KIA Brand Guidelines

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The document outlines branding guidelines for proper usage of the Kia logo and tagline.

The logo and tagline must be used within exclusion zones and dimensions, follow color specifications, and not be modified or placed on complex backgrounds.

There are large, medium, small and extra large sizes of the primary logo depending on usage size.

Kia MOTORS aMeRica BRand Tagline guidelineS

Kia Tagline 4/C - 30C 30M 60Y 10K (Process Gold)

Kia BRand Tagline guidelineS


1-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 3-1 3-2 3-3 4-1 4-2 4-3 5-1

Introduction Primary Logo Specifications Vertical Logo and Tagline Usage Horizontal Logo and Tagline Usage Additional Logo and Tagline Options Logo and Tagline Background Colors Independent Tagline Colors and Dimensions Independent Tagline Background Colors Incorrect Tagline Usage Tagline Image Usage Tagline Graphic Usage Frequently Asked Questions

1-1 inTROducTiOn
In order to become a leading global brand, Kia Motors Corporation (KMC) has established the Brand Identity (BI) were using as Exciting & Enabling. This BI defines Kias culture, customers and products and will provide brand direction to all our corporate departments, our dealers and our partners. A detailed brand book that explains Exciting and Enabling will be distributed separately. As part of the new BI, KMC has introduced a new brand tagline The Power to Surprise. This tagline captures the essence of Exciting & Enabling. To ensure that the tagline properly communicates our BI, the tagline should always be displayed in a clear and consistent manner. This manual provides guidelines for the proper usage of the tagline and brand logo.

2-1 PRiMaRY lOgO SPeciFicaTiOnS

The Primary Logo must always be printed with a 4-color process. It is important to use the correct size Primary Logo and tagline for each application. There are four Primary Logo sizes, each with subtle changes to proportion, detail, stroke and gradient that are designed to ensure an equal visual perception and optimal reproduction. Stretching or shrinking any of the logos will change the visual perception.





EXTRA LARGE Use this logo if desired usage size is 3 in. or larger in width.
Usage examples | banners, flags, posters, billboards.


LARGE Use this logo if desired usage size is between 1.5 to 3 in. in width.
Usage examples | posters, CD covers.


MEDIUM Use this logo if desired usage size is between .75 to 1.5 in. in width.
Usage examples | business stationery, ads, catalogs, brochures, price lists.


SMALL Use this logo if desired usage size is smaller than .75 in. in width.
Usage examples | business cards, merchandise articles, communication media for which the logo does not exceed the respective size.

*Note: Sizes above not to scale.


The logo and tagline must be used as displayed in the example below. The Mark must be displayed at the end of the tagline.


Maintain an exclusion zone around the logo and tagline as displayed in this example. Adhering to the proper exclusion zone promotes greater readability of the logo and tagline in communications. The size of the K in Kia Motors represents the recommended space for the exclusion zone.


When resizing the logo and tagline, maintain the proper proportions. Use artwork provided to avoid distortions.

2-3 HORiZOnTal lOgO and Tagline uSage

MainTain excluSiOn ZOneS

Maintain an exclusion zone around the logo and tagline as displayed in this example. Adhering to the proper exclusion zone promotes greater readability of the logo and tagline in your communications. The size of the K in Kia Motors represents the recommended space for the exclusion zone.

MainTain diMenSiOnS

When resizing the logo and tagline, maintain the proper proportions. Use artwork provided to avoid distortions.

2-4 addiTiOnal lOgO and Tagline OPTiOnS

In certain instances, it may be necessary to use a Secondary Logo. A Secondary Logo does not have the detail of a Primary Logo and requires either a 2- or 1-color logo. Secondary Logos include a red logo with a gray tagline, a black logo with a black tagline and a white logo and white tagline. Please note that a Spanish Logo has also been provided for Hispanic marketing purposes. Type A 1-color vertical red logo with 1-color gray tagline Pantone 1807C (logo) Pantone 431C or 70% Black (tagline) File Name: Vert_KiaMotors_Tag_2C_Red Type B 1-color horizontal red logo with 1-color gray tagline Pantone 1807C (logo) Pantone 431C or 70% Black (tagline) File Name: Horiz_KiaMotors_Tag_2C_Red Type C Black logo with black tagline Pantone Black C File Name: Vert_KiaMotors_Tag_1C_BK

Type D White logo and white tagline File Name: Vert_KiaMotors_Tag_1C_WH

Type E Hispanic logo File Name: Hisp_Vert_KiaMotors_Tag_2C_RED

3-1 lOgO and Tagline BacKgROund cOlORS

Background colors are an important element, and determine the proper color thats to be used for the logo and tagline.

