The Stirling Engine: Gunther Cronenberg March 28, 2005

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The Stirling Engine

Gunther Cronenberg March 28, 2005

written in addition to the Stirling Lab at Uppsala University in February 2005

1 Introduction 2 History 3 Applications and Advantages 4 The 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5 The 5.1 5.2 5.3 function of the Stirling motor A little bit of thermodynamics . . The Carnot process . . . . . . . . The parts of the Stirling engine . The ideal Stirling process . . . . . The real Stirling process . . . . . 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 10 10 11

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dierent types The -type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The -type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The -type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 Possible improvements 7 Conclusion A Notation


The Stirling motor - a heat engine which converts heat into work - is the second oldest heat engine. It has many positive properties, e.g. it only needs a temperature dierence to work, irrespective of whether the dierence is achieved by solar heating or conventional fuel. This makes it very exible and benecial to the environment. I will discuss the thermodynamic principles necessary for the understanding of the operating of the Stirling engines. Taking into account that we have built a -Stirling motor in this laboratory, I will focus mainly on this type.


On November 16th , 1816, the 26 year old Scottish cleric Robert Stirling secured the patent no. 4081 for his heat engine. His motivation was to provide an alternative to the high pressure engines common at the time because many workers died of exploding boilers. In 1827 he built an improved version with his brother James who was an engineer. Towards the end of the 19th century small versions were quite common in the homes of the upper class. It is highly notable that they constructed the engine eight years before Carnot published his remarkable work about the Carnot process. During the last few years the Stirling engine has become quite popular again. In 1990 Dr. Senft established a world record on low temperature dierential Stirling engines, running on a temperature dierence of just 0,5 Kelvin.

Applications and Advantages

Because of its nature to exclude the heating as an external part, the whole system is closed and contains no valves and is therefore low-maintenance, silent and non-vibrating. It does not need oil and as a result no relling. The temperature dierence can also be achieved by environmental friendly fuels or even by solar energy, which is used in solar power plants and block heat power plants. And the only theoretical limit to its eciency is the thermodynamical limit. It has been designed for the use in submarines and ships, e.g. by the Swedish company Kockums [1]. By putting work into the machine, it can be and is used as a cooling device without the need for a cooling agent in cryogenics. One disadvantage is that the engine runs best continuously, thus making fast power changes impossible. Besides, the bad power to weight ratio of most types is a burden for mobile applications.

The function of the Stirling motor

In order to be able to discuss all features of the Stirling engine, I would like to give a short repetition about the Carnot process. The following sub-chapter The Ideal Stirling Process should give an overview about the mechanism in the Stirling engine, which results then in the real Stirling process.


A little bit of thermodynamics

In this sub-chapter I want to present some terms and equation that will be needed later. Now I want to explain what is meant by work and by heat. Work is dened as an amount of energy obtained or needed to change a system relative to a force, e.g. the gravitational force where as heat is the amount of energy in a system resulting from its thermodynamical nature. The ideal gas equation pV = nRT (1) is valid for an ideal gas, where the atoms do not occupy any volume and they interact only through elastic collisions. p stands for the pressure, V for the volume the gas occupies, n stands for the number of moles, R is the molar gas constant and T is the temperature. From now on, we will arbitrarily discuss a gas with one mol, which allows us to set n equal to one. The 1st law of thermodynamics describes the conservation of energy: dQ = dU dW (2)

where dQ represents the amount of heat transfered to the system, dU describes the change of the internal energy of the system resulting in a change of temperature and dW stands for the work that is done by the system. There are several processes with dierent behaviour, if you keep one parameter of the system xed. In an isothermal process, the temperature T of the gas remains constant, such that dQ = dW and pV = const. For the isochor process, the volume V is constant and dQ = dU , while dU = dW and T V 1 = const. has to be used for the adiabatic process (no heat transfer dQ = 0).


The Carnot process

It is fundamental to understand the Carnot process [2] when discussing heat engines. Introduced 1824 by Nicolas Lonard Sadi Carnot in his work e Rexions sur la puissance motrice du feu et sur les machines propres ` e a 4

dvelopper cette puissance, it is a process which does not change the total e entropy S and is therefore reversible. That is the reason, why in reality, one can only achieve approximations to the Carnot process. The (periodically working) Carnot machine is attached to a heat-bath and a cold-sink and contains of a piston in a cylinder. The heat-bath and the cold-sink have an innite capacity, meaning that they can absorb or emit any amount of heat without ever changing their temperature. The Carnot process contains four steps: 1. an isothermal expansion at high temperature Th 2. an adiabatic expansion from Th to a lower temperature Tc 3. an isothermal compression at low temperature Tc and 4. an adiabatic compression form Tc to high temperature Th During the rst step, a heat amount Qh is taken from the heat-bath and Vb the corresponding work W1 = RTh ln( Va ) is done by the engine. In the adiabatic, second step, the work W2 = cv (Th Tc ) is done by the engine. Then in the third step, the heat Qc is transfered from the engine to the Vc cold-sink and the work W3 = RTc ln( Vd ) is done on the engine. During the fourth step, the work W4 = cv (Tc Th ) is done on the engine. Vb Vc From the adiabatic process, we see that Va = Vd , resulting in W1 = W3 . It follows that Qh Qc = W , where W = R(Th Tc ) ln( Vb ) Va (3)

is the total work that is done by the engine during the four steps. W The degree of eciency = Q1 can be written as = Th Tc Th (4)

