reduced to 24

4.5.4 Long Term Plan (2011-2020)

The expected maximum power demand by KESC during the period 2011-2020 is
from 3825 MW to 4965 MW (2011-2015) that is an increase in power demand of
1140 MW at a growth rate of 7%, and from 4965 to 6390 MW (2015-2020) that is
an increase of 1425 MW at an average rate of 5.2%.
In order to meet the 1140 MW and 1425 MW during the period (2011-2015) and
(2015-2020), the due consideration will be taken into account for the town wise
power demand projections, industrial and population growth as well as other
developments as proposed in the Karachi Master Plan-2020.
The maximum Power Demand as estimated by KESC for the period 2011-2015
and 2015-2020 are given below:
Table-4.8: ESTIMATED MAXIMUM DEMAND (2011-2015)

Year MW
2010-2011 3825

2011-12 4150

2012-13 4442

2013-14 4704

2014-15 4965

Increase in demand in 4 Years (2011-2015) 1140

Growth Rate 7%

Source: KESC documents

Table-4.9: ESTIMATED MAXIMUM DEMAND (2015-2020)

Year MW
2014-2015 4965
2015-16 5223
2016-17 5494
2017-18 5780
2018-19 6080

2019-20 6390
Increase in demand in 5 Years (2015-2020)

Growth Rate 5.2%

Demand projection beyond 2015 is yet to be prepared by KESC. On the basis of

population projections and Industrial trend, maximum demand for the period
2015 - 2020 is estimated.
Therefore the power demand on KESC system would increase by 2565 MW
during 2011 to 2020 for which new sources of power generation would be
required in the scenario of the town wise power demand projections considered
industrial & population growth as well as other developments as proposed in the
Karachi Master Plan 2020.
Keamari, Bin Qasim, Gadap, Orangi, Malir & Baldia Town are expansion areas in
the Master Plan-2020.
Expansion of Keamari Town includes development of Hawksbay, Beach Resorts,
Recreation Complex and resettlement areas.
Expansion of Bin Qasim town includes Industrial loads of textile city, automobile
city, marble city, down stream industries of steel mills and expansion in steel
industry, marine University, knowledge based institutions and coastal
development. Therefore the load growth in Bin Qasim town will be higher
compare to other areas.
Other than above mentioned six Towns, remaining towns shall be areas where
population consolidation and infill has been proposed. Therefore load will be
growing in these areas in accordance with the population growth.
The objective is to respond to the anticipated increase in power demand of 1,140
MW over the period 2011-2015 and 1425 MW over the period 2015-2020.
4.5.5 Power Generation
As per the national power sector development policy, additional capacity
requirements in power generation would be made mainly from indigenous
resources. Accelerated program has been undertaken to increase hydro power
generation capacity from 6,460 MW to 7,720 MW by 2010, 15,290 MW by 2015,
19,990 MW by 2020 and to 32,660 MW by 2030 through construction of series of
hydro power projects on all rivers, particularly on the Indus.
Although inter-regional power development policy is outside the scope of this
master plan, future power development will have an important impact on
Karachi’s growth. If large sources of hydro-electric power become available, it will
provide an alternative low cost energy source for future employment growth in
Karachi. Alternatively, if the current reliance on thermal plants continues,
Karachi’s energy costs are likely to continue to increase making it a less
favourable location for industries reliant on electrical energy.
Feasibility and detailed engineering work on major hydro power projects is
already underway and their construction is scheduled to start soon. These
projects are poised to make an important contribution to future supply of power.
However, if further substantial hydro-electric power increases prove infeasible,

then future power generation in Karachi will have to rely on lower cost nuclear
generation. The alternative is to continue the current pattern of reliance on higher
cost fossil fuels. The higher cost pattern may tend to discourage energy-intensive
industries from locating in Karachi. It may also be a constraining factor in the
growth of service sector activities.
The national power sector development policy envisages increasing nuclear
power generation from the present 400 MW to 1,300 MW by 2015 and 2,800 MW
by 2020. KANUPP (Karachi nuclear power plant) will be retiring during this
period; therefore, PAEC must consider putting up 2 x 300 MW power plant in
Karachi during 2010-2015. A second nuclear power plant may be established in
Bin Qasim Town where a large industrial area will be developed. A parcel of land
of about 3,000 Acres should therefore be reserved now in Bin Qasim Coastal
Area for a 1600/2000 MW Nuclear Power Plant to meet the future load demand
of Karachi and lower Sindh area.
The program of utilization of indigenous coal includes its use in generating 900
MW additional power by the year 2010, 3,000 MW by 2015 and 4,200 MW by
2020 and 6,250 by 2030 as per the National Power Development Policy. KESC
electric network is interconnected with the national grid; therefore, power
produced at Thar and Lakhra coal fields, if found economical compared to
existing thermal plants, may become available for Karachi.
Large-scale development of new natural gas fields might also provide new
energy supply for KESC for establishing combined-cycle gas turbine units. which
are more efficient than conventional thermal plants.
The present KESC management has given high priority to consumer service. The
new management has affirmed that there is a clear understanding and
recognition on the part of the new management that without sustainable growth
of industry of Karachi, for which un-interrupted power supply is a fundamental
pre-requisite, the macro-economic targets set for national industrial growth can
not be achieved.
It is assured by the new management of KESC that they would primarily focus on
rehabilitation of the existing de-rated generation capacity and that the planning to
establish new generating units of 1,000 to 1,300 MW would immediately be
embarked upon to meet the ever-growing power demand of Karachi City. Large
quantities of natural gas would be required for these plants.
GOP policy is to encourage the utilization of renewable energy (such as solar,
wind and biomass) especially for remote areas.
4.5.6 Transmission System
The transmission system expansion plan beyond 2011 has yet to be prepared by
KESC. It is estimated that to meet the growing power demand of Karachi towns,
grid stations shall be required mostly in North East and East Karachi, where the
population and industrial load will be growing at a faster rate compared to other
areas and in South of Karachi due to conversion of residential buildings to
commercial use.
The requirement of grid stations during 2011-2015 and 2015-2020 is estimated
as follows:
• 2011-2015 (Load Growth 1,140 MW)

• 220/132 kV Karachi East, Tunisia Lines
• 132 kV Deh Taisar, Gadap, Hawksbay, Boat Basin, Kashmir Road, PECHS.
Sindhi Muslim Housing Society, Malir East, KDA Scheme 33, NED.Karachi
University, Karsaz or any location off Shahrah-e-Faisal Agha Khan Hospital
• 2015-2020 (Load Growth 1,425 MW)
• 220 / 132 kV Gulistan-e-Jauher-II, Near Quaid-e-Azam Mazar, Bahadurabad.
• 132 kV Shah Latif Town, Lawrence Road, Malir West, KDA Scheme-33,
Karachi North East, Deh Khar Kharo, Hub-Dam, Deh Langheji, KHA

4.5.7 Distribution System

In order to meet the load demand growth during 2011-2020, KESC will have to
increase about 700 to 800 number of 11 kV primary distribution feeders and will
have to establish about 8000 numbers 11kV distribution substations during this
period. The number of consumers is expected to increase by about 1 million
during 2011-2020, on an average of about 100,000 consumers per year.

4.6 Social Services Component

4.6.1 Health Services
Analysis of the health care situation in Karachi showed that the majority of health
related problems are basic in nature and that there is a clear need to support,
bolster and maintain prevention programs against communicable disease.
Millennium Development Goals for the health sector also focus on reducing child
mortality, improving maternal health and combating HIV/AIDs, malaria and other
communicable disease.
Given limited government resources, public-private partnerships provide an
important opportunity for CDGK to undertake a broad range of health care
initiatives in collaboration with the private sector. These initiatives can include:
preventive health programs, health education, disease surveillance programs,
sharing of information for a National HMIS, and propagation of programs for
reproductive health. Financial partnerships can be used to stimulate private
sector investment in health care infrastructure by providing land and/or tax
holidays for the construction of much needed health facilities in newly developing
areas. Facility Provision
Responding to the city’s future health service needs will require the construction
of new facilities at all levels of the health care system. In particular, it will require
a large number of new primary health care centres, the majority of which will be
located in newly developing areas of the city. Based on future population
projections, some 50 percent of these new facilities should be built in Gadap, 15
percent in Keamari, 15 percent in Bin Qasim and 20 percent in the already built-
up, older towns. New teaching and tertiary level hospitals also will need to be
built on the borders of these new towns in order to serve both older towns that do
not have the necessary land for new, large-scale facilities and newly developing
towns that have land available.

A low-cost solution to the establishment of primary health care centres would be
to place these facilities in existing or ready-to-use buildings that require a
minimum amount of modification and can be leased. Financial savings from this
approach could then be used to provide subsidies to needy people for certain
health care services.
Given limited public sector resources, there should be a proactive plan to involve
the private sector in providing capital investment for the construction of new
medical colleges, nursing schools and medical training institutes. Hospital
restructuring is also needed in order to improve health services, make them more
efficient and sustainable, and reduce, or at least better target, government
subsidies. The private sector could be engaged to help manage public health
centres for the CDGK. Contributions to improving health service delivery by the
Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplant, AO Clinic and Aga Khan University
should be documented, distributed and incorporated into the future provision of
services. Staff Improvement
Preparing a large new health care staff for the future, while raising the
performance of current workers will require a significant training effort at all levels
of the system. While the repatriation of quality Pakistani professionals from
abroad can be considered as a means of supporting this effort, the use of
telemedicine and teleconferencing may prove more efficient in gaining the
necessary expertise to help improve the quality of services. Telemedicine at the
primary health care level may be an effective way to improve local services and
reduce the burden on tertiary hospitals. Computer literacy in Pakistan is growing
rapidly and it would be far easier to set up an excellent telecommunication
infrastructure within the Karachi area than to attempt to place a large number of
medical specialists throughout the city. A broader use of Lady Health Workers
and home-based outreach centres run by women could be incorporated into a
well-integrated approach. The telemedicine approach can be an excellent way to
bring quality medical services to the patient, rather than transporting the patient
to expensive and overburdened tertiary care centres. Teleconferencing can also
be an effective way to provide state of the art training and knowledge from a wide
range of sources to a large number of health care workers within the city.
Health providers at the primary level need to be reoriented towards a preventive
approach. They should be able to provide support and guidance for malaria
prevention, tuberculosis treatment, HIV prevention, hepatitis prevention and the
immunization of children. Because nurses and paramedical staff are more in
touch with people, they can educate and guide them well in terms of preventive
health related issues. Primary level professionals should be trained in areas of
preventive medicine and well versed with required preventive programs in order
to make an impact on the health of local communities.
As a result, there should be a greater focus on preventive curriculum and attitude
in the medical colleges and training courses for health care professionals. New
training programs for health care administration are also needed that could be
conducted, for example, in collaboration with the College of Physicians and
Surgeons’ diploma for health services administration and/or with specialised
training centres in the existing and future teaching hospitals.

The budgets for general and preventive training in particular need to be drawn
from both the public and private sectors. Training should be provided at regular
intervals throughout the year and/or on-line in order to reach the maximum
number of health care workers.
CDGK should undertake a number of institutional actions to improve its
management control of the sector. These include:
• establishing Health Management Boards in all government hospital;
• creating an Accreditation Body that endorses licenses to open and run private
health facilities
• working with the National Commission for Career Structure of Health
Professionals to develop recommendations on suitable career structures,
salary packages and incentives for different cadres of health care
professionals; and
• developing a detailed plan of action with local governments to check the
clinical practice by unqualified doctors in the private sector. Access to Services
Access to and utilization of primary health care centres must be improved in
order to reduce the flow of unnecessary patients to tertiary hospitals for the
treatment of minor illnesses. Not only do primary health care centres need to be
well located, staffed and equipped, they also require a well-functioning outreach
network to support their disease prevention efforts, instil resident confidence in
the overall health care system and help manage an effective process of referrals.
The person-to-person approach of these outreach centres is particularly
important for the growing number of low-income households throughout the city.
Innovative public private partnerships are needed to increase private sector
investment in health care infrastructure. Government could also turn over the
management of large tertiary care hospitals to the private sector for extended
periods of time under a fixed budget agreed upon by both parties. This would
improve the management of these facilities, lower costs and free up government
funds for more needy activities.
The CDGK should create more opportunities for the private sector to invest in
healthcare facilities and their operation, not only in terms of curative services, but
also in undertaking preventive programs.
Primary health facilities must be able to provide proper guidance on the
reproductive health of women and family planning. Outreach and primary health
care centres must be able to guide people in their neighbourhood on how to
become more aware of their own health related issues and where to go for
The government should establish a health related disaster preparedness
program with an organised action plan and triage system that is adequately
rehearsed with civil defence, policy and ambulatory services, and local
government officials.

4.6.2 Education Facilities Proposals as per Densification Scenario
Existing and proposed educational facilities in Karachi are shown in table in
attached, which depict that at present the educational facilities in Karachi are
over and above National Standards of Educational Facilities.
Table 4.10: Proposed Education Facilities

S. NO Education Facilities
1 Develop 760 new primary school facilities
2 Develop 117 secondary school facilities
3 Develop 36 new college facilities
These educational standards are as follow:
One primary school / 6000 persons
One secondary school / 25000 persons
One college for / 100000 persons
Although the educational facilities in Karachi at present are over and above the
National Standards of Educational Facilities, for the new settlement / scheme in
Gadap, Bin Qasim and Keamari Town a number of additional primary schools,
secondary schools, and colleges will be required:
• Educational facilities in Karachi Metropolitan area are in excess due to
commercialization of education and active role of private sector. Private
organizations NGOs, autonomous bodies have all taken part in providing sub
standard educational facilities, so the measure should be taken to improve
standard & quality of education.
• The schools and college especially private schools and colleges should be
evenly & spatially spread all over the Metropolitan area. Town-wise and U.C.-
wise on neighbourhood planning principles.
• Concentration of private school and college in certain area should be
discouraged by not allowing schools in private residential buildings.
• Tiers of education system should be minimised
• To provide specialised training to meet future manpower needs (craftsman,
technicians etc.)
• To achieve specialised training through co-ordination between industry and
technical training institutes.
4.6.3 Conservation of Heritage Sites
Historic resources provide a link to the past, as well as give a feeling of continuity
and a sense of history and place. These resources can consist of a single
building, such as a government building, a house or a mosque; a group of
buildings, such as a commercial block, or a neighbourhood; a site, such as a
burial ground or an archaeological site; or a natural feature, such as a river.
Historic districts, buildings, structures, and objects provide a tangible link the
history of people, place and add variety and texture to the cultural landscape in
which people live and work. Karachi’s is filled with historic buildings and places

but unfortunately many have deteriorated from years of neglect. If left
unprotected, many of these elements of Karachi’s cultural heritage may
deteriorate beyond repair.
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in preserving historic buildings
in Karachi. The passing of the 1994 Sindh Cultural Heritage Act has provided an
avenue to legally preserve and protect historic sites and buildings of national
interest. Since the adoption of the law, more than 600 buildings in Karachi have
been identified for preservation due to their historic value. Karachi has numerous
additional resources that could be qualified as historic. Some of important sites
are identified the table below.

Places Year
Mohatta Palace 1933
Karachi Port Trust 1915
Mazaar Quaid-E-Azaim 1970
Merewether Memorial Tower 1892
Hindu Gymkhana 1925
Wazir Mansion 1860
New Sindh Assembly Buildings 1942
Clifton Promenade 1920
Flag staff House 1865
Maxdenso Hall 1886
Parsi Dare Mehar 1875
City Court (old Jail) 1868
KMC Head Office 1931
Victoria Museum 1987
Ghulam Husain Khlikdina hall 1906
Karachi Central Jail 1906
Empress Market 1889
St. Patrick,s Church 1845
Holy Trinity Church 1855
Frere Hall( Liaquat Hall ) 1865
Dayaram Jethmal Science 1887
Imperial Custom House 1917
Sindh Madressah-Tul-Islam 1885
Jaffar Faddoo Dispensary 1904
Khaliqdina Hall 1906
Dayaram Jethmal (D.J) Sindh 1893
Lady Dufferin Hospital 1898
Civil Hospital Karachi 1898
Sindh Club 1883
Sindh-Madressah-Tul-Islam 1885

The passage of the Sindh Cultural Heritage Act enables CDGK to facilitate historic
preservation, become an agent of thoughtful change, and a responsible steward of its
heritage for future generations. Preserving key buildings and districts in Karachi’s central

business district can also facilitate urban renewal and create an attractive economic
centre envisioned by the Strategic Development Plan 2020. Proposals
CDGK should facilitate the preservation and protection of the historic buildings
and places by:
• Identifying and designating historic districts, buildings, structures, and sites in
• Establishing rehabilitation standards and preservation techniques that
describe what types of changes are allowed on historic resources.
• Monitoring any work done on historic properties through the building permit
• Reviewing and promoting compatible new design adjacent to historic
buildings and in historic neighbourhoods.
• Setting up a tax credit program to encourage private property owners to
protect their historic properties.
• Enforcing the Sindh Cultural Heritage Act.
• Increasing public awareness regarding Karachi’s history and historic assets.
4.6.4 Sport Culture and Recreation
The KSDP-2020 seeks to improve recreational opportunities and their equitable
distribution to all residents of Karachi. This includes spaces for ‘passive
recreation’ such as parks, gardens, green space, and coastal environments and
spaces for ‘active recreation’ such as stadiums, gymnasiums, sports fields and
The main proposals are:
• Develop and maintain a 150-meter wide recreation belt along the beach front
• Double the number of parks, stadiums and playgrounds in each of the 18
At the metropolitan level, existing park space for recreation is adequate but city
stadiums are deficient given the size of the current population. Based on national
standards, investments in both types of recreational spaces will be required over
the Plan period as the population grows. Table 4.11, illustrates the number of
facilities required between 2005 and 2020.

Table 4.11: Estimated Recreational Facilities at Metropolitan Level


2005 2010 2015 2020

Facility Standard14 Status Population

City Park 50-70 ha. Per 2 Existing - - -

population Required 8 9 12 14

Shortfall - - 3 5

City Cricket (2.5 ha) Existing 3 - - -

Hockey (2.8 ha)
Required 8 9 12 14
Football (1.5 ha)
+ parking Shortfall 5 6 9 11

At the local level, the city lacks ample playground facilities for different age
groups and genders as well as different types of stadium, indoor gymnasiums,
football and hockey grounds, cricket fields, and tennis court.
Towns, Union Councils, and CDGK should seek to reduce these deficiencies.
Proposals for recreational areas include the following:
• identify and protect any land available for active recreation within the different
• locate and share sports facilities between towns whenever appropriate;
• engage the private sector to run major parks and collect a nominal entrance
fee that will lead to higher level of maintenance, usage and security;
• establish a city sports complex;
• provide a sports complex and zoological garden in Bin Qasim Town out of
land reserved for the forest; and
• generally double the number of town parks, community parks, town stadiums
and community play grounds in each of the 18 towns by the year 2020.

4.7 Urban Agriculture

In the overall economic matrix of Karachi the rural sector is complementary and
as such it is a partner in progress. In more than one way, the rural and urban
sectors are mutually reinforcing. Progress in one sector engenders positive
benefits in the other. With respect to development of the rural area, the objective
of KSDP-2020 is two-fold: it seeks to increase employment opportunities in the
agricultural sector for the growing rural population, and to improve the living
standard of the populace through higher household incomes by making the

Source: National Reference Manual on planning and Infrastructure Standards

sector more efficient and productive. The existing agricultural activities will
therefore be strengthened and further expanded to realize the potential and
natural advantage of the area.
The agricultural development program will be designed to cover the following
i) Protection of the green belt/cultivated land
ii) Creating reserves of high capability soils for expansion of cultivation
iii) Development of a land utilization plan for agricultural areas, including
livestock and poultry farming
iv) Development of groundwater resources and utilization/management
v) Construction of check-dams or weirs to recharge the tube wells being
used for irrigation, poultry, cattle and dairy farming
vi) Introducing water conservation practices to reduce losses during
irrigation. Drip irrigation, for instance, saves water needs for irrigation by
80%. This needs to be introduced on a mass scale to cultivate more land
with same water.
vii) Development of a support program for supply of inputs and equipment to
the farms and financial support.
viii) Building of agricultural training centers to improve agricultural practices
and technical knowledge
ix) Improvement of veterinary hospitals, dispensaries and centers, and their
service delivery system.

