Datasheet of RTC12887
Datasheet of RTC12887
Datasheet of RTC12887
Electrical Ratings Electrical Life Contact Resistance Dielectric Strength Actuation Force Travel Insulation Resistance Operating Temperature Storage Temperature 100mA @ 30VDC 300,000 cycles typical < 50 m max initial 250Vrms min 160 +/- 50gF 1.4 +/- .2mm > 100M min -40C to 85C -40C to 85C
Series: RT A 1 W RT Actuator Style: A B C Actuator Color: 1 = White Semi-transparent 2 = Black, Opaque, for use with laser etching 3 = Red Semi-transparent, 3T = Red Transparent 4 = Yellow Semi-transparent, 4T = Yellow Transparent 5 = Green Semi-transparent, 5T = Green Transparent 7 = Blue Semi-transparent, 7T = Blue Transparent 9 = Dark Gray, Opaque, for use with laser etching 0 = Clear Semi-transparent MS = Misty Silver, Opaque, for use with laser etching LED Colors: X = No LED RY = Red/Yellow dual LED R = Red RG = Red/Green dual LED Y = Yellow RB = Red/Blue dual LED G = Green YG = Yellow/Green dual LED PG = Pure Green YB = Yellow/Blue dual LED B = Blue GB = Green/Blue dual LED **White & Pure Green are only available as a single W = White
color LED
phone 763.535.2339 fax 763.535.2194
LED Ratings Reverse Voltage Forward Current (avg) Forward Current (peak) Reverse Current VR = 5V Power Dissipation Operating & Storage Temperature Forward Voltage (typ.), IF = 20mA Forward Voltage (max.), IF = 20mA Wavelength at Peak Emmission, IF = 20mA Spectral Line Half-Width, IF = 20mA Luminous Intensity, IF = 20mA Viewing Angle VR IF IFS IR PT TA VF VF P LI R 5 30 90 50 75 2.1 2.4 630 20 50 44 Y 5 30 60 10 75 1.7 2.6 590 20 350 40 COLORS G B PG 5 5 5 30 30 30 120 100 100 10 50 50 100 120 120 -40~ +85 1.7 3.5 3.5 2.6 4.0 4.0 565 470 525 30 30 36 90 1500 1100 44 30 28 W 5 30 100 50 120 3.5 4.0 N/A N/A 2700 40 Units V mA mA A mW C V V nm nm mcd Deg
phone 763.535.2339 fax 763.535.2194
All laser etching styles will be orientated with the + terminal located on the right hand side with respect to the legend.
phone 763.535.2339 fax 763.535.2194