There can not be a machine with a higher degree of eciency or otherwise we could build a perpetuum mobile. We can also see that it is impossible to build an engine with the eciency of 1. That means it is impossible to convert all heat into work because there cannot be a cold-sink with zero degree. The Carnot process is independent of the gas used inside the engine. Real engines built cannot even achieve this ideal eciency, because they can not work reversible taking into account unavoidable heat leakage and friction. 5


The parts of the Stirling engine

Although the parts of a Stirling engine vary depending of which type they are, the basics remain the same. There is a volume (or two connected at the -type) which contains a gas as working medium that gets periodically heated and cooled by an external heat-bath and a cold-sink. The heating and cooling is adjusted by the displacer piston (or compressor piston at the -type), which moves the gas to the areas of the heating. This results in a change of pressure which drives the working piston. The working-uid is not changed during the process. Another important part is the ywheel, because like at the Carnot process, not every step is running automatically, making the need to put some energy into the engine during some steps. The role of the regenerator [3] is to absorb (ideally all) the heat amount which the gas emits during the isochor, fourth step of the ideal Stirling process (see below) and to provide the heat during the second step. The regenerator can be e.g. a block of steel-wool and can replace the displacer piston in and types.


The ideal Stirling process

I will use the -type to describe the process with respect to the fact that we built this type. The ideal Stirling process contains also four steps [4] : two isothermal and two isochor. 1. Let the rst step be a isothermal compression at the temperature Tc . For the compression, the work Wc = RTc ln( Vmax ) has to be done on Vmin the engine by a ywheel. 2. While the volume is at its minimum Vmax , the displacer is in a position such that the gas gets heated up from Tc to Th and the pressure increases steadily. The internal energy increases by U1 = cv (Th Tc ) which comes from the heat ow Q1 out of the heat-bath. 3. Now the working piston moves such that the volume enlarges from Vmin to Vmax . During this isothermal process at temperature Th , the work We = RTh ln( Vmax ) is done by the engine. Vmin 4. In this step the displacer piston has moved such that the gas gets cooled from Th to Tc , lowering the pressure again while the volume has its maximum Vmax . The internal energy is lowered by U2 = cv (Tc Th ) resulting in a heat ow Q2 . So the usable energy is equal to W = We + Wc = R(Te Tc ) ln( 6 Vmax ) Vmin (5)

During the isochor processes we have seen an extra heat ow with U1 = U2 . If it is possible to store this heat during step 4 and reuse it in step 2, one can improve the eciency of the engine such that it gets equal to the one obtained by the Carnot process. This can be done by a regenerator and is discussed in the section Improvements.


The real Stirling process

While discussing the ideal Stirling process, we assumed isothermal processes. But to ensure such a process, it has to go innitesimally slowly to always ensure an equilibrium of temperature. When building an engine it is dicult to realise the isochor processes while at the same time having an evenly running system. So in every Stirling engine built, the dierent steps are not separated strictly but overlap each-other.

Figure 1: The real Stirling process in comparison with the ideal process


The dierent types

The -type

This type [5] contains two cylinders which are normally arranged in an angle of 90 degrees. Because of this, it is also referred to as V-type. But there can be models found where the two pistons are coaxial. Normally one end 7

is heated and the other end is cooled, but there are also version where the gas gets heated in the middle of the connecting piece of the two cylinders. It does not have a displacer piston, but a compressor piston. One way to realise this type is to heat next to the working piston and to cool the volume with the compressor piston. The connection part of the two cylinders can contain then the regenerator.

Figure 2: The -type These engines are used for medium to heavy loads because they can provide a better compression ratio Vmax , compared with the other types, which Vmin allows a better power output. But it requires that two cylinders have to be sealed which results in more complex construction. For example, there are submarines and ships which use them.


The -type

Stirlings patent drawing of the year 1816 shows a -type [6]. It has only a single power piston and a displacer, which regulates if the gas gets heated up or cooled down. The piston and the displacer are located in the same volume which makes the driving mechanism more complicated.


The -type

Similar to the -type, it has a working piston and a displacer piston, but they are not coaxial anymore, they are separately arranged in two dierent cylinders. Normally this results in more dead (or unswept) volumes than the other types. They are used if one wants to capitalise on the advantages of

Figure 3: The -type having two cylinders. This type of engine is well suited for low temperature dierence Stirling engines.

Figure 4: The -type 9

Possible improvements

There are several ways to improve our build engine. The simplest way is to heat at a higher temperature while cooling the other side. But this will only work up until a critical temperature because of the materials we have used. One has to ensure that there is as small as possible heat-leaking, which can be assured by using the right materials. Another possible improvement would be to replace the displacement piston by a regenerator normally with the disadvantage of a higher mass of the regenerator. The mass and the moment of inertia of the ywheel will inuence the rotational frequency and can be adjusted to nd an optimum. Also the phase shift of ninety degrees between the working piston and the displacer- (respectively the compression-) piston does not have to be the optimum and needs to be adapted to the machine. The use of a gas with a small heat-capacity also improves the eciency of the engine because the gas can change the temperature quicker.


Its properties and features makes the Stirling engine a very interesting machine well worth to consider, but one cannot always overlook the disadvantages and limitations. By nding the appropriate eld of application the Stirling engine has been and will be unbeaten for special tasks and it is up to the scientists to widen this eld by pushing the limitations. This can be achieved by lowering the production costs, using lighter materials or by combining it with new inventions. Even though the Stirling engine can be seen as dated, it is nowadays still perceived as useful and important. The increase in awareness of environmental issues and the need for more exibility has made the Stirling engine even more relied upon due to its unique advantages in these areas.


Symbol U Q W S T p V Quantity total energy of the system heat work entropy temperature eciency pressure volume


[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]


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