4.8 Water Front Development

The Plan (KSDP 2020) calls for adoption of the provisions of the Karachi Coastal
Recreation Development Plan 1990-2000 which identifies the nature of
development on the coast, the areas to be utilized for recreational uses and
sensitive ecological areas marked or protection and conservation.
Associated with the coastal development is the mandatory requirement of
unhindered, public access to beaches. This also covered for protection under the
Karachi Building and Town Planning Regulations 2002.
Reclamation along any section of the sea front either on the landward side or the
bordering sea would not be advised as it would impact seriously the harbor
regime. The same restriction holds for the mud flats, marshes and back water
creeks, which in no way be allowed to undergo artificial morphological change
detrimental to the existing hydrological environment, in particular around the
Karachi Port. Accordingly no reclamation work can be undertaken without in-dept
hydrological study, and sequential impacts on the harbor regime. It is essential
that the Karachi Port Trust be associated in the conduct of hydrological studies.
The coastal sea and its back-water and creeks provide source of livelihood to
fishing communities who live on the coast. The fisherman must enjoy free access
to their traditional grounds in the sea, backwaters and creeks. For any
development to be sustainable and acceptable, the historical rights of the

communities to the sea and the coastal village land they occupy ought to be
The coast provides opportunities for recreation activities, and their development
should be responsive to the demand pattern in order to be economically and
commercially viable. Development should, therefore, be based on assessment of
actual need and the nature of development at different coastal sections.
The guiding principles of planning for coastal development are the following:
i) Coastal development plan should be an integral component of the
development strategy for the city.
ii) Land use, commercial and residential development with impacts on water
supply, waste water disposal, transportation and infrastructure must be
liked with the city. Any development scheme should be self sufficient and
sustainable in this regard.
iii) The coast must be protected as an environmental asset, and environment
quality, including reduction of pollution of the coastal zone must be
improved. Green turtle sanctuaries and mangrove ecological system
along the beach, in the back-waters and creek must be preserved and
measures against its degradation should be urgently taken to control
iv) The sea-shore and the beaches should be preserved and promoted as
public assets. Public access to the beaches and the coast must remain
free and unhindered, and to keep the enjoyment for the general citizen,
no development should be allowed in land area upto 150 meters from the
high water mark.
v) The creeks, back-waters and the coast must remain accessible to fishing
vi) The recreational and other development should be self supporting,
demand based and profit/revenue generating.
vii) Karachi’s sea and coast is one of its most valuable and vulnerable asset,
and needs to be carefully monitored and maintained as an integral
component of the development strategy of the city.
viii) The fishing community settled in coastal villages should not be forced to
abandon their lands or source of livelihood. The local villages should not
be dispossessed and their village lands not acquired by the government.
Following programs are proposed for coastal development.
i. A programme to protect and reserve the coast as an environmental asset:
Karachi has some 90 kms of coast, much of it with vulnerable mangroves
that needs protection and preservation as an ecological system.
Furthermore, the nature of the sea and the coast are such that any
modification of the basic structure of the coast can have serious and far
reaching implications on the shape and structure of the coast through
erosion and deposits that can affect both the ecosystem and impact on
the harbour and access channels. Therefore it is imperative that the
various studies and investigations that already exist be supplemented by
further updated data and a comprehensive EPA be commissioned which

should lay down the overall guidelines for both the protection and
preservation of the coast and also its development.
ii. A programme to promote the seashore and beaches as a public asset:
Karachi has grown rapidly over the years, with many millions of citizen’s
now living in it - and while there has been some provision for other
infrastructure, the provision of open and recreation space has not had as
much attention as they deserve, especially if Karachi wants to have any
ambitions as a world class city. The beaches in particular, and the coast
in general is a valuable public asset and should be preserved as such.
While developments along the coast are inevitable, and in many access
even desirable, they should not be at the expense of restricted public
access, whether through physical construction or by economic barriers.
Land-use and other regulations already prohibit or limit shore-front
construction, but these should be further strengthened to ensure public
access and ensure that these rights are not eroded or usurped for any
particular group.
iii. A programme to promote the sea and the coast as a visual resource: As
a city by the sea, Karachi has been endowed by a natural asset that it has
largely failed to capture and capitalise upon. In particular, the ability to
include sea-related activities in the view or vista afforded by the sea can
increase its enjoyment manifold. At the moment, what little sea-front
development there is, is either by storage, warehousing or industrial uses,
or blocked by them. For example, there is an opportunity to develop
residential and commercial development that overlooks the harbour and
the mangroves. Of course this needs to done so as not to have an
adverse impact on the environment or to restrict its enjoyment by others.
In this context, the development of the water body between the Karachi
Port and Hawkesbay/Sandspit for water sports and related activities
would provide a rewarding experience both in itself and for its visual
impact on developments further along the coast.
iv. A program for Coastal Zone Development:
Together with coastal development program given above, the coastal
area has a potential for development such as housing, business offices,
commercial establishments and public amenities in suitable sites.
However, any development scheme designed in the area must adhere to
the above mentioned guiding principles. Proper detailed studies should
carried out, considering current conditions and constraints encountered in
the area.
• Land availability in the area claims priority over all other conditions,
necessary for undertaking a development project. Government land exists in
shape of fragmented parcels in scattered pattern.
• There are a number of fishing communities settled in coastal villages who
cannot be forced to abandon their lands or sources of livelihood. The local
villages should not be dispossessed and their villages land not acquired by
the Government.
• The land owning agencies in the area include Pakistan Air Force, Pakistan
Navy, Karachi Port Trust, Port Qasim Authority, DHA, Lyari Development

Authority, KANUPP, Government of Sindh, CDGK and private owners. Their
consent and commitment is a pre-requisite for the development scheme /
• There are considerable parts of the area covered by impact areas of
KANUPP, Pakistan Navy and Masroor Air Base.
• Studies for project development must assess the extent of population growth,
its water and electricity requirements, sewage disposal, trnansport needs,
traffic generated and its impact on the existing city.
• Public access to the beaches and the coast must remain free and un
hindered and to keep the enjoyment for the general citizen, no development
should be allowed in the land area upto 150 meters from the high water mark.
• The reclamation along the sea front either on the landward side or the
bordering sea, and any artificial morphological change in the mud flats,
marshes and back water creeks would not be advised as it would impact
seriously the harbour regime.
• The reclamation being detrimental to the hydrological environment,
particularly around the Karachi Port and Port Qasim should not be allowed
without in-depth hydrological studies.
• The development scheme should be self sufficient and sustainable with
regard to the requirements of water, electricity disposed and treatment of
sewerage and solid waste.
• Development plans should be finalied with public participation and be
presented for soliciting public opinion.
• The sanctuary for green turtles and mangrove ecological system must bo
• The planning control of the area should vest with CDGK to ensure that the
development is in compliance with water front development vision and
parameters as envisaged in the KSDP-2020.
• Development Plan should be in conformity of the Karachi Building and Town
Planning Regulations-2002.
• Environmental Impact Assessment study should be carried out.

4.9 Disaster Management

Karachi, with its coastal location, remains at risks from natural disaster i.e.
cyclonic storms, earthquakes and tsunamis,
During the last 55 years (1946-2006), about 50cyclonic storms are originated
over the Arabian sea; four his Karachi, causing much damage by heavy rains
and flash-floods. According to the record of last 75 years, at least 50 earthquakes
visited Karachi. Of these four were major devastating shocks with magnitude of 8
and above. The earthquakes also generated tsunami waves in 1819, 1943, 1945
and 1956, which hit the Karachi’s coastal areas and caused considerable
damage in and around the port area.

Though such natural disasters are unavoidable, their destructive effects can be
minimized and the consequential damages controlled to a great extent, if an
appropriate disaster warning, preparedness and relief system is organized
adequately to deal with the emergency.
In 2006, the government of Sindh set up a disaster management committee,
headed by the Chief Secretary to prepare a disaster management plan, which
will focus on all key issues/aspects including public awareness, warning system,
preparedness and relief delivery.
In view of vulnerability of large population and some important installation
including the two ports, it is essential that suitable measures should be adopted
to face the disastrous events whenever they strike; these measures are:
A disaster warning system to forewarn the people about the likelihood of
occurrence of severe cyclonic storms, earthquakes and tsunamis, using credible,
scientific prediction techniques.
A preparedness and relief plan, and a coordination mechanism for effective
management and damage control;
Establishing a disaster management cell in the CDGK to plan for and respond to
emergencies squarely and effectively.

A world class city requires a stable and predicable resource base, systems that
enable the prioritization of projects and a plan that is based upon realistic levels
of available financing for projects. The CDGK needs to move from dependency
on provincial transfers towards self reliance and higher own source revenues
through more appropriate taxation, valuation, billing and collection. Debt
financing of commercially viable investment projects is essential. Utility agencies
need to price services economically and collect revenue more effectively.
Change in the way the city finances its development is required.

5.1 CDGK’s Local Revenue Base

The challenge of providing infrastructure is to raise the necessary capital from
operations and through the market. Transfers can provide such funds, but they
are not reliable and often unsustainable. Local governments cannot incur debt.
Increasing local revenues is part of the solution, but this needs to be
supplemented by the development of commercially viable projects.
In financial year 2005/06, Table 5.1 shows that CDGK raised about 40% of its
revenues from taxation and user charges/cost recovery, relying on Sindh
provincial government to provide the balance through transfers. Very little overall
change has taken place over the past four years. Total revenues of CDGK in real
terms have shown a significant increase of 34% in FY 2005/06 over those of the
previous year, but from FY 2002/03, they were relatively static. Declines in
provincial transfers were evident from 2002/03, but during FY 2005/06 they more
than doubled.
Table 5.1: Revenue Sources for CDGK, 2002/03 to 2005/06
Amounts (Rs Millions) Annual Growth Rates
Revenue source FY FY FY FY 2002/03 to 2003/04 to 2004/05 to Average
2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06
Current prices:
Sindh PFC Transfers
Rs Millions 5,055.0 4,546.9 3,754.0 8,637.4 -10.1% -17.4% 130.1% 34.2%
Percent of total 59.0% 54.9% 37.8% 60.0%
Own Source Revenues
Taxation 2,213.3 2,451.5 3,200.1 3,200.7 10.8% 30.5% 0.0% 13.8%
User charges/cost recovery 1,294.2 1,276.9 2,966.6 2,552.9 -1.3% 132.3% -13.9% 39.0%
Total 3,507.5 3,728.4 6,166.7 5,753.6 6.3% 65.4% -6.7% 21.7%
Percent of total
Taxation 25.8% 29.6% 32.3% 22.2%
User charges/cost recovery 15.1% 15.4% 29.9% 17.7%
Total 41.0% 45.1% 62.2% 40.0%
Total 8,562.5 8,275.3 9,920.7 14,391.0 -3.4% 19.9% 45.1% 20.5%
Constant 2006 prices:
Sindh PFC Transfers
Rs Millions 6,094.6 5,279.5 4,076.7 8,637.4 -13.4% -22.8% 111.9% 25.2%
Own Source Revenues
Taxation 2,668.5 2,846.5 3,475.2 3,200.7 6.7% 22.1% -7.9% 7.0%
User charges/cost recovery 1,560.4 1,482.6 3,221.6 2,552.9 -5.0% 117.3% -20.8% 30.5%
Total 4,228.8 4,329.1 6,696.7 5,753.6 2.4% 54.7% -14.1% 14.3%
Total 10,323.5 9,608.6 10,773.4 14,391.0 -6.9% 12.1% 33.6% 12.9%
Source: Computations from figures supplied by CDGK, EDO Revenue

CDGK’s revenue base, as shown in table is largely from taxes and fees.
Table 5.2: Existing Sources of Revenue for Local Governments
Union Council Town Administration City District
• Fees for licensing of • Education tax • Education tax
professions and • Health tax • Health tax
vocations • Fees related to • Fees related to educational
• Fees for birth, educational and health and health facilities
marriage and death facilities • Rents on land, buildings,
certificates • Rents on land, buildings, equipment
• Charges for specific equipment • Service fees
Union Council • Service fees • Tolls on roads, bridges,
services • Tolls on roads, bridges, and ferries (other than
• Rate for remuneration and ferries (other than national and provincial
of village and national and provincial highways and roads)
neighbourhood guards highways and roads) • Fees on advertisements
• Charges for execution • Fees for fairs, hoardings
and maintenance of exhibitions and other • Fees for approval of
public works. public events building plans and
• Rents on land, • Collection charges on construction permits
buildings, taxes assessed by other • Charges for execution and
equipment… levels of government maintenance of public
• Collection charges on • Any other tax authorized works.
taxes assessed by other by the government • Collection charges on
levels of government taxes assessed by other
levels of government
• Any other tax authorized
by the government

The mandated town and the city district sources are similar, with a few additions
at the higher level. Increases in service fees, tolls, assessments on public events,
and charges for building and construction approval are relatively easy to impose,
but the desire to keep rates low normally prevents these sources from becoming
significant contributions to the resource base. The sources that offer the greatest
potential are property and motor vehicle taxes. However, various forms of tax
evasion exist in most areas, and collections need to increase and services
improve before there are rises in taxes and charges.

5.2 Key financing agencies
Many stakeholders will support the proposals under the Master Plan. City, town
and to a less extent union councils will raise money for roads and traffic
management, and solid waste improvements. The government owned Karachi
Water and Sewerage Board (KWSB) will finance investments in water supply and
waste water collection and treatment. Private sector bodies including the Karachi
Electric Supply Corporation (KESC) will raise its own funds for its development
program. Smaller private companies too will finance and provide other capital
assets including buses, parking spaces and vehicles for the collection of solid
waste. Real estate developers, banks and communities also can provide finance
for new housing developments given the appropriate legal, institutional and
incentive framework. Civil society, including non government organizations and
communities can provide affordable basic services and micro-credit in katchi
abadis and other informal settlements. All of these stakeholders are in reality
financial intermediaries in the delivery of infrastructure and services. But it is the
residents and businesses of Karachi who in the end will pay for the services,
either through taxes or user charges.
There are a number of potential sources of development finance for the key
infrastructure sectors of Karachi. These are identified in table which indicates
where the CDGK has a significant role in mobilizing funding for capital

Table 5.3: Capital Funding Sources by Sector

Sector Source of Funding CDGK Action

Water supply and Increased collections from end Facilitate capital funding for
sewerage users KW&SB, including that through
foreign assisted projects
Efficiency gains
Transfers from CDGK
Debt instruments

Solid waste Increased collections from end Assist TMAs to contract out solid
management users waste management services
Efficiency gains CDGK to commercialize recycling
CDGK direct funding for Facilitate capital funding for
landfill development transfer stations and landfill
Private sector investment

Roads Federal transfers CDGK to rationalise and increase

Provincial transfers land/property and motor vehicle
tax collection
CDGK financing
Lobby federal and provincial
Property and motor vehicle government for transfers for major
taxes roads
Private sector investment in toll Facilitate capital funding

Public transport Public transport fares Determine feasibility of recovering

mass transit costs from end users
CDGK public subsidies
Provincial government transfers In case shortfall, identify how to
fill the financing gap
Debt instruments
Facilitate capital funding and
Private sector investment private public partnerships

Electricity Capital markets Assist KESC negotiation rate

increases to extent affordable and
User charges
to mobilize its own financing

Low-cost housing and Cost recovery from Encourage the release of land, use
katchi abadi upgrading beneficiaries and savings the public housing and real estate
company to facilitate housing
CDGK transfers
development, and encourage
Mortgage finance from HBFC partnerships with communities and
financial entities.
Micro credit for house
construction and improvement

KW&SB and KESC face similar challenges in the water supply and sewerage
and electricity sectors. There is considerable additional revenue to be gained
from improving collection on existing tariffs and by increasing tariffs to more
economic levels, subject to affordability constraints. Urban services tariffs should
be the subject of a study to assess affordability against different levels of costs

5.3 Financing Strategy

The financial strategy for the future development of Karachi is to be based on
improving local government financing, maximizing the involvement of the private
sector, and improving access to capital markets. Towards this, an eight-point
strategy is to be implemented.
1. Institutionalising a process for evaluating and prioritizing major projects and
2. Institute changes in local government financing.
3. Establish or strengthen appropriate vehicles through which CDGK can raise
4. Improve the financial sustainability of infrastructure delivery.
5. Prepare more commercially viable projects and engage the private sector.
6. Expand the use of community resources.
7. Ensure the predictability and stability of provincial transfers.
8. Conform to financial reporting, disclosure and audit requirements.
Each is discussed in more detail below:
Strategy 1: Institutionalizing a process and methodology for evaluating and
prioritizing major projects
The process and methodology enables the matching of financial resource
availability with demands for financing according to the projects and programmes
proposed in the Master Plan. This covers:
• The preparation of long-term financial projections for key agencies and local
governments in CDGK area to adequately assess financing requirements
over the plan period. This covers, in general terms, projections of the demand
for finance for the next fifteen years according to the proposed capital
investment programs of the Master Plan. Projections of financial resource
availability, particularly those of provincial and local governments and
relevant government owned corporate entities, are required. This enables a
budget envelope to be established for available public sector funding from all
levels of government based on alternative assumptions of national and city
economic growth and political priorities. This provides the basis for the core
investment programme that matches likely resource availability and a core
plus programme that could be implemented if more funding was available.
• All major projects proposed in the Master Plan must be subjected to a
transparent, comprehensible evaluation methodology that enables the
separation of those projects that fully support the objectives and spatial
growth patterns of the Master Plan, from those that were not fully supportive

and those fall in between. This does not seek precision or dictate what should
happen in detail, but could be a point-scoring approach against objectives
and spatial plans, using a transparent method and subjective weightings
between objectives. The approach is used to demonstrate the robustness or
risk of the results under the different scenarios.
Strategy 2: Institute changes in local government financing
In common with cities everywhere, CDGK has a lack of financial resources to
provide appropriate services to their residents. This gap is a result of both the
demand for unrealistically high standards of service and from the mismatch
between functions and revenues among levels of government. But the
continuing rapid population growth of Karachi’s population will lead to increasing
demands for public services, while rising incomes will lead to calls for better
services. Provincial and local government revenues have not increased in line
with demand, since the revenue-raising authority is limited to relatively income
inelastic sources including property taxes, fees and fines and transfers. Hence,
strengthening the financial viability, especially the revenue base and expenditure
controls of CDGK and its constituent local governments, is a priority.
Two taxes offer considerable potential; these are those on property and motor
vehicles and their use. Property tax is currently based on value, which in most
cases is valued well below market assessments. A change in the basis of this
taxation from that on property to land should be considered. Property tax,
involves charging each property owner a proportion of the value of buildings and
other improvements as well as that of land. A land value tax would be more
equitable where the improvements that people make to their land are not taxed.
Land value taxation, or site value taxation, would charge each landholder a
portion of the value of a site or parcel of land that would exist even if that site had
no improvements. It taxes the improvements that both society and others have
made to the land around a property. The key point of land value tax is that it is
applied to the value of a plot of land, and not the buildings or improvements on it.
This would mean that a vacant site would pay the same tax as a block of flats on
the same area, less the difference in values created by the different planning
permissions on the neighboring plots. CDGK should revive the tax and levy it on
vehicle use and possibly fuel. Such a tax has the potential to be a significant
revenue source since vehicle ownership is forecast to increases substantially into
the foreseeable future.
Wider reforms of local government finance should also be evaluated in concert
with provincial and national government. Once agreed, such reform is best
undertaken in a phased and focused manner to address change over the
medium term. Early stages could involve the legal and regulatory change that
leads to clear functional responsibilities between levels of government and an
appropriate framework for intergovernmental fiscal relations that enables funding
more realistically to follow function. This would then be followed by improving
financial management systems and capacity. The focus should not only be on
own-source revenues, local government borrowing, and intergovernmental
transfers but also reducing local expenditures through improved productivity,
revisions of standards, attracting community resources and reducing
responsibilities that require local expenditure.

Strategy 3: Establish appropriate vehicles through which CDGK can raise
development funds
Neither CDGK nor its constituent local governments can borrow directly. As a
result, there is little incentive for local governments to become more
entrepreneurial and work with the private sector to develop key infrastructure and
capacity building projects. Although small or semi financially viable local
authorities are unlikely to be able to borrow in their own right, those larger
authorities that are viable should be able to do so. Granting major local
governments, such as CDGK, the power to borrow directly is a key legislative
change that should be pursued. A world class city must be able to raise its own
resources from whatever sources it can, including the capital market. As a
precursor to this, strengthening financial viability that covers both the revenue
base and expenditure controls is essential.
Whilst pursuing legislative change, CDGK should consider creating special
purpose vehicles for mobilizing resources for the implementation of major
development projects. Under this arrangement the credit risk to the potential
funding agencies is with the institution itself and not directly with the local
government. Creditworthiness would then be assessed against the performance
of the investment portfolio of the special purpose authority. One option would be
to establish a special purpose authority as a guarantee fund for municipal credit.
But credit insurance in developing countries is risky, expensive and requires high
skill levels to determine premiums and remedies for default. The attractiveness of
such an approach in Karachi, however, will depend upon the cost of insurance,
relative to that of normal borrowing.
Much of the land within CDGK area is owned by national, provincial and local
government agencies. This is a substantial asset that should be used as
leverage for additional resources and/or as collateral for credit. While such
property has been used as security in the past in other Asian countries, trends
now are that lenders are becoming more selective. They consider as appropriate
security, property that can more easily be transferred to private ownership and is
relatively liquid. Karachi has such property and this should be used more
effectively for the benefit of the city.
Strategy 4: Improve the financial sustainability of infrastructure service
Infrastructure provision requires more than capital improvements. It requires that
services are delivered in a financially sustainable manner. This implies that
service providers should recover at least the cost of operation and maintenance
from customers through user charges and fees. Full cost recovery demands that
all costs of investment are also recovered through user charges; in practice, part
of the investment cost is often financed through subsidies.
Infrastructure service providers in Karachi are far from achieving financial
sustainability in the delivery of services. Typical problems are:
• Tariffs are too low: User charges for services are set way below the level that
would be required to recover all costs of operation and maintenance from
• Collection rates are low: In water supply and wastewater, for example, only
60% of billings are collected from customers.

