Guitar Book 1
Guitar Book 1
Guitar Book 1
Susan C. Anthony
How to Play the Songs........................................ 4
Songs with C and G7
Are You Sleeping? ...................................... 5
Row, Row, Row Your Boat ......................... 5
Long, Long Ago .......................................... 6
Skip to My Lou ........................................... 7
Go Tell Aunt Rhody .................................... 8
Tom Dooley ................................................ 9
He’s Got the Whole World........................ 10
Billy Boy................................................... 11
Down in the Valley ................................... 12
Pick a Bale of Cotton ................................ 13
Polly Wolly Doodle .................................. 14
Streets of Laredo ....................................... 15
Songs with G, D7, C and G7
This Old Man ............................................ 16
Buffalo Gals .............................................. 17
Shenandoah ............................................... 18
She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain ... 19
The Keeper................................................ 20
This Land is Your Land ............................ 21
Will the Circle Be Unbroken? .................. 22
Bamboo ..................................................... 23
You Are My Sunshine ............................... 24
An X at the top of the string ,shows that you do not play that string at
all. An O at the top of the string means that you play that string open.
To start with, just strum down with your thumb over the three or four
strings that you are supposed to play. The slash marks over the words
show where you should strum. It is important to sing along. If you
do not know the tune of a song, go to the next song.
You can play lots of songs with just two chords, C and G7, before
more difficult chords are needed.
Skip to My Lou
C / / /
1. Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly shoo.
G7 / / /
Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly shoo.
C / / /
Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly shoo.
G7 / C /
Skip to my lou, my darling.
C / / /
Ch. Skip, skip, skip to my lou.
G7 / / /
Skip, skip, skip to my lou.
C / / /
Skip, skip, skip to my lou.
G7 / C /
Skip to my lou, my darling.
C /
2. The one that she’s been saving,
G7 /
The one that she’s been saving.
C /
The one that she’s been saving
G7 C
To make a feather bed.
C /
3. She died in the millpond,
G7 /
She died in the millpond,
C /
She died in the millpond,
G7 C
A-standing on her head.
Tom Dooley
C / / /
Ch. Hang down your head, Tom Dooley,
/ / G7 /
Hang down your head and cry.
/ / / /
Hang down your head, Tom Dooley,
/ / C /
Poor boy, you’re bound to die.
C / / /
2. Met her on the mountain.
/ / G7 /
There I took her life.
/ / / /
Met her on the mountain,
/ / C /
Stabbed her with my knife.
C / / /
3. This time tomorrow,
/ / G7 /
Reckon where I’ll be.
/ / / /
Down in some lonesome valley,
/ / C /
Hanging from a white oak tree.
C / / /
1. He’s got you and me, brother, in his hands.
G7 / / /
He’s got you and me, brother, in his hands.
C / / /
He’s got you and me, brother, in his hands.
G7 / C /
He’s got the whole world in his hands.
C / / /
2. He’s got the little bitty baby in his hands.
G7 / / /
He’s got the little bitty baby in his hands.
C / / /
He’s got the little bitty baby in his hands.
G7 / C /
He’s got the whole world in his hands.
Billy Boy
C / / /
1. Oh, where have you been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
/ / G7 /
Oh, where have you been, charmin’ Billy?
/ /
I have been to seek a wife,
C /
She’s the joy of my life.
/ G7 C /
She’s a young thing and cannot leave her mother.
C / / /
2. Did she bid you to come in, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
/ / G7 /
Did she bid you to come in, charmin’ Billy?
/ /
Yes, she bade me to come in,
C /
And to kiss her on the chin.
/ G7 C /
She’s a young thing and cannot leave her mother.
C / / /
3. Did she offer you a chair, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
/ / G7 /
Did she offer you a chair, charmin’ Billy?
/ /
Yes, she offered me a chair,
C /
But the bottom wasn’t there,
/ G7 C /
She’s a young thing and cannot leave her mother.
