Drug Study

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Generic Name Dosage Therapeutic Classification Contraindication Side Effect Nursing

Action Responsibility
1. Hydralazine Adults: Acts directly on Antihypertensive • Contraindicated • CNS: Headache, • Give oral drug
Hydrochloride • Oral: Initiate vascular smooth Vasodilator with peripheral with food to
therapy with muscle to cause (peripheral) hypersensitivit neuritis, increase
gradually vasodilation, y to dizziness, bioavailability
increasing primarily Hydralazine, tremors, (drug should
dosages. Start arteriolar, tartazine (in psychotic be given in a
with 10 mg qid maintains or 100-mg tablets reactions consistent
PO for the forst increases renal marketed as characterized by relationship ti
2-4 days; and cerebral blood Apresoline); depression, ingestion of
increase to 25 flow. CAD, mitral disorientation, or food for
mg qid PO for valvular anxitety. consistent
the first week. rheumatic heart • CV: Palpitations, response to
Second and disease tachycardia, therapy).
subsequent (implicated in angina pectoris, • Drug may
weeks: 50 mg MI). hypotension, cause a
qid. For • Use cautiously paradoxical syndrome
maintenance, with CVAs; pressor response, resembling
adjust to lowest ICP; severe postural systemic lupus
effective dosage; hypertension hypotension. erythematosus
twice daily with uremia; • GI: Anorexia, (SLE).
dosage may be advanced renal nausea, Arrange for
adequate. Some damage; slow vomiting, CBC, LE cell
patients may acetylators; diarrhea, preparations,
require up to 300 lactation, constipation, and ANA titers
mg/day. pregnancy, paralytic ileus. before and
Incidence of pulmonary • GU: Difficult periodically
toxic reactions, hypertension. micturition, during
particularly the impotence. prolonged
lupus-like therapy, even
• Hematologic:
syndrome, is in the
high in patients asymptomatic
receiving large patient.
doses. • Hypersensitivity Discontinue if
• Parenteral; : Rush, urticaria, blood
Hypertension: pruritus, fever, dyscrasias
patient should be chills, arthralgia, occur.
hospitalized. eosinophilia; Reevaluate
Give IV or IM. rarely, hepatitis therapy if
Use parenteral and obstructive ANA or LE
therapy only jaundice. tests are
when drug positive.
cannot be give • Arrange for
orally. Usual pyridoxine if
dose is 20-40mg, patient
repeated as develops
necessary. symptoms of
Monitor BP peripheral
frequently; neuritis.
average maximal • Monitor
decrease occurs patient for
in 10-80 min. orthostatic
Eclampsia: 5-10 hypotension
mg every 20 min which is most
via IV bolus: if marked in the
no response after morning and
20 mg, try in hot weather,
another drug. and with
alcohol or
2. Atropine Adult: Acts by Anticholinergic • Contraindicated Systematic • Monitor vital
Sulfate selectively Antimuscarinic with Administration signs. HR is a
• Preanesthesia: blocking all Parasympatholytic hypersensitivit • CNS: Blurred sensitive
IV/IM/SC 0.2–1 muscarinic Antiparkinsonian y to an vision, indicator of
mg 30–60 min responses to Antidote anthicholinergi mydriasis, patient's
before surgery acetylcholine Diagnostic Agent c drugs. cycloplegia, response to
(ACh), whether (ophthalmic photophobia, atropine. Be
• Arrhythmias:
excitatory or preparations) System increased IOP alert to
IV/IM 0.5–1 mg inhibitory. Belladonna Administration changes in
q1–2h prn (max: Selective alkaloid • Contraindicated quality, rate,
2 mg) depression of CNS and rhythm of
• Organophosphate with glaucoma,
relieves rigidity HR and
Antidote: IV/IM adhesions
and tremor of respiration and
1–2 mg q5– between iris
Parkinson's to changes in
60min until and lens;
syndrome. BP and
muscarinic signs stenosing
Antisecretory temperature.
and symptoms action (vagolytic peptic ulcer; • Initial
subside (may effect) suppresses pyloroduodenal paradoxical
need up to 50 sweating, obstruction; bradycardia
mg) lacrimation, paralytic ileus; following IV
• COPD: salivation, and intestinal atropine
Inhalation 0.025 secretions from atony; severe usually lasts
mg/kg diluted nose, mouth, ulcerative only 1–2 min;
with 3–5 mL pharynx, and colitis; toxic it most likely
saline, via bronchi. Blocks megacolon; occurs when
nebulizer 3–4 vagal impulses to symptomatic IV is
times daily (max: heart with prostatic administered
2.5 mg/d) resulting decrease hypertrophy; slowly (more
Uveitis in AV conduction bladder neck than 1 min) or
• Ophthalmic: 1–2 time, increase in obstruction; when small
heart rate and bronchial doses (less
drops of solution
cardiac output, asthma; COPD; than 0.5 mg)
or small amount
and shortened PR cardiac are used.
of ointment in
interval. arrhythmias; Postural
eye up to t.i.d.
tachycardia; hypotension
myocardial occurs when
ischemia; patient
impaired ambulates too
metabolic, soon after
liver, or renal parenteral
function; administration
myasthenia .
• Use cautiously Note: Frequent and
with Down continued use of
syndrome, eye preparations,
brain damage, as well as
spasticity, overdosage, can
hypertension, have systemic
hyperthyroidis effects. Some
m, lactation. atropine deaths
have resulted from
following ocular
administration in
infants and