• Customer relations are poor: Many customers consider they do not receive
‘value for money’ and are unwilling to pay even the full amount billed, let
alone higher tariffs.
Financial sustainability is directly affected by the technical performance of
infrastructure systems. The 40% non-revenue water recorded by KW&SB, for
example, is largely a function of extensive technical losses (leaks) in the water
transmission and distribution system. Losses in the electrical power distribution
network mean that power delivered to customers is much less than that which is
produced (and paid for) by the utility. When systems are highly inefficient, the
only way to achieve cost recovery is to charge customers for a larger quantity of
the commodity than they actually receive, or raise the unit price.
Most infrastructure providers in Karachi need to improve the management in
general and the recovery of the O&M costs in particular before they can be
considered worthy recipients of substantial amounts of new funding for capital
improvements. Construction of new works, in the absence of improvements, will
only increase the O&M maintenance requirements resulting in increasingly
deteriorated systems and larger financial shortfalls. Karachi’s infrastructure
providers, and in particular local governments and their dependent agencies,
should implement the following measures before or in parallel with any expanded
capital improvement programs:
• Accurately assess service costs.
• Evaluate the ability and willingness to pay of customers.
• Improve customer relations through outreach programs.
• Develop options for service improvement, each of which combines technical
characteristics and a price to the end user.
• Integrate customers into the service improvement process. Present them with
the service improvement options and seek feedback before selecting the
preferred option.
• Increase user charges progressively to the point where they cover at least
O&M expenditures.
• Increase tariff collection efficiency.
• Identify and implement measures to reduce operational costs, including
demand management, routine and periodic maintenance, repairs and
Strategy 5: Prepare more commercially viable urban infrastructure projects and
engage the private sector
The major capital investment projects identified for the development of Karachi
can be designed to attract debt financing. A number of projects will have a
guaranteed revenue streams and are the key candidates for such financing. Debt
can be issued against the revenue stream and the assets of the project. Such
financing is common in the private sector, including that for privatized utility
investments in water supply and public transport. Both the lender and borrower
have an interest in the performance of the investment. Clearly, a project’s
financial and economic viability requires assessment. Due diligence of the

operating agency and project financial viability, is usually expressed as the
financial rate of return, and become the prime determinants of credit worthiness.
Some projects will involve the use of community service obligations (CSO) to
ensure access by the poor or for environmental reasons, and these obligations
should be clearly differentiated from the other more commercial components.
Experience shows that these obligations could be directly funded from provincial
government revenues, which ensures that the costs of the non-commercial
objectives of government enterprises are made more transparent through the
annual budget process. Direct funding also allows for competition in provision
through tendering of services. CSOs are common in public transport franchises.
With appropriate CSO in place, CDGK should pursue public-private partnerships
that involve the joint financing and provision of infrastructure. Appropriate
enabling environments need to be strengthened by Sindh Provincial Government
and CDGK to enable such partnerships to be established.
Strategy 6: Expand the use of community resources
In Karachi, there is an active civil society movement that has encouraged many
communities to finance, design and implement local infrastructure and provide
basic services. Examples are for local infrastructure in katchi abadis and informal
settlements that include schools, health centres, water supply and sewerage,
drainage, street paving, day care centres, schools, health facilities, and livelihood
activities involving training, production centres and communal assets or
equipment. These projects involve partnerships between a funding agency and
the community. Such activities should be encouraged and expanded, especially
those that involve the improvement of living conditions in informal settlements
and other deprived areas.
Strategy 7: Ensure the predictability and stability of provincial transfers
CDGK and its constituent local governments cannot realistically project their
expenditure limits unless they are sure of their revenue sources. The high
dependence on transfers and the unpredictability of the amounts released can be
problematic. Provincial government should ensure the stability of transfers
through a firm guarantee to honour and enforce commitments made. In the
medium term CDGK needs to have more discretion over its own source
revenues, to have maximum control over key local taxes, the determination of the
tax base and rates levied for all taxes and charges.
Strategy 8: Conform to financial reporting, disclosure and audit requirements
The Sindh Provincial Government needs to become more demanding in
imposing strict time limits on the production and submittal of annual reports from
the local governments within Karachi District according to a format that enables
the ready assessment of credit worthiness. Over time all local governments
should be mandated to adopt national accounting standards that are consistent
with international practice. This would mean the adoption of commercial
accounting principles, including full the proper valuation of assets and provisions
for doubtful debts.
This should be accompanied by more effective performance auditing of local
government accounts, and the public disclosure of information. The independent
audit of the accounts of local governments should be a goal. CDGK can start by

enabling the full public disclosure of its annual accounts and findings of audits
and those of the constituent local governments. Annual performance reports too
should be produced and all such documents must be posted on websites. Such
reports should be published and posted within three months of financial year end.

Table-5.4: Summary: Key priorities for action

Improving local Maximizing private Accessing capital

government financing sector involvement markets
• Adopt a methodology for
project prioritization • Changes in legislation
to allow CDGK to
• Change basis of property
taxation to a land tax
• Reintroduce motor vehicle • Decide priorities for • Encourage
community service establishment of special
obligations investment
• Adopt measures to organizations and
improve other own source • Prepare financing vehicles.
revenues, including user commercially viable
projects • Main funding source for
new infrastructure and
• Improve efficiency of all • Encourage public mega projects
utility and service entities private partnerships
• Use assets to lever
• Develop a program for the • Expand the use of additional resources,
phased introduction of community resources especially land
local government financial
• Conform to financial
reporting, disclosure
• Ensure predictability of and audit requirements
provincial transfers

6.1 Introduction
As demonstrated by previous attempts to plan more orderly and efficient
development in Karachi, the greatest challenges in plan implementation are:
• the centralization of sufficient planning and development control authority for
the entire metropolitan area in one institution;
• the sustained capacity of an effective planning institution to oversee planning
and regulating the varied and complex set of real estate transactions shaping
the city of Karachi;
• the enforcement of an effective system of land use control that allows
permitting and control of development on private, public and leased land;
• the integration of economic and fiscal planning with spatial planning.
Progress has been made in overcoming some barriers to implementation since
the preparation of the Karachi Development Plan 2000 (prepared in 1991), but
many problems ‘ and their solutions ‘ remain the same. To overcome the stated
challenges and implement the Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020, the
following is recommended:
• develop an integrated planning process that establishes CDGK as the apex
planning institution and ensures coordination with major land owning
agencies operating under federal and provincial government Acts /
Ordinances .
• build the capacity of the CDGK to lead the planning process;
• enforce a development controls system that utilises penalties and incentives
to guide and control development;
• integrate planning and process of physical development of Karachi into the
national economic and fiscal planning process.

6.2 Planning and Development Control

Recent regulatory and institutional changes as result of enforcement fo SLGO
2001, have raised the prospects of centralizing planning and development control
that takes care of the entire city district. Now the City District Government
Karachi (CDGK) will be entrusted with the responsibility of guiding and managing
the growth of the whole district through a holistic and integrating planning, since
the local government has acquired vastly expanded function of management and
development, while the functions of the Karachi Development Authority have
been taken over by the CDGK, the Karachi Building Control Authority and the
Karachi Water & Sewerage Board have also come under the management of
The CDGK still shares planning and development responsibility horizontally with
other government entities that own land and in some way participates in
regulation of development in the district. Along with the CDGK, seven institutions

have been delegated powers and duties as covered in the Karachi Building and
Town Planning Regulations 2002 (as amended in 2005). These are:
• Cantonment Boards under the Ministry of Defence
• Karachi Port Trust
• Pakistan Railways
• Ministry of Works
• Sindh Industrial Trading Estate (Karachi)
• Sindh Katchi Abadis Authority
• Sindh Board of Revenue
Added to the above are Pakistan Steel, Port Qasim Authority, Defence Housing
Authority, Exports Processing Zone, Malir Development Authoirty and Lyari
Development Authority.
CDGK’s powers, therefore, extend to all the area under its jurisdiction except
those under the jurisdiction of the above public agencies. This fragmented
authority among eighteen institutions and the CDGK will hinder the formal
coordination of planning and development activities between these institutions
and implementation of the Strategic Development Plan. To overcome this, a
number of strategies are recommended:
1. Establish CDGK as the apex planning institution with legal authority for
planning and development controls over all land and buildings within the
City District under jurisdiction of all other land owning agencies. This will
require amendments in the relevant Acts / Laws at the federal level.
2. After approval of the Plan by the City District Council, the KSDP-2020 will
be a binding document for all the stake holders to follow in their plans.
3. To ensure uniform standards, practices and procedures, development
activities in conformity with laws and regulations being practiced by the
City District Government Karachi to be mandatory for by all agencies
throughout Karachi City District irrespective of their jurisdiction

6.3 Preparation and approval of Urban Development Plan

Within the unified metropolitan growth management framework, it will be
essential that procedures for preparation and approval of urban plans and
development projects are clearly specified and followed by all parties. The table
below defines the proposed roles for CDGK, TMAs, other agencies and

Table 6.1: Scope and Proposed Responsibilities for Preparation and
Approval of Urban Development Plans and Projects

Type of Content/Scope Prepared Approved by

Plan/Project by
Karachi Overarching framework for CDGK CDGK
Strategic Dev. physical development of the
Plan metropolitan area
Town Plan / More detailed land use, transport, CDGK/TMA 1. TMA
Local Area Plan infrastructure proposals for the 2. CDGK
town / local area
Large Specific proposals for land use CDGK/ 1. CDGK
Development and buildings on a particular site Agency/ 2. Karachi Planning
Project Developer and Development
Small / Medium Specific proposals for land use Agency/ CDGK
Development and buildings on a particular site Developer

In addition to clarifying of the roles of public sector entities and major land
holding agencies, the unified metropolitan growth management framework also
requires that all major development projects follow the standard review and
approval procedures. Projects within the Karachi City District should not be
approved without being subjected to the review process. CDGK, as lead agency
in the management of the growth of Karachi, must play the role of final arbiter in
the project approval process

6.4 CDGK as a Single Agency for Municipal Services

Karachi has an integrated system of municipal infrastructure. The CDGK is
entrusted with the responsibility of providing water, disposal of sewage and solid
waster for the entire city. But its management authority is restricted to its own
jurisdiction which extends over about one-third of the city. In areas under various
land owning agencies, the municipal services are internally managed, without
any coordination with the city government, and at times the maintenance
problems have over spilling effects on to the areas under CDGK, causing
problems for the generals public and the city government. The land owning
agencies, besides controlling their operational areas, continuously extend their
civilian areas, thus increasing the burden and pressure on the CDGK. Also, they
have extended their jurisdiction beyond their original areas, by including more
civil areas through issuance of notifications.
Karachi is the largest and the fastest growing mega city of Pakistan, with a
population of over 16 million (2006), expected to reach 27 million mark by the
year 2020. The city’s land, planning, development and municipal control is
fragmented into TWENTY (20) federal, provincial and local agencies with
overlapping powers / functions and lack of coordination. These agencies include
SIX (6) Cantonment Boards, Port Qasim Authority, Karachi Port Trust, Defense
Housing Authority, Pakistan Steel, Pakistan Railways, Export Processing Zone,
Sindh Industrial Trading Estate, Government of Sindh, City District Government
Karachi, Lyari Development Authority, Malir Development Authority, Corporative
Housing Societies and private owners. This multiplicity of ownership, functions
and fragmented municipal control has resulted into following problems:

i. Lack of holistic and unified vision for the city.
ii. Hampering the formulation and implementation of futuristic Master Plan
for the City.
iii. Lack of unified Town Planning & Building Regulations.
iv. Unplanned and haphazard growth.
v. Environmental degradation.
vi. Inter organizational conflicts in provision of basic infrastructure, Municipal
services and revenue collection.
vii. Problems in disaster / crisis management.
In unavoidable circumstances, City District Government Karachi is facing great
difficulties due to non-cooperation of other stakeholders / agencies in the City of
Karachi, therefore, it is strongly felt that there should be ONE Agency that may
control municipal functions and provide civic amenities and ensure redressal of
the problems and facilitating welfare of the citizens of Karachi.
The City District Government Karachi has a vision of making Karachi a world
class city and attractive economic centre with a decent life for Karachiites. The
vision is ambitious and far - reaching because it challenges the leaders,
institutions and citizens of Karachi to change the way the city works and does
business. The vision recognizes the need to stimulate economic growth and
create an inclusive city that provides opportunity and a better life for all its
citizens. Thus, the city would acquire salient characteristics of world cities.
§ World cities have a vibrant heart and have areas of high amenity; they are
the places that people want to live, work, and invest in;
• World cities have clear strategies for coping with growth, and are well
governed, managed, and planned for the future of their citizens;
• World cities foster competitive activities, supported by enabling policy and
regulatory environments and well functioning infrastructure and services;
• World cities are inclusive, with opportunities for all to earn incomes, work and
• World cities are characterized by minimal poverty and slums.
The City District Government Karachi with a commitment to achieving this vision,
prepared the Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020. The KSDP 2020 is not
simply about the physical renewal of a city but equally invoking the spirit and
commitment of its leaders and citizens to realise a more prosperous, secure and
sustainable future.

Also the building control regulations of other land owning agencies vary from
those of the CDGK. Permissions have been granted for buildings with high
floor-area ratio, with implications on the city’s urban design, environment, traffic
generation and municipal services. Associated with this, is the issue of
disorganized installation of hoardings under different agencies, without proper
regulations on their size and safety requirements. During the last rainy season,
many hoardings in these areas collapsed against the fury of the storms and
caused much destruction of life and property.

The plan specifically provides for management of the sewerage / drainage

system including its outlets through Nallas. At present some of the Stakeholders
are allotting space reserved for Nallas in addition to creation / emerging of the
Katchi Abadies on the Nallas thus creating obstructions in the smooth passage of
the sewerage water to its ultimate disposal into the sea after proper treatment.
However, City District Government Karachi is trying its best to manage the
The KSDP-2020 will have a legal status under Section 40 of the Sindh Local
Government Ordinance 2001 (SLGO), for guiding city’s growth in a planned and
coordinated manner. It will provide an ‘umbrella’ framework for the development
plans of the agencies,takeholders (Federal, Provincial and Local) in Karachi. The
development plans of the respective agencies will be subservient to the KSDP-
City District Government Karachi, is only agency which is running / managing the
Karachi Water & Sewerage Board as an independent agency for the operation /
management of water and sewerage systems of Karachi. These TWO important
civic amenities are provided to the Citizens of Karachi by KW&SB without any
discrimination or limitation. However, this facility is being hampered due to
multiplicity and overlapping functions.
The City District Government Karachi is also managing an independent
organization namely Karachi Building Control Authority to check and control
building and construction activities in Karachi. The city of Karachi is faced with
creation of jungle of unplanned cemented structures due to grant of permission
for multi storey buildings by other stakeholders without consulting MPGO, CDGK.
The City District Government Karachi, is also providing Municipal Services to all
the citizens of Karachi and for this purpose City District Government Karachi, has
developed areas for dumping of garbage. No other agency is maintaining this
facility. For improvement in the system, City District Government Karachi has
also prepared schemes. This too is neglected by other agencies.

In order to have an efficient, coordinated and city-wide municipal services
management system, the following actions are recommended:
i) All municipal infrastructure services in the civil areas under various land
owning agencies should be the responsibility of the CDGK, which should
be the Single Agency for municipal functions over the entire Karachi. This
will not affect the land ownership rights of the agencies.
ii) The operational defence and strategic areas will remain under the land
owning agencies.
iii) As a Single Agency for municipal services, the CDGK will be empowered
to collect taxes, charges, levies and fees from the consumers/users.
iv) In respect of maintenance of municipal services infrastructure including
hoarding installations, the right of way will be given to the CDGK.
v) All the notifications extending the territorial jurisdiction of cantonments
and other agencies should be withdrawn / amended.
vi) Since the land owning agencies operate under Federal and Provincial
Acts/Laws, appropriate amendments in the existing relevant laws shall be
made by the Federal/Provincial governments.
vii) The existing town and union council boundaries in the city district should
also be reviewed for an efficient management keeping in view the new
developments, major roads, neighborhoods, housing scheme projects,
size and area.
The main steps involved in shifting municipal control and service provision
responsibility in these areas to municipal authorities are the following:
i) Prepare and implement a public education campaign to build support for
the transfer, focusing on the continuity of service provision at the same or
higher level of service
ii) Shift the area in question formally into the jurisdiction of an existing TMA
or create a new TMA/UC.
iii) Transfer relevant infrastructure-related assets to new ownership; rights-
of-way for roads to the TMA water/wastewater network to KW&SB;
iv) Transfer of staff to the TMA and relevant infrastructure providers.

6.5 Approval of the Karachi Strategic Development Plan - 2020

The City Council of the City District Government Karachi is empowered under
Section-40 of the Sindh Local Government Ordinanace-2001 to approve the
Karachi Strategic Development Plan-2020. Therefore, the Plan shall be
submitted to the City Council Karachi for the Plan approval and its
implementation in the entire City District irrespective of land ownership and to
guide the city’s growth in a planned and coordinated manner.
The CDGK will take the lead role in implementing the Karachi Strategic
Development Plan 2020. All the stakeholders operating in the city under Federal

and Provincial Acts/Laws would be required to make necessary amendments in
the relevant laws.

6.6 Implementation:
CDGK will be the final arbiter of development control decisions. Development
agencies operating in the City District will review and approve development
projects within their jurisdiction prior to submission to CDGK. For approval of
large-scale development projects, CDGK will secure the participation of other key
national, provincial and local stakeholders in approval decision process.
A two-tier structure composed of a Steering Committee and Development Control
Committee with representation of all major actors will have overseeing,
coordination and selected implementation functions related to the Strategic
Development Plan.
KSDP Steering Committee - The existing Coordination Committee for the
Development of Karachi, formed by the Federal government and headed by the
Governor of Sindh, will act as the KSDP Steering Committee. This Committee
will operate at the provincial government level, headed by the Governor. With
representation of key stakeholders, this body will ensure that all decisions
pertaining to development, land grants, allocation/allotment of land for different
purposes, of the Provincial Government and its various organizations, are made
in consonance with the Strategic Development Plan. Coordination with Federal
Government and its agencies sponsoring and executing schemes in Karachi will
be made through the Steering Committee. This committee will meet periodically
as reuired to monitor progress and implementation of KSDP-2020.
Karachi Planning and Development Control Committee - The existing
Municipal Services Coordination Committee will act as the Karachi Planning and
Development Control Committee. Chaired by the City Nazim, this committee will
review and approve key development projects. National, provincial, and local
stakeholders in the development of Karachi, such as the Cantonment Boards,
Malir Development Authority, Lyari Development Authority, Sindh Katchi Abadis
Authority, Pakistan Railways, etc., will sit on the committee to facilitate approval
of key development projects. Projects presented for consideration will require
preliminary approval from the development control department of CDGK.

6.7 Building MPGO as an Effective Planning Agency

Within CDGK, the Master Plan Group of Offices (MPGO) will be responsible for
the overall planning process as per KSDP-2020. The primary role of MPGO will
be to ensure that all planning and development decisions are in line with the
Plan. Since the KSDP-2020 will be a living document requiring constant updating
and revision to cope with the changing scenarios, a full fledged and well
equipped Strategic Planning Unit (SPU) is required to be established within the
MPGO which need to perform different functions including:
• Providing technical assistance to TMAs to articulate the Strategic
Development Plan through local area plans;
• Making decisions regarding planning approvals for large and/or priority
projects and setting guidelines for building approval;
• Monitoring and evaluation of the progress in implementing the Plan;

• Elaborating and detailing the KSDP 2020.
The Strategic Development Plan requires towns, union councils, and other
organizations to further articulate detailed local plans consistent with the
Strategic Development Plan. MPGO will provide technical assistance as required
to towns to this end. MPGO will be responsible for approving these plans (prior to
their approval by Karachi Planning and Development Control Committee, see
above) and therefore provide the leadership for carrying out the vision of the
Plan. MPGO should focus these planning efforts on priority areas of the Strategic
Development Plan to utilise its resources most effectively. In doing this, CDGK
should position itself to guide development rather than solely to enforce the
implementation of the Strategic Development Plan.
One constraint to fulfilling this function will be the technical, managerial, and
financial capacity to take on planning and development tasks. It should be a
priority of the CDGK to build the technical planning and development capacity of
MPGO to undertake effective planning. CDGK should utilise Federal and
Provincial government expertise and that of donors to do this. Standard planning
practice skill sets to develop should include:
• Land use planning, demographic trend analysis, real estate market analysis,
local economic development, information management systems, stakeholder
• Preparation and implementation of development codes allowing multiple
mixed uses;
• Public-private partnerships for large real estate development projects;
• Institutional systems and procedures for implementation of metropolitan
development plans involving multiple agencies and jurisdictions;
• A system of public participation.
MPGO will also be responsible for setting guidelines for building approval made
by Karachi Building Control Authority and making decisions on planning
approvals for large and/or priority projects. Attention on enforcing development
controls should be given to priority areas of the Plan.
MPGO will be responsible for monitoring the performance of KSDP 2020. The
MPGO should develop a system of collecting and storing data necessary for
monitoring the implementation of the Strategic Development Plan and general
urban development trends in the city. The computerised database should be
developed so as to minimise duplication with existing information management
systems. Where possible, MPGO should play an integrating role, linking existing
databases to create a more complete picture of how the city is growing. Where
necessary, MPGO can collect additional primary data to supplement the data
regularly collected by others. The database should be accessible through a
Geographic Information System (GIS) which can be used to analyze these data
by geographic boundaries and make it available to urban and financial planners,
line agencies, decision makers, and others. The GIS should utilize remote
imagery such as aerial photographs and satellite images.
Data and analysis should be used to draft relevant sections of the annual
physical development plan for Karachi City District.