C / / G7 /
Roses love sunshine, violets love dew.
/ / / / C /
Angels in heaven know I love you.
/ / / / G7 /
Know I love you, dear, know I love you.
/ / / / C /
Angels in heaven know I love you.
/ / / /
Ch. Oh, lawdy, pick a bale of cotton,
/ / G7 C
Oh, lawdy, pick a bale a day.
/ /
2. Me and my partner can
/ /
Pick a bale of cotton.
/ /
Me and my partner can
G7 C
Pick a bale a day.
/ / / /
Ch. Fare thee well, fare thee well,
/ / G7 /
Fare thee well, my fairy fay,
/ / / /
For I’m going to Louisiana, for to see my Susyanna
/ / C/
Sing Polly Wolly Doodle all the day.
/ / / /
2. Oh, a grasshopper sitting on a railroad track
/ / G7 /
Picking his teeth with a carpet tack.
/ / / /
Along came a train and broke his old back,
/ / C /
Made his old tail go whickity-whack.
Streets of Laredo
C G7 C G7
1. As I walked out on the streets of Laredo,
C G7 C G7
As I walked out in Laredo one day,
C G7 C G7
I spied a young cowboy wrapped up in white linen,
C G7 / C
Wrapped up in white linen as cold as the clay.
C G7 C G7
2. I see by your outfit that you are a cowboy,
C G7 C G7
These words he did say as I boldly stepped by.
C G7 C G7
Come sit down beside me and hear my sad story,
C G7 / C
I was shot in the breast and I know I must die.
C G7 C G7
3. We’ll play the drum slowly and play the fife lowly,
C G7 C G7
We’ll play the dead march as we carry him along.
C G7 C G7
We’ll go to the graveyard and lay the sod o’er him.
C G7 / C
He was a young cowboy but he had done wrong.
G / / /
2. This old man, he played two,
D7 / / /
He played knick knack on my shoe.
G /
With a knick knack paddy wack
/ /
Give the dog a bone.
D7 / / /
This old man came marching home.
G / / /
3. This old man, he played three,
D7 / / /
He played knick knack on my knee.
G /
With a knick knack paddy wack
/ /
Give the dog a bone.
D7 / / /
This old man came marching home.
Buffalo Gals
G / / /
1. As I was walking down the street,
D7 / G /
Down the street, down the street.
/ / / /
A pretty girl I chanced to meet
D7 / G /
Under the silvery moon.
/ / / /
2. Buffalo gals, won’t you come out tonight,
D7 / G /
Come out tonight, come out tonight.
/ / / /
Buffalo gals, won’t you come out tonight,
D7 / G /
And dance by the light of the moon.
G / / /
1. Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you,
C / G /
Away you rolling river.
C / G /
Oh Shenandoah, I long to hear you.
/ / / /
Away, I’m bound away.
/ / D7 G
‘Cross the wide Missouri.
G / / /
2. Oh, Shenandoah, I love your daughter.
C / G /
Away you rolling river.
C / G /
Oh, Shenandoah, I love your daughter.
/ / / /
Away, I’m bound away.
/ / D7 G
‘Cross the wide Missouri.
G / / / / //
She’ll be riding six white horses when she comes.
/ / / / / D7 / /
She’ll be riding six white horses when she comes.
G / /
She’ll be riding six white horses.
/ C / /
She’ll be riding six white horses.
/ G / D7 / G / /
She’ll be riding six white horses when she comes.
C / / / / //
And we’ll all go out to meet her when she comes.
/ / / / D7 / /
And we’ll all go out to meet her when she comes.
G / /
And we’ll all go out to meet her,
/ C / /
And we’ll all go out to meet her,
/ G / D7 / G / /
And we’ll all go out to meet her when she comes.
The Keeper
G / C G
1. The keeper would a-hunting go,
/ / C G
And under his coat, he carried a bow,
/ / / /
All for to shoot at a merry little doe,
/ / D7 G
Among the leaves so green-o.
