Hospital MGNT Syllabus
Hospital MGNT Syllabus
Hospital MGNT Syllabus
SL. NO. 1 2 3 4 5
CONTACTS (PERIODS/WEEK) L T P TOTAL Principles of Management 3 1 4 English Language & Communication Medical Terminology -I Accounts Hospital & Health System -I (History & Evolution) 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 20 3 6 3 6 9
CREDI TS 4 4 4 4 4 20 2 4 6 26
Total of Theory PRACTICAL 1 BHM-191 Language Laboratory 2 BHM-192 Computing Laboratory Total of Practical Total of Semester
BHMHospital Operation 201 Management I 2 BHMBio-Statistics- I 202 3 BHMMedical Terminology II 203 4 BHMMarketing Management 204 5 BHMHospital & health system 205 -II (History & Evolution) Total of Theory SESSIONALS 1 BHMSeminar 286 2 BHMPublic Speaking on 287 Assigned Topic Total of Sessional Total of Semester
4 4 4 4 4 20 4 2 6 26
BHM301 2 BHM302 3 BHM303 4 BHM304 5 BHM305 Total of Theory SESSIONALS 1 BHM386 2 BHM387 Total of Sessional
Hospital Operations Management- II Bio-statistics-II Health Economics Medical Record Science-I Inventory Control & Purchase Management
4 4 4 4 4 20 4 2 6 26
6 3 9 29
Total of Semester
Epidemiology & Analysis of Health Information Data Support & Utility Services-I Environment & Ecology Medical Record ScienceII Management Information System
3 3 3 3
1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
4 3 4 3 18
4 3 4 3 18 0 0 18
0 0
SL. NO. 1 2
BHM-501 BHM-502
Quality in Health Care Support & Utility Services-II Law Financial Mgmt. Human Resource Mgmt.
CREDI TS 4 4 4 4 4 20
3 6
3 6 9
2 4 6 26
SL. NO. 1 2 3 4
BHM-601 BHM-602 BHM-603 BHM604A/B/C /D Total of Theory Sessional 1 BHM-681 2 BHM-682 Total of Practical
CREDI TS 4 4 4 4
16 8 4 12 28
Total of Semester
Code: BHM- 101 Contacts: 3L + 1T Credits: 4 Introduction to Management: The evolution of Management, Definition and importance of Management. Different schools of Management thought- classical school, Management Sciences School, Behavioral School, Human Relation School, Operational approach, system approach and contingency approach to Management. Management Process: An overview of Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling. Planning: Meaning objective, nature and importance of planning, planning process, planning premises, types of plan. Organizing: Meaning and importance, organization structure / chart, responsibility and authority, span of control, delegation of authority, centralization-decentralization, line and staff relationships, types of organizations, formal and informal groups in organizations, Matrix organization. Staffing: Staffing function, manpower needs, manpower position, recruitment & selection, training & development, performance appraisal, human resource audit. Directing: Meaning of direction, nature of directing; Motivation; basis of motivation-fear, money, satisfaction; importance of behaviour; individual needs, needs of organization; factors influencing performance; work environment, group dynamics- formal & informal, Communication principles and practices. Leadership-nature, styles, attitudes, leader behaviour, leader effectiveness, leadership models. Controlling: Concept of managerial control, importance of control, control process, methods of control, essentials of effective control. Social Responsibility of Management: Professional Management as compared to traditional system of owner Management , Impact of political system, government Policy, national economic planning on managerial policy. . Managing Ethics- Top Management, Codes of Ethics, Ethics Committees, Ethics Hotlines. Ethics and Law. Corporate Culture and Ethical Climate. Improving Ethical Decision Making- Difficulties in Decision-Making, Suggestions for making Ethical Decisions. English Language & Communications Code: BHM- 102 Contacts: 3L + 1T Credits: 4 Introduction: Meaning of Communication; Role of Communication in Business; Basic elements of the Communication process, level of Communication, forms, models and media of Communications, Verbal and non-verbal Communication-functions and types. Barriers to effective Communication. Grammar: Subject verb agreement, tense, voice, improvement of sentences, rearrangement of sentences. Vocabulary: usage, synonyms, antonyms. Comprehension Forms of Writing: The Essay, The Precis, The Report, The Proposal, The C.V. and Job Application letter. The Presentation. 6
Medical Terminology-I
Paper Code: BHM-103 Contacts: 3L + 1T Credits: 4 i. Introduction to medical terminology ii. Word formation & syntax a) Greek alphabet b) Greek & Latin prepositional & adverbial prefixes c) Singular & plural endings iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Commonly used prefixes in medical terminology Commonly used suffixes in medical terminology Commonly used root words in medical terminology Common Latin term used in prescription writing Study of standard abbreviations Commonly used medical terms to define different parts of the body
Accounts Code: BHM-104 Contacts: 3L + 1T Credits: 4 Financial Accounting: An Overview Accounting Postulates, concepts and principles Accounting Mechanics Journals Accounting Mechanics Ledger Posting and Trial Balance Preparation of Financial Statements: Profit & Loss A/C. Preparation of Financial Statements: Balance Sheet Basic cost concepts, Cost Determination Process Costing for materials, labour and overheads.