Strategic Planning Unit - This unit will be set up within MPGO to carry out three
main functions: (i) further elaboration of KSDP 2020, (ii) capacity building of
MPGO, and (iii) provision of technical expertise in a variety of fields (including but
not limited to urban and regional planning, urban economics, GIS/MIS, municipal
engineering, traffic management, municipal finance, project finance, stakeholder
participation, etc.) to support policy development, institutional strengthening,
and/or project development activities related to the implementation of the Karachi
Strategic Development Plan.

6.8 Integrating Physical Planning with Economic and Fiscal Planning

It is necessary to integrate the national economic development planning and
budgeting process so that urban development projects will be consistent with
development objectives and positioned to receive adequate public sector
The KSDP Steering Committee and Planning and Development Control
Committee will be helpful on this as they will bring together representatives from
Federal and Provincial Governments. The Plan must also be considered as part
of the Annual Development Program (ADP) process.
To make economic planning and budgeting decisions, this arrangement requires
uniform economic analysis of all expenditures, both for capital investment and for
operational activities.

6.9 Land Management and Development Control

Land use controls will be its most powerful tool for CDGK to control the physical
development of Karachi in line with the Plan. Therefore, the development
activities in the entire jurisdiction of the City District would be regulated through
the CDGK’s city wide Land Use Plan which would be binding for all the
stakeholders irrespective of the jurisdiction. This system should utilize both
positive and negative controls. Many of the methods proposed in previous plans
are still applicable and worth restating, including:
• Planning controls,
• Building controls,
• Vacant land taxation and property taxation.

6.10 Planning Controls

To be most effective in implementing planning controls, application should
concentrate on priority areas of the Plan. Priority areas should include:
• Designation of priority areas for development; this includes those areas
marked for development in the Plan in the next 10 years, such as sites for
major capital investment projects;
• Designation of areas where development should be restricted: this includes
areas of the Plan in the outskirts of the City District, environmentally sensitive
areas, public recreation areas, and areas planned for low density.
Within the Karachi Building & Town Planning Regulations (KBTPR) 2005, there is
a formal procedure laid down for the grant of ‘Development Permits.’ This system

should be utilised to enforce future building developments in conformity with
‘priority’ and ‘restricted’ areas of the Plan. It permits the setting of both general
standards and area standards, as well as for the establishment of interim control
areas which can serve as restricted areas. However, application of such as
system by CDGK to all areas of the City District would be restricted because it
shares powers and duties associated with the KBTPR with seven other
institutions. Correcting this fragmented authority would enable uniform
application of controls and implementation of the Plan.
Enforcement of planning and development controls should be carried out by the
Karachi Building Control Authority in conjunction with police and enforcement

6.11 Urban Land Allotment and Management Policy

The analysis shows that many large residential subdivisions have not been built
and occupied. This is primarily because of speculation. This phenomenon greatly
undermines the efficiency of urban infrastructure investments. Water and
sewerage trunk mains must extend to new sites and system capacity upgraded
to accommodate the additional population. But if the houses are not built and
people don’t live there, the benefits of that investment are few.
To promote consolidation of housing developments, ‘sunset clauses’ will be
included in the lease contracts for selected land development projects, especially
those targeting low-income households. The clauses will oblige the purchaser to
achieve substantial completion on the house within three years or lose the right
to occupy the land. In the case of non-compliance, the use rights will revert to the
developer, which will refund payment to the purchaser. For already leased /
allotted plots, strict conditions and charges should be imposed to accelerate
house construction.
Since the land is un-renewable resource, KSDP-2020 calls for its efficient
utilization. The existing policy for allotment of Government Lands on below
market prices and without its development needs immediate policy change. It is
recommended that the allotment of Government land should be made only in the
“KSDP-2020 development zone” (Interim control zone), that too after preparing a
development plan, and providing the trunk infrastructure in the area.
No allotment of Government land should be made beyond the development
zone. Similarly no entity should grand approval of layout plans in the interim
control zone to arrest scattered development creating liability of providing
infrastructure and services on the part of CDGK, development authorities and the
utility agencies.
It is recommended that first a “structural plan” for the all Government land should
be prepared, followed by phased development under CDGK-GOS collaboration
with appropriate modus operandi.
The President of Pakistan while taking a presentation on the KSDP-2020 in a
meeting held on 21st September 2006 at Governor House Karachi had directed
as under:
i) No allotment of state land should be made without a development plan
and concerned of the City District Government Karachi in order to ensure
that the allocation / allotment is in consonance with the KSDP-2020

ii) Instead of allotting raw land on below market prices the land should be
develop and value added in coordination with the CDGK.
iii) Trunk infrastructure should be provided in order to ensure the early
construction, development and occupation of the land.

6.12 Building Control Regulations

Building controls are another tool for controlling land development. For the
Karachi metropolitan area, the Karachi Building & Town Planning Regulations
2002 under the Sindh Building Control Ordinance, 1979 are the operative
The primary obstacle to their effective application and use is enforcement of rules
and conditions for building permits. A program should be undertaken to ensure
that the responsibilities of all officials involved in carrying out this system are
strictly enforced. This requires further scrutiny of functions carried out by all
enforcement officials and procedures for issuance of permits.
As with planning controls, building controls set out under the Building Control
Ordinance are not applicable to federal agencies and lands. These laws should
be amended so that they apply to all buildings in the City District. This should be
put on the agenda of the Steering Committee and Planning and Development
Control Committee since they bring together representatives of key stakeholders.
It is also necessary to maintain strong system for public participation in appeals
and inquiries to maintain public acceptance and support for these development
controls and the implementation of the Plan. To do this, a clear system of rules,
penalties and an appeal process should be made public.
Changes to the development code will help to vest necessary development
authority in CDGK and enable the types of mixed use, mid-rise and high-rise
development envisioned in the Strategic Development Plan.
The existing five categories in the Karachi Building and Town Planning
Regulations are not sufficiently articulated to enable the types of development
envisioned by KSDP 2020.
• First, land uses need to be regulated on a zone-by-zone basis. This is not to
say that zones should include only one land use; rather, most zones should
be mixed use, and in many cases the predominant use should be identified.
These land uses need to be defined in text and represented on the land use
map of the city.
• Height regulations need to be more specific, providing minimum and
maximum values in feet and/or number of stories in order to facilitate mid-rise
development in high-density areas and along major arterial and some
secondary roads.
• High-rise development needs to be undertaken only in a few selected
locations in the city district where water and sewerage pipelines are upgraded
from the source to end consumer of such locations. High-rise development
will be prohibited in other areas.

• Overhead large tanks to serve the community would be mandatory for any
scheme or high-rise development to ensure 24/7Hrs supply and pressurised
While the Strategic Development Plan designates in a ‘broad brush fashion’ land
uses across the metropolitan area, the TMAs are responsible for preparing more
detailed plans for their towns and/or sub-areas of the towns. For example, the
Strategic Development Plan demarcates ‘Medium-Density Mixed Use’
development areas (land use type MU2) in neighbourhoods such as North
Nazimabad near the city centre. This land use type calls for redevelopment of
selected existing arterial streets into mixed use, mid-rise development corridors
but the Strategic Development plan is silent on which streets should be
redeveloped, to what height, and with what land use mix. The town plans and/or
local area plans to be prepared in the future will provide the degree of detail
needed to actually implement the development proposals. This ‘vertical’ sharing
of planning and growth management authority between CDGK and lower-level
local governments is consistent with the planning process.

6.13 Efficient Land and Real Property Taxation

Taxation of land is another tool to utilise in guiding more efficient land use. Real
property is often not revalued frequently enough and rates are set low. As a
result, plots lie vacant and under utilised and land speculation is rampant.
Progress has been made in improving the real property taxation system but
should still be considered as an available tool to improve earnings for CDGK and
encourage more efficient urban development and land use. Property taxation
should be assigned to CDGK, who could refine property valuation
methodologies, frequency of reassessments, property tax rates, and collection
systems and procedures. Earnings can be invested in infrastructure service
improvement for the Plan.

6.14 Positive Controls

It will be easier to implement the negative land use controls described above
when CDGK also provides a system of positive land use and development
controls. These could include: advance land acquisition; large scale development
of priority sites; and incentives for private development in priority areas. Also,
where the Plan has designated areas for increased density and in-fill, CDGK
should use its authority to execute such schemes. The KSDP Steering
Committee should build support for this program. CDGK should use incentives
for infill such as:
• Provision of credit for building and exemption of unpaid vacant taxes if
buildings are constructed on vacant plots within a specified period;
• Building societies and other groups which have been allotted land should
have their rights to development revoked unless building is completed within
a specified period.

Following are the major recommendations contained in the KSDP-2020, and
presented here in a consolidated form. This summarizes the range of programs
and actions required to achieve the objectives of planned growth and sustainable
development of Karachi under the Vision-2020 set by the CDGK for the megacity
in unison with the Vision-2030 for Pakistan. The recommendations are listed
under captions indicative of the area or nature of the program

7.1 Land Use:

7.1.1 Regenerating the Inner City
i. A program for local area regeneration shall be developed; the plans to be
undertaken area-by-area shall improve local transport, infrastructure, and
create a more efficient land use, including expansion through consolidation.
ii. A program for transferable development rights and a strategy for
redevelopment of decayed properties shall be evolved and the complex issue
of tenure resolved.
iii. A program for progressive pedestrianization shall be introduced, restricting
vehicular movements and facilitating pedestrian movements to help increase
the attraction of the area and possibility of additional economic activity.
iv. A program of integrated transport shall be undertaken to improve the
efficiency of the public transport, and ways to minimize the use of private cars
shall be found
v. A program for decongesting the inner city areas shall be developed, and
activities/functions such as iron, timber and grain markets and truck stand
shall be shifted to other areas. This will allow redesign and redevelopment of
the area.
7.1.2 Promoting mixed use developments
i. Mixed land use development shall be promoted in new development areas,
including areas in Korangi, Malir, North Karachi, Bin Qasim, Gadap, Orangi
and Keamari towns; In the 18 towns designated centers, concentration of
local economic activities shall be encouraged together with development of

7.1.3 Permitting and guiding vertical development and densification

i. Vertical development shall be encouraged in specific areas; densification of
existing towns shall be promoted through vertical and infill development.
ii. Mid-rise development shall be promoted along existing corridors, and within
the towns through local area plans with due regard to future traffic patterns,
parking and utility needs.

7.1.4 Enabling densification and vertical development of existing residential

i. In the existing neighborhoods, where the buildings are limited to G+1,
building heights shall be increased to G+2, and accordingly infrastructure

shall be upgraded to meet the needs of higher population in the existing

7.1.5 Developing new urban centers

i. Additional urban centers in existing built up areas shall be promoted to help
decentralize the existing economic activity and public services concentrated
in the city center.
ii. A new high-density trade and warehousing center at the interchanges of RCD
Highway and Northern Bypass, a new ICT center in Bin Qasim in close
proximity of the Education City and a new government center at the
intersection of the Northern Bypass and Super Highway shall be established.

7.1.6 A policy of urban renewal

For sustainable use of land resources and improvement of the existing land uses,
a policy of urban renewal shall be adopted to improve deteriorated/decayed
buildings and areas through redevelopment, preservation of historic buildings
and rehabilitation.
i. The government barrack blocks housing the offices of the Federal and
Provincial governments shall be renewed and up-graded, as these are
already in advanced state of decay.
ii. The government servants- residential quarters at Jehangir Road Quarters,
Martin Quarters, Pakistan Quarters, Central Prison, Police Lines and F.C.
Area , which are in deteriorated state with sub-standard, decayed houses,
shall be upgraded, rebuild and provided with adequate facilities and
7.1.7 Integration of civil areas of Cantonment and other land-owning agencies
i. The plans for the areas under different land-owning agencies shall be guided
and regulated through a city-wide comprehensive land use plan prepared
under KSDP-2020.
ii. The areas under Cantonments, KPT, PQA, and Pakistan Railway shall
undertake appropriate land use reorganization so that these areas develop to
their optimum capacity.
iii. The Cantonment land along M.A.Jinnah Road and in Saddar shall be utilized
with high density uses, including multi-modal transport terminal and
iv. In Faisal Cantonment, efficient and rational land use shall be promoted in
areas of low-density and vacant land, such as the COD or that around the T-
Junction of Shahrah-e-Faisal and Rashid Minhas Road, where another
financial district may possibly be developed.

7.1.8 Incorporation of existing Goths into urban fabric

i. The Goths in the metropolitan area and rural areas of the district shall be
provided with necessary facilities and amenities, and their land use shall be
reorganized for better living.

7.1.9 Transport infrastructure
i. All civic agencies shall make adequate provisions for transport infrastructure
facilities in conformity with the CDGK land use plan. Inter/intra-city bus
terminals facilities, multi-modal transport facility shall be built as per plan.
Provision of multi-level car parking, transit stations, and cargo villages shall
be adequately provided by all civic/land owning agencies.

7.1.10 Industrial zones

i. Full utilization of developed industrial spaces in Bin Qasim Industrial Zone,
Export Processing Zone, Surjani, SITE-II, Textile City and Korangi Industrial
area shall be promoted. Three more locations proposed in addition to existing
industrial areas shall be developed when the need arises.
ii. Cottage Zones announced in 1990s in Landhi, Baldia and Orangi shall be
developed and handed over to the allottees who had to wait so long. The
encroachments on the lands of these schemes shall immediately be
7.1.11 Decentralization of financial district
i. To effect decentralization of Karachi’s financial district, which continues to
grow, a number of sub-centers shall be developed in new locations where the
infrastructure and amenity needs shall be adequately provided.
7.1.12 An additional site for Karachi International Airport
i. A additional site for a new international airport has been proposed in Deh
Narathar or Deh Shah Mureed for future use.
7.1.13 Special purpose zone along Karachi Northern Bypass
i. A special purpose corridor shall be built along the Northern Bypass within its
300 meter reservation on both sides, to include housing, commercial,
institutional and public uses.
7.1.14 Education city
i. Development of an ‘Education City’ shall be promoted by bringing together
institutions in the education and health sectors on the site notified in Deh
7.1.15 Law enforcement agencies
i. Adequate provision for present and future needs to house the facilities and
sensitive installations of the law enforcement agencies shall be made and
land be earmarked in accordance with the strategic plan of the agencies.
7.1.16 Allocation of space for graveyards
i. New sites for graveyards shall be allocated, as the old sites have become
saturated. Three major sites have been identified in Bin Qasim, Gadap and
Keamari Towns.

7.1.17 Landfill sites and garbage stations
i. New landfill sites shall be developed since the existing landfill sites have
already been used to their full capacity. Appropriate space for garbage station
in each town shall be provided.

7.2 Housing
i. Housing, being a basic necessity, must be provided to all income groups.
ii. Occupancy in already developed yet unoccupied housing schemes shall be
iii. Housing schemes already notified for development shall be taken up.
iv. Water front development with high-rise in designated areas along the coast
shall be promoted.
v. New economic centers together with affordable housing for all income-groups
shall be developed.
vi. Built dwelling units and housing for rental shall be develop in unoccupied
housing schemes to increase pace of occupancy.
vii. The role of the private developers in the formal as well as in the informal
sector shall be promoted by enhancing cooperation between the public sector
agencies and the private sector. The improvement and up-gradation
programs of katchi abadis shall require the partnership to play its crucial role.
viii. Regularization and up-gradation of notified katachi abadis shall be
accelerated, and a program to upgrade these settlements shall be pursued
with the involvement of the community and the civil society.
ix. To assess the magnitude of katchi abadis in Karachi, a survey of all katchi
abadis shall be undertaken on priority basis so that future sectoral
priorities/programs and projects may be identified.
7.2.1 Enhancing supply of institutional finance
i. More finance shall be made available to all income groups for the purpose of
house construction.
ii. Appropriate instruments shall be devised to increase access to institutional
finance for acquisition of serviced plots and house building.
iii. Special finance packages for the poor living in katchi abadis shall be
introduced by the financial institutions and the banks.
7.2.2 Enhancing the management capacity
i. The management capacity for planning, designing and development housing
schemes shall be increased at the city government level so as to be able to
implement the housing program laid down by the KSDP-2020.

7.3 Transport
i. Safe, efficient and affordable transport shall be provided.
ii. Public mass transportation system shall be improved, targeting affordability
and convenience.

iii. Traffic police and enforcement shall be integrated with city traffic planning
and management under a central transport authority as part of the CDGK.
iv. Pedestrian safety and facilities shall be improved.
v. Congestion on the city roads and in the CBD shall be reduced by rationalized
parking, traffic management, pedestrianization, land use and transit
vi. Transportation Planning, Traffic Engineering, Traffic Management and Traffic
Police are currently divided in to CDGK and provincial Government. These
functions shall be grouped together and placed under the umbrella of CDGK
to have an efficient and effective transportation and management system in

7.3.1 Transit improvements

i. Improvement in bus transport shall be effected by adopting such measures
as rationalizing the bus routes, reserving high volume routes for large buses,
providing bus stops, transit terminals and other physical improvements.
ii. Replacement of existing bus stock with environment friendly fleet shall be
iii. Bus fare structure shall be rationalized
iv. Parking and garage facilities shall be provided to mini bus, taxi and rickshaw
7.3.2 Mass transit
i. A segregated transit system shall be built in order to facilitate travel to the
CBD,industrial areas and the work centers.
ii. The Karachi Circular Railway shall be extended to cover sub-urban areas for
maximum coverage and utility.
iii. Bus rapid transit shall be re-introduced on major roads.
iv. The feasibility of constructing light rail transit in the form of underground or
elevated service on priority I and II corridors shall be examined.
7.3.3 Park-and-Ride
i. Park and ride service shall be introduced, for which necessary measures i.e.
parking lots, plus superior buses (with air conditioning and guaranteed seats)
shall be undertaken.

7.3.4 Transit terminals

i. At least two additional terminals for inter city buses shall be provided and the
private sector shall be involved in developing and renting out the facility to
bus operators.

7.3.5 Traffic management

i. Traffic management must be improved on urgent basis through low-cost ‘soft’
improvements together with major works i.e. intersection reconstruction,
flyovers, underpasses and road widening.

ii. Regulatory measures such as driver training and public awareness programs
on traffic rules shall be designed and launched on media.
iii. Encroachments on footpaths, side walks and on road shall be removed in the
interest of smooth traffic and pedestrian movements.
7.3.6 Parking
i. Parking shall be regulated and curb side parking shall be charged / metered.
ii. The provisions of within building parking as mandated by KB&TPR shall be
strictly implemented.
iii. Space for loading and unloading of goods shall be provided in all commercial
iv. iv. Construction of parking plazas shall be undertaken to relieve congestion
on roads.
7.3.7 Road and highway improvements
i. A comprehensive road network improvement program shall be undertaken in
order to reduce congestion and improvement of efficiency of roads and
ii. Improvements in the radial networks, and construction of ring roads and
bypasses shall be effected in accordance with the proposals of KSDP-2020.
7.3.8 Pedestrian improvements.
Pedestrian facilities including bridges over principle and minor arteries,
expansion of side walks in commercial district particularly in CBD and pedestrian
facilities in commercial projects shall be undertaken.
7.3.9 Air quality deterioration
i. Air pollution caused by transport vehicles must be controlled by phasing out
old buses with poor mechanical condition and low level of fuel efficiency.
Measures shall be taken to prevent pollution from smoky diesel and two-
stroke (rickshaws) vehicles.
ii. Alternative fuel, such as CNG, LPG, mixed fuels, and low sulpher diesel shall
be promoted.
iii. Tariff preference shall be given to CNG buses.
7.3.10 Transportation and pedestrianization in the CBD
i. A transportation improvement plan for the CBD shall be undertaken to
overcome the serious circulation problem, and preserve its role in business
and commerce.
ii. Creation of pedestrian malls, pedestrianization of congested areas, including
diversion of through traffic shall be planned and implemented through an
integrated transport and area up-gradation program.

