Packages Final
Packages Final
Packages Final
Packages Limited was established in 1957 as a joint venture between the Ali Group of Pakistan and Akerlund & Rausing of Sweden, to convert paper and board into packaging for consumer industry. Over the years, the Company continued to enhance its facilities to meet the growing demand of packaging products. Additional capital was raised from sponsors, International Finance Corporation and from the public in 1965. Packages commissioned its own paper mill in 1968 having production capacity of 24,000 tonnes of paper & paper board based on waste paper and agricultural by-products i.e. wheat straw and river grass. With growing demand the capacity was increased periodically and by 1996 it reached 65,000 tonnes per year. Since 1982, Packages Limited has a joint venture with Tetra Pak International in Tetra Pak Pakistan Limited to manufacture paper for liquid food packaging and to market Tetra Pak packaging equipment. In 1993, a joint venture agreement was signed with Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan for the manufacture of Polypropylene films at the Industrial Estate in Hattar, NWFP. This project, TriPack Films Limited, commenced production in June, 1995 with equity participation by Packages Limited, Mitsubishi Corporation, Altawfeek Company for Investment Funds, Saudi Arabia, and General Public. Packages Limited owns 33% of Tri-Pack Films Limiteds equity. In July 1994, Coates Lorilleux Pakistan Limited, in which Packages Limited has 55% ownership, commenced production and sale of printing inks. In 1996, a joint venture agreement was signed with Printcare (Ceylon) Limited for the production of flexible packing materials in Sri Lanka. This project packages Lanka (Private) Limited commenced production in 1998. Packages Limited owns 62% of this Company. In 1999-2000 Packages Limited has successfully completed the expansion of the flexible packaging line by installation of new rotogravure printing machine and the expansion of the carton line by a new Lemanic rotogravure inline printing and cutting creasing machine. The machines are in production since December 1999.
To be a leader in the markets we serve by providing quality products and superior service to our customers, while learning from their feed back to set even higher standards for our products. To be a company that continuously enhances its superior. Technological competence to provide innovative solutions to customer needs. To be a Company that attracts and retains outstanding people by creating a culture that fosters openness and innovation promotes individual growth, and rewards initiative and performance. To be a Company which combines its people, technology, management systems, and market opportunities to achieve profitable growth while providing fair returns to its investors. To be a company that endeavours to set the highest standards in corporate ethics in serving the society.
y y y y y y y y y Asadullah Khawaja Istaqbal Mehdi Khalid Yacob Kirsten Rausing Rafi Iqbal Ahmed Samee-ul-Hasan Saulat Said Seppo Hietane Syed Hyder Ali Syed Wajid Ali (Chairman & Chief Executive)
y y Syed Babar Ali (Company Secretary) Adi J. Cawasji
y F. Ferguson & Co. (Chartered Accountants)
y y Hassan & Hassan-Lahore Orr,Dignam & Co. Karachi
y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ABN Amro Bank American Express Bank Limited Citibank N.A. Credit Agricole Indosuez The Global French Bank Deutsche Bank A.G. Emirates Bank International P.J.S.C Faysal Bank Limited Habib Bank Limited Mashreq Bank Muslim Commercial Bank Limited Societe Generale The French & International Bank Standard Chartered Bank Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank Limited Union Bank Limited United Bank Limited
Cable : PACKAGES LAHORE Telex : 44866 PKGS PK Fax : (042) 5811195, 5820147
Main operations of Packages Ltd. Lahore include: y y y Manufacturing paper and board. Preparing packaging for hundreds of industrial and consumer goods. Production of its own consumer goods e.g. Rose Petal and Tulip tissues, napkins, paper cups etc.
Some other main departments of Packages Ltd. are: y y y y y y y y Finance division Commercial and Purchase department Industrial Marketing & Sales department. Research, Development & Control department. Art Department MIS-Department Reproduction Department Planning departments
Here are some key elements of Packages culture: y y y y y y y y Openness and speech freedom. Fostering innovation. Promoting individual growth. Rewarding initiative and performance. Technological advancement Updating learning and skills Teamwork Mannerism and punctuality.
