Medical Surgical Nursing Quiz
Medical Surgical Nursing Quiz
Medical Surgical Nursing Quiz
) Calcium chloride
B.) Potassium chloride
1.) A client is receiving NPH insulin 20 units C.) Magnesium sulfate
subq at 7:00 AM daily, at 3 PM how would the D.) Sodium bicarbonate
nurse finds if the client were having a
hypoglycemic reaction? ANS: A
A.) Feel the client and bed for dampness
B.) Observe client kussmaul respirations 6.) What is the primary action of insulin in
C.) Smell client’s breathe for acetone odor the body?
D.) Check client’s pupils for dilation A.) Enhances the transport of glucose across
cell walls
ANS: A -diaphoresis B.) Aids in the process of gluconeogenesis
C.) Stimulates the pancreatic beta cells
2.) Postoperative thyroidectomy nursing care D.) Decreases the intestinal absorption of
includes which measures? glucose
A.) Have the client speak every 5-10 mins if
hoarseness is present ANS: A
B.) Provide a low calcium diet to prevent
hypercalcemia 7.) What will the nurse teach the diabetic
C.) Check the dressing all the back of the neck client regarding exercise in his /her
for bleeding treatment program?
D.) Apply a soft cervical collar to restrict neck A.) During exercise the body will use
movement carbohydrates for energy production, which in
turn will decrease the need for insulin
ANS: C B.) With an increase in activity the body will
utilize more carbohydrates; therefore more
3.) What would the nurse note as typical insulin will be required.
findings on the assessment of a client with C.) The increase in activity results in an increase
acute pancreatitis? in the utilization of insulin; therefore the client
A.) Steatorrhea, abd. Pain, fever should decrease his/her carbohydrate intake
B.) Fever, hypoglycemia, DHN D.) Exercise will improve pancreatic circulation
C.) Melena, persistent vomiting, hyperactive and stimulate the islet of Langerhans to increase
bowel sounds the production of intrinsic insulin
D.) Hypoactive bowel sounds, decreased
amylase and lipase levels ANS: A
22.) A client tells you she has heard that 26.) A child diagnosed with conjunctivitis.
glaucoma may be a hereditary problem and Which statement reflects that the child
she is concerned about her adult children. understood the nurse’s teaching?
What is the best response? A.) “It’s okay for me to let my friends use my
A.) “There is no need for concern; glaucoma is sunglasses while we are playing together.”
not hereditary order.” B.) “It’s okay for me to softly rub my eye, as long
B.) “Screening for glaucoma should be included as I use the back of my hand.”
in an annual eye exam for everyones over 50.” C.) “I can pick the crustly stuff out of my
C.) “There may be a genetic factor with eyelashes with my fingers when I wake up in the
glaucoma and your children over 30 y/o should morning.”
be screened yearly.” D.) “I will use my own washrag and towel while
D.) “Are your grandchildren complaining of any my eyes are sick.”
eye problems? Glaucoma generally skips a
generation.” ANS: D
46.) First postop day after a right lower lobe 50.) Which statement correctly describes
(RLL) lobectomy, the client breathes and suctioning through an endotracheal tube
coughs but has difficulty raising mucus. A.) The catheter is inserted into the endotracheal
What indicates that the client is not tube; intermittent suction is applied until no
adequately clearing secretions? further secretions are retrieved; the catheter is
A.) Chest x-ray film shows right sided pleural then withdrawn.
fluid B.) The catheter is inserted through the nose,
B.) A few scattered crackles on RLL on and the upper airway is suctioned; the catheter
auscultation is then removed from the upper airway and
C.) PCO2 increases from 35-45 mm Hg inserted into the endotracheal tube to suction
D.) Decrease in forced vital capacity the lower airway
C.) With suction applied, the catheter is inserted
ANS: C into the endotracheal tube; when resistance is
met, the catheter is slowly withdrawn
47.) What nursing observations indicate that D.) The catheter is inserted into the
the cuff on an endotracheal tube is leaking? endotracheal tube to a point of resistance, and
A.) An increase in peak pressure on the intermittent suction is applied during withdrawal.
B.) Client is able to speak ANS: D
C.) Increased swallowing efforts by client
D.) Increased crackles (rales) over left lung field Care of the clients with Eye and Ear Disorders
ANS: A Ans: A
Ans: A
11.) In acute glaucoma, the obstruction to the
6.) The following are nursing interventions for a flow of aqueous humor is caused by:
blind person EXCEPT: A.) Thickening of the trabecular meshwork
A.) When approaching the client, talk before B.) Displacement of the iris
touching C.) Narrowing of the canal schlemm
B.) Orient the client to the environment D.) Constriction of the pupil
C.) When assisting the client during ambulation,
the nurse stays beside the client Ans: B
D.) Promote the independence in activities of
daily living
Ans: B
13.) The following drugs maybe administered to
8.) Hyperopia is corrected with that type of lens? the client with glaucoma EXCEPT:
A.) Concave lens A.) Diamox (Acetazolamide)
B.) Convex lens B.) Pilocarpine
C.) Aphakic lens C.) Atropine SO4
D.) Bifocal lens D.) Timolol maleate
Ans: B Ans: C
Ans: A
Ans: D Ans: A
Ans: D Ans: A
18.) Which of the following dx tests compare air 23.) A client is diagnosed with Meniere’s
conduction with bone conduction disease. Which of the following nursing
A.) Rinne’s test diagnosis should take priority for the client?
B.) Weber’s test A.) Altered body image
C.) Barany’s Rotation Test B.) Risk for injury
D.) Caloric Ice Test C.) Impaired social interaction
D.) Ineffective coping
Ans: A
Ans: B
19.) A client who had cataract should be told to
call his MD if he has which of the following 24.) The following are characteristics of
situations? conductive hearing loss EXCEPT:
A.) Blurred Vision A.) The client hears better in a noisy
B.) Eye Pain environment
C.) Glare B.) The client talks in a loud voice
C.) The client hears and understands telephone
conversation well
D.) The external or the middle ear is damaged
Ans: B