7.4 Water supply
i. The KW&SB shall progressively meter all water supply customers. The cost
of metering investment shall be built into the water tariff, spread out over a 3-
5 years period.
ii. The public shall be educated on the need to conserve water.
iii. Alternatives to piped water for uses that do not require drinking quality shall
be provided including reuse treated grey water for irrigation, and treated
wastewater for watering plants.
iv. Efficient Water supply service shall be achieved.
v. Rationalisation of tariff to improve service coverage and quality shall be
vi. In house modern system and techniques of improving collection, and
efficient, error free billing system shall be launched.
vii. Increase in the bulk water supply, expansion of storage, filtration plants and
new transmission line, and replacement of old pipes throughout the system
shall be undertaken.
viii. Allocation from the Indus river must be enhanced for water supply to Karachi
to sufficiently cover the water needs/demand up to 2020, estimated to be
about 1200 cusecs/600 MGD and reservoir capacity for the same should be

7.5 Sewerage
i. The capacity and performance of sewerage system shall be increased.
ii. More interceptors to link collection areas to treatment plants, trunk sewers on
both sides of the Lyari and Malir rivers shall be built.
iii. A network of new small/medium wastewater treatment plants, and
rehabilitation of existing plants to raise their operational efficiency shall be
iv. Industrial units and private-public hospitals must construct industrial and
medical waste treatment plants.
v. A policy on the ‘users pay’ principles shall be formulated and implemented.
vi. Treated wastewater shall be recycled and made available for industry, car
washing, watering lawns, and recharging the aquifers.
vii. Increase in sewerage tariff by 50% to cover expenditure upon Sewerage
System shall be effected.
viii. Maintenance of existing waste-water network to eliminate sewage overflows
and to avoid pollution of water supply network and groundwater shall be

7.6 Solid waste management

i. Clean, healthy environment and sanitation shall be ensured through effective
solid waste management.

ii. An effective regulatory framework for efficient management of all municipal
and hazard solid waste shall be developed and enforced.
iii. An enabling environment for supporting private sector involvement in the
segregation, recycling, collection, transfer, treatment and disposal of wastes
shall be undertaken.
iv. Capacity building and strengthening of all institutions involved at all levels
shall be undertaken.
v. Improvements in the collection process and transportation through upgraded
infrastructure shall be effected.
vi. Garbage transfer stations system shall be established, and shall be equipped
with MRF for effective recycling of different materials. At least one GST will
be provided in each town by 2020.
vii. Capacity and garbage processing at landfill sites shall be improved by
adopting scientific treatment methods/technologies. In addition to two existing
landfill sites, a third large site will be developed to cater for future needs.
viii. A comprehensive HWM system to provide for the proper management of the
city’s hazardous wastes from industrial, medical and other sources shall be
ix. Generation of electricity from solid waste shall be promoted through
appropriate technologies, and suitable projects for composting and energy
production shall be undertaken.

7.7 Storm water drainage

i. A digital drainage network shall be developed for a comprehensive database
on GIS platform, to inform the available flow capacities.
ii. Spots/areas submerged under storm water shall be identified through a
topographic survey of low-lying areas and an evaluation of the carrying
capacity and efficiency of the storm water drainage shall be made, and a
model of the flow pattern generated.

iii. Gauging stations shall be installed on town basis to monitor precipitation and
flooding in local areas. CDGK shall evaluate the existing flood protection and
disaster mitigation measures and procedures adopted in other cities of the
iv. Storm water drainage projects for vulnerable points shall be prepared and
executed on priority basis.

7.8 Electrical power

i. A two phased power system development program is proposed; with an
immediate action plan (206-2011) and a long term plan (2011-2020). Electric
power generation shall be expanded on an urgent basis. The existing
transmission system shall be expanded by constructing three grid stations to
meet demand up to 2011.

ii. The existing system of primary distribution feeders will be extended by
installing distribution sub-stations.
iii. In the long term phase, power generation shall be augmented from a
combination of different sources; future power needs of Karachi shall expect
to rely more on low cost nuclear power generation, among others.

7.9 Health services

i. Prevention programs against communicable diseases, including HIV/AID’s,
Malaria etc shall be vigorously pursued.
ii. Healthcare shall focus on reducing child mortality and improving maternal
iii. Primary level professionals shall be trained in areas of preventive medicine.
iv. Access to primary healthcare centers shall be improved through
establishment of more centers in accessible locations, and shall be well
staffed and equipped.
Ø New large tertiary care hospitals in the public sector shall be established
in new areas where growth is expected during the plan period.
Ø Private sector shall be actively involved in establishment of medical
colleges, nursing schools and medical training institutes.
v. v. Public private partnership shall be developed and private sector investment
shall be promoted in the healthcare system. Management of large tertiary
care hospitals shall also be given to the private sector on contract for a fixed
time period.
vi. vi. A health related disaster preparedness program shall be established and
rehearsed with civil defense, police and ambulatory services.

7.10 Education
i. Measures shall be taken to improve the standard and quality of education
with an emphasis an a elementary/primary education. Schools and colleges,
especially the private institutions shall be evenly spread over the metropolitan
area. Concentration in certain areas shall be discouraged.
ii. Specialized training institutes shall be promoted to meet future skilled
manpower needs.

7.11 Conservation of heritage sites

i. CDGK shall facilitate the preservation and protection of the historic buildings.
ii. Rehabilitation standards and preservation techniques shall be established.
iii. A building permit process shall be developed to monitor construction and
repair work done on historic properties.
iv. Compatible land use shall be promoted in ambient space adjacent to historic
building and in historic neighborhoods.
v. A tax credit program to encourage private property owners to protect their
historic properties shall be instituted.

7.12 Sports and recreation
i. Along the beach front, a 150 meter wide recreation belt shall be protected
and maintained.
ii. The number of playgrounds shall be doubled in each of the 18 towns and
more metropolitan level stadiums shall be provided. A city sports complex
shall be established at suitable location that facilitates a larger participation of
the sport loving public.
iii. Available land for active recreation within the towns shall be protected.
iv. Private sector shall be engaged to run major parks.

7.13 Urban agriculture

i. An agricultural development program shall be designed to improve agriculture
in the rural areas of the district for economic well-being of its population.
ii. The green belts/cultivated areas shall be protected and preserved.
iii. A land utilization plan for agricultural areas, including livestock and poultry
farming shall be formulated and implemented.
iv. A program for development of groundwater resources, their utilization and
management shall be prepared and put into effect.
v. Check dams, weirs on rivers and nullahs shall be constructed to recharge the
tube wells used for irrigation, poultry and dairy farming.
vi. A program to support and facilitate proper and prompt supply of inputs and
equipment to farmers, along with financial assistance shall be developed and
vii. Agricultural training centers to improve agricultural practices and technical
knowledge shall be established.
viii. Veterinary hospitals, dispensaries and centers, and their service delivery
system shall be improved.

7.14 Water front development

i. Provisions of the Karachi Coastal Recreation Development Plan 1990-2000
shall be adopted for implementation and development along the coast.
ii. Public access to beaches must be free and unhindered as a mandatory
requirement under existing KB&TP Regulations 2002 and no development
shall be allowed in areas upto 150 meter from the high water mark.
iii. Reclamation along the sea or backwater shall not be undertaken without
conducting hydrological studies and without involvement of the port
iv. The fishing community must not be dislocated from their villages, and their
access to their traditional fishing grounds must remain intact with free and
unobstructed movements.
v. The marine environment quality shall be improved by eliminating pollution of
the coastal zone. Ecological system along the coast, back-waters and creeks

must be preserved and measures against its degradation shall be urgently
vi. The recreation and other developments shall be self supporting, and
profit/revenue generating.
vii. A coastal zone development program for recreation, business, offices and
housing shall be promoted to harness the economic growth potential of the

7.15 Disaster management

i. A disaster warning system to forewarn the people about the likelihood of
occurrence of severe cyclonic storms, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis,
using credible predictive techniques shall be established.
ii. A preparedness and relief plan and a coordination mechanism for effective
management and damage control shall be developed.
iii. A disaster management cell in the CDGK shall be established to plan for and
respond to emergencies effectively.

7.16 Financing the Plan

i. Increase in CDGK revenues supplemented by development of commercially
viable projects shall be effected.
ii. Local government financing, maximizing the involvement of private sector
and access to capital market shall be improved.
iii. Land value tax on vacant plots shall be introduced.
iv. Rationalisation and improvement of tariff to cover the O&M costs of
infrastructure delivery alongwith introduction of users’ charges for recovering
of investment costs shall be effected.
v. A program for phased introduction of local government financial reforms shall
be developed and launched.
vi. Changes in legislation to allow CDGK to borrow shall be made.
vii. Toll on selected expressways and highways shall be imposed.
viii. Property and motor vehicle tax shall be collected by the CDGK to be utilized
for infrastructure maintenance and development.

7.17 Plan Implementation

7.17.1 Planning and development control
i. The CDGK shall acts as apex planning with legal authority for planning and
development controls over all land and buildings within the City District under
jurisdiction of all other land owning agencies and amendments in relevant
acts/laws to this effect will be made at federal level.
ii. After approval of the Plan by the City District Council, CDGK, the KSDP-2020
will be a binding document for all the stake holders to follow in their plans.

iii. The KSDP-2020 land use plan shall be followed in the entire city district of
Karachi including the areas under Federal, Provincial and other land owning

7.17.2 CDGK as a single agency for municipal services

i. All municipal infrastructure services in the civil areas under various land
owning agencies shall be the responsibility of the CDGK, which shall be the
single agency for municipal functions over the entire Karachi. This will not
affect the land ownership rights of these agencies.
ii. The operational defence and strategic areas will remain under the land
owning agencies.
iii. As a single agency for municipal services, the CDGK will be empowered to
collect taxes, charges, levies and fees from the consumers/users.
iv. In respect of maintenance of municipal services infrastructure including
hoarding installations, the right of ways will be given to the CDGK.
v. All the notifications extending the territorial jurisdiction of cantonments and
other agencies shall be withdrawn / amended.
vi. Since the land owning agencies operate under Federal and Provincial
Acts/laws, appropriate amendments in the existing relevant laws shall be
made by the Federal/Provincial governments.
7.17.3 Implementation of the plan
i. A two-tier structure composed of a Steering Committee and Development
Control Committee with representation of all major actors will have
overseeing, coordination and selected implementation functions related to the
Strategic Development Plan.
a) KSDP Steering Committee - The existing Coordination Committee for the
Development of Karachi, formed by the Federal government and headed
by the Governor of Sindh, will act as the KSDP Steering Committee. This
Committee will operate at the provincial government level, headed by the
Governor. With representation of key stakeholders, this body will ensure
that all decisions pertaining to development are made in consonance with
the Strategic Development Plan. Coordination with Federal Government
and its agencies sponsoring and executing schemes in Karachi will be
made through the Steering Committee. This committee will meet
periodically to monitor progress and implementation of KSDP-2020.
b) Karachi Planning and Development Control Committee - The existing
Municipal Services Coordination Committee will act as the Karachi
Planning and Development Control Committee. Chaired by the City
Nazim, this committee will review and approve key development projects.
National, provincial, and local stakeholders in the development of
Karachi, such as the Cantonment Boards, Malir Development Authority,
Lyari Development Authority, Sindh Katchi Abadis Authority, Pakistan
Railways, KPT, PQA etc., will sit on the committee to facilitate approval of
key development projects. Projects presented for consideration will
require preliminary approval from the development control department of

7.17.4 Urban land allotment policy
i. The allotment of government land shall be made only in the KSDP-2020
development zone after the trunk infrastructure has been provided under an
approved plan.
ii. All land in the district shall be treated as a land bank and shall not be allotted
in contravention of theKSDP-2020 Land use Plan. No land shall be allotted
without CDGK consent.
iii. Multi-agency planning control over land shall be done away with to create a
unified land control system under the CDGK.
iv. No allotment of the government land shall be made beyond the KSDP-2020
development boundary (interim control zone).
v. No land owning agency shall grant approval of layout plans in the interim
control zone, to avoid creating liability of providing infrastructure and services
on the part of the CDGK, development authorities and utility agencies.
vi. A ‘structural plan’ for all government land shall be prepared, followed by
phased development under CDGK-GoS collaboration with appropriate modus
7.17.5 Land management
i. ‘Sunset Clauses’ shall be included in the lease contracts for selected land
development projects especially those targeting the low-income households
so that people are obliged to quickly build their houses and settle in the
ii. For already leased/allotted plots, strict conditions and charges shall be
imposed to accelerate house construction.
7.17.6 Building control regulations
i. Building controls set out under the Building Control Ordinance shall be
uniformly applied to all land-owning agencies in the city district.
ii. Under a program, responsibilities of all officials and personnel involved in
building control functions must be strictly enforced.
iii. Appropriate changes shall be made in the development code in order to vest
necessary authority in the CDGK and enable the types of mixed use, mid-use
and high rise development envisioned in the KSDP-2020.



Main Finding & Assessments

1 Population Projections
The 1998 census reported 9,960,000 people living in Karachi. It is widely
accepted that the 1998 census undercounted katchi abadi residents and
migrants, especially those from Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and elsewhere. Estimates
of the uncounted population vary from one to two million. Following an analysis of
different scenarios, the Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020 estimated the
uncounted population, for the purposes of establishing a baseline, at 1,375,000.
The corrected 1998 population is therefore 11,335,000.
The growth rate of Karachi has been decreasing steadily since the 1950s. United
Nations population sources cite a decline in the annual average growth rate from
5.86 percent in 1950 to 4.92 percent in 1970 to 3.39 percent in 1990.
Although the natural annual population growth rate is now probably close to 3.5
percent, it is assumed the current conflict in Afghanistan has pushed more
refugees to Karachi, raising the total population growth rate to 4.2 percent,
resulting in a Y2005 population of 15.12 million. The trend is continuing in 2007,
and perhaps subsequent years, but is assumed to decline slowly over the future.

Table-1- 1: Population Growth Forecast, 1998-2020

Scenario 1998 2005 2010 2015 2020

Population (000s) 11,335 15,120 18,529 22,594 27,550

AAGR* in following years 4.20% 4.15% 4.05% 4.05% --

* AAGR: Average Annual Growth Rate

Source: 1998 Census

The table below converts the population increase into households, and details the
increases. Estimates of household size are consistently around 7 persons per

Table-1- 2: Karachi City Population and Household Trends, 2005-2020

Change Change Change Total Change

2005 2010 2015 2020
2005-2010 2010-2015 2015-2020 2005-2020
AAGR* 4.15% 4.05% 4.05%
Population 15,120 18,529 22,594 27,550 3,409 4,065 4,956 12,430
Households 2,160 2,647 3,228 3,936 487 581 708 1,776
*AAGR = Annual Average Growth Rate

1.1 Infrastructure Requirements
This section sets out the global requirements for infrastructure improvements
necessary to support the envisioned urban growth over the period of KSDP 2020.

Water Supply and Sewerage

Karachi City District was divided up into three water supply zones that reflect the
spatial structure of the water supply system. Future water supply requirements
were then calculated by zone and by town, using the following assumptions:
• Unaccounted-for water reduced to 20 percent of total water production.
• Pure residential area be worked out at 140 litres per capita per day.
• Combined residential, commercial, institutional demand of 180
litres/capita/day (l/c/d)
• Factoring in the industrial water supply requirements, per capital
consumption rises to 240 l/c/d.
Presents water supply requirements by town over the 2005-2020 period for
population growth Scenario D (preferred scenario). The following table
summarises projected consumption by type of customer.

Table-1.3: Projected Water Demand by Type of Customer, 2005-2020 (MGD)

Type of Demand 2005 2010 2015 2020
Population 15.12 18.93 23.13 27.55
Domestic Water Demand 414 MGD 518 MGD 633 MGD 752
Other Users Water Demand 338.0 423.0 518.0 616
Total Water Demand 752 941.0 1151.0 1368

The growth in requirements for wastewater collection in treatment can be

estimated at 80 percent of the water delivered to customers (which includes
underground extraction for industrial use), with adjustment for industrial
production of wastewater by sector for certain selected large producers.
In fact, however, the growth in effective demand for collection and treatment of
wastewater depends less on the population growth of the city and more on the
capital program for collecting more wastewater through new trunk sewers pipes
chemicals sustainable and treating it in new C.E.T. plants. At the moment only a
small share of the wastewater is delivered to treatment plants. The rest is
collected either in networks and open drains and dumped into the environment
untreated, or discharged directly into the environment without collection.
Over the period of the Strategic Development Plan 2020, the sewerage
‘requirements’ therefore outstrip the capacity of KW&SB to deliver the necessary
capital works. The objective is to increase the collection and treatment capacity of
the sewerage system as quickly as possible.
Solid Waste Management
Estimate of solid waste generation indicates Karachi will produce 16,000–18,000
tons of solid waste each day in the year 2020.
170 million cubic metres (0.17 cubic kilometres) space will be necessary to store
this waste in compacted form over the next 15 years (not including cover

Electrical Power
Generation — The objective over the period 2006-2010 is to close the 1628 MW
gap between electrical power supply and demand with the following fast-track
approach to generation expansion. Further, it will be necessary to respond to the
anticipated increase in power demand of 1,140 MW over the period 2011-2015
and 1425 MW over the period 2015-2020.
Transmission — KESC has already begun projects to expand the 220KV and
132KV transmission system to meet requirement through 2010. It is estimated
that to meet the growing power demand of Karachi towns after that date, grid
stations shall be required mostly in North East and East Karachi, where the
population and industrial load will be growing at a faster rate compared to other
areas and in South of Karachi due to conversion of residential buildings to
commercial use. Load growth of 1,140 MW is projected over the period 2011-
2015 and of 1.425 MW over the period 2015-2020.
Distribution — In order to meet the load demand growth during 2006-2011
KESC will have to increase by about 350 to 400 the number of 11 kV primary
distribution feeders and will have to establish about 4,000 11kV distribution
substations. To meet the load demand growth during 2011-2020, KESC will have
to increase about 700 to 800 number of 11 kV primary distribution feeders and
will have to establish about 8000 numbers 11kV distribution substations during
this period. The number of consumers is expected to increase by about 1 million
during 2011-2020, on an average of about 100,000 consumers per year.

2 Socio-economic

2.1 Urban Economy

A large metropolitan area (mega-city) is usually a primary centre of industry,
commerce and trade with a population in excess of 10 million. In a developing
country, mega-cities provide a substantial share of gross national product and
many of the goods and services required for the development of the other
sectors. Their linkages with the surrounding hinterland may be as narrow as the
urban periphery itself or, as is the case for Karachi, extend to the entire country or
surrounding nations owing to peculiar advantages, such as a natural seaport.
Karachi, benefiting from its status as the country's principal port, and its capital
until 1959 has emerged as the main industrial and commercial centre. Until the
1970s, the city's industrial expansion was driven by traditional industries such as
food processing, textiles and garments, but in the 1980s a number of modern
chemical, electronic and automotive industries began to make an increasingly
important contribution to industrial growth. During this period, Karachi became the
main attractor for foreign direct investment in manufacturing in Pakistan and its
industrial structure was diversified through the establishment of large
manufacturing units in the chemical, petroleum and metallurgical industries.
However, owing to a deteriorating law and order situation resulting in production
shut-downs and payment of extortion to various agencies, the increase in the
cost of production through higher energy costs, power outages resulting in loss of
output, the last 20 years have witnessed the physical shifting of small enterprises
to the Punjab (the origin of most of the small-scale manufacturers) and medium-
scale enterprises to Dubai (because of a secure location and employer-friendly
labour laws), there has been a continuous decline in manufacturing activity.
Despite these setbacks, Karachi has witnessed a substantial increase in the trade
and services sectors. The Financial Services sector has seen the induction of a
large number of international banks, the emergence of exchange companies, and
a boom in the stock market and consequently in stock brokering, investment
managers, and financial advisers. As a consequence of a substantial increase in
international trade, of disposable incomes in Karachi, the spatial expansion of
Karachi and a de-concentration of commercial activity, there has been an
upsurge in the trade and commerce sectors.

