Catalog NE

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To better serve the needs of our overseas

customers, Kingsbury is introducing style
"NE" bearings, designed to conform with
European fluid-film thrust bearing standards.
These bearings are designed to the close
tolerances necessary for bearings not
incorporating a self-aligning device. The
bearings feature interchangeable parts: one
shoe size can be used with several different
base ring diameters. Parts will be carried in
stock outside the North American continent
to facilitate delivery.
Style "NE" thrust bearings are manufac
tured to the same exacting quality standards
for which Kingsbury has gained worldwide
recognition. Our Engineering staff will
assist in the application of these bearings
and, on request, will provide friction power
loss and lubricating oilflow data. Consulta
tion with regard to housing design and
lubrication systems is also available.
General Description
A typical style "NE" bearing is shown on the
front cover; note the shoe retention washers
and shoe (pad) contours.
The bearing parts are assembled on a base
ring, available as a one-piece ring or split in
halves. The base ring can be slotted to
accommodate the lubricating oil-flow paths
required for your application (see Figure 1).
Antirolation pins are installed in either a
radial or axial orientation depending on your
The centrally pivoted shoes are evenly
spaced and loosely retained in the base ring
by shoulder washers. The washers engage
slots in the sides of the shoes providing
positive shoe positioning during operation
and retention during assembly. Fasteners are
threaded to ISO metric standards.
The steel shoe bodies have a contoured
profile and are lined with babbitt (white
metal) which conforms with standards ASTM
823GR2, DIN1703 L.g. SN89 and 8S333212.
The shoes are manufactured to meet
Kingsbury's ultrasonic and edge-bond
standards. Filler plates and shims are
available for setting bearing clearance (end
Bearing Selection
Preliminary bearing selection is made using
the maximum load ratings given in the
dimension tables. Thrust load and shaft size
are the parameters used for making a
bearing selection. The load capacities shown
are maximum values. Specific load capacity
will vary depending on shaft speed, oil
viscosity and the nature of the thrust load.
Condition of the machine with regard to
alignment, vibration, lubrication contam
ination and ambient temperature can also
affect bearing thrust capacity.
The maximum recommended shaft size
provides space for oil flow inlo the thrust
face and clearance for the fillet/undercut
between the integral thrust collar and the
shaft. If a separate collar is used, a larger
shaft size can be used.
Preliminary thrust bearing selection can be
confirmed by contacting our Engineering
Reference Number
Examples of the reference number system:
The reference number system in this catalog
will assist you in identifying the bearing size
you have selected along with the base ring
modifications and accessories desired.
The reference number consists of two parts
separated by a diagonal line. Numbers to the
left of the diagonal identify bearing style and
size; the numbers to right of the diagonal
indicate configuration and accessories.
The three numbers immediately to the left of
the diagonal line identify the shoe size and
are approximately the shoe's radial width in
hundredths of an inch. The fourth and fifth
numbers left of the diagonal line indicate the
number of shoes in a single bearing ring.
The letters "NE" are the style designation.
The numbers and letters to the right of the
Examples of the reference number system:
1. NE610312
X. NE815910K
. NE815910K (418)
R. NE1422512p2P
. NE8320120KSF
diagonal line identify the type of base ring
and the combination of filler plate and shims
required (see Figure 1).
I f a base ring with less than a full comple
ment of shoes is desired, use a bracketed
fraction with the number of shoes in a full
complement in the denominator (see
Example 3).
Loaded and slack side bearings of equal size
are designated by using the appropriate
reference number for the loaded side bearing
followed by a dash. The numbers and letters
to the left of the diagonal describe the slack
side bearing (see Example 4).
For unequal size loaded and slack side
bearings, use the appropriate reference
number for each separated by a dash (see
Example 5).
Style NE, 6 thrust shoes, size 103; outer
diameter 92 mm, Inner diameter 38 mm; two
piece base ring with radial and axial slots.
Style NE, 8 thrust shoes; size 159; outer
diameter 176 mm, inner diameter 93.5 mm;
one piece base ring with radial slots.
Same as Example 2 except 4 thrust shoes
are fitted.
Style NE, 14 thrust shoes; size 225, outer
diameter 394 mm. Inner diameter 279 mm;
two piece base ring. filler plate with
allowance left on thickness for finishing,
identical slack side bearing.
Style NEt 8 thrust shoes, size 320; outer
diameter 354 mm. inner diameter 191 mm;
two piece base ring, shims and filler plate
finished to thickness. Slack side, style NE, 14
thrust shoes; size 190; outer diameter 332
mm, inner diameter 235 mm; two piece base
ring, shims and filler plate finished to thickness.
Filler Plates and Shim Packs
Filler plates and shim packs are normally
used with fluid-fifm thrust bearings to
provide the desired clearance or end float.
Standard filler plate thickness is 4.8 mm. The
standard shim pack thickness is 2.3 mm.
Filler plates are attached to the back of the
base ring with screws. The desired end float
is obtained by peeling off shims. Alternately,
a filler plate with extra stock (2.5 mm
depending on bearing size) can be ground to
the thickness determined by comparing the
bearing stacked height plus clearance to the
bearing housing axial length.
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Kingsbury recommends separate orificed oil
inlets to both the loaded and the slack side
thrust bearings and a tangential oil outlet
sized to maintain a partially flooded housing
(see Figure 2). This oil flow arrangement has
been used in thousands of thrust bearing
applications with excellent reliability.
Friction power loss in a partially flooded
housing Is much less than the loss which
would occur In a comparable flooded
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housing. A flooded oil arrangement with an
open oil inlet and orificed oil outlet is
recommended only for slower speed applica
tions because of the high friction power loss
(see Figure 3). Radial orientation of the oil
discharge outlet is recommended only for
lower speed applications because the radial
outlet has a higher power toss than the
tangential 011 outlet.
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Kingsbury, Inc.
10385 Drummond Road Philadelphia. Pa. 19154. Phone (215) 824-4000
Telex/TX: 710-670-1897 (KINGSBURYA PHA).

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