• Monitor I&O,
especially in
older adults
and patients
who have had
surgery (drug
contribute to
Palpate lower
abdomen for
Have patient
void before
3. Paracetamol The recommended Paracetamol Anti-pyretic • Contraindicated When taken at the • Use liquid
dosage of paracetamol reduces fever and in patients recommended dose, form for
in adults is two relieves the • hypersensitive side-effects of children and
500mg tablets (i.e. muscular pain to drug. paracetamol are rare. patients who
1gm paracetamol) characteristic of • Use cautiously Skin rashes, blood have difficulty
every four to six influenza. This is in patients with disorders and a swallowing.
hours, not exceeding a nontoxic drug long term swollen pancreas
eight tablets (4gms) in that has excellent alcohol use have occasionally • In children,
any 24 hour period gastric tolerance because happened in people don’t exceed
(1). This dosage may and is increasingly therapeutic taking the drug on a five doses in
be continued for accepted and used. doses cause regular basis for a 24 hours.
several days. Phenylephrine hepatotoxicity long time.
reduces in these • Advise patient
congestion, edema patients. One advantage of that drug is
and secretions that paracetamol over
• Hematologic: only for short
cause nasal aspirin and similar term use and
obstruction, and drugs (eg ibuprofen to consult the
provides a anemia, physician if
bronchodilatory neutropenia, and diclofenac) is giving to
effect without leucopenia, that it won't upset children for
increasing cardiac pancytopenia. your stomach or longer than 5
rate. • Hepatic: cause it to bleed. days or adults
Carbetapentane Jaundice for longer than
fights against • Metabolic: A paracetamol 10 days.
cough, and Hypoglycemia overdose is
vitamins B1 and C • Skin: rash, particularly • Advise patient
aid in urticaria. dangerous because or caregiver
strengthening the liver damage may that many over
organic defense not be obvious for the counter
mechanisms. four to six days after products
the drug has been contain
taken. Even if acetaminophe
someone who has n; be aware of
taken a paracetamol this when
overdose seems fine calculating
and doesn't have any total
symptoms, it's dailydose.
essential that they are
taken to hospital • Warn patient
urgently. An overdose that high doses
of paracetamol can be or
fatal. unsupervised
long term use
can cause liver
4. Diclofenac Adults: Inhibits Anti-inflammatory • Contraindicated • CNS: Headache, • Administer
prostaglandin NSAID with allergy to dizziness, drug with food
Oral: sythetase to cause NSAIDs, somnolence, or after meals
antipyretic and significant insomnia, if GI upset
• Pain, including anti-inflammatory renal fatigue, occurs.
dysmenorrhea: effects: the exact impairment, tiredness, • Arrange for
50 mg tid PO; mechanism is pregnancy, dizziness, ophthalmologi
initial dose of unknown. lactation. tinnitus, c exam during
100mg may help • Use cautiously ophthalmic long-term
some patients. with impaired effects. therapy.
• Osteoarthritis: hearing, • Dermatologic: • Institute
100-150 mg/day allergies, Rash, pruritus, emergency
PO divided hepatic, CV, GI sweating, dry procedure if
doses. 50 mg conditions, and mucous overdose
bid-tid PO. in elderly membranes, uccurs.
• Rheumatoid patients. stomatitis.
Arthritis: 150- • GU: Dysuria,
200 mg/day PO renal
in devided doses; impairment.
50 mg bid-tid • GI: Nausea,
PO. dyspepsia, GI
pain, diarrhea,
Ophthalmic: vomiting,
• 1 drop to flatulence.
affected eye qid • Hematologic:
starting 24 hr Bleeding,
after surgery for platelet
2 week. inhibition with
higher doses.
• Other:
reactions to fatal
5. Terbutaline Adults: 5 mg t.i.d. q 6 In low doses, acts Sympathomimetic • Lactation. Use • CNS: Tremor, • Use minimal
SO4 hr during waking relatively, Beta2-selective for preterm nervousness, periods of
hours, not to exceed selectively at beta- adrenergic agonist labor dizziness, time; drug
15 mg q 24 hr. If adrenergic Bronchodilator headache, tolerance can
disturbing side effects receptors to cause Antasthmatic drowsiness occur with
are observed, dose bronchodilation Tocolytic Drug • CV: Palpitations, prolonged use.
can be reduced to 2.5 and relax the • Keep beta-
mg t.i.d. without loss pregnant uterus; at adrenergic
of beneficial effects. higher doses, blocker
dyspnea, chest
Anticipate use of beta2 selectively readily
other therapeutic is lost and the available in
measures if client drug acts beta1 • GI:
case cardiac
fails to respond after receptors to cause Nausea/vomiting
second dose. typical • Systemic: occur.
Sympathomimetic Weakness • Do not
cardiac effects. flushed feeling recommended
sweating. dosage.

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