Karachi’s Central Business District:

high rise commercial development
surrounded by low rise housing

2.2 Economic Base

As the largest city and the transportation, trade, and financial gateway to the
outside world, Karachi's economic fate is closely tied to that of the nation, and
even that of Central Asia. Karachi's considerable presence can be portrayed best
by showing the city's central role in various sectors of national economic activity:

§ 40 percent of financial activity
§ 30 percent of manufacturing, and 40 percent of large-scale manufacturing
§ 50 percent of bank deposits
§ 20 percent of federal tax revenue, 40 percent of Sindh’s provincial
revenues, and 62 percent of income tax collected
§ 95 percent of foreign trade passes through Karachi’s two ports and its
It is estimated that the city generates about 20 percent of the national output,
creates more than 30 percent of value added in manufacturing, and accounts for
25 percent of national tax revenues. More importantly, the city provides jobs for a
large population - 40 percent of national employment in large-scale
manufacturing is based in Karachi.
Karachi's economic hinterland extends to a much wider area, most of which is not
under the administrative, management or planning jurisdiction of Karachi. Its
economic underpinnings include industries in seven major concentrations,
namely, the Sindh, Korangi and Landhi Industrial Estates, Federal ‘B’ Area, North
Karachi, the Export Processing Zone, and Port Qasim. It also has three satellite
concentrations of manufacturing industry at Gharo in the South East, Nooriabad
straddling the Karachi-Hyderabad Super Highway and the Hub Industrial Estate
located in Balochistan which straddles the RCD Highway a few kilometres
beyond the Hub River crossing. The city is peppered with small concentrations of
small-scale and household manufacturing industries, most of which house one
specific category of manufacturing industry or specialised service.
The labour participation rate of urban Sindh – largely Karachi – is 39 percent
(68.5 percent for males). Many unemployed males are students enrolled in
colleges, universities, and professional and technical education institutes. The
rate of employment in electricity, gas and water, construction, manufacturing,
trade (including restaurants and hotels) in urban Sindh are much higher than in
the nation. Urban Sindh’s participation in finance is almost double the national

Karachi Port is an anchor of the city’s

commerce and trade sector

One of Karachi’s key comparative advantages is the low cost of labour. The low-
wage work force lives primarily in katchi abadis (squatter settlements) that run
along waterways and on government owned land in pockets throughout the
urbanised area. Many poor people work near where they live, which reduces
commuting costs and helps keep wages low.
Inflation in Karachi is the lowest among all of the large cities (population in excess
of 500,000) in Pakistan with the exclusion of Faisalabad. Between the low

inflation and the availability of relatively low-cost housing near employment areas,
Karachi is known in Pakistan as a poor-friendly city.
Kaiser Bengali 15 is the only scholar on record who has estimated the size and
composition of the economy. This was done for the period 1972/73 to 1984/85.
No subsequent analysis has been attempted. The estimates of the size and
composition of Karachi’s economy for the terminal year are given in the first two
columns above. The long-term growth rate is shown in the third column. Based
on this, the estimation of the extrapolated size of the economy is shown in the
sixth column for 2006/07 and the resulting composition is given in the penultimate
column. As access to the data on Karachi’s economy from the Economic Census
of Pakistan 2005 was denied, the consultant had to use an alternative
methodology for estimating the long-term growth rates. This is based on
discussions held with the officials of the Government of Sindh, the World Bank
team engaged in preparing the Economic Report of Sindh, trade and industry
leaders and civil society, regarding their perception of the movements in
Karachi’s economic form and fabric. These have resulted in a second set of
growth rate estimates (fifth column). The resulting size and composition are
shown in the seventh column and the last column, respectively. From these
discussions and the ensuing analysis, the consultants have concluded that the
future of Karachi’s economy lies in the growth of the tertiary sectors. More
particularly this will be driven by the provision of financial services, the trade and
commerce, and the transport an communications. A much greater impetus will be
provided by the investments into the ICT (Information – Communications –
Technology) sector.
The future of Karachi’s economy lies primarily in the growth of the tertiary sector.
Serving its own residents and those of much of urban Pakistan, Karachi will
Table-2.1: Composition of Karachi’s Economy 1984/85 - 2006/07
(Rupee billions at 1959-60 factor cost)
Sector Value Share
Long-term Value Added Share in GRP
Added in GRP
Growth Rate 2006/07 2006/07
1984/85 1984/85
a b a b a b
Gross Regional
13.7 52.6 61.8
Primary Sectors* 0.2 1.34 % 3.3 % 3.3% 0.4 0.4 0.7% 0.6%
Secondary Sectors** 5.1 37.4 % 6.7 % 3.5% 21.4 10.9 40.6% 17.7%
Tertiary Sectors*** 8,4 61.2 % 6.1 % 8.5% 30.9 50.5 58.7% 81.7%
“a” is based on Bengali (1988)
“b” is consultant’s estimate based on discussions with GoSindh and World Bank
*Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Livestock; Mining and Quarrying
**Manufacturing; Construction; Electricity and Gas Distribution
***Transport, Storage and Communications; Wholesale and Retail Trade; Ownership of
Dwelling; Banking and Insurance; Public Administration and defence; Professional, Social
and Community Services

expand and consolidate its role as the financial, trade, and transport hub of the
country. Knowledge-based industries and the real estate and construction sectors
will also play major supporting roles in the future economic growth of the city.

Bengali, Kaiser; The Economy of Karachi : Growth and Structural Change, Applied Economics Research Centre, University of
Karachi, 1988

2.3 Socio-Economic Profile
A socio-economic survey was conducted in late 2005 that covered a sample of
5000 households living in the 18 towns of the Karachi City District. The overall
objective of the survey was to investigate the living conditions of the population,
existing provision of basic services and facilities, living style, economic
conditions, social problems and felt needs of the population.
Some of the major findings of the survey are:
• literacy rates are comparatively low and could be improved through non-
formal education that includes both home and street schools;

• Health is the most neglected area. The present level of facilities is not
sufficient to serve the population; small clinics, mother and child health
centres and primary health care centre in particular are needed;
• Access to clean drinking water is the greatest perceived need of the
• Participation of women in economic activities should be systematically
encouraged and ensured in order to enhance household income and upgrade
standards of living; and
• Non-completion of development projects and programs has had a negative
impact on development.


Some of the
main indicators from the survey can be described as follows. In describing the
characteristics of household heads:
• Roughly 83 percent are male and 17 percent female;
• More than 30 percent are aged between 40 and 49 years, with only 7.4
percent less than 30 years of age;
• Roughly 88 percent are married;
• About 29 percent are illiterate; the remainder literate and/or educated;
• 81 percent are employed;
• 50 percent of the employed are self employed with 31 percent working in the
private sector, 3 percent in the semi-private sector and 16 percent for the
public sector;
• 32 percent of the self employed are shopkeepers and 12 percent are
labourers; and
• 41 percent earn between 3,000 and 6,000 rupees per month.
On the other hand, available resources for housing and infrastructure
expenditures are fairly limited at the level of most households, given overall low
incomes, high levels of expenditures on basic needs (75 percent of total), and
already high expenditures for utilities (19 percent of total). The high percentage of
owner occupation, however, suggests that home assets could be used as
collateral to get access to finance for improvements. Priorities of Karachi
residents include improved water supply quality.


These are the characteristics of Karachi households:

• Roughly 85 percent are nuclear families, with the remaining 15 percent living
in a combined arrangement of two or more families in one dwelling;
• Family composition includes 35 percent male adults, 32 percent female
adults, 17 percent boys and 16 percent girls. (Boys and girls are defined as
those under 17 years of age.
• 44 percent earn between 5,000 and 10,000 rupees per month;
• 34 percent have less than 5,000 rupees expenditures per month;
• 75 percent of the monthly expenditures are devoted to food, 19 percent for
utilities. and less than 2 percent for housing;
• Close to 39 percent of the male family members and 29 percent of the female
members are literate; and
• More than 11 percent have household members that were unemployed; and
amongst these unemployed, 89 percent are male and 11 percent female.

In terms of household residential stability:
22 percent had been living in Karachi for more than 59 years, 22 percent for 41 to
58 years; 30 percent for 24 to 40 years; 13 from 12 to 23 years; only 7 percent
have been living in the city for less than 6 years;
• 26 percent had been living in their present house for 10 years and 33 percent
for more than 20 years;
• 74 percent had lived in the inner city prior to their current residence; and
• 70 percent had migrated to Karachi to obtain employment.
In terms of property and family assets:
• 75 percent of the houses are on land that was leased;
• 80 percent of the houses are owner occupied;
• 60 percent of the owner-occupied houses are self-purchased; 22 percent self-
built, and 19 percent inherited;
• 25 percent of the houses cost less than Rs 300,000, with 16 percent cost
more than Rs 1.3 million.
This socioeconomic survey shows the population of Karachi is relatively stable,
with most households having lived in the city for many years. This suggests a
high level of commitment on the part of Karachiites to stay in the city and build a
life for themselves over time. This in turn implies that residents are willing to
invest in the improvement of their homes and the infrastructure services they
receive at them.
In terms of housing conditions:
• 76 percent of dwelling units are in pakka condition;
• 15 percent of units have less than 60 square yards floor area; 35 percent are
approximately 80 square yards; and 30 percent in the 120 square yards
• 81 percent have only one portion;
• 36 percent of households are connected to the sewer line.

3 Existing Land Use and Housing
The Karachi City District is spread across an area of approximately 3,600 sq. km.
More than half of this area (approximately 530,162 acres) consists of vacant land
(see figure on following page). This includes the area dedicated to Kirther
National Park. The analysis therefore concentrates on the KSDP 2020 plan area
(575,845 acres) and the current urbanised area (130,169 acres). As shown in the
following table, almost 40 percent of the plan area is vacant land, located
primarily in the towns of Gadap, Keamari, and Bin Qasim. Narrowing the focus to
the urbanised area, however, vacant land accounts for only 7 percent of all land.
As in most cities, housing is the biggest user of land (with about 37 percent of the
total), while roads and open spaces are also significant.

Table-3-1: Areas and Percentages of Various Land Use Types in the Karachi
Urbanised Area and Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020 Study Area
% of
Urbanised % of Total KSDP 2020 Total
Area 2006 Urbanised Plan Area Plan
Land Use
(acres) Area (acres) Area
Formal Residential 35,206 27.0% 69,369 12.0%
Informal Residential 10,558 8.1% 10,998 1.9%
Goth (villages = residential) 2,043 1.6% 13,126 2.3%
Commercial 2,921 2.2% 3,386 0.6%
Health 685 0.5% 729 0.1%
Educational 3,320 2.6% 3,495 0.6%
Government 3,036 2.3% 69,712 12.1%
Other Institutional 1,218 0.9% 1,450 0.3%
Industries 9,285 7.1% 26,919 4.7%
Cottage Industries 28 0.0% 28 0.0%
Transport 723 0.6% 4,296 0.7%
Warehouses 563 0.4% 2,670 0.5%
Mining 166 0.1% 167 0.0%
Vacant Land 9,541 7.3% 216,198 37.5%
Open Space 13,439 10.6% 26,655 4.6%
Agriculture 7,296 5.6% 56,256 9.8%
Water 2,392 1.8% 11,353 2.0%
Road Space 23,089 17.7% 54,036 9.4%
Other Land Uses 4,660 3.6% 5,003 0.9%
Total 130,169 100.00% 575,845 100.00%

Most of the developed areas are concentrated in the inner ring towns of Saddar,
Jamshed, Lyari, Liaquatabad, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, and Gulberg. These towns
contain the most diverse mix of uses and include most of the governmental and
regional-scale industrial and commercial activities.

3.1 General Land Use Trends

• Increase in Commercial Activity: Primary and secondary arterial roads, and
main intersections across the city are becoming increasingly
commercialised. Along major arterials, commercial uses such as shops,
banks and offices are fast replacing existing residences on the ground
floor. In some instances, commercial uses are also expanding upwards to

occupy entire buildings. Along secondary roads, single story residences
are converting to two- and three-storied buildings with shops on the ground
floor. This trend also seems to be affecting residential neighbourhoods
where large plots (greater than 1,000 square yards in size) are changing
from residential villas to offices or other commercial uses. This trend is
changing the character of arterial roads and residential neighbourhoods,
and resulting in traffic congestion due to increased vehicular activity.
• Expansion of Residential Development in Cantonment Areas: Areas such
as the Cantonments and Defence, under the control of the defence
authorities are rapidly undergoing development. Due to their location near
the Arabian Sea and commercial markets, these areas are highly desirable
residential enclaves. The boards that manage development in these areas
have become substantial players in the residential real estate markets and
are developing and leasing serviced residential plots to non-military and
military customers alike.
• Growth of Industrial Activities Including Formal Zones and Informal
Cottage Industries: There is a general increase in industrial activities
across the Karachi City District. Such increase includes the spread of
informal cottage industries within residential, commercial and mixed use
areas, as observed in Liaquatabad, Gulberg, Baldia, Shah Faisal, North
Nazimabad, Orangi, and Korangi. Some of the industrial expansion is
within planned areas, such as the proposed Textile City that would extend
activities associated with Port Qasim to the east.
• Conversion of Waterways to Open Sewers: Due to lack of an adequate
sewage disposal system, substantial amounts of waste ends up in the
open storm drains and nallahs throughout the city. Most of these drains
and nallahs flow into the Lyari and Malir Rivers that end up transporting
this waste to the Arabian Sea. Not only is the waste a health concern,
during storm events, it impedes the flow of water and contributes to
localised flooding. This condition is further exasperated due to
development that has encroached natural drainage nallahs and low lying
areas which traditionally served to divert storm water away from built up

Clifton beach development

project. Some city beaches
have been developed as
public open spaces.

• Revival and Development of Parks and Open Spaces: Another trend
across Karachi City District is the recent interest in reviving existing
recreational parks and open spaces and developing new ones. This trend
affects parks at both the city- and town-levels. Some of the parks that are
being improved include the Jinnah Park in the Clifton area, Polo Ground
in Saddar Town area, Safari Park in Gulshan Town, and the Karachi
Zoological Garden in Garden West area. New recreational areas include
those being developed privately, such as Dream World, Cosy Water Park
and Samzoo in Gadap, as well as those being developed by the local
government, such as locality parks in Gulshan-e-Iqbal Gulberg, North
Nazimabad, Clifton and Defence. With development beaches coming up
in DHA and Clifton area.
• Development of Social Assembly Facilities: Along major arterial roads,
especially in North Nazimabad, Gulshan, Gulberg and Malir Towns, one
of the new commercial uses that are replacing large-sized residential
plots is social assembly facilities such as Shaddi halls. These facilities
bring large volumes of vehicular traffic, predominantly during evenings
and weekends, and result in congestion on local neighbourhood streets.
These facilities also introduce high noise levels in predominantly
residential areas and can be a nuisance to adjacent residents. On the
other hand, entertainment areas such as cinema houses are fast
diminishing across the city. In most of the areas, these facilities are
converting into shops and market places.
• Proliferation of Aggressive Signage: Across towns such as Saddar,
Gulshan-e-Iqbal and North Nazimabad that have high levels of
commercial uses, there is an increasing proliferation of hoardings and
neon signs. These signs appear in all sizes, heights and colour. Rather
than benefiting the commercial establishments by presenting a coherent
message, these signs compete with each other for prominence and result
in a highly inconsistent and cluttered visual environment.

In the absence
of hoardings,
Karachi’s major
roads are
crowded with

3.1.1 3.1.1 Trends in Housing
• Vertical Development of Residential Neighbourhoods: Driven by a strong
real estate market, residential neighbourhoods are rapidly being
developed across Karachi. Along main arterials, intersections and other
land with high potential commercial value, offices and shops are replacing
residences on the ground floor. In some cases, houses are being
demolished and replaced by multi-storied buildings, with commercial uses
on the ground floor and apartments above. In other cases, the G+1 height
limit is being ignored and floors are being added to existing houses. This
trend can be observed in towns such as New Karachi, North Nazimabad
and Gulberg that are experiencing rapid commercial and cottage
industrial growth. This growth results in increasing the burden on the
infrastructure networks, without any associated investment to increase

Along many major
landowners are
building extra
floors and

• Continuing Horizontal and Vertical Growth of Katchi Abadis: There

continues to be an increase of katchi abadis throughout Karachi. A
significant and growing portion of the low income community in the city
does not have access to public sector housing. To accommodate these
persons and households, new units are being added to existing katchi
abadis through additional land acquisitions and vertical growth. New
housing is also being provided through continued informal sub-divisions
of public land and rural areas, often mimicking formal sector KDA layouts
with plot sizes typically ranging between 80 and 120 square yards.
Housing is also being provided through informal construction in planned
residential and commercial areas, especially in inner ring towns, and in
labour colonies surrounding industrial areas.
The densities in these informal settlements continues to remain significantly
higher compared to regular housing areas, the quality and coverage of
services remains inadequate, houses are built as katcha structures. The
growth of these types of informal settlements is visible in the towns of
Orangi, Baldia, SITE, Korangi, Landhi, Lyari and Keamari.
• Phased Development of Large Subdivisions: Low-, middle-, and high-
income subdivisions Taisar Town, New Malir, DHA Phase 8 Shah Latif

Town, Scheme 33, Hawk’s Bay, and now Halkani continue to remain
unpopulated and raise serious investment vs utilization issues.
• Increased Foreign Developer Participation: There is significant interest
from foreign developers in building high-income residential subdivisions
across Karachi. The strong real estate market, and the predicted increase
in income-levels due to growth of Karachi’s commercial sector are some
of the factors contributing to a continued demand for high-income
housing. This demand is attracting foreign developers to invest in the
housing market.

4 Transport

4.1 4.1 Travel Demand

Every workday, 24.2 million person-trips are taken in Karachi. Daily traffic
volumes on major arteries are generally 70,000 to 180,000 vehicles. The most
heavily travelled intersection, Guru Mandir, hosts 420,000 vehicles per day.
The composition of transportation demand is not well understood. Although the
city has more than 15 million citizens, many women and children do not travel far
beyond their homes. Many katchi abadi residents find casual work in or near their
Similarly, there is no detailed estimation of mode split. Pedestrian trips represent
about 20 percent of all trips. Public transport (buses) are thought to provide 50-
60 percent of all trips, and private transport and paratransit account for the
remainder. In other words, transit and paratransit represent four-fifths of all
motorised trips.
Knowledge of the trip generation and the distribution of trips amongst different
modes (e.g. mode split) are important inputs to all transportation planning efforts.
A proper origin-destination survey and modal breakdown of traffic counts would
be useful to any further work in the transportation field.

4.2 Road Infrastructure

The Karachi City District has 9,764 kilometres of roads at all levels, from
expressway to collectors to alleys. This is equivalent to almost 10 percent of the
nation’s total road network.. However, the overwhelmingly share of such roads
are local and collector roads. A disproportionately small number of roads can be
classified as major arterials (3.45 percent) and minor arterials (4.37 percent),
while international standards are 3 or 4 times that proportional amount. There are
no expressways. Too many roads are low-capacity local collectors and feeders.
Figure-4.1: Major Road Network of Karachi City District

There are no expressways in operation in early 2007, but construction of the Lyari
Expressway’s (following the Lyari River) is almost complete. The road begins north
of Karachi City Port and west of the central city, and runs northeast between Lyari
and S.I.T.E. districts, between Jamshed and Liaquatabad, and between Gulshan e-
Iqbal and Gulberg. The Lyari Expressway is about seventeen kilometres in length.
Similarly, the Northern Bypass road forming a wide semi-circle beyond the north of
urban Karachi is almost complete. It connects the RCB Road north of Baldia with the
NBP interchange on the Superhighway north of Cantonment. The RCD Highway
provides an important, if often constrained, link it to Karachi Port Trust. Other than
the Northern Bypass, there are no circumferential highways to speak of.
Three national highways connect Karachi to the northeast (Super Highway to
Hyderabad and Punjab), southeast (National Highway to Badin), and the northwest
(RCD Highway to Quetta). These all terminate at Karachi Port Trust.
The essence of the intra-city road network is a series of arterials emanating north
and northwest from Saddar, Karachi’s traditional centre and the town closest to the
port. These arterials create a radial pattern that defines much of Karachi’s urban
structure today. While this provides the central city just north of the port with a certain
degree of connectivity, a large volume of goods must move through the central city
on the way to the port, and that causes congestion.
There are many connectors linking the radial arterials in vaguely circumferential
pattern, but the links are not consistent. For instance, Sharae-e-Millat leads
northwest into the signal-free corridor, which then becomes an important southeast
radial leading into the city centre. There is no ring road today. S.M.S Taufiq Road
and Hakeem Ibn-e-Sina Road have high volumes, but ultimately cover only a short
stretch across Liaquatabad and a little beyond.
The traffic pattern is overwhelming radial. The following map reveals the vehicular
flow across Karachi towards Saddar, with the exception of a diversion along Estate
Avenue through S.I.T.E. town, linking to Maripur Road, Saddar and KPT port.

Figure-4.2: Traffic Corridors

Many towns have arterials roads, but a certain number — Baldia, Keamari, Shah
Faisal, Malir — only have access to an arterials running along its boundary, and
otherwise has no roads above the class of collector. One town — Orangi — has
no access to any arterials.

The roads in the CBD are wide, but they are encumbered greatly by parked cars,
street hawkers and the like. This, plus the proximity to the port, has made the city
centre a major congestion point.
Overall, Karachi roads are in poor condition in many respects: poor surface,
irregular geometry and poor intersections, inadequate pavements, and various
encumbrances. There has never been an effort to integrate private vehicles,
trucks, buses and paratransit into a system offering residents adequate choice or
the ability to transfer from one mode to the other. Above all, there has never
been an overall Karachi urban transportation plan, so highways and other
improvements are not part of an integrated regional vision.
Recently completed projects include bypass roads and an expressway, ten
bridges and flyovers, a tunnel, and six road-widening projects; plus various
interchange improvements and road rehabilitation projects.
Current road projects include 51 road reconstruction, rehabilitation and upgrading
projects. The key initiatives at present are 11 flyovers and three underpasses.