Packages Limited is committed to producing quality products which conform to their customers, requirements and strengthen their position as a quality-managed Company. Their pledge is to provide the market with the best quality products at competitive prices through a customerdriven and service-oriented, dynamic management team. To meet this obligation, the Company will continue updating of employee skills by training, acquisition of new technology, and regular re-evaluation of its quality control and assurance systems. Appropriate resources of the Company will be directed towards achieving the quality goals through employees, participation.
Develop plans and procedures and provide resources to successfully implement this policy and for dealing effectively with any emergency.
Provide environmental, health and safety training to all employees and other relevant persons to enable them to carry out their duties safely without causing harm to themselves, to other individuals and to the environment.
Ensure that all its activities comply with national environmental, health and safety regulations.
This policy shall be reviewed as and when required for the betterment of the same.
Two way process: y y Internees Employees
They go to the market-check the packaging of different products which are not made by packages then they come with new ideas or modification in the existing packaging.
Their existing or new customer come to them and tell them about their needs for modification or packaging of new products.
Get the price of different material and tell to the customer about the rough estimate
Quality check (acceptable to customer)
Then they make the sample of the product
Take the trial first on their own machine and then give trial to customer
If the customer will satisfy and place the order then they start the production of the product
Basis of segmentation y y Industrial product Consumer product
y y
y y
For industrial products Packages has four main sections: y y y y Corrugated Department Carton Department Flexible Department Poly & Paper Conversion
In this department the CWCs (Corruwall Cartons) are made for the industrial products like textile products, little machinery, and sugar etc. Packages has been producing CWCs since 1974, which are manufactured in a variety of sizes. These CWCs provide a great value for the in-country distribution and export of fresh fruits, garments, shoes and textiles etc.
Some major customers for CWCs include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Gulistan Group of Industries Nishat Group of Industries Saphire Textile Mills Nestle Milk Pak Limited Lever Brothers Rupali group
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cigarette Industry Biscuit Industry Sweets Tea Cartons Detergents Shoe Cartons Match Industry
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Nestle Milkpak Limited Pakistan Tobacco Company Lakson Tobacco Company Lever Brothers Dane Foods Limited Continental Biscuits Limited English Biscuits Manufacturers Rafhan Best Foods Limited Union Match Manufacturers Procter & Gamble. BATA Service Shoes
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Soap industry Sweets Detergents Cooking Oils Biscuit Manufacturers Shampoos Snacks Industry Different food items like salt rice ketchup, custard powder etc.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Lever Brothers Procter & Gamble Colgate Palmolive Rafhan Best Foods (Pvt.) Limited Continental Biscuits English Biscuits Manufacturers Nestle Milkpak Limited. Tripple-em snacks Dane Foods Sufi products National Foods Limited
1. 2. 3. 4. minute. Flexographic is the printing method used here. Paper cup machine has capacity to make 4000-5000 cups per hour. For printing on Poly Bags, 6-color machine is Fisher & Krecke of Germany, with the capacity to print 150-meters per
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. McDonalds for paper cups. Pepsi for paper cups. Coca-Cola for paper cups. KFC for paper cups. Packages itself for paper cups and plates. Lever Brothers for poly bags (e.g. wheel ploy bag).
Air lines, ice cream manufacturers, soft drink manufacturers.
y y y PIA, Aero Asia, Bhoja, Walls, Igloo, Coca-Cola, Pepsi Cola.
Bakers, airlines, food chains.
Gourmet, Rahat Bakers, PIA, Aero Asia, Bhoja, KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut.
Pricing is based on long term relationship building, it means that for the first time if they have to sell at breakeven, they go for that so that next time the customer come to them. So prices are reasonable. Markup pricing technique is used they are believing 2nd school of thought, that they do not cover all cost from innovators rather they slowly cover their cost.
