M1920634a Chaos Daemons FAQ Version 1 1

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Official Update Version 1.1
Although we strive to ensure that our codexes are perfect, sometimes mistakes do creep in. In addition, we occasionally print new versions of our rules, which require amendments to be made in older versions of our army books. When such issues arise, we feel that it is important to deal with them as promptly as we can, and we therefore produce regular updates for all of our army books. When changes are made, the version number will be updated, and any changes from the previous version will be highlighted in Magenta. Where a version number has a letter, E.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in that language, to clarify a translation issue or other minor correction. Each update is split into three sections: Errata, Amendments, and Frequently Asked Questions. The Errata corrects any mistakes in the codex, while the Amendments bring the codex up to date with the latest version of the rules. The Frequently Asked Questions (or FAQ) section answers commonly asked questions about the rules. Although you can mark corrections directly in your codex, this is by no means necessary just keep a copy of the update with your codex.

Q: When do models with an ability that can bring them back after they lose their last Wound count towards The Tally of Pestilence? (p52) A: Only once they are finally removed from the game, after failing to come back. Q. When The Tally of Pestilence reaches 20+ casualties the rules say that All attacks from followers of Nurgle ignore armour saves. Was this intended to affect both ranged and close combat attacks by the followers of Nurgle, as the text seems to indicate? (p52) A. Yes, that is indeed the case. Both ranged and close combat attacks. Q. The Blue Scribes Watch This! power says: In their Shooting phase, before using their second ranged attack, roll a dice. Were the Blue Scribes intended to be able to fully resolve one ranged attack before resolving their second ranged attack, as this goes against the normal rules for a unit firing multiple ranged attacks (normally all targets are declared at the same time, all To Hit dice are rolled at the same time etc.)? Or are players just supposed to pick one power and then pick another power, then roll the Watch This! test and then proceed with using both powers at the same time? (p53) A. The second! When resolving the ranged attacks of the Scribes, or indeed any model with the Master of Sorcery and We are Legion gift, first declare which ranged attacks you are using and against which unit (or units) and then proceed to resolve them. If targeting the same enemy, the two ranged attacks are resolved at the same time, just like the firing of any unit with different weapons. The Scribes might of course accidentally end up using the same power twice rather than the two you intended (either against the same target or two different targets), but this will still be resolved simultaneously.

Page 48 Necrotic Missiles. The missiles profile will be changed to: Range Str AP Type 24" 1 2 Heavy 1, Large Blast Page 75 Transfixing Gaze. The second paragraph will be changed to: The player may force one model in base contact with the Daemon to fight with one less Attack in close combat.



Q. The Changelings Glamour of Tzeentch says: Pick any enemy unit that is visible to the Changeling and is about to fire. Was this intended to affect EVERY enemy unit that fires within 24" of the Changeling or was it supposed to be limited to only one enemy unit per Shooting phase? (p54) A. Just one unit. Q: If models in a unit that is the target of Glamour of Tzeentch have multiple different weapons, or weapon firing modes, does the Changelings controlling player get to choose which are fired? (p54) A: Yes. Q: Can Glamour of Tzeentch make a psyker with psychic shooting attacks use them? (p54) A: Yes. Q: Can Glamour of Tzeentch be used to fire weapons that do not have a choice of who they target, such as Aura of Decay? (p54) A: Yes, in these circumstances they are still fired, just without the Changelings controlling player getting to choose their target. Q: If Glamour of Tzeentch is used to cast Blood Lance or Jaws of the World Wolf, must the first model hit by these psychic shooting attacks be in the unit targeted by the glamoured unit? (p54) A: Yes. Q: Can Boon of Mutation target a model that is embarked in a vehicle, as it does not need line of sight? (p73) A: No. Whilst it does not need line of sight to its target you must still pick a model physically on the board as its target. Q. Are a Chaos Spawns Attacks poisoned like those of a Beast of Nurgle? (p73) A. No, the word poisoned has been left out on purpose. Q: Can a model with Pavane of Slaanesh, and another ranged weapon, that is able to use them both in the same turn, use Pavane of Slaanesh to move the target unit into range of its other ranged weapon? (p75) A: No. Both attacks are resolved simultaneously so all hits will be worked out first before the unit is moved. Q: Does the use of Aura of Decay limit what enemy units the rest of the unit can shoot and assault for that turn? (p75) A: No.

Q: Does Aura of Decay require line of sight? (p75) A: Yes. It is worth noting that it only needs line of sight to a single model in each affected unit and not to each affected model specifically.

Last updated 28th July 2011


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