First Grade News: Curriculum Highlights
First Grade News: Curriculum Highlights
First Grade News: Curriculum Highlights
Curriculum Highlights
Writing Workshop: Rituals, routines and procedures for writing Short <i>, sound segmenting and blending Reading workshop: Who are we as readers? How to choose a book? Calendar, temperature, weather, working in small groups, exploring materials Student Learning Results Think Creatively, Reason Critically, Learn Enthusiastically, Communicate Effectively, Collaborate Constructively, Live Ethically
Reminders Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday August 29 Sept 1 No School There is a lost property box just to the outside of the canteen door where you can check
for missing items. If items are labeled with name and class it makes for an easy return. If your child is regularly buying lunch or snack you may need to top up his/ her swipe card. You can do this by going directly to the main office with a cheque and your childs name. No need to have the card in hand. Melawati is a cashless campus so
Word Study (Remember to focus on the pattern What do all of these words have in common? What sound does short <i> make? Is the short <i> sound at the beginning, middle or end of the word?)
in if
is into
it him
his did
this will
children is a cooperative one, with little or no competition. Students in first grade are not compared against one another, but instead against themselves and the progress they have personally made. I have seen much progress already. Students are helping each other and asking other students for help when needed, they are encouraging others both when they make a mistake or do something great, and they are beginning to express themselves in terms of how it feels to support each other, rather than compete. The students are overcoming their fear of making mistakes and are beginning to see them as a way to make learning plans and opportunities to learn. Please help to reinforce these ideas at home. Not only does it make for a more productive learning environment, it also makes for happier children. In partnership, Ms. Tindall
* Homework can be done in a book, on a scrap of paper, on a whiteboard, verbally etc. Homework is not graded and is not checked by the teacher. The purpose is to practice at home with an adult so feel free to use the materials you best see fit.
Monday Reading: Tell an adult where you like to read. Ask that adult where they like to read. Word Study: Highlight the vowels. What do you notice? Say each sound separately and then blend together. Remember that th and ll; work together as a team and make only one sound. /h/ -- /i/ --- /m/ him Math: Homelink 1.8 (on grade 1 website) Tuesday Reading: Tell an adult what types of books you like to read. Ask an adult what types of books they enjoy reading. Word Study: Say each word in a sentence. Say each word alone exaggerating the short i sound as you say it. Math: Homelink 1.9 (on grade 1 website) Wednesday Reading: Tell an adult how you chose your book today. Ask an adult how they choose the books they read.
Word Study:
Thursday Reading: Tell an adult what is a just right book. Ask an adult how do they choose just right books. Word Study: Ask an adult to give you a short vowel check by saying these words aloud. You should think about the vowel sound carefully then write down the sounds you hear. (had, get, him, has, went, did, can, red, his) Math: Homelink 1.10 (on grade 1 website) Friday Reading: Poem Collection: Read poems and songs from the poem collection. Put your finger on each word. Return the poem collection to school on Monday.