Paper Code: BHM-105 Contacts: 3L + 1T Credits: 4 Definition and meaning of Health, Holistic approach to health, Basic information relating to health, Historical development of health care system in India, Definition and meaning of hospital, historical development of hospitals, grown of hospital in India, Changing concept of hospital during 1900-2003, The modern hospital, A complex entity, Present status of hospitals in India, Present State of Govt. hospital, National Health policy, Goals for Health for all by 2000 AD and beyond, Health committee and their recommendation, Health plan outlay during 1951-2003, Hospital viewed as a system, Role of Hospitals, Hospital Viewed as a Social system, Peculiarities of hospital systems, benefits to the Health Care systems, Overview of Health Care delivery system.
Second Semester Medical Terminology-II Paper Code: BHM-203 Contacts: 3L + 1T Credits: 4 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Medical terminology used by Cardiologist Medical terminology used by Neurologist Medical terminology used by Nephrologist Medical terminology used by Gastro-intestinologist Medical terminology used by ENT surgeon Medical terminology used by Dentist Medical terminology used by Orthopedic surgeon Medical terminology used by Gynecologist Medical terminology used by Oncologist Medical terminology used by Dermatologist Medical terminology used by Endocrinologist
Paper Code: BHM-205 Contacts: 3L + 1T Credits:4 The reforms of Healthcare System- the healthcare system in US/UK & Canada The healthcare system in China, SriLanka, India. The future of Healthcare Syatem-Canadian lessons in Healthcare reforms. Future of Healthcare System International Health under United Nations- History & Evolutions. Health manpower planning & distribution. Economics of Health manpower planning & political process. Evaluating health Systems. Role of hospitals in Primary health Care. Administration of rural hospitals. Health Programmes in India. Managerial process in National Health Development. Cost benefit analysis in health field. Text: 1.The Evolution of International Health System, Cumper G.E, OUP New York, 1991 2.Management of Hospital ( 4 Vols), S.L Goel & R. Kumar, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd.
BHM- 204 Marketing Management Contacts: 3L + 1T Credits: 4 Introduction: Definition, nature, scope and importance of Marketing- approaches to the study of marketing; marketing and economic development- traditional and modern concepts of marketing. Marketing functions: Selling, buying, transportation, storage, finance, risks, grading and standardization and Information; features and characteristics of markets; market segmentation. Consumer and marketing: Consumer behavior and motivation-stages and participation in buying process. Product: Concept of Product; product line; product additions and deletion; New Product development. Pricing: Pricing objectives- basic price concepts-price determination factors influencing pricing policy-methods of pricing- pricing policies and strategies. Channels of distribution: Need for marketing specialists- types of marketing channels- selection of channels. Promotion: Nature and importance of promotion-promotional methods- advertising advertising copy-evaluation of advertising-personal selling-sales promotion. Marketing Research: Importance-types and techniques of organizing marketing research. Developing Marketing Strategy: Differentiating and positioning the market offering tools for competitive differentiation developing a positioning strategy. 9
Hospital Operation Management I Code : BHM 201 Contacts: 3L+1T Credits: 4 Epidemiological basis for healthcare management. Management development-towards development of professional management of Indian Hospitals. Management of Indian Hospitals- chalanges & strategies. Modern Techniques of hospital management. Operation concept- use of models. Health services research & formalized managerial methods. Text: 1. Management of Hospital ( 4 Vols), S.L Goel & R. Kumar, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2. Hospital Mgmt. In Tropics & Subtropics, James A. William, McMillan , London,1991
