Foreign Collaborations and Joint Ventures
Foreign Collaborations and Joint Ventures
Foreign Collaborations and Joint Ventures
An agreement between two companies from different counties or two countries for mutual help is Known as foreign collaboration or Joint venture.Foreign Collaboration is an agreement between two Countries or two or more companies from different countries for mutual help and benefit. It is a type of Partnership between countries at international level. Joint means together and venture means project. Collaborations are entered into by enterprises from developing countries to develop countries. Collaboration agreement can be entered into: 1). Government to government level. 2). By a private and public company. 3). By two or more private companies from different countries. 4). By two or more private companies from domestic countries.
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Industrial Growth: Exploit the untapped resources thereby Growth: ensures industrial growth Technology Gap: Transfer of technology to the host country. Gap: Bridges the technological gap between developed company and developing countries. Economic development: MNC assist developing countries to development: increase efficiency and productivity through transfer of technology and foreign investment. It increase the rate pf production, market expansion and introduces latest economic development Marketing opportunities: Indian companies can enter into a opportunities: Joint Venture agreement with a foreign partner which is beneficial to host company because the risk of selling goods is passed on to MNC and the company can concentrate more on its production activity.
5. Benefits to home country: Foreign exchange, optimum utilization country: of natural resources, goodwill and reputation of the country, bilateral relations between host and home country.
6. Work culture: Product innovation, technology upgradation and Professional Management. 7. Export Promotion and Import substitution industries assists in earning foreign exchange.
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MNCs looked at developing countries as a primary source of raw materials and dumping ground of this outdated obsolete technology at high cost. MNC are guided by pure economic gains. MNC exerts political pressures on host countries. MNC buys raw materials at cheaper rates and exports finished product at much higher rates to host countries. MNC doesnt take any personal interest and efforts to promote industries in host countries Outflow of hard earned foreign exchange from host country in the from of dividend, commission, royalty, etc. Extensive use of advertisement and sales promotion techniques.
Challenges faced in the New Policy Environment (due to Liberalisation & Globalisation)
1 Limited availability of finance. 2 Labour intensive technology. 3 Low productivity efficiency. 4 High cost of production. 5 Quality not as per international standards. 6 Lack of Professional skills of Management.
1 Opening up of world market for domestic entrepreneurs. 2 Spreading the risk of business. 3 Establishing good bi-lateral relationships. bi-
1 Dominance of MNCs and TNCs mainly from developed countries. 2 Competition is stiff. 3 Cheaper foreign goods may kill the domestic competition. 4 Closure of domestic enterprises will lead to unemployment.