Sand Cone Method
Sand Cone Method
Sand Cone Method
Introduction: In the field, during earth compaction work, it is necessary from time to check the compacted dry unit weight of soil and compare it with the specification drawn up for the construction. One of the simplest methods of determining the field unit weight of compaction is by the sand cone method which will be described in this chapter. Equipment: 1. Sand cone apparatus. This consists of a one-gallon glass or plastic bottle with a metal cone attached to it. 2. Base plate. 3. A one-gallon can with a cap. 4. Tools to dig a small hole in the field. 5. Balance. 6. 20-30 Ottawa sand. 7. A proctor compaction mold without extension attached to it. 8. A steel straight edge. Figure 13-1 shows the assembly of the equipment necessary for determination of the field unit weight. Procedure Laboratory Work 1. Determine the dry unit weight of the 20-30 Ottawa sand as will be used in the field. This can be done by taking a proctor compaction mold and filling it with Ottawa sand by a spoon. Avoid any vibration and other means of compaction of the sand poured into the mold. When the mold is full, strike off the top of the mold with a steel straight edge. Determine the weight of the sand in the mold (W1). The dry unit weight of the Ottawa sand can be given as
d ( sa n d = )
w h ere d ( sa n d = d ry u n it w eig h t o f O tta w a sa n d ) 2. Calibrate the cone. That is, we need to determine the weight of 1 3 Ottawa sand that is required to fill the cone. This can be done as V = vo lu m e o f P ro cto r m o ld = ft follows: 1 Fill the one-gallon bottle with Ottawa sand. Determine the weight of 30 the bottle + cone + sand (W ). Close the valve of the cone which is
w1 V1
attached to the bottle. Place the base plate on a flat surface. Turn the bottle with the cone attached to it upside down and place it on the center hole of the base plate (Fig. 13-2). Open the valve of the cone. Sand will flow out of the bottle and gradually fill the cone. When
the cone is filled with sand, the flow of sand from the bottle will stop. Close the valve of the cone. Take the bottle with the cone out and determine its weight (W3). The weight of sand necessary to fill the cone can now be determined as.
W c = W 2 W3
3. Determine the weight of the gallon can without the cap (W4). 4. Before proceeding to the field, fill the one-gallon bottle (with sand cone attached to it) with sand. Close the valve of the cone. Determine the weight of the bottle + cone + sand (W5). Procedure Field Work 5. Now proceed to the field with the bottle with the cone attached to it (filled with Ottawa sand-Step4), base plate, digging tools and the one-gallon can with its cap. 6. Place the base plate on a level ground in the field. Under the center hole of the base plate, dig a hole in the ground using the digging tools. The volume of the hole should be smaller than the volume of the sand in the bottle minus the volume of the cone. 7. Remove all the loose soil in the hole and put it in the gallon can. Close the cap tightly so as not to lose any moisture. Be careful not to move the base plate. 8. Turn the gallon bottle filled with sand with cone attached to it upside down and place it on the center of the base plate. Open the valve of the cone. Sand will flow from the bottle to fill the hole in the ground and the cone. When the flow of sand from the bottle stops, close the valve of the cone and remove it. 9. Bring all the equipment back to the laboratory. Determine the weight (W6) of the gallon can + moist soil from the field (without the cap). Also, determine the weight of the bottle + can + sand after use (W7). 10. Put the gallon can with the moist soil in the oven to dry to a constant weight. Determine the weight of the can + oven dry soil (W8). Calculation: 1. Determine the moisture content of the soil in the field as
w% = W 6 W8 (100 ) W8 W4
2. Determine the moist unit weight of the soil in the field as follows
d (s a )n d
d ( fie ld) =
w(% ) 1+ 100