Bio-Statistics I Code: BHM-202 Contacts: 3L+1T Credits: 4 Statistics & Samples. Handling & Presenting Numerical Information.Pie-Diagram, Bar Diagram, Histogram, Frequency Polygon. Scatter Diagram. Measures of Central tendency- mean, median & mode. Measures of Dispersion or variability- range, standard deviation The Normal Distribution-its characteristics. Best Fitting Normal Distribution. Students t distribution. Data Collection for Vital Statistics:a) Birth b) Deaths c) Fetal Deaths Text: 1. A Short Text Book of Medical Statistics-Hill A.B, 10th Ed, ELBS 2. Elementary Statistics for Medical Workers, Indervir Singh, Jaypee Brothers 3. Element of Health Statistics-Rao NSN 10
1. BHM-101 (Principles of Management) is same as BBA-101 2. BHM-102 (English Language & Communication) is same as BBA-102 3. BHM-104 (Accounts) is same as BBA 103 (Business Accounting) 4. BHM-191 (Language Laboratory) is same as BBH-192 5. BHM 192 (Computing Laboratory) is same as BBC- 195
BHM 301 Hospital Operations Management-II Hospital Planning Guiding principles in planning hospital facilities & services Planning the hospital building Stages in planning, Finance, Location, Need assessment survey of community, factors determining site, legal requirements, design consideration, Project management & implementation, Gantt Chart Planning the operational units, engineering, lighting etc. Organization of the hospital Management structure Types of hospitals, Governing body, Hospital committee and hospital functionaries Duties and responsibilities of various positions Hospital Operational management Management of Quality Assured services of professional service units of hospital.
Disaster and mass casualty management Classification of disasters, Principle of disaster management plan. Plan for disaster management, Specific problems of disaster management.
Text: 1. Principles of Hospital Administration & Planning: B.M.Sakharkar 2. Parks textbook of Preventive & Social medicine 3. Management of Hospitals: S.L.Goel, R.Kumar 4. Hospital & Health Services administration-Principles & practices, Tabish, OUP
BHM - 302 Bio-statistics -II (Basic Medical Statistics and Health Information) Health Information: Data & Information, Health Information System- components, uses, source Basic Descriptive methods, Distribution table, Frequency distribution, Presentation of statistical data, Measure of central tendency and location, Measures of dispersion Probability: Introduction, Measurement of Probability, Frequency Probability, Laws of probability for independent events, Conditional events, BayesTheorem and its application in community screening programme Decision analysis, Normal distribution, tdistribution Sampling variation and Bias, method of sampling, sampling & non sampling errors. Test of significance, Standard errors, Chi- Square test, Correlation & Regression Text: 1. Parks textbook of Preventive & Social medicine 2. Statistical Methods in the Biological & Health Science: J.Susan Milton (McGraw12
BHM 304 Medical record Science-I Definition and Types of medical record, Importance of medical record, Flow chart of function, Statutory requirements of maintenance, coding, indexing and filing, Computerization of record, Report and returns by the record department, Statistical information and ICD. Text: 1.Principles of Hospital Administration & Planning: B.M.Sakharkar (Jaypee) 2. Hospital Administration: C.M.Francis (Jaypee)
BHM-303 Health Economics 1. Fundamentals of Economics: Scope & coverage of Health Economics, demand for Health Sciences; Health as an investment, population, Health & Economic Development. Some Basic Graphical & Mathematical Techniques. Functions Linear & non-linear. Straight Lines & Slopes, Marginal values & Incremental Ratios. Tools of Economics-Concepts of need, demand, supply & price in Health Services. 2. Methods & Techniques of Economic Evaluation of Health Programmes: Cost benefit & cost effective methods-output & input analysis. Market, monopoly, perfect & imperfect competition. Health Financing from various sources Public , Private, TPA. 3.Economics of Health Programmes for Nutrition, diet & population control, economics of abuse of tobacco & alcohol, environmental influences on health & its economic impact, economics of breast feeding. Economics of Communicable (STDs & Malaria) & non-communicable (IHD & Cancers) diseases. 4. Health Care Budget: purpose, types & practices in Indian context.