/ / / /
Ch. Jackie Boy! Master! Sing ye well? Very well.
/ / / D7
Hey down! Ho down! Derry, derry down,
G / D7 G
Among the leaves so green-o.
/ / / /
To my hey down, down! To my ho down, down,
/ / / D7
Hey down! Ho down! Derry, derry down,
G / D7 G
Among the leaves so green-o.
G / C G
2. The first doe he shot at, he missed.
/ / C G
The second doe he trimmed, he kissed.
/ / / /
The third doe went where nobody wist
/ / D7 G
Among the leaves so green-o.
/ C / / / G / /
As I was walking that ribbon of highway
/ D7 / / / G / /
I saw above me that endless skyway.
/ C / / / G ///
I saw below me that golden valley.
D7 / / / G //
This land was made for you and me.
/ C / / / G / /
I roamed and rambled and I followed my footsteps
/ D7 / / / G / /
To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts
/ C / / / G ///
And all around me this voice came sounding
D7 / / / G //
This land was made for you and me.
/ C / / / G / /
As the sun was shining and I was strolling
/ D7 / / / G / /
And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling.
/ C / / / G ///
A voice was calling as the fog was lifting.
D7 / / / G //
This land was made for you and me.
G / / / C / G/
Ch. Will the circle be unbroken by and by, Lord, by and by.
/ / / /
There’s a better home a-waiting
/ D7 G /
In the sky, Lord, in the sky.
G / / / C / G /
2. So I told the undertaker, “Undertaker, please drive slow,
/ / / /
For this body you are haulin’,
/ D7 G /
Lord, I hate to see her go.”
D / C /
1. You take a stick of bamboo, you take a stick of bamboo,
D / C /
You take a stick of bamboo, throw it in the water.
D/ C/ D / //
Oh, oh, Hanna. (repeat)
D / C /
2. You travel on the river, you travel on the river,
D / C /
You travel on the river, travel on the water.
D/ C/ D / //
Oh, oh, Hanna. (repeat)
D / C /
3. My home’s across the river, my home’s across the river,
D / C /
My home’s across the river, home’s across the water.
D/ C/ D / //
Oh, oh, Hanna. (repeat)
/ / / / / / / /
1. The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping,
/ G / / / D //
I dreamed I held you in my arms.
/ G / / / D / /
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken.
/ / / A7 / D / /
So I hung my head and I cried.
/ / / / / / / /
3. You told me once, dear, you really loved me,
/ G / / / D / /
That no one else would come between.
/ G / / / D / /
But now you’ve left me to love another.
/ // A7 D / /
You have shattered all my dreams.
Em / / /
Shalom, my friend. Shalom, my friend.
/ / / /
Shalom, shalom.
/ / / /
I’ll see you again. I’ll see you again.
/ / / /
Shalom, shalom.
/ E Am /
Ch. Drill ye tarriers, drill.
/ / / /
For it’s work all day for the sugar in your tay,
/ / / /
Down behind the railway.
/ E Am / / / / /
And drill ye tarriers drill, and blast, and fire.
/ / / /
2. The new foreman was Jean McCann,
/ / / /
By gosh, he was a blame mean man.
/ / / /
Last week a premature blast went off
/ / / / / E Am /
And a mile in the air went big Jim Goff, and drill ye tarriers, drill. Ch.
/ / / /
3. When next payday, it came around,
/ / / /
Jim Goff a dollar short was found.
/ / / /
When he asked what for came this reply.
/ / / /
You’re docked for the time you was up in the sky.
/ E Am /
And drill ye tarriers, drill. Ch.
Battle of Jericho
Am / / /
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho,
Em / Am /
Jericho, Jericho.
Am / / /
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho.
Em / Am /
And the walls came tumbling down.
