Department of Aeronautical Engineering: Lesson Plan
Department of Aeronautical Engineering: Lesson Plan
Department of Aeronautical Engineering: Lesson Plan
Sub Code & Name: AE 2203 SOLID MECHANICS II yr / III th Sem Year / Semester:
TOTAL: 60 Periods.
Uni t No
Sessio n No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Topics to be covered BASICS AND AXIAL LOADING Stress, Strain-Hookes Law Elastic Constants and their relations Statically determinate cases Statically indeterminate cases Composite bar Thermal stresses Stresses due to freely falling weight
Duration in Periods 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2
6 7 8 9
STRESSES IN BEAMS Shear force and bending moment diagrams for simply supported Shear force and bending moment diagrams for cantilever beams Bending stresses in straight beams Shear stresses in bending of beams with rectangular, I & T etc cross sections Beams of uniform strength
4 4 2 3
DEFLECTION OF BEAMS 10 11 3 12 13 14 15 Castiglianos theorem and its application TORSION 16 17 4 18 19 Torsion of circular shafts Shear stresses and twist in solid shafts shear stresses and twist in hollow circular shafts closely coiled helical springs 2 2 2 2 Double integration method McCauleys method Area moment method Conjugate beam method Principle of super position 2 2 2 2 1 2
BI AXIAL STRESSES 20 21 22 Stresses in thin spherical shell under internal pressure 2 2 Stresses in thin circular cylinder shell under internal pressure 2
TEXT BOOKS 1. Nash William Strength of Materials, TMH, 1998 2. Timoshenko.S. and Young D.H. Elements of strength materials Vol. I and Vol. sII., T. Van Nostrand Co-Inc Princeton-N.J. 1990. REFERENCES 1. Dym C.L. and Shames I.H. Solid Mechanics, 1990.