BHM-305 Inventory Control & Purchase Management 1.Inventory Control & Purchase Management-meaning & significance 2.Purchasing & procurement: Principles of sourcing, purchase methods & procedures, legal aspects of purchasing. Reference to Contract Act, Sale of Goods Act, Drug Control Act in respect to purchase activities. Import substitution 3.Quality Control & quality management-Principles & methods. 4.Principles of storage & stores accounting-types of storage care & preservation of materials & equipments in inventory control. 5.Distribution management ( logistics Management)-distribution of materials to various departments & auxiliary services. 6.Exceptional management needs in Healthcare Units: Mgmt. of Blood Bank, Donated Organs,Morgues, Dispensaries . 7.Contract Administration: Administration of services obtained through Contract Principles. Model Contract for Laundry, dietary, dispensary, security & Ambulance Services.
1>Concept of disease
2>Concept of Epidemiology--
3>Communicable and non-communicable diseasesa) Communicable Diseases-Influenza Food poisoning Filaria Plague Tetanus b) Non- Communicable Diseases-- Diabetes 14
Meaning,Importanceand integration Nursing Services Pathology lab / Diagnostic Units (Radiology,Scan Centre) Blood Bank Diet Services Linen Laundry Services CSSD ( Central Sterile Supply Department.) Housekeeping Control of Hospital Infection Transport Services (Ambulance) 15
Air Pollution and Control Factors responsible for causing Air Pollution in Hospitals .Sources & effects of Air pollutants in the Hospital context. Primary & Secondary pollutants ,Green House Effect,depletion of Ozone Layer. Brief discussion on THE AIR (PREVENTION & CONTROL OF POLLUTION ) ACT,1989.
Water Pollution and Control Brief Discussion on Hydrosphere, natural water, pollutants: their origin and effects, river/lake/ground water pollution, The financial implication of water pollution control and steps required to be taken e.g. Sewerage treatment plant, water treatment plant. Standards and control in relation to the effect of legislation by Central and State Boards for prevention and control of Water Pollution. Land Pollution Brief understanding of lithosphere, pollutants(muncicipal,industrial,commercial,agricultural,hospital,hazardous solid waste); their original effects, collection and disposal of solid waste, recovery & conversion methods in relation to an hospital enterprise with discussion about the financial implication. 16
BHM (5th Semester) Name of the Subject: Quality in Health Care. Course Code: BHM-501 Course Structure: Fundamentals of Quality Management: Introduction Objectives - Historical Back Ground Concept of Quality Care and Quality Management ISO 9000 Quality Management System - Effects and Benefits of ISO 9000 management System Present Indian Scenario Organization of quality Management System Approaches to measurement of Quality. Techniques of Quality Management: Improving Hospital Performance Patient Participation Quality Health Care through Patience Satisfaction Conceptual model of potential Contribution in quality in the health care system. Organization wide Quality Improvement in Health Care: Introduction organizing for Quality Assessment Demings Contribution and his 14 management guideline Organization wide Quality Improvement fundamentals A Quality Improvement model of daily Patient Care Quality Assurance and Quality improvement. Assessing Quality Health Care: Some attributes of Quality in Health Care Some attributes of a Good Patient Practitioners Relationship The measurement of Quality Procedure for formulating explicit Criteria and standards Determinates of Quality Structure Process Outcome. The implementation of Total Quality: Planning Quality organizing Quality Evaluating Quality Transforming organizations to a Total Quality Philosophy and Culture. Outcome Management and Total Quality: Background of Quality outcome What is quality outcome and what is outcome Management?
