Torts Negligence Checklist
Torts Negligence Checklist
Torts Negligence Checklist
2 but for causes; each on its own could have caused the harm 2 independent factors; neither on its own could have caused the harm Industry-wide liability/market share liability Harm is the % lost Damages = lost % x value of life Substantial factor in result (but < 50%) s negligence increased risk of bad outcome
Lost chance
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Substantial factor
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If B < PL, then unreasonable NOT to take precaution Transaction costs that go into burden of precaution costs of increasing probability of other injuries if take precaution
extent of harm need not be foreseeable; takes as he finds him limit: only foreseeable s if no IF, no limit to liability if IF foreseeable? ( is liable) unforeseeable? ( not liable for harm) was IF a 3rd party criminal activity? If so, is it type of crime&harm that duty is intended to protect against?
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direct consequence v. IF
Effect of statute
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Breach: Res Ipsa Loquitur Inference: No accident absent negligence Ds Exclusive control P didnt contribute to fault Cause in Fact But-for test
o o 51% test no harm but for the negligence
Rescue doctrine
Concurrent causes