Am / / /
You may talk about your kings of Gideon,
/ / Em /
You may talk about your men of Saul.
Am / / /
But there’s none like good old Joshua
Em / Am /
At the battle of Jericho.
Am / / / G / / /
Ch. Yo, ho, and up she rises. Yo, ho, and up she rises.
Am / / / / G Am /
Yo, ho, and up she rises early in the morning.
Am / / /
2. Put him in the long boat ‘til he’s sober,
G / / /
Put him in the long boat ‘til he’s sober,
Am / / /
Put him in the long boat ‘til he’s sober.
/ G Am /
Early in the morning.
Am / / /
3. Shave him in the belly with a rusty razor,
G / / /
Shave him in the belly with a rusty razor,
Am / / /
Shave him in the belly with a rusty razor,
/ G Am /
Early in the morning.
Sinner Man
Dm / / /
1. Oh, sinner man, where you gonna run to?
C / / /
Oh, sinner man, where you gonna run to?
Dm / / /
Oh, sinner man, where you gonna run to?
C / Dm /
All on that day.
Dm / / /
2. Run to the rock, the rock was a-melting,
C / / /
Run to the rock, the rock was a-melting,
Dm / / /
Run to the rock, the rock was a-melting,
C / Dm /
All on that day.
Cool Water
C / G /
1. All day I faced a barren waste,
C / G /
Without a taste of water.
// C ///
Cool water.
F / G /
Ch. Old Dan and I with throats burned dry
C / F / C ///
And souls that cried for water.
G / / / C ///
Cool, clear water.
/ /
2. Keep a-moving, Dan.
G /
Don’t you listen to him, Dan.
C /
He’s a devil, not a man
G / /
And he spreads the burning sand
C ///
With water. Ch.
C / G7 /
Ch. Merrily we roll along, roll along, roll along.
C / G7 C
Merrily we roll along, over the deep blue sea.
C / / G7
2. Sweet dreams, ladies. Sweet dreams, ladies.
C F G G7 C
Sweet dreams, ladies. We’re going to leave you now.
C / G7 /
3. Merrily we roll along, roll along, roll along.
C / G7 C
Merrily we roll along, over the deep blue sea.
Oh, Susanna
C / / / / / G7 /
1. Oh, I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee,
C / / / / G7 C
I’m going to Louisiana, my true love for to see.
/ / / / / / G7 /
It rained all night the day I left, the weather it was dry.
C / / / / G7 C /
The sun so hot, I froze to death, Susanna don’t you cry.
F / / / C / G7 /
Ch. Oh, Susanna, oh don’t you cry for me.
C / / / / / G7 C /
For I come from Louisiana with my banjo on my knee.
C / / / / / G7 /
2. I had a dream the other night, when everything was still.
C / / / / G7 C
I dreamed I saw Susanna, a-coming down the hill.
/ / / / / / G7 /
The buckwheat cake was in her mouth, the tear was in her eye.
C / / / / G7 C /
Says I, I’m coming from the south, Susanna don’t you cry.
/ / / / / D/ A
1. Sister help to trim the sail, Hallelujah.
/ / / E / // A //
Sister help to trim the sail, Hallelujah.
/ / / / / D/ A
2. The river is deep and the river is wide, Hallelujah.
/ / / E / // A //
Milk and honey on the other side, Hallelujah.
/ / / / / D/ A
3. Jordan’s river is chilly and cold, Hallelujah.
/ / / E / // A //
Chills the body but not the soul, Hallelujah.
A // / //
1. And when the revelation comes,
/ / / / / E7 / /
And when the revelation comes.
/ A / / / D //
Lord, how I want to be in that number.
/ A / E7 / A //
When the revelation comes.
A // / //
2. And when the sun refuse to shine,
/ / / / / E7 / /
And when the sun refuse to shine.
/ A / / / D //
Lord, how I want to be in that number.
/ A / E7 / A //
When the sun refuse to shine.