Cues Diagnosis Background Knowledge Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Cues Diagnosis Background Knowledge Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Cues Diagnosis Background Knowledge Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Fatigue is a condition characterized by a lessen capacity for work and efficiency of accomplishmen t, usually accompanied by weariness and tiredness.
SUBJECTIVE: mabilis na syang mapagod ngayon as was verbalized by the patients relative. OBJECTIVE:
Lack of energy or inability to maintain usual level of physical activity related to present illness.
After 8 hours of clinical duty, patient will be able to participate in activities at the patients level of activity and will report an improved sense of energy.
To evaluate fluid status and cardiopulmonar y response to activity. To maximize patient participation.
Plan interventio ns to allow individually adequate rest periods, schedule activities for periods when client has the most energy. Encourage client to do whatever possible such as self care, sit up in chair, go for walk and
After 8 hours of clinical duty, the patient was able to participate in activities and was reported an improved sense of energy.
interact with family. Assist patient In self care needs and with ambulation as needed