Faculty of RTTC Jaipur
Faculty of RTTC Jaipur
Faculty of RTTC Jaipur
What is Dataone ?
BSNL has launched its Broadband Services in 235 cities . The services will be provided on existing copper infrastructure. Initially, High Speed Internet Service will be provided. Subsequently, other services such as VPN, Multicasting, Video Conferencing, Video-on-Demand, Broadcast application etc. will be added Dataone is the brand name of BSNLs broadband service being offered to BSNLs land line customers
To provide high speed Internet connectivity (upto 8 Mbps) To provide Virtual Private Network (VPN) service to the broadband customers To provide dial VPN service to MPLS VPN customers. To provide multicast video services, video-ondemand, etc. through the Broadband Remote Access Server (BRAS). To provide a means to bill for the aforesaid services by either time-based or volume-based billing. It shall provide the customer with the option to select the services through web server To provide both pre-paid and post paid broadband services
ADSL CPE (Customer Premise Equipment). This can be taken from BSNL at nominal rental per month.
Homeplan 500 256 Kbps 500 5000 1.0 GB 1.20 Homeplan 1000 384 Kbps 1000 10000 2 GB 1.00 Homeplan 1800 512 Kbps 1800 18000 5 GB 0.80 Homeplan 3300 1 Mbps 3300 33000 10 GB 0.80 256 Kbps 250 2500 0.4 GB 1.40
Security Deposit
Night Unlimited (02000800 Hrs)
Tariff in Rs. Business 1200 256Kbps SU 1200 12000 4 GB 1.00 Business 3000 512Kbps MU 3000 30000 10 GB 0.80 Business 5000 1 Mbps MU 5000 50000 20 GB 0.60 Business 9000 2 Mbps MU 9000 90000 40 GB 0.60
1/5 MB
2/5 MB
2/5 MB
4/5 MB
Tariff in Rs.
Business 700 Business 1200
Not Available
Business 3000
Not Available
Business 5000
Not Available
Web Hosting Space (On Request) Domain name (On request) Security Deposit Minimuim Hire Period
Not Available
5 MB
5 MB
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
1 Month Rental
1 Month Rental
1 Month Rental
Rs 5000/-
One Month
One Month
One Month
One Month
Home 1800 Home 3300
Committed Period
12 months 6 months
USB Charges
one 1200
Modem On Rent
Modem Type
Type-2 150
Type-3 125
Type-4 165
Other Conditions
For all the plans, Dynamic IP addresses only will be given. No Static IP addresses will be given in the initial phase. For the DIAS customers, wishing to switch to ADSL Broadband services, the transfer of Security Deposit to ADSL is permitted. Billing for the service will be included in the normal b-fone (landline phone) bill. The billing cycle shall be same as b-fone billing cycle. Monthly rental will be collected in advance and usage charges will be in arrears.
Other Conditions
At the time of issue of Demand Note, following charges are to be collected: a) Installation charges (As applicable) b) Advance Rental as per billing Cycle (One month/Two months) c) Security Deposit of the Modem (If Applicable)
Difference between Dataone Home and Dataone Business Both of these connections offer high speed Internet access respectively for home and office environment. In DataOne for business connecting more than one computer may be allowed along with other features like extra email addresses, domain name, web hosting space , static IP (Select Plans only) etc.
What is an IP address?
When you are connect to the Internet, your PC is automatically allocated an IP(Internet Protocol) address to identify it to the outside world. There are two types of IP addresses, dynamic and static. Dynamic IP address changes from session to session while static IP address is permanently allocated to the customer and always remains same.
BSNL DataOne provides both dynamic and static IP. However the static IP is given only in Business 5000 and Business 9000 plans.
These contention ratios are applied in the backbone and international part of the network.
A commonly applied contention rate is 50 : 1. All customers are guaranteed the plan rate up to the local exchange or the ADSL equipment to which they are connected. On the shared part of the network a 50:1 contention ratio would mean that a 256kbps connection would be shared by 49 others.
How to check download/upload usage? How to change password for dataone email account?
Please visit http://www.dataone.in using your BSNL broadband connection and click on the link "Dataone account administration" for further details. Toll free number 1600-424-1600 can be dialled for all types of braoadband queries.