4.3 Road Traffic Conditions and Congestion
Travel speeds in most part of the city are 30-40 kph. Peak travel speeds in the
central business district can be 15 kph, and even lower.
The ratio of traffic volumes to road capacity is high, especially in the central
business district between Saddar and Tower. As early as 1962, volumes were
often double those of design capacity. More recent traffic counts reveal volumes
are often 5 to 25 times that of capacity, with higher ratios in central towns.
There are various reasons for Karachi’s congestion: misuse of road space
thereby reducing effective road width making capacities below demand, missing
or constrained links in the road network, at-grade rail crossings, poor road
maintenance, and poor signaling. The extreme congestion in the central business
district is a function of excessive on-street parking consuming as many as four
lanes (combined with a lack of parking garages, and lax enforcement of parking
regulations), in addition to street hawkers and shops and other encroachments
inhibiting traffic flow. Pedestrians are forced to walk off the narrow curbs and into
the road space. The CBD also suffers from the large amount of through traffic
travelling to and from KPT port.
The shortage of bus stops and generally poor access to transit provide no
alternative for those who own private vehicles. Increased population, economic
activity and vehicle ownership forecasted for the next several years (if not
decades) are likely to contribute to a marked increase in traffic congestion.
4.3.1 Vehicle Fleet
There are almost 1.5 million vehicles registered in Karachi today. Almost one-half
are cars or jeeps; more than one-third are motorcycles.

Table-4.1: Karachi Vehicle Fleet, Year 2005

2005 % of
Type of Vehicle (‘000) Total

Cars and Jeeps 685.6 48%

Motorcycles 547.1 38%

Rickshaws 39.5 3%

Taxis 44.5 3%

Buses and
20.5 1%

Trucks 20.8 1%

Vans and Pickups 73.3 5%

Tractors 4.5 0%
Total 1435.8 100%

Population growth, economic expansion and rising incomes in recent years have
steadily accelerated the growth in vehicle registration. About 130,000 vehicles
were registered in year 2005, an 11.8 percent increase over the previous year.
The number of vehicles is actually relatively low by world standards and
Karachi’s size. However, the recent growth in vehicles indicates Karachi might
soon have an automobile population equal to that of Delhi or Jakarta, without
maintaining same pace of road infrastructure development.
4.3.2 Parking
There is a shortage of off-street parking lots and parking garages. This forces
vehicle owners to park on the streets, often in a disorganised and even chaotic
pattern that quickly obstructs lanes and reduces road capacity.
The parking situation is extreme in Saddar, where many wealthy persons are
employed and drive their cars to work. Faced with an absence of parking
garages, people turn to the curb side and road lanes as the only alternative.
Covering 3-4 lanes with parked cars and allowing traffic to pass on only one lane
is a systematic practice found throughout Saddar.
4.3.3 Safety
There are 500-600 fatal road accidents in Karachi each year, most of them
involving pedestrians and motorcyclists. Many result from poor traffic control
planning during road construction. Poorly managed construction projects also
cause confusion amongst drivers and lead to more accidents. The road fatality
rates in Saddar and Bin Qasim are particularly high.

4.4 Public Transport

Twenty thousand privately-owned buses and minibuses provide transit to the
Karachi public, yet the service is considered inadequate. All service is by
privately-owned formal buses, informal minibuses, plus a large share of school
and company buses (about one fifth of the fleet.) The para-transit fleet includes
about 45,000 taxis and motor cab rickshaws.
Bus service is poor. Transit service is particularly inadequate during peak hours,
and there is considerable overcrowding. Connections amongst buses are purely
ad-hoc, and there is no transfer payment system.
Although there are three proper intra-city bus terminals, there are almost no
formal bus stops, much less formal transit terminals. Waiting for a bus is an
unreliable process. The absence of bus shelters is inconvenient to patrons during
hot and rainy seasons, and disrupts road traffic.
Only those who have no other option, particularly the poor are more likely to ride
on bus / minibus, though having unsatisfactory level of service with serious safety
concerns. Overall, the low income of many of Karachi’s residents means that
three-fourths of the public belong to the captive transit market.
The poor linkages in the bus network are brought out in following map of transit
corridors identified in the 1990 Karachi Mass Transit System Plan. Many bus
riders in the north find it necessary to first travel southeast (Nagin Chowrangi to

Malir River corridor) and transfer to other service on Sharae Faisal and then
travel southwest (Karachi Cantonment to Landhi corridor).
4.4.1 Inter-City Travel
1,300 inter-city buses travel to and from Karachi on a daily basis. Although there
are no formal terminals, two hundred more informal locations serve to load and
unload passengers.

4.5 Pedestrianization
As stated earlier, about 20 percent of all trips are made on foot. Most of these are
necessarily short trips.
Many streets lack sidewalks. Where sidewalks exist in the Saddar-Tower central
business district, stores often encroach upon them.
Efforts to improve pedestrianism are limited largely to the construction of foot
bridges across major arteries. These ultimately fail, as they are spaced too far
apart and require pedestrians to make major detours from their route. Many
people prefer to cross roads in high, speeding traffic, even if it requires jumping
There have been plans to introduce pedestrian malls in the CBD, but none has
been developed. The strong demand for parking in the downtown area no doubt
works against such initiatives.
The lack of pedestrian facilities leads individuals to navigate roads any way they
see fit. This has cause a high incidence of fatal accidents involving private

4.6 Transportation Planning

Karachi has no comprehensive transportation plan or integrated multi-modal
plan. Traffic engineering capacity exists, but occurs on an ad hoc. Traffic
management institutions are weak and rules are out of date. There are three
CDGK agencies concerned with roads and transport, and their roles and
responsibilities are not clearly defined.
Previous transit plans, such as the 1990 Karachi Mass Transit System Plan,
have not been fully implemented. The 1987 Karachi Mass Transit Plan
envisioned progressive transit improvements, route rationalization, and transit
fleet upgrading.
The government does not invest in transit. Many bus owners respond well to the
profit motive, but there is no supporting infrastructure or coordination. There has
yet to be any serious thought about, much less investment in, mass transit.

4.7 International Links

Karachi is the home of Pakistan’s principal deep water ports: Karachi Port Trust
south of the central business district and Port Qasim to the east. Together, these
two ports handle 95 percent of the nation’s exports and imports. The throughput
volume of Karachi Port Trust is almost triple that of Port Qasim. Together, the
two ports handle 18 million tons of general and dry bulk cargo, substantial liquid
quantities, three million tons of iron ore and coal, and 1.3 million TEU of
container traffic in 2004-05. Karachi Port Trust (KPT) is directly south of the

Saddar / Tower CBD, and the traffic from the port interrupts access to and within
the business District.
Jinnah International Airport to the east is the nation’s largest international and
domestic commercial air destination. Ten million passengers a year use the
facility. However, various inadequacies and bureaucratic practices are causing
some international airlines to cease service to Karachi.
Pakistan’s trade is growing rapidly, so these facilities can expect to see a large
expansion of operation. This will add even more vehicle traffic to the roads. Road
congestion will also be exacerbated by the many industries locating in future near
Port Qasim.
Railways link northern Pakistan with Karachi Port Trust and Port Qasim. There
are also internal rail links within the ports and to nearby industrial areas. Karachi
is linked by double-track connections as far as Bahawalpur in southern Punjab,
and then the larger Pakistan rail network. There is a container handling facility at
Karachi Bandar near Tower. Roughly one-eight of the two ports throughput is
carried by train. There are thirteen stations in Karachi, and 45,000–50,000
passengers ride the train daily.

5 Infrastructure Services

5.1 Water Supply

Water supply services in Karachi face major challenges with respect to water
quantity and quality. Existing surface water supplies are not sufficient to meet
demand today; much more water will be required to enable the anticipated
growth of the city district over the next 15 years. Drinking water is not adequately
filtered and treated, resulting in quality shortfalls. Underlying both dimensions of
the water supply challenge is the issue of management: with non-revenue water
at 35 percent of production and tariffs too low to cover costs, the Karachi Water
and Sewerage Board can greatly improve the efficiency of the water supply
system by strengthening operational and financial performance.
Bulk Water Production and Transmission
The current water supply sources for the population, business and institutions of
Karachi are the Indus River (546 million gallons per day [MGD]) and the Hub
River Dam (100 MGD). The supply is not sufficient to meet existing demand;
water is therefore delivered on schedule, for only a few hours per day. Dumlottee
source of supply is depleted which needs to be restored / re-habilitated including
check dams in upstream of Malir River.
Karachi competes with many other agricultural and urban water users for water
from the Indus. The Bulk Water project, which is intended to generate another
650 MGD of water for Karachi from the Indus, thereby satisfying most future
needs of the city district through 2025, is currently under study of deciding
alternate route and design work is in progress. Project of K-IV, 130 MGD out of
that can be initiated in 2007.
The water flow of the Hub River has been depleted in recently years because of
low levels of precipitation. While it has the potential to generate significantly more
water, its contribution to meeting metropolitan water needs depends on weather
patterns and rainfall.

Sixty percent of the bulk water supply is filtered, while the remaining 40 percent
is only disinfected through chlorination. The inadequacy of water treatment
results in frequent quality problems for end users.
Water from the Indus flows by gravity through transmission mains to the south
east of Karachi City District, and then by a combination of pressurised and
gravity mains along the National Highway to the eastern edge of the built-up area
and in to the centre of the city. Some transmission mains are too small for the
volume of water they are now expected to carry. Many illegal and legal direct
connections, especially in peripheral neighbourhoods, have been made to the
transmission mains over the years, undermining their technical performance.
Storage tanks are insufficient at the metropolitan and town levels most water
supply zones do not have sufficient storage to meet the ‘eight hour rule,’ thereby
putting local residents at risk of potentially longer periods without water service.
Katchi abadis and other low-income settlements are particularly underserved.

Water Supply Distribution
The distribution system is about 40 years old on average and in an advanced
state of disrepair. Many pipes are corroded, which reduces effective capacity to
transport water. Many pipes are now five to seven feet under ground as a result
of repeated build-up of the wearing course of city streets. Valve chambers and air
relief valves are buried underground.
The distribution system is pressurised only for short periods (a few hours a day);
the continual depressurization and repressurisation of the system causes wear
and tear on the pipes and allows contamination (wastewater and other) to enter
the water supply mains when the pressure is low, causing public health risks.
As a result of the deterioration of the distribution system, technical losses are
estimated at 20 percent of production. The net water supply is thereby reduced to
about 530 MGD.
Connections are not metered, and customers pay by norms rather than by actual
consumption. There exist no incentives to conserve water. Consumption is
generally excessive and inefficient in relation to uses of water. Piped drinking
water is used for fire fighting, while non-potable ground water is generally
available in the city. Piped water is also used extensive for horticulture. There is
little or no water re-use.
Operational Issues
Non-technical losses in the system, including unbilled water, represent about 15
percent of total production. Non-revenue water is therefore 15 percent (non-
technical losses) + 20 percent (technical losses) = 35 percent of total production.
It clearly would not be advisable to address current and future water shortages
only through capital investment in additional bulk water production. Demand
management and operational improvements should be the first line of attack.
Existing water supply tariffs are too low to cover the cost of operation and
maintenance, never mind capital investment. There is need to enhance from 25%
to 50% tariff. Developers build projects that require improved infrastructure
services, but do not systematically make financial contributions toward the
necessary investments. Under the current service pricing scheme, Karachi Water
and Sewerage Board is overly dependent on intergovernmental transfers and
international assistance to improve the performance of the system and meet the
future water supply needs of the Karachi City District.
Collections represent only 60 percent of billings. Non-payment for services has
become endemic in many katchi abadis and other informal areas. At this time
KW&SB does not enjoy sufficiently open and trusting relations with customers to
embark upon a consensus-based, demand-driven program of improving services,
raising tariffs, and increasing collection rates.

5.2 Sewerage
Three sewered areas of central and southern Karachi are connected by Trunk
Sewers and interceptors to existing treatment plants at SITE, Mehamoodabad,
and Mauripur. (see figure) Other areas are sewered but discharge directly into
nallah, rivers or the sea without treatment. The main problems in the system are
low coverage of the collection network, lack of major interceptors, insufficient
treatment capacity, and low operational efficiency of existing treatment plants.

The share of the population connected to the piped sewerage system in 1990
was 37 percent. No more recent data are available. Some neighbourhoods are
sewered and connected to interceptors; others are sewered and discharge
directly into the natural environment. Katchi abadis and other informal areas have
no piped sewerage collection; waste flows through open drains and is discharged
without treatment into nallah and rivers. Industrial waste generally flows into open
drains and into rivers or the sea without treatment.
Built 25-35 years ago, the sewer network was originally laid close to the road
surface but is now located five to seven feet below the wearing course of many
roads, complicating maintenance and repair activities. Due to the ‘crown effect’
the absence of vent shafts in larger pipes causes pipes to sink further along main
arterial roads and zones of high commercial and industrial activity. Manholes are
insufficient in number and poorly maintained. Wastewater pumping in trunk
sewers is exacerbated by frequent power cuts, causing effluent overflow through
manholes. As a result of poorly sealed joints and damaged manholes, there is a
high degree of infiltration of ground water into the network; this increases the
volume of wastewater and the load on treatment facilities.
Due to the lack of sewer interceptors, most sewage collects in nallahs and the
Malir and Lyari Rivers, which have in effect become open sewers throughout the
length of their passage through the built-up area of Karachi. The unsanitary
conditions in the city’s main waterways pose serious health risks for local
residents and create unpleasant odors in adjacent neighbourhoods.
The current wastewater treatment situation in Karachi is summarised in the table
below. In comparison to a net sewage flow estimated at 388 MGD, the capacity
of the three operational domestic/mixed use wastewater treatment plants
(WWTP) is only 151 MGD. Due to operational inefficiency, only 87 MGD - or 21
percent of demand - is actually treated in those plants today.
The plants provide primary treatment (filtration) and some secondary (aerobic)
treatment. No tertiary (chemical) treatment of wastewater is provided because
same is not required as per EPA’s effluent standards except quality for re-use, if
required. The WWTPs suffer from blocked pipes, stagnant waters, and
mechanical failure. Overall they are working at only about 50 percent efficiency.

Table-5.1: Existing Sewage Treatment Plant Data

Sewage Treatment Plant Status

Current Situation of Sewage Flow 2005-2006

Present Water Supply

Indus Source 546 MGD

Maximum Hub Supply 100 MGD

Total: 646 MGD

Total Losses 25% 160 MGD

Net Supply 486 MGD

Sewage flow 60% if Bulk
Gen. 388 MGD

Present Sewarage Treatment Plants

Treatment Present
Existing Treatment Plan Disposal Remarks
Capacity Treatment MGD

TP-I (SITE 51.00 MGD 30.00 MGD Lyari River Under capacity 60%

TP-II (Mehamoodabad) 46.00 MGD 25.00 MGD Sea Under capacity 55%

TP-III (Mauripur) 54.00 MGD 32.00 MGD Sea Under capacity 60%

To be constructed
TP-IV (Korangi) 50.00 MGD - Sea
uneder S-III

TP-V (New Karachi) 5.00 MGD - Lyari River Out of order

Industrial combined flow

10 MGD - Sea Under construction

Malir Cantt Treatment Plant 1.00 MGD 1.00 Reuse Full Capacity

Defence Treatment Plant and

5.50 MGD 2.00 MGD Reuse 30%
Clifton Cantt. PQA

Steel Mill 15 MGD 15.00 MGD Reuse Full Capacity

Retain STP Steel Mill TOTAL: 237.50 TOTAL 105.00

Raw sewage in river and nallah and final disposal into sea 319.00 MGD

Most industrial waste is not treated prior to being discharged into rivers. The
exception is Pakistan Steel, which has on-site pre-treatment of 02 MGD against
22 – 25 MGD Bulk Water waste; treatment facilities for CET’s for wastewater
from tanneries are also under construction in Korangi. Organised pre-treatment
of industrial waste at SITE and Port Qasim, EPZA, Landhi, Korangi, FB Area and
North Karachi Industrial zones are required before such waste can enter the
municipal system and undergo additional treatment at conventional WWTPs, if
required for re-use.
There is no re-use of treated wastewater for uses such as washing cars, watering
private lawns or public green areas, or recharging the aquifer.
5.2.1 Operational Issues
The operational and management problems related to the sewerage system are
similar to those for water supply (see above). The service provider, Karachi
Water and Sewerage Board, levies tariffs for sewerage services as 25% of water
tariff; the water tariff provides the only own-source funding for
operation/improvement of the sewerage system. Developers that build new
housing and mixed use projects do not make financial contributions toward the
cost of associated required sewerage system improvements. KW&SB does not
enjoy sufficiently good relations with customers to embark on a consensus-based
and demand-driven program to improve services and raise user charges. As a
result, the utility is overly dependent on intergovernmental transfers and
international assistance to improve the performance of the system and meet the
future sewerage needs of the Karachi City District.

5.3 Solid Waste Management

Karachi has a rudimentary and inefficient solid waste management system today.
Wastes are not separated before they are collected and hauled long distance to
two sites near Karachi’s western border. One site may be nearing capacity within
the next five years. Most of the transport and one of the two sites are privately
Solid Waste Generation
Karachi’s 15.12 million persons and substantial manufacturing and construction
sectors produced approximately 9,000 metric tons of household, commercial,
industrial, construction and institutional solid waste per day in 2005. Food
markets are particularly large generators.

Landfill in Karachi

The composition of solid waste is as follows: 55 percent organic and 5 percent
garden waste, 18 percent inert, 15 percent recyclable or reusable, and 7 percent
is suitable for incineration.
Estimate of solid waste generation indicates Karachi will produce 16,000 - 18,000
tons of solid waste each day in the year 2020.

Collection and Transportation

The collection process is not very well developed. Most households remove their
waste to community dustbins. There are more than 4,000 community dustbins
across the city. Private-sector contractors to the CDGK and government teams
operate a variety of vehicles to clean the community dustbins a few times a
week. There are no garbage transfer stations, so the same small vehicles
needed to manoeuvre narrow roads in the city must make long trips all the way to
the landfill sites northwest of town.
Estimates indicate 60 percent of the waste is collected and transferred to
landfills. The remaining forty percent is recycled, burnt, dropped in drains and
sewers, or eaten by cattle.
Recycling is an effective method to reduce the volume of waste and
environmental impact. Certain groups of people in Karachi are able to make a
living by scavenging and sorting garbage and finding new uses for selected
materials. They sell scrap metal to foundries, discarded bread to livestock
farmers, broken glass to makers of bangles and other kinds of jewellery, and
used paper to informal vendors of paper bags and wrapping materials. More than
50,000 families earn a living by scavenging the city’s refuse. Karachi is probably
able to recycle a larger share of solid waste than many cities in the world. Still,
one estimate indicates scavengers only process about 10 percent of all the solid
waste Karachi generates.
Some pharmaceutical and fertiliser factories dispose of wastes in incinerators.
Some factories have their own incinerators on site, while others utilise
commercial services.
Specialised incinerators designed to destroy hazardous wastes exist to serve
hospitals and clinic, but are not said to function well. The management of many
more health facilities are unaware of, or not interested in, the service and often
dispose of dangerous liquids and chemicals in the general solid waste system.

Existing Site, Capacity, and Processing

Karachi has two working landfill sites. The Gondpass and Jam Chakro landfills
are about 30 kilometres northwest and west of the central city. Both sites cover
500 acres (200 hectares) each, although the volumes of these sites are not
known. Jam Chakro has recently been privatised. CDGK now pays the Jam
Chakro operator by the truckload to use the site. Gondpass may reach capacity
and close in the near future.
All wastes from different sources, including construction, are dumped in
Gondpass and Jam Chakro, and there is no separation. There is no processing

to compact or otherwise reduce the garbage volume. Open burning and
dangerous smoke are common nuisances. Data on the soil type, preparation and
lining, and leachate outflow of these landfill sites are not readily available.
Another solid waste site exists in Dhabeji, east of Karachi’s outskirts. The
suitability of Dhabeji as a 1,200 to 3,500 acre (480-1,400 hectare) capacity
landfill site is being studied. In fact, some waste has already been dumped in
Dhabeji, but more arrangements and construction are necessary before it will be
a true working landfill able to handle the volumes Karachi generates.
Meanwhile, two more sites along the northern bypass road have been identified
and are currently under study. These sites are within the city district, and
represent lower transportation costs than Dhabeji.

5.4 Electrical Power

Energy is the lifeline of economic growth. Pakistan has historically has been
subjected to energy demand suppression due to limited supplies and lack of
infrastructure development for provision of energy to the industrial sector. The
unavailability of sustained and affordable energy to industry has suppressed
economic growth and created declining tendency for industrial investment in the
country. The per capita energy consumption, which is one of the key
development indicators as well as a measure of quality of life of a country, is low
with only 14 million BTUs, as compared to 92 million BTUs for Malaysia and 34
million BTUs for China.
The electric power is generated by KESC in the following power stations and
their available capacities are shown in the table below.