They are using personal selling for promotion of their products. Employees and internees go the customers, they communicate about their product and in this way they create utility of their product.
If the customer demands that product is placed at their godowns, they place and get placement charges, and if customer want to take himself from the company, they also allow this.
y y Rose Petal Tulip
It was 1981 when 'Packages' smell opportunity and felt the demand for disposable convenient and hygienic tissues in Pakistan .so in 1981, 'Packages' modified one of its paper machine to produce tissue paper-production was started and 'ROSE PETAL brand was launched for the facial tissue.
Their target market is upper class middle class & educated people
As you know it is for upper upper & upper middle class so quality is good and prices are high
Their target market is lower and middle class
The target market for tulip is middle & lower class so the price of tulip is less as compare to rose petal
For the promotion of tissue papers advertising is the largest promotion tool attracting about 7080% of total promotional budget and in fact advertising is the most powerful & effective media for consumer sales. They specially target the house wives and their add is showing specially during the news.
House wives also see news. Why not during the drama because there are lot of adds and during the interval they simply go to kitchen to prepare tea or to complete the food which they are cooking. For the promotion of tissue papers specially, advertising is the largest promotional tool, attracting about 78-80% of total promotional budget and in fact advertising is the most effective media for consumer sales.
y y y Packages have 172 professional distributors. They get the lots from their godowns & then distribute it in all over. Pakistan to the retailers and whole sellers.
y Skilled Workforce
Packages enjoys an educated and skilled work force to perform its operations e.g. in Industrial Marketing Department all new hired sales executives are MBAs. On technical side Packages has 2-Ph. Ds., 99- engineers and 314-diploma engineers. y ISO 9001
In compliance with worldwide standards, the ISO-9001 certificate has been awarded to Flexible line and Carton line of Packaging division. y Large-Scale Economies
Since Packages is a giant setup, so it enjoys the economies of large-scale as well e.g. its fixed cost is reduced as it is spread over more number of units. y Goodwill
No doubt, Packages occupies a respectable and trustable image and market reputation, serving as a valuable asset for the Packages. y Advanced Technology
To meet the quality requirements of its customers Packages contains the latest paper producing and packaging technology and most of machinery is imported from different countries like Germany, USA, Switzerland, etc. y Advance Payments
In most of the cases and especially from new customers, Packages deals with the payments in advance. So it has to put less efforts to recover the payments. y Training
In Packages employees are given necessary and comprehensive orientation before starting the job. Moreover other training programs are also arranged to kept the skills of employees up-todate.
y Slow Information Flow
Information flow between regional offices (of Karachi, Islamabad) and production lines (Lahore) is not very quick, improper and manual i.e. by post normally. y Just Large Orders
Packages production facility is inflexible, in a sense that it is unable to operate for small orders due to increased fixed cost. In this way, a lot of small orders are rejected. y High Prices
Packages deserve to charge high prices for its quality products but in this way, the companies who are not financially sound or in development stage cant have access to the Packages. y Longer Lead Time
Due to a lot of work load, the lead times are mostly longer so creating frustration in customers and causing dissatisfaction.
y There is a gradual increase in the awareness about Packaging importance among the industrialists and they are really considering the packaging as the final sales person for the products. So this awareness will brings more customers to the door of Packages. y Business activity and investment flow in also increasing day by day, so causing new business opportunities for whole packaging industry. y Consumers and companies are becoming more conscious about the quality of the products and Packages is quality leader in Pakistans packaging industry and having continuous development plans for quality. So in near future it can bring huge revenues in the Packages. y Trend of sachets is also increasing day by day. Or in other words demand for flexible packaging is increasing day by day.
y Packaging (especially flexible or poly packing) negatively influences the environment by increasing the wastes. So this is a real threat for Packages. y Due to latest printing technology, the demand for offset printing is decreasing day by day which is a traditional printing mode used in Packages. y Packages is facing a strong competition from the Cottage Industry in Karachi producing corrugated cartons.