Books: 1. Reference Books: Raandi Schmidt J. Trumbo and R. Jonson, Quality in Health Care Sector ASQC Quality Press. 2. Quality Improvement in Health Care,2nd Ed, Nelson Thrones
BHM (5th Semester) Name of the Subject: Support and Utility Service Course Code: BHM-502 Course Structure: Mortuary Services Introduction Role and Function Planning Construction Physical facilities Equipment Staffing Policies and Procedures Monitoring. 18
Reference Books :
(1) Hospital and Health Services Administration Principals and Practice Syed Amin Tabish Oxford University Press. (2) Essential for Hospital Support Services and Physical Instructions Sharma Jaypaee Brothers New Delhi. (3) Management in Health Care,Nelson Thrones (4)Health Care Provisions,2nd Ed,Nelson Thrones
Introduction MedicoLegal Aspect on Clinical practice Duties and Responsibilities of Doctors Professional Secrets and Privileged Communication Consent - Implied Consent and Expressed Consent. Consumer Protection Act Definition Consumer Protection Council Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies Other Salient features Application of C.P Act in Hospital Recent judgment of Supreme Court Implication for Health Professionals. W.B Clinical Establishment Act 2000:Biomedical Waste Management and Handling Rule 1998: Meaning Classification of Bio-medical waste Treatment and disposal Colour Coding and type of Container for Disposal of Bio-medical wastes Biomedical waste Management Rule - Annexure of Ministry of Environment and Forest Notification in regard to Bio-Medical Waste Management and Handling Rule 1998(Schedule I-VI) Shops and Establishment Act:References Books: 1>Kapoor, N.D; 2004: Mercantile Law Sultan Chand & Sons: New Delhi(Chapter 1-5) 2>Kuchhel, M.c, 2003, Marcentile Law; Vikas Publishing Private Ltd. New Delhi (chapter 1-5) 3>Pathak,Legal Aspect of Business,TMH 4>P.L Mallick Industrial Law Eastern Book Company Lucknow. 5>Bio-Medical Waste Management Handling Rule 1998. 6>Law & Ethics in Nursing & Health Care,Nelson Thrones BHM (5th Semester) Name of the Subject: Financial Management Course Code: BHM-504 Course Structure: Meaning of Financial Management Modern Approaches to FM Objectives, scope, function and importance of Financial Management.
BHM (5th Semester) Name of the Subject: Human Resource Management Course Code: BHM-505 Course Structure: HRM-meaning , role in an organization, difference with personnel mgmt. HR planning, concept & methods. Recruitment, selection & placement,Sources of recruitment, methods of SelectionPromotion & transfer,Implementation of selection methods in hospitals.Transfer & Promotion in Hospitals Training & Development concept,differences,importance.Organizing training programmes & evaluation. System of training & development in hospitals. Performance appraisal meaning,objective,different theories in PA Wage & salary Administration-concept, principles in determining enrolment techniques Work Environment-Fatigue,monotony & Boredom(Reference to Hospital concept) 21
Books: 1.Aswathappa,Human Resource & Personal Management, TMH 2.Gomez Mezia,Managing Human Resources,Pearson Education
1. PR- Definition, PR & Advertising, PR & Propaganda 2. History of PR: PR- as a management function PR- principles, planning, implementation 3. PRO- qualities of PRO, Functions 4. PR in Hospitals: Organization Role Implementation Mechanism 5. Importance of PR in Hospital Environment Management: Media Government Patients & Their Relations Employee Relations Political Parties 6. 7. 8. 9. PR in Crisis Management, Event Management in Hospitals PR Counselling, PR- Agencies Ethics in PR, PR Laws Emerging Trends in PR
-OB-overview-Meaning of OB, importance of OB, field of OB, Contributing Disciplines. -OB Models, S-O-B-C model, contingency O-B model, challenges and opportunities for OB -Individual Behaviour: Biographical characteristics Learning, Value, Attitudes
-Personality: Meaning of Personality, Determinants of Personality, Theories of Personality, Management and Development of Personality -The Process of Perception: Process and Principles, Factors influencing Perception, Perceptional Selectivity, Making Judgments, Social Perception. -Interpersonal Behaviour: Nature of Interpersonal Behaviour, Transactional Analysis, Johari Window, Benefits and uses of TA. -Group Dynamics & Behaviour: Concepts of Group, Types of Group, Stages of Group Development, Group Structure, Intergroup Relationship. -Motivation: Approaches to Motivation. Theories of Motivation- Maslows Hierarchy of Need theory, Alderfers ERG theory, Herzbergs two factor Motivation theory, Mclellands Achievement Motivation Theory. -Leadership: Meaning, Styles, Theories on Leadership, Managerial Grid, Fiedler Model.
BHM-602 Medical Ethics Definition of ethics. Ethical Principles & rules:core concepts. Law & ethics-a comparasion. Law in relation to medical profession-Indian medical degree. Act 1916, IMC act & State medical act. Declaration of Geneva. Disciplinary control-professional misconduct. Compulsory & voluntary duties of a medical practitioner towards the state & the patient. Doctor patient relationship. Professional secrets & privileged communication-births,deaths,abortion,MTP,C.S,communicable diseases. Helsinki declaration on medical research,ICMR guidelines of medical research-death,dying &incurable ill patient. Euthanasia-ethical framework on decision making. Elective-I Occupational Health