Table-5.2: Power Generation

Available Source of
Capacity (MW) Energy
Natural Gas and
Bin Qasim Power Station 1130
Furnace Oil
Natural Gas and
Korangi Power Station 215
Furnace Oil
Site Gas Turbine Power
90 Natural Gas
Korangi Gas Turbine Power
72 Natural G a s

TOTAL 1507

(Source: KESC Annual Report 2005)

KESC operates four generating plants, but the bulk of the total energy that it
distributes comes from only one plant — Bin Qasim Power Station, which
generates energy at the lowest cost per kWh of the four plants.
KESC generating plants employ two fuels, natural gas and furnace oil. KESC is
the biggest customer of Sui Southern Gas Company. Due to limitation in natural
gas supply, KESC is able to run SITE and Korangi Gas Turbine only during
evening peak hours.
The operating capacity, peak demand and load factor for the FY 2004-2005 is
shown below.

Table-5.3: KESC Operating Capacity, 2004-05

Demand and Load Factor

Description MW
Actual Capacity 1,387*
Evening Peak 2,197
Day Peak Demand 2,104
Base Demand 860
Load Factor 70.25%
(Source: KESC Annual Report-2005)
*BQPS Units 2,3 & 5 were under restoration.

Therefore, to meet power demand, KESC had to import power from the following

Table-5.4: Other Contributing Plants to Karachi’s Power Needs:

Tapal Energy (IPP) 114 MW

Gul Ahmed Energy (IPP) 113 MW

Kanupp (Karachi Nuclear Power 40 MW


PASMIC (Pakistan Steel Mills) 10 MW


Total: 777 MW

The shortage of power generation led to some extent to load shedding in


The KESC transmission system has been integrated with WAPDA since 1978.
The links are via 220 kV and 132 kV transmission network. Power import by
KESC from NTDC, WAPDA, is via 220 kV. Jamshoro-Karachi double circuit
transmission line has a transmission capacity of 500 MW.

KESC is also interconnected with the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP).
The plant is inside KESC licensed area under the jurisdiction of Pakistan Atomic
Energy Commission. Commissioned in 1970, the KANUPP plant is relatively
small, with an installed capacity of 125 MW. Presently, it could support only 40
MW via a 132 kV transmission link.

Private power plants Tapal Energy and Gul Ahmed Energy are connected to
KESC network via 132 kV transmission lines.

There are at present 52 132/11 kV Grid Stations and 5 220/132 kV Grid Stations
linked primarily by a system of overhead transmission lines.
Distribution System
As of June 2005, KESC had roughly 6,200 kilometres of overhead and
underground 11 kV distribution network and 10,500 kilometres of 400 volt lines
fed by 9,293 11 kV distribution substations. About 60 percent of the primary
distribution network is underground.
More specifically, electrical power is distributed through:
• 2200 km overhead 11 kV distribution system,
• 4000 km underground 11kV distribution system,
• 9300 distribution substation (11/0.4 kV),
• 9600 km over-head L.T and
• 921 km under-ground L.T network
Customer of KESC break down as follows:
• 1.4 million residential,
• 0.4 million commercial
• 32,000 industrial

Total energy supplied to different types of customers last year (2004-05) in Mwh
was as follows:
Residential 3,508,000
Commercial 888,000
Industrial 3,023,000
Others* 997,367

*Agricultural, street lights and special contracts
Number of consumers, categories wise, and their consumption is shown in the
figure below.

Figure-5.1: Breakdown of Customers by Type, 2004-05




6 Social Services

6.1 Health
Karachi’s health care system is facing issues that are both challenging and
growing as the city rapidly expands. Health care needs by the year 2020 will
have grown exponentially from where they are today. An estimated 90 percent
the city’s population will have to rely primarily on the public health care system,
including its primary, secondary, tertiary and specialised centres.
Pakistan as a whole is in the middle of an epidemiological transition. Almost 40
percent of the total burden of disease is now due to infectious/communicable
diseases such as diarrheal disorders, acute respiratory infections, malaria,
tuberculosis, hepatitis B and C, HIV/Aids and preventable childhood illnesses.
Non-communicable diseases, including a high rate of breast cancer,
hypertension, diabetes, systemic heart disease and lung cancer present more
traditional problems for Karachi’s overtaxed health care facilities.
The majority of health related issues for both communicable and non-
communicable disease are basic in nature. A public awareness campaign
through all forms of media, meetings and events is needed to increase
population awareness of key health and environmental issues. People need to
know more about potential diseases, what to do about them, and where they can
be treated. At the same time, efforts to improve the health care system must also
be coordinated with health education, improved water supply, sanitation and solid
waste collection, improved food quality control, population planning and
inoculation against disease.

Public Health System facilities in Karachi include: (1) outreach and community-
based activities that focus on immunization, malaria control, maternal and child
health, family planning and the Lady Health Workers program; (2) primary care
facilities that focus on outpatient care; (3) taluka and district headquarters
hospitals for basic inpatient and outpatient care; (4) tertiary care hospitals; and
(5) teaching hospitals and centres of excellence.
Major deficiencies exist in both the quantity and quality of these public health
care facilities. The current system has 33 hospitals, 271 health centres and 152
dispensaries. It includes an estimated 15,000 beds, of which 9,000 are in the
tertiary and teaching hospitals and the remaining 6000 dispersed among the
primary and secondary facilities. The ratio of beds to people is 1 to 1700 in the
tertiary and teaching hospitals and 1 to 1020 for all public health facilities. The
private health care system has 356 hospitals (of which 145 are large), 391
maternity homes, 2,347 dispensaries and about 6,600 beds.
Requirements for the year 2020 indicate the need for more than 2,000 public
health care facilities, many of which will be primary and secondary level health
centres, and 52,000 beds, based on standard ratio of 1 bed for 500 people.
The maintenance of buildings, medical equipment and vehicles is neither
properly funded nor managed and has become a major problem at the primary
and secondary levels. Considerable budgetary savings could be achieved if

funds were made available and maintenance done in a timely and proper

There are 4,600 registered doctors and 10,739 public and private sector health
care workers active in the city. The National Planning Commission has set a
standard of 1 health care worker per 1,000 people, which translates into a
requirement for at least 25,000 health care workers by the year 2020. By that
time, the number of health care workers will need to more than double with an
increase of some 15,000 workers. This includes nurses, paramedics, medical
technicians, pharmacists and other technologists. There is also an urgent need
for trained health care managers who can deploy existing health care resources
in an effective manner. Much of this type of management, including referrals,
currently is being done by doctors who are not trained in the art of delegating
services to different levels and/or members of the health care system. At present,
there is no well-defined policy on human resource development or in-service
training opportunities that would enable health care workers to upgrade their

Access to Health Care Services

Many people in Karachi either do not use public health facilities at the primary
level. They do not use health facilities at all or prefer to go to private ones. If they
do use public facilities, they try to attend the larger hospitals, even for minor
ailments that could be treated more effectively at the primary or secondary levels.
Hospitals are overburdened as a result of this situation and the cost of delivering
simple services is increased.
This problem is due in part to the inequitable distribution and poor geographic
location of many primary health facilities. Most of these centres are housed in run
down buildings that operate for only a few hours per day. Many are also deficient
in female staff and basic medicines. The quality of care they provide is highly
variable. but generally perceived to be poor.
Funding for new and improved health care services is inadequate. While health
care funding has increased from Rs 9,257 million in 2004-2005 to Rs 12,885
million in 2005-2006, its percentage of the budget has remained at 28-29
percent. Administrative devolution has empowered CDGK as an important
financial intermediary that will need to account for 60 percent of the total
government health expenditure in its budget. The regularization of user fees
within the total health care delivery system will be important for the overall
sustainability of the system.
Finally, the city’s emergency and ambulance system needs to be improved. At
present, the Edhi system is the only organised system able to provide efficient
health related transport and work with first responders trained to provide initial

6.2 Education
The SES of 1987/1988 showed a literacy rate of 75 percent in the formally
planned areas of Karachi and 49 percent in the unplanned ones. Subsequently,
key development priorities were identified in Plan 2000 that included an increase
in literacy and primary school enrollment in the unplanned areas of the city. A
particular emphasis was placed on education for girls. The Government of Sindh,
Federal Government, the then KMC, private sector and voluntary organizations
all provided education facilities in the city.
The Pakistan Social & Living Measurement Survey of 2004-05 showed a 72
percent literacy rate for the urban areas of Sindh. The rates were 80 percent for
men and 62 percent for women as shown in the following table 6. The overall
literacy rate for urban areas in Pakistan was 71 percent. A socio-economic
survey conducted by consultants in 2005 showed a similar rate of 71 percent for
city of Karachi.

Table-6.1: Literacy Rates in Pakistan and Provinces (% population)

1998-99 PIHS 2001-02 PIHS 2004-05 PIHS
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Pakistan 45.0 59.0 31.0 45.0 58.0 32.0 53.0 65.0 40.0
Rural 36.0 52.0 20.0 36.0 51.0 21.0 44.0 58.0 29.0
Urban 65.0 73.0 56.0 64.0 72.0 56.0 71.0 78.0 62.0

Sindh 51.0 65.0 35.0 46.0 60.0 31.0 56.0 68.0 41.0
Rural 35.0 53.0 15.0 33.0 51.0 14.0 38.0 56.0 18.0
Urban 69.0 79.0 58.0 64.0 74.0 54.0 72.0 80.0 62.0
Source: Pakistan Social & Living Measurement Survey 2004-2005

About 73 percent of the overall primary school-aged group was enrolled in

school, with some 79 percent of enrolled in public schools. At the same time,
roughly 40 percent of the secondary school-aged population was enrolled in
school. While teacher/student ratios were generally adequate, many of these
schools lacked necessary facilities. Most did not have playgrounds or had only
limited facilities for indoor games. Karachi had 221 tertiary educational facilities
that included universities, colleges and technical / vocational institutions. The
participation rate dropped substantially at the tertiary level of schooling, with only
about 3 percent of the school aged population enrolled.

Table-6.2: Percentage of School Age Population and Enrolment Targets

Percentage of School Age Population in the City Population
Primary Schools 14%
Secondary Schools 13%
Tertiary Schools 11%
University 9%
Enrolment Targets in Terms of School Age Group
Primary 100%
Secondary 90%
Tertiary 20%
University 5%

There are some 465 voluntary agencies registered with the Government of
Sindh’s Department of Social Welfare. Many of these agencies (22.2 percent) are
reported to be inactive, so no details were available concerning their activities.
Others, such as the Edhi Welfare Centre, Orangi Pilot Project and All Pakistan
Women’s Association, render multiple social and welfare services to Karachi’s
resident population.

Table-6.3: NGOs by Focus of Activity

Activity Number Percentage of
Education 25 5.4
Health 32 6.9
Multi Purpose* 98 21.1
Industrial / Vocational Centre for Women 18 3.9
Community Welfare 12 2.6
Service to Handicapped 17 3.7
Women, Children and Youth 60 12.9
Welfare Service 58 12.5
Other Purpose 42 9.0
(not mentioned in survey) 103 22.2
Total 465 100.0
* Included industrial homes, MCH Centres, education and recreational services

Current statistics for Karachi show that 44.4 percent of the 566,998 enrolled
students are male and 55.6 percent female. Though these figures appear
progressive in terms of gender development, the number of female students
enrolled in secondary schools drops by an average of 25 percent from those
enrolled in primary school in many of Karachi’s towns. In some towns, including
Jamshed, Shah Faisal, Landhi, Korangi, North Nazimabad, New Kararachi and
Gulberg, there is an encouraging increase in the number of female students in
secondary schools when compared to primary. Nevertheless, the number of
female students drops even more dramatically when going from secondary
schools to higher educational institutes. Only in North Nazimabad does the
number girl students increase.Though most towns have a high ratio of girls to
boys, Malir, Bin Qasim and Gadap have more boys than girls attending schools.
This is especially true for secondary schools. The teachers, however, are
predominantly women (66.8 percent) compared to men (33.2 percent).
The Sindh Education Department has executed a complete census of
government run educational institutions and analyzed the results by town. These
data have been entered into the Sindh Education Management Information
System (SEMIS), which provides statistics on institutions, student enrollment and
teachers for the year 2002. High enrollments are projected for the towns of
Landhi Korangi, New Karachi, Jamshed-Gulshan and Lyari. The lowest needs for
educational facilities are expected in the towns of Gadap, Keamari and North
Nazimabad. These needs ultimately will need to match the real population and
spatial growth of each town over the period until 2020, as well as their
socioeconomic standing.

6.2.1 Special Education
Special education is a relatively new area of education in Pakistan. The total
number of disabled persons based on the1998 population census was 3.3
million, or about 2.5 percent of the total population. The education and
rehabilitation of persons with disabilities was previously a concern of the Ministry
of Education and Social Welfare. This continued for some time until observance
of International Year of the Disabled in 1981 led to greater recognition of the
need to provide better accessibility and means of communication for the disabled

6.3 Recreation
Karachi has a fair number of recreational parks and gardens at the metropolitan
level, but an inadequate supply of playgrounds and sporting facilities for ‘active
recreation’ by different age groups and genders at the local level. This includes
stadiums, indoor gymnasiums, football and hockey grounds, cricket fields and
tennis courts. This deficiency is particularly true for the heavily built-up areas of
the inner city, including, for example, Lyari, Liaquatabad, Kharadar and their
immediate surroundings. Where facilities do exist they are generally in
substandard condition and not well maintained.
Recreational lands are not distributed evenly across the city and some areas are
seriously deficient in such space. The land use survey of 2005 showed roughly
4,800 acres being used for recreational activities. This gives an overall city
average of 0.34 acres per 1000 persons. Most of the towns in Karachi have less
than 0.5 acres of recreational area per person. Some, like Korangi and North
Karachi, have been subject to land grabbing and have lower ratios of only 0.17
and 0.19 acres per 1000 persons. Three of the 18 towns have ratios that are
even less than 0.1. These include Liaquatabad and Lyari, both with 0.06 acres
per 1000 persons and Baldia with 0.03. Gulshan-e-Iqbal is at the upper end of
the scale with a ratio of 0.75 acres per 1000 persons. This is due to the location
of Safari Park, one of the largest recreational areas in Karachi covering some
354 hectares, and the National Stadium and Coaching Centre which covers
roughly 104 hectares.

Table-6.4: Recreational Facilities in Karachi at Metropolitan Level

Area in
No. Recreational Facilities Location
1 Aziz Bhati Park 16.2 University Road
2 Bagh-e-jinnah 6.7 Fatima Jinnah Road
3 Hill park 12.2 Shaheed-e-Millat Road
4 Safari park 141.7 Adjoining Gulestan-e-Jauhar
5 Bagh-e-Quaid -e-Azam 9.9 Aiwan -e-Sadar Road
6 Bagh Ibne Qasim 44.5 Ikram Ullah Road
7 Boating Basin 81.0 Clifton Block -7
8 Zoological Garden 17.0 Pakistan Quarters East
Liaquat Barracks Hockey
9 Hockey Club of Pakistan 2.8
National Stadium and
10 41.7 Stadium Road
Coaching Centre
11 Race Course Ground 35.0 Race Cource
12 Ala-din Parks 20.2 Gulistan-e-Jauhar xxxviii
The Karachi coastal zone runs for several miles along the southern edge of the
city. It offers a unique opportunity for local recreation and regional tourism. It is
open to swimming most of the year, except during the summer when tides are
too high, and presents a variety of spatial experiences that include beaches,
bays, back water areas, creeks, mangroves and small islands. These
environments maintain the marine environments ecological balance and provide
habitat for a complex and interdependent community of invertebrates, fish, birds,
and reptiles.

7 Urban Environment
The urbanization of Karachi has seriously impacted the natural environment on
which it depends and must be considered if the city is to sustain future
development. To do this, the necessary infrastructure facilities and regulations
must be put in place to properly manage its natural resources and prevent their
further pollution. This section provides an examination of the current
environmental problems and trends in Karachi city district, presented by the
following components: water supply, sewerage and wastewater disposal, coastal
marine environment, air pollution, and land use.
Water Supply — With its close proximity to the Arabian Sea, the Indus river and
the Malir and Lyari rivers, Karachi enjoys ready access to major water sources in
an otherwise arid country. But Karachi faces a shortage in water due to growing
demand and non-dependable supplies. Wells dug in the Malir river bed at
Dumlotti, the city’s original source of water, are no longer a dependable source
as overuse and bulk consumption by farmers has dried up the wells. Water
sourced from the Hub Dam was cut off in 2002 when its supply dried. To help fill
the gap in supply,K-III of the Greater Karachi Bulk Water Supply Scheme was
launched in 2006.
Inadequate water supply has given rise to use of ground water from depth
exceeding 10 metres in core areas and 150 metres in the suburban areas. In
Orangi Town and Gadap Town signs of salinity intrusion are apparent.
Poor installation and maintenance of the water supply lines has reduced the
distribution systems capacity and polluted the water reaching the end users. In
old Karachi in particular much of the pipes have deteriorated and are due for
replacement. Faulty pipe connections and ruptures have allowed water to leak
and pool underground and at the ground surface. This has provided a breading
ground for biological contaminates and infiltration of sewage from leaking
sewerage pipelines that are crisscrossing the supply lines. These pools of water
are sucked back into the supply lines during idle hours contaminating water piped
from the Hub Dam and Indus river. Plugging the seepage could help in making a
major improvement in the quantity of water available to the end user.
Many studies have found widespread contamination including one conducted by
the Aga Khan University which found pathogenic organisms in 335 out of 338
samples of water taken from different under ground wells / individual tanks of
parts of the city. As a result, the water available from private services in Karachi
does not meet the water quality guidelines as proposed by World Health
Open sewerage channels cutting through Karachi’s neighbourhoods have also
exposed residents to many diseases. And their release into the Malir and Lyari
rivers which traverse the city have turned them also into open sewers, impacting
the harbour marine environment downstream. Any water that might dilute this
discharge in the rivers has virtually dried up from consumption upstream.
Excessive loading of nutrient and chemical contaminants into the Lyari River
system, have rendered much of the natural aquatic and terrestrial habitat
associated with a river of this size virtual uninhabitable. Air pollution, solid waste,

dumping of industrial sewage, and runoff from adjacent agricultural and other
land uses further contaminate the Lyari River.
The excavation of millions of tons of sand and gravel from these riverbeds has
extensively degraded them and the Hub River and caused irreversible damage to
their environment by exposing the rock bottom of the respective riverbeds thus
making it vulnerable to flash floods.
Sewage and Wastewater Disposal — More than 380 million gallons (mgd)
wastewater is generated daily against optimal capacity of 151 MGD in Karachi
out of which only approximately 90 mgd is treated daily at the wastewater
treatment plants due to lack of linking Trunk Sewers / Interceptors and the rest is
discharged into drains and nullahs / rivers which are terminated in the Arabian
Sea where it causing tremendous pollution. Poor industrial wastewater disposal
practice and lack of private and public industrial waste water treatment facilities
also results in the direct discharge into surface drains and nallahs. The treatment
plant capacity of Karachi must be increased if the city’s growth is to be sustained.
Coastal Marine Environment — The Karachi coastline, which stretches over
135 km, is facing severe pollution from industrial, port, municipal, and
transportation activities in the area. Effluent of Malir and Lyari rivers is also a
major contributor. The marine environment is being overwhelmed with pollution
discharged in the shipping process into the marine environment. A recent study
found that some of the marine life was contaminated with lead. When consumed
by humans through seafood, this has been linked to anemia, kidney failure, and
brain damage.
The coast line is heavily dependent on the mangrove forests that line the coast to
maintain the marine environments ecological balance. The mangroves provide
habitat for a complex and interdependent community of invertebrates, fish, birds,
and reptiles.
Air pollution — Air pollution is a significant environmental problem in the
Karachi City District caused by automobile exhaust, industry emissions, open
burning of garbage, and domestic/commercial fuel sources. Firewood, dung and
solid wastes are still used as alternative sources of energy in certain parts of the
city, particularly the villages and Katchi Abadis biomass is used by 17,000
households, or 2.01 percent, of dwellings in the city, according to Bureau of

Air pollution is a major

problem specially in city
centre and is mainly caused by
industry and public transport

Vehicular traffic has increased significantly in recent years, far exceeds the
capacity of the city district’s roads. Air pollution and noise pollution levels along
road sides and at intersections exceed the limits recommended by World Bank
and WHO Guidelines as well as National Environmental Quality Standards of
Pakistan. Such high levels of air pollution cause serious public health concerns
such as asthma and respiratory ailments. Traffic safety and negative impacts on
urban ecology such as early senescence and dwarfing of trees are also of
Open burning of garbage at the landfill sites is another major source of air
pollution. Solid waste disposal from the industries has also contributed to
environmental degradation. The waste is dumped outside the factory premises
(especially in the case of ceramic industries) or burned in an incinerator on the
factory premises. Incinerators are not always designed for hazardous waste
being disposed such as pharmaceutical factory waste, hospital waste or other
chemicals like pesticides.
Land Use — The urban sprawl covering the largely flat or rolling plains of the
greater Karachi area is taking its toll on flora and fauna habitat and its
biodiversity. This is caused from disturbance or destruction of sensitive habitats
for birds, mammal and reptile species during construction. Encroachment of the
built environment into rural areas and vacant recreational land or otherwise
natural habitat is further driving habitat fragmentation and destruction. The
increase in impervious surface is also increasing run-off which caries pollution,
decreases groundwater recharge, and increases chances of flash floods.




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