When printed on a white background, use a red logo and gray tagline.


When printed on a color background, use a white logo and white tagline.









When printed on a gray background, ensure the logo and tagline print dark or light enough for easy readability.

3-2 indePendenT Tagline cOlORS and diMenSiOnS

In certain instances, the tagline may be used independently of the logo. Examples include usage on banners and outdoor billboards. The tagline is in Myriad, a modified typeface that represents the passion and confidence of Kia. Always use the artwork provided below as Myriad is a modified typeface, not a true font. Five colors have been designated to represent Kia Motors in the taglines. When used with the red logo, the tagline must be gray; when used independently of the logo, the tagline can be red, gold, silver or black.


Pantone 431C Process K70

Kia Tagline 1/C - 100% Pantone 431

Pantone 1807C Process M100 + Y100 + K30

Kia Tagline 1/C - 100% Pantone 1807

Pantone 873C Process C30 + M30 + Y60 + K10

Kia Tagline 1/C - 100% Pantone 873

Pantone 877C Process K40

Kia Tagline 1/C - 100% Pantone 877

Pantone Black C Process K100 Note: Tagline may also appear in white.

Kia Tagline excluSiOn ZOneS MainTain 1/C - 100% Black

The tagline must be displayed with the proper angle and exclusion zones as shown above. The size of the P in Power represents the recommended exclusion zone.

3-3 indePendenT Tagline BacKgROund cOlORS

Background colors are also important when determining the proper use of color for an independent tagline.

The tagline may be printed independently of the logo. When printed on a white background, print the tagline in red, gold, silver or black.

When printed on a color background, use a white tagline.








When printed on a gray background, ensure the tagline prints dark or light enough for easy tagline readability.

4-1 incORRecT Tagline uSage

The tagline must appear in the designated colors and scale and be used with the correct background colors in order to follow guidelines.

Do not change or omit the TM Mark. Provided artwork must always be used.

Do not break the tagline.

Do not change or mix type styles.

Do not change the space between the logo and tagline.

Do not change the proportions of the logo or tagline.

Do not change the color of the tagline.

Use correct logo with the appropriate background color.

Do not place the logo on a picture or complex background.

4-2 Tagline iMage uSage

Below are samples of how the logo and tagline may be utilized in various media applications.

Correct usage for vertical logo and tagline.

Correct usage for horizontal logo and tagline.

Correct usage for logo and tagline placed independently of each other.

4-3 Tagline gRaPHic uSage

Below are examples of additional brand tagline executions. The correct logo dimensions and tagline usage must be adhered to in all types of media and follow the Brand Identity guidelines as outlined in this document.

BanneR exaMPleS

5-1 FReQuenTlY aSKed QueSTiOnS

Q: A: How do you determine which size logo to use? The size of the artwork in which the logo is to be used determines the correct logo size. For example, large artwork such as banners and outdoor billboards require an extralarge logo. Smaller artwork, such as business cards, require a small logo. Please refer to the examples in Section 2-1.

Q: A:

What is the exclusion zone first mentioned in section 2-2? The exclusion zone is the recommended amount of empty space that must be provided around the Kia logo and tagline. The exclusion zone promotes greater readability of the logo and tagline in communications. Please refer to the examples in Section 2-2 and 3-2.

Q: A:

Can the logo and tagline be used without the Kia Motors? In some cases, due to space availability or type of application, the logo and tagline may be used without the Kia Motors application. Please confirm with your department head or Kia client to approve any exceptions.

Q: A:

Can any tagline color be used with the primary logo and the secondary red logo? No. A gray tagline must always be used with the primary logo and the secondary red logo. Please refer to examples in Sections 2-2, 2-3 and 2-4.

Q: A:

What color taglines can be used independently of the logo? Red, gold, silver and black. Please refer to examples in Section 3-2.

Q: A:

Can the Kia logo and tagline be used independently of each other? Yes. In some cases, such as outdoor billboards, the two can be used independently of each other. Please refer to the example in Section 4-2.

Q: A:

Can the logos be resized? The secondary logos, 2 color and 1 color, can be resized as long as they are resized proportionately. The primary logo, a 4 color process, can be resized as long as it remains within the dimensions previously outlined. Please refer to the examples in Section 2-1.

Q: A:

Must "The Power to Surprise" always be used? In some cases, the logo may be used without the tagline. Please confirm with your department head or Kia client to approve any exceptions.

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